Reciprocal NeedsChapter 7
- 2 years ago
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"All right," Kensington said, "Here's what I'll do. I have a three-man show scheduled next month. One of the artists will not be ready. He's never ready, and I've decided to drop him. I can't abide lazy artists, drunks or addicts. I'll select five or six of these paintings for the show and include Darrin Cannon in the advertising. If the paintings sell out during the show, including the week following the show, I'll represent your brother on an exclusive basis."
"Acceptable," Carrie said, "except we will not sign with any gallery on a worldwide exclusive basis. We will give you exclusive rights in Las Vegas." She glanced at Darrin. His eyes were wide, and he looked like he was going to say something. She shook her head and frowned, and he settled down.
Kensington stared at her, and she stared right back. Intuitively, she knew the first of them to speak would lose. She waited patiently. Finally, he shuffled his feet and said, "The exclusivity is a deal breaker, Ms. Cannon."
"Do you own galleries outside Las Vegas?"
"No, but I have reciprocity with a number of galleries worldwide."
"But not all of them, correct?"
"Of course not," he said as if she were stupid.
She ignored the implication. "How many other galleries do you work with on this basis and where are they located?"
A sheepish look crossed his face, but he squared his shoulders defiantly, puffed up his skinny chest and stated, "Five. Two in Los Angeles, one in Phoenix, one in Houston, and one in Denver."
"Hardly worldwide. We will give you exclusivity in Las Vegas and with these galleries, but that's all."
She watched anger glint in his eyes, but he nodded. "I'll want fifty percent then," he added.
"Forty. Fifty just isn't done."
Kensington stared at her again but suddenly grinned. "You've done your homework, young lady. Forty it is. What price for the paintings?"
She had feared this question. If she quoted the value of Darrin's paintings too low, he would lose interest. If her estimate was too high, he might back out of the deal, and she didn't have the slightest idea of their true value. "What's the average price for the paintings of the other two artists who will be included in the show?"
"Around $5,000."
"I know nothing about the other artists. How do Darrin's paintings compare?"
"To my mind they're better. Much better. And I believe the collectors, art lovers and critics who will attend the show will agree. Let's price them at an average of $10,000."
Carrie nodded and tried to appear calm. Inside she was a bubbling cauldron. She glanced at her brother. He stood with his jaw agape, completely dumbfounded.
"Agreed," she said. "How many paintings do you usually display for a one-man show?"
"Paintings this size, say fifteen to twenty."
"If Darrin's paintings sell out, I want a guarantee of a one-man show within a year."
"At thirty-five percent with a higher price for the paintings."
"Forty, but the increased price is acceptable."
Carrie nodded.
"Have you selected the paintings for the show?"
"Yes." He pointed out six paintings, the best of the finished paintings, except one, which Carrie placed at fifteenth to twentieth in the hierarchy of value.
She knew she had telegraphed her confusion. "Why that one?"
Kensington grinned. "You're right, of course. Switch that one with the one over there," he said pointing.
Was he testing her? Whether he was or not didn't matter. Her estimate of value had been validated yet again. Carrie grinned. "When do you want them delivered?" she asked.
"Two weeks from today. We'll use Barbara's photographs for the brochure and other promos. I'll have the paintings framed. The cost of the frames..."
"Will be your expense, not ours, unless a painting isn't sold and you return it to us. Then we'll reimburse you for the frame."
He grinned. "Yes, you've done your homework. I'll have a contract drawn up reflecting our verbal agreement and send it to you next week."
"Very well. Please e-mail me any copy about Darrin and his paintings for the brochure and other promos. I'm a fair writer, and I want editing privileges."
Anger glinted briefly in Kensington's eyes again. "That could cause delays, which I won't tolerate."
"I promise a one-day turnaround, Mr. Kensington. If I don't keep the promise, you can proceed with what you have."
"All right. You're tough, young lady." He turned to Darrin. "I don't know if you realize it or not, but you are well represented, Mr. Cannon."
"She's the best, Mr. Kensington."
"Call me Phil, both of you. We just started a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship. We should be on a first-name basis."
Carrie stuck out her hand, and Phil took it. She expected a limp handshake, but he surprised her with a firm grip. "It's been a pleasure, Phil."
After they walked the gallery owner to the door, Carrie turned back into the gallery and started up the stairs. As she climbed she started to remove her clothing. Looking back over her shoulder, she said, "Negotiating excites me, Darrin. God, what a rush! Come on! I need you. I need you now!" She turned and continued to strip. By the time she reached the landing, she was naked. She turned back to Darrin who was still standing at the base of the stairs gazing up at her with lust and love in his eyes. She placed her hands on her hips with her legs spread slightly. "Well, do you want me or not?"
He nodded, skipped every two stairs and took her in his arms, swinging her around. "You did it, Carrie! You did it! God, ten thousand dollars!"
"Six is our share. Six thousand dollars! Times six! Thirty-six thousand!"
He kissed her as he carried her down the hall to his bedroom. After laying her on the bed, he started to rip off his clothes. She watched him and reveled in his body, in his talent, in him. God, she was hot. He wasn't, though. His lovely dick was elongated but still soft.
Grinning like a Cheshire cat eyeing a canary, she took it in her hands when he settled next to her. "I've wanted to try this for a long time. Tell me if do it wrong." She slid down and dipped her head. After pushing his foreskin back, she licked around the crown. It started to grow. She wanted to feel it grow in her mouth, so she opened wide and dropped her head, sucking him, tasting him, feeling him grow from mostly soft to throbbing hard in her mouth.
He groaned. "Oh, God, Carrie, that feels wonderful!"
She adored him in her mouth, which surprised her, and loved the taste of him. She licked and sucked and licked some more, then she licked while she sucked. He took her hand and placed it at the base of his shaft.
"Jack on me at the same time as you suck," he gasped. "Yes! Like that! Just like that!" His hips rotated slightly pushing his cock into her mouth and retracting it.
He's fucking my mouth, she thought and bobbed her head to the timing of his short thrusts. She wanted him inside her, inside her cunt, but she wanted him in her mouth, too. She released him from her mouth with a slurp. "Come in my mouth, Darrin. I want to feel you come in my mouth."
"Yes!" he gushed. "And then I'll do the same for you. I've been dying to taste you."
"Perfect!" Her head dipped again, and she explored every inch of his lovely shaft with her lips and her tongue and the inside of her mouth. She brought her other hand to his large balls and fondled them tenderly as she bobbed her head and sucked and licked and jacked on his hard-on.
"My God, you're a natural, sis! No woman has ever sucked me like you!"
And no woman ever will, she vowed. You're mine, Darrin Cannon. Mine! A few minutes later she felt his large cock suddenly become longer and thicker in her mouth.
"I'm coming, sis! Oh, God, I'm coming!"
She wanted to see his semen jet out so she pulled back. He groaned mightily, and ratcheted his hips up completely off the bed. The end of his cock hit her on the nose, and at the same instant, his come flew, splashing over her face. Quickly sucking his cock back into her mouth, she felt the second spurt hit the back of her throat, and she swallowed, gulped down his seed like it was a milkshake. Another surprise! She loved the taste of his semen. She swallowed again and again, milking him with her mouth and hand, and all of a sudden her lover collapsed back to the bed as if all the energy inside him whooshed out like a blowout on a tire. She looked up at him. He lay limply with his eyes closed and a small smile at his lips. Come was still drooling from the end of his cock, so she licked it off. She felt his seed across her face where his first spurt had struck her, and with a finger, she wiped it away and sucked the juices into her mouth. She adored the taste! His semen was slightly slimy, like an oyster, but sliminess didn't bother her. Another lick at the end of his cock, and she felt it softening in her hand.
Sliding up next to him, she kissed him softly. "I love you, Darrin Cannon, artist extraordinaire. I love you so very, very much." His smile widened and his eyes fluttered open. "And if you don't do the same for me right now, I'm going to scream," she added.
He laughed and rolled her to her back. Sliding down, he settled between her legs, his long legs dangling off the end of the bed. He pushed her knees up, and his hands caressed the inside of her thighs. "Has anyone ever tasted you before?"
"No, I've done a little petting, Darrin, that's all. I never wanted anyone but you. Do it, damn it!"
Her loud sigh of pleasure stretched out as his mouth covered her vulva and his tongue rasped up through her crease. When his tongue rolled over her clitoris, she climaxed. She didn't know an orgasm would happen. It didn't creep up on her, as usual. It overwhelmed her all at once, swooping like a roller coaster moving at full speed and hitting the bottom of a dip, only to be taken aloft again. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound exited. Her eyes snapped wide, but they couldn't focus. Without realizing what she was doing, she grabbed the back of her brother's head with her hands and jerked him forcefully to her, and at the same time, clamped her thighs tightly against his ears. Her entire body stiffened, rising from the bed. The orgasm continued, becoming stronger with each passing second. No sounds escaped her lips. She didn't breathe or move. It was as if her body had become a rigid, unbending mass of solid steel. The sensations didn't roll or pulsate, just struck and gripped her with continuous ever-increasing blissful pleasure, filling every molecule in her body.
Finally, the orgasm released her, and she screamed. She relaxed her grip on her brother, and he jerked his head to the side so he could breathe, but she grabbed his head again when another contraction hit her, and a second later another struck - and another. On and on, one pulsating grip followed the other, and she jerked with each assault, whimpering between the pulsations. She didn't know pleasure of such magnitude could exist. At last, she calmed with only soft pulsations striking her, each of them softer and farther apart. Like Darrin, she collapsed. Every muscled in her body gave up its hold, and she had never felt so limp before, so completely relaxed. Tears streamed from her eyes, and her clitoris became so sensitive she had to push Darrin away. She pushed at him, but then pulled at him, pulled him up so she could kiss him.
When she could, she mashed her lips to his and moaned. "My God, what did you do to me?" she asked when he pulled back from her kiss.
He laughed. "I licked you once, just once. I've never seen anything like it. You have a hair trigger. I take it you like my mouth on you."
"You can taste me anytime you want, bro. Anytime."
"I suspect it won't be like that every time."
"Probably not. If it were, I'd never let your face from between my legs."
He laughed again, and she felt his erection pushing at her cunt.
"Are you hard again?"
"Wanna fuck?" she asked with a mischievous grin.
"Well, fuck me then."
"You earned a raise today, Carrie" Darrin said.
They sat naked on the ratty, recovered sofa in the living room sipping brandy. Carrie was cuddled up next to him, feeling relaxed and happy. "Oh, how so."
"Your cut as my agent should be 20%, not 15%. Green at the job or not, you earned the top end of the scale. I still can't believe how you beat Kensington at his own game and won point after point in my favor. You were amazing, Carrie."
She leaned and kissed him. "Thanks, bro. How many paintings can you finish in a year?"
"I don't know. With eight easels, I can finish quite a few."
"Give me an educated guess."
"I'd guess twenty-five to thirty, closer to twenty-five than thirty."
"Would additional easels create more output?"
"To a point, probably. Why are you asking?"
"Do you think you can do forty a year without sacrificing quality?"
"No, not if I continue to work three or four days at the casino. It's a function of time, Carrie. You didn't answer my question. Why are you asking?"
"Besides the one-man show for Kensington, I'm trying to decide if I should set up another one-man show for you with another gallery this year. Will you still need to work at the casino if you sell all six paintings in your show next month?"
"I don't think so, but I'd be reluctant to give up the job until after the one-man show. I'd need to feel very secure before I quit it completely."
"What is it? A security blanket, of sorts?"
"Yeah. As jobs go, it's perfect for me, sis. They let me work my own hours, let me work part-time, and I can make as much part-time as I could fulltime in the other crap jobs I've had. About the two one-man shows this year, remember I'll still have twenty-five or so finished paintings after sending Phil his six."
"True, but only twelve of them represent the Las Vegas theme. The landscape I love so much hanging in my room may be a Darrin Cannon painting, but it doesn't have the same demand as the Vegas paintings, and demand equates to value. I figure you and I will enjoy your older paintings. If we put them in a show, it would out of necessity be a retrospective, and you have years and years ahead of you before a retrospective would be appropriate. I'm not pushing you to paint forty paintings a year, but that's the number we'd need to do a one-man shows every six months."
Squaring her shoulders, she opened the door and walked from her room. She'd fucked up big time. If he asked her to move, what would she do? She'd have to move back with her parents. She would have no other choice. She'd also need to forget college for a year, at least. Damn it! Life just wasn't fair. Darrin sat dejected at the kitchen table. She was pissed at him. Understandingly pissed. He'd stood at the door to his bedroom and gawked at her like a teenager who had never seen a naked...
She noticed Darrin was still working when she pushed up the overhead door to move the car inside the studio. Their neighborhood wasn't the best, and Darrin thought it prudent to pull the car inside each night. He waved at her and told her he would lower the door after she drove the vehicle inside. "Hi, sis, how are you?" he asked as she stepped out of the car. "My feet hurt, but it was a good-tip night." "Are you going right to bed?" Damn, he wants to talk. "Soon. I'm pretty...
Carrie woke with a headache, and her mouth felt as if her tongue had been licking a cat. She wondered if she were coming down with something. Then she remembered the brandy she had consumed the night before and suspected she was experiencing her first, and hopefully last, hangover. She pushed herself out of bed and did her bathroom chores, which made her feel a little better but didn't improve her headache. Looking in on Darrin, she found him stretched out naked diagonally across his bed....
"Good timing, Carrie. Tom called while you were out. He has a settlement offer from the insurance company. He'll be here..." Darrin glanced at his wristwatch and smiled. "... any minute." He took the grocery bags from her hands, and she bent into the trunk of the car and removed the other two. "Cool. Did he say what the offer was?" she asked as they trudged up the stairs. "No, and I asked. You're his client. He wouldn't discuss it with me." He helped her put away the groceries,...
As soon as Carrie logged off the Internet the phone rang. "Carrie, it's Tom. You've been on the Internet again, haven't you?" "Yes, sorry." "I have the insurance company agreements for you to sign, and I can give you your check." "Great, I can leave now. What's the address?" He gave her directions, and she hung up. At the bottom of the stairs, she hollered at Darrin, who appeared hard at work. "Tom has my check, bro. I'll pick it up, make a deposit at the bank, and then...
Evan and Harriet Cannon sat at a concrete picnic table at a rest stop - in the shade, fortunately. A hot breeze washed over them, kicking up alkaline dust from time to time. They were close enough to Vegas the dirt appeared more white than tan. The barren landscape seemed so desolate, untouched by nutrients, like Harriet's mood. When she noticed most of the flush to her husband's angry face had dissipated, she took his hand in hers and said, "You know we could be wrong, Evan." "I know....
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We had a hot night last night and again this morning. After dinner and a couple of glasses of wine, we took a nice bath together. After relaxing for a while, and after watching her shave her sexy long legs and beautiful pussy, she put my stiff cock into her warm and inviting pussy and started riding it up and down. Water started splashing everywhere right away, so after some adjustments, she said the words that I love to hear… ‘do you want to stick in my ass?’ Well, you know the answer to that!...
………………. Lettie brought Janie over the very next day, the Monday evening. Clearly she was not a girl to let grass grow under her feet. I could see that places for two teenage girls to have sex together, in any relaxed way, would be few and far between. Even these days not many parents were that broad-minded, and I didn’t think the Mellors were, at least. The use of my comfortable indoor swimming pool room would definitely be something they’d jump at, if my presence could be worked in...
My father recently married my stepmother. She’s a very sexy looking woman. She tells everybody she's a dancer, but she’s really a stripper. I think that’s where my father found her. She’s my father’s third wife. My father is always getting married. He’s a player and loves to have a sweet piece of ass on his arm. My mother left him years ago, because he couldn't keep his zipper up. He cheated on her with his secretary. My mother had a nervous breakdown and was unable to take care of me. I live...
TabooIt was a Friday night at the end of spring break from school. Sarah had found a place to live in upstate New York, completed most of her school work, and was looking forward to her graduation and new job. She was relaxed, happy and horny, and had planned an evening of pleasure for the two of us. A blanket was placed on the living room floor. The toys were organized next to the big leather chair in the living room. And, Sarah had tied my wrists to the chair arms. For the next forty-five...
HardcoreEllena notices Nina is staying at her grandmas, so she decides to invite her over to chill. Nina was relieved because Ellenas pool is so much nicer than her grannies plus it will be refreshing to spew with a girl her age. Nina opens up to Ellena about why her parents sent her to live with her grandma. Turns out she was going way too boy crazy and they were worried for her well being and safety. Before they can continue the conversation, the breeze picks up and it was getting way too cold. They...
xmoviesforyouIt was a typical night in our house. The k**s were in bed and we had just finished yet another round of mediocre sex. As he fell asleep I find my hand moving towards my pussy to finish the job he never seemed to complete. I began to wonder what it would be like to be used by several men. I closed my eyes and let the fantasy play out. “One, two, three” I mutter to myself counting the dandelion patches s**ttered over my lawn. “Every year Joe swears that he’s found the latest and greatest...
Memoirs of a CD By Alyssa Davis I have always been physically small for my age, sometimes called petite, and it hasn't been easy. During my childhood, boys wouldn't play with me because I was too little and just got in the way, so they said. My size was no problem with the girls who let me join them in their groups. Maybe they felt sorry for me. In school, during boy/girl activities, such as dancing or competition, if there was a shortage of girls, I was routinely assigned to the...
Big thanks to smidgeon for editing this whole series. I keep forgetting to say that, but she did was a huge help. I’ve done extensive revisions since then so any errors are mine. It had been two days since he’d had a chance to really be alone with Cassie and Gabe was getting frustrated. He thought Aaron would be distracted with Shelly there, but apparently Aaron was using him as an excuse to not spend time alone with her. Normally he wouldn’t have minded serving as his best friend’s third...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hey readers, I am Dheer of 20 years old. Normal physique with 5’8” and weighing 67kg. I am student of B.S.C second year. My father is a commission agent of spices so he normally remains at tour after every fifteen day for ten days. My mom is normal housewife who loves to work in her kitchen and household works. Now very important and main character of this story my sister Sneha she is 18 years now and studying in high school. She is 5’2” in height and...
IncestThe consensus of agreement about the suitability of Doctor Hyde to be the new Son-in-Law to Andrea's pleasantly surprised parents was that he was a "fine catch" and she should be congratulated. They managed to court respectably under the "ground rules" of genteel behavior but in private Andrea was much inspired by the kinky demands of young Mister Hyde on her person. She was not of an inclination to encourage him in his machinations to degrade her feminine character but at the same time...
Finally, we fill our cups with fresh coffee. Sitting across from her at the table, I watch her slender fingers with manicured finger nails reach around the cup, holding the cup between her palms, cupping the mug gently. I watch her lips as she moves the mug to her mouth slowly, gently wrapping her lips on the edge of the mug. I see her grasping my cock, pulling it to her waiting mouth, tongue extending beyond her lips to lick the head of my monster cock. She sucks my cock, sucking pre-cum...
Where did the summer go? It was an unusual summer here in Ohio, not so blistering hot most of the time this year and here we are already labor day weekend. What a holiday weekend it has turned out to be, never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the experience and the sheer raw sexuality the has happened right here at my house!To start the story off right though none of this would have happened if we hadn't put in our pool this year. I had a previous first time experience with our...
so we got to the paarty and unloaded all the shot material and Robbie and I were observing all the action going on around us. Cerome was hanging all over my wife and Peggy was enjoying the attention. Robbie asked if it bothered me that he was so niticably mauling her. I said not as long as most of these other people are strangers. We made a few toasts to past good times and enjoyed some more converstaion and then we noticed something a bit odd. marty and Cerome were kind of tag teaming peggy....
Note : This story is completely fictional! HI, I am married and I am 40 yrs old, I have 2 sons and one who is Married to a great wonderful . after sending the kids off and living on our own for a while my son and his wife " debbie" came to live with us, first I should tell you about her, shes 28 and has the best blue eyes anyone could have, she is a 34 /24/36 at least and she loves to wear clothing that shows off her great body. last summer I was off work for 3 weeks when they moved in with us,...
IncestIt was late and we still had many miles to go. I was travelling with James, a gay friend of mine, and after landing a couple of days ago in El Paso, we had driven up through New Mexico, and now were heading to the area known as the Four Corners, where the four states of Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico meet. The reason for the trip was to look for some quite rare species of cactus plants, the collecting and cultivation of which were an unusual passion of mine. On field trips such as...
The trip back home took a lot longer than the trip to Hawaii. Adding to their woes, their plane had been delayed and they arrived at home two hours late. They had gotten used to Hawaiian time and the time change was unsettling. In Hawaii, it was only eleven, but here it was one in the morning. It was extremely cold and, with the overcast sky, it was very dark when they stepped out of the airport. Andrew pushed the cart loaded with luggage out to long term parking. His car was parked way the...
After the successes at the CAP Testing Centers, the Circle became a little bolder in dealing with the Confederacy AI's, and less concerned with detection. One of the Circle members came up with the idea of a miniaturized, implantable, biometric HEAT interface, powered by the body's own electrical system, which would do away with the need to physically carry a piece of equipment around with them at all times. The question was put to HEAT and the rest of the Circle for their input. The...
One late afternoon I was going back home, feeling a bit tired and stressed after a hard day and a heavy meeting at my office. I really needed to relax; so I decided to pull into a point of view at the edge of a wood pine, from where I could see the river.The sun was going down and the sight was really beautiful.But I still needed more relief; more than normal, since my beloved hubby had not fucked me properly during the last week and I was feeling horny as hell.So, as I saw nobody was around, I...
Shelly and Allie were bubbly the whole way home. They took turns explaining what had played out in each of their sections of Daystar Studios. "You would not believe it!" Allie gushed. "I walked in and the contract was exactly like we'd discussed. He had already faxed a copy to Celina who had read it and signed off on it. It was easier than renting a car. One year with a mutual option for a second. Fifty K to start plus a cut of my downloads. He even back-dated that to last week so I get...
The room was a torture chamber. Bare light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Large white metal cabinets with glass doors lined the walls. I could see instruments used to torture and punish men and women inside these cabinets. I looked in fear as I saw electrodes, large straps, electro-type anal plugs, and numerous clamps probably used on the nipples, cock, testicles and other body parts. There were bottles of pills, catheters, long thin rubber like tubes and wires that are obviously used to...
It had been five days since Christina had signed the contract, and she was uncomfortable. She was sweaty, her hair was greasy, her stomach was queasy from a diet of mainly Pop-Tarts and bottled water, her legs and armpits were hairy, and her neck ached from sleeping on the couch. The city was in the midst of a heat-wave, so Master’s stipulation against bathing was even more unpleasant. The hours seemed like days in the silent heat of her little studio apartment, with her laptop as her only...