Dutch Transaction free porn video

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Amsterdam, April and May is cold and wet.

Back when I was there in 1976, there was no way I was going to let the weather dampen my spirits. It was my second visit to this great city so I considered myself a seasoned veteran who was eager to experience all that it had to offer.

On my first visit, I discovered the red light district. Canal Street with its rows of shops and bay windows. In each window sat a scantily-clad lady selling her sexual wares. I found numerous porno shops with their plethora of novelties that I never know existed. I frequented some of the night clubs which featured live sex acts lot entertainment. I coon became comfortable- with the ladies who hung out on every street corner. To a horny young American with aging hormones and an insatiable appetite. Amsterdam was as close to heaven as I could ever find on earth. Nothing I had ever experienced could prepare me for what I was about to discover.

I come to Holland on a group tour. After our arrival, I quickly checked into our hotel and then hopped on the first tram going toward the business district. Like a lone wolf on the prowl, I eagerly raced to what I suspected would be quick and easy prey. It was early evening when I reached Canal Sheet with a pocket lull of guilders. I surveyed the area with a cocky arrogance fuelled by surges of testosterone.

I passed several street walkers and muttered a brief greeting. I stepped into a porno shop and spent same time browsing as I continued to fuel my raging lust. I left and walked the street a little longer, but the cold mid and brisk wind made me shiver. I went to the nearest night club and spent a few hours drinking beer and watching the live entertainment. I soon felt full of courage so I went out into the night to look
for a release of my desires. Perhaps I should have felt uneasy as a stranger in a foreign country, but I felt no apprehension...only a burning desire for hot sex with no commitments.

As I walked, I got up the courage to look up at the windows to select a suitable subject. But I didn't find anyone. It was now after eleven and the streets were empty. Then I saw her. She was huddled under a shop awning a block away. I know somehow that she was the one. If she saw me right away, she made no effort
to show It. with each step toward her, I felt my heart rise in my throat. I felt drawn to her as I stepped up to her and said good evening. She raised her head slowly and looked at me out of the corner of her eyes. She was gorgeous and I was hypnotized by her eyes. She said something about the cold weather in broken English with a thick accent that I assumed was German. Her raspy voice was haunting and I know I had to be with her tonight. She reached out and touched the back of my hand, which shocked me back to my senses. She asked if I was looking for something to warm me up and I whispered a feeble yes.

She wrapped her arm around my waist and gently led me up the street. She suggested we stop into a nightclub for a drink. The neon sign over the door proclaimed "Milky Way." Once Inside, I discovered my first gay bar. Several People nodded at her as we walked to a table near the dance floor. Several people greeted her in a language that I could not understand. I had two beers and she had some expensive wine.
I was a little drunk but quickly getting very high as I gawked at the activity around the club. She told me her name but I didn't catch it with the noise of the music. She giggled as she pressed up close to me and stroked my chest.

Most of the time I couldn't understand what she was saying, bat she was very clear when she explained that I could spend the night with her for 250 Guilders. This was what I came to Amsterdam for, I eagerly agreed to the price.

It was only a couple of blocks from the club to her apartment. I had no idea what was before me. Looking back now, I realize that the next few hours totally changed my life. The warmth of her apartment hit me as soon as she opened the door. It was a single room with a small but comely looking bad and a three-drawer dresser with a dim lamp on it. On the other side of the room was a little dining table and two chairs. There was little else in the room. She told me to put my coat on a chair, and pointed to the bathroom indicating that I should go in and freshen up. For some reason, I looked out of the only window in the room and saw through the rain-streaked glass the shimmer of a distant street light. The eerie sight made me a bit nervous. As I walked over to the bathroom, I noticed in one corner of the room a tiny kitchen hidden by a partially-drawn curtain.

After using the bathroom, I returned to her tiny room. She had taken off her coat and hat and I finally got a good look at her. I was thrilled by my choice. Her flowing auburn hair perfectly framed her thin face. Her nose and chin ware long and prominent bat her high cheekbones and round eyes perfectly balanced her features.

She was wearing a long dress co I couldn't sue her legs. She was very tall with broad shoulders and an hourglass figure. Her hips swayed as she walked toward me. She placed her hands on my hips and pressed her body tightly against mine. I stared into her eyes for a few seconds return kissing her passionately. I was swept up in rapture by the heat of her body and I felt almost dizzy from the heavy scent of her perfume. As she held her firm body against mine, I could feel my cock hardening between us. She leaned back slightly and asked me to pay her. I did so and then with a polite "Danke," she excused herself and want into the Bathroom.

I heard her urinate and flush and then some water. When she opened the bathroom door, I turned and saw an incredible sight. She had removed her dress and tied up her hair. Her small firm breasts jutted oat. She had on dark panties and a garter belt that held up the stockings on her long luscious legs. Her high stiletto heels made her seem so tall that she almost touched the top of the doorway. Every inch of her body was long and lean. She was so beautiful.

I could feel the fire in my crotch as my cock hardened and pressed against my pants. She flicked off the light and a surge of electricity raced through me. She gave off an erotic passion that made me bum with uncontrollable lust. I moved to her again and she pulled me tight. We kissed co very passionately. As I ran my hands over her backside, the smoothness of her skin and her body heat amplified my passions.

I barely noticed as she undid my belt, unsnapped the front of my jeans and unzipped them. My straining cock jumped out at her. She grabbed It in her warm hand and stroked it slowly. I thought I would pass out!

I reached oat to fondle her breasts but she gently pushed my hands away. She undid the buttons on my shirt, then bent over and nibbled on my hard nipples. I could feel her sliding down my body leaving soft warm kisses bailing down my stomach. She pulled my pants and briefs down to my ankles then gently pushed me down on the edge of the bed. With one hand she took off the rest of my clothes while she caressed my cock with the other hand. She reached over and took a washcloth she had prepared and cleaned my cock and balls with it. Them was a slight smell of alcohol and the cloth was very cold. She even wrapped the cloth into the crack of my ass and wiped me as she stroked my cock with the other hand. She looked up and asked in a deep throaty voice, "Do you like that?."

All I could do was moan out a choked "Oh yes!" As she continued to stroke, I could feel a cold sweat run down my chest. I was sure my cock would explode. With her left hand she reached over and grabbed a tube of something. Then she placed her lips over the head of my cock. I closed my eyes and leaned back so I could prop myself up a little. She worked her tongue around in little circles on the head of my cock, but soon her head was bobbing up and down as she gobbled more and more of my cock into her mouth. With her other hand she reached under and played with my asshole, prodding and poking. Her fingertip was very cold, co she must have put some jelly on it. Her fingertip entered my tight ass and pushed deeper inside, easing in and out as the other finger played with my balls. I was about to shoot my load and I'm sure she know it because her finger thrust so deep in my asshole that I could almost feel it in my throat. Her head lunged hard down into my crotch so that all of my cock was deep in her mouth. My body rocked as I came in a violent orgasm. She milked out every last drop of rum.

She pulled her finger out of my ass but continued to massage my swollen rosebud with her fingertips as if to heal the itching with a soft sensuous touch.

I panted to catch my breath. I had never cum so hard before. I was totally contented this was what I had come to Amsterdam for. What I didn't realize was this was only a start.

She grabbed my waist and pressed her breasts to my chest. I felt her hard nipples. She placed one hand behind my head and forced me to open my mouth to kiss her. She put her mouth hard against mine and then spewed my load of cum into my mouth. I thought I was going to choke. I had never tasted jism and was not prepared for the hot gooey slime that coated the back of my mouth. I pulled away but she forced her mouth even harder on mine. She forced her tongue deep in my mouth and I started to gag. I gulped and tried to swallow. I could feel both of our saliva chasing this warm load down the back of my throat. I discovered I liked the taste. She released her grip a little to allow me to get some air. We kissed passionately far a minute and deep oral soon mellowed into playful nibbles. She leaned back, giggled a little, and with a sly smile asked, "Would you like to eat me now?."

This seemed a little too good to be true so I whispered a feeble "Yes, please."

I watched as she stood up in front of me and kicked off her shoes. I was so amused by her beauty. She placed her hands on the sides of my head, ran her fingers playfully down through my hair, and pulled my head toward her crotch. I seized the edges of her panties and pulled them down. I was shocked! There before me was a cock. I was simply not at all prepared for this. Instinctively, I tried to jerk back, but she tightened her grip on my head and forced me even closer. In her husky voice she asked, "Do you like it?" Before I could respond, she answered her own question, "Goot...now don't be shy!"

The smell of her musky penis was overwhelming. I reached up, hesitantly touched it with my fingertips and started to lick the head. Its smoothness against my tongue was wry pleas- ing and I liked how if tasted. I could fit her whole soft cock into my mouth. I was starting to enjoy myself so I began pumping my head back and forth and sucking as hard as I could. A couple of times it slipped out of my mouth, so she grabbed the base and stroked it slowly and guided the head back into my waiting lips. Her left hand moved around to the back of my head and with a gentle pressure she set the rhythm of my motions. I stroked her balls lovingly and then reached around and caressed her ass and legs. I was craving for more so I pulled her tighter to me so I could gobble all of her cock. With each stroke, her tool grew bigger.

I thought my cock was fairly big at eight inches. I always considered it a thing of beauty but hers was slightly larger than mine. Her right hand continued to pump the base of her cock and as the intensity grew, her knuckles were touching me on the nose and chin. That was the least of my worries! Although the hand on the back of my head was a gentle guide for when to press forward and pull back, occasionally she would force me hard against her and I would gag as her cock forced its way into my throat. Every few strokes she would hold my head tight to her and then she would ease up and let me gasp far air. She was groaning loudly and saying "Das Goot...Suck harder, ..Take it all my little baby...Yah...Das Goot...Oh Goat!"

Tears were hanging in the corner of my eyes from the pain of the gagging and my mouth was so dry that I couldn't work up any more spit. I could feel her body tensing and I was sure she would soon cum. Her movements were slowing down and her cock was throbbing harder.

I prayed she would cum and finish. I just couldn't take this. Suddenly, she let go of her cock and grabbed my head with both hands forcing herself even deeper into my throat. An unbearable need to vomit came over me. My chest heaved as I tried to breathe. Her cock blocked my throat and I could do neither. I quickly pulled my hands to her ass and placed them on her waist to try to push her away. She was too strong for me. I lost control and my mouth opened even wider until I felt as though my jaw would break.

Her cock slid even deeper into my throat. She was screaming at this point. Arching her back, she forced one last deep lunge of her cock and then I felt the cum. I could feel her hot load as it rushed through the veins of her pulsing cock.

When cum burst out the head of her tool, it was as if the force was so great that it pushed the vomit back down into my stomach and made her cock slide out of my throat.

The hot sliminess of her cum was actually soothing in my throat but it also felt raspy and just wouldn't slide all the way down. I started coughing and tasted both cum and bile in my throat. I tried to swallow as she grabbed her still spurting cock and rubbed it all over my face. I could feel drops of her cum in my eyes and nostrils. As much as my throat and jaw hurt, I couldn't help sliding my tongue out and licking the salty wetness of her cum. She smiled and giggled then stepped away. I sat there in a semi- stupor trying to get up the courage to leave in a hurry. But this wonderful Phallic Woman and my experience with her kept me there.

She continued to sway her hips as she worked her way back to me and bent over with her buttocks right in front of my face. Her ass was so close, I could see every detail of her rosebud. The smell was so sweet, a little pungent and musky, but ever so inviting.

As i caressed her fantastic ass, I started to get hard again. She muttered something about her stockings, so I carefully undid the back of her garter belt and with tender strokes, I slid her stockings down. It was so sensual to slide my hands down her long silky legs. It was so arousing the way she pointed each foot as she raised it to remove a stocking. Playfully, I nibbled at her firm little ass cheeks and then started to lick her flesh.

She leaned back toward me so my tongue was on her asshole. I flipped the tip of my tongue lightly across her rosebud. To my surprise, it was amazingly sweet and I liked it. It was so clean with a unique bitter taste that was intoxicating. She cooed and moaned then whispered, "Oh das goot...don't be timid baby...das goat."

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips tight to the crack of her ass. My hands continued to slide up and down her legs. Occasionally, I’ d reach between her legs and massage her cock and balls. My head was filled with her musky scent as I slowly narrowed the circles my tongue made around the edge of her hole. I gradually forced my tongue tip into her. The taste of her insides mixed with my saliva was incredible and soon I was willing to probe deeper into her until my mouth was open as wide as I could get it. I was sticking the full length of my tongue into her. She stood upright, turned around, and faced me with her swollen shaft right in my face. I was scared that she would try to ram it down my throat again. Instead she stepped to the side and knelt on the bed beside me.

Pressing her hard cock against my stomach, she ground her hips so that her flesh rubbed erotically against mine. With her left hand, she grabbed the back of my heed and tilted it back. Her right knee was pressed against my cock and balls and she moved it in a sort of massage. She bent over and placed her mouth hard on mine and we embraced in a deep wet kiss that seemed to last forever, my hands wandered all over her body in an exploratory caress. She then straightened up slightly, I put my mouth on her breast so my tongue could do a dance on her nipple.

Stepping back toward me she placed her hands on my shoulders and eased me back on the bed until I was on my back in the center of the bed. She climbed on the bad and knelt in between my legs using her knees to force my legs apart. I raised my arms and crossed them under the back of my head co I could prop it up and watch what she was doing. She took the tube of jelly and squeezed a generous portion into her hand.

She rubbed her palms together then reached down and started to stroke her cock with her right hand back to its full glory with her left hand she reached down between my legs and pressed her hand against my asshole. She softly rubbed her hand against my asshole and then probed with her fingertip. It felt fantastic and I was thrilled at the beauty in her lace as she looked down at me. She put her left hand under my knee and raised my leg so the calf was resting on her shoulder. She let go of her cock for a minute and did the some with my right leg. Then she sort of crawled forward and leaned on top of me until she had me doubled over with my knees next to my ears. I could feel her moist hard cock brush against my balls and then nestle into the crack of my ass. I tried to unclasp my arm and pull them out from under my head so I wouldn't be forced up in such a painful ball, but she slid her left hand under my head and firmly grasped my wrists and held them down. Leaning a little onto her left leg she reached down with her left hand and grabbed her cock. Looking down 'into my eyes she whispered "Relax...close your eyes and relax...goot...das goot."

I could feel the back of her hand against my balls and I tried to relax. When the tip of her cock touched my asshole I instinctively tensed up. I arched my back a little but she had me pinned so firmly that the weight of her body made it impossible to move. The head of her cock pressed harder against my rosebud until I could no longer hold it back. As she penetrated me I gasped and moaned. It hurt so much that I thought she was going to tear me apart. As her cock continued to slide deep inside it started to feel warm. I relaxed a little. It kept going deeper until I felt her balls tight against my tailbone. There was a lot of pain very deep near the head of her cock and I wondered for a moment if it was too big for me to take. But now I had no choice. I loved the way the throbbing cock felt deep inside my body. I craved more. Now I was her willing submissive virgin sacrifice.

Her strokes were long and slow. She would pull back until only the head was still in my ass and then she would press forward until I could feel her very deep inside me. Every time she got to her deepest penetration, I would involuntarily squeel a little because it felt so good. With each stroke, she would speed up a little. She pulled my head tight to her chest and forced her nipple into my mouth. I eagerly sucked it. Then she would move a little and have me suck the other tit. My hardening cock brushed against her smooth belly and made me feel like cumming. The intensity of her thrusts picked up until she was fucking me with such a rapid pace that my asshole was raw and burning. I was trying to squeal with pleasure but the squeals were muffled by the tit in my mouth.

She was panting and moaning loudly with sweat dripping off her skin into my eyes. Her pumping reached a full range as her hips were grinding back and forth with great speed. Little drops of pre-cum were seeping from the head of my cock. My entire body started to twitch and my insides warn flinching uncontrollably. Her cock was throbbing so hard inside me. Suddenly she let go of my head and arched her back upward. Her cock made one last unbearably deep lunge into me and I felt molten cum explode inside me. My arms flung to the side and my head fell back on the bed. My cock lurched and drops of cum shot upwards. I arched my back as I squealed in delight and pain. Her cock kept throbbing and I could feel huge spurts of jism scorching my insides. My body twitched and shivered in unison with hers spreading warmth through my entire body. We were both panting and our sweat was flying about. The steam and heat that came from our bodies seemed to fill the room. The smell of sex was overpowering. She grabbed my cock firmly and started pumping it hard and fast so it almost instantly exploded sending cum shooting across my stomach and chest.

We stayed there almost motionless trying to catch our breath. She started to giggle. Slowly she pulled her softening cock from my asshole. I wrapped my arms around her in a firm embrace and we kissed very tenderly. But mostly we just gasped and squirmed as we waited for our bodies to stop shivering. Every muscle in my body ached but all I could think of was the feeling of warmth that spread through me. Alter a long embrace, she moved to one side, closed her eyes and snuggled up against me. Her breathing slowed and deepened as she cuddled against me. It was easy to tell she was slipping into a deep sleep.

I stayed wide awake My itching ass burned a little and I could swear it was gaping open with cum dripping out. I crawled off the bed and made my way to the toilet. I closed the door and turned on the light and sat down with my chin propped on my hands. I stared at her dress hanging on a hook on the door. My mind twirled with thoughts of what a fantastic woman she was. My body still rippled with waves of pleasure. I couldn't help feeling confused about what had just happened. I wondered about my sexual orientation. I splashed come cold water on my face to clear my mind just a little. My body drained. Alter wiping myself dry, I returned to her room.

She looked co inviting sprawled out on the bed. I wanted co much to caress her and taste her flesh... but instead I put on my clothes and slipped out like a thief in the night. Taking one last look at her, I pulled the door shut behind me and the click of the lock seemed to have a tremendous finality to it.

When I entered out to the night the cold mist woke me up. The predawm tinge of pink in the sky seemed to add a veil of enchantment to the entire episode. Walking back to my hotel along dark deserted streets I felt like I was caught up in an erotic wet dream and unable to wake up. on my tongue. The itching of my asshole helped me realize what a wonderful experience I just had...how much I enjoyed it... and how I craved more. But the cold sting in the air made me question whether I had just been used and if it was wrong.

In the hour or co that it took me to reach my hotel I pondered every possible question. I knew that my life was now changed and my eyes opened to a new way of living. I wanted much more. Not only did I enjoy what had happened, but like an addict, I needed a constant fix of it.

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First Day — James I grin at Anna and then reach out to tousle her hair. "Of course it does." I stand up. Reaching down I take her hands into my own and pull her up off the bed. I am unable to resist a side glance down at her shapely legs but I put that thought out of my mind. "In fact, get yourself dressed. I'm going to take you and your mother out for dinner." I hug her close to me and then kiss her on the forehead before turning around and walking out the door. "Your mother will be...

3 years ago
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Daddy watched my Sex Video in the Cloud

I stood atop the cistern, aware it might crack, and aimed my S4 camera on the ensuing action in the next cubical, giggling as Julie was all noise and bodily contortions, the guy who was fucking her, was looking and giving me the thumbs up.As I watched I could feel my own cunt crave some of that big cock, strange really, back in the pub there was ample cock to go around, and I would have no problem attracting offers, but here in the 'Ladies', one guy was fucking one and enticing another.Julie...

2 years ago
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The Freeing of Spartacus

The Freeing of Spartacus.1 For two long years the slave war had shook Rome to the very core. Although in its all conquering peak, the Roman army had been pushed to the very edge by this huge group of renegade gladiators and slaves. At their head was the Thracian gladiator Spartacus who, though born into slavery had never bowed a knee to his enemy.Through thirty six years of slavery he had stood rebellious, ignoring the beatings and death threats which came his way. Even his masters had feared...

2 years ago
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My Friends Hot Mom Part 2 of 3

Ben and I were very close friends and I was staying at his place where he lived with his mother who I also affectionately called Mom. In part 1, Ben is asleep, his mom comes home from dancing, catches me still awake, offers me a cigarette and beer in her room, gets a foot and full leg massage by me, has me undress her and then I proceed to empty my load into a woman for the first time. It was absolutely incredible. My virgin cum into a woman was deep inside Mom's throat. She managed to take...

3 years ago
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Mark smiled down at his daughter as they stepped into the local bait and tackle shop. He was dressed for the day, a pair of torn and faded formerly black jeans and a long sleeved flannel shirt. Beneath he wore a fishing tee shirt baring a bikini-clad model with a bass. His wide brimmed hat was covered in various different lures and bobbers looking more funny than professional as he started walking slowly down the aisles. "First thing we gotta do honey is get us the right bait. You won't catch...

3 years ago
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Last Night in Paradise

I had just finished showering and was thinking how incredible our vacation had been. As I walked into the bedroom I saw Susan sliding on her heels. Damn, she had great legs. She smiled, as I walked naked into the room. “I see someone is already excited about tonight.” She stood up and smiled at me. No wonder I was so excited. She looked fabulous. The heels accentuated her long toned legs and thrust her tight little ass upward. Her short red skirt was about mid-thigh, revealing most of her...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Kenzie Reeves Blonde Teen Nympho Kenzie Reeves Seduces an Older Guy

Petite blonde teen Kenzie Reeves has a problem: she can’t stop fucking. When she doesn’t have a dick in one of her holes, she has to constantly finger herself. On this day, she finds herself at her next-door neighbor’s pool flicking the bean when middle-aged stud John Strong comes home and finds her there. Confused, he invites the young girl inside, but no sooner has she introduced herself than she’s finger painting again. At first John wants to get rid of her, but when...

2 years ago
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Chloe Comes Into Her Own Book 7Prologue

“My name is Chloe and I am 13 going on 14 soon. I live at home with my folks and my brother Chuck. I have to go to the ceremony where the leaders of Earth sign a document to join our Duchy which is part of the Empire of Cassius. “My Grandpa came from here a few years ago and was an old fart. I am not being rude he said it I didn’t. Anyhows he was pretty ancient and on his last legs after some heart attacks. Grandma bumped herself off after she found she had dementia. There was a policeman...

2 years ago
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The Fishing Club Chapter 3

During the next two weeks, I worked during the day and then saw Amy in the evening.  Most nights, Jill came with me.  We would go out to eat, return to Hank and Amy’s house, and hang around.Amy and I spent a couple of hours in her bed every time I visited.  Our lovemaking was athletic some nights and soft and slow on other nights.Amy and I walked into her bedroom on Wednesday, a day before our planned fishing trip.  Hank, Mark, and I managed to get Friday off work, and we planned to leave for...

4 years ago
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Teacher conference

My name for this 100% true story is Sandy and I’m finally telling someone about something that I won’t dare tell anyone in real life. I’m a 38 year old wife and mom of 3 k**s. I’m 5’10”, brunette, with small/medium sized 34C breasts. I’m in pretty good shape for my age but about 20-30 lbs heavier than high school/university. I like to think I could rock a bikini back then but I’m a bit more selective of swim attire now. My husband adores me still and is very horny for sex all the time even...

3 years ago
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Knocking Up Mary AnnChapter 6 The Mary Ann Trap

The island that the castaways have spent the last 3 years on is not large, but it is big enough for two people to wander on aimlessly for a very long time without bumping into to each other. However, Gilligan's luck was of a sort that often defied the laws of probability, especially when it involved running into people, and even more when the target was the Skipper. "Gilligan," bellowed the Skipper as he picked himself up off the ground, "Why don't you look where you going?" "Sorry,...

1 year ago
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First time out part 2

**This is part two of my first time out en femme. This is a true story. It is important to read the first part to understand the story completely. Enjoy**I arrived at the bar and walked up to the large, handsome black doorman. He saw me and motioned for me to pass into the bar. He smiled at me and as I passed him, he winked and said “Very nice, baby”. I felt so feminine and sexy, I blushed a bit and smiled back at him. “Thank you”, I said looking back over my shoulder with the most sexy...

4 years ago
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next chapter in my mini series Things take a path not thought about

When he had gone I told Rachel she should have waited until I was free, “Sorry, have I got you in trouble”? “No Dan has children so he knows what your like” “So are you coming to my party on Friday”, I thought I would tease her so I said I wasn’t shore I was free, at first she looked like she was believing me then she smiled, and gave me a punch, “Your teasing me, aren’t you”? I told her I was and asked what time she wanted me there, “Half five” “OK then, half five it is” she went off and...

2 years ago
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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 132

At 0700 I was eating breakfast while I was reading today’s security briefs. Today there was a brief from the UN Ambassador about yesterday’s freighter and weapons capture. The brief contained a full listing of all the weapons captured and technical information about the crew and ship’s captain. There was also a complete description of the action including statements by the men of my coastal patrol ships and the four aircraft pilots. Admiral West had requested all video from the go-pro cams...

2 years ago
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Woman turns into a whore

It was just another trip to the mall, another mini shopping splurge. She'd spent a little longer walking around the mall than she'd thought, and was running late for a night out with the girls. Hurrying off the escalator while searching through her oversized bag for her car keys, Bree barely noticed the 2 men who fell in step on either side of her. She was jerked back to awareness when both her arms were grabbed and a menacing voice told her to keep quiet or bad things would happen.Shocked into...

1 year ago
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Emma Ch 33

XXXIII “I’m pregnant!” Shouted Charlotte joyfully, running into the flat pulling off her overcoat as she did so and revealing her naked body underneath. “Josephine! It’s official! I’m pregnant! And you’re the father!” Josephine had only just relieved herself of the weight of her own clothes while persuading young Robert, (the man she’d invited back for the two of them) to drop his trousers and reveal the erect penis she was about to exercise with her lips and tongue. She let the purple mass...

2 years ago
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I just turned 18 and i am new here from Perth Aust

The party was coming to it's peak at around 1 in the morning, half the party was downstairs and the other half either bounced or were spread throughout the rest of the main floor of this large suburban house. No parents were around, so everyone showed up. The 13-15 people in the basement were loud enough to wake up anyone passed out on the ground level. I was sitting on a leather couch in a room isolated from the main party. There were about 3 other people in the room with me, one of them was...

3 years ago
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Not EnoughAdding Heat

Reflections: Adding Heat I wasn't waking up. The nightmare wasn't going away. I kept waiting and waiting and waiting, but the hole just kept getting deeper and deeper and deeper. If I didn't find a way out soon, it was going to consume me. I'd be left at the bottom, the dregs, neck deep in shit. What was I doing? What had I done? I was back in the group home crying into my fucking pillow, waiting for an aunt that would never come. Meanwhile, that big fucking prick – Teddy Vendez – was...

3 years ago
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Padosi Ki Chudai Uske Ghar Me

Hi, I am ankush (changed name) 20 years ka hun himachal se meri height6’2 hah mai fair skin vala hun ar mujhe sex chat karna bahut pasand hah agar koi sex chat karna chahti ho to mujhe mail kijiye Mai sex bi bahut achi tarah se karta hun To story pe vaapas aate hah mai chandigarh ghumne aaya tha ar apni chaachi ke yaahan tehra tha . Mai balcony se nazara dekh raha tha bahut sundar jagah thi. Mai andar gaya ar mobile chala raha tha ki tabhi meri chachi ki padosi vahan aayi mujhe dekhkar vo...

2 years ago
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Bizarre Love Triangle

BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE "Urgh, God I'm so booooored." Jen flopped on the bed, her six-foot, spread-eagled frame impossible to ignore. Stabbing at the joypad, trying her hardest to do just that, Adrienne lost yet another life in the video game she was playing. "Uh huh." Her friend turned onto her front, kicking her legs childishly behind her. "Can't we just go out for a little while?" She paused the game with a theatrical sigh and put the pad down. "You know we can't, you...

4 years ago
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Online Friend Sonia Fucked

Hello People this is Luvbunny once again here to share my story with you guys. This happened with me in 2010 December and I met this beautiful South Indian Kerala lady or should say girl online via website chatting and her name is Sonia 29 years of age when we met. She is about 5 feet tall typical south Indian skin colour black hair till shoulders black eyes soft lips, bust size 32 C flat tummy and cute little ass but married lady. I use to surf a lot online to meet girls online but never got...

2 years ago
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Bhuj Married Girl Fucked

I am Armaan, living in Bhuj-kutch , athletic body, age 19, I will never forget this day. A day which was my first experience with a married beautiful lady, this is an true story, let me explain, it was a rainy day just weeks ago, I made a plan with friends to go Madvi beach for enjoying as we all are outing peeps and studied from a reputed school, and we reached 6 am exactly to Mandvi beach in a rain. We enjoyed a lot, while returning back, we reached Bhuj, one of my friend daily goes to...

1 year ago
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Prototype TenChapter 8

"I know, Dr. Wu, I know!" The exasperated Dr. Schmidt told his equally exasperated colleague. "But it's the damned bureacrats again! They simply will not clear me to hand over those plans! I have begged. I have pleaded. I have threatened. I have even gone to the Secretary of State, but nobody is willing to hand over the plans for that guidance system to a former enemy. It's insane! We're mandated to build these damned spaceships against an insanely foreshortened schedule, but the very...

3 years ago
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Working Late Again

Phil Cooper was just about up to date with his work now but the prospect of fucking office cleaner Ruby Butcher up the arse meant that he was in no hurry to leave as most of his work colleagues left for the weekend, with it being Friday. He did not get paid overtime, except in exceptional circumstances, so the fact that he was hanging around in the office was not costing his employer anything extra and as he lived alone there was no hurry to get home either.After Phil had fucked her to orgasm...

Office Sex
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Collecting GinaChapter 3

Brad was four pulses into the most incredible orgasm of his life when he became aware of a crash and a number of thumps to his right. Looking over the side of the bed, he beheld Sarah, lying half on her side, apparently trying to catch her breath. “Are you okay?” he puffed. Sarah gazed up at him in shock and embarrassment. It WAS Brad! “I think so,” she said in a small voice. “Who is it?” Gina asked. “I can’t see...” “It’s Sarah,” Brad related. “How long have you been here?” Sarah stood...

1 year ago
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"When you were in Phoenix, ah...did you...damn it, this is difficult for me," Katy said. I shrugged. My business had failed six months before, and the first job I found took me to Phoenix for four months. Katy and our two children couldn't relocate with me. She had a contract with the school board as a guidance counselor, and couldn't or wouldn't break her contract. My next job took me to Salt Lake City, and my family joined me when the school year ended. When I left in search of a job,...

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a club quickie

Our eyes met over his girlfriend’s head and I gave him a look that said he could have me as soon he could slip away from her. We’d been flirting with our eyes all night, slowly looking each other up and down and I knew he wanted me as badly as I wanted him. His eyes darted towards the corridor, telling me where to meet him when he slipped away from her. As I left the bar I stopped and looked back over my shoulder, making sure he was watching as I strutted out, I knew my ass looked great in my...

Straight Sex
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII - Jezebel learns that political forces are swirling around hir mother encouraging her to run for higher office and Jezzie attends a sexy hot yoga class at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission.. I raise my hand in order to ask the Headmistress 'what in world is going on about mother?' "Yes, yes, I know what you are going to ask, the cat is out of the bag, many, many powerful...

3 years ago
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my fun at the glory hole

without any girl outfits still ive always been sad that i cant go out as Ana and find some nice boy or girl to go home with and have them fuck me.. but today i found somewhere that had a glory hole near by..i was so excited to hear this because i could do everything i loved to do before.. i arrived around 8 seeking in and once i was in the room it wasn't long before i heard someone next door.. i was so nervous to say the least.. i hadn't had sex or sucked dick for three years could i do all the...

1 year ago
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Watching My Wife Getting Naughty Was Just The Thing Ever Happened

I have come across many stories of husbands. Fantasizing or in real sharing their wives. I always thought how it would feel to experience this bliss. Now this is my true story and I have tried to write it in the simplest possible way. We are a couple in early thirties and are married for 5 years now. This all started a year back when I read the entire wife sharing stories saw pics and watched videos. I kept on thinking how will it be to see my wife acting like a slut and enjoying with other men...

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Maybe Mom Should Do It TooChapter 5

Jennifer spent the next several days after speaking with Mike in agonizing confusion. Could Mike have been right? Did she actually WANT her son ... want him sexually? It couldn't be true. But try as she might, she couldn't shake the idea. The counselor was certainly right that her behaviors of late were very sexual, and directed toward Ryan. How could she figure it out? What if she really did want to sleep with her son ... her teenage son? What would that say about her? What would she do...

1 year ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 3

John Ramirez and his partner Pete Riordan had done some horse trading with other cops that had more seniority, and they had Memorial Day off. They arrived with John in the police cruiser they worked in, and Pete in his big SUV equipped with bright fog lights and a handheld spot light. They laid out a city map on Barbara's kitchen table and discussed the likely routes that Bobby would have taken on his bike. Then they left notes at both Raul and Barbara's houses instructing Bobby to call...

2 years ago
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The Voyeur Duke

His dreams of her would always start the same;she was tied,unable to move,completely naked,her body glistening and the candles in the dungeon causing flickers of light to dance on her naked skin;he too naked,his hard erect penis jiggling as he moved his body,raising his hand and allowing the whip to fall on her naked bottom,she would moan with pleasure,he would feel his penis throb and he would bring the whip down on her naked bottom again and again until she would finally beg him to take...

4 years ago
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PatrickChapter 6

The afternoon was different. As soon as Rachel and her family arrived, Sarah dragged Al to her room to play and the five adults sat in the kitchen. Rachel and I stayed in the garden, where we could eavesdrop – like Kim overhearing the news at Creighton's. Mum was broaching the question of Rachel's schooling. "They'll have to take her back!" exclaimed Michiko. "I'm not sure, it's not a state school," said dad. Chaz wasn't certain, either. Mum and Michiko had a lot of "ought"...

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Yuppie Wives

Maurice and Miriam Smith had it all or so it seemed. They were the epitome of the typical young upwardly mobile professional couple as known as 'yuppies.' They had been high school sweethearts and attended the same state university. While Maurice played around some in college and joined a fraternity, Miriam probably would have joined a sorority but money was always tight for her family and she felt funny living up the college life in a sorority while her parents where at home barely getting...

3 years ago
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Couple Ko Diya Threesome

Sabse pahalesabhipyasichuton komere 7 und kasalam, mera mail id hai:// Hello dosto,mera name Rajesh kumar hai,mein aap sab pyasi chootvaliyon ka apne 7″ ke khade lund se swagat karta hun mein is site ki storiyon ka bahoot purana paathak hun,main ek caal boy /gigolo hun mein 24 saal ka ladka hun,meri height 175cm aur mera weight 65 kg hai ,maine bahoot se anubhav aap logon se share kiye hein Mein aap logon ko bata dun ki mein ek number ka choot ka chussu hun ,yadi kisi ko apni choot chuswani ho...

4 years ago
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The Maths Lesson

It was a sunny Monday afternoon, and Gemma couldn’t wait for last lesson, Maths. She was the first to arrive, as normal, and sat down at her seat, waiting for her friends to arrive. Maths was her favourite lesson, because she was OK at it, and she had an amazingly good looking young teacher. Gemma had always wanted him, and she made sure he knew that. Every lesson she’d torture him, until at one point he’d stop in the middle of the class trying to control himself. He was a married man, and...

3 years ago
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Amys Indecent Proposal Part VI

The driver pulled up to the Peppermill promptly at 9:00 am.  As the car eased to a complete stop, John got out and politely opened Amy's door.  "I had an absolutely wonderful evening Amy," he said with a broad smile before handing her a small briefcase. "Wow, that's a little bigger than I imagined," Amy replied, extending her hand to accept the handle. "That makes twice now since we've met that I've heard you say that," John replied with a grin. Suddenly their exchange was interrupted by the...

2 years ago
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The Best0

The subway station was very crowded and she was afraid that she was being jostled a little too close to the edge of the platform. Anna was always a little afraid that she would be accidently pushed onto the tracks just as a train was pulling into the platform. She had seen that in a film a few years back and the very thought terrified her. This was the first time she was riding the Eastside line and it was disconcerting to see how crowded it was in the rush hour. The open door of the...

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