Her Apple PieChapter 6: The Great Clearwater Diner Massacre free porn video

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Come November, Kylie felt comfortable enough to go on regular forays into Clearwater. Her mother was doing much better and had reclaimed the reins of the household during Kylie's stay in rehab. Also, Kylie's temptation to smooth out the edges was not strong anymore. Her mind was much clearer and the warm feeling of achievement over a number of songs she had written during her stay in Hillview helped lessen her perceived needs for anything mind-numbing. She was getting into a better place.

She'd had long sessions with the therapists while in rehab. Many things came to the light in those sessions, such as the repression she had felt in her teenage years. As the daughter of the District Attorney she had always felt the pressure not to damage her father's reputation. No cigarettes, no beer and no joints. Be a good girl, don't embarrass your father! She had resented that more than she had acknowledged it to herself. She also began to suspect that she had picked Cliff as somebody who was acceptable to her parents. A straight 'A' student headed for law school was a dead ringer for the job as James McAdam's son-in-law.

Yet, even with all the rationalizing there had to be more about Cliff. She noticed that she had not looked at any other man ever since her return to Clearwater. It was Cliff who was on her mind during those long, lonely nights in Hillview. When he had caught her with that bottle of Vodka, he had talked to her until she found the strength to empty the bottle. He had brought her home and offered her a cover story, the dizzy spell. Kylie felt that he was the one man she could turn to if she ever felt temptation again. How would it feel to be in his arms again, to enjoy the comfort of his hug? Could it ever be? Was there even the shred of a chance? Did she need his love or his absolution of her guilt?

She saw Cliff a few times in town and he was civil enough to acknowledge her with a nod to which she responded in kind. That was more than she could expect but it was not too promising. She fared better with Janet who allowed her back into her private life. Luke and Peter molded their behavior on Cliff's and gave her few openings. Kylie knew from Janet that Cliff had finally rejoined the band. They were practicing twice weekly in the barn of Janet's grandfather. Once, Kylie had sneaked close to the barn in the darkness and listened in on them. Hearing them joke with each other, she perceived the enduring friendship and that had left her sad beyond imagination. She was not a part of that friendship anymore.

It was November 21, the Christmas season was drawing close, and Kylie drove into town in her mother's trusted old Volvo. Somehow Kylie loved the old clunker. It reminded her of her youth and of good times. It also reminded her of the time Cliff and she had tried oral sex on the cluttered rear seat.

Kylie parked the car across from the Hensons' General Store and taking a deep breath she entered. The Hensons were still cold with her – a small wonder – but there were few alternatives in Clearwater. She hurried to make her selection and even paid with cash to minimize the time spent at the check out with Cliff's mother who totaled her purchases in icy silence. Kylie almost ran from the store back into the safety of the Volvo.

Her next stop was the public library where she spent an hour browsing through the shelves, rather to spend time than for a specific purpose. She had a violin lesson with old Mrs. Walley at eleven. Mrs. Walley was ancient, and she had been Kylie's teacher many years ago. The lessons gave Kylie something to work on, and they helped her to regain her skills. Mrs. Walley even taught Kylie how to use the violin in jazz and country music, something one would have never suspected the old lady to master.

Instead of her old 3/4 size violin, she now had a full size instrument that she had found in a shop in Missoula after her rehab. It even came with pick-ups and a jack to hook it up to a sound system or to her computer. The old violin was safely packed up again.

Already, Kylie used the violin in her demo recordings by playing interludes. It was definitely something that could give her a distinction, an edge in the business. In the evenings, she listened to the music of other artists who used the violin, like The Corrs but also Loreena McKennit's band. It became clear to Kylie how much was possible with the instrument.

When the lesson finished, it was half past twelve and she decided to drive to the Clearwater Diner for lunch. She knew the waitress there, Linda Carlisle as she called herself again after being Linda Winter for three years. Her marriage had not played out well, and she had returned to Clearwater after her divorce. In a way they were kindred souls, both sitting on the ruins of their life so to speak, and Linda sometimes sat with Kylie when she had time.

Today Linda was busy and Kylie ordered a roast beef sub and settled into her usual place – in the back and close to the restrooms – where she could sit and watch without attracting too much attention. Linda brought her order and bent over to speak in a hushed tone.

"Donny called me this morning. He was fired from his new job yesterday. He was drunk and he kept telling me that I must return to him."

"Don't!" Kylie answered urgently. "He'll only beat you up again. You have to think of the baby."

Linda was five months along, pregnant from a one night stand with some tourist.

"Yeah, well, I guess I'll lie low for a week," Linda sighed.

"You need to file for a restraining order, Linda. Talk to my father. He'll help you."

"Yeah, that may help. Thanks, Kylie. You're a good friend."

Well, at least one person in Clearwater had such a positive view of her Kylie thought wryly. She bit into the steak sub savoring the taste. This was from local cattle she knew, not the tasteless shoe leather they served in L.A. Joseph Pesker, a.k.a. Pesky Joe, the owner of the Clearwater Diner, was proud of his beef subs which were loaded with a quarter pound of prime sirloin roast. They had no equal for fifty miles around and were one reason for the brisk business he enjoyed.

It was funny how her eating habits had reverted to almost normal. The paranoid calorie counting of the past years had taken the fun from eating. She was eating twice as much now, but with the running she kept up her body was trim now instead of emaciated. Even her boobs had filled out a little, and she had to shake her head at the plans for a boob job which lay only five months in her past. What an airhead she had been!

All of a sudden, an image appeared in front of her inner eye. An image of a comfortable house before the backdrop of the mountains. A fire place for the winter, a three car garage to allow for a snow mobile, a wooden deck to enjoy the pure air, and maybe her own little basement studio where she could whittle and file on songs. Just say to hell with the big city and live a decent life, away from temptations and close to people who meant something to her. Kylie McAdam would finally come home.

She was torn from her happy line of thought by the sound of the entrance door being slammed shut. She looked up and stifled a cry. It was Donny Winter, Linda's ex-husband, and Kylie could see that he was drunk. She felt no fear for her friend Linda at first. There were at least five male customers in the diner plus Pesky Joe, and they would prevent any ugliness. Yet, when Donny strode towards the counter Kylie could see the butt of a gun stuck into the waistband of his jeans behind his back.

Kylie rose slowly to enter the Ladies' room. Once inside she pulled her cellphone and dialed 911. The dispatcher answered immediately.

"Emergency 911, how can I assist you?"

"This is Kylie McAdam. I'm at the Clearwater Diner. Donny Winter just entered. He's carrying a concealed gun. I could see it in the waistband behind his back. He's the divorced husband of the waitress. He's drunk." She cracked open the restroom door and heard Donny shouting at Linda. "They are quarreling. He's shouting at her."

"All right, Ms. McAdam. I'll send somebody over," the dispatcher answered in a calm voice.

Kylie did not dare to leave the restroom; she rather listened to the exchange outside. Donny Winter alternated between whiny apologies and the angry demand that 'the bitch' should return to her lawful husband and master. After hearing enough of Donny's rant, Pesky Joe interrupted him.

"Listen, Donny! You leave this place now, you hear! I'm done listening to your crap. Sober up and come apologize tomorrow, but go now!"

"I ain't going nowhere, no-how," Donny retorted angrily. "The bitch knows she's mine, an' she'll come along wit' me or else!"

"Donny, you leave now or I'll call the law on you. They let you out on parole in summer, didn't they? They catch you drunk, threatening and breaking the peace, and you'll go back into stir. You don't want that, do you?"

Donny started fumbling at his waistband behind his back, and before anybody could react, he had pulled the gun. It was a revolver Kylie could see. She desperately dialed 911 again.

"It's Kylie McAdam again. Donny Winter pulled his gun; he's threatening Mr. Pesker," she whispered into the phone giving the dispatcher no time for any of the polite phrases.

"Thank you. I'll advise the deputies, Ma'am. Can you keep the connection open and report the events to me?"

"Yes," Kylie answered, still in a low voice. "I'm in the restroom and he doesn't know I'm here."

"Please report any developments, Ma'am!" the dispatcher told her. She could hear the muffled orders. "All units, proceed to Clearwater Diner. A hostage situation may have developed. Anyone know a Donny Winter?"

Meanwhile Donny held Pesky Joe and Linda at gun point ranting at Joe. "You fuckin' asshole, why you're buttin' in? She give you some nookie? You put the fuckin' bun in her oven? Huh? Say sumpt'n!"

"Donny, Linda's my employee. She's working for me. I never touched her and the child isn't mine. I've been shooting blanks for fifteen years. I got tied up so I don't knock up my old lady."

"Sez you! I don' trus' you, you hear!"

Kylie's nightmare picked up a notch when she heard Cliff's voice. "Donny, it's Cliff, Cliff Henson. Put down the gun, you hear! I'm a deputy sheriff and I'm ordering you to put down the gun!"

He seemed calm but Kylie could hear the tension in his voice. She peered through the crack and there stood Cliff pointing a big automatic at Donny who was still training the revolver at the two people behind the counter. Donny looked at Cliff.

"No! You put down de fuckin' gun or I'll shoot de bitch an' her fucker!"

"Donny, easy there! I don't wanna shoot you and you don't wanna be dead, right? You know, with that midnight special you've got you don't stand a chance against a serious gun. Hell, that piece of shit may just blow up in your face, and think of the mess that'll make all over the tables. Right now, nothing serious happened yet. Everybody can walk away alive and unhurt. Yeah, you'll do some more time in the pen but that's nothing to being shot dead."

"Fuck you, Henson!" Donny screamed. "The bitch made me a joke. She's fuckin' preggers, an' not from me an' I'm her fuckin' husband. For you that's okay I guess. Kylie fucked around on you and you don' give a fuck. But I'm a real man; I don' allow my woman to fuck around!"

"Donny, what you aimin' at? You want I shoot you? Is it that? You want to end the misery? Be my guest, but put the gun down first so nobody else gets hurt."

Kylie picked up on Cliff's anger and she felt miserable. It was the first time she had heard any malevolent remarks aimed at Cliff but outwardly he seemed to keep his cool.

"You wouldn' shoot me, Cliff, wouldcha? Hell, you an' me were class mates. You wouldn' shoot a classmate."

"Linda was a classmate, too. Joe gave me my first job here at the diner. Donny, you hurt them and I'll shoot you as sure as hell. I don't want to but I'll do it. We can still end this shit. Come on, man! Is Linda worth dying over? Hell, she left you. She got herself knocked up by another man. She said all that shit about you, like you beat her up and stuff. And you wanna die over her? Get real, Donny! You were always the smart one, you were the cool one. Be cool now. Put down the gun. Don't make me shoot you; I couldn't live with that. Man, we went to school together!"

To Kylie's amazement, Donny's gun dropped a little while he stared at Cliff. Cliff was trying to talk Donny into giving up and he seemed to succeed.

"You know, Donny, you'll have to go back to the pen for this but once you're out again we'll find you a decent job. We'll get you help against the boozing. Donny, you're part of us. We won't give up on you. You put your act together, stop boozing, get a decent job, and find a better woman. Five years from now you'll be living with your new wife earning a good living and Linda will still be a waitress around here. And then, imagine, ten years from now you'll come in here with your family, wife and two sons, and you'll order lunch. Linda'll have to serve you and your family, think of that! Now that sounds like revenge to me!"

Kylie felt her nails bite into her palms. It worked. Donny was lowering the revolver. Cliff was nodding.

"See, Donny, that's what I call smart. Just put it down on the floor and kick it over to me and I can put my gun away too. Jeez, Donny, I hate to point my piece at you. Just gimme that gun of yours and I'll drive you away."

Nodding, Donny turned towards Cliff and bent to put the revolver to the floor. Kylie held her breath. Another second and it would be over.

Then all hell broke loose.

Terry Herringer was another patron sitting in the diner. He worked as a temp in the feed store, the only job he could find. Nobody else would hire him for he had left high school before he graduated and he had no GED either. His dream job was denied to him for Terry wanted nothing more in the world than to be a cop, a deputy. Ever since he had left school and moved out from home he had spent every penny of his savings, and he worked twelve hours a day, on guns. Clearwater had an ordinance against concealed carrying and law abiding citizen that Terry was, all he carried was a Tazer C2 bought cheaply from a pawnshop in Missoula. Better be prepared if any chance presented itself to show his mettle.

When Donny Winter had come in and started the ruckus, Terry had thought about subduing the man but he was a little scared. Donny had a full foot height on him and at least sixty pounds. Then Donny pulled the gun, a snub nose, piece-of-shit, .32 six shooter. Terry's mouth became dry when he realized that this was his chance. Under the cover of the table he carefully edged out the Tazer from his cargo pant leg pocket, but he was in Donny's peripheral vision and did not dare to move.

Then Deputy College-in-three-years entered and instead of just blasting away at Donny with that awesome 10 mm, that pussy talked to him. TALKED! But now Donny was turning, turning his back to Terry, and Terry saw the chance to end this, to be the hero of the day. Pointing the laser beam at Donny's buttocks Terry fired the darts.

The taser darts impacted on Donny's left butt cheek. That was not a good place anyway to have effect on the target, but Terry had also failed to notice that Donny carried a bunch of folded-up papers in the left back pocket of his jeans – his walking papers from his former employer. One dart hit the folded paper and did not quite make skin contact. The result was a strong buzz instead of a debilitating shock, and Donny jerked upright, raising his gun and turning towards the assailant.

Finally! Donny was seeing the light Cliff thought. He relaxed slightly when Donny lowered the gun. Then, without warning, Donny jerked and the hand with the gun rose up. Reflexes took over and before Donny's gun was halfway up Cliff had fired twice. He saw the hits, saw the spray of blood from Donny's left shoulder, but then he saw the muzzle flash of Donny's .32, and he felt a terrible blow to his own chest. In reflex, Cliff fired two more rounds, but then he dropped backwards, already succumbing to the severe wound shock.

Same as Her Apple Pie
Chapter 6: The Great Clearwater Diner Massacre Videos

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Midnight Diner

Hi there my name is Casey and I am a typical student, I work hard during the day studying and hard at night at an American diner in the local leisure park. I don't mind the job, but it is definitely a sexist job, I am expected to wear bright red patent red high heels and a short red mini skirt that just covers my butt, the typical white shirt tied up across my chest showing off my flat stomach and shoulder length hair perfectly straightened with a little diner paper hat. Basically like a little...

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Apple Pie

When Darrell woke up that Friday morning he had no idea how incredible his day was going to be. All he could do was drag up out of bed, take a shower, shave and get dressed. After making his bed he packed himself a lunch, walked out into the yard, grabbed the morning paper and then got in his car. Traffic was light, even for a Friday, so he got into work and parked in one of the closest parking spaces. After entering the building he went to the elevators, which, immediately after he pushed the...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Apple Grove Ch 02

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 20

The Beginning of the Beginning The sound seemed to come from very far away, although the horn was just across the street. On all seven continents, those who remained claimed to have heard the piercing blast. Stripped of earthly trappings, the Angel Gabriel was light, sound, and energy. His appearance was glorious beyond the descriptive skills of even the world’s most talented, prophetic painters. The sky changed in an instant. Pitch-black clouds and blizzard were transformed into sunshine...

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Apple Pickers

Apple Pickers Each picking season it is always hard for me to realize that there really is a need for cheap disposable labor. Migrant workers serve a valuable need. These modern day nomads travel from crop to crop at harvest season up and down to coast. They can pick green beans one week, fresh blueberries the next week, and ripe apples a month later. They just show up. You don’t have to tell them when the fruit is ripe or even ask them to come. They just show up, ask for work, and...

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Jersey Love Apple Dreams Release

Author’s Note: ‘Jersey Love: Apple Dreams & Release’ is my entry for Literotica’s – 2011 Halloween Contest. I’m sorry it’s taken so long to post. I hope the length doesn’t scare too many people away. I know it’s long, but I had to follow where the story led me. Thanks for your patience! This is a Romance story through and through, but there are strong paranormal elements present which made categorizing this story difficult. I hope the young spirit who influenced it finds peace. Note: This is...

2 years ago
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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 13

Terry 12/24/2012 11:33:44 PM Terry Carson wondered for the fourth time in ten minutes, how he could run late every night. His shift at the plant started promptly at one AM and he never got out of the house in time to stop at the diner, enjoy a leisurely early breakfast and still be on time. His father had indoctrinated him on Lombardi Time as a teenage and it should have taken root but Terry always seemed to run late. He could remember his dad reminding him that Super Bowl Winning, Coach...

1 year ago
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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 14

Carl 12/24/2012 11:44:55 PM The diner door quivered in the near gale. Twice it started to open. Each time it failed to complete the task. The steel workers laughed and hollered, “Come in already, Carl!” Every night at approximately eleven fifteen, Carl Rhodes walked fourteen blocks to the diner, then waivered for a few moments, unsure whether to enter, or return home. He often tried the door, hoping it wouldn’t open. Carl believed if he wasn’t supposed to be there, the door would simply...

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The Realistic Dildo The Warm Apple Pie

Hello, and welcome to my little story. My name was Jennie Box, a nineteen year-old still in high school. I had been in my senior year for the past couple of years as I had failed to keep my grades up to graduate. But hey, it's difficult being a teenage girl growing up, especially one who is different and weird. That's me in a nutshell.I don't socialise much, I wear make up but its hardly noticeable. I've never had a boyfriend even though I am developed up there. I'm just invisible. You know how...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 9

12/24/2012 11:00:00 PM The Last Day 11:16:21 p.m. The diner couldn’t be referred to as “family friendly” because there was a distinguishable code. Those that were from too far outside their bounds found no welcome, no business, and no contentment there. A regular would never bring a child to Last Chance. The conversation was often too ribald for that. It didn’t matter if it was 3:00 p.m. or 3:00 a.m., conversation might turn to adult topics. One famous night, an unfortunate streetwalker...

4 years ago
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Edens Apple

Amy nervously twirled her hair in the back of lecture hall. Though she was typically an attentive student, her mind was consumed by the head full of auburn hair in front of her. She had had her eyes on Blake for the last few weeks, though they were little more than casual acquaintances at this point. But she had finally made up her mind that she was going to put herself out there and ask him out on a date. She knew it wasn't going to work. In her mind she was fat and generally unattractive, as...

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Adams Apple Ch 03

Christine shushed her niece and dialed the phone.  She could still taste Lynne’s sweet pussy on her lips, and still feel her body tingling from the younger woman lapping her to orgasm only a few minutes before.“Hey, Adam.  Lady luck is smiling on us.  Why don’t you come over?”  Christine asked in a tone so seductive that a eunuch probably couldn’t have resisted.“See you in a few minutes,” she then responded when Adam said he already had the number for the cab company written down.“I’m half...

2 years ago
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Secrets of Apple Grove Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...

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Adams AppleChapter 3

Christine shushed her niece and dialed the phone. She could still taste Lynne's sweet pussy on her lips, and still feel her body tingling from the younger woman lapping her to orgasm only a few minutes before. "Hey, Adam. Lady luck is smiling on us. Why don't you come over?" Christine asked in a tone so seductive that a eunuch probably couldn't have resisted. "See you in a few minutes," she then responded when Adam said he already had the number for the cab company written...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 21

Bethlehem, PA The First Day The bells were a surprising addition to the frenzy. First there came the loudest horn ever blown, followed by screams and an earthquake. Diners dove for cover, screaming into the cacophony, their voices lost in the rising tide of hysteria. Tony thought he heard his mother’s voice, for just a second and then nothing. His heart leaped but then he remembered she was dead and clamped an iron control on his emotions, lest they run away with him. In this crisis, it...

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Snow White And The Apple

"Yes, yes, take but a bit, my pretty one... -Thank you, but really, I cannot afford your goods. -Ah, but thisssss one I will give you for free, said the old woman, producing a very bright and red apple. A young beauty like you needs good, fresh food... Take a bite!" Snow White reached out to the apple with some apprehension. Didn't the Dwarves warned her of evil creatures roaming the forest? Could one of these creatures take the shape of a poor and old woman selling fruits? She looked in the...

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The Diner

But I haven't been here in years, and things have changed. Or maybe I've changed. I see a group of students spill out of an arcade, which is closing, and cross the road jostling each other and whooping. It's a balmy night in Summer, the clouds blanketing the sky only adding to the sense of claustrophobia. When suddenly the clouds break into a steady rain, the students tear off around the corner and out of sight. I am alone. Looking around for shelter, I spot the old diner on the corner....

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The Girl from the DinerPart 2

Jen had prepared a wonderful breakfast, pancakes, eggs, toast, and grits. She had taken Jeff’s orders at the diner so often, that she knew exactly how he liked it. She paraded around the kitchen dressed only in an apron. Occasionally she would look back at her older lover and blow him a kiss, and wiggle her round ass extra hard, knowing that she was pleasing him. She served the breakfast, and both ate like they were starving. A hot night of naughty sex will work up a hunger. As soon as they...

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 102 The Westminster Diner

Wednesday, October 3, 1990 Political campaigns, at least in America, are designed to produce winners by wearing the participants down to a nub. The survivor gets elected. There comes a point where you have to wonder just how many hands can be shook, how many rubber chicken dinners do you have to eat, how many old people do you have to make nice to? It really helps to be rich, since doing all those things and actually trying to earn a living are impossible. Early on you start wondering...

3 years ago
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The Diner

'Pull over here.....yes here, at this little diner.' I told the cabbie. Even though it was pouring down rain, I wanted a quick bite before heading to the hotel. I bolted from the cab to the front door, managing to get inside before getting totally drenched from the unseasonable downpour. At first glance I wondered if the place was even open. There wasn't a single diner inside and only you, the waitress, seemed to be on duty. And about half the lights were off. As I surveyed the place, you...

Straight Sex
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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 15

Beauregard Marshall 12/24/2012 11:51:15 PM The wind loosened awning took that moment to develop enough of a hole to emit a low, long howl that sounded surprisingly like woman crying. The slightly guttural and thoroughly disquieting sound didn’t travel very far due to the hammering winds of the blizzard, though far enough to get the undivided attention of one, very strange person as he arrived. Slowly trudging up the deserted street came a living, breathing paradox. He was one of those...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 16

The Last Day 12/24/2012 11:47:52 PM Holly Noel fussed with the corner of a ratty blanket covering her baby girl, Hope. Blessed or cursed with such a Christmassy name, Holly had endured a litany of stale jokes, stupid comments, snide remarks, and double meanings her whole life. Many times, she had contemplated changing her name but she’d always refrained, hoping people would give her a break no matter how small. She wanted to feel as proud of her name as her mother had been in naming...

1 year ago
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Hidden Part One The Diner

I wasn't sure how i arrived in the diner... i remember gunshots, lots of blood, but not much after that. I think i remember being in a plane... but someone had sabotoged the fuel line... it went down, i got the last parachute, the pilot died. I landed in a field, a guy from witness protection found me, shoved me into a SUV... that is when i met Sara. Sara was beautiful, Six feet tall even with flowing black hair. That night she had been called away from a wedding-not hers- and was wearing a...

Erotic Fiction
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ENF in the Diner

This story's premise and early chapters are taken on a segment from Yuki's Horrible Day by PhantomPen (with consent). Names have been changed to distinguish them from their original context, and chapters have undergone editting for consistency. The brilliant authors' original work can be read here http://www.writing.com/main/interact/cid/1736826 Lucy let out a restless sigh as she wiped down table 3 for the fourth time. Drops of rain patters against the large windows on the front of the...

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Everyday Screw The Diner

Author's Note: Hi! Welcome and enjoy! As with all of my stories, feel free to add to this in any way you'd like! I was traveling on business, selling industrial chemicals and business was bad. So bad, in fact, that I was taking a serious look at having to sleep in my car if I wanted to keep eating. Somehow, I found myself to this little greasy spoon diner way out in the middle of fucking nowhere. I was to Hell and gone from any town with more than 1000 people in it, and this little oasis...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 26

And All the Days of Forever... My name is Paul. I really did die... ... and then I ... lived. I REALLY Lived... It was almost more than my mind could take. The world simply exploded, and then it disappeared. In less time than it takes to blink, the blizzard was history and I was standing where the diner had once been, watching everything happen at once. People screamed and cried. The walls and ceiling cracked and then vanished. Sunlight so bright I thought it would blind me replaced...

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The Diner

‘Pull over here…..yes here, at this little diner.’ I told the cabbie. Even though it was pouring down rain, I wanted a quick bite before heading to the hotel. I bolted from the cab to the front door, managing to get inside before getting totally drenched from the unseasonable downpour. At first glance I wondered if the place was even open. There wasn’t a single diner inside and only you, the waitress, seemed to be on duty. And about half the lights were off. As I surveyed the place, you...

3 years ago
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Huck Finn Diner Delight Part One

Introduction: A first date gone right Cadee looked up at him from across the Formica topped table and smiled. His eyes were soft and rich, yet she was still uncertain what he thought about her. They had been chatting over French fries at the greasy spoon diner for more than hour and every minute that passed she found herself growing more and more drawn to him. He emanated masculinity, from his tall, full figure to his dense light-colored beard. His long hair hung past his flannel-covered...

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Die großen Neonbuchstaben leuchteten in den dunklen Nachthimmel hinein. Das ganze Gebäude wirkte etwas aus der Zeit gefallen, wie ein Relikt aus den 50ern. Dennoch standen die Leute Schlange, um hier, im Monster-Diner einen Plazu zu bekommen, den die Burger und Pommes waren nunmal die besten in der Stadt. Gut, viele Männer und Frauen kamen auch nur, um einen Blick auf die zahlreichen Angestellten zu werfen oder um eine der gut bestückten Kundinnen aufzureissen. Sämtliche der farbenfrohen Damen...


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