Earth s CoreChapter 30 The Blue Sky
- 2 years ago
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Oh, I have slipped the surely bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter silvered wings
Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun split clouds and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of
from High Flight by John Gillespie Magee Jr.
"That's it, Sandy. Just follow me on the controls and get the feel of it this time."
The voice came clearly through my headphones and my hands moved to rest lightly on the second stick. No yolk in this one. An old fashioned stick. For a few seconds we traveled straight and level and then the horizon rose slightly as we started down to pick up speed. Then it dipped once again as I felt myself begin to be pressed back into my seat. I could feel Sam's gentle pressure on his controls as we passed through level and the horizon continued to fall. I was forced more deeply into my seat as the horizon dropped totally out of sight and we began to claw our way up, up, up, all the while continuing to arch over further. Then we were passing the top, our heads now pointed towards the earth below but centrifugal force pulling us towards our feet as though we were still flying straight and level, until our continuing smoothly curved path brought our nose downward as we screamed down the back side of the loop until finally we were once more flying level with the horizon right where it should be in front of us.
"Feeling OK?"
I heard Sam's voice in my headphones and returned to the reality of the cockpit. I pushed the intercom switch. "Physically I'm fine. But otherwise I'm high as a kite." I gave a quick laugh. "Actually, quite a bit higher. I loved it, Sam. I want more."
"All in good time, all in good time. OK, we'll try another one. This time move the controls along with me. In fact, I'll just follow you and take it if you overdo anything."
"Roger." I took a deep breath and let my hands relax on the stick, my feet just touching the rudder pedals. A little forward pressure and I watched the air speed indicator begin to pick up as we started down the shallow slope.
"That's it. Let it gain another ten knots or so."
I didn't answer but when we reached the right speed I started back on the stick and we began to climb. "Good, good. That's just right." I held a smooth pressure and we made our way around the big circle until we once again reached the bottom and leveled out. "You are a natural at this, Sandy. I'd say there must be some bird in your genetics somewhere."
"I did say flying was in my family, didn't I? Really, Sam, did I do that all right?"
"More than all right. Best I've ever seen from a beginner. Really."
We spent another half hour with Sam taking me through several more maneuvers and letting me get the feel of them. I wasn't ready to try any of them completely on my own, but I could see that I might be before too many more lessons. At last he said, "OK, Batgirl, bring us back in."
I made a slight face at Sam's way of addressing me, but I wasn't going to say anything. He seemed to like the nickname and it really didn't bother me. It was better than Junior Birdwoman, anyway.
I turned back towards the airport and made my approach. This plane was designed for acrobatics and handled a bit differently than those I had flown before. Even though this was my first time in this type I had picked up a feel for it fairly quickly and my approach and landing were pretty smooth. I taxied over to the hanger and made an orderly shutdown. As the engine died the silence replacing the torrent of sound which had been engulfing us for the last forty five minutes seemed to lift a physical weight from my shoulders and I felt them relax as I removed my headphones. Actually with modern noise canceling headphones the sound isn't overwhelming but you are still aware of it and if you lift the phones for any reason it becomes a physical assault.
We climbed out and I helped Sam move the plane and tie it down before we headed inside to his office. Sam was in his fifties, an ex-Air Force fighter pilot, and had been my flight instructor for the last two years. He had seen me through my commercial license and Instrument rating and I couldn't imagine a better flight instructor. Always ready to guide me but never pushing too hard or being overly aggressive. After the last lesson I had said something about "milk runs" and Sam had replied, "Getting bored? Maybe you'd like to try some acrobatics. Come on out Friday and I'll give you a taste for free." He knew I was on a tight budget. Flying is expensive, especially when you have to pay an instructor also.
"You mean in that low wing job over in the next bay? I'd love that, Sam."
"OK, then Friday, say about two. That sound all right?"
"Perfect! I'll be here."
Now as we went into his office I think my feet never touched the ground. He moved behind his desk and I took a seat in front of it. "Well, how did you like it?"
"Fantastic! I loved every second of it."
"Want to come back tomorrow, say about ten, and try some more?"
"Oh, Sam, I'd love to but I don't know if I can afford it."
He sat back for a few seconds in thought. Then he slowly said, "Suppose I throw in the instruction for free and you just pick up the regular wet rental cost?"
My eyes opened wide. He was making me quite an offer. Almost shaking I replied, "For that I'll manage somehow, but, Sam, that isn't fair to you. You should get paid for the instruction."
His face turned a little more serious. "Sandy, you are the kind of student who comes along only once in a blue moon. You have a potential I've rarely seen and it wouldn't be right to let it go to waste. I know you aren't planning on flying for a living but flying is a deep part of you never the less. Having a student like you is reward enough for me."
I felt my face go warm at this unexpected high praise. "Thank you, Sam. I don't know that I'm quite that good, but I really would like to learn some acrobatics." Then I hesitated for a few seconds. "I would love to take you up on the offer for tomorrow but I'm afraid it'll be another two weeks before I can even pay the rental."
He smiled at me. "Don't worry about that. You can owe me. Sandy, honestly, I've never had a student take to acrobatics like you just did. I think you must have been born with wings."
Was I born with wings? Maybe not really but as I had told Sam there was aviation in my family. My dad had been Air Force and flew F-16s. His Dad had flown F-105s in Nam. My mom's grandfather had flown P-38s in Europe and his brother had piloted B-29s over Japan. I was never interested in a military career but the flying always did fascinate me. I remember my dad took me flying in a Cessna when I was six and even let me move the yolk a little. From then on I was hooked. Like all the other kids I got my driver's license when I was sixteen but I was less excited about that than starting flight lessons. Before my seventeenth birthday I had soloed and now, at twenty-two, I had private and commercial license and instrument ratings.
As Sam had remarked I wasn't going to earn a living flying. I had graduated the year before with a degree in Information Technology and I had a job running the IT department for a small biotech company. But flying was still a major factor in my life. I flew whenever I got a chance. Somehow when I climbed into the cockpit and left the earth below I became more complete. On the ground I was a cog in a machine - a very successful cog, I'll admit, but still a part of something over which I had no control. In the air I was complete. Just myself and the aircraft and sometimes it felt hard to separate the two. Alone, up in the sky, far away from everything else, I was complete. Complete, fulfilled, and happy.
Perhaps this had something to do with my less than successful love life on the ground. I'm not unattractive. I'm five foot seven, slim, in quite good shape physically. I have shoulder length auburn hair, deep green eyes and a figure most men find quite attractive. Maybe a little small in the boob department, but not really too small. I've been told my face is quite nice and I have seen a number of men closely watching my long legs and enjoying the view as I walk past them. No, the problem is not in getting men to notice me, but rather in keeping them.
It's not like I don't want more. In fact, quite the opposite. I've tried meeting men in a number of different ways. I've even tried the bar scene a couple of times but while I had no trouble meeting men there, there weren't any I wanted to see anywhere else. I have tried a couple of on-line dating services, looking for someone with some interests in common, especially flying. I tried meeting men around the airports. OK, picking up men around the airports, but not with the idea of taking them home to bed. Just to hopefully find someone I can get along with and who can get along with me.
I think a lot of it was just that most men don't know quite how to handle a girl who flies planes as much as I do. Even a lot of the male pilots I knew seemed to be a little touchy about it. One of them once hinted that it was because I had a lot more in my log book than most of them even years older than I am. Once I mentioned that comment to Sam and he agreed that might bother some of them. Then he added, "It also might be because you are a lot better pilot than they are or will ever be." Did he really think that? Well, I know I'm pretty good even if I haven't had much chance to compare myself with many others.
Whatever the reasons it seemed that men didn't keep interest in me for very long. Still, I wasn't about to give up flying for any man: I loved being aloft too much. I was most happy when alone with just myself, the aircraft, and the open sky.
Perhaps part of it is that I'm kind of a loner. I don't mean I try to avoid people or anything. No, it's more that I don't seem to really NEED people most of the time. I'm largely self contained, doing things on my own. That doesn't mean I don't want friends. Or lovers. Sometimes I feel terribly lonely and wish so much for someone to share my thoughts and feelings. In fact, a lot of the time I feel at least somewhat lonely. It may seem strange, but the only times I seem to not be lonely at all is when I'm by myself up in the totally empty sky.
Saturday at a quarter of ten I pulled up and parked. The air was cool and the early September sky was perfectly clear, a flawless blue in the morning light. I made my way inside to Sam's office where he was just finishing some paperwork. "Hi, Batgirl," he greeted me.
"Hi yourself, Blue Fox." He had once told me that "Blue Fox" was his call sign when he was flying F-16s.
He grinned in response and said, "OK, want to go tear up the sky a little?"
I smiled back at him and made a ripping motion with my hands and we headed out to the hanger bay. I helped him pull the stunt plane out into the open and then he surprised me by saying, "Why don't you do the preflight."
"You trust me to do that?" I asked. It takes a lot for one pilot to let another preflight a plane for which he is going to be responsible.
"Sandy, I've watched you do preflights for, what, over two years. I definitely trust you. You are careful and complete. Never take any shortcuts and always make sure of everything."
"I guess I got that for some of the stories my dad told. He told me one he heard around the aero club at Wright Patt. Must have happened long before he was there but they still told it. Seems one day a guy came in to do fly and when he went out to do his preflight there was an old guy doing one on another plane. The first pilot finished his, went back inside, checked the weather and talked a little while with the guy behind the counter. Then he looked out the window and saw that the old guy was still taking his time and doing his own preflight. He made some remark about how that old guy must not know much about flying. The man behind the counter looked rather surprised and asked, 'Know who that old man is?' The pilot shook his head and the counter man said, 'That's Charles Lindbergh.'
He smiled at the story and I added, "I've also often heard that there are old pilots and bold pilots but no old, bold pilots. Dad always said that came for Chuck Yeager, but no matter who said it, I believe it."
"That's true. If you get careless they - the Fates or whoever - are always waiting. Now go ahead and preflight the bird."
I did that, carefully checking fuel and oil and control movement. When that task was finished we climbed into the plane, Sam in the rear cockpit and me in the front. For the next hour and a half we tore holes in the sky. Loops and rolls and stalls. Even an Immelmann. Sam would guide me through a maneuver and then have me try them, correcting any mistakes.
When we landed I was again more excited than ever. I found I loved this and longed for a time when I could try them solo. Well, someday. As we walked back towards the hanger door I commented, "I love it, Sam. The gees don't bother me at all and my stomach never even quivered. The only thing that would make it nicer would be if we could get rid of the engine noise. Looping around the sky in silence would be truly fantastic."
He stopped and looked up out over the end of the field. "You've never been up in a glider, have you?" I shook my head. He nodded in the direction he had been looking. "Watch."
I looked where he indicated and saw an aircraft in the distance. From that range I couldn't really tell anything about it but I watched for a couple of minutes as it came closer to the field. Then it dawned on me that I didn't hear any engine noise. The craft made a pass overhead and then a steep banking turn, reversing direction to some around and settle on an approach. However it didn't look like he was lined up with the runway. Instead the pilot made a sharp change in direction at the last second and brought the craft onto the grass parallel to the paved runway, letting is slow to a stop less than a hundred yards from us.
Sam said, "Come on over and I'll introduce you." We started walking towards the plane as the canopy slid back and the pilot started to climb out. As we approached more closely I saw that the pilot was a young man, probably no more than three or four years older than me. He was tall - near six feet - and had a thick head of medium length light brown hair which swished as he shook his head back and forth after removing the earphones and a baseball cap. I couldn't see his eyes through the gold framed flyer's sunglasses he wore but his face wore a wide smile as he turned towards Sam and said, "Hi, Sam. Lovely morning for flying. I saw you stunting out there."
"Hi, Tom. Yes, beautiful morning, but it wasn't me you saw. I was just along for the ride. Let me introduce you to Sandy, one of the best students I've ever had." He turned towards me and said, "Sandy, this if Tom Larson. He flies that silent kite but he also flies other things, including a Lear."
I smiled and stuck out my hand. "Hi. Sam is exaggerating a little. This was only my second time in a stunt plane and Sam was showing me a few things."
Sam put in, "I let her follow me once for each maneuver and then she mostly did everything after that."
I felt a little embarrassed but before I could say anything Tom said, "I'm certainly pleased to meet you, Sandy. If Sam says you are good you might as well not try to defer. Even if you were just a passenger I would still be very pleased to meet a lovely woman who appreciates flight like that." With a smile he added, "I can tell you appreciated it because you are not throwing up."
We all laughed and Sam said, "Sandy was just saying how she wished she could avoid the engine noise when I saw your little kite coming in. I told her she should try a glider sometime."
Tom looked at me more closely. "I would be honored to let you have a ride some time, Sandy. It's like nothing else in the world."
"Would you really? I'd love that." I was finding I was becoming very interested in Tom, not only because he had a glider and was offering me a ride but also I was finding him very attractive as a man. Not just physically although he certainly was that. But mostly because he still seemed interested in me and very friendly even after he knew I was a pilot and, from Sam's comments, a good one.
"As I said, I would be honored. I'll even let you play with the controls if you'd like."
Sam glanced at his watch. "I'll leave you two to work out the details. I've got a student coming over in twenty minutes and this one is not nearly as good as Sandy. I'd better go take my tranquilizers to get ready." We smiled at his kidding and as he turned away he added, "Sandy, let me know when you're ready for another lesson and Tom, nice seeing you again."
Tom turned towards me and said, "OK. When would you like your ride?"
"Anytime. I mean I do have a day job but I can probably work that around the time that's best for you."
"Well, I have a day job, too." He didn't say what it was but He looked up at the clear sky in thought for a couple of seconds. "This high pressure should stay around for a couple of days. It will be sunny and we should get some nice thermals by the afternoon. Are you free tomorrow?"
Surprised I quickly answered. "Yes, just tell me when."
"I'll set up a tow for two tomorrow afternoon." Then he stopped a second before saying, "So why don't you meet me for brunch at the Falcon Club at eleven. That will give us time to eat and get to know each other a little better and let me tell you a little about gliding."
The Falcon Club was a small restaurant just off the field. Surprised again, I hesitated a second and then surprised myself again by saying, "I'm not sure that will be enough time. I'll agree to your schedule if you'll let me take you to dinner tonight." I was most interested to see how he would react to such an invitation from a woman. Many men would turn and run - well, maybe not literally, but many would certainly be put off. I really hoped Tom wouldn't be one of them.
A wide smile crossed Tom's face. "I would be delighted. It's a rare thing for a beautiful woman to be so decisive so soon. I believe we are going to get along quite well."
The same thought came into my mind also and I hoped we would still feel the same way after we spent a little more time together. I smiled back at him. "Perhaps at the Brown House?" I'd have to work that into my budget but I felt sure Sam would be happy to let me go more than two weeks to pay for today's flight.
"That would be perfect. Tell me where you live and I'll drive."
I gave him the address of my apartment and we agreed on a time of six. With smiles and handshakes we parted company and I headed back to my car and home. I wouldn't have a lot of extra time if I was going to finish the few things I needed done today and still have time to get ready for tonight.
By ten of six I was ready. I had changed from the jeans and shirt into a short cocktail dress. It would probably cool off at least into the lower fifties tonight so the green velvet wouldn't be out of place. The Brown House would have a variety of dress so it wouldn't be out of place there, either. This dress was fairly low cut and came only to mid thigh. Three inch heels and a small clutch completed my wardrobe. My only really good jewelry was an emerald solitaire necklace and a pair of matching ear studs. I looked at the necklace against the skin above the low cut dress and decided it set off my eyes nicely. I had brushed my hair until it almost glowed and I was wearing it loose about my shoulders. OK, I'll admit I wanted to impress Tom Larson.
Just at six he knocked on my door. I opened it and he looked me up and down and gave a most decided wolf whistle. He must have a lot of confidence to do that with someone he had just met hours before but I was definitely pleased that he did so and simply said, "Thank you, Sir. Please come in."
He smiled and did so as I turned to get my wrap. Since it wasn't going to be really cold I had a cape instead of a coat. He reached for this and I relinquished it as he held it for me. Manners. Rare, but definitely appreciated.
We left my apartment and I locked the door behind me before turning and seeing the car at the curb in front. A Porsche! Tom Larson must have been fairly well off. He held the door for me as I took my place inside. Fortunately I had learned how to enter a low sports car. If you know how such an entrance can be smooth and even sexy whereas if you don't it will look clumsy at best. One boyfriend in college had shown me how so I put one foot inside, swung my ass into the bucket seat and pulled the other leg in after me. This not only looks smooth but shows a lot of leg - especially with a short dress - and is generally appreciated by men. Tom looked like he appreciated it.
He went around to his side and entered. He started the powerful engine with its low throated throb and said, "To the Brown House, My Lady," and put the car into gear. The short drive took only a few minutes and we soon pulled into a space in the parking lot. Once more he moved around, opened my door and reached out a hand to help me out.
I know a lot of women - especially ones who have accomplished something unusual - such as flying - feel insulted when a man does things for them like opening doors. They seem to think he is saying he thinks they are incapable of doing it on their own. I've never thought like that. I just feel honored when a man shows such courtesies.
Tom offered his arm and led me to the entrance where he again held the door. We entered and moved towards the reception desk. This would be where there would be a problem if Tom was uncomfortable with my asking him out. We'd soon see.
The maitre'd approached and spoke. "May I help you?"
I quickly spoke. "Yes, I have a reservation. Branson." I glanced at Tom's face. If he was bothered it didn't show at all. He seemed perfectly comfortable with my arranging things and made no attempt to take over in any form.
The man glanced at his list and replied, "Certainly. If you'll follow me, please."
He led the way, me following, and Tom bringing up the rear. I did notice that none of this seemed to bother Tom. Points in his favor. He had enough confidence that having a woman set things up didn't bother him. And he didn't mind that I flew. He seemed almost too good to be true.
Dinner went smoothly without a flaw. There was no awkwardness or hesitation on either of our parts. Instead we spoke freely and easily. I'll readily admit that one of the problems I have with men may have to do with the fact that I won't hide myself and play the helpless damsel. If I have an opinion I'll give it. Tom seemed the same way. If our opinions differed we were both willing to accept that and go on. We might try to convince the other of our position but if it didn't take we let it go. Neither of us felt we had to win.
Fortunately there was little difference of opinion at all. We seemed to think alike on many subjects. Especially flight. But not limited to that. I quickly found that Tom was widely read and knowledgeable on a variety of subjects. I also found he managed an air charter service. Managed and, I gather, largely owned.
Because we would both be flying in the morning we limited ourselves to one glass of wine. Thankfully. I say thankfully because I was paying for dinner and I knew it would already be straining my budget. Another thing I found I liked about Tom. I'm sure he realized from our talk that I was not loaded financially. He obviously was much better off in that department but he never made any suggestion that he pick up part of the tab. He was astute enough to realize I would be hurt if he had. The more I knew him, the better he looked.
When the waiter brought the bill I simply reached for it and handed over my credit card. Tom made no move to interfere and I could see it didn't bother him to have a woman paying the tab even though I was sure that was a rare occurrence for him.
We left the restaurant about a quarter of eight and walked over to his car. Tom once again held the door for me as I entered - and watched my legs as I swung them inside - before going around to his own side.
"It's still early. Is there something you'd like to do now?"
It was a lovely night. Warm for September with the temperature in the upper sixties and Tom had the top down on the Porsche ... The sky was still perfectly clear and the evening stars had begun to appear. I looked up at them and on impulse said, "Maybe we can just go somewhere where we can look at the stars and talk."
My hand almost came to my mouth as I realized what I had said. On a first date - well, not even really a date - and I was suggesting something like this. However the suggestion didn't seem to phase Tom at all. Instead he replied, "Sure. How about up at Indianhead Park? The parking lot at the top of the cliffs."
I smiled at him. "Perfect."
He started the throaty engine and pulled out of the parking lot. In another few minutes we were heading through the outskirts of the town towards the park in the foothills above the river. The sounds of the town faded behind us and by the time we turned into the park entrance the traffic had diminished to only an occasional car. It was Saturday night, classes at the college had begun, so it wasn't surprising that there were a few cars parked at various places in the park but most seemed to be in small side roads or parking areas and as we climbed to the high ground overlooking the river they became fewer in number.
The lot at the top was fairly large, serving both the viewing area and a medium sized picnic area. Now the picnic area was empty and only three other cars were parked where they could look out at the view. These were separated and besides I think the couples inside were too busy to notice anyone else.
Tom pulled into a space near one edge, looking out from the top of the high cliffs. He turned off the engine and silence seemed to flow over us. Not really quite total silence. We could still hear distant sounds from the roads and the town below as well as closer the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. We were facing northeast and in the darkened sky I could see Ursa Major and Cassiopeia circling the North Star. Off to our left the bright spot of Jupiter out shown the lesser stars. I leaned back in the leather seat, just looking up, for long seconds. Almost under my breath I quoted, "and a star to steer her by."
Tom turned his head towards me and from the corner of my eye I saw him smile. "Yes, that would do, but sometimes GPS helps."
I gave a slight laugh. "True, very true. But still there is something about the stars that no digital display can match. Sorry, Tom, I've always loved looking up at the stars."
"Nothing to be sorry about. I've always loved that myself." He was silent for half a minute. "Sometimes I wonder if traveling out there might be like the glider. You know, big and open and quiet. To where you are almost one with your craft and can almost become part of the universe itself."
"I've never been in a glider but I get the same feeling when I'm alone in a Cessna. After the last couple of days I think it would be even better in a stunt plane."
"Maybe tomorrow you'll see the best of both. I'll admit that sometimes I love the throb of a powerful engine but the silence of a sailplane is something else. There's also that you almost have to become part of the plane because you don't have an engine to provide brute force to get you out of trouble. Sort of the difference between a powerful motorboat and a kayak."
I smiled at him. "Do you use a kayak?"
"I have one and try to get out in it as frequently as I can, but never enough. What about you?"
"One of my few possessions. A twelve foot Wilderness Systems. I'm not really into white water but I would love to have time to make a long trip - maybe a week or two - down some river. Mostly just paddling with the current, camping at night. Just me and the boat and the wilderness. That sort of thing."
"Yes, that does sound nice. It's not like flying in an empty sky but, then, it's hard to just pull a plane over and camp for the night."
I gave a small laugh. "True, true."
We were silent again for a couple of minutes, just gazing out at the incredible celestial display. Then without looking around Tom said, "Tell me some more about yourself. I mean I can almost see the wings that should be showing at the back of that lovely dress, but tell me a little more."
I smiled again and then also without looking around I replied, "I guess I grew into them." I went on to tell about my dad and granddad and my mom's granddad and great uncle. " Oh, and dad's sister was in ROTC and wanted to be an F-15 pilot. She changed her mind before she was commissioned but while she was still in college she started working on a private license. She once told me that during her ROTC summer camp they all got F-16 rides. Somehow she managed a slightly longer one than usual and the pilot let her handle the controls a little and actually put it in her log book. She had only a few hours then but her book read 'Cessna, Cessna, F-16, Cessna... ' Dad first took me up - I mean not just as a passenger - when I was about six. It was in a 172. He actually rigged some kind of booster seat for me on the right so I could see and even reach the yolk. He even let me help make a few turns and a couple of altitude changes. I think I was hooked from then on. I got my license as soon as I was legally old enough but before then I actually had quite a few hours even if I couldn't log them. I now have a commercial ticket and instrument rating but only for single engine."
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Pink Sky By Wanda C. The teacher didn't like the first grader's drawing. "The sky isn't pink," she said. "Sometimes it is," he explained. "Well, normally it is blue, that's the way it is usually colored." "This sky is pink." "Don't you have a blue crayon?" Wordlessly he held up a crayon, one that was clearly labeled, Sky Blue. "There," she said. "Next time use that one." He nodded. *** "Are you sure you want to wear shorts to go out and play? Won't the...
Come November, Kylie felt comfortable enough to go on regular forays into Clearwater. Her mother was doing much better and had reclaimed the reins of the household during Kylie's stay in rehab. Also, Kylie's temptation to smooth out the edges was not strong anymore. Her mind was much clearer and the warm feeling of achievement over a number of songs she had written during her stay in Hillview helped lessen her perceived needs for anything mind-numbing. She was getting into a better...
Finally, college was virtually over with only finals and graduation remaining. My parents had visited and loaded most of my things in their truck. I had my bike and they would return for graduation and collect the last of my bits and pieces.I stood looking at the near empty room. Everything that had made this a personal dorm, including posters on the walls, had gone. But I had memories. The memories of where I’d met the love of my life, where I grew into who I am now. The room was where it all...
College SexShe stares out the window at the snow falling against the black sky. Closing her eyes and breathing in slowly she takes the scent of the room into her body. ‘Mmmm…’ a soft moan escapes her, as she smells the familiar scent of him. The scent she could never get enough of. Rising slowly, she sits at the edge of their bed. Feeling the cold air against her bare skin, she shivers at the thoughts of the night before. Imagining their lovemaking, she closes her eyes and exhales slowly. The snowflakes...
Neal ran! He stretched his tired legs in great leaps that carried him far and fast in the light gravity. He breathed in great sobbing gasps, recurring waves of panic forcing him to ignore the tearing pain in his side. It felt like he'd been running, hardly stopping, for hours as one stampeding herd of animals after another thundered past. The pounding hooves surged toward him in an unstoppable tide. The leaders of this new herd bounded past, a straggle of tiny zebrastriped antelopes with...
My first impression of Mort and Noel was that they were father and daughter. They came up the channel in a 42-foot sloop-rigged Oyster, as beautiful a boat as you would ever want to see. I stood on the dock and watched as the gray-haired guy behind the wheel brought her in expertly, giving the engines just the right little reverse kick before cutting them. The skinny blonde in the bow tossed the lines down to me and I made the yacht fast fore and aft. Then she spent a few minutes fussing...
Sitting alone staring at the character creator in Skyrim, a young gamer prepare to click ready and began your journey as Dragonborn once again. This time with the ultimate modlist. The gamer finally get the journey they always imagined. When suddenly a bolt of lightning arcs through their window striking both them and your PC as their spirit is lifted from your body and transplrted into an alternate reality to inhabit a real version of the avatar they just finalised. - In this story, we will...
The snowflakes grow and she loses her thoughts in the patterns falling on the windows. Feeling his strong hand slip around her waist, she's startled back into reality. My love.. she whispers in the voice she knows he loves. "Baby," he replies as his lips meet the small of her back,his hands wrap around her waist and finally cup her firm breasts. Feeling his fingers brush over her nipples and his lips on her shoulders, she closes her eyes and concentrates on his touch. Sliding up...
I was sick of my life. I was sick of getting up early to go to work. I was sick of having a job I hated. I was sick of trying to ass-kiss my way to a promotion I didn’t even want. There was no way out, no break from the constant grind of never-ending work. In short, I needed a break. Then I met Sky. Sky was the kind of girl that all other girls instinctively hated. She was the girl every boy’s mother dreaded him bringing back home. Thick, dark hair falling in waves and loops down her back,...
Hi to all sex lovers. This is raj back here with a new experience. I got few queries about sex but incomplete, may be few are sacred to proceed further. Any ways as the ad of mountain due says, dar ka aaga jeet hai i just reframe it, dar ka aaga masti hai. This is about my friend who had tried all new ways to impress a girl. Trust me for his love he made me run every day afternoon in midsummer 10km to do what, just go and stand on the main road of the street where the girl lived. I was a odd...
We cuddled closely under the dark night sky, sparkling with millions of little stars, like a big velvet cloth sprinkled with diamonds. I felt his warm arms holding me so tightly and so lovingly, keeping me safe and warm. I feel his warm breath against the back of my neck and he gently nuzzles his nose into my neck and sighed in passion and joy as he breathed in my scent. He pulled me closer and started gently kissing my neck. With one of his hands, he gently touched my face and ran his fingers...
EroticSometimes life before was a blur, Friday would come and I would ask myself where the week had gone. Sometimes life before was like eternally riding the moving sidewalk at the airport. You look ahead at the stretch in front of you, and you think to yourself, hey, I’ll never get there. You were always wrong, of course. Before you could let your breath out, the sidewalk dumped you on the other side, two or three years older. You stood around with your friends, laughing, spinning around trying to...
Sylvia wound down the window on the Mercedes station wagon. “Bye Harry, goodbye Tom, bye Bub.” Cliff said. “What’s for dinner?” He asked Sylvia. “Moroccan chicken,” his wife replied. “I won’t be late,” he said, before watching as the Mercedes commenced the journey back to town. “Well played Cliff,” the club secretary noted, as he passed by Cliff’s truck to head for the Pavilion. 'Old Errol loves his beer,' Cliff thought to himself, as he walked around the back of his polo truck....
TabooAfter a long work week, you are happy to kick back and relax with your co-workers at the local pub. As the night draws to a close, you make your drunken way to Syndie, the temp. Blond hair and blue eyes, perfect 34 double D's and cinched waist, the curves of her hips and ass had been driving you crazy all week. The regular receptionist came back the next week, and so it was now or never if you ever want to have a chance with this goddess. She's wearing the charcol pencil skirt and light blue...
As evening falls, the confines of your hotel room seem too much. You must get must find her. The perfect one. The sunset has painted the sky in a vast array of reds, oranges, and pinks but the beauty is lost on you as your need to find her becomes overwhelming. You haven't played the game in the years, not since your release from prison. You promised them you wouldn't do it again...but your heart is pounding, your head is swimming, every core instinct in your body tells you to find...
MatureIt was half past midnight at Club Sky; sweat was beginning to overpower the smell of cheap cologne and booze. On the dance floor what looked liked a large school of confused sardines, wriggled around to a rhythm.“It’s your round, bro.” Patrick asserted. “I’ve got two bids over there eyeing me in the corner. They’re looking a little thirsty—parched, if you will.”Gerald lifted his head over the crowd to catch a glance of the duo he was referring to.“What are you an ostrich?” Pat said, grabbing...
Based on the Twilight Zone episode "And When the Sky Was Opened". This may be archived/posted anywhere: just give credit where credit is due. Open Sky By Pretzelgirl "Coyote base, this is Roadrunner. We have a situation here." "Roadrunner? Please confirm. We do not have you on radar. Repeat: you do NOT show on radar." "Coyote Base, I can assure you we're really here -- but not for long. I've lost avionics. We'll require assistance in coming down." "Roadrunner, you have...
This Fan fiction is based on characters of the on line comic copy wrote by Anne Onymous and Robin Ericson. THE WOTCH SEA AND SKY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS The coming storm made the day the darkest it could be. Paul screeched his bike outside of his school. He got off his bike, locked it too the rank and was about to let go when it happened. Green lighting stuck out of pink smoke. It hit Paul's metal bike and knocked him with the power of a mule kick to the ground. When he woke, he couldn't...
Joe When we exited the terminal of the airport in Missoula I saw the Jorgensens immediately. I found myself in her father’s bear hug almost immediately while Lori and her mother tried to squeeze each other to death. Then it was out to the truck. Lori and her mother sat in the rear of the crew cabin and I got to sit on the passenger seat up front. Her father eyed me for a while before he spoke up. “Lori tells us you shot the pervert who tried to force her back into those movies?” “I shot...
Cocksucker BluesBy Linda LavingIt was open mike night in the club, and I was in the closet that passed as adressing room on my knees as the owner, a 30-something Italian guy, gruntedand I felt the warmth flood my mouth as he drained his thick musky cum ontomy tongue.I sucked out the last few drops when he was done and swallowed down themouthful, which joined the previous four I'd already consumed that eveningand felt it sliding down my throat on the way to my stomach.I was already dressed for...
Cocksucker Blues By Linda Laving [email protected] It was open mike night in the club, and I was in the closet that passed as a dressing room on my knees as the owner, a 30-something Italian guy, grunted and I felt the warmth flood my mouth as he drained his thick musky cum onto my tongue. I sucked out the last few drops when he was done and swallowed down the mouthful, which joined the previous four I'd already consumed that evening and felt it sliding down my throat on the...
(Everyone from the Aoiya is out to see Kenshin and the others off.) Kaoru: Thank you for everything you've done for us. Okina: Not at all. Take care. Misao (her eyes brimming with tears): Come back to Kyoto sometime. I know we'll have lots of fun then. Kaoru: Of course. And you'll have to come see us in Tokyo. Yahiko: Or don't. You're annoying. (Misao clasps Kaoru's hand as Kaoru bonks Yahiko with the other.) Misao: I'll come! I'll definitely come! Kenshin: Mr. Okina, I...
Part 2 of 2. This follows directly from Pt 1. The continuation and conclusion of the tale. Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. There is a bit of violence here, but not too graphic. A few expressions and phrases may be unfamiliar to some. Where I thought appropriate I have marked with an asterisk and a meaning is placed at the end. Thank you to Dimelza Cassidy for much needed advice on 'Blues' bike....
I woke to the sound of Blue barking on the front porch as he always does. He has an ongoing feud with a riverboat that makes its way up the river every other day. The sun was just rising and shown in the windows. The home was quiet as always other than blue. I called him and he came into the bedroom and put his big head on the bed and looked at me with his big soulful light-blue eyes and a silly look on his face. Blue is a large hound, originating in Australia and the breed is called Catahula...
I was in Kohls browsing the ladies department, I like to shop their clearance rack. I found they had marked down last years colors of Vanity Fair Body Caress, my favorite panties. The larger sizes being on the bottom I had kneeled looking for size 8, I had found a couple of pair and had them in my hand when a gentleman stepped close to me. "Very nice" he said, turning my attention to him I found myself face to crotch with him, looking up I found him smiling down at me. "Yes, I think so" I...
This one is a little more autobiographical than most. But don't take it as truth. If there is such a thing. Hey, everyone has 'history'. Two people form a relationship that takes a few turns from where either of them expected things to go. No real kinkiness, sex or violence. A bit of sorrow and some shared emotion. Now having lost most of you, whoever is left, see what you think. A few expressions and phrases may be unfamiliar to some. Where I thought appropriate I have marked with an...
Intro (a blues, just a random blues)The fat lady dances like a spinning topand everyone falls in love with herThe fat lady dances like a spinning topshowing her surgical steel smileThe fat lady dances like a spinning topdespite of the needle-like high-heeled shoes she wearsThe vile thief grins, shows two lines of rusty saw bladesLeans his head, winks an eye —and that implies too many things—,causes loathingSlides his black tongue between his teeth, a waitress have the urge to pukeFrom the vile...
For Josh and Melanie the first look at the Olsons' house was sobering. It had two stories, with the first floor made of masonry and the upper floor showing aged pine wood sidings. It was small by Southern California standards, puny for Beverly Hills dwellers. A well worn Jeep Cherokee was in the drive way, covered by at least a half foot of snow. Even more snow covered the roof of the house and the small garage. They alighted from the rented Suburban that Josh had arranged to wait for them...
Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...
Schaffer dreamed that he was warm, no, hot. Growing hotter. Sweat coated his body, he felt as if he were on fire. Was he in hell? Was that what fate had decreed? His mind was muddled, unfocused. He reached out his hand, feeling downy fur and yielding fat. He opened his eyes with a start, this was not a dream. He was awake, out of the snow and out of his suit, too. It was too dark for him to see anything, and all around him, the same soft fur pressed against his naked skin. There was an odd,...
CJ's story that is most arousing for me so far is the first time she had sex with a black man. She had just turned twenty and in her first year of college at the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Short dresses were in fashion at the time and she did not wear panty hose in those days. CJ was petite and stood just a tad over five feet talk and had long blonde hair braided into a loose ponytail. She has always maintained her tiny hard body. Her small 34A breasts stood firm and rode high on...
InterracialAfter working in stressful jobs for an entire year , me and my girlfriend decided to go on a vacation.We booked an economy class ticket to Thailand.It is a 12 hour journey from the UK to Thailand and we had braced ourselves for a tiring journey,upon reaching the airport we were greeted by my girlfriends uncle who was the floor manager for the airline on which we were travelling,she had not met her uncle since a long time,to our delight her uncle pulled some strings and got us first class seats...
It had been weeks since I had seen Eric, yet I remembered his face well. The day I left was the day my heart broke. I just had not realized it yet. He was unique, talented. Eric was a musician, an artist, a sculptor, a writer, and one of the most profoundly amazing men I'd ever met. I had made my choice, though. At least, I thought I had. It was the night just before my wedding, and I went looking for him. I had to know that I was not making a mistake, that I should be marrying my fiance. I...
Love StoriesFade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...
This story starts like many others, it has a beginning, middle and end. This is the beginning! (Obviously) My name is Saul. My parents were Believers and loved the story of the apostle Paul and how he used to be known as Saul before a miraculous name change. Why they didn’t just name me Paul is beyond me, but it’s my name, so there ya go. Most of my life was uneventful. I lived away from civilization and no matter where I needed to go, had to drive about 30 minutes to get there, no matter...
As soon as he met Amanda, Brett knew that he had found the girl of his dreams. She was beautiful, sexy and clever. She could cook in seven languages, had a happy nature and was the most fun to be with, either in or out of bed. There was never any doubt in his mind, right from the outset, that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Then she dumped him.The only explanation she offered him was that he was boring, that he didn’t do anything but play golf. That was a...
Straight SexSchaffer donned his cloak as the pack geared up for their trip. He still wasn’t sure just how far it was, but the aliens were gearing up for a long journey. They were bringing supplies of food and fuel, all of their weapons, and plenty of tools. Each one carried a heavy pack laden with goods, and they were wrapped in layers of protective clothing. Shorts and vests, cloaks and shawls, some even wore long hoods to protect their ears. This was going to be a serious ordeal, Schaffer realized. He...
Schaffer donned his cloak as the pack geared up for their trip. He still wasn’t sure just how far it was, but the aliens were gearing up for a long journey. They were bringing supplies of food and fuel, all of their weapons, and plenty of tools. Each one carried a heavy pack laden with goods, and they were wrapped in layers of protective clothing. Shorts and vests, cloaks and shawls, some even wore long hoods to protect their ears. This was going to be a serious ordeal, Schaffer realized. He...
War...War never changes. These words are the motto of the post-apocalyptic series fallout, which argues that nuclear Armageddon won't end humanity, but will add another bloody chapter in humanity's history. however, like any species, for it to survive it must reproduce and go onward from there. These will explore those areas of the game that most of the series will not show. These stories will allow you to chose what happens in the Five canonical fallout games: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3,...
Having just read the story about Southampton Common I thought I would tell you about my first bi experience which also occurred in Southampton in St Marys st. Back in the 80's I was a policeman walking the streets in the city centre with a pregnant wife. On nights one morning in Northam rd I saw a suspicious figure looking in the antique shop windows. It was dressed in female clothes but appeared to be playing with its groin area. As I crept closer it saw me and turned to run but tripped on the...
This morning began like any other morning for me. I missed most of it. This is what comes of being a night person, you tend to miss most of the mornings, at least that part of the mornings between four and eleven. As far as I was concerned mornings ended not long after my head hit the pillow, and stuttered back to life at eleven. Whoever’s pillow it was didn’t bother me. This morning it was mine, and the one next to it was occupied by ‘Round Heels Rhonda’ who had agreed, when asked, to share my...
Summertime Blues Author's Note: This is an old story of mine which I self-edited using the great suggestions I been receiving. I will go back and edit it more. I want to see how well I could implement the suggestions which I got. Also, I want to give a thanks to all the people who had help me in my writing. It was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon in July yet it was raining in Joe's mind. This was for Joe was having a run of the mill bad day so he headed to the bar for a drink. He...
Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft’s hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude. This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay...
Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Shrimp sat beside him, Shrimp and the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had...
Riya steered her dropship through the blizzard, the winds buffeting the little craft as it glided on its stubby wings, a sensor overlay projecting on her cockpit window in an attempt to help her see through the almost opaque flurry of snow. It was coming down harder than she had ever seen it, battering the craft’s hull, audible even over the sound of the thrusters as they pulsed to maintain altitude. This should have been a routine supply run, she had been tasked with delivering a cargo bay...
Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Runt sat beside him, the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had taken a liking...
I have been cross-dressing in secret since I was in my late teens. Over the years, I have accumulated quite a wardrobe and whenever I get a chance I like to get dressed. When there is little time, I just throw on a sexy bra, panties, and genderless outer clothes like a sweat suit and sneak off to the local adult bookstore in a totally non-passable condition. There I can usually find some dick to suck or someone to fuck my ass. Sometimes when the family is away, I get fully dressed in clearly...
CrossdressingThe bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently...
Straight SexTales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Blues Tales of the Enclave: Moaning Lisa Sings the Bluesby kinkston (On a secluded estate an hour's drive north of New York City lies a highly exclusive retreat known to its wealthy and decadent members simply as the Enclave. Here rock stars, investment bankers, potentates and plutocrats come to dominate and be dominated in privacy and safety, assisted by an elite staff of expert dominatrixes. Also in residence is a select stable of submissive...
The bar where Fred sat was crowded and dingy, but it had a television. On the screen, the Cowboys kicker shanked what would have been the winning field goal; a mixture of groans and cheers echoed in the crowded bar. The brunette sitting on Fred's left cursed and slammed her beer down, splashing his left cuff. "Oh hell, I'm sorry!" she spluttered, trying to dab at his sleeve with a napkin. "Look, I'll pay for the cleaning bill..." "That's okay," Fred reassured her, gently removing...
We’re on the weird part of the internet with this one, boys. I miss the days when I used to review anal videos, which was like, the weirdest part of my job. These days, it feels like the zoomers are taking shit too far. Today, we’re talking about NSFW ASMR videos. I’m not going to break down what that acronym stands for. It’s a complicated term for that simple little effect in your brain when you get a tingly sensation down your back and you feel sleepy. It sounds a lot like an orgasm, but it’s...
ASMR Porn Sites