Open Sky free porn video

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Based on the Twilight Zone episode "And When the Sky Was Opened". This may be archived/posted anywhere: just give credit where credit is due. Open Sky By Pretzelgirl "Coyote base, this is Roadrunner. We have a situation here." "Roadrunner? Please confirm. We do not have you on radar. Repeat: you do NOT show on radar." "Coyote Base, I can assure you we're really here -- but not for long. I've lost avionics. We'll require assistance in coming down." "Roadrunner, you have disappeared from radar. We cannot assist with no means to track you." "Coyote Base, you'll have to do something. We're coming down fast. And... and... dammit, I've got a monster headache from all this light! Request a medical team at landing site." "Stand-by, Roadrunner. I think we have you on radar now. Say again your situation?" "Coyote Base, we're coming down fast with zero instrumentation. And something up here zapped us. Gave me a goddamn migraine!" "Copy that Roadrunner. We are tracking your descent through angels seven. Maintain your approach. Can you ID what hit you?" "Negative, Coyote Base. Though I suspect we may have just learned Santa Claus exists." "Say again, Roadrunner?" "I cannot confirm, Coyote Base. But whatever hit us is from no nation on Earth!" *** LANCASTER, Ca. (AP) -- Civilian and military search teams were alike relieved to find all three crewmembers alive and unscathed after the crash landing of an experimental aircraft in the Mojave Desert early yesterday morning. Air Force and Park Service rescuers discovered the three men whose experimental jet disappeared from radar and subsequently crashed during high-altitude testing. The men are Colonel Ed Harrington, Lt. Colonel Carl Forbes and Major William Gart. Officials from Vandenberg Air Force Base say all three are in good condition and are being hospitalized for minor cuts and abrasions only. They are expected to be released sometime Tuesday. Air Force officials will not comment on whether or not the experimental plane was salvaged, though Park Service authorities have said all crash debris was removed from the scene. Colonel Patricia Flannery of the Air Force Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center confirmed the X-39J interceptor was both out of communication and invisible to radar for more than an hour prior to yesterday's crash landing. An investigation into the crash is underway, though Pentagon officials refuse to speculate on either the cause of the crash or the radar malfunction preceding it. Authorities also will not release any information on what type of testing the long-range plane had been involved in. Throughout it's history, the X-39J has been shrouded in secrecy. Unconfirmed Air Force reports suggest the $46 million experimental plane is capable of flight beyond the Earth's atmosphere. Preliminary engineering on the plane was performed at Dryden Flight Research Center, a known NASA research and development facility, furthering questions about the plane's possible role as a military spacecraft. *** "Forbes!" exclaimed the man in the bed. "Damn fine of you to actually pay me a visit. I don't suppose you could pull rank a bit and get them to release me? I'm perfectly fine as you can see. Dunno why they let you go but kept me here!" The tall officer standing at the foot of the hospital bed was solemnly ashen- faced as he began to speak. "Will, I need you to be straight with me," he began with an uncharacteristic quiver in his voice. "Do you remember Ed?" In his hospital bed, Major William Gart remained still. "Ed who?" "Dammit, Will don't play games with me!" roared Forbes. "I'm THIS close to losing my sanity and if this is some goddamn prank I swear I'll physically injure the both of you!" "Whoa, Forbes!" began Will. "Easy there. No jokes, no kidding. Just tell me who you're talking about and I'll be straight with you." "I'm talking about Ed," Forbes said shakily. "Ed Harrington. Our commanding officer, Ed Harrington. The third man on the X-39J. No one in the world remembers him... no one but me, and if you don't tell the truth I'll hurt you Will!" Will straightened up in bed, looking the older man straight in the eyes. "I swear to you, sir, I don't know anyone by the name of Ed Harrington," he said. "Are you sure you're not still hurt from the crash?" Forbes grew wild-eyed and held his breath for a tense moment, before sitting down calmly on the side of the bed. "Will, I'm going to level with you," He began slowly. "I'll tell you every damned thing I remember, and you tell me if I sound crazy." Will nodded dumbly. "There were three of us. Remember that -- it's the whole key. There were three of us... pilot, co-pilot, and rio. You, me, and Ed Harrington. We got the X-39J into sub-orbit and there was a flash of light." "I remember the flash of light," Will said. "Atmospheric phenomena right?" Forbes shook his head. "I don't think so anymore, Will. Something happened then. Something weird that caused us to disappear from radar. Something that made us crash. Something that's still affecting us even now. Something that'd stop at nothing to hide it's existence. In sub-orbit we ran into something from beyond Earth with the power to erase a man's life!" Colonel Forbes stood up, visibly shaken again. The man paused to rub the sides of his red-rimmed eyes before taking a deep breath and continuing his story. "You were banged up the worst Will, though none of us got more than a few cuts and scrapes. Ed and I were released almost immediately while they kept you here for observation. "So Ed and I head out to celebrate. We make for an upscale bar. Now don't be thinking I was drunk or anything, Will. Neither of us had done more than inhale the fumes off our drinks before Ed gets a weird feeling. "He turns to me and says, 'Forbes do you remember your parents?' "I figure it sounds crazy, but hell... after a guy's been through what we have, there ARE no crazy questions. "'Sure,' I says. 'I remember my parents. Why?' "Ed tells me he's not sure he remembers his anymore. So he gets up and says he's going to phone them. But I notice the way he's walking -- it's not natural. He's swishing in a funny way, sort of wiggling while he walks. "Well, he's gone for maybe a minute. I sit there feeling a little uncomfortable. But Will... the worst is when he comes back. He's all shaken up, like he's seen a ghost. And he's wearing fucking make-up all over his face! "He's got goddamn blush, lipstick, eyeshadow -- all that crap. It's not clownish looking amateur make-up either. It's professional looking, like what a woman wears. Or maybe a faggot drag queen. That's how he looks. "I frown and start to say something, but before I can begin he starts blubbering. "'My parents don't know me!' he says. 'They say I never existed. They say they don't have any son named Ed. Forbes, you hear what I'm saying to you? They're dead serious... and... and I think they're right!' "Christ, Will... the poor devil starts bawling his eyes out at me. Mascara dripping in runny chunks down his cheeks. It's sickening. I'm paralyzed, you know? I'm just frozen. Don't know what in the hell to do. And goddamn Will, I've had training for every possible situation. And I didn't know what the hell to do! "So I just sit there staring dumbfounded at him. His face gets blurry for a moment, then seems softer. I know he's changing right before my eyes now, but I'm too damned stunned to do anything, to say anything. Ed's hair is shaggier, more reddish, it hangs down a bit from his ears. He stands up, a little uncertainly, like he's drunk. That's when I notice he's wearing heels. It was... it was so wrong! He's there in his class A's -- nice, spit-n-polished uniform... but he's got on black high-heels, make-up, and his hair is WAY past regulation. "I should've helped him, Will. But I just didn't know what to do. When he stood up and looked at me with those wide, tear-rimmed eyes I got scared. Can you imagine -- ME scared? I couldn't fucking believe it myself. But I got scared and backed away from him, from my friend, my commander, a member of my team! I backed away from him. But no one else in the bar is noticing this. That's the eerie thing. He's a freakish man-woman, a disgrace to the uniform... yet nobody else bats an eye, like I'm the only one aware of it. "Ed's choking back the tears now, not like he's ashamed or embarrassed. He just can't talk and cry at the same time. His voice is squeaky but still deep and gravel-like -- as though he's faking a woman's pitch. 'Help me,' he shrieks. 'Help me, Forbes! My parents don't remember me and I'm starting to forget my own life now! Help me... tell me who I am!' "I lost it at this point, Will. I raised my voice. No, strike that. I yelled. Christ, I fucking ripped into him with a rage. 'What the hell is this?' I screamed. 'You're Colonel Ed Harrington. Start acting like it! You're not this sissy, fag, she-male thing. Snap out of it, Ed! You're US Air Force. Fucking straighten up!' "I never should've said that. He was my friend, my superior... and he fell apart into tears, collapsing on the barroom floor. Nobody notices, still. But I didn't want to risk making a scene. I stand there, rock solid for maybe 30 seconds. Then I reach out a hand to him. He's a blubbering mess on the floor. His hair is longer now and all wavy. I think he had pierced ears. I know he had jewelry: rings and a bracelet on his hands. He reeked of cheap perfume, like some washed- up cocktail waitress. I'm not sure if his fingernails were painted then or not. By the time I'd helped him off the floor and into a booth, they were long, narrow and deep red. "'Tell me who I am?' he says again. He's pleading with me, scared like... like a frightened fucking schoolgirl. "I draw a deep breath to steady myself. "'You're Ed Harrington,' I say, staring intently at the bar napkin on the table. I couldn't look him in the face. "'I-I don't remember that,' he answered shakily. 'I think my name is Erica.' "My fingers tightened into a white fist, but I held myself steady and kept my gaze fixed on the table. "'You're a colonel in the USAF,' I say. "'I'm a cashier at the A&P,' he says. "'You were awarded the meritorious service medal with three oak leaf clusters,' I tell him. "'I'm 36 years old, divorced, and have three kids,' he replies. "He's surer of himself. He's starting to believe he's this woman with a fucked-up life. That's when I look up at him. Christ, Will -- he's a she! His face is still there, but he's got frizzy red hair all over the place, he's wearing a flaming red blouse, and he's got these huge tits flopping all over kingdom come, 'cuz he's clearly got no bra on! God, aside from Ed's face, he's totally become a middle-aged, washed-up, white-trash whore! I just stare at him... her. Just stare for a minute. Then she speaks, the reek of cheap alcohol fumes wafting from her mouth as she talks to me. "'Sorry,' she slurs with Ed's mouth, though clearly there's no Ed inside anymore. 'I don't go home with strange men.' "And she wipes her tears, staggers to her feet, and clumsily walks out of the bar into the night. That was the last I saw of her. That was the last I saw of Colonel Ed Harrington." Forbes took a deep breath and ran a weary hand across his forehead. The room was dead silent for a painful half-minute. Finally Gart, leaning forward in the hospital bed, gently spoke: "Sir," he began with a respectful whisper, "I don't know any Colonel Ed Harrington. And you and I both know men don't spontaneously change into women. Now, we been through some stressful shit these past few days... you got my word, I won't say anything about this if you don't. Maybe you oughta go home and rest sir. Forget about that nightmare, 'cuz that's all it was." Forbes stared at the floor momentarily before replying with a strangely soft voice: "I... I can't leave my post right now. I'm still on duty." "Sir?" asked a frowning Major Gart, squinting at his superior officer. The man at the foot of the bed seemed softer, shorter, and rounder. "I said I'm on-duty," answered Forbes mouth in a feminine voice that never belonged to the man. "I've got to make my rounds on this floor." Gart bolted up ramrod straight in bed and gawked silently at Forbes. The man's duty uniform had become starched-white in color and began to stretch out around his chest and hips. A tightly-bound bun of blonde hair sprouted from the military man's skull. While Gart had been watching Forbes' face mold into that of an attractive but stern-faced young woman, the man's military uniform melted into the clean, crisp white dress, nylons, and sensible shoes of a regulation nurse. Somehow in his panic-stricken fear, Major Gart finally found words. "Forbes!" he cried. "It... it's happened to you. Like that guy you talked about. Y-y-you're a... a... you're a nurse!" The woman that had been Forbes cocked her head at the hysterical patient. A worried frown crossed her face. "I'm getting the doctor for you," she said with quiet urgency. "Wait right here and stay calm, Major." With agonizing shock, Gart caught himself leering at the nurse's round, ample rear as she hurried out of the room. He stared at the empty door for a minute, then jerked his head away and covered his eyes with the palms of his hands. "That can't be Carl Forbes," he muttered to himself, rocking back and forth in bed. "That can't be Carl Forbes... thatcantbecarlforbes... thatcantbecarlforbes... thatcantbecarlforbes..." *** The doctor followed nurse Forbes into the room and smiled gently at his patient. "Well now," he began. "The nurse tells me you're a bit upset about something. Want to talk to me about it? Everything's going to be all right now you know." Huddled in the hospital bed with covers pulled up tightly around her, the little girl answered with a quivering voice, "I want my mommy." "I know," replied the doctor, sitting down on the side of the bed. "She'll be here in a few hours. You had a nasty scare, but everything's going to be all right now. You can go home to your mommy, and your sister, and all your stuffed animals later this afternoon." *** Once upon a time, there was a man named Harrington, a man named Forbes, a man named Gart. They used to exist, but don't any longer. Someone -- or something -- they encountered changed them forever, reshaping body and spirit to protect it's own secrets. The men they were are no longer part of the mind or memories of any human being. And as to the X-39J supposed to be housed in a secret Air Force hangar, this too does not exist. And if you have any questions concerning an aircraft and three men who flew her, speak softly of them... and only in the Twilight Zone. -The End-

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You wake up and sit up, the room's still pitch black. You glance across at your alarm clock, the fluorescent green is almost blinding as you read, "4:27am". You sigh and roll back over, pulling the blanket onto your shoulder as you settle back into bed. Just as you drifting back off to sleep a piercing beeping sound resonates around the room, causing you to sit straight back up. That's the sound you've been waiting for. You jump eagerly out of bed and quickly sit in your computer chair,...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Humiliated and abused by online Dom Master on Skyp

I was chatting and looking for dom men to have fun as always, when this Master came up. He was very, very abusive and arrogant. He told me to give him my Skype and close all my onlene profiles. He told me that he has watched all my videos and he knows that I am pathetic fag and today he will make me scream and cry in pain. He told me that he needs my ass and clit and dont care of anything else. He told me to switch on my cam and expose to him fully naked. I told him, that I am not prepared to...

3 years ago
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STORY of SkyDancer

Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer.Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking lot. There were several men beating up a beautiful woman, when I tried to break it up I ended up getting very banged up myself.Her name was misty, she thanked me for helping her and asked if I need a ride...

2 years ago
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The dangers of Naughty Skyping

'What was I thinking, fucking stupid cow'. Yes I am talking about me, I walked into it, eyes wide closed, as the saying goes, but what fuck, sit back and let me tell you and see what you think, I promise I will be open, honest, and get right down into the knitty gritty, I wont miss anything out, then you will see just how much of a slut I am.I was home while my husband was away on a job on an oil rig in India, we had been separated for five weeks and he was due home the following week, but had...

4 years ago
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Sexual Shenanigans of Volodymyr Zelenskyy

After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a "date," even though he'd been living as a woman for the last year, even though this was no date. Outside he heard his ex-wife Olena and her new husband Vlad talking about a vacation they were taking in a couple of weeks. How could they talk so casually? He felt a pang of...

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The End of Volodymyr Zelenskyy

After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a "date," even though he'd been living as a woman for the last year, even though this was no date. Outside he heard his ex-wife Olena and her new husband Vladimir talking about a vacation they were taking in a couple of weeks. How could they talk so casually? He felt a pang...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 15 Esky

The phones were ringing hot. Duke Henry Lindsey had posted the charter for claiming a piece of the action on Harmony, straight after the meeting with Lee and Vanesa had added the definition. He had personally sent one to each government, each ambassador and then posted it on the internet for everyone to read. The stock market was going up and down like a bloody yo-yo. Most of the governments were really pissed with him about posting it on the net. But they couldn’t do much about it as it...

3 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 111 Miss Nina Vaginsky

Jessie Harper watched with delight as Bjorn Erikson displayed his wonderful naked body to the crowd and the judges. The guy had obviously been practising his cat-walk style and moved about with a very fluid motion that seemed to really impress the judges. Bjorn’s still semi-erect penis also seemed to have a grace and a charm all its own as it swung along in all its gallant style with the foreskin pulled back nicely from the penis knob. When Bjorn was facing the judges and the audience he...

2 years ago
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Qorno KowalskyPage

Qorno aka Kowalsky Page! If you prefer to browse for naughty content on a simple porn website, I suggest you visit, as well as some other sites that I already reviewed. There are plenty of naughty videos here that you might not have seen yet, so have fun exploring. As simple as this site might be, there is still a lot I have to say about it and soon you will see why.Of course, I have to mention their shit design color, because what the actual fuck? Why in the hell would you...

Porn Aggregators
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Let's have a look at Sky Private! There are hundreds upon hundreds of xxx cam sites out there that let you watch sexy girls strip, masturbate, and dance for you on command. Not many of them offer much outside of the usual model of how these sites tend to operate, though: you click into a girl’s room, watch her alongside hundreds of other dudes, tip to encourage her to show more, and then pay a certain number of coins in order to enter into a private show with her. As porn addicts, I’m sure you...

Live Sex Cam Sites
1 year ago
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Jennifer was a pretty and talented 18years old that lives with her very strict parents. Jen is an only daughter and she likes to hang out with her friends, her family and I are neighbors in an apartment. I am a 42 year old male and working at night time in a bar. Me and Jen’s father are close friends, because we are neighbors we share time and drink for sometime. Jen’s mother, Amy, is a really nice woman she cooks well and works during day at their store in the market. Her father is a business...

Adult Humor
4 years ago
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Adult Star in the Sky

Most adult film stars love the attention. They like being recognized when they go to the grocery store or the pharmacy. They enjoy having men and women come up to them in the street and ask, ‘Aren’t you so and so.’ Ironically I’m the complete opposite. As a veteran of 75 adult DVDs and my own web site, I’m still shy about my work and I hate to be put on the spot.I needed a break from my monotonous schedule so I decided to use my available frequent flyer miles and take a trip to Hawaii. My...

3 years ago
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Beneath a Moonless Sky

It had been weeks since I had seen Eric, yet I remembered his face well. The day I left was the day my heart broke. I just had not realized it yet. He was unique, talented. Eric was a musician, an artist, a sculptor, a writer, and one of the most profoundly amazing men I’d ever met. I had made my choice, though. At least, I thought I had. It was the night just before my wedding, and I went looking for him. I had to know that I was not making a mistake, that I should be marrying my fiance. I...

3 years ago
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Lucy in the sky

“So was it mom or dad?” Cait said. “Or both?”And I didn't answer right away, I kept examining her face to see if she was angry or what she was thinking but I couldn't tell so finally I said “Your dad”.And we just stared at each other for a while and then Cait just walked out of the kitchen, and I was a little stunned but then after a few seconds I went after her and I saw her at the top of the stairs and I said “Cait, wait” but she didn't even turn around and I ran after her and when I got...

4 years ago
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Adult Star in the Sky

Most adult film stars love the attention. They like being recognized when they go to the grocery store or the pharmacy. They enjoy having men and women come up to them in the street and ask, "Aren't you so and so." Ironically I'm the complete opposite. As a veteran of 75 adult DVDs and my own web site, I'm still shy about my work and I hate to be put on the spot.I needed a break from my monotonous schedule so I decided to use my available frequent flyer miles and take a trip to Hawaii. My...

Oral Sex
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A New Lease Chapter 1 Never Seen a Bluer Sky

It had been a day like any other. The four of us, Liz, my wife, Adam, her brother, and Christine, Adam's girlfriend, as well as myself, Nick, were piled in Liz's car. We were going to visit her Grandma, who lived a few hours away, so it made sense to take one car. It was Liz's car, so she drove, like always. It was a trip we'd made exactly like this, several times a year, for the past 5 years or so. That's why the events of that day came as such a surprise. There was a new song on...

4 years ago
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The Girl Who fell from The Sky

Disclaimer. I do not own either One Piece or Ranma 1/2 and have no rights to the characters. All characters in these stories are eighteen years of age or older. Prologue: A heavy set man slams his fist down on the head of a small crying boy who is knuckling his eyes with his small hands. “Wa, wa, wa! You want your mommy! What are you, a girl?” The boy glares at the man, his cheeks covered in tear tracks as he yells, “I’m not a girl!” **************************************************** A couple...

2 years ago
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Blue Sky

My first impression of Mort and Noel was that they were father and daughter. They came up the channel in a 42-foot sloop-rigged Oyster, as beautiful a boat as you would ever want to see. I stood on the dock and watched as the gray-haired guy behind the wheel brought her in expertly, giving the engines just the right little reverse kick before cutting them. The skinny blonde in the bow tossed the lines down to me and I made the yacht fast fore and aft. Then she spent a few minutes fussing...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 150 Kyoto Epilogue 5In the Blue Sky

(Everyone from the Aoiya is out to see Kenshin and the others off.) Kaoru: Thank you for everything you've done for us. Okina: Not at all. Take care. Misao (her eyes brimming with tears): Come back to Kyoto sometime. I know we'll have lots of fun then. Kaoru: Of course. And you'll have to come see us in Tokyo. Yahiko: Or don't. You're annoying. (Misao clasps Kaoru's hand as Kaoru bonks Yahiko with the other.) Misao: I'll come! I'll definitely come! Kenshin: Mr. Okina, I...

3 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made of TheseChapter 7 July Stars in the Sky

Imagine a jigsaw puzzle. Not just any puzzle, but one of those multi-thousand piece monsters littered with detail and colors. Getting started is no chore; all you have to do is start with the border and corner pieces, set the structure for the big picture. Sort out the colored tiles and find a few of the more obvious pieces. Problems quickly become obvious for the uninitiated ... crossover colors, similar images in three or more spots, any other challenges the creator dreamed up for the truly...

2 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 14 Sea and Sky

I had spent my time wisely in the month since the big picnic. I had dropped myself deep into the research and study that I needed to create the Earth version of the power cell. All that was left to do now was taking the time and effort to set the scene at the facility dad had found for us that would show the earth version of the research. It wouldn't be too hard, as I had used a lot of normal earth tools during the process. We had our staff candidates/catering crew back for lunch a couple...

2 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 8 Gifts From the Sky

Thule's day was shorter than Earth's, but because everyone lived in domed settlements, the colonists kept to Earth time. As a result, on this Saturday morning Thule's star was dipping below the horizon. This Parade was special, even for a Promotion Parade. To Samantha's astonishment, she was advanced in grade to Decurion – the youngest in the Confederacy. To her amusement, she still outranked her father – promoted to Sergeant-Major and made Company Sergeant-Major of the First Company,...

4 years ago
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Return to Skyrim

A stranger had arrived at the tavern. What could be seen of her under her cloak’s hood as she was sitting in the inn’s far corner put her origin into the devastated province of Morrowind. From the other tables she received the well-known array of looks, from quick glances to dismissive steers. One patron in particular seemed to take offence at her presence. A rough article he was. Not nearly in the midst of his years, he already carried the careworn look of a man having seen too many winters. ...

5 years ago
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Dark Skyrim

You arise from your bedding, moaning. Yet another early, freezing day. You climb out of bed, fully naked, as your nightdress is still damp from when you washed it the day before. You look out of the window and see it is still dark. Five in the morning was early enough in winter for it to be as dark as it was at midnight. You would have given your right hand in order to spend a few more hours sleeping, but the fruit stall you run in the Whiterun market needed to be opened early so you could not...

2 years ago
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The Dog Pound Part 1 The Siberian Husky

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly dog! ***Prologue*** My name is Barbie Lez. What follows is a retelling of the days following my eighteenth birthday. I still find it difficult to believe everything that happened, but I assure you that everything you are about to read is true. ***Monday*** This is it, I thought as I awoke. The long-awaited moment had finally arrived. I was officially eighteen. An adult. As I sat up, the covers bunched up around my waist, revealing the...

3 years ago
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Roleplay on skype

This is a roleplay I had with a girl over Skype, I thought it was hot enough to share it. It stops a bit abruptly because she fell asleep before we could finish. Warning: i****t themed.Eliza Rei: I mean, I couldn't trust my devious little sister just like that, right ;)?Paprika: .. true. :xEliza Rei: Now, what should we do with lying little sisters?Paprika: .. nothing. :(Eliza Rei: But then how are you going to learn how to be a good sister to your bigger sister?Paprika: .. I.. I don't...

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