Torn LivesChapter 7 free porn video

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Sleep claimed me at last and, surprisingly, it was free of dreams and nightmares. I swam up from an inky blackness to the greyish light that entered my bedroom via the windows on the south side of the room. I sensed Rachel was already gone. I blinked and rose up on one elbow. It was gloomy and raining. The bedside clock read 9:45 a.m.

Then I remembered the night before and my heart was filled with warm sunshine and bright happiness. I jumped out of bed and paused as my neck and shoulder muscles protested and my mouth and tongue were a little sore. "Hey, little boy take it easy, we aren't used to that kind of workouts as you put us through last night."

I felt weird inside my shorts, too smooth, too sensitive. And at inconvenient times my cock hardened and bulged in my suit pants as I thought of Rachel, so I had a hard time in order to hide myself. But apart from these inconveniences the day went well, I saw my lawyer and went to talk with my broker about some stock I wanted to buy.

After lunch I had a face to face with the CEO of the small company I worked for and filled her in on how my recovery was almost complete and when I would return to work the rigs, probably the middle of the following week. She thanked me and walked me all the way out through the front of the office and shook my hand as I left. Maybe the thawing of my heart showed on my face, or in some other way, because it seemed that today people had been treating me differently.

I caught a cab back to the condo and went up to my apartment. It felt strange and empty, not a place I wanted to be alone today. I changed, took a nap and prepare myself to wait for Rachel. The maid had been around and everything was sparkling and smelling fresh. I sat at the dining table and continued to work on my papers, going fast but not so much I could lose any important detail.

I was deep into the work when I heard the doorbell; I took a look at a mantel clock and saw it was almost 8:30 p.m. I went, opened the door and my goddess stepped into the room.

"Good evening Pierce, how was your day"

I looked at her, her finely shaped brows drawn down in amusement. There was no need to be a mind reader to know what she was thinking. But what I was thinking was: "what the hell was Rachel doing with someone like me?"

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"Uh, not today ... okay then. I'll have mineral water please"

I found a bottle of sparkling Vichy in the fridge and poured some into a wine glass for her. I was nervous, tonight was different and I didn't have much experience with woman, flirting or otherwise.

I sat on the couch and after a moment Rachel sat across from me in the armchair. She sipped at her drink and looked at me again. She took a breath.

"I know it's none of my business ... uh..." her silence was deafening.

"Yes, what isn't Rachel?" I said.

"Well, Yeah Pierce, I remembered ... I was just wondering ... are you, you know, in love with someone?"

"Uh, no, why do you ask?"

She shrugged. "Well it was WHO you called when you did cumm last night and this morning" she said, emphasizing the word who.

And in that instant a bolt struck me, I remembered whom I had called when I was orgasming.

"Pierce, the fact that I'm here today tells you, you can trust me" she said softly.

I was stunned, never before had I let my secret see the daylight, it was always in the dark recesses of my mind. I was terrified, what would Rachel think of me.

"We're friends, you can trust me" She said again. "Have you loved her long?"

"Oh, ages" I said. "Since I was thirteen"

"Thirteen ... oh my, does she know"

"No, you are the first person to know; it was the first time my subconscious betrayed me" I couldn't look her to the eyes.

"Oh my dear, your secret is well and safe with me. I know how to keep a secret, don't you think so?"

She smiled again, this time her teeth flashing white between her gloss darkened lips. She relaxed into her chair. She was now happy as she understood my purpose. She was going to be my subrogating mother.

She crossed her elegant legs, long and tanned and smooth. I could see how she accepted me, no judgment, she was beautiful, her soul was beautiful also, and, oh mygod her breasts pushed out against the front of her dress in a way many younger breasts didn't.

She got up came directly across the room and flung herself down onto the couch at my side, leaned over and kissed me on the lips, then put her arm around my waist and leant her head on my shoulder.

"What do you want to do today Pierce," she asked me. "Because I want to strip you naked and fuck your brains out"

As conversation went, it was probably the best one I had ever had. I got up took her and folded my arms around her. I was beginning to get used to her beauty.

"Perhaps we'd better wait until we eat something," I suggested.

Rachel pouted. "Only if we have to do it, if it's inevitably, or it's absolutely necessary. But Pierce, I've been thinking about you all day. I've been thinking about that long penis of yours and what I want to do with it"

"Well I've been a little distracted myself," I said.

I didn't tell her I had asked my cab to swing past a pharmacy on the way back to the apartment. I had gone inside and asked about Cialis and been given a foil pack containing four small grey tablets. This was my last night with Rachel and I wanted to stay hard for her all night long if that was what she wanted, at my age I don't need help, but was not to be passed over. The chemist said they could take twenty minutes to start working, and was good for 48 hours so I planned to take one before we started to make love so that it would kick in after my first climax, hopefully boosting my recovery time and keeping me hard.

Rachel hugged me tight to her and slid her hand down my stomach and over my cock. I was already semi-erect and she squeezed me through my pants.

"I can't wait," she said. "Here, help me."

She let me go and went into the bedroom; she turned around and said, "Unzip me, please."

I took off the catch at her neck and pulled the zip down her long back. Rachel moved her shoulders and the dress slid down her gorgeous body, with the tip of her shoe tossed it on the corner floor. She stood there in only a pair of small high cut panties and a tiny bra that was cut so low down as to reveal the tops of her pink nipples. It was a fuck me set of lingerie, telling me this night, for her, was not for the money, I lowered my head a little and sucked one nipple into my mouth and as Rachel pushed her loins against me, I delicately pushed her back and we fell on the bed.

I lowered my head to her and kissed her long and hard, I was so filled with lust I was being clumsy, forgetting last night lessons.

Rachel took my head with her hands and separated from her face. "Easy baby easy, you're hurting my lips, don't be rough, you must always be soft when kissing, women will tell you when do they want more" she softly told me while caressing my face.

I looked her with lust filled eyes and mumbled, "Sorry, sorry I'll be more careful"

Then she opened her mouth bringing my head down again and kissed me hard, passionately, her tongue sliding into my mouth and entwining with mine, mixing our oral fluids, and spitting her saliva into my mouth for several minutes.

"That's how it must be, and then women will be yours forever" Panted Rachel into my mouth.

"You too?" I asked

"Yes, mommy is yours forever, you have only to find the way" she said with a double meaning.

I was too full of lust to completely understand her meaning, I had a fixation, I needed to fuck this gorgeous woman, so much like my mother.

She pushed my head down to her succulent breasts and said, "Suck my tits son, suckle them like when you were a baby".

¡Son¡ I was amazed.

I sucked one of her long nipples in between my teeth, drawing its length inside my mouth and trapping it with my lips while my tongue flicked and played with the now angry rose tip. Rachel put her hand on the back of my head and held me there. I tugged her nipple with my teeth and when she moaned I bit her a little harder, then a little more, until she gasped and jerked away. That was good; now I knew how hard I could go. I was fast learning.

I went from one breast to the other and repeated the ministrations, using just the right amount of pressure with my lips. After ten or more minutes of adoring her maternal breasts, sucking, licking and suckling, again and again I began to move down, licking the curved underside of her breasts. I took Rachel's arm lifted it, and then licked along the underside of her arm and right into her armpit. She shuddered and dropped her hands to my head to put a kiss in my bearded cheek.

"Oh baby boy, that's so good, suckle mommy again as you did before" she whined.

Hearing her muffled words I went mad with lust, and whimpered as a little puppy.

I had to go to the target on my mind, traveling my path down her mature stomach, her birth giving stomach, pausing just enough at her navel to tease the dimple with my tongue tip and then descending to the flat muscle above her mons veneris, and down, down, moving my tongue along the inner edges of her hips, down the outside of her thighs to the back of her knee, there I sucked and teased the flesh, Rachel trembled with excitement, and whimpered and moaned, then I followed the reverse path up her legs to the center of pleasure, the giver life, to the small channels that dipped there to the juncture of her legs; she writhed and tried to push her pussy up onto my mouth, trying to make contact, but each time she did I detached my face.

"Oh God, Pierce my baby, don't ... I need you so badly," she moaned.

I played with her again, and began to slowly lick and kiss Rachel's smooth, bare thighs, licking up and down the inside of her thighs, lifting her left leg so my tongue had a better access. Her pussy was slightly opened, the outer rose lips full and plump, and I worked my way up and into them.

After I had reached her nether outer lips I began to run my tongue up one side, across the top and down the other. On my fourth pass she told me,

"Baby, just like that, suck my folds and open me with your tongue, then push your tongue like a cock inside and move it in and out, mother like it like that"

"Mother¡¡¡"I followed her instructions, but when she said mother she was not play-acting; to her, she was my mother, I did not understand it but a delicious chill ran through my body

"Oh yes, yes, just like that, so good, so fucking good" now she was delirious, she wasn't yesterday's cool professional, today her mind was wandering in a world of her own.

I pushed my head down and I licked her perineum and my nose inserted herself deep into her cunt, with my nose well into her inter labia, I stretched my tongue and then tapped her anus

"Yes Pierce, Come to mommy, oh! Yes, oh yes! Eat your mom"

I moved up and pulled the hard nub of her clitoris into my mouth and sucked on it. Rachel emitted a long groan, and I sucked her more, then I let the clit and slid my tongue down directly over her slit, parting it with the tip as she pushed towards me, I took mercy on her and slid my tongue inside, tasting her sharpness, tasting the tart oiled inner folds. I could smell her heady, sexy scent. It titillated me, I could also feel her nectar leak out, today was very copious and was smearing her thighs, my mouth and my beard, what to say of the bed.

"Ahhhhh,! Oh! Ahhhhh, Pierce! Yesssss, oh yes my beautiful son!"

My lips were still planted around her electrified snatch, and at the same time I steadily fluttered my tongue against her excited clit. My entire face and mouth had been covered in so much of her sap, while my throat was happily gulping the descending froth.

Rachel's wailing intensified. "I'm going to cum! Oh yes! I'm going to cum, baby."

"Eat your mother, baby," she repeated incoherently. Please baby, eat your mother! I want it; I need it ... from you!"

I stuck a hand between the sheets and her body and cupped it around her buttock, and put my thumb up along the crack of her ass pressing the thick part of it directly onto her rear opening. Then I began to seriously work my tongue into her, opening her inner lips and delving inside as far as I could.

I wiggled my tongue in between the cunt petals, nudging the tip again past the fleshy nether lapels, into her humid, syrupy depths.

"Ahhhhh, Ohhh! That's it! Stick your tongue in it, John! Stick your tongue in your mommy's cunt!" Rachel deliriously insisted.

I readjusted my position from kneeling to lying down, tilted my head diagonally, and commenced devouring Rachel's cuntal lips. I took them in between my own lips and gently rolled them in my mouth, frequently nibbling on them; I would affectionately pull them, savour their spongy texture, and release them, enjoying how they moved back as an spring

¡John! My foggy mind was in no condition to catch the meaning of the cried word, as Rachel pumped frenetically her hips up onto my face, doing most of the work herself. She had thrown her head back and the pillows only let me see her chin and breasts, my position was awkward but I kept pushing my tongue into her, then with my other hand inserted two fingers directly inside her, pushing them in and out. At the same time I moved my mouth up and drew her clitoris back between my lips and began to suck it and nip it with my front teeth in an in and out movement, trying to suck the clit like it was a miniature cock.

I could feel the muscles all along her legs tensing, and I knew she was very close. Unlike last night I did not tease, did not draw her back from the brink, instead I worked harder, bringing her to a climax swiftly and smoothly.

Her right leg lifted and she laid it over my shoulder and I pulled her clitoris hard against my tongue, pushed my fingers deep inside her, pressed my thumb against her rear opening and felt her tremble, twitch and then cry out as her climax peaked and tore through her. She grabbed my head and pushed me hard against her, pumped her hips against my face, bent over as the passion left her powerless and I felt her cumm spurt against my mouth and mix with my saliva.

"Oh my baby, oh my darling baby" she said softly in a murmur I barely heard.

I kept my mouth pressed against her as her trembling died away, and then as she released the back of my head I unraveled from her legs, stood, and lay beside her,

"Pierce" she said, putting her arms around me, resting her head against mine.

Now I was Pierce again, not baby, son, and least of all not John, my mind was spinning like a carrousel and not from lust. Who the fuck was John?

"Pierce, you are fucking unbelievable"

"That means you enjoyed that."

"But now I must do something for you. Now you must cumm like that as well. I want you to fuck me, Pierce."

"Ok, but before I must go to the toilet, I need to pee" I said her.

Before leaving for the bathroom I picked up my trousers and took one of the tablets, then before going back to the bedroom I swallowed it. First time, I thought.

In the bed Rachel was kneeling and as I climbed on the bed behind her she half rolled over and looked back at me. "I want you to fuck me like this, doggy style, Pierce. I want you to drive that great long pole inside me and fuck me until you cumm"

"I am going to fuck you now, just as you requested," I told her seductively. "I am going to have my penis in your pretty pussy. I am about to fuck that pretty pussy and your beautiful body. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I ever will be" she answered.

I moved up until my legs were just touching the back of her thighs and the head of my cock hovered just behind her opening. My cockhead was against the wet softness of her sex lips. I pushed very carefully through ... into the yielding, balmy succulence of her vaginal canal. Her engorged clit and pussy lips spread wide around the thick meat as the helmet popped into her slobbery cunt. She groaned and pushed back towards me. I started to move away, and then realized I didn't want to prolong this anymore. I pushed back at her and my cock forced the slick opening of her pussy through both sets of her parted lips and slid inside. The head buried itself inside her, and I marveled at how tight she felt.

I leaned over her back to whisper in her ear. "How much do you want of it baby?"

"Every fucking millimeter," she grunted hoarsely.

The taut, sweltering confines of her pussy rippled along the entering shaft, accommodating itself to take the entire length and its girth.

"Wait a second b ... baby!" she sobbed, "You're too ... ughn ... big. Give me a minute to g ... get used t ... to it."

I paused, and when she told me, pushed again and slid deeper into her and she sighed. When I was three quarter of the way inside I felt a pressure. I had reached about as far as I could go, but in some way Rachel squirmed and twisted and I felt myself slide further in. In this way, I was embedded as far as I could go; I began to pump my hips, sliding in and out.

With a few more strokes, I bottomed out. We grunted in unison as my bald balls careened against the silky skin of her buttocks ... my entire cock was buried from tip to root into her cunt. Now my consciousness was centered on my cock moving into this warm, wet cavity. I couldn't think of anything else, except this incredible sensation.

I could feel Rachel's vaginal walls suck, harden and draw back from my cock. I opened my eyes and looked down at her, splayed beneath me, the long perfect length of her back, her sex opened and enfolding me, her ass parted to reveal her pink, perfect rear entrance. I touched it with my finger, and applied pressure. I lifted my hand to my mouth and licked my finger, wetting it, and then touched her ass again; I pushed until my finger slipped inside. The sight of my cock deep inside her and my finger inside her ass was more than I could stand and I felt myself tighten. The head of my cock ached, my balls ached, deep inside my ass I ached but it wasn't a pain but pleasure.

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Attorneys WifeChapter 13

As Ron and Clair were leaving the Hotel Bar, Walking out towards where She's parked, Clair was saying, "Ron I thought you were goining to Drown your troubles"? "Well, I'm not much of a drinker, Three's quite a few for me, Besides I was enjoying the conversation so much I forgot about Drowning". "He, He, Well, I very much enjoy the evening, it's been a long time since I've been out". "Ya, It's the first time I've been out since filing the Divorce Papers". "Ah, this is only...

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Attorney Client Privilege

“Mr. O’Brien,” the small white-haired legal secretary spoke into the phone as she sized up the thuggish caramel-skinned man standing in front of her. “Your two o’clock is here.” She paused and wrinkled her pointy noise. “He says he’ll be right with you. Have a seat. May I offer you a bottle of water?”“Naw, I’m good,” replied the client. “I’ll just wait.”A few minutes later, F. Jamison O’Brien appeared wearing a neat slim-fit J. Farrar black suit, a pastel green Van Heusen sateen-finish...

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Attorney Client Relationship

Attorney Jessica Hart drove through the winding streets of San Francisco while thinking about the case she lost in federal court the previous day. She made several mistakes that allowed the jury to convict her client, Ralph Freelander, of racketeering, prostitution, and gambling. The conviction carried a mandatory prison sentence of eighty years. The thirty year old attorney spent the previous night preparing the appeal paperwork. She stopped her car at the gates of Freelander’s estate, and...

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TornadoChapter 3

We blew out the candle in the bathroom and went back into the main room of the basement. "I better check and see if we can actually get out of here, Mom." I wanted to fuck her so bad but someone could have opened the door and interrupted us. I put on my boxer shorts and climbed up the steps. I pushed against the concrete door with all my might but I couldn't budge it. You could say we were trapped in there. But we didn't feel trapped. We didn't have electricity or any ways of...

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TornadoChapter 4

We filled the tub up and climbed in. I went in first and Mom sat between my legs with her back resting against my chest. I liked that because it was comfortable for her and I could fondle her tits and pussy. My cock was also nestled between her ass cheeks. We washed each other all over and played around in there. After a while Mom looked down at her legs and frowned, "I need to shave my legs. They are starting to get hairy and I want them to be smooth for my man." She paused and then her...

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Attorney is seduced by client

Mrs. Garr was an extremely attractive woman in her mid-20’s, and I was handling her legal suet… “Mrs. Garr, what company are you insured by?” I asked her. “Do you find me attractive, Mr. Riely?” she asks me in return. “Excuse me” I reply, knowing full well what she had asked me. “You heard me” she says, beginning to lick her full red lips. “Well, yes, but anyway..” I stammer. “Well, I find you very...

2 years ago
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Attorney Cum Laude

Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to ‘show my stuff.’ But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun’s hottest night-spot, ‘Bare Your Soul’. We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college...

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DirtyWivesClub Nikki Delano 22311

Nikki Delano’s alone a lot because her husband travels so much … so much so that she’s complaining to her girlfriend that she’s not getting enough dick! Nikki’s used a sex toy plenty of times, but she’s NEEDS a flesh rocket! Her friend suggests she try a web site aimed to fulfill lonely wives’ needs, so Nikki does just that and awaits her treat in lingerie. Next thing you know a man named Logan arrives at her home, along with his big dick! Nikki’s so turned on by it — and by the fact that she’s...

3 years ago
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The Cafeteria Mgr

Where I worked was fortunate enough to have a small cafeteria. The female manager was about 10 yrs younger than me. We were friendly to each other but that’s about it. As I’ve said earlier it starts with eyes. I began noticing her looking at me while I was at lunch. I smiled at her and she smiled back. While waiting on line to order she would do the same thing. This went on for a couple weeks. Sort of flirting but not. I knew she was married from the ring on her finger. Then one day,...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 271

At bedtime, Eric showered while Angela went to check on the girls. She stayed in their room long enough to make him wonder what was going on. After he dried off, he hastily donned his shorts and slipped under the sheet. His protestations about his sister sleeping with him had landed on deaf ears earlier, but when she finally returned from the girls' bedroom, and after she had assured him the girls were fine, he tried once more. "Baby, I really don't think your sleeping with me is a good...

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The Exhibit Part 5 Domination and Slavery conclusion

Part 5: Domination and Slavery (conclusion) Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how the use of Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds to obey her, so very deeply. mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica....

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Sam 29

planetary time unit = day ---------------------------- Both Sam and Mellos could feel when the seven melded Tetricon council, smashed against the shield. Sam turned to look at Mellos as they both held fast. A moment later Sam felt a small nudge, (Sam, how can this be of help to you? We will do as you ask though for now, we are confused.) Came the thoughts of the male elite. (If I have this calculated right, you'll see what I am trying to do,) returned Sam's thoughts. Sam could feel that...

3 years ago
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Cuckold With A Sex Starved Swapna In Front Of Her Husband

Hand Shakes for Boys and Boob Shakes for Girls and this is your Vikram back again with a real new experience, Thanks to one and all for your suggestion and comments on my previous stories kindly please read my previous stories if you had not read, at Vikram_2541 and this is all my new experience which I had with a reader and her husband, who complimented my story and wished a real experience as a cuckold which I am going to narrate. My Dear beautiful women of Delhi namely girls, Aunties,...

4 years ago
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Purani kahani aap biti

Hi ridder i am suman This is own story. 16 year ago my boy Frind sanjay he is 6 year big to me. He is very Qute simple Im study in twelth Class. Sanjay is strugle in own bussiness. Our Family is lower middle class. Than our stablish problam is many. But main bahut khush rahti thi sanjay bhi mere sath bahut khush rahta tha lakin oro se bahut chidta tha. Usme kisi tarhe ka koi aeb na tha. Hame meelne ka maoka bahut kam milta tha lakin ek dusre ko dekh din me kai bar lete the. Knyoki ham padosi...

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My First Pleasure Filled Sex With A Ho Gujarati Bhabhi

Yeh incidents shuru hui pichle dho saal pehle I mean 2014 november ki time main hui thi. Mai apni bsc final year mai tha and mere bachelors starting time se hi mai apni expenses kudh samal ne school students ko group main tuitions b padaya kartha tha. Ek student ki mom mujhe apni wasap se positive thoughts wali msgs bheja karth thi jo age bad kar sexual comedy wali bangayi ho thodi soch main padgaya as she is my studen’s mom and woh badi posh ghar ki lady thi. Dhikne main bhahi sex goddess mano...

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NaughtyOffice Ariana Marie 24547

This prick again! Johnny’s lingering in the office after hours, looking for reasons to tell his wife he’s going to be late when one trickles in, wearing a tight black skirt, stockings, heels and a red, silk shirt. Carrying her box of things, Ariana Marie tells him she was just promoted to be working under Mr. Nixon, and she’s looking for her office to get a head start next week. The office horndog leads the sexy brunette to her new digs, all the while learning that his reputation precedes him....

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Introduction: A man trapped in a loveless marriage has some help from nature. I am Jason, a mid thirties married man living in suburbia. My wife Tiffany and I have been married for almost ten years. We have no kids, she never wanted any. That sounded great when I was younger and I didnt mind when we bought the house in a great neighborhood. Its easy for us to manage our money and do all the things our friends cant. They have kids and all the trappings involved. Still as time goes on and Tiffany...

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Todos los días cuando entras a tu clase en la universidad y vez a Clara sientes la necesidad de hablarle para que por fin separe de tu existencia, pero nunca lo has hecho eco de tus inseguridades han evitado que eso ocurrió, pero te logras convencer de que HOY ES EL DIA, hoy sera el dia en el que lograrás hablarle sin sentir que ves a decir algo estúpido que te hará perder cualquier oportunidad con ella.

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Eddie and Patricia Get Started

Eddie can very clearly remember when he first thought of his mother as an object of his desire. Oddly, it wasn't even his idea: it was his father's. Eddie normally didn't get along very well with his father, who often seemed cold and distant. But he was secretly very grateful for everything his father taught him that day. Eddie's father had taken him out for a father-son camping trip. The camping trip wasn't his father's idea, but was Eddie's. It was Eddie's mother, Patricia, who...

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Cheating Rajasthan Housewife 8211 Part 2 Pati Ke Dost

Hey guys, main Rizwana ek baar firse aapke sath apna ek aur naya incident share karne aayi hu. Pichli sex kahani mein maine bataya tha, ki kis tarah college time ke mere boyfriend ke sath meri firse mulaqaat hui, aur kaise fir hamari chudai la silsila shuru ho gaya. Us din ki chudai ke baad mera boyfriend week mein 2-3 baar aata tha mujhe chodne. Is tarah meri sex life jo almost dull ho gayi thi, wo dobara se enlighten hone lagi thi. Abhi mere boyfriend se meri chudai ko restart hue maheena...

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The Unexpected Anniversary Gift Part3

This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2012 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...

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Friends old Aunt

This is not my story. It was told to me by a male friend and it is a true story. It is written by him so that it is his words and not mine. I wanted to post it because he introduced me to this woman and we had our own experience which I will write about also.While at a retirement party for a friend I was introduced to an older woman he said was his Aunt. She looked to be maybe in her mid to late seventies with a slim build. She was your typical gray hair older woman and was dressed very...

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Nerd Love

It was any normal day for Jimmy, he woke up at 11 A.M. did all his homework and logged onto WoW. When he logged in his friend whom he made on the game who's name is Carly started talking to him. She asked him how he was doing and all the normal stuff that one would ask friends, but then it got more personal, she started to ask how old he was, which he responded truthfully, and where he lived. He told Carly where he lived and it turned out they were right down the street from each other. They...

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Accidents Will Happen Sweet Revenge

Accidents Will Happen - Sweet Revenge By Maximillian Excaliber Teaser "Please, Baby, fuck me now!" I couldn't believe she had just said that to me. Hell, I still have trouble believing that Kelly, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and my childhood friend, was lying naked on my bed when she said it. But wait, I am getting ahead of myself. Chapter One "Coming Home" You see, it all started last Friday when our bosses had thrown us one of those few bones that the Corporate Demi-Gods, in...

Straight Sex
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First time BBC

Dave and Kelly had been married 5 years years since they was both 18 now both 23 they think they have a good sex life. Dave is an average he guy in many ways but he works hard for what he's got which is a lot he's 5'8 with blonde hair pale skin he used to be in shape but no more. He's let himself go abit while Kelly has just got better with age and with money he lets her spend on herself she always looks very hot. At 5'3 and size 8 with blonde curly hair and a nice tan with the smallest ass and...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 40 Truths and Revelations

It took Celestine the rest of the morning to find a way to slip away from her job – in order to perform the duties of her second job. She found Rucar overseeing the tent city that had arisen and waited for him to motion her forward before she approached. Rucar finished his instructions and walked over to speak to the young maid. “Good day, Celestine,” he said. “What brings you out beyond the walls?” “I ... I am not certain,” Celestine admitted. “There are strange happenings at the castle...

1 year ago
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Good Girls SwallowChapter 11 Fucking Big Idiots

"Pounds sound much, much less remiss," the leader of the five said. Bobbie began to laugh and Sir William nodded. "Of course, I misspoke," I answered in a deadpan voice. "I meant to say a hundred and fifty pounds. I laughed. "All remissions have been wiped out, Mister Hundley. The slate is clean. We shall be on the alert for any other intrusions into your privacy during your stay with us." He nodded and turned to leave. "Please tell your manager to advance you the funds and put...

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Till the End of Time

2 May, 1975 ‘Grace, where am I and what happened?’ she feebly uttered as she tried to focus on the woman who softly held her hand. Her neighbor Grace Swanson squeezed her hand as she sought to reply, ‘Maddie, when the Navy Chaplain and the other officer informed you of Alex’s death you fainted. They tried to get you conscious but you didn’t respond so they called the ambulance. You’re in the hospital for 24 hours for observation.’ Maddie’s stomach suddenly knotted up and the horrible anguish...

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Kimberlys Life as an AbsoluteChapter 10

I guess that I must have been too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the young couple walking behind me staring a hole through me as I walked. I have to say that I really didn't notice then until we where just about at the turn to the hallway the elevator is on. It was then that I saw them both staring at me until they saw me looking back at them and they both shyly turned there heads away when I saw Mary standing in front of the elevator still naked. Luckily or not I...

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I need to tell shy

Alvin: Do you need big dick to orgasm?me: No, but I need One Cute Girl in my bed and one Innocent boy getting fucked by me and this cute little girl. That makes me cum hard.Alvin: So you don't like big ones?me: I never think of dick size, never had to do that since I didn't had any enourmus or tiny ones. I love dicks, but what I love the most is when the guy gives me instructions in bed. Uhh

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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 4 The Chinese Threat

Jack watched as Lloyd calmly put the gun back into his jacket pocket, "There was no need for that!" He exclaimed angrily Lloyd looked at Jack with untroubled eyes, "I had my orders, to stop him from passing any information on." He said "But we needed to know who he was talking to? I mean what does Operation Golden Blossom mean? Obviously he knew about that but we don't. Now how do we find this out?" Jack said heatedly. "We'd just check what the last number dialled was, that will...

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Its A Wonderful Wife Chapter 3

The drive seemed as if it would never end. Kent and the hotel clerk both said that it would take about 15 minutes to get to this secluded location – and they were right. Probably it was closer to 20 minutes. When they were just about convinced that somewhere they made a wrong turn and were lost, wah la there it was. A very small sign saying “Private Property – Restricted Access,” exactly what Kent said. They turned onto a road that took a sharp turn behind a tall sand dune. There was a small...

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Slut Accelerator Kit

The planned sexual jamboree had finally come, after lots of meticulous planning. As an aficionado of kink, no stone had been left unturned. Besides cross-referencing the adult-site and Facebook, time had been spent googling. Months were spent charming the metaphorical pants off of this submissive, a shy mom hungering for affection as well as a dosage of humor and thrills.As instructed, after arriving at the hotel she slipped into lingerie, and gagged herself to make sure none of her drivel got...

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My voyeur escapades

Ism 54 years old .my mom past away 21 years ago. I started peeking on my Mom when I was 14 years old. Back then my mom used to bath and leave her panties in the bathroom. One day I was curious as to what a panty would smell like fresh off her pussy. So I waited and went in the bathroom right after she had her bath.. I found her panties in the laundry basket in the bathroom. I took 2 ,1 was pink the other was white. The pink one was the freshest , I put it to my nose and my cock got rock...

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