Reciprocal NeedsChapter 6 free porn video

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Carrie woke with a headache, and her mouth felt as if her tongue had been licking a cat. She wondered if she were coming down with something. Then she remembered the brandy she had consumed the night before and suspected she was experiencing her first, and hopefully last, hangover. She pushed herself out of bed and did her bathroom chores, which made her feel a little better but didn't improve her headache.

Looking in on Darrin, she found him stretched out naked diagonally across his bed. He looked sound asleep, and she wondered what time he had gone to bed the night before.

She dressed, put on a pot of coffee, and decided to walk to the Seven Eleven for some aspirin. Some Alka-Seltzer wouldn't hurt either. Deep in thought, she didn't notice the weather, and it started to rain just before she arrived at the convenience store. She had to run the last twenty yards, and even then she was wet by the time she rushed through the entrance doors.

The rain and the exercise had invigorated her, and she emitted a pleasant sigh as she wiped the rain from her face with her hands. That's when the man in front of the counter turned to her and shoved a gun in her face.

"On the floor, bitch!" he growled.

Shocked and terrified, rooted to the floor like an old tree in the forest, Carrie didn't respond. No one had ever pointing a gun at her before, and she wasn't sure what "on the floor" meant. Before she could react, the man reared back and sliced the weapon across her cheek. Like her assailant demanded, the blow took her to the floor.

Stunned, she rolled to her side and started to sit up.

"Don't get up or I'll shoot you!" her assailant shouted. "Are you stupid, or something?"

The headache bringing her to the store was nothing compared to the excruciating pain she now felt. Ignoring the threat because it hadn't registered in her brain, she finished sitting up with her legs stretched out in front of her and brought her hand to her cheek. Blood! Shocked by the blood, her senses started to revive. She could feel the throbbing pain from the blow and smell the coppery, sweet scent of the warm blood streaming through her fingers and rolling down her forearm.

Looking up through glazed eyes, she took in the scene. A grubby man, the one who had struck her with the gun, was obviously robbing the store. The Korean man behind the counter, a man she had spoken to a number of times, held a gun in his hand, too, and when the robber turned away from her back toward the shopkeeper, the Korean pulled the trigger and the weapon exploded. The loud sound startled Carrie, and she screamed. The robber staggered, and the shopkeeper fired again. The second shot hit the robber in the chest and threw him backwards. He crumpled finally, falling on top of Carrie, knocking the wind out of her briefly. When she regained her breath, she screamed in terror and tried to get away from the man, pushed at him, tried to squirm out from under him, but he was too heavy. She screamed again, a high-pitched horrified sound, even to her, and struggled mightily to get away from the dead weight crushing her - bleeding on her.

Suddenly she saw the Korean standing over them. He still held the gun, and it was pointing at the robber's head. Carrie believed he planned to pull the trigger again, that he would shoot the man on top of her in the head, and she envisioned blood, pieces of bone and brain spraying her face. The vision revolted her, and she couldn't stop screaming.

Finally, the Korean leaned down and rolled the robber's body off her. She scrambled away, scuttled back across the floor like an upside-down crab, gasping and whimpering, utterly terrified. Her back slammed into a floor display and knocked it over, which caused her to scream again.

She had to get away! She couldn't stay in the store another second. She jumped up and ran, crashing through the entrance doors, running into the pouring rainstorm. She didn't stop running until she came to the door of her home, but she didn't have her purse with her. She had lost it somewhere back at the store, and the door was locked. While jabbing the doorbell, she banged on the door. "Darrin!" she screamed. "Darrin!" Over and over she screamed his name while ringing the doorbell and beating on the door. Terror still filled her eyes, and she kept looking over her shoulder expecting to see the robber after her, which didn't make sense, even to her befuddled mind, but that's what she expected nonetheless.

Upstairs, Darrin finally roused. He'd been sound asleep. Fuck, he thought. What now? The fucking doorbell kept ringing, and someone - no not someone. Carrie! Carrie was calling his name. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes with his fists.

"Darrin!" The doorbell rang. "Darrin!" Carrie pounded on the door.

She sounded terrified! He jumped naked from the bed and rushed through the loft and down the stairs. He threw open the door, and Carrie fell into his arms sobbing.

My God! What happened? She's soaking wet! She's bleeding! Covered in blood!

"Carrie, calm down. It's all right. You're safe now. You're safe." I've got to stop the bleeding, he thought. She has so much blood on her. What the fuck happened? Where is she bleeding? Her face! He saw the ragged cut on her face, and looked for more damage. She needed to go to the hospital. "Let me dress. I'll take you to the hospital."

"No, don't leave me!"

He picked her up and bounded up the stairs to his bedroom. Laying her gently on the bed he pulled on his jeans, skipping his underwear. He pulled on a t-shirt over his bloody chest, bloody from when Carrie had fallen into his arms. Slipping his shoes over his feet without socks, he felt his pockets. Yes, he had his keys and wallet. He picked her up and hurried as fast as he could. It was still raining hard, and he was soaked like Carrie before he could get her into the passenger seat of the car. Wracking his brain, he tried to remember where an emergency room was located and finally remembered. As he drove, he kept glancing at Carrie. She was still sobbing, curled up in the corner by the door. He kept touching her trying to reassure her, muttering silly words like you're going to be all right, it's fine, you're okay, whatever he could think of that would calm her. Nothing he said helped.

Ten minutes later, he screeched to a stop under the canopy to the entrance of an emergency room. Leaving the car running, he ran around and opened the passenger door. Carrie had been leaning against the door, and he had to catch her before she fell to the ground. He pulled her up and into his arms and carried her inside.

A man and a woman took her from his arms and placed her on a gurney. He tried to follow as they wheeled her away, but a fat nurse grabbed his arm.

"We'll need information for admittance, sir. She's in good hands now."


She eyed him. "Is that her blood all over you, or are you hurt, too?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Have a seat. Thank you, sir. The injured woman, what is her name?"

The admitting nurse asked question after question, and Darrin answered them when he could, and the mundane necessity of completing hospital forms brought him back from his own terror. His hands started to tremble, and he kept looking down the hall where the doctor's had taken his sister. He needed desperately to know how badly injured she was. And anger started to fill him again. Someone had harmed her. His anger increased until he realized he'd never felt such rage. He wanted to find whoever had hurt his sister and kill him. His trembling turned into tremors, and he had to sit on his hands to hide his shakes.

Finally the questions ended, and the nurse pointed out a seating area and instructed Darrin to wait. "A doctor will speak with you as soon as possible."

A half-hour later, he remembered he'd left his car with the engine running in front of the emergency room. He walked outside and found the car still running with passenger door wide open. He parked and locked the car and hurried back inside. A doctor standing in the waiting area walked up to him. "Darrin Cannon?"


"Your sister will be fine. She had quite a scare. From what we could gather before we put her to sleep she walked into a robbery at a convenience store, and the thief pistol-whipped her. That's the only injury she sustained. She wasn't rendered unconscious, and the tests indicate she doesn't have a concussion. Unfortunately, the proprietor of the store shot the thief, killing him, and he fell on top of your sister pinning her to the floor. She couldn't get out from under his dead weight, which traumatized her mentally. We stitched the cut on her face, but we'd recommend a plastic surgeon to minimize the scaring. Also, she should consider therapy to help her with the mental trauma."

"When can I see her?"

"Right now, if you wish, but she's asleep, will be for at least another hour. We can release her to your care when she regains consciousness."

"I'm fine, Darrin. I just have a headache." She chuckled. "That's what caused all my troubles in the first place. I woke up with my first-ever hangover and went to the Seven Eleven for some aspirin, which reminds me. I left my purse at the store. That's why I had to wake you up to get inside."

"I'll pick up your purse later," Darrin said as he pulled the car in front of the overhead door. He jumped out and raised the door, and then pulled the car inside. By the time he'd closed the door, Carrie was halfway up the stairs.

"I'm going to get out of these clothes and take a bath," she told him from the top of the stairs. "Do you want to shower first, wash off all my blood on you and..." She grimaced. "... the other guy's?"

"Let's get you settled first. I'll wash up in the big sink in the studio later, and then pick up your purse. The police will probably want to talk with you, too."

When Darrin stepped into the Seven Eleven an hour later, the police were still there. He noticed the floor had been mopped and was happy the body had been removed. He nodded at the Korean shopkeeper. "Hi, Mr. Kim. My sister left her purse here this morning."

"Yes, yes. I have it!" He turned and squatted, opened a cabinet and pulled the purse from inside.

"Thanks, and I need some aspirin. She has quite a headache."

"Is she okay? I worry about her."

"She's going to need plastic surgery."

"Oh, so sorry. I will help. I have liability insurance. I already talked with them." He rummaged in a drawer behind the counter and pulled out a business card. After writing the information on a piece of paper, he handed it to Darrin. "Call them. They will help."

Maybe, maybe not, Darrin thought.

"The detective wants to talk with her," the Korean said and nodded toward a man in a short-sleeved shirt talking with a uniformed officer. Mr. Kim hurried around the corner, and as Darrin moved by him, he handed him a large bottle of aspirin. "Free," he said.


Darrin introduced himself to the detective and told him about Carrie. "She's home now. The hospital released her. Mr. Kim said you wanted to talk with her."

"Yes. When would be a good time?"

"Give her an hour. She's cleaning up now. She was covered in blood from head to foot. When I opened the door to let her in our home, she damned near scared the life out of me. Is the bad guy dead? If he's not, I'll be happy to help Mr. Kim finish the job."

"He's dead."

An hour later, the detective and his partner, a man Darrin had not met, arrived and took Carrie's statement. Darrin listened to her story and decided the doctor had probably been correct about getting her into therapy. He suggested as much after the police left.

"I don't need therapy, Darrin, but I do need a plastic surgeon. Call that insurance company. Plastic surgeons don't come cheap."

A half-hour later, Darrin knew the insurance company would do nothing for Carrie. After searching through his address book, he dialed again. "Tom, it's Darrin Cannon... Yeah, it's been a while. Listen, my sister is living with me, and this morning..."

Carrie listened to Darrin describe what happened to her. Before the conversation ended, she deduced the party on the line with Darrin was an attorney. Darrin hung up and turned to Carrie. "That was a friend of mine, Tom Wilson, a personal injury lawyer. He took your case on contingency and will stop by later with a contract. If anyone can get action out of the insurance company, he can. In the meantime, go ahead and make an appointment with a plastic surgeon. With the show coming up next month, we'll be able to afford whatever it costs, even if the insurance company doesn't come through."

Carrie's eyes brightened. "Oh, thank you, Darrin. I've been worried about two things - scars being least of the two. The other is Dad. We'll need to tell the parents what happened, and they'll drive to Vegas tomorrow. Mom will mother-hen me to death, and Dad will demand I move. They'll be more troublesome than the cut on my face."

Darrin groaned. "You're right."

"I'll call them. Maybe, I can make them realize I'm fine. Hand me the phone." She took a deep breath and dialed. "Hello, Mom."

"Well, speak of the devil. Your Dad and I were just talking about you. Were your ears burning?"

"No, but my cheek is. I don't want you and Dad to get in an uproar, but I had a problem this morning. I went to the Seven Eleven to buy something, and walked into a robbery in progress. The robber pistol-whipped me. I'm fine, just a few stitches, but I thought you ought to know."

"Oh, no, Carrie! Are you sure you're all right?"

"I'm fine. Really. I don't even have a headache." She rolled her eyes at Darrin. "Darrin took me to the emergency room, and a doctor stitched my cheek and released me. It was no big deal."

"Just a sec, sweetie."

Carrie put her hand over the phone. "She's telling Dad now," she said to Darrin.

"Carrie?" her father said a few minutes later.

"Yes, Dad, how are you?"

"I'm fine. We'll drive down tomorrow. You can't live in a neighborhood that dangerous. I was against you living there from the start."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Dad, you'll be wasting a trip. I'm fine, and I will not move. I'm eighteen. I can make my own decisions now. I'm not your little girl anymore. I have a good job, and I'm saving more than I would if I'd gotten the lifeguard job. I'll be able to go to college like I planned, so I will not move! Let me talk with Mom!"

"He's full of 'I told you soes'," Carrie said with her hand over the mouthpiece again.

"Carrie, I won't be able to stop him," Her mother said. "We'll be driving down tomorrow."

"I won't move Mom. He's wasting his time. Did he tell you what I told him?"

"No. He just cursed and gave me the phone."

"I told him I was eighteen, that I wasn't his little girl anymore, and he couldn't make me do anything I didn't want to do. I mean it, Mom. I'm not moving. I have a good paying job, and I'll be able to start school this fall. Besides, I've become Darrin's agent. I didn't tell Dad about being Darrin's agent, but I'll tell you now. A prominent art gallery will be showing six of his paintings in a three-man show next month, and get this, Mom, they'll be priced at $10,000 each. The gallery owner expects to sell all six of them within a week. As Darrin's agent I need to work with the gallery and make sure everything is just right. My share from the show is $7,200, and Darrin will make four times that amount, and as his agent, I set up a one-man show to take place within a year. Darrin will make at least $100,000 from that show, and I'll make $25,000, or more, which will take care of my college education if I'm careful. Your son and my brother is a genius, Mom, and he needs my help as his agent. I will not abandon him at Daddy's whim. Explain all this to Dad, please."


"Mom, are you there?"

"I'm here. Is everything you told me the truth? You're not making any of this up, are you?"

"No, I'm not that imaginative, Mom."

"What about your cheek? Won't you have a scar?"

Carrie laughed. "Darrin has an attorney friend. Tom, that's his name, is talking with the Seven Eleven owner's insurance company. They'll take care of any plastic surgery I need. If they don't, we'll handle the surgeon ourselves out of the proceeds from the three-man show. I'm fine, Mom. Really."

"Okay, I'll talk to your father. Call me back in an hour. Okay."

"You can call me, Mom. We have a phone now. As Darrin's agent, I needed a phone. I have a computer, too." She laughed. "I even have business cards. They say, 'C. Cannon, Artist Agency.'" She gave her mother the number. "Talk to him. There's really no need for the two of you to come to Vegas. If you want, I'll talk to you every day for a week. I'm fine."

"I'll call you back. Bye, sweetie."

Carrie hung up and shrugged. "Knowing Dad, they'll be here tomorrow, but I gave it my best shot."

"I know."

A half-hour later, Carrie picked up the phone when it rang.

"Carrie, it's your father. We'll be driving to Vegas tomorrow. We should be there by two in the afternoon."

"Do what you have to do, Dad, but you're wasting your time and money. You'll need a room. Do you want me to arrange one for you?"

"That would be nice, Carrie. Nothing expensive."

"There's a Motel 6 nearby."


She said goodbye and disconnected the call.

Darrin, who had been listening, grimaced and said, "Perfect."

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Carrie reluctantly pulled the bandage back. She had not seen her injury and, although afraid of what she'd see, needed to know. She gasped and tears stung her eyes, including the eye that was black and blue. Her cheek was swollen and red, and a jagged cut about three inches long had been haphazardly stitched together. Ugly! She'd have an ugly scar! Would Darrin still love her if she were ugly? Their incestuous relationship had enough problems without an ugly scar to worry about.

She felt compelled to show him and test his reaction, so she pulled the bandage off and walked down to the studio.

"Darrin," she said to get his attention. He was working on one of his canvasses.

He turned to her and gasped. "Oh, my God, Carrie!"

The tears welled in her eyes overflowed and ran down her cheeks. He was revolted! She turned and ran, ran up the stairs and into her bedroom, throwing herself across her bed.

Suddenly she felt his arms around her. He pulled her up and held her tenderly. "We'll get it fixed, Carrie. I promise," he whispered and brushed her hair from her eyes. "You'll be as good as new after the plastic surgeon does his thing."

"What if he can't fix it? I'll be ugly! Ugly! You won't love me anymore!"

"Carrie! What a thing to say. Do you really think I'm that shallow? I'm in love with you, with the emphasis on 'you', all of you, not just your pretty face."

"My face isn't pretty anymore," she sobbed. "It's ugly. Scared! You were revolted when you saw me. I could see it in your eyes."

"I was shocked, but not revolted, Carrie. Your face is swollen and red, and you have a black eye. The swelling will go down; the black eye will go away, and so will the redness, and you'll be left with a little scar, a scar that will be minimized by the plastic surgeon we'll hire. I feel so sorry this happened to you, and I've been feeling responsible. If I hadn't asked you to come and live with me, this never would have happened. Dad's right in that respect."

His statement sobered her, and she wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand, wincing when she touched her wound. She turned and placed a hand on each side of her brother's face. "You feel responsible? How utterly silly! Only one person is responsible, and he's dead. And don't go siding with Dad now. We have a battle ahead of us tomorrow. He wants me to move, and we'll have to stand together. Mother will back him. She has to; she's his wife. She might not agree with him, but she will stand with him. I'll need your help, Darrin. Don't you go all wishy-washy on me now. Promise!"

He chuckled. "I promise. Stay here. I'll be right back."

He returned a few minutes later with a warm washcloth and carefully washed her face. "No more crying. If you end up with a little scar, so what? The beauty inside you will shine through and no one will notice, especially me. I wasn't revolted, not by your appearance. I was revolted by what that slimy, violent man did to you. I love you, Carrie. Don't ever forget I love you! Okay?"

She nodded and kissed him. "Let me up. I need to find the right plastic surgeon. I want a good one, not one of those guys who advertise boob jobs in those sleazy periodicals. Maybe Barbara can give me a referral."

An hour later she had an appointment for the next morning with a plastic surgeon Barbara had recommended.

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Lizzie had always been a bit of a pervert. Someone who enjoyed watching men jerk off, especially in inappropriate contexts. As a teenager, she once caught her stepfather jerking off in the living room, and it had been a moment of sexual awakening. He never knew that she had seen him, but she had that scene emblazoned on her memory, and it was the subject of not a few late-night masturbatory sessions of her own, even into adulthood.Another thing about Lizzie, she was quite smart. Having attended...

2 years ago
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Show and TellChapter 3 The Asteroids

Thursday dawned bright and, being August, quite warm. Tanya was quite grateful for the air-conditioned comforts of the limo, even if it was taking her back to durance vile. Her morning shower felt like it was weeks ago. Surprisingly, a crowd of reporters were clustered around the entrance to the Studios. Security had to clear a path for the limo through the paparazzi. Sam met Tanya and Mitch at the parking lot. "What's up with the vultures," Mitch demanded. "They're circling like...

2 years ago
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Filing Room 2A

Filing Room 2A was mine. No-one ever went in it, which was why I had chosen it. My colleagues all thought that its dusty filing cabinets were filled with reports and receipts from years past. Well, some were. The others I had commandeered to hold my personal items from home. The danger of someone discovering me or my toys, however unlikely, added to my buzz every time I stripped off and mounted the giant desk in there, a vibrator in hand.  I hadn't had a proper boyfriend in a year now, and...

3 years ago
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Mista ridges here again with a story I remembered today..I had a neighbor that lived across the street named zuzu she was a slender cape verdian her man @the time was always havin the cops at their house so one time he got locked up and did a bid..well one day I see zuzu an asked her if she smoked trees(cronic maryjane marajuana) for my non ebonic people:)..and she said yes. An invited me up to smoke later that night I went across the street an went upstairs to her spot and I have 2...

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Meeting Jaime

Chris and I had been dating about two years and he had really brought out the freak in me and taught me things I never knew about myself. I was 22 and far from a virgin, but all the guys I had been with had all been pretty, well, boring I guess. Chris was 30, and had a few more years of experience than I did. Chris and I had tried to have threesomes before with a few girls I knew from the bar I worked at but they were all just as inexperienced as I was and it usually ended up being really...

3 years ago
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My First Bukakke Experience

I got an unexpected journalistic assignment to the US: a two-day trip to New York. My heart missed a beat when I took the magazine's call, realising that I would be able to meet my cyber-lover Gary for the first time. I was slightly flustered as I put down the phone. Should I message him to tell him I was coming? Or think about the girlie items I needed to pack? There was barely thirty-six hours before the flight. I did a mental checklist of the essentials; bra, white fishnets, matching...

2 years ago
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KellyChapter 6

Kelly woke first in the morning and found she had moved through the night ending on her back with Laura's arm draped across her. Finding her resolve, she kissed the beautiful girl quietly sleeping beside her. "Good morning sleepy head," Kelly said. "Time for us to get up and go see if Todd is hard at work yet." Laura smiled at Kelly before reaching up to give her a tender kiss. "My god," Laura said suddenly, "It's Monday already. I have to go to work this afternoon." "No...

3 years ago
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The Spirit is WillingChapter 5

We were having such a good time that the afternoon passed too quickly. We didn't realize how late it was until it began to grow dark outside. At this time of year, during a snowstorm, it is almost dark by 4:30 PM. We all returned to our rooms to get a little rest before starting to get ready for dinner. In my little group's case, we all went to my bedroom to talk. I began, "Well, we haven't found a way back home, but we learned a lot so far. We know what our names are, and where we are...

2 years ago
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Artificial Intelligence Ch 04

Daren stuck his head out into the hallway and seeing the coast clear motioned for Max to follow him. Together they darted down the hall into Daren’s room and shut the door real fast. Max went to the closet to get some clothes on but couldn’t find her stuff. ‘They’re in the computer file drawer. I figured that was the only place that my mom would be guaranteed not to look.’ Daren said. ‘Good thinking.’ Max said. She took out a pair of low-rider jeans and a white open-back top. It was casual...

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Might Have Morphed Herself

MIGHT HAVE MORPHED HERSELF by Throne When Greg Sanders woke up one morning from a restless night, he found himself changed, right there in his bed, into a monstrous woman. Not monstrous in the sense of 'hideous', but in the sense of 'large'. He looked down at the shape his body made of the sheet, lifting it up into twin breast mountains that made him think of the Grand Tetons. Gingerly, he plucked at the edge of the sheet, took hold of it with thumbs and forefingers, and lifted. To...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Lends a Hand at a Group Jackoff Party

I was separated from my wife when this occurred. We got divorced about a year later. This experience has a backstory to it so I will relate the whole thing. I didn’t have anything going as far as a relationship and I needed some female companionship. I found a site on the internet that listed a number of ladies available for outcall massages. I read over the various listings and picked one who sounded appealing. She was Japanese (so was my wife) and I was partial to Asian ladies so maybe I...

2 years ago
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Seduced Innocent Mom To Bed

Hi friends, this is Aryan(name changed) going to share my experience. First of all let me introduce myself, I am aryan height 5’11 with an athletic body having tool of size 9 inch long and 3cm in diameter. I am staying in banglore doing my degree and mom (ritu) working in an mnc a lady who is 40 now she measures 36d-28-38 which make men crazy. This incident happened 2 years back I was 20 years then. My dad passed away in an bike accident ( I was 18 years then). Coming to story it all started on...

1 year ago
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My truth

Every nerve in my body was tingling. James raised his hand up to my bronzed shoulder and slip down the strap. My head looked away and i closed my eye’ s. It seemed so unreal. His touch was so soft and i could here his breathing. It was so deep. I felt his moist lips on my shoulder and moaned. This was how i wanted it. This is how i imagined it. James’ arms were snug around my waist and his lips were massaging my neck and working they’re way up to my baby pink lips. we kissed and everything...

3 years ago
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Bimbotech BrasilChapter 3

Carlos was very helpful teaching Gwen how to be the best bimbo she could be. What Carlos couldn't explain verbally, Nica and the other bimbos were delighted to demonstrate. And of course, Mr. Ruiz had done all sorts of wonderful things to her body! Her clitty was now so big that Aline could find it even when she was too drunk to stand up and it was sensitive enough that her friend's sloppy, drunken cunilingus had her going off like a rocket. He had modified and fortified her fuckholes so...

3 years ago
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Shemales better than males

It is 10:00 a.m. When she gets to my place. She shuts the door, locks it, and well, we attack each other. Oh god her kisses are so sweet….caressing the soft smooth flesh against mine, nipples hardening, hot breath wisping across my breast. She pushes me back into the bedroom and across the bed. She grabs the lotion and starts massaging my legs, going up and down my inner thighs just slightly touching my clit. She, then, leans over and starts kissing and licking my thighs and groin area. I feel...

1 year ago
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Chat Turned To Sexy Massage With Maami

Hi, Indian Sex Stories readers. Here I am sharing for the first time my life’s most secret story – ‘unforgettable sex with maami’. I hope many of you might get wet or hard on at the end of the story. Sure. If so email me – I don’t waste time and directly come to the story. Her name is Riya (name changed for obvious reasons). My maami. When I saw her for the first time, I had no feelings towards her. Since she was my maami. But when I have stated reading ISS incest stories, I thought, we can...

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Amazing Alyssa laughed as she ran ahead, short skirt just skimming the tops of her long thighs. She looked back over her shoulder at Phillip, who was coming close behind her, then rounded the corner. The walls on either side of her were higher then her head. It had started when she had decided to visit the renaissance festival this weekend. The ad she had seen on TV was so inviting. So she had made her plans and was there when the cannon went off this morning. It was everything she had...

1 year ago
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Ganged up on

My wife and I have always been discrete when it comes to our sex life. We live in a HOA neighborhood where all of our neighbors are professional type of people. Lots of I.T. offices in the bonus rooms and that sort of stuff. My wife plays tennis with a couple of the wife's once a week and she has started getting buddy buddy with one of them. Mandy is her name and she is the typical modern trophy wife. She is a five foot seven ,long blonde haired goddess. Her augmented breast stand out firm on...

4 years ago
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The Funhouse 2

Greg, Darren, and Jane had just heard about some sort of weird freakout happening at the Funhouse, and decided it would be foolish not to investigate what could be so horrifying. They joked and laughed to each other to settle their nerves as they walked in the front door and made their way down the long hallway. "Man, look at all of these doors," Darren remarked. Each one looked exactly the same, giving a sense of orderly creepiness to the place. "Which one should we try? I bet most...

3 years ago
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Caught in a Blizzard

John Drake, and his young son Jake, had been listening to the radio as they drove out of town on their latest adventure, a winter camping trip. They had been driving for a while when they hit light snow first just a couple of hundred miles from home. The weather station then issued their snow storm warnings. It sounded bad. John looked over at his son and his 14 year old said, "Sounds pretty bad dad, maybe we better go back home. Mom might need us in the storm." "Your right Jake, if it is...

4 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 64

Saturday, Nov. 14th,2020 Hello, It’s time for another update. My memory has been worse. Basically if it’s not written down then it probably doesn’t exist in my universe. Errands, pick-up times, and that sort of thing. People tend to get pissy when you forget them twice in one day. All I can say is “I’m sorry. I’m not doing it on purpose.” It sucks. I have started a new universe called Warlord. It’s my version of fiddling as Rome burns. I can’t stop this and I’m becoming so aware of the...

2 years ago
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Ek Atam KathaKamuk Upnayas II

Pichhle bhag mein aap ne padha kaise Naaz aur Nmaita ki chudayi ke saath meri chudayi ki shuruyat hui. Uss din maine sach mein sex ka maza liya aur jana ki issko swarg ka sukh kion kehte hain. Mere samne chudayi ka rasta khul chuka tha aur ek nahin do do ladkion se main chudayi ka khel khelne laga. Agle din se mujhe Naaz aur Namita ko didi pukarne ki adat dalni thee. Vaise bhi Prabha Devi mujhe bahut pyar karti thee. Lekin main ye zahir nahin kar sakta tha ki jiss ghar ne mujhe rehne ka asara...

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My Mom

I pushed forward slowly. Then pulled back a little hoping not to wake her. Her breathing, her smell, the feel of her pussy around my cock pushed me to the point of no return. Should I pull out? No, I pushed deeper as my cock started to pump my seed deep into her womb. When I had drained my balls I pulled my cock from her wonderful cunt, carefully. Some of my juice trickled down her ass crack. I went and got a warm wash cloth and cleaned her cunt, trying to hide what I had just done. She was...

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Bang Bang With Teachers 8211 Part I

(I thank Mrs. S.A for sharing her fantasy and her inputs. I am grateful for her encouragement and giving me the liberty to mould her story as I liked) Bhakti looked at me curiously as I gave a surprised shout. “What is it?” She asked. “Rajiv sent a long mail. Now, he is fucking all his teachers, including his head mistress” I told her. Bahkti smiled” I am not surprised. He is so handsome and we trained him so well in the art of fucking, no wonder his teachers are clamoring for his cock” she...

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They Bloody Faithful Chapter 2 Songs From the Asylum

Chapter 2 Songs from the Asylum "I've decided to stick around, at least for awhile," said Rick. He sat on the edge of the ornate couch, the one I found so fascinating with its intricately carved legs and the crown of wooden filigree spanning the top of its high cushioned back. Like the other furniture and drapery in the room, the upholstery was deep red. There was only one element that was not the color of freshly drawn blood, the white baby grand piano. I sat at it now my...

2 years ago
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Allure Airlines

Senator Rachel Feldman watched as a nude flight attendant strutted past her. Her eyes lingered on the contours of the woman’s ass, the way her buttocks ballooned out of her G-string thong. The flight attendant’s naked back was a ribbon of silk, left bare by her blonde hair which was twisted in a bun. Except for a white scarf around her neck, there was nothing to hide her perfect C-cup breasts. Oh, those pink nipples, those tender, warm bosoms. Rachel smiled to herself as she remembered the feel...

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Combo Porn

Somebody mentioned ComboPorn this morning and I got a little hungry. I thought of those little cylindrical snacks in the crinkly bag, and then I thought about adding fries and drink to my burger order, and then I thought about doing a little muff diving before drilling for cooter oil. Well, folks, I pulled up the site and it doesn’t have a snack theme, unless you count all the ripe, lovely ladies all over the front page.Combo.Porn is a new porn aggregator that collects free videos from all...

Porn Aggregators
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NubileFilms Giselle Palmer Behind The Scenes

Giselle Palmer has brought Lucas Frost in for a photoshoot. Things start off innocently enough, but as Giselle gets a glimpse of Logan’s bare chest and Logan catches a peek of Giselle’s breasts, they feel an undeniable attraction to one another. Logan saunters over to check out Giselle’s shots, then slides his hand down to her ass to see how she reacts. Her positive reaction leads Lucas to snap a few shots of his beautiful photographer before taking a seat on a chair so...

4 years ago
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The LandladyChapter 2

I was off the following day since it was a weekend and I felt like I had been put through the wringer. I had stayed up most of the night arranging my new place and putting up my dartboard and a couple of cheap prints that I had picked up at the Base Exchange. It must have been 10:00 AM when I heard my new landlady moving around outside. Looking out the window I was pleased to see that she was wearing shorts and a blouse as she watered her plants around the house. I called down to her and...

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owned by stepdaughter part one

I read my step daughters tweet. My wife had encouraged me to open an account and subscribe to her. Most of what she tweeted was about the misery that was her life since her real father died, and how inadequate her new father was when it came to financial stability. Except she said it more direct with such tweets as "life sux... #poorhouse." I slipped my phone back into my pocket as I was coming off break. "Customer needs assistance at the fitting room" rang in my ears over the PA...

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A Thousand Words Part Two

The Loft:  Rhea mulled over the events of the recent past as she drove towards her destination. More so than yoga, it was driving that gave her a sense of tranquil. Especially when she was driving her black Porsche Cayenne, which she affectionately referred to as The Pearl. She turned off the main road and sped down an almost empty inroad towards the old industrial park outside of the central city. The day that had passed was certainly uneventful, and yet, laced with excitement. Soon after she...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 19 Wuland

“Where is Jason?” Linda asked. “He is lying down. He says he wants to meditate and have a chat with Porquenta and will join us in half an hour before we reach Wuland,” said Lisirra. “How are you going with your therapy?” Linda asked. “I am doing fine, not that I had any issues. I had it all sorted in my mind a long time ago. I agreed to go for therapy, so I went. I find the experience pleasant,” said Lisirra. “How do you feel about Jason?” Andrea asked Lisirra who was looking at her feet....

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Meri Pyas Bete Ne Bujhayi

Hi everyone. Mera naam minu hai. Main ek housewife hoon. Meri age 42 hai. Meri shadi kaafi young age mein hi ho gayi thi. Shadi ke baad hi main husband ke sath Mumbai aa gayi. Mere husband 45 age ke hain. Shadi ke 1 saal mein hi hamara ek beta bhi ho gaya tha. Aaj mera beta 21 saal ka ho gaya hai. Anyway jyada bore na karte hue, main direct kaam ki baat pe aati hoon. Shadi ke pahle se hi mujhe sex bahut pasand tha. Shadi se pahle bhi 2 ladkon se main chudwa chuki thi. Jaanti thi ki shadi to...

2 years ago
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Spring Runneys

Jimmie’s the one started it all. He’s bigger’n me cuz I’m only eight. He’s ten. We’s awalkin’ home from school takin’ a short cut through ole man Simm’s pasture. Yuh know how cow plop smells in Spring when the grass in new an’ all them cows got the runnys. Ugh! It’s gross. I’m tellin yuh cuz I know. Well, anyway, Jimmie takes this big stick, see, and he dips the end into this big nasty cow plop. Then he stirs it up a little so it stinks real good like an’ he pushes it right up under my nose....

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Fucked by my friends Daddies

I had just finished school, staying in after to go to the library to do work, being a good student I liked to try my hardest to get good grades. All of my friends had gone home. I was wearing my short skirt showing all of my thighs and only just about covering my bottom, underneath I wore Jack Wills panties, nice and tight, covering pretty much all of my bare bottom so I wouldn't flash everything if the wind blew my skirt up. On top I wore a tight white shirt which was thin and showed through...

1 year ago
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Online Date Part 2

We walked arm in arm to my room. I let Nikki clean up in the bathroom first. While she was in there, I ordered some room service for us. Nikki came out wearing a big fluffy robe, hair still wet from her shower. She still looked hot even with no make-up and in a bathrobe.After room service dropped off our food, we sat on the bed eating and talking about our lives. It seemed too good to be true that we had so much in common. I would just enjoy whatever time together we had.As we were talking,...

Straight Sex
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Sil Mil My Extended Family 8211 Part 9

Both myself and Harini were tired from our endeavor to get as much as we could of one another, we had probably packed the intensity of 2 -3 fucks into one and both of us were exhausted…or so we thought. As she collapsed into the chair naked, I scampered through and got into my boxers and got her night robe. She wrapped herself into it and as the silky material of the robe clung on to her wonderfully shaped body she was an instant hard on giver. There is something extremely erotic about tight...

4 years ago
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Punjabi Problem

Dhann was in tears as she spoke with her older sister. Her arranged marriage of about one year to a much, much older man was even worse than she had feared. “What am I going to do?” she wailed. She had already confided in her older and more happily married sister about the state of her marriage. Dhann was not particularly pretty or endowed with physical charms. Her self-esteem was even further hurt by the paltry dowry her poor family had accepted for her hand. After the wedding night when her...

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JulesJordan Elena Koshka Anal Creampie

Elena Koshka gapes her ass for an anal creampie from Manuel! Not much else can be said of the beauty that is Elena Koshka that hasn’t already been said, but man, she’s looking fine in her tiny plaid mini skirt and pink top with white high heels. Her skirt barely covers the white panties that peek out from beneath but that doesn’t matter since her clothes don’t stay on for long. Elena teases as she slowly removes her top to expose her perfect tits then shimmies her skirt...


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