- 2 years ago
- 19
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The fortune teller was wrong, I sniffed miserably. She had predicted a sparkling future with a dark haired man in my life. I had been confident it was Paul, but it seemed the old woman had made a gigantic error in her interpretation of the Tarot cards
It had been three days since I had heard from him; three long days since the email telling me we had been seen out together by his wife's friend and he needed a break from everything. This was more than enough time to conclude that he had made his choice and it did not include me.
Either that or she had castrated him and he had bled to death in a pool of gore.
Option two was looking pretty tempting... I just hoped it had been painful. It couldn't be any worse than the way I was feeling at this precise moment in time.
The bottle of vodka on the table before me was half empty, as was my stomach. I knew I should have eaten some dinner, but somehow I could find no enthusiasm for food. Even in the depths of my black depression, part of me imagined the glamour of my funeral and strived to create a suitably dramatic ending for my tortured soul. Wasting away from a broken heart seemed a fitting demise — I just hoped the bastard would then feel guilty about the callous way he had used me. It was an unlikely proposition though; he wasn't that sensitive.
I sobbed again and reached for a tissue. My arm knocked the bottle and it fell crashing to the floor, spilling its precious liquid all over the linoleum. Christ, I couldn't even do alcoholic poisoning right!
My head was reeling and I felt like death. I had intended to go out tonight. I had even gone as far as putting my party clothes on. But when it came to it, I just couldn't leave the house. Mandy had sighed in exasperation and left me to wallow in my misery. She had told me right from the beginning it would end in tears and she wasn't about to miss out on a night of clubbing because of my failed romance.
Nobody loves a know-it-all, I had retorted crossly. But she was right and we both knew it. I should have learned my lesson the first time round. He treated me badly then and still I took him back. Ten out of ten for stupidity...
Trying to quell the rising feeling of nausea, I lurched to my feet and stepped over the puddle of Smirnoff. Bloody expensive puddle, I thought irrelevantly. Balefully, I eyed my mobile sat on the worktop. It eyed me back and refused point blank to ring. Nobody loved me it seemed, least of all him.
"Fucking BASTARD!" I screamed pointlessly; he couldn't hear me. The sound echoed off the tiled wall and once again the room was silent but for the faint sound of next door's television.
I knew I should never have got involved with him. It was a mistake to believe that he would eventually choose to be with me. God what a fool I had been. I honestly thought he cared about me. All the bullshit about how badly she treated him, how he was so unhappy. It was all just a line. A line intended to arouse my sympathy and make me feel sorry for him.
And I did feel sorry for him. I wanted to make him feel better and naturally this involved sex. Not that it had done a lot of good. He still chose her over me. Better the devil you know, I concluded bitterly as I lurched into the living room on a cloud of vodka fumes.
The television wavered before my eyes. I debated turning it on and watching some inane crap — but I couldn't find the remote. Flopping down on the sofa, I thought about where I had gone wrong.
Was it when I replied to his text after nearly eighteen months? Or was it when I agreed to meet him again on the basis that I needed to see if I still had feelings for him? No, it was when I began to let my guard down and he slipped through my emotional firewall. From that moment I was doomed. I fell for him all over again and the writing was writ large on the wall — 'you will be fucked over big style'.
He was never going to leave her for me. He even fucking told me! But, being a typical woman, I ignored the obvious signs and persisted on writing my own happy ending.
I curled up miserably into a foetal ball and closed my eyes. The room was spinning and I felt sick to my stomach. The pain was so intense and I wondered if I would ever be able to move past this horrible moment in time. Love was never meant to hurt this much. Love was meant to be all white and fluffy. This was more like a vat of sulphuric acid thrown in my face — it hurt like hell and made me wish I was dead.
I must have passed out shortly after that nihilistic train of thought. The next thing I knew, the sun was shining directly on to my wan face and I was about to throw up. I scarcely made it to the bathroom in time. As the meagre contents of my stomach emptied into the toilet bowl I resolved never to drink again — ever.
"Coffee?" asked Mandy wryly as she stuck her head around the door. I nodded feebly and she vanished to flick the kettle on. God knew I needed more than coffee to make me feel better, but it was a start.
I splashed cold water onto my pasty complexion and looked at myself in disgust. My blonde hair was plastered to my head and my turquoise eyes were flat and dead. God I looked a state. How I hated him at that moment, but I hated myself more knowing he had driven me to such depths of self pity.
The smell of frying bacon slipped through the miasma of depression and a small twinkle of light flickered on in my brain. My stomach propelled me into the kitchen and Mandy smiled sympathetically.
"Eat this," she ordered and I immediately felt better. There was nothing like a bacon sandwich to restore one's faith in humanity.
A week passed and life went on. I felt like a zombie most of the time — functioning, but only on a superficial level. On the surface I was my usual efficient self at work, but beneath it all I was seriously losing the plot.
My heart was broken and I was scarcely able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I knew all the clichés about time healing all wounds, but it felt like this particular wound was rapidly becoming gangrenous. If I had been able to cut my bleeding heart out, I would have.
Mandy was sympathetic to my desolation, but she knew there was very little she could do other than listen to my endless streams of diatribe. It was cathartic at least to spew all the poison out to someone who gave a damn.
"I thought he cared about me!" I wailed for the umpteenth time as we sat drinking coffee one evening.
"Rach, you should know by now men will say ANYTHING to get laid!"
"But I really thought he had changed this time..." I sniffed, looking away before the tears began to fall again.
Mandy sighed patiently. "It's not your fault you wanted to believe his bullshit," she said philosophically. "We all fall for it — we like to believe the best in men even when the fact they are total bastards is staring us in the face."
It was cynical, but true. I always saw the good in people. This probably explained why I was taken advantage of so often. Mandy on the other hand was the queen of cynicism. She never took a man at face value and always looked for an ulterior motive. Maybe this was why she always had men running in circles around her, when I on the other hand got shafted time and time again.
"That's it — I am not doing men any more!" I made this declaration passionately and Mandy bust out laughing merrily.
"Can I write this down for posterity?" she giggled. "You won't last five bloody minutes!"
"No, I mean it this time. No more men. I have had it with them — they are all wankers!" I honestly meant it too. I couldn't face the idea of dating again. The trouble was, I only wanted one man and if I couldn't have him, I didn't want anyone.
Jake, our neighbour, smiled at me when I stated my 'no men' policy again.
"Really?" He didn't look all that convinced and I was rather stung by the fact that he hadn't believed me.
"Yes! I am sticking to a life of celibacy from now on." I pulled a skimpy thong from the washing basket and pegged it onto the line. Well I won't need this anymore, I thought firmly. No more sexy underwear for me.
Jake shook his head and sighed. "What a terrible waste," he muttered before he turned away and walked back into his house. I watched him go in surprise; he had sounded rather sad for some reason.
Shaking my head in bemusement, I returned to my task. Anything mind-numbing to occupy my time was useful. If I had nothing to do, I ended up raking over all the pointless moments of my relationship with Paul. It didn't help one iota - it just left me feeling like shit again.
"Want to come next door for a drink later?"
I looked up in surprise at Mandy's question. "Why?" I asked curiously.
She rolled her eyes and said, "Does there need to be a reason?"
"Er... no, I guess not. But I didn't think you were that friendly with Jake?"
"He's a nice guy! I bumped into him at the corner shop and he mentioned he was having a few friends round later. He asked if we would like to pop round and I said yes. God knows you need cheering up, even if I don't!"
She was right. Despite my best efforts to appear happy, it sure as hell wasn't working. I seemed perpetually slumped in a quagmire of depression and even the guys at work had begun to notice.
"What's up with you?" Tony had asked in the kitchen the previous morning.
"Men," was my succinct response. I slammed the milk down on the worktop and proceeded to pour boiling water into all the mugs.
"Right..." Tony replied, hastily moving out of my way. "Well er... if you want to talk about it or anything, you know I'm here..."
My tears pricked with familiar tears again. If only it helped to talk about it. I felt like I had talked the whole subject to death and still it made no difference. I hadn't heard from him since that email. Nothing at all — not one text or phone call. My head knew it was over but my heart stubbornly refused to accept it. He was constantly on my mind and if I didn't think about him in the space of five minutes, I considered myself doing well.
I glanced down and realised the water had overflowed in one of the mugs and was currently dripping onto the floor. Sighing heavily I mopped up the mess. This was becoming ridiculous — if I didn't start to get a grip soon, I was likely to have a total breakdown!
"What time are we going round?" I asked Mandy, wondering if I could actually be bothered to wash my hair first.
"Oh, about eight ish. We don't have to stay for long — just long enough to check out the talent!"
God she was incorrigible! She had several blokes on the go and still she was keeping an eye out for replacements!
"I thought you were keen on Andy?" I asked curiously, forgetting all about my own problems for a minute.
"I am, but men are like tyres — it never hurts to have a spare or two!" she giggled and I snorted with laughter. It was hard to stay miserable around Mandy. She was too full of the joys of life. In many ways it was just as well she was here — I probably would have slit my wrists by now if she wasn't.
Jake's house was rather nicer than I had imagined it would be. Despite the fact we had been neighbours for several months, I had never been inside it before. We had exchanged greetings over the garden fence a few times and he had always been friendly, but I hadn't really paid him a lot of attention since he had moved in.
He was a Veterinary Surgeon at a local practice and he was out at work for much of the time. Mandy had eyed him up as soon as he bought the house next door, but I had been much too involved with Paul to really take any notice of eligible single men.
As far as I knew, Jake had no girlfriend. It was strange as he was actually a very good looking bloke when I finally took the time to notice. I studied him as he chatted with a tall, lanky guy in the kitchen while Mandy flirted outrageously with some other bloke. She stood twirling her long dark hair and fluttering her eye lashes. The poor man didn't stand a chance.
There were several bottles of beer on the worktop and I helped myself to one. Jake was waving his arms around animatedly as he recounted a story of an angry cow objecting to an examination. His arms were tanned and strong looking; his torso muscular beneath the tight tee-shirt. His brown hair was long enough to flop down over one blue eye beguilingly.
A faint sliver of desire curled inside my belly and for a sharp moment I forgot all about Paul.
"Rach, come over here and meet Steven!" Mandy gestured at me with a wink and broke my reverie. For a moment I was flustered, my skin prickling with an unexpected longing. I glanced back at Jake and noticed he was looking my way, an inscrutable expression on his face.
I turned away, suddenly unable to look at him. I felt my cheeks flushing with embarrassment and I wondered if anyone had seen me staring like an idiot. God I hoped not...
"Rach, Steven is single. He likes kids, animals and drives a BMW." I could have killed Mandy on the spot. She was blatantly match-making and it was the last thing I needed.
"Hello Steven," I managed to say through gritted teeth. "Pleased to meet you..." Politely we shook hands. His palm was moist and hot and I tried not to snatch my hand away rudely. Mandy was so dead when we got home soon. Naturally she melted away immediately and left me with Steven. He was pleasant enough, but I knew he was never going to set my world on fire.
As soon as I was able to, I managed to extricate myself from Steven and went to find Mandy. She was sat on the settee with Jake, talking animatedly about films they had both seen. For an inexplicable moment I was jealous.
They both looked up and smiled when I walked into to room. "Hey Rach, you okay?" Mandy asked with a smirk. "Getting along alright with Steven?"
"Yes, we had lots in common..." I glared at her and she had the shame to look slightly apologetic. "I'm going home now, are you coming?" I added with irritation.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." She grinned at me blithely and returned her attention to Jake. It appeared I was dismissed.
Crossly I stalked out of the room and slammed the front door behind me. I vaguely heard Steven saying something as I left, but I pointedly ignored him. There was no way on earth I was about to give him my mobile number or indeed anything. He had hinted about taking me out whilst we chatted in the kitchen, but I had resolutely ignored his veiled suggestions. He wasn't my type at all. He was not Paul and therefore I wasn't interested.
The television presenter waffled on about holiday destinations as I tuned out. Mandy had returned from Jake's house and had managed to completely ignore my hostile complaints about her meddling in my love life.
"Look — Steven is single and he's okay. I figured it would do you good to get out on a date. You might actually enjoy it? Besides, it's about time you stopped mooning around the house because of that dickhead, Paul."
I glared her crossly. "But I don't want to be taken out on a sympathy date! I'm not a fucking charity!"
"That's not what I meant and you know it. You're a great girl Rach, but you are wasting your time waiting for dickhead to realise that. He's made his bed so just leave him to stagnate in it and move on."
I didn't to hear that. What I wanted was for him to come back to me and a happy ever after. My tea cooled on the table as I stared morosely out of the kitchen window. Mandy sighed in exasperation and turned away. I wondered when she would give up on me — I pretty much had.
"Oh by the way, we're going to the cinema on Thursday night, if you want to come."
"We?" I asked. My was curiosity piqued despite my best intentions.
Mandy turned the hot tap on to wash some dishes and her reply was almost lost in the sound of water running into the bowl. I thought I heard the name 'Jake', but surely I was wrong.
"Did you say Jake?" I yelled at her.
She turned the water off and turned to face me with an innocent expression on her pretty face. "Erm yeah. Fancy it?" she grinned mischievously. "I thought it might be fun."
"Haven't you got enough men in your life at the moment?" Honestly, if she strung any more men along, she would have one for every day of the fucking week!
"Well I wouldn't want to cramp your style," I said irritably.
Mandy rolled her eyes at me and grinned. "It's not what you think okay? He's a nice guy, but I don't fancy him. We just happen to have similar taste in films. It would be a laugh if we all went out, we could go for a drink after the film. You might even have fun if you let yourself!"
"Okay - just as long as you aren't trying to set me up with Steven," I warned her with a scowl. There was no way on earth I was falling for that one...
Thursday evening, Mandy appeared in my bedroom doorway looking very pale. I glanced up from my pile of ironing with surprise. "What's up with you?"
"I don't feel well..." she said mournfully. "You're going to have to go without me tonight, I think I've caught a bug — sorry."
She really didn't look well. As much as I was suspicious of her motives for inviting me along tonight, I didn't think even Mandy would deliberately feign illness to further my love-life.
This meant that it was just Jake and me going to the cinema. I didn't know if I could go now. Suddenly it seemed a little too much like a date and I wasn't ready for that.
"Mandy..." my voice trailed off and I stared at my face in the mirror. I was being stupid wasn't I? Paul was officially history and there was no real reason why I shouldn't be dating another man. I couldn't put my life on hold forever. Besides, Jake was an attractive guy and I rather liked him if truth be told.
"Are you going or what?" Mandy asked slightly impatiently. She was looking rather green and I sincerely hoped she didn't throw up all over my carpet. It had not recovered from the incident last New Years and there was still a suspicious stain near the bed.
"Okay I'll go." I said firmly. "But I'm warning you now, if this is a set up, I will kill you!"
Much to my relief Steven didn't appear when I went round next door. Jake seemed remarkably unfazed by Mandy's sudden illness and I felt a twinge of suspicion. But there was very little I could do without seeming churlish. Anyway, to all intents and purposes, it was just a trip to the cinema with a friend; nothing more and nothing less.
The fact that Jake and I were hardly friends was irrelevant. I supposed it was as good a time as any to get to know him. We were neighbours after all. And he was rather attractive, (in an understated kind of way). Not that I was looking of course — I needed another man like I needed a hole in the head.
The film he took me to see was a French subtitled one. It was about the suicide of a husband and the subsequent effect on his family. It was hardly uplifting and given my recent state of manic depression, hardly the best choice of viewing entertainment.
Jake seemed enthralled though. He sat glued to the screen while I watched him surreptitiously out of the corner of my eye. He had a classic profile; straight nose and high forehead. Kind of like a Jane Austin hero, I thought dreamily. Then I mentally slapped myself. What in God's name was I thinking? I had only just gotten rid of one low life bastard - I hardly needed a replacement just yet!
My attention was drawn back to the screen by a wailing woman. I knew exactly how she felt. Men were the bane of my life too. She and I could both do with some Prozac to help us along - that and a life-times worth of immunity against useless fuckwits.
Eventually the film ended, slightly more cheerfully than it had begun. We headed outside into the cool night air. I suddenly felt awkward. If Mandy had been there, we would have headed straight to the pub and had a few drinks and a laugh about the awful film. But she was at home allegedly ill and now I was tongue-tied all of a sudden.
"Erm... thanks, that was great!" I said with a bright smile.
Jake burst out laughing. "No, it was horribly depressing and we both need a drink to recover!"
I grinned at him in relief. "Yeah okay — you're right — it was a bloody awful film! Next time it's my choice!" I suddenly realised what I had said and blushed faintly. Next time? Oh very subtle Rach!
"No problem, next time you definitely get to choose the film." Jake glanced at his watch and said, "Come on, we can have a drink in the Three Legs down the road. My round as I forced you to sit through that film."
It was late when we finally said goodnight. I was surprised to realise that I had had a great time. I hadn't thought about Paul once which was a major break through. Maybe I was cured! Then a pang of regret hit me and I winced in renewed pain.
"You okay?" Jake asked. He must have noticed the change in my expression as we stood at the garden gate between our houses.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said firmly. Actually I wasn't fine but it had nothing to do with him.
"Mandy told me about your ex. I know it's none of my business or anything..." He paused for a moment and looked at me. "But I think your worth more than that."
I stared at him in surprise. Oh thanks a lot Mandy! Nice to know that all and sundry knew my business. God knew what he must think of me now. Affairs with attached men were hardly the epitome of virtuous women.
"I really hope you didn't mean it when you said you were giving up men for the rest of your life..."
Without warning, he leant forward and kissed me gently on the lips. I froze in shock for a moment, before I found myself responding to the pressure of his mouth. He tasted slightly of mint from the polo's he had eaten on the way home and I leant into him as we stood under the spotlight of the street lamp.
His body felt hard and muscular. It was obvious his job was fairly physical; he was also taller than Paul had been and I found myself tilting my head up more than I was used to. He didn't kiss like Paul, but the difference was enjoyable nevertheless.
When we broke apart, I could feel my heart racing and confusion was running rampant through my veins. What in the hell was I doing? I shouldn't be kissing another man! I pulled back, uncertainty smothering me in a dark cloud.
Jake must have sensed my abrupt change of heart and he took a step backwards. "I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I shouldn't have done that."
"No... it's not your fault." I sighed. "It's just that things are a little difficult at the moment. I'm just not ready for anything new. I need time..."
"Well when you ARE ready, give me a shout." With that, he walked away and disappeared inside his house, leaving me standing in a pool of yellow light feeling horribly mixed up.
Mandy was laid out watching television when I went in. She looked far better than she had when I left her earlier. I couldn't help wondering if maybe she had deliberately concocted an excuse to send me out with Jake alone. It just seemed too convenient all of a sudden.
"Feeling okay now?" I asked a little sarcastically, flopping down on the worn settee.
"Much better thanks," she grinned disarmingly. "How was the film?"
"Oh very entertaining — I felt really cheerful by the time it was over!"
Mandy smothered her laughter and I couldn't help but smile. "Bitch! You knew it would be bloody awful, didn't you!"
"No! I actually wanted to see that film..."
"Well guess what you're going to get for Christmas then — that film on DVD!"
"Never mind the film, how was Jake?" Mandy winked at me and I knew I had been set up.
"He was... er... nice?"
"Nice?" She smirked and suddenly looked very interested.
"Yeah nice... Right, I'm off to bed. Good night!" I waltzed out of the room, ignoring her protests for more information. I needed to sort out my own head before I told her about the kiss.
Lying in my bed I pondered what had happened. Okay so we kissed. I had to admit I enjoyed it and I found him attractive. The big question was, was I over Paul? I just didn't know. It hadn't been long enough really. I did not want to jump feet first into another relationship before the dust had settled on the old one.
I knew Paul was bad for me. I also knew he was never going to leave her for me. But I still cared about him. I groaned out loud, wishing for once I could have a nice, simple life. Why couldn't I be like Mandy? Have lots of men but keep them at a distance, just using them for my own ends.
Agghhhhh! Life was never fair. I fell asleep pondering that dismal thought.
A few weeks passed by slowly, my thoughts of Paul becoming fewer and fewer. It wasn't easy, but I was beginning to recover from the damage he had inflicted on me. I also had the distinct impression Jake was avoiding me. I had seen him a few times out in his garden, but whenever I ventured out there, he had vanished.
Mandy had talked to him, but she didn't divulge what had been said. This annoyed me immensely and I felt almost jealous that they had more of a friendship than he and I did. Of course that was ridiculous — he and I hardly knew each other. I couldn't help wondering if they fancied each other though. I tried not to dwell on that. It annoyed me more than it should have.
I had heard nothing from Paul. Not any kind of explanation as to why he had vanished off the face of the planet. There really was no excuse for his behaviour. I could only assume he had decided to make a go of it with his wife once again. It seemed unlikely that THAT would last long. Oh well, I was not going to be there for him next time. He had well and truly blown it with me.
Life went on. Work was busy and provided plenty of distraction from my love life. We had some new clients and I was flat out most of the time. Mandy continued to play the field and reap the fruit of her labours. It never ceased to amaze me that all her men did not seem to mind being one of a crowd. I had to admire her though; she knew how to play them to her advantage.
The house was dark and silent but for the television playing an old film. Mandy had gone off for the weekend with one of her current blokes, some posh hotel in Scotland apparently. She had texted me last night bragging about how much money he had spent on her so far — shoes, lingerie, jewellery. Frankly I was jealous, but I was not going to tell her that.
I was bored. The film was not really keeping my attention and I found my mind drifting off down memory lane. I couldn't help wondering what Paul was doing... Was he lying next to her, watching a film and whispering sweet nothings? I had no idea. All I knew was that I was beginning not to care quite so much.
A small movement out of the corner of my eye attracted my attention. I sat up and looked closely. Oh my god! It was a spider! I immediately pulled my feet tightly under me and began to shake.
For the whole of my life I had been a sufferer of arachnophobia. I was truly terrified of spiders and although the sane part of me recognised it was a totally irrational fear, the rest of me still screamed like a banshee when one appeared.
Mandy was the designated 'spider killer' in our house. She was not frightened of them in the slightest and had no qualms about fishing them out of the bath with a glass. The major problem I had now was — she wasn't here!
What was I going to do? The spider scuttled over the carpet towards the fireplace and I cringed. It was huge — thick hairy legs and a fat body. I was almost paralysed with fear. I could probably make it out of the room without having to venture too close. But then it might find its way up into my bedroom and... I just couldn't bear to think about it.
One way or another I needed to find some kind soul to remove it for me. The only person I could ask was Jake. I just hoped like hell he was in and still up. If he wasn't I was screwed!
He answered the door wearing an old pair of tracksuit bottoms, his chest bare. For a moment I was speechless as I admired his muscular torso. He looked at me with curiosity, no doubt wondering why I was stood at his door wearing a short nightdress, silky dressing gown and bunny slippers.
Now I felt really stupid. Curse that bloody spider! Why couldn't it have appeared when I was at least dressed in something more decent?
"Ermm... sorry to bother you," I stuttered feeling my cheeks turning pink. "I have a problem and I wondered if you could help me?"
Jake's eyebrow arched upwards in a look of amusement; no doubt his mind was working overtime wondering just exactly what my 'problem' was!
"What's up then?" he said with a lop-sided grin.
"I have a spider in the house and..." I glared at him darkly when he burst out laughing. "It's not funny! I am scared of them."
I huffed in self righteous indignation. Phobias were no laughing matter — I bet he was scared of something stupid too.
"Okay, don't get your knickers in a twist!" he laughed even harder as I became more and more cross. "I'll just put something on my feet and then we can go kill the big scary spider."
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Oral SexI had to spend the next hour tied to the tree by my neck marching in slow circles while George, Manny, and Franklin took turns giving me orders to wiggle my ass, shake my tits, stop, high step and then start marching again in circles around the tree. They called it “Maypole” training. The spanking had taken a lot of the wind out of my sails. I couldn’t even plot another scheme of revenge. It was as if the spanking had knocked all the spitefulness out of my head for a little while and reset...
I’ve just had the best weekend away in the caravan and I ended up fucking another club member when I was there, she was with her husband in their motor home and both of them were retired.I arrived at the rugby field at Ambleside in the Lake District just after the weekend rally had started and with being a Thursday, I had the pick of the field. I was by myself as the wife could not get time off work and pitched the caravan so the awning was next to the hedge for privacy, it wasn’t long before a...
Introduction: hope you enjoy this Small Mercies Part I Her Im late…so late…and yet as I hear your key in the lock, Im still not ready to go. My sense of time has escaped me tonight. It does that sometimes…and now with your new boss and his many stuffed minions awaiting our arrival Ive done the inexcusable once again. I hear you settle heavily on the edge of the bed as I finish pinning my hair and applying my lipstick…pink and understated. I turn. You are resplendent in your new suit....
Hello Friends! Do you remember me? I know it has been long since I published a story on ISS. Let me remind you all. I am Chahat Khanna, a 5’7″ tall Delhiite girl who owns this amazing figure of 34-24-34, aged 23 and fair complexioned. I will leave the rest up to you to imagine. The story is about how I got trapped in a lift with a hot stranger. So, the story goes. That fateful night, I was returning to my building from a pub. It was quite late. I had had an amazing night with all types of fun...
‘When the sun rises, I wake up and chase my dreams. I won’t regret when the sun sets because I live my life like I’m a beast.’ ‘I’m a motherfucking beast!” I jolt up from the bed as the song Beast blares from the explosion of light coming from the bedside table. “Off,” Nicole grunts, silencing the music and making the light disappear. Fuck, that was the best sleep I’ve ever got. No dreams, just silence. Nicole’s still bundled on her side of the bed. I slink down and put my face next to...
Life and Times of a Horny Couple – Chapter4 This is a continuation of our real life story as we explored our sexuality. During the week Kristen made plans for us to meet Brad and Lacey again. She also told them that I had been upset because she hadn’t followed the ‘no touching’ rule. They told her that they didn’t have a problem with what she had done. We met at the same motel again with our supply of wine and beer to help us lose our inhibitions. This time I offered a suggestion as to a...
A couple of hours later, our little group headed out the door. The club was still open, but we’d had it and a couple of people—Gina’s sister, Annie, for one—had definitely had more than enough to drink. I stood outside, glad for the chance to breathe without bumping into someone as we said our goodbyes. Gina came over while I stood on the sidewalk and took a deep breath of cool air. “I’m so glad you came, Iris. It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever.” I smiled. “I know, and I’m sorry....
LesbianIdentical Opposites, Katie She had money, lots of it, she'd just finished making the deal and handed off the suitcase. As usual she'd spent the last three days getting the money deposited into her accounts. Just one more thing she had to do. She had to give Peter his blood money, as she referred to the Support payments he was extorting from her for taking care of the son she hadn't wanted. Had he been a girl it might have been different, maybe. But then she'd be tied down with a...
Hey guys this is sayali. Just completed engineering this year now doing interior design course diploma of one year in pune.I am 21 year old.I am fair in color & height is 5.2 inch & figure is 34d-28-34 just trying too lose some weight. I don’t think any girl can have so. I broke my virginity in the age of 18 too my cousin brother he is 6 year older than me. But after that it’s been long time I haven’t done sex .So lets start I had when too my uncle house because it’s been long I haven’t meet...
IncestCollege is a big drain on the finances, so finding work was an absolute necessity. I’d transferred to this particular college because my folks were no longer paying my way. Several student loans, one scholarship, and a lot of luck had been required to gain admission. The bulk of costs were covered but my bank balance failed to meet the daily needs. Things like laundry, gasoline, dates (when I had any), clothes, and etc were not covered. I required work. The student employment office was the...
Hi guys,I read your comments on jacking in the bus.I showed this to mymother who has been a victim of sexual abuse quite a few times in thecrowded buses of Chennai.Here is my mother's first hand experiencewhich she narrated to me"Let me first introduce myself.I am a working woman , 42 years oldand have been married for about 9 years now and am based inChennai. I am working for a reputed travel agency and enjoy my workquite a lot. I am considered ambitious , attractive and have a wellmaintained...
Surrendering to the pleasure that engulfed my entire body I lay there quaking and shivering under the pressure of this gorgeous male body pressed against me. When the spasms stopped, my body felt overwhelming warm and wet. My face was flushed and I couldn’t focus my eyesight quite yet. All of my senses were working on over load. The heat from the fire and the heat from his body made a single bead of sweat melt across my forehead. The scent of the cedar, vanilla from my lotion I applied earlier...
Bat-maid? By "C.C." The jet-black supercar sped like a bat-winged missile through the streets of Gotham in coldly efficient pursuit of Green-Man's much slower but environmentally-friendly air-jet scooter. "Won't be long now," The cowled crimefighter thought grimly as his quarry grew larger in the windshield, "That misguided tree-hugger has sabotaged his last chemical plant!" But somehow the green-clad Green-Man stayed just ahead of the caped crimefighter, darting across lawns...
Chapter 1 "Well, it looks like we got ourselves a Super Bowl!" Tom said to me, as we sat in my living room. Tom was Tom Jacobsen, my next-door neighbor. We were watching the final minutes of the NFC Championship game, as the Carolina Panthers were closing out their impressive victory over the Philadelphia Eagles. The Panthers played in Charlotte, which is where I lived. So, the city was going to go nuts at the Panthers being in the Bowl-and Tom had been a Panthers fan since the team had...
Day 11 Walter I said, "OH SHIT!" as I looked towards the cave doors. Standing outside of the garage were all our wives. They were standing with their arms crossed, and I swear each of them was tapping a foot as we beached the boats. Katia and Nakita started walking towards us as we helped the people out of our boat. "Who are all those woman?" Amber asked and then Mike hollered. "Walter! I need the med kit," he shouted. "Our wives," I said. I jerked my head over towards Mike,...
Most women love Valentine’s Day. Their lovers buy them flowers and chocolates. Some go out to dinner and receive sexy lingerie. Some men write poems and songs for their loved ones. For Katie Smalls, her husband is really into sex. During the year, he doesn’t bother Katie for doing crazy sex things. Katie is a bit timid and only likes to do the missionary style of lovemaking. Her husband Max is fine with that, except on Valentine’s day. On Valentine’s Day, Max likes her to masturbate with toys...
Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Chaun – The Haunted Forest The werewolves howled as they carried me through the dark woods. I thrashed. I punched. I kicked. The bitch didn’t feel it. A chill settled onto me. Werewolves were an all female race, single sexed like all the creatures born from Las’s masturbation. The God of Lust had spewed his seed across the world, spawning different creatures from changelings like me to the bitches racing through the world, vaguely humanoid, furry beasts...
We were lying in bed in Deirdre’s hotel room recovering from a bout of mind-blowing liberating sex, at least from my point of view. I had wanted to make slow sensuous love to this woman who had suddenly become the focus of my life. Instead I lost my head and it turned into a long hard monkey fuck. It was a mistake. I don’t know what happened. One minute I was this guy trying desperately to impress the woman of his dreams. The next minute I was primal man staking his claim on Eve in the...
Hi to ISS readers. I must appreciate this site as a great platform to share our inner feelings experiences and many other things that we cannot tell anybody, but here we share everything. Therefore, friends you must have read my earlier story how my mom and me got together. Today I want to share after that night when I had sex with my mom what exactly happened the next day and how we live and enjoy our life. So let me tell you about my mom again who haven’t read my earlier story but I request...
IncestThis story is about the negative side of swinging. There is also some romance. A big 'Thank You' to Estragon for editing this story for me. Chapter 1: My girlfriend Sheila and I have been living together for the past two years. We began dating a year before that. We met in college and moved in together after graduation. Life seemed good and I asked Sheila a number of times to marry me. I thought we were a pretty good couple. I had an engineering degree and had managed to get a good...
“Come on now, don’t be a wimp!”Down the hill, the two gals that made up half of their small group stood positioned next to the side of the landing area. To the one still summoning up the courage to attempt the jump, one of them had shouted, teasing him.“You’re more than welcome to hike up here and try it yourself!” dared Jordan back.Chris stood next to him and studied the ramp, inhaling sharp. It wasn’t a jump different from any he had ever used successfully before but it had been years since...
Oral SexI entered the hotel lounge, and wandered over to the bar, looking over the room. It was somewhat dimly lit and about half-full of people at booths and tables. I took a seat on a stool, flipping my short skirt out behind me as I sat down, putting my bare rear on the leather of the seat. I hooked my heels into the rung of the stool, and let my knees fall open about a foot or so. The bartender appeared in front of me, a cute blonde, and I asked for a glass of white wine. When it arrived, I took a...
The guy picked her up and slammed her on the wall, and with a swift motion inserted his hungry huge cock into her wet pussy. Rachel moaned in pleasure. She started to bounce on his cock, feeling its length pierce her, almost ripping her. "oh yes, yes YES!" She screamed as he picked up the pace. He started pumping furiously, and Rachel felt like she was in heaven. "I'm going to...AAAH" the guy jizzed and shot his hot cum into rachel's vagina. She could feel the warm liquid inside her....
I was twenty-five, working on a small work boat and living the life of a bored, lonely, single man. I’d had girlfriends since I was sixteen and wasn’t a stranger to the wiles and pleasures of the female of our species, but lately I lived alone and unloved. I didn’t really mind. I’d dated almost every girl of my generation in the small town but not a one of them could keep my interest. My father was still chasing every piece of ass he could shove his dick into and I know for sure he and I...
She’d pleaded with her friends to set her up a date, one friend, she’d been going out with this guy for months; always telling her of the size of his manhood and as to his performance, she’d never been left dry? O hi chrizzie her friends face hade acured in the mirror She was a d-list celebrity who had the perfect body. She was 5'9'' with nice long legs, long blonde hair, round d-cup breasts, flat stomach, and a nice tight and big ass, a man's dream. Also she was a major christian and...
Chapter 1: Dinner and Something More? She called on me, as I was daydreaming of her. Slightly embarrassed, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. ‘Please repeat the question, Professor Green?’ ‘Mr. Roberts, see me in my office at 3 this afternoon.’ I shifted again and lowered my head and stared at my feet. ‘Yes, Professor Green.’ I was in my final year at State University, in the biology auditorium. I am a grad student completing my masters of science degree, in hopes of going to med...
One summer, my niece Leeza was over to visit my wife and I. Leeza was staying with us for about 2 weeks during her summer vacation. During her stay, I had the voyeur fantasy of a lifetime come true when I was able to watch my niece strip and masturbate while by chance I was outside her bedroom window (Please read “Nieces Bedtime Show”). Then a few days later my niece Leeza was sitting on my lap watching TV, one thing lead to another and we orally explored each other. It was her first time to...
IncestChristiana Cinn is the type of hot MILF who inspires admiration in every young guys around her. One of her coworkers is so enamored that he writes a story about a sexual encounter they once shared. He went over her house and she had just gotten out of the shower. She invited him in and immediately started giving him head, letting her beautiful lips massage his shaft. Then he rammed her doggystyle, but she wanted them to cum at the same time so he had to pull out. She ended up cumming multiple...
xmoviesforyouThe dorm party was a raging success. So much so we were running shy on everything. I started collecting money for a food run when Steve pulled me aside. "Don't sweat it, babe, I've got popcorn in my room." "Well let's go," I said, hurrying him out the door. A word of introduction might be appropriate. My name is Alice and I'm the 5-2, eyes are blue, honey sweet gal of song. Throw in Kisses are Sweeter than Wine and you've got the full picture. I love old songs. If there was a future for music...
Big booty babe MJ Fresh knows she’s got the goods her lovers crave and she enjoys showing it all off in bras and thongs that hug her curves. Her latest conquest, Sam Shock, is definitely appreciative. They wake up together and MJ tries to seduce Sam into sating his morning wood. Unfortunately, Sam has to work. After a few sizzling moments where they caress and grope each other, Sam shuts it down so he can get up and get ready. MJ isn’t about to take no for an answer. She waits until...
xmoviesforyouIt was a beautiful fall afternoon. I was headed back home after being out of town all day long. My drive down the interstate started out innocently enough, but little did I know that before I got off the interstate I would make three men cum. I have always been a bit of an exhibitionist. I have always wore my shorts a little too short, my jeans a little too tight, my skirts a little too short, and my swimsuits a little too revealing. Many times I do not wear a bra when I go out, and for the...
Hallo, mein Name ist Kristin und ich möchte Euch von etwas berichten, das mich ziemlich verändert hat. Letzten November rief mich meine Freundin Nina an, sie klang sehr aufgelöst. Wie sich herausstellte, hatte ihr Freund gerade mit ihr Schluss gemacht. Ich kannte Nina schon, seit wir fünf waren. So was nennt man wohl Sandkastenfreunde. Natürlich kannte ich auch ihren Ex. Er war ein echter Schönling, rasierte Brust, braun gebrannt und, wie Nina mir erzählte, mit einem ziemlich mickrigen...
Bert charged up to the bridge as soon as the shuttle docked. "Ma'am," he said as soon as he had the Captain's attention, "if the Sa'arm react as quickly as they did on that last hop we're going to have real problems getting anyone else off that planet." "I believe you," replied Alice getting to her feet. "Have you got any suggestions as to what we can do to help?" "I've no idea," said Bert honestly. "The best thing we could do would be to create some sort of diversion and...
Writers Note This is chapter four of my story about a very special person from a long time ago. This covers the events of January and February of 1981. I am sure that some of you might think that what happens in here is strange but this is how it all really happened. T * Things with Katie went back to normal on Saturday nights after New Years, if you consider normal as in going back to the playroom and all the wild and kinky things that were going on in there. But one thing did change,...
Even as I sit here in my small office, two days later, my hands still shake slightly and my nerves are shot. As I write this, I look down at the ashtray on my desk and notice that I am already on my fifth cigarette and fourth cup of coffee of the day. It’s not yet 9am. I haven’t slept for two days. I can still hardly believe the amazing story that I am about to tell you. It seems too fantastic, too unreal, but I assure you, every word is the truth. My name is Cooper, Ted Cooper, but everyone...
s*******n Hours In May Her heart was beating loudly as she was driving up the motorway A28 and getting closer to Neufchâtel-en- Bray. She had gone past Rouen. Unknown territory was ahead of her. He had texted her about 15 minutes ago telling her he had arrived at the hotel. She would be there in 30 minutes. She was still wondering if they were doing a mistake or not, which was useless at this point. Even if she could still renounce, she had driven for 4 hours, had planned it all with him,...
The Prison Planet Morales had used the last of his ready brain/piss solution on the saber-tooth hide before going to bed last night. With an ache in his bladder, he awoke just before dawn. After scooping some of the cat's brains into the piss bucket, he pulled out his dick and did his thing. "Damn. Still need more piss to make up enough of the solution to work into the rest of the hide," he griped. Glancing over at Lobo who sat watching, he jokingly said, "You piss like a fucking race...
A week later I was once again confronted with the round countenance of Mr. Rogers as I sat in the consulting room. My previously swollen and bruised member had essentially returned to its pre-accident state - if one was able to ignore the seam of sutures on the underside - and Mr. Rogers told me that he was satisfied with progress.He asked me if there had been any problems - any unusual pain or difficulty urinating, and so forth. I told him that under the circumstances everything seemed to be...
CuckoldMay it be known that I would love to read your feedbacks, so please send me your feedbacks what so ever to I would love to answer all your mails too. It was nearing nine at night when I stood up from my chair in my clinic to move to home, when I noticed a patient coming in. By that time my assistant in the clinic was in a hurry to leave as he had to travel in the dark for some 7 KM to his village. I asked him to leave. The patient had complaints of acidity and she complained about chest...
All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. After used to battle other Pokemon most Pokemon grew irate and powerful enough that they overthrew their human captors and now would even use them in 'Human Battles', though their new battling is more sex than battling, as a form of retribution. Most Pokemon however use their new human "friends" as slaves and don't subject them to the pain of battle but still use them manual, mental, and sexual slavery. A group of resistance fighters,...
Fantasy~~This is my very first attempt at writing an erotic story…. hope you like it.~~ As I sit here, in my living room, waiting for you to arrive, a million thoughts race through my mind. I think back to all the times we have spoken online… back when we first met and became friends and I think about what our friendship has blossomed in to. Just as I start to get lost in thought, there is a knock on the front door. I stand up and nervously straighten out my dress before heading to the door. I take a...
Reluctantly, I followed Peggy’s instructions and didn’t contact her all day Tuesday. She had left for home in the early hours of the morning, helped get Tad off to school, slept a few hours, went to her classes and then back home for a quiet off-day evening with her mom and son. I slept most of the day, showed up for pre-game workouts, went hitless in four trips that night, and went out with some of the guys for a steak Tuesday night. Despite the bad day at the plate, I had gotten enough...
Hi I am Sumanth. I am from AndhraPradesh and stay in Bangalore for study purpose. This is my first story in ISS. About my aunt she is white in color and short with 36-32-40 hope every one can imagine her beauty. I have to tell readers that i haven’t had sex with her but i enjoyed a lot with her as she didn’t accept for that. My aunt’s family stays in a small town and we stay in a city. All this started in 2010, when my grand father passed away. I don’t have any affection to my grand father so i...
IncestHubby asked me to write a story that happened so here goes:Last week, while hubby was away on business. I went to our favorite watering hole with a girlfriend. BFF had to leave after an hour and a half. I elected to stay in the hopes of another BFF that I was texting would show. I shimmied over to a group at the bar that I know in the hopes she would show soon. After an hour and no response from her I made my exit. On my way out I met a black guy friend in the parking lot. Hubby knows him. We...
My sister Amanda returned home after a short, bitter mariage. He was gay and not bi as she thought. Mandy as we called her is a pretty, slim girl with a 34B-24-34 figure at 5'5" 110 pounds, she has long black hair and a heart shaped face with ruby lips. I have had a hard on for Mandy since I was 10! She was not the prettiest girl in the world but she was so sweet and sexy. She moved with a dancer's grace. While growing up seeing Mandy walk around the house in her nightie or bra and panty...
“Do you know who it is, Lillian?” I asked as I started to put my pants on. “Could it be the innkeeper or possibly the dock master looking for us?” > I nodded to Janet and she quickly took up her nearby sword, placing it near her and out of the line of sight from the door. She then quickly put on a sleeping gown, though I never remembered her having one. Perhaps it was something that she had...
The next morning, Sally slowly came to life. She opened her eyes and saw her brother's penis, half erect only inches from her mouth. She moved her head a little and gently kissed the end of it. The uncontrolled twitching of the organ amused her as she licked at it. Remembering what Kim had said before she and Tom had gone to bed, she slipped out of the bed and covered him. Sally quietly left the room, crossed the hall and opened Kim's door. She went to the bed and gently shook her...
One day in early August, right after breakfast, Mistress Gloria said to Mistress Sam and Mistress Cheryl, “What do you think about going to the club tomorrow night?”She didn’t ask me or holly or puddy tat or tracy. Our opinion didn’t matter anyway.“Do we have the masks with us?” Mistress Cheryl asked.“New masks for you, weird worm, and tracy arrived yesterday,” Mistress Gloria replied.“What masks?” I whispered very quietly to holly.At least I thought I was very quiet. Mistress Gloria turned to...
BDSMHello readers of ISS. This is Ujwal and I am from Bangalore. I work for an MNC and aged in early 30s. I am an average looking person and am placed well in the company. I recently joined this company were I am working now and met this beautiful girl in the training as we were suppose to work for the same process. I saw her and that moment I began to lust for her body. To tell you more about her Priya was lean, having an athletic body. Her Priya didn’t have a beautiful shape as such but any man...
‘Now this is a great way to wake up!’ It came out half garbled as my brain fought its way to consciousness. There were a full set of lips wrapped around my cock doing an excellent job of rousing my body. My mind was slowly catching up. ‘You were sleeping so long I wanted to make sure you hadn’t fallen into another coma.’ The voice was Hebe’s, but I was willing to bet that the lips weren’t. Okay, that wasn’t quite true. The lips had to be hers since we were pretty much the only two people on...