Jackelyn Alleine in der Fremde
- 3 years ago
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Gabi und und der neue Gast
Ostern 2019 machte ich ( Fritz Weber 50 Jahre 188 cm gross und 79 Kg schwehr, mein Schwanz 20X6 cm) einen Kurzurlaub in Südtirol. Das war mein Erster nach meiner Scheidung vor drei Jahren. In einem 5* Hotel in Brixen hatte ich eine Suite reserviert. Als ich am Donnerstagnachmittag gegen 17 Uhr am Hotel vorfuhr, musste ich vor einer kleinen Menschengruppe anhalten, die heftig mit einem Hoteldiener diskutierten. Eine hübsche junge Frau kam auf mich zu und begrüßte mich herzlich und stellte sich mir vor, "ich bin Gabi Scholz und sie müssen Herr Weber sein?" Ich nickte mit dem Kopf und antwortete, "ja Fritz Weber." "Schön Herr Weber dass Sie jetzt endlich hier sind. Wir haben sie schon heute Vormittag erwartet. Hatten Sie eine schöne Anreise?" "Ja, die letzten 50-60 Kilometer durch diese herrlichen Landschaften waren eine richtige Augenweide und ich habe diese Anfahrt sehr genossen." "das freut mich, das Sie mit so guter Laune den Aufenthalt in unserem Hotel beginnen. Ich werde Sie für die Dauer ihres Aufenthaltes persönlich betreuen! Folgen Sie mir bitte." Sie führte mich zur Rezeption und erledigte die Anmeldeformalitäten. Ein Hotelboy bat um meinen Wagenschlüssel, um diesen in die Hotelgarage zu fahren und mein Gepäck in die mir zugewiesene Suite zu bringen. Nachdem Frau Scholz die Anmeldung erledigt hatte, fuhren wir mit dem Aufzug in die oberste Etage und sie zeigte mir die Suite. Ich inspizierte mein Wochenddomizil und war sehr angenehm davon angetan und das sagte ihr auch. Sie lächelte mich an und sagte, " wenn Sie irgendwelche Wünsche haben melden Sie sich einfach bei mir. Das förmliche Frau Scholz mag ich nicht besonders, Sie können einfach Gabi zu mir sagen." Sie wünschte mir einen angenehmen Aufenthalt, drehte sich um und verschwand. Da es schon recht spät war duschte ich ausgiebig und machte mich für das Abendessen fertig. Am Eingang zum Speisesaal empfing mich Gabi, jetzt aber in Hoteluniform und führte mich zu einem Tisch. Nachdem ich Platz genommen hatte fragte Frau Scholz "Sie haben für morgen Vormittag eine Massage bestellt, haben sie da spezielle Wünsche?" "Eigentlich nein, ich komme vielleicht morgen doch noch mit einem Sonderwunsch auf Sie zu." Frau Scholz wünschte mir einen Guten Appetit und und winkte einem Kellner der brachte die Speisekarte. Nach einem sehr schmackhaftem Menü verließ ich den Speisesaal.
Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Gaby was my seat buddy most mornings and afternoons on the bus. We got on and off at the same stop, and I allowed her to join me in the waiting line so that we could get seated together. I enjoyed talking to her - she was a bubbly 25 year old brunette who worked in a chemist, and was always smiling. Gaby was in a relationship with a slightly older man (he was 30 years old), and they had been living together for about 3 years. She was short (about 5ft 3ins tall), not skinny and not fat with...
Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Wir küßten uns innig, zogen uns ganz aus und ließen uns auf den Badezimmerteppich sinken. Ich führte meinen mittlerweile großen und harten kleinen Freund in ihre feuchte Höhle ein, wo er sich pudelwohl fühlte und ihr nicht nur Freude spendete. Nachdem ich mich so erleichtert hatte, sagte Gaby: “Nun mußt Du mich aber auch mit Deinem Sekt verwöhnen.“ Wir stiegen beide in die Badewanne und meine inzwischen randvolle Blase entlud sich in einem strammen Strahl, der sich in ihren Mund, über ihre...
Wir küßten uns innig, zogen uns ganz aus und ließen uns auf den Badezimmerteppich sinken. Ich führte meinen mittlerweile großen und harten kleinen Freund in ihre feuchte Höhle ein, wo er sich pudelwohl fühlte und ihr nicht nur Freude spendete. Nachdem ich mich so erleichtert hatte, sagte Gaby: “Nun mußt Du mich aber auch mit Deinem Sekt verwöhnen.“ Wir stiegen beide in die Badewanne und meine inzwischen randvolle Blase entlud sich in einem strammen Strahl, der sich in ihren Mund, über ihre...
Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Ein Video mit Folgen Auf dem Video war zu sehen wie vor zwei Wochen plötzlich die Tür aufging. Das Licht ging an und der Gastgeber der Feier, Doe, betrat das Zimmer. Er grinste noch schnell in die Kamera und sagte: " Und heute Folge 24 aus der Reihe "Party Schlampen hart gefickt". Heute seht ihr eine besonders geile Schnalle. Ihr Name ist John. Sie ist 18 Jahre alt, etwa 1,60 groß und hat einen traumhaften Körper. Ihre schönen festen Titten, sind ungefähr 75B oder C. Aber der absolute Hammer...
Gestatten, ich heiße Diana und bin seit 14 Jahren Ehefrau. Ich habe meinem Mann 2 Kinder geschenkt. Inzwischen ist unser gemeinsames Liebesleben allerdings durch die tägliche Routine weitgehend zum Erliegen gekommen. Das liegt auch daran, dass Achim viel zu bequem geworden ist, sich sexuell mal etwas Neues einfallen zu lassen. Um mal wieder etwas mehr Leidenschaft zu entfachen, schlug ich ihm einen Besuch im Swingerclub vor. Er war völlig entgeistert. Niemals. Er wäre ein treuer Ehemann. Was er...
Wie viele andere Ehemänner habe ich Fantasien dazu, dass meine Frau Sex mit einem anderen Mann hat. Selbst wenn wir Sex hatten, tat ich manchmal so, als wäre ich ein anderer, der es ihr macht. Lange habe ich Amy nie etwas darüber gesagt, da ich befürchtete, dass sie wütend würde. Ich weiß, dass sie nie fremdgegangen ist, aber ich habe bemerkt, dass sie manchmal einen attraktiven Mann auf einer Party oder einer anderen Veranstaltung musterte. Als ich ihr das sagte, sagte sie: „Ja, ich bemerke,...
Angefangen hatte alles während eines Italienurlaubes mit Holgers damaliger Verlobten und heutigen Frau Annika. Es war ihr erster gemeinsamer Urlaub seit langer Zeit, und sie genossen ihn in vollen Zügen. Das junge verliebte Paar hatte keine Hotels im Vorwege gebucht, sie fuhren mit ihrem alten Fiat Panda von einem Ort zum anderen, begeisterten sich für die örtlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten, suchten sich in jeder Stadt, in der sie Halt machten eine Bleibe für die Nacht und zogen am nächsten Tag...
Copyright 2003 by Madeline Bell. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for satirical purposes. All rights...
Ich wusste selbst nichts von meiner Veranlagung. Erst in der Zeit meiner Ehe mit Klaus wurde es mir klar. Und irgendwann erzählte ich meinem Mann davon. Klaus hatte noch nicht mit vielen unterschiedlichen Frauen geschlafen. Ich offenbarte ihm, dass ich zu gerne dabei zuschauen würde, wie er es mit einer oder mehreren Frauen treibt. Zu Beginn war seine Reaktion eher zurückhaltend und ausweichend. In Abständen unterhielten wir uns immer mal wieder über das Thema. Nach und nach gelang es mir, sein...
I am a College Lecturer in Maths in a reputed private university. I do take tuition also for the weak students. Many young girls are my students and I am quite popular. The girls like me and do not hesitate to meet me anytime even when alone. I test every good looking girl by touching her at soft places and if the response is positive or neutral, I go a bit beyond just feeling their body. I have kissed and squeezed many many girls. I want to share one of the experiences with one of the College...
She entered his room slowly, quietly, so as not to awaken him before she was ready. Tiptoeing on the plush carpet, she approached the side of the bed he was closest to and gently began removing the covers. He stirred somewhat, but remained asleep, so she continued carefully. Discovering that he favored sleeping in the nude, she was delighted. "All the better," she thought, as she hungrily eyed the prize she had been seeking. It lay as peacefully between his muscled legs as the rest of him,...
Chapter 9 -- Two's CompanyAnother beautiful morning dawned and we lay there in each other's arms. We admit to each other, that after the previous weeks activities, we are both a little sore. So decide to have a nice relaxing day by the pool. We have enough food for a couple of breakfasts and a lunch. So will go to Carlos and Maria's restaurant for our evening meal. Shopping can wait for tomorrow.So that's how we spent the day. Just relaxing. Mind you it was difficult to keep my hands off you....
In the year 2013, at 32 Wayford Way, 12 teenagers and a genie were having the time of their lives. The senior football team had just won the big game, thanks in no small part due to some “wishful thinking” on the part of one Sophie Swift. In fact, it would be fair to say that they utterly trounced the opposition, although victory was likely even without magical intervention. After the game, Sophie and her genie Alexis had taken the 11 players home, telling them that they were their reward for...
I will tell you my story, as best as I can remember. It started in the winter, a winter I wish never happened. The sun seemed to inch its way over the ocean as if it was never going to return. A full harvest moon was impatiently forcing its way into the sky. My cell rang, it was my father. I remember, because that was the last time we ever spoke... "Dorian! HELLO?! This is your father!" The classic tale of Dorian Grey was dads favorite so as a child he would read it to me at bed time....
I don’t like to do recaps, so if you have clicked on this, please read chapter one first, I really think it is worth it but as the writer I could be biased!! I hope you enjoy this second chapter of Rachael’s story and thanks for the emails and suggestions. Please keep the emails coming. Chapter 2 – Caught The shock of Billy catching me out and pulling me down fully onto his cock rendered me speechless. I think I squeaked quietly as he filled my wet pussy with his meat and I fell...
Crystal was right. The picture was a fake and he was lying about being with her now. So here I am quivering in my panties and bra with a massive headache, feeling like a damn fool because I accused my best friend of having sex with my boyfriend. I’m so pathetic. And realizing this only contributed to the waterworks that were erupting from eyes like lava from a volcano. ‘Calm down. Stop crying. It’s going to be okay. I told you he was a liar,’ Crystal said. ‘I’m so… so sorry,’ I whimpered...
Stories of cosplay characters and/or specific models in situations that eventually kinky, can involve non-consent, gangbang's, romance, masturbation etc etc. Im new to this please provide critique/ Suggestions for future scenarios.
Hahaha it I suppose is not that often that you can have your Dick delivered to your house door! Well I am not sure I went about ordering it? Just so happened a parcel and would you believe not even for me was offered to me to keep for a neighbour!I was upstairs and nor dressed-well it was 10 am so still in a white baby doll nightie.very sheer and see through, I love the way the nylon rubs my nipples up when walking about in it...mmm.Ding-Dong went the bell? I thought Mick(hubby) had forgot his...
"All right, here I come!" The bedroom door opened, and Jaclyn exited. She wore a sexy angel costume; Dylan noted, to his dismay, that "sexy" in this context meant "half-naked." The costume consisted of a shimmering white bra, a shiny glitter-covered halo suspended above her head by a thin wire attached to a headband, a zigzag-trimmed white miniskirt, and white high heels. "What do you think?" Jaclyn asked, twirling around in a circle. As she did, her skirt blew upwards,...
My interest in bra’s began when I was nineteen, I remember getting ready to go to bed and washing up. Mom just left the shower and I saw her white lacy bra hang out of the red wicker hamper and I picked it up. I don’t know why her white silky and lacy bra turned me on but it did and that bra found its way into the back pocket of my jeans and the bulge covered by a flannel shirt. When I thought of the times I saw a bit of moms boobs, well that only made romancing her bra a lot nicer. When I...
Note : This story is comletely fictional! Hi my name is Robert and what I am about to tell you - REALLY did happen to me when i was a few years younger I come from a european background family where everyone knows everything about everyone - if you know what i mean, so it was not suprising that after i had my first sexual encounter, and had confided about it to my older sister, that ALL the other female members of my family, including my mum, her two sisters - my aunts and my grandmother - knew...
IncestThis is the first story I have written in a little while, mostly due to being busy. I was talking to a guy on a chat site recently and he loved this story so thought I would share with the horny people of Xhamster, enjoy. I am not a writer, just a regular horny guy, I apologise in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes. All names have been changed to hide identity; all of my stories are 100% true. When I was 21 I decided to go to university, I applied and got into a couple of different...
"You done well today Toby. You're so fast on the pitch nobody can catch you." Dan said to me. "Thanks but I wish I had your strength." I replied to my bigger built friend. Quickly we had stripped to our underwear. I noticed we were all wearing briefs, better support for sports, and I couldn't help but check my friends packages. I quickly looked away hoping nobody noticed. We stuffed our dirty kit into our kit bags and walked through Pete's house to his bedroom. As we walked we talked...
My mother-in-law is sixty-three classy and very sexy with 34D breasts. She is also head of the HR department at her employer. She was divorced about a year after my marriage and her boyfriend passed about 5 years ago. We have always had good natured flirting between us, but as of late it has become more interesting. I was helping her redo the landscaping on her new house when I noticed every time she bent forward, her breasts were very exposed through the collar opening of her polo shirt. I...
MatureMaking Change By The Tar Baby *** OK to be freely distributed, just try not to make any money off of it, and make sure you credit the author! *** The elevator doors closed on John, the young executive, as he headed up towards work. Suddenly, his 6'1" frame began to shrink. His feet became smaller as nail polish appeared on his toes. The black penny loafers he had been wearing grew slender heels as the tips became more pointed to conform to his now diminutive feet. The heels...
Ms. Cherro owns the ranch down the road from mine. Actually, it’s my father's ranch not mine, but my dad is looking to retire soon and he made it clear he wants me to take over when he does. He would always remind me to see Ms. Cherro every spring and help her once in a while, especially to fix the water shed. It ran between our ranches and we would alternate watering days. We had this agreement with her that I, or my dad, would maintain it.There’s this little secluded spring back there. I used...
Straight SexIntroduction: this is my real first story, so please leave a comment and if you would like me to make a part 2 Lets start from the beginning. My cousin Nicole and I were never the closest of cousins, there was always some tension between us. Nicole is about 5/7 weighs 110 lbs and had surprising D cups for 13 years old, the events that happened are true and happened no sooner than 2 weeks ago. I have always seen my cousin Nicole more of a friend and not really a cousin, and I never thought that...
Suddenly, all smiles in the limo disappeared, except for one. Tom Millerd felt the color rush from his face as he stared at the man who had all but promised a contract that would put his company on the map, “But if you back out now, I’ll be ruined. I put everything...” Mr. Cox’s smile suddenly grew even more sinister as he held up his hand, “Then you need to make sure I don’t.” At the restaurant just minutes earlier, the Millerd family was consumed with the excitement of new opportunities....
Noor arora: Hi guys, Romy (I am a guy) back to bring you more episodes in the saga of our favorite slut noor. I have received great feedback for noor’s stories and hope you guys keep continuing the love. Please do not forget like the story (give thumbs up) because that gives stories popular or editor choice status. Let’s go from noor’s pov now. Hope people are pleasuring themselves to these stories. I have received primarily male feedback. Would love to hear from the women who read iss as well....
SABRINA'S CHRISTMAS STOCKING BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sabrina was walking the mall trying to figure out a way to pay for Christmas gifts she had to buy, when she saw a help wanted sign in a store. Knowing that the store was owned by a witch, she quickly went inside. "Hello, Winnie." Sabrina said with Christmas cheer. A smile she quickly removed when she saw the sour look of a woman dressed in a white top, orange with white flower print mini skirt and sandals that revealed her purple toe...
My Wife Wants You I was just sitting there in the hotel restaurant in Wichita, Kansas minding my own business as I usually did when I was out of town on business. I had just finished my meal, paid my bill, and I was enjoying a nice glass of wine when he approached me. He said, “My wife wants you.” I asked, “For what?” He laughed softly and then he sat down at my table, leaned in a little closer, and said, “She wants you to fuck her brains out. We are here from out of town. We...
Armas was nervous and why shouldn't he be? Together with ninety-nine others, he stood in a circle. Ready to gamble their life away. Well, not really. Only the race he was born with. A gong sounded and everyone - including Armas - was taking one step forward. Each one in front of a small lectern looking extrusion of a giant ancient artifact. This very artifact was the reason for the few dozens of races calling this world their home. Once there had been only one race. Humans. Before the...
“You bastard! Don’t you dare tell me you love me! You better hope Miss One-That-Got-Away puts out because we’re done! Lose my number then go drop dead asshole!” My sister smashed the hang up icon and threw her phone onto the couch. She collapsed into the loveseat and her eyes started filling up with tears. “I’m done with men”, she sobbed. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her underneath her arms spinning her around. I wrapped her in a huge bear hug. “C’mon sis, you gotta keep dating guys. I...
Sandra was applying nail-polish to her long tapering nails, when she heard Mike's car pull into the driveway. She gave a little start, surprised at his early homecoming. She hadn't really been expecting him until the morning, and already her mind had been wandering ahead to the long evening of pleasure she would experience with Sam. Her body still tingled from the incredible fucking she had received from Sam and the veterinarian simultaneously, just the previous evening, and the wild...
I don't know if this is going to be a let down or not, but I'm about at the point where I'm going to wind up this story. First, the good news. Or maybe it's bad news, I'm not sure. We never did touch Julie sexually. Came close, once in the middle of winter in front of the fire on a rainy night, not unlike Christmas Eve, and once just before she left for college the following summer. Each time was a thrill, I won't kid you, and each time I teetered on the brink. She wanted us, she...
Anita’s girlfriend Leyla had invited us to a party that offered her hubby Matthew’s boss at his house.My sweet wife said we should better go, although we had not met the boss before; but she added it could be funny.Once we arrived at this nice suburban house, we found there a dozen couples hanging around. Anita and I set ourselves comfortable, picking up some drinks.We had a good time with these new friends.As the evening went on, the drinks flowed and began to take effect.Suddenly, I...
And then after that, things got weird. As if they weren't weird enough already, right? After all, here I was, Kathryn's maid, doing her laundry on Mondays and cleaning her apartment on Thursdays - including all of those intimate services which I had always been doing. But now, I was required to pass as a woman full time. Mondays and Thursdays I wore my standard maid's uniform all day. On other days, I purchased a half dozen skirts and blouses to get me through the day. Of course my work...
“I’m bored,” Amy complained. “Wanna play poker?” Brandy suggested. I watched my two friends bicker over what to do. Being the only single, I was able to occupy myself while alone, whereas my two friends were married. Amy and Brandy’s husbands were both avid hunters, making both of them deer season widows. “I didn’t bring any money,” Amy pouted. “Ok…we don’t need any money. How about whoever wins the hand gets to dare another person to do anything they want them to?” I suggested. They both...
And so the happy couple left the reception in a smart Rolls-Royce with a chauffeur driving, separated from them by a sound proof screen. “Now will you tell me where we are going?” asked Jennifer. “Let us agree on one thing once and for all,” David replied, “You promised in church to ‘obey’ did you not?” “Yes, but that is just in the form of the service, isn’t it?” “Only if the Bishop was not told specifically to exclude it. Most couples leave it out nowadays.” Jennifer thought for a...
Plastic Danni Chambers reached for the small plastic object on the desk, and then pulled her hand away as if it had been burned. She put her one hand on top of the other, trying to stop the trembles that started at the tips of her fingers and went all the way to her core. It was just a piece of plastic, after all, an innocent object. In fact its presence here represented the best news of her life - she was finally whole, complete, and its purpose was to make sure that the...
Donna opened her eyes and yawned. She was still entangled with Lisa who was still asleep, their arms and legs wrapped around each others’ nude bodies. Donna squirmed a bit but, not wanting to wake her lover, closed her eyes and fell back to sleep. Donna woke some time later to to meet Lisa’s gaze. “Good morning, girlfriend,” whispered Lisa. “Good morning, baby,” whispered Donna as she kissed her lover. The two women kissed passionately for the next half hour under the warm blankets. “So,...
(Welcome to the second chapter of Between Friends, just to let you know these stories will jump around a bit. But I feel that way you’ll know the characters much better if you relive their past to better understand the present. Anyhow I hope that you the readers will grow to enjoy my tales of these close bunch of friends and look forward to each story as I do writing them because it will all be in vain if those I am trying to reach are not interested. Also not all of my stories will be erotica....
Christian Beasely had a fondness for drinking grain. Whether it was barley wine, sake, or just plain beer he drank at level nearly necessity (breathing was a close second). His marriage had fallen apart but he did not care; his wife was such an aged relic. He didn't realize how close he was to death; his liver only allowed him three more months. He never saw a doctor; part of him was too scared to know what he felt. The occasional blacking out and lack of energy he ostensibly blamed...
By: AWC When my college told me that my scholarship was approved, it was a very ecstatic news. It meant I was to go to Canada from this little small European country. My University tuition, dorm expenses including the food charges were all taken care plus a reasonable amount as pocket money and the incidental expenses was also fixed. There was only one hitch. My college counselor explained it to me very clearly that there were a good number of foreigner students as usual this year as well...
Whitney Wright has had a bad dream, so she comes to sleep with her mom and stepdad, Ryan Mclane. Ryan is awake when Whitney joins them, but he’s surprised when she starts flirting and touching him inappropriately. Ryan tries to tell Whitney no with her mom in the same bed, but this needy coed won’t take no for an answer. She pulls out Ryan’s morning wood and starts sucking her stepdaddy off. Finally giving in to Whitney’s seduction, Ryan urges her to put her leg up in...
xmoviesforyouPart I Hi, again. You may have heard about me from this nice Mr. Vargas. (No, I'm not going to tell you my name.) Several months ago he wrote just what I told him in a story he called "Principles" and it came out real nice. Lots of people have said it was good. He told me that a lady named Celeste who does re-views or pre-views -- or something like that -- gave it an award, even though she thought the way I tricked my husband into getting me pregnant so many times was "repulsive." If you...
Raven's house was small – a one bed, one bath that worked perfectly for her single lifestyle. As a Magus, she lived alone because a standard relationship with any one person wouldn't work. I understood the dangers of that first hand. Danielle was worn out, like she was suffering from exhaustion, simply because she had been having sex with me – and it wasn't from my prowess in bed. The real kicker was we were only together two to three times a week. Things would have progressed much more...
It was a strange feeling to get whilst sitting in an open-air nightclub in the mountains not far from Naples in Italy. Oh, you know the sort of place all geared up for the tourists and all very plastic for my liking really. But the crowd I was with wanted to visit the place so I'd gone along for the ride. Some old bird — well, I don't suppose she was that old really, and she had some figure on her actually, but if she'd been a stripper, I probably would have been a lot happier — was...
Cheerleader Slaves Chapter 1 - Ensnaring Christy Bob sat on the bench at the center of the mall - watching the crowd of shoppers milling about. It was a Saturday and the mall was jammed. Everyone seemed to be there since the weather was too cold to do much outside. Bob was doing what young men have done for ages - he was girl watching. Saturday was prime time for this. It seemed that every teenage girl in Columbia was at the mall that day. Bob looked across the center court area...
Filthy slut Anya Olsen is back at it again, this time taking the double-dick challenge to see how dirty she can get. Anya’s looking hot as fuck in her purple lace lingerie with matching stockings and high heels. She shows off her tight body while she stares at you with her piercing blue eyes. Anya crawls over to Jules and Chris who are eagerly waiting to use her fuckholes at their disposal. She pulls out their cocks and strokes and sucks them, being sure to give each appropriate...
xmoviesforyouCopyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: A kind hearted rancher discovers that his unfaithful wife and her biker lovers have tried to poison him and he turns the tables on them unexpectedly, and finds new love in a quite different pasture. Technically not really a Lovett County story, but features characters that will appear there later. No overt sex. Sex contents: A bit of Sex Genre: Romantic Revenge Codes: MF, Cheat Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-07-16 Revised: 2010-04-15 ****** Thanks to...
“I KNOW YOU SAID ‘sooner rather than later’ but I didn’t expect it this soon! Are you okay?” I asked. “Um, yeah. I guess I’m super fertile and you’re super potent. I’ll just grin and bear it. Do me a favor and get ‘em snipped before he’s born. Okay? I don’t want to quit having sex just so I don’t get preggers again.” “Daphne...” I pulled my wife into my arms with our little daughter on our lap. Little Shelly. Three months old and already expecting a brother. Or sister, I suppose. Funny how...
Zane, was looking at Falina, his brow wrinkled with worry. She was looking at him, but was STILL weak, and unable to rise and go to him, or speak. Francis had fulfilled every dream she had had about other men. She sucked in a DEEP breath, and sighed it out. She was tingling, from the experience, from the top of her head, to the tips of her toes. She hadn't felt like this, except for the other day, with Zane, while all the others were watching them, since their honeymoon. Could it be that having...
I'm a married man, but I still think about my first nut, I was about 14 or 15, walking down the the street when this guy offered me a ride, I got in, he was a black guy about 25, I could tell he was gay, he pulled into a alley and rubbed my dick and said take out, I did and as soon as he touched it I came all over the place, he said don't worry about it and still wanted to suck it, but I got out and went home, as soon as I got there I went right into the bathroom and jacked off for the first...