424 442 And The First Taste Of Cum
- 4 years ago
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Friday, July 25, 2008 (Continued)
I teleported us into Mom and Dad's bedroom. It was a combination of two things I knew they enjoyed: their Corvallis bedroom's panoramic view, and the breakfasts we'd had high in the Cascade Range. Their bedroom was built into a high point on the ridge of a mountain range. The range was higher several miles farther north, but this was the most scenic spot. It was low enough to be pleasantly warm outside, and being below the timberline - the ridge itself was too rocky to grow trees - the 360-degree view encompassed plenty of trees and the forested lowlands out to the east and west, including a good-sized mountain lake not far to the west.
When everyone had finished exclaiming over the view and how wonderfully I'd decorated the room, I explained, "This is just one room of the three that makes up Mom and Dad's bedroom. As indicated by the bed, this is the fundamental room of the three. It's the middle of three levels built into a roughly dome-shaped rock spire. All the levels can independently revolve to face whatever direction Mom and Dad want, and to keep revolving if that's your wish. The level above is a small living room, with the glass sides extending over the roof so its view is totally unobstructed. The house can darken any part of the glass if you need shade or prefer to have the top seem more solid, or it can just as easily be changed into a normal ceiling and roof, or it can get rid of the sides and roof totally so you'll be sitting in the open air. You can have whatever you prefer, and you can change it as often as you want. Don't worry about overworking the House's minds because you can't, and it enjoys doing things for you.
-- "This room contains nothing except the bed and bedside tables. I wasn't sure whether to put a small closet in here, but you can easily make those sorts of decisions yourself. Like the room above, it gets great views of the sunrises and sunsets. The level beneath us contains your en-suite, closets and a storage room, as well as a doorway to the outside. Your closets already contain copies of all the clothes you've got in Corvallis, and the en-suite contains all your lotions, potions, makeup and other mysterious paraphernalia. If you want, you can rearrange the rooms so a different one is on top, or you can get the house to put whatever room you're in on the top. I'll leave it for you to decide what to do if you're both here but in different rooms. There are no staircases going between the levels because you teleport like you do around the entire house. If you want to add staircases, just ask the house to do it for you.
-- "There are several paths outside for nature walks around this area, including down to that lake where there's a boathouse with a dinghy in it. It's got fishing gear and everything else you might need for a lazy afternoon on the lake, including fish to catch. You can even cook and eat them afterward." Actually, the 'fish' weren't edible, but if any of us caught one and wanted to eat it, one of my minds would change its biology to make it delicious. That's much easier than making large changes to the living ecosystem which have to be carefully balanced with everything else in the ecosystem. I'm a lazy god; one who believes that some of the Deadly Sins are well worth indulging in.
-- "The boathouse's storage room, like the storage room on the level below and every other storage room on Refuge, can make and store whatever you want. I've already placed lots of stuff on those shelves, but if you want something that I didn't think of, just tell the house and it'll make one for you. You can do that even if what you want is in storage. I had thought of doing without storage rooms, but I thought that it'll seem more natural for you to keep stuff somewhere rather than have it pop into and out of existence all the time, and that'll save you having to describe what you want to the house every time you want something. If you ask for a complicated item, the house might need a few seconds to locate one of them on an Earth to copy, or to invent something that works if you've asked for something brand new, but most of the time you'll get what you ask for instantly. It can be as substantial as a spaceship to explore this solar system in, or as simple as a picnic set. I can particularly recommend the picnic sets, because they'll come with a thermos that contains astonishingly good coffee.
-- "Everything is top quality here. For Dad, I've got samples of every brand of beer I could find on Earth, including some historic and even prehistoric ones. Some of the historic brews are surprisingly tasty. I've also made a wine cellar that has one of every good bottle of wine I could find. The current era's wines are considerably better than those of the past so I'm only storing contemporary bottles. The contents of the cellar will serve as masters for me to copy whenever you order one of them. They'll age normally, so if there are some that are your particular favorites, ask the house to memorize them so you don't lose them after they age past their best. The mind in charge of the dining room is researching what wines go with what meals, so it should be able to provide good recommendations with each course, especially if you give it feedback about your personal tastes." One thing that had amazed me when we'd got rich was what a difference having wines that matched each course made, which usually required the chef to design the dishes to suit the wines. Get that combination right and the quality of the meal jumped to a whole new level. I'd put the dining room minds in charge of the wine cellar, and those minds - from every dimension with a Refuge - were having a lot of fun researching wines, beers and spirits all over the world, and creating historic copies to try too. They were repeatedly creating new bodies to taste with, sometimes getting drunk when their 'research' including carousing in Bavarian beer halls. Sober minds would stop them getting into trouble, and I'd never been able to get drunk before, so I was finally able to indulge in that teenage rite of passage.
-- "I'll let you spend a few minutes looking around. You can say 'House, down please', or 'House, bottom level please, ' to teleport down. That's easier than 'Felicity and Steven's bedroom's living room.' Give it a try."
The females quickly conferred and agreed they wanted to go down, being eager to check out the essential facilities: the bathroom and one of the two closets.
I interrupted with, "If you all want to go to the same place, what'll work easier is if the host or hostess of the destination room - which is Mom in this case - says, 'House, take us down please.' The house has been watching and listening so it's got a good idea who 'us' means. If it's unsure about someone, it'll leave them where they are so they'll have to issue their own instruction. Try that, Mom."
Mom recited, "House, take us down."
All the females disappeared.
Dad, Prof and I stayed where we were to talk about how amazing I was now. Some of the implications of having a god in the family had started sinking in, and I spent several minutes assuring them that it really was true, and that I could really do these things, etc. I put off discussions about what I would do in the future until everyone was together again.
I could tell they'd calmed down when Dad asked, "So how do I get my new bedroom to rotate?"
"Just tell the house. It can change orientation instantly, very slowly, or you can have it rotating continuously if you like. You could have it take 24 hours for a complete rotation, or maybe 25 if you want a slightly different perspective each time you're in here, or 2 hours if you want to see the view change quickly. It's entirely up to you. Too fast might make you feel a bit queasy although that's a reflex you could ask the house to suppress. Feel free to experiment as much as you like.
-- "Mentioning 'queasy' reminds me that there are a couple of medical matters that might interest you. I can stop your whiskers growing so you won't have to shave every morning, and I can stop your hair growing so you won't have the bother of haircuts either."
"That'd be great," enthusiastically agreed Dad. "You can restart them, right?"
"Any time you want; just tell the house, me or your bodyguard mind."
"In that case stop them now. I'll check with Fely later in case she has an opinion about my hair."
"It's done. Do you want me to get rid of the whiskers you've got? It'll feel like the smoothest shave you've ever had."
I did it by "canceling" - my word for turning to energy which I send back to the Dark Energy store - every millimeter of every whisker Dad had, including the lengths under his skin, then I said, "Rub your chin."
"Wow, that IS smooth."
"You've got the proverbial baby's bottom permanently now, Dad.
-- "Prof, do you want the beauty treatment too?"
Prof asked, "There's no reason why not is there?"
"I know the girls wouldn't want their hair to stop growing because they like trying different styles, but for us guys stopping it is nothing but a time-saving gain."
"Sign me up for the full treatment then."
"It's done."
I waited for Prof to rub his chin, then I offered, "More importantly, how'd you like the missing part of your leg back?"
Prof's face registered shock. "My oh my! That's a major change. I've been without it for so long that I rarely think about what it'd be like to have both feet. It'd certainly make life easier, but some people are going to notice, especially my doctor."
"I can suppress their reactions. Just tell them you went to South Korea for some leading-edge stem cell therapy, and I'll make sure they vaguely remember reading something about it a while ago and that they accept it without suspicion and no more than idle curiosity."
"How long would it take you to do it?"
"So quick that if you blink you'll miss it. I'll just mirror-image copy your other lower-leg, graft it on and connect everything. There'll be a few rearrangements near the join because of things like your blood vessels not being in the same places in both legs, but none of that is hard. I genetically engineered and rebuilt a significant proportion of the animals and plants on this planet, so copying your leg over is a cake walk by comparison."
"Do you mind if I discuss it with Vanessa first and get back to you?"
"That's perfectly okay. There's no risk involved, either medical or social, and I can't imagine that you'd prefer to keep your prosthetic, but there's certainly no hurry. If you'll excuse the poor pun, I understand it's a big step for you, so take your time before leaping in."
"I'm doubtless being foolish not to grab it with both hands."
I acknowledged his little joke with a nod and smile, then answered, "Intellectually yes. You saw how quickly and easily I created the bodies for duplicate Donnas, so making your lower-leg is as easy as falling off a log."
I expect Julia to ask about changing her body soon. It wouldn't occur to her for a while because she'll be too distracted and thinking mostly about how to use my power to make external things happen, but it'll eventually occur to her. She's annoyed that the way she looks causes people to not take her seriously, which is about a bad a mistake as it's possible to make with Julia. She would prefer to look more intimidating - not scarily, just seriously - so we'll have some fun making that happen for her at some stage. I predict some "South Korean growth hormone treatment" in her future. They're clever people those South Koreans. They're also a good source of the fake treatments because it's difficult for people to check up on our claims.
I gave Dad and Prof a quick look at the mini-living room above, then at the bottom level where the womenfolk gushed about bathroom fittings at us until we could escape. I opened the exterior door and we wandered down the path a few yards to give them a sense of the outside of the planet. I told them, "It's 100% pure and pristine, and the animal species don't flee from us. They've never seen us before but most species would naturally flee out of caution, so I've given them instincts to be only slightly wary of us and a little curious too, as that makes them more fun. After we stand still for a little while, some of them will start checking us out." There were many bird-like species, squirrel-analogs, deer-analogs, and several others. My families wouldn't have enjoyed the wildlife if it'd looked too strange, so most of it that we'd see no longer did.
The females joined us outside, gushing over how wonderful the three-level bedroom was. I came in for some joking as they couldn't believe a "mere male" was able to design such an amazing bedroom. I might've been a god, but I was still only a male. In this case, a male who'd shamelessly copied other people's good ideas, but I didn't tell them that. To be fair to myself - a highly justifiable practice - I'd added quite a few good ideas of my own, which the house had described to the women during their poking around:
Mirrors could show the viewer what they looked like from any point of view, as if an invisible camera was flying around them.
The closets contained several advanced features: They expanded horizontally as much as required, making them effectively infinitely sized, which I expected Julia to strain the limits of. If necessary I'll introduce a distance-distortion effect along the length of them so females can walk along them quickly. The closet mirrors can display the finished look of an ensemble before the person had put any of it on, enabling the girls to play dress-up games more efficiently, or not, as they wish.
The bath and shower would adjust the temperature to maximize the subject's pleasure from that sensation, could give massages, and provide instant dryness by teleporting the water away when finished.
And in response to Mom asking me if I'd forgotten about it, I reminded her that I'd said the house would teleport away the contents of their bladders and bowels, so there was no need for a toilet. Theoretically there was no need for a shower or bath either, but I have a lot of fun in those with my girls so I'd included them.
Once the gushing about the décor was over with, Mom asked me, "Are you really as powerful as a god now?"
That resulted in me having to spend another few minutes making that point again. When the questions about what I'd do in the future started, I answered, "That's a major topic so let's wait so we can discuss it over dinner. We'll carry on with the Grand Tour for now so you'll have a better idea of my capabilities by dinnertime."
Prof used that comment of mine as an opportunity to tell Vanessa, "Mark offered to replace my prosthetic with the real thing."
"Show me," asked Vanessa eagerly.
"I haven't done it yet. This sounds silly, but I feel like I'd be losing part of me, and I feel scared of something going wrong." Turning to me, Prof said, "I know you've got amazing abilities, but I can't help worrying."
"I'll offer you a 'Try Before You Buy' deal." I created two more fully formed Profs, both with two flesh-and-blood legs. They were dressed in shorts so their legs could be seen. Everyone's eyes looked down, with the Williamses looking very intently.
-- The new Profs stood motionless while I explained, "I haven't given them conscious minds yet. They both started with exactly the same body as you, Prof, except for having their prosthetics replaced. I've just finished giving the one in brown shorts a complete body overhaul, to make him as healthy as possible without it showing from the outside. I'm going to copy the mind you've got right now into both of them, and you can tell yourself what you think about your new bodies." I did that before anyone could get cold feet about it. (The Marks in dimensions who were just entering the little cliché duel with Prof of a few seconds ago noticed me thinking "cold feet" and decided to use it in their conversations.)
What followed was an amusing back and forth among the three Profs and Vanessa, with one theme standing out: the brown-shorted Prof RAVED about how good he felt. His comments summarized to, "You don't realize how far you've deteriorated because the process is so gradual, but getting it back suddenly is a real eye opener. You've GOT to choose this option, and then get Mark to do the same for Vanessa."
I invited everyone, "Put up your hands if you DON'T want your body to be made healthier?"
There were some quick agreements and some hesitations, which was good enough for me. I canceled the two new Profs and improved everyone's bodies. Prof's needed far more work than anyone else's because of his age and all the damage he'd suffered from being almost terminally dehydrated - much of that organ damage had been permanent, until now - so more of my minds worked on him than anyone else. Most of the changes were too subtle to notice so I hadn't bothered doing them to the brown-shorts version, so this was a much bigger job. It was a BIG job for everyone, even Donna getting dozens of minds created to work on her. I'd considerably understated to my families what I was doing.
Human bodies are, quite frankly, appallingly put together. The evolutionary process of designing bodies by trial and error has produced far too many errors, many of which have persisted through the generations. We developed from single-celled organisms into our current form with more and more functions being haphazardly added to the mix.
I can't write, "It was like building a house without any plans," because that would be far too generous. In that situation you'd know that you are building a house and what a house is. In the case of our bodies, there'd never been a final goal guiding the process, as evolution is a blind trial-and-error process. It has resulted in systems that do half-assed jobs, which requires other systems to fill the gaps, and yet other systems to counter the areas where the first two systems overlap too much. And then all those systems need a system to coordinate them, but that's often half-assed too, so it requires ... You get the idea: it's a god-awful mess. To call our bodies "inefficient" would be giving them a thoroughly undeserved compliment. Evolution does NOT result in efficient designs; it is FAR too blind and random to be able to do that. What it does is create designs that are slightly less inefficient than their competitors, whereupon they out-breed the others and then rest on their laurels.
As a simple example, I earlier mentioned how poorly our bodies handle oxygen. The reason for this is that very early multi-cellular life - not even advanced enough to be called worms - started before the atmosphere had much oxygen in it, but then plants evolved photosynthesis which proved to be immensely successful. One of the major waste products of photosynthesis is oxygen, which quickly polluted the entire planet. That caused massive trouble for animal life because oxygen was terribly toxic to their cells, inflicting several types of very serious damage. As a matter of life or death, animals had to evolve ways to eliminate oxygen radicals. Every modern form of aerobic animal life has oxygen-neutralizing systems that are modifications (i.e., mutations) of systems that the pre-worms had. They had to process hydrocarbons, and those systems proved to be fairly easily modified to handle oxygen. They handled it really badly, but good enough for some of the creatures to survive long enough to create baby worms. Oxygen does a great deal of slowly accumulating damage to our bodies, because our oxygen-fighting systems are only good enough to keep us healthy long enough to have and raise children. If an Intelligent Designer had ever existed at any time since we were pre-worms, and had designed animal cellular biology with an oxygen-rich atmosphere in mind, our bodies would work far better and remain healthier for far longer than they do now. Fortunately for my families' sake, an Intelligent Designer does exist now - me.
Even before I had the capabilities I have now, I'd intended to improve my families' health as much as I could. Now I could do that to a godlike degree. I'd done a great deal of research into human and pre-human biology, I'd practiced specific changes on people in hospitals (to their benefit), on my own bodies, and I'd even done some trial runs by creating bodies which were copies of my families' but occupied with my minds so I could check out how they felt. (Ava's felt particularly good, which was interesting. I'm still researching why that is. And yes, Carol's, Donna's and Nevaeh's bodes "felt" - using my hands - very good when I wore them too, but that's a different issue.) I had a very clear idea of what I was doing. It would have been impossible to try to educate them about the proposed changes in order to get their prior permissions, so I just did them and they can tell me what they think after they can feel the results.
I wouldn't go so far as saying "I rebuilt them from the ground up," because most of my changes were at the macro level. There were some cell-level changes, such as how they handle oxygen, but most of my work was at the organ and gland level. That was necessary because I didn't yet understand biology well enough to be able to design a working human body from the ground up, so I concentrated on systems that were reasonably independent. Previously, the lack of an Essential Chemical caused Gland A to release a hormone, which Organ B would detect, causing it to secrete a protein, which Gland C would detect, causing it to start producing something which would decrease the ability of Gland D to produce something else. The drop in the concentration of "something else" would trigger yet another organ to produce additional Essential Chemical. That's truly how haphazardly some of the systems in human bodies work. Provided none of those intermediary steps affected anything else, after the changes I made to my families' bodies, a lack of the Essential Chemical was detected by Gland A, which either immediately produced more itself, or if that wasn't possible, it sent a signal directly to the producing organ. I cut out the inefficient middlemen.
I did that for several thousand systems, as well as adjusted other systems' sensitivity, responsiveness, increased the number of chemical and chemical combinations they could detect, increased the range and quality of their outputs so they could address a wider range of situations and their outputs matched the needs more accurately, etc. I was particular thorough with the systems involved in repair and replacement. For example, my families would be able to stay fit with 10% of the normal effort human bodies require.
Their brains also came in for quite a lot of attention. I didn't supercharge them. I'd do it if they asked, but what I'd done would result in their feeling "sharp", like people do when they're having a particularly good day, except it was permanent. I improved their memories and a few other useful things, but most of my changes to their brains were with low-level software routines or improving their brains' electrochemical systems.
I also added a small new part to their brains that would tap energy from the Universe in proportion to how hard they were physically working above their normal daily baseline. Working normally got no assistance, but if they were working very hard indeed, then up to 80% of their energy would come from the Universe. That would increase their physical performance and endurance when it was most needed. For Donna and Ava, I blocked that from happening when they're running, so they could continue to enjoy that sport. If they trained hard, they'd improve at a faster rate than before, but it'd still take them quite a lot of effort.
A doctor would get heart palpitations if he saw some of the test results my families would generate now, but I didn't worry about that. None of my families would ever need to visit a doctor again for health reasons, and they'd certainly never need medical examinations for a life insurance policy. It's possible that they might be forced to take medical tests for another reason, say a Government requirement of some sort, but I'd just teleport their samples away and teleport in suitable replacements, or I'd manipulate the tests themselves, or alter the records after they were produced. All of those were trivially easy so my improvements to my loved ones' bodies weren't constrained by that issue. Knowing that they would always have a bodyguard mind looking after them meant I didn't have to worry about not noticing the need to do such things.
I didn't have to ask them, "How do you feel?" because they all suddenly started telling each other and me. I came in for some sincere thanks, in proportion to the age of the person thanking me, especially after I told Prof and Vanessa to take their glasses off.
When everyone had expressed themselves enough, I said, "I've tuned your bodies up quite a lot. Between that and having a bodyguard looking after your health, you'll never need to go to a doctor or dentist again. Not even a gynecologist when any of you are pregnant because your bodyguard's job includes making sure everything will be perfect during a pregnancy. Your bodyguard is a far better doctor than any team of human doctors will EVER be, let alone by the current medical standard.
-- "Speaking of gynecologists, I've made an innovative change to the females' bodies. Your periods have stopped because you no longer drop eggs monthly. They'll stay where they are until you ask your bodyguard to restart your cycles. If any of you prefer to keep having periods, let me know and I'll put that system back to the way it was.
-- "Even Donna's and Ava's bodies have been improved quite a lot, even though they were extremely healthy to start with, because most of the changes I made were improving faults in the way all human bodies operate.
-- "Prof, all the damage that was done to you when we were dehydrated has been repaired and improved. You're now not only healthier than you used to be, you're healthier than any human of any age back on Earth has ever been, so you can relax about that. You'll easily live many thousands of years yet; millions or billions of them if you want to."
"You're not joking about that?" checked Vanessa.
I'd mentioned it to them before but my families hadn't taken it to heart. It was an unnatural concept and there were many major distractions going on all around them. This time my comment was listened to much more effectively because the adults were VERY aware of their sudden youthfulness. I confirmed, "No joke, Vanessa. I know the concept takes a while to sink in and it's impossible to imagine what living for millions of years will be like, but all of you can live forever. You won't get forgetful and inflexible like old people normally do because those changes are a consequence of age-related physical deterioration that will no longer happen to you. You'll be youthful physically and mentally for as long as you want.
-- "Speaking of being youthful, I've boosted everyone's healing mechanisms, which means the adults here would rapidly become youthful looking as their age-caused damage is repaired, such as wrinkly skin becoming softer and more flexible. That would happen so fast that your bodyguards will have to slow it down substantially to avoid it looking suspicious. Especially in Prof's and Vanessa's cases because your bodies improving so much that you looked like you were twenty again wouldn't be acceptable to anyone. What I'll do is let you get ten or fifteen years younger looking over the next year or two, and after that hold you pretty much unchanging. At any time you can tell me if you want something else. Like if you leave town for two weeks, I could heal you quickly and you could come back and tell everyone you've had face-lifts and whatnot.
-- "At the risk of wording this misleadingly, I haven't cured Vanessa's and Dad's inabilities to have children. Dad's vasectomy is trivially easy to reverse, as is your menopause, Vanessa. I can create fresh eggs for you and make all the other changes so there'll be no risk of Downs Syndrome or other age-related problems, and Prof's sperm count will be improving as an automatic result of the tuning I've given his body. I'm not suggesting either set of parents do anything about it quickly; merely pointing out that biologically speaking you can become parents again. You've got millennia ahead of you, so there's no hurry to decide that."
That started a conversation about what we could do with our lives over thousands of years. I won't quote from it as it was a fairly silly conversation. They'd only just accepted the reality of living forever, and they were throwing out whatever thoughts first crossed their minds. One thing that did surprise me - I'm never going to claim to be an infallible god - was that Mom and Vanessa were both surprisingly interested in becoming mothers again. My tuning their bodies might have made them feel even more youthful and vigorous than I'd expected, or perhaps the motherhood instinct is more powerful than I'd thought. I'll wait until I've lived a few lives as women before I comment on that because it's doubtless cultural as well as biological.
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This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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Sunday, June 12, 2005 (Continued) Upstairs Mom foolishly said, "I hope this is good, with all the buildup you've given it." "What do you think Julia, will this be good?" "Will it ever! They're going to be VERY surprised." #7:
"Well, here we are again," I said, coming next to her. "Back at your house, as you're cooking dinner for us, our sons, and our husbands.""I noticed, but I guess this time you have a different young man to eye-fuck," London added, flipping the chicken breasts. "Then to actually fuck when no one else is looking.""Well, you have the same game to play here. At least this time, you already know you want to play, you don't have to be pushed into it this time.""I pushed myself, Sandra,"...
IncestMonday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) When Majella, Gina and Leanna were gone, Vanessa suggested, "Clean up, then coffees," so we all returned to the kitchen. Vanessa divided up what dishes were ready, leaving two pots cooking for longer, then we all started cleaning up. It didn't take us long, especially with my helping so eagerly, in a pathetic attempt to look good for Mom. Conversation was entirely food related, which I'd normally think was great, but just made waiting for the axe to...
"So, you really had sex with Pete in the library?""Yes," I answered as we both sat down on the couch. "I fully realize that it's not as classy as the shower, but we did it.""Weren't you worried about getting caught?""Well, don't tell Pete I told you, but it actually started with him jacking off under the table. I couldn't help, but to please myself to him. Even with me on his mind, it took him a few minutes to pop, but he did. Then he praised me with one line, and I had to say...
IncestPOV: Joy"So, you're not the only one that likes to fuck her mom?" I pondered, closing the gap."Yes, perv, how long have you been watching?" Kaylee asked, leaning up to me"Just a few minutes," I answered, before kissing her. "If you did leave me for a woman, I'd want it to be your mom," I pointed out, prior to checking her body. "Shit on a stick, Darcie, you have somebody.""Thank you, Joy," she responded, rising to me too. "May I kiss your girlfriend, Kaylee?""Sure, Mom."Darcie...
IncestSandy left to see her father with Randy stuck behind due to an illness that his mom determined was just a stomach bug. He’d be ok in a few days but would have to stay at home as it could be the Norovirus, very contagious, but usually not serious unless you were the one that had it. Then you felt like it’s the worst thing ever. But a couple days in, Randy was settled enough that he could sleep. His mom stayed close, taking care of him. Since she had no job at the moment and they had the...
“Fuck baby I!! I’m sorry!” He groans as he slammed his cock into me and I can feel his cum drooling into my pussy. Fuck, he can’t even cum right! I groans in disappointment as I pulls my pussy off. I can feel his cum dripping on the bed as I push myself up and hurried to the washroom, letting his cum leaking on my thighs as I walk and I close the door a bit loud than usual. I can hear his apology from inside the room. I sighed as I look at myself in the mirror. Fuck. What have I gotten into?...
Meri mom ka naam sapna hai wo ek housewife hai wo kisi bi anjan logo se baat nhi krti. Aur bhut loyal hain. Wo dekhne main bhut sunder hain unki age 40 hai. Baat kuch din pehle ki hai.Main mummy papa ek shadi main gye the.Papa apne friends ke sath drink krne chale gye aur main bi apne friends ke sath dance krne chala gya.Us din mom ne red color ki saree pehni hue thi aur matching bangles sindhur aur makeup kiya hua tha wo bhut sunder lg rehi thi.Sbki nazar un pr thi pr mom kisi ko line nhi...
Hi iss readers aap ko meri pichhli story ka maaza aya hoga. Mai aur mom ab achhe dost ho gaye the aur aapas me khul gaye the ab jab bhi dad tour par bahar jate, hum us mauke ka phayda lete the aur unki absence me mom ke sath hi so jata tha. Phichli bar mom ne gand marwane ka promise kiya tha aur mai unke tour par jane ka intazaar karne laga. Jaise hi dad tour par gaye mai khus ho gaya aur raat ka intazaar karne laga. Raat ko dinner ke bad maine mom ko chutar par chuti katte hue kaha ki wada yad...
Before starting my story… let me inform you that this is real life story and is not any fantasy.. let me directly come to the story. My name is Nandu and i am b tech student. I am 21 years old and having a good friends circle in the case of sex buddies.. I used to chat on line in the chat rooms about incest although it was just fantasy. One day as usual i entered the chat room with my id saying “my mom Bindu” , there were many messages coming. But i was stuck at a message. The message says ”...
IncestHello ISS readers! I am Kannan, 20 years old. This is a story about my mom Sindhu and Chandran uncle (name changed) .My mom is 42 years old, she was married at the age of 19. I was born when she was 20, and later my parents got divorced when I was in 3rd standard. I have a faint memory of him. My mom always wear sari to work , Her style was such that from the front side , no one will see any skin but with little effort people standing behind her and on the sides could easily peek and see the...
IncestDisclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
It was Saturday night and I came home quite late. I dropped my handbag on the couch in the living room and by the time I entered in the kitchen I took off my heels, too. I had a glass of water and headed to my parent’s bedroom. I was horny, and in the club I couldn’t find a nice guy to fuck me in my car so that’s why I went to my parent’s room. The door of my parent’s bedroom wasn’t closed and I entered in the room. I went near the bed. My mom was lying on the left side of the bed and Dad was...
IncestShip’s Space Academy When all the teams had cycled through, they were given a break, not just at the academy, but in real time, too. Jeff didn’t want any personal interaction between the pilots and his wives just now, so he had Ship bring the women out of the simulation a few minutes early. “Let’s go back to the Retreat and get a snack while the pilots relax for a bit,” he told Kayla, Arlene and Ann. “When we come back, I’ll speak to them for a couple of minutes before we go back to the...
Hi indian sex stories dot net friends I am karan from delhi I am 20 years old. I am new to this site, so sorry for my mistake if any . so coming to the story ye story mere mom and dad ke hai this is 100 percent true hai mere ghar me mom and dad or mai akela un ke sath rehtea hu mere mom ka size 36 30 36 hai wow hamesa ghar per rehte hai housewife hai mere papa ke shop hai ye baat aaj se 4years purani hai mere mom salwar kameej or jeans top be pehnete hai size ka un ke bra panty dekh kar chala...
IncestAustralian Telephone Operator : " G'day mate ... Helpline here ... What's the problem?". Customer: "I'm in the Outback with the girlfriend and she's been stung on her thigh by a hornet and now her vagina has completely closed up!" Australian Telephone Operator : "Bummer!" Customer: "Great advice! Thanks mate." This one is compliments of RabbiRabbit ... and after reading this, it is confirm RabbiRabbit is a sick pervert Golf Sal Wallerstein was at the country club for his...
How I lost my teeth Hope that you people that were not raised on a farm can understand this one, eh? I was in the Texas Rose last night, at the bar waiting for a beer, when a butt-ugly, big old heifer (a girl) came up behind me, and slapped me on the butt. She said, “Hey sexy, how about giving me your number.” I looked at her and said, “Have you got a pen?” She said, “I sure do.” I said, “ Well, you better get back in it before the farmer notices you’re missing.” My dental surgery is...
It’s only now, many years on that I realise what an odd and peculiar up bringing I had with mom and dad. You see we lived in a one bedroom flat above mom’s workplace and some of my earliest memories that I can remember is hearing my mom being fucked by dad, although I did not know what they were doing at the time or anything I did at the time either. It all came about with getting my last feed in their bed on a night, I can vaguely remember my dad sucking on moms tits too, sharing my supper....
The evening conversation was lively; Lorrie was going to make an appointment to get everything checked out, and after a clean bill of health - let the fun begin. There would be a lot of questions, but all of us were happy, and this time there would be no secrets. It was a fun night. I was up early - way early - the first thing I did was to call Sherman, and said; “Hold the box, Ching Lee will personally pick it up this morning and go over some information with you.” The second thing I did...
Soon the lady cop’s kid showed up. Ellen saw them and ran full steam at one of the boys. She then pulled his pants and underwear to his ankles as she pushed him onto the ground. “Both my daddies said boys and girls are to play with their stuff in private, not outside. I’m not sorry I kicked you in the balls and pushed you down the hill. That snakeskin you found tied around your ding-dong in a bow came from the timber rattler about to bite your ding-dong. You shot your stuff right on it,”...
We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the f****y room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...
We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the family room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...
“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever. I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...
Incest( I thank Ankita for sharing all the details and giving me the liberty to mould the story. Please send your comments and suggestions to or ) My brother Amit and I were returning back home on his bike after our fantastic group sex at my club. “Did you enjoy?” I asked him, pressing my boobs on his back and fondling his cock over his trousers. The streets were dark with poor street lighting. “Mind blowing. Who was the girl whom I fucked last? You know her cunt was full with sperm like a cup...
Incest“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever.I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...
Hello, everyone. I am Amit (name changed) from Chandigarh. Age 22(correct age). If anyone wants to have fun online, contact me at This is a real incident. There is not a 0 % of fiction in this. I am just describing what I saw. Now I would like to start my story. This incident happened 6 years back when I used to be 16. This incident completely changed my thoughts for a small period of time but later I realized it is fine for a married couple to involve in sex after marriage and having kids....
IncestPOV Sandra We all went into the bedroom, shut the door, and I yanked Pete right to me. "How do you feel about having two wives?" I giggled, before a gap where I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to lighten the mood. Are you okay, son?" "Yes, Mom, but it’s kind of been that way for a while now. You're not a mistress. Gia knows all about you, and she does it with you too." "Fair enough, but I want you to always treat her as your number one, Pete. You and I have had...
IncestI slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Hi friends, I am back with a real incident that happened between my dad and my mom’s friend. We are a family of three from South India. My dad is an active handsome person in his early 60s. He is retired and is enjoying his retired life. My mom is a freelancer giving guidance for start-up companies. My mom is 10 years younger than my dad. She used to have many clients approaching her to start up ideas. One such client was Shobana. Shobana approached my mom for a business idea and soon she...
I was just 10 years old when I was introduced to sex by my uncle. He was my first lover and remains to this day an occasional sex partner. He pulled me and my brother into the bathroom one day while visiting him. My Mom and Dad had no idea this had occured, but later you will see, it played into the whole scene. My brother Paul, (not his real name,) was like me, very well developed even for young boys of 10 and 7. We both were curious, as boys were at that age, and occasionally checked each...
me n my dad r good friend anybody see us will tell we r not father n son the way we talk. I always wanted to fuck my sexy mom she has a nice body big boobs round ass she always wear shree at home or we go out one day me n my dad were drinking I asked my dad that I wanted to fuck mom he said ok but my sure don't tell any one I said ok I well not tell any one than he said nobody will be home tomorrow so we can have some fun I will ask her at night ok n let u now I said ok so I want in my room n...
Cumming With Mom and Dad by Eros (Blue Room BBS) ***Another Eros family orgy story. Adult son recently home from a trip around the world stumbles upon his parents having lively sex and decided to see if they'll let him make it a threesome. (MMF, inc, oral, anal, dp, orgy, cream-pie)***After I graduated from college, I took off for a year to see the world. I developed a certain amount of scorn for the small-town morals of my home as I explored everything from the elegant obscenity of Thailand's...
A few years ago a man in my hometown was sentenced to several years in jail for unlawful intercourse with his underage daughter. Her name was never made public but I had sources in the police department who provided her contact info. By now she was 19 and I wanted to interview her about what happened. I contacted her and after a lot of discourse back and forth she agreed to be interviewed, mainly because she thought her dad had gotten a bum deal and wanted to set the record straight. Here is...
I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...
Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...
These experiences are from when I was a c***d growing up in the 50's. It was a more innocent time before the internet and cable. Sex was kept a secret and never ever talked about to the "c***dren" So what may be seen as total ignorance now was actually a way of life back then. You found out about masturbating by accident and thought you were the only one who knew about it. Voyeurism was a sin, a crime and you defiantly never watched your parents. But there were also some strange inconsistencies...
Pari and ajay new infoWe had maid and her son moved in our part of house for the nights. In day time they are in their part of the house. She still do our cooking.Maid is from Tamil Nadu. She is very fare colour she looks very beautiful naked or in cloths. She got married early age. He husband was alcoholic. He us to beat her up. She got son from him. But she was not happy with him. As a woman she could not do any thing. She spend few years with him and he was getting worst. She called her...
Hi guys my name is Mike, a few years ago I was 19 years old then, we (my mom and dad) were planning a road trip. We were going to move my stuff to my collage address, a 5 hour ride. Well, I didn’t know this trip was gone chains the rest of my live. We were planning to make it a family day, I haven't seen my dad much the past months due to his busy job as representative with a big company. My dad is a good looking guy of 48 years (back then) and when I was younger and he had more time, he always...
On Saturday I was near my parent’s cabin which they had retired to. I thought I would give them a surprise.I parked in the drive way and walked up to the kitchen door. I opened the door and was shocked to see mom bent over with the refrigerator door open and my dad behind her fucking his big cock in and out if her!I could hear them both moaning happily as I heard my Dad's pelvis slap against my mom's ass. I was even more shocked by just how sexy they looked fucking!Dad must of heard me and he...
My mom and dad are really cool people and we really get along well. Sexually, they are very open and when they explained the "birds and the bee's" to me they actually let me watch them fuck a few times. Being that young, I found it interested to see my dad shove his hard cock in my mothers pussy and it was better than pictures for sure!The first time they let me watch, when dad pulled his cock from mom, I noticed all the cum pouring from her and all over his cock and balls. He cleaned himself...
Chapter 1 Have your parents ever caught you having sex? Oh, I've had friends tell me their stories, one guy about his mom walking in on him masturbating, another friend who had his girlfriend's mother catch them, then stayed and had him begin taking care of her as well. That's the wildest one I've heard, well, except for my own. Actually, it's a bit different ... I caught Mom and Dad at it. It happened when I was twenty-one and a senior in college. My parents had rented a ski lodge for...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...
By : Nilammamu Dosto maini apni pahali kahani me aur dusari kahani me bhi bataya hai ki kaise mai aur mom mere boyfrinds se chddi aur kaise humane lesbin bane ek din ki bat hai meri mom jo 36.34.38 ki figar wali hai unake sat dopehar ko nage hoke mai soyi thi dad office me the aur mere boy friend bhi busy tha apane office me hum dono ne lesbin sex kiya aur ek duasre ki bahome soyi thi tab mom ne kaha aj shaniwar hai aj shayad tere dad mujhe rat ko chodenge mai ne kaha kya dad sirf Week me hi...
From my earlier stories you must have learnt that I had regular sex with my mother for a long time. But my father was not aware of it. My mother told me that father had a small cock about four inches in length and pathetically thin, and he shot his cum after just a few strokes inside her cunt. And his juice wasn’t much either. He just jerked two or three times and maybe shot four or five drops of semen. So naturally mother was unsatisfied with him. We had sex several times, sometimes even up to...
IncestBecoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...