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Carly and Megan’s father returned home three days early after convincing his superiors it was an emergency situation. Aaron constantly doped up on medicine, feeling great all the time, woke up in Carly’s bed to Carly scared half to death as his face laid in a pool of blood. After washing his face off, they concluded that it came from his ears and she immediately called her mom. Megan wouldn’t leave her room after seeing Carly walking Aaron into the bathroom with his head soaked in blood. Their neighbor had rushed him to the emergency room and the girl’s father caught the first flight home arriving early that evening to meet Aaron at the hospital. Carly, traumatized from waking up to see her love face down in a pool of blood couldn’t bear to face Megan. She herself could barely keep herself together as friends of their family stopped by to help the girl’s recover.

The girl’s father sensed how close the trio had grew in the few weeks together and from what he got from his daughters through the phone at the hospital, he tried his hardest to sway the doctors to let him bring Aaron home with him that night. After collecting several images of Aaron’s body through cat scans, MRIs, and a few X-Rays, the doctors reluctantly let him take Aaron. Aaron had to make daily checkups at the hospital from then on until they had figured out the exact details and had performed a possible operation to remove what looked to be a tumor. Adding to the complexity of the situation, the hospital insisted that if he was to leave the hospital, he would have to be monitored at all hours of the day as well as carry a panic button with him. The panic button panel actually carried two buttons, a large one which when pressed would signal a beeper which should be carried by a close monitoring adult at all times, and another smaller button that when pressed and held twice, would alert the local police.

The father approved to it all and when they left the hospital with the new prescribed medication, he and Aaron agreed that it would probably be best to not mention the truth to the girls. They decided to pass it off as a severe inner ear infection and hold the truth until they had a definite answer on what was going to happen, then persuade the girl’s mom to tell them.

Aaron was happy as hell that he was finally home. He figured that Carly made an excuse as to why he was in her bed in the first place and that was why her father wasn’t bothered by it but he feared that he might still ask him and his lie not be the same as Carly’s. He hadn’t done anything with her since their first time together, nor had he done anything at all since his last experience with Megan the morning after. Carly had felt so happy after her first time, she was a bit reluctant to try again so soon and instead tried developing a stronger bond with him. Megan hadn’t had much luck as Carly was always tailing Aaron, wanting to spend every minute of her life with him and had frequently pushed Megan away if she tried coming on to him. Needless to say, this only pushed Megan into jealousy and she vowed that she would lock herself away with Aaron the first chance she had alone with him.

Megan broke away from her bedroom window and sprinted downstairs to meet her father and Aaron to ask them countless questions. Seeing the two of them pulling into the driveway reassured her of what Aaron told her and how he couldn’t die and he would be protected by his money and her father.

Carly and Megan both broke through the front door at the same time as Carly was tipped off by Megan’s frantic race down the stairs.

The four walked back into the house, Aaron and their father answering question after question, telling the truth mostly and filling in the inner ear infection story as they went along. After the excitement died down, an awkward silence fell about them. Now that their father was there, Carly couldn’t be so blatantly caring and interested in Aaron and Megan couldn’t be so suggestive with him. Their father could sense that they were acting different on account of him being there, so he went into his bedroom to do some work on his laptop leaving the teenage clique alone to do whatever teenagers do.

His leaving did little to stop the silence as Carly couldn’t get the images from her mind of him in the morning, his entire head glazed in blood and seeing him motionless, she couldn’t tell whether he was asleep or not. Megan walking from her room at the time to see the commotion, imprinted the images of Aaron being guided to the bathroom with blood dripping from his face. She couldn’t even imagine what would have caused such a thing. Aaron just couldn’t bring himself to what was really happening. He hadn’t thought about death since his parents went, but now he was being forced to think about the possibility of his own, even though the doctors never said anything of the sort.

Megan reluctantly left to the bathroom, leaving Aaron alone with Carly.

“Are you ever going to want to sleep with me again,” Aaron asked Carly looking down to his feet. Carly seeing perfectly why he would say such a thing, thought and decided that he needed her acceptance now more than anything.

“You could never scare me away,” she consolingly said to him while looking at his distraught face. Megan came racing back into the room making sure she didn’t miss anything important.

What was left of the day passed by slowly until their father suggested that since they had such an eventful day, that they should all go to bed. The father especially was tired after waking up early in the morning getting a call no father wants to get, even if it isn’t technically his child, and having to argue his way onto a several hour flight. Then rush to the hospital to fill out countless forms and hear only what sounded like bad and expensive news. He knew he would fall asleep like a baby that night but the tricky part was quickly approaching.

He had to insist that Aaron sleep with him that night in front of his daughters. He felt that that would blatantly tip them off on something bigger than an ear infection; he wasn’t about to suggest that he sleep in their room after what they witnessed the night before. Carly had provided him a foolproof excuse as to why Aaron was sleeping on her bed, with the two just talking and him falling asleep, with her not wanting to wake him, and resulting with her sleeping on the floor.

“Dad, I don’t think Aaron should be alone tonight,” Carly suggested to her father. Her father was delightfully pleased and confused with what she said next.

“I think we should pull his mattress in Megan’s room so we can keep an eye on him,” she finished. Carly already having agreed to sleep with Megan as her bed was out of commission.

“Well, maybe he should sleep with me then,” he replied, “I know what you must have went through this morning would have been hard.”

“It’s not going to happen again, is it?” Megan blurted out a bit startled.

“No no no, it’s not,” their father back off, trying to give up and let them have their way to get off the subject. With the new medicine it shouldn’t, he thought.

Megan, standing in her cotton night pajamas peaked into her parents’ room seeing her father fast asleep. ‘If he fell asleep that fast then he must be out cold,’ she thought to herself. Aaron walked out of his room in his pants and a white t-shirt. He hid his panic button in the dresser in his room not wanting to accidently press it in the night, alerting the girl’s father to come barging in the room, and he definitely didn’t want the girl’s to find it and question him.

Megan walked past the bathroom and into her bedroom seeing both Carly and Aaron inside and closed while locking the bedroom door. Aaron laid on his bed complaining how his new drug was just making him tired like the first drug he was on. Carly climbed onto Aaron’s mattress and snuggled up with him. Megan laughed at the thought of Carly assuming she could do such a thing in her room. She turned the lights off, stepped over Aaron’s pants he’d taken off just before getting in bed, and laid behind him on his mattress. Carly felt her get on the mattress and immediately protested.

“It’s my bedroom so I make the rules,” she pouted, “and you can’t have him all the time, you’re being selfish, he loves me too and you’re hurting him by not letting me do the stuff you won’t do to him.” Aaron laid between them not knowing what to say.

“I’ll do anything Aaron wants me to,” Carly protested defensively.

“You don’t know what he wants like I do, because you don’t love him enough to do research on how to make boys happy,” Megan strongly assaulted her. Aaron felt that soon he would be unwillingly drug into the argument and forced to pick a side; he wasn’t sure he chose the right room to sleep in.

“Aaron, who makes you happier, me or her?” Carly asked in a sweet voice. Aaron thought wildly of what do say. He was about to lie that his head was beginning to hurt when Megan finally spoke.

“He won’t say because he knows he’ll hurt someone in answering, but that’s why I make him happier, because I do the things he wants to but doesn’t want to ask for because he doesn’t like to hurt people,” Megan proudly spoke. Then she reached over Aaron’s side, quietly with fluid motion, and stuck her little hand down his boxers and began feeling his soft penis. She was fascinated with it as she originally felt the entire thing in her small hand, then felt it pumping slowly larger and larger. She felt the entire length of it grow in her very own little hand.

“How’s it do that?” she asked Aaron.

“Do what?” Carly asked, and then realized Megan’s arm was reached over Aaron’s body with her hand down by his crotch. She quickly shot her hand down to his penis as well and began rubbing it. Megan pulled with all her muscles to tip Aaron on his back. Once on his back, she flipped her body on Aaron’s as fast as she could holding onto him like he was her favorite doll about to be stolen by a bully.

Carly, looking particularly perturbed, saw that she would have to wait for Megan to loosen her grip. Taking her time, knowing Megan wouldn’t dare move so soon, Carly lifted her night shirt off. As soon as Carly had her shirt over her face, Megan ripped free of Aaron and pushed her hands down to her pants and quickly pushed them, along with her white cotton panties, down as far as she could without getting up. Seeing Carly’s eyes appear, she finished pulling Aaron’s penis out of his boxers and re-gripped him.

Carly seeing Megan’s pants below her waist got mad and went to pull them back up. Megan franticly shifted her hips around spreading her legs as far as she could. She felt what she wanted and pushed her small body down onto Aaron’s penis, locking him into her with a massive wave of pressure shooting through her tiny hips.

Aaron could only groan as he felt his penis jerk into the tiny tight hole of his thirteen year old cousin. Seeing Carly so distraught, he reached for her. With Megan’s face on his chest, he pulled Carly’s chest to his mouth. He held one entire breast in his hand, feeling the soft, warm, perky protrusion between his fingers. Carly merely moaned feeling her breast fondled. Aaron then licked the entire length of her other breast. Carly shivered in bliss as the warm wet tongue ran the length of her bulging baby feeding organ.

She pulled her pants and panties to her knees, then stuck her arm under his opposite armpit while he began sucking and swirling his tongue over her nipple. Using her free hand and her legs, she managed to kick the last of her clothing off.

Megan began pushing herself up and down slowly with small movements, just stimulating her vagina but not to lose her grip. As she looked up in the dark watching her older sister’s nipple in Aaron’s mouth, she could only imagine having the same done to her. Slowly, as she thrust her hips, she could feel his penis inside of her move up and down, up and down, up and down. She could feel the stimulation slowly building. It wasn’t like the fast wild sensation she remembered always having with him. Her entire hip region could feel the slowly oncoming sensation of an orgasm; it felt so amazing. She couldn’t hold her climax any longer and began groaning as the slow teasing orgasm shot through her body. Her vagina clamped even harder on Aaron’s penis and in slow spasms, stimulated it almost into climax.

Aaron stopped sucking Carly’s breast and cried out trying to hold back his climax. Megan saw what he was doing and continued through her own bone shivering orgasm and pushed and shifted her hips around trying to get him to cum inside her.

Carly quickly caught on and hastily leaned her naked body over onto Megan’s back and stuck her face and hands between Megan’s legs. She stuck her finger into her little sister’s vaginal hole just above the shaft of Aaron’s penis and tried prying her off him. Megan pushed herself onto the penis and feeling her vagina react to the new, second intruder, she moaned more into another orgasm, squirting her juices down the length of Aaron’s penis lubricating it as her muscles again spasmed madly over it.

Aaron couldn’t hold back as Megan’s body tensed over his and her vagina clamped his penis inside of her. Carly jumped behind Megan and pushed with all her strength into her bare butt, slowly pushing her tiny body off Aaron’s penis. She could see Aaron’s penis climaxing as the length of her little sister’s vaginal wet tubing slid over it. She stuck her mouth down right next to her little sister’s slit, turning her face to press her lips against the soaking lips of the vagina. She wrapped her mouth over the shaft of Aaron’s penis feeling the cum pulsing into the vagina through the skin on her tongue. As the head of his penis slurped out of her worn down sister, she quickly sucked the head of his penis into her mouth to collect the rest of his cum.

Feeling the instantaneous transfer between the tiny spasming vagina to a hot sucking and licking mouth and tongue, all while climaxing, put Aaron’s mind into an eternal sunshine fantasy. Pushing him even further, he just felt the mouth and tongue, of his younger naked cousin, Megan, slip into his mouth as she drug her own girl cum over his stomach, now exposed from his shirt scrunching up to his chest under the friction of his naked relative, to reach his face.

Sucking the remaining cum from the appendage, and not wanting to spit it on anything, Carly funneled it down with her tongue to her throat where she began swallowing it in small intervals. She sucked as much of it down and then licked her mouth clean of it with her tongue in case she got to kiss Aaron later.

“How do you like this?” Carly whispered angrily as put her hand atop the top of her sister’s butt cheeks and pressed her thumb down her crack pushing it into her tight butt hole. Megan moaned in shock into Aaron’s mouth. Carly couldn’t believe she was getting pleasure from it; she further couldn’t believe that she herself, found it a bit arousing, feeling her thumb inside her little sister’s butt hole.

She looked down to Megan’s oozing vagina, then to Aaron’s still hard penis. She pulled Megan’s pants and panties off her legs and spread them wide around Aaron’s stomach to maneuver her own body over Aaron’s hips. She moved on, pulling Aaron’s boxers off, completely freeing him to get the most skin contact she could. Megan, wanting to feel her small body atop Aaron’s firm and warm chest, carefully pulled his shirt from him, not to alert Carly of her lack of grip on him. Carly lowered her body onto Aaron’s penis feeling it slowly enter her.

Megan felt it to as Aaron tensed his mouth around hers as she finished taking his shirt off. She knew that that could only mean he was feeling his penis being swallowed by another vagina. Megan didn’t want Carly to finish him off for the night so she fought her hand down between his legs. She felt Carly’s vagina come down around the shaft and then lift back up slowly. She followed her vagina to the mushroom on his tip and then pulled it out of her and thrust herself backwards onto it. Aaron felt as his penis was forced from one vagina and pushed into another.

Carly couldn’t believe what just happened and jammed her entire thumb into Megan’s butt hole. Megan bit her lip to keep from screaming in a mix of pain and pleasure. Carly used her new grip to push her little sister up off him. She also unsuspectingly turned herself on even more as she could feel the inside tissues of her younger sister.

Feeling the intense pressure in her butt hole, Megan was forced to pull up to Aaron’s face. Aaron, wanting them to stop fighting, sucked Megan’s lips to his and grabbed her butt cheeks keeping her pulled to his mouth.

Carly pulled her hand from Megan’s butt, accidently wiping her fingers against her oozing vaginal opening, and rubbing the mixture of her sister’s and Aaron’s cum onto her hand. Not knowing what to do with it, she took her hand and wiped her own vagina with it, and just waited, feeling the warm liquid running through her short newly forming pubescent shrub. Seeing Aaron holding Megan away, she pulled his hard lonely penis back to her empty cavern.

Aaron squeezed around Megan’s soft butt until he felt her hands guide his to her butt hole. Slowly he stuck his index finger into her hole. She moaned again into his mouth while exchanging saliva with him. As he pushed one index finger into her butt hole and felt the pink fleshy insides press tightly against it, he guided his other hand to her vagina. Her legs being spread far out and sloping down his body, he had fairly easy access to press his other index finger into the crack.

Carly, hands on the mattress on either side of Aaron and Megan, slowly bounced up and down on the penis feeling the heat radiating from it shoot through her lower body.

Aaron, wanting to exhaust Megan quickly began pumping his fingers harder and fast into her two holes. Megan’s breathing shot into rapid spurts as she could feel him double penetrating her. She imagined and felt his body thrust under hers as her older sister bounced up and down on the organ of the guy she couldn’t keep her saliva out of.

Megan closed her mouth tight and screamed as the two intruders in her lower body brought her to her third intense orgasm of the night. Her entire naked body erupted and shook violently on top of Aaron’s naked body. Aaron wasn’t sure if she was alright at first but as she calmed down releasing moan after moan of intense joy, he felt she had about had it.

Aaron put his hands under her small arm pits and rolled her off his body next to him. Carly moved her bouncing body down to his as he watched her tiny boobs bounce up and down in the dark.

Her fifteen year old body was the most amazing piece of work he had ever seen God create. Mind and body alike, both held no bearings of flaw in his eyes. Her body, now inches from his, bouncing back and forth onto his penis drove him crazy as he just want disappear with her and live an eternity with her in his arms. He felt that even an eternity of infinitely long seconds would still not be enough time with her. He wanted the sensation of doing everything possible with her all at once, every second of the day, and never spend a moment of his life without her.

Looking down into Aaron’s eyes as he showed nothing but intense emotions of love toward her, Carly felt and knew for definite that her sister or sex could never make Aaron happier then she could simply just by being with him.

Megan, attempting to stay awake, looked into the unbreakable stare between Carly and Aaron and knew then that she could never outdo her sister in Aaron’s eyes.

Carly pressed her body onto Aaron’s, continuing to bounce herself onto him, jiggling her tiny breasts over his firm chest. She pushed her lips to his and sucked his tongue into her mouth. She felt Aaron grip her sides with his arms to feel her small thin body shake as she gently pounded onto him.

Thinking about only the kiss with Aaron, Carly violently shook in surprise when an intense orgasm shot through her unsuspecting and unprepared body. She jerked a bit and countered with tensing herself, latching herself around Aaron’s penis, squeezing her already incredibly tight vagina even tighter as the muscles in her uterus instinctively teased the head of his dick into no return. The lower vaginal muscles took over from there, milking the sperm filled cum into her womb. Carly, feeling eternal bliss, couldn’t stop from gyrating her hips in small circles around Aaron’s penis as he spilled his juice into her so small of a body.

When she felt him completely milked, she pulled herself off of him and rolled to the side of him. She pulled her feet to her butt putting her knees into the air and squeezed her vagina shut. She turned her head sideways and stared into Aaron’s eyes as he stared back thinking as the entire horrific day pressed its way back into his mind.

e.l. hanes


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2 years ago
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The Witch and the Dragon Part 11

Chapter Eighteen It had been almost a full moon cycle since Lucien had freaked out and forced them to leave Mama Goose’s home. Apparently, they had been found and needed to flee. Exactly who had found them was still a mystery to Alluna, but she did notice that Lucien stuck closely to Eriel’s side and was constantly looking over his shoulder, shying away from reflective surfaces and dark shadows. The second day into their Northbound journey, they stopped at a roadside tavern. Alluna was hungry...

3 years ago
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Kiss Me Bianca 1

KISS ME BIANCA THE AUDITION - or - "THE PLAY'S THE THING." "Hi, mom," John called as he let the front, screened door of their moderately sized, summer cottage close behind him. Marilyn wiped her hands clean on a dish cloth and stepped away from the kitchen island where she was cleaning up after having just put the apple pie into the oven. She looked into the large living room and smiled at her son. "Hi, honey? How did it go?" "Good, I think!" He rain his fingers along the Van...

3 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 2 Guarding a dwarf and winning a wager

It had been two weeks since I had found myself here, besides my morning practice with Samil, I now found myself practicing medicine. Many of the drugs I had to use, I had to learn to use or make the old ones myself, like penicillin. My evening martial arts classes now numbered around two dozen, mostly women and children, although there were a couple of men who came. Gentle and Paul were the two guards that I had called when the men from the guild had come for Sam. They were among my...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Venera Maxima Horny Boss Venera Maxima Enjoys Interracial DP Fucking In The Office

Sexy blonde boss Venera Maxima joins two of her employees for a business meeting and instantly makes herself comfortable while hearing their ideas. She drops her pen on the floor and when Darrell offers to pick it up for her, this naughty little minx lifts up her miniskirt and shows him her panties! While they take a break, Venera uses this opportunity to toy her pussy with a glass dildo. As the day progresses, Venera gets even hornier and eventually makes her move, seducing her employees into...

3 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 47

It all started on Labor Day. Labor Day used to be September Seventh ... no matter what ... and school started on the Eighth ... unless the Seventh happened to fall on a Friday. The Unions got more powerful and Labor Day was rearranged so it made a three day holiday ... unless it fell on Thursday ... and then the Union was off until the following Monday. A four day celebration celebrating Labor. After the first conflict, when the Princessapality became a Nation, Too ... Wendy Too, the first...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Lily Adams Southern Belle Turned Skeet Girl

Lilys dream has come true! Shes about to become a team skeet girl (her lifelong goal), and we couldnt be more excited to watch. Shes a 20 year old hottie from Mississippi with perfect tits and a radiating pussy. Shes so responsive to every movement, watching her take a dick was like watching art being created. She loves when you slap her pussy with your hard cock, and gets the most satisfaction making you cum. If you really wanna make her feel like a good girl, make sure that jizz gets all up...

3 years ago
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Morning By Trainmaster Synopsis: What happens when a wife wakes up to discover her husband's face on another person's body? A young woman's body. And what if the young woman is pregnant? But ... is it really him at all? This morning, I wake up and find a pregnant woman in bed beside me. In my bed. There's no mistaking the swelling of her belly. This woman, she's a young thing. From the side, she appears too young to be so pregnant, maybe 16 or 17 at the most. She -- the young...

2 years ago
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Divya My First Sex Partner

Hey frnds maine ISS m kafi story padi h then i think to narrate my first sex encounter with my first love”Divya”. Mera naam Rajesh h or m Jaipur m ek software company m work karta hu. Baat us samay ki h jab m 13 yr ka tha tab m Rajasthan pahli baar ya tha or Divya ko dhekha us waqt m sex k baaare m jyada nahi janata tha pr pata nahi. Divya ko dhekh kar mujhe wo itni pasand aai ki mane use kiss kar diya or wo waha se bhag gayi ohhh Divya mere gao ki sabse sexy ladkiyo m se ek h height-5.5 gori...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Perspective

Hicktown Texas early fall 2019 A hot day a very hot day. A 24 hour restaurant middle of the morning. Carol Simpson a 61 year old a divorcee and a former teacher is sitting in the hallway of a restaurant waiting to be interviewed for a waitress job. While she waits for her turn, Carol thinks about her two kids Adam age 17 a recent high school graduate and his Sister Sharon age 18 who runs a small business out of the kitchen. After waiting for awhile the manager invites her into his office. “Do...

4 years ago
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A Nanny Femtastic 10

A NANNY FEMTASTIC! Chapter 10 I rose early the next day and put on my white lace bikini, and took a dip in the pool. I was sitting on a lounger drying myself when Felicity came out. “Good morning gorgeous!” she said kissing me on the cheek. Our breasts rubbed together. “You know we have that party with those guys today sweetie?” “Are you sure we should go Felicity?” I said frowning. “What about Bradley?” “ Oh he will be ok, to be honest me and him are not getting on so well at the moment, a bit...

1 year ago
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My weekend alone

Hi, my name is Randy, I’m 21 years old; I’m 6’5 250lbs with blue eyes, brown hair and a fit and tan body. I live in Louisville, Kentucky with my wife (Amber) and two kids. One day as I was heading home from work I seen an old friend so I pulled in to talk to her. Her name is Joanny she is 5’6 115lbs with blue eyes, blondish brown hair and she as a great body and perfect breasts. Joanny was excited to see me since we had not seen one another for a few years. We had always liked each other more...

Cheating Wifes
2 years ago
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MysteryWriters Final SpringChapter 4

It took half an hour to clear the scene of the debacle. I was driving the van which had to be rocked to start. In front of the cops it was not my best effort. "Gonna be a boring trip huh?" Dee made that comment as I pulled from the parking lot. "A Fluke, I assure you." I said it not so secretly proud of myself. "Okay, I just hate to do this." I glanced over to see her looking out the windshield of the van. "You were right about the clothes. The guys at the show were very impressed...

3 years ago
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The Feeder

The Feeder By OblongMilk ? 2005Chapter 1:        ?Swallow,? she said.        The young man controlled his gagging and then attempted to swallow a small amount of the urine that filled his mouth.  Instead, he choked and spit it out of the side of his mouth.  This was going to stain his carpet even more.  ?I can’t.  I just can’t,? he sobbed.        ?Open,? she said.        The young man’s gaze shifted from her cold blue eyes, and turned back to the most incredible pussy he had ever seen.  He...

2 years ago
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Who is Bella Part One

It all started after a couple of week’s dating. I was nineteen at the time, and Velda was twenty-four. I knew she had strong opinions and was quite determined to get her way. She had spoken several times about women’s rights and how she felt that the balance of power between men and women had to change. For the most part, I could only agree with her. At times she seemed a little aggressive with her arguments, but in general, she was a sweet, beautiful girl and quite a tigress in bed. With her...

4 years ago
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Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 01

I first met Summer when I was in my junior year of high school. We ended up meeting again later in life, but when I mentioned the time that we met and the day that we’d spent together all those years ago, she had no memory of it at all. I, on the other hand, had a good reason to remember meeting her back in the day. It was the first time I ever saw a girl’s pussy.We went to different high schools – she went to a Catholic school that was down the street from the school that I went to – but we...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Madi Collins My Stepsis Is Extra

Jay Romero’s stepsister, Madi Collins, is so extra that it’s really holding her back. Jay tries to indulge her, but eventually his patience wears thin. He offers to help Madi stop being extra. Madi accepts, so Jay instructs her to put on a bathing suit and meet him in the shower. Madi’s first challenge is when she walks into the bathroom and sees that her stepbrother is naked. Jay patiently explains to her that no one wears a swimsuit in the shower unless they’re extra,...

3 years ago
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Darnell, Darnell as I wake from slumber. I open my eyes to see Darnell sucking on my lollypop, how does that boy do it he is insatiable for lollypop nectar [cum]. During the evening he drank the nectar from several friend’s lollypops. We will rewind 18hrs Darnell is 30 something dark haired young man, Long fingers, and hands that know how to take care of a man’s cock. A mouth with a tongue & muscles when sucking on a man’s lollypop gets all the sensual parts super hard. I met Darnell...

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Courting Lydia

I had just mowed my lawn and was dragging a plastic trash can half-filled with grass clippings to the curb when I saw her. She was walking breezily on the sidewalk, approaching my yard, and looking every which way. I stood there and stared at her without really meaning to. I think it was just unusual to see a young woman dressed like she was in the middle of a weekday afternoon. I, on the other hand, was wearing an old pair of shorts and a torn sleeveless shirt. I had taken the day off from...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 62

Old Man And The Beaver An 86-year-old man went to his doctor for his quarterly check-up... The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86-year-old said, ‘Things are great and I’ve never felt better.’ I now have a 20-year-old bride who is pregnant with my child. “So what do you think about that Doc?” The doctor considered his question for a minute and then began to tell a story. “I have an older friend, much like you, who is an avid hunter and never misses a season.” One day he was...

4 years ago
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Battlemage Book 5 End of a Legacy and New BeginningsChapter 8

"Nana what was that?" asked a worried Gem. "I'm not sure. It felt like we hit something. But the ship isn't moving forward anymore and it's not sinking. But I do hear a lot of yelling, but I just don't know," said Brianna. Brianna and Gem were in a windowless room with the door bolted from the outside. But with their sparse clothing, or lack there of, they could clearly feel that it was now way colder than it was before. The reason for their confusion was that they felt the boat...

4 years ago
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Visit to Aunt Aprils House Ch16

by mdb9555Chapter 1My story begins when my fam ily visited my aunt and uncle’s house over the summer. I was going into my senior year of high school and it was time for our fam ily’s annual visit to my Aunt April’s house. She was my mom’s s*s ter and they had always been very close always making sure to keep in touch and visit. It would most likely be my last fam trip for awhile since I was going off to college the following year. I didn’t mind going at all, we usually had a good visit and I...

2 years ago
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Weekend 1

I read on my Graduation Card. I looked up and seen her eyes smileing at me it was kind of special to me. Ali was a very toned and shapely young ladie. She was as old as me but one year behind in school due to late birthday. she and i planed to go to community college and all of our friends were going north for school. It was rather disapoiting all my best buds gone for the school year but hopefully i will transfer there after 2 years but we will see? It was that time when everyone was...

1 year ago
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Roxannes New Neighbor

Roxanne Tate slid behind the wheel of her new, white, Cadillac Seville. That was one nice thing about living with Ted. He was not stingy. And he liked to not only fuck, but to please her as well. He didn't mind the games she liked to play. She didn't have to work now, but she enjoyed being a nurse. Besides, working for a gynecologist gave her the opportunity of meeting interesting women. She started the car and turned the air-conditioner on, full blast. She paused before driving off. She...

1 year ago
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Alexis and the maid

Deeana had just left the room to go to the pool and tan, so Ally turned on the television, checking the porn channels to see if anything good was on. Deeana and Ally had been planning this trip to the beach since they graduated in June, but it hadn't really turned out as they had hoped. The sex definetly wasn't as kinky as they had wanted, and all Ally wanted was to finally have some fun. It was sort of awkward, coming to the beach to have sex, but Ally didn't have her own apartment, and...

3 years ago
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Anal Loving Australian Friend

Wassup ISS readers this is Arthur here.This is my first story on ISS and its also a real one so please bear with me if the story is not up to your mark. I currently shifted to Mumbai now cause I went there for my basketball competition.I am tall 6 2′ in height and fair skinned. We are rich as my father works as an engineer in NASA and mother as a cardiologist. In high school girls used to look at me, all the make of them even came proposed me but I rejected them all cause I was very shy back...

1 year ago
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Happiness in Slavery

It was one year ago when my best friend and I were out shopping for clothes. I went into the changing room to try on a cute dress that I found. She came in with me to help me put it on. As she was helping me her hand lingered on my breast. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck. Before I knew it she was kissing me. She was drop dead gorgeous, so of course I was attracted to her. It wasn't long until she was out of her clothes and we were kissing passionately. We fingered each other to...

3 years ago
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I worked nights and live with a friend like a brother he hAd his mom n dad and two young teen sisters one wAs 12 and 14 i stayed off the room had ajoing bath room i was tired i got out shower and climbed in bed naked about 7 am i got off at 5 i herd shower than i watched my door open a little and i could see in she pushed it more open i saw the younger one in panties n bta she looked in my room i had moved cover bsck n it was hard she walked over anf after swhile sucked it only took a few min...

1 year ago
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Caught in the Act

Following on, but not a serial, from my story Back to the Old days, Nancy’s grand daughter experiences events which she is never sure how and why they happened. 2002 Celia Cumming spouted enthusiastically to her fellow students and select visitors at St. Hilda’s, Oxford University on her graduation subject – the research, manufacture, materials, marketing and usage of sanitary pads, tampons and nappies, being of a similar fabric. The over fat, black, twenty year old girl with the wild Afro...

2 years ago
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The Truth of the Lie

I lay in crook of his arm, inhaling deeply of his masculine scent. This was my favorite time, afterglow, that brief period between orgasm and reality. Everything is believable in that minute expanse of time. Every lie masks itself as the truth and the truth hides amongst words whispered in the heat of passion. I reveled in his scent, the smooth warmth of his skin, the softness of his hair, and the gentle rise and fall of his breath. At one time, not so long ago, we had been the best of...

2 years ago
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The Princess and the CaptainThe Aftermath 3 Chapter 9

Jim was falling, damn you'd think they'd have a meal on this flight, spinning Jim looked at what he thought was the bottom or down. He could hear his sisters and brother screaming for him to save them, try as he might he wasn't getting any closer. Groaning his arms hurt, what the hell had he run into? Jim was a little disorientated he was seeing people he knew but they seemed to be ignoring him and it was really starting to piss him off. Reaching out Jim saw Amber leaning over him or...

3 years ago
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Rewriting History Part One

Introduction: Where I go over old failures and turn them into successes Ive been happily married for twenty years and I love my wife dearly, but the sex has gotten boring. Its been boring for a long, long time and there are no signs it will ever improve. Were both overweight, lazy and boring married people. For the longest time, though, Ive wanted to experience sex with more people, more partners and I finally found a way to do it without cheating. I couldnt cheat, the guilt would be too much...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom Hypnotized

On a Clear Blue Sky Sunny Day, a Mom was in the driver-seat of a dark blue Mini-Van, She was about 5'11, long blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, button nose, and a wonderful smile, She was dropping off her 16-year-old daughter off at the soccer field for her soccer practice, that was a few feet away from the high school. I looked both ways, in case I see some cars and trucks driving by, I walked casually walked across the street up to the open driver-side window of the car, until The Mom saw...

Mind Control

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