Reciprocal NeedsChapter 7
- 2 years ago
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Carrie woke with a headache, and her mouth felt as if her tongue had been licking a cat. She wondered if she were coming down with something. Then she remembered the brandy she had consumed the night before and suspected she was experiencing her first, and hopefully last, hangover. She pushed herself out of bed and did her bathroom chores, which made her feel a little better but didn't improve her headache.
Looking in on Darrin, she found him stretched out naked diagonally across his bed. He looked sound asleep, and she wondered what time he had gone to bed the night before.
She dressed, put on a pot of coffee, and decided to walk to the Seven Eleven for some aspirin. Some Alka-Seltzer wouldn't hurt either. Deep in thought, she didn't notice the weather, and it started to rain just before she arrived at the convenience store. She had to run the last twenty yards, and even then she was wet by the time she rushed through the entrance doors.
The rain and the exercise had invigorated her, and she emitted a pleasant sigh as she wiped the rain from her face with her hands. That's when the man in front of the counter turned to her and shoved a gun in her face.
"On the floor, bitch!" he growled.
Shocked and terrified, rooted to the floor like an old tree in the forest, Carrie didn't respond. No one had ever pointing a gun at her before, and she wasn't sure what "on the floor" meant. Before she could react, the man reared back and sliced the weapon across her cheek. Like her assailant demanded, the blow took her to the floor.
Stunned, she rolled to her side and started to sit up.
"Don't get up or I'll shoot you!" her assailant shouted. "Are you stupid, or something?"
The headache bringing her to the store was nothing compared to the excruciating pain she now felt. Ignoring the threat because it hadn't registered in her brain, she finished sitting up with her legs stretched out in front of her and brought her hand to her cheek. Blood! Shocked by the blood, her senses started to revive. She could feel the throbbing pain from the blow and smell the coppery, sweet scent of the warm blood streaming through her fingers and rolling down her forearm.
Looking up through glazed eyes, she took in the scene. A grubby man, the one who had struck her with the gun, was obviously robbing the store. The Korean man behind the counter, a man she had spoken to a number of times, held a gun in his hand, too, and when the robber turned away from her back toward the shopkeeper, the Korean pulled the trigger and the weapon exploded. The loud sound startled Carrie, and she screamed. The robber staggered, and the shopkeeper fired again. The second shot hit the robber in the chest and threw him backwards. He crumpled finally, falling on top of Carrie, knocking the wind out of her briefly. When she regained her breath, she screamed in terror and tried to get away from the man, pushed at him, tried to squirm out from under him, but he was too heavy. She screamed again, a high-pitched horrified sound, even to her, and struggled mightily to get away from the dead weight crushing her - bleeding on her.
Suddenly she saw the Korean standing over them. He still held the gun, and it was pointing at the robber's head. Carrie believed he planned to pull the trigger again, that he would shoot the man on top of her in the head, and she envisioned blood, pieces of bone and brain spraying her face. The vision revolted her, and she couldn't stop screaming.
Finally, the Korean leaned down and rolled the robber's body off her. She scrambled away, scuttled back across the floor like an upside-down crab, gasping and whimpering, utterly terrified. Her back slammed into a floor display and knocked it over, which caused her to scream again.
She had to get away! She couldn't stay in the store another second. She jumped up and ran, crashing through the entrance doors, running into the pouring rainstorm. She didn't stop running until she came to the door of her home, but she didn't have her purse with her. She had lost it somewhere back at the store, and the door was locked. While jabbing the doorbell, she banged on the door. "Darrin!" she screamed. "Darrin!" Over and over she screamed his name while ringing the doorbell and beating on the door. Terror still filled her eyes, and she kept looking over her shoulder expecting to see the robber after her, which didn't make sense, even to her befuddled mind, but that's what she expected nonetheless.
Upstairs, Darrin finally roused. He'd been sound asleep. Fuck, he thought. What now? The fucking doorbell kept ringing, and someone - no not someone. Carrie! Carrie was calling his name. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes with his fists.
"Darrin!" The doorbell rang. "Darrin!" Carrie pounded on the door.
She sounded terrified! He jumped naked from the bed and rushed through the loft and down the stairs. He threw open the door, and Carrie fell into his arms sobbing.
My God! What happened? She's soaking wet! She's bleeding! Covered in blood!
"Carrie, calm down. It's all right. You're safe now. You're safe." I've got to stop the bleeding, he thought. She has so much blood on her. What the fuck happened? Where is she bleeding? Her face! He saw the ragged cut on her face, and looked for more damage. She needed to go to the hospital. "Let me dress. I'll take you to the hospital."
"No, don't leave me!"
He picked her up and bounded up the stairs to his bedroom. Laying her gently on the bed he pulled on his jeans, skipping his underwear. He pulled on a t-shirt over his bloody chest, bloody from when Carrie had fallen into his arms. Slipping his shoes over his feet without socks, he felt his pockets. Yes, he had his keys and wallet. He picked her up and hurried as fast as he could. It was still raining hard, and he was soaked like Carrie before he could get her into the passenger seat of the car. Wracking his brain, he tried to remember where an emergency room was located and finally remembered. As he drove, he kept glancing at Carrie. She was still sobbing, curled up in the corner by the door. He kept touching her trying to reassure her, muttering silly words like you're going to be all right, it's fine, you're okay, whatever he could think of that would calm her. Nothing he said helped.
Ten minutes later, he screeched to a stop under the canopy to the entrance of an emergency room. Leaving the car running, he ran around and opened the passenger door. Carrie had been leaning against the door, and he had to catch her before she fell to the ground. He pulled her up and into his arms and carried her inside.
A man and a woman took her from his arms and placed her on a gurney. He tried to follow as they wheeled her away, but a fat nurse grabbed his arm.
"We'll need information for admittance, sir. She's in good hands now."
She eyed him. "Is that her blood all over you, or are you hurt, too?"
"No, I'm fine."
"Have a seat. Thank you, sir. The injured woman, what is her name?"
The admitting nurse asked question after question, and Darrin answered them when he could, and the mundane necessity of completing hospital forms brought him back from his own terror. His hands started to tremble, and he kept looking down the hall where the doctor's had taken his sister. He needed desperately to know how badly injured she was. And anger started to fill him again. Someone had harmed her. His anger increased until he realized he'd never felt such rage. He wanted to find whoever had hurt his sister and kill him. His trembling turned into tremors, and he had to sit on his hands to hide his shakes.
Finally the questions ended, and the nurse pointed out a seating area and instructed Darrin to wait. "A doctor will speak with you as soon as possible."
A half-hour later, he remembered he'd left his car with the engine running in front of the emergency room. He walked outside and found the car still running with passenger door wide open. He parked and locked the car and hurried back inside. A doctor standing in the waiting area walked up to him. "Darrin Cannon?"
"Your sister will be fine. She had quite a scare. From what we could gather before we put her to sleep she walked into a robbery at a convenience store, and the thief pistol-whipped her. That's the only injury she sustained. She wasn't rendered unconscious, and the tests indicate she doesn't have a concussion. Unfortunately, the proprietor of the store shot the thief, killing him, and he fell on top of your sister pinning her to the floor. She couldn't get out from under his dead weight, which traumatized her mentally. We stitched the cut on her face, but we'd recommend a plastic surgeon to minimize the scaring. Also, she should consider therapy to help her with the mental trauma."
"When can I see her?"
"Right now, if you wish, but she's asleep, will be for at least another hour. We can release her to your care when she regains consciousness."
"I'm fine, Darrin. I just have a headache." She chuckled. "That's what caused all my troubles in the first place. I woke up with my first-ever hangover and went to the Seven Eleven for some aspirin, which reminds me. I left my purse at the store. That's why I had to wake you up to get inside."
"I'll pick up your purse later," Darrin said as he pulled the car in front of the overhead door. He jumped out and raised the door, and then pulled the car inside. By the time he'd closed the door, Carrie was halfway up the stairs.
"I'm going to get out of these clothes and take a bath," she told him from the top of the stairs. "Do you want to shower first, wash off all my blood on you and..." She grimaced. "... the other guy's?"
"Let's get you settled first. I'll wash up in the big sink in the studio later, and then pick up your purse. The police will probably want to talk with you, too."
When Darrin stepped into the Seven Eleven an hour later, the police were still there. He noticed the floor had been mopped and was happy the body had been removed. He nodded at the Korean shopkeeper. "Hi, Mr. Kim. My sister left her purse here this morning."
"Yes, yes. I have it!" He turned and squatted, opened a cabinet and pulled the purse from inside.
"Thanks, and I need some aspirin. She has quite a headache."
"Is she okay? I worry about her."
"She's going to need plastic surgery."
"Oh, so sorry. I will help. I have liability insurance. I already talked with them." He rummaged in a drawer behind the counter and pulled out a business card. After writing the information on a piece of paper, he handed it to Darrin. "Call them. They will help."
Maybe, maybe not, Darrin thought.
"The detective wants to talk with her," the Korean said and nodded toward a man in a short-sleeved shirt talking with a uniformed officer. Mr. Kim hurried around the corner, and as Darrin moved by him, he handed him a large bottle of aspirin. "Free," he said.
Darrin introduced himself to the detective and told him about Carrie. "She's home now. The hospital released her. Mr. Kim said you wanted to talk with her."
"Yes. When would be a good time?"
"Give her an hour. She's cleaning up now. She was covered in blood from head to foot. When I opened the door to let her in our home, she damned near scared the life out of me. Is the bad guy dead? If he's not, I'll be happy to help Mr. Kim finish the job."
"He's dead."
An hour later, the detective and his partner, a man Darrin had not met, arrived and took Carrie's statement. Darrin listened to her story and decided the doctor had probably been correct about getting her into therapy. He suggested as much after the police left.
"I don't need therapy, Darrin, but I do need a plastic surgeon. Call that insurance company. Plastic surgeons don't come cheap."
A half-hour later, Darrin knew the insurance company would do nothing for Carrie. After searching through his address book, he dialed again. "Tom, it's Darrin Cannon... Yeah, it's been a while. Listen, my sister is living with me, and this morning..."
Carrie listened to Darrin describe what happened to her. Before the conversation ended, she deduced the party on the line with Darrin was an attorney. Darrin hung up and turned to Carrie. "That was a friend of mine, Tom Wilson, a personal injury lawyer. He took your case on contingency and will stop by later with a contract. If anyone can get action out of the insurance company, he can. In the meantime, go ahead and make an appointment with a plastic surgeon. With the show coming up next month, we'll be able to afford whatever it costs, even if the insurance company doesn't come through."
Carrie's eyes brightened. "Oh, thank you, Darrin. I've been worried about two things - scars being least of the two. The other is Dad. We'll need to tell the parents what happened, and they'll drive to Vegas tomorrow. Mom will mother-hen me to death, and Dad will demand I move. They'll be more troublesome than the cut on my face."
Darrin groaned. "You're right."
"I'll call them. Maybe, I can make them realize I'm fine. Hand me the phone." She took a deep breath and dialed. "Hello, Mom."
"Well, speak of the devil. Your Dad and I were just talking about you. Were your ears burning?"
"No, but my cheek is. I don't want you and Dad to get in an uproar, but I had a problem this morning. I went to the Seven Eleven to buy something, and walked into a robbery in progress. The robber pistol-whipped me. I'm fine, just a few stitches, but I thought you ought to know."
"Oh, no, Carrie! Are you sure you're all right?"
"I'm fine. Really. I don't even have a headache." She rolled her eyes at Darrin. "Darrin took me to the emergency room, and a doctor stitched my cheek and released me. It was no big deal."
"Just a sec, sweetie."
Carrie put her hand over the phone. "She's telling Dad now," she said to Darrin.
"Carrie?" her father said a few minutes later.
"Yes, Dad, how are you?"
"I'm fine. We'll drive down tomorrow. You can't live in a neighborhood that dangerous. I was against you living there from the start."
She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Dad, you'll be wasting a trip. I'm fine, and I will not move. I'm eighteen. I can make my own decisions now. I'm not your little girl anymore. I have a good job, and I'm saving more than I would if I'd gotten the lifeguard job. I'll be able to go to college like I planned, so I will not move! Let me talk with Mom!"
"He's full of 'I told you soes'," Carrie said with her hand over the mouthpiece again.
"Carrie, I won't be able to stop him," Her mother said. "We'll be driving down tomorrow."
"I won't move Mom. He's wasting his time. Did he tell you what I told him?"
"No. He just cursed and gave me the phone."
"I told him I was eighteen, that I wasn't his little girl anymore, and he couldn't make me do anything I didn't want to do. I mean it, Mom. I'm not moving. I have a good paying job, and I'll be able to start school this fall. Besides, I've become Darrin's agent. I didn't tell Dad about being Darrin's agent, but I'll tell you now. A prominent art gallery will be showing six of his paintings in a three-man show next month, and get this, Mom, they'll be priced at $10,000 each. The gallery owner expects to sell all six of them within a week. As Darrin's agent I need to work with the gallery and make sure everything is just right. My share from the show is $7,200, and Darrin will make four times that amount, and as his agent, I set up a one-man show to take place within a year. Darrin will make at least $100,000 from that show, and I'll make $25,000, or more, which will take care of my college education if I'm careful. Your son and my brother is a genius, Mom, and he needs my help as his agent. I will not abandon him at Daddy's whim. Explain all this to Dad, please."
"Mom, are you there?"
"I'm here. Is everything you told me the truth? You're not making any of this up, are you?"
"No, I'm not that imaginative, Mom."
"What about your cheek? Won't you have a scar?"
Carrie laughed. "Darrin has an attorney friend. Tom, that's his name, is talking with the Seven Eleven owner's insurance company. They'll take care of any plastic surgery I need. If they don't, we'll handle the surgeon ourselves out of the proceeds from the three-man show. I'm fine, Mom. Really."
"Okay, I'll talk to your father. Call me back in an hour. Okay."
"You can call me, Mom. We have a phone now. As Darrin's agent, I needed a phone. I have a computer, too." She laughed. "I even have business cards. They say, 'C. Cannon, Artist Agency.'" She gave her mother the number. "Talk to him. There's really no need for the two of you to come to Vegas. If you want, I'll talk to you every day for a week. I'm fine."
"I'll call you back. Bye, sweetie."
Carrie hung up and shrugged. "Knowing Dad, they'll be here tomorrow, but I gave it my best shot."
"I know."
A half-hour later, Carrie picked up the phone when it rang.
"Carrie, it's your father. We'll be driving to Vegas tomorrow. We should be there by two in the afternoon."
"Do what you have to do, Dad, but you're wasting your time and money. You'll need a room. Do you want me to arrange one for you?"
"That would be nice, Carrie. Nothing expensive."
"There's a Motel 6 nearby."
She said goodbye and disconnected the call.
Darrin, who had been listening, grimaced and said, "Perfect."
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Carrie reluctantly pulled the bandage back. She had not seen her injury and, although afraid of what she'd see, needed to know. She gasped and tears stung her eyes, including the eye that was black and blue. Her cheek was swollen and red, and a jagged cut about three inches long had been haphazardly stitched together. Ugly! She'd have an ugly scar! Would Darrin still love her if she were ugly? Their incestuous relationship had enough problems without an ugly scar to worry about.
She felt compelled to show him and test his reaction, so she pulled the bandage off and walked down to the studio.
"Darrin," she said to get his attention. He was working on one of his canvasses.
He turned to her and gasped. "Oh, my God, Carrie!"
The tears welled in her eyes overflowed and ran down her cheeks. He was revolted! She turned and ran, ran up the stairs and into her bedroom, throwing herself across her bed.
Suddenly she felt his arms around her. He pulled her up and held her tenderly. "We'll get it fixed, Carrie. I promise," he whispered and brushed her hair from her eyes. "You'll be as good as new after the plastic surgeon does his thing."
"What if he can't fix it? I'll be ugly! Ugly! You won't love me anymore!"
"Carrie! What a thing to say. Do you really think I'm that shallow? I'm in love with you, with the emphasis on 'you', all of you, not just your pretty face."
"My face isn't pretty anymore," she sobbed. "It's ugly. Scared! You were revolted when you saw me. I could see it in your eyes."
"I was shocked, but not revolted, Carrie. Your face is swollen and red, and you have a black eye. The swelling will go down; the black eye will go away, and so will the redness, and you'll be left with a little scar, a scar that will be minimized by the plastic surgeon we'll hire. I feel so sorry this happened to you, and I've been feeling responsible. If I hadn't asked you to come and live with me, this never would have happened. Dad's right in that respect."
His statement sobered her, and she wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand, wincing when she touched her wound. She turned and placed a hand on each side of her brother's face. "You feel responsible? How utterly silly! Only one person is responsible, and he's dead. And don't go siding with Dad now. We have a battle ahead of us tomorrow. He wants me to move, and we'll have to stand together. Mother will back him. She has to; she's his wife. She might not agree with him, but she will stand with him. I'll need your help, Darrin. Don't you go all wishy-washy on me now. Promise!"
He chuckled. "I promise. Stay here. I'll be right back."
He returned a few minutes later with a warm washcloth and carefully washed her face. "No more crying. If you end up with a little scar, so what? The beauty inside you will shine through and no one will notice, especially me. I wasn't revolted, not by your appearance. I was revolted by what that slimy, violent man did to you. I love you, Carrie. Don't ever forget I love you! Okay?"
She nodded and kissed him. "Let me up. I need to find the right plastic surgeon. I want a good one, not one of those guys who advertise boob jobs in those sleazy periodicals. Maybe Barbara can give me a referral."
An hour later she had an appointment for the next morning with a plastic surgeon Barbara had recommended.
The telephone jangled, a hateful, raucous sound. Darrin opened one eye and glared at the offensive instrument disturbing his sleep. "Answer the damn phone, Darrin." Who? Carrie. Suddenly, he remembered. Carrie was in the bed across the room. He reached and picked up the phone. "Yeah." "It's six o'clock, sir." "Yeah, thanks." When he tried to replace the phone on the receiver, he missed and it fell to the floor. "Fuck!" Then he remembered Carrie. "Sorry." "Sokay. I'll get...
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"Good timing, Carrie. Tom called while you were out. He has a settlement offer from the insurance company. He'll be here..." Darrin glanced at his wristwatch and smiled. "... any minute." He took the grocery bags from her hands, and she bent into the trunk of the car and removed the other two. "Cool. Did he say what the offer was?" she asked as they trudged up the stairs. "No, and I asked. You're his client. He wouldn't discuss it with me." He helped her put away the groceries,...
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Hi friends mera naam sonam hai mere umar 22 saal hai 24 saal ki umar me mei bhut lund le chuki hu mera figure 34 30 36 hai mera ek chota bhai hai jo 18 saal ka hai 4 behan hai mujhe se badi behan ki shadi ho gye hai ek 21 saal ki usse choti behan 19 saal aur ek hum sb se choti hai 19 saal ki aur hum sb behano mei sb se badi chudo bahi vahi hai aap is story ke bare me mujhe mail karo me apni ghar ek sabhi chudai ki baato ke bare me bata dungi ab mei story per aati hu me 18 saal ki age me pheli...
“Pookie, go fetch me a bag of apples.” “Apples? What kind of apples?” “You know the kind. The good kind! Empire apples. None of those tasteless Cortland’s or sour Granny Smiths. Good Empire apples from New York.” “Baby, I don’t even like apples.” “Too bad, you’re going to starting eating them. You’re not a kid anymore. It’s time to clean up your diet.” SMACK Heather delivered a firm swat to his ass for his minor back-talk. She grinned deviously while pointing in the direction of the...
It was night. There were no clouds and no moon. Jamie leaned back against the Quonset hut and looked at his watch. He sighed. There were still two hours left before his relief showed up. From his present position, he could see along the entire length of the northern fence. Whoever was stealing their supplies wasn't going to get in this way – not without his knowing it. There was a slight sound that alerted him. It came from behind, inside the Quonset hut. He pressed the red button on his...
I know that this is a story that you have heard a hundred times, but this time it is true, just as it happened. As the first hints of daylight came slipping through the window, Katie began to stir. Saturday was our day, the one day a week that ever since we had been married had been set aside for the two of us. Even after the kids had been born, we tried to keep them busy on Saturday so the two of us could have time together alone. Many Saturdays were so busy that all we could steal would be a...
Dave found the strawberry blonde standing in front of the maternity store of all places absentmindedly admiring a row of female shaped mannequins with their plastic children. As he drew near to the woman Dave called out, “Miss!” When Cindy didn’t immediately responded Dave shouted, “Hey! Lady!” “Um. Yes?” Cindy sounded as if she was a thousand miles away. “Can I have your Breeding Pass?” Dave asked. “My what?” “Your Breeding Pass.” he replied. “The old man said he gave it to you.” “Oh....
Pt. 16: Mia "No, seriously, I'm not kidding. They're like A cups or so by now!" Mia and her friends dissolved into giggles at the lunch table. "And he seriously wanted this to happen?" Mia's friend Katy asked in disbelief. "Oh he begged for it! The little fairy has been practically forcing Mum and I to help him get girlier and girlier for the past three months. To be honest though, I think even he's realising he's gone a bit too far with the tits," Mia laughed. "I mean now he...
*** When I was twenty, shortly after I broke off my year long relationship with a girl named Natalie, I started to search adult chat sites for female submissives. I talked with a few, but none of them were quite what I was looking for. One night, as I sat on the couch in my apartment, I pulled out my laptop. Within minutes I found a possible submissive, who listed her name as Jess18. I sent her a quick hello, and she replied, seeming flirty. "So, I heard you're looking for someone who...
Dedication: This story is just a bit of fun and is respectfully dedicated to all the tireless story checkers on Lush, whose hard work makes this site possible and who have to put with rubbish like this every day. Also, thanks must go to Fugly, whose story ‘Bag of Lush All Sorts’ was the inspiration for this piece. I was in only my second month at Global Biofuels and still finding my way around the organisation. As the head of procurement in a modern, forward-thinking, ethical company, I had to...
Hi dosto, aap ko meri paheli kahani pasand aayi hogi. Ab aage meri bahan veena ki mast chudayi ki kahani aap ka land khada kar degi.Ek lambi chudayi ke baad shayam aur veena bed pe aaram kar rahe the. Tabhi mera phone baja aur mere dost ne bataya ki aaj raat woo nahi aayega. Office me party he me bhi bahut khush ho gaya aur socha koy na ye baat me veena ko bata du ur dekhu ye dono aage kya gul khilate he. Mene veena ko phone kar ke ye bataki me nahi aa unga. Veena ne bhi ye baat shayam ko bata...
hi frnds mai iss ka regular reader hoon sabki kahania mujhe bohat achi lagti hai or jab bhi muth marni iss ki stories padh leta hoon. Mera naam ram thakur hai mai delhi se hu bca kar raha hu mera lund ka size 6.3 inch hai or mera lund mota hai or & mai single hu single rehna he acha h taki dusre ki ladkio se maze loo ye meri id hai or facebook ki bhi anybody contact me there koi bhi aunty, bhabhi, ladki ho any female jise sex karna ho mujhe yaad kare mai sab kuch karunga or lamba sex karta hu...
"Oh shit man! It sounds like your brother-in-law is getting it inthe ass, don't it?" Jack asked of Chuck just as he grabbed ahold ofChuck's ankles and pushed `em up and over the top of Chuck's head, gettingready to start his first trip up, and into, Chuck's tight white ass. "Oh gawd yeah it does, don't it? Hey Jack, I know I keep askingyou but man, I'm still real nervous about me trying to take that much rodup in my ass! You got a lot of grease on my ass and on your dick? You gotit...
I loved my brother Jim. He was two years older than me, and had been a pretty decent older brother for me. He was only a week away from marrying Denise, his high school sweetheart. I was happy for him, for both of them, but he was asking me for something I really didn't want to give him. "You have to lend it to me, Rick. My old clunker won't make it all the way out to California and back. It can be our wedding present from you." "I said no, Jim. I worked every day I could for five...
Hi, i am Sanju from Delhi, I am a regular reader of this website. I liked some of the stories very much and thus I decided to narrate you about one of my true and adventures story of my life which happened in a train some time back. I would try to narrate my story in hindi. Yeh baat last year (2007) ki sardiyon ki hai jab mai apne office se kuch dino ki chutti le ke apne ghar pe new year aur mere B’Day celebration ke liye jar aha tha. Maine 2 class AC Compartment mai reservation karwaya hua...
We were through! No more classes for a month. It seemed like the entire town emptied out in twelve hours. The campus was deserted. The house next door was empty. The guys had carried suitcases out to their last exams and didn’t come back. I saw all three blonde bimbos from two doors down load into a Ford Focus that looked like it was dragging bottom under the weight of everything they packed with them. I didn’t know where they were headed, but I hoped they made it. I got out of my final in...
I'm Jackson Bailey, 19 and just arrived home for the summer after my first semester of college. I'm majoring in archaeology. My parents left yesterday to spend the summer in Britain where my father, a professor of linguistics will be teaching a summer course at a university. I have the place to myself. I noticed a moving van backing into the house next door that had a "For Sale" sign with a "Sold" banner on it. I went next door to welcome the new neighbor.
MILFDaisy started off as a masseuse. She would travel to a client’s house and bring a table and give a good massage and leave. However there was one client in particular, Isiah. One time she gave him a happy ending. After that it became routine…without even asking she just started jerking his cock. It became an obsession for her. So, one day while Isiah was having a meeting with an associate at his house, Daisy was doing her usual massage which ended in a handjob. Isiah didn’t...
xmoviesforyouThe room is dark. Just a hint of light from the streetlamps filling the room. I hear the door open, but I can’t see who it is from the bed. I call out, but there’s no response. I see him enter the room, and I immediately know. I know his shape. His movements. His scent. I sit up to greet him, but he’s already at my side, his lips crushing mine with a kiss. Our tongues tangled together in a lustful battle, I reach up to wrap my arms around his neck. I can feel that he’s still wearing his...
KEVIN Es fing alles damit an, als ich 8 Jahre alt war. Ich wurde neugierig, wie man sich f?hlen w?rde, wenn man wieder Pampers tragen wurde. Wir wohnten in einem kleinen Haus au?erhalb von M?nchen, meine Eltern und meine beiden Schwestern (2+9). Meine gro?e Schwester Yanni war auf Klassenfahrt und meine Eltern mit meiner kleinen Schwester Lena zu Freunden gefahren. Als alle aus dem Haus waren, nutzte ich wie so oft schon die Gelegenheit, und ging in das Zimmer von Yanni. Ich f...
That evening Sarah felt like she was in a dream as the night passed. She felt as though all the strange new things she'd seen had filled her mind up, and she couldn't absorb anything new; things just washed over her. There was so many things she didn't understand, so many magics she had seen. But that wasn't what was bothering her; what she was worrying about was the hidden things, the things she couldn't see. When they got home, Jill proudly showed Wal and Danni what they'd bought,...
I walked in to work at the Dollar General my clerk in training had opened this morning and was standing behind the counter with a real fare away look on her face. Prompting me to ask if she was all right she just nodded yes pointing down. I glanced over to see her skirt up in front and some real activity under it. She leaned over to kiss my cheek whisper in my ear saying he's really getting good at licking my clit, the best yet. I moved her skirt just a little to see a young black boy eyes...
Tuesday morning I was cuddled with Linda next to Keith and Holly as we all watched the Rose Parade. It was nice, and my dad came in a few times to watch the various floats and bands play. Keith and Holly were going to go over to her house and hang out for a bit, so when they left I spent a few minutes kissing Linda and holding her against me.She asked me what I wanted to do next, and I leered at her, then said I wanted to go shopping. “What for?” she asked.Well, I knew that Mandy’s birthday was...
Anal, bisexual I strolled into the hotel lobby and looked around. John was no where tobe seen.“Hmmm, now where is he?” I muttered to myself.It was my forty sixth birthday that day, and I wasn’t feeling too greatabout it. I was sure I detected more lines on my face that morning.To help lift my spirits, my husband had suggested that he take me outfor lunch, so we had arranged to meet in the lobby of the Tiffany Hotel,before going into their excellent restaurant.As I stood there, John was sat in...
Polizist Dirk Mathies war mit seiner Partnerin Katja Metz, 32, 1,74 groß, schlank, braune Augen, blonde Haare, mit nicht zu großen festen Brüsten, Wespentaille, Knackpo, herrlichen schlanken, langen Beinen auf Streife unterwegs. Wie so oft klappte mal wieder das Funkgerät in ihrem Streifenwagen nicht und so kam nicht die Meldung durch daß drei Vergewaltiger ausgebrochen waren und auch bewaffnet waren. Bei den Nachtschichten passierte normalerweise nicht viel, doch plötzlich raste ein VW Golf...
Authors note: this story is mainly fictional, but based on something really happened to me. I must thank also the guys on here who helped me, editing the story. A special thank to Celtenham. Even though the story has been edited, since English is not my mothertoungue, i cannot assure that is foolproof. So please, dont be harsh!!! HIJABI WIFE One of my best friends comes from Morocco. So two years ago I went there with him to visit the country. We spent about a fortnight travelling and then...
Ashley could feel her heart pounding in her chest as she hurriedly rushed toward the door. She took a deep breath, hoping that it would slow her heart rate just a little. Her palms were sweating, but not because of the heat of the warm spring evening.In the five days she had been living in her friend's apartment, she had ordered pizza from the same restaurant on a number of occasions. Each time, Hector would appear at her door wearing his baseball cap and a blue shirt emblazoned with the...
Oral SexTowards the end of July, long past the Fourth of July excitement, and with the heat of the summer in full force, I got invited out to Joe Porter's ranch to ride some horses. I'd seen some of his Dad's horses in our Fourth of July parade, and made a comment to Joe at our next baseball Sunday how neat I thought they were. Their family had taken part in our festivities rather than the larger events in Hermiston, only because Joe said that this was where his friends were. He picked me up...
The start-up Part 1 By Faye Croft This story is based around 5 words selected by a friend, Marcie, and written by myself. The chosen words are: Femdom, Kidnap, Hypnosis, Resistant and Gimp. Marcie liked the first part, so I have agreed to write Part 2 in due course. In the meantime, I'm pleased to load Part 1 into Fiction Mania. Arabella was frustrated that her start-up business was not going well. It seemed like the perfect career for her as it combined her training as...
This story is written and intended for the enjoyment of adults only. Please send any comments to [email protected]. I love hearing from you. Travel Trouble Written by 4play My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and bought a motor home. We disposed of everything we couldn't carry with us and said goodby to our friends. We decided to use our new freedom to see some of this...
The knife was narrow and very pointy. It came in between two ribs, angled to pierce the heart. The pain was intense. I screamed, aware that this was not the scream of Don Johnson, hero of the alien world; it was the scream of Don Johnson middle-aged boring man of Earth. It bloody hurt. Why? Why was I stabbed? A man approached, if I’d been more aware I might have seen his gait, his look, his face all suggested something not right. Perhaps I could have switched to his mental waves and realised...
After becoming rich creating a sales network of changed women products, Sarah and Charles were at their beach house when Sarah starts to change. She was expecting it and was eager to find out what she would become. Sarah found out that she was changing into a tiger shark hybrid. She was desperate at first but Charles talked her out of her depressive thoughts. She had some pleasant changes, like the gills that now allowed her to breathe in the water. She also had several unpleasant...
Hi my name is Rajesh It happened when I was 18 & my mom 36 she is very fair with big boobs & Ass& deep naval. My Father is a business man in Hyderabad. He is from landlord’s family. Our father negative place is Kosta once in vacation mom & I went to our grandparents house in village there is a maid & a male servant with our grandparents. They were landlord so have acres of land & the servant looks after it. The male servant was very strong man about 6.2” with big muscles (He-man) we have a well...
IncestCarlita's turn: My Dave is devastated. My Brindy is devastated. I am devastated. In an instant, our lives changed since we were taking Brindy home with us, we invited Carlie and Gary home with us. "Maybe later," Carlie said. "We need to get the kids." The hospital rolled Brindy out to our car in a wheelchair. I noticed that she was sore as she stood and slid into the back seat. I sat beside her, holding her in my arms as she cried softly. I am used to our car being a place of...
When Tina and I had relaxed on the bed for several minutes, Tina was about to enter a light sleep. But Tina had promised to lick me clean when we were done. So I told her she had to make good on her promise. Tina rose to her knees and elbows so her face was right over my semi-limp member. She began to lick the sides, tasting her own juices on me. As my hardness returned she put the tip in her mouth and sucked like a lollipop. She was definitely causing a favorable reaction causing my dick to...
I have a limousine coming to pick you up today, your birthday and whisk you to me. Upon entering my home, you hear soft music in the background and the only light comes from candles throughout the house. I greet you at the door wearing an extra long dress shirt and nothing else. Telling you it's time to take this to the next level as I take you to the guest bedroom. There you see a package and I ask you to change for dinner. I leave you and return to the kitchen to finish preparing your...
MasturbationPasadena, California December 31, 1986 Rachel ended up wearing a black, thigh-length cocktail dress that clung to her body quite alluringly. Her toned legs were clad in dark nylons. She wore three-inch patent leather high heels on her feet. Her blonde hair — which was usually tied up in a ponytail at the restaurant — was styled and hanging down around her shoulders. Her face was carefully and expertly made up with just the right amount of blush, eye shadow, and bright red lipstick that...
Lolly sat in her car, she should have listened to her dad, the car was a pile of shit! And it had to decide to die on her, as she was on a country road miles from anywhere, and now it was raining! AND her mobile was dead! She had tried fixing it herself, but only succeeded in getting soaked to the skin! Today just wasn’t her day! She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes. She thought about her latest victim, she still wouldn’t talk, though she was opening up about her life in general. The...
I am in a state of turmoil as I realize that what is happening to me should not take place. I set out on this extended vacation with the intent of sharing my thoughts and impressions with a woman who is simpatico to me and with the resolution not to get into a physical relationship with her.Jan answered my advertisement in a local Boston magazine and me, poor fool, was beguiled by her candor and her sunny disposition. I offered her the position on the spot and here we are in Venice, city of...
Love Stories