- 3 years ago
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I'm a sexed-up guy. Well, I'm sure I'm not alone, guys mostly seem to like sex, me, I adore it.
I am married and, yes, we do have sex, actually pretty often, three, four times a week. Me, I could do it three, four times a day. You see what I mean.
Deb and I have been married six years now, I'm thirty-one and she's twenty-eight. So, we're no longer newly-weds but we're sure not an old married couple, either. It's me, really, I'm just a horny guy, always have been.
I often work from home, Deb works in a local bank, and when I'm at home, well, I often start looking at porn, several of a half-dozen favorite websites that are bookmarked on my PC. I'll sometimes just sit naked at my computer and keep my cock handy for a good video to come along in the list of newly-uploaded offerings.
I was doing just that several months ago when the computer began beeping as I watched two young girls eating each other. It was Skype, the internet video-calling phone software that I had installed a few months back. It seemed that a video caller was online so I took it seeing that it was my mother-in-law, Betty.
"Hi, Phil. I took a chance that you'd be working from home today. I saw that you or Deb was on line and just thought I'd see how you'all are doing."
I knew that the webcam was sitting on top of the computer and could see she was basically getting a head shot of me though there was a little of my bare shoulders that were visible.
"Yeah, I'm home, getting caught up on reports. We're all fine. Kids are in school, Deb's at work. Not a lot going on, what about you two?"
"Oh, Henry's traveling, it's that new account he's handling now. Seems there's some problem or other so he got on a plane yesterday morning. Just me around the house. You look comfy, didn't mean to catch you without a shirt on, must be nice to work from home, huh?"
"Yeah, one of the perks, I suppose. No sense in getting dressed-up if I'm not going anywhere."
"So, did I catch you without any pants on, too?"
"Um, well, I guess I'd rather not say," I told her.
"Deb has told me you watch some videos online sometimes. Did I catch you at it?" she asked saucily.
Now, my mother-in-law is not some dried-up old bag. She's in her lower to mid-fifties and really looks like an older version of my wife who is medium-height and quite curvy. So, the situation had not necessarily deflated my erection.
"Oh, just relaxing, Betty, you know how it is."
"Stand up, let me see, Phil," she asked.
"Well, I don't know..." I evaded.
"Come on, Phil, we're family, after all," she urged.
"You really want me to stand up?"
"Sure, I'm curious about what you do all day at home. Maybe I'll tell you what I do when I'm home alone."
With that I stood up and I could see in the split screen that the picture was cut off right at my navel.
"Oh, can I ask you to tilt the webcam down a little?"
Well, she wanted it, so I reached over and moved it down as I watched my hard swollen cock appear on the monitor.
"Oh, my. Very nice indeed. I hope my daughter is fully appreciative of what I see. I certainly am. And shaved, too, that's really sexy. Was that your idea or Deb's?" she asked naughtily.
"Um, kind of her's, she said a friend of her's told her how she was giving her husband oral sex more now that he was shaving down there."
"So, her idea but you're the beneficiary, right?"
"Yeah, I guess that's true," I told her, grinning.
"Were you looking at porn?"
"Well, I was just taking a break from work, you know how it is," I rather lamely answered.
"Had you started? You know, getting off?"
"You're very curious, Betty."
"Perhaps I'm might just like to watch."
There it was. My mother-in-law wanted to watch me jack-off.
"That would be rather naughty of us both, you know."
"I know. So?"
"That's what you want to see, me jacking off?"
"Yes, it will surely get me in the mood, please go ahead."
"It will just be between the two of us, of course," I said and she agreed so I moved the webcam down and lined it up to get a good view of my cock and pulled the bottle of lube out of the desk drawer that Deb and I each use for looking at porn.
I squeezed some on my hand and began taking long, slow strokes up and back along my shaft leaning back in the chair as I watched my mother-in-law watching me.
"Mmm, feels good, you like watching, Betty?"
"Oh, yes, it's rather hotter than I'd even imagined," she replied as I saw some tell-tale movement of her arm below the cut-off point of the picture.
I went on masturbating as my wife's mother watched my every stroke and soon I was getting very close. There was no doubt that her watching was adding to the sensuality of the whole thing.
"Mmm, I'm close, really close," I groaned as I threw my head back and arcs of cum went spurting up from my cock landing on the keyboard and my knee and thigh.
"Oh, quite a show, Phil. You really do have a lot of semen. I'd forgotten how younger men are. It even looks like you're still pretty hard."
I took my hand away and showed her how my cock was still erect.
"Yeah, I'm still pretty hard. Might have to do it again in a bit."
"Are you able to cum again, right after? Or do you have to wait and like re-charge your batteries?"
"Oh, I can usually cum a second time, why?"
"Would you do it again? For your mother-in-law? Your horny mother-in-law?" she asked coyly.
"Well, maybe just for you, Betty."
"Would you like me to join you? You've made me very excited this morning, Phil. I'm feeling quite naughty after seeing your wonderful cock cum so beautifully."
"Sure, it's nice to have company," I told her and I watched in surprise as my wife's mother began taking her clothes off as I watched her from three hundred miles away.
As her bra slid off her arms, I got a preview of how my wife would possibly look in a few years down the road and was pleased. Betty's breasts did have a slight hang to them it was really only minor, they looked quite lovely to me with their nice, tight nipples and luscious undercurve.
She bent down pulling her shorts down and stood there naked except for a pair of bikini panties which, as she looked directly at the camera, she began to pull down.
Fully naked, now, she stood there for me to see. She was perfectly shaven just like her daughter.
"Guess I'm not too bad for an old broad," she said laughing.
"Oh, Betty, you sure are making me hard. Look," and I turned sideways for her to see.
"My that's outstanding in the true sense of the word, Phil," she said as she sat down in her chair and adjusted the webcam. Then she lifted her feet up to the desk, one on each side of the computer, opening herself for display as she said, "I guess this is how it's done, it's a first for me."
"It sure works for me, Betty, you are one hot, sexy woman for sure," I told her as she began rubbing her fingers across her pussy, spreading a glistening film of her juices between her legs.
I put more lube in my hand and began again.
"Will you cum as much the second time, Phil? Or will it be less?" she asked.
"Probably less though I sure have something arousing to watch, I'm sure that'll help."
"Why thank you, that's a nice thing to say. I haven't had a nice complement on my body like that in a long time. Thank you."
"Mmm, thank you, Betty, for making me so hard I can do it again."
We both masturbated quietly except for a few soft moans here and there as we watched one other.
"Mmm, mmm, are you getting close, Phil?"
"Not quite yet, it's my second time you know, one right after the other."
"I'll slow down then, maybe we can have our orgasms at the same time. That would be nice, huh?"
"Yes, a lovely way to bond with one's mother-in-law, cumming together, so to speak," I told her as I slid my fist up and down.
"Yes, it is and we don't even have to be in the same room. Maybe it's s good thing we aren't," she added suggestively.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to comment on that or not. She was a sexy woman and, yes, I was attracted to her just as I am to her daughter who resembles her so much.
She had two fingers inside now as her other hand fingered her clit, she was going at it with both hands, something women can easily do; lucky them.
"Are you closer now?" she asked and I told her I was.
"Mmm, oh, this is so hot doing this together, Betty. I think I'm learning more about you."
"Oh, there's more you don't know, believe me," she said back.
"Like what?" I wanted to know.
"Well, there may be a time and place for that, just be patient."
I didn't know what that might mean, only that it was another little interesting facet to my wife's mother.
I like to masturbate slowly, taking my time, savoring the feelings, so perhaps I was slower than Betty was expecting, plus I'd just jacked-off already. I'm now over thirty so things have slowed down a bit below the waist. But, I was getting there.
"Just another minute or two, Betty. It's helping that I have such a sexy woman to look at."
"Yes, I'm enjoying this even more than I'd thought. Maybe it's a good thing that we're not together doing this."
It was another comment that had me wondering, though it was pretty direct, wasn't it?
I slowly stroked as she watched and fingered herself in and out as her other hand rubbed her clit. She was now going a little faster and I could now feel the telltale tingling in the head of my cock; I was close, very close.
"Yes, this is it, Betty," I told her as arcs of cum began spurting up out the head of my cock as I stroked on.
"UNNH, UNNH, uh, uh, mmm, mmm," I groaned as I watched my mother-in-law begin to tremble as she pleasured herself.
"Oh, yes, now, UMM, MMM, MMM, OOH, OOH, umm, mmm, oh, so good, mmm," she cried out.
We both continued for a minute longer then she took her fingers out and brought them to her mouth and sucked their flavor off. More about her that I didn't know before. What a sexy, hot woman.
"Whew, that was intense. Was it good for you, Phil?"
"Oh, Betty, that was just the best. You've made my day for sure. I'm so glad you called."
"Well, so am I. Rather a surprise but quite a wonderful one at that. We must do this again, sometime, Phil. Do you do yourself very often? I know that's quite a personal question but, after all, we''re both naked."
"Indeed we are and I'm still enjoying the view as you can see," I told her as I lifted up my hard cock for her to see.
"Yes, it's really thrilling to think that I can still elicit such a reaction in a man. Makes me feel rather younger again, for which I thank you."
"Don't thank me, it's your lovely body that did it. After all I married a younger version of that same body. You two could be sisters, you know."
"Oh, now you're making me wish I was right there with you, Phil. And that means I should sigh-off."
"Well, if you must. It's been a wonderful visit with you. We must do this again soon."
"Are you working from home tomorrow?"
Well, what have we started, I wondered.
"Um, no, but I will on Thursday."
"See you on Thursday. Don't dress up," and she signed off as I sat there with my cock in the air, hard as ever.
I did a few more reports, then jacked-off one more time, my eyes closed reliving the earlier moments with my naked mother-in-law splayed open masturbating for me as we watched one another. God, it was so sexy.
Chapter 2Right at ten AM, my computer beeped with a Skype call from my mother-in-law. Opening the window, all I saw was a screen showing the office room in my in-law's house with no one in sight.
"Are you there, Phil," I heard Betty ask.
"I'm here, where are you?"
"Are you alone?"
"Yes, sure," I replied as I saw my mother-in-law enter the picture ... naked. A twinge went right to my cock as she stepped in front of the webcam and stood there.
"Can't be too careful, can we?"
"No, I suppose not. So how are you today other than quite lovely which I can see for myself?"
"Horny, how about you? Yours rather shows, doesn't it? Quite nice. May I get a close-up?"
Well, she is family so I moved close to the camera as the head of my cock loomed large as I refocused the webcam.
"Oh, very nice. It's nice to get to know it better. More like seeing it in person. Almost like I can reach out and touch it. Maybe another time, thanks," she said making me wonder again where this was all headed.
"Shall we enjoy ourselves?" she asked as she sat down and put her heels on the desk to begin rubbing.
I moved back and sat down, getting the bottle of lube and putting a few drops on my hand, then began taking long, slow strokes.
"So, when's Henry coming back from his trip, Betty?" I asked.
"Oh, tomorrow night. We'll have some time tomorrow if you'll be home," she offered. I think she's really getting into us getting off together over the internet. I was sure that probably at that moment, there were all kinds of people on Skype doing lots of naughty things, I was glad I was one of them. My mother-in-law was turning out to be one sexy woman.
"Well, I have two appointments in the afternoon but the morning's open, sure, let's have some more fun tomorrow morning. I'll be horny again."
"So will I, Phil. Our little get togethers have been making me quite aroused. I just hope I don't give Henry a heart attack when he gets home tomorrow night."
"Yeah, I'm afraid I've taken some of this out on your lovely daughter the last few nights. I see her come home and, well, she looks so much like you that I just follow her upstairs and when she's changing, well, I don't let her get into comfy clothes too quickly."
"You have the advantage of a spouse being home. Me, I have to take care of it myself. This has really gotten me wound-up. More than in a long time."
"I hope you're enjoying our little sessions, I certainly am."
"There's only one thing I'd enjoy more but, for now, let's just enjoy this," she said as we both continued. It was another somewhat cryptic remark that made me even harder, if that was possible.
"Mmm, this is nice, Phil, feels good. How's it for you?"
"Do you like your cock sucked? I suppose most men do."
"Well, then I'd be pretty typical, I suppose, yes, I do. Is it something you like to do?"
I figured I'd ask her back just to raise the stakes a bit, this was getting interesting.
"Well, it's something that I've always loved doing. I think it's the feeling of being able to give such extreme pleasure, something that will make a man just achieve the heights of ecstasy, that I find so erotic and pleasing. It's something that I rather miss doing."
I didn't think I wanted to pursue that as it seemed reflective on Betty's private life with her husband.
"Well, it's something I sure love."
"I'll keep that in mind," she replied, another somewhat vague comment that seemed suggestive. We kept pleasuring ourselves as we each watched the other hundreds of miles away.
Soon, we had completed another session with each other in a far more intimate fashion than I'd ever dreamed possible. My mother-in-law was an incredibly sexy woman and my desire for her was something that had surprised me but had grown with each time we entertained one another in this most-intimate way.
Betty and I continued our online masturbation trysts a couple of times each week and after we had been doing it for a month or so, Deb told me her mom was planning a visit. That news usually doesn't cause my cock to harden but it did this time. The possibilities, though unconfirmed by my mother-in-law, were greatly expanded now that we were on such an intimate basis with one another. I was greatly anticipating her upcoming visit.
The next Tuesday, when the beep alerted me of an incoming videocall, I was ready to ask about her upcoming visit.
"Good morning, Betty," I greeted her sitting naked as usual for our get-togethers.
"Good morning to you, Phil," she said as she slipped her negligee off her shoulders baring her lovely breasts for me.
"You're looking quite beautiful this morning. Makes me wish we were together. I hear that we soon will be, that you're visiting us in a few weeks."
"Yes, I'm quite excited, are you?"
"Even more than usual, Betty. I hope I can see all this in person," I tell her as she adjusts the camera to show more of her nakedness.
"It's nice to have a man want to see me naked these days, Phil, I surely do appreciate it."
"Well, you're quite lovely and certainly a lot sexier than I ever gave you credit for."
"You might just find out how sexy your mother-in-law really is, Phil. Are you feeling good, getting close?" she asked as she rubbed briskly over her wet pussy, her legs wide before the webcam.
"Mmm, yeah, really good. I'm so horny this morning, looking at you like this is making my cock so hard," I told her.
"I like that, Phil, mmm, think about it going in here," she said as she pushed two fingers up inside and fucked herself for me.
There was no question that our talk had gotten more suggestive and serious; her visit would be interesting, for sure.
As she stroked her fingers in and out she also began rubbing circles around her clit, moaning softly.
Watching her was so erotic, such a turn on; I'd watched Deb masturbate before, always enjoyed it but seeing her mother doing it was even more sensual, it must have been the taboo nature of our online rendezvous that added the spiciness and naughtiness to it. I suspected that Betty enjoyed that just as much as I did.
"Mmm, I feel super-horny today, maybe I've just been wanting to be online with you again, Phil. I love watching that beautiful cock of yours when it cums. It just sends a jolt right through me."
"Well, Betty, watching you sends some jolts through me, too."
"You make an old lady feel so nice. Thank you."
I decided to let her know that I might be interested in upping the ante a bit myself.
"I'd like to find a way to make my sexy mother-in-law feel even better when she come to visit."
"Now, Phil, don't be having naughty thoughts. Let's just enjoy this for now. That's in the future, who knows what might happen," she said suggestively as she continued masturbating.
"Are you close, Betty?" I asked trying to time our orgasms. We had gotten quite good at pulling off simultaneous orgasms and we did again that morning.
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Monster SexI came home from work early last Friday to find the back door unlocked, I thought we had forgotten to lock it in the morning.I stepped inside the house and put my keys away, then I heard a noise from our bedroom, I stood still for a minute, I heard my wife's voice so I moved to the hallway and was just about to shout up the stairs to her when, to my surprise I saw a pair of men's shoes by the hall table.I took off my own shoes and crept up the stairs to our bedroom, the door was nearly shut but...
My sister husband play with me. My sister is out shoppingI was going in to the bath room one day and I see my sister husband have a bath ,he was nudeI surprise he had a big cock and he was wanking over my pic and I was blushingHe ask me to come in the bath room, I say why your wife will come home soon!!He say no she be back in 2 hr we have time!!He say you have time to for watch me cum on youI say noooooooooooo , I am your sister in law ..yes I knowI like to fuck you tooo…I know you like my big...
"Michael, we need to talk," Joanna said as she licked my morning load off of her luscious lips. "Ooh ... okay," I said, getting my breath. Mom never failed to make my morning orgasm memorable. "What's on your mind?" "It's about you ... and your women," she said rising off the mattress to reveal her glorious new twin towers. "You're a man now, in every way, and you need to start accepting some more responsibility towards your actions." "Is this going to be another plea to be...
"If I didn't know any better, I'd guess you were excited about this little mix up," I whispered to her. "As if you aren't. I saw you sporting a half chub staring at that guy and girl in the lobby. What do you say, should be find them so you can finally fuck?" She was teasing about my virginity again but this time it felt different. She wasn't angry...it was more playful. Even flirty. I decided to play right along. "Let's do that," I joked back. "And you can come along since you...
Nova Cane is a classic horny blonde teen. As soon as she gets a moment alone, she plays with her body like its a wonderland. She sticks toys in her holes and changes positions like she just cannot get enough of her own sexuality. So, when our stud shows up and sees that there is a bejeweled buttplug in Novas tight teen ass, he understands exactly what kind of girl she is. He pulls out his throbbing prick and sticks it in her sweet, young hole. He pounds her hard and she squeals in pleasure,...
xmoviesforyouGiven their late start, Roger and Catalina decided to not push it all the way to their normal stopping point around Nashville, but instead pull in for the night around Elizabethtown, Kentucky. It was a nice motel and had a pool and hot tub, so they put them to use, with Catalina wearing her black one-piece for once. As it turned out, there was a couple there at the same time who had considerably more tattoos than Catalina, so the sight of the cattails on her back got them to talking about...
Friday, March 9, 2007 Scott arrived early at Mr. Piotrowski's. His suitcase was already at the house, packed and ready to go. Mr. Piotrowski was dressed and ready, standing with a cup of coffee in his hand. "A little eager are we?" "Very!" replied Scott. "You might as well relax and have a good breakfast." Scott moved toward the refrigerator, "How does scrambled eggs and toast sound?" "Just toast for me, please." Jobe bumped his leg as he passed through the kitchen headed...
Rk was there in 2 mins and knocked 3 times. I opened the door and let him in. He saw me in my padded bra and rest naked, and squeezed my bums. I told him to sit and wait till I went to the loo and answered nature’s call and flushed my hole using the hand shower. I did my thing wore my panty and came out after 10 mins and he had taken a smoke from my pack and was smoking. We started small chit chat and he told me he the 3rd waited had gone away in the night for some personal work and him and...
3-Hole Slave Slut The Continuing Chronicles of Alexa:Part One - Captured for 3-Hole Sex Slaveryby Brazen [email protected] The leather-clad master looked down at the naked slave whose sweating welt-covered body she was vigorously fucking with her 9? inch strap-on and smiled as she watched her thick tool move in and out of the slut's super tight asshole while her tits, their nipples tightly clamped bounced around beneath her. It was a certain bet that when her evening had...
After snuggling on Keith’s bed for about an hour and even nodding off to sleep for a bit the redheaded girl in Keith’s arms whispered quietly into Keith’s ear and said, “I think I am ready for you to sex me up now but let’s start in the 69 position with you on top then let’s just fuck each other hard out. OK?” Keith then rolled over so that he was now facing this fun little girl. He kissed her on the lips again - she had such luscious red lips he thought, just made for lots of kissing - then...
The Constellation was well less than half full. The operator wouldn't have thought of letting the plane take off if it hadn't been for the wealthy businessman who insisted that he needed to get to Australia. I was also heading to Australia and counted myself lucky to learn of this flight. We were all spread out with a pair of seats to ourselves resting as we made the long flight from Hawaii. I hadn't taken notice of my fellow passengers other than the brusque man up front who was the reason...
Hi ISS readers. I am Sunny back with another incident of my life. Those of you don’t know me, I am Sunny from Jharkhand, age 21. I am 5’10 with an athletic body. My cock size is 6 inch. this is my second story on ISS. My previous story was “Sex with girlfriend at her house”. So, without boring you all let’s come to story. I had a breakup with my GF payal and was depressed a lot. I stopped going out, stopped meeting my friends. But one day my friends came to my room and took me out and brought...
Both Suzanne and Helena were awake at 7am Harry mentioned ‘shower, wash hair and dressing gowns please.’ They both followed Harry request. It was unusual for him to direct but they followed. As soon as they were dressed there was a knock on their door. It was the girl from the coffee shop with two plates of bacon and eggs toasted sandwiches and 4 cappuccino’s. She advised “Complements of the coffee shop and have a lovely wedding day.” They looked at each other, smiled and went to sit on the...
The Two Who Were Looking For A Fun TimeBy: Alan RossCHAPTER 1 GETTING COMFORTABLE Michelle (a.k.a Micha) and Al, sat bored out of there mind in Al's truck one warm Saturday afternoon. Micha wanted to go some where local, but do something that they have never done before. Al just wanted to hook up, asking Micha ideas she had. Micha had none, and was out of ideas, asking Al if he had any plans all Al's ideas were dirty. Such things as; going to a parking lot and having sex, or giving him road...
My name is Martha and I’m 33 I live alone and because I’m not in a serious relationship I have thrown myself into my career and work out every day at the gym on my way to work. On a girly night out an old friend confided in me that she had visited a specialist to have an internal checkup and although she went privately and had to pay she told me it was well worth the money. She went on to tell me she now had regular checkups and suggested that at my age I should do the same, she...
I managed to get a week of good weather and didn’t see Jessica alone again for two weeks. Tim was back to school for his employer after just a week and a half home. The last time Jess and I were alone together, before the night we spent with Tim, she’d found great excitement in the rougher things I’d done, and seemed turned on by those closest to being painful. I’d offered to bring some toys that would give her pain without permanent harm to see what she liked and just how far she wanted...
My name is Jax, and this is my story ‘Babe, the brochure came through. Get your ass here now!’ I made my way to the dinner table, where Hank was sitting, excitedly waiting for me. ‘Jax, look, here it is’ I took the brochure from Hank’s grip and gave it a look. The heading of the brochure read: ‘Magnificent Mauritius, Dubai: shopping paradise, or, Icey-Alaska! The world is your oyster.’ I felt rather amused at the luck Hank and I had been handed. The prospect of visiting one of three beautiful...
I am back again Vishal from Hyderabad, Her name is Jyothi she is 25 yrs old with a nice body with a stat of 32-26-32 Jyothi is very sexy. my story starts now, Jyothi came to live opposite flat after getting married about 6 months before, about 5 months after her marriage her husband got jod in USA & he left her alone due to some problems. Jyothi was Mba & was expecting to join her husband & getting a job in USA, after about 1 month her mother-in-law came to me & asked me to allow Jyothi to use...
Synopsis: A young man with a deep secret finds himself in an exciting, yet precarious position when persuaded by a male photographer friend to fill in for an absent female model on a photo shoot aboard a charter yacht in Florida. Sailing into Uncharted Waters Day 1 - Morning Walking down the shop lined street, I'm wondering exactly why I had to awaken and get going so early this morning. I mean, I really enjoy sleeping in when I get the chance, just letting my body wake...
The couriers' ship touched down near the colony on Leonis 2. They gathered up their things and walked into the cargo bay. When the bay door opened, two men in uniforms were waiting for them on the other side. One was grey-haired, with a severe military haircut. The other was the bald man they recognized from the video messages The bald man greeted them as they stepped into daylight: "Hello ladies, I'm Captain Christianson. It's nice to meet..." He trailed off, confused by what he saw....
Jared had managed to inspire both himself and the three coaches that made up the root of his staff. He already knew they were capable, now he knew they were going to execute as well. He saw three hungry, but frustrated coaches who thought that a former NFL coach would come in and fire up a program. Instead they saw the shadow of a legend on cruise-control who hoped to catch lightning in a bottle. They now knew the University had made the right decision in bringing Coach Winslow. Jared...
Hannah sat there, alone on the couch, watching TV. It was lazy day. Still warm from a long bath, she flipped through the various channels. It was getting late and she wondered where her sister could be. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She quickly got up and ran to the door. After unlocking the deadbolt, she opened to door. To her relief, her sister, Samantha was standing outside."Overtime today?" Hannah asked as she walked in, "You normally come earlier." "No," Samantha grinned...
Hank got off of the couch and walked over to the table. Sarah lay on the table, her eyes closed and her breathing slow and deep. She seemed to be sleeping but he thought it more likely that her body had just shut down. He thought back over the last few hours and he figured she had finally had enough. He looked at her cute little breasts sitting up on her chest. Her nipples were still hard, they were pink and perfect. His eyes flowed down her body past her tight stomach and down to her...
"Sir, rider approaching on horseback." Sgt. Langford said. "Well well. On a horse you say? This should be good. How soon until the plane is completely unloaded, Sgt?" Greg asked. "About another 10 minutes sir." Was the response. "Well, keep an eye on our rider. I don't think he is dangerous, but double check with security." Greg stated and went over to where one of the two vehicles that had been unloaded already sat. Greg sat on the hood of his Humv and watched as the rider got...
I got home from work yesterday, tired, but extremely horny, so I decided to slam a few beers, smoke some illegal stuff that really makes you get horny, then watch some porn, and beat my meat. Now I'm 43, married, 2 kids, and do this every once in awhile, when no one is around.I drank 2 beers before getting in the shower, and once I was cleaned up, I started stroking my nice 8"inch cock. I jack off alot anyway, seeing as the sex life isn't good anymore, and I love the feel of my cock. When I got...
First TimeHello folks!! Wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Well I’ve been reading the stories uploaded here for quite some time now and I’m glad that people are willing to admit their most intimate secrets via ISS. I’ve also something to contribute, hope you readers have nice time reading and enjoying the moments and all those hot and horny ladies out there, let me tell you I’m all yours you can mail me at , I promise you won’t regret it. To begin with, I’ve always been attracted to girls...
A year ago if you had told me that my wife cheating on me would only make me love her more and lust after her more I would have laughed at you. But that is just what has happened. I found out that she was not just having an affair, but was her company's punch board. I also found out that the more guys she fucks the hornyier I get. It all started when I broke my leg at work. I am a heavy equipment operator and there isn't much in the way of light duty for you when you are on crutches. Since I...
I have this skirt that I love wearing. It makes me feel incredibly sexy in how it flows when I saunter across a room. The material is smooth and feels sensual against my ass and thighs. This skirt of mine is bright red, and I generally wear it when I feel extra naughty.Not too long ago, I wore the skirt out to my neighborhood bar. I'm in there fairly often, and it's a nice place with an outdoor deck and a great staff of bartenders. I hung out with some friends who frequent the bar and chatted...
I met this beautiful young redhead at the spa today, we were both getting massages and I was getting a facial as well. As we sat in the lounge waiting to go in for our massage we instantly hit it off. She was so open and friendly, I thought I had know her my whole life.I couldn't help but notice how sexy she was sitting there in a robe, I could feel my pussy start to get damp just thinking about all the things I would do to this sexy girl. Her cleavage was amazing and I could not help but...
He backs away and leaves me to my own thoughts. I need to be left alone. I need to think. I need to calm down. My heart races and my hands shake, and they do so even more than before. I find myself unable to remember the location of the letters on the keyboard. And then I wonder if he noticed. "Did he notice my amazement?" I ask myself. "Did he hear my gasp when he said his length?" I figure I must have turned red with embarrassment. My body nearly drips with sweat. I stand up to get a...
Shanor Slowly I came to, I was lying on the floor with Laura knelling over me, she was watching me expectantly. Everything was so bright and clear, I had gone through the training with Laura, or the other Laura on how to control my new parts, I knew I had to be careful of my strength. I looked around taking in my surroundings, I saw the parts for Entoch's body stacked to one side, I also saw Entoch lying on the sleeping furs unmoving. I flexed my hands, getting a sense of power from them,...