DanicaEpilogue A free porn video

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Danica knelt at her mother's grave, gently stroking the marker stone with one hand. Tears streamed down her face, but only the occasional sob shook her. Her mother's long illness had prepared Danica for this day long ago, as much as anyone could be prepared for the death of a parent.

She laid the flowers in front of the headstone, whispering, "I love you, Mom. I'll miss you." Staring at the stone, Danica wondered, What would you think of me, if you could see me now?

As if sensing her sister's thoughts, Devan lay a hand on Danica's shoulder and softly said, "She'd be proud of you, Danica. She always was proud of you. You were a good girl with an honest trade, and no mother could ask for more. I think she would be beaming if she could see you now, though. You stood up and did what was right, and you did it on your own."

Danica looked up at her sister, "You think so?"

Devan nodded and smiled, "I know so."

Danica rose to her feet, and Devan hugged her, whispering into her ear, "I'm proud of you too, Danica. It broke my heart to see you hiding in my shadow, like it was your place, and not living up to your potential. I didn't know what to do, so I just tried to encourage you whenever I could."

"You were always so beautiful and powerful. I felt like nothing beside you," Danica responded.

"Now you know better." Nodding toward the others, gathered a respectful distance away while the sisters shared a private moment, Devan added, "There's your proof. To them, I'm just Danica's sister, and that's the way it should be. I'm so glad to see you taking control of your life."

Danica sighed, "Zoraster gave me little choice."

"Don't worry about that right now. You can tell me more later." Hugging Danica again, Devan whispered, "I was always jealous of your boobs, you know. I've seen men walk into walls and about knock themselves out staring at them."

Danica chuckled and hugged her sister tighter. They both laughed when their stomachs rumbled in perfect unison.

"I think we both need something to eat," Devan remarked.

"Come on inside, and I'll make us something," Danica's father suggested.

Danica looked over at her father and said, "There's a reason Mom never let you near the kitchen, Dad. You can't boil water without burning it — I'm cooking. You and Daniel are going to take Brandon somewhere so you men won't be in our way."

Daniel exclaimed, "Thank the gods!"

Scowling at his son, Danica's father warned, "I'll remember that, Son. I think I can find your mother's recipe for boiled hay."

Daniel held up his hands defensively and backed away, drawing a laugh from everyone.

Chuckling, Danica's father admitted, "It will be nice to have some real food in this house for once, though."

Danica looked over at Devan and said, "I know you're almost as helpless as Dad, but you don't get off so easy. You'll be running to the root cellar for us."

Devan groaned in response to that.

Danica asked her father, "Do you have any hands helping out right now?"

"We told them to take a few days off, and that we'd send for them, when Devan came to get us."

"Okay, it's just us then." Turning to her assembled friends, Danica said, "Let's go find out what we have and get started. I'm starving."

Ebonar stood in Danica's strangely bare room, staring at the corpse of his Master. "It appears you underestimated those two," he muttered. "I have my instructions — things will continue as you ordered."

"Who are you to take his place?"

Ebonar scowled and turned to face Camilla, who was standing in the doorway to Danica's abandoned room. Staring hard at her, his voice tightly controlled, Ebonar replied, "I am in charge here, Camilla. Allow me to demonstrate."

Ebonar spoke a word of magic and Camilla collapsed to the floor on her knees, screaming and holding her head. The pain lasted for only moments, but it was more than long enough for Camilla to understand that this man indeed held secrets known only to Zoraster.

Turning away from the kneeling woman, Ebonar ordered, "Send servants to clean these rooms in one hour. After that, they are to be sealed, and only opened upon my orders. Spread the word that I am calling council for this evening as well, at the usual time. It is time for everyone to know that things will continue as always, under my direction. Close the door behind you."

"Y-yes, Master," Camilla replied, rising to obey the order.

When she was gone, Ebonar lifted his foot from a knife-shaped scorch mark on the stone. Staring at it knowingly, he chanted a spell and caused the blemish to vanish. He then knelt to pick up the contorted body of Zoraster Arias.

"That was a meal fit for a king," Danica's father sighed contentedly, "I don't know if I'll be able to drag myself out of this chair and into bed tonight."

Marlena started to speak, but paused and looked perplexed for a moment. She then said, "It's a bit awkward not knowing your name."

"David," Danica's father replied, "I hardly ever hear it, because the hands call me Sir, and the children call me Dad. Even Dora called me Dear most of the time. I haven't heard David with any regularity for forty years or more."

Devan chuckled and said, "Our family has a thing for names starting with D."

Marlena smiled and said, "I just want to thank you for your hospitality, David."

"Thank him in the morning, because we're staying the night," Danica announced.

"I think I can get up to bring in some beds if you girls will stay the night. It's been too long since either of you stayed, let alone both of you," David said with a wide smile.

"It will be a bit crowded," Devan warned.

Daniel piped up and offered, "Brandon can have my bed. I'll bunk with Dad."

Andrea said, "We don't want to impose."

David gestured to his daughters, "If it keeps both these girls here, and maybe gets me a good breakfast in the morning, I'll consider it a blessing rather than an imposition."

Brandon stood with a great sigh. "It ain't gonna get any easier to move. Show me where the bunks are, and where to put them, and I'll start moving them."

Daniel stood as well, "I'll show you, and I'll help."

Why the sudden urge to stay? Danica heard Devan thinking. Devan obviously meant for Danica to hear the thought, which was the equivalent of a mental shout.

You don't have to shout, Devan, I can hear you. I just feel like staying, and I want to talk to you later. There are some things I need to say to you before I start telling the whole story.

I knew it, you're psionic, you haven't cast any spells.

Later, Danica responded mentally, winking at her sister. She then turned to the other women and asked, "Would you mind helping me with the dishes? We'll cheat a little with our magic, but it will still take a while."

"It's been too long since I've done any honest work," Celes responded and stood up. She then blew out a blast of air and said, "It's been a while since I ate so well too. I don't think I'm in any better shape than anyone else."

Danica's father stood and said, "Well, let's get started moving those beds. My old back may not be good for lifting, but I can surely hold open doors for you younguns."

Brandon laughed, "It's been a while since I was called a youngun.

"You're a friend of my daughter, so you're a youngun," David laughed. "Not so young that you can't share a few tankards with Daniel and I, though."

Daniel beamed, "If I knew you'd break out your cask, I'd bring my friends over more often."

His father snorted, "Your friends aren't so well behaved."

Danica laughed and said, "You just don't know Brandon very well yet."

Brandon affected a hurt expression, drawing a laugh from Danica and her friends. He joined in after a moment, and then followed Daniel to the door. Danica ushered the women into the kitchen at the same time.

Danica yawned, "I feel dead on my feet." She stretched and tossed her bag of holding onto the bed, and then said, "I'm sure Devan and I have nightshirts that will fit everyone."

"If mine haven't been eaten up by moths," Devan muttered, digging into her clothes chest.

Danica asked, "You don't have any in your bag?"

"I keep a few spare robes, and a few pair of panties, but that's about it," Devan answered.

"If you can spare a pair of panties, I'd appreciate it. Mine are falling off me," Celes requested.

Devan flipped open her bag and felt around for a moment, and then withdrew a pair of lace-trimmed red panties, holding them out to Celes.

Celes chuckled and said, "For special occasions?"

Twitching her eyebrows, Devan replied, "No, I have naughty ones for that."

Danica sent a thought to her friends, I feel like I'm about to pass out, but I really need to talk to Devan tonight. I owe her several apologies, especially for being so judgmental about her being with other women. I feel terrible about it.

We'll be fine, go take care of it now. I don't want a repeat of you and Celes. Andrea thought to Danica, her mental voice still a little awkward, as she had not communicated with Danica often this way.

"Devan — I need to talk to you before we go to bed. Let's go out to the barn."

Devan nodded, and then laughed. "It will be a little odd walking out there together and not being dressed in two layers of clothing."

Danica laughed as well, and then explained to the others who didn't understand the jest, "We used to wear conservative clothing over more daring outfits to get past Mom when we went into town. We always stashed them in the barn."

Marlena blushed and said, "I suppose we all did that."

"We never got caught, though," Devan bragged with a wink.

"Mom knew, she told me, but she still made us go through the motions," Danica told her sister.

"Well, thanks for destroying my illusions about how clever I was," Devan responded, sticking her tongue out.

"Go on, we'll wait for you to get back," Celes said, making a shooing motion.

Danica nodded toward the door, and Devan followed her. The walk to the barn was indeed nostalgic, and Danica found she was smiling despite being a little nervous about the talk with her sister. When they reached the barn, Danica opened the door and led Devan to a bale of hay, where they both sat down.

"Devan, I owe you some apologies."

"Danica, you don't have to..."

"No, I do. I was terrible to you about a lot of things, but one of them has been really bothering me. I'm so sorry for treating you the way I have, because you liked being with other women."

Devan smiled. "It's okay, Danica. I know it isn't the easiest thing in the world to accept. It bothered me at first too, until I realized it was just as natural as being with a man. Why the change in heart?"

Danica blushed, and the reaction told Devan everything she needed to know. She guessed, "Celes?"

Danica smiled, nodded, and said, "Andrea and Marlena too, and a lot of others. Zoraster did things to me while he held me, but I know now that all of it was inside me anyway. I just wouldn't let it out. I think I was trying to be different from you in some small way."

Devan winked and said, "Well, that will certainly make it easier to talk to you sometimes. They're all beautiful women. I'm a bit jealous. Now, I have a question for you. Have you been magicking your boobs?"

Danica laughed and shook her head, and then held up a finger to indicate Devan should wait for a moment while she opened her robe.

Devan asked, "Well, what's that now?"

"I found a woman who makes them, she calls them brassieres. I don't think I could live without them now."

"You're going to have to get me some. I like how they look all pushed up."

"They aren't bouncing all over the place either," Danica said as she closed her robe. "I'm sorry for not letting you know what I was doing when I vanished, too. I know I should have, and all of this probably wouldn't have happened if I had."

"Just don't let it happen again, but you know, Mom always said that things happen for a reason."

"I've been hearing and saying that a lot lately," Danica said with a chuckle. "Anyway, I'm sorry, Devan. I've treated you badly, and it was all for selfish reasons."

"I forgive you," Devan responded, and then yawned, "I want to know more about what happened while you were gone, but I'm exhausted. Let's go to bed, we'll have plenty of time to talk about things later. I'm proud of you Danica, and I'm happy to see you confident and using all that ability you've always had."

"I would have never gotten through it without my friends. Celes, Brandon, Andrea, Marlena — they all supported me in their own ways, others too. I wish I could introduce you to Carolyn, Grant, Heather, Tari, Tonda — so many people have touched me in all those years."

Listening to the love in Danica's voice stung Devan a little. Her relationships were all spurious at best, and she had never really connected with anyone. Hearing the names of so many friends — made under the worst of circumstances — caused Devan to feel more than a little empty inside.

Danica laid a hand on her sister's shoulder, "Are you okay?"

Devan pushed the dark thoughts away and smiled. "Yes, I'm just tired, let's go to bed."

"No need to walk," Danica said and held out her hand to Devan.

Devan took it and they teleported back to their room.

Devan nodded her head approvingly when they arrived. "Now, how did you cast that spell so fast? I know the spell, but that wasn't all the words, or gestures."

"Celes and I can explain it. We picked it up at the Forge."

Devan muttered, "So you were there, then. I almost tracked you down, you know. The only thing that made me decide it wasn't you Cheron was talking about was that she said she had been with you. She's rather assertive, isn't she? I liked it."

Celes said, "I guess you got things out in the open, then. Good, I was having trouble keeping my eyes off you."

"Behave," Danica requested playfully, her face bright red.

Devan laughed and winked at Celes. "We're going to get along just fine."

Danica turned back to her sister and replied, "Yes, Cheron knows what she wants and goes right after it. Where did you meet her?"

"Vladamir's — she's his right hand now."

"I'd like to see her again," Danica sighed.

"She'll probably be there when Darkni calls everyone to come listen to your story."

Danica asked, "Who is everyone?"

"Thakkor, Mindblind, Vladamir — everybody. We need to know what you know, so we can counter what Zoraster started. His plans have a life of their own, and they'll cause havoc even without him directing them."

"It was going to be hard enough to tell this story to someone as powerful as Darkniciad. I'm going to throw up if I have to talk in front of Kings and Dukes," Danica lamented.

Devan waved her hand in a dismissive gesture as she stripped off her robe. "The meeting will be informal — all of them are. It probably won't be any different than sitting around talking to anybody else. I'll get you drunk if you get too nervous."

"You'll be fine, Danica. You remember everything, and you speak so well," Marlena asserted.

"She's right," Andrea agreed.

Devan pulled on her nightshirt and said, "There you go, listen to them. Don't you go back to thinking you're less than you are. I don't think I know half of how much you've grown yet."

Danica took off her brassiere, smiling when she saw all three of her friends glance at her breasts, and then put on her nightshirt. "I still think I'm going to throw up."

Devan climbed into bed and said, "We'll keep a bucket nearby then."

"You're terrible," Danica sighed as she climbed into bed.

"No, terrible would be sneaking out and trying to seduce that handsome Brandon you brought with you, while you were sleeping."

Danica threw a pillow at her sister and then put out the lamp. Devan's mirth was short lived, and she lay awake for more than an hour, struggling with her inner demons in light of seeing the strong bonds of friendship and love between the women who shared the room with her and Danica.

A great deal of whispering and many arrogant stares greeted Ebonar as he strode into the council chamber. Stunned silence replaced the whispers when he sat down in the chair reserved for Zoraster at the head of the chamber.

"I'm sure you are all aware that Zoraster is dead. By his orders, all shall move forward without delay, under my direction."

"And who are you to sit in the Master's chair and speak with his voice," hissed one of the assembled wizards.

"I am his chosen successor, and I suggest you address me with a tone more becoming your station," Ebonar warned.

"We have nothing but your word to affirm this succession," another wizard uttered, but this one maintained a respectful tone.

"Zoraster ruled because he had power," the first dissenter sneered, "I will not follow some puppet who claims Zoraster's favor. I think it is time for a new order here."

Ebonar stood, and a nimbus of crackling energy sprang up around his muscled frame. "Zoraster ruled because he had the foresight and intelligence to do so. True, his power far outstripped that of any in this room — as does mine." With that, Ebonar gestured at the arrogant wizard that had just defied him.

The man screamed as he was hurtled over the table behind him by a hissing bolt of crimson power. When the wizard came to rest, he was unconscious — his robes smoking.

Ebonar scanned the assembly. "I trust there are no other objections?"

The cowed servants of Zoraster immediately tore their eyes from the smoldering wizard, one of the most powerful amongst them, and affirmed their allegiance.

"Good," Ebonar chuckled and sat down, "My name is Ebonar, but you shall address me as Master, even as you did my Master before me. Now, deliver your reports."

Danica awoke to the smell of coffee wafting through the house. She looked around and saw that Devan was already up, washing before she got dressed. The others were rousing as well.

Danica was closest to the door when someone knocked on it, so she went to answer it, opening the door a crack and peeking out to see it was Brandon.

"Your Pa may not be able to cook, but he damn sure can brew coffee. You ladies better get up before the first pot is gone. Have a nice sleepover?" He then tried to peek around Danica into the room.

Same as Danica
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a****l URGESI Awakening Upon awakening, my first sensation was of nausea. The difference, from the prior three occasions, only manifest in degree. Yet I did not have to open my eyes to know that, as before, I lay naked and covered in blood – hardly any my own – that was largely dried, especially around my face; eyes crusted shut, mouth tasting of blood, vomit, and I-dared-not-think what else. Not to mention the other vile bodily excretions in which I lay. Despite my being largely u*********s of...

2 years ago
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As I am walking down the street I kept sensing someone was following me but when I looked behind me no one was there. “I am just paranoid” I said to myself so I kept walking to the car. My car was parked between 2 abandoned buildings and there was not a lot of traffic, honestly there was no traffic. I did that so from where I was it’s a straight shot home with no turns or stops. I kept having that sense someone was following me and it was bothering me so I picked up the pace. When I finally...

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Home for Horny Monsters Book ThreeChapter 16 The World

Yuki stood by the back door, her eyes on Naia’s fountain. The nymph was currently absent, resting in her spring. Unstoning the others had taken some time. After reviving Beth, the minotaur had been next, and it had taken almost everyone to calm the beast down. Scowling, he had stormed back into the Labyrinth, disappearing behind its thick, metal doors. Beth had been unable to follow, still weak from her transformation. Sofia had simply collapsed, holding her sides tightly. Naia, after a...

3 years ago
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Servicing Two Dirty Old Men

After I started opening up to playing with men outside my marriage (and with my wife's blessing) I soon found I had a thing for older men. In short, I liked getting fucked by "daddies" and enjoyed the way older tops like to take their time.I had seen Lou about a half dozen times. He was about sixty, in good shape, spoke with a gruff French accent and had a nice thick 7" cut cock. We met online and I would visit his house sometimes when his wife was out shopping. We had already had a lot of good...

Group Sex
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Banged Up Witch

The door banged behind me and I face into the room that was going to be my home for the next two years. 10x6 feet with two bunks and a bucket for sloops. I wasn't alone however, on one of the bunks was a middle-aged man reading his paper. He didn't acknowledge me though, which didn't bode well. But then after a few minute he put down his paper and looked at me. "What are you in for?" he asked straight out. "Burglary," I replied, "three years. You?" "Manslaughter," he said with a...

1 year ago
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Dream Agency

Based on an idea by Daywalker (c) 2002 Charmbrights Ltd. All rights reserved. 'It must be lunch time,' thought Tarquin as the Thursday sun reached the edge of his desk, and his head nodded a little, more from boredom than tiredness. He put down the telephone and swore under his breath. The Rosebay High School was a difficult place to find anyone willing to teach in. Its reputation was terrible throughout the city as a place where teachers were regularly harassed both by pupils and by...

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My Step Mom and Me

When I first met the lady that later became my step-mom, I was 12 yrs old. I thought she was okay looking, since she was a bit over weight, but her oldest daughter, BOY, she was a KNOCK OUT. Her youngest daughter, she just looked like a normal teenage girl, but nothing really to make your head spin twice. My dad would drive out to her house (she lived out in the country, about a 30-minute drive from where we lived at in town), usually 2-3 a week, and we usually stayed late, with the 2 of them...

2 years ago
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Idylls of the Lady Ch 1

Lady Heather sighed as she heard a knocking on the door of her bedchamber. ‘Just a moment,’ she called, reaching for her red dressing gown to cover her young, nude body. She opened the door to see James, her family’s butler, standing there. ‘Good morning, James,’ she said with a smile. He held her breakfast tray. ‘Breakfast, Miss Heather. Shall I put it on the dresser?’ ‘Please.’ As he passed, Heather took the delicate teacup from the tray and sipped the steaming hot tea. He put the tray...

1 year ago
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Sex With Showroom Lady 8211 Part II

Well friends again Rajan here with new story. Aap sbhi mere bare mein jante he ho. Fir bhi bta deta he handsome and good looking hight 5 foot.7 inch my dick size 6.5 inch and 2.5 inch mota hai. So main aap ko apni new story suna raha hu jo k ek bikes k showroom main kam krne wali ek lady k sath ho gya. Wiase to bike liye ko mujhe kafi time ho gya hai. Bt last week mujhe market mein achanak he wo lady mil gai. (sunita). Mujhe janti thi wo to kafi dino baad milne k karan hum waha bate krne lg...

2 years ago
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Sharing Mom 8211 One Happy Family

1. After the first time, fucking mom again About two weeks after I had fucked mom, I had another chance to do it when she wasn’t drunk and sedated. I was alone in the house with mom and she was in the bathroom. I decided then that I had to make sure she knew I wanted to fuck her regularly. I stripped completely, my cock standing out erect and proud and walked into the bathroom. My mother had her back to me as I walked in. I walked up and embraced her fondly, my rock hard penis pressing up...

2 years ago
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The couple I told what to do

I remember the excitment and hesitation as time ticked by ever so slowly. I am addicted to going on webcam and meeting new people. I joined yahoo and out of the blue I started talking with a woman. She asked me if I could help her out with something. She was heavy set and married. Her request was for me to go on webcam and tell her what to do to her husband for it was his birthday. I thought about it and was excited. The next day I logged on wearing my blue camisole and booty shorts. Her window...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Peter fucks my Wife

A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Peter (more to come)I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Peter between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Peter's shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps, her arches curved over his wide shoulders with her toes resting on his...

3 years ago
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Sister Wants To Be A Model

Hi, its jiyan. The story began when I was in college 3rd year and my sister Pinky was in 12th class. She had long thick hair up to her butt. Smooth and shiny. I used to look at her hair whenever I got a chance. In January my parents went to nani ‘s place for a month. My sister had boards so she stayed and I stayed to look after her. One evening when I reached home I saw my sister posing in front of the mirror. She was wearing tight jeans and white top. With butt long hair in a braid waving near...

4 years ago
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Summer SailingChapter 8

DAY SEVEN So we woke early, all looked out to check we were okay. It was bright, clear and, from the sky, still blowing hard, but not as hard. I stood in my pants, made a pot of tea and poured two. A voice behind me said “Nice arse” which I took to be ironical. “There’s tea in the pot if you want one. See you later” And went back to bed. Sarah curled round me, sipped her tea and then drifted off to sleep again. I woke at 11am. Sarah slept on. I went out and checked the anchor, checked for...

3 years ago
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Safe Sex

Copyright © 1995 I took the little white packet from him. I set it in my open palm and stared at it long and hard. It seemed so small, so trivial. It was funny how such a little thing could relieve so much frustration. When I started going with Billy, I had to fight him every step of the way. It wasn't long, though, before he wore down my resistance and I discovered the joys of his wonderful hands. His fingers on my titties made me feel so good. The first time he sucked on my...

4 years ago
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Seducing Gary Part One

The moment he walked into the office, I wanted him. I watched him as he found a cubicle. I asked around and found out he was straight but single. I had seduced straight men before and decided he would be special. I wanted to see how many friendly encounters it would take to bring him into my parlour. I talked to him in the lunch room. We became friends very fast. I had to jerk off before I saw him to hide the hard on I would get just being with him. I would accidently brush against him and...

3 years ago
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Hacking the Brain

(I'm new to this, so if it's a little bad or has mistakes, sorry.) I woke up to my mother saying, "Eric Boil, get up, I'm going to be heading to the grocery and you need to help your sister with her homework, and your friend is in the living room." I got up and said as I started to get dressed for the day, "Alright, I'll be down in a minute." I quickly threw pants on and headed downstairs to see Grace and Ivy sitting at the table. Grace is a senior in the high school down the street, she kinda...

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A Spooky House

You wander through the woods wishing you hadn't been so stupid. You should have checked the weather forecast before going for a hike. Now you are completely lost and soaking wet. You try to watch where you are going so you don't trip but it is so dark you can't really see. You stop to catch your breath when a branch catches your sleeve. You try to pull away but all you mange to do is tear your shirt off. You grab the wet material from the branch and march away. Now you are pissed off and...

3 years ago
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Count of Casualty

This had been a church once, although to what god Aiden wasn't sure. The roof was shot through with years of abandon and months of shelling. It was night outside, but there was a strange orange glow that passed through the gaps in the roof and provided just enough light for the statues to loom out of deeper shadows, hands outstretched. Aiden wanted to just get this over with. Behind him, Jor flicked his light on. The church was less frightening and more pathetic when lit, but the beam didn't...

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Road trip

Four high school girls had decided some time ago that they were going to go away on a short trip together once Laura, the girl who had the idea, had gotten her driver's license. The other three girls were Katherine, Clara and Hannah. Going out on a limb they had asked Jared, the most popular guy in school, if he had wanted to join them. They were shocked as well as overjoyed when he had accepted. The girls were packing their stuff in the car when Jared showed up. "Hi girls!" "Hi Jared!" The...

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Blonde hair blue eyes

I would always just be friends with everyone. Everyone called me "one of the guys". Mainly because I loved sports and I wasn't girly girly either. But I have huge tits and half the time, an ultra wet pussy. Seeing as how I never had a boyfriend, and I never experienced sexual activity. I would always go home and watch porno or chat online and cyber by turning on my webcam and finding another guy with a webcam. It gave me pleasure at the moment. But deep down, I wanted love more than...

1 year ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 Going to the Arctic Circle

On Friday: For the first time, 200 engineers were separated from the others. Among this battalion were the first group of twenty Willa and Tony worked with. For the first time, five officers stood before their men. It was obvious President Pusin was nervous. He had transported up to 20 several times, but knowing he was nervous, Tony encouraged him, “Mr. President, get the men excited. Get them laughing. It will be much easier. We are here to guide you. This will happen!” President Pusin...

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FinallyYou trust me Right

Today had been the same as any other day; arguing with her boss, trying to get people to do what they need to do, and flirting with the guy down the hall. Kylene got home just after 5 and started with her usual routine. She looked forward all day to the moment should could get out of her work clothes and just relax. She usually just put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt to relax in but today had gotten her a little worked up after talking to Landon all day. He knows exactly what to say to...

Erotic Fiction
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 12 Party Time

Author's Note: As always, if you want to see more, I have everything up to chapter 19 posted at razmagurk.deviantart.com and chapter 20 posted on patreon.com/razmagurk . Come check it out! Warning: This chapter is rated a very sexy R and contains tits, wet t- shirts, cheerleaders, crazy parties, short skirts, high heels, white creamy stuff, body swaps, sexy butts, competitive performative bisexuality, butt-plugs, romance, dancing, butt plugs, strap-ons, philosophical angst, bisexual...

1 year ago
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I fucked a Trucker as Hubby Filmed

If your travel out of Edinburgh, out towards the M8 to Glasgow, you will surely pass the Airport Travelodge, out by Ratho Park, Glasgow Rd, Edinburgh. Why there, you might be wondering, a cheap alternative to the more expensive airport accommodation, but better still, a place where a woman, such as myself, can please a man beyond his wildest dreams, a few beers and a fish and chips, with unbelievable sex with the wife of a cuckold man, sex I wanted more than him, it would seem. As he and my...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Wali8217ye 8211 Part III

Hello friends, i am back with the new story. Aaj ki kahani Chandigarh Wali’ye. This happened when i and my girlfriend were studying in Chandigarh. We were staying in two different PGs. She in the Girl’s PG and i in the Boys’s PG. Then we were in 3rd year of our relationship. Till then we used to have phone sex and i used to touch her body whenever i got a chance. She was responding pretty well to all my actions. We both are from Indore studying in the same college in Chandigarh. My girlfriend...

2 years ago
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The Doctors Assistant and the StudentChapter 5

I said, "We will go out to eat. You will have to wear some clothing. No underwear. Wear skirts, not shorts. Don't wear a lot above the waist either. I want people to see my sluts and envy me for having two hot bitches." They both grinned and went to dress; well, sort of. I went to one of the restaurant/bars in the area. My two got a lot of attention with their scanty clothing. Even for twenty something's on a night out, they were a bit under clothed. The skirts were very short. Bethany...

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Milf 8211 Massage To Sex

Hello, everyone of indian sex stories dot net. Thank you for your reviews. I’m glad few ladies loved my experience. I promise I’ll come to your place soon(Banglore, Chennai). If anyone wants warmth and love, send me a mail to This encounter happened a week ago in Chennai. Husband out for work and I begin my work. Let me go to the story. I usually go for jogging in the morning around 6 in my neighbourhood. I see so many middle aged men and women walking at that time. There is this lady,...

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Demon and Demeanour Book 4 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Somerset and cider

“It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Colonel Greenaway. I am Ivan Crossley, Senior Magistrate and deputy Lord Lieutenant of the County of Somerset. Welcome to Taunton.” He rose from his desk and held out his hand. I had no idea I would be shaking the hand of Sir Boris Crossley’s brother, and brother-in-law of John Stafford, when I had left Coleman Hawkins in charge of seeing the regiment into their billets while I made myself known to the ‘civil authorities’ in the great hall of Taunton...

3 years ago
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My Mum And Her New Young Boyfriend

Hi I'm Kyle 17 M Uk My Mum is called Suzanne - She is 48 years old , 5 ft 7 , slim , Tanned ,Shortish Blonde Hair , Natural 38c tits , Blue Eyes She's In Good Shape For Her Age and Looks After Herself .My Dad Sadly Passed Away 5 Years Ago and since then she has only had one boyfriend which only lasted a few months .About a year ago my mum joined the gym to get in shape and lose abit of weight , since then she's turned into a fitness freak She goes to the gym most days of the week and works hard...

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Old Mans Tales Part 4

Summer ended, and fall came turning into winter, and then spring. Part of my job was to train and qualify seasonal boat operators. We had a fleet of small boats, maybe ten of them, that they would use as part of their daily jobs around the lake. Checking water quality, fish studies etc. My class would consist of mostly college-age women, and some of them were very hot. In this class, two of the girls started to hit on me very quickly. Arlene was about five feet tall with a large chest and an...

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Outward BoundChapter 30

After the mutiny attempt, and Emily Johnson’s exile, there was a somber mood on board. I had to work very hard at stopping any suspicions from running wild. This became more than apparent with Sergeant Jones’ refugees. There was an unspoken undercurrent among the crew and family that thought that they might have been involved in the mutiny. I started meeting with them informally. For the most part, the older members were in no condition to return to work. But they were aware of the animosity...

1 year ago
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Carlo Loses His Virginity With His Aunt Part Two

Carlo was playing video games in the living room.  Aunt Jackie was shopping with Kelly, and Martin was reading a book.  Carlo wanted to share his good news with his brother."Martin, I became a man the other day.""Yea, sure.  With who?  You never leave the house.""If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell.""Okay, I promise.  Who did you have sex with?""Aunt Jackie and I had sex together.""Why would Aunt Jackie have sex with a dork like you?""I guess she wanted to have sex.  Man. You should...

1 year ago
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MylfExtras Dani Jensen Pleasurable Pain Mix

Gorgeous redhead Dani Jensens beautiful blue eyes hold secrets. The thing that sets her apart from the other girls is that she likes to mix pain with pleasure. Today, she will be taken through three levels of pain to get to euphoria. The first level is spanking. Our stud slaps her fat ass as she moans. Then, he shoves his cock all the way down her throat for the second level. Finally, he pierces her pussy lips with his meaty cock, slapping her silly as he fucks her twat. Dani cries out for...

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Party Girl Chapter 1

Bailee Jean Stephens was a wild child. At seventeen, she was the youngest of three girls, but she wasn't like her oldest sister, a stable and sensible girl. Nor was she like her middle sister, a smart, studious girl. No, Bailee's goal in life was to live in the fast lane and have as much fun as she could possibly squeeze in. As a young girl growing up, Bailee was tomboy-ish and a daredevil - she didn't let much slow her down. She tried out for several sports in school and did well in most of...

Quickie Sex
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A Dom Learns What Submission is all About

I have been married for twelve years and I have always been the dom in our relationship. A couple of years ago I confessed to my wife that I had always had a fantasy of being dominated by a woman, to find out what the submissive side would be like. I had all but forgotten about it when my wife told me that she had found an old friend from college online, and she would really love to get together with her so that we could meet. We made plans and on that Friday we made the hour long drive to her...

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