Dutch lessons Ch 1 Free at last
- 3 years ago
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Copyright 2002 by ProfessorR. All rights reserved. For comments, e-mail at the link below.
All names, and most of the detail in this story is fictitious. If I’ve accidentally used your name, my apologies.
Part 1:
‘This article says that hypnotists who achieve what look like quick results have sometimes ‘seeded’ their subjects with the ideas that they want to get across… brought these themes up before the trance, in other words.’ My lover, Sophia, was flipping through a magazine at her work desk in our rooms at the Oxford Hotel.
I crawled out from under the desk, where I had been trying to connect a computer cable. On the way up, I pushed her robe aside and ‘accidentally’ ran my hand over her thigh.
‘For example,’ she deadpanned and continued reading, ‘introducing sexual themes as passing comments in the humor portion of a show, then finding a conservative subject who responds to that theme in a colorful or ribald manner under a trance. Or another example, the hypnotist refers to something that everyone knows and accepts, that the aroma of certain flowers will evoke particular reactions, but doesn’t say what those are. When the hypnotist has the subject in a trance, then it’s easy to insert the desired reaction.’ She straightened her robe, re-covering her knees.
‘Does that seem possible?’ We were in for a serious discussion. It was not just possible, I had to admit. I had enjoyed the benefits of that approach. And with the right seeding, the subject might be eager for the fulfilling trance session.
‘Do you remember that I receive a card every spring from Doctor Dominique T_________ in Leyden?’ I tried to say that in a matter-of-fact way, but wondered if Sophia noticed me straightening my legs out as I rose– to make room for my swelling penis. This was a story that contained many sexual images.
‘Yes?’ Sophia agreed and wanted to know more, all at the same time. ‘I remember it from last year. It was a flowery sort of seasonal card. It mentioned that she had another student assistant for the coming year.’
‘That might not seem like news, but there’s something special about the duties of her assistant. Do you want me to tell you a story?’
‘Of course, if it has a big ending… for me!’ Sophia looked down demurely and then looked up at me with a wink.
I grabbed the other chair and sat down opposite her.
‘We know how horny you get when I tell stories. Once upon a time….’ I parodied.
‘You can skip that part. I’ve heard it before.’ She pulled her robe open, just a bit. My eyes slid inexorably down to her generous endowment. ‘Will this encourage you to get to the point?’
I cleared my throat and shifted in the chair. I was feeling pleasantly uncomfortable again with the memories.
‘You remember about my European sabbatical back in ’92?’
‘I recall that you referred to it a couple of times.’ Sophia thought for a moment. I liked the way that she pursed her lips. ‘Oh! She’s the expert on Southeast Asian culture who helped you debunk the ‘Malay faith healer.’
‘Yes. Nothing about him was true, except for his fees. He wasn’t Malay, he exploited the faith of his clients and they weren’t healed. He was an effective hypnotist, though.’
‘And he was working in Holland, yes?’
‘A friend of mine who remembered some of my papers invited me over there to look into this. She introduced me to Dominique.’
‘Isn’t that more a French name?’
‘There’s actually been quite a French influence on the Netherlands through the years, but I think that her mother had just liked a certain French film star. Anyway, it seemed to fit.’ Sophia raised an eyebrow.
‘Now you really have some possibilities with this story. How do you know that her name fit, eh? I never thought of you as the BDSM sort.’
‘We never had sex.’
‘Really? That’s a letdown.’ We laughed at her inadvertent pun.
‘We never had sex with each other, that is.’
‘You are avoiding my question. How do you know this? And what does it have to do with my question about seeding.’ Sophia teasingly pulled her robe tighter. I began to unfold the story.
Dominique and I got to know each other well during our investigation. Her knowledge of her discipline, Southeast Asian studies, was invaluable. She was just a couple of years older than me, and so we had a lot in common to discuss. I was still learning about differences in their education system versus ours. One of the differences was that it was even more difficult for a woman to become a professor in some fields there than it is in the U.S.
Dominique had plunged into her work, sacrificing chances for long term romantic relationships. Her love life was with her books and her passion was for her academic life. With most of her energy thrown into her career, she pushed ahead. She did take care of herself– I had expected someone less attractive and out of shape. Swimming is popular in the Netherlands, for pretty obvious reasons, and Dominique was a mermaid in the water. In fact, sometimes she wore as little as a mermaid might.
When our project came to an end, she invited me to stay over a long weekend and see Leyden, a city of which she was very proud. My time in the university guest residence was up, and the room was already guaranteed to someone else. Before I could come up with an alternative, Dominique suggested that I stay with her.
It was a generous offer, not to mention intriguing. Of course, back then I was so sure of my own magnetic attraction that I barely wondered whether she would just be a hostess, sure that she wanted to offer something more. That Saturday morning, I moved from the guest house into her apartment.
It was in a beautiful setting, with a view of a small, but well-traveled recreational canal. One could easily imagine sitting down on the balcony with a glass of wine and spending the rest of the day there– had not the bedrooms been so close.
Instead, she invited me to join her for a nude swim and I was caught off guard. Of course, I had been drawn as any man would be to her fit sexuality, but I had not made any approach that I was aware of. It turned out that the nude swim was a scheduled slot at the university community’s pool. There was every age and physique represented, so it was not supposed to be erotic. I did notice, though, that there were a couple of guys, of various ages, whose eyes kept slipping back to Dominique’s trim figure slicing through the water. She smiled pleasantly and let them enjoy her passing– and kept on swimming. This woman was very comfortable with her own body, I noted. That does not just come from reading or writing books.
It was almost dinner time by the time we returned to her apartment, but in the northern latitude, it was still quite warm. Air conditioning was a rarity in European residences. Instead, we moved out onto the balcony. My mermaid colleague turned up some cheese and crackers and a nice wine. We put our feet up on the railing and enjoyed the pastel colors lit by the low sun. A family floated by in their boat, dressed for an evening event of some kind. A canoeist paddled past. It was easy to get caught up in the lazy scene.
I had not realized that Dominique had gone back into her apartment and returned with a big notebook.
‘I’d like to show you something,’ she said as she opened the book. I thought about how much I would like her to show me herself, but I said nothing.
‘It looks like your lecture plan and notes.’ I recognized the typical outline, even in Dutch, from the format.
‘Yes, but there’s something special here that I need your help on … with. Which?’
‘Either ‘on’ or’ with’ – they’re both good prepositions.’ I knew that prepositions were one of the trickier parts of learning a foreign language. Her English continually amazed me, but she knew that she could learn more.
She nodded her understanding, and
‘Now, you have seen the official copy of my lecture plan and notes. Here is the copy that I actually use in the class.’ She pushed the notebook back across to me. This did not seem very exciting to me. Then I realized something peculiar about this copy.
‘It has random words highlighted….’ I remarked.
‘Not random.’
I read some of them aloud, getting the feel of the foreign words and phrases and recognizing the ones that were similar to English.
‘There’s a pattern to these words…. let me figure it out….’ I muttered. Dominique smiled seraphically.
‘You’re talking about the use of flowers in religious rites or… in meditation? …. (she nodded that I was guessing the Dutch right) …. ‘And how deeply that relates to our natural sexual needs…. hmmm… and about the flow of time in their beliefs……’ I turned the pages. ‘A deep…. uh… deeper understanding …. comes…. as the one who senses the aromas and the flow of time …. capitulates— er surrenders, to their feelings…..’
I looked up at my smiling friend in amazement.
‘This is a hypnotic induction stretched out over a couple of months. Does that work? And what good is it?’
Dominique smiled and tossed her hair back.
‘It’s seeding. The class by now is used to the fact that dear old Professor Dominique T__________ has a time in her lecture where she wanders a bit. It’s a time that they find quite useful for letting their own imaginations float around the room for a few minutes. Of course, being typical university students, they often think about sex during that time. I’ve heard that American students would do the same thing, yes?’ She arched an eyebrow.
‘Yes.’ I had to laugh. ‘But what is seeding?’
‘Each week, I introduce them to some additional concepts that might lead very gently, but firmly, toward an understanding of their inner sexual needs, and how that might be influenced by the right setting.’
‘And then? The class has an orgy?’
Dominique’s turn to laugh, with that.
‘No! But as the sessions proceed, I can see which students learn this lesson most effectively. Some of them just seem to ignore it, but each year, a few really internalize these ideas.’
Now it all made sense to me: ‘And so you can pick some to seduce with the least little bit of additional conversation or hypnosis!’
‘That’s a typical male reaction.’ Dominique raised an eyebrow. ‘But I think if you look at as simply opening their minds to something that they would enjoy doing anyway…’ We both laughed.
‘Let’s go to dinner, and I can tell you more about it.’
‘So we’re not going to go into your bedroom right now?’ I could tell that we were not, but I teased her.
‘No, I have to concentrate on this time window with my students. Tomorrow, late afternoon, is a key time.’
‘So you’ve had experience doing this, eh?’ I was impressed, although still not certain how this was worked out in practice. Dominique whispered her reply, as if keeping a secret.
‘Twelve years, now.’
‘A different one every year? Every semester?’
‘I’m not greedy. Just every year. And during that time, they discover that their girlfriend or friends are more eager than ever for their company.’ The professor looked pleased about her students’ progress under her tutelage. Or perhaps, just under her.
‘I’m very aware of the research that shows that women have a biological need for sex, not just the obvious psychological needs. Just because I’m deep into my work does not mean that I should ignore my femininity. And when I took conventional relationships in the past, the men always wanted to settle down and have me cook for them.’
We found ourselves in an Italian restaurant down the street a few minutes from Dominique’s apartment. The crowd had thinned out enough that we could carry on our conversation without too much concern. Or so I thought at first. Dominique had just explained to me that her field of choices had narrowed down to Jereon, an intelligent and sensitive young man who also enjoyed swimming. He had already responded, she confided, to her suggestion that he would enjoy participating in the nude swim. I could see that she was satisfied with what she had learned about him– her light-complexioned face turned rosy as she described the young man and her soft bra gave away the power of her hardening nipples, as one would imagine. It was so easy to think of how wet she was becoming– ‘try not to think of it!’ I told myself. And then she mentioned how much fun it was when they brushed together while swimming!
Just as my friend was outlining why tomorrow was so important, I realized that an older gentleman at a nearby table was stealing furtive looks at us. It was hard to see him, due to the way his chair was positioned. He seemed vaguely familiar to me, now that I took my eyes off of the glowing Dominique for a moment.
As I watched him, the college-age waitress arrived at his table for his order. They spoke for a few minutes, and then I saw a strange transition. He flipped his hand toward his lapel, toward some sort of button or badge, and as he did so, a peculiar look passed over her face, and her breathing slowed to a steady pace.
She stood motionless for a moment, and then I saw tiny tears forming around her eyes. She listened intently to whatever the man had to say, and then just as quickly as the look had come over her, she blinked and her posture changed.
Before, she had been quite businesslike, almost brusque. Now, she smiled sensuously at him and leaned over to serve him– it looked as though her pleasantly full breasts would pop out of her blouse– it was that sort of leaning over. Other customers were ignored unless they demanded her attention. When she had to serve them, she looked back at the older man and licked her lips, as if already tasting him.
I had to learn more about this. It looked as if some hypnotic action had taken place, but how could it have been so quick? I excused myself from Dominique for a minute and went over to the stranger.
‘Excuse me, there’s something that I would like to ask you.’
‘Well, Professor Williams, I would like to ask you a question or two, too!’ My jaw must have dropped open.
‘You look surprised that I know you. I was in the lecture you gave in Ames a few years ago to our fraternity guys. I’m their alumni adviser, Frank Jones.’ We shook hands.
Of course, now I recalled seeing him. He had said nothing during the event, just watched quietly and let the frat boys ask the questions.
‘Did my talk do any good?’ I asked. I was supposed to convince them that being a male human being was more interesting to women than being some other type of male barnyard animal.
‘I think it did. At least with some of them. And a couple of them took an interest when I suggested they take a summer course out in Marin County with my group. So, for sure, they’re doing great!’
‘Marin County?’ I queried.
‘Yes, perhaps you’ve heard of the School for Social Expression? I’m a field representative for them.’
‘You mean the School for Sexual Expression,’ I retorted.
‘Why yes,’ the businessman smiled. I reached out and touched his lapel, fingering the back side of the button hidden under it.
‘I see you know something about us.’ He calmly reached in his pocket.
‘My identification.’ He held up a card with an i.d. photo on it, showing me that he was what he said he was.
‘How about the other side of the card? Your graduation exercise.’
‘You REALLY know some things about us!’ he laughed. He pulled the card out of its holder and flipped it over. A hidden camera photo showed a nude 20-something redhead screaming with raw delight as she mounted him. Out of focus in the background were other entangled nude couples.
‘I know that you guys carry your graduation photos along with your i.d., or you have th
em on the backside of your diploma in your office. You have to prove that you paid attention in class by finding a willing sex partner that afternoon and getting them back to one of the locations where the hidden cameras will pick up proof positive.’ I rattled this off quickly, as I supposed that Dominique was getting impatient.
His waitress came back, and I could see she really was HIS waitress now. She ignored me as he instructed her to come to his hotel room that evening, perhaps they were both showing off for my benefit. She stood as close to him as possible, short of embracing him. The owner, a woman in her mid-40’s, glared at her from the bar. Obviously, she was enjoying some thought too much to worry about what another woman felt.
‘Quality control,’ he snorted after Kalee — that was her name — left.
‘I’m following up on some of our foreign students’ projects. You know, we can yank a students’ diploma if they try to pull our leg on the Seduction Reports that they file.’ I nodded, as if I already knew that, which I did not. I got the feeling that this was a case of pulling something other than his leg.
‘Is she the student? Or is she the project?’ Frank laughed.
‘That’s a good way to put it. She’s the project, an American girl here for some overseas work and fun. A kid named Jereen… Jereon…. damn, Dutch is a tough language to get right… anyway, his uncle was an ace on seductions when the government sent him to our program to improve his counter-intelligence work. The uncle paid for Jereon to take our summer course. But we’re not sure if he got it right or if he was just lucky on his finals.’
‘Does that happen?’
‘Sure, everyone now and then. He did great on the sexuality part, but he was sort of mediocre on the pick-ups.’
‘He’s not from Marin County. Maybe it was his English.’
‘Could be, but the Japanese kid from Amsterdam in the same class has a whole parade of hot babes coming in and out of his place now. The Dutch boy only has this one gal, the one I’m interviewing tonight.’ Frank licked his lips at the thought of interviewing her in his room.
‘Uh, I’ve got to get back to my friend over there.’ I nodded to Dominique, who was getting impatient.
‘Say, she looked like she was getting pretty hot for you. So, you’re getting some with her, eh?’ Frank winked heavily. I cleared my throat.
‘She’s a colleague. We’ve been working on a project together.’
‘Uh, right.’ I could see that he did not believe me, and wanted to know more.
Back at our table, Dominique, in turn had questions for me. As briefly as possible, I explained what I knew about the School. Being as inquisitive as she was, there were questions from her that I did not know the answers to. And then there was the matter of Jereon– I started to say something, but was interrupted by a new turn of events.
‘Look! Watch what’s happening….’ whispered Dominique. I turned to watch as the owner came over to talk with Frank. She was a slender brunette, attractively dressed, with a determined look on her face. Apparently she did not appreciate having production slowed down by what looked like flirting with her staff.
We saw her standing squarely in front of Frank, hands on her hips, her jaw thrust forward. We could not hear what words were exchanged, or see his expression, but we saw what happened to her. Gradually, she relaxed and her hands slid down to her sides. We noticed her blinking, and then a pleasantly calm expression wiping the anxiety from her face. Tiny tears from each eye caught the romantic light in the dimmed restaurant. She stood as though frozen for a minute or two, listening intently. Then she blinked again and came back to her surroundings. She looked warmly at the American ‘educator’ for what seemed like a long time, and then repeated what I later learned was a hotel room number. And then in the most casual way possible unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse. Her fashion look went from business to pleasure with that little transition.
The restaurant owner turned back to her bar, spinning in a way calculated to give Frank a good look at her silhouette in passing. He nodded pleasantly, as though this sort of thing happened all the time to him.
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Love StoriesIt was a cold October Halloween night and Linda was missing her sweetheart,Scott. They had been together for quite a while now. He told her that he wouldn’t be back in Milpitas until November at the earliest. It was difficult for Linda to get Scott out of her mind, especially since their last time together. Closing her eyes, she could envision him lying next to her. She missed him. She made herself a Lemon Drop & raised her glass to toast aloud,“Here’s to you, Scott, whatever you might be...
Oral SexFinding the boxes, he gets out the ladder to hang up the ghosts. Every year his wife would climb on the roof and hang ghosts from a wire dangling from the soffit. While up there, she would form a web out of a couple strings of black lights on the front of the dormer and put a giant spider in it. Brad drags the ghosts up the ladder and hangs the wires from the hooks. He takes a look around while he is up there, to see how much of the neighborhood has been decorated. From this vantage point,...
My pretty tease of a step-sister Nicole did her best to convince me that fried bananas tasted much better when consumed after midnight. She sounded almost like some brainwashed witch in training with her description of the joys of fried banana eating after the clock on the hallway wall stuck twelve. At first, I was inclined to pooh-pooh her promises of gourmet treasure but when she told me the treat must be consumed in our birthday suits, I immediately perked up my ears and wondered if she was...
I continued the conversation on the phone and said, “You know Kandy, I can just see you under my Christmas tree, with only a purple bow tied around your naked body. WOW, what a Christmas treat!” She giggled into the phone and replied, “Well darling, it’s not Christmas yet. I swear all you men think about is sex! I was in the process of reaching for the phone to call you Marcus when the phone rang. I wanted to tell you how much I miss your tender loving care. When can you come...
Jo’s Birthday TreatJo gets an unexpected suprise on her birthday.John was working away on Jo's birthday, he'd tried to get back in time but the job he was working on needed a couple of days more than he'd anticipated.It had been too long since they last had sex and John was disappointed he couldn't fuck his wife on her birthday, look into her eyes as she thrust her pussy on to his cock, and hear her throaty moan as she juddered and orgasmed beneath him.Over the last few days they had been...
It was the middle of December and I was on the phone with my new girlfriend, Kandy. She is a nurse and we met while I was in the hospital and we have since become friends and lovers. She has been at home recuperating from a cold. I continued the conversation on the phone and said, “You know Kandy, I can just see you under my Christmas tree, with only a purple bow tied around your naked body. WOW, what a Christmas treat!” She giggled into the phone and replied, “Well darling, it’s not Christmas...
Straight SexYUMMY VALENTINE TREAT by Throne Tommy came home from work full of optimism. It had been several weeks since his wife Antonia had gone on one of her dates. He understood that with him being so small and slim, having a tiny penis, and climaxing way too soon during sex, she had been dissatisfied in bed. Even so, it seemed terribly unfair that she found it necessary to go out with other men. And to reduce his bedroom rights. But today was Valentines Day, so he hoped that they could...
Trick or Treat? By Enigma Thursday, August 27 "Come on, Sandy. Not all men are alike, and certainly not all of them are like that slime ball ex-husband of yours!" Amy said. Amy and Sandy were lingering over their weekly lunch, for once neither of them needing to rush back to their medical practices. "Well, I haven't met one yet I would trust as far as I could throw him." Her friend replied. "Oh, yes your have! Remember my James? He is a truly considerate man, and...
Trick or Treat By P No bird sang and no crickets chirped. The birds had long fled south and thecrickets were deep in their winter hibernation. The still night at the endof October was cold and dark, a preview of the winter to come. Here and there,the quiet cold was interrupted by the bright flashlights and raucous voicesof the small knots of trick-or-treaters who braved the cold and dark and madetheir noisy way from house to house in celebration of the age-old holiday,Halloween. Margo had...
Ever since I was little girl I’ve always loved dressing up and with Halloween approaching it was time to decide whether I needed something new for this year. A large wickerwork basket in the corner of my bedroom contains all my fancy dress outfits and I was having a nice quiet evening on my own so I decided to drag everything out to see what I had before making any decisions. As soon as I discovered the ‘she-devil’ outfit that I wore last year it brought the memories flooding back. We sell a...
ExhibitionismStory Four: Little Sister's Naughty Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “That's it, Clancy,” groaned my twin sister, her naked ass wiggling at me as she lay bent over the hood of the 1969 Camaro I was repairing in the garage. “Just slide that cock into me. I need it. I'm fucking going crazy!” “Shit,” I muttered, my dick out in my hand. I was about to fuck my twin sister. Nancy's trimmed, brown bush dripped with juices as it peeked out...
Two days ago it had been my girlfriend's birthday and I had been worrying over what to get her, as usual. In the past, I had bought her lovely presents, but now it was harder to find the right gift. I decided that this year it would have to be something different. A few days before, while we had been lying in bed watching a porno movie, Carrie, that’s her name, had been talking about what it would be like to take on two men at once. The movie we had been watching had featured a...
The Sweetest TreatPounding music in my car after pounding keys at work. Tonight I drove home under the weather. I had my stereo turned up and window wound down. Tired, I didn't like the trash I listened to anyway, but I would hear myself think if it were silent. So long as I did not think, I could pretend I was not lonely.The red lights dimmed lazily against the dark sky and this morning's spent coffee fell from the dashboard as I revved away."I'm going home. I'm going to bed," I promised to...
It was 7.30pm and i had just put my car in the drive ,opend door and a voice said "trick or treat mister " i looked round and a little lad was stood at my gate with his mother and i guess his big sister ,who looked in her late teens early 20's ,i looked in my pocket and found a pound ,i offerd the young lad it and him and his sister walked down for it ,looking at the young lass i saw a fit young lady nice chest too, so i said to her with a little cheek and in a slight wisper "i will give you a...
Halloween Costome Treat Here comes another Halloween Party at the Scene, a local nightspot that is a very popular dance club for the under 30s crowd. I am 45 but my wife is 25 and loves to go to the club with her ol' college friends. Every New Years Eve and Halloween time, the club turns up the heat and my wife Casey and I have never missed those hot nights since being married 4 years ago. It's difficult getting a reservation but Casey seems to know the owners well enough to secure our party...
ExhibitionismHalloween Trick Or Treat Part One Halloween Trick Or Treat Part One Linda Taylor felt her skinned ass intently it hurt her to walk, her raw red, paddled ass scraped against the bottom cheeks of her Halloween Costume and with a whimper of sheer misery it dawned on her the wetness in her panties was the bright red blood the Vampire craved on Hallows Eve, however in this case it was her butt that had given up the blood.? As the coed recalled the nightmare and the trick she had taken part...
Copyright© -- All rights reserved. "What are you doing?" Kelly asked her twin sister Kathy. Kathy tossed her long brown hair back, adjusted her extremely short red dress and smiled. "What does it look like I'm doing?" "I know you're not going out with that jerk Mark." "What if I am?" "Kathy! You have a wonderful boyfriend, how could you do that to him?" "Look, Chris and I are good together, but let's face it, we've been together too long. Besides, Mark and I are just...
Chapter 1: The Party I had just arrived at the apartment of Veranda Cain. Veranda is the best friend of my girlfriend Bernadette Silva. That night, Veranda was hosting a Halloween Party and everyone was supposed to show up in costume. Bernadette had forgotten to tell me about it and by the time she did, all the party supply stores were sold out. I was forced to improvise so I'd worn a white short sleeve shirt and slacks. The moment I walked in the door Veranda said to me, "Trick or Treat...
It was time. The few who made the long journey for the sweet prize were gathered in the control bridge so the ship's captain could give his final instructions. "Listen up, you have all been taught to speak the local language and have practiced the words during the entire trip to this small planet. We may be superior beings, but we don't have what they do; we don't have the raw material, nor do we have the knowledge. We are not here to steal either the raw material, or one their species...
I had left the house quickly that evening and had not worn panties or a bra and realized that soon this mans hand would soon find my clean shaven pussy. I was rapidly getting turned on. The mans hand gently stroked my leg going a little higher each stroke. Soon his hand rested on my now moistening pussy. i quietly gasped as he stroked once more and then inserted a finger dep inside me. My boyfriemd leaned over kissed me and said he was going for some popcorn and something to...
Liz’s Birthday TreatMandy was sat at home just thinking about how her life had changed over the last year.She’d ditched her longtime boyfriend after she had been introduced to the joys of her own sex. Her oldest friends, Lisa and Sarah had taken her in the back of a car after a girly night out, she’d had too much to drink and they just took advantage of her.Her eyes had certainly been opened that night, along with her legs, she still remembered her orgasm, the two of them had taken her and...
33 Dawns Birthday near-treatSo as a scribe here I am again reporting one of Dawns escapades, Dawn as you know is a lady that I am pleased to say I write for, she has a cuckold hubby named Andy, and a master named Ray. Each year at birthday time (they are both near one another date wise), they have perhaps just the one ritual birthday “treat” together.Me, well I pick up the notes after and write them into stories for you all dear readers! See my story of last year`s...
Number 13 of a series of individual stories. Sally Anne's Birthday Treat (email [email protected] Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Shopping My wife Sally Anne and I had had many adventures with me wearing panties or fully dressed as a woman. Most of the times I dressed up there was an underlying aim of sex and being in daring and sexy situations. Sally Anne's birthday was approaching and she had decided she wanted a romantic evening...
Nick looked down as Joan Jett took the entire length of his cock down her throat. She was on her knees in front of him, with her arms wrapped lovingly around his thighs. It was difficult for Nick to resist the pull of his climax, given her warm mouth and tight channel. He thought to himself, "Oh, what the hell," grabbed the side of Joan's head and began to thrust in and out with abandon.Well, it wasn't really Joan Jett deep throating him, but rather his wife, Anne. Three minutes ago, they were...
The group gathered in front of her on her porch and she saw it was four young men and three young women. One of the guys stepped forward and she asked trick or treat. Looking around he grinned and said both you’re the trick slut and our treat. Shocked she froze as the guys moved towards her pushing her back into her living room. The girls quickly gagged her and stripped her naked. Then the guys moved her to the bedroom binding her spread eagled on her king sized bed. The group of teenagers...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Harem Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So meeting with King Njam bin Mohammad ibn Saud was not what I expected,” I said to Adelia, the cameras rolling. My interview was almost over. We were in the final stretch. It was wonderful to tell, but I was feeling the mental strain now. Still, it was a wonderful way to spend my forty-eight birthday by looking back on my life. We were talking about my first year in office as president. “In what...
I walked past the room and had to do a double take. The door was slightly ajar and as the bed was opposite the door I noticed the duvet had been kicked off and Sarah was lying on her stomach with her legs spread. Her red nightdress had risen above her waist and her bare pussy was on clear show. I know I should have closed the door quietly and gone downstairs, but I stood mesmerised by the beautiful sight before me. Sarah was one of my daughter’s best friends and had been coming over to our...
A week or so after Dee’s second visit, she came to his house late one night after he’d already retired and had fallen asleep. She’d been over at a friend’s party, and it was well past midnight when she decided she wanted to pay him a visit. Knowing that he kept a side door to his house open she managed to sneak in quietly, removing her clothes in the living room, before heading down the hall to his bedroom. He was a fairly sound sleeper, so she easily made it all the way to his bed before...
Helen and James had decided to go away to Bath for Valentines day and stop in a hotel for a few nights, while James had got his wife some sexy lingerie to celebrate the special day, Helen was unsure what to get for her husband. Helen enjoyed dressing up for James and he certainly liked to see his wife showing off her sexy body in a number of different outfits and costumes, with this in mind Helen plotted a surprise that would be perfect for their valentines holiday. The lovers awoke on...
i had been awaiting my visit to the gyno’s for a while – eversince i got the new 20-something hot doctor. when i had gone in to schedule the appointment i could hardly contain myself as he indroduced himself as Dr Warren Jackson. finally my day had come. yay! i got dressed in my shortest skirt (for ‘comfort’ more like quick access), my sexiest baby blue thong, my (extremely) see through blouse and my mathching baby blue bra. when i arrived i was ten minutes early and the minutes felt like hours...