Blue Summer Sky
- 3 years ago
- 20
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My first impression of Mort and Noel was that they were father and daughter.
They came up the channel in a 42-foot sloop-rigged Oyster, as beautiful a boat as you would ever want to see. I stood on the dock and watched as the gray-haired guy behind the wheel brought her in expertly, giving the engines just the right little reverse kick before cutting them.
The skinny blonde in the bow tossed the lines down to me and I made the yacht fast fore and aft. Then she spent a few minutes fussing around with the fenders, making sure they were just right, looking over at the guy the whole time as if to say "Is this OK?" Like a daughter anxious to please her demanding father.
The guy finally jumped down to the dock, moving nimbly for an old man, and then handed down the blonde. I figured him to be about fifty-five or sixty, but in good shape. Medium height, thick through the chest, with iron-gray hair and mustache and a captain's hat pulled down low over his eyes. He had a sort of presence about him, a way of commanding your attention. I didn't even take a good look at the girl until we got inside.
"Name's Mort," he said, crushing my hand. "This here's Noel. Gonna moor here a few days, if that's OK."
"I'm Jim," I said, flexing my hand surreptitiously. "Welcome to Four Palms Marina. You sure you don't want to dock it? Give you a slip with electric, phone, water, for thirty bucks a day."
"Nope. I like to moor, get a little privacy." He was already walking towards the office with the blonde in tow. I caught up and opened the door for them, and then went around behind the desk.
Mort looked around at Four Palms Boating Supply, which I keep as neat as a pin and well supplied with marine essentials, and said "Boy, that AC sure feels good. Florida in July - Jesus Christ. It's never this hot out on the water."
"Where you coming in from?" I asked.
"Newport. Been out two weeks."
I was impressed. That's a long cruise for two people. I had the feeling Mort was waiting for me to say so, however, which goes against my nature, so I just nodded.
Noel spoke for the first time. "We need to replace some fittings. Some cleats and fairleads." Her voice was flat and lifeless.
"No problem, " I said. "There's all sorts of stuff on the back wall." I took a closer look at her and liked what I saw. About my age, maybe a little younger - say twenty-five. Skinny, but with wide hips and big, round tits moving around under her t-shirt. Stringy blonde hair, not too clean. Her face was attractive, in a vacant sort of way, with a wide, pouty mouth.
She gave Mort a little glance, like she was asking permission, and he said "Yeah, go check it out, get what we need." As she turned to go past me down the aisle he surprised me by trailing his big hand down the curve of her hip and giving her ass a proprietary squeeze. Making a point for my benefit.
"I'm gonna need water and diesel," he said. "And let's say three days on one of the moorings." He had a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth, like he knew his little demonstration had gone home.
"No problem," I said evenly. "Just fill this out." I slid a registration card across the desk and turned my back to straighten up a display. So he was her sugar daddy, big deal. All it takes is money.
"This your marina?"
"I manage it. Guy who owns it lives in Miami, doesn't get up here too often." I turned back around. No point being rude to a customer.
"Looks like business is a little slow." He looked up from the card to glance meaningfully out the window at the row of slips, which were mostly empty.
"Yeah, July and August are the slowest times for us. Come back in September, place'll be full. Sometimes we get two, three boats waiting in line to dock." I sounded a little more defensive than I had meant.
He gave me a little smile and a nod, and handed me the card. Mort Carson, captain and owner of the Miss New Jersey, registered in Newport, Rhode Island. No mention of the blonde.
Noel came back up to the desk and dropped a handful of stainless fittings on the counter. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye as I rang them up. A long, hot shower and a good night's sleep, and she would be beautiful. But right now she was dead on her feet, swaying from side to side and staring into space. She reached behind her idly with one hand to scratch her back, causing the white t-shirt to pull taught against her heavy breasts. Her eyes met mine, but she let her gaze slide by with no change in her expression.
"How much I owe you?" asked Mort impatiently.
"Eighty-three fifty for the fittings and three days mooring," I said, feeling flustered. These two were really getting under my skin. "No charge for the water, and you can pay for the fuel later."
I held the door for them as we went back outside. Mort went through first, and as Noel went by she looked right at me and gave me a quick smile, bringing her face to life for a moment. I'm no high- school kid any more, but that smile, coming on top of her previous indifference, gave me a thrill. But when we got back to the big Oyster bobbing gently next to the dock she went aboard and disappeared below.
I hooked up the hoses, and as Mort and I stood there in the beating sun he described all the features of his yacht in loving detail. It was a terrific boat, the kind you could take around the world, and it had all sorts of nifty adjustments to make it easier for two people to handle it. But I guess I didn't seem too interested, because he eventually trailed off.
"It's a real beauty," I said truthfully. "Classic lines. None of that modern dropped-transom shit."
"You bet. Miss NJ was laid down in ninety-two, but you wouldn't see any difference from an Oyster laid down in the thirties. You get a design that works, you keep it."
"Lot of brass," I said. "Must be a lot of upkeep."
"Oh yeah," he laughed. "Lucky for me Noel loves to polish brass. She keeps it gleaming."
I was working up my courage to ask him some questions about Noel, when I saw his eyes turn cold and his jaw firm up. I looked up and saw that she had come back on deck wearing a pink bikini top that barely contained her soft tan breasts. She leaned over the side, showing so much cleavage that I could see right between her breasts to her flat stomach, and said "Almost done?"
"Just about," I said cheerfully. After getting an eyeful I turned back to the fuel pump with a cocky grin on my face. Take that, Mort.
He didn't say anything, but he must have given her a hell of a look, because when I turned back around she was gone.
"Take any mooring you like," I said, indicating the row of buoys in the little man-made harbor. "And feel free to give me a call in the office if you or Noel need anything else."
He gave me a stare, and looked like he was going to say something macho, but finally he just nodded and jumped back aboard. I cast off for him and watched as he motored over to the farthest buoy. Noel came back up on deck, wearing the t-shirt again, and she snagged the buoy expertly and moored the yacht. Then they both went below.
I didn't see much of either one of them over the next couple of days, which was disappointing. There isn't a hell of a lot to do at Four Palms in the off season, except stay out of the sun and drink plenty of liquids. I really wanted to see Noel again, but I would have been happy to shoot the breeze with her sugar daddy Mort just to pass the time.
When she called the front office on Friday around noon, I recognized her voice right away.
"I think there's a problem with the port engine," she said. "You think you could take a look at it?"
"I'm not much good at fixing diesels. But if you come over to the dock I'd be glad to take a look."
"I can't bring her in by myself. Mort won't be back till later tonight, and he wanted everything to be ready to go."
I was getting a lot of vibes, a lot of stuff coming through between the lines. I had a good feeling about this, you might say.
"OK, in that case I'll row out in a dinghy. Be right there."
It was about a two-minute row over to the Miss New Jersey, but I still broke a sweat under the stinging July sun. When I came up the stern ladder she was sitting in the cockpit under an awning, an apologetic smile on her pretty face.
"Your name's Jim, right? I'm sorry, Jim, I just tried the engine again and it sounds fine. Must have been a bubble in the fuel line or something."
She was wearing a bikini top and faded jeans, and she looked a lot cleaner than the last time I had seen her. The jeans were tight across her hips, but left a noticeable gap at her narrow waist.
"No problem," I said. "Glad to hear it."
"How about a cold beer? It's the least I can do." She gave me a direct look that made me very curious to find out what else she might do for me.
"Anything cold would be great," I said, and she went below and popped right back up with a couple of icy Buds.
Beers have a way of disappearing in a hurry in the Florida heat, and we polished off two each while we chatted amiably. She told me she graduated from Florida State two years ago and still hadn't decided what to do with her life, which sounded pretty similar to my own situation. We kind of skirted around the subject of what she was doing with Mort, and talked for a while about the Bahamas, which was where they were headed next.
"Mort wants to do some scuba diving and explore some of the uninhabited islands over on the western side," she said. "I'd rather spend the time in Nassau partying, but he likes to get away from the tourists."
"Well, he has a good boat for it," I said. "You can stay out for weeks on a cruiser like this, as long as you don't run the engines too much."
She wrinkled her nose. "Don't I know it. Another beer?"
I was already feeling the first two, and I think she was too. I gave her a silly grin and said "Why not. It's not like I have much else to do today."
"Come on below, I'll give you the grand tour. The AC is on, for once."
She stood up and made an elaborate show of hitching up her bikini top, and then she managed to bump her hip into me twice on the way down the ladder to the galley, and to brush her breasts across my arm as she opened the refrigerator. I started popping a nice hard on, and I as I adjusted my shorts to hide it I wondered why I was bothering.
The funny thing was, I wouldn't have minded getting to know her better before we hopped in the sack. She had a sarcastic wit that I liked, and wasn't half as vacant as she had first appeared. I could picture us sitting across from each other in a nice Italian restaurant, drinking Chianti and playing footsie, or maybe at an outdoor seafood place, holding hands and looking at the water. Not that I wasn't anxious to get in her pants, of course.
The interior of the Miss New Jersey was about what I expected: acres of gleaming teak set off by lots of shiny brass. The cool, dark atmosphere seemed incredibly intimate after the blazing sauna on deck, and her voice grew sultry and distracted as she showed me around. I made appropriate noises of appreciation, but I couldn't tell you a single thing she said. When we finally went aft into the master bedroom she stumbled into me on cue, and this time I put my arm around her and pulled her up against me.
"Oops," she giggled.
"Oops is right," I said, and I bent my head down and kissed her. Her lips were soft and receptive, as good as they looked, and we held the clinch for what seemed like forever, neither one of us feeling the need to rush it.
"This is the master bedroom," she said when we finally broke the kiss. Her cheeks were flushed, and her green eyes sparkled in the dim light. "And that concludes our tour."
I still had my arms around her, and I could feel her warm breasts cuddled against my stomach. She started moving us towards the bed, and I said "You sure Mort isn't coming back soon?"
"Yes. Definitely not for hours."
That was good enough for me. We sat down on the queen-sized bed, which took up most of the cabin, and started kissing again. She was eager and receptive, tilting her head against mine and opening her mouth. I explored her mouth with my tongue and cupped my hand around her breast, gently pinching the big nipple through the taught fabric.
All signs were go, and it wasn't long before I had both of her breasts spilled out of the bikini top. I kneaded and stroked them while we continued to kiss, rolling her nipples back and forth between my fingers, and she made a moaning sound deep in her throat and spread her knees apart. I dropped my hand down into her lap and unbuttoned her jeans, which created just enough space for my hand to slide in. She wasn't wearing anything under the faded Levi's, and she had such a generous space between her thighs that I was able to lay my palm flat right over her soft bush.
She tilted her hips up just a little, and my middle finger slid down between her pussy lips. I wiggled the lucky finger a little, spreading the incipient moisture around and bringing out more, and her whole body became tense and rigid.
"Yeah, that's good." she said softly.
I continued to slide my finger up and down her pussy, and she became wetter and wetter, and started gripping my arm so tightly it hurt.
"How we doing? " I asked.
"Real, real good." She leaned back on her hands. "Keep doing that and I'll show you."
Sure enough, a few seconds later she closed her eyes and started hyperventilating, and then she let out a long, drawn-out moan, so loud it startled me.
"Not bad," she said when it was finally over. "I don't even have my pants off yet."
"How about we both take our pants off."
When I finished stripping down, she was lying back on the bed with her legs slightly spread, and I was looking right at her pussy, which looked moist and fresh and good enough to eat. I hunkered down between her legs and gently licked the pink folds that surrounded her clit. She started moaning again, which was like music, and she tasted so sexy I burrowed in deeper, drawing up the essence of her and reveling in it.
She gasped and stiffened, and for just a second I felt that little feeling of triumph again, but then I realized she was sitting up, pulling away from me, and she said "Mort!"
Shockingly, his voice was right behind me, shouting "What the fuck is going on, you little whore!"
I rolled over in a hurry and there he was, filling up the doorway, still wearing the captain's hat. I saw the butt of a gun sticking out of the waistband of his pants, and I figured maybe this time I was really screwed.
"What the fuck is going on here?" he asked again. He was looking at Noel, so I grabbed my jeans and tried to put them on, but I was in such a panic that I couldn't seem to do it - I kept jabbing my feet at them and missing. Noel was frozen in place, just looking at him with that slack dead expression she had when they first showed up.
Finally she said "Sorry, Mort. Didn't expect you to be back for a while yet."
"I can see that, you fucking whore," he said. "I leave for a couple hours and when I come back you've already started fucking the locals. And you ask me why we never visit the big cities. Christ, I bet you could fuck half of Miami on a weekend stopover."
"Sorry," Noel said again, in a small, deadpan voice.
"Now what the fuck am I gonna do with you?" He came into the cabin and I saw the dark-skinned woman behind him for the first time. I was still pumping out adrenaline from the first shock, so this didn't really affect me much. A Cuban working girl, probably in her late teens. Pretty, in a coarse sort of way: too much makeup, and white shorts that were so tight you could see the outline of her pussy.
I made another stab at putting my pants on, and Mort looked at me and said "Where the fuck you think you're going?"
"Listen, I'm really sorry about this. I think it would be better if I just left, so you and Noel can -"
"You fuck around with my woman, on my boat, in my fucking bed, and think you can just walk away? Sit right there, keep quiet, and maybe I won't kill you."
Noel said "It wasn't his fault, Mort. I invited him."
"I know who's fault it is." He grabbed her arm and pulled her roughly to her feet, and then he pushed her forward so she was bent over the bed right next to me with her ass in the air. Her ass cheeks were criss-crossed with a faint pattern of white stripes.
Mort reached into a narrow closet and pulled out a belt. "You know what I gotta do, dontcha?"
She said something vaguely affirmative and buried her face down in the covers.
"Get your face out of there. I want you to look at your loverboy. I want him to see what happens to sluts like you." She turned her head obediently to face me. Her sensual mouth was open and slack, and she seemed to look right through me.
I heard a whoosh, followed immediately by a sickeningly loud crack, and Noel let out a little high-pitched grunt and said "Oh God." The Cuban girl said something in Spanish, sounding worried, and Mort said something back that made her laugh. A bright red welt appeared on Noel's ass, making a sharp contrast with her pale skin.
I felt sick to my stomach with fear and anger, and I said "Jesus Mort, take it easy - can't we talk about this?"
"You get off that bed, and I'll put a bullet in your brain. There, we talked about it."
Whoosh - crack. Whoosh - crack. Mort gave her about ten more, turning her ass bright red and making a hell of a racket. Noel took it in silence after the first outcry, a faraway expression on her face. I just sat there and watched, feeling like a real loser.
Then Mort put the belt away and said something else to the Cuban girl, and she unbuttoned her shorts and struggled to work them down off her hips. Finally they dropped to the floor, revealing her thick, black bush, and the small cabin was suddenly filled with a tangy, ripe pussy scent.
Mort said "OK, you know the drill. Show your lover boy what a slut you are."
Noel dropped to her knees in front of the Cuban girl, who leered invitingly at her and put one foot up on the bed. Noel put her face right into the girls crotch and started licking, and something about the way she did it told me that this wasn't the first time she had received this type of punishment. I don't think she was enjoying it, but she didn't seemed particularly surprised or shocked.
In fact, now that I had remembered to start breathing again, I realized that this whole thing must have been a setup. Kind of suspicious the way Mort showed up like that, out of the blue, with the Cuban hooker conveniently in tow.
The hooker had her hands laced around the back of Noel's head, and she was grinding her pussy into Noel's face and talking to her in Spanish. I was glad I couldn't understand what she was saying. Then Mort unzipped his pants, took out his thick, ugly cock, and said, "Stand up. Get your ass up in the air."
Noel straightened her legs out, staying bent over at the waist, and I caught a glimpse of her pussy between her long, slim legs, still glistening from my saliva. Mort stepped towards her and sunk his cock into her with one quick, brutal thrust. Noel gasped and pushed herself back against him and made a little moaning sound.
I started to feel angry. Why the hell had they duped me into their sick little game? What was my part supposed to be? I decided not to stick around to find out. Mort was banging away at Noel, occasionally looking over at me to make sure I was watching. He didn't seem too worried about me; maybe he figured a guy who was naked wasn't going to try anything. I made sure I looked appropriately terrified, and then the next time he turned away I bolted out the door into the main cabin.
It seemed to take forever to get to the ladder leading up to the cockpit. If Mort wanted to shoot me, he had plenty of time. My bare foot slipped on the first rung, giving my shin a cruel whack, and then I shot up the ladder into the bright heat of midday. I heard some shouting and what sounded like laughter down below, and Noel called out my name. I jumped up onto the deck and immediately dove overboard, taking a deep breath just before I sliced into the water.
When I finally came up my lungs were on fire and I was a good fifty yards away from the Miss New Jersey. Being a good swimmer comes in handy sometimes. All three of them were standing on deck looking at me, and a few people in other boats were also watching what was going on. I swam the remaining thirty yards or so to the dock, climbed up the slippery wooden ladder, and hurried into the office, covering my privates with my hands and feeling foolish.
Fortunately the place was empty, as it usually was this time of year. I grabbed a new swimsuit from the clothes rack, tore off the tags, and put it on. First things first. Then I went to the window and looked out. Noel was rowing over to the dock in my dinghy. I watched her as she came up the ladder and walked up to the door, carrying my clothes in a neatly-folded stack.
She came in and we looked at each other for a few seconds in silence.
"Enjoy your little game?" I asked.
"No, as a matter of fact I didn't. Here's your clothes." She put them on the counter. "Your dinghy is tied up by the ladder."
"Thanks. Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?"
She looked at me, and then dropped her eyes to the floor. I wasn't buying the embarrassment act, though. "Mort's idea of fun," she said. "I seduce a guy, then he sneaks up on us and makes a big scene, scares the hell out him. Mort makes the guy watch while he fucks me, then he lets the guy get in on the action, which Mort really gets off on. By the time it's over we're all good friends." She gave me a rueful smile "So you should have stuck around a little longer."
"Yeah, I guess. What about the hooker?"
"Another little fantasy of Mort's is to see me getting it on with a woman. He's got a lot of fantasies. Lately he's been combining them, which may not be a good idea."
"Are any of these things your fantasies too?"
"They used to be. Some of them. But not any more."
"So you want me to call the police?"
She looked startled. "God no! It's not like that."
"Then what is it like, Noel? Tell me, I really want to know. And don't give me any shit about what a sweetie Mort is. I know an asshole when I see one."
"I guess he is an asshole. But not a homicidal one. You were never in any danger."
"Yeah, I know that. That's not what I meant. I want to know what you're doing with him - how you met him. Why you stay with him."
She shook her head. "It's not a pretty story."
"I didn't think it would be."
"Then why do you want to hear it?"
"Because I like you, dammit! After we made love I was going to try to convince you to stick around."
She looked into my eyes, saw that I was sincere, and said "Oh for God's sake ... that's really ... sweet."
"But stupid."
"No, not stupid." She seemed to be fighting back tears.
"Listen Noel, is there any way we can go out to dinner tonight? Talk things over?"
She started to shake her head automatically, and I said "Yes you can, dammit. Tell Mort I'm threatening to go to the police unless you spend the night with me."
She thought about it for a second. "Yeah, I guess that might work. That's the kind of threat Mort would appreciate."
"So go ask him. No, go tell him."
She smiled at me, and I could see that she was sizing me up, maybe doing a little reevaluating. "You're a real go-getter, aren't you?"
I gave her my best cocky grin and said "Damn right. When I see something I really want, look out."
The phone rang a little while later and I picked it up on the first ring. It was Mort.
"What's this bullshit about calling the police?"
"I don't appreciate being threatened with a gun. Or the way I was set up, either."
"You got nothing on me. You're the one who was messing around with my woman."
"So why did you call, then?"
He chewed on that for a few seconds and said "Noel tells me you think you still got a little pussy coming your way." All class, this guy.
"That's right. You send her over here for the night, and we'll call it even. No police."
"You got nothing on me," he repeated. "But I guess I see your point. I want her back on board by midnight." Click.
Noel rowed back over to the dock in my dinghy at six, and this time I was there at the top of the ladder to help her as she came up with her shoes in her hand. She was wearing a short green sundress that matched her eyes and showed off her legs, and she had styled her hair and put on a little makeup.
She gave me a bright smile and said "Did someone here order a blonde?"
"You look terrific," I said. I wanted to kiss her more than anything, but I knew Mort was probably watching from the boat, so I settled for holding her arm to steady her as she put her shoes on. She was talking a mile a minute as I walked her over to my car and opened the passenger door for her, telling me how she convinced Mort to let her go, and I just smiled and nodded, feeling bashful and overwhelmed. It suddenly occurred to me that she was nervous, and this made me happy for some reason. I pulled out onto the highway, anxious to get away.
"Hungry?" I asked, when she paused for a second.
"Very. Where are we going?"
"Well, there are three decent restaurants around here. An Italian place, a Chinese place, and a seafood and steak place."
"Not to sound unladylike, but I could use a couple of drinks first. Something strong and tropical. And then maybe a steak?"
"Sounds good to me - Billy Bob's Steak Shack it is. It's nicer than it sounds."
We got a nice quiet booth at Billy Bob's, which really is a nice steak house, and ordered a couple of drinks.
"So how did you end up running a marina?" she asked.
"Family business. Or it used to be, anyway. My dad started it thirty years ago and did real well, well enough to put me and my brother through college. But five years ago he got sick, and his health insurance didn't cover everything so he had to sell it. When he died, the guy who bought it asked me to run the place."
She nodded and asked "Why did you accept? You had your degree, right?"
"A degree in English. I was actually working in a restaurant when my dad died, so this was a step up. At the time I thought it was what my dad would have wanted. He was always bugging me to come work for him after I graduated."
"So you like it?"
"Hell no. I'm just trying to get up the nerve to quit and try something else."
She smiled. "I majored in history. I guess we make a good cautionary tale against majoring in the humanities."
"Yeah, good point. Listen, I hate to break the mood, but you promised to tell me how you ended up with Mort."
She finished her drink, and we ordered another round. When the new drinks came she said "I told you it's not a happy story."
"I want to hear it anyway, Noel."
"OK. I'll give you the abbreviated version." She thought for a few seconds, stirring her drink with a swizzle stick, and then she said "My boyfriend was a starter on the football team, and that meant that we ran with a pretty fast crowd. A lot of partying, a lot of sex. One thing the football players loved to do was gamble. As in betting on sports. Mort was the biggest bookie on campus. Mort the Sport, they called him."
"Yeah, everybody loved Mort. Every weekend he would have a big party at his house for the athletes and for his high-rolling clients. He provided the alcohol and the food, and people would place their bets for the upcoming week, talk sports, that sort of thing. You wouldn't believe how much money we're talking about. The players all got cash under the table from rich alumni, and they drove around in fancy cars and lived in nice apartments off campus."
"Yeah, I remember that from my days at good old FSU. It was a good introduction to how unfair life is."
"Steve, my boyfriend, used to bet five thousand a week or so during the NFL season. But he wasn't very good at it, and he always owed Mort money. Mort was pretty flexible about payments if you were a star athlete, and Steve took full advantage. So eventually he ended up owing him some ungodly amount."
She paused for a moment, fiddling with the two little paper umbrellas from her drinks, and I studied her face. Her skin seemed to glow in the soft romantic lighting. But there was pain there, just under the surface, and this story was bringing it out.
"So one night at one of his parties, Mort pulls me aside and tells me how much trouble Steve was in, how he was going to be kicked out of school for owing Mort money and for illegal gambling."
"Let me guess," I said sourly. "He had some suggestions on how you could help Steve out."
She nodded. "He was pretty subtle about it, but I knew what he wanted. I started sleeping with Mort, and with his friends, and Steve kept getting more time to pay back his debt. But the thing is, I didn't mind too much. Mort was a fun guy to be around, back then, and I liked moving in the fast lane. Steve found out eventually, and we broke up, but by then Mort and I were ... I don't know. Heavily involved, I guess you might say."
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Finally, college was virtually over with only finals and graduation remaining. My parents had visited and loaded most of my things in their truck. I had my bike and they would return for graduation and collect the last of my bits and pieces.I stood looking at the near empty room. Everything that had made this a personal dorm, including posters on the walls, had gone. But I had memories. The memories of where I’d met the love of my life, where I grew into who I am now. The room was where it all...
College SexShe stares out the window at the snow falling against the black sky. Closing her eyes and breathing in slowly she takes the scent of the room into her body. ‘Mmmm…’ a soft moan escapes her, as she smells the familiar scent of him. The scent she could never get enough of. Rising slowly, she sits at the edge of their bed. Feeling the cold air against her bare skin, she shivers at the thoughts of the night before. Imagining their lovemaking, she closes her eyes and exhales slowly. The snowflakes...
Neal ran! He stretched his tired legs in great leaps that carried him far and fast in the light gravity. He breathed in great sobbing gasps, recurring waves of panic forcing him to ignore the tearing pain in his side. It felt like he'd been running, hardly stopping, for hours as one stampeding herd of animals after another thundered past. The pounding hooves surged toward him in an unstoppable tide. The leaders of this new herd bounded past, a straggle of tiny zebrastriped antelopes with...
Sitting alone staring at the character creator in Skyrim, a young gamer prepare to click ready and began your journey as Dragonborn once again. This time with the ultimate modlist. The gamer finally get the journey they always imagined. When suddenly a bolt of lightning arcs through their window striking both them and your PC as their spirit is lifted from your body and transplrted into an alternate reality to inhabit a real version of the avatar they just finalised. - In this story, we will...
The snowflakes grow and she loses her thoughts in the patterns falling on the windows. Feeling his strong hand slip around her waist, she's startled back into reality. My love.. she whispers in the voice she knows he loves. "Baby," he replies as his lips meet the small of her back,his hands wrap around her waist and finally cup her firm breasts. Feeling his fingers brush over her nipples and his lips on her shoulders, she closes her eyes and concentrates on his touch. Sliding up...
I was sick of my life. I was sick of getting up early to go to work. I was sick of having a job I hated. I was sick of trying to ass-kiss my way to a promotion I didn’t even want. There was no way out, no break from the constant grind of never-ending work. In short, I needed a break. Then I met Sky. Sky was the kind of girl that all other girls instinctively hated. She was the girl every boy’s mother dreaded him bringing back home. Thick, dark hair falling in waves and loops down her back,...
Hi to all sex lovers. This is raj back here with a new experience. I got few queries about sex but incomplete, may be few are sacred to proceed further. Any ways as the ad of mountain due says, dar ka aaga jeet hai i just reframe it, dar ka aaga masti hai. This is about my friend who had tried all new ways to impress a girl. Trust me for his love he made me run every day afternoon in midsummer 10km to do what, just go and stand on the main road of the street where the girl lived. I was a odd...
We cuddled closely under the dark night sky, sparkling with millions of little stars, like a big velvet cloth sprinkled with diamonds. I felt his warm arms holding me so tightly and so lovingly, keeping me safe and warm. I feel his warm breath against the back of my neck and he gently nuzzles his nose into my neck and sighed in passion and joy as he breathed in my scent. He pulled me closer and started gently kissing my neck. With one of his hands, he gently touched my face and ran his fingers...
EroticSylvia wound down the window on the Mercedes station wagon. “Bye Harry, goodbye Tom, bye Bub.” Cliff said. “What’s for dinner?” He asked Sylvia. “Moroccan chicken,” his wife replied. “I won’t be late,” he said, before watching as the Mercedes commenced the journey back to town. “Well played Cliff,” the club secretary noted, as he passed by Cliff’s truck to head for the Pavilion. 'Old Errol loves his beer,' Cliff thought to himself, as he walked around the back of his polo truck....
TabooAfter a long work week, you are happy to kick back and relax with your co-workers at the local pub. As the night draws to a close, you make your drunken way to Syndie, the temp. Blond hair and blue eyes, perfect 34 double D's and cinched waist, the curves of her hips and ass had been driving you crazy all week. The regular receptionist came back the next week, and so it was now or never if you ever want to have a chance with this goddess. She's wearing the charcol pencil skirt and light blue...
As evening falls, the confines of your hotel room seem too much. You must get must find her. The perfect one. The sunset has painted the sky in a vast array of reds, oranges, and pinks but the beauty is lost on you as your need to find her becomes overwhelming. You haven't played the game in the years, not since your release from prison. You promised them you wouldn't do it again...but your heart is pounding, your head is swimming, every core instinct in your body tells you to find...
MatureIt was half past midnight at Club Sky; sweat was beginning to overpower the smell of cheap cologne and booze. On the dance floor what looked liked a large school of confused sardines, wriggled around to a rhythm.“It’s your round, bro.” Patrick asserted. “I’ve got two bids over there eyeing me in the corner. They’re looking a little thirsty—parched, if you will.”Gerald lifted his head over the crowd to catch a glance of the duo he was referring to.“What are you an ostrich?” Pat said, grabbing...
Based on the Twilight Zone episode "And When the Sky Was Opened". This may be archived/posted anywhere: just give credit where credit is due. Open Sky By Pretzelgirl "Coyote base, this is Roadrunner. We have a situation here." "Roadrunner? Please confirm. We do not have you on radar. Repeat: you do NOT show on radar." "Coyote Base, I can assure you we're really here -- but not for long. I've lost avionics. We'll require assistance in coming down." "Roadrunner, you have...
This Fan fiction is based on characters of the on line comic copy wrote by Anne Onymous and Robin Ericson. THE WOTCH SEA AND SKY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS The coming storm made the day the darkest it could be. Paul screeched his bike outside of his school. He got off his bike, locked it too the rank and was about to let go when it happened. Green lighting stuck out of pink smoke. It hit Paul's metal bike and knocked him with the power of a mule kick to the ground. When he woke, he couldn't...
The passageway stretched to a distance of couple kilometers. It was dark, completely void from Sun Stones. WHOOSH! WHOOSH! Supreme Ruler Ariel lead and Zax followed, both extending their Soul Sense and Sublime Soul Sense to perceive their surrounding since there were many twists. Of course, Zax could rely on his excellent vision to see the way, but he was quite fascinated in this one of a kind passageway and wondered if there were interesting stuff in it; such as special stones like...
Part 2 of 2. This follows directly from Pt 1. The continuation and conclusion of the tale. Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. There is a bit of violence here, but not too graphic. A few expressions and phrases may be unfamiliar to some. Where I thought appropriate I have marked with an asterisk and a meaning is placed at the end. Thank you to Dimelza Cassidy for much needed advice on 'Blues' bike....
This one is a little more autobiographical than most. But don't take it as truth. If there is such a thing. Hey, everyone has 'history'. Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. No real kinkiness, sex or violence. A bit of sorrow and some shared emotion. Now having lost most of you, whoever is left, see what you think. A few expressions and phrases may be unfamiliar to some. Where I thought appropriate I have marked with an...
After working in stressful jobs for an entire year , me and my girlfriend decided to go on a vacation.We booked an economy class ticket to Thailand.It is a 12 hour journey from the UK to Thailand and we had braced ourselves for a tiring journey,upon reaching the airport we were greeted by my girlfriends uncle who was the floor manager for the airline on which we were travelling,she had not met her uncle since a long time,to our delight her uncle pulled some strings and got us first class seats...
It had been weeks since I had seen Eric, yet I remembered his face well. The day I left was the day my heart broke. I just had not realized it yet. He was unique, talented. Eric was a musician, an artist, a sculptor, a writer, and one of the most profoundly amazing men I'd ever met. I had made my choice, though. At least, I thought I had. It was the night just before my wedding, and I went looking for him. I had to know that I was not making a mistake, that I should be marrying my fiance. I...
Love StoriesFade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...
This story starts like many others, it has a beginning, middle and end. This is the beginning! (Obviously) My name is Saul. My parents were Believers and loved the story of the apostle Paul and how he used to be known as Saul before a miraculous name change. Why they didn’t just name me Paul is beyond me, but it’s my name, so there ya go. Most of my life was uneventful. I lived away from civilization and no matter where I needed to go, had to drive about 30 minutes to get there, no matter...
I have been cross-dressing in secret since I was in my late teens. Over the years, I have accumulated quite a wardrobe and whenever I get a chance I like to get dressed. When there is little time, I just throw on a sexy bra, panties, and genderless outer clothes like a sweat suit and sneak off to the local adult bookstore in a totally non-passable condition. There I can usually find some dick to suck or someone to fuck my ass. Sometimes when the family is away, I get fully dressed in clearly...
CrossdressingThe bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently...
Straight SexThe bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently removing...
‘Hey Mike, can I come to your band practice this afternoon?’ Mike played bass in this garage band that was working towards stardom, at least that was what he told everyone. ‘Why?’ ‘I heard Huw talking to a couple of his friends and they seem to think that you’re pretty good.’ What I didn’t tell him was that they all thought the lead singer was a ‘babe’ and that the rest of the band was sort of okay. ‘Okay, but don’t get in the way.’ He was packing his bass and amp into their cases ready to...
It’s the little things I love: the warmth of your hand on the small of my back, your thigh gently bumping mine as we walk, the twinkle in your eyes when you look at me. I adore your laugh and the way your smile creases your entire face. If I nuzzle against you, your enticing scent fills my nostrils, and I love the way I quiver when your hand clasps mine.We entwine fingers now, linked together as we walk side-by-side through sunlight dappled by the dense beech canopy. Stooping, you pluck a...
Quickie SexThe sea has always fascinated me. The way the waves flow over the water. The amazing colours help focus your mind and bring a sense of calmness, inner peace and clarity. I have always loved just sitting on the beach in the same place watching the sea for hours on end. It’s the closest thing to paradise or heaven. I suppose that’s why I enjoyed helping Chris, before the fire that is. My name is Simone. I am eighteen, 5’11, slim, have long brown hair and brown eyes with slightly larger than...
= CHAPTER 1 Advertising creative director Katrina Cole was on the cusp of a meltdown. Her department was under notice it was in danger of losing a $3.3 million account because the client was alleging the branding campaign was not working. The agency counter-claimed that the Genuine Cowboy Belts Corporation (GCBC) was at fault, it’s sales and marketing arms were responsible for sluggish sales. That finger pointing was rejected by the client as ‘standing too close to the wall while...
I guess I was a little slow in becoming sexually active, at least that is the way it felt listening to almost all my friends describe all the encounters they had had with the much discussed ‘Penis’. It seemed like every time I got together with my friends, who were sixteen or seventeen too, the subject always turned to boys and everyone seemed like they had a new experience with a boy to share. Not me. With rather strict parents, I had only been allowed to start dating after I had turned 16....
You certainly don't need to know about the BlazBlue universe to read this story. It'll definitely help, though! It's simply an anime set in the future. There's magic, and science, and they use it in unison to survive in what is essentially a post-apocalyptic world. It isn't barren, however, but a good portion of the population did die almost a hundred years ago. All you need to know while reading this is that there's people, and you're going to mess with them. Feel free to "like" your favourite...
Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...
Transmission # 97 Standing at the edge of the cliff, gazing thoughtlessly down into the septic tank of our soul... High heels and lip-stick, cocaine enemas, we beg the Whore-Goddess to fuck us with her fifteen inch throbbing cock, to be her slave....Bouncing up and down, playing pogo on your cock, tightening my sphincter, milking, teasing, squeezing your throbbing shaft so deep inside. You pull my legs back, speeding my asshole, gape-r****g me, making me scream as I lose control over my...
Bluebell Hill By Paul1954 Prologue Rochester University, Kent, England : October 27th, 2000 Elizabeth Geddes watched the backs of the three young men as they departed from her office and then closed her eyes tightly. Despite the hard facade she had just had to show to them she knew, more than they could ever be aware of, just exactly how they had felt. She heard a muffled curse as the door slammed shut behind them, and experienced what she might have thought of as a feeling of...
I guess I was a little slow in becoming sexually active, at least that is the way it felt listening to almost all my friends describe all the encounters they had had with the much discussed 'Penis'. It seemed like every time I got together with my friends, who were sixteen or seventeen too, the subject always turned to boys and everyone seemed like they had a new experience with a boy to share. Not me. With rather strict parents, I had only been allowed to start dating after I had turned 16....
First Time... years ago, I rode these prairies, with my bride so sweet and fair, I remember, how it thrilled her, Pretty bluebonnets blooming everywhere... * The evening shadows were falling fast by the time Amos and Abigail finished their supper and made their way out to the cool of their veranda to enjoy the evening twilight. "How many nights we've sit out here wondering where Emmett is, and what he's doing?" Abigail said, touching her husband's hand, as if to seek comfort and reassurance. "I...
Blue Chew! First off, these fuckers only sell to customers located in the USA currently, so unless you're living in the land of Trump, you're out of luck. Anyways, let’s talk about the miracle of modern medicine for a second. I know I spend most of my time rambling about how much I love teen blowjobs and lesbian orgies, but for real, I have a genuine appreciation for doctors, scientists, researchers, and massive pharmaceutical companies. A couple of generations ago, men got old, and their dicks...
Male Enhancement PillsHi all its been a while since my last post and alot of it is down to my inconsiderate wife wanting to diet a little bit and tone up,so she has had no heavy drinking sessions, both my neighbour and myself are devastated as he has not had the chance of a follow up fuck. I know he has had wanks whilst listening to me and my wife fucking at night as he has told me numerous times.John my elderly neighbour has been learning how to skype and we have had a few lessons during the day so he is fairly...
LovingSkye: Hearing his snap, she is jolted into action, and stands, walking silently behind him as they make their way to the playroom. MatrimKnotai: stops in front of a set of leg stocks and points at the ground under the stocks. "Lay down on your back slave, head towards the wall." LovingSkye: She walks up behind him, seeing a pair of leg stocks strapped to the wall, cold metal chains that would soon be holding her captive. "Yes sir." She lays down, the cold floor bringing...
“Hi Daddy,” from Marti. “Hello Hank,” from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody called me Hank. “Hey have you started anything for dinner yet,” I asked. “Oh gosh, sorry Daddy, no, I’ll start now,” Marti said. “How about we just do pizza’s instead?” I offered. In unison I got a, “Way cool.” “Just let me relax for a few, have a beer and sort the mail and I’ll call it in; decide what you girls want, pepperoni, sausage, what?” I popped the top...
Introduction: The title is a joke…so is the man Good evening young ladies, I greeted the two of them as I came in the front door. My twelve-year-old daughter Martha and her best buddy Jamie James. Jamie was staying the night, her mother had a date and expected to be coming in late. That was fine with me, I liked Jamie, she and Marti had been friends since first grade, she was a good kid. Hi Daddy, from Marti. Hello Hank, from Jamie. Yes the adults, the kids, the garbage men, heck everybody...
You wake up and sit up, the room's still pitch black. You glance across at your alarm clock, the fluorescent green is almost blinding as you read, "4:27am". You sigh and roll back over, pulling the blanket onto your shoulder as you settle back into bed. Just as you drifting back off to sleep a piercing beeping sound resonates around the room, causing you to sit straight back up. That's the sound you've been waiting for. You jump eagerly out of bed and quickly sit in your computer chair,...
Mind ControlI was chatting and looking for dom men to have fun as always, when this Master came up. He was very, very abusive and arrogant. He told me to give him my Skype and close all my onlene profiles. He told me that he has watched all my videos and he knows that I am pathetic fag and today he will make me scream and cry in pain. He told me that he needs my ass and clit and dont care of anything else. He told me to switch on my cam and expose to him fully naked. I told him, that I am not prepared to...
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer.Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking lot. There were several men beating up a beautiful woman, when I tried to break it up I ended up getting very banged up myself.Her name was misty, she thanked me for helping her and asked if I need a ride...
'What was I thinking, fucking stupid cow'. Yes I am talking about me, I walked into it, eyes wide closed, as the saying goes, but what fuck, sit back and let me tell you and see what you think, I promise I will be open, honest, and get right down into the knitty gritty, I wont miss anything out, then you will see just how much of a slut I am.I was home while my husband was away on a job on an oil rig in India, we had been separated for five weeks and he was due home the following week, but had...
After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a "date," even though he'd been living as a woman for the last year, even though this was no date. Outside he heard his ex-wife Olena and her new husband Vlad talking about a vacation they were taking in a couple of weeks. How could they talk so casually? He felt a pang of...
After several years of electrolysis, hormones, and bleaching, his skin was smooth and hairless. He looked as pretty as he was ever going to look. He felt the usual nervousness that he always felt whenever he went out on a "date," even though he'd been living as a woman for the last year, even though this was no date. Outside he heard his ex-wife Olena and her new husband Vladimir talking about a vacation they were taking in a couple of weeks. How could they talk so casually? He felt a pang...
The phones were ringing hot. Duke Henry Lindsey had posted the charter for claiming a piece of the action on Harmony, straight after the meeting with Lee and Vanesa had added the definition. He had personally sent one to each government, each ambassador and then posted it on the internet for everyone to read. The stock market was going up and down like a bloody yo-yo. Most of the governments were really pissed with him about posting it on the net. But they couldn’t do much about it as it...
Jessie Harper watched with delight as Bjorn Erikson displayed his wonderful naked body to the crowd and the judges. The guy had obviously been practising his cat-walk style and moved about with a very fluid motion that seemed to really impress the judges. Bjorn’s still semi-erect penis also seemed to have a grace and a charm all its own as it swung along in all its gallant style with the foreskin pulled back nicely from the penis knob. When Bjorn was facing the judges and the audience he...
Qorno aka Kowalsky Page! If you prefer to browse for naughty content on a simple porn website, I suggest you visit, as well as some other sites that I already reviewed. There are plenty of naughty videos here that you might not have seen yet, so have fun exploring. As simple as this site might be, there is still a lot I have to say about it and soon you will see why.Of course, I have to mention their shit design color, because what the actual fuck? Why in the hell would you...
Porn AggregatorsLet's have a look at Sky Private! There are hundreds upon hundreds of xxx cam sites out there that let you watch sexy girls strip, masturbate, and dance for you on command. Not many of them offer much outside of the usual model of how these sites tend to operate, though: you click into a girl’s room, watch her alongside hundreds of other dudes, tip to encourage her to show more, and then pay a certain number of coins in order to enter into a private show with her. As porn addicts, I’m sure you...
Live Sex Cam Sites1blue eyes: a story of a Matriarchal society “Going once; going twice; sold! ... to the Lady in the blue suit,” the auctioneer’s voice sang out, punctuated by the sharp rap of the gavel and the beginning of a polite round of applause from the several hundred Womyn seated in the auditorium. i barely had time to take in the fact that my display on the auction block had ended when my leash was sharply pulled by the Womyn who had identified Herself only as my “handler” and i was led back...
My favorite color is blue. It always has been, for as long as I can remember. My eyes are blue. Girls I’ve been attracted to have blue eyes. My car is blue. I wear blue jeans a lot. Blue was always the one color that jumped out at me, more vivid than all the others. I was a teenager before I had an eye test and learned that I was the proud owner of a severe case of red-green colorblindness. When I learned that, everything started to make more sense. Blue always stood out to me because it’s...
Summary - Theo has a painful problem, so it's Mom and Theo’s turn to have a little talk. Previous Story Summary - Tiffany had a very fun filled day at school. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. In real life, incestuous relationships, particularly when an under-aged person is...