Gaby Reappears free porn video

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Back to The Library Gaby Part 4 Gaby Reappears My birthday at the end of February came and went, I had a 'party' with a few friends and family but all in all my ascent into a teenager was an anti climax. My injury from the Christmas accident healed nicely and I was soon back to riding my bike. Now lets get this into perspective, in a land where the kicking of a ball round a field reigns supreme, I rode a bike! I was passionate about bike riding, the whole family rode but I was fanatical. This dedication to a minority pastime did little for my popularity, I was always the last to be picked for teams, the only thing I could do with any conviction was run. As a student I pottered along as part of the intelligency, my grades were always in the top five in the class. As at this stage of my school career we were kept together as a group, you can see how we would develop as a separate social group to the rest of our peers. I had never had many friends, I guess most people don't really, but I generally could be found with Clive and Paul, although we had known each other all through school it was only this last year that we formed a clique. I, unlike some lads my age, was quite happy to mix with the girls. In fact I was sort of in another clique, which included me Ally, Bernie, Mad and Rhod. I don't think any of us had anything in common except a willingness to hang together. Like most secondary schools, we had a limited social calendar, Christmas party and disco, Easter disco and end of year party. And living in a fairly rural area there was very little else going on without travelling to either Worksop or Mansfield or even Sheffield about twenty miles away. At thirteen parents don't tend to like their kids going off on their own so these trips were rare. So we made our own entertainment, I know that sounds a bit old fashioned but we did. Bike rides and walks into Clumber Park and Sherwood Forest, the girls would practice little dance routines, us guys would play with our RC cars and well even we fell back to abuse of games consoles. Easter was late this year, nearly the end of April so the school dance was still six weeks away but of course the girls were already plotting what they would wear. Clive and Paul never attended these functions, I avoided most of them but Rhod generally went along. The three girls, as a result, usually bolstered the sea of girls and the vastly outnumbered guys were never short of attention. Perhaps that's why Rhod went. My fancy dress escapade at Christmas had never reached my friends much to my relief and I had pretty well expunged the episode from my memory. So back to the present and half term break. "Drew." "Yeah?" "The guys have got an idea that requires you and Rhod." "So?" "Come over to Maddie's after lunch and we'll explain." "Sure, see you later." "Later." Maddie lives out on the new estate in a detached mansion, well that's what we call it, so I set out on my bike for short ride or otherwise half-hour walk. I arrived at the same time as Rhod and we locked our bikes up and knocked. "Hi Mrs Peters." "Hello boys, the girls are in the dining room, go on through." "Great you're both here." "Hi guys." "Anyone want a drink." Mrs Peters poked her head round the door. A chorus of "yes please" had us all in hysterics. We're thirteen! The tray of drinks and hot cross buns distracted us for a few minutes then Rhod asked the question I was ready to ask. "What's the secret?" "Well we've got an idea, shut the door Ally." "And?" "And you probably won't like it, but we think it would be a real buzz." "Spill it." "Okay, you know the Easter disco?" "Yeah?" "Well we want you two to go with us." "That's no big deal, I was going anyway." opined Rhod. "And I guess I can fit it into my social calendar too." "There's a catch..." Maddie was showing a bit of nervousness. Bernie took up the reins, "We want to go in costume, there's prizes and stuff." "Still with you so far." I sarcastically put in "Well the point is we want to go as Manga girls, you know like Sailor Blue and that." "What will us guys go as?" "Erm that's just it, you'll be Manga girls too." "What, no way!" "Come on guys, your kidding right?" "No we're deadly serious, we've even sort of sorted some costumes." "You are serious aren't you?" "Of course we are." Memories of Christmas came back and I blushed a little. "Look guys, it will be fun, once you're dressed up no one will know." "Like you can make us disappear! Everyone will know who we are straight off." "No they won't!" "I'm not saying I'm in," Rhod started, "but what's in it for us?" The girls looked at each other. "Fun, and our gratitude." Well the innuendo was there but passed straight over our heads. Personally I was in no rush to repeat my time as Gaby but I could tell Rhod was intrigued. "One condition." I started "You'll do it?" "Hang on, I didn't say yes yet." "What condition?" "If you can't make us pass as girls by next weekend were out." "Agreed!" Rhod looked a bit unsure but nodded his ascent. "Okay, we'll go to Meadowhall on Saturday, if anyone guesses you are boys we'll call it off for the dance." "What now?" "Us girls will get everything together and we'll start tomorrow." "We need to choose costumes now though, I've brought my Manga." Well we started to look through the Japanese comics and after a couple of hours the girls had picked out everyone's costumes. If anyone saw through these costumes we were in trouble! Bernie was to be Sailor Blue, Maddie Prince, Rhod got Yellow, Ally would be Pink and I drew Sakur! What had we let ourselves in for! We all stayed for tea then a session of PS2 before we headed home agreeing to meet at Ally's at ten next morning. I have to admit that I wasn't really up for this, but the girls were set on it and Rhod was willing to give it throw so I had gotten myself into a corner. I spent some time that night in front of the mirror trying to convince myself that the girls would fail but after Christmas I knew that it was possible that I would lose my bluff. After my morning ride I showered and walked over to Ally's house with a heavy heart. I really, really didn't want to do this but I had agreed and I kept my promises. Ally's mum let me in and I was escorted up to her room, I guess with five of us there she trusted us to not get up to mischief! Bernie was last to arrive toting a couple of plastic carriers. "I'm going out in a few minutes, so behave. If there's any trouble I'm holding you responsible Alison. You have been warned. I'll bring lunch back, Micky D's okay?" "Great." "Brill." "No gherkins for me." "Remember Rhod's a veggie." "Okay guys, see you about one o'clock." "Bye mum." "Bye Mrs. Lacey." "Right fellas time to get started." Bernie emptied her bags on the bed, and whilst both Rhod and I had sisters we both blushed deeply at the stuff the girls pulled out. "Okay guys, strip!" Well I was mortified even though I was expecting it. "Come on we've seen you in your Speedo's so don't be bashful." "I guess." We both stripped down to our pants and stood squirming while the girls giggled and checked us out. Although all the girls were just starting to develop a bit us lads had yet to start on the testosterone roller coaster that is teenage life. "Bernie you take Rhod and we'll do Drew, you can use my parents room." "Okay." Bernie grabbed an armful of stuff and half dragged my fellow conscript next door. "Right Drew, let's get you dressed." Ally and Maddie worked like a well-oiled machine as they selected and dressed me in female attire. Lacy vest, white knee socks, slip then one of Ally's pink summer uniforms, I always thought the girls looked cute in them, I was sure I didn't! "Hmm, well you're the same size as me and Maddie, but we need to do some work on your face and hair." "Hey, no plucking or stuff." "Course not just some makeup." "I brought the wig." Maddie produced the hairpiece, looked like I was gonna be a blonde again. "I got this after that episode with the chewing gum." I looked blank. "You remember, it was just before we changed schools." I must be dim or I had missed something major. "Remember I used to have really long hair." "Yeah, I thought you just got it cut that summer." "Well I did but not through choice." "What do you mean?" "Perhaps you just didn't get it, you remember Perry, short kid who got expelled?" "Yeah." "Well do you know why?" "No, I just thought he'd done something bad to some girl, hit her or something." "Well I was the girl but he didn't hit me." "Something with the chewing gum?" it was starting to connect upstairs. "Yeah something with chewing gum. We were in the playground as usual and he was showing off blowing bubbly. Bernie and I were sat talking then I heard a pop and someone mussing with my hair, Perry in fact. He popped his bubbly on my hair and then when he mussed it up, it really got stuck. It was so bad the only way to get it out was to cut it out, by the time mum had done I looked like the chainsaw massacre. That's when mum went and got dads clippers, gave me a number one and took me still sobbing to get this." she indicated the wig. "I guess most of the girls knew but it probably didn't make it to the boys. Perry got binned and I got a wig. I'm still trying to grow it long but I guess I'm used to shorter hair now." I have to admit that I was shocked, partly at the assault and partly that I had never heard about the details until almost two years later. The girls were hugging and I didn't know what to do. "Come on Drew, let's get on." I sat on the stool in front of the vanity unit and watched Maddie's expert fitting. The wig was nearly shoulder length and styled into the pageboy I always associated (I know knew why) with Maddie. "Okay Ally, your turn." My other tormentor turned me round and spent twenty minutes doing 'my' makeup. "Stand up and let's get a look at you." "Sheesh, he looks cute Maddie." "Hang, something missing. Shoes!" "You take fives right?" "Yeah." "Same as me," Ally gave me her school shoes, "put these on." They were a pair of chunky soled Kickers with a sling back and two inch heel, right on the edge of the school's regs. "Excellent, where's Rhod?" "Hey are you guys ready yet?" "Just coming." Bernie came in followed by I guess Rhod. My fellow conscript being a bit bigger than me needed Bernie's best attention but a bit of slap works wonders. He had a girls cropped T-shirt and a knee length denim skirt on with a pair of trainers. As he wore his hair a bit longer than me, Bernie had managed to put his nearly black hair into small bunches like I'd seen some of the seniors wearing. I guess we both were looking at each other in shock. "Well I reckon we're going to win this one girls." "Yeah, come on lets get some pictures." "Noo." we both cried. "Yes, you don't think we did this to let the moment just go did you?" "I guess." So we spent time having our pictures taken, group and solo shots, then Ally set the self-timer and we all posed together. "I still think there's something wrong." Maddie stated. "Panties!" Bernie opined. "You're right, their y-fronts really show under those clothes." Ally dived into a drawer and reappeared with a couple of pairs of ultimate humiliation, pink, nylon, lacy panties. "Put these on, you can slip yours off without anyone seeing." "Do we have to?" "Yes, otherwise we can't see how you look." Well we both blushed through our makeup as we changed underwear and rearranged ourselves. "Excellent, you two look really cute, I think this might work." "We can't call them Drew and Rhod dressed like this." "Well girls what shall we call you?" Not liking it one bit I thought for a minute. "How about Gaby, like from Xena? She's blonde and I think pretty cute." "I can't be Xena can I, I mean that would be too obvious." "Well I reckon Drew's right, he even looks a bit like Gaby so that's settled, but it should really be Gabrielle." "How about Phillipa, my middle names Phillip." "Yay! Girls meet Pippa and Gaby." "Oh heck, mums due back at one." All eyes went to the clock. "Quick let's get you two changed, Pippa go get dressed while we clean up Gaby then we can swap." The next ten minutes were a flurry of activity as Rhod and Drew once more replaced Pippa and Gaby. "Hi kids, hope you didn't get into mischief." "No Mrs Lacey." "No mum." "Okay, come and get your lunch." We descended to the kitchen for our Ronald specials, all through the food Maddie kept calling me Gaby, which was winding me up. "What's with calling Drew Gaby?" "Oh nothing Mrs Lacey, we were talking about Xena and Drew said that he'd prefer to be Gabrielle than Xena." "I see, what are you all doing this afternoon." "Going for a walk mum." "Okay, make sure one of you has a phone and take care." "We will." we all echoed. We were out in the woods before our forthcoming humiliation was brought up again. "Gaby, Pippa we need to do some practice before Saturday." "Drop the names huh?" "No if we are in the mall and someone speaks to you it will look odd if you don't reply, so whenever we're alone we will call you by your girlie names." "Yes Herr Fuhrer!" Rhod snapped off a salute. "That's just what we don't want. If you act like boys, even if you look like girls people will look twice and you could be found out." "I never thought of that." "Well do. So between now and Saturday you are both taking girl lessons." So each day we met and mostly went for walks, Gaby and Pippa receiving the perceived wisdom of girlhood from the real thing in buckets. By Friday they were satisfied that we would pass and everything was set for the five of us to go to Sheffield on Saturday morning. We were meeting at Bernie's house to get ready then catch the bus first to Worksop then on to Meadowhall. Time would be short, Bernie's parents were taking her brother to Nottingham and were leaving just after eight, our bus left at five past nine. To speed things along the girls presented each of us with our undergarments and informed us that we would shower, hair wash at home and be wearing our frillies when we got to Bernie's. I had to put Juliette off joining us, by saying we might go to Doncaster instead so she headed off for the earlier bus as I headed for my reluctant rendezvous with girlhood. I had been surprised to find a different set of undergarments to our initial dressing up. I had a pair of trainer socks with a pink frill and little pompoms, a pair of white panties with lace edges and a matching cami top. I put them on and decided I would wear a set of Baggies to avoid any chance of discovery. The girls were all ready when I got there and Rhod/Pippa was getting changed. Ally and Mad quickly had me stripped and I was soon wearing Ally's floor length denim skirt, a lace edged T-shirt and Maddie's pink Reeboks. Wig fixed, make up on, Ally's denim jacket and Maddie's old rucksack and I was ushered with a demure looking Pippa (knee length pink t shirt dress, sandals and Bernie's pink denim jacket), along to the bus stop just in time for the bus. On the first bus my fingernails had the first coat of pink and were finished on the ride to Sheffield, I didn't get any say in the matter. We left the bus and started the walk across the river to the Mall itself. I'm sure Rhod felt the same; I certainly felt that everyone was looking at me as I tried to put into practice the weeks 'training'. In retrospect I guess we looked just like a rabble of teen girls, noisy, taking up all the walkways, in short like every other group of girls they saw. I was never one for doing the shopping thing and I don't think Rhod was either but the girls even at thirteen were experts. We trolled first one direction then upstairs, along to the other end, stopping in various 'girl' shops for checking out the latest fashions and spontaneous tryouts, which Pippa and I managed to keep clear of. We were dragged into lingerie shops, shoe emporiums and frock chains until we were fit to drop. We decided to hit the food hall and while three of us grabbed a table, Bernie and Pippa fetched us pizza and drinks. I was idly playing with my cup when Maddie gave a surprised squeal. "Look guys, it's us." "Cool." I looked where Ally pointed to see our little group up on the huge TV screen; we were on the in mall TV station that slowly scanned the seating area. The girls and both guys all gave a wave before the camera panned away. "Let's see a film." "Okay, what's on?" "Don't know, let's look." We went upstairs to check the options and bought tickets for Lord of the Rings. We had a bit of time to kill so we headed down to the arcade of little shops adjacent to the food hall. "I thought it was you guys." I nearly jumped out of my skin it was Paul and right there with him was Clive and my sister! "Clive reckoned I was wrong and Juliette thought Drew and Rhod would have been with you." Maddie was thinking on her feet, "No they came on the bus with us but decided to go on the tram into the centre to look at some book shop." "Oh yeah, we thought of doing that but the lure of the big screen caught us, we just met Juliette when I saw you." "Oh right you don' know my cousin Gaby and her friend Pippa, they live in Worksop. Gaby, Pippa these are Clive and Paul, Drew's friends and his sister Juliette." "Hi." was all I could manage in I hoped a voice unlike my own. Juliette gave me a funny look but addressed the group in general. "You guys all going to the same film?" "LOTR for us." "Snap." "Mind if I join you, we can all go back home together afterwards." "Sure, Julie." "Okay I'll go get a ticket, meet you in the foyer in ten." "We'll come too." Paul stated. I knew he had a thing for Juliette, he could dream! "Shit," I whispered when they were out of earshot, "me and Rhod are done now." "Don't worry, if these guys haven't rumbled you yet, no one else will unless you give yourselves away. Look I know come with me a minute." Maddie dragged me into the ladies and a vacant cubicle. "Sit down and hold still." I was not going to disobey sat in the ladies toilet of the country's biggest mall. She dug something from her bag then fussed around my ear. "This might sting." "Ow! What are you doing?" "Sit still!" "Ow! What have you done?" "Flush and I'll show you." I had a sinking feeling that I knew but I followed her to the mirrors. "Da-da! Two pretty studs, Drew would never get pierced ears so therefore you can't be Drew!" Staring me in the mirror was a girl I recognised as Gaby/Drew now with a pair of sparkly blue crystal studs in her ears. "Look, we'll take them out later, they heal pretty quick if you don't keep them open." "Shit." "Come on we need to meet the others." You've all seen the film right, so I don't need to take you through it. We all had sore bums and I had sore ears by the time we left screen 1. All eight of us headed for the bus station and made it with barely a minute before our bus left. We commandeered the rear seats and even Pippa and myself participated in the discussion of Tolkien's epic. We were nearly back to Worksop when it occurred to me that our cover was that Pippa and I lived in Worksop and would have to leave everyone there and catch a later bus. That meant just the two of us alone, in drag for an hour. I was scared at the prospect I can tell you. "You guys still coming back home with me Gaby?" "Sure," I replied adlibbing, "mum said she'd pick us up about nine if that's okay?" I looked imploringly at Maddie for confirmation. "Great." I breathed a sigh of relief and by the look on Pippa's face so did Rhod. We made it back to the village just before six, Paul and Clive said they would walk Juliette home and the rest of us headed towards Maddie's, before doubling back to get to Bernie's and our boy clothes. Bernie's olds were still out thankfully, so we were able to do a quick change including shower. "Whoops Drew, unless you want to keep them, we better take those studs out" I had forgotten them but as soon as Ally mentioned them they started to itch. "Yeah, I still don't know why you did that Maddie?" "It worked didn't it?" "Yeah, but still..." I let it hang as Maddie moved in to retrieve her studs and Bernie cleaned each lobe with an antiseptic wipe. What I didn't realise was that Maddie had unintentionally (I think) left the plastic keeper sleeves in my slightly swollen lobes. "Okay guys - you win, no one not even my own sister spotted us so we'll do the dance thing with you." "Okay with you too Rhod?" "Yeah we agreed." "What now?" "We'll meet Monday after school to start on our costumes. We have most of the stuff already but we need to make the actual dresses." I winced, I really didn't want to do this, I hated the idea of dressing as a girl but I had promised and at least Rhod was with me too. I walked into flak from mum when I got home at seven thirty, but she accepted the story that I had been at Rhod's house since we got back earlier than the girls and my sister. Maddy Bell 18.01.03 Copyright 2003

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Blackmailed by Grandfather By billy69boyDuring the summer, when we were young, our grandmother used to invite her many grandci1dren to stay over for a few nights. She would host two of us at a time. Her five grown chi1dren were all married and had several chi1dren of their own, so there were plenty of us to go around.One summer, I was paired up with my cousin Cindy, who was a couple years younger than me. Cindy was a pretty little thing, blonde hair and blue eyes that always seemed to be...

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Lauras Adventures 3

I was really turned on by bhan's story, so much so I decided to do some of what she described. I waited until the day before my day off, then before leaving work I made sure to drink, and drink a lot. When I got into the car, I slipped my bra off so I could easily reach under my shirt and play with my big DD cups.I squirmed inside my faded blue jeans the whole way home, but knew I wanted to save it. I got to my apartment and dashed up the three flights of stairs to the top story. On that level...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Harem 10 Big Sis Plays with Her Toys

Chapter Ten: Big Sis Plays with Her Toys By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Cheryl Elliston “Hi, Mom,” my eldest daughter said, her face pale, her posture stiffening. “About what?” Zoey thought she was in trouble. And why not? It was after 3 AM, and she was just now getting home from her work at Dairy Queen. What had she been up to after her shift ended? I had fallen asleep waiting for her to get home and begin her seduction into Clint's harem. I sat in my bathrobe, naked beneath,...

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My Wifes Surprise

My Wife’s Surprise Linda said, “After bowling tonight Jenny said that she wants to lick my pussy.” I lit up and replied, “GREAT! Tell me all about it afterwards.” Linda said, “I won’t have too. You’ll be right there.” Surprised I said, “Wow, I get to watch.” My wife then said, “Not only do you get to watch but you get fuck Jenny while she does it.” I smiled and said, “I’ve died and gone to heaven. Jenny is a ten in any man’s book.” Linda said, “Not only do you get to...

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Old Uncle But Lucky Me

Hey people, all start by introducing themselves and so shall I. My name is Jiya and am 22 from Pune. If the story is long which I guess it isn’t but if it is then don’t mind This story is a real incident which happened to me about 5 months ago when my dad’s sister and her hubby had come home to stay for 2 weeks, I already had caught my uncle staring at my boobs on the first day itself and he smiled after that which I ignored. About him he was in his late 40s and was little dark and strong body...

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Child MagusAppendix

Once again, the here are the women appearing in Child Magus, in order of appearance... First appearing in chapter 1: Brigette Woods is based on the physical appearance of Model Bambi Woods. The character is 41 years old, with hazel eyes, and blond, wavy, mid-back length hair. She's Caucasian, has a slim build, stands 5' 9" (1.75 m), and weighs 135 lbs (61.23 kg). Her measurements are 38-24-38 in (97-61-97 cm) and her bust is 32E (81E). Erica Carmichael is based on the physical...

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Staying with the family

“Hmm.. hm hm..” I hum to the sound of the radio. Though the song is unknown, I am still able to follow the catchy instrumental in the back ground. Humming. That’s only something I do when i’m nervous and god, why wouldn’t I be nervous? After all, it’s been 4 years now since you left. Why would you have stayed anyways. That comment he made was the last straw anyways. I vowed never to return to that house again unless he leaves and oh boy, has your request been accepted. Although long and time...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 28 And She Shall Have

The chiming of a clock spilled its gentle melody into the warmth of the night, blending with the soft, steady sounds of the lovers' breath. Peaceful night reigned for the moment. Suddenly, a streak of unnatural crimson light shot across the surface of the ornate mirror that stood next to an armoire. When the streak touched the center of the mirror, it halted and began to pulse and grow until the entire glass suffused its bloody hue. The light in the center of the mirror darkened as it began...

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The Ultimate Receptionist 8211 Pune

I accidentally happened to visit this website and over a period of time started liking the sex stories and the experiences out here. Here I am today with my personal encounter with an office colleague of mine. feedback, suggestions, complains, proposals are welcome at Let me take all you guys to a few months back when it all started. I have recently joined this company in Pune and There happened to be a really hot and sexy receptionist with great assets, 34B-28-36. Let’s call her Diya. She was...

1 year ago
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En Ammavai Soothaditha Chinna Pasanga

Hi friends this is my first story. En peyar saravan nan clge 2rd year padikuren. Nan en amma othathu 12 pdikum pothuthan. En amma name aswathy pakka nalla kunda konjm karupa irupa pakka thevidiya methiri irupa. Ava mola size 36 nalla shape aana vairu and enaku pidicha edamey ava kundithan 44 size rendu periya waterbag vachathu mathiri irukum. Ava nadakum pothu ava kundi nalla kuthikum yaru pathalum.Antha kundi ku poola vachu thechu ulla yeraka than papanga. Ava night market lan pova pona 1 hr...

2 years ago
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relative wedding my with hot mature aunt

Last week I was invited to a relative wedding and the place was 3 hours from my city. The arrangements was taken care by the parents of my cousin, the one getting married. Once I arrived with my family I found out that I was supposed to sleep at my aunt house while my parents went to my cousin's inlaw. My aunt is a distant relative that I haven't seen since at least 5 years. She's 53 years old and a bit chubby with huge tits and a big fat ass, she's the kind of woman that always act...

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RebelChapter 46 The Marines Bride

Our ambush had produced a light carriage, piled high with chests and boxes, and containing a British captain of Marines and his charming, young wife, all frills and ribbons, teary-eyed and wobble-chinned after a loud, rough trip to our hilly place of encampment. We had shot down their two outriders and then killed the driver when he produced a horse pistol. The big, bluff Marine sputtered and swore as we trussed him up, and all of us ogled and gawked at his lovely bride who hung to his arm...

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Tying me down

I had never been in a truly functional, mutually satisfying, and comfortable sexual relationship with someone. They had all been either one-sided (three guesses whose side was favored…not mine), unfulfilling, or sex-less. I was so tired of being asked what I wanted, and unless I gave Google Maps-worthy directions, I didn’t get anything. I know it’s hard for guys to understand what I need as a woman, but sometimes we want to be taken and just play around. You know, just experiment! Sometimes we...

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Charmed 1

Disclaimer: This is an erotic story. You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, and not be offended by the contents of it. If you are not 18, live in an overly repressed community, or are easily offended, move on. This is not for you.This is also a parody and as such is protected under the first amendment. I do not claim to own the characters used herein, I'm just borrowing them for a little while, and there is no intent to use the characters for profit. Any...

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Another Day Another FantasyMy Sexy Neighbors

     Well day one of my vacation was great, let’s see what today brings, this was my thought as I awoke alone in bed, my bed and entire bedroom smelling like sex. Wow what a day and night I just had, fucking a sexy blonde mother and her young sexy daughter just doesn’t get any better than that. I showered, letting the hot water melt away some of the soreness from my body, it felt great, after 20 minutes of this I was feeling pretty good. I prepared a grand slam breakfast for myself consisting...

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We changed for school, and found Katie in the kitchen fixing breakfast. She heated up a plate of noodles with a couple of chunks of chicken for me while they had bacon, eggs and toast. As much as I enjoyed it, I realized that I needed to eat healthier. I guess I can start that next week sometime. As we readied for school Jan and Ally came out of her room... “Sorry kids, we overslept.” “No problem, Janice. I took care of them,” Katie said. Jennifer asked, “May I drive this one time?” “OK...

1 year ago
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Sexy Housewife Latha And Her Cousin Brother

Disclaimer: The following story and the characters in it are purely fictional. Hi, I am Danny from Tirupati. I am going to narrate a fictional incest story between two cousins. The main character of the story is, “Latha.” I will narrate the story as Latha. My name is Latha. I was married to a fit guy who was very interested in sex and broad-minded. Ours was a love marriage. After the marriage, we moved to Hyderabad for a living and settled very well and had a baby girl who was 2 years old...

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The lesbian humiliations of Peta 1 A new submissive life

“Peta, I asked you for this chat, this talk because you’re heading for trouble in this office. Your male coworkers complain you don’t socialize with them, not here or outside, with a drink or even a cup of coffee. Since you’re a beautiful girl, I don’t miss their point. They want a chance to flirt and some to lay you in bed. But your great trouble comes from your female coworkers. They said it’s ok you’re shy, but some are openly hostile against you for they think you’re a closet lesbian and...

2 years ago
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Bebe Goes To Hollywood 1

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, everyone. I know it's been a good long while since I last posted a Bebe story, but, to be perfectly honest, the delay is all your fault. See, I'm not a cross-dresser or gender-fluid or anything else. I just fantasize and write stories for fun. The problem is, you all have embraced Bebe so lovingly that I am scared to death of ruining one of my favorite characters or your image of Bebe. You have all been so generous with your comments and emails that I want to do my...

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Maa Ko Sote Wakt Choda

Hii,mera name Avnish hai.Mai Jamshedpur ka rehne wala huun.abhi mai 12th ka padhai kar raha hu,aur mujhe aunties ke sath sex karne mai kafi maaja aata hai. Mera figure mast hai,Lund 6.5 inch and 3 inch chouda… Ab mai apni maa ke baare me batata hu,wo bohot hi sundar hai.Unka figure 36,32,38 hai,mai dekhta hu to pagal sa ho jaata hu.Unke chuchi kaafi sudol hai.mai apni maa ko pehle kavi buri najro se nahi dekhta tha,magar kuch ghatnao ne mere aandar ke janvar ko jaga diya.Humare family me sirf 4...

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Shrinking Potential

For some people, life is a hard.Alan is not one of these people. Alan's life hasn't really provided him with any struggle. He doesn't get to do anything he wants, but because of his overly supportive parents, he doesn't have to worry about much of anything either. Mainly, Alan's life is just blah. Alan is a 20-year-old virgin. His parents have a decent amount of money— more than enough to keep the bills paid, food on the table, and clothes on his back, and access to most of life's luxuries....

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Dowagers Deception

Part One – Galas and GardensNancy Bates slowly made her way through the well-dressed crowd clustered outside the main ballroom at the Fairmount Hotel Vancouver, waiting to get inside. She spotted her friend up ahead and waved and watched as her close friend Alice Berry spoke to one man guarding the entrance. The man looked her way and then split the crowd to allow Nancy to make it to the entrance. Posters on either side of the entrance broadcasted the Annual British Columbia Cancer Foundation...

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Shobha My Neighbour Aunty

In my c***dhood days, I used to stay at a day care in our neighbourhood when my parents used to be at work. It was run by a c***dless lady. Her name was Shobha name changed and I used to call her aunty. I stayed there from early c***dhood till I was 12-13. So I still have good relations with Shobha aunty, and I meet her frequently those were the days during my undergraduate engineering college at that time.Shobha was around 40, but she looked like a 30 year old woman. I started getting sexually...

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Tied Up AuntChapter 2

Nine o'clock at night and Martin Reinhard was floating in a blissful state halfway between waking and dreaming. His long, lean, well-muscled body was immersed in a steaming hot bath. His mind was immersed in lustful thoughts of the afternoon's activities with Anne Roxbury. How they had fucked! After he'd tit-fucked the girl to climax and come off in her mouth, she had sucked his mighty prick hard as he went down on her, lashing her pussy oils to a froth with his knowing tongue. Then he...

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Danny And The Black Twins

Danny and the Black Twins It was a beautiful day, the kind of spring weather that made Danny Codwallop horny.  He walked quickly through the doors of the Fuggledix Community College, and headed for the central atrium.  The administration office was just on the other side of the indoor courtyard, with its tropical trees reaching halfway to the glass roof four stories above, and this was the last week to register for courses.  He was taking his lunch break to be here and didn’t want to be late...

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Alison Goes To London Chapter 16 A Jolly Good Fucker

Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday to you,Fucky Birthday, dear Alison,Fucky Birthday to you!“Surprise!” There was a chorus of cheers, and Alison felt her blindfold being untied. She looked around and gasped at the sight of Claire’s room, decorated with bunting and banners displaying messages like “Happy 19th – to a True Whore!” and “Many Fucky Returns!” Little pink paper cocks, tits and asses, dangling from ribbons, festooned the room, which was dominated by a huge poster of a gaping asshole,...

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Workplace adventures

I had just been transferred to a new department at work. I'd come up with a new idea, and the big wigs liked it, so I'd been given the somewhat staggering task of actually leading the project. Along with the new responsibilities came a new office in another part of the building. I decided to get a head start and came in early to move my stuff over into my new office. As I carried my things, I looked around hoping to see who I would be working with, but all I saw was a lot of windowless offices,...

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Nursery Crime

An Adult Female Domination Tale By Miss Irene Clearmont ------------------------------- There was a little nurse who had a little curl Right in the middle of her forehead; When she was good, she was so very, very good, And when she was bad she was more than horrid. ------------------------------- Copyright © Miss Irene Clearmont 2012 (Sept). ------------------------------- Find the PDF version of this story...

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GenerationsChapter 4 Pizza and Plans

Lauren grinned to herself as she remembered that first weekend. She had been so nervous with Peter, and after they had sixty-nined and then made love on the carpet in front of the fireplace, she had nervously asked him if he would stay the night. Peter had taken her into his arms and held her tightly, whispering that he would stay as long as she wanted. They had spent the night on the floor there, with throw pillows and a comforter, and neither got very much sleep. Saturday, Peter had taken...

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MomIsHorny Robbin Banx Quiz For Tits

Robbin Banx is learning some American pronunciations. She decides to ask her stepson for some help. She asks him to quiz her and he doesn’t want to. She offers to let him grab her tits if he’ll quiz her. He agrees and it gets steamy pretty quick. He starts to finger her and she throws him on the table to really get dirty. She gives him an amazing blowjob before taking him into the bedroom and fucking him like never before. They fuck in multiple positions, she makes her perfect ass...

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Mrs Armstrong

I grew up in a very small town. Well, I didn’t even grow up in it, I actually had to grow up outside of town. It was a simple life for my family.Starting in our early teens, my brother and I started mowing lawns. It was a good job for us, being in school. We’d go to school and mow lawns in the evenings or weekends. When summertime rolled around, we’d do even more.The majority of our customers were older people and some small businesses. We did it for years, continuing to do the same customers...

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DarkFyre Chapter Seven

The shop was claustrophobic. Despite the blustery cold outside, the room was oppressively hot. Four sooty wall sconces cast off a weak glow. The rest of the light came from two stone hearths in opposite corners of the room banked high with logs, radiating uncomfortable warmth. Several braziers were set around the room, adding to the heat. They threw off a heavy shroud of incense and scented smoke, cloyingly sweet. Behind the sweetness of the incense lingered a pervasive mustiness, the smell of...

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The 3rd man

The call started and I first saw her beautiful smile as she says “Hi Daddy”. He spaghetti strap top was falling off her shoulders as she tried to readjust the, I immediately realized she had gotten started before calling me. She sat the phone down on a table and tried to adjust it so the majority of the room was visible to me. The quality of the call was superb, I could see everything clearly, everything including the two black men sitting on the bed behind her. I could also hear well enough as...

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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 3 A New Moon RisesChapter 3

As I approached the area the sound had come from, I nocked an arrow, just in case. There was no telling what I had snared, and there was always a chance a predator would attempt to claim my prize. As I closed the distance, I tried to change my focus, to listen to what was happening around me. Though there was some movement, it was nothing nearby, but I did not plan to drop my guard, even for a moment. Soon the snare was within sight, a rabbit had been caught, but not killed. A quick twist of...

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More Than Words Ch 01

As always: Thanks to ‘Alpineskier’ for editing. Thanks to ‘Doc’ for writing Jim’s character. More than Words: Code, Honor, Discipline ‘Upon my code of honor, with the discipline of my being, I am bound to serve and protect you with my life and sword’ * My mother and I live as second class citizens in our own home. No, let me correct that. The maid, butler, and the chef live better than my mother and I. On the random day I see my father, it is usually from a distance and I receive a small...

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It's mid afternoon, Saturday night and Hugh was dog tired after a long day at work, so he decided to take a nap, before going anywhere. As soon as he lies down, the doorbell rings. He answers the door and it's Gary with his , Fiona, and some other unknown girl. "Hubie, what's up, man, can we come in?" Gary asks. "Come on in, I'm tired as hell right now though. I'm not really up for anything too wild tonight." "That's cool" said Fiona. As soon as everyone is in, Hugh asks "So who's this?"...

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Mom and friend hypnotized

Hello, My name is Andrew Thompson, and I'm going to tell you all about how I hypnotized my mom and her best friend, But First I'm going to tell you about myself, I'm 5'15, short brown hair, hazel eyes, great body, I attend High School, I'm the captain of the boy's High School, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, and Rugby Teams, I'm also president of the student body and a member of the FFA, I live in a house in a shaded, gated, tree-line neighborhood with my Mom Julie Thompson. Julie Thompson...

Mind Control
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Bad Teacher Ch 07

Chapter 07: Carmen and Ryan goes shoppingThe next day Peter arrived home and throughout the rest of the week, Carmen and I tried to get together, whenever we could. But it had proven difficult, so on those rare occasions when Peter and Tony was both away from the house, we would get together for an hour or so of fiery copulation. The sex at these times was always incredibly hot and intense because Carmen and I had been watching one another from a distance, checking out each others bodies,...

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Mausi Ki Ladki Ko Seduce Karke Choda

By : Ravishankar001 Hi mera naam Ravi Sharma hai n mai lucknow me rehta hoon this is my 1st story & ye meri real story hai baki jise jo samajhna ho samjhe real or fake vaise mai aaj kal bahut chudasa hoon aur ek koi girl ya aunty dhoondh reha hoon jo meri garmi ko kam kar sake aur jo lucknow ki ho. agar kisi gal/aunt ko ye story pasand ati hai to vo mujhe mail kar sakti  hai Ab mai story shuru karta hoon ye story last tyear ki hai meri mummy meri mausi ki ladki kajal ko gaon se leke aayi thi...

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