Destined To Be Ch. 02 free porn video

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So I decided to continue the story after reading some feed back. I tried for something longer this time but I’ll warn you now I did a switch were Mark’s side is more seen and April’s is smaller. Where in the first chapter April was the main show. Any who hope you enjoy this installment and look out for new ones, hopefully coming soon! Feed back is much loved –SugarDay


My breathing was becoming more and more erratic, sweat covered my whole body. I had this nightmare before but it felt so real this time. I kept screaming ‘Wake up! You don’t want to be here. Wake up!’ What was I going to do I couldn’t go through this again. It was horrible just to think of but to live it again, I would never survive.

I sat straight up in bed finally being shocked out of that hell of a nightmare. I tried to calm down reaching to my right to gain some comfort from April. My hand stilled on the cold empty side of the bed. It all started coming back to me I was living my own waking nightmare. ‘Damn it, I need to find her.’ I said to no one.

I got out of bed stumbling in the dark to the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face and turned to take in my surroundings as the light flickered on. The dingy motel room was deteriorating all around. ‘What the hell am I doing here?’ Miles from home and probably nowhere near April.

I looked into any possible place I thought she might be. Called up every friend and family member’s number trying to find her. They all blundered through the conversation with pitiful excuse of not having a clue. This was the third seedy motel I had been to this month. I rubbed my hand down my face feeling the strain of continuing my search but along with that came the anger reminding me to keep looking.

April had been missing from my life for almost a month and a half. The betrayal still felt fresh in my veins. I felt like an idiot, why had I taken her for granted like that. Walking through life so sure that no matter the wall that I started to put up between us she would stay by my side. The thoughts started to raise my temperature.

My blood boiled. ‘It’s not like that bitch even cared when I started pushing her away.’ She just went about with her everyday life like she didn’t even need me. I didn’t like the feeling I was used to her needing me, because I needed her.

Flashes of her smiling face went through my mind. When we first met in college the way she looked at me turned me inside out. The way I felt with her was so different from any other girl. I’ll admit I was cocky at first no matter how she made me feel. I thought I could leave her like I did many times before with other girls. It wasn’t until the first night I spent with her that I realized I would never let her go. I remember it like it was yesterday…

*4 years ago*

I heard a knock on my dorm room door. ‘Who the hell?’ It was three in the morning for Christ’s sake!

I opened the door to her beautiful face. I hate mushy romantic guys but she took my breath away every time I saw her, it slightly irked me that she had that power. But hey we all have been mushy like that at sometime or another.


‘I’m so sorry Mark, I wasn’t really paying attention to the time…Uhg, What the heck am I doing?.. Sorry I gotta go.’ She turned to walk back down the hallway. She seemed so flustered and made me worry that something was wrong.

‘April! Wait! What’s going on? Are you okay?’

She turned around and I gently grabbed her arm to take her with me into my dorm room and shut the door behind us. I didn’t particularly like when she tried to make her fast little get a ways.

‘Seriously April are you okay?’

‘I’m fine…I just…No forget about it…I really should get back to my dorm.’ She wouldn’t look me in the eyes, I didn’t like this at all.

‘Not until you tell me what’s wrong.’

She continued to look anywhere but my face. We had been dating a few months I knew something was up with her. I grabbed her chin to make her look at me. She looked on the verge of tears, which automatically put me on edge.

‘Do you even like me Mark?’

‘What the hell type of question was that?’ I thought to myself but out loud ‘Baby you know I more than just like you. What would even make you think different?’

‘Some girls where talking about how good you had gave it to some girlfriend of theirs last year and how they wished they could get in on the action…O God, I’m sorry I must sound so insecure.’ She tried to look down at her hands again.

I tightened my hold on her chin so that I was sure she heard what I was saying. ‘Don’t listen to girls like that sweetheart. Like you said that happened before I met you. You know you’re the only girl I’m with. You mean way too much for me to screw this up.’ I hadn’t meant for the last part to slip but I was trying to reassure her. At the same time though it was getting harder and harder to deny the way I felt about her, even though I was putting up my best fight.

‘I know…I…’ She cut of her statement to just stare into my eyes. I couldn’t really read the look in her eyes but started to worry about what she saw in mine. Did she see how much I felt for her?

All the sudden her arms where over my shoulders and around my neck. Her lips crashed into mine with such an intensity I couldn’t help the groan that vibrated deep in my throat. I wasn’t sure who instigated the kiss but I sure as hell never wanted it to stop.

I never pressured her into sexual thing with me, she just wasn’t that kind of girl. But right now with her body pressed so close to mine any thought of being a gentleman flew from my mind. Fuck she was so hot.

I ran my hands up and down her sides. Brushing my thumbs along her rib cage, then my hands slide down to grasp her lovely ass in my hands. She was making me crazy, kissing my neck while starting to unbutton my shirt.

I took that as my go ahead to start ripping the clothes off her dynamite body. Before she knew what hit her I had her down to her matching white lace bra and panty set. She barely had my shirt off by then but I barely took notice. I was starting to lose my cool even more, there was no way she knew what an image she made before me. The innocence was there but also the unmistakable lust. My heart was beating so hard I felt like it would rip from my chest.

I picked her up to carry her to my bed. All the while she grinded against me still trying to get my stubborn shirt off and breathing in sexy little pants. My brain was still trying to process how I had gotten so lucky as I gently laid her down on the bed.

I hovered over her staring down at her thinking things I knew no twenty one year old guy in a semi-serious relationship with an nineteen year old girl while both are still in college should be thinking. I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts away.

My clothes started to feel way to restraining and April just didn’t seem to get them off fast enough. I gave them the same treatment her clothes got and threw them on the floor behind me. I was so anxious to feel her baby soft skin against my skin. I got down to my boxers, not that they hid my excitement real well, and eased onto the bed on top of her.

I wanted to kiss every inch of her skin but knew I couldn’t hold out long enough to complete the task. The urge to be inside her tight little curvy body was overwhelming me.

I unclasped her bra while kissing her neck and worked my way down to peaks so hard they could of cut glass. She squirmed under me as I paid due attention to such a beautiful set of tits, I wanted to live there for the rest of my life. I licked her nipples till they glistened reflecting from the subtle light coming in the window from the street lamp outside.

Following a path down her body that seemed like a trip to heaven to me, I ended up between her toned thighs. I dipped my tongue into the slight dent of her belly button before teasing the edg
e of her panties with my teeth and lips.

‘Mark please…please.’ The sound of April breathlessly begging me to continue made my blood run so hot I thought Id embarrass myself and cum in my boxers.

Easing her panties down her legs, I let out a groan at the sight before me. Fuck was anything on this girl not beautiful, because if there was hell if I could see it.

I licked her lips from top to bottom before endeavoring inside. She had a sweet taste with a slight tang that I knew I could become addicted to. After my first taste all I wanted was to make her cum on my tongue. I reached her clit and swirled around it a few times, her hips arched so far off the bed I was worried shed buck me off of her.

God, she was so responsive. I was barely down on her for a minute, alternating swirling her clit and plunging my tongue in and out of her entrance before it happened. Her thighs tensed up and I smiled into her pussy knowing what was about to take over her. She arched of the bed once again but this time grabbed my head to keep me in place.

‘Mark, Mark, Mark…don’t stop.’ She chanted my name over and over like that then she let out a moan that sound like it came from deep inside and then relaxed back on my bed.

I was a bit in awe. I had never seen a girl get off so good on just oral. I worked my way back up her body till we were face to face again. She was flushed and had a dazed look in her eyes. It was such a beautiful sight, I dived in for a kiss hopping she didn’t mind the taste of herself on my lips.

She responded to my kiss in a way that I knew exactly what she needed. As we continued kissing each other all over I eased my boxers off. I felt lucky that I didn’t need to grab a condom because I had saw her pop birth control pills a few times when she thought I wasn’t looking. I knew it seemed a bit presumptuous of me but I want to feel all of April with nothing between us.

‘Mark, that was amazing…I never thought.’ She cut herself off and started blushing. I smiled I must of given her better oral than any past boyfriend, the news gave me a sense of pride.

I traveled one had between her legs while the other tweaked a nipple much to her delight. I eased one finger into her, damn she was tight but she was also nice and slick for me. I looked into her eyes and saw that she was lost in what my hands were doing to her. I continued playing with her tits as I placed myself at her entrance. Her eyes seemed to semi focus at the feeling. She looked at me and made my heart stop her eyes were filed with adoration, need, trust, and love. I felt lost in her eyes and then kissed her like a man that was starving and just for her.

I knew most girls had to be eased into taking a guy with my size of cock so I was used to pushing in slow but damn this was a snug fit. I got so concentrated on getting inside her that I didn’t feel her tense beneath me. This was like nothing I had ever felt before, no girl should be able to feel this good.

My senses went on over load and I knew I had to bring her pleasure quick because I wasn’t going to be lasting very long. After stretching her a few time I felt she was ready for me to make that nice long slide home.

It was a second to late that I realized my mistake. As I plunged in I felt her innocence give way to me and with how much force I had put behind my thrust I ended up continuing to go until I was up to the hilt in her.

That’s when she let lose a muffled scream of pain as she buried her head into the crook in my neck. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck how could I be so stupid?’


‘I’m okay just don’t move yet, please.’

‘April…why didn’t you tell me?’

She seemed hesitant to answer. ‘Uhg…Mark who really wants to mess with the naive virgin?…Don’t answer that but you get my point, you wouldn’t of wanted me if you had known.’

‘What the fuck is she talking about?’ I wanted her more than ever. Just the thought that I was the only guy ever to touch her made my cock swell bigger.

‘Ow, O uhg…Mark?’

‘I’m sorry sweetheart, I can’t help it…just tell me when you’re ready.’ Even though I was elated and she felt so damn good, I still didn’t want to hurt her.

She caught me by surprise when she gently rolled her hips on me. All the air left my lungs in a whoosh and I grabbed her hips to halt her moves.

‘Mmm…Mark don’t stop me its starting to feel so good’ This was all said in a whisper sort of moan into my ear.

‘O, Fuck!’ I was so losing my control over this situation and fast.

I let go of her hip and April started her sensuous hip rolls again. I started slow but deep thrusts into her. To me she seemed enraptured, nothing coherent fell from her lips just moans and gasps.

I knew there wasn’t a chance in hell I could last this was just too hot. I doubled my efforts to bring her to pleasure. My thrusts became harder and I palmed her tits while kissing everything I could get to.

Her back arched and her thrusts back at me became more powerful, she was close. I kissed her with all I had inside me and my thrusts turned into me pounding into her. I briefly worried that I was hurting her but the sounds she made when we came up for air more than reassured me.

‘Mark, Mar, Mar, Mar, MARKKK!’

I watched her face as she fell off of what seemed to be a never ending cliff. Damn she was gorgeous. The way she smiled through her whole orgasm and the feeling of her walls clenching me in what felt light a tight fist is what brought me over.

One, two, three more powerful thrusts. Then I buried myself as deep as I would go and groaned a long and slow.


Once I came down from my high all I could do was hold her. In that moment all I wanted to do was tell her how much she meant to me how much I loved her. But I thought twice about it because I never wanted her to think I was saying these things just because I got what I wanted. I wanted her to know I meant every world straight from my heart.

My thoughts were interrupted by a light breathy snore. I chuckled under my breath she had already drifted off in her post orgasmic bliss. I laid staring at her and knew I was a goner. She was my heart and my everything. I wanted her for the rest of my life. I needed her like nothing ever before. As I drifted of to sleep I couldn’t help but think over and over that I was the luckiest guy in the world.


Great now I was hard as steel just from the memory. I looked into the mirror and sneered at myself. I was such a fool to think she even needed me the way I needed her.

God, the more I saw her not needing me the farther I pulled away from her. But where the fuck did she get the idea that she should leave. I didn’t care if we were sleeping in different rooms, I still wanted her with me.

I looked through some notes on possible places for her to be. She promised herself to me, said she loved me, and married me. I intended to make her live up to her vows…now all I had to do was find her.


I walked from the bathroom with tears streaming down my face. I could barely breathe. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid!’

My best friend from childhood and into high school, Brian, watched me pace back and forth in his living room. Worry was written all over his handsome face. Finally I looked at him coming to a stand still.

‘What do I do? How could I of let this happen?’

‘You didn’t exactly do this by yourself April.’

‘How could I be so stupid Brian?’

Anger briefly flashed across his face as he got up from his seat on the couch. He walked up to me as I began to cry in earnest and wrapped me in a big hug.

‘Shhh…It’s alright you need to calm down. It’s not that bad.’

‘But what do I do?’

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Chapter 15: The Avalanche - The Finale "All right, here's what we're gonna do," said Tiffany. "Lulu, you're still dying for more cock, so I'm gonna turn you over to Ebony, for the last ride of the day. If that doesn't satisfy a nymphomaniac like you, I'm not sure what else we can do around here." "Don't worry, Tiffany," said Ebony. "I'll fuck Lulu so hard, she'll be lucky if she doesn't pass out." "Ooh! Promises, promises!" Lulu squealed with delight. All Toppsy could do was shake her...

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BarbaraChapter 36

Ten days had passed and King had truly settled in with Marty and Kelly. They had just returned from the office to their apartment and Kelly Maguire, after quickly stripping off all of her clothes, licked her lips saying, "I'm first tonight." Then to King she said, "My fountain awaits your pleasure, my darling!" The tiger lay down before her, raised his tongue to her labia and began to work on her slit. Looking down at her loins across her flat belly she realized that she no longer had...

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Letters from Hannah

Hannah December 28, 2010 at 8:50pm Baby, oh baby its gonna be a long 4 months or 6 months or however long it takes for you to bring your sexy ass back here to me. Just know that when you get here its on like freakin donkey kong. You had better put aside at least 4 days to a week because im sucking you completely dry, you will not be able to walk, move and your brain will not be able to function at a higher capacity once im done with you. i have had to wait 6 months already and had nothing but...

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Down in the Basement

The play after-party was done, and Jonathan and Daniel were in Jonathan's downstairs basement/room. Jon's parents were asleep, and Jonathan and Daniel were having some fun because they had swiped some beers from the fridge before coming down. Now, chilling in some La-Z-Boys, Jon and Daniel began to talk as the TV blared some late-night program. "That was a fun play," Jon said. "We did indeed put a lot of work into it," Daniel replied, sipping on his beer. "It was such hard work," Jon says....

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CynthiaChapter 14 Cynthia

When I returned from Fort Sill, the house was in order, the dishes were all put away and I found Alyssa and Ashley both at their desks working. What a surprise to find them doing what they should be doing. When I went in to kiss them both, they seemed genuinely happy to see me. I suppose it represented both the relief to know that someone was here and that they honestly missed me. Alyssa hugged me longer than usual and smiled a lot. That felt good inside. We quickly decided that the first...

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The Origin of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer

[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Origins of Agent Suzzanne MidsummerCHAPTER 1 Dave the Fixer carefully he poured the powder mix from the fold of crisp white paper into the neck of the champagne bottle, the powder fizzing as it made contact with the charged contents. He held the bottle up to the light to ensure it was...

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Lata Aunty

Hello friends sbse pehle sb ldkio ki choot ko mra pyar bhra pranam to mai ab story pe aata hu ye mere ek frnd himanshu ki real story jo ab india me nhi rehta aage ki khani himanshu ki zubani ye baat ek saal pehle ki h jb mene newly house shift kia tha n is sector me hm kisi ko jaante nhi thy n us time Ghr me thoda renovation chl ra tha us time hmare hmare uper waale mkaan me ek aunty apne 2 ldko k sth rhti thi uska pti zada tr tour pe rehta tha uska naam lata tha wo krib 32 saal ki thi n sexy...

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Deep Secret Ch 30 Nepenthe

A final scene, one that you’re unable to forget, is always a good idea. The final shot in Casablanca is a classic with the slow pan upward as we see Louis and Rick walking across the wet tarmac, Rick saying something like ‘You know, Louie, this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.’ From my recollection the voice-over was added after the scene was shot, but the movie wouldn’t be the same without it. (This is right after Louis gets to repeat the famous ‘Round up the usual suspects’...

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Dear Abby

Dear Abby, I need your help. My wife and I taught self defense classes together, we ran our own gym, and everything was perfect. We did everything together, two of the beautiful people, and who couldn't be happier.That was before the great shift last month. My life is upside down ever since. I was going out for the evening with my wife. My Mother had come over to babysit our 3 year old son Harold. Then as with most of the world, our lives forever changed. I found myself in my wife's...

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Fun On A Spring Day

Lisa and I would often go out on nice weather days and enjoy the outdoors. On these days, depending on her mood, Lisa would wear some kind of outfit that would show off her body in some way. More often than not, I could look down her blouse or in from the side.This day Lisa was in that kind of mood. Lisa was wearing a nice pair of shorts that made it easy to realize that she had nice legs and she was fit. With a nice wrap around top that from the side or if she was to bend over, you could look...

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The Choice

Deena’s Story Tears ran down my face as I walked up the garden path towards our new house. Blinded by the sadness, I couldn’t find the keyhole as the key scraped over the brass lock. My shoulders shuddered while I let out another cry for help. “Toby!” The door opened and I fell into the arms of my love. “Fuckin hell... what’s up with you, Rainy Face?” I didn’t know how to tell him. So I just spilled the words from my mouth. “I lost it. I don’t know what to do. I’m scared.” “Lost what?” “My...

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Roommate ShiftChapter 3

“Aaah!” Cynthia nearly screamed. Her body bucked as the hot wax strip was pulled away from her crotch. “Don’t worry. I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Estley assured her. Robert had mentioned that he liked a well shaved woman. Cynthia eagerly wanted to please him. So she had asked her older Asian friend for help. The burning sensation in her crotch was more than she had bargained for though. “I should have asked what Hannah does.” The redhead moaned. “Just a few more strips.” Estley said...

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Becoming His Play Doll Part 1

My name is Tori, I'm 5'8 and weigh 125 pounds. I just turned 18 not even a month ago. I have blond hair which stops at my waist and blue eyes. My favorite feature of mine are my 36 D breast, I feel so blessed. I just moved in with my best friends' brother Jason into his apartment in New York. It is a short term solution but honestly I couldn't be happier about it, I have always been insanely attracted to him and being so close to him is driving me crazy. He is 4 years older than me but we kinda...

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An Experience With Chat Friend In LKO 8211 Part I

Hi everybody, Its been a long time since I posted any of my real experiences…. Actually in the past ! and half year I did not have any sexual contact till last week… Let me introduce myself first… I’m Silver (ISS Name) just turned 30, single, presently in Lucknow. I’m 5’8, healthy, with a 7.5inch long tool.Coming to the incidence…… I had been chatting with this girl name Cherry, 27, tall, fair, average looking . We had met in a yahoo chat room and had been chating for almost an year, we used to...

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My GF Tells Story of Fucking her Coworker

**These stories are 100% true, My friend writes me stories from her past often. I copy & Paste & Post, ENKOY!!** So I worked at his job for 7 years one of the only nice looking women in a warehouse full of men. I got hit on every single day there but there was one dude who I was actually interested in physically. Literally my first thought when I saw him day one was "I would fuck the shit outta him" He was 7ft tall dark and gorgeous. His smile soaked my panties EVERY TIME. But I...

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KinkySpa Gizelle Blanco Takes advantage of a free massage at the Kinky Spa

Gizelle Blanco is sitting around when she gets a phone call from Ramon at the Kinky Spa. She hasn’t been in a while and they are offering a free massage, who would turn down a freaking free massage. Gizelle shoots on over and is on the table in no time getting through some chit chat with Ramon when he starts to show her what she has been missing out on. He massages her tight pussy with his tongue first before penetrating her with his massive cock. Gizelle can’t help being satisfied...

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The Piano Bar Ch 22

‘I hate you, you know that!?’ you half-yell, trying to get over the sound of your own laughter as you close the door of your apartment behind me. ‘Yeah, yeah.’ I throw back at you over my shoulder as I look around the place, checking random doors. ‘You can say that as many times as you like, but you very well know your mind and body are saying the exact opposite – especially the latter.’ ‘Psh, yeah ri-….. Hey! Where’re you going?’ In a surprised yell you follow me as I’ve disappear into the...

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Handsome I and Ugly ThemChapter 4 Boycott

Behind Dana was one of my two best friends, Leon. Leon is a complicated person to live with since he most often does not know when he overdoes his pranks and jokes. Unlike Greg, who is funny and naturally amusing, Leon tries to be but ends up failing most of the time. Often, he exaggerates in his pranks, which makes others easily hate him. To become friends with him, it was difficult. At first, he made jokes about how I looked, or about other things that bothered me, and I thought he was...

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Eighteent Century Justice

Eighteenth Century Justice Chapter 1. Annette is hired as a servant Annette is sixteen years old. She is the humble subject, one of the least important, of his glorious majesty, Louis XIV, king of France by the grace of God. The year is 1713. Annette lives in a small town called Grenade in southern France. Her parents are both dead. Her mother died when Annette was just ten. Her father died recently. He had been a good blacksmith, but after his wife died he became a drunkard. There was nothing...

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The toilet brush part 2

The woman i assumed was his wife walked into the dining. She froze in shock when she saw me, her mouth forming an o shape."Go in the kitchen honey, Il explain all of this later" Master was trying to be calm, but i could see the panic in his eyes.The woman pulled herself together. I could tell she was angry."No i wont go in the kitchen 'honey'. This is her isnt it? your 'slave'? the dirty fucking whore. I borrowed your laptop, i saw the sick sites you go on. I just hopd it wasnt true. Arent i...

3 years ago
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Mia Chapter 10 Spring Break Part I

Mia felt the cold breeze of the air-conditioning make the hairs on her arm stand on end. The warmth from the setting sun was still beating down outside the car. Looking over to the driver seat through drowsy eyes, she smiled inwardly at herself as she admired the view of her boyfriend Jesse. They had already crossed quite a few state lines as they got closer and closer to their spring break retreat. Daytona Beach was the destination and they were planning to stay for the full week. Mia relaxed...

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the sisters part 1

Main characters: Ryan: 17, high school senior, blonde hair, 5’9, athletic, tall, 6-pac, 7.5” dick Lisa: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan‘s sister, slim, 5’4, slim, slender frame, 36B, nice round ass Lindsey: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan’s sister, slim, 5’3, 34B, nice round ass Chapter 1 “ Hey Ryan, tomorrow could you accompany us to this advert we saw on the net, please?” Lisa, my 14 year old sister asked me with one of her puppy eyes look. I saw the ad with the address...

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Disparate HousewivesChapter 5 American Gothic

Toni Black was standing before the dresser in Marcia’s bedroom, leaning forward and examining her complexion in the mirror. “Am I getting a blemish? Is this a zit?” she yelled, peering closely at her nose. The stereo was blaring loudly. The bedroom window was wide open. A scented candle was flickering on the dresser alongside an incense stick which was smoking. You almost couldn’t smell the marijuana the two girls had been smoking. Almost. “What?” said Marcia loudly, over the music. “I...

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Nadine and Her FriendsChapter 12

It seems like an eternity, but probably is only about 30 minutes or so later, when Charlie and Henrietta return from whatever they were doing in another part of the house. Although I can't get a good view of her ass and pussy, it appears that there is cum leaking from both of her fuck holes. They must have gone upstairs for rounds two and three of Charlie's three-hole conquest of Henrietta. However, Charlie is about to prove that Henrietta is truly one of his slaves – just like me. He...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 8 Strangers in the Fucking Night

“Are you sure it’s gonna be okay?” asked Alison. She was sitting in the back of a black London taxi, sandwiched between her parents.“Yes, honeypot,” replied her mother, “Professor Cuntslicker has sorted it all out. The black boy has left the country – isn’t that right, Bill? – and he knows not to come back. His sister now knows that it wasn’t your fault, and is really sorry for hurting you. She wants to make it up to you – isn’t that good?”Alison wasn’t so sure. It sounded good in theory. But...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 85 A Confrontational Meeting

Seventeen hours later I returned to the same meeting room. This time I arrived wearing my uniform and without an escort. Aine had requested permission to join, but the messages sent by Admiral Redmill were belligerent and I felt safer leaving my concubines home. I arrived at the entrance to the administration building to find all of my officers waiting. Ensign Daniels led them in saluting as I walked up. “Reporting as ordered,” Ensign Daniels barked as I returned the salute. I returned the...

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UnfaithfulChapter 4 Preparations

Kayla's cell phone rang just as she was pulling up to Chloe's house. It was Alex. Ever the considerate husband, whenever he was out with the motor home, he'd always made a point to call her the same time every night. "Hi honey! How's the fishing at Florence Marina?" She asked. Disappointment in his voice, Alex replied, "Lousy. But I took a nap and I'm going to go out with a buddy and do some night fishing. How's Atlanta?" "Nothing new here." Kayla answered. Then thought,...

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Fantasy Island

The reviewing officer at the graduation parade of my entry was Air Chief Marshal Sir Walter Dawson, K.C.B, C.B.E, D.S.O. who, at the speechifying and prize giving ceremony later that afternoon, told us ‘we would be welcomed with open arms’ when reporting to our new stations. I think the Air Chief Marshal may have had one too many postprandial brandies in the Officers Mess at lunchtime and was exaggerating slightly; in fact a damn sight more than slightly as my welcome was not exactly wide...

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My First Night with You

The cold wind was blowing outside your front door and across your lawn as you settled in for the night with a warm blanket on your bed. You are wearing your favorite little nightie, the one that covers your breasts, but still has a deep plunger in the neckline. The bottom of your nightie has just enough material to cover your nice curvy ass, but while you lay in bed curled up, your favorite hipster panties are slightly uncovered under the sheets. You lay with your laptop on the bed, and are...

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Mum is in need of a fuck

At 42 years old you would be thinking that I was having a lot of sexy but that had not been the case, seven years ago I had been having sex every day and it was so great when my husband was here, but when I found out that he was shagging my best mate, and I caught them doing it in our bed, he became history that instant, now, seven years later all I can think of is sex and more sex, not that I was obsessed or anything but a woman has needs and I am no exception ,all I want is to have sex with...

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