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Aja and Jason sat holding hands in the back office behind the sanctuary at the Lucas Street AME church. He recognized the place as where he had set up his remote more than a year before. Sitting across from them at his desk was the pastor, wearing a red polo shirt. He sat, his hands tented.

“Aja,” he said, “I’ve known you a long time and you’re much loved by our congregation. I’m delighted you two have chosen here for your service.”

“I wouldn’t want it anywhere else,” she replied.

“I’m touched by your generosity,” Jason added. “For the church’s Ladies Club to donate the reception...”

“Everyone in this church acknowledges the enormous contribution Aja has made.”

“I intend to continue doing so, for as long as my abilities permit,” she added.

“This is the least we can do in appreciation,” the pastor continued. “Have you thought about what we can do to make your service yours, personally?”

“Well,” Aja replied, tentatively, “We don’t wish to offend ... Pastor, I lost my faith in God after the accident that claimed my parents.”

“I can understand how such an event can shake one’s faith,” he replied. “What I don’t understand is, if you’ve lost your faith, why do you continue to participate as you do?”

“I might have lost my belief in God, but I still love this church. I love its tenents and I love the congregation. I love you, for the good works you do. I do it for community, Pastor. It’s a way for me to keep connected to my roots, my heritage. This church was such a large part of my parents’ lives and I wish to continue to honor them.”

“I understand,” the pastor replied. “I have to think there’s some spark of faith that only needs the right breeze to re-ignite it.”

“I will say this,” she added, “My path crossed with Jason’s in such an unexpected way, I do wonder if it was mere chance or if our meeting was part of some larger plan.”

“Jason, what are your beliefs?”

“Jason is a committed atheist,” Aja replied.

The pastor regarded him. “I see you in the congregation every Sunday.”

“Participating is important to Aja,” he answered, “and, that makes it important to me. We want to share important events and traditions.”

“I can see you two are deeply and genuinely in love, and it is a beautiful sight. Tell me, Jason -- what would you need in order to believe in God?”

“Pastor, I don’t mean to be flippant. The sort of testable, verifiable evidence of the existence of a supreme being would, I’m afraid, put you and others in your profession out of business.”

“Touche,” the pastor replied. “The business of faith is belief in the unprovable; at least to those of a scientific mind. I will say that God has revealed Himself to me in a very personal way, and I have no doubt that He exists. I hope someday He decides to reveal Himself to you.”

If He truly exists,” Jason replied, “I hope so, too. I’m not holding my breath, though.”

“What we’re getting at, Pastor,” Aja continued, “is that we would like the service to emphasize community, tradition and spirituality.”

“Those are important facets of our faith, Aja. We should be able to focus on those. Have you thought about vows?”

Aja glanced at Jason. “This is something we’re still discussing. I would like us to recite our vows to each other; Jason would prefer to simply say, ‘I do.’”

“I think we’ll end up reciting vows to each other,” Jason interjected. “It’s what Aja wants. I just need to get over stage fright.”

“We can rehearse them if you’d like.”

“I think,” Aja replied, “we’d like to keep our vows secret from each other until the time comes.”

“Jake -- That’s Jacob Michaels...”

“Your TV station’s news anchor,” the pastor said.

“Yes, Jake has offered to coach me. So, unless I’m totally hopeless, let’s assume we’re reciting our own vows.”

“All right, we certainly can accommodate that. Will you be exchanging rings?”

“Yes -- two rings,” Aja answered. “Jason’s twin nieces will be ring bearers.”


“Pastor -- they are the most adorable little girls. They’re six, going on seven.”

“It sounds delightful. As for music ... Thelma has volunteered to play the organ.”

“We can work out the musical selections with her,” Aja replied.

“For the processional...”

“We’re both orphans,” Jason interjected. “All four of our parents are deceased.”

“That is a pity,” the pastor remarked. “So there is no one to give the bride away.”

“We wouldn’t want that anyway,” Jason added. “Aja and I both are in our thirties. She is entering into marriage as an independent adult.”

“We can accommodate that, I think, in a way that’s affirming,” the pastor replied. “How many bridesmaids?

“Only a maid of honor, Pastor,” Aja answered, “my future sister-in-law Naomi Wilson.”

“My best man will be my brother-in-law, Ang Wilson,” Jason added.

“I think that covers it. We’ll schedule a rehearsal Friday after next. At that time we can fine-tune anything that requires adjusting. The following Saturday will be the big day.

“Thank-you, Pastor,” Aja said and she stood.

“One last thing,” Jason said, “Aja and I are entering into marriage as co-equal partners. We don’t want any hint of patriarchy sneaking into the ceremony -- no the-man-leads, the-woman-follows stuff. We make our decisions based on mutual respect, discussion and compromise, and neither of us holds veto power over the other.”

“I concur,” Aja added. “We have worked out our arrangement as a result of living together for the past year and a half, and it has been working wonderfully for us.”

“Very well,” the pastor replied, “I’m delighted to hear it.”

Jason paced in the pastor’s office. Ang sat in a chair. Both were wearing tuxedos; Jason had an orchid in his buttonhole while Ang wore a white carnation. “You couldn’t find a church in a better part of town?” Ang asked.

“This is Aja’s church from childhood,” he replied. “She assures me the neighborhood looks worse than it is.”

“I’ll take her word for that ... it looks plenty bad to me.”

“I believe her,” Jason replied, “but I wouldn’t want to be here after dark.”

“So, did you buy that tux or rent it?”

“I bought it. Aja and I decided it was time for me to have some grown-up clothes. At least a tux never goes out of style.”

“True -- all you need to update it is a new tie and cummerbund. I bought this one when I married Naomi. A bit of advice, Jason -- don’t gain any weight.”

He peeked out the door. “I can’t see how big a crowd there is. What started out as an intimate little event has ballooned. We ended up inviting lots more people, mostly on her side of the aisle.”

“Trust me, that’s how it always goes,” Ang replied.

“Aja’s so well loved by the church I think she ended up inviting half the congregation. It’s a good thing that the Ladies’ Club donated the reception. They’re providing a buffet of home-cooked dishes. Did you ever have one of Mom’s home-cooked dinners?”

“Yeah -- my arteries are hardening just thinking about it.”

“The Ladies are bringing enough food to feed a crowd of two hundred ... which is about right. I just hope the cake is big enough for everyone.”

“Cut it thinner. Say, where are you guys going for your honeymoon?”

“It’s a secret.”

“So, Aja doesn’t know?”

“No. The only hints I gave her were that she needed to pack a bathing suit and it’s a place we’re driving to.”

The pastor stepped into his office wearing his royal blue kaftan. “Five minutes, gents,” he said. “I’ll step out first, then Ang and then Jason.”

“Is Aja’s family in place?”

“Yes. Jason -- with the adjustments we made last night, I think this is going to be a beautiful service. “Let’s line up...” The pastor flipped the switch that Jason had used as an on-the-air signal, and Thelma began playing an improvised jazz prelude.

“Thelma’s quite a jazz organist,” Jason remarked. “I do think jazz is what sounds best on a Hammond B-3.”

The pastor kept an eye on his watch. He stepped out of his office and disappeared behind a curtain. Thelma improvised a coda to her jazz number and began playing the processional -- Handel’s Water Music.

Ang stepped through the curtain and then Jason. The pastor stood behind his altar and Jason joined Ang standing before it. Jason scanned the congregation. To his left he saw Oscar, Daymon and Phyllis sitting in the first row. Phyllis held Jason’s ten-month-old nephew, Bradley. At the back of the church, some pipe-and-drape had been set up to form a staging area for the bridal procession.

Naomi began walking down the aisle, followed shortly by the twins, wearing identical dresses and carrying cushions holding the rings. Thelma watched from her seat at the organ, elevated and to Jason’s right. When the twins reached the end of the aisle, the pastor made a palms-up gesture for the congregation to stand and Thelma segued into Beethoven’s Ode to Joy as Aja walked down the aisle. She wore a floor-length, strapless, white satin dress and a garland of white flowers on her head. Aja carried a bouquet of white roses.

She stood beside Jason as the pastor offered an opening prayer.

“We will have a moment of silent prayer,” the pastor announced, “for the departed parents of the bride and groom -- Gloria and Leon Morgan, and Mildred and Jacob Brown. I’m certain all four are looking down in joy at today’s celebration.” The pastor bowed his head.

He made a palms-down gesture for the congregation to be seated. “Aja and Jason have come here of their own will to be joined in marriage,” the pastor announced. “Marriage is more than the bonding of one man and one woman -- it is the bonding of families. Will both the families of Aja and Jason welcome, support and love the other?”

“Yes, we will, Phyllis announced loudly.

“We will,” Naomi and Ang said in unison.

A high-school-aged young man stood beside the Hammond organ. Thelma began playing “Today” and the young man sang it in a tenor voice.” Is he your protoge?” Jason whispered to Aja. “He’s quite good.”

“We have Derrick to thank,” she whispered in reply.

The song concluded, the pastor again stood by the altar. “Aja and Jason ... You came to me two weeks ago in order to finalize the details of your ceremony. You told me then that you are entering into marriage as co-equal partners. That warms my heart because I counsel couples whose relationships are in deep trouble. I advise them to do just that -- to become co-equal partners. It is not an easy thing to do. You will each find moments in which you must suppress your own egos for the benefit of your union. Your love for each other is strong enough to be palpable, but love alone won’t preserve your marriage. You have discovered on your own the secret for a lasting union. My charge to you is: Don’t ever forget it.” The pastor gestured for the twins to come forward.

Alicia and Alexandra stepped to the altar carrying the cushions on which rested the rings. The pastor picked up the ring from Alicia and handed it to Jason.

Jason looked Aja in the eye. “Aja Morgan ... my brilliant and talented friend, my lover, my confidant ... I take you to be my lawful wife. I promise I’ll walk with you and only you by my side as my equal partner. Together we will celebrate joys and overcome sorrows and tragedies, until death separates us.” He held her left hand and positioned the ring on her ring finger above her second knuckle. “With this congregation as my witness, I seal my promise to you with this ring.” Jason slid the ring past her knuckle.

The pastor then took the ring from Alexandra and handed it to Aja.

She looked Jason in his eyes. “Jason Brown ... my friend, my savior who led me from the wilderness ... I take you to be my lawful wedded husband. I promise to love you and only you. From this moment all that’s mine is also yours, including my heart, my body and my soul. I will cherish the bond we have forged as equal partners, for as long as we both shall live.” She took his hand and slid the ring onto his finger. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

“By the authority vested in me as an ordained minister, and under the laws of this county and state” the pastor said, “I proclaim you Jason and you Aja ... to be husband and wife. You may kiss.”

Jason slipped his arms around her and looked into her dark eyes. “Happy?” he asked.

“Very,” she replied, and they kissed to a standing ovation.

Aja sat in her wedding dress as Jason drove to the condo. He parked the car and walked with her to the front door. She unlocked it, then he lifted her off her feet and carried her across the threshold. The door closed and before it latched they were in a tight embrace and kissing. “Let’s get changed and hit the road,” he said.

“You told me we’ll drive to where we’re going,” she replied. “How long a drive is it?”

“About an hour and fifteen,” said. “It’s just three now. Check-in is at four and I have dinner reservations at seven.”

Jason carried their luggage to his car and set the bags in his trunk. He reached into his pocket, retrieved his car keys and offered them to Aja. “You want me to drive?”

“You have your learner’s permit. It’s a chance to get some practice.”

“All right -- so long as I don’t have to drive on the Interstate. I’m not ready for that.”

“We’ll switch off when we get there. Besides, freeway driving isn’t part of the road test.”

Jason sat in the passenger seat. Aja sat behind the wheel and fastened her belt. She adjusted the position of her seat and the rear-view mirror. Gingerly she backed out of the stall, put the shifter in Drive and headed onto the city street. “You’re gaining confidence,” Jason remarked.

“I am. I thought I’d have a panic attack the first time I sat behind the wheel, but I didn’t. I feel more relaxed driving than as a passenger.”

“You feel in control when you’re behind the wheel,” he remarked.

“You have been a good and patient instructor, Jason.”

“I think in no time you’ll be ready for your road test. Then, you’ll decide you need your own car and there will go my covered parking.”

“I’m sure we can come up with an equitable way to share the garage,” she replied. “You were right about finishing the basement. I’m not sure I agree with you that using your inheritance from your mom to finance it was the right thing.”

“I consider it an investment. We’ll recover that money when it comes time to sell the condo. Besides, it’s an investment we can enjoy. You can’t live in a bond portfolio. By hiring a contractor we got the whole thing finished in three months.”

“I do like having the extra living space, and a workout room with heat and AC.”

He pointed through the windshield. “The ramp for the Interstate is up ahead. Why don’t we pull into that filling station? I’ll top the tank and then I’ll do the driving.”


Jason turned off the highway and onto a long driveway lined with pine trees. He drove under an arch that read, BristlePine Resort.

“We’re staying at BristlePine?” Aja asked.

“Actually, we have a room at their Spa Center.” Jason retrieved a brochure from above the sun visor and handed it to her.

Aja flipped through the brochure. “The Spa Center is the newest addition to the resort,” she read. “They pipe water from a nearby hot spring to feed the thermal pools ... there’s a rooftop spa that’s free for all Spa Center guests. It has both indoor and outdoor hot tubs. Jason -- that’s what I want to do. I want to soak in the outdoor hot tub.”

“The room comes with an oversized jetted tub. We can soak in that.”

“It’s not the same as being neck-deep in water, outdoors, with brisk October air and the leaves turning colors.”

“We have dinner reservations at seven, so I suppose we could work in a soak in the hot tub,” he replied and stopped the car under a porte-cochere. “I’ll go in and register.”

He hopped out of the car and headed into the building. “Reservations for Jason Brown,” he said.

“One moment,” the desk clerk said, “Deluxe suite for two.” She presented registration forms that he filled out and she ran his credit card. “Here are your pass cards, and here are your guest ID cards. You can use them to charge meals or spa services to your room bill. The Spa Center is behind the main lodge and has separate parking. Your room comes with complementary access to the rooftop spa. There are indoor and outdoor hot tubs, plus a fire feature.”

“Great,” he replied and returned to his vehicle.

“We drive around to the back,” he told Aja as he sat behind the wheel. Jason put the car in gear and followed signs to the Spa Center. They approached the main door and stepped inside. A concierge’s desk stood empty. Jason picked up a sheet titled Daily Events and gestured toward the elevators.

They rode to the fourth floor and he located their suite. Using one of the pass cards he opened the door and they stepped inside.

Aja’s jaw dropped. “Jason -- look at this room! There’s a tall, four-poster bed with curtains ... an infinity tub ... shower big enough for two.”

“The place certainly is amenable to a romantic interlude,” he remarked. “I’ll go bring up the bags.”

He rode the elevator to the lobby level and headed past the concierge. A middle-aged woman was seated at the desk and using the telephone.

Jason unlocked his trunk and stacked Aja’s overnight case atop his large suitcase. He rolled them toward the building. “Welcome to the Spa Center,” the concierge said as he rolled the bags into the lobby. “Can I call a bellman?”

“No, thanks -- I’ve got this.”

“Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“Yeah ... Can you confirm dinner reservations for Jason Brown at seven in the main lodge? We’re in room 457.”

“Very good, Mr Brown. By the way -- there’s a tunnel that connects the Spa Center with the main lodge. Just take the elevator to Lower Level 1.”

“Oh, okay ... good. Thanks.” He wheeled the luggage into the elevator and then into their room.

“Look here,” Aja said, opening the closet. “A pair of robes.”

“With the BristlePine logo.”

“We can wear these when we go to the rooftop spa. Can you find my bathing suit? I think I packed it in the big bag.”

Jason hoisted the bag onto the bed and unzipped it. “Here,” he said, handing her a large plastic zip-top bag containing a two-piece bathing suit. He found his bathing trunks and changed into them.

Aja emerged from the bathroom wearing a floral bikini. Jason scanned her up and down and let out a wolf whistle. “Can you do my hair in your braided bun?” she asked. “I don’t want to get it wet.”

“Sure. You do have bobby pins?”

“Always -- in my cosmetics case.”

Jason braided her hair and coiled it into a bun, securing it with some bobby pins. “Shake your head -- I want to make sure it won’t fall out.”

“Feels pretty solid.”

“Let’s try this robe.” Jason grabbed one and slipped into it. “Seems ample.”

“More than ample,” Aja said. He regarded her in the other robe and chuckled.

“You’re swimming in it.”

“That’s okay -- I brought my own cover-up.” She removed a floral wrap that matched her bikini.

Same as Aja
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Ben was a successful business owner and had a lovely brunette secretary name Jill. Jill and him had several extramarital affairs on the road and he was crazy about the woman. He was married to Jean who was a rich blond and sometimes was a total bitch. If he could trade wives he would have, but he knew she would take him for all his money and probably lose the business. Jean was also sexually active, enjoyed the BDSM scene with him, and enjoyed being his slave on numerous occasions. He tried to...

1 year ago
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First Threesome Experience

Hi all, this is my first story. Your stories motivated me to write my story and share my experience with all of you. So, sorry in advance for any mistakes, hope you don’t mind much. Now coming to story. It happened with me in October 2007. I am staying in Noida with an athletic build with 8” long and 3” thick penis. I was just chatting in a chat room then a message comes saying “Who wanna have a Threesome MMF?” I just replied saying that I’m interested. This reply started everything. Actually...

2 years ago
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Pumped Sometimes theres more sweating af

It was a slow night at Iron Works Gym. Outside the rain pounded the parking lot and washed away the remnants of what had been another routine day. Another routine day in a long, line of routine days.There were only a few guys working out that night and we were all s**ttered into our own workout zones. The clanking of plates drowned out the music the gym played but no one seemed to care. Most of the guys in the gym that night were listening to their own tunes on their Ipods and in 'the zone.'I...

3 years ago
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Tracy and Dad Chapter One

John was working in his office when Tracy got home from school. He heard the front door open and called out, “Tracy is that you?”“Yeah it’s me,” she answered. She walked down the hall to her dad’s office and stuck her head in. “What’s up?”“Not much,” John replied looking up from his laptop. “Waiting for a call and catching up on my emails. How was school?”“Boring. Glad it’s over.”“Any homework?” “A little math but that’s it.”“Well better get it done. Let me look at it when you’re finished,” he...

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Boredom in the Tree Stand

It was 4:30 in the morning. The cabin kitchen was packed as we ate our breakfast. It was our second day of hunting, and we were all eager to start our day. My boyfriend, Ryan, his dad, four brothers, my dad, and I, all made the trip this year. It was my first year, but the guys had been coming for a few years. As we finished breakfast, we loaded the dishwasher, started it, and went to get our gear.As I bent down to grab something from the floor, Ryan spanked my ass, and leaned over to whisper,...

Love Stories
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Sandies Life Chapter 3

I said I sure needed to kiss her some more and we did. Then I told her to get up off my lap and stand still right in front of me. I reached up under her skirt and hooked my fingers in the top or her panties and pulled them down and told her to step out of them. Her panties were so wet I think I could have rung her juices out of them. I then told her to get my towel from the counter that I had been using to keep my pussy dry while I had been modeling, and she handed it to me and I pushed up...

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South Indian Aunty

This is a real story of my life which happened during my college days, when I was living with my aunty. I am Venis from Karnatak.I am staying with my uncle and aunty . I was put up in my uncle’s house to continue my education. I have no sex feeling on her until we both stay alone for the period of 2 months. I don’t know what sex is for long time later I came to know through my friends what is sex and start watching Blue films, reading sex books. After that only I start dreaming about her and I...

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Hot Luscious Sexy Indian Bhabhi

Friends, we live in Govt quarters with 3 flats in a building. I live on the 1st floor, and on the ground floor, there is who is smoking hot. I have been eyeing to fulfill all my fantasies through bhabhiji. Her boobs were so big that they are always ready to come out of her blouse. Her ass is so huge that seeing her ass and imagining about her, I have masturbated several times. Though I wanted to fuck her but never dare to approach her in that way. We share a good relationship, and I also make...

2 years ago
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Celebrating Her Birthday

Celebrating Her BirthdayBy: Londebaaz Chohan My elder sister Darcy called me. She was almost crying when she told me that her husband was going away on a trip and would not be home for her birthday as well as her marriage anniversary, asking me if she could visit me for a couple of weeks until he returned. Knowing that mom and dad would not accept her visiting them because she had been nasty at times with them more often than not; they had written her off and I almost had no choice, plus she...

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BBC athlete copied from somewhere else

My name's Justin. I'm a 28 year-old banker and a high school baseball coach. I was raised by two amazing cooks and ever since I was a high schooler I've had a love affair with beer. As a result, I'm not exactly what you would imagine as the stereotypical athlete. But my upper-80s fastball and filthy changeup, coupled with the fact that I'm a lefty landed me a partial scholarship to a fairly small Division 1 school near my small hometown. My 6 foot, 1 inch, 235 pound frame in my late teens...

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Life Changed Upside Down

On a friday night, Tania was tired after a long week of work. It has been a pretty long week for her, both mentally and physically. She had to deal with abundance of complaints in her BPO. Its not easy when you have to work for 12 hours straight listening to complaints of others. Some of them even foul mouthed her just to let the heat go off from them. But as BPO guys are trained for that shit, she kept her cool through out the week. She would constantly get attention from her male...

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Sugar Daddy

Copyright© The one thing that pleased Jack Brewer the most, since he had taken his early retirement package, was the time to finally spend almost unlimited amounts of time outdoors. At first it had just been time spent in the shade of the old oak trees scattered throughout his big backyard but then it gradually expanded to the world around him. He began to visit the pocket parks in his township until he had pretty much explored each of them several times. Then, consulting an area map, he had...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 11

Even then, Mistress Penelope did not pull in on the reins of her original plan. The only flaw in it, actually, had been that she assumed all the young women in the manor were engaged in sexual affairs already. It shocked her to find out they were not. Personally, I blame that on the fact that life in the manor was so dismal, and we had such few staff that everyone was busy all the time, and had no time for the frivolity of sex. Actually, come to think of it, the only residents of the manor...

1 year ago
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The OldMan Part 1

By Docker5000 Part 1 Introductory Joseph Montgomery was an old man. For most of his life he was very poor and many were the times that he found himself without any money in his pockets or even a place to live. But Joseph was a clever man. One cold and rainy winter’s day, Joseph once again found himself without any place to stay. But luckily for him he came across an old closed down library. So Joseph broke into it. After he had got a nice fire going, to warm his old bones, he now...

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Wired for Sound and Vision

I waited until they had all sat down at the table with their coffee before I called my wife’s cell. “It’s your father!” She touched the screen. “Hello dear, how are you this fine morning? I’ve got you on speaker so the girls can hear you too.” “Great, thank you, Cynthia. Actually, never been better. Good morning to you, Susan and Helen. Susan, will you please go collect the three envelopes just inside the apartment door?” My elder daughter looked mystified; even more so when she saw the...

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Male teen his friend and his friendrsquos dad

That night, after having seen my friend Jon’s dad pleasure himself, it was all I could think of. (my post, “Male teen watches his friend’s dad masturbate”) I was staying at their house for the week and as I layed awake on the floor of my friend’s room, the image of that big, thick, hairy cock spilling out its thick, white creamy cum haunted me. Every teen boy knows the overwhelming sexual drive at comes with puberty, and I was no different. Curiosity and the sights and sounds of watching his...

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Kelly and Jason Part 5

Kelly finally caught up to the present and slowly rolled off of Jason and turned around. Once again, on her side, she was facing him and had her upper body over his, she was staring right into his eyes and neither of them spoke for about two minutes. Kelly leaned in and kissed him on the nose and said “You made me see stars! That was earth shattering! You just wait until we are rested. I am tearing you up tonight!” Before Jason had any chance to say anything, Kelly leaned in and started...

3 years ago
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The adult theatre 2

It had been a week since i heard from Dianne and each day i jerked myself hard thinking of our time at the adult cinema and each time i wished we could do it again.Well - that night on coming home after work, my wife Pauline said that Dianne had rung and she invited her over for dinner. As i said before pauline was aware of infatuation with Dianne but said nothing as it had been a long time relationship.Dianne arrived for dinner - dressed to kill - wow - she wore a tight cotton top that left...

1 year ago
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Sala Ki Biwi Ki Chudai

Mera naam vikas hai age 35 hai main delhi se hoo . Baat 1 sall pehle ki hai main sasural gaya hua tha Ghar main mere sale ki biwi akeli thi uska naam neha hai uska jism kamal ki sunder gori kase hue chuche kya comsin mall hai mene pucha kaha gaye sab boli ki ristedari main milne gaye hai Raat tak aayege fer usne chai nasta lagaya dono ne sath nasta liya Fer idhar udhar ki baat hone lagi bato bato main mene pucha marriage life kaise chal rahi hai Wo thoda sarma gaye koi jawab nhi diya mene fer...

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Rogue MagusChapter 11

I wasn’t sure what to do about Dana’s attitude, but I knew I didn’t like it. She was my Stirpe now, so didn’t that mean she had to follow my lead? I knew she had to follow my orders, but I wasn’t going to do that. I simply didn’t understand why she acted so nonchalant about Michael’s news. Was that how most Padroni behaved? I understood that my status had changed with regards to Magus Law, but did that really make me better than anyone else? I didn’t think so, and acting like news like...

4 years ago
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A chance at a new sex life Part 4

The next morning is a little awkward. It’s late morning by the time I get down stairs to the kitchen. My mom and her friends are chatting away by the sink. They all greet me and Diane acts like nothing had happened. My mum and Carla seem none the wiser. I suppose I’m too act the same, which I do my best to do. I’m sitting at the kitchen table having my breakfast when Stacey comes down to join us. My mom and her friends still chatting away with their coffees as Stacey sits down next to me. “Was...

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BlackAmbush Natalie 10132018

19 year old Anal Angel. That’s sweet blonde teen Natalie’s tag when she does one of her live cam shows, which she recently started doing. That’s because our tall beauty likes to put dildos in her butt and cum like that. Very, very hot. What’s hotter though is to see her take a big black cock in her tiny white ass. Luckily for us and all of mankind, this is going to happen today – she just doesn’t know it yet. I like Natalie immediately when I pick her up from...

2 years ago
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Slut Wife in the Auto Parts Store

My name is Marci, and my husband Dan and I moved to New Orleans from Dallas after we purchased a national auto parts store franchise. We met while working at a company in Dallas and were both twenty-nine years old at the time of this story. Dan was a marketing director and I was a property accountant in the franchise department. We purchased that business as a way for me to get back to my hometown of New Orleans to be closer to my parents. We looked for other employment there for quite a while,...

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WWT Cuckolds

For the first time in his career, the Governor found himself wholly unable to speak. The mansion had been like a thousand other fundraising opportunities, only the house remained empty, the sounds of sex cacophonous as soon as he entered through the door.He had been invited by Heather De Goth, the up-and-coming political consultant known more for her fiery red hair and voluptuous curves than any actual accomplishment.Brian thought it was her bid to become his campaign manager.There was no...

1 year ago
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Amys seducing

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, I'm Amanda, I'm an 18 years old teenager. My life was pretty normal, until the day I fucked my 34 years old, yeah, he had me with my mother, who is a total whore, at the age of 16, and he has been raising me alone since I was 8 years old. And I've been wanting to fuck my super hot and loving fucker since I was 18 years old. Before I begin to tell you how I seduced and fucked my '' old man ''. I'm a brunette, my hair is long until my elbows and...

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Night Prowlers

My sister Nathalie got married when I was sixteen. She was nineteen when she married Mike Fletcher who was her school sweetheart. I know for a fact that neither she nor Mike ever went out with anyone else before they met. When Mike graduated from college he opened his own electronic store and soon things were going so well that he had over a dozen people working for him. Four years after they were married it was my turn to get married to Cynthia, a girl I had met while attending college. By...

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The Messenger of Pain

"THE MESSENGER OF PAIN" by Jay Merson (c) Copyright. Jay Merson. 2000. The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author of this bookhas been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrightsand patents act 1988. This electronic book published originally by A1AdultEbooks and reproducedhere with permission of both author and publisher. Author Biography: Jay Merson is a prolific BDSM scene author, withsome 80+ titles to his credit covering a range of adult themes. ?The...

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MomsTeachSex Carolina Sweets Richelle Ryan Moms Medical Advice

Carolina Sweets and her stepbrother Justin Hunt are hanging out when Carolina asks to see Justin’s erection. Justin agrees, and before long has his stepsister’s lips wrapped around his stiffie. When Carolina’s adoptive mom Richelle Ryan walks in from her nursing shift and spies the kids locked in a deep throat BJ, she’s instantly turned on. She pulls herself together enough to confront the kids, at which point Justin confesses that his dick is always hard and he thinks...

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Following Mom

Chapter 1 I really never gave it a lot of thought. I know, maybe I’m just stupid, but I never had a thought about it. Not until one night about two months ago. Well, let me start with who I am. I’m Melissa, um, I guess I shouldn’t mention my last name, and I’m eighteen and a senior in high school. I’m pretty, that comes from my mom, more about her in a minute. I stand five-four, weigh one-twelve, have long blond hair almost to my waist, nice figure (34-24-36), they’re B-cup, for you guys and...

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Steves torment

Steve had inherited a huge amount of cash and a large house. But that didn’t bring him happiness. He had a few girlfriends over the months, but none of them were into bondage. All he wanted was for them to tie him up, tease him and when she was ready maybe shag him, but that was not necessary. What he wanted was to be tied up and left to attempt an escape. He always managed to get out of anything the girls had put him in. Invariably the girls were disgusted and left him.Steve had been into...

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A Family Betrayal Chapter 32

Introduction: Hope everyone had a safe 4th, here is the next chapter Peace and enjoy as teh next one will be out in a week or two. Sorry my my hand still isnt 100% It was a very emotional Christmas morning between Adam and Allison as both began to come together as twins. The family looked on noticing that bright smile that Adam always showed from time to time. Karen and Lindsey on the other hand were inseparable. Both clung to each other just as sisters would. The boys smiled seeing their...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Jake Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was in the computer room looking at porn of large chested older women being seduced by young teenage boys when my mother came home from work. She was 45 at the time but didn't look a day over 35. She had shoulder length brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and a body to die for. Standing at 5'7 and weighing a reasonable 180lbs given the size of her 40DDD breasts. She had caught me a few times snooping through her bra drawer holding up and marveling at her...

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New Year party at Lucys

I was pretty much the newcomer in the group, having known Karen’s husband Mike for several years at work, this was the second time of meeting Lucy, a petite blonde, and her children, Paul age 13, and Stephanie 17. Both children shared the looks of their father I guessed, carrying a little extra weight, and having dark hair. I’m sure I wasn’t the only guy who’d looked at Lucy that evening in her short tight red dress and seen the flash of her underwear as she sat on the high stool in the...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend Carla and I have never been swingers but have been having sex since we were both in grade school. She and I would hide out in my daddy's back yard shed and play with each other all afternoon. As we got older, we experimented more and more and she was the first girl I kissed, the first pussy I ate and the first asshole I licked. We grew up a little and were both seniors in high school when we went to a party at a friends house. There were dozens of other people there and things...

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SwtorThe Eternal Dynasty Jedi Knight

Wth Peace Restored and The Eternal Alliance now the dominant Galactic Power in the Galaxy, a New Leader is Required to lead Zakuul, and based on a popular Vote Jango Cadera The only person who has killed Valkorion's Physical Body and Lived has been Chosen, as one of the Eight Outlander's he was chosen as the Successor of Vaylin, but he is yet to accept, due to obvious reasoning. And now Zakuul faces a unique threat, its old Pantheon of Gods, Tyth was Destroyed, and the Alliance had cautiously...

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Sancta Sara 6 Nadia1

Nun Nadia is the naughtiest nun in the nunnery Sancta Sara SexualibusPriest Professor Peter Poet is her Confessor for all her sexy sinningNun Nadia adores to be severely corrected in public by harsh instrumentsPriest Peter executes her public punishments in front of nuns and novicesNun Nadia is on her back, tied to the altar in the Chapel of our nice naughty nunneryPriest Pete prays her deep-throat, while flogging her pussy with his cat-o-nine-tailsNun Nadia feels the pressure of something hard...

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