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We had just dropped our three kids off at a local theater and pulled away from the curb. Frank was in great spirits and hadn't stopped talking since he got the news. The job that saved our home was his, at least for a three month probationary period. The pay was nearly double what he expected, and he felt confident of landing a permanent position.

I was relieved, even happy, but I'd been in a silent stew since leaving Blake Stone's office. As soon as the kids were out of earshot, I turned abruptly to Frank and shouted, "Do you know what that son-of-a-bitch had the nerve to do?"

Frank's dream balloon appeared ready to burst. He said, "Honey, what could he have done? I was only out of the office five minutes; besides, the kids were right there with you the whole time."

"Frank, it wasn't me he did anything to. That bastard fondled Sherry. He pulled her up on his lap and fondled her right in front of me."

"Honey, calm down. Just what are you calling fondling? I saw her on his lap when I came back. She looked fine to me."

I scooted up next to Frank and grabbed his right hand. I brought it up under my skirt, clear to the tops of my thighs, and said, "What do you call this?"

He smiled a devilish grin and rubbed my inner thigh, saying, "I call it my lucky day." I knew right away that placing his hand near my vagina was a mistake. He was in far to good of spirit not to take advantage of my one major weakness: I have never been able to say no once my pussy gets stimulated. He said, "Honey, I know he never put his hand this far up a twelve-year-old's leg."

"This is where he started." I jammed his hand between my legs, saying, "This is where it was most of the time. Don't tell me I didn't see it, either. I was sitting three feet from him, and he was facing me with her legs straddling his." Frank's hand cupped my sex, pressing along my wet slit with his middle finger. In a much quieter tone, I said, "Frank. What are you doing? Didn't you hear me? Your new boss did this to our little girl. Pete and Sandy saw it too. He was leering at me the whole time, challenging me to say something."

"But you didn't, right."

"No! I was too stunned. He did it to show me he could do it and get away with it. It was like he was saying, "How badly do you want this job?"

"And your silence told him. I'm not that surprised. They way you begged and pleaded for my job, I thought you were about to drop to your knees and go for his zipper. He didn't need to know how desperate we were."

Frank began fondling my pussy. I said, "Frank, stop doing that. This is serious."

"No, I want to determine exactly what he did. Is this all he did, hold his hand between her legs?"

"No, and I could see everything. Her skirt was bunched up in her lap. We all had a clear view of his meaty fingers squeezing her vagina."

"Like this?" Frank's hand palmed the full plane of my sex and gave a big squeeze, repeating it several times in succession.

I slumped back in the seat as he asked, "Is this all he did?"

"No, he drew his middle finger up her cleft, pushing the crotch of her panties between her lips."

"Like this?"

"Yes! He did that for quite a while, stroking, stroking, pushing deeper. Yes! Yes! Like that."

"And did Sherry's panties get wet like yours are?"

"Yes, they were sopping wet. You could see right through them. We could see her lips mold around his finger as he stroked her pussy."

"Her pussy, huh?"

"Yes, her pussy. A vagina that starts drooling is a pussy, a cunt, a twat."

"And Sherry had a pussy." I bit my lower lip and just nodded. "Okay, did he do anything else?"

"Yes, he slipped his index finger under the leg-band of her panties, and we saw it dip between her lips."

"Like this?"

"Yes, he hooked his finger inside her little hole, Frank. Yes, he did that, just pulled and distorted it, occasionally running up to her little clit and rubbing it. Yes, Oh God, yes!"

"And of course, you said nothing."

"No! I watched. I was mesmerized until Pete placed his hand on my leg, just above my knee, staring at his sister's crotch the whole time. Frank, he was so bold. He's never touched me like that before. He kept squeezing and rubbing, slowly inching up, pushing my skirt up. Mr. Stone was staring at Pete's hand and smiling. He could probably see my panties. Pete managed to get his hand way down on the inside of my thigh, not three inches from my panties."

"Your wet panties?"

"Fuck, yes, they were wet! I had to place my hand on Pete's to get him to ease up."

"You didn't take his hand away?"

"No, I was so confused. I only knew I had to stop him from going any further. Poor Sandy didn't know who to watch. Her eyes darted from my leg to Sherry's pussy and back... For a fifteen-year-old honor student and born-again Christian, she took it all rather well."

"Did Pete stop?"

"He didn't stop kneading and squeezing, but he stopped advancing on my crotch. That is, until Mr. Stone reached over with his other hand and ripped the crotch out of Sherry's panties. When he did that and exposed Sherry's hairless, wet, pink slit, Pete squeezed so hard it hurt. When Stone started jabbing his stubby finger in and out of her hole real fast, and Sherry drew her legs up and laid her knees out, Pete made a grab for my twat. I clamped my legs together on his hand and held his wrist. His fingers were clawing at my crotch, driving me mad. Sandy just sat there with her mouth open."

Frank mimicked the story's action by rapidly finger-fucking me. I cried out, "Oh, yes, honey! Do that harder. Make me cum, sweetheart. You should have seen your little girl; she was shameless. Yes, yes!"

I shuddered out a terrific climax, then collapsed my head on Frank's shoulder. I took a few minutes to catch my breath as Frank continued to toy lazily with my pussy. I turned dreamy eyes up to him and said, "I really blew it, Frank. I should have said something. What will those kids think of me now? Pete felt my vagina. I couldn't help it. You know how I get when you touch me there. I didn't do much resisting."

"Are you saying he penetrated you?"

"Well, yes, I wasn't quite as brazen as Sherry, but we were both getting the same treatment and staring at each other's crotches as it was happening. I hate to admit this, but we came about the same time, too. I tried to hold it in, but you know how successful I am at that. How do I go back to being his mom after letting him finger fuck me?"

"Well, I can imagine what Pete thinks. He probably thinks you're wonderful, the best mom on Earth. Not many moms let a boy do that."

"I can see why. It could easily become habit forming. I'll bet Sandy thinks I'm some kind of slut. I don't even want to think about what Sherry thinks. They're probably in that theater talking about me right now."

"I couldn't blame them. I doubt they think any the worse about you, though. They knew what a bind we were in. Hell, they probably think you're a hero for landing me this job. Now that I know what went down, it's plain that you did. I'm not qualified for this job and you know it."

"You know what that means. This won't be the last time. What happens when he tries to fondle Sandy. I can't see Sandy being as complacent as Sherry. He picked the right one."

"Yeah, I'll bet she just melted in his arms from the get-go."

"Frank, she did. That girl amazes me. She had no qualms about having his hands between her legs, and seemed to enjoy having us looking on."

"I told you that she was the one to watch, not Sandy. Sandy will still be a virgin three years after Sherry starts pulling trains."

"Don't talk like that about our baby, Frank. She's just a little precocious, that's all. It's Pete that worries me. This scene affected him deeply. It changed him some how. Can you imagine grabbing your mother between her legs?"

"Well, it was a rather bizarre circumstance. I can't see him simply walking up to you and shoving his fingers up your pussy."

"I'm not so sure, Frank. By remaining silent, I sent him some sort of message I never intended to send."

"I'll talk to the boy."

"No, don't say anything. I'm curious to see how he acts towards me now."

"Suit yourself. I'll stay out of it. So, what do we do about the job?"

"I don't know. What can we do?"

"All I need is a few paychecks, Bonnie."

"Well, you can bet I'm not bringing those kids anywhere near that office."

It was my idea to return to the theater alone to pick up the kids. I wanted time alone with them, time to talk things out, set them straight. I had the best of intentions and a well-rehearsed speech. When Pete climbed into the front seat and scooted up close, I froze. Sandy sat by the front passenger window and Sherry had the back seat to herself. She talked non-stop about the movie. I waited for an opening to speak. Just as I formed the words, Pete's left hand dropped on my lap, taking my breath away. My whole body burned when I felt the light touch of his fingers on my bare leg, just beyond the hem of my skirt. I could feel Sandy's eyes slyly keeping an eye on Pete's hand. Sherry hung over the seat back leaning over my right shoulder. With her head next to mine, she kept talking, but her focus was on her brother's hand the whole time.

I tried hard to concentrate on my driving, trying to ignore the weight of his hand as it fell further between my thighs with every pedal movement. He managed to get his fingertips on bare inner thigh flesh midway between my crotch and my knee. I gathered my courage to put an end to the charade, but each time, delayed doing anything. All the while, Pete teased my sensitive skin with tiny circular motions of his fingertips and nails.

Had the three of them conspired to do this, I wondered. Had they discussed a plan? Did Sherry dare her brother to try it? Sandy was conspicuous by her silence. Normally the first to point out someone else's wrongs, she sat in silence, watching. And Sherry, never one to be shy or let an indiscretion go without comment, seemed to be going out of her way to distract me. Working over those bizarre possibilities did more to distract me than Sherry's non-stop monologue. They appeared to be working in concert.

I began to entertain the possibility of doing nothing and saying nothing. I weighed the possible outcomes. I imagined driving home with Pete's fingers in my pussy while Sandy and Sherry watched. I fought this idea. My horny pussy applauded the idea and my legs joined the rebellion. They relaxed of their own accord. As my knees fell out a few inches, Pete took it as a sign of partial surrender. He shifted position and changed to his right hand. His hand turned up towards my pussy and crept up my inner thigh by several inches. If there was ever a time to call a halt, that was it. Part of my mind screamed for action, but a stronger part forced me to inaction. By this time most of my body parts were in the rebel camp. Sweat beaded on my brow as his fingers neared my pounding vagina. My rational mind felt trapped in a body determined to commit an outrage against natural morality and decency.

My traitorous legs gave another few inches and inspired Pete to turn onto his side to face me. He did not look into my face but stared at his own hand, fascinated at its proximity to my crotch. My skirt was bunched up at the crotch, exposing most of my legs. Sherry had stopped talking and Sandy sat forward to peer around Pete.

I nervously guided the car away from any others, keeping a close eye out for trucks and vans that could look down into the car. When Sherry stopped talking, I made a decision to allow Pete to do whatever he had planned. I turned off of the well-traveled route, taking a longer way, going slow. Pete took this as a sign of my total surrender and cupped his hand over my pussy, making me stiffen and draw a deep breath. He squeezed and molded the wet fleshy lips as Sherry climbed forward, half-hanging over my shoulder. I focused my attention on driving, having to lean left to see around Sherry. Pete worked his fingers under the leg-band and insinuated two into my moist cleft, seeking my hole. He found it waiting and eased inside, bringing a deep flush to my cheeks.

I glanced over to Sandy and noted her obvious interest, surprised not to see a look of scorn or condemnation. Sherry broke the tense silence, saying, "I can't see." She reached down and gathered the skirt above my waist, completely exposing my pink panties and an inch of bare midriff. Pete pushed at the crotch material with little success. He then tried pulling the waist band below crotch level, but that failed to produce satisfactory results. In frustration, he grasped the waistband in both hands near my hip bones and tugged, moving the panties lower all around. Frustrated, as they were blocked by my weight sitting on the material, he pulled hard, fighting to uncover my loins. In a bold, impulsive decision, I brought my knees together and lifted my ass free of the seat. Pete deftly worked the panties down off my ass and slid them down my legs to below the knees. I pulled my left leg free, letting the panties slide down my right.

With Sherry still holding my skirt up, I was naked from the waist down. Pete went back to playing with my pussy with much more freedom of movement. He used his left hand to part my lips and his right to explore. I basked in the wickedness of it all and glanced over to Sandy. Sandy had a glazed look of perverse fascination which relieved me of my worst fear: her condemnation.

At this point, I gave myself over to the full enjoyment of Pete's assault. He grew more aggressive and confident. He shoved my left knee out to the door. My cunt yawned open, obscenely and he inserted three fingers in my hole. Sherry eased lower and reached her tiny hand into my crotch, competing with Pete's. A verbal battle ensued as each claimed their rights and their turn. Having my kids fight over my pussy was by far the most bizarre sensation I'd ever experienced. The fight demanded parental mediation, but I was lost in the moment.

Since first getting in the car, no one acknowledged me directly. They treated me as though I were a toy, an object, or a woman under a spell. I knew that speaking out, saying anything, would break that delicious spell. I glanced right and observed Sherry's bare left thigh near my cheek, her ass sticking up over the seat back. My pussy loved being fought over.

Sandy surprised me by jumping into my parental role. She reached back and slapped Sherry hard on the back of her right thigh, shouting, "Back off, Sherry. This was Pete's idea. Leave him alone."

Sherry did back off, easing up and standing on the back floor, still peering over while rubbing her thigh. We have a firm rule about hitting, and under normal circumstances, Sandy's smack would have brought Sherry screaming to me for justice. I awaited the cry. She protested, "I'm telling Dad that you hit me."

Sandy said, "Go ahead, and I'll tell him why."

Sherry cried, "It's not fair. Why can't I have a turn?"

Pete said, "Because it's mine, that's why."

My heart leapt in my chest. I could not believe his bold declaration. A heavy silence ensued as they seemed to be waiting for me to challenge his claim. I had no intention of reclaiming my traitorous vagina. It had waved the white flag miles past. I sat passively while Pete crudely finger-fucked me. He brought me to a fantastic climax, three blocks from home. Nothing was said about the way I ground my cunt on his fingers and moaned out my release. As I pulled into the garage, Pete withdrew his hand and adjusted my skirts. After turning off the ignition, Pete reached down and removed my panties from my right ankle. He stuffed them into his jeans.

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Red Noses

My teen yearsWho am I? I am scared to share my feelings. I feel less than. I am often sad.If I bring home a "B" from school, I am punished. If I falter in one of my chores, I am punished. If I express an opinion instead of silently obeying, I am punished. The worse thing I endure is the disappointment in my parent's eyes when I fall short of perfection. If I am not perfect, I am a failure. Feeling like you can't live up to something does not produce a happy person. The bright spot in my...

2 years ago
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Ring in my nose

"Come, Snothead", Miss Luslayla commands me. I go on my hands and knees obediently, naked as usual. Reaching the black girl, who is relaxing comfortably in an armchair, i kiss her feet. She kicks me slightly in the face, and i kiss her kicking foot again. She is smoking thoughtfully. "Listen, Snothead."The humiliating name Snothead used to be just mockery, but now it is my official name. One-word names are allowed since Wimbian legislation restored slavery in the country. After that i got...

4 years ago
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Up Her Nose

A few days ago my wife was whacking me off. When I was getting close, i asked her if I could "jizz on her boobs", something I had done often when we were dating, but rarely after we got married. She took her shirt off and laid back on the couch. I was naked, and straddled her stomach with one knee on the couch, and one foot on the floor. I could feel my balls brushing against her stomach. I started whacking off harder with my right hand, and squeezing her boob with my left hand. I could feel...

1 year ago
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From Under His Nose

Ashling was more then a little miserable with the heat and sweat. She does enjoy swimming at night or go for her walks but lately, the sun was smothering her. Many enjoyed the heat and sun but she was a Seattle girl, loving the rain and a cool breeze. Tonight was a particularly warm night and she was compelled to leave her bedroom window open, letting the flimsy screen keep the bugs at bay. Her only solace resided in her lack of clothing and the fan pushing a gentle, soothing breeze across...

3 years ago
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Right Under His Nose

Elliot Baxter walked into his office early Monday morning. He was still a bit bleary-eyed and before he could even call for his assistant, she was there with a cup of steaming, hot coffee. How great was that? Most assistants wouldn’t even go for coffee these days and Colleen made him a fresh pot every day. She truly was one in a million and he reminded himself that he was damned lucky to have her. ‘Morning boss,’ Colleen smiled at him as he sat behind his large oak desk in his large, new...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 260 Mom Gets Led by the Nose

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Majella, Gina and Leanna were gone, Vanessa suggested, "Clean up, then coffees," so we all returned to the kitchen. Vanessa divided up what dishes were ready, leaving two pots cooking for longer, then we all started cleaning up. It didn't take us long, especially with my helping so eagerly, in a pathetic attempt to look good for Mom. Conversation was entirely food related, which I'd normally think was great, but just made waiting for the axe to...

3 years ago
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Under my Fathers nose

**This is the third installment of what may just become a longer series. So far it's been received well and the constructive wheels in my head are turning.**Part 1: 2: was Sunday and time for the weekly yard mowing. I was surprised my Dad didn't tell me to go mow, maybe he wanted the exorcise. Whatever his reason was, I was glad because it had to be 94 outside and very high...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 289 Girl With the Frozen Nose

"So tell me exactly what you won at the awards show?" The man who lived in my second story apartment which was the least expensive of the group. I therefore expected no class at all from him or his wife and I wasn't disappointed. "I didn't win anything, The guy who put the show together one most dramatic reality show. It was a toss up whether it would be life and death or a foot race across the world. Mike won it thank god. If he hadn't won, he would be winning even now." I said...

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Tit for Clit

Carmen told Claire that she had a date with Ryan on Friday night. Claire had no problem with her pet dating. Carmen knew from experience that Claire could bring her so much pleasure and contentment, so it was decided that all dates and any sexual activity needed to be directed by Claire. “The last time you went out, he sucked your titties?” asked Claire Carmen nodded. “Has he played with your pussy?” Carmen head shook no. “Have you played with his cock? Carmen's face remained blushed, and her...

3 years ago
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Ovids Other Metamorphoses part 7

A Towering Wave "Merciful Caesar, let my skill soften your anger. It is justified indeed; I don't deny that I deserve it." --Tristia 4.10 Our encounter with the curiously well-informed Praetorian was indeed a close call, and it was not difficult to convince Cornelius Quadratus that I could no longer play the part of his wife. Our security was in jeopardy. The cohort knew my name, and they had reason to suspect my role in the recent alterations to the rites of the Bacchanalia. I...

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Naked in School Toms TroublesChapter 20

“Okay, here’s the first pairing. Me ‘n’ Jeremy won’t switch ‘cuz we won’t be with you when you take over the mentors. Simon will be with Lynette; Harry and Roberta; and Tom and Julie. Let’s move in front of your partner and look at each other; look into their eyes. Now put your hands up like you’re playing patty-cake, palms forward, and connect your hands to your partner’s. Press palms together and look into each other’s eyes and try to connect on a spiritual level.” Tom followed Amelia’s...

1 year ago
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DarkX Nina North A Nice Sunny Ride

Nina North is going on a date that she is not too sure of. While she’s on her way she tells her driver Isiah Maxwell how she’s kind of not feeling it. Once she arrives, she turns around and decides this isn’t going to work out. She asks Isiah if they could spend the day together. If he could surprise her. He definitely surprises her with his huge black cock! She lets him put it in her and takes a slamming right there in the car. Leaving her pussy dripping with cum! She had a...

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Tariqs New Life

My New LifeI have been talking with my future Mistress online for a year now, and finally I come to America to be with her.  I meet her at the airport with only the two suitcases she has allowed me to bring with me.  I took care of all my affairs in Egypt over the last year, so that I could continue my life here with her and she has agreed to let me still run my business from her new home as long as it does not take up too much of my daily time.  However, I am pretty much on vacation for the...

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The Window

After my wife and I divorced the first thing I did after the ink on the divorce papers dried was to move back to the city. I was originally from the city and I had missed it. My wife was a bit of a country girl and our compromise of living in the suburbs was never completely satisfying to me. I missed the vast array of bars, clubs and theaters that the city offered. In addition I missed the vast array of beautiful women. Of course the city had other advantages, like if I ever wanted to buy a TV...

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Across the Bar

This was wrote by myself and SexyLexy41. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. All constructive comments are welcome. ************************************************ You were sat on a tall barstool in the crowded pub waiting for your so called boyfriend to arrive. You looked over to the door once again as it opened and sighed as another young couple entered giggling happily then turned back to your drink, twirling the almost empty beer glass in your hands, the creamy...

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Caught dressed

I had been dressing for a while when I got married. I had enjoyed my time dressing and especially when I would go out of town. One trip I took I got hjome and was called to go help a friend right away. I left with out unpacking my bags. I really didn't think about what I had in my bags when I left the house. When I came home I went into the house and I found a note that said I will be home soon I have a surprize for you.I went into the bedroom and remembered what I had in my bags. My clothes...

2 years ago
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MILF magic

My father just gone through a breakup with my stepmom who I have grown much attached to; although my father and her no longer speak she and I have been communicating for some time now, nothing has changed although she now hates my father. She frequently reminds me that I can visit her at any time I choose, I had made plans to visit her for the weekend when she wasn’t working. she met me in the town and drove me to her cozy home which I had come very comfortable being in, during the first few...

1 year ago
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Mike Alex and I

I had always known that I was gay ever since the age of 16. I had dreamt about having sex with another man, but I couldn’t ever find the way to tell anyone. I had been living with this secret for three years. I had just turned nineteen, and my friends took me to the beach for my birthday. We were surfing the waves for a little over two hours. My cock got stiff every time I saw a slight bulge from the swimming trunks of my friends. I mostly hung out with two guys throughout high school. Ones...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 38

Ken continued to attend four martial arts classes a week. He was slowly getting back into the swing of things. At least, he thought it was slow, but no one else did. He now easily rivaled Chad in skill and left him in the dust when it came to grace and control. The katas he'd been practicing for these last weeks flowed with a smoothness and power that only the top students could match. Ken, however, saw little of that. The only person he compared himself to was Sensei Turcotte. Try as he...

1 year ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 21 Senior Weekend III

The autumn wind, and the winter wind, Have come and gone. And still the days, those lonely days, Go on and on. And guess who sighs his lullabies, Through nights that never end? My fickle friend, the summer wind! --Summer Wind (Frank Sinatra) Kristen found me after the party. "Why did you do that?" she asked. "Do what?" "Tell Lynette to love me." "You mean, 'Pussy Slave, '" I pointed out. "Jim, you told her to love me." "She already told me that she loved you. If she...

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Black mans sissy boy

Black man's sissy boyI started jerking off to ejaculation when I was around 18. Once I started doing it, it was all I thought about, 24/7 it seemed like. I collected fuck mags and porno tapes wherever I could find them, to use as visual aids. Just looking at those sexy nude women being loved up by their hot men made my dick so fuckin' HARD! Because of that I was able to convince myself that I was normal, of course, in retrospect it is obvious that I was identifying with the women.One day when...

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Taking my first mouthful

So ...... this is a true story of me exploring my sexuality after years of frustration and wondering. I was early 40's long term married guy. I had a decent sex life at home, not brilliant but she never said no. I introduced her to vibrators and dildos and generally she let me do whatever I wanted to her. She just never took the lead. About 3 months earlier I had the opportunity to work away from home. It meant spending about 4 nights a week in hotel rooms. Now, I had not been faithful to the...

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Defending My FosterSister

I grew up in the foster system, but unlike so many stories, my life wasn't all that bad. I lucky in that the handful of families I was placed with were kind, generous and quite loving. The last family I was with was especially wonderful. They had a daughter that was a few years older than me, but we became as close as sisters very quickly. To this day we still consider each other sisters. In fact, I'm currently living with her and her husband. One thing my time in the foster system instilled in...

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A family that cums together stays together Chapter1

It was me, my younger sister Emily and my mum Becky living together in a small 2 bedroom, one bathroom house. Thanks to my mums new found addictions it was on me to be the man of the house, my day normally consisted of getting back from school, making myself and Emily food, watching TV and then taking care of mum when she eventually stumbled back home, if she didn’t find someone to fuck that is. Going from a pretty big house with all the privacy I could ask for to having to share a room with...

2 years ago
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Heya everybody, sorry it took so long to get this out here, it's been a lot of fun writing, and a bit on the ambitious side for me. I wrote a whole hypno script that I was going to include in the middle of the story, except that it ended being actually longer than the story itself. Lol. So IF you haven't seen it, it has been posted as well in a separate update. The link will be included at the appropriate moment in the story, so look forward to it! Disclaimer: This story is my...

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A trip to the Beach started a very fun weekend

This happened about 12 years ago but I still love to think about it. I wonder why I have never managed to forget this girl.My g/f of the time was called sally, she had a great body with larger than average boobs for her size was about 5 5 and she was sex mad. Sally was 21 at this time I was 23. We both had only 1 other sexual partner before now. it was a very hot summers day and we decided that we would go to the beach for the day, my brother Eric 19 wanted to come as well so we all got in the...

2 years ago
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The True Tale of my First Lover

I'm not a baseball fan. I'm tired of striking out. I'm 19, a college freshman, holding down a 4.0, and I'm still a virgin. I am such a loser.Maybe I'm not a loser, but I'm certainly not popular. I got asked out on my very first day on campus, but it was really a flyer to a frat party, and the guy said "make sure you bring some cute friends!" Ouch. I only knew one girl from my high school, and she went with me, except she's gorgeous and she got swept off the second we got in the door. I spent...

First Time
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HighTech Super Hero

If I had to choose a superpower, I wouldn’t choose invisibility, or super strength, or even the power of flight. I’d choose the ability to use computer technology in my everyday life. And it’s not the really cool extra abilities I’d have, as much as the horrible mistakes it would have saved me from that I find more attractive… simple mistakes like inadvertently calling a new girlfriend fat, that sort of thing. I got into computers relatively late in life (I was 35) but over the past 20 years...

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Renaissance Faire

Kennedy waited in hungry anticipation. She felt the sweat on her back mixing with the cool air of the air conditioner. She could only hear the soft movements around her, the roar of the air conditioner, or the hum of the butterfly clit stimulator buzz when Lorne pushed the button. Each time bringing her close to an orgasm, but always stopping early. She would fruitlessly hump the air until she felt the sting of the whip across her bare ass, causing her to yelp and whimper. Her wrists were tied...

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