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Tuesday, April 26, 2005 (Continued)
By the time Julia had brought me up to date about Chloe, we'd dropped my sisters home, driven to Julia's, had a snack, and were in her room. We'd been talking the whole time, as Chloe was a subject that I was VERY interested in. Then I remembered that my computer system (using the word "my" loosely) might already be upgraded. We shot around to the study, but sadly nothing had changed.
We went back to Julia's room, and she started telling me what to do next with Chloe and why, in case I had to improvise. I didn't write "we planned what to do with Chloe," because it mainly consisted of Julia telling me what to do. I didn't need any advice about the general theme, as it was pretty simple and I understood the psychology of it well enough. Mostly Julia was talking about specific things we'd be doing soon.
One of Julia's ideas, for example, had Carol coming to one of the classes that I shared with Chloe, and deliberately displaying her tits - nipples and all! (Eat your heart out Janet Jackson, Carol's are far better!) Julia needed to tell me what verbal points Carol and I had to make with Chloe. Julia told me about this while she had Carol on the phone, so it only needed to be described once. Carol had to wear appropriate clothes to school for the next few days, to be able to do it whenever I thought Chloe was ready. Hopefully soon, as I was impatient for Chloe to progress as fast as possible, although Julia told me it probably wouldn't be for at least three or four days, and could be longer. Damn! [[I'm writing this autobiography by reliving my thoughts, typing them up as I go, although I'm not "typing", as such. I'll retain topical comments such as references to Janet Jackson's closet malfunction. It was old news by the time this was written, but it accurately reflects my thinking at the time.]]
We were discussing another idea fifteen minutes later when Robert knocked on our door to tell us one of the university's computer technicians was installing the new system. We hadn't heard them arrive because of the soundproofing. I had to go see that!
It was exciting for about thirty seconds, and then it got boring. Certainly not as interesting as planning our seduction of Chloe. Or, perhaps, "tricking of Chloe" would be more accurate as it was Julia at her tricky best. She'd obviously put a lot of thought into it, and I understood that a significant part of her motivation was that we'd be helping Chloe. The way it'll unfold, Chloe will get most of her benefit before I get any of mine, so if it fell apart for some reason we wouldn't have taken advantage of her. Julia hadn't tried to make it happen in that order; it was just a nice accident. Watching the computer guy put together the brackets for the two screens had gotten old, especially as all the new stuff was still in its boxes or wrapping, so I asked him and Robert, "Do you need me? Julia and I were discussing something important in her room."
Robert said, "You need to check it all works before we leave, and it'd be a good idea for you to pop back in ten minutes or so, just to make sure we're putting everything where you want, but otherwise we don't need you."
The computer guy - Logan; we'd been introduced - said, "I've already installed a lot of software packages on the new computer, a lot more than your first system has. That software isn't going to be installed on the other one, so the machines will be a little different. Do you want the new one on the left or right when we set it up?"
I was about to say, "It doesn't matter," when I realized there was a small reason. "Put the one with the most software on the right, thanks." That was the side of Carol's desk, so if she wanted to use any of the packages she could easily roll her chair over, and I could move to the left and use just the old computer for a while.
Julia and I went back to our bedroom, and resumed our planning.
It didn't take long to finish discussing Chloe as her situation was really quite simple. That made it an opportune time for me to check up on the progress. I popped back into the study to check all was well, which it was. The only thing to watch happening was Logan's ass while he crawled around under my desk plugging in cables, which got old REAL fast. I said, "It looks great," (the setup, not Logan's ass). "Come get me when you're ready to test it?"
Robert and the ass agreed, so I popped out again.
Back in the bedroom, I told Julia what I was intending with Mom and why. She thought it was good, but pointed out that if I showed my light blobs to my parents then I better show them to hers, because our parents compare notes about us so often.
I had no problem at all showing Prof and Vanessa my light blobs, but I was surprised at Julia's saying they talked so much. "Do they really talk a lot? I haven't noticed much."
"Because they don't do it when any of us are around. Not that it's a secret or anything. They just do it when it's convenient for them, and if we're around they're usually busy with us. I know about it because I spend so much time asking Mom for advice about many of the things that we do, and she often mentions her talks with your mom. Like I've told you before, many of the clever things I do for you, I can only do because Mom has given me the idea or helped me plan them. I'm not nearly as smart at this stuff as you probably think I am. Mom says she's always known I was going to be some sort of manager, because I've been bossing my playmates around since I was a toddler. She's encouraged me to learn more about it, but I still get a great deal of help from her.
-- "Anyway, back to our parents conversations. Our moms talk the most, of course. Every day I would imagine, because there's a lot going on. More often if something new happens, or either of them thinks of a reason for another call. There IS a lot going on, and mothers need to keep a very close eye on their kids. Most of it happens here, and two of your mom's kids are involved, so your mom needs to talk with mine a lot. You should assume that anything any one parent knows, all four of them will very quickly know. Mine would keep a secret for you if it was necessary, but you'd have to convince them they should, like with the roulette scheme. Speaking of keeping secrets, I suggest that when you show your blobs to your parents, tell them you'll show mine in the next couple of days, but ask yours to keep them secret because it'll be more fun for my parents if they don't know about it in advance."
That got everyone's attention!
We all agreed with that too.
[It was two weeks since we'd first weighed our TK ability. In that time we'd been pushing against walls or the ground so often that we should've noticeably affected the Earth's rotation by now (joking, although it's theoretically possible, to a tiny degree). We hadn't consciously noticed that our TK ability was any stronger, but the science lab's scales would be a far better way of determining that.
The next chance we got at school we re-weighed our TK force. It was fractionally higher, our maximum force was now 14.2 pounds, up from 14.1. Hardly impressive, but at least it was improving. Hopefully by a compounding factor of 1.007 per two weeks - rather than just +0.1 pounds - because after several years' compound growth would eventually produce a very large force: 20 pounds after 2 years, 35 pounds after 5 years, 88 pounds after 10 years, 221 pounds after 15 years. I was very much looking forward to year 13 or 14, provided compound growth applied. If it was a simple growth, then 15 years would produce only 54 pounds, and my dream wouldn't get off the ground.
We resolved to continue to practice strengthening our TK as much as we possibly could. We were practicing two ki skills: the mind that was on duty was practicing consciously projecting ki, and the active minds were consciously creating TK-fingertips and pushing with them as much as possible. The first exercise was no problem at all. It was even good, as it was meditative for the on-duty mind. The second exercise was an EXTREMELY tedious, time-consuming, repetitive, boring exercise, but we couldn't think of any other way to make our TK stronger.]
We got back to the job at hand: how to create a plausible looking halo.
We tried moving all twelve blobs closer together, until they touched, making the ring they formed much smaller. That looked fairly silly stationary. We tried moving it only moderately fast. It looked a little better, but nowhere near good enough and it still required a lot of concentration.
We tried having just one blob, moving as fast as the mind could make it go. We were hopeful for this approach because it eliminated most of the problems caused by moving our head. We knew we could move blobs incredibly quickly, so this should work.
Unfortunately it didn't. Moving the blob, per se, wasn't the problem; it was doing the necessary thinking about where to move it to. We could streak a blob across the room so blinding fast that it looked like a blur (we did that, for fun and to double-check we were right about that [[we were actually wrong because light blobs don't really "move" as such, but it didn't matter because they look like they do]]). Moving them across the room was so quick because almost no thinking was required. A halo required constant thought about where the blob was to go, especially if my head moved, because then thinking about the blob's course took so much time that it either slowed it to a non-blurring speed or sent it flying away from my head, both looking silly. We were stumped again.
After some more thought we tried to see if we could flatten a blob any more than we could when we first discovered them, which was to make the long axis about 25% longer than the short, i.e., increase one by 11% and decrease the other by 11%. If we were lucky we would have somehow got better at it, and could now make a wide variety of shapes, perhaps including something more useful. As it turned out, we had no luck at all, as it was still about a 25% ratio.
We crossed our fingers and tried to create a blob shaped exactly how I wanted it: as a halo. Nope, it didn't happen. Stumped yet again.
Another alternative was to use somewhat larger blobs moved closer together so that they nearly touched, giving far more yellow around the 'ring' than blank space. It created a solid-ish impression. I couldn't rotate them fast enough to look like a ring while moving my body moved naturally, which I wanted to do with Mom and Dad, but at a slow rotation they still looked impressive; even 'regal', somehow. Not exactly like a halo, but recognizable as a kind of one. If I walked into the Vatican with that going on, I'd be sure to get some serious attention.
A slow rotation reduced the head-tilting problem too. We decided to have one mind in charge, so that when the head tilted, its job was to adjust the orbit of its four blobs, which were one after the other, not alternated like we do with juggling. The trailing blobs owned by other minds would just follow the leader. That would distort the ring a lot if I rapidly moved my head through a large angle, but I had no intention of doing that. I just wanted to be able to move my head naturally, to avoid looking stiff and unnatural.
I said, "Julia. What do you think of this look? I don't think I can make it any more halo-like. If I told my parents I was walking into the Vatican like this, they'd get the halo connection wouldn't they?"
"Absolutely. Even without mentioning the Vatican they'd make the connection. It's not the usual halo look, but there aren't many alternative explanations for lights floating around the top of your head! Mentioning the Vatican will make their knowing what it's meant to be a cinch."
"Good, thanks. I just need to practice creating it instantly now."
I had to remember the size, positions, frequency and brightness of each ball. We assumed #3, who was currently on duty, would be put back on duty just before the demonstration. Someone had to be, and there was no reason to bother changing it around. So the currently active minds memorized their data. Only the positions were different for each blob. Frequency and brightness were especially easy: the frequency was the same as we used when we got up every morning, and brightness was "max".
We practiced creating all twelve and immediately making them rotate. The first couple of attempts were ragged, because each mind had different rotation speeds, but the third attempt was close, and the fourth apparently flawless. I practiced one more time looking away from the mirror, which I didn't really need, but sight is a hard habit to break. It seemed fine, so I canceled them all then asked Julia to watch.
I did it again, and she declared, "It'll knock their socks off."
I got her to keep watching while I moved my head a bit, then I tried walking slowly forward. "It's fine. Honestly, they're going to be blown away. They're not going to be checking for accuracy. You'd better make sure they're sitting down when you do that!" Good point.
I'd also been talking to Julia while walking, and I was pleased that I could do that and still keep the halo going properly. The concentration required was a major commitment. I had seriously considered using only eight blobs to free one mind up for conversation, but eight would have been a significant reduction in quality.
I canceled the blobs, happy to stop the mental effort required.
I had another topic to discuss with Julia: the revenge gropings, but Julia got in first with, "I've been thinking about the problem with your mother. I think we need to build up the genetic theory. So far we haven't done a single thing consistent with thinking that Carol or Donna might develop the same abilities that you have, the genius IQ and sporting skills especially, as your TK didn't develop until later and I'd rather not discuss that much anyway. We shouldn't have forgotten to do things to confirm we believed the genetic theory! Not only would it keep reminding your mom why you and Carol are having sex together - Donna too, to a lesser extent - but it'll show her that you think genetics is the real reason. If we do nothing then the parents are eventually going to realize that we don't believe it's genes, and that could mess things up very badly, especially as your parents aren't going to react well to being deceived about your justification for having sex with their 13-year old daughter."
"Ouch! Yeah, put like that it'd be a real good idea to keep that theory alive. How do you suggest?"
"Exactly how old were you when it started happening to you, to the nearest month?"
"Umm, November 2003, so I was fourteen and a week or two."
"Carol will be that age in three months. We should definitely be expecting her to show some abilities, especially because girls mature faster than boys. Girls that age are a year or so ahead of boys, so she could be overdue. You skipped forward a grade in January 2004 didn't you? Just one or two months after whatever it was happened?"
I confirmed when I'd skipped 8th grade, "Yes, that's right, about one and a half months after."
"Which doesn't compensate for girls being about a year ahead of boys. All the parents are probably expecting Carol to change any day now, so we definitely need to show them that we're taking this seriously right now. What I want are a couple of things that Carol can do frequently - say once a week - to test herself for your abilities. One mental test, one physical test. I was thinking about having her do an IQ test every week, but we don't want them to be difficult or time consuming. You know which of your skills your parents learned about first, so we should choose quick and easy tests that match their knowledge, but not so 'quick and easy' that they don't notice Carol doing them. They have to be noticeable, as that's the whole point. Do you have any ideas what the tests should be?"
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007 (Continued) Some of my families had already visited Ava in the morning, and the rest visited her after lunch. Not me unfortunately, because the parents thought my appearing in public would cause too much trouble. The town's population had quadrupled, and the last thing Ava needed was three-quarters of them trying to crowd into her hospital room to do insane things. Donna couldn't go in the afternoon either, much to her distress. She'd visited Ava in the morning, but...
Introduction: Divine Revelations Molly! David shouted. What are you doing here!? Dad, whats going on? Molly asked. There was this man in white robes. He told me I was going to be judged. He told&hellip,I was dead. Amia, explain this, right now! David demanded. Molly Amelia Jones was shot by a mugger whod attempted to steal her purse and phone, Amia explained. She ran off, and was shot in the back. She was dead before help arrived. I remember that&hellip,I ran off, and I felt a pain in my back,...
Looking back on that day now, from up in a corner as if looking down on a dream, I look out of place on the starched linen draped over my mother's Italian sofa, green tea steaming on the coffee table as she twittered about the room, wringing her withering hands. The room was pristine, bleached and sparkling, I sat precariously near the edge of the cushion, my long legs crossed, straining against my tight skirt. I sipped on my tea, uttering a sultry hiss under my breath from the heat as I...
FetishMonday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Majella, Gina and Leanna were gone, Vanessa suggested, "Clean up, then coffees," so we all returned to the kitchen. Vanessa divided up what dishes were ready, leaving two pots cooking for longer, then we all started cleaning up. It didn't take us long, especially with my helping so eagerly, in a pathetic attempt to look good for Mom. Conversation was entirely food related, which I'd normally think was great, but just made waiting for the axe to...
Friday, April 29, 2005 We'd gone to sleep about 11:30pm, so I awoke about 3:45am. Study was enjoyable, as usual. The new computer system is cool, but my enjoyment is mostly because math is such a fun subject. The college courses are a little bit challenging, but only a little. Enough to keep me focused and interested, but never enough to make me sweat. If I hit a problem where the solution isn't included in the material I'm studying, it usually doesn't take me long to work it out from...
Saturday, June 9, 2007 (Continued) At 9:30pm I put on some dark clothes, my crash helmet and my dark sheet, and hit the skies. My families and I had agreed that I had to be very cautious about being detected because if the Governments agencies or armed forces were going to do anything, our reappearing at midnight would be the perfect opportunity to grab us, or whatever it was they had planned. If they were crazy enough to piss off something as seemingly powerful as the angel, there might be...
Saturday, April 1 to Tuesday, April 25, 2006 I was now a white-faced version of Ronald Fisher, also known as "Bomber" to those friends he/I had left, because he'd thought it made him sound macho and cool. I was nineteen years old - one of my important criteria was for him to be old enough to legally ignore his parents - and a high-school graduate. The latter had surprised me, but he'd insisted that his parents had the paper to prove it. Judging by the widespread ignorance the gang...
Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) Many of the later girls had not bothered to get dressed yet, and Julia pushed them to do so quickly. They needed pushing, or it would have taken hours to get them out the door. If you think girls take a long time to get dressed, wait until you see them doing it when they're TRYING to stall! Fortunately Julia was on the case, and she doesn't stand for much fooling around at the best of times. There were some delays though: we were asked, "This was fun....
Thursday, June 23, 2005 When we got the call to come get my new car, I said, "We'll need to get a taxi there, otherwise how will we get the Honda back?" "We'll tell the car lot to lend us someone to drive it back. You just spent $60,000 with them." "Ahh, yeah. Good point." As I'd promised, after driving Julia home, Donna was the first Anderson family member to get a ride. She was with some friends, so they got rides too. They all loved it, especially when I "put the lid down,"...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007 (Continued) While I was getting very celebratory with Carol, Julia said, "Oh! We'd better be quick. You've got a lot of schoolwork to do, Mark." #19: I pressed the button that activated the Faraday cage. When it was closed, I answered, "First, if something's worth celebrating, it's worth doing thoroughly. Especially about something as highly erotic as your wonderful acting abilities. Second, I'm about 30% through the...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 (Continued) During the morning I carried out several ki experiments, building on the almost successful "Make Someone Fall Down Without Touching Them" technique from last evening with Sensei. Having so many people gather around me at school was a pain, but it did provide me with plenty of 'volunteers'. Most of my volunteers were girls, as they were the ones who were reaching out to touch me the most. I wasn't doing anything harmful to them, so girls were just as...
Just as we agreed, I arrive at the main entrance to your hotel. You are there in a pastel pink sundress with a floppy straw sun hat with a matching pink ribbon. An angel. You immediately recognize my van from the description and wave. You did not need to. I could have found you in any crowd. The Bell captain opens the door. You smile at him. He helps you step up. I am sure he just wanted to touch your perfection before you rode out of his view. We smile and make small talk. Your show went...
Introduction: The new God awakens. David opened his eyes, and saw a bright light. But this bright light hurt his eyes, causing him to close them again. When hed finally gotten himself adjusted to the light, he sat up, and saw that he was laid in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital room. But wait, hadnt he died? The last thing he remembered was&hellip,fucking Scarlett Johansson. While he made out with Taylor Swift and played with her tits. Or was he? It all seemed so distant now, like it had...
The world of Aesyr is a brutal, unstable world that holds no quarter. The only consistency is the cosmic rules that all msut follow...including the gods themselves. Every century there's a divine lottery in every pantheon. And only few among them ever get to win the jackpot. Those who do...rise above their brothers and sisters, to become the ruling chosen and assert their will upon the world with no challenge. And this, is going to be one hell of a century. The gods of sexuality, lust,...
FantasyA Divine Sacrament By Cal Y. Pygia A cock is a symbol, to me, of resurrection, And new life, for, erect, it engenders life, And, although it "dies," an erection Can be born again, rising to impregnate a wife Or girlfriend, and, for men, like me, Who enjoy transsexual love, a cock, thick And stiff, is a source of ecstasy, Able to make that which was dead quick Again, for life is not merely physical, A matter of seed begetting flesh, But also has emotional and spiritual Aspects; in...
By: W. A. Chohan Father Rynski knew, it was going to be one massive headache. Today had been quite an active day at St. Claire’s High School for boys, where he was Dean of Students. As he closed his eyes he could feel every one of his life of 39 years. Most days Father Rynski enjoyed his work but today had been filled with meetings and problems and he just wanted it to end. Just then the intercom on his desk buzzed and Brother Jacob’s voice broke through, “Father, Raul and Travis are here”....
Gay MaleDivine HelpBy: Londebaaz Chohan The parish, rather the whole community was lucky to have father Laski as the head of the church. Father Laski’s passion to serve the Lord by serving his people was gigantic. His compassion for all, could only be equaled by the size of the cock father had in between his legs. He was a great teacher, preacher but he was an out class mentor for the youngsters instilling the values of God in them. Many a boys and girls had joined the church as the choir singers, some...
(Shishio pushes Kenshin away and wipes the blood from his mouth.) Shishio: Bad taste. Like it won't do me any good, but it won't do me any harm either. (Kenshin gets to his knees, hand over the fast-bleeding shoulder.) Shishio: After all, in this world the flesh of the weak is the food of the strong. The strong live, the weak die. Kenshin: Those words... Shishio: They're the words I ground into Soujirou, but they don't just apply to swordplay. They're divine providence. The weak...
Daiyu and Nezha arrived in a forest clearing that was completely different than where she was before them. Shortly afterward, the portal closed behind them. They stood at an area that had grass all around them. There was a tree that fell over beside them that formed a perfect place to sit. The stump of the tree also marked a spot where one could sit. Nezha called his spear in which he used to stab into the ground and turn it into a leaning post to perch while standing. Daiyu went and tied up...
Yeh kahani fictional hai. Kahani mein maa-bete ke sexual aur love relations banenge aur dheere dheere develop honge. Yeh kahani divine love aur cosmic sex ke baare mein hai. Ye sex se suru hota hai. Main, yani author, ek spiritual sadhak bhi hun. Isko kahani mein share karunga. Aap sabke liye meri subhkaamnaye hai. To chaliye chalte hai divine love aur cosmic sex ke safar mein. Main Karan, age-25, Kolkata se hun. Meri maa, Radha, age-45, dikhne mein bohut hi jada sundar hai. Woh ek simple aur...
Wednesday, June 22, 2005 I had my pre-breakfast at home, then drove to the Williams'. I physically went to the study, but used a large sight blob (large, to collect enough light to see with) to check on Julia and Carol. They were lying close together in bed. Their wearing nightwear ruined my fantasy of their getting hot and sweaty with each other before they'd slept, but I guess my life can't be like some cheap porn story all the time. Studying was enjoyable, as usual, especially the...
Saturday, September 8 to Sunday, September 16, 2007 The trip to Noumea was one I was looking forward to very much. A week on a tropical island with sun, sand, sea, sex and scuba; and sadly, some shopping, sigh. Donna was very eager too, probably for the same six reasons, although hopefully not too much because of sex. Her sex education was progressing slowly, exactly how Mom and Dad - and me to a lesser extent - wanted it to progress. It was a safe bet that Donna wouldn't misbehave with...