Reciprocal NeedsChapter 3 free porn video

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Squaring her shoulders, she opened the door and walked from her room. She'd fucked up big time. If he asked her to move, what would she do? She'd have to move back with her parents. She would have no other choice. She'd also need to forget college for a year, at least. Damn it! Life just wasn't fair.

Darrin sat dejected at the kitchen table. She was pissed at him. Understandingly pissed. He'd stood at the door to his bedroom and gawked at her like a teenager who had never seen a naked woman. He had willed her to move her hand so he could see her cunt, for Christ's sake! Sick! You're a sick, perverted fuck who wants to fuck his sister. Incest! Even the thought of the word stung him. She'll move out for sure, move back to Milltown and tell her parents she could no longer live with her brother, not with the way he looked at her, lusted after her. She'd tell them how sick he was, and she'd have every right to inform them about his perverted desires. If she wanted to move, he wouldn't try to stop her.

He looked up as she walked toward him. He had expected an angry look, or a look of condemnation, but she looked frightened, not angry. Why? She had nothing to fear. He was at fault, not her.

He looks so unhappy, she thought. I caused that look. My unhealthy, immoral desire for him... wait! Why is he merely unhappy? He should look disgusted. He should be angry and revolted. She pulled up a chair and sat across from him.

"I'm sorry," they both said at the same time.

Stunned by what they heard, each studied the other. Both looked confused. Both wondered if they had misread the situation. And they both started to speak again at the same time, which caused them to pull back into silence yet again. Neither looked at the other. Instead Darrin studied the top of the kitchen table. Carrie studied her hands folded demurely in her lap.

"Why are you sorry, sis?" Darrin finally asked. "I was at fault, not you. You have no reason to be sorry about anything. You were angry with me. You screamed at me, told me to get out, and you had every right..."

"Oh, Darrin, I wasn't angry with you. I was angry with myself. I was on your bed naked and asleep - definitely inappropriate. I'm very sorry."

What's happening here, Carrie asked herself. Maybe what happened wasn't a complete disaster after all; maybe he won't ask me to move. Looking back, she realized he didn't know she had gone to his bed and masturbated thinking about him. How could he know? She had felt so guilty she had hated herself and projected her self-revulsion onto him. But he didn't know how much she wanted him. He only saw her naked on his bed, and she had yelled at him to leave his own room, and her voice was angry because she was angry with herself. No wonder he thought she was angry with him.

I'm thoroughly confused, Darrin thought. Maybe she won't leave me and move back to Milltown. Why isn't she angry with me? I...

Suddenly it dawned on him why she wasn't angry. She had not seen how excited he was. She had come out of a deep sleep confused, like he was now, and didn't notice how he was looking at her. But why was she angry with herself? She said it was inappropriate to be in his bed naked and asleep. He smiled inwardly. I guess it was, and she had masturbated, too, if the lingering scents he detected in the room were accurate. She had no reason to feel guilty about masturbating. Everyone did it. He did. God, he'd never masturbated so much as during the last month since she moved in with him. Without those daily releases of his sexual tension, he would have inappropriately jumped her lovely bones long ago.

Darrin pondered the situation. What should he do about what happened? Should he admit how much he wanted her, how much he loved her? No! She'd move out for sure, and he didn't know if he could live without her, not after seeing her and talking with her and being with her every day for a month. He decided to ignore the situation as if it had never happened. If he saw her naked again, he vowed he would turn from her and leave her to her privacy.

What should I do, Carrie asked herself. I can tell him the truth, tell him I love him more than life itself, but that would only get me tossed out on my butt. No, I should probably ignore what happened, make sure he knows I'm not angry with him and go on as before.

"I'm sorry," they both said, again at the same time, and this time they both cracked up in laughter. They laughed until tears ran from their eyes. One of them would finally get a handle on the jollity, but the other's continued laughter would pull the other back to laughing again. Finally, they both controlled themselves at the same time.

Carrie wiped the tears from her eyes, happy laughter-caused tears. "I love you, bro. Let's just forget what just happened as if it never happened."

"You've got a deal."

Carrie glanced at the clock. "It's almost one. Ms. Terrance will be here at two. I'd better fix us some lunch, and we'll eat before she arrives."

Suddenly, Darrin remembered the gift she had purchased for her. "Carrie, you've been so wonderful, done so much for me over the past month. You cook for me, keep the house clean and orderly, and now you plan to market my paintings. You've saved so much on the food bill, I put away a little money, and I bought you a gift today to show you my appreciation. It isn't much, and it's used, but it's something I think you need. I didn't know where you would want to set it up, so I left it in the car. Come and see, and then you can tell me where you want it, and I'll set it up for you."

"A present? Oh, Darrin you didn't need..."

"Hush, say thank you, Darrin, and hush."

She smiled. "Thank you, Darrin."

He took her hand and hurried her down the stairs. As they approached the car, he said, "I don't know much about these things, but the seller said it was a good one, almost new, but if it's too old and not adequate for you, he said I could take it back and he'd refund my money."

"I'm sure it's fine, Darrin."

He opened the rear driver's-side door, and she saw a computer monitor. Then she saw the computer itself, and a keyboard and mouse. She squealed. "Oh, Darrin, it's perfect! Just what I need! Thank you! Thank you!"

She was so excited she couldn't stop herself. She literally jumped into his arms, wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him! God, did she ever kiss him! It was twice the kiss she had feared had ruined everything when he offered to let her live with him a month or so ago. When she finally came to her senses, she suddenly feared she had ruined everything yet again. He had a raging erection, which she had rubbed against with her pussy through the crotch of her jeans, not just once either, but quite a few times. She had dry-humped him, for Christ's sake! And she had plunged her tongue into his mouth. How could she have done such a thing when she had barely escaped his revulsion only minutes before? Embarrassed and fearful, she pulled back from the embrace, quickly dropped her feet to the floor, turned her back to him and leaned into the car to look at the computer. She'd ignore what she had done. Perhaps he'd do the same. Please, she silently begged, please ignore what just happened.

Jesus! No one had ever kissed him with such passion in his entire life. Shocked at first, Darrin had tried to keep the kiss brotherly. After all, he had just avoided driving her away from him. But, as the kiss continued and became even more passionate, he couldn't stop himself and went with his feelings, giving everything to the embrace, like Carrie. He felt her rub her pussy against his hard cock, and when she plunged her tongue into his mouth, he had done the same to her. He tasted her, explored every nook and cranny of her mouth, and rubbed the crotch of her jeans with his erection, just like she was rubbing the front of his jeans with her pussy. God, he was hot! He wanted her desperately. For a few seconds, he believed she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He almost lost control, almost walked her to a table and stripped her jeans from her and fucked her! But she had more sense than he. She had gained a semblance of control and moved away from him.

Now he watched her jean-covered, round, firm butt as she leaned into the car admiring the computer in the back seat. He sucked in a massive amount of air. Get a grip, he ordered. She's ignoring what just happened. Do the same.

She looked over her shoulder at him with a big grin, but he could see fear in her eyes.

"It's perfect, Darrin. Just perfect! Help me carry it upstairs. I have just the spot for it next to the bookcase in the living room. Of course, if you don't want it in the living room, I'll put it in my room, but it is getting hot in there already. In another month, it'll be too hot to work in there, so the living room would be better, if you don't mind." God, I'm babbling like an idiot.

"Anywhere you want it is fine with me, sis." Good, she's going to ignore what happened. He moved by her, bumping her slightly. "I'll carry the monitor. It's heavy and awkward. Will you bring the keyboard and mouse? I'll come back for the computer."

"I'll need a little table or a computer desk to put it on. I'll find something at a yard sale this weekend. In the meantime, I'll use the table at the top of the stairs. Let me go ahead of you, and put the table where I want it." Is he going to let me get away with my brazen behavior? It appears he is. Thank you, Darrin. Thank you, not just for the computer, but also for letting me off the hook for the kiss. She knew she would dream about that kiss many times, and every time she did, she would become excited all over again. She set the vase and dried-flower arrangement from the tale to the floor and hurried with the table, setting it by the bookcase in the corner of the living room. Perfect, she thought. I can look over the railing while I'm writing and watch Darrin down in the studio. Perfect!

"What will it be? Will you create a portfolio for us, or not," Carrie asked.

Barbara Terrance was stunned. She had never seen such talent before and had attended at least fifty one-man shows not only in Las Vegas but also in Los Angeles and New York City.

"I'll take a painting. That one," she said softly, trying to appear nonchalant while pointing at Darrin's latest, the one still wet and the best of the lot.

"Uh-uh. Any other is acceptable. Darrin gave that one to me," Carrie said. She glanced at her brother. He raised a quizzical eyebrow but said nothing.

"I understand. Then I'll take the one hanging in your living room."

"Agreed," Darrin said. "When will you take the pictures, and when can we expect the portfolio?"

"I'll do the shoot tomorrow, and the portfolio will be ready by the end of the week." She turned away from viewing the painting toward the artist. "You're very talented, Darrin. I have no doubt the value of the painting will far exceed what I would normally charge for the photo shoot, and I'm not cheap. Accordingly, I'll also provide additional prints should you need them to send to various galleries."

Darrin grinned but turned to his sister. He raised one eyebrow - a silent query. Interesting, Barbara thought. He defers to his sister. She doesn't dominate him though, and they love each other a lot, which pleased her. She wished she could be as close with her brother, but they barely tolerated one another. She shrugged.

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Hey guys. I have been posting . Please do read them. Recently, I got a text from Neha. Some might know her from my older stories. We have been friends with benefits for a long time now. However, this time it was a little different. She texted me with a lot of desperation. Neha: Hey! Me: Hi! Neha: How have you been? Me: All good. You tell. Neha: Same. But not really. Me: What happened? Neha: You get to fuck other bitches. The ones I hook up with propose to me the next day. It’s tragic. Me: You...

3 years ago
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Things Happen For A Reason Ch 05

Luke finished hammering the swing set and stood back to admire the finished project. He’d gone out yesterday, a case of last minute nerves, and bought this crazy concoction to give him something to do and as a welcome home gift to his son. His son. A part of him held back from the idea, just as he’d been holding back from Sarah since she’d told him the truth. He’d still been sleeping in the guest bedroom alone, and any attempt she made to discuss the past had been met with a steely resistance...

3 years ago
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I Am My Brothers Cum Slut Chapter 1

I can still remember the day it happened as if it was only yesterday, I had just come home from work (I work as a waitress at the local coffee shop) and I was excited because it was Friday night and I had plans to go out with a new guy I had met earlier this week. Thomas seemed like a really nice guy and he was very handsome so I was looking forward to getting to know this guy and see where it would take us.Before I get too much further into my story, I guess I should tell you a little about...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Madelyn Monroe Chloe Amour Thank You Massage

Security Officer Madelyn Monroe saves the day as she takes down a robber trying to steal from Chloe Amour’s spa. With the culprit knocked out, Chloe can only offer her sexy savior an All Girl Massage, on the house. Chloe massages Madelyn’s naked body from top to bottom, but Madelyn expects a little more from Chloe, especially after saving her from the neighborhood burglar. Chloe carefully plays with Madelyn’s pussy lips, rubbing it softly and making her pussy moist and warm....

1 year ago
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Vicky and me

What's a girl to do?I like sex, my boyfriend seems to be not that interested any more. I've tried being romantic, being slutty, all sorts of things but he is not satisfying me at all.I visit this site and masturbate while fantasising about the hot sex I could be having. I would love to try a threesome with two guys, but I guess that's not going to happen.Anyway, I was telling my friend Vicky about this and she asked me if I'd ever thought of sex with another girl. I like watching a bit of...

3 years ago
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A Time Just For Us From My Very First The Sequel

 If you like wham bam sex stories, this probably isn’t for you. If you prefer more romantic, slow-burn, real-life accounts, but with complete honesty, then please enjoy.~~Jessica~~ In the beginning, I really did have every intention of waiting until my wedding night to lose my virginity, until that one blissful night when Chuck and I spent the night in a luxurious hotel room in Jackson after attending our team’s football game earlier one Saturday afternoon a year ago.For those who have asked...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 5

Present – Liz – Guarding Jens and Maria I look at Todd and realize that I'm looking at an exceptional man – oh I always knew he was special – but thanks to him we've finally gotten ahead of the drug lord. Hell without him – well, they would have advanced to the tunnels and we'd be captured or dead. My reporter feelings kick in so I ask, "Todd, can you explain your earlier statement to me???" Present – Todd – Guarding Jens and Maria I can tell that Liz has become a 'reporter' and I...

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Lust Of Incest 8211 Part 1

Hi, I’m Raju. This is my first story submitting to ISS. I like the incest very much, so here is my story of my first incest edition. This story is purely fictitious and based on my imagination. My family consists of four members, mom, elder sister Sahana, myself Raju and younger sister Shilpa. My father passed away recently due to heart attack. My father occupation was agriculture and it is our main source of income. We have some land and we cultivate seasonal crops. My mom is tailoring...

3 years ago
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About Kasia 2

He woke her up not long before the border to Germany. “Did I snore? She asked.“No, not really“can I put them back on now?”“No, give them to me, please…She gasped, but quickly took them all the way off. He took them and put them in his inner pocket, just as her began to slow down for the border passing. She reached out for her sunglasses, but they didn´t need to stop, just slow down. She could see all the signs leading towards Berlin, but he took an earlier exit. Began taking a number of smaller...

3 years ago
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Jared misadventures in new Orleans based on real experiences

Authors note : so far this is based on my personal account but may add my own fantasys to keep it interesting. Hey everyone its me jared. But often called "JackoffJared " online when doing live shows online. I just love the thought of getting people off from my home but was a little too timid for much else. Hell i have only really kissed a girl on her cheeck so far. Needless to say im a 20 almost 21 year old virgin. I have blondehair thats normallya little long. Only really down to my glasses...

3 years ago
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Dark Temptations Sweet Indulgence Part 2

Traveling mainly by night, I manage to bring Rin and I to Cancun. With it being sunny in these parts Jasco and Draven wouldn't dare search for us here, though it isn't impossible. I figured we'd be safer here since even I feared going out during the day. Rin hadn't said much since we escaped. Even when I got us a hotel suite with only one bed, Rin hadn't said a word. We'd been here for three days and I feared I'd never hear her voice again. Whenever I heard her stomach growl and asked her if...

3 years ago
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Perceptions and DeceptionsChapter 50

Charles shadowed the cult members as they led their new slave away to her room. He passed the chamber that held Lydia in a single long stride, forcing his eyes to remain forward. There were enough cultists -- too many, in his view -- accompanying Melinda that he only occasionally caught a glimpse of her back or a naked ass cheek. With rigid resolve, he curbed whatever urges it could engender. He had given her a servant's quarters at the end of the hall, a small room far from any of the...

4 years ago
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Give me your cum

I see you sitting there. You seem shy. You seem… new. Like you’ve never even been to a place like this before. Like you’ve never been with a guy before. Like it’s making you nervous, and maybe a bit scared. I take another sip of my drink and decide I need something tastier. I decide I’m going to help you feel comfortable here. Or maybe somewhere else, somewhere much more comfortable. So I approach. “Hey man.” I start. “You alone tonight?” A...

1 year ago
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Of Sinners and Saints Ch 01

** Greetings ???? ** THANKYOU WindySwimming for editing and helping me out. ** please comment and rate xoxo * Lisa walked hurried towards Skyline, a seventeenth floor building that had some of the most expensive apartments in the city. She checked her watch again. She was ten minutes late. It would take another five minutes to get to the tenth floor. Her heels clicked as she walked towards the elevator. She had worn a pale pink sundress which was demure but elegant. She carried a large handbag...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Celestina Blooms Who Can Go The Longest Stepbro

Celestina Blooms and her stepbrother Codey Steele are super competitive. Codey is getting sick of the way Celestina keeps changing the rules so she wins every time. They get into it over a card game and Codey storms out. Left to her own devices, Celestina goes ahead and grabs the vibrator she keeps hidden beneath her pillow and goes for it. With one hand on her tit and the other buried beneath her panties, she’s really getting into the swing of it when Codey returns. They both reveal that...

3 years ago
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The Wife Next Door Part VIIIWatching a Movie

The Wife Next Door: Part VIII-Watching a Movie When we last left John his teenage seductress Angela and her best friend Lisa were having a shower to get ready for dinner. John had inadvertently seen the two girls having a rather soapy good time together and had gotten more than a little aroused. Now John is waiting for the two seventeen-year-olds to appear so they can go to dinner. __________________ I waited downstairs and after about 45 minutes the two girls skipped down the stairs holding...

First Time
1 year ago
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Lucky Man

She was the hottest girl in school, always wearing the short cut-offs that showed off a bit of her ass cheeks. Suzy was well endowed with full firm C cups that looked great on her with a slim waist and flared hips that highlighted an ass to match her tits. Standing at only 5' 4”, she was at the perfect height for Jerry, who stood 6' tall. Jerry loved that she always dressed so revealing, as a matter of fact, he would encourage her to dress that way. He loved the attention she received,...

3 years ago
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Sisters Gift XVIII Endings and Beginnings

Part XVIII End Part XVII: I fucked her through her orgasm and then came inside her. I flopped down beside her and kissed her gently. “Ty, no one could ever make me cum like you. I love you so much.” “I love you too baby.” “By the way Ty. I’m off the pill again.” The ensuing nine months was a blur to me. Gabby and Allison had both gotten pregnant. Naturally, their hormones were out of control. One minute, Gabby was yelling at me for some inane reason, and the next she was jumping my bones. Abby...

3 years ago
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My new bride Part 3

“And it’s all for you.” I said smiling as I kissed her. “It better be.” She laughed We lie in each other’s embrace for a while then pack our things and checked out of the hotel. We got into my car and back to my moms. “Why did we come back I thought we were going to go up to the cabin?” She asked “I need to get more clothes, and I want to see if my sisters want to come up.” I said “Oh okay but hurry I’m getting hot.” She said I walked into the house and into the living room....

1 year ago
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Joy of a BBC Find Another Cock

Jessica had been a slut for Marcus the rest of the weekend. She had sucked his cock as they showered together, and sat on his massive cock in front of Jim while they nibbled at breakfast. Out by the pool, he fucked her oiled tits and blew his cream all over her face and chest, which Jessica proceeded to lap up. Jim heard the springs creaking, the head board banging the wall and all the moans and screams as they went upstairs for a "nap." And Saturday night, Jessica dressed like a real tramp in...

3 years ago
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Special Delivery

I was still in bed, enjoying the chance to catch up on some sleep after a busy week. The curtains, slightly open, allowed a crack of sunlight into the room and the breeze from the open window cooled me as I drifted between waking and sleeping. In my half-conscious state I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly came to my senses. The parcel! I was waiting for a new router for my laptop. It had been three days now without the internet, and life was dull without the chat rooms and my cyber friends. I...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Matured Horny Aunty

Hello readers! I am Ankit from Hyderabad. This is my true experience happened 3 years ago. I have been following ISS stories from many years. I feel like sharing my experience with all of you today. Since it is my first time writing a story, please bear with me if there are any mistakes. To describe myself I am 28 years old,5f7in height and fair in complexion with an athletic body (dick size 7-8inches). This story happened when I was 25 years old. Coming to the story. I completed my BTech at...

4 years ago
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ExtraCurricular Part 10

Up to the moment when Gavin shoved the item before her face, Amanda was entranced.She hadn’t wished these circumstances upon Christina, but now that the girl was immersed, well look at her. Absorbing the discomfort of Josh’s anal intrusion and, having done it, becoming so clearly possessed by the pleasure. Uttering unearthly sounds with her head lolling, as sexual need consumed her, body and mind. The nice-girl yielding to her true slut-self with nothing to be done about it, and at such a...


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