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Sandra and Josie smile down at me, each with a hand on the front of their short skirts. The floor beneath me is wet, enough to soak through my pants at the knees, and I try to ignore the smell. The air is thick with the stink of urea, and the sanitary napkin bins needed emptying weeks ago. The wetness under me, I think, is just water from the sink, but I do not permit much thought on the issue.

Not that a women's bathroom is worse than a men's, but I didn't kneel on the floor of the men's room, not if I could help it.

Had I never met these women, I wouldn't be kneeling in a women's room either.

Sandra, Josie, and I went to the same high school and took all the same classes, mostly because not many upper-level courses were offered. The school board didn't think Advanced Placement was a useful program, since so few people signed on for the classes, but then, there were only four, and only one of each: History, English Composition, Chemistry, and Physics. The best of the best students took these classes because those were the ones who wanted them. The teachers made these courses hard, harder than the college courses they replaced, to ensure the students who signed up were the ones who could make the program successful.

I was one of those students. I am a geek. Grades were important to me, more important than most other things, aside from girls and ... girls were the only thing more important than schoolwork, but since I did schoolwork every day and didn't stutter or blush when homework was assigned, that is where all my attention went. I watched the girls in my classes, analyzed them, their clothing, their behaviors, big and little. I could imitate most of these behaviors, but I did not intend to go that route—I didn't want to be a girl, I wanted to be with girls. I wanted to talk to them, joke with them, befriend them, and, when I was alone in my room and homework was done, I dreamed of touching them.

Dreamed, and nothing more.

Women are compared to a separate species, and I believe the metaphor accurate, to a point. Women are trained to be mysterious, hard to get, and so build a mythos around themselves. Women aspire to become goddesses—they dress in colorful, painful, constrictive, and provocative clothing, hide their acne with makeup, and keep boys at a distance for the first few years of interest. Doing so, they garner our admiration, our dedication, or at least, they gained mine.

Sandra, more than most of the other girls I knew, was closest to ascending into deity. I met her before our first AP class together, but since there are few special classes other than AP, she and I did not share many classes prior to our Junior year.

She wore fabulous clothes. I say this not to sound silly, just to reflect the effort she spent to find and coordinate her clothing. She spent hours, sometimes entire days, driving from second-hand stores to Goodwill to consignment sales and the Salvation Army, hunting for clothing. She dedicated as much time to her appearance as she did to her studies, an attempt to raise her self-esteem and overcome the trauma in her past.

I didn't know these things when I first spoke to Sandra. The first day of AP History, my second period class, she walked in wearing a pair of low heels, a light, flouncing yellow skirt, and a tight button-front blouse, the lacework pattern emphasizing her breasts. I saw this because she sat beside me.

"Ready for college, Tyler?"

I stuttered, of course, and gave some sort of answer.

"Too bad they don't grade these classes double, or something, you know? Like, an A in here counts four eight points instead of four? That way the valedictorian isn't somebody from non-AP."

"The valedictorian is always in AP," I countered, though I don't know how I managed not to stutter.

"Just the right kind of people, right? Are you shooting for it?"

I was. Not intentionally, not at first. My Freshman year, I was freaked out about making good grades. I thought high school would be substantially harder than middle school, and acted to ensure I'd get the same straight A's as I did before. When I found out things weren't as hard—harder, but not as much as I anticipated—I decided to aim for valedictorian. Even if I missed, I'd be in the Top Ten, and that was a good thing for college applications.

So, I stuttered an affirmative, and she smirked at me. "I just don't want to take these classes in college."

We spoke, every day, a little bit at a time. She seemed to understand any more than a little would scare me off, and so she focused on safe, short topics. At the time, I was overjoyed a girl would talk to me. I didn't know she had an ulterior motive.

Right before Christmas break, she introduced me to Josie. Josie sat on Sandra's other side, and they chatted when Sandra wasn't speaking to me. Unlike Sandra, Josie bothered less with the "fabulousness" of her clothing and focused on fit and form. She liked t-shirts that didn't quite reach her waist, and her coats hung a bit farther, so her bare skin touched the leather. Her skirts came in all lengths, but they were tight to her hips and flared at the legs unless they were mini, those exactly two inches above her knees, the dress code length. She wore jeans that displayed her butt perfectly, no matter how she stood or sat, and several of these dipped very far forward on her abdomen. I remember her getting sent home once when she stretched to write something on the board: Sandra said that the teacher must've noticed Josie didn't shave that morning.

At the time, I had no idea what that meant.

In February, I found the courage to ask. They laughed at me, then conferred for several minutes.

"Listen," Sandra said, leaning close, "you know that girl's bathroom on the far side of the vo-tech building? The one that no girls actually use because it's too far away?"

I nodded.

"Meet us there after school. If you aren't there by 2:50, we're leaving and you'll never know what we meant, comprende?"


They asked a lot of me, sending me through a gauntlet of fellow students who thought I was a pussy and a faggot, and I knew, should I get beaten up and delayed, they wouldn't tell me what I wanted to know. We had an agreement. So, at the end of my last class, I ran across the campus, down the covered walkway between the teachers' parking lot and the vo-tech building, and through a crowd of people, guys mostly, and bigger than me. I was shoved, several times, knocked down and disparaged, but I kept on, my goal clear. I dashed down the stairs, turned right at the auto-repair bay, passed two pairs of bathrooms, then the metalworking area, and finally, at the end of a dim, grimy hallway, found the bathrooms.

The men's side was closed, the door locked and a sign on the door from the principal—several drug users and sellers had been busted inside since the start of the year—but the women's was open. Their door, too, had a sign, also from the principal, threatening suspension, expulsion, and sexual harassment charges to any male who entered. An ironic threat, since the closest coed or all-girls classroom was on the other side of the building, and so the only people who would use this bathroom are boys.

"You made it a minute early," Sandra said, stepping out of the solitary metalworking classroom, Josie behind her.

They intimidated me in normal circumstances, but right then, at the far side of school, everyone packed up and gone, I shivered with fear. These girls could do whatever they wanted to me and leave me handcuffed to the toilet for the janitor to find in the morning. Like what would've happened last time.

I regretted my curiosity more than anything else I've ever regretted. I cursed myself for being so stupid.

Their smiles terrified me. Nothing charitable came from a woman who smiled that way at a man.

"Inside," Sandra ordered, pointing at the bathroom. "Now."

I went into the women's room and they followed. I dripped sweat, and my hands shook. I checked the toilet stalls, wondering if should dash over and puke, or if that would make things worse. In my experience with male bullies, sudden movements prompt cruel beatings.

"Sit against the wall, under the last sink."

I did, leaning forward so not to touch my head to the porcelain. All the other bathrooms had been renovated since the school was built, so now they have counters for the sinks and one long mirror, but this bathroom was the old design, porcelain sinks bolted to the wall with individual mirrors mounted over them and pipes running into the wall. Feeling the pipe against my back, I knew what was coming.

Josie grabbed one hand, Sandra the other, and both wrenched my arms behind me, cuffing my wrists on the other side of the pipe. When the second click sounded, I bowed my head and relaxed, resigned to spending the night here, after what they would soon do to me.

Sandra squatted on one side of me, Josie on the other. "Okay," Josie said, "here's the deal. We don't trust guys. We have reasons, bad ones, so don't ask. You seem nice, and not at all like the other guys we know, so we figured to test you, find out if we can trust you."

"Y-You're leaving me overnight to see if I'll tell?"

Both stared at me with startled expressions, eyes wide and mouths open. "What gave you that idea?" Sandra asked.

"It happened before."

"A girl cuffed in a bathroom and left you?"

"No, a bully at my middle school. He beat me, handcuffed me to the toilet, and beat me more. He would've ... would've..." I started crying, tried to force myself to stop, but that made it worse, and I started gagging on my sobs. As soon as that started, I knew I was moments from puking, and couldn't get a breath to warn them to move. Bullies didn't like it when you threw up on them.

Things got confused for a few seconds, then I found myself being held over the nearest toilet, four hands supporting me while I choked out bologna sandwich and potato chips. When I was done, the hands pulled me back out and knelt me in the middle of the floor, my hands cuffed behind my back. Sandra wiped my mouth with a piece of toilet paper while Josie rubbed my back.

"Are you all right now?"

I looked at Josie, who asked, and at Sandra, who tossed the tissue and flushed the toilet. "I'm sorry," I said, the thing I always say when I don't know what to say.

"Why are you sorry?" Sandra asked, sitting on her heels beside me. "You should've told us something, warned us you didn't want to be bound like that."

I didn't say anything, though I thought, You'd just do it anyway, and laugh as I barfed on myself.

Josie explained, "We just ... need a way to control you. You're not as strong as most guys, but you're still stronger than me, I bet. I'm puny. So ... is the gig up, Sandie?"

"What do you say to this, Tyler," Sandra offered, "you get to talk with two pretty girls about anything you want, and we'll answer most of your questions. You get to hang with us, but you have to wear handcuffs."

I was confused. More than confused, befuddled. "Wha—?"

Josie giggled, then, and stroked my cheek with her finger. "You're cute like that."

"We're straight, stock-solid hetero girls," Sandra stated, "but we don't trust men anymore. Lesbian relationships are not an option because we don't get off on that. We want a man, er, a male around, but one we can control. Think about it: a little concession on your part earns you two girlfriends!"

It was a joke, at the time. Men mistreated them, sorely mistreated them, and they wanted a bit of revenge. Sandra admitted, much, much later, that their treatment of me would've been worse if I hadn't told them my own history, but I knew my place in their lives.


"As a reward for accepting," Josie said, standing and unbuttoning her jeans, "here's what I got in trouble for."

As I watched, she opened the fly of her pants and showed me her abdomen down to her pubic bone, denuded except for a brown patch right at the top of her pubis. The sight was more than I'd seen, since my computer was porn-blocked, and the sudden stimulation caused a painful erection. Sandra cooed at me, mocking my lack of self-control, and grabbed me to adjust it. I ejaculated in my pants, and she felt it.

Things were quiet for a while, after that first time. A month went by, passing in casual conversation with them, and they didn't mention the event, even though doing so would cause me embarrassment and further exclusion from my schoolmates.

Spring break, according to the calendar, would last a week, beginning on a Monday and ending with Good Friday. After Easter, we'd all be back to class, refreshed and eager for state competency exams. The superintendent didn't expect a heavy snow three days before the break, eleven inches sticking to the roads at the end of March when nothing stuck during all of January and February.

So, Spring break lasted ten days instead of seven, and there was much rejoicing. The day after the snowstorm, the secondary roads were still impassable—by buses, anyway—but the main roads were salted and easily accessible. Especially for a girl who drove a Jeep.

Thursday morning, I was in the living room reading for English when someone knocked on the door. I checked, just to be sure one of my parents hadn't locked themselves out—they did that, once in a while—and saw Sandra and Josie on the front doorstep.

"Care if we come in?" Sandra asked when I opened the door, dangling the handcuffs from her forefinger. She pushed inside, dragging me by my collar to the middle of the living room. In less than a minute, I knelt in the center of the room, my hands restrained behind me. The girls removed their coats, hanging them from the tree by the door.

"Your parents won't be back 'till five, right?" Josie asked. She stretched her arms over her head, showing her flat stomach and inverted navel, then pushed her shoulders back, her breasts distending the shirt. I stared at her, my erection growing already.

"Five-thirty," I answered, the fear returning.

Sandra walked around me, a complete circuit, then stood with her crotch inches from my face. I tilted my head all the way back, trying to not offend her by looking there. As I understood things, if you looked at a girl without her inviting you to, you were molesting her. I've molested a lot of girls, by that understanding, but not that they noticed.

"You were telling us, last time, about being chained to a toilet. What would he have done to you, after the beating?"

"They charged him with attempted forcible sodomy."


Josie contradicted, "Not male on male. He means," then made a motion with her fist and head.

"Oh. He wanted a hummer?" Sandra took a step back and leaned her face close to mine. "Would you have given him one?"

"He said he'd kill me..."

Sandra grabbed my face and jerked my neck forward. "Let me tell you something, I had to do it and he didn't threaten to kill me. Don't think you're gonna get sympathy from me."

"Y-You had to—"

She slapped me, then turned my whole body toward Josie so she could take a shot. "You can ask any question," Josie ordered, "except about that. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

They both wore skirts, a strange choice for the sudden winter weather, but I learned in moments why they chose them.

"So, forcible sodomy is when you're forced to give a blow job, right?" Sandra asked Josie.

"In this state, anyway. Believe me, I know."

"Does that mean all oral sex?"

She shrugged.

Together, they helped me stand. "Go get a bath towel," Josie requested. I went to the linen closet beside the laundry room, backing into the linens grab one off the shelf, and returned with it. As I completed this task, I knew what they were going to do to me, but it wasn't quite the same. I wanted to go down on a girl, and being forced to do so was not so objectionable as a hairy, liquor-stinking bully shoving his dick in my face.

Sandra snatched the towel from my hands and laid it across the middle seat of the couch. She pointed and I knelt in front of it, facing the couch. The girls conferred a moment, then played a quick game of paper-rock-scissors to decide who went first. Josie won the honor.

She hiked her skirt, dropped her underwear, and reclined on the towel, her legs wide, labia less than a foot from my face. Seeing her like that, two or three days of brunette stubble dotting her outer lips, my erection leapt in my pants, snagging the head against zipper. I doubled in pain and groaned.

"Uhn? What do you mean, uhn?" Josie screeched, grabbing me by the hair. "Lick my fucking cunt, you faggot!"

She tasted of salt, sweat-salt, and a sourness I figured for urine. The tastes were weaker near her canal, where she'd begun to lubricate from my first few licks. I took my time, imagined I was doing this for the first time with a girl who cared about me. I wanted to learn what turned her on, what got her going, so I spent some time with her lips, slipping my tongue between the folds. I lapped her opening, which she seemed to enjoy, and pressed my tongue inside, hoping she would like that more.

She burst out laughing. "He's trying to fuck me, Sandie! He's got his tongue stuck up in me. Bet your cock's that size, too, huh?"

She wrenched me by the hair, yanking my face from her pussy. Her juice and my drool dribbled down my neck, soaking into the collar of my shirt. I hoped, when I looked at her, she'd be aroused, excited. She just looked angry: flushed, but angry.

"What size is your dick, anyway? Help me get his pants off, Sandie."

She shoved me onto my side and they unbuttoned my jeans and yanked them down my legs. With a tug, my boxers joined my pants in a pile at the other end of the couch. The wood floor was cold on my bare skin, so I clenched, making my erection stand higher. That motion earned me a kick in the balls.

Hurting, trying not to puke, I curled into a ball and wept. "Go away, please, go away. I didn't hurt you. I didn't hurt you..."

Josie's anger lessened and Sandra, the kicker, seemed close to an apology. They sat me up and Sandra retrieve a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel. She held it against my aching scrotum, my flaccid dick laying across her arm. It didn't bother her, not that I could tell.

"You're right, Tyler. You didn't hurt us. I went too far." She sighed. "I owe you one request."

"One request?" My balls ached up into the pit of my stomach. I wanted nothing more than for them to leave me alone.

"Within reason."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Is that your request?"

Tears were still dripping from my eyes and my chest was tight with sobs. "This isn't some game for you, is it? If you just wanted to play with me, it wouldn't be like this. What did I ever do to you? I like girls, I like them a lot. I'm not an asshole or a rapist. Please, go away, don't hurt me anymore."

They laid me on the couch, my arms still cuffed. While Sandra got me settled and slid my boxers on again, Josie removed her skirt and sat beside my head. With a little urging, I put my head on her naked lap, still fragrant from her arousal. She played with my hair, brushing it from my sweaty forehead.

"That wasn't the first time, was it?" she asked, her voice a calm, almost motherly. "The first time a bully got you?"


"It wasn't the first time for sexual violence, either?"


"Were you raped?"


She paused, then, "Me, too."

"Me, three," Sandra said, returning from the kitchen.

"You're not gay, are you?" Josie asked.

"Not in the least."

"So, the rumors..."

"Are from the rape."

"Did you turn him in? Get him arrested?"

"No. I ... he'd hurt me, really bad. The one who was arrested, he was caught in the act."

Sandra reached behind me and unlocked the cuffs, shifted my hands in front of my body, and locked them again. "You understand our concern, right? To keep you restrained?"

"I do."

"Are you in counseling?" Josie asked, her hands now roving my chest. "If you're not, I know a good one."

"I'm seeing one. He's nice. He ... he's gay, but he knows how I feel."

"Mine's ... he's not Eric, is he?" Sandra inquired.

"No, but in the same office."

"When was this?"

"I was thirteen. Eighth grade."

"Same as me," Sandra admitted. "Well, that's when it started."

"Tyler, if I asked you, would you go down on me?"

What a stupid question. "Yes."

"So, from earlier, you'd have consented, even though we didn't ask."

"I guess."

"Do you want me to lay back, like before, or sit on your face?"

"I still hurt."

Sandra cleared her throat, a guilty expression on her face. "If, uh, if you do her, I'll do you."


So, with a little rearranging, I sucked Josie's pussy at one end of the couch while Sandra sucked my dick at the other. When I managed to give Josie a climax, they traded places, tagging hands even, and I did the same for Sandra.

Sandra didn't shave, though her cocoa-colored hair was trimmed. She had very pink lips and tasted stronger of musk. Her clitoris was bigger, too, large enough that I didn't have to include the hood when I sucked. When she orgasmed, a little bit of moisture hit my lips, a bitter-sweet fluid thicker than urine and far less salty.

After Sandra dismounted, Josie finished me off, her rough, jerking hand-job dulling my orgasm and flicking semen onto my shirt and boxers. She didn't care about the embarrassment of my mother discovering spunk-stained clothes, or even the questions raised when I did my own laundry.

Wiping her hand on my shirt, she grinned at me. "Bet you didn't think you'd get a happy ending, did you?"

The girls dressed, removed the handcuffs, and kissed me on the cheek. "See you later," Sandra said. She waved as she pulled the door closed, a little motion of her fingers.

They left me alone, two kinds of cum drying on my clothes and an ache in my lower abdomen. I thought, in that moment, This must be what it's like when a girl loses her virginity.

I didn't laugh about it then.

I expected them to return during Spring break, but they didn't. After the break ended, everyone in my classes buckled down, studying for AP exams and state competency tests, the first of which beginning in two weeks. Sandra and Josie talked to me in English, and we spent more time than usual with each other in a series of after-school study sessions the teacher arranged.

As before, they never mentioned what we did, or what they did, but once, near the end of a study session, Sandra exhaled in frustration before reaching into her bag for something. She whispered to get my attention, then flashed the cuffs and smiled, as if she was inviting. Scared someone would notice, I ignored her, careful to keep my attention on the practice essay I wrote. She didn't do it again, though I couldn't understand why she did it in the first place: people would ask questions of her first.

By the end of April, I felt ready to ace the AP exams and confident of my performance on the competency tests. Sandra and Josie expressed similar confidence, when we spoke of it, though they were far less sure about the four-hour stricture of our upcoming exams.

I suppose it was stress that brought them to my house on the last Friday of April. My mother, to my unending shame, answered the door when they knocked. Their presence confused her, since I had not mentioned any females in my life, and she knew me to be deathly shy, especially after what happened to me. That two girls showed up on a weekend night to collect her son was a welcome development, and she happily rushed me upstairs to change clothes and "freshen up" so I could go out with them.

That evening was the first time I offered my wrists to them. Josie climbed in the back of Sandra's Jeep with me, handcuffs at the ready, and I presented my hands. My willingness made her pause, but she clapped them on me anyway, then snuggled close, like a girlfriend.

"Where are we going?"

"Thought we'd take you shopping," Josie supplied. "I need some new lingerie and Sandra, well, Sandra is always looking for stuff."


"How's your therapy coming? Any breakthroughs?"

"I-I ... my therapist let me cut back to once every two months. I'm doing okay, that he can tell."

"Was it bad? After it happened?" She rubbed her hands, as if she was cold.

"Yes. I ... uh, I had to be hospitalized for ... injuries. They didn't regulate my morphine supply, didn't think I'd abuse the privilege, but the shift nurse checked on me, caught me..."

"You tried to overdose?"

I nodded.

"Ouch. I hate being on suicide watch. No privacy."

"A detective came by, every day, asking for me to say who did it. Told me the rapist wouldn't get me, even if the prosecution failed. I didn't believe him."

"You should've," Sandra said. "It'd be easier for you to prove you didn't want it than I could."

"I guess."

"The gay rumor, Sandie."

"Oh ... that ... yeah, forget it."

"Why is it like this?"

"Like what?"

"Why do we have to prove we didn't want to be raped?"

"Years of shithead misogynists in power who believe women are permanently consenting to sex. And weaker men, for that matter."

Sandra took the turnpike around the city, exiting for the mall on this side. It didn't bode well that they wanted to go to this mall, a place where we weren't likely to see anyone from school. I wouldn't pass as a woman if they decided to dress me up as one, or hoped I wouldn't: That would be too much for my sanity.

"You can behave if we uncuff you, right?" Josie asked, dangling the keys in my face.

"Yes. You know I will."

"All right, then."

To prove I would be a "good little boy," I stuffed my hands in my pockets and pretended they were still cuffed. They led, I followed, as we entered the mall, headed directly to Victoria's Secret. Once inside the store, the girls picked through piles of panties, more than I'd ever seen in one place before. My mother preferred I not enter a "women's store," for fear I might become a pervert, maybe, so I had little experience with all this. When they asked my opinion, I demurred in a positive way.

"What is your size now, anyway?" Sandra asked Josie as they sorted through a rack of frilly bras.

"I don't know, but I'm smaller. My mom insisted that weight-training would make me a little bigger, you know? Fill my chest wall with muscle and push them out, but I just lost the fat. Here, 36B," she said, passing a lipstick-pink bra to Sandra.

"Thanks." She held it up to herself, for some reason, then looked at me. "What size are you, anyway?"

"I don't know, like I said," Josie replied.

"Not you. Tyler."

"Please don't," I whimpered.

They watched me for a few moments, no doubt tracking the flow of blood from my face and the green hue that replaced it.

"Anyway," Sandra said, like nothing had happened.

After picking several models of bras and complimentary bottoms, they drug me to the changing room and made me stand beside the entrance, facing out until prompted to look. The store was sparsely populated, though a steady stream of women came and went, browsing or refilling necessities. Behind me, the girls chatted over the stall dividers, quiet murmuring I couldn't distinguish with the crowd noise outside.

"Tyler, you can look now."

I turned to see them both shirtless. Sandra's bra lifted her breasts, mounds of jiggling cleavage pushed high on her chest, while Josie's seemed too small, her cleavage squeezed out of her bra in an unappealing way. The effect made me think of clenching a water balloon in the center. I commented on the ill fit, and she gave me a pleased grin.

"Turn back around."

Facing the store again, I tried my best to adjust my erection without it being obvious, and by not being "obvious," my squirming drew a few disgusted glares from shoppers. They didn't report me to the staff, so I must have just been no more than an temporary annoyance.

"What do you think?"

This time, they wore only underwear. Sandra wore matching green, a smooth-cup bra and panties cut high, higher than her hip bones. Josie's lingerie was pastel pink, the bra fitting this time, the band of her panties lower than Sandra's but the front made of translucent material, her patch of hair visible. At the same time, they turned, showing that their panties were thongs, and my dick jumped in my pants, the head bumping painfully against my belt.

"You seem to have a problem," Sandra said, eyes on my pants.

"Think we should do something about that?" She darted a step into the store proper, glanced around to be sure no one was watching, and yanked me into her stall, Sandra on her heels.

The cuffs were on me and my pants pooled around my ankles. The girls conferred in frantic whispers, stripping and putting on their own underwear—didn't want to soil un-bought clothes, I suppose—and forgot for a moment that I was in the stall with them. I saw them naked, Josie's tiny brown nipples crinkled, standing out from heavy breasts, Sandra's large, ruddy areolas capping almost the entire tips of her small ones. Since our last meeting, Sandra had shaved, her pubic hair consisting of a long strip of hair ending at the top of her puffy lips.

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My name is Clinton Crayle, and I'm a very different kind of Private Eye. My fee is a Thousand Dollars a day, and I'm seldom out of work. My specialty is untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My clients know my discretion is absolute and I guarantee my results. So if you're rich and in a jam, come to see me. Elise Bentley did.... "I've lost my husband and wonder if you might be able to find him for me?" Elise Bentley, in an expensive dress accentuated by even more...

4 years ago
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Ride Em CowgirlChapter 7

Fall came, and we had to start dressing in warmer clothes to do chores. When we had to ride out to the pastures, we always took saddlebags with emergency food, water, sleeping bags and a tent; plus an axe and fire starting kit. As the grass that was left got too short, we started bringing hay and supplements out to the herd. When snow covered up everything, we started increasing the nutrition of the supplements and the amount of hay so that the cattle could produce enough heat to keep...

3 years ago
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The Story Sapna Mami 8211 Part 2

Hello guys! I am Priyesh. I hope you guys have been doing well. I got a good response on the previous part of the story about my sexy mami and was quite happy. Okay, so getting back to the story. After the mess that had been created in the bathroom, though, accidentally, I was blank. I didn’t know how to face Mami. This kind of incident was the first in my 22 years of life. But from inside, I was happy too that this incident happened. After all, I got a chance to have a clear view of Mami in...

3 years ago
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My sister in Law Second time

The situation is set in the earlier story "My sister in Law First Time" This is the continuation.Since our first time I have fantasized about a second time but was too scared to do anything about it. I did take every opportunity to feel her tits against my chest when we were doing the mandatory greeting. Now though, I made a point of kissing her on both cheeks so I could feel both tits against my chest. June never made any complaint, so when we were alone i would make the greeting last longer...

4 years ago
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Evelynrsquos Tiny Smelly Feet

Shortly after I stopped dating a serious girlfriend I started to mess around with Evelyn. I met Evelyn through my brother who would always invite her over to hang out. She absolutely loved My brother cuz he was gay and came by the house often. I always had a crush on her because she was intelligent and sexy. Evelyn was a short Latina with gorgeous hazel eyes , long black hair , and a super curvy bottom and thick juicy breast. Her feet were a plump and tiny size 5 and I became obsessed with them...

1 year ago
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Backpage Pro! Are you longing for the touch of a woman? Or maybe a man? Transexual? Whatever way you swing, it can be hard to find a professional to deliver the kind of sexual services that will get you off. In fact, it’s twice as hard if you live in the fucking United States!But Backpagepro wants you to put those days behind you. That’s right: Backpage is back! Well, sort of. This website aims to make finding a servicer a thing of the past. Whether they succeed or not, well, that’s entirely...

Escort Sites
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Melissa the pervert

Junior year Summer had finally ended and it was back to school for junior year. I was excited to see all my friends and all my favorite girls every day. Walking through the halls was just a festival of hugs and kisses and stories of what everyone did over the summer. There were some exciting stories too! It turns out I wasn’t the only one who had such an amazing summer. On the other hand, being back in school meant that I didn’t get to spend as much time with my girlfriend Jamie. Jamie went to...

2 years ago
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Shikomi Chapter 24

Chapter 2: Erica "...What did you just call me?" "Well I figured you'd need a new name now that you're going to be a girl." "So you're going to make me wear this all the time?" "Well not that dress specifically, you'll get to wear normal dresses most of the time, but when you're wearing that dress, you are my maid, and must address me like I was telling you earlier." "But my mom..." "Yes, yes, you get to put on your boy clothes when she's around, but you must still wear...

4 years ago
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The Art of Cuckold Diplomacy Worship

I gazed at my new friend and co-conspirator, Charlotte. She, unlike the rest of us, was still dressed. Or mostly dressed – I was pretty sure she was no longer wearing any panties! Charlotte was the one who had orchestrated our sexual awakening that evening. My husband, Jason, and I were being guided into new territory by Charlotte, who was pulling the strings, and her well-hung Lothario, Peter, who also happened to be my husband’s new boss.Wearing a simple, but incredibly seductive, silvery...

3 years ago
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Like all my stories, this is a work of pure fiction, derived by an active imagination and a lot of wishful thinking. Any resemblances to living persons, including me, are purely coincidental and unintentional. “More lube, baby. Make sure you cover your entire hand.”I squeezed more of the KY over my hand, and then slowly began twisting it into Lida’s pussy. Squeezing my fingers to a point, I carefully pushed them in. I moved in past the first knuckle, and up to the second knuckle, and the tip of...

2 years ago
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College Dorm Roommate

When I was a young teenager, I had several experiences with an older man. I'm not necessary gay and am not sexually attracted to men, but this guy got me into cock and cum. Let me tell you, that no woman can suck a cock like a man. Men are simply better at it. But there is something about a nice hard cock with a big mushroom head that makes me hard. Hearing a man moan and feeling his cock pulse in your mouth as he's getting ready to shoot a nice creamy load into your mouth is incredible. The...

4 years ago
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Wife Swap Sex On A Trip To Jaipur 8211 Part 2

Scene 1: The next morning Shruti woke up with the crying of Ayansh. She tried breastfeeding him, but Ayansh kept on crying. She felt that both her breasts were empty. Meanwhile, Ruchi also got up and said, “Good morning. What happened? Why is he crying so much?” “He is hungry, and my breasts are empty. It looks like Ayansh had been feeding the whole night.” “Ayansh or some else?” teased Ruchi. “Shut up,” said Shruti, “Get up and help me in making Cerelac for him.” Ruchi rose to help but felt...

1 year ago
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Hope you,re enjoying the adventures of best friend Burt RIP and his dog Lucky who more than once lived up to his name. Lucky went everywhere Burt went with the exception of the toilet and often while we were out fishing he made us laugh. Being a horny dog he,d lay next to us and continuously lick his large cock and we,d often comment we wished we could do the same and Burt discovered one day he was double jointed and could actually bend far enough to suck himself off. Not being double jointed...

4 years ago
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Too Close To Home A Little Winter Tail Part 5

When I got home early from lunch with John, my husband wasn't home yet. My son wasn't there either, probably at his friend's house. I decided to relax in a hot bath, reflecting on everything that happened to me today. As I sorted through all the memories, I felt my hand slip between my legs where it became evident how aroused I’d become from everything I was made to do.As I lay in the warm water, lathering my body with soap as I ran my hands and fingers over all of my intimate areas, I...

3 years ago
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Waiting in the Dark

I am naked... vulnerable...defenseless...sitting in the dark of my house waiting for a stranger to come over. He is coming over so I can suck his cock. I have never met him. I don't know what he looks like. He says he has an 8 inch cock! The stranger answered my ad on Craigslist about a private Gloryhole. I have it here at my house.I made the glory hole from a sheet I have tacked to the doorsill of my hallway bathroom. I used pushpins so I can easily setup and takedown the sheet. There is a...

1 year ago
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My BrotherInLaws Big Rican Cock

I have always thought that my sister Denise and I were lucky to be raised by parents who taught us to be unprejudiced and accepting of all ethnicities. We grew up in the suburbs near Philadelphia, which has a sizeable Puerto Rican population, and we had a fairly representative mix of Caucasian, black, and Latino friends. My name is Ed, and this story takes place when I am 42 years old and Denise is 43. But first, it will be helpful for you to understand a little about our pasts. Denise was 17...

3 years ago
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SargeChapter 29

“250k no negotiations,” I explained to Lucy. “That is almost exactly what Tasha and I put into the place.” “I’ll tell him that, but also that you want three. Let’s see how bad he wants a safe house of his very own,” she suggested. “So do you want Simba’s story?” “Not really,” I answered. “I expect it to be some variation of the blond school girl, the Darling bad boy in need of rescue, and a burner phone smuggled into the building.” “Close, she is an aid worker from a camp. Hair the color...

1 year ago
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She Loved Anal And Now Him Too

She Loved Anal And Now Him TooBy: Londebaaz Chohan Gloria and Hank were going steady for almost a year and slowly, she was getting used to visit him at his place. First she would come just for a few hours, then for one night and now she mostly came over for the whole weekend. It was Friday, late afternoon and she was here. Hank had cooked a nice meal and after the meals and the drinks they were ready to go to bed. Gloria was a gem in the bed because as compared to Hank, she was much more...

4 years ago
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A Dressing Room Fantasy

You wake on a Saturday morning after what should have been an early night with your husband but that never happened. You had the Friday afternoon off and when you got home you just wanted to relax. You had opened a bottle of wine had a glass then went to the bedroom to get undressed for a have a shower. The sun was streaming in your bedroom window as you undressed. The suns rays warming you body as you lay with your eye closed. It feels wonderful and reminds you of holidays in the sun. You lay...

1 year ago
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Vixen Lily Rader Step Dad Punished Young Teen Daughter

Here is lovely blonde Lily. She lives with her mother and her new stepdad. She gets along well with him, but has a naughty little secret. She has been masturbating, fantasising about him every chance she gets. She would love him to punish her, dominate her. She knows it’s wrong but she just can’t help herself. To get his attention, she starts to play games with him, pressing his buttons and doing irritating little things. One day she takes it too far and he gets so mad. Lily is about to get the...

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New Love Shared Love

Your name is Sam Pratt, a full time worker at a supermarket just trying to make ends meet at the age of 26, you had just moved out and were taking it day by day. It ws common for you to spend your weekends getting drunk as the young usually do, although you didnt seem to be growing out of frivolous drinking any time soon. You met a girl through a chance meeting with a guy in a club, the man was a brutish man with an obsession with football and beer, his gut strained his stained football shirt...

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Alyssa and I

Alyssa and I Chapter 1. The day I turned 22 was also the day I graduated from college. Pretty cool--what better birthday present could there be than a shiny new diploma! I knew the world was my oyster as I walked across the stage to shake hands with the university President, very conscious of the admiring eyes of my parents and little sister as they led the general acclamation that accompanied the arrival of each new graduate on stage. After the ceremony, my family and I came back...

1 year ago
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Bills Best Friend

Chapter 1 I can’t believe that it’s gone this far. I mean it was just a joke. I mean, sure we were all drunk and stoned. Larry, Bill’s best friend was acting the fool as usual. Yes he was a little more aggressive than he normally is. I attributed that to the exceptional weed. I’ve never had a high from marijuana quite like that. It seemed to sharpen the senses rather than dull them. Somehow we got started where Larry was a dog. Oh yeah I remember. My husband, Bill, was going to get us a round...

4 years ago
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Shailja my beautiful aunt

Shailja my beautiful aunt Her name is Shailaja she is my aunt. Both my Uncle and Aunt are very religious and conservative and my Uncle has always been very possessive about her she was blessed with full breasts . I used to tease and crack jokes with her and even my uncle would not mind it since he had known me since my birth . Our involvement had started innocently enough, as I was a regular visitor. Several weeks later when no one else was at home, I was with her in the kitchen when I suddenly...

4 years ago
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Amazing SexWith a Different Twist

Like most unmarried guys the only thing I really knew about girls having their period was that they got grouchy before it came and sex was off limits when they were on. The best you could hope for was a hand job or BJ while the pussy was out of commission. It wasn’t until I was in my late 20’s that I met a woman who gave me the wildest sexual experience I had ever had and opened my eyes to some things about women. I ended up marrying her but that’s another story. At the time this incident...

3 years ago
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First Date

I had met Dana (not her real name of course since this event is just in my mind) for lunch one day and she is so cute and sexy. Our discussion was easy and fluid and could have gone on all afternoon but I did not want her to get in trouble for getting back to work late. I walked her to her truck we talked a bit and finally she turned her head up to me so that I could kiss her. MM light to start but that didn't last long since I was getting excited and gently moved my tongue to her lips and...

2 years ago
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Wes Checks Out Our Toys

It was such a warm evening Suk and I decided to sit out on the patio and have our tea out there. We had been there about ten minutes when Wes, her neighbor and one of the guys in our group, yelled over the fence at us. We had found out that before my hubby met him with the intent of introducing him to Suk, he had been spying on us for a while. Most of the time she and I would be completely naked. Tonight, in our panties, we invited him over to share some tea with us. Aside from our weekly...

3 years ago
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Too Good

She was thinking of Marco again.Nike sighed. Leaning forward in her seat, she tried to engage in the buzzing restaurant table conversation but her mind kept wandering. She felt restless and exhausted all at once. She hadn’t slept properly for weeks; suffering from the kind of insomnia she’d usually get during the first few days of a vacation. But she wasn’t on vacation. Not anymore. Monaco had been almost a month ago but if she closed her eyes, it felt like she was right there, right in the...

2 years ago
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Ghost Writer Part Four

Ghost Writer - part 4 - By circe ([email protected]) I stared at my keyboard and felt a vibrating on my ankle. It took me a couple of seconds to break from my reverie and realize it was the cell phone I had bought - that Becky had made me buy - yesterday. Only three people in the world knew the number (I wasn't counting myself, as I still had no idea) and Charlie was in her workroom, clattering. This left Becky and James. I felt a momentary rush of excitement at the thought of...

3 years ago
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Doc and the PornstarChapter 9

As expected, Beth was waiting at the airport just outside security for us when we disembarked. She had Chloe with her, which was a nice surprise. We went through the requisite hugs and kisses, and then the animated discussion about how the flight was and then a veiled discussion about how the two weeks of filming had gone. Jasmine wisely suggested everybody wait until we were in their car for any further details. Chloe held onto my arm, clutching it to her body as we walked. She had a light...

1 year ago
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12 Fire Fighters and little old me

My name is Gemma, I am 30 years old and this is the start of a very hot and wild journey that started of as nothing more than a few flirty emails. About a year ago I decided to post a few topless photos of me on a website just for fun. The emails and comments steadily started flowing in giving me compliments on my body etc which I really enjoyed reading. One day I checked my emails and found one addressed from a group of Fire fighters from New York. Now like most women on this planet one of my...

Group Sex
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My wife the internet swinger Ch5

  I was asleep on the couch when I heard a noise. I blinked a few times and looked at the clock. It was 2am. I heard the noise again and decided it was coming from our bedroom. I got up to see if everything was alright. My wife was in there with her newest sex partner, a very large black man. I wasn't sure what I would find and hoped she hadn't gotten into something over her head. I slowly opened the door. The bathroom light was on so I could see everything going on. My wife was naked on...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Rapes ProgressChapter 21

The invitation to the new bishop's inaugural garden party had been endorsed, "Be there, Sebastian, or else... " in red ink. I had phoned the bishop's palace to confirm that there had been no mistake and was told that, "someone in authority had gone to considerable pains to acquire your address." So I accepted but I had no success when I tried to find out who had issued the invitation with its veiled threat. After our reunion, Phoebe Howard was pleased to meet my two live-in lovers....

3 years ago
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Memories are made of this

There are key moments in everyone's life that determine their future. They lie in one's memory and emerge when other major events occur and this way they influence forthcoming life. Sometimes they seem negligible and are ignored by others while others that seem to be significant are just a consequences of a series of decisions made years ago. Those are not pleasant or sweet in most cases though they force me to go back and relive them again and again. Thus I can write only 'bout my...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Brief Encounter

An Unforgettable Brief Encounter They were failures in gym class; Coach called Erik and Kay "girls" and that gave them an idea. By Katherine Day (Copyright 2006 by K-G Communications) I approached my first day of gym class in the 7th Grade with a trembling fear. When I was growing up in the day leading up to World War II, we stayed in grade school through the 6th Grade, and then we went to Junior High School. In our town, the Junior High School was attached to the Senior High...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 190

To go along with her added responsibilities, Laura was now given an office of her own. She was also required to take several management seminars, one of which covered the Harassment Free Workplace and dealt mainly with sexual behavior on the job. There she learned that 'dating, ' as it was called, between manager and subordinate was strictly verboten. How about lesbian fucking like two horny wildcats in heat? she wondered, a little ironically. She felt extremely guilty now. She could lose...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 776

These group is compliments of the Web magician Some of the artists of the 60’s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate the baby boomers. They include: 1. Herman’s Hermits ... Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Walker. 2. The Bee Gees ... How Can You Mend a Broken Hip? 3. Bobby Darin ... Splish splash, I Was Havin’ a flash. 4. Ringo Starr ... l Get By With a Little Help From Depends. 5. Roberta Flack ... The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face. 6. Johnny Nash ... I Can’t See...

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Lost FoundChapter 79

My cell phone rang a minute after I hung up with Max Solomon. "May I invite Marshon Wilkins to come over to your room, Kyle?" Max asked. "I need to give you my PR 201 lecture, and it would be easier for me if Trevor and Marshon got the lecture at the same time." "That would be fine, Max," I agreed. Marshon arrived a couple minutes before Max. "Malo and I were watching Sport Center," Marshon said as I welcomed him to my room. "You stepped into some shit tonight, didn't you,...

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College Admissions Mischief

"Ah, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes! I'm cumming, my god, I'm cumming." That's what Mrs. Blumenthal screamed as if she was surprised she was having an orgasm. A moment later, I unloaded and filled her pussy with a profuse stream of manly juices. I didn't pull out for a long time leaving my semi-erect cock plugged into her cunt overflowing with hot thick cum. She kissed me and said, "Now Roger, that's how we do things here." I was going to like their ways.**********************************That...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Sissies Together

Sissies together I had checked into my travel hotel early. It was 2.15 in the afternoon; I had eaten a full meal at lunchtime and brought some sandwiches, cakes and drink in with me for the rest of the day so I did not need to go out of my room until the following morning. I was away from my wife and home visiting one of our more distant branches and had told the office that I was leaving early so that I could do the preparation work without being disturbed. I had with me my laptop and...

3 years ago
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A peek into my Exs Diary Literary voyeur

Now I didn’t wake up thinking the events I’m about to document were going to happen, it started out as a very normal day. A day I’d assumed would be boring!(But hey I aint no psychic.), a day I would have never thought would end in sweat and pornographic passion! *Le Sigh*. Yes! A day that gave me a higher ranking in all things sexual and a crossed a hard to do off my bucket list! Yes people, I’m talking about a threesome.They say not everyone has the ability to handle the raw passion of a...

4 years ago
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Heartshaped Box

Chris yawned and moved to the next section of shelving. A big truck had made for a long night, leaving him and the rest of the night stock crew facing up the store after opening. “Never ending, man,” his friend Alan grumbled from the other side of the aisle. “Feels like it.” “At least the scenery ain’t bad.” After turning around to see where Alan was looking, Chris followed his gaze to see Amy – one of the cashiers – working her register. She was hot, but she was also married to a trucker who...

1 year ago
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Special Delivery

You wouldn’t believe what has happened to me! I really thought you were kidding about the panties! Now, while I’m typing this, my cheeks are still burning and my fingers tremble with every letter I enter into the message window. I mean, you told me to be prepared for the shipment. You didn’t tell me what you wrote on the package though. But you know that yourself. * It was this morning, around nine, on a perfectly lazy Saturday. I had just crawled out of bed, slipped into my white...

4 years ago
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Learning To Shop

LEARNING TO SHOP Ms Yvette announced that she had a surprise for Terry, but she wouldn't tell him what it was. "You'll learn soon enough pet," she told him. "Meanwhile we must get ready. Put these on," she said handing him a package. "Yes Ma'am," he responded, taking the package from her. "It's 'Mistress' from now on pet," she corrected. "Yes Mistress," he responded as he opened the package. It contained a pair of black panties and beige pantyhose. Terry quickly kicked...

1 year ago
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Bi Guys Girlfriend Suprise

My girlfriend has known since day one that I have bi tendencies. I had never acted on them before with an actual man, but she enjoyed entertaining them. She loves to strap one on and tend to my ass and make me suck her big strap on. It always leads to a great orgasm for me and several for her. Angie called me last Friday at work and asked (more like ordered) me to come straight to her place after work, she said she had a Suprise for me. I arrived a little after 5:00 and she invited me in while...

4 years ago
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Bar Fantasy Comes True

I had told my boyfriend Chris about my fantasy of being taken in a bar full of black men, but it was just a fantasy, I had never even been with black man. Being the holidays we both had the week off, Chris wanted to go out on a Tuesday night, what the hell I thought we have the whole week off. I dressed in a black mini skirt and a white spaghetti strap tank top with a strapless bra, I knew Chris loved this outfit. We went to the next town over to a large dance club, it was Ladies night, 2 for 1...

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Heavens Gate

It is that cold time of the year for us in the State of Georgia, February being its damp, dreary self. I’m always glad to see the back of this month and I look forward to the warmth of Spring when I can wear less clothes and let the sun touch my cheeks with its rays, making my pale winter skin glow with health once again. I’ve been between lovers these past few months, since last July to be exact. No guy seemed to fit the bill for me, perhaps I’m too finicky…who knows. And to be quite honest,...

3 years ago
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A Boy And A Girl From Broken Family

This is a love story about one boy and a girl.Nothing new. There has to be girl and a boy.The boy was Sameer ,son of a rich businessman and the girl was Leela.This story is of Leela who had a step father.The step father became her care taker and lover as she grew older and gave her the first test of love (or more brazenly fuck) which she would remember all years to come.One day she was caught while making her first love to her father . Her mother caught them red handed and she was consequently...

2 years ago
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Jules and Jason Ch 1

‘Ohh my god Jason I had no idea it could have been like this all this time’ She yelleped out as they kissed deeply. ‘Me either Julia, why did we wait so long?’ ‘I don’t know, but shut up and kiss me.’ 2 months ealier ‘Why did this have to happen Jason? What did i ever do to deserve this?’ Julia sobbed out onto Jasons soulder. ‘You didn’t do anything, totally his poor decision making.’ Jason replied as he held her tighter. The way Jason held Julia wasnt exactly how two friends hold each...

1 year ago
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The concert

Sharon Mary and July were all good friends and each shared the same birthday, to celebrate their 12th birthday they went to a five day open air music festival and had managed to sneak in through a hole in the fence, as they passed a small wood Sharon said ” fucking hell look there’s Steve having a piss” the girls all watched as 16 year old Steve stood with his jeans open having a wee, July said ” look at his cock it must be at least 7 inches and look at the pubes round it” Sharon then added ”...

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Fun After Volleyball With My SisterinLaw

I have been married to my wife for over five years now. Shortly after we were engaged, I started to notice that her sex drive wasn't what it used to be. She chalked it up to stress, and said there was nothing I needed to worry about. I couldn't see how our sex life would be reduced to this, unless she was right about what was causing the issue. Now, five years later, apparently the stress has only become worse - or at least I guess that's the case, if you make a direct correlation between my...

2 years ago
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My blacl lover owns my ass

My black lover Jeremy called me that Friday afternoon, knowing that my loving husband would be out of town during the week end.Later he sent me a message, saying he wanted to have my asshole…When I reached his bachelor flat, the door was unlocked and I slipped in.I quickly slipped out of my clothes and kneeled on the floor waiting for him to get off the bed. He slid from his bed already naked, his cock not hard yet.He reached over and grabbed something off a chair and tossed it at me:“Wear this...

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