The Terrible Secret Of Dexter's Diner: A Star Wars Story [Commission] free porn video

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"Are you going to take care of that or not?" came the phlegmy, rumbling complaint of Tyrel's superior. "On it, on it," he replied irritably, ducking between moldy, customer packed booths. He hated this job. Dexter's was a run down, antiquated diner located in one of the less prosperous districts of Coruscant. All the pomp and glitter of the Galactic Republic's capital was a quick air cab away, but you'd never know it from the stained, run down buildings that surrounded the dingy little place with dingy little clientele and a not-so little but still rather greasy owner. The job was dingy, too. A far cry from the high ambitions of Tyrel's youth. By all rights, it shouldn't even have been a job. This kind of work was done by droids on any civilized worlds. Dexter's was absolutely at the bottom tier of the service industry. No one was coming here for the atmosphere or companionship of an overpaid real-life bartender. They wanted their grease soaked, synthetic food and they wanted it now. But the auto-waitress had some kind of catastrophic memory core leak, and its misfortune was Tyrel's fortune. Oh joy of joys. Day in, day out, he served a variety of disgusting, oily dishes to disgusting, oily alien patrons. Swept floors. Cleaned various waste disposal facilities, of both the organic and inorganic varieties. Collected measly tips. And had to hear the aggrieved bellowing of Dexter's proprietor; an obese, smelly, four armed Besalisk whose body hair follicles were outnumbered only by his pointless, likely fictional tales of space adventure beyond the Outer Rim. Entering the kitchen at said proprietor's behest, Tyrel came face to waddle with the proprietor. Dexter Jettster was an eyesore even at the best of times. A hulking, four armed brown and beige colored behemoth that looked just like he smelled. Obese, his belly poked obscenely from under a grease and sweat stained white shirt, jiggling slightly as his lower left arm scratched at the stubbly buttcrack poking out from his chronically undersized pants. Above his stubbly waddle, an over-wide mouth spit stale breath in Tyrel's face, a mouth that would have gone ear-to-ear...if Dexter had ears. Instead his skull was ringed with stubby cilia that seemed to fulfill a similar function. "Get to work," the slovenly besalisk explained, gesturing at Tyrel's newest indignity. The dish washing unit was jammed again, brackish, sudsy water seeping into the floor in a nauseating tide of half digested food-stuffs and soap. "Uh, boss, I'm not a mechanic." "I know that. You're here for the water. I've got a business to run and these dishes need to be washed." Tyrel groaned. "How, by hand?" "Yes by hand! But mop up this blasted floor first. Ya know there are times and places where we can't just replace slugabeds like you with droids. Why, in my day..." It went on like that as Tyrel waved a hose and vac set over the seeping liquid. How had it come to this? In his boyhood, Tyrel had high hopes for himself. As a youngling, he'd likely have been listening rapt to the stories that leaked from Dexter like gray water from this machine. Though only because he was imagining himself in Dexter's place. Running spice right under Republic Customs' officers noses...evading bounty hunters, making a living with his wits and his blaster. All of that would have been music to Tyrel's ears. Now though? All just tired reminders of the many things he'd never do. He wiped sweat from his forehead with a grimy hand. He needed a break. ----- A few minutes later and Tyrel was leaning against the wall of the building next door, thesoothing, heady smoke of a deathstick numbing the feeling of the day's many disappointments. The sound of cursing drew his gaze above his head. An aircab had swerved, barely making its way clear of an ominous black vehicle that had come rocketing up the invisible sky lane. A door in the side of the lean predatory shape popped open and for just a moment spilled a baleful red glow visible even in the afternoon light. Then it was gone, speeding down the skylane until it was just a speck in the distance. But it had left something behind. Something red and pointy clattered to the ground in front of Tyrel. The air around it shivered, and not just from the displacement of the speeder car's engines. Something about it was hynotic. Alluring, even. Tyrel stepped forward, laid hands on the thing. It was small, easily encased in the palm of one hand. A yell came from inside. He cursed. That fat jerk couldn't even give him five minutes for a smoke? It was his break. He was a person, not a droid. Besides, with all the work he put in, it was as much his diner as fatty's. But he got no credit, and no credits. For every hundred chits that passed through fatty's grease stained hands, he'd be lucky to get one. It was time for a more equal arrangement. But as long as he was laying back and taking he, he sure as hell wasn't going to get one. If only he had the spine to really throw his weight around. But that was the problem. Dexter outweighed him by, well....a lot. If only... "Ow!" he hissed in pain. The red pointy thing in his hand was glowing with heat. The flesh of the palm that had cradled it was puckered and inflamed, fast on its way to blistering. He returned to work, the fight burned out of him. The little red prism lay forgotten on the sidewalk. ----- Something was definitely not right. Ever since the incident with that piece of upper city litter he'd felt out of sorts. Queasy. Ungainly. Thick limbed. Wool headed. He couldn't seem to get anything right. Orders were misplaced, dishes dropped and broken, bills miscalculated. Stupid things that even a cut rate droid chassis would never screw up. But fatty still wouldn't let him leave. He moaned, stomach churning, heard the clattering of silver ware and voices raised in outrage. Somehow he'd knocked a plate over as he navigated between tables. "S-sorry," was all he managed to get out, but it did little to calm the angered customers. Tyrel didn't figure he'd be getting much of a tip from that table, anyway. Another protest from his stomach, and increasing ruckus from the kitchen, sent him scurrying for the bathroom before fatty could see him and chew him out. ----- He had a bad feeling about this. His hand was no longer the only thing puckered and swollen. Everything about him was puffy, thick. He could almost swear he was inflating as he looked at himself. Another gurgle. No scratch that. He could definitely swear. Even as he watched, his stomach began to...bubble, for lack of a better word. Little fatty bumps erupted suddenly from his belly, inflated, then began spreading towards each other in a darkening adipose mass. This was not possible. He stumbled on to his backside, leaning against a bathroom stall. The fall probably should have bruised his tailbone. But it didn't. He was cushioned. Feelings similar to the ones engulfing his belly were spreading to his buttocks. And oh yes, he had a belly now. His threadbare shirt was riding up his midriff, forced aside by the emerging curtain of his thick beige gut. The color and shape became more and more familiar to Tyrel as it advanced from his abdomen to spread languidly over his groin. It almost looked like... A stab at his sides interrupted the burgeoning association. He wrapped his arms around himself in warding against the pain, felt something twitch violently against his torso from somewhere above his false ribs. Eyes widening, he felt under his shirt. Two bony nubbins had begun to protrude from under each arm. He felt them wriggling stiffly against his hands. Wriggling, and growing. He needed to get out. A hospital. Yes, he needed a doctor. This wasn't right. Not at all. He groaned, shuffling to his feet, struggling against his increased mass. His belly and new-grown love handles flopped loudly against his groin. His legs felt short, thick, and awkward. Yet he could swear the bathroom stalls were lower in his vision than they had been. Tyrel looked down. Saw thickening tree trunk thighs, thickening brown hair erupting from the suddenly leathery skin. The rest of his torso was erupting as well, shirt shrinking into an absurd little vest. No, the shirt wasn't shrinking. He was growing. Not just wider, but taller too. But certainly wider. Oh yes. The little nubs under his arms were now visible straining against his shirt feebly as the material was pulled taught against layers of flab. Layers that were accumulating in a conspicuously uneven fashion. Particularly around his pecs. "Oh no. No no no," Tyrel moaned. He shuffled out of the bathroom stalls, leaned against the door, nearly knocked it off its hinges. Stumbled into the main diner floor, knocking over chairs. "Help..." he croaked, weakly. People turned to stare, a few even left their sheets. A pule of baleful red light from somewhere in the distance. Tyrel closed his eyes against the glare. His smaller, beadier eyes. When he opened them, no more eyes were on them. Everyone was seated again, eating or conversing. He felt the nubs under his arms rubbing against his forearms as he clutched at himself. Waves of nausea roiled through him. "I need help. A doctor. Please!" They ignored him. Didn't so much as glance in his direction. It was as if he were invisible. The light pulsed again. Red and bloody, like a heartbeat. The nausea deepened. Seized by a sudden instinct, he waddled back to the bathroom. His thighs didn't seem to join his trunk the way they used to. He felt lower to the ground, wider. But he knew that couldn't be right. Everything was smaller, so he had to be taller. Such were the thoughts flitting through the edges of his mind. Mostly, he just felt with a terrible certainty that he had to get away from that light. Big mistake. His flight back to the restrooms brought him face to face with a mirror, and his reflection. "Noooo..." Tyrel whined, feebly. His reflections lips twisted perversely along with the words. Lips that were far too wide for his face. A surge of pain along his mandible saw his teeth stretch, becoming longer and flatter. His jaw cracked, widening further to accommodate them. His hair began to fall out in clumps. Beneath it, his skin was thickening, darkening to a dull browny-red. His eyes shrank in their sockets. His nose flattened. As the last of his hair fell out, new hairs rose to replace them. Near as thick as a finger, short and stubbley cilia marked where the bottom of his hairline had once been as flanges of leather and bone grew over them. He was becoming a besalisk. Like Dexter. A sudden sucking sensation beneath his gut interrupted that thought. He lifted it aside, noted his thickening fingers. His dick was shrinking. Leathery skin bubbled up at the base of his penis, inflating as the rest of him had been. But it wasn't just that. His dick wasn't just retracting under the layers of fat. It was shrinking in every direction. Becoming narrower, withdrawing within him, losing definition. His foreskin peeled back, began to change color? Yes, rawer, pinker. The flesh of his crotch lurched forward suddenly. The tiny nub of his little pink penis was swallowed with an audible gulp. A crease began to open around where it had been. His testicles rose, seemingly chasing their lost companion inside his body. Disappeared into the growing fleshy crevice. No, not like Dexter. Not like Dexter at all. He was going to be a girl. A sharp crack sent his thunderous thighs splaying apart as his hips expanded, leathery skin piling on fat piling on a widening pelvic bone meant for delivering children. Fat little besalisk children. He turned from the mirror, slouched back on to his cushioned behind, moved to cover his face with his hands. But even that offered no refuge from the transformation. His hands were...melting? Middle and index finger were merging together. His ring and pinky fingers were swelling. Becoming thick brownish stubby things with dark nails. A glance at his feet saw the same happening to his toes. He wiggled his fingers. They were stiff and clumsy. Getting clumsier. How was he supposed to work like this? An absurd thought, given his situation, but it had snuck in anyway. He stared, forlorn, as his fingers merged into the fat round digits of a three-fingered besalisk hand, nails thickening into stubby little talons. As he examined them, the stubs of his new set of arms mirrored the movement. He could see they were now almost as long as his original limbs, though as of yet they didn't seem to possess fingers. Another rumble from his chest. Another heralded eruption of fat. His pecs boiled out from his torso, tenting his shirt. Strained to the limit by his new girth and the developing set of secondary arms, the twin mounds peaking from his chest proved the final straw. The increasingly sweat stained garment stretched, tore, and ruptured. Dull tan flab surged out, free from its fibrous confines. Morbidly curious, Tyrel flexed his new arms, saw the beginnings of stunted little fingers on his new set of hands. The feeling was disorienting, trippy, like contaminated death sticks. He couldn't seem to move them independently of his original set of arms. It was like they were tied to them with strings. Though even said original set resembled a besalisk's more than the arms he was born with. Moving his arms had pushed his moobs together in a rather pathetic example of cleavage. His new body was having none of it though, and seemed to redouble its efforts to give him something to show all the besalisk boys out there. His nipples puckered over the increasingly gravid sacks that used to be his pectorals, darkening to a deep brown as the areola expanded, the nipples engorging into a ripe pair of teats. Resting between his upper pair of arms, they squeezed together in a genuine show of cleavage; but whatever was doing this to him wasn't satisfied yet. His breasts continued to grow, the long beige cones filling out, doubling continuously in size. Beginning to sag and flatten under their mass, they now drooped against his belly, two melon shaped hemispheres losing the fight against gravity. The heavy plop he felt as they slapped against his skin, the ripple of his gut as they made him cringe. The cringe set his face twitching. He rose awkwardly to his feet, found himself face to face with the mirror. Waddle to waddle. His skull had started turning awhile ago, but it had only gotten worse. His mouth drooped absurdly, thick brown lips thinning somewhat as his grin spread former ear to former ear. His head was a flattened wedge now, complete with skull ridge and over wide mouth. His neck bloated, a thick column that made his skull seem all the smaller, but still dwarfed by his broad besalisk shoulders. His new waddle hung thick and wrinkled as his new womanhood, differing only from Dexter's in the amount of stubble it possessed. He stared, dumbstruck. Wiped a long finger of drool from his too-wide mouth with a too-fat finger. The tingling, bloating, and nausea subsided. Was it over? Another pulse of red light seeped under the bathroom door. The ragged ruins of his shirt and pants sloughed off him as a red film settled over his dramatically curvy new form. A force cupped his sagging breasts, his swollen vagina. Separating, lifting squeezing. The red light around him shifted, became more defined. Something made him lift his arms, all four of them, into some mutated resemblance of a t-pose. Loops of red wrapped around his shoulders and stretched over each thick arm in short poofy...sleeves? Another segment detached, wrapped around the base of his neck where it joined his shoulders. The glowing skin drooped, sagged, and began to grow to the ground; becoming oddly stiff and full. Finally, the glow vanished, leaving a stunned Tyrel to examine the aftermath. He was wearing a dress. A ridiculous red dress with white polka-dots hung from his upper set of shoulders, big brown breasts squeezed into a pointy conical bra that did everything it could to show off the canyon of cleavage he had sprouted. Beneath, a little white belt joined forces with a tighter bit of fabric to dowhat it could to cinch in his thickened waist, resulting in a cartoonishly hourglass figure where his church-bell hips flared beneath him, shrouded by a giant red and white poodle skirt. His new outfit was accessorized with a little white silken scarf that did nothing to obscure his new waddle, and a pair of broad strappy hoof-like high heeled white shoes for his fat new feet. He looked, and felt, ridiculous. Broad cheeks aflame, tears began to stream from his beady, Besalisk eyes, Tyrel broke into husky, feminine sobs. "Doojah? Doojah girl, are you alright in there?" a familiar voice called in a decidedly unfamiliar, concerned tone. Dexter. ----- Tyrel moved through the rest of the day as through a nightmare. That light or whatever it was that was responsible for his transformation had also ensured that no one noticed anything different about him. He quickly realized that he -or rather, Doojah, as everyone knew him- still worked at this crappy diner and was expected to finish the rest of his -or her- shift. The only real difference compared to his old life, besides the obvious differences in his anatomy; was that he was much more well liked by the customers and; unfortunately, the proprietor. Dexter had seemed legitimately concerned to find her - him - crying in the restroom. Still stunned by the changes to his body and reality, Tyrel had stammered out something in his newly feminized voice about a sick family member. He could barely remember what he said, truthfully. He was just proud to have gotten anything coherent out. But it allayed Dexter's fears apparently. A pity, since the old besalisk was soon helping him to his feet, crushing him an entirely too familiar hug and, Tyrel was pretty sure; copping a feel of his wide new butt as he did so. This encounter had set the tone for the entirety of the rest of his shift. Dazed, mentally numbed, emotionally exhausted; Tyrel waddled through the restaurant. He teetered on the strappy little heels with the cute(?) little bows, struggled to write down orders with his thick new fingers, and generally bumbled and jiggled his way through work. His proportions were impossible to manage. Each step seemed to swing his hips violently to one side or the other, and his chest played counterweight, jittering shakily in the opposite direction. His eyes were too far apart now. Everything seemed warp to him. He could see much farther to either side than he could before, he knew, but his field of vision had become rather like staring through a fish-eyed lens. The extra arms were almost as disorienting as the changes to his vision. He found over time, with practice, he could move the lower pair independently of the upper pair. But the movements were still slow, clumsy, uncoordinated. And doing it made him feel a sickening torsion inside. As if his body was raging against the sensations of its new limbs. Proportions aside, he had to deal with the damn heels. His thick calves were constantly wanting to roll to one side or another unless he took the most careful, tiny, mincing steps. The dumb poodle skirt swished too and fro over his thunder thighs with every roll of his giant hips. The flouncy little scarf constantly tickled his grotesque wattle. And his tits...ugh. They bounced up and down with every move, always feeling as though they were going to win free of his blouse and sink all the way to the floor until the bra tensed against the weight, catching them at the last minute. All in all, it made his performance was abysmal. Yet no one seemed to mind. The customers were not their usual snide, impatient selves to this version of him. Some of them (in particular the, erm...heftier species) even seemed to like him. Smiling as he minced his way towards them, even when he messed something up, they watched him smirking as he went back to the kitchens. He could feel their eyes on his big fat rump as it swayed back and forth, skirt swishing. Noted their eyes wander down his dress, skittering over his fat brown cleavage whenever he bent over to pick something up. Kindest - and worst - of all, was Dexter himself. Whereas before, the fat besalisk proprietor had been a constant thorn in Tyrel's side with his eagle eye for mistakes and constant string of new petty tasks; now his eyes were glued to "Doojah's" curves, his voice full of fatherly concern and helpful suggestions. Oh the old letch made a good show of it. Checking to make sure he was alright. Getting things from the higher shelves. Helping him with the dishes as they closed. But all the time, he was leering with those beady little eyes of his. And whenever they were close, he'd just happen to brush up against Tyrel, a hand grazing his hips. His buttocks. His breasts. It was revolting, but Tyrel didn't know what they were in this screwed up nightmare world. He just needed to tread water long enough That red thing that had fallen from the sky. That had to be what caused this? Right? Surely if it could do this, it could also undo it? He refused to think about the alternative. Finally, the sun sank in the sky, painting the interior diner in metallic reflected orange. His shift was coming to an end. Tyrel had become studied at ignoring the warped movements of his new body. He'd even kind of gotten used to the multiple arms. But being alone in the building with Dexter...ugh. He missed when the fat old jerk just yelled at him. Instead, enduring his presence was a constant trial of uncomfortable proximity and subtle gropes. Tyrel didn't even mind having to hear his husky new voice when he begged off early for illness. Dexter looked disappointed, but clearly he wanted to win 'Doojah's' favor. He acquiesced with an alacrity that was impossible to imagine from the miserly way he'd treated Tyrel before. Wasting no time, Tyrel darted out to the street with surprising grace, heels no longer quite the obstacle to normal movement they had been. That red spiky thing. He had to find it. It could undo all of this. He knew it could. He knew- "Doojah girl!" Crap. "Um...yes?" he called back, waddle shivering as he swallowed against the frog in his throat. Dexter appeared at the threshold. "Are you going to leave your purse here?" A purse. Of course. Dexter was staring at him expectantly, thin lips working about his wide mouth. He had not vacated the door. Sighing, Tyrel shuffled back to the diner. Dexter leered. Tyrel swore there was a drool welling at the edges of his face wide smile. Tyrel had to squeeze past him to get through the door, his breast brushing awkwardly against the man's chest. Strange. Tyrel used to think Dexter smelled, but the odor wasn't nearly so offensive as he remembered. Almost smelled more like cologne than stale sweat and BO. It almost Tyrel shuddered. He had to get out of this. He walked back to "Doojah's" locker (the inside of which was adorned with some overmuscled besalisk pin-up), grabbed "his" purse, and shuffled back out as quick as he could. Yelped when Dexter slapped his fat ass on the way out. ----- Rather than take a cab, Tyrel had waited in a nearby alley for Dexter to leave and the lights of the diner to go dark. As much as he'd wanted to find what did this to him, Dexter's continuing attentions were too much for him. He'd pretended to leave, but had instead just lay in wait for his chance to look for the thing unobserved. It wasn't going very well. Dexter's was not in one of the better parts of town. Detritus littered the streets, swept into drifts of trash by the daily activities of cleaning droids. The weird red obelisk was not where he'd last seen it, and that sent him into a hyperventilating panic until he'd realized it was probably swept up with the rest of the trash and shoved into alleys awaiting pickup. That's why evening found him huffing and jiggling, smeared with grease and sweat, elbow deep in piles of backalley garbage. Fortunately, his sense of smell didn't seem to be what it used to. The whole experience was a lot less objectionable than he'd have anticipated. His chubby fist closed around something hard and oblong. Barely daring to look, he raised it to his face, examining his prize under a street lamp. Bingo. ----- The cab ride back to his apartment was almost joyous. Part of him had been convinced he'd never find the obelisk again. His mood was dampened somewhat when he saw the state of his apartment. Tyrel had never been exactly a neat freak, but this was just awful. Doojah was quite the slob. Discarded food waste lay scattered about the few surfaces his cheap apartment afforded. Discarded clothes, wrinkled and soiled, lay in a pile on the foot of the bed. Apparently only her work outfit was spared. Tyrel sighed, flicked on the lights, and examined the artifact. Nothing happened. He pressed one of the spikes on its side. Shook it around. Nothing continued to happen. Tyrel felt dizzy, a sinking feeling in his gut sent him flopping backwards onto his bed, inflated butt cheeks bouncing with the mattress. It wasn't working. "Come on! Do something!" Nothing. In growing frustration, feeling the beginning of tears, Tyrell tossed the thing at the far wall. A pulse of red light followed. Yes, that was right. It had dropped out of a moving air car. It had to have hit the ground hard. Maybe a big impact was what it took to work it. Another pulse of light. A tingling in his extremities. It was working! Still, Tyrel didn't feel up for another bout of changes. He opened his fridge, found a bottle of cheap booze, and with some difficulty, began to guzzle the thing down; tears gathering again at the burning sensation in his gut. Spotting a pill bottle on his bedstand, he shook a few capsules out and had another long chug. He was going to sit this one out. He'd wake up tomorrow, back to himself. With no more important concerns than being late for work. He'd even welcome Dexter berating him instead of leering. Tyrel fell asleep to the womb-like rhythms of crimson light. ----- Tyrel awoke to feeble yellow light washing through his apartment's window. But wait...that wasn't right. His bedroom didn't have a window. He shifted, felt his bulk slipping and sliding under the blankets. Entirely too much flesh. The red...thing. It had worked, hadn't it? He had to see himself. He shrugged off the covers with a grunt, heaved himself to his feet. Oh yes, the thing had worked alright. There was even more of him than before. He waddled wearily to the substantial bathroom that had appeared adjoining his old bed. Found a mirror. Thick. Curvy. Chubby. It was worse than yesterday. Much worse. The brown, leathery hide of this thighs spread out like two Christmas hams, albeit ones studded with bristles on their inner edge. To examine them, he had to grab his gut by the now convenient love handles that sagged over his crotch, a bloated curtain of beige flab. His hips still defeated them, spreading wide and proud, dwarfing the width even of his broad besalisk shoulders, shot here and there with purplish stretchmarks. His upper arms jiggled like jello as he moved his paunch aside. Every inch of him was suffocated in cellulite. Even his waddle had filled out somewhat with fat, the flap of skin doing little to conceal a second chin. Something caught on his gut, something stiff and hard even against the thick besalisk skin. Something attached to one of the fat fingers of his left hand. A ring. Something stirred behind him. "Still worried about your weight, honey?" No. No no no. This wasn't happening. A bulky arm wrapped around his waist, sinking slightly into the adipose cushioning of his barrel torso. He smelled a familiar musk, felt breath hot and wet on his neck. Bile in the back of his throat. "You know you're just the right amount of woman for me." Something warm and moist stroked his fat, waddle-laden neck. He stooped over, began to retch. Dexter Jettster stood over him, stroking his head, cooing sweet comforting nothings in his ear as he emptied his stomach. ----- Numbness followed. Dexter...his husband...left for work., Tyrel stayed home, pleading too ill to contribute. He found the thing that had changed him, wrapped his hand in a towel, and gingerly; careful to avoid skin contact, tossed it in the trash compactor. Afterwards he spent a few hours spent staring at a wall and intermittently crying, Finally, the booze started calling to her again, and she drank herself to sleep. She woke up to Dexter's wide frame collapsing into bed beside her, a stubbly kiss on her...his cheek. Fell asleep again, trying to ignore the fact that he was spooning with her obese alien boss. Tried to concentrate on the dwindling revulsion at his circumstances, to stifle the other feelings building within her. Woke up again, still spooning, Dexter's fat fingers probing the folds of her new cunt. Wet, and twitching. "Feeling better?" As a matter of fact, she had a murderous hangover, but she was too stunned to move. Dexter slipped another finger in. "It's been too long," he said, flipping her on her wide back, pressing his giant mouth to hers. Part of him rebelled at the feel of their waddles tangled together, his stubbly, hers smooth; rebelled at the feeling of the wide tongue invading his mouth, ascending the wide peg-like teeth. The morning breath. The weight on top of him. The phallus pressing into her folds. But another, insidious part submitted. Felt that this was where she belonged. Beneath her husband. Dexter thrust and huffed, waddle and belly jiggling obscenely as he used his wife. Doojah jiggled even more beneath him, breasts flopping, cellulite shaking. She lifted her four arms and wrapped them around her husband. To steady herself. Something was building inside her. Something warm and gooey and emasculating. Abruptly, grunting, Dexter came, spurting thick besalisk seed within her distended sex. Doojah was left wanting, but too shell-shocked to finish herself off. Especially after the errant hope that he might get her pregnant crossed her mind. ----- Doojah went to work in a stretched out blouse and poodle skirt. Dexter joked, flirted, and doted on her. Rarely did she leave the kitchen without her husband and partner giving her a quick slap on the ass that set her squealing and jiggling. The patrons laughed, apparently accustomed to this. Doojah minced and wriggled to the tables, face burning. Loins burning. Doojah left with Dexter when the Diner closed. Stayed in 'their' apartment. Ate Dexter's meals. Cleaned his clothes. Lay under him as he huffed and thrust in bed. Occasionally, she even orgasmed. Every morning, she woke up, expecting to be a young human man named Tyrel, rather than an obese middle aged besalisk house wife. She never did.

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Slave Rey A Star Wars Story Other SWAshoka Stories

Disclaimer: Violence against women is bad and sex without consent is illegal. This is just a kinky fantasy story for adults based on the Star Wars movies I am writing this erotica to improve my writing and would download random pictures from the internet that I don't own. I welcome all to add to this story and send me links to good pics. Thank you and enjoy! Teaser #1: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away .....Somewhere on board the Millenium Falcon, Rey is having the same dreams again...

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STAR WARS between the wars

STAR WARS A long time ago there was a galaxy far far away which is constantly in turmoil. No matter what era, there is always some conflict going on. While this is a perfect recipe for many a legend to arise, especially with a mystical power like ‘the force’ touching so many, most people forget there are plenty more non-force-sensitives who are just trying to live their lives. These are an anthology of stories of the previously ignored people who make up the backbone of the star wars galaxy.

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Star Wars The Alternate Universe

In a galaxy far, far away - and a long time ago! - the Star Wars galaxy was suddenly changed by a mad person writing this alternate story because everyone knows the real story and you're here to read about crazy sex and Force-ful behaviors of violent Sith (excuse the pun!) Firstly, you must decide what Star Wars universe you will be experimenting in: Knights of the Old Republic In which Bastila is the cool Jedi prodigy, ready for your loving grace or dark domination. Here Carth awaits a new...

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Slave Rey A Star Wars Story Other SW Stories

Disclaimer: Violence against women is bad and sex without consent is illegal. This is just a kinky fantasy story for adults based on the Star Wars movies I am writing this erotica to improve my writing and would download random pictures from the internet that I don't own. I welcome all to add to this story and send me links to good pics. Thank you and enjoy! A long time ago in a galaxy far far away .....Somewhere onboard the Millenium Falcon, Rey is having the same dreams again .... strange...

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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 3 From the Badlands to the Death Star

GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...

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Star Wars The Complete Erotic Saga

Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you. (This story was cribbed from Create Your Own Story []. Many threads were moved verbatim or with little editing. Over time, some of these will be edited to...

2 years ago
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Star Wars Force Awakens

Star Wars The Force Awakens A massive Star Destroyer approached the desert planet of Jakku, a ship graveyard from the time when the Empire and the Rebel Alliance fought. Transport ships and Tie Fighters emerged from the Star Destroyer and descended upon the night-side of the planet. General Hux was the youngest general to rise within the ranks of the First Order. He was known for his brutal efficiency and eccentric loyalty to Supreme Commander Snoke's vision. "Target any and all...

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Star Wars The Restricted Files Chapter 8 Ahsoka Tano vs Asajj Ventress

Disclaimer: The following story is not connected with the Star Wars franchise, or its creator, George Lucas and does not represent the characters, writers or producers of set franchise. Story Codes: Ff, bond, grope, oral, reluc Star Wars: The Restricted Files Part 8 – Ahsoka Tano vs. Asajj Ventress by Avatrek ([email protected]) While Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker took on the roles of slave girls in order to break the trafficking of slaves near Hutt Space, Jaina Solo furiously...

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Miss American Pornstar

Ida Hoe was waiting nervously back stage as her arch rival, Holly Keyhole, performed on stage riding Hoss Bigg cowgirl style on a trampoline. She could hear the audience shouting in delight. The raucous cheers were almost deafening.Ida was horrified that Holly might give an unsurmountable performance. Ida barely trailed her for first place in this grand finale episode of Miss American Pornstar. Winning the title of the first Miss American Pornstar would not only make her the newest rage in the...

Group Sex
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Sahara A Star Wars Story Chapter 1 Command am

The black expanse of inter stellar space above the moon of Jedah glitters with the diamond bright light of distant stars. Suddenly a grey, knife like prow cuts across the void, heralding the impossibly vast bulk of an Imperial Star Destroyer as it powers into view. The characteristic whine of twin ion engine or TIE fighters precedes a patrol of three Square winger star fighters in tight formation. The Imperial military are here in force, and that can never be a good thing for any...

5 years ago
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Star Wars A Legacy of Force

Jacen and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon STAR WARSA LEGACY OF FORCE  Jacen Solo and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon.? Usually for this sort of procedure Jacen would have undertaken matters at the units main HQ on Coruscant or aboard their star-destroyer, the Anakin Solo, but he could not risk any but the most loyal...

3 years ago
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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 5 A Dirty Little War

I suddenly had trouble breathing and my vision fogged up as waves of powerfully strong emotions crashed over me. Through the tears welling up in my eyes I reread the message several times to make sure that it was real. J'Una alive? Could it really be? Where the fuck was Tatooine anyway? I was so overcome that I became somewhat giddy and I think I even jumped up and down a little. Not what you'd expect from a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot, but there it is. I must have made more noise...

4 years ago
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Star Wars The Old Republic

Join the battle! Twenty-eight years ago, the SITH EMPIRE returned from exile to exact vengeance upon the GALACTIC REPUBLIC and their sworn defenders, the JEDI ORDER. The GREAT GALACTIC WAR waged across the galaxy, from the Core to Outer Rims. However, after nearly three decades of fighting, peace was in sight. The Sith extended a hand of peace, offering a treaty to be signed on ALDERAAN. Skeptical, but hopeful, the Republic sent its ambassadors and the Jedi's greatest protectors to the world of...

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The Rape of Rogue One a Star Wars Story

Flitting from shadow to shadow the renowned thief-turned-rebel Jyn Erso made her way thru the corridors of the Imperial data record centre on Scarif. Andor and K-290 were off searching somewhere else in the complex but Jyn had just hacked into an Imperial computer to finally locate where the Death Star plans were. Her heart was pounding and she felt herself tingling with excitement as she neared the room that was her goal. She’d burst in, deal with any enemy soldiers, grab the plans and be...

2 years ago
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Another Star Wars Scenario

Another Star Wars Scenario by shalimar Finally, Luke Skywaker was captured and brought to the Emperor in loose chains. "Luke, we have ways to deal with rebels like you so you won't ever be a problem again," the Emperor told his prisoner. "Let me show you." From a side door came this beautiful young woman. She appeared to be a little younger than Skywalker. "Her pheromones have been enhanced," the Emperor explained. "May I?" she asked the Emperor. "By all...

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Star Wars 3 Pt 1

Star Wars 3, Part. 1 ? by: Hrithik Roshan Senator Padme had her lips wrapped around Anakin Skywalker's big fat cock. They had just gotten married the day before, and the first night had been something less than perfect. For the last ten years, aside from occasional tortured nightmares of his mother's enslavement, Anakin had been dreaming of nothing else than the beautiful queen of Naboo. So to have her naked on his bed, legs spread apart to show her beautiful shaved pussy, was...

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The Diner a true story

THE GREEK DINERby TheoThis is a true story with embellishment on the conversations. The action I remember distinctly though. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. This, my friends is an account of something that happened to me not to long ago. To the best of my ability, I will try to recall everything as it happened. The names are changed, but they really aren’t important any ways. There is a rather good sized Greek diner that I frequent often because they truly do have authentic Greek...

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Star Wars The Clone Wars Last Of The Surik

Your Name Is Macen Surik, Descendant Of Macen Surik, Jedi Knight and Former Commander Of The Republic Fleet During The Mandalorian Wars, and The Climatic Final Battle At Malachor. After Defeating The Sith Triumvirate, Your Ancestor Started A Family With His Echani Student Brianna and Raised Five Children, Three Sons and Two Daughters. The Surik Bloodline Soon Joined With The Shan, Valorum, and Several Other Prestigious Bloodlines. Currently, The Surik Line Is Precariously Left In The Hands Of A...

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Star Wars Perilous Misadventures

Star Wars as a Galaxy, even before the house of Mouse taking things over, had no shortage of hot women in it, the number of races alone are mind blowing, from Human to Zabrak to Twilek to Sith purebloods, anything was possible, and in this story, provided you stay within the rules of this site, anything is possible to you as well. So, where will it be? And who will be your damsel to distress? Do you stay in the movies? Or maybe the old EU? Possibly the Games have your attention, or maybe the...

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Star Wars The Violation of Rey

(Warning: this will contain various forms of rape/sexual assault.) The Star Wars universe can be a scary place. Especially for a hot scavenger/wannabe Jedi. I've pictured plenty of scenarios over the course of the Sequel Trilogy where Rey's bitchy attitude, and foolish decisions could've gotten her raped. Now it's your turn! This will span The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi. Thought that Rey's victories came to easy for her? Turn them into messy defeats. This isn't limited to bad guys either....

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Star Wars Age of an Empire The Decent Imperial

Your name is John Shan, and you are heir to the highly Distinguished Shan Bloodline, a Lineage of Heroes and Force-Users stretching all the way back to the Mandalorian Wars, which was more than 3,600 years ago. You are fresh out of the Imperial Stormtrooper Academy of Carida, but unlike your fellow Officers you have no Xenophobic Hatred or Views towards Aliens. You may carry out Morally Questionable Orders, but that doesn't mean you like or aren't haunted by them. You stay for one reason, Hope,...

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Star Wars The Galaxy Far Far Away

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Welcome to the Star Wars galaxy, where you're free to be anyone you want to be - Jedi, Sith, smuggler, princess, bounty hunter, or something else altogether. First of all, though, do you want to be an established character, or create your own?

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Star Wars Episode 65 A Vital Exchange

Star Wars Episode 6.5 A Vital Exchange By Caleb Jones Hans Solo and his wife Leia Organa Solo went to bed after Han returned from a month-long secret mission. They chatted a bit about the day's events and then they began to make passionate space love. Meanwhile, Leia's brother Luke was trying to contact her from the distant planet Xeoiwu-3 using his abilities with the Force. As twins, they could often communicate with each other on a level beyond that of ordinary humans and as...

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Secret Diary of a Cheerlead

Friday May 2nd Maisie Edwards is such a loser. Just because she gave Mr Totbury, the geography tutor, a hand job, she thinks she’s the cat’s whiskers. It turns out, he’s not even on the judging panel. That girl is just one epic fail. My name is Danny and I am a Junior cheerleader for one of the top football teams in the south of the USA. This year I got short-listed for Cheerleader of the Year in my grade. To get short-listed, you have to have what it takes. Your high kick has to be faultless...

College Sex
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Secret Seduction

Coming of age was one of those expressions that Matt Baker had never considered in any detail. He had ambled along through his teenage years, noticing girls more and more without being in a mad rush to do anything. It was after turning 16 that his hormones really kicked in. The trouble was, that Matt was just naturally shy and had never plucked up the courage to ask a girl out. Since then, events had begun to overtake him. He was gradually beginning to discover the pleasures of the flesh. Judy...

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Secret Sex in the Stacks

One look at the library floor plan by the door told Reese it would take a while to find what he was looking for. He didn’t have much patience with the Dewey decimal system. By the nearest stack, a young woman in a long skirt and a tight t-shirt stood next to a cart of books. She pushed a volume into its appropriate spot and then selected another from the cart, pushing up her glasses and tucking her hair behind her ear at the same time. Reese smiled to himself and started towards her. “Hey...

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Save the Diner

INTRODUCTION Sonny-Bill Tripp stepped off the bus at Flaxton City and passed wind, the legacy of half-cooked onions in a hamburger he’d eaten at the last stop four hours ago. He was weary with a sore butt from sitting for 33 hours in buses traveling to his hometown. He was almost broke from a bad day and night at poker when his mom received the call from her mother Aggie Johnston to race to Flaxton to help the family save the farm. Actually it was to save the family’s restaurant called...

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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 2 Mofta IV and Beyond

GUSTAV arrived at Mofta IV, the Imperial base in the Epsilon quadrant, after an uneventful three day journey. The repair crews had put the time to good use, however. Most of the damage had been at least temporarily repaired, wreckage had been cleared away and, except for some empty seats in the dining areas, there was little outward evidence that the ship had been in a fight. As good as the repair crews were, however, some of the damage was beyond their capa- bility and required the ship to...

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Milfords DinerChapter 2

The town marker said there were 11,562 inhabitants in the town. Big enough for some business, but with the small town feel to it. It would be mostly agriculturally connected, although we went by an industrial park on the outskirts. I pulled into Milfords Diner for lunch. When we got inside we found it clean and it had a menu posted. We had been on the road for two days. We could have made it this far in one, but had made a leisurely journey out of our traveling. We had slept one night in the...

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Sperm Wars Cuckolds Threesomes and Evolutionary

Originally posted on Doctor Susan Block's JournalMost men are excited by the idea of their women being with other men. Yes, most. They may or may not actually like it. But many an otherwise sensible gentleman finds himself aroused upon seeing his hot wife, girlfriend or significant other flirt with a stranger, or perhaps a friend. He may be jealous, hurt, angry, even enraged. Still, he often can’t help but want to make love to “his” woman as soon as they get home, his erection stronger than...

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Masturbating in Public at the Local Diner

I was just sitting here fondling my cock while reading through some posts about guys getting handjobs, and such, from people in the service industries (i.e., maids, masseuses, etc.) when I started to leak precum pretty heavily. It brought back a particularly gratifying experience that I had about 8 years ago. So rather than keeping this experience to myself, I've decided to share it so some of you might get some enjoyment out of it.First a little background on me. You see, I'm a guy who has had...

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The Invaders Episode 1 The Diner

THE INVADERS by Tammy Fairbanks Prologue The Invaders. . . Alien beings from a dying planet. Their destination: The Earth. Their purpose: To make it their world. David Vincent has seen them. For him it began one lost night on a lonely country road looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It began with a landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now David Vincent knows that the...

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Star Wars Rebellion Reborn

The Clone Wars have ended and with it also came the end of The Separatist, The Trade Federation, and even more shocking, The Jedi Order. In the final days of the war the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine announced to all that the Jedi had attempted to seize power and had made an attempt on his life. With a promise to protect the galaxy from further war and acts of terror the republic with abandoned with thunderous applause. However while a vast majority was in favor of this decision, a few...

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Dinner in the Diner

I just knew he was going to love this. had it and it had just arrived in the mail, a genuine Swiss Army knife. While we were having dinner with my parents and my sister the week before, Rob had been talking to Dad about hunting and camping and mentioned that when he used to camp out with his dad, he used his for everything. He lost it when he was twelve or thirteen and never got around to replacing it. My dad recollected that when he was a kid, owning a genuine Swiss Army knife was...

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MAU Trek Wars

MAU: Trek Wars Synopsis: Further adventures of Seven as she and her Trekkie friends confront their ultimate challenge - Star Wars fans. Note: This tale contains numerous characters from both the Star Trek and Star Wars universes. If a reader is unfamiliar with the Star Wars characters, the official Star Wars databank can provide more information than I can include in this tale. I am trying to not clutter the story with too much detail on the characters, but to provide...

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The Girl from the Diner

Any way, on to the purpose of this story, I was a creature of habit, every morning on my way to the firehouse, I would stop at this little diner and have breakfast, and the next morning on the way home I would stop again. It was a quaint little diner, nothing fancy, and the staff was very friendly. On this particular morning, I went in and sat at the bar, as I normally did, and took the menu from the napkin holder. I really didn’t need the menu, because I knew everything the diner served but...

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The Diner

The XXX Diner was about 30 miles from anywhere, it served as a stop for truckers and others passing through the area. Mike Gretsky a forty year old who’d had opened up the diner after his wife had passed away. As the diner was practically in the middle of nowhere he realised he'd need to way to keep his business from going under. His solution was overly simple... employ attractive young women to work in the diner. A year ago he employed Emily a beautiful redhead in her mid twenties. Emily was...

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Star Wars A New Hope

Danger looms across the galaxy as the Empire's secret weapon, the Death Star, is finalized and ready to wreck havoc. Though a small rebel alliance has attempted to hold them off, their efforts have been mostly in vain - until now. The secret schematics of the superweapon were leaked following a high-stakes operation, which lead to those plans being inserted into a droid. This droid eventually found it's way to the future hero of the universe - Luke Skywalker, a young nineteen year old on a...

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Star Wars Female Clone Wars

For a time Jango Fett was considered as a template for clone army, but in the end someone different was chosen – Ros Lai. A busty redhead human female and force using Nightsister. Even through she was a strong force user, only small percentage of her clones have have talent in it. Those clones had been given special training by count Dooku himself. Their existence was a secret to all but Dooku and Sidious. There were only two major changes in growing clone army. First, their uniforms were...

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Working Late at the Diner

I am working the night shift late, at Amy's, a dank seedy diner on the wrong side of town. I sigh, as I look past my reflection in the dirty window glass to see the rain. Trevor loves the rain. I think sadly to myself. I wonder what he is doing while I toiled away at this job. I sigh and then my eyes narrow as they see my reflection in the glass. Ralph, the diner's owner has just issued us new uniforms, again. The top cut so low that my ample breasts were straining to get out. I turned to see...

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Kathys Diner

KATHY'S DINER SisyphusIt was late and I had been driving for hours through the fog and drizzle. I was getting drowsy and in the middle of nowhere, it seemed. Nothing but trees and an occasional dark house were barely visible. The static on the car radio made listening to the jazz station annoying and the only other station that came in was preaching about the end of time and we better give our souls to Jesus to be saved, something like that. I turned the radio off and drove in the dark silence,...

Straight Sex
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Diner from Hell

This is a racist, foul, nasty little story.  If you enjoy that kind of tale then I hope you like it. If not, just pass it by. No need for indignant complaints, since you’ve been warned.                                                     THE DINER FROM HELL                                                           By   Red Doggie                                                              PART ONEFour gang members sat in their car watching the diner they planned to rob.  ?This place is easy...

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Nerd Wars Episode 1

Thoughts began rushing through my mind, and I began wondering how I managed to come across this goddess of the final frontier, because just two hours ago, I had been sitting in my apartment, awaiting what I thought would be just another day in a sci-fi convention. I know by now you are probably wondering just who the hell I am, so let me take you back and fill you in on the details. My name is Luke Stevens. I am six feet tall, about 180 pounds with short, brown hair and murky, blue...

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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 4 The Sepan Civil War

GUSTAV jumped to hyperspace, leaving the Death Star, Tarkin, Vader, and J'Una behind. We had embarked Admiral Haarkov and several members of his staff and were enroute to the Sepan system. The most difficult, and potentially frustrating, mission that any military organization can be assigned is one whose objective is not clear. The real purpose of any military, when you think about it, is twofold: 1)to kill people and break things when so directed, and 2)use the threat of force to keep...

1 year ago
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Vixen Wars

People think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...

Best Porn Games
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Star Wars SexA Jedi Holiday

Set 2 years after Attack of the Clones. Anakin Skywalker and his wife Padme Amidala have been give time away from the clone wars that rage throughout the galaxy to spend with each other. The Nubian cruiser sailed elegantly through the blackness of space around the jungle world of Cerron. Padme entered the cockpit to find Anakin working the manual controls. “What’s wrong/” she asked. Anakin turned and smiled “Hyperdrive overheated. I’ve had to drop back into normal space to repair it”. Padme...

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The Girl from the Diner

My name is Jeff. I am a 40 year old father of three beautiful daughters. Before you ask, I have never and never intend on having sexual relations with either of my daughters. I am Captain in my home towns Fire Department, on my off days, I run a pretty successful landscaping business, so my family and I live a pretty comfortable life. My wife left us a couple years back. She was destined to succeed in the big business world and my girls and I stood in her way. Although she didn’t completely...

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Darth Demus Star WarsPart 7

Standing on a Star Destroyer Malice, Darth Demus' mind was wrapped in a vision. Sights and sound he saw of a twi'lek Jedi named Aayla Secura. Something drew him to this alien female so different than him with her blue skin which was so alluring. Lust but also something deeper he did not like: Warm and at the same time frightening. Turning his mind to other things about her dismissed those emotions focusing in the cold darkness of the Dark Side. Her power in the Force was exceptional and...

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Patchwork People V The Diner on Memory Lane

V. The diner on memory lane. The last time Marcia had spoken to anyone in her family it was to her brother Matt. That would be winter five years ago. They met in a 24-hour diner by the side of a highway in Metuchen, New Jersey. Pointedly, it was a restaurant Matt had never visited and no doubt never intended to visit again. Through a series of emails and two brief phone calls, she had explained the general situation and Matt's reaction had grudgingly advanced from "this has got to be...

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Last Night at the Last Chance DinerChapter 8

The Last Day 11:13:15 p.m. Truly awful music played from an ancient jukebox. A decrepit postcard taped haphazardly to the register sternly proclaimed: “In God We Trust. All Others Have to PAY!” That card had been taped in place by the owner, who still lived but rarely came around. A formerly rich stockbroker humbled by a serious of disastrous investment schemes, Richard Brooks had used his last remaining savings to buy the diner. He had renovated an old property that he had taken in...

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Her Apple PieChapter 6 The Great Clearwater Diner Massacre

Come November, Kylie felt comfortable enough to go on regular forays into Clearwater. Her mother was doing much better and had reclaimed the reins of the household during Kylie's stay in rehab. Also, Kylie's temptation to smooth out the edges was not strong anymore. Her mind was much clearer and the warm feeling of achievement over a number of songs she had written during her stay in Hillview helped lessen her perceived needs for anything mind-numbing. She was getting into a better...

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Star Wars

The galaxy is a deep and boundless black to you, quite the night sky, speckled white by the distant light of thousands of star systems you haven't yet visited... After leaving lightspeed you marvel for a moment at what the blue tunnel of hyperspace has transformed into again, and end your reverie when your sensor board begins to paint up a picture of the system you've entered. Angling down, you find yourself pointed at the curved horizon of the silver-green planet you'd been intending to fly...

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