Kleidungs Kontrolle
- 2 years ago
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Polizist Dirk Mathies war mit seiner Partnerin Katja Metz, 32, 1,74 groß, schlank, braune Augen, blonde Haare, mit nicht zu großen festen Brüsten, Wespentaille, Knackpo, herrlichen schlanken, langen Beinen auf Streife unterwegs. Wie so oft klappte mal wieder das Funkgerät in ihrem Streifenwagen nicht und so kam nicht die Meldung durch daß drei Vergewaltiger ausgebrochen waren und auch bewaffnet waren.
Bei den Nachtschichten passierte normalerweise nicht viel, doch plötzlich raste ein VW Golf ohne Licht mit überhöhter Geschwindigkeit bei Rot über die Kreuzung vor ihrem Streifenwagen her. Mit Blaulicht rasten sie nun mit ihrem Streifenwagen hinterher, nicht ahnend, daß es die Ausbrecher waren. Sie gaben eine Meldung per Funk an die Zentrale, doch auch diese Meldung kam nie dort an.
Es ging schnell aus der Innenstadt Hamburgs raus in die Randbezirke, an einem einsam gelegenen Waldparkplatz hatten sie den Golf gestellt und auf dem Parkplatz angehalten. Da die Beiden meinten es handele sich nur um Verkehrssünder, denn sie hatten schon ausgemacht daß drei Mann in dem Auto saßen, gingen sie ohne die Waffen zu ziehen, Dirk auf die Fahrerseite und Katja auf die Beifahrerseite zu.
Es wurden die vorderen Seitenscheiben herunter gelassen und freundlich gefragt was denn los sei. Dirk bat den Fahrer auszusteigen und ihm seinen Führerschein und die Fahrzeugpapiere zu geben. Langsam stieg der Fahrer aus, während sich Katja in den Wagen beugte und ehe sie sich von dem Schreck erholt hatte, als sie sah, daß das Auto kurzgeschlossen worden war hatte sie eine Pistole am Kopf, die Scheibe wurde hoch gefahren und ihr Kopf war eingeklemmt, und der Beifahrer rief : "Los Bulle, wenn Deiner Bullenhure nichts passieren soll dann ergib Dich und lasse die Waffe fallen."
Um Katja nicht zu gefährden ließ Dirk die Waffe fallen, bekam mit der Pistole des Fahrers eine übergezogen und ging ohnmächtig zu Boden. Der Beifahrer streichelte Katja sanft über die Wange, denn die Drei hatten schon direkt gewußt, als Katja auf ihren Wagen zukam, was sie alles mit ihr anstellen wollten, sie wollten ihren Spaß haben und so eine geile Bullenschlampe konnte man gut an perverse Zuhälter im Osten verkaufen. Katja biß ihm jedoch kräftig in die Finger, doch es war unklug in ihrer Position, mit dem Handrücken gab er ihr links und rechts eine schallende Ohrfeige, ihre Wangen brannten und ihr Kopf flog hin und her. Der hinten sitzende Vergewaltiger stieg aus und meinte : "Na der Nutte zeige ich es schon mal direkt hier." Dirk wurden Waffe und Handschellen abgenommen und dann wurde er mit einem Seil an einen Baum gefesselt und mit Klebeband geknebelt.
Der Gangster stieg aus, und ließ sofort eine Hand über Katjas knackigen Hintern, der sich in der eng sitzenden Uniformhose prima abzeichnete, gleiten. Sie wollte loszappeln, doch der Beifahrer packte sie in den blonden Haaren und sah ihr gefährlich blitzend in ihre sanften braunen Augen. "Halt still die Bullenschlampe, sonst geht es Dir dreckig." Katja hatte nun endlich verstanden, ihr wurden die Waffe und die Handschellen abgenommen und sofort fesselte ihr der hinter ihr stehende Gangster die Arme mit den Handschellen auf den Rücken.
Eine Hand von ihm wanderte nun von hinten zwischen ihre Schenkel, verzweifelt versuchte Katja ihre Beine fest zusammen zu drücken, da gab er ihr einen derben Klaps auf den Arsch, der sie zusammen zucken ließ. "Spreitze etwa die Beine Du Miststück." In ihrer Situation hielt sie es besser nun zu parieren und stellte sich leicht breitbeinig hin. Der Gangster zog ihr den Gürtel aus der Uniformhose und schlug ihr damit hart auf den Arsch. "Ja Meister heißt das Du Nutte." "Entschuldigung Meister" Gröhlend lachend drehte er sich zu dem Fahrer um und meinte daß sie mir der kleinen Hure noch viel Spaß haben würden. Der nickte ebenfalls und lachte.
Der Beifahrer holte seinen Schwanz aus der Hose, angstvoll sah Katja ihn an. Doch er grinste nur und streichelte ihre Wangen, diesmal ließ es Katja widerstandslos geschehen.
Katja hatte ihre Uniformjacke im Auto gelassen und ihre Bluse war etwas aus ihrer Hose gerutscht und auf die nackte Haut oberhalb des Hosenbundes legte nun der Gangster seine Hand und schob ihre Bluse hoch. Ihr knapper roter Spitzen BH blitzte schon hervor, da riß er ihr mit einem Ruck die Uniformhose bis auf die Knöchel herunter und er konnte ihren nackten Arsch bewundern, denn ihr roter Ministring war zwischen ihre geilen Arschbacken geglitten. Katja hörte es nur noch ratschen als ihr ihre Hose von den Knöcheln geschnitten wurde und noch ein Schnitt und ihr String war ebenfalls Geschichte.
Er rieb nun seinen Unterleib an ihrem Arsch und sie konnte schon seine deutliche Erektion durch die Hose spüren, dann merkte sie wie er den Schwanz heraus holte und ihr damit auf die Backen schlug. Verzweiflung machte sich bei ihr breit, er spreizte ihre Backen, sein dicker Schwanz fuhr ihre Pospalte herauf und herunter, Tränen liefen ihre zarten Wangen herunter.
Er spuckte ihr genau oberhalb der Pospalte auf den Rücken und sie spürte wie seine Spucke langsam in ihre durch die Spreitzung geöffnete Pospalte lief, sich in ihrem Poloch fing, von dem Gangster nun mit einem Finger in ihren jungfräulichen Arsch geschoben wurde, dann hörte sie es klatschen, als der Fahrer Dirk schlug, damit er die Augen aufschlug und dann mit ansehen mußte wie der Gangster ihr hart seinen Prügel in ihr kleines Arschloch rammte, sie schrie auf und wahre Sturzbäche liefen nun über ihre Wangen, durch den Schrei hatte sie ihren Mund geöffnet und nun den Prügel des Beifahreres bis zum Gaumen im Mund stecken, der Schwanz war zuerst ca. 4 cm in ihren Arsch eingedrungen, beim zweiten Stoß schon 8cm und dann rammte er ihr so hart in den Po, daß sein Becken gegen ihre Backen schlug und er steckte ganz in ihrem Arschloch.
Verzweifelt beobachtete Dirk was mit seiner Partnerin geschah, hilflos zerrte er an den Fesseln.
Katja knallte bei jedem Stoß in ihren Hintern mit den Schultern gegen die Scheibe, sie wußte nicht was schlimmer war, der Schmerz an den Schultern, der Schwanz bis tief im Rachen, der sie würgen ließ oder der Schwanz der ihr förmlich ihren kleinen Arsch auframmte.
Katja wurde nun nach allen Regeln der Kunst anal und oral durchgerammelt, und die beiden Vergewaltiger hatten schon sehr lange keine Frau mehr gehabt und hatten dadurch ein unheimliches Standvermögen, erst nach 30 Minuten spritzten sie Katja ihre Sahne in den Rachen und ihren Darm, Katja´s Tränen waren schon lange versiegt. Der Analvergewaltiger riß ihr nun den BH herunter, putzte sich damit seinen Schwanz ab und warf ihm denm Beifahrer durch den Fensterspalt hinein und der stopfte Katja den BH als Knebel in ihr verficktes Maul.
Der Fahrer rief nun : "Los, wir müssen jetzt weg, damit wir schnell unser Versteck erreichen." Er warf dem Verbrecher der Katja anal entjungfert watte die Handschellen von Dirk zu, die damit nun Katja die Fußgelenke fesselte. Der Beifahrer ließ das Fenster etwas herunter und der Arschficker riß Katja zurück und warf sie auf die Rückbank. Er sprang hinterher, der Fahrer auf den Fahrersitz und schon rasten sie mit quitschiedenen Reifen davon.
Der Arschficker bearbeitete nun mit einer Hand hart ihre Muschi und ihren Kitzler, dabei flüsterte er ihr ins Ohr was sie alles mit ihr anstellen würden um sie gefügig zu machen, für ihre neue Aufgabe als Nutte im Ostblock. Sie waren schon fast 3/4 Stunden unterwegs als der Wagen auf einen Feldweg abbog.
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Natascha, Natascha, Natascha... ich konnte ihren Namen an manchen Tagen nicht mehr hören. Das kleine Goldstückchen, immer fleisig, immer gute Noten. Arrhhh. Und daneben ich, ihr Bruder, meist nicht ganz so fleisig, gute Noten nur wenn es sein mussste oder ich nicht lernen musste. Aber hey, ich bin ein Junge. Kein Mädchen, findet euch damit ab ... oft genoss es das Miststück mich damit zu ärgern, wenn sie mal wieder 5 Euro bekommen hatte für gute Noten oder weil sie im Haushalt geholfen [hat....
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If I wanted a quickie, well why not hey it was a person who has often been with me question here was whether my guy wanted to watch but did not play well, he could also make a nice end to the we found. A quickie means little time, but we know we have to wait. Did not last long as if we were above the three of us, my boy sat on a chair and I and Jaap stripped us of our clothes, Jaap was to lash while I had not yet started once completely naked with all my clothes all his cock I sit on my knees...
I just got back from a three-hundred-mile ride on my old 91 Harley sportster1200. Parked in the driveway is an 89 Lincoln Towncar, black with a white carriage top. I'm feeling great from a nice long ride, it is about three in the afternoon and I'm wondering whose car this is. I'm hankering for a big burger, fries, and a beer. I go into the house through the garage and into the kitchen and sitting at the table is a fine-looking woman in what I'd think is her upper fifties, an off-white blouse,...
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Gabi und und der neue Gast Ostern 2019 machte ich ( Fritz Weber 50 Jahre 188 cm gross und 79 Kg schwehr, mein Schwanz 20X6 cm) einen Kurzurlaub in Südtirol. Das war mein Erster nach meiner Scheidung vor drei Jahren. In einem 5* Hotel in Brixen hatte ich eine Suite reserviert. Als ich am Donnerstagnachmittag gegen 17 Uhr am Hotel vorfuhr, musste ich vor einer kleinen Menschengruppe anhalten, die heftig mit einem Hoteldiener diskutierten. Eine hübsche junge Frau kam auf mich zu und begrüßte mich...
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Love StoriesThe brush of fingertips… the turn of her head… meeting her eyes… watching her dance… The lights of the club spun and pulsed, constantly changing color, and threatened to drive Kyle out of his mind. He already had a headache from the noise of the crowd, the thrum of the bass and the three vodkas he’d consumed while watching Kara dance with her three single girlfriends. This kind of thing had always been more up her alley than his, but he put up with it because of the look of undeniable...
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So, for those of you who missed part two let me clue you in. After watching my young female cousin (Hailey) fuck my buddy (Rob) and jerking off while watching them. The story ended up that the following night I was lucky enough to be writhing between her tight thighs. Like I said, incest is nothing that we would normally pursue. We might sit and day-dream about some sick shit about cousins, aunts and for some of you, your daughters, but actually performing out those fantasies that is...
Pizza Delivery> It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher's salary didn't cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John's. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it she was...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is Lauren and I’m 18 years old, about 5 feet 5 inches tall and a hundred and twenty pounds. I have long blond hair, intense blue eyes and right now I was staring at my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing tight blue jeans and a blouse, and I was constantly picking at the front of my blouse to make it seem like I had more breasts then were actually there. I was a b-cup and wished my breasts would just grow to the same size as my older...
IncestBanging MILF Becky Bandini is always looking out for her stepson’s wellbeing, so when he comes home after hurting his balls, the mature woman is worried sick! He yanks his package out in front of Becky and his sexy stepsister Katya Rodrigues, and soon things take a naughty turn. Becky sends her stepdaughter away and takes the opportunity to suck her stepsons dick lovingly! Later, he sneaks into his stepsister’s room and feeds her his girthy prick. Finally, Becky and Katya both want a taste of...
xmoviesforyouWhite Boy in AsiaChapter one, Callum is bored;Callum was bored, lately there was nothing unusual about that, Bored was the norm, ever since his mum and dad had divorced and his dad had dragged him of to live a nomadic life style, in the Far East. Callum’s dad works for an international Aid Organization, they went to the Countries where his dad was needed the most, and this subsequently meant that the places he went to live and work, were invariably third world countries where poverty was the...
When Tammy first moved in with me, she wouldn’t suck my cock and never even attempted it. I found that kind of weird considering she had been with a lot of guys before me. I knew she had been fucking her sister-in-law’s husband, and had her daughter Krista when she was 16, but her lack of oral education was puzzling. One day when we were laying in bed after filling her pussy with another load of cum, I asked her why she didn’t even try to suck my cock. Tammy said that one of the guys she...
This is my first story, so any comments and suggestion are much appreciated. This story is completely fiction, and none of the events happened in real life. Enjoy the story. Justin and I have been dating for six months now. We are the perfect couple, he is tall, dark and handsome, perfect muscles, great eyes and smile. I am small, with blonde hair and tanned skin, a slender figure with large breasts. He frequently complimented me on my slim figure, saying I looked “hot” and “sexy” and,...
After our shower we went to the kitchen and I started fixing breakfast for everyone. Jimmy and mom had not come out yet, but I knew they were awake because I could hear them fucking in my room. I knew mom was fucked a lot last night because Jimmy can last a long time and with the Viagra, it would he could last even longer. I had breakfast almost done when they both walked out. And both were naked. Mom looked like she had been rode hard and put away wet. But I guess she was rode a lot last...
Introduction: Part 1 left off with Malika spending the night at Enzos guest bedroom after having sex for the first time in months with a stranger. I would strongly recommend you read part 1 to fully appreciate part 2 and understand the back story but you certainly dont need to do so to enjoy this. The morning hangover was surprisingly manageable. Despite my romp with a relative stranger, I woke up feeling quite satisfied and guilt-free. Last night felt good and was needed. I turned on my side...
They just walked slowly towards us. That was the scariest part. They didn't shout out challenges, look around or even react to one another. While their faces looked different, they all acted exactly the same, carrying their black bladed clubs and coming on implacably, as if we didn't matter. Worryingly some of them were carrying bows, until I realised that they were carved completely out of wood, even the string. People were starting to notice, and guards were starting to line up in front...
I had a free day and the house to myself when my phone buzzed with an email from Paul. "Are you free slut?" Is all it said. Yes I responded, saying I could be ready in a hour or so. I wanted to get my ass nice and clean for a serious fucking and needed some time to do it, already my cock was growing hard with anticipation. He informed me that he didn't have too much time and could only come over right away. I told him I didn't have time to get cleaned up but we could do another quick blow job....
Tove Jensen was born in Sweden in April 1958.Tove Jensen, a.k.a. Tiny Tove, has become one of the most sought after porn actresses of her time - and with good reason.Although being of legal age to star in both shoots and films, she always gave the appearance of being younger.Not much is known about Tove because her career in the adult industry - whilst fruitful - was short.What is known is that Tove got into the adult business soon after turning 18 years old. With the loss of her father at an...
On the drive over, I wondered if I had brought everything. Thinking back to the conversation before I left I assured myself that everything I would need is in my handbag. As I pulled up outside the house, I was already wet with the anticipation of the night ahead. I remembered the previous encounter, and how he stretched me as he fitted inside. I knocked on the door and he opened it, dressed in just his work shorts, his chest was bare and tanned. A slight shiver ran down my spine, as I knew...
Have you ever had that friend that you imagine what they look like naked? Well my sister's mother-in-law is a woman I wanted to see naked. She is 62 years of sexy, soft silky legs, reddish brown curly hair, nipples that poke your eyes out with pleasure. As we spend Labor Day weekend at a Resort. Relaxing in the indoor water park, watching her float on the lazy river all spread out on a tub. OH... how I like to feast on that camel toe, she was sporting. I had to get a tub and float on my stomach...
The only man who ever frightened Maria sat behind his large desk in the Katzekeller office, a large space reconfiguring several rooms once notorious for whores sucking and fucking johns before the big war, the johns having been customers at the bar downstairs and the whores employees of the bar. A couple of other rooms remained used for such business, but were much larger and much more luxurious. His hazel eyes, similar to hers, gazed at her in their usual placid depth which hid the true...
It was a beautiful day in our quaint little beach town. I left after breakfast with the family that summer day to go to the beach alone and spent the early morning surfing with some friends and just hanging out checking out the hotties in there sexy bikinis. I was feeling aroused from seeing the awesome girls on the beach and headed home. My family was supposed to be gone, doing their daily routines. It was a short walk from the beach and I was thinking of those tight beach honeys. I was very...
IncestDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below. Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please contact him. Any comments are...
Meredith, who I like to call Mary, was a virgin on her wedding night. I wasn’t and that was a good thing so we ended up having a pretty good time in bed. I’ve been teaching her both with “hands-on”, erotic stories, and videos on the Internet about the potential our bodies have for fun when naked with each other. I’d quickly learned that she was curious as hell about sex but had never had any opportunity to explore it. She wasn’t working so I had her check out things online and make a list of...
Horny housewife Francesca Le has been lonely since her husband left town. The busty, bodacious MILF invites young Oliver Flynn to her place, seducing him into a decadent backdoor affair. The nervous stud shares passionate kisses with Francesca, and the cheating hotwife strips him down for a messy blowjob. Slobber-soaked throat fucking leads to an intense pussy plowing. Francesca talks dirty as Oliver reams her twat. She clutches his cock and buries it into her bunghole for a raunchy anal...
xmoviesforyou“How’s it been out front?” Sarah asked, handing the tablet back to Nina. The overall numbers for the concert were excellent, with only a few minor security incidents to report. “It’s been awesome!” her on loan assistant gushed. “The performers have been stellar and everyone’s having a great time. One of the main cameras did go down but Aaron and his crew were able to replace it with one of theirs.” “Good,” Sarah replied with a nod. “What’s left?” “Well, we’re almost done,” Nina answered,...
I was always extremely sensuous, expressed in the love of the feel of satin and silk, as well as the feel of going barefoot, which was nearly impossible in the city, even indoors, not part of the culture. Where I live now it is, and so I go not only barefoot but also nude when at home. I don’t know if this is significant or not. However, the first time I noticed anything unusual was probably when I saw a film on TV in which a boy masqueraded as a girl for some reason or other. I recall how...
CrossdressingA new dawn rose over the entry to the valley of the Centaurs. The tropical rain forest ambled on for as far as the eye could see. Mist was burning off the low-lying lakes clouding areas of the forest adding to the eerie landscape. The cry of a strange bird startled Cassie as she pondered her decision. Should she transverse the valley or march for ten days to skirt this unknown place. She could be home in half the time if she were brave and willing to face the great-unknown perils of this...
Hello everyone I’m jack. This is my first post, so if you find any mistakes please correct me or for any feedback please send me an email to I currently reside in Chennai, TamilNadu. If any aunties, housewives, couples who are interested please contact me through my mail id. The story is way too long and I thought I can split them into different episodes. I wish to narrate it slowly so that you can actually feel the situation so please be patient reading this story. Now coming to my story it...
IncestFriends only
It started at home, my wife had left left her pile of clean clothes on the dryer again. While home for lunch she texted me and asked what I was doing? Truth was I thumbing through her panties on the dryer so, that was exactly what I said - I’m playing with your panties. She said leave them alone, they are too small for you LoL. I didn’t reply to her but I was still thinking, I’m alone and horny so the next thing I know I am standing naked in the laundry room trying on her panties. Rubbing...
The day after I fucked Emma for the first time, I met Jim for lunch at the cafeteria. “Jim I kind of made a mistake with Sheri. I got her kicked out of her parent’s home and she has no money to support herself. If we don’t do something we lose our maid. “I know this is unorthodox, but let her move into the fart house. Do not give her a room, only a closet to put her stuff. There is a linen closet we could empty and she could hang some things in the coat closet. Make a rotation. When a...
Casey was standing in front of the full-length mirror in Kiki’s bedroom when a naked Kiki slipped in behind her, slipped her arms around the platinum blonde’s waist, and kissed the back of her neck, raising a pleasant shiver. “Very sexy.” “Yeah.” Casey didn’t bother to deny it. The thigh-length white leather skirt and light blue midriff-baring bandeau top were a lot of things, but they were definitely sexy. “This is the first time I used my wardrobe budget. I wanted to make it...
Visions Part 1 “And then, the milk started shooting out of his nose.” Danny, Sam & Tucker all share a laugh over Tucker’s story as they sit in a booth as the Nasty Burger. It’s a peaceful day for Danny as he hangs out with his friends. There’ve been no ghost attacks all day, and he’s been able to appreciate this moment without worry of the whole town being put in danger. He’s about to thank his friends for the great day he’s having, but nothing comes out. He tries to talk, but his vocal...
“We have so many loose ends,” Tonya said over dinner. “What are we going to do first tomorrow?” “Hike a couple of miles, then run down anyone with a story to tell us,” I said. “I have the geek looking for any links we can follow.” “I can’t get over how easy this whole thing has been.” Tonya said. “It was just a pimple ready to pop,” I explained. “Put a little pressure on it from different directions and it will empty itself.” “What a gross image,” she said. “Yeah that’s me, no polite...
My laptop gave up so I walked across the street to my friend’s house to borrow her laptop. Her dad opened the door and told me she’s not home and asked if he can help me with anything. I said I wanted to borrow her laptop so he invited me in. I always thought of Mr. Parker as a dad I’d like to fuck. I never expected to find myself alone with him knowing the house will be empty for a while. We sat down in the living room and the longer we talked the hornier I got. He was obviously checking...
xmoviesforyou"Your Majesty?" a voice began to penetrate Neelam's sleep. "Your Majesty, it is first light. You asked to be awakened." Neelam rolled over and opened his eyes as his servant set his breakfast tray on the small table in the dining alcove. Neelam yawned and scratched his chest as the servant returned to the foot of the bed. "Will there be anything else, Your Majesty?" the servant asked. Neelam shuck his head no and the servant departed the room. Neelam stood and stretched before...
My friend’s auntie once told me that she fantasized about fucking a younger guy. Her nephew and I were 21, she was 39. She told me this one evening at my friend’s birthday party, whilst looking at me seductively. She was incredibly beautiful, 5’3, blonde,shoulder length hair, small pert boobs, a stunning smile, deep blue eyes and a body most 20 year old girls dream of having. Wearing a low cut black dress, showing plenty of leg she looked every inch of the beautiful older woman I had been...