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Chris let out a heavy sigh. He poured himself a scotch and then paused. Then he poured some more. So what if it’s the middle of the afternoon? It’s been a long week.

He wandered into the living room looking for his current mystery novel, but paused. The girls were out by the pool, taking advantage of the warm spring day to soak up some sun. They’d picked lounge chairs that were almost directly in front of the window to lie on. Their nude bodies glistened in the sun, though there must have been a cool breeze because of the way Gina’s nipples stood erect.

He was only mildly surprised to see Erin lying between Gina and Leah. She’d been over a lot since dumping Sean. Apparently spending time with her best friend helped keep her mind off the break-up. As was fooling around with her best friend.

Chris smiled. He’d come home late a night or two earlier to discover Erin sitting on the couch with Leah kneeling on the floor before her, going down on her. He’d been too exhausted to do more than wave on his way through the room before going upstairs and collapsing in bed.

His dick twitched at the memory. I probably could’ve stayed to watch, he mused, if I hadn’t been so tired. Damn Reagan and his Star Wars!

He swirled his drink and frowned. Reagan’s surprise announcement of his Strategic Defense Initiative had sent the entire station scrambling. Ted wanted experts of all stripes in front of the camera immediately, and it had been Chris’s job to make it happen. He’d had to absorb a lot of military strategy, physics, and science in the past few days.

I could almost be a rocket scientist myself, he mused. After all, I have a long cylinder that rises up and explodes.

He laughed quietly at his own joke, but then frowned. Things were better with Elizabeth, but he still had trouble with that ‘rising up’ sometimes. He knew why, but knowing why didn’t matter. Too much had simmered below the surface for too long, and now that it had bubbled over, he wasn’t sure how to clean all the muck away.

Beth and Susan had helped. Not only had he had several good conversations with both of them over the last couple of weeks, but they’d demonstrated rather conclusively that there was nothing wrong with him, sexually. All his plumbing worked just fine, thank you.

They’d also demonstrated that it worked just fine with Elizabeth. He smiled at the memory. He’d come home the day of his birthday to find the three of them kneeling in the living room in see-through harem pants and tops that Susan had found somewhere. Elizabeth said his present was to be pampered, pleasured, and screwed until he passed out in bliss. They’d managed that, he recalled with a grin. And Elizabeth had been gratified that he’d saved every load of come for her.

No, the rest of the time, it was just the muck getting in the way. And he couldn’t exactly ask Beth or Susan to join him and Elizabeth every time.

Maybe I just need to find more women.

He snorted softly and shook his head. He’d been a swinger long enough to see what happened to marriages when one of the partners started thinking that way. No, he needed to patch things up with his wife, one way or another.

He raised his glass to his lips and discovered he’d already finished all of his scotch. He stood to get more and realized the scene outside the window had changed.

Erin straddled Leah’s thighs, slowly rubbing suntan oil into Leah’s back and shoulders. The blonde’s own breasts swayed as she worked and a light breeze tussled her hair. She smiled as she slowly ran her hands down the small of her friend’s back and across the top of her ass. Leah turned her head and said something, to which Erin laughed merrily.

As Chris watched, Erin rose enough to allow Leah to roll over. His daughter stretched catlike, and then placed her hands under her head. While sunglasses hid her eyes, she seemed to wear a contented smile.

Erin shared her smile. She poured more oil into her hands and then started rubbing it into Leah’s shoulders and upper arms. Occasionally she dipped lower towards the darker girl’s breasts, but it soon became obvious that those were just teases. A way of saying, “I’ll get to these ... in my own sweet time.”

Chris smiled. This could be good.

He obviously wasn’t the only one who thought so. Gina rolled onto her side so she could watch the show. Her dark sunglasses might have obscured what she was looking at, but her free hand now playing with her own pussy made it clear.

Chris’s cock stiffened. We said it’s okay to watch.

Except ... except he wasn’t sure he was really comfortable watching his own daughters these days. Leah and Gina had dropped pretty big hints about what they were going to do in the den the night Gina arrived, and Chris had decided that he had to not watch if he was to maintain his boundaries. He’d made a point of mentioning how much work he had to do and how tired he was and then failed to ‘get’ their hints. Given how tired they were the next morning, they’d had a long, intense evening. Meanwhile, that evening, he’d tried not to let his imagination run wild and failed. After tossing and turning beside an oblivious sleeping Elizabeth, he’d crept into the bathroom and gotten himself off. He’d immediately felt guilty, but at least he’d been able to sleep.

He didn’t need to sleep now. As he looked on, Erin filled her palm with oil once again and this time didn’t tease. Leah arched her back as her friend massaged the oil into and around her breasts. Erin pulled on Leah’s nipples a couple of times, helping make them stiff in the sun. She said something that caused Leah to chuckle.

Chris focused his gaze on Erin’s breasts. Erin I can fantasize about. He let his mind wander to memories of playing with Erin—licking her, playing with her breasts, being sucked by her. Kissing her.

Definitely kissing her.

Erin leaned forward and her lips met Leah’s. They remained entwined for a few moments before the blonde pulled back, poured some oil onto Leah’s belly, and started rubbing it in.

The hell with it. I’m just watching. Chris dropped his pants and began to stroke his cock.

Erin slowly ran her hands over Leah’s hips, abdomen, and upper thighs. When she began to squirm, Erin stood and shifted until she knelt over Leah’s face. Then the two girls settled into a sixty-nine.

Chris smiled and slowly pleasured himself. The girls seemed to be taking their time. Once Erin pulled up to sweep her hair out of the way, but otherwise they were languorous in their moves.

Chris let his mind slide to memories of fooling around with Erin as he watched. Her taste. The vision of her lips wrapped around his cock. What her lips felt like on his. It’s too bad we never screwed. That’d’ve been spectacular too.

In the distance, the garage door creaked and rose.

Elizabeth’s home. Chris pulled his pants up and fastened them.

The girls remained locked in their pleasure. On the far side of them, Gina continued to play with herself while she watched. Chris barely pulled his own eyes away when his wife walked in with an armful of department store boxes.

“My, this is a surprise,” she said. She set her purchases down on one of the chairs and he did the same with his empty glass.

“We’ve got enough tape now for a few days,” he said. “Bill’s got things under control, so I figured I deserved a little time off and came home early.”

She smiled as she walked over. “I’m glad.” They exchanged a quick kiss. “I’ve missed you this week.”

The slight innuendo in her words was enough hint after all their years of marriage to know what she meant.

“I’ve missed you too,” he said.

“So, maybe, if the girls aren’t around... ?”

He smiled. “They’re outside,” he said with a flick of his thumb toward the window.

Elizabeth’s grin grew as she took in the sight. “Oh, my ... Have you been watching long?”

“No, they just started.”

“It looks like they’re well beyond ‘started.’”

Chris followed his wife’s gaze back outside. The girls had moved to towels on the ground where the three were in a mini-daisy chain, each licking and fingering another while being licked and fingered herself.

“Would you like me to suck you while you watch?” Elizabeth asked.

Chris tensed. “Uh ... no. How about if we go to our room?”

Elizabeth gave him an alluring smile as she slid out of his arms. She trailed her fingers down his chest, and then across his hard dick.

“Yes, let’s.” Then she turned and sauntered toward the stairs.

In the bedroom, they briefly kissed before disrobing. Chris just shucked his clothes and lay in the middle of the bed, fondling his erection. Elizabeth made a show of stripping off her blouse and skirt. After unhooking her bra, she caressed her breasts and pinched her nipples a bit. Then with a salacious grin at her husband, she rolled her panties down and stepped out of them. She knelt on the bed and smiled.

“Shall we go straight to the main event?” she purred.

“Are you wet enough?”

She slowly nodded and grinned. Then she straddled him and sank down until his cock was engulfed within her.

“Mmmm,” Elizabeth said as she began raising and lowering herself, “I’ve missed this.”

Chris put his hands on her hips and smiled. He savored the familiar sensations of sex with his wife.

Elizabeth appeared to be in the same mood. She didn’t speak, but kept her eyes closed as she rode him. Then she leaned forward so they could kiss as he slowly thrust into her, her nipples brushing across his chest as they did. After some time, they rolled so Chris was on top. He rose on his arms so she could play with her clit while they made love. He held a steady pace at the angle he knew worked best until she gasped and came.

After Elizabeth caught her breath, he pulled out and straddled her chest. She sucked the head of his cock while he stroked his lower shaft until his own orgasm arrived. Her eyes danced as she swallowed all he had to offer.

Chris slowly eased to the bed beside Elizabeth. She curled into his side and he stroked her back. They just cuddled and basked in the afterglow for a while.

This is the way it should be, he thought.

Elizabeth nuzzled his neck and lightly caressed his chest. “Maybe you should watch the girls more often,” she murmured.

“It wasn’t just the girls.”

“Oh?” She looked up at him, eyes wide.

He smiled at her. “It was you, too. You are one sexy woman. Sexier than all the girls combined.”

She chuckled. “Flatterer.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want you thinking I need help getting it up for you.”

Elizabeth didn’t quite roll her eyes.

“Besides,” he said, “you were hot to trot too. Glad I was home?”

“Of course.”

He grinned. “And I’ll bet the girls didn’t get you worked up.”

She laughed. “No, it was the shoe salesman.”


Elizabeth actually flinched at the sting in Chris’s voice. She studied him for a moment.

“Do you remember how we agreed I’d tell you about my adventures right away?” she said.


“Well, I had an adventure.”

The afterglow turned to iron in Chris’s muscles. He forced himself to remain outwardly calm. Elizabeth liked to refer to her infidelities as “adventures,” because to her, that’s all they were. To him...

He took a deep breath. “Go on...”

“If you’re going to get angry—”

“I’d rather know.”

“Fine.” The allure was gone from her voice, replaced with a factual, informational tone. “The shoe salesman had a foot fetish. I got him off.”

Chris’s imagination raced. “You blew him?”

“No! No, we agreed I wouldn’t do that unless it was someone we’d already played with together.”

“Good, because if it was like Bob Reynolds...”

She let out an exasperated sigh and pulled away from him on the bed. “You agreed that was a nice thing to do for him. You agreed that if you’d been home, you’d’ve enjoyed watching.”

“But I wasn’t.”

“Do we really need to go through this again?”

Chris let out a long breath. “No.” He closed his eyes because as much as he didn’t want to ask, he knew he had to ask.

“So what did you do with the shoe salesman?”

She studied him for a moment. “Are you sure you want the details?”

“What did you do?”

“Fine. I tried on some pumps and they pinched my toes. He started to massage them and I realized he was really into it.”


“It was cute. He was cute. And he was paying a lot of attention to me.”

Chris ignored the implied jab from a past argument and motioned for her to continue.

“So,” Elizabeth said, “I picked out six more pairs of shoes to try on and while he was getting them from the store room, I moved to the back where it would’ve been hard for anyone else to see what we were doing. Then I let him worship my feet.”

Chris blinked. “Worship?”

She nodded. “His foot massage was wonderful. Especially when he realized I didn’t mind that it was turning him on.”

“But you got him off.”

“I did. I ran my foot over his dick through his pants when I was sure no one else could see.”

“And he came?”

She laughed. “He most certainly did! He had to untuck his shirt so the tails could hide the wet spot.”

“It sounds like you enjoyed him doing that.”

“Well, of course. It was flattering. And it’s not like I did anything, really. He just loved my feet.”

Chris rolled his eyes. My wife and her “adventures”...

“The best part was,” she said, “he gave me the shoes for free. I only took two pair; I figured six would be a bit much.”

“Really? So you got him off for some shoes. Pretty nice payoff.”

Elizabeth’s demeanor turned to ice. “Did you just imply I’m a whore?”

“If the shoe fits—”

“How dare you!” She rolled away and glared back at him. “You’ve got some bloody nerve!”

Chris winced. The words had tumbled out before he’d had a chance to think about them, and now her English accent was strong, which meant she was really angry.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I was making a bad joke.” The weight of all the fights of the past month landed back on his chest. “A really bad joke. I’m sorry.”

“Bad and not funny,” she snapped. “How dare you!”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t’ve said it.”

She stood and then turned to snarl at him. “I can’t believe you would even think I would trade sex for shoes.”

“I said I was sorry.”

She huffed and put her hands on her hips. “I can’t believe you would think it.”

Chris’s irritation welled up. He sat up and met her glare with one of his own. “You’re right!” he yelled, “I shouldn’t think it because you wouldn’t do it. You’d just fuck him for free, like you fuck every other guy we know!”

He expected her to storm out, like she’d done the first time he’d thrown that line at her, but to his surprise, she just shook her head and looked at him in disbelief.

“You can’t get over it, can you?” she said. “Are you really that insecure?”

He let out a ragged sigh and buried his head in his hands.

“You need to get over it, darling.”

He shook his head. “No, it’s not insecurity about the men you’ve been with. I mean... , “ he shrugged. “If I was insecure about that, we wouldn’t have started swinging.”

“Then why does it keep coming up?”

He looked up at her. “It’s not the men you’ve been with. It’s the men you’ve been with that I don’t know about.”

“But there aren’t any!”

“Not anymore. Not now that I know about Bob and Jason.”

“I’ve already apologized for not telling you about Bob when it happened. It really did slip my mind. As for Jason, come on, you really can’t hold that one against me. It’s not like you haven’t screwed his wife, for Chrissakes. And if you’d been at Camp instead of working around the clock, you’d have joined us.”

“I can’t cut back at work. They need me.”

“I need you too. And if I can’t have you with me, I need you to be understanding about my adventures without you.”

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CHAPTER 50B: HELEN’S COMMITMENT CEREMONY, PART 2Helen watched the alarm clock with singular focus for the two minutes to pass. Then, she went to the door, took a deep breath, opened it, and entered the hallway. Such a familiar trip down this hallway that she took several times a day, but now, dressed like this, for this event, she felt the butterflies but she continued putting one foot in front of the other until she was at the entry to the kitchen and the patio door. When Tim saw her slowly...

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Fucking with My Bhabi

HI Friends i am from chennai 30 yrs old and working in a software company. i came acroos this story and sharing wth u all. pl send u r comments. THis is a true story happend in chennai. One of my brother’s friend has got an offer in chennai and my brother requested me to help them in getting a house. Si have i have arranged an house for them and become close to them. I used to go to their house frequently and msotly on sundays. i call them as brother and bhabi.They have one kid of one year...

4 years ago
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2222 ? Meine Besitzerin hat mir befohlen die Ver?nderungen in der Gesellschaft seit der Jahrtausendwende? in chronologischer Reihenfolge aufzulisten. Ich beginne mit dem Jahr 2000. Zur Zeit des Jahrtausendwechsels befand sich das klassische Patriarchat in den letzten und schlimmsten Degenerationsprozessen. Orientierungslosigkeit, Zukunftsangst und weitgehender Verfall von ethisch moralischen Wertvorstellungen bestimmten das Leben der meisten B?rger. Viele waren durch Erwerbslosigkeit z...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Friend In Classroom 8211 Part II

Hi, readers, sorry it’s been 2 years since I have posted my last sex story and it is because I was busy with my work. So coming to the story, I hope everyone has read the 1st part of the sex story ‘Fucking my friend in the classroom. You can always give suggestions about the way I write these stories and just sharing your own views if you have any through So coming to the sex story, last time I told you about how I and my friend started our foreplay, not exactly a foreplay but a way in which...

1 year ago
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An Officer and a Businessman

Mili-Tech Concepts’ Regional Office, London…Head researcher, Charles “Chip” Dane, looked out his office window towards the gray, depressing skies of London and sighed before rotating his office chair back towards his desk. There were several large stacks of papers on it that he still needed to look over and approve before he left for the end of the day. Almost everyone else had already left, save for him and his assistant, and based on how much reading he still had to do, they weren’t going...

3 years ago
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Lost Virginity to teacher part 2

That night I just could not sleep I just layed on top of the bed and could not get the thoughts of what happened out of my mind. All the time I layed there my cock was rock hard and although I wanked myself a couple of times it still stayed hard and this did not help with trying to get to sleep. After a few hours I started to think about what might happen tomorrow and how I was going to hide the underwear I was going to be wearing from the other students. Then I had to work out how I was going...

2 years ago
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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 11

Dear Reader's Digest, Talk about Your Most Embarrassing Moments... Dear Diary: No classes today, Hip, Hip, Hooray! And I got caught off guard again. Woe is me! I should have suspected something when Julie tugged me along to Hamilton Hall last night. The subject was 'Roles --Top, bottom, switch. What are your inclinations? Where do you fit? Bound or binder? Dominant or submissive? Sadist or masochist?' It was interesting kinda, sorta, but not for me -- I thought. Today Julie headed...

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Sissy Beauty Salon

My wife, Annie, is 43 years old and I, Jim, am 44 years old. We have been married for 15 years now. And it has been a wonderful marriage. From the start our sex life has been very satisfying and sometimes daring. And that includes the past year or so when things started to change just a little bit from what it had been. A change which Annie loves and I think I do too. About a year ago we were flipping through the channels and Annie stopped at a showing of the movie "Tootsie". We had...

4 years ago
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How I spent New Year in hospital

I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my "appointment" last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage - the result of not having had sex for over a week - started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend's office was situated...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 6 Pearl Harbor

Sunday, July 11, 1971 Of the forty-seven people on board the Tri-Star (not counting me), I can safely say that the vast majority of them were, to some extent, unhappy with me. While I’m reasonably sure that the four guys, Robert, Jimmy, Kip, and David, as well as the pilot, co-pilot, and flight engineer, were not on that list, I wouldn’t bet either way on the two stewardesses. As for the other thirty-eight passengers, there was one toss-up and one that just didn’t care because she loved me...

3 years ago
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Broken PromisesChapter 19

She could not believe her eyes. In fact, she was certain that she’d be put into therapy if she related what she saw to anyone. But there they were: Marian Randall and Julian Willis, together! To approach or not to approach them that was the question! Oh yeah, for sure it was one helluva question. She made the decision. She’d be talking to Ava first. Oh yeah! Ava had to be first. “You saw who? You saw them where?” said Ava. “I know. I couldn’t believe it either. I still can’t believe it....

1 year ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 48 We Start on Our Honeymoon

We spent the next half hour being congratulated by everyone. I met more people there, at one time, than since my first day of college, there was no way I was going to remember any of them. We excused ourselves and went in to change clothes and finish packing. When we were in our rooms, we kept the doors in the bath between the rooms open, so we could talk. "Where'd that dress come from, Kay? When did you have the time to get it?" "Don't you like it?" she said and there was some worry...

3 years ago
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Losing Virginity To My Next Door Neighbour Aunty 8211 Part 1

HI friends. As the description suggests that this is story is about me losing my virginity to a next door auntie, who is 35 years old and has a lovely figure; 40 B boobs, 32 inches waist and a huge 40 inch ass. I am now 36 yrs of age with 21 inches broad shoulders, 45 inch hairy chest and 7.5 inches long and 3 inches thick cock. It all started when I used to be very young and about 12 when I started to grow more muscular as I always used to be very active in sports and had broad shoulders. This...

3 years ago
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A MILF and her son

After weeks of pestering him his friends finally convinced Matt to either take pictures, or better yet, videos of his mom naked. He decided the best way to do it was to set up a camera in his dads closet and wait in there until his mom got home from work. She arrived home around the same time, called for Matt and once she thought he wasn’t home headed upstairs to change. She was in one of her blue business suits that was purposely cut a little too low and the skirt a little too short. She...

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The Yellow Sundress Ch 16 Washing Up

16 -Washing Up Late that evening when Adam returned Judy quizzed him. So he told her that he had organised a s?ance with Heidi, but not the sexy details. Nevertheless when she showed interest in sex for herself he protested tiredness, and that classic excuse - he had a headache. She had her suspicions, and they were confirmed when the next day in the village a young mother sought her out. Introduced herself as Lauren Daly. "Excuse me, I believe you have a young lady called Eve s...

3 years ago
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The Touch Ch 24

WARNING TO READERS – This is a long, rambling, multi-part story and VERY British. The individual chapters will make more sense if read in sequence. Pt. 24 Tales of the Unexpected Tuesday brought another surprise. When I got home in the evening I nearly tripped over Gwen’s suitcase standing in the hall at the bottom of the stairs. I found her in the kitchen sitting at the table with Emma. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head and poured myself a cup of coffee. ‘What’s going on, Mum?’ I...

1 year ago
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Sister In Law Massage Part 2

My sister in law, Sarah, was completely blowing my mind. I watched her nubile 27 year old body hop into the shower. Just minutes earlier, she had swallowed my cock completely and begged for me to cum on her face and down her throat. Nothing could have prepared me for that, let alone her inviting me to shower with her. I decided I’d better get in there quickly. I didn’t want to miss a thing. I stepped into the bathroom and, through the shower door, I stopped and admired Sarah’s body once again....

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On the Job Training Part Two

The next day I walked into the office on shaky legs. I was hyper-aware of my breasts, loose under my thin silk blouse, my nipples hard from rubbing against the soft fabric. I was sure every man in the office could smell my wet pussy as I walked by to take a seat at my desk. My phone buzzed almost immediately. It was Mr. Decker. "Karen, please come to my office." I knocked on his door and entered, closing it behind me. "Lock it." I did, and stood waiting. "Mm, I see you remembered my...

Oral Sex
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Sirs plaything

I freely admit to having a people pleasing personality and with the right kind of person it can be submissive magic!I met my Sir through a bdsm website The kind where you type in what you like and what you are seekingI'd had a few sessions with paid doms and it was okay but sometimes it did seem a little cold and mechanical or perhaps it was that I just didn't click with the dom and there was no spark!However when I had my first meeting with Sir I could feel a tangible electric frisson between...

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Standing In

Chapter 1 I've known Jon and Laura ever since they bought the house next door five years ago. They'd just moved to the city, Jon was taking a new job, one that was several rungs up the ladder from his last one, according to him, and Laura was a teacher, an elementary school teacher, so she could really live just about anywhere and find work. So, Helen and I got to know them, even though they were many years our junior. I was just at the end of my career, Jon was rapidly rising in his, and...

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ModernDaySins RayVeness Proud Pervs Someone Deserves A Raise

Oliver Davis is nervous but excited to be invited for dinner by his boss, Candice Dare. He’s been hoping for a raise or promotion and this seems like a step in the right direction. When he arrives, he is greeted by Candice and her wife, RayVenesse. Although Oliver is nice and polite, there’s no missing the flirty vibes towards him from Ray, which makes him a bit uncomfortable. Ray openly checks him out and even comes onto him, though Candice doesn’t seem at all bothered by...

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My introduction to a new lifestyle Vlll

Standing under the water Jerry started playing with my butt. I told him it hurt. I'm helping you clean up, he said. Don't want you leaking everywhere. We sat around the house most of the day. I was laying with my head on Jerry's lap when he said, you know you have to go home tomorrow. I don't want to go, I yelled. Rubbing my butt he said, I don't want you to go either but if you don't your mom won't let you come back. I turned over and took his soft dick in my mouth, tongued the tip and sucked...

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Sexy Real Sex Dolls! Do you laugh at the thought of owning a sex doll? Well, you shouldn’t, you ignorant mother fucker! We live in the Internet age, meaning all of that shit is fair game. Whether you are lonely as fuck and want to ship the woman or male of your dreams to your home or you think owning a doll that looks human is going to impress your friends, you need to know where to turn to. The place to turn to begins at and with one quick visit, I think you are going to...

Sex Doll Shops
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Meeting Caitlyn V

"Are you sure we have to have um...'fun'? 'Cause you're definition of 'fun' is 'hurt'." Alyssa nervously mumbled, Laura only smiled, "Yeah...Caitlyn's always been like that. She got it from me." Alyssa's eyes widened, since Caitlyn got it from much would Laura do? "Sweetie just calm down... i mean...i know you like it." Caitlyn giggled, climbing into bed with Laura and Alyssa. Caitlyn snuggled and hugged Alyssa and kissed her on the cheek. "We haven't done anything in awhile have...

2 years ago
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DistributionChapter 12 The trip home

It was ten days before Paige called again. "Brian, where are you?" "I'm out by the barn." "Good, you're back. I can be on the three-thirty if you would like to pick me up?" she asked, disregarding the significance of my being 'out by the barn.' It was obvious that she assumed that I'd returned from spending Thanksgiving with my family. "I'll be there," I answered. "See you then," she said, ending the call before I could find out how she was able to get away on Thursday...

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The business man

Being a T girl has been exciting for me over the years andI have always enjoyed meeting a variety of men for fun times.I love being treated as a woman, being kissed and caressedand more. I prefer to entertain men at my home, but sincemy son has moved in with me it has become much more difficultto have a private life at home.Tom had emailed me from an old ad that was still up on craigslist and complimented me on my appearance and said he wouldbe in my area the following week. He asked if I would...

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Angies Fantasy

The things you do in your youth have a way of coming back to haunt you. Sometimes that can be a good thing, but sometime it can fuck you up big time. Remember when you were a teenager and desperate to get rid of your hated virginity? Remember what lengths you went to to try and get your cherry popped? Well, that was me times ten. I couldn't even get a date, let alone get laid. It didn't help that I was overweight and had pimples all over my face and that I was inordinately shy. And naïve,...

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Slave Night

Women interested in learning more about submission please see my ad here: ------------------ Slave Night by Zen Mackie Sometimes Anita’s job made her absolutely crazy. It was mostly the boss’s fault. The boss was the kind of person who had to micromanage everything and everyone, who couldn’t trust anyone to get a single detail correct and so was constantly looking over the shoulders of every employee, sometimes literally breathing down their necks. But there was little that Anita could...

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First time I made love to my girl

Introduction: Short story to get both boys and girls horny. have fun. or rather, have pleasure. The story is small. I hope you can cum pretty hard reading this story. I was walking alone thinking about all the worries I had, and I got a text from my new girl friend that her parents had gone out. I told her I wasnt feeling like . She invited to her house and said I should be there by 10 PM I said okay looked at my watch I had an hour. I drove till her house and went in. She looked stunning even...

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turning over a new leaf i suppose myself am doing

dear to whomsoever it may concern: I being of that of the person of I myself am trying to think of it being of a mind's intentions to try to once again get right with that being of the God of mine own understanding as a believer, & therefore come what may then let it be said, &/or stated for that being of the record that here, & now I myself, or that being of the person of my same self however said can't let anyone regardless of whatsoever race, &/or from whatsoever walk of...

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Visit with a Filipina

This is the story of my week long visit with a Filipina ladyboy in Hong Kong.She is a 31 year old nurse who has worked all over the world but now helps her mother run a supermarket in her home town. Since she is from a bad area of Mindanao, I arranged to meet her in Hong Kong. We had been chatting daily so I was eager to see her and see how we got along in real life.After a long flight to Hong Kong, I left the plane and there she was waiting for me. She had been on a flight from Manila which...

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