- 2 years ago
- 33
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From the time that Vivian was a little girl, her mother had always told her to marry for money and not love. Her mother’s philosophy was that as a woman, Vivian would always suffer and therefore, when love flew out the door, as it always did, according to her mum it was far better to suffer in comfort.
Fortunately for Vivian, she was a devastatingly good-looking woman and following her mum’s advice, she did exactly what she had been taught.
After Vivian became Lester’s trophy-wife, she had everything her heart desired; a stunning home, designer clothing, expensive jewels, and a snazzy sports car. What she didn’t have, however, was companionship. Being the chauvinist that Lester was, all he was interested in was having a beautiful trophy wife by his side. What made matters worse was that Lester was absolutely useless in bed. Early on after their marriage, Vivian also realised that Lester was only turned on by ridiculous kinky sex and when she commenced balking against his manic predilections, Lester soon returned to the compliant whores that he had always had a preference for. It wasn’t long before they began living in separate rooms and their love life dwindled to almost nothing.
Although Lester was wealthy, a lot of his business was on the shady side. Thus far, he had never ended up on the wrong side of the law and with all his connections, Lester was confident that it would remain so.
Although Lester had never gone out of the way to hide his dealings from Vivian, he was very confident that this would not be a problem if some future problem arose, due to his fishy business dealings. With Vivian having come from nothing, Lester was sure that the trappings of wealth had completely ensnared her and her silence was, therefore, assured. Besides that, he also knew that a spouse couldn’t be made to testify against her husband.
Towards the end of their second year of marriage, however, Vivian had grown tired of her loveless and tiresome relationship and seriously began to think about an exit strategy.
Fortuitously, this came about when IRS began tightening the screws on Lester.
As they sat eating their dinner one evening, Lester gave vent to his irritation due to this situation. As he did so, Vivian had an epiphany and decided that the time had come for her to take the bull by the horns.
When Lester concluded his diatribe and mentioned that at least, he had nothing to worry about as far as Vivian was concerned, in a very calm voice she reminded him that if she elected to testify, it was within her right to do so.
As the blood drained from his face, Vivian knew that she had delivered the coup de grace. But before Lester could even react, Vivian matter-of-factly said,” “I’m done with this relationship and I need to move on... I want a divorce, Lester.”
With cold eyes, Lester suspiciously replied, “How much is this going to cost me?”
After she mentioned the figure Lester was both pissed off and relieved. It was far less than he would’ve imagined, but her arrogance, nevertheless, annoyed him.
“You have a lot of cheek…” he began to say before she quickly responded.
“Spare me the; ‘you came from nothing speech.’ We both know that the amount I am asking for is a pittance to you. Why don’t we both just go our separate ways, so that you can comfortably pursue the whores that feed your sick sexual predilections? It’s over, Lester, and it’s time to just call it a day.”
As he stared at her with menace in his eyes, Lester sarcastically said, “I’ll set up a meeting for you with Harold, my lawyer, for ten o’clock tomorrow. I’ll instruct him to arrange your blackmail money.”
After a brief pause, Lester concluded, “Let’s be clear on this, baby, the amount you’ll be getting is a final settlement. Don’t ever think of double-crossing me after this deal is done.”
“I simply want out, Lester and you’ll never see, or hear from me ever again,” she replied.
As Lester nodded his head in admonishing approval, Vivian spoke again. “Oh, may I ask one more favour,” she began, observing a look of exasperation on Lester’s face. “I would like to move out tomorrow. Would you mind if I use one of your fuck-pads for the next couple of months?”
Without a reply, Lester went to his study and collected a set of keys. Without saying another word, he then dropped them in front of her on the table.
An enormous sense of relief overcame her as she lay on her bed that evening, coming to terms with what had just happened.
Early the following day, Vivian sprang into action and by the time she met with the lawyer, she had already dropped off all her stuff at the apartment. The meeting with the lawyer went smoothly and she was assured that the money would be in her account within seven days. He also told her to pop by in two days to sign all the necessary divorce papers.
As she ate lunch that day the most wonderful feeling of liberation overcame her. For the first time in her life, Vivian felt totally free.
That evening, Vivian spent a lot of time on the internet planning her next move.
A friend of hers had told her about the most delightful village that this friend had visited, and as Vivian explored the village on her computer, she grew very excited. Vivian immediately planned to visit the place that Saturday. What thrilled her even more was the look of a home that she had discovered, which was for sale in the village.
Upon her arrival in the village that Saturday, Vivian got an overwhelming feeling of well-being from the place. She first toured the village morning market that was held every Saturday, and could clearly discern that the pastries, pies, and savoury tarts she loved making, would do very well in the village. It wasn’t as if she needed to earn a living, but supplementing her capital with a hobby that she loved, could do no harm.
At eleven that morning, she excitedly arrived at the house that she had seen on the internet. In a week where she seemed unable to put a foot wrong, the house was fantastic. The owners were an old couple that had decided to move to an old-aged home, because the wife’s health had deteriorated in recent time. The home was in pristine condition and not only that, but virtually all the furniture was also for sale. She could literally move in and not have to stress about furnishing the place.
Within ten minutes, Vivian was the new owner. Even better, the old couple could be out within two weeks and being a cash offer, the deal was well and truly sealed.
Vivian now embarked on her mission for the day, by visiting the pub and grill in the village. She wanted to get her first look at the talent on offer in the region. From what she had discerned, there were a great many farms in the surrounding area, and having a liking for tough looking country guys, she hoped that she would be rewarded in this regard.
Vivian had forgotten what sex was like. Much as she had thought about having an affair, she had refrained from doing so. Vivian had always reasoned that she needed to keep her slate clean in anticipation of her eventual emancipation, and when the time came, she did not want any indiscretions hampering the settlement she would ask for.
A great priority for in her life was to now find a lover, who could take care of the sexual deprivation she had suffered with Lester.
As she sat at the bar counter, she instantly hit it off Francine, the bar lady. Francine had been working there for three years and knew everything about everybody. After Vivian told her that she would be living in the village in two-week’s time, Francine let out an excited giggle.
“With your looks, the guys are going to be around you like moths to a flame,” Francine predicted.
“Well, in that case, I’m going to need your help,” Vivian announced.
With the excited look of someone about to become part of a major conspiracy, Francine replied, “Just tell me how I may assist you.”
Vivian now went on to formulate a code between the two. The plan would work as follows:
If Vivian was approached by a guy, or pointed a man out to Francine that she fancied, if the guy was either married, engaged, or in a solid relationship, then Francine should shake her head from side to side, in an out of bounds gesture. If Francine, however, nodded yes, then the man would obviously be in play.
The following bit of information emanating from Francine, was even more fascinating than the nodding and shaking agreement. Francine now went on to say she and the waitresses had obviously been to bed with many of the guys in the area, and always shared bedroom secrets. Because of this, Francine offered to enhance their signals by including subtle thumb down, if someone that Vivian may fancy was either shit in bed, or underprivileged in the penis department. Naturally, a thumbs up would signify a worthy stud.
Francine then unabashedly qualified her collusion by stating, “I really hate small cocks.”
With their ‘contract’ now firmly in place, Vivian asked if the pub was always so quiet.
She was relieved when Francine replied that things only got busy after one o’clock.
Vivian was in no hurry nor worried about having a few drinks, because she had arranged accommodation at a B&B for that evening.
To her immense joy, more and more men soon began arriving as Francine had predicted. Furthermore, as Vivian had hoped, there were some very sexy men who entered the premises. Initially, things did not go to well when Francine’ shakes far outnumbered her nods. A further bit of disappointing signage also followed when most nods were unfortunately followed by downturned thumbs.
Vivian was not downhearted, nevertheless. She still felt that she was off to a good start in this new environment with the clever ‘selection’ process that she now had in place.
As she finally commenced eating her lunch seated at one of the tables, another huge benefit about the pub was revealed. Not only was the food delicious, but the prices were ridiculously low.
When Vivian returned to the bar counter later, quite a few men began chatting to her. Taking her queue from Francine, however, these were mostly married guys and so she politely negated their advances. One of the men who was spectacular, regrettably got a negative head shake, but Vivian almost began to laugh when Francine also gave her a very enthusiastic thumb up.
As Vivian would soon learn from Francine, Buster the name of the man, always screwed around. Apparently, even his wife knew about this and never took it too seriously. With a huge smile, Francine then went on to tell Vivian that Buster had one of the thickest cocks she had ever enjoyed. She also went on to inform Vivian that the pub and grill always closed by six p.m. on Sundays and that she always locked up once everyone had left. Most Sundays, however, Buster would pop in prior to Francine leaving and give her a pussy stretching of note.
After this conversation, a new sign was initiated by Francine. Thereafter, irrespective of shakes or nods, when a new guy made an appearance, if he was well-endowed, Francine would rub the closed fingers of her hand, up and down her forearm. It was clear to Vivian that Francine and the waitresses had a lot of fun in this town. Vivian was not judgemental of their actions, but knew that she would be far more discerning. The last thing she wanted was to become known as the village whore.
Vivian’s eyes now lit up as a really big handsome man entered the premises. He was, by far, the best looking man that Vivian had seen so far and ticked all her boxes. Francine immediately nodded and gave a thumb up sign.
Regrettably, after briefly talking to one of the other guys in the pub, he shortly departed.
Once gone, Francine sidled over and told Vivian that although Hector, the good-looking man’s name, didn’t have a big dick he was nevertheless, an incredible lover.
Vivian was rather sad that he had gone so quickly. After a perfect week, she had hoped that after ages of abstinence, a good fuck would have been a wonderful cherry on the cake for her.
Having imbibed more wine than she was normally used to, Vivian decided to book into her accommodation to have a brief nap.
When Vivian awoke it was just after six p.m. Every fibre of her being was telling her that she had made a wise decision in buying the house that day. As the warm water caressed her body she thought about Hector and Buster and soon felt herself becoming aroused. When her hand commenced stroking her pussy she thought about the future lovers that she hoped would take care of her needs.
After getting dressed, Vivian decided that she would again pop into the pub and grill, hopeful that the evening would end on a high note.
Vivian was elated when she saw Hector in conversation at the far end of the counter. On this occasion, however, he actually focussed on her, unlike earlier that day. There was an unmistakable look of interest on his face as his eyes practically radiated with lust. Vivian then watched with joy as he called Francine over. As he and Francine spoke, she knew that she was the topic of their conversation because his eyes never once left her. Vivian, of course, played it cool, punishing him for ‘deserting’ her so abruptly earlier.
Not long after, Hector made his move. As he stood alongside her he asked if she would mind him sitting on the stool next to her. “No, not at all.” She replied.
Hector then introduced himself and sat down. After introductions, Vivian made a number of observations.
Hector was even better-looking than she had initially realised. He wasn’t a pretty boy by any stretch of the imagination, but rather ruggedly handsome. Hector was also larger than she had thought earlier. His large thick frame stood six-foot-four-inches-tall. He had no facial hair and short brush-cut hair on his head that had a V receding hairline. From his arms and legs, Hector also did not appear to be very hairy. Although it was clear, due to their roughness, that Hector worked with his hands, his fingernails were cut very short and were scrupulously clean.
Hector did not smoke and had no body odour. In fact, as she would later learn, he showered twice a day. As he sat next to her, she could clearly smell the fragrance of a pine-scented body wash. His teeth were in great condition and clean, giving him a really sexy smile. Hector was somewhat of an anomaly as far as personal hygiene was concerned in the region, as she would later discover, because most of the men in the area ranged between odorous, to absolutely smelly.
As they got talking, the only problem for her was the thick drawl of his enunciation. He did nonetheless, have a very affable nature, and an infectious likeability. There was nothing lewd in Hector’s approach, but Vivian was soon under no illusion that she had been earmarked for ‘fun’ later on. This, of course, did not frighten her at all.
The other thing about Hector, that Francine had told her earlier, also reinforced Vivian’s attraction to him. Hector had never been married or engaged, and had also never had a steady relationship. After her ordeal with Lester, Vivian was determined to follow the same philosophy. When men had sex with her in future, the sooner they left afterward, the better. She had decided that when it came to sex, Vivian was determined that she would be calling the shots.
For Hector, he couldn’t believe his luck. Vivian was the finest bit of arse that had met in longer that he could remember. Very often Hector had to make do with what was on offer when he needed to unload his nuts. In his mind, Vivian was an ‘all-nighter.’ This was the code he used to describe a woman who was unbelievably beautiful and worth spending the night with. Mostly, the hoe’s he nailed were so horrible, that as the cruel saying goes; he was prepared to bite his arm off after she snuggled up to him before falling asleep, just to get away from the ugly bitch.
Once they got back to her B&B, in no time Hector had her on the sofa next to him as he commenced his schmoozing. It goes without saying that the repartee was as corny as hell, but Vivian enjoyed it enormously. After two years in a carnal desert, Vivian couldn’t wait to have her pussy pounded.
With every passing moment as Hector’s body language intensified, Vivian felt her body becoming increasingly compressed against the backrest of the couch. Soon, Hector’s lips stopped communicating and escalated to a smooching offensive.
Hector was a great kisser and Vivian happily gave into him as her arms encompassed his broad shoulders. The sensuality of this alone, far exceeded anything she could remember for a very long time.
After a short while, Hector decided to test the water and gauge whether he was going to get lucky that night. Very gingerly, his hand next rested on the thigh. As Hector commenced moving his hand ever upward, he was overjoyed when Vivian began parting her thighs. Hector was now certain that he was going to fuck her.
Before long, Hector’s middle two fingers started fondling the material covering her pussy, and as Vivian began to sigh, his fingers increased their stroking.
After a minute or two, Hector decided to move things along a little quicker. After lifting onto his feet, his thumbs hooked into the sides of her panties, prior to pulling them down and removing them. When he again returned to his former position, his middle fingers once more returned to their former station. Hector now commenced running his middle fingers up and down the outer folds of her vulva.
Next, his explorative middle finger started infiltrating her portal. When he was happy with the moistness on offer, his ring finger then joined in. As his two fingers began sliding in and out of Vivian’s pussy, Hector’s thumb entered the action and commenced rubbing her nub. Vivian’s sighs now instantly transformed into gasps as this transpired. The pleasure of someone else’s hand, other than her own hand stimulating her, was mind-boggling.
Although Hector was in no rush, he shortly decided to move their action to the bedroom. After removing Vivian’s dress, Hector placed her naked body on the bed. He then removed his shirt before lowering his body with his face strategically placed over her pussy. For Hector, eating pussy was one of the best delicacies in the world, and he often joked that he was a ‘cunning linguist.’
For Vivian, she was about to embark on one of the most stimulating experiences in her life. As Hector fervently munched her pussy, she had to keep reminding herself to restrain herself from grunting too loudly, and when Vivian elatedly erupted in rapture a short while later, her entire being was overcome by the most gratifying sexual feeling she had enjoyed in longer than she could remember.
As she lay on the bed overwhelmed with satisfaction, Hector swiftly arose and removed his shorts. In an instant, he then mounted Vivian’s body and pushed his dick into her moist pussy. As Hector now nestled his huge frame onto her body, his anxious hips began to sway and pummel. Hector’s divine heaviness was incredible and her bliss just kept perpetuating. Although, as Francine had forewarned, that Hector was rather average in the penis department, Vivian very shortly realised that technique far outweighed the size of a man’s endowment.
Hector proved to be an incredible lover and he also had an incredible libido. After he had fucked her three times, Vivian drifted off into the most glorious sleep.
After Hector had left the following morning Vivian had a shower before enjoying breakfast. She then made a quick stop at the pub prior to heading home. When Francine saw her, Vivian gave Francine a very animated thumbs-up sign.
The following two weeks seemed never-ending before Vivian elatedly arrived back in the village. As she toured her new home she was astonished by what the old couple had left behind. The ridiculously small amount of money she had paid them for all the contents of the house had been a bargain of a lifetime. Vivian literally had nothing to buy and could ease into her new existence seamlessly. Naturally, all was not too her taste but there was no pressure on her to frantically head off on a shopping spree. They had even left her an abundance of linen to start off her new life.
Overjoyed, she walked around the place in a state of ecstasy, feeling like her life was finally just beginning.
Later that day, Vivian bumped into Hector, who sealed her welcoming deal when he again spent a satisfying night with her.
On Monday, Vivian observed a man passing by her property. Chris Greenwood, as she would later learn, lived with his father in a house further up the road from her and passed by her home every morning when he visited the shop to buy cigarettes. She was totally intrigued by him from the very start.
Chris was large and stocky. He had a rough demeanour and could best be described as ruggedly handsome. He always wore shorts and a t-shirt, and had sandals on his feet. Chris was slightly bandy and his arms were always bowed with his elbows protruding from his sides, as if he were carrying a watermelon under each arm. He swaggered rather than walked, as if he was god’s gift to mankind. The way he smoked his cigarette was also overtly masculine. With the cigarette butt cradled between his thumb and first two fingers, and the lit end facing inward toward his palm, Chris would elaborately lift his arm before taking a huge draw after placing the butt in his curtain of moustache hair that extended past his lips and then exhale a huge plume of smoke with his head held defiantly skyward.
Over the next few days, Vivian was totally fascinated by his overtly masculine deportment and she found him unbelievably sexy. When she finally questioned Francine about him, Francine’s revelations were astonishing.
“Oh, so you have seen the village pervert,” Francine informed her.
“Huh, what do you mean?” Vivian countered.
Francine then went on to explain:
Apparently, Chris lived with his dad on a property in the village. They did wood and metalwork as a hobby, but really didn’t need the money. Chris’ dad, Sylas, owned a multitude of properties in the region. Every year or two, he would sell one of these properties for a good deal of money, which very adequately sustained them.
Like his dad, Chris had a habit of leering at the women in the area, often making lewd sexual suggestions. Chris always got away with it, because as Francine explained; their family was very clannish. Chris had two married brothers who lived in a town close by, and if the guys in the village took issue with Chris, they would get a visit from four Greenwood men. These visits were never pleasant and thereafter, the guys who had given Chris a hard time would never again do so. Resultantly, the locals simply accepted the status quo.
Chris had never sexually attacked any of the women and there was no real threat that ever occurred, other than Chris’ lasciviousness. It was simply an irritation that females came to accept.
As Vivian listened with total fascination, the story now became even more interesting.
Two years before, one of the waitresses, who worked at the pub, had got a little drunk after the last customers had departed by ten p.m. one Saturday evening. It wasn’t unusual, according to Francine, for the staff to stick around after ten and have a few drinks. That night, however, as the waitress made her way home from the pub at around eleven, she had to pass by Chris’ home en-route to the cottage she rented.
As she was passing Chris’ place in total darkness, she stumbled and hurt her knee. Unfortunately for her, Chris was still up and sitting on his front porch. Having observed what had happened, Chris then went to her rescue.
After disinfecting the cut on the waitresses knee and putting a plaster on, before the waitress knew what was happening, she was naked with Chris roughly fucking her. According to the waitress, Chris was over-endowed and her pussy got a pounding as never before. To her dismay, once Chris was done, his dad, Sylas, entered the room and took over from Chris. That is when the waitress learned that the old saying that; ‘the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,’ was absolutely true.
To the further consternation of the waitress, Chris and his dad each had a further two goes with her thereafter, before Chris helped her waddle home two hours later.
That Sunday, the waitress called in sick and fortunately, being off on Mondays when the pub was closed, she had an extra day to recuperate. From then on, nonetheless, apparently the waitress always took the long way round to get to her cottage, thereby avoiding passing by Chris’ home.
Rather than putting her off, Vivian now became fixated by Chris’ scruffiness.
As she stood in her garden one morning sipping a glass of coke, she was taken by surprise when a gravelly voice greeted her from her gate. As she walked over to Chris who was standing at the gate, he extended his arm to greet her.
When they exchange names, Chris’ rough hand enclosed Vivian’s hand suggestively. He also had an unmistakably lustful look in his eyes as he did so.
“Your coke looks great,” he unabashedly hinted as he held onto her hand lasciviously. Something about Chris’ baseness excited her and a flood of memories from her school days came flooding back. Vivian had always steered clear of the ‘bad boys’ at school, a habit that she had always, thereafter regretted.
“Would you like a coke?” Vivian then offered.
“Sure,” Chris answered.
A thrill of excitement pulsed through Vivian, as he followed her into the house.
Upon pouring his coke with a few blocks of ice, Chris then asked, “Don’t you have any brandy?”
“Sure,” Vivian replied, knowing full-well that the old couple had left a half bottle behind.
As she added the brandy to the glass, Chris said, “There’s only one thing better than a brandy and coke.”
“Oh, and what is that?” Vivian inquired.
“A brandy and a poke,” Chris countered with a horny look on his face.
‘This guy doesn’t mess around.’ Vivian instantly thought to herself.
After handing the glass to Chris, he now commenced glaring at her breasts as his gaze crudely moved up and down from her tits to her face.
“You are very forward,” Vivian casually mentioned, deciding to fuel the fire.
“Yeah…” Chris unashamedly replied, before adding, “And I’m just busy imagining how good those tits would look with my cock between them.”
“You don’t mince your words, do you,” Vivian replied with a smile.
“No, when I see what I like, I don’t waste any time,” Chris answered.
“Am I in any trouble right now?” Vivian asked demurely as the excitement continued to race through her body.
“No, baby, because daddy is going to take good care of you.” Chris hornily replied.
“And what does daddy plan to do?” Vivian coyly questioned.
“Daddy’s snake wants to meet your little mouse,” Chris responded, with a chuckle.
“Is it a poisonous snake?” Vivian asked, playing along.
“No, and the added benefit is that the ‘poison’ makes little mice feel euphoric,” Chris answered, extending the metaphor.
“Why don’t you kneel down so I can introduce you to the snake,” Chris now mischievously suggested.
As if in a trance, Vivian slowly kneeled before him without breaking eye contact.
“Now take off your blouse, remember, the snake needs to be warmed up first,” Chris countered with a satisfied dominating gaze.
After removing her blouse and bra, Chris dropped his pants before moving toward Vivian. Francine’s waitress friend had not lied about his dick. Chris’ erect cock was very thick and long. Then, after widening his stance, Chris now placed his knob between her tits and commenced rubbing his dick in the crevice that his groping hands had created. As his hips began moving, his nestled cock slid up and down comfortably between the mounds. To Vivian’s delight, she also inhaled the manly odour of his crotch as he did so.
After a short while, Chris transferred his dick to her mouth as his hands now took control of Vivian’s head after gathering her loose hair in a ponytail. The pungent taste of his dick sent shivers down her spine as she began to bathe the snake.
In a total show of dominance, Chris now extracted his cock from her mouth and began smearing it all over her face, as if marking his territory. The animalistic gesture and the strong odour made her pussy suppurate with excitement as this took place.
Next, after moving his hips slightly backward, Chris commenced slapping her face with his huge hard cock in a show of total supremacy.
“Get up,” Chris then ordered her
After roughly removing her shorts and panties, Chris picked her up and placed her arse on the large and sturdy dining room table.
“Jesus!” Chris exclaimed as he looked at her bald pussy. “Where’s the fuckin’ hair?”
“I shave it,” Vivian informed him.
“Stop doing that. My snake only likes fluffy mice, not bald ones,” Chris said with disgust.
“Okay, I won’t do it again,” Vivian replied.
Chris now pulled his t-shirt off and threw it to the side. As he did so, he instructed Vivian to open her legs and pull them back for him.
After he lowered his torso, he gave her pussy a good sniff.
“Jesus, this smells like a flower garden,” he exclaimed with a look of disapproval on his face.
“It’s a magnolia infused cream that I use,” Vivian explained.
“Listen to me carefully,” Chris stated, before continuing, “A cunt should smell like a cunt, not like a fuckin’ magnolia garden,” Chris barked, before concluding, “Don’t ever use this shit again, and are we clear on that?”
“Yeah, perfectly,” Vivian replied.
Chris now walked toward her sink in the kitchen and gathered up one of her dish towels. After dampening it slightly, Chris returned to her while wiping the cloth under each of his clammy armpits. Chris then daubed her pussy with the cloth before once more bending over to smell her portal.
“That’s better,” he said, before resuming; “Now we just need to add a finishing touch.”
Gripping hold of his dick, Chris now began retracting his foreskin. After the moist purplish head appeared, Chris commenced smearing the pungent glans all over her vulva.
After lowering his torso once more, Chris uttered a sound of approval after he again sniffed her pussy.
“Of course, your mouse now needs to be punished, so it learns a lesson,” he announced.
After gripping hold of the base of his shaft, Chris then started whipping her pussy with his cock.
“Don’t even think of closing your legs,” he commanded, as Vivian began to gasp.
Sore as it was, Vivian was in total ecstasy as she soaked up the stinging sensation.
Not long after, Chris entered her portal rapidly. As Vivian began to grunt, Chris hammered his huge dick into her powerfully.
With his hands flat on the table, just above her hips, he anchored Vivian’s body for his full out onslaught. There was nothing lovey-dovey about his approach and from the look of authority on his face, Vivian clearly understood that Chris’ sexual predilection was for rough and ready fucking.
Sore as it was, the stimulating ache immediately began to drive her towards a climax. As Vivian gasped and thrashed about, his pulsating dick demanded an orgasm from her pussy. Then, after a few minutes of being totally bullied, her pussy erupted as never before, totally drenching the snake with her ecstasy.
When Chris’ body began to shudder soon after, Vivian knew that he was also about to cum. With a triumphant roar, Chris commenced unloading into her portal.
Once he was done, Chris once more stepped back and lowered his face onto her pussy. After another sniff, a snort of approval then followed before he lifted his torso up and walked towards his glass of brandy and coke.
After Chris gulped it down, he put the glass back on the table and exclaimed, “As I told you, nothing beats a brandy and a poke.”
When Chris left at ten-thirty, Vivian had a strong belief that she would be seeing him very soon again. Just how soon that would happen, however, surprised her when two hours later there was a knock on her door.
As she opened the door, the man standing next to Chris was unmistakably his father, Sylas. Instantly, Vivian could clearly tell from whom Chris had learned his lascivious ogling routine. Although Sylas and Chris had a similar build, Sylas appeared to be a lot scruffier than Chris. Sylas also had a very full beard and moustache that was so abundant, that Vivian could scarcely see his mouth in the abundance of fur. As Sylas extended his coarse hands and introduced himself, her hand was now firmly grasped in Sylas’ grimy paws. The greeting was prolonged as his cocooning mitts throbbed over her hand. In addition, Sylas’ tongue extended through the screen of hair covering his mouth and lewdly swayed to and fro, between his lips.
After finally letting go of Vivian’s hand, the trio moved indoors. On Chris’ request, Vivian had soon poured two brandies and coke for them. After each had guy had gulped down a glug or two, Chris looked at Vivian and asked, “Do you have a thick blanket?”
“Yeah,” she replied totally confused, before heading to the linen cupboard and retrieving one.
After handing it to Chris, he asked her to remove that large vase off the dining table. Following on that, Chris folded it in half and neatly placed it on the table.
Next, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, Chris moved toward Vivian and stripped her naked before placing her back on the table. As she lay there looking at the ceiling, Vivian almost began to laugh, feeling like a redneck’s sexual offering. As she glanced at the two men they also stripped naked and clearly saw that the old saying; ‘like father, like son,’ was indeed true, as she observed Sylas’ cock.
As the two guys assumed their positions alongside her, Chris’ head moved onto her pussy as Sylas commenced gnawing on one of her tits. Like two starving dogs the two men now went about their business. Again, in a familial manner, Sylas was anything but gentle and her nipples received a harsh working over. Simultaneously, Vivian’s clit received a severe bout of punishment from Chris’ mouth. Vivian, however, was unable to move as four hands pinned her down firmly as her ‘punishment’ perpetuated.
Relief finally came, when Chris lifted his head and told Sylas that her pussy was now ready for him.
Deftly, Sylas now mounted her body as his dick commenced rubbing her pussy vigorously. After he had entered her, Sylas re-enacted his son’s earlier style with a thumping of epic proportions. Once more, Vivian was amazed at how these men were able to elicit the level of excitement that she again felt. What made this encounter even more special was the verbal addition that Chris supplied, as Sylas fucked the living hell out of her. Predictably, Vivian shortly commenced gasping as her pussy became overstimulated.
On outstretched arms, Sylas gave her portal an incredible hammering that soon led to another fantastic climax for both parties. What Vivian was about to learn, however, was why the poor waitress had ‘suffered’ so much, because no sooner had Sylas dismounted her before Chris took over from his dad. Vivian was now at the mercy of two sex maniacs and couldn’t believe that after the two men had each been through her another time after that, that she was still alive. Vivian had never cum five times in one day before.
Before they left, after finishing their brandies and coke, she continued to lie on the table in a state of total exhaustion. Thoughtfully, Chris placed a pillow under her head before departing.
With a very sore pussy, Vivian hoped that she would not see them the following day. Fortunately, she did not.
Chris and Sylas did, however, become regular visitors thereafter, and Vivian even had a foursome with Ian and John, Chris’ two younger brothers, a few weeks later. Vivian also eventually had sex with Buster. But that’s an entirely different story.
Believe it or not, I actually did sleep a bit. And when I woke up, Bonnie and Bill were sleeping in their own bedroom, having placed a sign on the front door of the house that read ‘– ‘“Please do not disturb until 2 p.m.’” Brandy, meanwhile, was right where I’d left her.“Are you awake, Brandy?” I asked her.Again, she wiggled her bum. I looked around. The key was on the table, not that far away. I started to feel like I needed to pee, and considered trying to unlatch myself to go to the...
Brandy's story of abuse and pain continues.The following story is fictional. If you are upset by i****t, **** and sexual abuse/exploitation please do not read it. I don’t condone any of the crimes the villains commit in this story. In my opinion r****ts and human traffickers are the lowest of the low and should all get very long prison sentences. Also, I’d love to hear your feedback, what you like and what you don’t like. I plan of writing at least one more part, Brandy’s story isn’t over yet....
By now most have read of the wonderful bond Brandy (my now 17 year old granddaughter) and I share. She and I have grown very close since that first day we touched, teased and I brought her to climax. She was a virgin at the time but wanted her G-pa to be her first lover which I ended up being in ways she had never imagined. Since then we’ve gotten together on several, though many less than we’d like, occasions for the sake of our loving bond and freewheeling sensual encounters. In fact she is...
IncestChapter 1 Brandy caught my eye the very first time I met her. She was stunning-- very attractive, very sexy, and she had a bubbly personality that just drew you to her. She was doing student work in a building where I was working and I quickly got to know Brandy as we'd meet at the copier or other administrative areas on an almost daily basis. I think one of the first things that you noticed about Brandy was her nice full breasts. She often wore jeans and a button-up flannel shirt or other...
Mongobear, my brother’s beloved spouse, was a strange creature, resembling a pudgy, deformed child with Down syndrome. She had the voice tone of a retarded goat and the fashion sense of a toddler who snorted too many lines of crushed Smarties. Mongobear wore pastel-colored Mickey Mouse shirts that barely covered her gunt, with matching colored socks rolled over the bottoms of her stretched pant legs. Her hair was a conglomerated, omni-present braid in the back of her head with a White...
And so it was that Bonnie’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for Brandy, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer.Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview...
I watched for a message on my cell, not really expecting one from Brandy, but wanting to know if they had enjoyed their visit enough to repeat it again on the following Saturday. To my surprise, as I looked at her Facebook page, I saw that she had plans to take the exchange student sightseeing at the lake on that very day. I smiled knowing that was her way of letting me know to meet them there. That was on Wednesday and I still had two days and a wake up before I would again revel in the lush...
Incest“Brandy was pretty much fucked!” Bill piped in, and Bonnie nodded and laughed.“You were, weren’t you, Sweetie!” Bonnie said, patting Brandy’s bum again.“Throat fucked,” I added, quietly.Brandy blinked twice and gurgled.“Anyway, once I got everything as tight as I could, I locked the buckle with the key. And then it was easy. I just slowly eased Bill and Brandy back onto the couch. The whole thing took about 10 minutes. It actually was LOTS of fun, wasn’t it, Brandy?’” she lovingly asked the...
It had been two weeks since Brandy Arianna and I had visited the cave, each day bringing forth the memories of such a sweet adventure. Again it was Saturday, my day to play and write tales of erotica and pleasures. Little did I know what lay in store for me as a car pulled up in the driveway, Brandy’s car at that? I could tell by the sound that my granddaughter had come to visit her G-pa and her lover. I kind of hoped she had come alone, but when I had shut off the screen of my desktop and...
Incest"Daddy!"My daughter dove into my arms. I stumbled back and nearly tripped over the porch steps. It felt good to have her in my arms again after so long. "I've missed you, baby.""Brandy!" her mother hissed. "Don't hug him like that!"My daughter let go and stepped back, rolling her eyes for only me to see. I was taking her in. I don't know when she got so tall. She must've been 5'6". I was sure she was under 5' the last time I saw her. She really sprouted these last three years. She had filled...
Once we arrived at Brandy’s apartment, I set Skoal down in front of the television set, turned on a Barney & Friends rerun for him to watch, and then took my wanton love associate back into her bedroom. Brandy was so happy to see me and so anxious to shed off her clothing that she was naked and rolling around with me atop her bed before she could get her bedroom door closed. I too was quite aroused to see Brandy so I quickly let loose the meat from my pants and was soon nuts deep inside her...
This one is dedicated to a fan and the special person in her life. I hope she enjoys it. ~~BrettJ ***** Brandy stood out on the deck of our new home, taking it all in. We were only just back from our honeymoon and we returned to a beautiful ocean front property I have owned for a while. It was my getaway when I need seclusion, and now it would serve as my home with this bewitching beauty I so adored. It had always been more opulent and spacious than a single man needed, but I could easily...
Sitting at my desk in my office down in the basement, all I could do was stare at the wall. I could not believe what happened the night before actually happened. It was not planned. It was not intended, and then when it happened, I acted like a complete idiot. I was speechless, and when given the opportunity to respond in a good way, or even possibly let something more happen, I blew it. I just sat there looking like a fool, and watched her walk away.I had been married for a long time. Dealing...
TabooBabysitting for MichaelShe could barely breathe as she went to the front door, her heart racing a mile a minute. This would be the first time she babysat for Michael since he started watching her. Watching her slowly strip down to her bra and panties for him, hoping he was pleased with her body. She rang the bell, Brandy disappointed when Cindy opened the door.“Hi, Brandy, we’re running a little late. The girls are in the den watching television. Michael should be down in a minute.” She was...
FuckedIt wasn’t like anything Brandy thought it would be. Every girl dreams about losing her innocence in a romantic setting, everything perfect, a gentle lover that would guide her, something to remember forever. Brandy was nervous, babysitting for Cindy and Michael tonight, sure that it would be happening soon. Their sex had been leading up to the moment when Michael would take her virginity, Brandy ready to give it up to him. She dressed in a short skirt that would entice him with her long...
I came into the room and Brandy was sitting there studying, her long dark brown hair flowing beautifully down over her body to about the middle of her back. I could tell instantly that it was her even though we hadn't seen each other for a couple of years. I was reluctant to call her name on the chance that I was mistaken and I didn't want to embarrass myself. But I took a chance and said, "Hi, Brandy, how are you today?" Instantly Brandy shot up from the chair where she was sitting and...
I must have dozed off, because when I opened my eyes, Brandy was standing at the foot of my lounge chair, blocking the sun as it descended towards the distant valley behind the house. She was silhouetted by the sun, her glorious figure darkened, the sun's rays forming a halo around her body. "Here, baby," she said as she handed me a fresh gin and tonic. I reached up and felt the refreshing coldness of the glass, only slightly damp with condensed water in the dry air. Taking a sip, I marveled at...
Straight SexI have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though I...
Four Years LaterBrandy graduated from college, moving into the city, away from home, hoping to start a new life. Her parents still looked at her differently since they found out about her and Michael, not even him moving could changed anything. She had found a good job as an advertising assistant, able to afford an apartment by herself. She enjoyed her privacy. She dated on and off, but nothing steady, most men her age interested in partying and getting her into the sack and then they moved...
I must admit, I was more than a bit surprised when a new guy at work, a middle-aged, moderately overweight and mostly bald guy named Bill invited me to come over on an upcoming Saturday morning to his attend the birthday party he was throwing for an exchange student from California who was staying with him and his wife. First, I hardly knew the guy. And second, he was giving me 3 weeks’ notice; that just seemed far too ‘planned’ to me. Feeling a tad suspicious, I told him I might ‘pop by’ if I...
It had been hell around Brandys house, her parents were getting a divorce and the constant yelling was getting her very upset, it didnt help that her hormones were going crazy and her body was going through so many changes, In the last 5 months she had gone from an a cup to a c cup, her hips seemed to be getting wider along with growing taller, It was such a relief when her mother told her she would be going out west to spend the summer with her grandmother, she also had several cousins ,and...
The Resident Assistant within my dormitory was a cookie-cutter Mormon missionary fuck who actively patrolled the hallways of my living unit at night. Bearing close similarity to the cock-blocking attitude of Mongobear, the RA would announce when it was time for all females to leave the dormitory each night and then make his rounds to each room, searching for stragglers. Without warning, the Resident Assistant had the power and authority to key open any dorm room that he was suspicious of...
Sitting at my desk in my office, my head was spinning. All I could think about was what happened the day before. It started out so simple, and so easy. My sixteen year-old step-daughter Brandy came up, asked me for a hug, said she thought it would cheer me up, and I gave it to her. When she asked what was bothering me, and I didn't say much, she told me that another hug would help.I didn't mean to look into her eyes, look at her cute adorable face, lean down, and kiss her passionately on the...
TabooTaken Every WayOnce Michael got between Brandy’s legs and took her virginity, he couldn’t leave her alone, his mind consumed with her hot, teenage body that did anything and everything he asked. It was no longer having to wait until Cindy was in “the mood”, Brandy would come within minutes of Michael calling her, ready and willing to satisfy him no matter what he wanted from her. His appetite became insatiable for her body.Brandy found something that occupied her every thought, Michael and his...
I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested...
Judgment DayBrandy’s cell phone rang just as she was going into her house, cheerleading practice over early. She looked at the screen before she answered it, her heart racing when she saw the number. Did Cindy want me to babysit again? She trembled at the thought of seeing Michael again, at him taking her home and what he might do this time to her excited body. “Hello, Cindy,” Brandy answered.“You’ve been a naughty girl, Brandy. I told you not to cum and you defied me, standing in the window,...
A couple of times, the postman prematurely said “Hello, Brandy” and it wasn’t her. First, after my weekend with Sean’s wife, he convinced Melanie to try out the ‘dog hoist’, and Brandy was willing to share. So, on a Saturday morning, Sean drove Melanie over to Bill and Bonnie’s place, where I was to meet them at 7:30. I, in fact, decided to get there early to set up some cameras on the front lawn; and it’s a good thing I did, because Melanie was too excited to sleep that night and convinced...
It's been months since I had found the time and opportunity to be with Brandy. If you haven't heard as yet, she is my teen aged granddaughter. I spoke of her in a tale a few months back if you have a need to feel the origins of our lust filled weekend or even what led up to it. Needless to say, Brandy and her Grandpa get along very well, though not in society's ever watchful eye. She and I take every opportunity to have deep profound sensually erotic sexual adventures. This is but one of those...
IncestTable BoundMichael took another rope, lacing it around her waist, low down on her hips. He pulled it to the other end of the table, not wanting her body having the ability to curl up and get away from what he planned to do to her. This way she would be spread out, her legs open, her sex revealed. First, he had to dispose of her clothes.Brandy felt her body pulled in both directions by the rope around her waist and her legs over her head. Her pussy was drowning in her excitement. Michael looked...
I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though I had no symptoms I tested positive...
A typical weekend at my house involves my step-daughter and anywhere from one to six of her friends coming over, renting movies, eating garbage food, and staying up until anywhere from one to three in the morning.A few occasions involved all-nighters, where everyone would sleep in until 2 in the afternoon. I'd typically let them do whatever they wanted. I really didn't set limits, because it didn't involve drinking, they weren't doing drugs, and they weren't really 'crossing any lines', unless...
TabooOn her KneesShe could taste him for days after, though she had brushed her teeth many times. She wasn’t sure if she liked the taste or not. It was salty, but his cum was thick. She had only a little on her fingers, though he had shot out lots more. What would it be like if he spurted in my mouth? Would he make me swallow it, even if I chocked on it? She couldn’t even imagine taking it in her mouth. Would he teach me what to do to please him? He had made her cum with his mouth, expecting her to...
I have several old friends from the old days and each has children of varying ages. One never considers the younger ones. They are just rug rats and yard apes learning to play as little princesses and knights. Jousting in the evening when the friends gather together. However some of them aged into place. And I had long ago been snipped so no one could ever get pregnant from me. One little cutie named Brandy had become a delicious twenty year old. Her father and mother had divorced and she was...
First TimeThe party was humming along and I was having a great time which was a surprise considering that I did not want to be there in the first place. I'd just come back from an exhausting business trip and was looking forward to a restful weekend doing absolutely nothing. My wife, Brandy, reminded me that I had promised to take her to a birthday party for her best friend on Saturday so I kissed my peaceful weekend goodbye and here we were. Brandy was having a good time too and, as usual, she had more...
Take it Down Her ThroatBrandy still wasn’t sure whether she liked the taste of cum, but she knew it didn’t matter to Michael. She obeyed him without question, each time teaching more about being a woman, all leading up to the moment when he would take her innocence from her and she would feel for the first time the pleasure of having a man’s cock inside her. The sun was getting warmer each day, two days before Michael called her from the clearing not far from their houses. He knew exactly when...
Whipped for His PleasureBrandy licked her lips, enjoying the salty taste of his thick cock. It had been a long time since he had filled her mouth and belly with his cum. He pulled the suction cups off of her nipples, but they stood out hard and erect, the slightest breeze across them stimulating where the cups had abused them. She was sure that Michael’s fingers would continue their abuse.With her legs spread so wide, she was defenseless, seeing the eighteen-inch ruler he pulled out of the bag,...
A Pleasurable Walk HomeMichael put his hand around her waist as he walked her next door. She looked up and saw his bedroom window dark, Cindy already in bed. Her parent’s window was also dark. No one would be expecting them. Her mind raced. What would he do to me? What would he make me do? She had seen the bulge in his pants. Would I have to satisfy him tonight? Would he make me do it with my hand or something else? They kept walking, Brandy’s nervous as she got close to her house. His hand was...
Chapter 7 THE DRESSERS It’s amazing how many men there are with a thing about clothing of one sort or another, either for themselves or for their partner and, sometimes both. Of course, as I’ve said before, most men are more likely to be turned-on by something visual than the average woman is. For instance, there have been several attempts at launching magazines for women that include naked or semi-naked men, none have really been successful – compare that with the constant flood of ‘girlie’...
ChangesBrandy was a little dizzy from the three beers she drank by the time she got home. It wasn’t that late, but she had classes tomorrow. She had to go out and celebrate her eighteenth birthday, the date too important. Her parents were asleep as she crept silently up the stairs to her bedroom. She opened her door and saw the lights on in the bedroom next door, her heart stopping as it suddenly popped into her head. It had been a long time, but it seemed almost like yesterday.She was only...
I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms...
The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 9 THE COP But every now and then I do get a really strange request involving both the clothes I’m to wear and what the man wants to happen. Will was an example of that, the man I mentioned earlier, the one who just wanted me to put on a ‘show’ for him – but like the ‘nun’ he preferred to satisfy himself, only needed me there as visual stimulation. The man I think of as...
Introduction As I have said in recounting several other of my ‘sexual adventures’, there have been all sorts of people living in and visiting the building in the time I have been here – and there are plenty of stories to be told about them, even the ones that I haven’t been involved with personally – sexually I mean! One of them I met just the once, and only for a couple of minutes – but he’s not the subject of this story – the girl I rescued from his attempted rape is! Brandy. Prior to that...
Defiance or TemptationShe shut the door, leaning against it as she heard him leaving, her rapid breathing making her chest rise up and down. She couldn’t believe what she had let him do. She reached around under her skirt, sliding her panties over her cheeks, pulling them from her anus. She felt a tingle as her anus closed after releasing the bunched up panties. She could still feel it back there. Michael had surprised her. She had a virgin pussy just waiting for him to take and fondle and he...
I have several Doms and three Femdoms that I visit, but I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though...
Bennie was without doubt, the best looking dude in our small town. He was the bar owners son, and was nineteen years old. He had curly chestnut brown hair, and stood around 6’2” tall. He was a burly boy, and had the most beautiful skin I had ever seen on a man. The skin on his face looked like it belonged to a baby, and I am sure no pimple ever dared invade his features. When he helped out at the pub, I was always memorized by his easy going manner, and sexy smile. Bennie often bragged; that he...
Gay MaleBRANDY You walked into the room,( looking hot as ever), and instantly we were all over each other kissing and groping at each others cloths. I felt like i was dreaming as our tongues danced in each others mouths, until you pulled away and shoved me back onto the bed. "time to strip you down my little bitch." you were pulling my pants off as you spoke and i was more than willing to give you control. You...
Ah, Brandy, let me take you back to that first summer by the lake. I know that a memory of every pleasure that we shared is burned indelibly into your mind and your body, as it is with me. But just indulge me now and lets go back there together in our minds. Feel free as the memories come flooding back to slip your slim, pretty fingers into your panties and tease your clit as it stiffens. As your pussy wettens, slide your fingers into its slippery depths to your heart’s content, knowing that...
MasturbationI have several Doms and three Femdoms that I visit, but I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what...
It was mid September and I had just finished my annual Fall decorating around the house. I was exhausted but taking in the colors around my living and dining rooms back dropped by my Mustard Yellow walls it was worth it. Fall has always been my favorite time of the year. The vibrant colors of the trees and decor around town, the feel of the cool breeze in the air, and the strong aroma of pumpkin spice everywhere you turn, which happened to be one of my favorite scents ever. People are also...
Ah, Brandy, let me take you back to that first summer by the lake. I know that a memory of every pleasure that we shared is burned indelibly into your mind and your body, as it is with me. But just indulge me now and lets go back there together in our minds. Feel free as the memories come flooding back to slip your slim, pretty fingers into your panties and tease your clit as it stiffens. As your pussy wettens, slide your fingers into its slippery depths to your heart’s content, knowing that...
I have several old friends from the old days and each has children of varying ages. One never considers the younger ones. They are just rug rats and yard apes learning to play as little princesses and knights. Jousting in the evening when the friends gather together. However some of them aged into place. And I had long ago been snipped so no one could ever get pregnant from me. One little cutie named Brandy had become a delicious twenty year old. Her father and mother had divorced and she was...
Brandy was the very cute college Sophomore who lived in my apartment complex. Watching her slip across the parking lot, through the breezeway in my building and over to the pool became a pastime I enjoyed, whenever I worked from home. She always wore shorts that were three sizes to small, with half her butt showing. Her form fitting t-shirts were equally tantalizing. I longed to check her out at the pool, because I knew she had a body that any guy would probably die for. With long brown hair...
HardcoreI was working from home one day, in my small two-bedroom apartment, trying to get caught up on some pressing work. I wanted to be anywhere but sitting in front of a computer. I gazed out the window of the spare bedroom, which doubled as an office.I saw the shapely silhouetted figure of a young lady, bouncing down the stairs in the breezeway across the parking lot from the building where my apartment was located. Her hair was pinned up in a pony-tail and I could see she was wearing shorts and a...
CheatingHi, I’m Brandy. I’m 28 yo Bi Sub, 5”4”, 115 lbs, blonde hair, brown eyes, 32C breasts with permanently erect nipples (have been my whole life), and a shaved pussy. I’ve been a Sub most my life although I didn’t know it for quite a while. I do prefer men, but I am now a very well trained obedient Sub and will do whatever I’m told to by a Dom or Femdom. My OBGYN once asked me how often I liked to have sex and I told her at least 2 hours a day. She seemed to have misunderstood and asked how many...
Copyright by ProfessorR © by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ***** RANCH HANDS – part one Dean turned slightly, as his rising penis was blocking the view of Keira’s anxious face. Her apprehension showed, perhaps not just because she was the newest girl in Brandy’s Ranch, but also because of things she had said to him not too long ago. ‘Ironic, isn’t it?’ he mused as he readied a condom on the nightstand. ‘She’s wondering if I’m angry and I’m wondering if I’m...
Copyright by ProfessorR © by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ***** RANCH HANDS – part two TUESDAY MORNING: Brunch continued As Dean and Joe chatted with each other, Dean gradually began to realize that the retired Mexican-American businessman was planning on spending the night with Jennifer. Dean could see that it made sense, but he was already planning to test the MILF hand of Brandy’s Ranch himself. Unknown to her conscious mind, he had begun to prepare her...
Chapter 5 KIERON Most of the experiences I have had in my work that I have told you about so far have probably made escort work sound like fun, fun, fun! I get taken out, wined and dined, get more than my fair share of sex – some of it very good sex, the occasional bit of drama, a few weird but not unpleasant happenings – and I get paid for it all! Sounds great doesn’t it? Well, most of the time it isn’t. Most of the day-to-day clients are pretty ‘yuk’! Run-down, middle aged, often fat,...
Chapter 3 SHOWS In my experience it seems that there is one, really big difference between men and women’s attitude to sex. Not that it applies to all men of course and there are some women who don’t fit the pattern either – but, as a general rule I think it’s true. Men like a ‘show’, a ‘production’, whereas women go much more for the atmosphere created by the emotions and circumstances of the meeting. I, for one don’t fit the stereotype of a woman that I’ve just described – but I think most...