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Flashback – Masha and Louise – The interview

I was very upset at Louise, not only for inviting the television crews to come back, but then she actually let them into our living room. I was surprised they didn’t bring in a truck load of equipment and get the living room rug all dirty; instead it was three reporters and three individuals who carried cameras.

Even though I did not want this, I was still a proud Russian woman and it behooved me to offer them some tea or something else to drink. I politely inquired, “I am preparing some tea, would you like some or would you possibly prefer something else to drink.”

I could tell from the looks on their faces they were surprised (I guess this was not a custom in America) and one lady replied, “I would love a cup of tea if it’s no bother.”

I smiled at her and replied, “It is not a bother at all since it is customary to offer guests something to drink when they arrive at your house.” I put water in the electric teapot, turned it on and returned to the living room. I then opened the curio cabinet withdrew my Lomonosov tea set and moved it into the kitchen adjacent to the teapot.

The reporter who asked for the tea suggested, “Perhaps we should start the interview?”

I fought back my instinct to run to my bedroom, but instead placed a fake smile on my face and said, “Now is good, however we will need to stop when the water boils. Where would you like to place me for the interview?”

The reporter suggested, “Why don’t you sit on the couch and we will bring over the chair if you do not mind.”

Then something interesting happened as the reporters began to argue about where I should sit and who should begin. I allowed this continue for about two minutes then I interrupted, “Excuse me. This is my home and I do not like all the strife that you are causing. If you do not behave, I will require you to leave without an interview.”

They stopped, looked at me and apologized, “We’re sorry – please don’t make us leave without an interview. How would you like us to conduct the interview?”

I looked at them and said, “First, we will not do three different interviews, we will only do one interview.”

They began to complain and argue again so I demanded, “Please leave my house!”

They stopped the noise and the reporter who asked for the tea said, “I’m sorry Ms. Reynolds but we’re not used to having to deal with such a strong woman as you. Please forgive us and if we are allowed to stay we promise to behave.”

The teapot was finished, I looked at the three of them and said, “I see that you each carry tablet devices which I assume contain the questions you wish to ask me. Since I am only doing one interview, you will need to combine the lists of questions into one list. Then you may each ask one question at a time and if I approve of the question I will answer it. If I do not approve the question I will not answer it.”

I moved to the kitchen as they began to work out the list between them. I made the tea in the teapot, brought it on a tray, placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch and asked once again, “I have enough tea for everyone. Are you sure you do not want tea.”

They all agreed to have tea so I prepared the tea for each of them, handed them the cup on a saucer and remarked, “I don’t use sugar however there is sugar in the bowl on the tray, along with spoons.”

I inwardly smiled as they all added sugar to their tea. One reporter who seemed nicer than the rest remarked, “This is a lovely tea set and the tea is excellent, where did you purchase it?”

I replied, “It is from the Lomonosov factory in St. Petersburg Russia.”

I took a seat on the couch and asked, “Have you compiled your list of questions?”

The nicer reporter confirmed, “Yes we did and if you do not mind, I would like to start.”

I nodded at her, all three cameras were turned on and she began, “Hello viewers, this is Martina Sertis. Today we have the pleasure of interviewing a woman who many have hailed as the hero of our city. She has been instrumental in the destruction of the teenage bus gang and the serial rapist ring, both of which plagued our city. Today’s interview will be slightly different because Ms. Reynolds has only consented to give one interview. As a result, we have combined our questions and each of us will take turns asking our questions. Ms. Reynolds, you have a lovely accent, where are you from?”

I replied, “Please call me Maria, and I am from Moscow Russia.”

The next reporter gave her prologue, “Hello you all know me, I’m Georgiana Boroughs. Ms. Reynolds do you mind if I call you Maria?”

I smile and replied, “Please all three of you call me Maria. The use of Ms. Reynolds makes me feel old.”

Georgiana and the other reporters laughed and the Georgiana asked, “Maria, we have heard you are married to a Marine?”

I answered, “That is correct, my husband is currently stationed overseas.”

The third report had to do his prologue, “Hello everyone, of course many of you recognize me as John Rowan. Maria, what prompted you to ride the bus on the night when the teenage gang attacked your bus.”

I replied, “I wanted to see a movie and since I do not have a driver’s license, I took the bus.”

John doesn’t wait for Martina and continued, “Some have said that you were extremely brutal in the way you attacked the teenagers, and after your attack today on the police many more believe this to be a fact. How do you answer these allegations?”

I wanted to cancel the interviews when the doorbell rang. Louise looked out the window and said, “Masha, it’s the lawyer from earlier today.”

I nodded, Louise opened the door, the lawyer walked in and rescued me by saying, “This interview is now canceled.”

She turned to me and ordered, “Masha, don’t answer any more questions.”

The reporters began to complain again so I demanded, “Leave my house immediately.”

The lawyer looked at Louise and ordered, “Please bring in the police who are stationed in front of the house so they can escort these reporters off the premises.”

Louise left the house, Martina looked at my lawyer and said, “I would love to do a favorable interview with Maria. Please let me know if you agree.”

She handed the lawyer a business card and left just like the other reporters.

I looked at the lawyer and praised her, “Thank you very much for saving me, but I don’t even know your name.”

She held out her hand and said, “Don’t worry about it. I know what John Rowan was going to do to you and it needed to be stopped. And my name is Tanya Torres.”

I shook her hand Louise came back into the house without the policemen and remarked, “The police saw the reporters leave and are making sure they leave your property.”

Louise looked at Tanya and asked, “Why did you end the interviews?”

Tanya replied, “Because John Rowan is on a mission to make Masha look bad and to destroy her reputation.”

Tanya turned to me and said, “Masha, don’t ever agree to an interview again, not unless we screen the questions first and I’m there with you in case they try to pull a fast one on you.”

I questioned, “I do not understand the term, ‘pull a fast one’.”

Tanya explained, “When they succeed in an act of deception.”

Louise furthered the explanation, “Like when they try to pretend they are your friend and all the time they are stabbing you in the back.”

I smiled and said, “Et tu, Brute?1“

1 you too, Brutus? Purportedly as the last words of the Roman dictator Julius Caesar to his friend Marcus Brutus at the moment of his assassination.

Tanya replied, “Exactly. Here, let me show you some of the reports John Rowan has done on you.”

She opened up her briefcase, removed a tablet and I was angered as I began to watch his reports. I turned to Tanya and asked, “What can we do to stop him from showing reports like this?”

Tanya smiled held up the business card of Martina Sertis and said, “We fight fire with fire. We give Ms. Sertis an interview after we check her questions.”

I asked, “Why would John Rowan say such terrible things about me?”

Tanya replied, “There is some thought that he might have had some friends on the rape gang that you defeated.”

Louise said, “Masha you should kick his ass!”

Tanya cautioned, “Masha, that’s the last thing you want to do. He would press charges and you could be deported.”

It dawned on me that I could already be in trouble so I asked, “Tanya, could I be deported for anything I have done already?”

Tanya smiled and replied, “Not now that you have me on your side.”

Flashback – Ben – On another mission

Even though I didn’t want to, I agreed to take the older boy because it made sense. We were on our way out the door and I asked, “I can’t keep calling you boy, what’s your name.”

The boy replied, “I am Amir. What name is yours?”

I smiled at him and said, “My name is Ben.”

Amir continued, “Ben, I know the houses which have the most captured children. If you do not mind, I will lead the way.”

He moved very well, almost as silently as I did so I replied, “That would be great since I want to rescue as many children as possible...”

Amir interrupted and confirmed my fears “ ... That is wise Ben. The Taliban will begin to kill the children when they discover they are being freed.”

I wanted to ask Amir for more information, but we had almost reached the first building. I touched him on the shoulder to stop him and whispered, “Amir, you need to wait here while I clear the building.”

He whispered, “Ben, there are probably eight children in this building and five Taliban. Can you take care of all five Taliban?”

I whispered a reply, “No problem, just don’t come in until I call you.”

I slipped up to the door which barely hung on the frame, listened and heard the obvious sounds of children crying. I pulled off my NV gear, kicked in the door, and five shots later all the Taliban were dead. The children were scared and crying so I called, “Amir, I need you.”

He ran into the room speaking in their language and soon they were quiet. He went up to the most obvious oldest boy and gave him some commands. Then he looked at me, smiled and said, “Ben they understand and will go to the hospital.”

I verified, “Do they know to keep their robes open?”

Amir said, “Yes Sir.”

I didn’t bother to correct him. We made sure the children got out of the house and were headed toward the hospital, I heard a noise outside and said, “Quick blow out all the candles.”

We blew out all the candles and heard a voice call, “Hassan?”

I slipped on my NV gear, worked my way to the destroyed door and waited. Soon the fucker stuck his head inside just enough for my Ka-Bar to find his throat.

I waited and then another voice yelled, “Abdul.” then some words which I couldn’t understand.

Amir had worked his way beside me and whispered, “Ben, he asked if Abdul was okay.”

I finally see the fuckers head bob up over a little wall, I raised the AK and shot the fucker in the head. Then all hell broke loose because the other men began to fire wildly at the house. I could see where they were from their muzzle flashes. They were all adjacent to each other, so I pulled a frag off my tactical vest and blew all of them to hell. Then I whispered to Amir, “We need to get the hell out of here.”

He slipped out the door with me on his six and whispered, “Ben good job on that house, now we go to house with most children in it. Also have most Taliban so very dangerous. You think you handle ten or fifteen Taliban?”

I checked my tactical vest: I had a couple devices I knew I needed and whispered, “Hell yes, let’s kill the fuckers.”

Amir chuckled and repeated, “Yes kill Taliban fuckers.”

We made it to a large house where Amir stopped and whispered, “This is big boss house and he has harem of children and many guards. You kill this Taliban fucker and will scare most other Taliban.”

Unlike the other hovel houses, this was a real fucking house that even had real fucking windows with curtains on them. I rose up, pulled off my helmet, put my ear on the window and heard many fuckers talking. Amir was right as I thought I could distinguish at least ten distinct voices.

I moved to the real fucking door, pulled two flash bangs off my tactical vest, slipped the door open, chucked one in close to the door and threw the other further back in the room. The flash bangs worked like a charm! When I pushed the door open the guards had dropped their AK’s and were holding their ears. They were easy targets as I dodged through the room and drilled them with my AK. I worked my way toward the back of the room when I was surprised when an AK was fired from behind me. I dropped, spun and saw that Amir had taken an AK and killed a guard who had just walked into the room.

Amir ran up and said, “They had a patrol guard outside that I know not, so I save you. Big boss should be in back of room.”

Amir wanted to run to the back of the room but I grabbed him by his robe and said, “Amir, stay behind me.”

We worked our way to the back of the room and I couldn’t believe it: The flash bang I threw into the back of the room landed on the Taliban fucker and had ripped his chest open.

Amir shocked me when he opened his robe and pissed on the fucker. Then he explained, “He make sure to take all children first time, he was terrible man. Now I get even for time he took me.”

We made it to the back of the room and found a prison with the children in it. They saw me and began to scream until Amir talked to them. Amir looked at me and said, “They say key for door is around big boss neck on ribbon.”

He went back to the big boss, took the key from off his neck, came back and opened the door just as two guards walked through the front door. I had my AK up faster than they did and took them down. I guess Amir explained to them what was going on since he looked at me and said, “Ben, some of the little girls are hurt so bad they no walk. We will need to carry them back to the hospital.”

I agreed, “Okay Amir but I will still need to cover you.”

Amir said, “Ben, you not understand. They are six girls of four or five years and I not able carry all of them.”

When I finally saw them I understood: The bastard had brutalized them and they would never be the same. So I said, “Amir, you stay here with them and tell them not to worry, I’m going to turn off the lights.”

I pulled up the AK, shot out all the lights, put on my NV gear, went to the door and checked for anymore Taliban fuckers. I expected to find quite a few Taliban soldiers and was surprised when I didn’t see any. Just to make sure I tossed a flash bang outside and turned away as it detonated. I turned back but there still weren’t any more Taliban.

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Awake, bathed, dressed anew, Lionel watched the ladies descend for the ball. The ritual was the same as had prevailed during the Season, the situation was quite different. The overwhelming majority of these ladies were married women, most of them long-married. He was one of the most desirable partners, several women turned to him first when several men met them at once. He stepped back when Anne descended, which was the way married men treated their wives but a mistake in this case. She had...

4 years ago
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The reader on the bus

Today I got on the city transit, at the city center. I recently lost my license, DUI, and now public transportation was my ride home. I made my way to the back even though almost all of the seats on the bus were open. Nobody I bothered me and I kept to myself most of the time. I liked it that way and tried to make sure the other passengers knew. Several people got on after I did and a group of older ladies got on at the first stop. I did not see her waiting to get on the bus, but at the next...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Rosieland Ch 06

It was quiet in the house, Beatrice was at school, Rosie couldn’t believe her little girl was sixteen now. Melissa, Bea’s half, and now step-sister was also at school. People often remarked how much the two girls looked alike, but never in front of John, there were rumours around that he wasn’t Melissa’s father, which he’d obviously heard whispered behind his back, but he paid them no mind. Steve had left her. She blamed herself, if she hadn’t fooled around with Bobby, Steve would never have...

3 years ago
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A man and his maid Part 6

Chapter VIThe couch on which I had placed Alice was one of the cunning pieces of furniture that I had designed for use, should I succeed in capturing her. It was unusually long, nearly eight feet by about three and a half feet wide, upholstered in dark green satin and stuffed in such a way as to be delightfully soft and springy and yet not to allow one's person to sink into it. In appearance it resembled a divan, but in stern reality it was a rack, for at each end there was a concealed...

2 years ago
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Lair of the Cryptmother

Althea Amberhearth sat at her usual spot in the Black Crab tavern. Few windows and a scarcity of candles meant the establishment rarely rose above dim light. Probably so that the customer base would fail to notice the numerous stains littering the wood floor. A shame the lighting did little to stymie the stench, as the sickly sweet scent of old ale trickled into the young woman's nose. She idly flipped her loose, blonde braid from one shoulder to the other and glanced back toward the wooden...

1 year ago
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Dirty Pictures

Dirty Pictures ? by: Ronnie Rho I looked in the mirror at my nude form and sighed. Things had really gotten out of hand. I never had much in the way of a physique, but this was ridiculous. My thighs were starting to rub together when I walked. My toes just barely peeked out past my belly. Hell, I was even starting to develop breasts. Breasts! Like those fat guys you see on the beach; the ones you wish didn't take their shirts off, and cringed when they did. I figured all those...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Alana Cruise 02222017

Alana Cruise is about to celebrate her birthday with a bang (pardon the pun), and she has no idea how big the bang is gonna be! Her pervy step-son, Cody, knows what kind of a cheatin’, black cock slut his dad married! They even have a pact: Cody keeps his mouth shut about all the cheating, and Alana makes sure to funnel some of Daddy’s money Cody’s way…for things like car insurance and weekend carousing. Both Alana and Cody are a little disappointed with Daddy today, as...

1 year ago
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Meet and Fuck Angela

Brian went by the house on his mailman duty and stopped over to deliver the morning newspaper. He found the lid was stuck and went to ring on the door. A few moments later, the door opened and there stood Angela, in her shorts that ended at her thighs and a tank top. She had huge boobs and they looked like they were about to burst through the top. Brian could not help admiring her proud jutting ass under her shorts. Fuck, she was sexy. "Hi, " he said. "Your mailbox is stuck. If you have a...

Erotic Fiction
4 years ago
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A Female Glory Hole

So here I am my husband and I looking for some entertainment. It was a very pleasant evening, dinner, a few drinks and a nice jazz band. We wondered about the streets peering into nightclub and other small venues. One that caught my eye seemed to be plentiful with women, it looked like the perfect place to mingle, dance and wind down an evening. I grabbed his hand and we entered inside. It was a very comfortable atmosphere. The sound of light jazz filled the room and my husband proceeded to get...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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A little ROOM SERVICE for the wife

It was a Saturday night and our oldest had to baby-sit for Kenny and Sherry. The middle c***d was away at his friends house. We got a babysitter for the baby, and headed out for a night at wishes night club, for a little fun and relaxation.We got the sitter to come over about 4pm and told them we would be back the next day about noon. I knew what that meant, we were going to drink and have some fun away from the house. You got dressed in a very sexy outfit and me in some very nice clothes also....

2 years ago
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Husband likes wife8217s pussy real wet and she obliges

My wife likes to fuck and she does it a lot. She tells me about some of her fucks when I’m pumping her wet cunt. She is so sexy. I’m a lucky guy. I’ve been told some wives don’t like to fuck very much. I can only get my dick hard to get in her when her twat is real wet. I guess that’s because my first time ever in a cunt was when she took me in her bedroom and took our clothes off. She played with my pecker and then got her pussy right over my hard dick. Some...

2 years ago
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The IT Guy

Two office girls, Alicia and Rachel, are working away at their desks, chattering to each other as they work. Suddenly Alicia’s computer stops working. Angrily hammering away at the keyboard, she fails to get the machine working, so calls Luke in IT to come and help her.He arrives shortly and awkwardly greets the girls, noting their sexy officewear; Alicia in a tight blue fitted dress, black pantyhose, and blue high heels, Rachel in a tight cerise blouse, grey pencil skirt, tan pantyhose and...

3 years ago
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My teacher My master

Hey there my name is Andrew (but everyone I know just calls me Andy) I’m 16 with light brown hair – which I like to keep looking messy (stylish messy); skinny, shaven, tanned and toned body which I love and the bit you’re probably most interested in my 7” uncut dick. I never do weights so I am relatively weak and easily controlled. Ever since I was about 10 I knew I liked guys more than I liked girls – I don’t know why I just did. It wasn’t till I got slightly older (14 – 15) I focused on...

3 years ago
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The Seduction Of Carol Chapter Five

The next morning was almost turning into the afternoon when I was awakened by the smell of coffee and the absence of my favorite bedwarmer... Carol. Last night had tired me out. Not bothering with a robe I followed my nose and padded barefoot and naked into the common room of the hotel suite. Carol was just sitting at the bar to sip her first cup when I came up behind her. Giving her a hug I inhaled the smell of her. The aroma of pussy and cum from the sex of the night before was still strong...

3 years ago
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Greed Engulfs Us All

Greed Engulfs Us All By Tobias It really was a normal day for Tobias. The 17-year-old went to open the store he worked at, hated every second of it, and talked to his friends on his phone while he stocked the shelves. He wasn't particularly happy today. His best friend's boyfriend wouldn't let him hang out with her. He said that Tobias was hitting on her, and that he wasn't going to let him try and take her from him. The truth was that Tobias had no interest in his friend Aya, and...

1 year ago
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Bigger Than You Thought

Bigger Than You Thought Reddit, aka r/BiggerThanYouThought! I don’t know about you guys, but I always like a good surprise. Whether it’s my birthday, or whether I just won the lottery, I just can’t resist getting all excited about surprises. They’re just so interesting to me, and there always seems to be something special about them. Now, when we take surprises and put them in a sexual context, now you’ve got something even better. You probably know where I’m going with this, and it has a...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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I Help My Aunt Who Helped Mom part two

I'm sorry it has not posted when I first submitted this part of the story so I'm trying this again.I Help My Aunt, Who helped Mom (part two)The next morning I woke up to a nice warm wet suction feeling on my dick, and a warm wet nose, and in opening my eyes, I see this bald wet pussy lips lightly grazing my nose, and the lower half of a sexy round butt right above it, in a bent over position, mixed with the smell of a pussy needing some attention, so I stuck my tongue out and gave that pussy a...

2 years ago
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1994Chapter 16 So much for discretion

Waking in a strange place always requires a few minutes for me to get my bearings. The nightmare that comprised the last twenty-four hours flooded my mind. Dreaming of seeing Su Ling in a wet T-shirt, discovering that Cynthia had stolen my running shoes and the suits she had bought for me, attending Karen's softball practice, only to be told to leave, trying to work, but unable to concentrate, reminiscing about what had gone wrong with previous relationships, asking myself what they...

1 year ago
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The Best Job Ever

I had just finished high school and got a job working at this trash company, riding on the back of a garbage truck. After a couple of weeks they moved me to work with "Big Mike". Mike drove this stake body truck and went around and picked up items that could not go into the packer trucks. They called this guy Big Mike because he was seven foot one inch tall! The guy was tall but huge too and black as night. He was very funny and we seemed to get along really well even though he said he hates...

3 years ago
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After IT The First 40 Days A Commonwealth Struggles to AriseIntroduction

With the blessing of Lazlong, I have evolved another Alaska Story into his "Silent Endings-New Beginnings Universe". Both "A Wilderness Ordeal" and "Last Frontier II" ended with troubles with foreign fishing fleets off the Alaska Coast (this is happening) that results in the domestic harvest, the subsistence harvest by the Native populace, and the sport fishing harvest all being curtailed. Nothing is being done about it, other than the season closures. Let us go back to the new story....

3 years ago
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You Should Always Be Nice To Your Neighbours Chapter three

I left Debbi soundly asleep in her bed. Our night of lust had taken its toll on us both. I dressed quickly and walked across the yard and into my own house next door. As I climbed to the top of the stairs, I looked into our bedroom and saw DeeDee still bound, gagged, and tied to our bed. The only difference from last evening was that she was lying in a huge wet spot, with a gushing, white cream pie protruding from her reddened pussy. She was trying to say something, but the ring gag was doing...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Mike Lisa and I MFM 3Some

What follows is a true story with the names and some facts changed to protect the guilty.I met Mike and Lisa a number of years ago through a mutual acquintance. They were your typical, married middle-aged midwestern couple, except for one twist - they were swingers. I was a 20-something guy at the time and found this out after getting to knowing them awhile because they told me they swing for fun, and of course looking back at the time after they told me, it all made sense to me because Lisa...

4 years ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XXXVIII

Chapter XXXVIII – Another Couple Seducer (based on Darling Love No. 8 cover, Archie, Summer 1951)Al and I are married for nine years and our relationship is divine, giving us our two k**s. Everything could be fantastic and I could tell you the best love story ever if wasn’t by one single hurdle: our sex life.You know, when it starts, everything is good and spicy, our bedroom was on fire, but since long we didn’t found the valentine’s vigor. Not that we don’t enjoy it, but it became so, well,...

2 years ago
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Show of my wife

Hello every body, I would like to share my experience of showing off my wife to two bachelor guys living in the backside of my apartment’s complex. This incident happened on 14th August this year. I am 32 Yrs and my wife is 26. I work while my wife is a house wife and we have a lovely one child aged 3. On 14-8-2007 while I came back from my office at about 7.00 PM I found that my house was locked and when I called on my wife on her mobile I was told that she had gone to shopping with her mother...

3 years ago
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You wake up this morning to the sight of your younger sister Sarah pulling your covers off of you. "Get up Cody, you don't want to be late for school." You get dressed for school after Sarah leaves your room. you never mind school that much, you mostly get B's and A's in your classes but given the opportunity you would like to just stay home and watch movies or play video games. You go downstairs and see everyone eating pancakes for breakfast. Your mother is talking on the phone to her...

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The Amazingly Heroic Mr Burns

Mr. Burns was a dork. O.K., perhaps I’m being cruel and a bit insensitive…and even exaggerating. Certainly he would have been considered at least a ‘Nerd’ by today’s standards, even though we didn’t use the word back then. Most students of today certainly would have considered him so. A math teacher, overly intelligent and always formally dressed which was not expected in a tough, small school environment. In my eyes, his one over riding claim to fame was that he was able to get me through...

2 years ago
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Chachi ki chatpati chut

Hi, this is komal im back with new story this is my second story.first was “didi ki pyaassi jawaani,” ye kahani vivek aur uski maal chachi ki hai. Story main vivek ki jubaani suna rahi hoon. Meri family kafi badi hai mere 5 chacha hai aur 2 bua hai.business ki wajah se hum delhi mein rehte hain. Baki log 100 km dur gaon mein rehte hain mere chote chacha apni family ke sath dusre city mein rehte hain. Meri chachi ki umar 29 saal hai par agar aap use dekho ge to sirf use 23-24 saal ki bataoge....

1 year ago
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Yellow Saree Doctor 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is cock from south chennai. I visit Indian sex stories for the last 4 to 5 yrs but never had enough time to pen my experiences. From my childhood I have been a very lucky boy in sex. To be in short when I did my 7th std I saw my neighboring aunt went to take bath, I wanted throw a ball inside their compound and as if searching for the ball I opened the screen of the bathroom and saw the aunt aaawhh she was top less with huge breast, my legs starts trembling but manage once she...

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