Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 260: Mom Gets Led By The Nose free porn video

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued)
When Majella, Gina and Leanna were gone, Vanessa suggested, "Clean up, then coffees," so we all returned to the kitchen.
Vanessa divided up what dishes were ready, leaving two pots cooking for longer, then we all started cleaning up. It didn't take us long, especially with my helping so eagerly, in a pathetic attempt to look good for Mom. Conversation was entirely food related, which I'd normally think was great, but just made waiting for the axe to drop even worse. As we were finishing up, Mom interrupted my industrious bench wiping by tersely saying, "Come into the living room, Mark."
Vanessa summarized, "So Julia announced the girls were competing to have a foursome, Mark discouraged girls from entering if they were unsure, Leanna entered and played well enough to win, not that there's much skill in it. She remained excited at the prospect until we saw her giggling on the way upstairs to the bedroom with Mark, Julia and Ava. Is that a good summary, Carol?"
"It's exactly right."
"On what we've heard so far, the fault seems to be almost entirely Leanna's. What do you think, Felicity?"
Mom answered, "I think I'm being led by the nose again. I'll admit that I didn't know all of that before."
"Clearly the girl was feeling angry at Mark, so it would have been foolish to rely on her version of events, wouldn't it, Felicity?"
Julia put up her hand, waving it at Vanessa.
"Yes Julia?"
"Leanna wasn't a virgin. Her conversation with us implied she'd had sex at least a few times before."
"Good point, thank you. So Felicity, the girl was sexually active thus knew what she was competing for. Can you think of anything significant that Mark should be reprimanded for thus far?"
"I certainly don't approve of his casual attitude to having sex. There's no romance whatsoever in having a competition to pick whom he goes to bed with. That the THREE of them go to bed with!"
"Mark's handsome, built like a Greek god, smart and rich. Women are going to be throwing themselves at him in droves all his life. He's going to get as much sex as he wants. I expect that many of the women who'll be chasing him won't have romance on their minds either. The sooner he learns to lose interest in meaningless sex, the better, wouldn't you say?"
Mom asked, "How come I'm the only one who doesn't know what you're talking about?"
"You're not the only one, Mom; Carol doesn't know either. But in her case, she doesn't need to know the logic because she already agrees with the answer. Vanessa, you'd better take us all out fishing again."
Vanessa chuckled, "Okay. It is better coming from me..."
I nodded along, to show off my understanding, never mind how I'd gotten it.
" ... Felicity, as Mark suggested, now imagine both our families get into a bigger boat and go out fishing again. There's yet another storm, the boat's capsized and everybody is knocked out except Prof. Who does he save?"
Mom didn't have any trouble answering, "Julia."
Julia looked like she might giggle, so I NP'd her lips shut.
Vanessa said, "No, not Julia. Try again?"
I said, "Think of the big picture, Mom. What's the point Vanessa is trying to steer you toward?"
It took Mom less time than I expected, only a couple of seconds before the lightbulb lit up. She looked at Vanessa and checked, "Mark?"
"Yes, Mark. Everyone in my family would rescue Mark instead of Julia. Mainly because if we rescued Julia she'd never forgive us for it."
"DAMN RIGHT!" declared Julia. "I'd be EXTREMELY angry at whichever one of you hypothetical morons did that."
Vanessa answered, "Haha. Seeing as you're insulting your hypothetical mother, I'll let you get away with that one. Felicity, if everyone in my family would choose Mark over our Julia, who do we think you and Steven should save?"
"This isn't a tit-for-tat situation. You're saying we should save Mark too, not Julia?"
"Absolutely. Mark every time. I'm trying to get you to realize how important Mark is. Yes, he is one of your three children, but he's not 'one of three'. Mark is an incredible valuable, UNIQUE phenomenon. I've told you that before, but it's not sinking in, so maybe a sinking boat might help you, haha.
-- "The 'Capsized Boat' scenario was purely hypothetical, but Prof and Mark have already been in a life-or-death situation together. Prof was willing to lay down his life if he'd been able to get Mark free..."

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