- 3 years ago
- 29
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I wanted to lay my head down on the table and go to sleep. It was morning. I knew because the sun had come up. I guess that meant it was also tomorrow. I had been at work since yesterday. No one had told me that I had to work all night, but the prototype boards had come in yesterday. The boards needed to be working so we would have something to demo at the Comdex trade show in two weeks. If we went to Comdex with out boards, we probably wouldn’t be able to raise any more funding. Without funding we would all be unemployed.
I worked for a little startup company in North Carolina. The thing about startups is that they consume your life. You work insane hours. You might get rich, but probably not. There is an incredible amount of stress.
There was a definite upside though. Startups were fun. You ended up working closely with a lot of awesome people. Since everyone lived at work, you got to know them all well. I thought it was worth it. This was my third startup. I still wasn’t rich.
Just as I was about to give in to temptation and close my eyes, the door popped open. In walked Janet, one of the other engineers.
‘Steve, have you been here all night? You look terrible.’
I stared at her for a second before I answered. ‘Thanks,’ I said, trying to keep the sarcasm I felt out of my voice. ‘What does it look like?’
‘Well either the boards aren’t working or you had one hell of a date last night.’
‘I Wish,’ I chuckled, surprised that she had been able to make me laugh.
My romantic life seemed to keep everyone amused. They all felt like they had an open invitation to kid me about it. I had a sort of bad-boy womanizer reputation. I wasn’t sure it was deserved, but I did nothing to discourage it. Part of it was due to the fact that I didn’t date the women in the office. That made me safe to flirt with. I was an excellent flirt.
The other part was because I didn’t own a car. I owned a Harley. That in itself was the quintessential bad boy symbol. It also meant that if I was going on a date, we would frequently take her car. Since I was always at work, I usually got her to pick me up from the office. So everyone knew who I was going out with, and I did date some fairly ‘unique’ women. People still reminded me about the leather clad bleach blond twins that had taken me to lunch a year and a half ago. It would have ruined all the fun if I had told anyone they were my sisters.
‘Well do they work?’ Janet asked, snapping me back to reality.
‘Not really,’ I answered, ‘but I think they are fixable. We have way too much jitter in the clock recovery. I think something is wrong with the PLL loop filter.’
‘There is not!’ Janet answered indignantly. She had designed the PLL.
‘What do I get if I am right?’ I teased.
‘Anything you want sweetie.’
‘Actually,’ I answered, ‘what I really want is a cup of coffee.’
‘Well, if your going to stay up all night debugging my circuits, I’ll be glad to get you a cup. Black right?’ With that she left.
Janet came back in a few minutes. She had gone by my office and picked up the mug off my desk. ‘Sorry it took so long,’ she said apologetically, ‘There was a bit of a crisis in the break room.’
‘Really? Whats wrong?’ I asked absently handedly. My mind was still on the loop filter.
‘It seems that Lynn left her husband a month ago. She didn’t tell anyone till this morning. She is in the break room with Jennifer and Traci who seem to be throughly enjoying the drama.’
I stared at her for a moment. ‘Are you serious?’ I finally asked.
‘Excuse me,’ I said jumping up from my bench, ‘I’ll be back in a few minutes.’
I felt Janet watching me. She had no idea what she had just done to me. No one who worked with me would have. I hurried down the hall to the break room. The scene was like Janet had described. Jennifer and Traci were hovering around Lynn, who was sitting at one of the tables. Lynn was about eight years older than me, ten inches shorter, and fifty pounds heavier. She was the technical writer.
I approached the table and they all stopped talking and looked at me. It occurred to me that I had no idea what I was going to say. So I just winged it. ‘Janet just told me your news,’ I said looking at Lynn. ‘I’m sorry, it must be hard for you.’
‘Thanks Steve,’ she answered. ‘It is, but its for the best. I’ll get through it.’
‘I’m sure you will, but it must be lonely.’
‘Thanks, it is.’
She took the bait. I was ecstatic. ‘Well a few of us are going out to dinner after work,’ I continued. ‘You might enjoy the company and I would love to take you. Are you up for it?’
Lynn looked at me blankly. She was obviously completely clueless about what was going on. She was about to decline my offer, but Jennifer, who saw exactly what was happening, kicked her. She turned to Jennifer asking ‘What?’ in a confused voice.
‘She would love to sweetie,’ Jennifer answered for her.
I decided to run with Jennifer’s answer. ‘Wonderful,’ I replied, ‘I’ll come get you about 6:00.’ After that I hurried away so that Lynn wouldn’t have a chance to change her mind.
I practically floated down the hall as I went back to the lab. I got there and Janet was waiting for me with a big grin on her face. ‘What’s up?’ I asked. ‘Did you get the boards to work?’
‘No lover boy,’ she answered, ‘I hear you asked Lynn out.’
‘How the hell did you find out about that?’ I asked incredulously, ‘Its only been 3 minutes.’
‘Traci emailed the news.’
‘Traci emailed you? But she is in the break room.’
‘No,’ she answered with a smirk, ‘Traci emailed the whole company. She is still in the break room. She used her phone to do it.’
I just looked at her. I was about to say something but her computer beeped and cut me off.
‘Oh an update,’ Janet continued, obviously enjoying herself. ‘It seems that Jennifer and Traci think its a ‘real’ date, while Lynn insists that you are just being nice.’
‘You all need to get a life.’ I said. ‘I’m going home, I need some sleep. Will you look at these boards?’
‘Sure,’ she answered. She paused a second and then continued. ‘Is it a real date?’
‘I sure hope so,’ I answered as I walked out the door.
I went home and crawled into bed. I actually set the alarm clock. I almost never do that, but this was not the day I wanted to oversleep. I was asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.
I woke up at 4:00, half an hour before the alarm was set to go off. I felt like I had been run over by a truck. Still, I was glad I had beaten the alarm. It would have been much worse if I had let it wake me up.
I climbed into the shower and let the hot water run over me. That always made me feel better, and today was no exception. When I got out of the shower 15 minutes later I actually felt good.
I got myself dressed, and then started looking for a jacket for Lynn. I wondered how long it had taken her to realize that I was planning on taking her on my bike. I didn’t know if she was actually going to let me do it, but I wanted to be prepared. She had been wearing jeans and running shoes that morning. Those were fine. But she had had on a sleeveless blouse, and that wouldn’t work very well. It would be too cold to ride like that on a May evening.
I kept extra riding clothes around the house. It was convenient since situations like this came up occasionally. I looked at what I had and finally selected a black summer weight Gortex jacket. It was size XXL, which I thought would be about right.
I arrived back at work at 5:30 and went to Lynn’s office, carrying the jacket. The door was open, but she was concentrating on something and didn’t see me. I knocked and she looked up at me.
‘Hi Steve,’ she said, waiving at me. ‘Come on in.’
I walked in her office and showed her the jacket. ‘I brought you this so you wouldn’t get
cold on the way over.’
‘We could take my car,’ she ventured, ‘that might be easier.’
I wasn’t about to take her up on that, at least not if I didn’t have to. ‘No way. I have been thinking about you sitting behind me with your arms around me all day.’
Suddenly she looked very uncomfortable. She didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds and then got up and shut her office door. She sat back down. I could tell she was trying to find words for something. Finally she started. ‘Steve, why are you doing this?’
‘Doing what?’ I asked. I had a pretty good idea what she meant, but I wanted her to confirm it. Besides, I was getting uncomfortable now.
‘Why did you ask me to join you all for dinner? Why are you flirting with me. You have never flirted with me before.’
‘Because I like you silly,’ I answered, trying to inject a little humor to lighten the mood.
‘Jennifer told me that you were asking me out on a date. But I told her you were just being nice because of what has happened to me.’
‘Well, Jennifer is right,’ I answered.
‘I find that very hard to believe.’
‘What?’ I almost yelled it at her. It made no sense to me and it hurt my feelings.
Lynn could tell she had upset me. She softened her tone a little as she continued. ‘It just that.. well just look at me Steve. I am a fat middle aged woman. You are the stud of the company. You could do a lot better than me. I know Traci wants to go out with you. She is young and skinny and pretty. You should ask her out.’
I blushed. She had told me I was a stud. I didn’t know what to say to her, so I just started talking. ‘Traci has asked me out. Twice. I turned her down. There is only one woman at this company that I would be willing to date and that is you.’
‘Why?’ she asked in a disbelieving voice. She paused for a second and then continued. ‘Look, if this is some kind of joke its really going to hurt my feelings.’
God that made me mad. I had been sitting down, but now I was standing. ‘Don’t you know me better than that!’ I yelled. ‘Do you think I would do that to you? Look, if you don’t like me just say so and I will leave. But drop this bullshit about knowing how I feel about you. Because you don’t.’
I regretted saying it as soon as it was out of my mouth. I was trying to figure out what to say next, but she interrupted my thoughts and told me she was sorry. That made me feel a lot better. I sat down and tried to explain in a softer voice.
‘I remember the day you started working here Lynn. You walked in wearing black pants and a black blouse. You had a red blazer on over it. Those are my favorite colors. I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. But you had a wedding band on your hand, so I never said anything.’
‘Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.’ Lynn paused and then continued. ‘Look Steve, I am an emotional wreck.’ She started to cry as she said it, but she flicked the tears off her face and continued. ‘I don’t think I am going to be much fun to be around, all I ever seem to do anymore is cry. I am so lonely. I went to church last night. Its the first time in probably 30 years. I told God that I really needed a friend. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that someone like you would be sitting in my office telling me you thought I was beautiful. I want so badly to believe you, but its hard.’
I moved closer to her, put my hands on her cheeks, and kissed her on the forehead. ‘I would love to be your friend,’ I whispered as I pulled her close to me.
‘Lets blow off the rest of these guys,’ I suggested, realizing that I didn’t want to share her that evening. ‘I know a place down at the beach we could go for dinner.’
‘The beach?’ She asked questioningly. It was a bit over two hours to get down there from where we were.
‘I would enjoy getting to know you on the trip.’
‘What the hell,’ she answered, ‘lets go.’
I helped her into the jacket I had brought for her. It gave me an excuse to run my hands over her as I adjusted the straps, which we both seemed to enjoy. After I got the jacket adjusted, I worked her hair out from under it so that it spilled down the back. She looked fantastic.
We walked out of her office and into the lobby. There were several people there, it was where everyone who was going to dinner gathered. ‘Hey, don’t wait for us, we are going to go out by ourselves,’ I announced to no one in particular. Someone got cute and decided to clap. Then everyone else started. I almost blushed and Lynn did. Then we walked out the front door.
We got to my bike and I handed her a helmet and a little radio headset that would allow us to talk as we rode. As I put on my headset and helmet I asked her if she had ever ridden before.
She blushed bright red as she answered ‘Oh yes.’
‘Well there is obviously more to that story than your telling me,’ I teased her.
She put her headset on and I could hear her over the radio. ‘Oh, this is cool!’ she exclaimed as she put her helmet on. ‘We didn’t have these the last time I rode.’
I got on and she followed, reaching around me and locking her hands together. It felt incredibly good. I pulled out of the parking lot and got on I-40, headed toward the beach. It was just before 6:00 and the sun was still bright. The traffic was moving as well, which was nice. Sometimes it stopped moving when everyone left work. But today we were cruising along nicely, and I was enjoying the feeling of the wind and Lynn’s arms.
‘Wow, this is fun,’ I heard her say.
‘Glad you like it,’ I answered. ‘I love it. Its a great way to forget about the problems at work. So are you going to tell me the rest of that story?’
‘What story?’
‘Oh don’t give me that,’ I scolded her. ‘Whatever story it was that had you blushing back there.’
‘Well,’ she answered, ‘Once upon a time I lost my virginity bent over a Harley.’
I died laughing. ‘I knew there was a reason I liked you,’ I managed to say.
‘That was a long time ago Steve,’ she continued. ‘You were probably still learning your ABCs.’
‘Oh, your not that much older than me,’ I replied. ‘I never knew you were a wild woman.’
‘Well, like I said, it’s been a long time. I’m not much of a wild woman anymore.’
‘Really?’ I asked. ‘What happened?’
‘I got married,’ she began. ‘He was a wonderful man. We loved each other and … Oh God I can’t talk about this right now.’ I heard her start to cry.
‘It’s OK,’ I said. ‘I didn’t mean to upset you. Would you like for me to pull over?’
‘No, I’ll be OK,’ she answered. ‘Just give me a few minutes.’
She took one arm from around me and flipped up the visor on her helmet so that the wind was blowing on her face. We rode along in silence for a while. I got off the interstate at Benson, so we could take back roads. It was fun riding down the highway with her snuggled up from behind.
‘Hey, you OK back there?’ I asked, breaking the silence.
‘Yea,’ Lynn answered, flipping her visor back down, ‘I’m just enjoying the ride. This is wonderful. I’m so glad you asked me to come.’
‘I’m glad I did too. I hope I didn’t upset you too much back there.’
‘No,’ she replied, ‘It feels good to talk about it. Its just hard at the same time. I’m sorry to cry on you.’
‘Don’t apologize,’ I told her. ‘I’m flattered you would choose me to cry on. You want to tell me anymore about it?’
‘Well, let me see if I can keep myself composed this time,’ she laughed. ‘We got married. He was wonderful. The sex was OK but not great. At first I figured it would get better, but it didn’t. Finally, I just accepted that it was part of being grown up and responsible. The wild woman has to go. It seemed like a small price to pay for a husband to loved me and took care of me. At some point we just stopped having sex. I know its been at least five years since I have.’
‘Wow,’ I said, and let her c
‘Like I said, it seemed like a little thing at the time. But it wasn’t. You just can’t turn off something in your life thats that important. It comes out in other areas. I know thats why I was depressed a few years ago. And I know it affects my personality. I look at myself and I’m not happy with the way I am. Thats hard to deal with.’
‘Is that why you guys split up?’ I asked.
‘Yes and no,’ she answered with some obvious bitterness in her voice. ‘He came to me a few months ago and told me he was gay. I would never have left him because he didn’t fulfill my sexual desires. But to know I didn’t fulfill his was more than I could take.’
That really blew me away. ‘How does that make you feel?’ I asked.
‘Sometimes I get really angry at him. I don’t know how long he has known. But I feel like I wasted a lot of my life working on something that was doomed. Sometimes I get angry at myself. I knew I wasn’t happy. I wish I had had the guts to say something a long time ago. Sometimes I am really glad that he told me. I never would have had the guts to leave if he hadn’t, even though I wasn’t happy. And a lot of the time I am just very very sad. He and I were good friends. We still are on the days when I’m not just incredibly pissed at him. I spent more than half my life with him. I just feel so alone right now.’
‘I’m sorry,’ I said, ‘that sounds awful.’
‘Thanks,’ Lynn answered, ‘its good to get to talk about it.’
By this time we were headed over the Wrightsville Beach bridge. It felt like home to me. I had grown up a few miles away in Wilmington. A minute later we were going over the intra-coastal waterway. I slowed and parked the bike on Lumina Ave. We got off and stretched.
The restaurant I wanted to go to was right on the corner, in front of the bridge. I put my arm around Lynn and guided her across the street. The sun had gone down, but it was not yet dark, and I enjoyed looking at the scenery. It had been years since I had lived around here. I was a much different person now than the teenager I had been when I left. It seemed like that had been another life. But at the same time it felt familiar and comfortable.
We got inside and sat down. The waitress came over and asked us what we wanted to drink. We both ordered sweet tea. The waitress went to get our drinks and I said to Lynn, ‘I would love to split a bottle of wine with you, but I wouldn’t be in any shape to drive afterwords. We would have to stay down here.’
She looked at me and smiled. ‘Thats pretty smooth,’ she teased. ‘So your proposing that I get drunk and spend the night with you.’
‘So are you interested?’ I asked.
‘Oh hell yes,’ she laughed.
We drank our bottle of wine and ate our swordfish. It was all good. The company was even better. Lynn told me about growing up in Georgia, and coming to Raleigh to go to college. After dinner we walked down onto the beach, down to the water. We took our shoes off and let the waves wash over our feet. The water was cold, but it felt good. We held hands as we walked along.
About a half mile down the beach there were a few hotels. We walked up to the Holiday Inn to see if they had a room. They actually did, which in retrospect was probably a minor miracle.
Once we got in the room it was a race to see how fast we could get our clothes off. I was half drunk and hadn’t slept the night before. She was half drunk and hadn’t slept with anyone in five years. It was amazing that me managed to have sex at all. But we did, and what we lacked in finesse we made up for with passion.
Afterwords I lay on the bed with Lynn in my arms, thinking how much I wanted to hold her forever. She started giggling.
‘What?’ I asked.
She answered, ‘Do you think they’ll clap for us when we get back?’
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Introduction: I would like to say thank you to all of the readers of my first book who posted so many positive comments about it. Your comments helped me continue with Tiffany's story; anytime I got down on it I simply had to look to your comments to get fuel to keep going. If you like this one please feel free to do the same and leave your comments - I appreciate every one of them! Next, I would like to thank Carla Ann for all of her help in editing this book. She has been an...
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Obligatory Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people and events are unintentional and are coincidental. This work may not be reposted to other sites or medium's without expressed permission of the author. (It will be given in most cases if asked) This story is copyright Tiffany Shar 2008, All Rights Reserved. Standing Up to Life Chapter 1: September 1994 I walked up to the bus stop, hoping maybe today would be...
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For as long as I can remember I have been able to sense people's emotions. I could tell when someone was angry or sad, even if they were hiding it. Over the past few months my ability seemed to have grown. It started as nothing m ore than faint whispers, but could clearly tell what people were thinking. I sat back and enjoyed listening to people's minds, getting to know what the people around me were really like. After listening to people's minds, I decided to see if I could...
Introduction: A guy finds out his ability to sense emotions has evolved. Chapter 1 Beginning For as long as I can remember I have been able to sense peoples emotions. I could tell when someone was angry or sad, even if they were hiding it. Over the past few months my ability seemed to have grown. It started as nothing m ore than faint whispers, but could clearly tell what people were thinking. I sat back and enjoyed listening to peoples minds, getting to know what the people around me were...
I know, that looking back, there is no excuse for my actions. But I have been thinking about Kate for almost five years to the day and there was something about her that bothered me. It kept niggling at the edges of my conscious mind and I had to do something about it. Kate and I dated about five years ago. We were both around forty-five years old at the time. It was an on and off relationship that lasted for about five months; though I fancied the pants off her on the first date. Kate’s...
MatureHi, guys, this is my first story, so please leave your comments so that I can correct my mistakes next time. And can produce more such stories. Read it till the end it might help ladies to seduce someone badly. Not really for boys since it will frustrate you a lot since I got frustrated. My aunt is a very short and fat lady. Most short ones have big boobs and ass as did she. I don’t know her exact size so please think about a short and fat lady may be of 38C size. I was doing my Engineering in...
IncestHi Indian sex stories readers. First introducing myself , age 22 just joined job and living in Bangalore. Am not well built a normal guy with a decent height 5’6″ . My dick measures 5.5 inches which is normal to satisfy any woman. Not wasting time actually getting on the real incident. As you all know Bangalore and it’s climate it makes people to wake up too early. So I started the habit of going for walks around some park in my locality (banashankari). So coming across many hot aunties makes...
My father pulled the lacy strap of the nightgown he had caught me wearing back onto my shoulder, then stroked the top of my head. "Son, it's okay. I understand how these kinds of things happen." "If I don't understand what's going on with me," I thought, "how could you? How could anyone?" I wanted to ask so many questions, but the words caught in my throat. All I could do was hang my head and hope Dad wouldn't see my tears. It was then I noticed the frilly hem peeking out from the...
Hi, this is Ramesh from Nepal. I think there are very few stories of Nepal. Nepal is a sign of love and peace. Nowadays peace has been erased but still there is love. Let me introduce myself to u all. I am 19 yrs. old, 6ft. ht. and a nice 6 inch long dick. I am about to tell u about my incident with my aunt (neighbor). Her name is Rupa. She has a perfect body. She is married and has 2 children. Even though she is older than me I had a big crush on her and wanted to have sex with her. Her...
IncestLet me help you understand my views on this. Dom/sub relationships are not about the bondage or the spanking or calling one Sir - or the other any sort of pet names - but it more on the way that two people interact. There are some assumptions that can be made - but then while interacting - no assumptions should be made - that is where you need to find out your partner. I am very much into the bondage aspect -- think about it for a second -- all of these images with the fancy rope are not...
Mike was trying to sleep. Actually he was trying to act like he was sleeping. But even the dead would have awoken by the racket his wife Stephanie was making. He heard her stomp across the floor to the door of their bed. "Alright Mike. It ends here and it ends now. You either tell me what's going on or... or, damn you Michael talk to me." Michael rolled over. "There's nothing to talk about." "Michael. Honey. Our sexlife has dropped to almost nothing. You hardly touch me anymore. And...
She was the stuff of my fantasies. Sarah was not in my class at school but was the same age as me. I would watch her in the playground. She was a late developer so didn't have the large breasts of her other classmates and yet, she seemed to have a maturity above her years. I suppose that was it — she looked younger and acted older! Strangely she had friends around her but never seemed close. She didn't laugh as much and always seemed distracted — as though she had more important things to...
The Amerasian agency that rounded me and hundreds of other asian children of unknown soldiers came to my Thai refugee camp and announced that they have found me a family in San Francisco California. I was 8 years old then, I'm half black and half Vietnamese, which in my case didn't produce good result. I felt ugly and unwanted and became shy and introvert. I met my new family and their two girls about four and two years old. But what stunned me is my adopting mom, she was very beautiful and...
MasturbationNot so long ago when I was 11 I was taking Karate lessons and there I befriended Mark a boy my age. While I'm from a low income family who gets the lesson and uniform for free as Dad used to be a kickboxer for the gym, Mark belongs to a rich family and he has a lot of kiddy Martial Arts stuff that I don't have. One time he invited me to his home to see his Bruce Lee posters and his collections of miniature knives and swords and some Ninja customs. Dad allowed me to go since it was vacation time...
MasturbationThe main trail out of Santa Barbara heads south then south-west before it joins another trail that runs almost east for Doña Anna, this is the main trail and how most people go because it’s an easier trail for wagons. There’s another trail that’s usually used by people on horseback only that goes south a bit and then east to cross the Rio Grande to join the other main trail between Santa Fe and Doña Anna above San Diego. Few wagons take this trail because the Rio Grande crossing is very...
Stand in for Irene Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When she asked me I was dumbfounded, and struck dumb as she quickly explained what she wanted me to do, then as I listened to her, I had a fleeting thought. I was wondering if I could do what she wanted. But that idea quickly faded away as I realized just how stupid it was. "You owe me! You can't say no! Besides, you and I both know that you'll be a woman some day! Think of it as your best challenge ever!" "Yeah," I...
The next morning the desk clerk grins when I amend the registry to show Alice and I in the same room as Mr and Mrs Ward. After we have a good breakfast in the eatery attached to the hotel we go for a walk as a group. I leave Steve, Harry, and most of the dogs with the ladies at the general store so they can examine the goods on display. Taking Woden and Tom I head to the Thomas house. When I arrive I’m shown in to see James, and he looks a lot better. Jemma soon arrives with some hot water,...
The next morning I gather my black girls together to tell them not to leave the wagon circle for any reason unless I’m with them. We set up a temporary latrine in the inner circle for them to use. They don’t like being restricted until after I explain this is the town where they were going to be given over to be prostitutes and I don’t want to risk having some idiot grab them. Donna suggests a way for them to keep busy within the circle. I end up surrendering another bolt of cloth to the...
We wake up to the sound of a church bell ringing, and realise it must be a Sunday: you tend to forget days of the week while travelling. We get up to organise breakfast and ourselves for the day. In an odd quirk of fate the majority of the wagon train people make independent decisions to attend the mid-morning mass at the Catholic Church which is the first large building we come to in town when we walk in a little later. When we walk in as a group we get a few stares, that’s when we realise...
We make a mid-afternoon arrival in Santa Fe and head for a Mexican owned stables Jesus knows of close to a nice cantina. We soon have our animals in an almost empty large stables. Few gringos do business with the Mexicans and this once busy stables is almost broke. Little work since this became part of the US and business fell since the gringos took over. He’s glad of the business, more so when I insist on paying top dollar for exclusive use of the premises yet I allow his regular clients to...
We leave Socorro late but we stop early because of this as the next best camp spot is just too far away. The extra time between camping and the evening meal is useful to unpack and repack some of the gear on the wagons to be either more ready to hand or to better balance the loads when I set them out in a more thought out way. While this is going on I notice a couple of the families who joined us at Socorro have a few slaves with them. One couple, the Hewitts, have two males: one in his late...
The call rang out clearly over the rattle of the coach, and the thunder of horses' hooves on the stony road. My sister and I were sitting inside, happily teasing each other about her impending marriage. I couldn't believe she was going to do it. She had trouble with the idea that I might have an opinion, and more trouble with the possibility that I might mention this opinion at an inappropriate time. Her concerns were not without cause. I have a loose tongue. Dora and her fiancé had...
I look up to see everybody as I expected them to be, almost. There’s two people not of our travel group with the leaders, but I recognise them from the photos in the computer files as they’re two of the advance scouts. They’re a danger I hadn’t planned on and I can’t let them get away. I pull out my Dragoon pistol and I’m very quiet while I cock it. Taking aim over the back of a mule I yell out, “Gahsnoozle, protocol fifty-one,” then I fire at the scout furthest from me. Everyone starts to...
Early the next morning we’re up and getting ready to go visiting. The first thing I do is to send out a couple of men who know where the six families whose daughters we’ve rescued live. They’re to ask them to gather at one hacienda so we can meet them all at once. The horses are cleaned and brushed, gear cleaned and polished, weapons cleaned and reloaded, Steve scouts the way with Rafael, and everyone involved has a wash in the nearby river before dressing in clean clothes. Mid-morning...
We take our time and spend eighteen days going to Albuquerque after making a lot of short stops at farms and hamlets along the way. After the first few days we sell the farmers some things they need, but not yet so desperately for them to take a few days off to go to town. Most of what we’re selling is flour, salt, gunpowder, coffee, and some cloth. Arriving in the late afternoon we circle Albuquerque to camp near where the families of my first group live. Jesus has José put a minimal guard...
My name is Matt Brower and I’m a Sales Manager for a Mid-west manufacturing company. I’m 34 years old and have a beautiful 29 year old wife, Karen. I stand 5’8” and weigh 185 pounds. I have brown hair and work out on a regular basis whenever I can. My wife is the proverbial ‘blonde bombshell’. She’s 5’6” tall with curves in all the right places. Karen is a part-time nurse in a private practice and take good care of her flawless body. Karen and I have a great marriage. We still have sex almost...
When I was 20 years old I had a job as a barman in a local village pub called The Mill. It was run by Jim and Jayne and I had been working there for 18 months and had become a trusted member of staff. It was only a small pub so at busy times Jim, Jayne and I managed admirably but as the space behind the bar was limited we had to work as a team to avoid bumping into each other. Jayne was in her late 40’s and I had a secret crush on her……..Jayne and I became very close but that is another...
Every Sunday at 10 AM I go for a massage at a local Chinese Massage Center. The owner of the place was nice enough after the first session to start giving me regular Happy Endings. Of course I had to tip her generously for her to do it, which I never had a problem doing.This past Sunday things took a bit of a twist. The owner was not the person who greeted me. Instead a really short, thin and kind of cute Chinese girl greeted me. She didn't look more than 20-22 years old, if that. In a very...
Never been much of an outdoors-sex person, even though I would probably describe myself as quite adventurous. I prefer being comfy on a bed, sofa or a really thick carpet. Ben had never been a regular, he had many dishes on the side, I suspected, but with his credentials I was not surprised. I am rather on the petit side and he has biceps like my thighs and a cock like my forearm. He is black with lots of angry tattoos all over his body. He was an odd fish, bisexual and into all sort of...
© 2000 Molly crept from her rented room behind the rustic tavern. Edging cautiously around the corner of the Red Boar Tavern, she trailed a hand over the sun-warmed wall. She absorbed the warmth. Moonlight illuminated enough of her surroundings to keep her steps careful as she rounded the corner and stepped into the alley leading to the docks. The onset of evening had brought with it a chill breeze off the bay. Molly tugged the old woollen cloak around her securely, hiding her intentions...
We’re only a few miles out of Doña Anna when we hear shooting up ahead just off the road. Since our scouts haven’t reported back it either started after they went through or they’re caught up in it. We gallop ahead and soon top a rise to view what’s happening. There’s an Indian village set up in a small flat beside a curve in a stream a few hundred yards off the road. A group of about fifty or sixty gringos are working their way toward the village on foot while they’re shooting at the...
The sirens and flashing lights jolted Clara Mangum from her slumber. She reached for her glasses on the nightstand. The digital clock read 12:09. Shocked by the uncommon activity outside, she shook her husband. “Lesley,” she said. “Wake up!”“Huh,” grunted the 78 year-old, light-skinned man.“Wake up,” she admonished him. “Something’s going on outside.”“Hang on,” he sat up slowly.Lesley put his feet on the floor and felt around for his fleece-lined, suede slippers. He eased them on and affixed...
While we go west I review the overall situation and I make some changes to my plan. Fifty-four of The Cause’s leaders are dead and two are no longer working for them. Tom is disgusted with what he’s seen of The Cause since his arrival in 1855, and we’ve spoken about his commitment to them. He’s now committed to finding a wife and living out his life in safety, if he can. That leaves only sixteen active senior members to worry about and they’re all from the lower tiers because the top two...
"How's the tea?" Karen asked, sipping her own steaming mug. "Delightful." Amy replied. As if she had come all the way across town to her best friend's house in the middle of the work day for just tea. "I was worried it might be too hot. Or too bitter." Karen fretted. "I have sugar or ummm....honey." She finished lamely. Amy turned her head, faking a cough to avoid rolling her eyes. They'd been best friends for two decades, they'd shared everything- well almost everything -with each other and...
"Oh, wow, omigod, four of you. Annie, you are the best. Look at all these pretty pussies," he panted as he was quickly shedding his clothes. "Come kiss our pussies, Blake, and I'll introduce you," Annie told him as we all flopped on our backs. He first kissed hers then moved to mine as Annie told him my name, then Lorene, then Betsy. "Omigod, what do I do, there's four of you? Where do I start?" "None of them have ever been fucked yet, Blake. They've never even played with a...