Torn lives
- 2 years ago
- 23
- 0
This is, I thought to myself as I dialed, one of the strangest phone calls I have ever made in my life. What was even more bizarre was that the first strangest phone call I had ever made was only two months ago. And was related to this one, in fact, without that one this one would not be possible; I thought sardonically that I was breaking personal records right and left.
But how do I go about this thing, I started to wonder; Hang out in single bars? I couldn't do that. I didn't even like bars that much. I mean, my physical appearance is the issue. I'm a twenty four years old guy, I am in good shape. I kept myself pretty fit, and though I had a good muscular body, is my impression my face and head still draw too much attention which makes me very nervous and I feel uncomfortable in the presence of people who I do not know.
Besides, women put as much emphasis on men's good looks, or so I think. So, the bar scene was out. Then what? –do I approach a mature female, and say, "Hey, I want to jump in bed with you because I want to get experience with a mature woman before I die" I'm sure the slap would win me a word championship, if only it would just stop there and the police didn't lockup me in a mental institution and threw the key away
And then it hit me. I didn't want to get in trouble, I didn't want to risk an emotional development and then leave, but I wanted to feel a mature woman's body, feel what it's like to be made love and be educated in the nuisances of sex by a knowledgeable female. The only choice was, at first, distasteful, and then, like the evolution of my emotions about living with a scarred face, totally reasonable: A call girl.
With someone who does this professionally, several aspects of my search are eliminated: no hunting, no rejection, no embarrassment and disrespect of anyone I don't know, and no long games of persuasion. It was simple, I pay her, and she comes to me.
I was about to find out, and receive the biggest surprise of my life.
In one of my now infrequent landings I went to talk to my lawyer and stockbroker, now a friend, and we talked about my investments and other particular aspects of my life, my health and the proximity of my retirement and what was I going to do with my life from now on.
"Ok Pierce, now, I'm your friend, you know that, I 'm worried about you. After the accident your life has changed, and except the money part, you are almost rich, your life is in shambles. I think is a good time for you to look for a good girl and get married, or else" my lawyer said to me.
"Is that a legal advice?" said I trying to joke with the theme
"No Pierce, is a friend's advice, you need a woman in your life, someone who loves you"
"As if that were so easy; Ok, maybe to you it is, you're a brilliant and rich lawyer, and have lots of nice women at your snapping of fingers, but look at me, I'm deformed and I can't go asking women to date me"
"First let me tell you something: YOU ARE NOT DEFORMED, you are a little, very little different to the handsome boy you were, you think you are deformed, your face has only changed a bit, in fact you are more interesting, your aspect is manlier now than before"
"Yea, yea, right, and frogs fly"
"Let me think, maybe I have a solution, a transitory one mind you, but none the less it would do for now, until you get back your self-esteem."," Call me in a few days ok, I must make some calls and try to connect some important people"
A couple months later I called my lawyer and friend; he had a phone number and two names I should contact. It was time to found out if the tip I had received from my lawyer was true or it was a joke. I was making the second strangest phone call of my life, and it was being answered.
"Good evening, International Trade Company, Miss Forrest speaking, how can I help you?" The lady's voice sounded professional and calm.
I cleared my throat. Just be direct, I told myself. The worst think it can happen is they hang up on you. "Hi, I'm Pierce Bridgeport" I said pleasantly, as if I were about to order a gift basket for someone, "I was uh ... given your company name by my lawyer Dr Phillips and I was wondering if I could make use of the services of your company.
"Yes you can, in fact Dr Phillips has contacted us and mentioned your name as a potential customer of our services" she said, not sounding surprised at all.
"I just need a few personal data from you sir, like name, address, credit card number and a sponsor; in this case Dr Phillips recommendation is sufficient, and uh sir you will need a complete medical check-out including blood tests to prevent the possibility of spreading some disease, if there is any; our ladies are protected, the same as our clients are; ours is a very discreet and careful enterprise"
I smiled. They must be fairly popular in some social circles, I thought.
"Okay, that's fine. I'll fax you the medical tests" And I gave her the data she needed, Phillips had told me they checked very thoroughly every new prospective client.
"Now sir, when would you like the lady keep you company? I mean from two days on"
I presumed that these two days were needed to check that my identity would not create problems to the enterprise.
"What do you need from me; I mean where do we go from here?"
"Well, sir, first of all, is there any type of lady you are looking for? Specific physical things, race, size, hair color... ?"
I let out a little nervous laugh. "Well, yes I don't know if you can get what I'm specially looking for, I mean I'm assuming they are all pretty young and pretty attractive-"
"Yes, they all are that," she joined me in the little laugh, and I was much more comfortable now."What are you looking for specifically?
"Well, I just want someone who has umm ... experience. That won't feel uncomfortable with me, you know, she must be around forty years old, and blond, very blond with deep blue eyes..."
"Don't worry. I think I've got just the lady of your dreams. Her name is Rachel. She's forty-four, and very open-minded, and I'm pretty sure she's what you are looking for."
"Hum. Well fine, now umm ... how much is all this going to cost me?"
"There's a flat fee of $1.000 for her to come out, and that's for an hour and a half with her. That's just for being with her. You may go dancing, to dine, to walk, anything other than companionship you have to negotiate with her. Your activities and the time they take you'll discuss with Rachel, and if she requires more, then you work it out with her."
I was silent several seconds, and then the voice brought me out of my reverie:
"Are you there sir? Do you need time to think? Would you like to call another time?
"No, no, no I'm here, everything is all right. So may I hope to receive your call in a couple days to confirm the date of my ... err reunion with the lady?"
"Yes sir we will contact you, one way or another. Good evening"
"Good evening, I wait your call. Thank you"
Rachel. A shiver went through me, and I already was fascinated by this mystery "call lady". There would be more than an hour and half if I had anything to say. I wasn't a guy, who wanted to "get laid" I wanted a life experience,. I knew already this was a good decision.
Three days later I was called and asked what day would suit me. I told them and I paid the flat fee over the phone with my credit card, and supplied again my address, and directions. The woman assured me that Rachel would be arriving within an hour to an hour and a half. My apartment was in a condo a little ways out of the city, and it would take her a while to get here.
I walked through the living room and made sure it looked neat, and then I got into the shower. I had a light, dancing feeling in my groin. My fingers went to my sex and stroked gently, but I resisted the urge to masturbate. I wanted to save my sexual energy for what; I was sure, lie ahead.
I toweled off and went to my closet. What to wear? I laughed at myself. I haven't had the opportunity to dress formal many times, and never for the visit of a "call lady" coming to my home. I chose to keep it basic, Canadian shirt and Jeans, loafers with white socks. My apartment was simply decorated, Mexican tile, and wood. Ceiling fans with rattan blades, and big Afghan throw rugs. I wondered what Rachel, probably used to meeting men in hotels, would think of being here.
Very nervous while I waited, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, turned both ways. Not bad, not bad at all. Then I looked closely at my face and almost instantly, I regretted the phone call. A vision of a "prostitute"-that's what she was, wasn't it? pushed its way into my mind's eye like a burglar coming in a window. A saw this pretty, pouty, overly made up girl, eyes dulled by robotic sex, chewing gum and counting my money, going through the motions with me, because I was paying her, and asking me,
"That does it. You're fired. Get your ass out of here and when you get home pack your shit and leave." I couldn't believe what I had just heard. This was my Uncle Roy telling me this. He was shouting as always, as he did every time he opened his mouth to me. I am twenty years old and I had been living with him since my folks died when I was fifteen. The court had pressured him to take me in as he was my only living relative. I believe I was more slave than kin. He owned a convenience...
Mom and I lived out in a small town in the middle of Oklahoma. It's just the two of us since Dad was killed when I was three. A drunk driver took his life and ever since then, it's been Mom and me. She was heartbroken at the prospect of being a widow at 23. She loved my dad very much and hasn't re-married. Mom is very pretty. When she dolls herself up - usually only reserved for church - she is beautiful. Dad left us with a fairly sizable insurance policy. We also received a generous...
The fortune teller was wrong, I sniffed miserably. She had predicted a sparkling future with a dark haired man in my life. I had been confident it was Paul, but it seemed the old woman had made a gigantic error in her interpretation of the Tarot cards It had been three days since I had heard from him; three long days since the email telling me we had been seen out together by his wife's friend and he needed a break from everything. This was more than enough time to conclude that he had made...
Natasha Bridgeport, neé Sorenson, was the only offspring of a couple formed by third generation Norwegian immigrants in the mountain ranges of Idaho, near Montana. In fact the nearest town to their family ranch is Clark Fork over interstate 95. Despite her parents being strict Presbyterians, she was a loved and pampered girl, not strange to the works of the ranch as any hand would, who went from a long legged and adorable teenager to a beautiful young woman. She had inherited the genes of her...
Sleep claimed me at last and, surprisingly, it was free of dreams and nightmares. I swam up from an inky blackness to the greyish light that entered my bedroom via the windows on the south side of the room. I sensed Rachel was already gone. I blinked and rose up on one elbow. It was gloomy and raining. The bedside clock read 9:45 a.m. Then I remembered the night before and my heart was filled with warm sunshine and bright happiness. I jumped out of bed and paused as my neck and shoulder...
These are my mother's words, the story of her life as she told me after our reconciliation, so I would be able to fill the gaps in my mind of her and my family's life story, everything that I did not know and should. When I met Pierce's father, my late husband, I was a young and impressionable woman, just a newcomer to the big city from the distant western lands. He, he was a dream-like come true, the man with which all women, from their earliest childhood, dream to get. We met and...
I went back to work after my father's burial, but I was indifferent to everything around me, soulless. When back in my condo from the cemetery to take a drink, Melanie had told me unequivocally that she did not want to see me ever again; to her, my attitude towards my mother in the graveyard had been a huge disappointment about me as a person, as a son, and a lover. I really didn't know what to do with my life. I thought, and thought, and thought trying to make a decision to sort my life...
At Christmas, inspired, I remembered a Christmas fifteen years ago with my grandparents and I went to the storeroom in the back of the house and brought up an old Christmas tree that we had first used when I came on vacation from High School. It was an old artificial tree, in a place full of live pines, which had grown old with. Mom; it was still packed full of old ornaments and lights. We, Natasha and me, spent that evening putting it up and we thoroughly enjoyed decorating the tree as we...
After that wonderful Christmas evening the next days and weeks were uneventful, snow kept falling and we made the ranch house a living cocoon; we had everything we needed to live our romance undisturbed, leaving the house the minimum required to breathe clean air and walk around. Surely, we made love, she didn't know it, but I was living a dream, a long time dream. The bed was the place where we spent most of the time, but the floor in front of the fire place on a blanket was our favorite...
"My god Pierce, you are very handsome, come near my love so mom can kiss your face hurt" At those words my penis did inflate like a balloon and as one went up instantly. I took her in my arms and started kissing her, mouth, nose, eyes, neck, breasts and down to her tummy. When I was sniffing her wafting scent and preparing to plunge into her pussy, she stopped me taking my head with her hands and told me, "Wait my dear, today I repay you, let me make love to you". I could see my...
Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to "show my stuff." But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun's hottest night-spot, "Bare Your Soul". We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college...
TabooIt is a Thursday during my senior year and my lunch has just ended and we hear the tornado sirens go off. Some people though it might be a test but the school officials knew that test are done on the first Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. So they have us all sit in the inner halls of the school with the lockers to our backs. Everyone has at least two lockers to their back. Of course there is the occasional student that has 4 lockers to their back either because they are quite strong or just fat....
I stayed in Mom's pussy after I came. What I lacked in experience, I made up for in youth and enthusiasm. I was hard again before long. That must have been a new experience for her and her eyes widened. "Oh, Tommy," she sighed in pleasure. I started to fuck her again but she stopped me. While I stayed inside her, she rocked forward and held on to me. I let her do what she wanted and allowed her to put me on my back. Mom was on top now and in the cowgirl position. I didn't know what was...
I woke up early the next morning to strange sounds. It sounded like trucks but in my state of half-consciousness, I wondered why I was hearing trucks. Then the fog lifted and I realized that they were outside and more than likely trying to clean up the debris that was our house. I woke up Mom and told her what was happening. "We're rescued, sweetie!" she exclaimed as she hugged me. I said, "We better get dressed before they see us like this." "Good point," Mom replied. "They may...
As Stacy arrives at the apartment complex that she is managing for an out of state owner, she thought, "I'm sure glad that Ron was able to get me this job of Manager, even if its not in the best neighborhood and most of the tenants are on subsidized housing, it's nice to have the extra income and still be my own boss, free to come and go as I please". At the small park area of the complex Ramon, fifteen, and Lex, nineteen, sat at the only small picnic bench. Lex having just finished...
As Stacy arrives home, still a little high from the half of a joint she smoked earlier, and still feeling aroused, heading into her bedroom, "I can't believe how excited I got letting that boy look at me like that". Sitting on her bed opening her purse and taking out the half smoked roach, "Maybe just a little more would help me relax, I wish Ron didn't leave on that trip, the asshole". Just finishing boarding the plane, "So Ron, how did your wife take the short notice of the...
The next morning, Stacy awakes to find herself, as she has been for the past few day's, highly aroused, and slides her hand down between her legs, slowly caressing her sensitive clit, moving her other hand to rub her erect nipples, "I would have though after cumming so much last night I wouldn't be so horny." Continuing to masturbate herself, she hears her mothers voice once again. Relucently, she stops, getting herself out of bed and into the shower, "I guess the only way I can get...
Finally comming back to reality, still trying to absorb the situation, George thought, "Here I am Black, overweight, old, and not to good looking and I've got this sexy blonde haired bitch bent over her desk just waiting for me to search her." George decided right then he was going to fuck her, one way, or the other! George felt his mood change, no more Mr.Nice but rather Mr. Tough, With a tone unlike him he ordered! "Spread your legs." Stacy jumped at his voice, and spread her legs...
After over an hour of ravishing Stacy, George sits in the chair staring at her lying on the table thinking "She looks like an angle, so beautiful and God what a mess, come flowing from her cunt, on her thighs and tits" Looking down at his own crotch "Shit I've got to clean up myself" Fetching some paper towels from the bathroom, after cleaning up he hands them to her thinking. "Oh My God I'VE JUST RAPED HER, OH SHIT, OH SHIT, WHAT IF SHE REPORTS THIS, I COULD BE IN DEEP SHIT,...
Stacy's in her bed with her vibrator friend, having a hard time dealing with her frustrations. "Ooh god, yes, sooo close ahhh, Yess Ummmmmm, Plleaseee, SSooo close, Dam, DAMMMM, GGGGOOD DAMMIT, 'MOTHER', GET OUT OF MY FANTACIES, FUCK, SHIT!" "Please I have to get off, before I have to go see those Assholes again It's so humiliating begging, they sit there so fucking smug, teasing, laughing and calling me names, and then they keep making me beg." "Relax and try again Stacy, but the...
"Ramon, give me a hand gettin back into the chair" "Sure dad, be right there" "Just wheel it over, set the break, and fold" "Shit dad, I know the drill, Man, how many times I done this for ya before, God" "Have I told ya before how much I appricated it"? "Na, But shit, don't be gettin all mushy on me" "Hell Son, It's been just you' n' me since your Mom took one look at this chair and hi'tailed it, But Shit, I do appricate all help, I guess it's been a while since I...
"Hello Lex, and this beautiful woman must be Stacy, go on in the Office, I'll be with you in a second. Hey, Lex, the 'white' dress and that 'Vail' in your hand, what's up" "Shit, Ben I, Ah, Well, I think I have her talked into watching a Porno Movie on your 'Big Ass T V' and have her wearing all her wedding Stuff on, while I, Ah, You know, I mean, what a Turn On, Doing her in the dress that she got married to some other guy in". "Ha, Ha', Lex you pervert, Ya, that would be...
"Turn around Bitch, so we can see them titties, Oh Ya, Hey Guy's Look at these tits on the Cunt, Man, Bitch you got some Long ass Hard Nipples, Guy's I think It' time to Play 'Kiss the Brides Nipples', The line forms behind me, MMm, Taste's good I think I'm gonna Nibble on one!" "Oweee, PLease, That hurts!" "Too bad Bitch, Your ours Now, I've got her arms, Who's next in line?" "Oweee, OH, Ouh, OOuh, YOUR Hurting Me, Please Don't Bite SO Hard!" "Come on over to the Pool...
"Hello Ron, It's Glen, did you talk to my friend at the Breau"? "Well, then do you still feel the same way, He told you about the Blackmail and everything didn't He"? "Are you Sure, I mean don't you want to talk to her first"? "I understand, It's just I want to make sure this isn't a rushed decision". "But I want you to Reconsider leaving, the Firm and the area". "You What, Shit, when are you leaving for the interview"? "Well, I hate to see you go but I...
As Ron and Clair were leaving the Hotel Bar, Walking out towards where She's parked, Clair was saying, "Ron I thought you were goining to Drown your troubles"? "Well, I'm not much of a drinker, Three's quite a few for me, Besides I was enjoying the conversation so much I forgot about Drowning". "He, He, Well, I very much enjoy the evening, it's been a long time since I've been out". "Ya, It's the first time I've been out since filing the Divorce Papers". "Ah, this is only...
“Mr. O’Brien,” the small white-haired legal secretary spoke into the phone as she sized up the thuggish caramel-skinned man standing in front of her. “Your two o’clock is here.” She paused and wrinkled her pointy noise. “He says he’ll be right with you. Have a seat. May I offer you a bottle of water?”“Naw, I’m good,” replied the client. “I’ll just wait.”A few minutes later, F. Jamison O’Brien appeared wearing a neat slim-fit J. Farrar black suit, a pastel green Van Heusen sateen-finish...
Attorney Jessica Hart drove through the winding streets of San Francisco while thinking about the case she lost in federal court the previous day. She made several mistakes that allowed the jury to convict her client, Ralph Freelander, of racketeering, prostitution, and gambling. The conviction carried a mandatory prison sentence of eighty years. The thirty year old attorney spent the previous night preparing the appeal paperwork. She stopped her car at the gates of Freelander’s estate, and...
We blew out the candle in the bathroom and went back into the main room of the basement. "I better check and see if we can actually get out of here, Mom." I wanted to fuck her so bad but someone could have opened the door and interrupted us. I put on my boxer shorts and climbed up the steps. I pushed against the concrete door with all my might but I couldn't budge it. You could say we were trapped in there. But we didn't feel trapped. We didn't have electricity or any ways of...
We filled the tub up and climbed in. I went in first and Mom sat between my legs with her back resting against my chest. I liked that because it was comfortable for her and I could fondle her tits and pussy. My cock was also nestled between her ass cheeks. We washed each other all over and played around in there. After a while Mom looked down at her legs and frowned, "I need to shave my legs. They are starting to get hairy and I want them to be smooth for my man." She paused and then her...
Mrs. Garr was an extremely attractive woman in her mid-20’s, and I was handling her legal suet… “Mrs. Garr, what company are you insured by?” I asked her. “Do you find me attractive, Mr. Riely?” she asks me in return. “Excuse me” I reply, knowing full well what she had asked me. “You heard me” she says, beginning to lick her full red lips. “Well, yes, but anyway..” I stammer. “Well, I find you very...
Larissa laughed boisterously, egging me on to ‘show my stuff.’ But I have never been an exhibitionist and always considered my body sanctified. Larissa however was clad only in her matching white bra and panties. Her plump, pink, puffy areolas were now clearly visible through the material. It had become transparent from the water sprayed on her by the staff of Cancun’s hottest night-spot, ‘Bare Your Soul’. We stood on stage accepting the hoots of applause from hundreds of horny college...
My first story. And it is the true story of my first encounter with a CD. With a click of the mouse, I had committed… I was going to meet a cross dresser just a few miles from home. Could I go through with it? Is it really what I wanted? Who was I kidding? Of course I wanted it. Now it was time to just suck it up, princess. I took a quick shower and the dressed in my tiniest, sexiest briefs, painted on designer jeans and a white, button down shirt. I was as ready as I would ever be. During the...
Gada house Jethalal soya hua tha or daya nashta bana rahi thi tapu school ke liye teyyar ho rha tha babuji paper padh rahe the Babuji→bahu jetha nahi utha hai kya abhi tak Daya→nahi babuji abhi tapu ke papa nahi uthe hai Babuji→utha us kumbhkarn ko Daya→thik hai babuji Daya jethalal ko uthane jati hai Daya→utho tappu ke papa 9 baj gaye hai Jethalal→sone dena daya Daya→utho babuji chilla rahe hai Jethalal uth jata hai or nahane chala jata hai Daya tapu ko lunch deti hai or tapu school chala...
It's a beautiful sunny day as Cat walks towards my office. She enjoys these warm summer in the U.S. knowing she can wear a light sundress......with nothing on underneath. Cat knows that the eyes of the men on the street...and some women too, are undressing her as she walks down the sidewalk. Smiling, she makes sure to accentuate her every move, her dress caressing her thighs as she walks and a slight breeze running over her body. Reaching my office, she strolls into the outer office....
"Did you bring the pictures, Mrs. Bartlett?" "Yes, Reverend." Bernice placed the envelope on the desk and stood nervously before the seated minister. "Becky looked wonderful after her visit with you this afternoon. So happy." "She's a wonderful girl, Sister Bartlett. You and Mr. Bartlett have brought her up well." Wilson's balls were not as swollen and painful now as they were two hours ago after his preparatory session with the woman's ripe-fourteen-year-old daughter and having...
I broke out in a sudden sweat as I saw both of the armed women in the room move their hands closer to their guns. Claire’s husband, Mick, had read our offer. His jaw had clenched. His face had become red. Veins had popped out on his neck. He had taken several deep breaths, stood and said, ‘Come on, Claire. Ditch these bitches and come home. I know that I messed up and I’ll make that up to you, but I’m not going to agree to any of this. If you divorce me, I’m going to take the kids. You’re an...
Hi friends mera naam hai golu and this is my first story, meri story ki starting hoti hai ek 10 saal ke bache se jo ek boys school me padhta tha vo 5 th class me thi or uske school me 5th tak girls padh sakti thi 5 th class ke batch me ek ladki thi pratiksha,jo golu ko acchi lagti thi,lekin boys school ke effect ke vajah se boys and girls me kafi distance tha! Mene (golu) 5th 98 percent se pass ki or vo b padai me thik thi but I was The topper of my class even in school 5th pass karne ke baad...
Birthday Part 2 How could I feel secure in my masculinity dressed like this? I had never thought that the night before my birthday I would be standing here in front of my wife Elizabeth, dressed like her, wearing a black lace babydoll top and panties, standing in pumps with a six inch heel. I had never thought I would be wearing lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, false lashes and a ribbon in my hair either. I was excited by the feeling of my first lace underwear and I felt warmer than I...
FROM THE BEGINNING I knew about the Indian casino, but not the after hours casino run by racketeers(the same ones that the movie Godfather was made about). The Indians would sell the debt markers to the racketeers, and they would encourage the person in debt to come to their casino to win back their money. I found all about this at a later date. Krystal went to the Indian casino with her girlfriends, and she got in way over her head with her gambling. It appeared that the Indians encourage...
The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...
I get BUSTED.... I just kept thinking about that great blow job as I was driving home that evening. The way Mariel had taken it all the way down her throat was just amazing to me, and how she had found my prostate thing with her finger!!! No one had ever done THAT to me before! I guess I wasn't really paying much attention to myself as I parked the car and scooped up my "Girlie Cumm" soaked clothes and made my way into the house. " Hi Honey ! My you are certainly home late from...
As you may be aware, a woman at work stated coming on to me recently, this led to a couple of 'store cupboard' incidents, quick, secret fumblings and quick, knee trembling fucks. Well, yesterday we went to a local Travelodge to allow ourselves a bit of time to enjoy the fun.I arranged an early 11am check in, checked in and then drove to meet her nearby and we then drove to the hotel in my car. She was really nervous and I could see her trembling a little. She kept saying 'What if someone...
Winter had finally arrived and the snow was falling generously outside. It looked so serene as the white fluffy specks fell graciously to the ground as I looked out my kitchen window. The fresh coffee brewing sent the aroma through the air of the kitchen and brought my senses more to life as I waited for the dark liquid to finish dripping so I could pour some in my awaiting mug on the counter. I knew it would warm me up. It had too. Looking out the window made me feel the coldness surround me...
It was my Sophomore year in College and once again my girlfriend was too busy with homework to spend time with me. We hadn't done anything sexual in a while so I was feeling deprived and extremely horny. I needed to jack off like crazy but my roommate was in the room so I went to the bathroom in the food court building.It was a quiet place. There was only one guy in there and he was at the urinal. I figured he would leave soon so I sat on the stall and took my six-inch erection out and started...
Girls Club - Ch. 2 - The First Meeting Thursday morning, I woke up late with a big headache. After finishing off more than my share of a case of beer in celebration of my joining the Girls Club and passing out on that couch, I woke up in my bed not remembering how I got there. Most of the night was a blur but I remember having a lot of fun. It is amazing what a difference it made to be included instead of being excluded. I stumbled to the bathroom to relieve my bladder and found...
It all started about two years ago. I am a 23 year old married housewife. My husband Jeff and I have been married for three years now. Jeff works away and is only home on weekends if that. That leaves me with a lot of time without my husband and I was going insane. We had just bought a new house and money was tight so I stayed home all week and stared at the walls. I would get these credit cards in the mail all the time. All I had to do was sign them and I could use them. I threw them away...
I walk into the club with Sir. I am wearing an off-the-shoulder short black knit swing dress. It shows off my ample breasts and clings to my round bottom. I have to admit, I feel good in this dress. It has been a few months since my relationship with Mr. B ended. I didn't think I would ever get over him until I met Sir. He is a Dom. This submissive/dominant thing is still strange to me, but it feels like what I need right now. It is a weird thing. A man is telling me what to do ... controlling...
SpankingFirst off I would just like to reiterate that I do actually practice shamanism. The reason I want to reiterate this as I am sure there are people here that know of and or believe in some of the concepts that I am adding to the story and I do not want to offend anyone, because I hold all spiritual practices and religious belief in the utmost respect and know that they are all very, very personal. I would not feel comfortable including any of these ideas if I myself did not practice and or...
Flashing a New Friend – Part 2 I then decided that since she had said she wanted Cody to touch her breast, she’d get that chance. I motioned for Cody to take the strawberry and do what I had. He silently moved to the side of the bed. His hand was literally shaking as he took the strawberry. I stepped back and watched as he began playing with her nipple while gently squeezing her breast. I motioned for him to lick and suck it, which he eagerly did. It seemed he really enjoyed squeezing her thick...
A Note From The Editor: Hello and welcome to the first issue of Amazing Adult Stories, a magazine dedicated to bringing you the best, the most exciting, the most amazing accounts of awe-inspiring adventure, of daring deeds of daredevilry, of enticing erotic endeavours! Yes, this is the magazine aimed at the reader who wishes to be left thrilled and filled with wondrous excitement as he or she flips through the pages and delves deeper into the amazing tales stored within. This is the magazine...
She watched him from a distance, the way he held his posture, his shoulders broad and his arms were tan and muscular. He wiped beads of sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his sweat drenched beater, revealing his toned chest and six pack. She was getting excited in the panties just watching him. Weylie Simmons was a decent looking girl. She stood about 5’4” and weighed a light 120 lbs. She had a round ass and a set of perky 36 C breasts. Her long dark hair lay gently over her shoulder...
Straight SexThere is a sex club in town that I belong to. My wife knows all about it and has for years. She assumes that I need a ‘little piece of strange’ every now and then and lets me go. She also knows that our sex life perks up pretty good for a few weeks afterwards too. So in her mind it is a win win situation. About once a month I go to the sex club and enjoy myself. It is slightly expensive but so is going to a prostitute too. Besides these girls are checked out once a month by a doctor for...
Hi readers! I am back with another erotic story to entertain you all. I am going to share my experiences with a married desperate woman who was hungry to get a suitable cock inside her pussy. Let’s enjoy this one to get relaxed sexually. When I reached Bangalore, it was difficult for me to get a suitable job. I thought it would be better to join a small domestic farm rather than searching an MNC. Luckily I got employed as a computer operator in a small scale industry. The owner was very good...
How i fucked my cousin sister uma and made per pregnant of my child Part II Continue … After she return to her home.. I was sad… Within 2 days i got an idea of visiting her house, as her husband always roam other cities for business… I woke up early in the morning and said to my mom I have some work.. Her family stays 45 Km away from our home. I left my home at 7.30 AM and reached uma house around 8.15, before I enter home I noticed that her husband and children were not at home as her...
IncestIt had been an entire day and night. That’s all. But it felt like forever. “Daddy” could be so cruel. He’d forbidden her to touch herself. Forbidden her from his beautiful cock. Of course, she knew he wasn’t her real Daddy, but sometimes – just sometimes – he made her feel like his petulant daughter. Sometimes like his horny little submissive. Sometimes he even made her feel like his slave. She loved all the various ways he made her feel. Daddy, Sir, Master; he was all of them and much more to...
BDSM07:30, 20 August The choice of the honeymoon suite as their 'home' was obviously appropriate, as brother and sister were as close and attentive as newly weds the next day. Laura was clearly in pain from her defloration and the number of times they had made love, but it was like a badge of honour to her, a sweet pain, a well-earned ache. She had her man and she wouldn't change anything about her first time with him. Every twinge she felt as she walked around reminded her of how he had felt...
When you wake up 30 minutes late, your car won't start, and you show up to work soaked, you know it is going to be a bad day. I am totally irritated with this day! To make matters worse, I have to work with my uptight, boring, by the rules boss, Malcolm. I mean he is so uptight, that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, you would have a diamond in about 2 days. I trudge into the office, glaring at any and every body that dared to look sideways at me. Even my best friend, Valerie, stayed...
ReluctanceTonight is the school play of Moulin Rouge!, and i get to dress up as a beautiful woman. Make-up. Dress. Stockings. The lot. Drama was never the most popular class for the final year, so they needed the extra woman character to be filled by one of the boys. Me. It's not a big role, i don't have many words because my acting sucks. But its going to be a great chance to explore that little more. My mum and her brother (Uncle Gareth) and sister (Aunt Carol) will be coming to watch so i got to...