Highland Fling
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Cien paced the length of the dining room anxiously the next morning. He’d had lain awake in his bed all night making plans, ideas on how to win his Rose back. He shook his head. How could he win her back, he thought, if he had yet to win her at all?
With that thought his head began to pound. All of this time traveling nonsense was much a bother. He’d lain awake most of the night with a pounding headache when he thought about such things.
It really didn’t matter to him. If he had won her or not. He knew he had once, in his time. With a soft smile, he stopped and leaned his forehead against the cool wall. And if a barbarian could win the hand and heart of such a soft woman, the good Lord above knows he has to try again.
Closing his eyes, he prayed. He could still feel the crushing weight on his heart that her death had caused him. He could still feel her last kiss on his lips. Slowly a tear slipped from beneath his lashes and ran down his cheek. He would not let her be harmed again. He stood abruptly from the wall and wiped fiercely at the tear running down his check.
Saints above, he was the Laird Fraser. Cien Fraser. And Cien Fraser didn’t cry. He threw his arrogance around himself like a cloak, wrapping himself tightly in it.
‘You’ll ne’re get her back like that, my young Laird,’ Henry said from the foot of the table.
Cien spun around and glared at the old man. He was greeted with a newspaper that covered Henry’s face completely. ‘What nonsense is this that you speak old man?’ Cien demanded.
Henry sighed, and folded the newspaper before setting it down in front of him. ‘The Lady Regan, my laird. She won’t be won with arrogance and chest pounding.’ Henry rolled his eyes. ‘Believe this old man when he tells you that. No woman is won in such a way.’
‘And why would I be wanting to win this Regan?’
Henry smiled a soft smile and looked off into the distance of the room. ‘Because when I saw you peeking out at her yesterday, I saw the same look in your eyes as I saw in my own when I met my Iris.’ Henry chuckled and shook his head. ‘Tis naught but love, Lad. I see your love for the girl plain as day. Let her see it as well, and she shall love you the same.’
Cien’s body was shaking finely, and was forced to sit down. He stared down at the table, not really seeing it. ‘She is my Rose.’
Henry smiled at the younger man before picking up his newspaper again. ‘Bah. Enough of this women’s talk. Iris!’
Iris stormed into the room hands on her hips and glared at Henry. ‘ ‘Twill be done when it’s done, your royal highness.’ With that she spun on her heel and disappeared back into the kitchen.
‘She seems cross with you, Henry. Twas not love I saw shinning in her eyes. Twas murder.’ Cien and Henry both shouted with laughter. ‘I need to be seeing to things outside.’ Cien picked himself up and headed out to the stables from the kitchen.
Henry’s laughter was the first thing Regan heard when she hit the down stairs. See, she thought to herself, this was the right place to go. The view is amazing, I got a great night’s sleep… The images of the man from her dream stopped her in her tracks. Her heart began beating hard and her breath caught.
She could still feel the rough calluses on his hands when he touched her body. She could still feel the weight of him on her. With a sigh she shook her head. But she could still smell his skin, and see his face in her thoughts.
Opening her eyes she forced herself to keep moving. She was NOT going to fall in love with a dream. That was something twelve year old girls did. Not twenty something teachers. Squaring her shoulders she plastered a smile on her face and pushed the door to the dining room open.
She ate a small amount and spoke to Iris of her dream, and learned of Cien.
‘Are ye all right, Lassie?’ Iris stood and came to stand next to me.
I looked up at her, and knew I must have looked as stricken as I felt. ‘How far is that
‘Within walking distance. A few kilometers at most.’ She said as she watched my face. ‘This is what you need to do.’ Iris said, sitting in the chair next to me. ‘Walk out the door in the kitchen, and you’ll see a path that leads ye through the forest. It hasn’t been traveled in a long while, but it is still there. When ye come to the fork, go left. Do not at all go right. Tis said to the right is where the fey hold court and none of their magic’s can be trusted.’ She paused looking at my face. ‘The castle will only be a few minutes away from there.’ Standing she looked down at me. ‘Ye let me fix ye a small meal to take with ye.’ And with that she turned to the door and vanished through it.
I stood slowly and walked up the stairs to my room. If Henry spoke to me as I passed, I didn’t hear him. When I got to the room, I went to my backpack I used as a carry on and emptied it out. Turning I left the room and went directly to the kitchen. Iris already had everything ready.
I loaded the ‘small’ meal that had to be at least four courses in my backpack, and then she handed me a flashlight. ‘The forest can be so dense, as no light can get in.’ I thanked her and walked out the door of the kitchen into the morning sun.
The water felt cool and fresh against my feet, making me sigh. Who would have thought, I wondered as I kicked up water, that I would travel back in time and put my toes into Loch Ness? I giggled and opened my eyes. All of the soldiers were staring at me. I stopped and looked at them with curiosity. ‘What? Have I done something wrong?’ They continued to stare at me as I stood ankle deep in the loch. I took each one of their faces in and noticed some were a bit white. ‘Why are you looking at me...
I walked downstairs slowly. I had taken a long hot shower and taken my time getting dressed all the while pondering my dream. It had been a dream. Wasn’t it? It felt so real. I shivered as I thought about how he had touched my skin, how he had kissed me. I was rubbing vigorously as I walked into the dinning room. Henry was seated at the head of a long table with a newspaper held up to his face, blocking my view. Iris was no where to be found, but by the smells of bacon and eggs cooking, I...
It was only a matter of minutes before Tilda had everything going they way it needed to be. I grinned at her as we mounted. She had picked the best guards, and from the expression on the six men’s faces, they thought this was a bad idea. I flashed a smile at them. They all seemed to ignore it. The youngest blushed before he saw the error of his ways, and changed to a frown. It only made me laugh. ‘You are in a fine mood, Lady.’ I glanced at one of the soldiers who’d rode up next to me and...
Cien didn’t see Rose the rest of the day, but looked forward to it at sup. He found himself down at the lake, shaving his scruff off, and bathing in the cold water. As he walked up the hill to the holding, he stopped completely in his tracks when he realized he was whistling. Frowning, he continued on, careful not to whistle or smile anymore. He sat in the lairds chair for Sup and stared up at the steps leading to the great hall. She didn’t appear. He kept staring until he saw Tilda rushing...
Cein returned to the keep two days after the news and was met by three leagues of men. He smiled grimly. Ah so the gossip did still travel at the speed of the wind in the Highlands. He nodded to the men leading the Hamiltons, Buchannans, and MacBains. The three leaders followed Cien and his men into the keep and sat around the table. ‘Hamilton, Buchannan, MacBain. I see you knew to come to me.’ ‘Aye, Cien Fraser. We know of our bonds to you, and have come to reclaim yer lady.’ Davis MacBain...
Cien couldn’t bring himself to go back to the keep. Memories were at the keep. Memories of Regan. Of her smiles, and her laughter and her happiness. Of his happiness with her. Their time together was short, but to Cien, it had been life changing. Instead he begged a few provisions from Maggie, and after a long lecture, she had given in. He collected them and packed his saddle bags up. ‘She wouldn’t want ye to hide,’ Maggie reminded him and he grabbed the blacks reigns. He looked at her,...
Standing up, I began to pace in the small area. The muscles in my back were screaming at me, my legs were hardly able to move at all. I looked a bit like a penguin, shuffling around the crowded area like a caged animal. The airport had delayed the flight to Scotland twice, and now there were rumors that they were going to cancel the flight due to intense weather here. Hobbling over to the windows that separated the general population of JFK airport from the blistering cold. It looked like a...
Cien ground his teeth in frustration. Laird Jeremy Fitzhugh’s son, Colin, did not seem to learn. At all. He was at his wits end after trying to teach the boy for the entire afternoon how to use a sword. Cien wasn’t stupid. He knew he couldn’t teach the lad everything there was to know about sword play all in one day, but he also knew the boy must be slow for he hadn’t learned a thing. Swinging high with his sword, Cien brought it down on the boy’s open spot above his shoulder. A killing move....
(The Present) "One thing you said earlier I wondered about Deirdre." "What was that Duncan?" "You mentioned the Hunters. How did you know about them?" A merry smile danced across the woman's impish face. "Because Fitz told me about them." "Fitz? When did you see him?" "A couple of years ago. I was participating in the annual Renaissance Faire. As usual I was a strolling singer accompanying myself on the lute, which is not exactly my favorite instrument. I was singing, of...
(Note: The story of Deirdre of the Sorrows is part of the Ulster Cycle. She is considered the most tragic heroine in Irish mythology. Of course the song "Bonny Portmore" should be well known to any fan of either the movie or TV versions of "Highlander".) Duncan blinked. "Ah, your daughters?" he asked as casually as he could manage. "Yes," smiled Deirdre. She looked closer at the Highlander and giggled. "Close your mouth Duncan. No one has repealed anything concerning ... us. I'll...
"You're wrong." The combatants fell back from each other. Surprise showed on Deirdre's face but shock was written on Guiseppe's. "Who are you?" demanded the Italian. "I am Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod." "Duncan! How, why, how did you get here?" "It wasn't that hard," replied Duncan as he cautiously circled the room, searching for a position close enough to both his friend and to her daughter that he could get between either of them and Guiseppe should that Immortal...
He sat at the table and listened closely. The plan was ludicrous. He knew that. He also knew that if he would be a dead man if anyone ever knew he had any involvement. He watched the pacing soldier with a close eye, and wondered what broke his sanity. ‘What say you, laird?’ ‘You do know what would happen to me if I were to go along with you, don’t you?’ he asked the younger soldier. He seemed to think on that a moment before speaking. ‘Aye, it would mean that you would break your oath of...
From the window in the tower room that I had been a captive, or at least what felt like a captive, in for two weeks, the loch seemed close. But an hour later as we continued along the bumpy trail that lead to it, I wasn’t so sure anymore. Tilda rode next to me busily chatting away like a little humming bird or something. I wasn’t really paying any attention though. My butt was taking a serious beating from riding. Tilda didn’t seem to notice. I would smile and give a small nod every once in a...
Cien sat astride his horse wearily. It had been a long while, and he was more than ready to be home. They had not found Alex, but there had been gossip that he was dead. Cien felt a pang of regret. He wished he had not been driven to throw his cousin out, but it had come to it, he reminded himself sharply. It wasn’t his fault. Nay, Alex had indeed gone daft. Speaking of elves and witches. The rain didn’t help his mood. It had begun to drizzle a few hours before and was now down to a steady...
The sun was setting in the hills when Maggie finally opened the door to the small cottage. Closing it softly behind her, she looked down at Cien. He sat with his back propped up against the cottage wall. He looked up at her expectantly, like a child. A sad smile eased her lips before she sighed and looked into the distance. ‘How does she fare?’ He asked quietly. Maggie was silent for a long time, simply gazing out into the setting sun. Finally, she sighed and looked at the ground. ‘She...
Cien stayed at her side until Tilda brought Maggie up to the chamber to bathe her. ‘Cien, she is a maiden. Surely you would not disgrace her so.’ Cien shook his head without speaking, and slowly stood up. He still held her limp hand in his, clutching it like a last life line. Maggie was silent as she watched him. ‘Does she know ye care so greatly for her, Cien?’ He shook his head slowly after a moment, never taking his eyes off of her. Maggie smiled a gentle smile. ‘Then I shall have to make...
I was pleasantly surprised how wonderful dinner was. I felt like a pig when I was done, as I ate more than I had in a long time. But then again, I hadn’t eaten the day before except an apple. Cien made great company, and I found myself laughing and making jokes with him. I discovered much to my dismay, he had two wonderful dimples in his cheeks, so that whenever he smiled, he looked like a cherub. It seemed as if he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. I blushed throughout the entire meal as he...
Cien sat atop his mount, and gazed down. They stood on the ledge looking down into the morning mist at the McPhearson keep. It was cold and foreboding in the cool morning, but Cien didn’t notice. He balled his fist at the anger the sight of the keep brought him. The mounting rage had built with in him until he thought he would die from the torture. He wanted to blast into the keep with all his men, and kill anyone who stood in his way of getting to Rose. He knew he couldn’t do that. He let...
The wooden door swung open with a loud thud, hitting the wall behind it. He didn’t see her at first. Stepping cautiously into the room, his breath caught in the back of his throat. She lay on the ground, a crumpled dirty heap, unconscious. A bellow of rage fell from his lips as he rushed toward her, picking her up gently. She sighed gently. Cien took a deep ragged breath. She was alive. He crushed her to him, holding her close and rocking her gently. Guilt rushed over him in a hot scalding...
I knew I was dreaming. Cien stood by my pallet and watched me with those beautiful eyes, his hair falling slightly forward, and I knew I was dreaming. To the future? He didn’t know I was from the future, so this HAD to be a dream. Right? ‘The future.’ I said. ‘Aye, 2007.’ That made me sit up quickly. ‘How do you know about 2007?’ Cien shifted uncomfortably, glancing around him. It was like I’d asked him what was in the secret sauce, and he was going to tell me, he just didn’t feel right...
Cien held his hand out to his cousin and waited. Alex looked down at the hand in front of him and then up at his cousin, confusion on his face. ‘Give it to me, Alex.’ Alex watched him carefully for a moment, the torch in question, burning nearly silently in his raised hand. Finally he must have seen what he expected to see, because he sighed and shook his head at Cien. ‘I canna cousin.’ ‘Give me the torch, Alex,’ Cien commanded softly, anger seeping into his voice. ‘Nay. You still care for...
Cien watched from the stables as Regan walked out of the house and checked her flash light. With a deep breath, she walked forward into the woods. Cien looked himself over, suddenly unsure of himself. His new jeans were in a good clean condition, and the same could be said of his black sweater. He’d allowed Iris to pick out his clothes for this special occasion, and now he wasn’t sure if he should have just worn his torn and burned kilt instead. Taking a breath, he followed after her. She...
It was a long hard ride. Cien kept Regan with him, holding her gingerly in his arms. She was bruised to high heaven, he knew. Subconsciously he tightened his hold on her as he thought of the way she was beaten right in front of him. She groaned in response, and he instantly eased up on her. She’d slept most of the last few days away, and for that reason alone, he’d known she was well and truly hurt. Last night as she’d slept before the fire, he’d checked her for broken bones and bruises....
Cien started the sad task of the burial when he woke. His body was stiff from the exertion, but he wanted no one to help him in the task. He dug the hole deep in the woods beside Maggie’s cottage. Maggie stayed inside, preparing Regan. When the hole was deep enough, Cien climbed out slowly and looked down. He had the most sincere wish that he could burry himself right along with her. For a long moment he couldn’t breathe through the pain in his chest. Would that pain always be there when he...
I held Tilda’s arm as we walked from my chamber down the steps. She kept looking up at me, nervously, I think. I patted her arm, as I straightened my shoulders. As if on cue, she straightened her shoulders and walked the steps by my side like a queen. I was careful not to look over to where I knew Cien would be. At the table in the same spot as the night before. The Laird’s chair. As we took the last step, I forced my head up, and starred confidently ahead. Slapping a small smile on my face,...
In the middle of the night, as all in the MacPhearson keep slept, Cien sent his page out to his men. Be ready at first light, and when everyone gathered in the inner bailey, attack. No reservations except women and children. Frasers never touched the women or children. Cien paced the hall as everyone started to wake. Serving wenches were setting platters of fruit tarts, oat cakes and fresh ale on the tables. Men were scratching their beards and waking up from a long nights rest. Cien watched...
For the past week, Cien had been learning about the future. Somehow there was a very real difference between Regan telling him about it, and being there, living it. He remembered how she spoke of her time as she lay there, fighting to stay awake and smiled. She had so obviously loved this time, this place. And Cien could understand why. Henry had been giving him lectures about the new world he was in. He had discovered hot showers that soothed the body and lasted a long while. He discovered...
Cien couldn’t remember the last time he’d rode as hard as he rode now. The MacPhearson keep was a two day ride. He’d forced his men and himself to make it a matter of hours. Their horses were winded, he knew, and they grew tired. He knew that as well. He also knew if he kept pushing as hard as he was he was going to lame his horse, or that of one of his men, and thus, put them in harms way. But he couldn’t slow down. He kept his eye on the horizon watching in the direction of the keep for...
The keep was quiet for the better part of the day. I sat after Inna and Grace left, listening to the sounds of the keep. It was either that or slowly drive myself insane with escape plans that would never work. I voted for the latter. There was a sudden commotion buzzing around the keep. It was louder and the energy level jumped up to a sudden level high above what it was only moments before. I stood and looked out the small window. I didn’t see anything at first, but then I saw it. A small...
A while later, I didn’t exactly know how long, as my watch had for some unknown reason, died, Maggie had me dressed in a soft blue gown made of what I assumed was wool. It was a beautiful dress, I had to admit, even if it was slightly itchy and a little too short. I glanced down at my toes and sighed. You could see up to my ankles. Maggie said it was considered very improper to see a woman’s ankles, but since I hadn’t any other clothes, she said it would have to do. I stared at her for a...
Kevin Fraser slipped down from the black’s back as the woman toppled backward. He reached out to her, before she swooned, but he didn’t grab her in time, and she struck her head on the small rock that she was now resting on. Walking toward her, he watched her. She was garbed strangely. Blue leggings that seemed to hold her legs tightly and a white tunic with no toggles and strange markings on it. Crouching down he poked her gently in the stomach. She didn’t move or make a noise. What the hell...
I caught up with Maggie as she neared the stairs. I knew I was smiling after my encounter with the Laird. I couldn’t help it. Maggie held her elderly arm out for me as she waited for me to begin climbing the steps. I don’t know if it is because she is elderly, or because she just wanted me to hurry up. I glanced covertly at her as we climbed the steep steps, out of the corner of my eye. How is it that she could possibly have known so much about me? I ‘d heard one of the soldiers whisper to...
It was taking entirely too long. Cien closed his eyes and grit his teeth as he listened to the Buchanan and the Hamilton squirming over some pitiful aspect of their plot. ‘By Saint. Timothy’s teeth!’ Cien roared finally tired of the bickering. He stood from the Laird’s chair and stomped over to the two over grown children. ‘Tis my plan and it shall be carried out to my specifications. UNDERSTOOD?!’ The Hamilton backed a few steps away, knowing what was good for him. The Buchanan scoffed. ...
I knew I was dreaming. Cien stood by my pallet and watched me with those beautiful eyes, his hair falling slightly forward, and I knew I was dreaming. To the future? He didn’t know I was from the future, so this HAD to be a dream. Right? ‘The future.’ I said. ‘Aye, 2008.’ That made me sit up quickly. ‘How do you know about 2008?’ Cien shifted uncomfortably, glancing around him. It was like I’d asked him what was in the secret sauce, and he was going to tell me, he just didn’t feel right...
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