An Unwanted AliasChapter 8 free porn video

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With this year's rice harvest finished for the most part, I was transferred back into the warehouse in late November. It goes without saying that this was a most welcome development. This time around, I was assigned to the very same building where Wendy worked. This gave further credence to Sandra's earlier prediction: that Mr. Choi and the powers that be were aiming to do anything within their means to ensure that Wendy and me were in close proximity at all times.

Their ploy was working, although at this point, our closeness was quite voluntary. We took the "shuttle," such as it was, to work together each morning. With both of us working in the same location, it was now possible for us to share our ten-minute lunch break, either at her work station or mine. By now, Wendy had a number of friends in the building; invariably, they were women of a similar age to hers. Often, one or more of them would join us for lunch.

Occasionally, some of those friends would drop by our place for a short visit during off hours. I noticed that without exception, they were reluctant to stay for very long. One day, I asked Wendy about this. I wondered if my presence intimidated them. Wendy assured me, however, that was far from the case.

"They are afraid of the triad," she explained. "They don't want to get caught." It was yet another sobering reminder of the near-total control that nefarious organization continued to exert over our lives, as well as those around us.

Interestingly enough, that didn't appear to apply to Sandra, at least not to quite the same extent. She was becoming a frequent guest at our place. Wendy, I was learning, admired Sandra greatly. She viewed her as a role model, an embodiment of everything she aspired to in life.

On more than one occasion, I questioned the wisdom of Sandra's regular visits, although I too had grown quite fond of her. She'd long since discarded the shawl, no longer deeming it necessary to visit us incognito. "Are you sure you aren't letting your guard down too much?" I asked her one evening during the last week of December, as the three of us sat down after enjoying one of Wendy's stupendous meals. Somebody, somewhere, had taught that young lady to cook, and quite well. I was reaping the benefits of that on a daily basis.

"No one has even bothered to question me," Sandra pointed out. "If we get to the point where they begin to push back, I'll back off. Until then, it's my job to check up on you."

"Okay, Mother Hen," I laughed. I enjoyed teasing Sandra; she unfailingly took it in good humor. "Remember, you're on the outside here, and I don't think the triad takes kindly to interlopers. I think I can speak for Wendy here ... neither of us want for you to run into trouble on our account."

As usual, she dismissed any concerns of this nature. We got into a more general discussion about the triad itself. "I find it incredible how many people in this area are under their spell," I stated flatly. "I mean, look at the Hongs downstairs. Someone whispered a few threats in their ears, and now, they won't say anything to us except 'hello' and 'how are you.' Isn't the Chinese government on a mission to wipe out criminal organizations such as this? How can a situation like this exist? Some of the higher-ups have to be aware of what's going on."

"That's a very good point," came Sandra's reply. "Remember what I said before about how the triad's ambition will lead to their undoing. Mark my words, sooner or later, it will happen. Someone will step on the wrong set of toes, and their little empire will come tumbling down."

We mulled that over for a few seconds, before Sandra threw out an intriguing – but crazy – idea.

"I think the two of you deserve a day off for good behavior," she said with a sly grin.

I just laughed. "And I suppose you know of a way to arrange that?"

Wendy, who'd done an admirable job of following along with this rather detailed English conversation, threw her two cents in. "They will never let us," she declared.

Sandra smiled affectionately at Wendy, implicitly letting her know that she was impressed with her progress. "You have more power with them than you realize. This might be a good time to push the envelope a little. First of all, recall that your first wedding anniversary is coming up."

At that, I just laughed and rolled my eyes. Wendy hadn't grasped the full meaning of that remark, but Sandra quickly translated. Wendy's response was to bat her eyelashes at me and purr with a sultry smile, "How will we celebrate, my dear husband?" This caused both Wendy and Sandra to erupt in hysterical laughter.

"You're blushing, Roger," gasped Sandra as they began to settle down.

"Topic switch, please," I said through clenched teeth. "You really think Choi would let us have a celebratory dinner in a restaurant, or something like that? He'd probably laugh us right out of that office of his if we dared bring it up. Or worse."

"There's one other thing you could mention," smiled Sandra. "Do you know how long it has been since Wendy saw her mother?"

"How long?" I queried, turning toward Wendy.

"I have not seen my mother since before I went to America," replied Wendy in a soft voice. "That was ... four years ago."

My jaw nearly hit the floor. "That's just cruel," was the only comment I could muster.

Wendy proceeded to elaborate. "In America ... they let me have cell phone. I can call her anytime I like. Now ... they took away my phone. I can't call her. I can't see her."

"I've relayed a few messages back and forth between Wendy and her mum," said Sandra. "Other than that ... all lines of communication have been blocked."

"That's inhuman," I muttered bitterly. "I'm not the only one cut off from loved ones." I turned and regarded Sandra. "So, what's your suggestion here?"

"The two of you need to go to Mr. Choi, and put in your request. Tell him you would like to take a Saturday off from work. Remind him that your first anniversary is coming up. Tell him you want to celebrate somehow, and also say you want to visit Wendy's mum. Remind him that she wasn't there when her daughter got married. You can't tell him that she hasn't seen her in years – remember, I was posing as her earlier – but I think you have a good chance of success anyhow."

"Somehow, I don't think a guilt trip will work on that cold-hearted asshole," I noted wryly.

"It won't," allowed Sandra, "but you're playing into his fervent desire for the two of you to remain together. Tell him that a friend will drive you there. I'll be that friend; we can take my car. If he wants one of his thugs to accompany us, to ensure we're not trying anything funny, it's okay. The thug will be pretty bored when the three of us ignore him. We'll visit Wendy's mum in the morning, and maybe have lunch there. After that, maybe we can drive into Chengdu, and Wendy can show you around town."

Wendy was beaming with excitement at the possibility, and the little girl in her came spilling out. "Let's ask him!" she gushed. "That would be so much fun!"

"You've got this all figured out, Sandra," I chuckled, a bit more skeptical than my sidekick of the plan's viability. "I have to admit, though, I really like the idea. The challenge will be in selling this plan to Choi."

"Just ask him, Roger," offered Sandra gently. "Trust me on this ... you have nothing to lose."

The following day at work, Wendy and I put in a mutual request with the building supervisor to meet with Choi. Actually, Wendy made the request, speaking in Mandarin. The supervisor grumbled in response, leading me to wonder whether the request would even be passed on. However, at the end of the workday, we both received messages summoning us to Choi's office the next morning.

Bright and early the following day, we stepped off the elevator at the sixth floor, and made our way down to the wooden door at the end of the hall. "Let's do it just as we planned," I grinned at Wendy. A first-class acting job was in the works.

Choi waved us in, an impatient frown on his face. We sat down together on the loveseat. Wendy snuggled up next to me, her hand resting solicitously on the upper part of my thigh in wifely fashion. I put my arm around her shoulder, even going so far as to gently tease her hair between my fingers on occasion.

Mr. Choi, a decidedly unromantic fellow, appeared unaffected by all this. "To what do I owe an unsolicited visit from you two lovebirds?" he asked irritably.

"Well, Mr. Choi," I began, clearing my throat for effect. "You know that our first wedding anniversary is coming up. We've both been on our best behavior lately, have we not?"

"Except for that one Internet transgression, yes, I have to admit you've conducted yourselves reasonably well. Please get to your point, Mr. Benson. I'm a very busy man."

I then laid out our plan, describing the details of our proposed visit to Wendy's mother, as well as the side trip to Chengdu. I let him know that a friend would provide transportation, and that we would not object if he deemed it necessary to have a chaperone accompany us.

When I finished, Choi regarded us each in turn, his shifty eyes flitting back and forth. He appeared for a second to be on the verge of busting out in laughter, and then at once grew deathly serious. "And why should I grant an outrageous request such as this?" he said in a tone that was more dismissive than I liked.

"Because of the immense amount of good karma that will come your way," I said with a cheesy smile, "if you help us celebrate the anniversary of the wonderful event that you so generously set up for us."

At that, Choi did erupt in derisive laughter. Then, inexplicably, he reversed course. "That's rich, Mr. Benson. Very rich. But you know what? Just to show that I'm a reasonable man, I'll choose to grant your request. Go ahead, have your little holiday."

Wendy couldn't contain herself; she let out a little squeal of delight. Choi's response was to hold up his index finger threateningly. "Rest assured that you will be accompanied by one of my underlings," he stated firmly. "No one at your place of work is to know about this. And if this little excursion turns out to be anything more than advertised..." He let the threat hang, again running his hand across the handle of the damn knife that now seemed permanently affixed to his desk. Something was becoming glaringly obvious here. Choi unquestionably had life-or-death control over us. But Sandra was right; when it came to smaller matters such as this, for some bizarre reason, we had him by the balls.

"Thank you so much for your generosity," I said flippantly. Then, I turned to Wendy. "Shall we get back to work, love?" She smiled and nodded, and we left the office hand in hand, continuing our little act that should have netted us an Academy Award.

The gentleman who'd provided our transportation had chosen to wait for us down in the lobby. As we got into the elevator, Wendy voiced what was on her mind.

"You were..." she began, before pausing to come up with the right word. "... fantastic. Thank you, thank you so much. I'm so happy." She then proceeded to let her head fall against my chest, and began to shed tears of joy.

I moved to deflect the adoration. "Sandra deserves most of the credit. This was her idea," I pointed out. Whether or not that was true, I'd just induced Wendy to cry tears of happiness. For the first time since I'd been rudely taken away from my comfy life in Florida, I momentarily felt like a million bucks.

Wendy and I soon realized we had a rather embarrassing problem: neither one of us had clothes that were suitable for an outing like this. We had plans to dine in a nice restaurant in Chengdu, and maybe hit a nightclub afterward. Sweatshop workers living in relative poverty have little need for stylish attire; our clothing was uniformly well-used and functional. We addressed this matter the following weekend, with the trip a week away. Sandra paid us a rare Sunday afternoon visit, and we discussed the attire problem, as well as the issue of financing the excursion. Sandra generously offered to purchase clothes for us and fund the trip, but both Wendy and I nixed that idea.

"We're paying you back," I insisted. "I'll admit that we need some cash up front, but we're considering it a loan."

With that settled, the two women headed off on a ladies-only shopping trip. They were tight-lipped about the destination, laughing at my curiosity. Wendy, of course, was not fitted with a tracking device, which made a shopping excursion such as this less of a risk for her.

I was left alone in our place while they were out doing girl things. It was hard to believe, but I simply couldn't recall a time when I'd been in this dwelling by myself, without Wendy. But they weren't gone long; soon, they burst back through the door with a flurry of conspiratorial smiles and giggles. Wendy was carrying a couple of bags, which originated from a store quite obviously more upscale than one might have found in the immediate area.

I grinned and made a move to seize one of the bags. "Let's see what you got," I blurted out.

Wendy gave a mock look of disapproval and slapped my hand. "You have to wait," she admonished me with a wry expression.

Soon, her purchases were put away, and it was my turn to head for the apparel store. I insisted on visiting one of the stores down the street, which had a reasonable selection of men's attire. Wendy was equally insistent on accompanying me; she wouldn't take no for an answer. Sandra was quite content to stay behind in our place.

Before long, I had acquired a presentable shirt and pair of pants, along with a decent pair of casual loafers. Naturally, Wendy wanted to have the final say in what I purchased. This produced a pang of equal parts sadness and guilt as I recalled innumerable shopping trips with Erin of a similar nature.

Then, there was this realization: the last time I'd worn clothes like this – simple upscale casual attire – I'd been back in Florida.

It was around nine a.m. the following Saturday. I was all dressed and ready to get a move on. Sandra had arrived about two hours earlier; she was helping Wendy get ready. I was growing impatient, but I had to keep it to myself. The fourth member of our traveling party, a certain Mr. Kwong, was sitting bolt upright on the sofa. His posture was rigid, his facial expression dour, and his demeanor no-nonsense and anti-social. He was, of course, Choi's appointed chaperone.

I cast a frustrated look at the closed bedroom door. "Women," I muttered, half directed at Mr. Kwong. He made no acknowledgment of my remark, even though I knew he could speak English. It's just as well, I thought. Wendy, Sandra, and I had already decided that we would not acknowledge Mr. Kwong's presence, unless absolutely necessary. Our focus today would be a simple one: merely to enjoy ourselves.

At last, the door opened, and out stepped a smiling Sandra. She was followed by a nicely dolled-up Wendy, sporting a fashionable white top and jeans, along with a light application of facial makeup. Her hair was nicely styled, and I suspected that was what had taken her so long to get ready. Perhaps "dolled up" is an exaggeration here, but it was a marked departure from the loose-fitting clothing and makeup-free appearance I'd grown accustomed to ever since we'd arrived in China.

"You look very nice, love," I said to Wendy. We knew that Mr. Kwong would certainly report back to Choi; hence, we had to resume our little act.

Sandra produced her smart phone, aiming to take some pictures before we left. As soon as Mr. Kwong caught sight of the phone, he leaped to his feet and tried to seize it. Man, was that dude ever one hell of a rude guest. Sandra angrily told him to buzz off in Mandarin, before voluntarily handing over the device and allowing Mr. Kwong to inspect it. "It's in airplane mode," she explained to me. "There's no risk of it setting off that alarm that's been planted inside you. But he won't take my word for it."

Mr. Kwong finally relented and gave the phone back to its rightful owner. He returned to his place on the sofa, once again appearing aloof and disinterested. Sandra, Wendy, and I posed for a few pictures, and soon, we were on the road. Sandra was behind the wheel. Mr. Kwong, without even asking, claimed the other front seat, leaving Wendy and me in the back. Wendy, of course, scooted over close to me during the trip, maintaining our little charade. We had to be very careful about what we talked about, but nonetheless, a good time was had by three out of the four passengers in the vehicle during the ride out to the place where Wendy's mother lived. God, it was great to finally escape – even temporarily – from the small geographical area where I'd been confined for over a year now! I knew Wendy felt the same way.

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Unwanted attention Chapter 11

Introduction: This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery. Enjoy! Chapter 11 ...

1 year ago
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Unwanted attention Chapter 15

Introduction: Continuation – This is a story of how it all began for me at an early age. It starts slow and some chapters have more action then others but honestly, I feel that those are the more interesting ones. I suggest that you read them in order as to fully enjoy them. Please let me know how much you liked them and maybe even how it made you feel. I know it made me all wet writting it and had to stop multiple times for obvious reasons. Please feel free to check out my picture gallery....

3 years ago
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Unwanted Desires And Lust Towards My Bhabhi

Hello friends, this is a true sex story between me and my elder brother wife. We are Muslim and live in joint family.My parents and my brother along with myself and my wife.This happened last year when my elder brother went to USA for some job stuff.Well, coming to the sex story. Am married did love marriage 5 years ago am 33 now having two kids. At a point my wife went to her mom and my elder brother was in USA.My bhabhi is little peeping type person. She is like a CID in home. I was having...

4 years ago
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Unwanted Gangbang 8211 Part 2

Hi, Rahul again agar koi bi mujse friend ship karna chahe ya fir sexual relation rakhna chahe to mail me secrecy is guaranted delhi this is the continue of my previous story . As I have told you before how my uncle use to fuck my mom with his friend aur wo bhi bina meri maa ki marji ke. Ab main aage sonata hun ye sab aise hi chalta rehta tha but kabhi bi mere samne nai hua ya main dekh nai paaya haa kabhi kabhi laga jaise ki main office se aata to mere ghar pe mere chacha ka dost gate kholta or...

4 years ago
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Unwanted Gangbang Of My Mother

Hi, friends my name is Rahul and i am from Delhi. This is my first story which is a true story of my home. In my home i have my mother Rani and wife Rakhi. My father has been passed away 3 months before my birth and i hope this would not have happened then the situations will not be like today. Before my marriage we are a joint family including my uncle his wife my grandmother and 4 kids of my uncle, ye kahani tab ki hai jab main chota tha lagbhag 8-9 saal ka main or mummy ek sath sote the alag...

1 year ago
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Unwanted Sex With My Boss

Hi to all! This is my first post here in this awesome site. This story happened just 2 months back. Let me first introduce myself. I am sree vaani, a widow with 2 baby girls. I’m from Hyderabad. I completed my studies with after studies I got married. Just one year back I lost my husband in accident. So to run a family I joined in a job. The nature of the job is net center in charge the boss of my net center is very rich. He has lot of business. This is his 1st business that’s why he...

3 years ago
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Unwanted thing

Hi! Here is Sapna back with one more story of mom and other person. Let me describe my mom, Shweta. Even at the age of 38 she is slim and has maintained her body well. She has structure of 36-32-36. Her boob’s size is 36 C. When she wears saree, she really looks sexy. Her blouses are all low cut neck and has large gap on back. And, most of her sarees are transparent. She enjoyed her sex life to fullest and did almost any wild experience to make her sex life even more lively. But once upon a...

3 years ago
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Unwanted Suitor

Megan Barnes knew that she wasn't going to like this Chad boy, not one damn bit. First off, her daughter Jean had refused to bring him home and introduce him to the family. Secondly the way she had been talking about him it was obvious that he was starting to become a bad influence on her and Megan knew that this boy was going to be trouble. And thirdly he was 17 and Jean had just turned 15 and Megan well knew what 17 year old boys wanted — pussy! It came to a head on a Friday afternoon when...

4 years ago
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Unwanted HouseguestChapter 2 Pool on New Years Eve

David finished combing his hair and headed downstairs while Beth was still in the shower. He hadn't slept well as he kept having disturbing dreams about his wife and brother all night long. He kissed his wife good morning and noticed she looked exhausted, like she hadn't slept very well either. He went down to the kitchen and poured some coffee, Steve was sitting at the table reading the sports section of the morning paper wearing only his sweat pants. Steve's eyes were blood shot,...

4 years ago
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Unwanted HouseguestChapter 3 Sex on the Beach

David and Beth finally stumbled out of bed around noon on New Years Day. Beth had managed to get a few hours sleep since climbing into bed at dawn, but most of the time she had spent tossing and turning from sexual frustration. David was getting out of bed, when Beth jumped up and raced him to the bathroom. Her husband had noticed his brothers dried sperm on her chin, luckily he thought it was drool, and she wanted to wipe it off before he got a better look at her face. Her chin was caked...

2 years ago
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Unwanted HouseguestChapter 6 Whos that Knockin at My Back Door

Beth could see the single headlight on Steve's motorcycle following her the whole way home. Duane had taken her panties and there was nothing holding his semen inside her pussy. His large load constantly oozed out of her body staining the car seats and soaking her thighs. Beth had never been so scared in her life as she was at that moment. She had given into lust and let a giant dicked black man fuck her. He had apparently chosen to mark her as his property by cumming inside her and giving...

2 years ago
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Star of David

‘I don’t believe in God.’ Dawn heard his words, but she didn’t believe them. He was the most spiritually connected person she had ever met. ‘I see God when you fuck me,’ she whispered, dancing her fingers over his belly, clammy now with sweat from their lovemaking, her own belly showing a fine, matching sheen. ‘What does he look like?’ She could hear the smile in his voice, teasing her. ‘Old white guy with a beard and staff standing at the gates of heaven?’ ‘No, nothing like that… Do you...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 212 Pipeline Date 1A1 The First Half

Friday, May 13, 2005 (Continued) The arrangement for the pipeline date was that I was going to be picked up from home at 6pm, and I was warned not to eat anything in advance because there was going to be an excessive amount of food. They refused to divulge any other information, but already I liked the sound of this date. Julia reminded me of the colored cards. I didn't really need the reminder, but she was mostly making sure of my resolve: Red: if I never wanted to date the girl ever...

3 years ago
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Senior Moments Ch2

By Jax_Teller For the rest of the weekend I stayed with Nikki and David, and I fucked Nikki every chance I could. I was fascinated that Nikki seemed to crave a new sexual experience every time. I was introduced to anal and oral sex both giving and receiving. It seemed like she was some how teaching me but at the same time experimenting for the first time herself. It was somewhat weird that David seemed as happy that Nikki and I were fucking so much, but I was relieved he wasn’t upset....

3 years ago
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Fucking Elder Sister In Saree

First off, I am 18 and my sister is 23, she is wheatish and has a sexy figure of 36B-28-36. She likes wearing high heels and that really turns me on. Anyway, this story happened a few months back. My parents are looking for a groom for my sister and so every now and then some family visits our house, as is customary. My sister (Sidhi (name changed)) used to get dressed up in a saree, put on make-up and wear her high heels. I used to take pictures of her after she got dressed and used to...

3 years ago
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Aunt Cathys Gigolo

AUNT CATHY’S GIGOLO I served my country honorably until I took a shot to the hip. Not much an Army Ranger can do without a useable hip. I was patched up pretty well, but still given a medical discharge, some very nice VA benefits, and decided to go to college full time. In my four and a half years of active duty I managed to get a full year of college. My Aunt Cathy runs a hair salon from her home about four hours from my parent’s place. About ten minutes from her house is a university I’d...

Straight Sex
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You're a nice girlfrom a nice familysomewhere in the Midwest.Your Mom told you all aboutboys and sex.You learned to spit and swallowin the back of Bubba's pickupThen you got a job in the big city.Your new friends took you clubbing downtown.You met a nice boy called Todd.You went on a couple of dates.Then Todd saidI only fuck girls in the butt. You're in the city now. You gotta give up your ass or give up your boyfriend.He wants anal sex?Your Mom never told you about that.Is that called...

2 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish ForChapter 10

Susan huddled in the doorway and shivered as the cold wet rain poured down around her. The weather was definitely bad for business. She had been on this corner for four hours and had turned only one trick - a grossly overweight, foul smelling man who had wanted a blow-job. She had gagged when her mouth touched his unwashed cock, but she had forced herself to go through with it. She had to make some money just to keep Toby from beating her. Toby was the pimp that John had turned her over to...

4 years ago
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First Meeting with a CD

It was strange, he contacted me first and his profile stated he was looking for a domme or trans to submit to. I guess the hidden desire to please a man won out. We communicated through mail and messenger for months. We even met for coffee and some groping, where I tested his desire for nipple play, some severe pinching and even squeezed his sac to express the control I wanted and what he could expect. His affection grew with each interaction and finally the desire to consummate the bond was...

3 years ago
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Nancyrsquos Story Chapter 19

Chapter 19. ChangesIt was another wonderful night. The bed was so comfortable, the room was quiet, all was right.Chuck and I woke and showered together. It will be my last freshwater shower for a while so I washed and conditioned my hair again. I decided to wear the same dress I wore to dinner the night before. The huge decision- to wear or not to wear a thong. I asked Chuck what he thought.“Commando!”“What?”“Commando.”I explained I had no clue what he meant.He pulled up the skirt-like lavalava...

2 years ago
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Becky and Scott part 1

As Becky began unpacking in her room she was greeted by her new roommate. "So you're my new roommate" Scott said greeting Becky with a hand shake. "I'm sorry who are you?" Becky asked. "I'm your new roommate Scott. Now I know what your thinking 'I thought I was going to have a female roommate' but unfortunately things aren't what they seem. This is one of the few co-ed universities where both a guy and a girl are placed in the same room together. Now I know that may not seem like...

1 year ago
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NubilesPorn Alexis Crystal Family Secrets

Euro babe Alexis Crystal is on her way on the store when she literally bumps into Ricky Rascal, who has traveled abroad to learn more about a distant relative. The two hit it off right away and joke about how funny it would be if they were related. Alexis lets him into the building, then invites him in for tea so he can tell her about his family. Since Ricky has been so open with her, Alexis shares that everyone in her family has a v-shaped birthmark on her butt. She agrees to show it to Ricky....

3 years ago
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Dirty Harry

Once the school day was over, I had attended a football practice and my then girlfriend Dawn had been doing an after school gym class. It was a cold and dark autuminal late evening by the time we were finished up and on our way back to my parents house for a meal. We were both tired and cold so decided to take a short cut to the house which entailed cutting off the corner of a housing block by crossing through a private residences yard. Now the house to cut through was owned by an elderly guy...

3 years ago
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Does Lightning Alter Memories Or Something Else

A raging thunderstorm interrupted my repeating dream of Colleen. I dreamed about her a lot. My encounter with Colleen was a missed opportunity but when you're 17, without a lot of worldly experience, it's easy to miss signals. I always regretted missing her signals.Colleen worked with my mother in an office. She was just out of college and this was her first job, her first apartment, and the first time to be alone in a big, new city. Mom took Colleen under her wing and tried to help her any way...

Straight Sex
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Moved into a new life Part 5 David seduces mom

Chapter 5 Mark's wife and his son discover each other David and Susan, Mark's and Marla's kids, after making up their minds to seduce their parents had found a weekend where Susan could be with their dad of town. Susan's field hockey team had advanced to the regionals and that was out of town. That meant that David could stay home with their mother and make his attempt to complete her seduction. He had been working on seduction for weeks. He had also been...

1 year ago
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Fun with a latina tranny

So I'm a big fan of a big tranny cock in my ass. Just throwing that out there early on here.So this past summer I decided that with my school being off I should get some tranny cock as fast as I could. I went on a site and set up a new account, hoping for the same luck I had a few months ago with a hot black tranny named Jade and her friend. I quickly found a very nice 20 something tranny names Maria who said I would do. We went through a few chat sessions, with our cams on and I convinced...

1 year ago
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Looking Through the LensChapter 6 Communication Breakdown

The morning after the party, I snuck out of Brian’s house before anyone else awoke. Sleep hadn’t helped my mood too much; I still felt some anger when the memory of the previous evening seeped back into my thoughts. My head was groggy as I trudged to my house, sleeping bag in hand. I was hoping to fall straight into my bed, but unfortunately Melissa was yawning her way into the great room when I entered. She looked at me in surprise. “You’re up early,” I murmured. “You’re back early,” she...

1 year ago
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Family Porn HD? Ah, it’s an age-old story of taboo lust. Your single dad hooks up with a 20-year-old dimepiece with wide hips, thick thighs, and tits to die for who becomes your new stepmom, but you just can’t help getting hard every time she walks by in a tight tank top with no bra and a slim pair of black booty shorts. I can’t blame you, man. But some people take it even further. Ever dream of your hot older sister slipping into your room at night and letting you fuck her brains out? Or maybe...

Incest Porn Sites
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NubilesPorn Emmy Space Russian Pussy

Seductive coed Emmy Space is always happy to put aside her book for her boyfriend Timmy. He rewards her for her attention by slipping her thong aside to fingerbang her creamy bare twat and then to lap away her juices with his soft tongue. Soon he has Emmy naked and his cock out for her to suck in an enthusiastic deep throat BJ. When Emmy climbs onto Timmy’s lap, he keeps his hands on her hips and then her tits as she rides his hardon. Her small tits shake and her whole body quivers with...


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