Brandy Ch. 09-10 free porn video

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Chapter 9


But every now and then I do get a really strange request involving both the clothes I’m to wear and what the man wants to happen. Will was an example of that, the man I mentioned earlier, the one who just wanted me to put on a ‘show’ for him – but like the ‘nun’ he preferred to satisfy himself, only needed me there as visual stimulation. The man I think of as ‘the cop’ was a better example of a man who wanted me to create a total scenario for him.

I’m sure he wasn’t a policeman but the ‘cop’ is what I always think of when I think of him, as I do from time to time. Like most clients he knew somebody who had been with me but unlike most he said that what he’d like us to do was a bit complicated and so he’d like to send me a description, so I could look it over and that he’d then ring back in a few days to see if I was prepared to go along with it.

I don’t like giving out the address of wherever I happen to be living and so have always rented a mail box just in case there is ever any need for clients to contact me that way. He must have sat down and written up his instructions as soon as he’d put the phone down because the envelope was there the following day and when I read through them the first time I must say that my initial reaction wasn’t too good. But he’d anticipated my nervous hesitation and included assurances that absolutely nothing more than what he’d written would happen to me, had included an amount of cash as a ‘deposit’ as he called it and said how much it would mean to him if I would go along with his idea.

Things had been a bit quiet and his idea intrigued me so, when he rang a couple of days later, after I had asked him a few more questions, really just to get him talking, so I could get an idea of the man behind the scheme, I agreed and we arranged a date and time.

I was to wear dark clothes, preferably black – sweater, pants, any sort of running shoes, some sort of hat to cover my hair and to take a single stocking and a couple of other things with me.

It was dark by the time I called a cab and gave the driver the address I’d been given and got there a little after the time we had arranged, the house was quite ordinary, with a garage on one side and a narrow path-way running down the other, just as he had described. I paid off the cab, went through the front-garden and stopped beside the house to put the stocking over my head and cover it with the hat. You see he wanted me to burgle the house!

He’d drawn a sketch of the lay-out and I found the window he’d asked me to use and outside of it the box he said he’d leave so I could climb up and get into the house. Once inside the bed-room I closed the window behind me and used a little torch I’d brought to find the envelope he had said would be there, the rest of my money was inside it, then I went into my burglar routine, opening and closing drawers as though looking for loot.

He kept me waiting for several minutes, perhaps standing outside the door, monitoring my progress around the room then, when I was busy with a small chest of drawers he burst in, waving what was obviously some sort of toy gun and telling me in a fierce voice to ‘Stop!’ or he’d shoot.

His notes had outlined what was to follow next – in the semi-darkness he was supposed not to realise that I was a woman and of course my voice was muffled by having the stocking over my head, so he either didn’t understand or simply ignored my pleas for mercy, shaking his head, saying he was going to ring the cops – but that first he’d have to make sure I didn’t escape. The next bit is what had originally concerned me, he was to tie my hands behind my back – I’ve never got involved in B & D and didn’t like the idea of being made semi-helpless in a strange house. But he’d agreed on the phone that he would only tie them very loosely, just to keep up the pretence – and he was as good as his word.

Once he’d done that he said he’d have to get a look at me so he could describe me to the police and of course when he took off the hat and stocking he was amazed to find that he’d caught a female burglar. Then, without the stocking I was able to make myself heard properly and said I’d been driven to what I’d done because my parents were dead, I had just lost my job and I had a kid sister to support – that I hadn’t taken anything and that I’d do anything for him, if he didn’t call the police.

He looked me up and down, licked his lips nervously and asked me what I meant by ‘anything’. I replied excitedly. ‘Anything, anything at all!’ Then in a softer voice added. ‘You’re a good-looking man, I could fancy you. Would you like me to give you a blow job? Or would you rather fuck me? Anyway you like!’ He paused, apparently thinking about that, reached out and touched me, lightly running his fingers over my breast, finding out that I wasn’t wearing a bra beneath the thin sweater and then on down over the curve of my hip.

After a minute or two he said ‘O.K. But I can’t risk you running out on me, I’ll have to keep your hands tied-up until afterwards.’

The knots he’d used to tie my hands were so slack that I knew I could slip them off without any trouble, obviously it was the idea of me being tied-up that was the important part of his fantasy so I smiled and nodded, saying that in that case he’d have to get me undressed – and that as I couldn’t lie down for him, he’d have to fuck me from the back while I knelt on the edge of the bed.

He got out of his own trousers and pants first, letting me see that he had become excited by our play-acting, his cock was already virtually fully erect, a nice straight one, thin but quite long enough. Then he got my slacks and panties off, pressing his face up against my stomach and kissing his way down through the bush of hair beneath, his gentle touch actually setting off a few little sparks inside me. With my hands tied he couldn’t get my sweater off of course but when he stood he eased it up over my breasts and spent a while caressing and nibbling each of them in turn, which was also quite nice and added to the faint arousal he had already started for me.

When he’d had enough of that he helped me up on to the edge of the bed and as I couldn’t use my arms to support myself, pulled down a pillow for me to rest my head on as I bent low for him. Then, having first felt between my legs and found that what he’d done had started moistening my pussy, spent a minute or two increasing the flow by slipping his fingers inside it, up and down the crack between the cheeks of my bottom and then back between my thighs and up over the tender nub of my clit. So, by the time he actually guided the swollen bulb of his cock-head between my pussy-lips I was more than ready for it – I was quite looking forward to having him inside me.

As he had with everything else he’d done, he was considerate, gentle and thorough – very thorough! In fact for a while I was beginning to wonder if he was ever actually going to climax – and he didn’t just keep going at the same speed, every now and then he’d change from long, deep strokes to shorter, sharper little jabs, using just the tip of his cock – which drove me wild, the sharp curve at the base of it triggering little shocks as it rubbed back and forth between my sensitive pussy-lips.

But eventually I sensed he was building-up to it, his hands gripped my hips tighter, his grunts of pleasure got louder and he started thrusting himself faster, plunging his cock even deeper – then I felt it swelling and almost immediately after that, he screamed and repeatedly slammed himself hard up against my bottom as he pumped load after load of his boiling semen high up inside me.

When he’d finished he amazed me by sitting down on the floor, his back against the end of the bed and then lifting himself, so he could reach my dripping pussy with his mouth. He not
only sucked out his own semen, he then went on licking and sucking at it and the hard ridge of my clit until he brought on my own climax.

Later, when we had both showered and he’d poured us a drink I grinned and said. ‘Your note didn’t say anything about the finale you had planned.’ Telling him how pleasantly surprised I’d been by the climax. He said that he hadn’t planned that but as I had given him such a marvellous orgasm it was the least he could do for me. There should be more customers like that!

But actually that reminds me of another, who in his own strange way was just as considerate and also gave me almost as much pleasure as he got himself – but first let me tell you about someone who pleasure came mainly from their own imagination, with only a little help from outside.


Chapter 10


It’s amazing the lengths some men will go to and the time and money they’ll spend to create a particular sexual environment for themselves. Will, the man who just wanted to look up women’s legs, was one. Chuck, the millionaire was another. A third was Richard – and over the years he must have spent as much, if not more than the other two had between them – and the result certainly classified his tastes as being, well at least a little bit bizarre.

He collected images. Images of women of course, all sorts of images – paintings, photographs, books, statuettes – you name it.

When I first met him I didn’t know anything about that of course, like most of my clients he heard about me through a friend or business associate and after a brief chat on the phone we arranged to meet for dinner at one of my preferred hotels. We ate, talked, went up to the room he’d booked and had sex – perfectly straightforward sex, nothing strange or kinky. He was pleasant enough, very attentive and considerate and after we had finished and I was about to leave he said he looked forward to seeing me again.

Plenty of men say that, I guess they feel they have to say something – it’s a bit like a guy saying ‘I’ll ring you’ to a girl he’s met or picked up somewhere, even though both of them know it’s unlikely that he will.

Anyway Richard did, we met another couple of times over the next few weeks and it was only after the third time, again when I was just about to leave that he asked almost shyly, if I ever accepted invitations to the client’s home, rather than meeting them in hotels.

By then I knew from our little chats that he had been divorced for several years, had teen-age children that he saw fairly frequently and that he had an apartment not far from the centre of the city, so although I felt confident he wouldn’t suddenly turn nasty on me I still thought for a moment or two and said it depended on the client and why he wanted me to do that.

He obviously understood exactly what I meant – and I’ll never forget his answer.

‘I’d very much like to take some photographs of you – and show you where I’ll be displaying the best one.’

During the time I’ve been an escort-girl I’ve had plenty of pictures taken of me, usually naked or semi-naked and usually the instant variety, that end up in the back of some guy’s wallet. I don’t mind, sooner or later the guy is going to brag to a friend, show them the picture and maybe I get another client out of it. It’s a form of advertising as far as I’m concerned.

But part of Richard’s answer intrigued me – ‘and show you where I’ll be displaying the best one.’ Of course I asked him what he meant but he just smiled and said I would have to see for myself.

As I said, I felt sure I could trust him, so I agreed and we arranged a date and time. As he’d said that the main purpose was so he could take my picture I asked what sort of things he would like me to wear. ‘Something slinky.’ he said. ‘Something that shows off your figure, I mean its shape.’

I don’t mind admitting that over the next few days I thought about Richard’s request quite a bit, toyed with various things I had that fitted his rather broad description. I had quite a few figure-hugging tops that I could wear with either pants or a tight skirt – or would he prefer a teddy, one piece underwear – then there was a tube dress I’d bought a few years earlier, it was certainly ‘slinky’.

But nothing really seemed quite right and in the end I went out and bought something, a cat-suit or body-suit – actually I bought two, a black one and a vivid red one. When I’d tried them on in the shop I’d had to leave my underwear on of course, so as soon as I got home I had to try them on again – without. I must say, the difference was quite dramatic.

The fabric was stretch lycra and once the zip down the back was done up it fitted like a second skin, covering me from neck to ankles and wrists – and as I turned slowly around in front of the mirror I knew that even if he hadn’t known it himself, this was exactly what Richard meant when he’d said ‘slinky’.

I experimented with a few poses, stretching my arms high above my head, bending low, half turning myself so that the curve of my breasts showed as I looked back into the mirror – and found myself wondering which particular one would turn out to be Richard’s favourite.

Although I was tempted to see what the cab driver’s reaction would be, I finally decided not to put on either outfit before leaving, packing them and a few alternatives in a small bag and wearing just a fairly ordinary skirt and top for the short journey. I’ll never forget the look of disappointment on Richard’s face when he opened the door – but it quickly disappeared when I told him I had my things in the bag and he got positively excited when I added that I would leave it to him to choose from the several outfits I had brought with me.

He’d booked me for the whole evening, which I always prefer – I hate having to trot from one client to another – and had told me he would fix something for us to eat, so once we’d settled the financial business and he’d got a couple of drinks he asked if he could see what I’d brought with me, so we could decide what I was to wear later. Although he obviously liked both the teddy and tube dress when he saw the two cat-suits he literally grinned from ear to ear and said.

‘Perfect! Absolutely perfect Brandy. I should have known you’d pick something as brilliant as this. I can’t wait to see you wearing them, you’ll look stunning – and the pictures will be fantastic, I just know they will.’

When I asked him which of the two he liked best he said. ‘Neither. You’ll have to let me take pictures of you in each of them!’

‘So, do I get to see where you are going to put these pictures? That’s what you said you’d do.’

He put the suits on one side and got up. ‘Of course you do Brandy. Come along, though we mustn’t get held up in there or dinner will spoil.’

Although his apartment was very modern the building it was in was quite old and there had obviously been a good deal of renovation done to it to make the individual apartments both functional and attractive. But wherever possible the developers had retained the former layout of rooms and of course they all had the original high ceilings. Richard’s apartment was at one corner of the top floor and to my utter amazement still included a quite large, turret-room, which was reached by a narrow stair-case behind an ordinary looking door at the end of the hall-way.

‘They loved having decorative bits and pieces on the outside of buildings in those days – but they still liked to make practical use of space when they could.’ he explained as he led the way up the stairs. ‘I’ve no idea what the room would have been used for originally – maybe a study or just a storage room – but when I was looking for a place, after my wife and I split up and I saw this I just had to have it – it’s absolutely perfect for me.’

He opened the door, turned on a light and led me inside. It was like something out of a movie, an odd sort of movie – there were women or rat
her images of women, everywhere.

The walls were covered with pictures of them, some paintings, others photographs, some of them life-size, some much smaller, all very carefully arranged for maximum effect.

Statuettes, in marble, gilt, bronze – you name it. Some serving practical purposes as lamps or vases, others purely for their appearance. Some artistic, others in quite obviously erotic poses.

One wall, beside the door was taken up with a book-case which went from floor to ceiling. On the lower shelves were very large books, which he said contained photographs or photographs of paintings of women. Higher up were the ordinary sized books, many of which were quite serious books about sexuality but he admitted that there were also a large number which were full of pornography of various kinds.

Richard let me wander around, examining whatever aroused my interest, giving me time to adjust to what I was seeing. But after a while, when he saw that I was neither upset nor disturbed by his collection he took me gently by the arm and quietly said. ‘I’d like the picture of you to be over here Brandy, see what you think.’

We moved to the other side of the room, skirting tables and pedestals until we stood in the bay formed by the curve of the window. Between the window frame and one of the life-size paintings was an area very nearly filled with about a dozen photographs of various women – all of whom were quite stunning and all of whom were in poses designed to simply display the shapes of their bodies. Some were in colour, some in stark black and white and no two poses were alike.

A quick glance showed that several of the poses I had tried out had already been done – but was thrilled to see that the one that I had thought actually suited my figure best and which accentuated my long legs, hadn’t been.

Of course I didn’t know whether Richard had rearranged the photographs just before my arrival or that he had in reality been waiting for someone special – but the central area was blank, as though it had been reserved for me all along.

‘There Brandy, right there in the centre. And I think it will end up being the red outfit that will win pride of place. But I’ll take pictures of you in both, just in case – if you don’t mind of course.’

‘Of course I don’t mind. I’ll be honoured Richard, honoured.’ I answered almost absentmindedly as I turned and looked slowly around the room again. ‘How long have you been collecting these things Richard?’

‘Seriously? Since my wife and I split up, that’s nearly ten years now. But I’ve had some of these things much longer than that, some of the books and quite a few of the pictures. That was one of the reasons for the start of the marriage break-up – my wife could never understand my interest, no fascination with sexuality and pictures of women. Thought it meant I was perverted.

Oh I admit I sometimes used them to masturbate – but then most men do that – it doesn’t mean they don’t still love their partner, still find them sexy. But she couldn’t accept that. But that was really an excuse I think, there were other, deeper problems between us.

Anyway, once we’d decided to split and then, when I found this place, well it sort of inspired me. I set out to create something unique. It’ll never be complete of course I’m still adding things, though it’s getting harder to find things that are better than what I already have. When I look at something, even if a know I have space for it I ask myself whether I would be prepared to throw something else out, to make room for it.’

‘What did you throw out to make room for me Richard?’ I asked with a grin.

He smiled back at me. ‘That would have been easy Brandy, you have such a beautiful body that it could have been any of that group of photographs.’

I thanked him for the compliment and he said he thought we ought to go down and eat before the meal spoiled, saying he’d be glad to bring me back again later, if I was genuinely interested in his collection.

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Chapter # 2 Mom shows up at school pissed, and then I said that stupid sentence. Mom was not a happy camper when she arrived at the school that's for sure. She had just gotten that new premotion at work about three months ago, and now she had to leave work for this. I knew I was going to hear it, but good, by the way mom was looking at me. The only thing was I knew that I didn't really do anything wrong, but it seemed no one would listen to me. The principle had both of us come...

2 years ago
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The Experimenting Fiance

This is currently a work-in-progress. Updates to the ongoing story and paths, with reference dates, will be included here on the first page. Any questions/comments/compliments/insults are welcome via chapter comments and private messages, don't hesitate to reach out if you feel inclined! This story has multiple flags and variables that will influence how the story progresses, so please ensure game mode is active before beginning for the best experience possible. Variables and flags are hidden...

2 years ago
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I was out partying one night when I met a guy I used to know.We were chatting a bit when I started to remember how hot he was in bed.:P He offered me a drink and after a couple we headed to his place.I couldn't contain myself as I was tingling with excitement.As we were driving along my hand started wandering..i could feel his cock was already I leaned over and unzipped his pants..I reached in and pulled out his cock.It already had precum dripping out the tip..I opened my mouth and...

3 years ago
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Coincidences In Love

A fictional story about two very real loversI have always been skeptical about people who had online relationships. I am unsure if it is due to the inner cop in me, keeping the warning of online predators in the back of my mind or if it is because I believe that you are set up for failure from the very beginning, without that physical touch to kindle your hearts fire. Either way, I knew it was not for me. That all changed for me when I met Carson, known as SxyWriter69 in the cyber world. I...

Love Stories
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Origins Of Sarah Part 14 8211 Surprise Surprise

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional and are created for entertainment purpose. Please don’t mail me asking for my personal details. Review emails are appreciated. None of the characters is related to my old series i.e. ‘Adventures Of Sarah’. This is an Instalment of a series where I will be describing the Journey Of Sarah and the sacrifices she had to make to climb the ladder of life and reach on top. These parts will be longer than...

4 years ago
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Claudias ConditionChapter 4

The evening festivities were to start at 8 pm. Claudia drove her and Dan to her apartment so she could change her clothes and pick up her camera and notepad. She had planned already what she was going to wear for him. He sat patiently in the living room waiting. He gazed around her apartment and liked how the coordinated colour and texture scheme worked. Claudia then came out of her bedroom, “Wow, oh wow, oh wow!” He exclaimed, his eyes widening. She smiled and turned around for him. She...

2 years ago
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Telugu Sex Story

Hi, This is jaffa from andhra pradesh… I am great lover of hair fantasies … Naaku telugu kathalu ante chaala ishtam . Mana story loki vasthe , nenu degree 2 nd year chaduvuthunna .. Maadhi oka middle class family . Maa inti pakkana aunty ki naaku madhya jarigina story idhi. Aunty ki 35 yrs untayi podugu juttu . Eppudu jada vesukunedhi , lekapothe mudi vesukuni clip pettedhi. Sallu chaala peddaga untaya . Around 38 size . Aame ki iddaru pillalu. Vallu okaru 6 yrs and inkokaru 4 yrs . Uncle some...

1 year ago
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DistributionChapter 7 Meeting Paiges family

When Paige called at nine PM, I'd made my calls, and had given up on hearing from her. I reported that the quotations for the water hookup were arriving; I'd spoken to Harold Whitney about the consulting job, and Charlie and I had moved the crates out of the living room. "Brian?" "Yes, Paige." "I didn't follow any of what you just said. You'll need to keep notes. Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about." "Okay," I said, feeling very confused. "What do you want to talk...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 19 Hostage

Both a sheriff’s deputy and the regular gate guard checked Alice into the Circle property at the main gate. Instead of going home she went up the slight rise in the land and turned left onto Airport Road. She slowly drove down the narrow lane towards the private landing strip. Her intent was to fly the Cessna Citation to the larger airport where it would blend in with dozens of other corporate jets rather than remain a potential target for destruction by Reverend Angus Morton. She could get...

3 years ago
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Tell me one of yours

You make me watch you fuck a slut while she eats my pussy and I finger myself till I cum all in her mouth. The whole time you are fucking her you are telling me how you are going to fill her pussy up with cum just so you can watch me eat it out of her. After you fill her up you make me eat your hot cum out of her pussy. Then we both suck and lick your cock, balls and ass until you get rock hard again. Then I ride you while she fingers my ass until I gush all over your cock. Then when you are...

1 year ago
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House Slut 10

Returning home from the supermarket without further incident, consensual or otherwise, Tegan set about putting the groceries away and tidying up the kitchen before putting on a load of laundry. She estimated she still had at least an hour to kill before Sam was likely to get home and decided for now to simply pop on Netflix and relax on the couch for a bit. Of course it was hard enough for her to knock something off her watch list at the best of times, let alone when she was aggressively,...

3 years ago
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Getting It on With SamanthaChapter 19

Samantha woke up early that school morning and she couldn't get back to sleep for anything. Mainly, she was so fucking horny that there was no hope of her falling asleep again. She really wanted Pete to come there in her room and fuck her -- but how was he to know that 30 minutes before they both normally climbed out of bed and got ready for school? She finally decided she'd have to take matters in her own hands and go to Pete for whatever sexual release she could get before...

3 years ago
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Now That Was a Workout

An erotic moment by Kenneth Keller I am not a slut. Let's make that perfectly clear. I don't normally cheat on my husband. Fact is this was the only time, thus far, that I've ever been with another man since I married Steve some ten years ago. I love Steve with all of my heart and just because I had sex with someone else doesn't mean that I love him any less. So with that being said I will now share with you the encounter that I had a few days ago. Steve and I have been going to the local...

2 years ago
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The Young WifeChapter 3

“Bitch!” Rob leapt out of bed and staggered. He was still drunk. “You fucking bitch!” I was shocked by his violence and recoiled but I looked down and stared dumbfounded. His cock was transformed from the pathetic limp thing that I knew into a magnificent baton. “How long have you been fucking that bastard?” His rigid member swung stiffly from side to side. I could hardly hear what he was saying. I just couldn’t believe my eyes! “Best man! Bastard showed me who the best man was. Get out...

1 year ago
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Total Woman Excursions 12

The Total Woman Excursions beachside was pure white sand, lapped by leisurely waves of the clear blue sea. The scarab speed boat was anchored offshore. Somer was accompanied by his three host guides of the resort: Julie, Agnes and Stephanie. The topless snorkelers plunged the coral depths in search of aquatic flora and fauna. There were many to behold. The reef glimmered with neon colors and exotic shapes. Large and small fish circled, crisscrossed and skittered around them. Somer floated...

4 years ago
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A Bhabhi Fulfilled My Forbidden Desire

Hi guys, Sunny Thakur here. I belong to a typical Indian family from Himachal. I came to Delhi years ago for my education and now, I am working here. Delhi is the place of my sexual awakening. I met my girlfriend here and had some adventures with other girls too. I have shared them on my profile, do check them out. Today is the story of a Muslim lady, who moved to the neighboring apartment close to my resident. Despite being 5’5”, I have managed to get laid with some of the hottest women...

1 year ago
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Das Spiel mit dem Feuer

Bestimmt hat jeder schon einmal, mindestens darüber nachgedacht, etwas unmoralisches zu tun. Begibt man sich allerdings erst einmal auf Abwege, muss man sehr darauf achten, dass nichts davon an die Öffentlichkeit kommt! Es ist nur all zu einfach, sich beim Spielen mit dem Feuer zu verbrennen.

2 years ago
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My Friends StepMom Part 1

I was greeted at the door by my friends mother, Tanya, she opened the door seconds after the outside light was turned on because it was dark outside. “Hey there Jay,” she said to me, “Mike just left with the guys, you just missed him. Im sure you would have noticed if his car wasn’t there.” She was wearing something so simple, a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, she was barefoot, her dirty blonde hair was pulled back in a simple pony tail. She had been home for a few hours and she seemed like she...

3 years ago
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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 13 Hunters and Prey

We hadn't gotten far into our thoughts, when the scanner hit pay dirt on channel three. First Voice, "Hey, Pete. I'm down on Twenty. Looks like a couple more days before the snow melts enough that we'll see many travelers. I don't see any tracks, not even snowmobiles." Second Voice, "Well, move on east a few miles and keep an eye out for tracks or smoke. Some of these farms and houses are sitting back a ways in valleys. Remember, with the snow and ice, you might not recognize a drive...

2 years ago
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Who Let the Dog Out Woof Woof

My friend Snoid related a story to me that was told to him. He wouldn't tell me the guy's name, but insisted that the story was true. I took the words from Snoid and put them into a story form that readers of The Purvv have come to know. There is no way that I could verify its factualness but, assuming that it is true has me wondering about the thoughts of my readers. In trying to picture their reaction my first thought was of the animal lovers. I assume, by their past declarations and...

1 year ago
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Sarah Carerra 310 Adams Center Arena

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: April 2, 2012) Chapter 10 - Adams Center Arena "Whoa," Madison said as I stepped out of the shower Saturday morning. I jumped slightly, since I thought she was still asleep. If I had known that she was...

3 years ago
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Crete threesome

As a frequent snorkeller I like to explore and see things I've not seen before.I visited Crete in august this year and stayed in a beautiful hotel that was constructed on a peninsula meaning there was plenty of coastline to explore.It was my first day so planned my route according to the way the waves were crashing in and set off to explore.After 20 mins of very clear sea but very little sealife I spotted a large shoal of fish and followed duly. The sea was warm and to be honest was looking to...

3 years ago
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Anhgel 7

©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ************************************************************** Angel soaked her feet in a warm pool. She sat naked in the waning warm sunlight of an afternoon. For the last two days, she had not seen anything but woodland creatures. The Sparrows, as usual, shadowed her every move. The changes to her body seemed to be largely complete. Her legs were slim and curvy, they lead to lush womanly inviting hips Angel’s...

4 years ago
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Enjoyin Lauras boyfriend in my ass

My girlfriend Laura told me all about her new lover, a young guy in his late twenties, called Ron.Considering that Laura had my own age, I laughed and said she was a slut old bitch trying to steal something from a cradle…She laughed back and kept talking openly about how this young guy fucked her. According to Laura; the guy was very skillful at fucking her in the ass. One time he had made my girlfriend cum three times while his hard cock was buried deep in her anus…Laura went on and described...

3 years ago
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Does The Joy Beats the Shame

Yesterday eveningMany will say why make the fuzz, but I'm not experienced with these kind of things.Ok, I am married, relatively happy, I do have a decent job, earn a good living, maybe I am somewhat boring. Yes, I got drunk a few times a year, I smoke some, watch some porn, I even subscribed to a porn site. Nothing irregular so far, oh, perhaps this one, a few years ago I was in Antwerp, and I got a little drunk and I went to the red light district. And yes, I payed for sex, and it was not a...

2 years ago
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The Flintstones Wilma Goes Wild Ch 03

Barney Rubble was supposed to be working. He had decided to come home early that fateful afternoon and surprise his beautiful wife, maybe have a nooner. When Barney entered the house he put his lunch bucket on the kitchen table and walked through the house looking for Betty. She wasn't in the front of the house. Maybe she was taking a nap. As he approached their bedroom he heard some noises and noticed the door was slightly ajar, so he stepped very softly to the doorway. He could...

2 years ago
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Heirs to the AncientsChapter 3

As he stared at the ford, Taima wondered if he was following the right path. He had successfully followed the directions. From the heights of the mountain he had seen the river and the great bend in the distance. Perhaps he should have kept walking northward and ignored the old man. He said his name was Askuwheteau but he acted like one of the ancient spirits of the mountain. "Great-granddaughter?" Taima asked the caterpillar on the leaf where he was crouching. Scanning the area, he had...

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CrosswindsChapter 6

Maddi stifled a pleasured groan with each bite of prime rib she ate. As the tender ribbons of meat melted under her tongue, she did her best to ignore Diana, grinning across the table. Her sister’s volatile treachery terrified her, but every time the feeling seemed overwhelming, Maddi stuffed another protein in her mouth. “Diana, Madison. I can’t believe this.” Dr. Dory Drake smiled from her seat next to Rochelle. She was a brown-haired woman in her 60s with square vintage glasses and a dark...

1 year ago
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Saturday Night Domination

I woke up last Saturday morning to find my beautiful girl Chrissy lying naked asleep next to me, I kissed her sweet lips tenderly and cuddled up to her whilst thinking how lucky I am to have her... Little did I know, later that day she was going to show exactly how much she owns me!After half an hour of watching my sleeping beauty, she began to wake, smiling at me as she opened her heavy eyes and kissing me 'good morning'.We spent the next hour or so doing as we normally do every Saturday...

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New BeginningChapter 8 Expectations

It was Friday night and Roger was dropping off his date for the night. Jill Abrahms was the last woman Roger would ask out from the single parent groups. He had already asked out all the rest of the women that interested him. And one date with Jill was enough. Roger felt like he spent half the night just trying to get her to pay attention to him. With The Plan, or what was left of it, running out of steam, Roger wasn’t quite sure what to do next. Well, he still had a couple of women with...

1 year ago
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When An Author Meets Her Regular Reader

Anjali waited outside the railway station with her left hand holding her mobile to her ear. It was nearly eight o clock at night and she wasn’t standing close but at a moderate distance from the station. Today Ananth was arriving. She wrote sex stories on iss and Ananth was her fan and also her ‘online boyfriend’. Anjali: where are you? Ananth: I am outside now looking for you. Anjali quickly walked out of sight and hid behind a parked car. Anjali: what are you wearing? And just raise your...

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Sex Carving Girlfriend Fucking Her Best Friend Forever And Boyfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi readers, I am Rajdeep frm delhi. I am 28 years old with an average build and 5.10 height. This is a true incident that happened 2 years back when i had just moved to Delhi. I have many friends in Delhi and was staying with one of my female friend Ishika in malviya nagar where i met her previous room mate Tarana and her bf Vikas.We had a nice night together…No sex ..Just healthy chatting whole night. I became friend with Vikas and no time…Nice chap ..Good build..Handsome. Let me tell you...

3 years ago
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Neighborly Massage Therapy

Our former neighbor Barbara was a sports massage ther****t. When we lived nearby, she and my wife would occasionally get together for drinks and gossip. It was through one of these meetings that I learned that Barbara's husband wasn't giving her the satisfaction she needed. This piqued my interest, although having always been faithful to my wife, nothing came of it.A few years later, we had moved away, though we'd stayed in the same town. Barbara had started a traveling practice, and contacted...

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Wait Until We Are Married Chapter 1

*************************************************** “Megan…” I groaned as I ground my face into hers. Our desperate lips caressed each other’s as our passion built and built. I was on fire and I could tell she was the same. Her soft long dirty blonde hair fluttered at my cheeks as I kissed her fiercely. “Oh Adam…” she whispered back as my hands caressed her smooth shoulders and back as I moved my lips to the nape of her long neck and gently bit into her soft flesh. I alternated...

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Visit to the Doctor

Debbie was an attractive woman in her mid thirties who had been with the same man for many years. She and her husband had always enjoyed an active sex life, however, she had always felt that her husband lacked passion and excitement. For the most part, Debbie allowed her husband frequent access to her body, allowing him to touch her at will. She enjoyed the attention, however, at certain times of the month she could not bear to be touched by her husband, particularly since he was not the type...

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