- 3 years ago
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What in the heck are they going to have me do this next week?
I had to ask myself that even if I really didn’t want to know the answer.
At driving school Sunday morning, I was told I was getting a jump on the students coming in this week. Today I was going to be on a different course doing some serious performance driving. I would need these skills for the defensive and escape driving classes I started on Wednesday, even if that meant I didn’t go back to the hotel between now and then.
From eight in the morning on Sunday until three in the morning Monday I learned how to stop doing granny shifts and slamming on my brakes. I was now actually using the transmission to use engine braking to slow me down, give me control, and keep the turbo charger spun up. When I drug myself to the bus I hadn’t hit any of the thick foam padded tires as I worked the car through one hundred and eighty degree turns before almost immediately having to make a sharp ninety in the other direction. There were sharp angled s-curves, hairpin turns with unpredictable drop offs and randomly angled lane crossings where a car was coming from the other direction.
Up in my hotel room I vaguely noticed there were now three bodies in the two queen beds. I was so tired that I did my business in the bathroom and then dropped naked into the open side of one of the queen beds. When the alarm went off at five, I found that person in my bed was a girl. In the night she had scooted over to spoon up against me in her sleep. My hand had gone around her stomach, instead of her breast which is where I had expected it to naturally go in my sleep. Of course, I had morning wood that I found pushed up tightly to her panty covered butt.
I was gently removing my hand from in front of her stomach and starting to turn over when she said, “Please don’t move away. I didn’t know we shared a room with a boy, but it was so nice to have someone to cuddle up to in the middle of the night. This is my first time away from home so I’m a little scared. I don’t have much in the way of boobs, but you can play with what I have if you push your penis back against my butt. If you promise not to try to hump me, I will take my panties off. I liked it a lot when I did it last night until you got all hard and I got spooked. Oh, my name is Ely.”
Like you really mean it when you say you don’t want me to hump you as you are already skimming off your panties.
The alarm went off again right as she was pushing her tiny bare butt against my dick and putting my hand on her peach sized tit.
I found out that the two girls in the other bed were sisters, if not actually fraternal twins. The way the one that shut off the alarm and literally kicked the other one out of bed, there was no way they were just really close friends. The girl who had ended up on the floor stood up and I saw she was wearing a top with thin straps and tiny bikini panties. They were really damn cute looking on her, especially when the girl with my dick pushed in between her butt cheeks had no idea I was looking at another girl in the room.
The other girl in that bed got up to show she was wearing plain Jane white panties. I could hear the two sisters bantering as they got into the bathroom.
I enjoyed playing with Ely’s tit until she moved my hand away, pushed me on the back, pulled the covers off us, sat up and reached down to wrap her fingers around my boner.
“Can I rub it to see if I can make it spit out the cream that makes babies? I see my brothers rubbing theirs all of the time, but they never do it all the way until they get shoot off when I am looking,” she asked.
Again you getting completely naked, sitting on your feet, and spreading your knees wide so I can see your soaked pussy in all its glory really isn’t giving you much credibility to my being given a choice in the matter. Now her putting her silky-soft fingers around by hard dick would convince the Pope to let her give him a good old wanking.
It was obvious she hadn’t lied at all about her brothers. She may not have jacked them off, but she had the grip right like she did it all the time. One of the sisters, who turned out to be a fraternal twin, came out with a towel in her hair and saw there was a naked boy in the room with an equally naked roommate. Not missing a beat she plopped down beside my feet to watch the action.
“Hi. My name is Edi. I didn’t know that we would have a boy in our room for real. I mean they told us that the kids here would be sleeping four to a room and that it could be coed since the hotel was sold out. I just didn’t think it would happen for real. When did you get in,” Edi asked.
Uh I am a little busy here to talk, you know?
Not being rude I quickly explained that this was my second week here because I had no clue how to drive when I got here. They had me doing a lot of different driving courses until I could drive a stick properly and use my brakes to glide through turns without hitting any of the bumpers along the course.
As Ely jacked me off, Edi saw to her own grooming needs. When her sister Andi came out Edi was nice enough to explain things so I could concentrate on the business at hand. Both sisters took turns going to get hair brushes, nail clippers and who knows what else. They made sure I had a clear view of their tits and as much pussy hair as they could show me and still be able to sit on the bed
Andi moved in closer to Ely and said, “You could suck him to get him closer to getting off much faster than just stroking him. Should he start to cum in your mouth, just pull away and you will still get to see most of it shoot out. If you get grossed out at the idea of a dick in your mouth, I can suck on it while you jack him. I really don’t mind. I haven’t sucked one before, but we have watched our mom suck dad whenever they get a little drunk.”
Ely tried it, didn’t seem to like it, and then predictably asked if I minded Andi sucking on me while Ely jacked me off.
Does a goose shit all over the place?
I have to say it was a new experience for me. Sure I have had girls suck me as they jacked me off, just not one sucking me while another stroked me. At least Edi jumped in to have Ely put her hand on Andi’s head to control when Andi pushed me in her mouth in time with Ely’s hand stroking my dick. Eli used that opportunity to get a ring side seat beside me.
I was rubbing Eli and Ely’s backs when I felt I was about to cum. Eli was really good about knowing that Andi wanted to have me cum in her mouth and never had any intention of letting Ely see me cum. She grabbed an handful of her sister’s hair to pull sister’s head off my dick right as the first spurt of semen arched up to hit Ely’s tits. Two more hit her chest before one weaker one hit right in her belly button. She let me go then as the rest dribbled onto my stomach. As Ely tasted my semen off her body, the sisters took turns licking up puddles from my stomach. Edi went so far as to suck my limp dick into her mouth to milk out what was left. The angle she chose gave me a great shot at her soaked pussy.
“As much as I think we all might want to have more playtime, I didn’t get much in the way of dinner last night so I’m starved. Ely and I will barely have enough time to get showers before we have to rush to eat,” I told them.
Ely responded with, “All I need to do is wash up. I showered last night.”
Well that settles that.
I chose to piss in the shower as Ely begged me to not look at her as she peed.
I don’t get girls. She shows it all off and then worries that I see her sitting on the toilet.
None of the three girls, or any of the other kids, was happy with the bland breakfast they were served while I tried to see if I could clean out the buffet line all by myself. I stuffed myself with waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit, and croissants. I even downed a few of the energy drinks to help get me going today. It really sucked that the place in my head and shield weren’t letting me get charged up from the energy around me.
“Ok David,” Andi said on the bus ride over. “So what gives with the welding goggles?”
I decided I might as well tell them all so I explained, “I was outside when a big storm came up out of nowhere. The doctors told me that I had been close enough to where one of the lightning bolts struck that the super bright light from the lightning made my eyes extremely light sensitive. From what they told me, it isn’t even some rare thing that only happens to one in a billion. Usually it clears up in a few weeks for most people. I seem to be one of the ones where it takes longer. It may never go away and I will be stuck wearing these things to be able to see in anything but near darkness. It seriously sucks, but I didn’t die from it, so I guess this is what I get in exchange for my life.”
It was a short ride on the bus and then we were separated. I went back out on the course I had been on last night. As expected, I had to do it increasingly faster, with no errors, before I got to have lunch. Not quite sure how I pulled it off, but I was done by eleven. Instead of going to the cafeteria I was sent to a classroom.
Really? They promised me lunch and then banish me to a classroom? Oh come on!
“David”, one of the supervisors over the driving instructors said. “We based the rest of your training today and tomorrow on your past times required to master specific goals. Today we expected you to not complete the assigned maneuvers until mid-evening, at best. As you had no driving skills when you arrived so your schedule was adjusted to fit in time to teach you driving basics. I will say we are all very impressed with how you have progressed rapidly without a single complaint or incessant begging to be allowed to go back to the hotel to get some sleep. You’re real trooper. As a bit of a reward, we are going to let you bring your lunch back here so that you can eat as you work through some computer based classroom activities. By mid-afternoon you will be training on how to successfully perform a pit maneuver on student’s who’re working on the advanced evasion techniques that you will be starting on Wednesday. Plan to have another long afternoon and evening today David. Your training today will give you a very good leg up on what you will be doing for the rest of the week.”
Am I really caught up and actually a bit ahead? I hope I do as good on this as I have on the other things they taught me so that I can get dinner and some sleep tonight.
I made sure that if I didn’t get dinner that at least I ate plenty for lunch. The place in my head was doing all it could to use every single bit of food I ate first went to replenish what my body needed nutritionally. I kept getting funny looks each time I went back to cafeteria to get more trays loaded with sandwiches, bowls of chili, hamburgers, pizza, fruit, cookies, and candy.
“Hey. I’m a growing boy,” I commented once when getting a sour look from some kids having the first week bland lunches.
I just realized that I have only taken a shit twice since I got here and didn’t get thoroughly cleaned out like the other kids. I must really be eating damn well to not have enough left over to make much waste.
When I wasn’t going to or from the cafeteria I was working through the computer courses I had been assigned. The PIT maneuver was already familiar to me from video games. What they added here was how to counter things like when the car I was trying to PIT did a “bootleg turn” or a “handbrake turn” in the process of trying to get away. The simulations showed how to do a reverse PIT maneuver on the fronts of cars that somehow managed to keep from getting spun out of control when I did the pit on the back of their cars. It turned out that while it is theoretically possible, the materials noted that in practice it was nearly impossible to do.
While it worked in computer simulations, it was almost guaranteed to force a loss of traction in the front wheels while the back ones were still skidding. They did have real video of this working, but when the drivers of the cars who pulled it off got out of their cars I saw that they were always showing at least a little grey hair.
At the end of the computer training I had to take a number of tests. They covered all of what I had done so far since I got here. All of them required me to really think through my answers versus just being multiple guess. As soon as I had finished the testing someone came in to get me to go out on the course. First, though, I had to take my trays, bowls, cups, and dishes back to the cafeteria.
“I haven’t eaten much at all so I was really starving,” I said as they walked with me to drop off my dirty dishes.
The car I was given to use was an old police car. It had a lot of power, but the outside was beaten all to hell. Before they would let me go out driving, I was taken over to an area where they had heavy foam cars on a long track with some sort of chain system that took them around in a wide two mile long oval. On both sides of the two lane sections of the oval were thick foam walls in front of stacks of tires. When one of the foam cars was hit it would separate from the post that was dragging it around and cause the post to drop down below the level of the road. There was as computer controlled crane arm on side rails that went around the track that picked up the foam cars, which were knocked loose, to get them out of the way. Each would be put back in the loading chute to where they would get sent back out on the track.
How do I get them to let me watch the machines work to reset everything around the track?
For the next three hours I worked up to actually getting to the right spot, keeping my speed up and then finally pushing on their back corner of the foam cars to get them to spin. It was after six that night when I finally managed to pit three foam cars in a row while still being able to keep driving in the other lane. Up until then I was usually slamming into the foam car.
Ok. I guess I have seen enough of the crane moving the foam cars off the track now. It’s such a cool idea to teach the PIT maneuver.
Surprisingly I got to break for dinner. I don’t really remember what I had, only that I kept getting plate after plate of anything they served me until I was stuffed. Eli sat there watching me eat more than anyone should be able to eat in one setting.
After dinner I was back in a classroom.
“Tonight you are going to be doing pit maneuvers for real on the other students and some instructors. Well at least you will be trying to pit them. All of the other student drivers will be attempting to keep from being stopped by you,” the instructor told me. “Their current course work is to avoid anyone seeking to stop them or cause them to change course. Before you can head back to get some sleep, you will have to have successfully completed five PITs without disabling your car or hitting any of them as they spin off. You won’t have to ensure they are actually stopped and can’t get away. To be considered successful you only need to force them to spin out and lose control. Other instructors will be doing similar techniques. None of them have been told you are out there doing this training and all cars you come across driving are fair game. It is experience for you, training for the other students and verification of the skills that the instructors should have mastered. Plus you get to blow off some steam in a safe, controlled situation. The only restriction is that you break off your attempts when speeds go higher than sixty miles per hour. You can drive as fast as you feel is required to reach a target, just not attempt a PIT if either vehicle is going faster than sixty.”
Well that made a lot of sense. All of the cars were made to handle being rolled over multiple times without causing major injuries. I know I didn’t want someone to get hurt.
At first I had to get used to a slightly different type of police car than I had used on the foam car track. This one was more powerful, but also felt so heavy that I was sure I was driving a brick. We were out on a different road track that they told me was a fifteen mile loop. On both sides of the road was no less than one hundred yards of specially designed ground to stop runaway vehicles quickly that were coming in at speeds up to one hundred and fifty. None of the cars used out here on most days would exceed one twenty. The surface under the special ground covering had sufficient shock absorption to also quickly stop cars from rolling over. I drove around at eighty looking for possible targets. I started to go after an Acura sedan, but the instructor said I should go after a limo. It seems one of the instructors had been bragging at how good he could keep anyone from making him lose control. With the limo being so long, if I could get him to lose traction I might even be able to catch the front end to spin him around to do a reverse pit like the video showed.
As I got up behind the Limo I stayed behind him for a few miles. He eventually started to speed up and moved to the outside lane. My instructor told me the limo driver had made an error in his thinking and left himself open. Giving my car some gas, I quickly caught up to him and was told to play games in the right lane like I was trying to pass. The instructor had me move up beside him almost far enough to get clear, fall back behind him, and then mix it all up. When he sped up to seventy, I would fall back to be just behind him, but too close for him to get back over. Two other cars in front of him had been doing a similar game and that forced the Limo to slow down to around sixty. Without even my instructor expecting it, I eased over to have my bumper back a few inches behind his rear wheels. I made a hard jerk of the wheel to the right and I slammed on the gas.
I could see the Limo driver wasn’t expecting anything from me like that and it took a few seconds before I saw him spinning the back tires as he worked to be ready to drive off quickly in the other direction. I didn’t manage to time the reverse PIT correctly and ended up having the front of the cop car’s roll bar right against his right front tire. Still it caused the limo driver to get traction just long enough to shoot off perpendicular to me. I had kept my foot on the gas when his back end was almost clear of my car in case the power from the engine in my car pushed him hard enough to make him go spinning off onto the side of the road. My instructor told me to just keep on driving.
Keep on driving where exactly? The two in front of us are all over the road playing bumper cars.
“Well you have some options David. There are two cars in front of you that are both doing less than sixty. The apron on both sides has more than enough room to pass them if you lay into it really hard to get moving fast enough to pass them quickly. Of course you could also surprise the driver attempting to PIT the car that is trying to escape. Likewise you could assist in stopping the escaping car. Your choice,” the instructor told me.
How about if I pit them both?
That is what I decided to do too. I sped up to approach the two. When the escaping driver saw me come up fast behind them, they sped up as well. I got behind the chasing car and waited until they were about to where they could try again on the escaping car. I quickly moved to being a few feet behind them, moved into the breakdown lane to their right, and slid up beside them like I was going to pass. This made them hold off on the attempted PIT long enough that I was able to let off the gas slightly, drop back and turn left into that car. They had no idea it was going to happen and I saw their headlights spinning around as they spun off the road into the dirt.
I hung a good ways back from the other driver. As they started slowing back down to fifty five, the posted speed limit. I sped up and moved like I was going to pass them. Right when I got up even with the back corner of their car, I turned hard into them. I found out why the other car hadn’t been able to PIT them. The person driving was very good and their car was as at least as heavy as mine. As soon as I made contact and started to accelerate while pushing into them, they took the appropriate countermeasures. One second I was just getting their back end to break traction and then next they were twenty feet behind me.
The instructor told me, “That is how the evasive defensive driving techniques are supposed to work David. Just keep on driving as you look for more prey. That student was definitely well trained before they arrived here this week. Most of the students that we see able to handle themselves in that way are usually ex-special forces or those who drive professionally for limo companies specializing in high security escorts.”
I still had more PITs to do. I found that I was able to easily pit a small station wagon and an Accord. After the Accord I was having a hard time finding cars to try to pit. My instructor said there were at least seven student drivers and three instructors still out on the track. Word must have gotten out to the instructors because I wasn’t able to pit any of them that I found and I only came across a single other student by ten o’clock. They took off when I tried to get close and stayed above sixty.
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It took Adam a few minutes, but he finally wondered where everyone else had gone. Walt, Trinity and Rebecca didn't arrive on the deck with Shelly and Erin. He had been told that Meredith, Leslie and Tyanna had wandered off for some girl play but they didn't return either. Leslie was taking a two-credit-hour class and had Tuesday afternoons free. Finally, figuring (correctly) that he would be the last person to know anything, he asked. "Rebecca and Leslie are having their chat sessions...
Rocky Emerson was born on December 12th, 1991, in San Diego, California, to parents with Serbian roots. At a little over six feet two inches tall, her claim to fame is her height. She's one of the tallest porn stars on the market.Girls Gone Wild: An Inspirational FilmRocky discovered a Girls Gone Wild commercial on late-night television as a youth. Every man above the age of thirty remembers those commercials. We used to stay up into the wee hours to get a couple of strokes in while watching...
Twitter Porn AccountsPrivate Performanceby Ashley ZachariasThe Commission:Catherine was trying to give Adele’s work the consideration that it deserved, but failing. Her attention was distracted the inane conversation behind her.?What does it mean?? a man’s voice asked.?It doesn’t mean anything,? a second male voice replied. ?It’s abstract. It’s just a design.? The second voice had a whine that grated on Catherine.?The tag says that it’s called A Cry in the Urban Wilderness. That has to mean something.? The deeper...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Reviewing My Sexual PerformanceReviewing my Sexual Performance Part 1The planning: Lying in bed with hubby Marc in the late afternoon, I lay there exhausted but very satisfied, luxuriating in that wonderful feeling of loving sexual afterglow. Enjoying his soft caresses and delicate kisses, we lay in each other's arms enjoying our lovemaking and reaffirming our love for each other. It had been a particularly satisfying and arousing session. I began tracing my fingers through the small pool of...
Rob pushed Samantha up onto the desk, so that her back faced the audience, and stood between her legs. He hoicked her skirt up, whilst the two continued to kiss with, as one of the reviewers said, 'convincing passion'.Sebastian eyed the exit again, as Rob began to unbutton his mother's shirt pulling it apart but not removing it entirely. The audience got no more of a view of Samantha than they did before, but he knew Rob could see his mum in only her bra. Samantha leant back on the desk and...
When I interviewed with Raine for the job I now have, the thought of having sex with her never remotely entered my mind. I was here for a paycheck, not to bang the boss, and she didn’t strike me as a very attractive boss either. While she did have the type of thin, petite frame that attracted me, she didn’t have specific features that stood out. She stood about 5’1”, had short, slightly curled blonde hair, pale blue eyes and paler white skin. She wasn’t unattractive, but I just wouldn’t have...
Dear All, I haven't written on the site for years, but something so wonderful happened as part of my acting class I attend that I had to share it. I know we have a tendency to make up things, however this story is as close the truth as I could while still making it a nice story. Whether you choose to belive this or not, its up to you. But if you want my advice. Join an acting group or performance group and something like this could happen to you. You also might meet some wonderful...
The mansion at Arcore it the foothils of Rome was bathed in soft yellow light from the spotlights in the grounds. The gravel in front of the house was littered with expensive cars; the manor was the home of Italian business magnate, Silvio Berlusconi. Tonight he was entertaining a select group of his friends. They were all eagerly looking forward to what he had promised to be an evening to remember.As ten o'clock approached the immaculately dressed waiters strolled among the invited guests...
The mansion at Arcore it the foothils of Rome was bathed in soft yellow light from the spotlights in the grounds. The gravel in front of the house was littered with expensive cars; the manor was the home of Italian business magnate, Silvio Berlusconi. Tonight he was entertaining a select group of his friends. They were all eagerly looking forward to what he had promised to be an evening to remember.As ten o'clock approached the immaculately dressed waiters strolled among the invited guests...
Reviewing My Sexual Performance – The resultsReviewing my Sexual Performance Part 2The results are in: Participants: Overall Performance Satisfaction Rating• Tim age 52 9.1• Laura age 46 8.5• Adam age 23. 7.3• James age 39 8.1• Darryl age 41. 9.0• Matt age 53. 7.5• Scott age 47. 7.9• Dave age 73. 8.8• Dan age 37. 6.5Tim’s ReviewMya really is an absolutely captivating and alluring woman and I’ve been admiring and lusting over her for some time now and despite asking her husband Marc for...
It had previously occurred to the army that placing Over 30 teenage girls in the custody of army instructors could be an invitation for abuse, and indeed there had been what was referred to as incidents as well as rumors throughout the army of the goings on in the troop blocks of the Army Foundation College.But so long as the girls in all these rumors were willing and the training and recruitment were not affected well the army wasn't going to risk the disruption that any investigation would...
MAGICIAN'S ASSISTANT 1 - THE PERFORMANCE by Deane Christopher Copyright 2001 e-mail: DEANECHRIS@a... "Wow!" Jeff Gibson heard one his cohorts boisterously exclaimed as the whole gang from work filed into the Cauldron's main hall. "Would you just look at that stage!" Jeff had to admit that the octagonal Plexiglas stage was really something! To the best of his knowledge, no magician he had ever heard of performed in the round. "Are my eyes deceiving me or, are fish...
"Rob told me that you asked him how the play was going, then he answered, admitting he made a silly joke, for which he apologised profusely for, but stressed that he said it as a joke, then you started swearing, and pushed him, so he pushed you back.""Wait, no! I know I didn't tell you the whole story but that's not true either...""Sebastian!" interrupted Samantha, "Because of that you told me, I went and spoke to your classmate, like you were in primary school again, and then I find out you...
Chapter 1 My wife, Louise, and I had a rather major change come about in our life about a year ago and it all began on a picnic. We'd been married about twelve years or so, I was thirty-seven and Louise was thirty-four. We are both attractive people and keep trim with regular gym work and a very active sex life. Yes, I married a woman with a wonderful sex drive, I think we fuck more now than we did when we first met. The picnic was one out to a secluded beach on a lake near us and we were there...
Group SexJulie MacDonald watched the other workers in the office gather up their things and get ready to leave at the end of the day, but on this Thursday afternoon she made no move to join them, and just called out cheerfully ‘goodnight’ and ‘see ya in the morning’, or just waved to the women who were further away. In truth, she was rather nervous and preoccupied, but trying not to let it show – although the reason for her tension was not exactly a secret. One of the youngest women, Lise-Jo, who...
Their latest offering was a necro video done at the request of their Web Site Members. Rita Lynn enjoyed being strangled by Jeff and then having him fuck her "dead" body. The scene where Jeff shot his load into Rita Lynn's "corpse" had to be reshot several times because she would always have a loud gasping orgasm herself at that point. The video had turned into their biggest seller in Jeff's store and over the net. On this Saturday morning, Jeff was at the video store. Rita Lynn had...
Introduction: The story revloves around how a bad performance review for Kurt ends up in him having sex with his supervisor, Nelly. Shaking his head in disbelief, Kurt locked his desktop, grabbed his coffee mug and headed towards the coffee machine. As if on auto-pilot, he flashed his badge against the badge reader near the door, walked down the aisle. He stopped in front of the coffee machine and grabbed himself an espresso. The last few months were flashing by him. He was the newest member on...
Once the meal was over and they sat sipping the last of their drinks, a low musical note sounded and a voice announced that the evening's entertainment would commence in twenty minutes in the main auditorium. The speaker instructed them to bring the place cards from their tables with them, saying that the numbers on the back of the cards would determine their seating assignments for the performance. Sean and James arose, thanked her for an enjoyable meal and discreetly departed. Gloria...
December 5, 2000, Rochester, Minnesota “Go inside and shut the door,” Naomi said. “What?” She rolled her eyes, “Seriously?” I chuckled, realizing what she meant, so I stuck the keycard into the slot in the lock and when the LED flashed green, I went inside and shut the door. A few seconds later there was a firm knock and I opened it to let Naomi into the room. We took off our shoes, coats, hats, and gloves, then moved into the sitting room. “You like to live in style,” she said, her eyes...
The Lesson Plan -- Part Four Episode Three: The Performance Chapter 15 I was feeling conflicted. I'd made it as an actor; I was in a show. I wanted to do this more than I'd wanted to be a school teacher, even though it was upsetting and hard work and I felt like I wasn't getting a fair chance. So, on the second-last day of our workshop I was really in two minds. I was sad that my first professional theatre experience was going to be over; I was going to miss Scott. On the other...
INTRODUCTION:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn.The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...
Intorduction:This is a detailed description of a scene from Remy Lacroix (Elegant Angel, 2012 – directed by Mason). For me, it is one of the great scenes I ahve witnessed in porn. The best performances in porn are those where there is true chemistry and passion between the participants. Passion trumps most things, even physical beauty. A beautiful woman who does not enjoy acting in porn is a hollow shell.Manuel Ferrara has an ability to connect with more of the women he fucks on screen than any...
About a week after the attempt in the mall Mrs Smith notices people are watching her house. Knowing not being aware of such things can be dangerous she lets the residents and regular visitors know about it. Hal calls Barnard to tell her about it, and she passes it on to her friend from Sydney. Soon after that the Smiths notice another group of watchers further up the street watching the first watchers. None are happy with the situation, but they all accept there’s little they can do about...
Chapter One: Juliet's Taboo Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Xochitl Estevez's Week, Monday I popped off my belly shirt and bared my large breasts cradled in my bra. The futas at my college cheered as I did. I grinned. I was finally chosen for the Program. It was my week to go naked and attend classes. I kind of wished it had come earlier or later, but I didn't care. Even if it meant I had to perform my role as Juliet in the classic Willemina Shakespeare play naked come...
Late evening I came home from work and I was truly exhausted. My beloved hubby had arrived earlier; so he took his chance to cook some nice meal for me. He asked me how my day went.I just said fine, but definitely unusual…Victor looked curious now; so he said I could tell him about it.He handed me a glass of red wine and we sat down on the couch.“Well, honey… today my Boss, Stuart, called me to his office after lunch. I entered and he made me take a seat in front of him.He looked a bit...
This is my second story based on real experience and events, I am Anglo Indian age 65 years old and widowed and retired from business, my wife died 5 years ago suddenly. Since then I have remained quite active. My daughter and son are living and working away and seldom visits me, as they are busy with their own families. My son is in Mumbai and due to go to UK soon, and my daughter is married and in the USA. Being a widower it is quite easy to mix up with the opposite sex of a similar age...
Chapter 1 My wife, Louise, and I had a rather major change come about in our life about a year ago and it all began on a picnic. We'd been married about twelve years or so, I was thirty-seven and Louise was thirty-four. We are both attractive people and keep trim with regular gym work and a very active sex life. Yes, I married a woman with a wonderful sex drive, I think we fuck more now than we did when we first met. The picnic was one out to a secluded beach on a lake near us and we were...
The violist giving a concert was a rare treat for many of the university music graduates of this year, most notably I. Although not a viola player myself, as an avid violinist and classical music nerd, this opportunity was not going to be missed. After the concert went through Telemann’s Viola Concerto, Mozart’s “Sinfonia Concertante for Violin & Viola”, ending on Bruch’s “Romance for Viola & Orchestra”, not only did the counter-tenor like timbre of the larger fiddle leave me spell bound on the...
The violist giving a concert was a rare treat for many of the university music graduates of this year, most notably I. Although not a viola player myself, as an avid violinist and classical music nerd, this opportunity was not going to be missed. After the concert went through Telemann’s Viola Concerto, Mozart’s “Sinfonia Concertante for Violin & Viola”, ending on Bruch’s “Romance for Viola & Orchestra”, not only did the counter-tenor like timbre of the larger fiddle leave me spell bound on the...
Straight SexThis is a story about a typical housewife, with a typical family in a typical suburban setting. The 32 year old housewife’s name is Christi. Christi shares a house with her husband Mike, that’s me, and our 5 year old son. Christi is an exotic beauty with long dark hair and lovely big brown eyes.During Christi’s pregnancy with our son, she put on a few pounds. For years she struggled with diets in order to lose the weight and get back her shape. Recently, with determination and discipline...
Britney Spears bounded off the stage and headed to her dressing room, winded, sweating, and relieved that this was her last scheduled performance in her current tour. She relished the thought of being able to take it easy for a couple of months, with nothing more strenuous planned for her than a couple of award shows. This was just what she was afraid of months ago, when her career really started to take off. Britney loved her fans, and their adoration for her. She loved the attention she got...