Reciprocal NeedsChapter 7
- 2 years ago
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Evan and Harriet Cannon sat at a concrete picnic table at a rest stop - in the shade, fortunately. A hot breeze washed over them, kicking up alkaline dust from time to time. They were close enough to Vegas the dirt appeared more white than tan. The barren landscape seemed so desolate, untouched by nutrients, like Harriet's mood. When she noticed most of the flush to her husband's angry face had dissipated, she took his hand in hers and said, "You know we could be wrong, Evan."
"I know. If I had proof I'd jerk Carrie out of that loft so fast her head would swim."
"And what would you do with Darrin?"
"Beat the crap out of him."
"Beautiful! Sometimes you have the sensitivity of a rock, Evan," she said sarcastically as she pulled her hand from his. "So your solution to this potentially life-altering problem is to bodily jerk your daughter out of the loft and tear into your son physically. Surely you jest."
He turned to her with an intense look, staring at her for a few seconds. "What would you do?"
"What WE do depends on the circumstances, and I do mean WE, not me alone or you alone. We'll decide what to do, and we'll stand together on this, Evan. Let me ask you a question. If our kids are involved sexually, which of them do you blame?"
"Without question, Darrin."
"He's older and should know better." He looked at his wife as if she were stupid.
She ignored the look and stated, "Age shouldn't be the criteria used to judge them? Why should Darrin know better than Carrie? Did we teach him better than Carrie? And don't tell me Carrie is too young to know right from wrong. We probably taught her more about proper morals than we did Darrin. And she's not your little girl anymore. She's a consenting adult, Evan. They both are. So get off the age kick. Discounting age, whom do you blame?"
"Darrin, damn it!"
"I disagree. If they're involved, I'd be willing to bet - in fact, I'll give you ten to one odds - that Carrie seduced Darrin, not the other way around. Wanna bet? Ten bucks for a hundred."
"I'm not a gambler," he grumbled. She had won every bet he had ever agreed to make with her.
"If she did the seducing, not Darrin, will you still blame your son?"
"Yes, damn it, and don't ask me why, except I believe age and gender are relevant."
"Uh-uh, you just can't see your little girl at fault regardless of the circumstances. In your eyes, Carrie can do no wrong. You favor your daughter over your son, Evan. You always have, and you're often not very subtle about your preference. Let's look at the ramifications of your solution, the first part of your solution, that is. I strongly discourage you from the second part of your scenario involving violent behavior toward your son. Frankly, Evan, if you try to beat the crap out of Darrin, using your words, you'd only get away with it to a point, and God help you after that point is crossed. Once Darrin starts to fight back, I'd give his youth and strength the edge." She took a big breath. "The ramifications of your solution depend on how strongly they feel about each other. If they're sexually involved but not in love, we might be able to jerk Carrie out of the loft, as you put it, and get away with it. We'd probably lose the love of our son, but we might be able to keep our daughter's love, but if they are in love, as I suspect, we'd lose both of them. At the first opportunity, Carrie would merely run away, meet up with Darrin somewhere, and the two of them would most likely disappear. We'd never see either of them again. Do you agree or disagree with my assessment?"
He grimaced. He knew she was right but hated to admit it. He did favor Carrie, but then Harriet favored Darrin. He's her little boy, and Carrie is my little girl. And the not-so-little boy is probably fucking the not-so-little girl. Christ! What a can of worms!
"Okay, so my solution sucks. What do you suggest we do about the problem?"
"Before we do anything, I think we need to define the problem. First, we need some proof they're in fact sexually involved. And with the security devices you installed in their home, it's not likely we'll catch them naked in bed together. We can make accusations, but if they deny being involved, what can we do? Not a lot. By the way, I'm with you all the way about insisting that Carrie moves into a dormitory room when she starts school. If they're involved sexually but not in love, the problem could take care of itself with the move. Frankly, I wouldn't be at all unhappy if Carrie fell in love with a nice college boy and married him right away. On the other hand, if Darrin and Carrie are truly in love, we wouldn't be able to move Carrie out of that loft with a forklift. A third possibility exists, Evan, and you're not going to like this one. Carrie could be in love with Darrin, but he might not be in love with her."
"Why can't it be the other way around, too?" Evan asked.
"It can, but it's not nearly as likely. Carrie has always been in love with the idea of love. Darrin, on the other hand, like most males, puts love a far distant second or third or even lower priority to other important elements of his life, like career, for instance. Anyway, if Carrie is in love, but Darrin isn't, we'll need his help to separate them. In fact, if they're not in love with each other, Darrin will still be the key, and we certainly won't be able to get him on our side if you resort to fisticuffs."
"So, you think a solution is possible if they're not in love or if only one of them is in love. Correct?"
"What happens if they're both in love?"
"We're fucked."
His eyes widened with shock. Harriet never used the "F" word indiscriminately, so she was definitely serious. "What do you mean?"
"I don't have a solution if they're deeply in love. If they're truly in love, they'll tell us and the rest of the world to take a flying leap, and there's not much we can do except turn them into the authorities, and if you do that, Evan, I swear, I'll leave you. I love you. You're the love of my life, but if you alert the authorities to our children's incestuous behavior, I'll never speak to you again."
"Jesus, Harriet! What have I ever done to make you think I'd do something so drastic to our kids? I love them as much as you, damn it! I won't have you even thinking I would do something like that! Take it back!"
She bowed her head. "I'm sorry. I know you love them, but I also know you have a hair-trigger temper. Sometimes you go off half-cocked. I'm sorry."
"Apology accepted. So our plan of action this trip is to find out if they're sexually involved, and if they are, whether they're seriously in love with each other or just playing around."
"Furthermore, if they're not both truly in love, our goal is to separate them, preferably now but certainly no later than when Carrie starts college."
"If Carrie is in love, but Darrin isn't, then we'll enlist Darrin's help to stop the relationship. What do we do in the unlikely event that Darrin is in love, but Carrie isn't? Enlist Carrie's help to stop the relationship?"
"And if they're deeply in love with each other, what do we do?"
"I haven't the slightest idea, and what's more, if I know my kids, and I do, if they're sexually involved at all, they will be deeply, irrevocably in love with each other, and that's what worries me."
"Yeah. Let's get on down the road. There was a method to my madness when I pushed you to leave so early. I want to surprise them by arriving way early. I want to see the sheets on Darrin's bed and Carrie's soiled panties in the laundry basket before Carrie has a chance to take them to the Laundromat to eliminate the evidence. I want to see if she's been sleeping in the sweatbox she calls a room. And while we're in Vegas, let's work together to keep them off balance so they can't work together to deceive us. We'll divide and conquer. If you see an iota of guilt in either of them, zero in and take advantage of it. I'll do the same. Remember, they'll deny any incestuous involvement, especially Carrie. She's the more accomplished liar of the two. Our goal is to wear them down and get one of them to admit their incestuous behavior, that is, if what we believe is true. There's still a chance they're not sexually involved, but if we give them the benefit of the doubt, we'll never know for sure and won't be able to do anything about it."
"Jesus! Remind me never to cheat on you, Harriet. I wouldn't have a chance."
"You've got it, buster." With a wide grin, she leaned and kissed him. "I love you, you know. Whatever you do, I'll back you. You're my husband, and I love you. I ask only one thing. Whatever decision you make, whatever action you take, please consider the whole of our family. The four of us are family, Evan. You and me, Darrin and Carrie, we're family, damn it! And we'll always be family."
"What are you doing?" Darrin asked as Carrie started to strip his bed.
Carrie grinned. "Destroying evidence. The sheets are covered with pecker and pussy tracks, and as suspicious as Mom is, she's devious enough to look for such things. The parents will be here in a couple of hours, and I need to go to the Laundromat before they arrive. If we make a little money tomorrow night, let's consider buying a washer and dryer."
"We'll see. Carrie, I've been meaning to tell you, but I waited because I didn't want to pop your balloon over the insurance settlement. Be careful what you spend. You'll have to pay taxes on the $90,000 award, which will no doubt eat up a good chunk of the cash portion of the settlement."
"Hah! It's a good thing I'm the money manager around here and will be handling our taxes. I checked with the IRS on the Internet. I received only compensatory damages, not punitive damages, and only punitive damages are taxable."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh, yes."
He smiled and gave her a salute. "Great! I'm happy for you, and yes, go ahead and buy a washer and dryer, if you want. I'm going to work. After the parents arrive, they'll kill my concentration."
"Okay. What about dinner? I haven't prepared anything. Let's take Mom and Dad out. They like Chinese."
"Sounds good."
He turned and left the room, and Carrie stuffed the sheets in a pillowcase. Rushing around, she gathered up the other dirty laundry, deciding she might as well wash everything. Tossing the dirty clothes in the back of the car, she dashed back up the stairs to get the soap, softener and bleach.
"Bye, lover," she hollered as she started the car and pushed the garage door opener. "I'll be back in about an hour."
He waved and she backed out of the studio.
"Say, isn't that Darrin's car?" Harriet said turning around in the seat.
"I didn't notice."
"Yes, it looks like Darrin's car," Harriet said. "Turn around."
"Why? We're almost to their place now."
"I think it turned into a Laundromat, the one Carrie uses to wash their clothes."
"Oh, okay. Damn, I can't change lanes right now. I'll have to go through this light when it turns green. I'll get in the left lane after the light and turn back as soon as I can."
Harriet kept glancing back. If they couldn't turn back soon, it would be too late. Carrie would have all the clothes in the machines. The light changed, and Evan gunned the car, but the vehicle on his left kept pace, which forced Evan to slow down to change lanes. The delay caused him to miss the only turn around point before the next light. Harriet groaned.
"We're too late, damn it. Okay, lets go to the studio. They aren't expecting us for two more hours. We'll surprise Darrin, and I'll go nosing around the loft while you keep him busy. Okay?"
"Shall we synchronize our watches?" Evan asked with a grin.
Who the hell can that be, Darrin asked himself. Irritated by the interruption, he threw the brush in his hand into a can of solvent. The doorbell rang again as he wiped his hands on a paint-splattered rag.
"Keep your pants on," he yelled as he strode to the door. "Mom, Dad, you're early!" he exclaimed after he threw open the door. "Come in! Come in."
"Give your old mom a hug, son," Harriet said and held out her arms.
"Let me get this smock off first, or you'll have paint all over your pretty dress." He hurriedly removed the smock and gave her a hug and kiss. He shook his father's hand. "You just missed Carrie. She went to the Laundromat. I'll give her a call and let her know you're here. We have cell phones now. Radical, huh? Mom, take Dad upstairs. We have soft drinks and beer. Take your choice. Let me clean up down here, and I'll be right with you."
He's nervous as a whore in church, Harriet thought. Good.
"Go ahead, Harriet," Evan said. "I'll stay with Darrin. I want to see his paintings. It looks like he's working on a bunch of them."
"Okay. Cola or beer?" she asked.
"Beer," Darrin and his father said simultaneously.
Harriet chuckled. "I don't know why I asked."
Darrin picked up the cell phone and pushed speed-dial number one. "Carrie, the folks are here. You must have passed them on the way to the Laundromat."
"Damn! I didn't strip my bed. I thought I had time to do the laundry and make your bed before they arrived. Don't let Mom upstairs until I get home."
"Sorry, no can do."
"She's already up in the loft, isn't she?"
Carrie groaned audibly. "Remember, bro, deny, deny, deny, and for hell sakes don't look guilty. I'll be there as soon as I can, but I'll be gone at least a half-hour, maybe a little longer. I love you."
"I... yeah. See you soon, sis." Damn, I almost slipped, Darrin thought. Deception is a bitch. "Mom, Carrie says hi," Darrin yelled up the stairs. "She'll be here as soon as the laundry is finished."
"Okay," Harriet yelled back. It was time to snoop. She hurried to Darrin's bedroom. Surprise, surprise, the bed is stripped, she thought sardonically. She examined the mattress pad. Lot's of stains, but nothing she could point to as recent or damning. Kneeling, she looked under the bed. Nothing. Opening the closet door, she looked for signs of Carrie's clothes mixed with Darrin's.
They're being careful - very careful. They shared the bathroom, so she didn't expect to find anything damning there and went directly to Carrie's room. Hot! So hot she started to sweat as soon as she entered the room. Then she realized Darrin's room had been cool. She returned to his room and noted the window air conditioning unit. They've got to be sleeping together in here, she decided.
Suddenly, she knew without a doubt they were sleeping together! Darrin's bed was stripped, but Carrie's bed was made. If Carrie slept in her room, she'd be washing those sheets, too! Returning to Carrie's room, she looked for signs of recent habitation that would dispel her suspicions. She pulled back the bed. The sheets were clean and fresh. After remaking the bed, she looked in the closet. Carrie's clothes were there, hanging neatly, and her robe was on a hook on the backside of the door. The dirty clothesbasket on the floor of her closet was empty. Nothing. Nothing except the made-up bed. Not proof positive, but certainly damning. She debated whether to approach Darrin or Carrie to ask why his sheets were being washed and not hers. Carrie, she decided. Darrin would merely shrug. He doesn't have anything to do with the laundry.
She strode from the room, grabbed two beers and a cola from the refrigerator, and carried them down the stairs. The men were standing in front of a huge painting.
"Honey, come and see this painting. It's really something," Evan said when he spied her.
What's this? Evan is praising his son's art. That's got to be a first. When she joined the men, she glanced up at the painting and gasped. "My God, Darrin, it's magnificent!"
"I call it LOVE."
She stood and gawked, forgetting to give the men their beers. Darrin relieved her of their burden without her realizing he had taken them from her. She pointed. "That's you when you were a boy, and that's Carrie."
"Yes, they represent the love between a brother and sister."
"Yes," Harriet muttered.
"Look up there, honey," Evan said after taking a big gulp of beer from the can. "Can you see us? It's a scene from years ago, but it's us, our family."
Harriet smiled. "Yes, I see."
"The two of you represent love between a husband and a wife with a family," Darrin said proudly.
"Oh, my God, there's my mother and father!" Harriet exclaimed. "They look just like they did on their fiftieth wedding anniversary. I have a photo of the event in an album at home."
"They represent mature love, Mom," Darrin said. "I went to that party. I was just a boy, but I remembered thinking how much in love they were at the time, which surprised me. As a boy, I didn't realize love transcended time, not until I watched them and saw how much affection they truly felt for each other. I made a mental note of the scene at the time and pulled it up from my memories for this painting."
"And there I am with Carrie, when she was a newborn!" Harriet exclaimed again. "And there you are, Darrin, with your father playing catch."
"Parental love," Darrin commented.
Harriet reached and took his hand without taking her eyes off the painting. "It's beyond magnificent, Darrin."
"It's not finished. I'll be working on it for another month or two, but I'm very pleased with it."
"You should be." She turned to her husband. "Admit it, Evan. Your son is an artistic genius."
He grinned. "I never said he wasn't. My gripe has always been his inability to make any money with his art, but it looks like that's about to change. Check out the rest of paintings, honey. This is the best of the bunch, but they're all good. I like the one he calls RAGE. I understand anger, and he sure has captured the emotion with that painting. Just looking at it pisses me off."
Harriet couldn't take her eyes off LOVE. "In a minute, Evan. This painting will make you famous, Darrin."
"That's what Carrie said, which didn't please me. I enjoy my anonymity. It let's me work and create without a lot of hoopla. A little money wouldn't hurt, as Dad just pointed out, but the last thing I want is fame."
I understand, son, Harriet thought. Your anonymity lets you live with your sister as if you were man and wife. If you become famous, your incestuous relationship will become public knowledge. Damn it, my son and daughter are in love, deeply, gut-wrenchingly in love. This painting says it all. Darrin could not have created it without being deeply in love.
She suddenly felt so sad she wanted to cry. In fact, her eyes became shiny with tears. She glanced at her husband. Each gave the other a little nod. Yes, he knew, too. They had lived with each other and loved each other for so many years they knew each other's thoughts much of the time. Evan looked as sad as she felt.
The telephone jangled, a hateful, raucous sound. Darrin opened one eye and glared at the offensive instrument disturbing his sleep. "Answer the damn phone, Darrin." Who? Carrie. Suddenly, he remembered. Carrie was in the bed across the room. He reached and picked up the phone. "Yeah." "It's six o'clock, sir." "Yeah, thanks." When he tried to replace the phone on the receiver, he missed and it fell to the floor. "Fuck!" Then he remembered Carrie. "Sorry." "Sokay. I'll get...
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Prologue This story is a, stand alone, short story. It has no sex, no violence. It is in direct contrast to the thousands of , “Loving Wives” stories I see, where the first thought a guy has after seeing his wife with another man is, how hard his own dick is. I know there are many men out there who share in that fantasy, if not, in reality. But I believe there are many more who believe, as I, in the sanctity of marriage. This is a story just for them. I sincerely hope I get...
John and Vickie, having been married 5-years, were happy in their life. John at 30 was building a good name for himself in the business world while Vickie at 24 was content to keep track of the home life and all of the work and responsibility that comes with it. John would be considered average by most people but Vickie adored him as something very special. Vickie, on the other hand, was quite the looker with short brown hair and brown eyes. Her sultry look could just stare completely through...
I've recently booked a holiday back to Mykonos which has brought back some rather vivid memories of my last trip there. This is a repost of what happened some time ago now - I wonder if this holiday will be as memorable!The tale concerns a holiday I once had with my now ex-wife Wendy, I've changed her name - though now divorced it was on the whole a pretty amicable split and as we remain good friends I'd still like to keep it that way.In true Lit fashion I suppose l should now describe Wendy;...
Written by StillUndecided for Lush Stories ONLY!We sat at midnight waiting for the last train home on the platform, deserted but for two women. It was a cold night and we were snuggling up ourselves on one of the slightly frosty benches they provided sparsely across the station, keeping closely together for warmth in the bitter night. The train wasn't due for a while yet but we had nowhere else to go, and so sat sharing a set of headphones to listen to your favourite band.I let my eyes dance...
VoyeurHello friends.. How are you all doing. I am harry from Bangalore. I have read many of you are sexcapades and this is my third incident here. After this incident what I realised is patience always pays. In this incident I will tell u how I made out with this girl who I was for years but never involved sexually with her. But it was destined for us to get involved. Neither she nor I have repented for making love till date. In the past I have proposed to her but she could never take me as her guy,...
Daddy had been on an extended business trip and was due home today. He called from the plane saying he would be home in an hour and to let me know he purchased more toys and equipment for my continued training. Daddy seems determined to escalate my training since I have always been so sensually responsive to his lessons. The night before he left town he had a doctor friend over for dinner. We all laughed and had a great time while having drinks in front of the fireplace. Daddy turned to me...
IncestCurvy, sexy and big natural tits, it’s of course none other than the incredible Amalia Davis who today has come to Private Specials, Cheeky Teens 2, to surprise her lucky man in the best way possible… a threesome with Light Fairy! Frankie G will live out every guy’s fantasy on as he gets treated to a sensational cock sucking and ball licking blowjob from both girls just to warm up. Then enjoy the rest of this banging threesome as Light and Amalia take turns fucking and getting...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: His wife left him and when his daughter grew up he could not resist her Ten years ago I lost my wife. No, she didnt die. I came home early from a fishing club meeting one evening only to find her in our bed with a very big, very black dude with a cock that matched. She was on her knees and elbows while he held onto her hips and pounded his huge man meat in and out of her very white and very stretched cunt. She cried out in a combination of intense pleasure and pain, Oh, fuck yes....
Bound And Chained By: V.L. Marquette Lightly edited By: Ravyn Again, I'm going to take this time to tell anyone who is intersected in myworks, that I will make this public warning, hear and now. Just this once soyou don't have to be concerned about editing it out if you read my work chapterby chapter. Besides I get very tired of having to repeat myself over and overagain. (Authors Note) This is a work of fiction. Telling anyone that any resemblanceto anyone living or dead seems a tad silly, as...
*Special thanks to @mr_hyde_06 for making the amazing image you can see for the cover of this story. Stories will show the characters name, age, gender and any other side notes, Eg. Mike, 25 year old male, obsessed with porn. Anyone is allowed to write as well just start it like this too So who are you?
Pichle kamukta story me apne dheka ki kis tarah meri maa ek bade se muslim lund se chude. Ab main batane ja raha hun ki kaise meri maa aslam k dosto ki randi bani. Phale maa k bare me thoda jaan lete hai. Mere maa naam kavita hai aur wo 40 year ki hai aur bahut sunder hai apne body ka bahut khayal rakte hai size 36-32-36 hai. Aur papa bussiness k liye bahar rahte the aur kabhi kabhi ate the. Aslam se chudne k bad maa 2 din tak nhi chal paye sahe se. Phir ek din ek phone aya maa k phone me to...
This is a true story that happened to my wife while we were separated some years ago. Sally had a room mate named Susan and they were both nice looking ladies and still are for that matter. They were similar in appearance, build. hair color, breasts size and could pass for sisters. Hell I even wanted to do Susan myself but it was too close and could have killed what we still had. They were regulars at a local bar and dance hall and most every weekend you could find them there dancing and...
There were once beautiful baths that existed in this world. Back when sexuality wasn’t hidden like a disease and the true beauty of the naked form and nature was something to be preserved instead of graffitied upon or covered.It lay next to the modern-day bath, a community swimming pool. It's mildly populated this afternoon. Couples, young and old, children splashing about, elders tanning themselves. Everyone enjoying the water and sun.I lay on my stomach in my black bikini and place my book...
HistoricalNovember, 1812 After a quick repast, Thomas had a horse saddled for himself and set out to visit one of the tenants, one George Hanson, who worked a 60-acre parcel of land towards Horsley with his son. Hanson had been boatswain in Cormorant, and Thomas’s father had given him a tenancy when the old ship was broken up in ‘04. Hanson had taught the young Thomas seamanship, and of all the tenants he could be trusted the most. The ride was two miles over the small lanes of the different estates,...
Jay: 'What's the time for the shuttle to get here, Merlin.' Merlin: 'At present speed, about 92 minutes.' Jay: 'I show us with... ' Merlin: '... 38 minutes on rebreather and 30 minutes on suit oxy.' Jay: 'If we cut back on activity, that will lengthen the time we have. Robbie and I are going to lay down and ... uh ... rest.' There was silence for about 15 minutes, during which Kray must have killed about 60 males that were reborn. Then the radio came to life. Nicolevna:...
Monday, June 20, 2005 I woke two and a half hours later, with Ava still cuddled in my arms. I had barely started extracting myself when, #1: #3: #1: #6: #1:
--CH01-- And So It BeginsRose had been a very outgoing young girl, that is, until she hit puberty. Although many might call it a blessing, Rose had been very uncomfortable with the changes that were happening to her body. Her breasts grew quite rapidly to a generous D cup and her hips and rear grew to give her a very shapely appearance. While many of her girlfriends looked on in envy, Rose drew the undesired attention of every hormone addled teenage boy at her school.Her defense against all the...
When I was 22 I slept with a "Cougar" that was 38. It was a one night stand and we did it twice that night. She ended up pregnant from that night. She never told me about it. I heard it from a friend that knew her.She ended up telling her husband (she was splitting up with him when we did it) that it was his. Supposedly he ended up paying c***d support for the c***d. I still wonder when the day is going to come that the c***d will show up at my door. My wife was 27 when she got pregnant with...
I was visiting my friend Amber that night. Her roomate Kate was away at her boyfriend’s house and we planned on getting together for a fun night of drinking and just enjoying each others company. Amber was cute, a blonde just like me, one of the many things we had in common. We were drinking and chatting away and as we became more and more inebriated, we decided to watch a film together. I don’t really recall what it was about, but as it ended we found ourselves lounging on the sofa next too...
After a long afternoon of delivering the sacraments to the three city hospitals, Father Antony Secco took a short detour on his way back to the rectory of St. Jude Thaddeus. It’d been several days since he heard the young musician’s confession, but his words still echoed in the young priest’s mind. This fantasy fulfillment agency called It’s Just Sex! sounded like just what he needed. He dropped a quarter into the pay phone and punched the number he’d memorized. The voice answering was crisp,...
This is part 10… you probably want to start with part 1. Thanks to DWS1973 for the editing! ***** Mei was happier than she had ever been before in her life, and it was all thanks to her blackmailer, Philip. The transformation from Jenny to Mei Chun wasn’t complete by any measure but at least she was now persistently nice. It still took effort, especially first thing in the morning, but she was definitely getting the hang of it. She began to look outside herself, seeing those around her as...
You have just come home from work. Stressed and aching. You grab the tv remote slump yourself on the sofa and turn on the tv. You being to day dream of a break from work and a spar day. All of a sudden you hear a knock at the door. You manage to drag yourself to the front door. You are greeted by an attractive man you subconsciously look him up and down he interrupts you mid way and say. "Good evening miss I hope I didn't disturb you". You look into his eyes and reply "not at all" with a...
Monday morning, Dec 11, 2028It was nice having my own gym clothes for a change. I had been self-conscious wearing Eric’s old ones. I wore street clothes on the way to the gym, with the new ones in Eric’s gym bag. The walk was getting easier, even if was still cold in the morning, twenty-seven degrees. At least it was warmer than Sunday morning.The workout was getting easier as well. I still wasn’t coming even close to keeping up with Ginger, but I felt like it was at least reasonable. It felt...
Wife LoversIt had been a long, busy day. The BBQ had been a success and everyone, apart from Peter, had come. Just as well really, I never really liked him. He always seemed a bit arrogant but he was James’ best man at our wedding, so surely he can’t be all bad. Mind you, getting blind drunk, knocking over the cake, and calling my mother a “piece of milf ass” wasn’t the best thing to do at any wedding, let alone mine. Fiona, Peter’s long suffering wife had turned up expressing her deepest apologies for...
Thanks everyone, for all your feedback during this series. I am starting a new one, and I will take all the suggestions on board. Warm regards Barbra Dark Redemption – Final Exactly as he asked me to, I am standing outside the door of Peter’s office, at the precise time appointed. I am nervous and excited as I always am when I meet with Peter under these circumstances, but perhaps a little more so this time, because of all that has gone on between us in the past week or so. I knock on the...
Some background information might help. I met Tom at a group jack that was organized on a site called the Masturbation Page Personals section. No longer active that I know of. Six of us guys got together for a jackoff session, which was a lot of fun but not really all that intimate. Although it was a major turn-on to see six hard pricks spurting their cum. I was quite impressed with Tom’s prick. It was very thick with a really nice smooth head and he had beautiful smooth shaved balls to go...
Fanny regarded her teacher with fascination from where she sat at the back of the classroom. Qafira was so very thin. Were they all as thin as her where she came from? Almost all skin and bones. Hardly any fat on the woman at all. She knew that Qafira would get plenty of stick for her thinness. People would wonder whether she’d eaten well. Or whether she wasn’t weak with hunger. But despite her skinniness, Fanny decided that Qafira was actually rather attractive. A difficult thing to admit to...
College SexOh my apologies, he was the desired of all the men in Italy. No other man stood as tall, as strong, and as handsome as Cornelius Erectus. He was a centurion of high rank, one that the emperor Aquitanius adored. Cornelius fought in great battles and killed many men. This the Emperor saw and he soon enough gave his only daughter, Lucretia, to him to marry. The marriage was wondrous, but as he explained to me, in great detail, the night of their wedding was much greater. You see I am a voyeur...
Hi dosto main bahot saalo se ISS ka reader reh chuka hu mera favourite topic hai incest aaj main apko haal hi mein hui ghatna ke baare mein batauga meri bhanji ka naam ayesha hai waise to woh Lucknow ki rehne Wali hai par padhai ke liye woh hamare saath pune mein rehti hai uski umar 20 saal hai mein 27 saal ka hu bahot parties mein jaate rehta hu baat bus pichle mahine ki hai mere mummy papa kisi shaadi mein mumbai gaye the Bahot dino se main ye mauka dhoond raha tha ki kaise ayesha ko choda...
Chapter Two:- Marie. My husband and I had agreed I could tease Liam through seduction but would go no further than sucking his cock and possibly being pleasured by him so that my pussy was prepared for my husbands’ return. Walking up the drive in my sleek stilettos, I can feel my husband-Sean-watching my arse, I give a cheeky wiggle before glancing to him in the car. He smiles at me and blows a kiss. I return the gesture before letting myself in. Going into the lounge, Liam rises from the...
She invites three of her friends over. They share the same contempt for you. When they see you they can barely hide their disdain for you. You can practically see the cogs in their heads turning, thinking about all the ways they are going to fuck with you this weekend. Your sister is in her underwear already because she doesn't even care how you think about her.
IncestI wanted to lay my head down on the table and go to sleep. It was morning. I knew because the sun had come up. I guess that meant it was also tomorrow. I had been at work since yesterday. No one had told me that I had to work all night, but the prototype boards had come in yesterday. The boards needed to be working so we would have something to demo at the Comdex trade show in two weeks. If we went to Comdex with out boards, we probably wouldn’t be able to raise any more funding. Without...