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Well, I was walking through a corridor in my local hospital when a very attractive red-haired nurse with an old bod in a wheelchair pushed her way through the crowd. Now me I do understand it can`t be easy, wending your way through the crowd with a patient, but this was aggressive to say the least. Anyway, when I got to X-ray booked in and sat as you do the door barged open and in comes the same nurse dragging her poor patient, still in his chair, dumps him at the end of the seats and shoves her way to the front of the short queue and books in without an excuse me or a could I please…
One of the elderly ladies she displaced gave her a glower and yet another muttered that a good spanking when she was younger would have done her manners a world of good…
That caused the young lady to turn and glower, but she stood silently knowing it was more than her jobs worth to retaliate.
Her papers were returned, and she sat with the old chap in his wheelchair, as it happened opposite me, as we patiently waited as you do. Now, me I`m not much for reading last year`s country life, or the other magazines that are dumped in waiting rooms, so I sat as men do, appraising the talent on display around me, and I have to say it was a bit sparse on that afternoon. The two old biddie`s by whom the nurse had been muttered at, were well past anything sexual, then there was a mother of perhaps 25, but in dire need of a good diet, who if I was on a desert island with her, would have passed away some time, but she definitely would not be my 1`st choice! There was a couple of older women both with husbands and looking frumpy, so the only really eligible woman was this bad mannered little nurse.
Now, being me, I checked her out, like you do and to be honest she was quite attractive in a physical way. About 5`2”, reasonable legs, nice round arse, narrow waist, reasonable bust, though I, am not great at sizes, tending to assess women by handful, sizes sadly not being my strong point, but she was a good two handfuls and I`ve big hands!
She glowered at me, as if to say, who the f…are you gawping at? But, I smiled in my most charming fashion and said about today`s weather, always a system that we British use day to day, and with 90% it breaks down the first stage of the barriers. Sadly, nursey was not in the 90% and just glowered, grunting something about it “pissing down” or it may have been “off” but in my defence, it was very low!
A second nurse appeared, called to her “hi Wendy,” checked he was `Fred whoever’, and collecting the wheelchair and patient wobbling away through a double set of doors, leaving her sat awaiting his return. Another nurse appeared, called folks names and then with porky and her brat and an old boy sat at the far end, wobbled away through the doors.
By now she was beginning to present a challenge, and my male competitive streak was bursting forth, so I hit on her as hard as my personality would stretch.
By now she was bored so that helped, and the fact she was one of those who was usually the centre of things she felt obliged to chat even if it was begrudgingly.
Ten long minutes of my charm offensive such as it is, got us to the Wendy and Eddy stage, and when I was asked m her for a date, it caused her to ask, “why I wanted to take her out?” Now I must say I am usually a little reluctant to give reasons but in her case …well she had been a mannerless cow …so my attitude was well, perhaps a bit gung-ho!
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
“to be honest its that pretty little arse of yours….” That sat her back I can tell you…
She looked puzzled, “look” I said, your attractive, pretty even, nice shape, and in all respects a turn on. But it`s your manners which need correcting and I would like so very much to correct them for you, I have a hand that itches to show you the error of your ways, and I must say I fancy screwing you as well if your so inclined.” Her jaw fell open and I continued “a weekend in the dales all expenses paid would benefit both of us” and just then we were interrupted by my name being called by a bruiser of a nurse who bawled “EDWARD LONGFELLOW” in a voice that was not to be trifled with, so I stood and meekly followed her through the double doors, leaving Wendy with the unanswered question, and a look of total shock. I thought I had blown my chances this time, but at least I thought it had brought her down a peg or two!
Anyway, it took 10 minutes till my left thumb had become a star, and I found myself back in the waiting room, waiting to collect the prints to return to A&E. Wendy to my surprise was still waiting her old boy, so I took the seat next to her expecting at least a sharp rebuke, or a cold shoulder.
To my surprise she looked at me in a strange sort of way and said that I was the first man she had ever encountered that had told her the truth from the start, and where did I propose taking her and when?
Now those that know me know I am retired so to me the obstruction was the wife, but next weekend she was away to one of her relatives, so Saturday morning till Monday I was free as a bird. So, I suggested a night away in the dales, for a night of unbridled passion and a little correction …and to my immense surprise, she agreed saying to “collect her at 10.30 at the front of the nurse`s home”, which fitted in great with my misses catching the 9.47 train!
Back comes her bod, and my pickies and that was that, off I went for the plaster of a broken thumb, and she to wipe arse or whatever nurses do.
Now you might think ‘cheating old basket, but my misses and I have an unspoken rule never to keep secrets, so, that night I told her of the young lady and her stress and manners and that I was going to take her up to our ‘chalet in the hills,’ (our hut, in reality an elderly porter cabin by the fishing lake) where I was going to show her the flat of my hand if necessary. (I didn’t mention the screwing her bit but well, she-thinks…in my condition and time of life, it wouldn’t be a problem!)
Thus, it was that on that wet Saturday in November I waved good-by, to the trouble and strife of 40 odd years and nipped off to collect a replacement, who I wasn’t sure of and , so little did I know her, I doubted she would turn up, me having only spoken to her in the waiting room at X-ray!... was I down for a surprise…
Well I sat there for a good 30 minutes before she appeared 10 minutes late, by now I was about to leave, expecting to have been stood up but boy I was glad I waited; mini-skirt, high heels, blouse, hoody and a duffle bag, with a very smart dress on a hanger in a poly bag, a girl away for the weekend, complete with a winning smile, but no apology for making me wait. She, lay her dress on the seat in the back slung in her bag, jumped in and off we went.
The rain beat on the windows, as we climbed up from Leek town, towards ‘Flash’ the highest village in England, the mist closed in, as we turned off the main road, to say the area was dismal was an understatement. Twenty more minutes saw us at the back -gate, which I opened, drove through and close. She, sat looking through the windscreen at the grey and wet countryside with mist rolling in thickly, before we struggled along the rough track to the “chalet” ½ a mile from no-where as my misses always says!
If she was expecting a five-star hotel well she was wrong, the place was a grey painted porta cabin surrounded by grey swirling fog on a wet day, it was cool, to say the least, not having been used for a while, though the power was on, and the logs where dry stacked in by the stove.
She had said very little all the way but now asked “why we had stopped here where was the hotel?” visibility was now down to less than 100feet and rain beating a tattoo on the roof
My answer was to point at the sign my misses had on the wall by the door, the place-name, ‘THE HOTEL NO-WHERE’…to say she was less than happy would be accurate, and she ‘asked me,’ no, more demanded loudly that I took her back to the nurse`s home. I laughed, then explained that tomorrow I would be off to town and I should be happy to drop her off, but demands didn’t wash with me!
I carried on and lit the wood stove, as she had her tantrum, stamping her feet and cursing me, my parents, and the world.
I told her if she felt that bad she could walk back, the main road being only the 3 long miles away, and the door slammed behind her as she set off.
I made up the double bed, lit the stove, put the kettle on and waited. Her return took a shade over an hour, she arrived as wet as an otters pocket, dripping and cold, reality had arrived.
In silence I helped her off with her wet outer clothes, threw her a dressing gown and pointed out the bathroom, it was not the time for words. by now the water was hot, these wood fires being pretty efficient, and the work linking the place to the farm cattle water supply has proved so useful.
After a shower, and now dressed in a nighty and a dressing gown clasping a hot drink sat before the hot stove she was a little more amenable, her clothing drying beside the stove.
“Now missy, firstly, I had said, a night away in the dales, a night of unbridled passion and a little correction, so its up to you, I never said hotel, you might have assumed, that from previous trysts, but I`ve not lied to you, not come at it sideways, or teased you into being in my bed. This place is my getaway home for losing inhibitions, and stress, I eat simply, and though I`m no drunk I like a beer or two, and I won`t tell you lies.”
“My old dick only occasionally gets as stiff as I would like, so that side of things may be a tongue and finger job, but other than that Wendy dear, you’re here to enjoy a weekend away in the dales!”
She sat slowly absorbing what I had said, then at last she began to talk sensibly. She said “she had come as she had convinced herself I was an old smoothy who would have spanked her once , a small price to pay, then she had expected to be wined and dined in s sumptuous hotel giving her a fantastic weekend of fine food, wine, perhaps a walk if the weather was fine, and a relaxing and fun weekend away…something most of her dates had taken for granted, what she had got was a weekend shut in a hut with an old chap whose hand was in a cast and who couldn’t even keep his dick hard, drinking coffee and eating beans on toast with a chap who was promising to spank my arse and couldn’t get hard!
I laughed and said, “that was about the size of it, and the best she could do was to go with the flow!” I grinned and added “Oh, and perhaps you would like to check the menu, beans on toast is not, and I repeat not, on the list” again she grinned, glancing round the room as I said, “the food is in the boot!”
Then I laughed, and she shook her head and began to smile, calling me “an old chancer, it being the first smile I had seen, and it lit up her face.
After a while I unloaded the car, fetching in a big hamper of food and a crate of beer, as well as a bottle or two of I am told a good French wine, not that for me French and good could get in the same sentence, and I would never drink the stuff myself, but there is no accounting for women`s taste.
I produced a simple but tasty meal, bass filets, with peas and new potatoes, followed by apple pie and custard all served with white wine for her and beer for me by candlelight.
Now, I am no Casanova, but I must admit it worked, Wendy rose, took my hand and shaking her head as if to say, ‘I must be mad’ she led me to the sofa, we lay on the old couch her against me, my arm around her as we watched the flames consuming the logs and she told me of her past, (and no I am not telling you lot as it was a sad story,) which she finished by saying that she had felt like shite that day in X-ray, it having being her week, and she had been stood up by some young doctor, so she was not in the best of moods she apologised for her manners, for which she said ‘she expected to be spanked if that was what I wanted to enjoy, most men in her life seemed to want to spank her arse for some reason!
I suspect I broke the spell for her a bit when I replied that “I was going to do just that anyway, and not just for my joy but just to remind her of her manners!” I added “we will wash up first missy, you can dry!” shaking her head and to her obvious surprise we cleared the table, washed the plates and pots dried and put away, it was then I explained that “I needed the table”! Then told her to” bend over the end of it and to expose her backside ….” Her mouth opened then silently closed, as she raised the flimsy clothing to reveal her lovely butt, and in an amazed sort of daze she bent forward, and I began to spank her soft arse.to the background sound of Straus, playing on the cd player, those tender orbs shook every-time my hand came into contact, left, right, left right, in time to the Danube, the palm on my good hand warming with every stroke and her cheeks glowing pink as she fought not to cry out, her arms resting on the table top, and my potted hand holding back her night-gown and dressing -gown, as my hand struck like a metronome, she bit her lip, she shook her head, , her eyes rolled but still the arm rose and the palm fell, then at last she began to moan, as an orgasm she never expected, took her to heaven and she let herself ride on the wave of joy.
I ceased, poured myself a beer, then returned to the couch, while she lay, like a beached but shapely whale, gasping and slowly gathering herself in the soft candlelight and the reflected light of the open fire doors.
It took a few long moments, then she stood adjusted her gowns, poured herself another wine and joined me in front of the fire, sitting down gently and wrapping her arm`s round me in a most sensuous way.
It was one of those few moments in life when two people are in total contact without a word being spoken. We lay together watching the fire and loving one another, gentle soft caresses, slowly building to kisses, deep and meaningful, tongues fighting for supremacy, my pot hand on her back, my good hand slowly fondling her soft breasts, her nipples hardening as my hand cupped the soft cloth covered orbs.
The moment stretched to minutes, then to my surprise her hand found my fly the zip slithering open, her hand gentle and loving gripping my manhood which to my absolute amazement stood like a guardsman.
Her soft lips left mine and were soon sucking my tool into her warm wet mouth, something in my whole lifetime has happened in reality only a very few times, my wife not being into oral sex at all.
It was glorious, she was a skilled, tender soft mouthed lover, who knew her trade to perfection, here was I twice or more her age, not having shed, even a cufflink, having this soft woman, who was lovingly teasing a massive orgasm from me, the man who had just tanned the backside of this oh so grateful lass.
I spurted into her mouth, more than I had managed for some years, she never missed a beat, swallowing my seed in a most grateful smiling way that I shall remember for the rest of my life.
Spent we lay collapsed together, the fire dying back for want of a log, finally we rose, she to make coffee, and me to bank the fire with what we laughingly called coal, a dusty mixture of dust I sc**** up from a friend`s coal yard floor. Its crap but it keeps this stove overnight in a way nothing else can.
I washed my grubby paws and stripped off my clothes in the bathroom took a deep breath then emerged and hopped into the big old bed, in which she already lay, naked. The light of a single candle lit the room in a soft dim light, as our lips remade contact. We melted into one another, it was glorious, time was rolled back, I was in my teens once more, here was I with this wondrous willing female, soft of skin, gentle, and uncomplaining. Like a c***d in a sweet shop my hands were into every crevice, every soft centred sack, after a while, my old dick rose to the occasion once more, and I managed to fill her body in a way I had lost faith that I would ever be able to fill any woman again.
We rolled this way, then that, me on top, then her, breasts dangling in my face, nipples stiff, un-refuseable, dark red-brown teats that begged to be sucked, chewed, nibbled. Time meant nothing, she came time and again, small orgasms, squeezing my pick in her sex like a cows teat in a milkmaids hand, it was glorious, it was wanton it was magnificent and it was punishing on old bones, my seed filled her, pump, pump, pump, deep into her young body, suddenly I realised the dangers, then as quickly that I had been vasectomised and the wave of worry reseeded, we rolled once more and parted, her gasped comment of “WoW” was to me the finest accolade I could ever have received. We slept her curled in my arm like a c***d.
Dawn came, bright clear and with a sky full of birds singing their noisy hearts out. My hand slid over her body as if to prove she was real, soft curves told me it was no dream, as I slid my trapped arm from her, at my age every few hours nature calls, and today was no exception, she stirred as I slid from her side, eyes just slits watching me still naked toddling away to the bathroom, remembering to open the damper on the stove and throw on a log as I passed.
I faced the toilet and as I began to relieve myself as a hand appeared pushing my own away and taking me into its warm palm.
Mid-stream now suddenly the forefinger and thumb closed on my foreskin, instantly the skin ballooned, full of my stream, swelling painfully then bursting forth into the bowl as she released this instant seal, only to do it again and again as I stood stunned secretly enjoying the sensation, till my bladder was empty and she dropped my used, tired tool from her grasp.
We laughed, and she sat me on the toilet like a c***d, then sat herself on my lap, facing me legs akimbo, releasing her hot stream onto my now flaccid tool, hot and hard, dripping and splashing from my balls into the bowl below.
We showered together, lips entwined then returned to the warm kitchen, laughing like school k**s, drying one another with the fluffy towels. Naked still she insisted on cooking breakfast, and we sat over the meal, talking and gently enjoying one another`s company.
I explained this place was the wife and I`s bolt hole, our unwinding place, and that we got power water and the like from the farm just behind the hut. As I had purposely arrived by the back entrance she had not seen it in the mist the day before, when she had set off homeward on foot. The enshrouding cloud and mist having hidden it and behind it the main road from her.
She laughed at that, having believed we were well remote, and having given up on her quest, for freedom, wet and bedraggled returning to me and the chalet defeated.
She said that I was” an old fraud”, that this must be a one off, and that it had been “an experience she would not have missed for the world, though she would never forget the blue Danube when it was played ever again” which for an old git like me was music in my ears!
We spent the morning, a beautiful morning walking around the area, the lake, and the farm then after a leisurely lunch at the pub ½mile away, we returned, loaded the car, fetched in some logs to dry, locked up and returned to the nurse`s home where she kissed me, waved goodbye and wandered away with a smile, back to the stress of the hospital and all its problems. I ran down to the station and was just in time to collect the good lady, who asked if I had had a good relaxing weekend….?
A non-committal comment of “yes but wet,” was enough but I had to smile as she put on the CD and the sound of the Danube filled the motor.

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"This is impossible. Only the chosen ones, the descendants of Erdrick, could make it to this refuge," the nun admonished again. Groaning, I said, "Give me a break, Sister. Trust me — I'm not here to muck up the prophecies, or cause some great rift in the cosmic balance. Give me a few minutes to think here, and I'll figure out some way to get out of your hair. Shouldn't you be praying for the safe deliverance of the chosen ones, or something?" The woman's high-pitched voice was...

3 years ago
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The Unexpected Visitor

i was in my room, masturbating to some random hentai. suddenly i heard a knock at my door. i quickly get dressed and go to see who it is. i open the door and see it is a woman with long purple hair and a huge bust. she was wearing a shirt that covered her breasts, but did little to cover her midsection. she also wore pants that were tight on her, so i could catch the slight view of cameltoe. my eyes widened and my dick hardened. then finally she spoke. "hello. i am new to the neighborhood and...

2 years ago
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My First Black Man

It was the summer of 1980. I was a single, white, twenty-five-year-old woman who was looking for a summer job in a bank in a small city, not far from Minneapolis. There were no bank jobs available, so I became a cocktail waitress in a two-level restaurant called The Galaxy;  fine dining upstairs, a really cool bar downstairs. It was "THE" happening place to be in in our city. The lower level was mainly a bar with a house band every weekend. Being a young woman from a small town, I got caught up...

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The Amateur Camera Man

A story inspired by a regular user on NN, who announced that she and her husband were going on a road trip and were hoping to contact an amateur cameraman to film their exploits in the bedroom.The story started with Holly and I corresponding through an amateur website called Newbie Nudes, nice comments at first, then swapping photos, video footage and writing erotic stories to each other. I am 47, overweight and balding, with a pretty good tan apart from where I wear my pants. I am married to a...

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Holidays Break

I was home on holiday break from College visiting along with an assortment of other relatives. My parents had worked out bed assignments so after mom told me who my roommate would be for five days I objected. “Okay”, my mother conceded, “maybe it's not the best sleeping arrangements in the world but we don't have a choice. With so many people coming you and your brother are going to have to share a room.”“But Mom! There is only one bed in my room! You mean that he will be in my bed with...

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Daddy and Son Cumming Together

As I poured another shot of crown and we shared a shot of the golden courage and looked at each other. It was normal for me to drink but my dad wasn’t much of a drinker and he would only do a few shots with me. I would always take that opportunity to kiss him while I could taste the whiskey on his mouth and we would kiss deeply and suck each others tongue. I slowly pulled away and I placed the clear cylinder upon his cock and began to pump it up until he told me to stop. My dad was a...

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My Philippines Adventure Chapter 15

It had been a exciting day at the pool with new friends but I was very tired so My Toy and I retired to my new room and took a nice nap. When we woke in the evening she was called to work by the Room Service Department so she found a spare uniform and went off to work. I called the Aussie and he was happy to meet for a drink. While changing I received a call from My Lady Friend telling me that she was traveling back the next day and that she was very horny. I told her about the couple I met at...

4 years ago
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Seattle Slave

This story could fit a million women who have been forced by circumstance to shoulder the responsibility that should have been the long gone father’s burden. Like many of her sisters, she is determined to provide for her offspring and will eventually become an independent career woman. She doesn’t bitch and moan. In a way, she is happy but still searching for something better. Okay, little sister, this one’s for you. * She looked out the window at the sullen Seattle sky. Raining again! How...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 22 Firepower

Alice, Pam, Donna, Robyn, Clarisse, Gail, and Wendy trooped into the living room of Mrs. Dominic Colossi. Her mouth was hanging open at the group invasion, but the women were insistent. Alice laid out the situation regarding Amanda’s disappearance and the high likelihood that her husband was involved in a significant way. She described the scene at the brothel in Englewood to her as Dave had relayed it to her, including the chair with the ropes and what was known about her husband’s...

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Sheeya Danced For 7 Old Men

Hi everyone, my name is Sheeya and I am a sex enthusiast. I am 29 Years old and live alone in Delhi. I have a rocking body, my height is 5’10 with 36DD big juicy boobs, 28” waist, and very soft silky and very fair skin. This is 2 years back event that I enjoyed a lot and thus want to share with you all I always enjoyed the attention of everyone from daily life. From teachers and students in school, my family members, drivers, professors in college and work colleagues. I let everyone enjoy my...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetExtras Eva Elfie Nature Loving Dick Licker

Big titted blonde beauty Eva Elfie is the thing dreams are made of. A nature loving chick like this deserves to be celebrated, and when you watch her suck thick cock on this incredible mountainside, you will understand why. Just look at her pay attention to every nook and cranny of this lucky guys boner. She sucks with passion and love, letting her tongue soak every inch of his dick. Her pretty eyes reflect the sunlight and glisten as she looks up from his meaty shlong. Then, she takes a gooey...

4 years ago
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North Pole Toy Production is Rising

The union of Elf workers Local 6969 has signed a new five year contract with the Claus Industries with the option to extend the terms for a second five year period commencing immediately at conclusion of the first segment. Estimated production increases to be at least five percent per year under current trends.The female Elf workers guild has issued a new pamphlet titled “Sexual Conduct Guidelines for Fair Treatment of Female Elves Amended Christmas 2017.Holly Sweetbum, the Local president at...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Adam Vivian Naked In School Opening WeekPart 4 Thursday

At first I wasn't sure if I was awake or dreaming. I only knew I was naked and writhing on the open sheets. My balls were tight and my cum was surging. Reaching down, I felt my smooth, hard cock throbbing and spurting. It was sticky. I could smell it. And then I had cum on my hand. I wiped it on the sheet. The twilight between sleep and day continued. With eyes closed I drifted, almost trancelike, as wave after wave, pulse after pulse of sensation surged through me. It was long and because...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 5 The Plans

Ken sat and listened to Amy, and then turned to the others. "First, I think we need to catch this psychopath before he kills his next victim. We have to do it. Then, we should get the Washington back up into space. After that, we need to recruit a crew," turning back to Amy he added, "I just thought of something. Do you have to be at the asteroid belt for your spider bots to build? And if not, is there a way we can get the spider bots there, quickly?" "Yes, we could use a shuttle and...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 5 Submissive Aunt Bred

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 26th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker Three days later after making contact with Kassia Jeffery, my partner and I had a chance to meet with her. She was back in town and willing to talk about her time teaching at Clint Elliston’s high school. When we went after the bastard, we had to have a mountain of evidence. He had powerful friends. We didn’t want him slinking away. “You mind if I smoke?” Kassia asked as we sat down at her kitchen...

3 years ago
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Sissies Revenge

Sissies Revenge ? by: Patty Marie Prolog: My Doctor found out about my crossdressing. It wasn't like I had intended to tell her, but it was sort of hard not to, given the sequence of events. I had been trying to start my own online business while working full time at a 9-5. That meant 40 + hours there and 60+ at home. Needless to say, I hardly had time had time to sleep, let alone eat properly. Usually my diet consisted of as many raw calories as I stuff in while still...

2 years ago
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Trapped in a Fairy Tale

Trapped in a Fairy Tale By Carleton Vincent At the beginning of this tale, I was an eighteen-year-old boy named Shane Fletcher. I was basically pretty happy with myself the way I was. I was a perfect straight-A student and I was about to graduate high school with high honors. This academic success had earned me a full scholarship. I was headed for the university with the best computer science program in the state the next fall. With all of this going for me, I figured I...

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Maa Ki Chudaye Part 1

Mera naam bane hai aur main 22 years ka hun. Papa bussiness k liye bahar rahte the aur kabhi kabhi ate the. Mere maa naam kavita hai aur wo 40 year ki hai aur bahut sunder hai apne body ka bahut khayal rakte hai size 36-32-36 hai. Main sidha story pe ata hun, a kuch din phale ki bat hai main apne college ki holidays me ghar aya hua tha aur jaise hi maine maa ko dheka mere ankha fati ki fati rah gaye kya lag rahe the ek number ki maal. Us raat maine 3 baar maa k naam ka muth mara. Maa puja karne...

3 years ago
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Quiet Ones

I'm not sure why she's here. Or who even invited her over. Is she even friends with anyone? She being this girl I went to school with, Illiana. I think she's my sister's friend. But, she's not home. She never is when Illiana comes over. Her and my mother are talking about some book she's reading. She has dirty blonde hair, but it's always in some pony tail or bun. She's on the shorter side, 5'3" at most. Thick in all the right places. She's kinda shy. She's only ever said,...

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Revenge is Sweet Chapter Three The Taking of Marg

AliceEric came closer to the side of the bed and let his hand drop to Margaret’s knee. I was surprised at how gentle he was with her. His hand was slowly working up her thigh. I continued kissing her. I couldn’t take it any longer and kissed down her neck to her breasts.Margaret said in a normal voice, “You know I’m a lesbian! Even if I come, I won't let you fuck me.”He seemed to ignore her words. While I continued to suck her breasts enjoying listening to Margaret's moans as she got hotter...

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Daddys Little Girl

I’d like to start out by saying I was twenty and he was thirty-one. Just a regular weekday, but I was overcome with anticipation at the promise of my boyfriend, who I called Daddy, being home that night. He had gone away for a week long trip and I couldn’t wait to see him and have his big cock take control of me once more. A week had been agony. I had woken up with my heart pounding from excitement, my pussy already tingling. It was about ten A.M and he said he would be home that night by...

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Equal SharesChapter 20

Stan looked at Denise, totally bereft of ideas for what to say. Denise was right. He had said that, emphasised it even. He could see that from her point of view he'd been completely dishonest and hurtful. What had happened with Anne had been incredible, but it had all happened while Denise was away, and no-one had let her know — she'd found out the hard way. Stan hated that he'd hurt her. So he tried to tell her that. Before he could finish, Anne interrupted. "Denise, it's not...

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Nymph Niece

She is the 2nd born of my elder sis.rinku we call her(name changed)fondly.she is shy,demure and homely.at 19 she has a body with vitals34-24-36.with an oval face,sparkling eyes and burgundy red sensuous lips she was simply stunning.i was some 4 years her senior.my college was closed sanie die due to a strike.i went home only to find bhabi,her kid,rinku were new arrivals besides my parents.bro was away at his workplace.i saw rinku after a gap of 10-12 years and was out of breath as if struck by...

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She asked for it

-----We meet -----We meet in a mutual place away from everyone unknown to all, like a warehouse on a rainy twilight evening . You know what you want , you know what you come for . These people with their hoopla of "Shades of Grey" you know we've been doing this so much before they wrote the book. You go to the back door of an old brick wall , the door is black like this darker side we like to visit. Upon entering there's a lonely work bench in the middle of the floor , you go up to it placing...

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A young wife goes out with friends and meets her Dream Man

The dream had been so real, for Kay it was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Kay had dreamed that she had made love to a man in a car. That she had acted like a slut with this man. Stranger still, the man had been black. Kay had a slight headache and no recollection of how she had gotten home. She had been out with her friend Jolene and made a note to call her later. Lying there Kay tried to gather her thoughts. Wow, what a dream, the man had really excited her, in fact she still...

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Love in Maras mail

I hurried through platform no 7 of Howrah Station as there were just 20 minutes left before the Madras Mail left. I located my first class compartment lugged my suitcase into the cabin and heaved a sigh of relief. I saw through the window an elderly couple and a stunning looking lady quarreling with the porter who left their luggage on the platform but wouldn’t move it inside.The lady in her late 20’s was truly stunning. She was above average height, very fair complexion, dark- eyed, straight...

2 years ago
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Paradise FoundChapter 8

I reported our fight with the green aliens to Double Os headquarters, and they, of course, immediately wanted more information. Meanwhile, they went into full-war mode. We continued traveling more or less in an easterly direction. We were looking for more of the aliens to try to establish where their base of operations might be, but we were not having much luck. We began to think that we had simply run into a scouting party or something similar. If so, we could be wandering around for weeks...

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PurcellChapter 8 New Life

Ab felt fairly happy with the planting season just past as he rode to school Monday evening. He’d plowed his land and Cellus’s land, and Martha still seemed happy. He’d planted a lot of cotton, some corn, and even beans and turnips. He had a new cabin with a fireplace and a floor. He’d bought a ham to hang from the ceiling of his new cabin, and he figured to eat well the next year. He was even happier when he got to class. He knew that there were four teachers in the school, and they taught...

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Strawberries For BreakfastChapter 4 A Perfect Division of Skills

I was aware of children playing in the street. A soft morning breeze drifted across my naked body, refreshing me. A warm shaft of sunlight added just the right note of sensuous well-being. It was everything I loved about a Saturday morning sleep-in. In a moment, I would think about opening my eyes, but for now, I was drinking in these tactile sensations. Slowly, my mind replayed the sensations my body (and mind) had felt before drifting off to sleep with my wife in my arms just a few hours...

1 year ago
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Experience With My Fiance And Her Sister

Hi friends this is my first post. I am occasional reader of ISS. After reading few incidences I thought to share one incident which was recently happened to me. If you like or want to give any feedback, please contact me on I am Karan, 28 years, tall, fair, good looking Punjabi boy. I am living in Kurla (Mumbai) with my family and works for IT Company. I got engaged with Preeti before 3 months with consent of both families. Preeti was living with her family in Vashi and works in IT company....

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What the Future May BringChapter 51

Over the next several weeks, secret wide ranging negotiations with the Mexican government began. The first area in which they reached agreement was to mutually reduce their forces along the border by two thirds. This agreement enabled the United States to withdraw these forces from border duty and redeploy them in Europe, where they were used to reinforce the troops that were already there. These reinforcements enabled the allies to finally halt Makhtol's progress through Europe, and slowly...

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Morning Thoughts

The day's sun and fun had paid it's toll on us, we had joked and flirted with sexual innuendoes all day, and absolutely planed on fulfilling them when we got home, but there we were - sacked out on the couch, rubbing each other's feet, that intimate act of touching, feeling, soothing, and soon we were both asleep to the droning of the Television, singing it's lullaby of gibberish to us. I woke up, not really with a start, just one of those things, when you know that your neck will have the...

2 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 30 That Really Hurts

At Punishment the next day in front of all the other girls, Jacqui remembered that there are punishments that not even the most devout masochist can enjoy, or convert to sexual pleasure. Martha briefly outlined Jacqui's "crimes", which amounted to risking Martha's income by letting a client nearly kill her, and upsetting said client because his experiment failed. "The punishment will be three strokes of the thin cane for each offence," Martha intoned and Jacqui was truly amazed. The...

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A Knock on the Door

She sat in the cold darkness of her backyard, cigarette in hand. The subtle light of the moon illuminated the smoke drifting from her bad habit, invading an otherwise clear night. A blanket was draped over her shoulders, the only barrier between her naked flesh and the biting cold without. Was it laziness that caused her to go out unclothed, or perhaps a sick need to feel fresh air in places it ought not be? She did not know. Her name was Lila, a twenty-one-year-old brunette. She was short at...

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Pleasure of Jealousy

You sit on your comfy lounge chair playing a video game, talking over the headset with a buddy. After a few hours your girlfriend Ana walks in the front door. You mute your mic and greet your love. "Hey babe how was the gym?" -It was fine. How is your game? Are you talking with your boyfriend? She teases. "Were doing good just about to finish this campaign" She takes a seat next to you and starts playing on her phone. At your angle you get a nice shot of her cleavage. She catches you...

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The House on Sorrow Hill Lane

The House on Sorrow Hill LanebyDr.Dorothy Strangelove,T.L.C., C.P.,B&DPART ONEIt was an icy February night in 1910. Emily could see nothing from the bedroom's leaded window but upper branches of skeleton trees lit up by the full moon's light. Below this the gardens were shrouded in fog. She had seen one fine day blessed with sunshine since she had come to Nine Acres and had remarked that she was sure the sprawling gardens looked beautiful in summer. The back of the house led on to a large lawn...

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