Darth Demus Star WarsPart 3
- 2 years ago
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Standing on a Star Destroyer Malice, Darth Demus' mind was wrapped in a vision. Sights and sound he saw of a twi'lek Jedi named Aayla Secura.
Something drew him to this alien female so different than him with her blue skin which was so alluring. Lust but also something deeper he did not like: Warm and at the same time frightening.
Turning his mind to other things about her dismissed those emotions focusing in the cold darkness of the Dark Side.
Her power in the Force was exceptional and could grow if properly nurtured. The added bonus that in hiding her it had proven Darth Sidious' weakness only bolstered her worth to him.
Demus had enjoyed blocking his master's plans of destroying all the Jedi by hiding her away on a small world far from his grasp. Taking away any means of escape, he had left her there with only a few hidden sensors to monitor her just in case.
Now with the death of Palpatine at his hands he could now return without risk. It had taken great effort to doctor the records and convince the stormtroopers sent to carry out the order that there was nothing on this world. Each of them had to have their memory wiped when they reported to him after the job was done.
Still given those visions he had started to experience shortly after kneeling to pledge his obedience to his new master, the effort had been worth it.
"Is the shuttle ready captain?" Demus turned to the older man dressed in a pressed gray imperial uniform.
Captain Talas was a career Imperial officer who had risen quickly through the ranks under Demus' patronage, a fact he would never forget.
Demus didn't really care about the man personally but he had his uses. Right now Talas was merely here to transport him to this world and leave.
The middle aged officer with his scarecrow like form and brown hair seemed eager to get rid of him, but tried not to show it. Demus hid a smile at the fear he sensed from him. While the captain was trying to keep his distance Demus could still feel it: intense and intoxicating.
The Dark Side of the Force let it flow through him like a conduit powerful and filling.
Demus enjoyed toying with the older man, and seeing how far he could push him if only to provide himself with a bit of entertainment. Already he could see the man begin to sweat out of the corner of his eye.
"Yes Lord Demus. It awaits for your departure whenever it pleases you." The captain said his voice showing the tiniest bit of his fear that he was not able to hold back.
"And you would prefer that would be sooner rather than later." Demus stated almost idly.
While he might not have voiced it as a question the captain took it as such.
"Of course not sir. I only wish to serve in whatever way I can." The captain answered, trying to sound convincing.
He feared that Demus would see through his false sincerity which in fact he did. Had Demus been more cruel he might have toyed with him more. Never liking the Emperor and his silly little Imperial Navy he had looked on the captain as a fine scapegoat to vent himself on whenever he felt the urge.
Deciding enough was enough he released the invisible hold he had on the man's mind and said, "Very good captain. I will land on the planet, and you will patrol the star system to make sure I am not disturbed. If I have need of you I will contact you, but for now I'm sure there are other duties that require your attention."
"As you wish my lord." The Captain saluted quickly hurrying away relieved to be excused.
Making his way to the hangar and his transport Demus could feel a similar feeling of apprehension from the rest of the crew. Many had heard what he had done to the Emperor, since the royal guard had found his dead body.
Demus had killed the two guards when they tried to avenge the old man in a matter of seconds before shocked imperial officers. Afraid of being next they quickly acknowledged him as the Emperor's rightful successor pledging their loyalty. Afterwards the rumors had soon spread, and Demus had let them.
Fearful enemies would be hesitant to attack: something Demus preferred because he didn't want to waste time. What was left of the Imperial fleet had fled just as he did that day seeking to escape with their lives but none dared challenge his right to rule.
In the months that followed he had managed to keep the imperial fleet alive and fighting despite facing superior numbers. For a time the rebels were forced to consolidate their power in the core worlds buying the imperials time.
Demus expected a professionalism and a strict adherence to duty. Failing to do that meant a "final apology".
As he boarded his ship pilot and copilot went over their checks again not wanting to arouse his displeasure if anything went wrong. They had learned that provoking it was not wise by any means.
One crewmember had accidentally dropped a sparti cylinder used for cloning when he became careless, and Demus arriving after it was reported had broken his neck right in front of the rest of the unloading crew reaching out to attack him through the Force.
The gesture had been effortless and all had watched in shock as the man fell to the floor lifeless and limp.
"See to it that there are no more little accidents or next time I assure you the next death will be far more painful." Demus said coldly striding away leaving others to dispose of the body.
At that moment all the crew realized that failure meant possible death, and that only success kept their lives from being expendable. Demus rewarded those who earned that right, and just like that crewman punished those who he considered a weak link as an example to others.
"The final check is finished Lord Demus. All systems check out." The pilot said waiting for his command.
"Proceed." Demus replied from the chair behind him.
Pressing the needed controls the shuttle took off under the pilot's and copilot's expert guidance. They were the best and were determined to continue to be just that.
Both men had received upgrades in pay and position on the ship due to being Lord Demus' personal shuttle crew, giving them a distinct pride not shared by all.
In the past few months they had learned to anticipate him, understanding that he preferred efficiency and professionalism over an overabundance of style. Each movement the two men made had a purpose and they always kept an eye out for any change in the sensors or controls, ready to make an immediate adjustment if needed.
Landing smoothly on the planet they took off again once Demus was safely clear, heading back to the ship.
Demus watched them go as he stood not far from an erected dwelling where the Jedi resided. Even now he could feel her hiding not far to the west behind some rocks. She no doubt that he had come to kill her and finish the job.
Approaching her position he felt her trying to disguise herself in the Force but that would do little good. Only Demus and his father knew truly how to do that. Any other tricks could not compare to that level of skill and ability.
"Greeting Aayla Secura. You needn't hide from me, if I wanted you dead I would have left that to your clone troops on the planet I found you. I assure you they were quite adequate for the job." Demus said loudly so he was sure she could hear him.
Coming out from her hiding place Aayla came into view weaponless.
"What do you want?" Aayla asked remaining calm despite his unpleasant aura.
"I have come to give you a gift. You may recognize it." Demus said tossing an object to her which she caught.
Looking at it in her hand Aayla said, "One of my lightsabers. I did not expect to ever see any of them again. Why would you return this to me?"
"I imagine you have been itching to kill me, especially since I played a part in the attack on your order, and placed you here abandoned on this world. I thought it best to get that little nuisance out of the way." Demus said unhooking his own lightsaber without taking up a defensive stance, "So whenever you're ready, by all means."
Igniting her lightsaber Aayla charged in quickly hoping to take him by surprise. Slashing at him from the right she watched as he deflected it with a one handed parry of his lightsaber, knocking her blade away with his off hand.
"You'll have to do better than that." Demus said turning to look at her.
Focusing herself in the Force Aayla launched a flurry at Demus striking side to side and high to low trying to find a hole in his defenses. Each stroke he parried backing up to give himself room.
Aayla soon realized that she was only wearing herself out as he was just keeping her at bay as she tired herself.
Changing tactics she leapt onto a nearby rock and came at him from on high leaping into the air.
It had the advantage of being able to smash through his guard by providing more power than she could normally muster. Instead of standing there and blocking it or dodging aside as she expected, Demus' blade came up in a two handed upward slice at just the right moment.
As his blade met hers it continued forward knocking her blade that way. There was so much power in the stroke that Aayla almost lost her saber and barely held on. Removing one hand from the handle he sent a force push right into her mid-section knocking the wind out of her while she was still in mid air.
Aayla was so dazed that she flew forwards landing on her back hard. Opening her eyes and forcing away the jarring pain she found his lightsaber inches from her throat.
"How disappointing. I expected more even without your second saber, but I suppose it is only fair you have that too." Demus said backing away and tossing her the other lightsaber he had taken from her, which appeared from inside his robes.
The saber hit the ground settling only inches from her finger tips.
"Now shall we try again?" Demus asked.
"You are toying with me." Aayla said even as picked it up and stood taking a fighting stance.
"Of course I am, but also I am judging your skills. Call it curiosity. I want to see what you can do." Demus said with a bemused smile.
Igniting the second saber Aayla immediately gained her feet and attacked. Twirling her blades she tried to use her speed to defeat him. Demus matched each strike still smiling and keeping up easily.
"Much better Jedi. A far cry from what I saw earlier, but it shows your apparent lack of training. A true master would learn to fight with as many blades as they needed or lack there of." Demus said in a tone much like one of her own teachers when she herself had been learning to use a lightsaber.
"I don't need any lessons from you Sith. I have more than enough to defeat you." Aayla said determined to do just that.
She tried to keep calm surprised at how his words were getting to her.
"Overconfidence is a weakness little Jedi..." Demus began as he blocked one stroke and spun to her left around another.
As part of the spin his foot shot out making contact with the back of one of her knees sweeping the leg even as his other foot made contact with the ground. Taken off her feet in one quick motion Aayla lost both lightsabers as fell flat on her back.
Just like before she felt Demus' lightsaber poised to cut open her throat.
" ... as you can see." He finished.
Shutting off his lightsaber he walked away leaving her to think of what had just happened. Even as she watched him go Aayla knew he was her only way of this planet.
Sitting alone in the sand just outside her dwelling Demus meditated quietly with his eyes closed. His mind far away he did not sense Aayla until she was at the base of the hill where the dwelling stood.
Opening his eyes he did not move as she continued her approach sitting down in front of him.
"What is your name Sith Lord? Surely you have a title." Aayla said.
"I have two names Jedi. One given to me after my awakening, and one my master gave to me." Demus replied returning his facial expression to their usual stoic manner.
"Awakening? Don't you mean birth?" Aayla asked suddenly confused.
"You were born I was not. I was a copy of my master. He rescued me from my captors and taught me the true nature of the Force." Demus said.
Aayla's eyebrows rose as this meant he was a clone.
Steeling her face Aayla replied, "Did you kill him too just as you killed Darth Sidious; the one we have been hunting?"
"I have not killed my father yet." Demus answered the word showing only the slightest hint of emotion in him.
"Your father? The one you were cloned after?" Aayla said thinking of how a relationship like that could work.
In all the stories of the Sith they eventually turned on one another. Could it be that two could exist and be father and son as well?
"Your thoughts betray you Jedi Secura. Of course such a thing can occur. To date it has been one of the things that has made us reluctant to kill each other, even though we are now mortal enemies.
Now one of us is no longer a Sith, a decision I have become increasingly unhappy with. As Sith the bond we shared could have kept us from killing each other at least for many years, but now as clear enemies that is no longer the case." Demus said.
"So your father turned the light." Aayla commented.
"Returned would be a more accurate description. My father was raised a Jedi before as a young man he was turned to the ways of the Sith in a future time. It would take too long to explain the details properly. The short story is that his past weakened him, holding him back from a glorious future." Demus said.
"Once you start down the dark path consume you it will as it has so many." Aayla quoted to him.
"Cute Jedi, but your dogmatic views have no bearing on me or my father. For us there is less danger than you think. For us the Dark Side gives its power freely to us for we were born to its power.
It is part of who we are and exist in our very blood, as it will in all who follow us.
I bare the mark of the Sith just as he does marking my powerful heritage. I am a descendant of my namesake Naga Sadow. While my title is Darth Demus the name of my "birth" will always mark my special place in this galaxy.
I like my father was made to be what I am, even if he chooses to no longer acknowledge it. All the power he now holds flows from its study, it even allowed him to crush the forces of my former master Emperor Palpatine; who you know as Darth Sidious.
His defeat at my father's hands heralded his end at my own and my rise to power. Even now I could have his whole empire and challenge my father for your reality, but that is not my goal.
I want true power not its shell: the power to change my destiny and live forever should I choose to. Palpatine sought something similar, but like in all things he grew too proud and had to be brought low.
The Sith do not belong as the open masters of the stars and many worlds. Our ways are secret.
We attack from the shadows with surprise being our strongest ally. In the end one would overthrow any who seek to rule openly.
It would be much better if I will ruled thousands of worlds from afar without anyone knowing. The enemy you can't see you can't fight." Darth Demus said.
"Why are you telling me all this?" Aayla asked.
"To give you one final chance to kill me." Demus said tossing her his lightsaber.
"I am unarmed. You could kill me in cold blood, and stop all that suffering. I will not defend myself.
You have only to will yourself to do what must be done. Take my life Aayla and you can be the hero who saved all.
They would rejoice you in the streets. "The Savior of the New Republic".
A republic that will replace the old, better stronger but not if I have anything to say about it.
I will undermine everything and when the moment is right I will attack where they least expect tearing it apparent and bringing about anarchy, and in that anarchy I will rule all.
Worlds shall battle worlds openly and in secret. Can you imagine such suffering Jedi and easily stand by when you could have done something?" Demus said.
Igniting the lightsaber Aayla could almost see all that suffering and Demus being the cause of it. She watched as Demus knelt before her removing his cloak with no more weapons on him. Turning his back he waited for her to strike.
"What are you waiting for?" Demus said calmly without a hint of fear.
Raising the saber to strike she thought about how easy it would be. Normally she would be unable to beat him. Even now she had trouble believing even Masters Yoda or Windu could alone. The more she thought of it the more angry she became.
'Calm yourself. This is a trap. He means for you to strike him down in anger and you will never be able to turn back. That will be his final revenge.' Aayla thought to herself.
As she sought peace in the Force a new idea occurred to her. Why was he so determined to save her? At any time he could have taken her life, but why hadn't he? Was it simply for this moment? If so why not before when she had first been captured or as he said back with her clone troops?
Stretching out through her feelings she sought the answer and soon found it. Whether Demus realized it or not he had left a chink in his mental armor, giving Aayla a way in.
Seeing into his mind she saw his true emotions for her. A Love, and desire for a person he had not even met before. He was trying to surpress them even now, that was why he turned away.
"Why do you love me? You don't even know me." Aayla asked lowering the lightsaber.
Fear touched Demus' heart as he risked being found out, but still he could not stop himself from answering her.
"Because I have seen you in my visions and my dreams. Every moment of your life was an open book to me and I know it all.
You could be powerful but so much more. In all of them you are a companion; someone I trust, and I find myself feeling..." Demus started to say but didn't finish.
" ... afraid." Aayla finished the thought for him, seeing him turn around his eyes filled with shock; the same emotion she herself was feeling.
How did she know what he felt? Was it that small glimpse into his mind or something more, something deeper?
Each felt the powerful connection that connected the two of them, allowing
Aayla continued the line of thought speaking aloud saying, "You afraid because it would cause you to lose control, and you like control. Everything you feel you allow. Your emotions don't control you. Emotions are something you can use as a defense or weapon."
"Enough." Demus said getting up but turning away her words hitting too close to home.
Aayla could not help but feel drawn to him and this was not some trap he had set. She could feel this pull was real. Perhaps she could be the source of his redemption and turn him to the Lightside of the Force just like his father.
"No it isn't." Aayla said.
Stepping forward Aayla kissed him and he soon returned it.
Across a great void they came together and a love affair sparked between them. A year passed and Aayla found herself with child.Demus was now a proud father with his own little family.
One morning Demus was practicing his lightsaber technique when he sensed two paths opening before him.
Sitting down to meditate he abruptly ended his training sensation wishing to see what might lay in his future.
Opening his mind he focused on the ebb and flow of the Force it currents carrying his mind where it needed to go until a vision came to him. Among the swirling color a space cleared showing him his future. In it he was standing on some distant world and he found Aayla with a child alone.
The child was theirs, with the blue skin and the eyes of a twi'lek, while the rest of his features seemed quite human. A new-born babe he was held close in his mother's arms as Demus approached.
"Please! I ask for mercy. At least spare our son if not the both of us. We have done nothing against you. Neither of us is a threat. I love you!" Aayla said.
But they were a threat, this Demus knew.
Since choosing to fully embrace the Darkside they would only serve to hold him back as he continued to study the teachings of the Sith said, "There is no peace there is only passion, through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken."
These two people represented the last thing that could weaken him or expose him to his future enemies. If left alive they could betray him or be held hostage so they could be used against him. Better to end them now and be done with it, rather than do it later.
Demus had studied the teachings of many masters while he was an apprentice, one of them was something Palpatine had said to him, "Those who ask for mercy do not deserve it."
It was a lesson the ancient Sith Lord Darth Bane had handed down to his apprentice and now those words allowed Demus to do what must be done. Igniting his lightsaber he ended their lives in one quick and powerful stroke forever sealing his fate.
Demus cringed from the vision barely holding onto his connection to the Force. He did not want this future and sought the second path but it eluded him. Each time he tried to grasp it, that path seemed just out of reach and he let go in frustration and hopelessness.
"If she stays with me she will die, her and our child." Demus said thinking it through as he sought any solution to change this future, for he loved Aayla too much to let that happen.
Then suddenly an idea occurred to him as he said it aloud, "The Jedi! Through them she will be kept safe. Aayla is one of their own. Surely they will protect her from such a fate."
His hope renewed he had only to set it in motion.
Speaking to the captain of the Malice Demus commanded, "Return to this world with all speed. I am done here."
Finding Aayla sleeping in their bed inside the shelter, he used the Force to make sure she would remain unconscious long after he was gone. Kissing her goodbye he left the shelter walking outside to the landing zone.
Donning the mask that hid his presence from other Force users hidden in his cloak, Demus focused his mind searching for another Jedi that might be nearby. It did not take long to find a fleet with a Jedi a number of systems away.
Thanks to the mask Demus could easily focus on the Jedi; a small light in the darkness of space and send her the image of Aayla trapped on this world. Already he could sense the Jedi talking the commanding officer of the fleet.
Soon they would come for Aayla and take her away from here, but by then he would be long gone. When the transport came he boarded and left Aayla for what he thought was forever.
Greeting Captain Talas in the hangar Demus said, "Withdraw our forces beyond the Outer Rim. The New Republic and the Jedi are hunting for remnants of the Empire.
To survive you must withdraw and rebuild your strength. Only then can you have any hope of challenging them."
This move surprised the captain who asked, "You are not coming with us my lord?"
"I would have thought you would be happy to get rid of me." Demus said curious at this change.
Demus could still sense the captain's fear of him but then he felt something else.
"But you are more afraid of losing me." Demus said.
"Reports are coming in from all sectors. It is like you've said my lord: we are being overwhelmed. The Empire now requires a strong leader more than ever.
If you leave, the less powerful among us will fight amongst each other for the right to rule. In the end none can compare to you, and the empire will become divided and weak." The captain admitted.
"How true, but perhaps I will not be gone forever." Demus said his eyes becoming distant as if his mind was somewhere else.
It lasted only for a moment and then he returned to the present still troubled. For the first time his faith in the Darkside had been shaken.
He had lost his ability to see all paths so he could better predict the future. Without these gifts he was at a disadvantage even to the Jedi Council and not just his father.
"Prepare my shuttle. I will be leaving alone." Demus said.
Knowing that he could not change the Dark Lord's mind the captain obeyed hoping he would indeed return. As he had said, like it or not Demus was their best chance at regaining some semblance of the once great Empire.
Taking his leave Demus set a course for a place that he had only seen in the ancient texts when he was a young apprentice under Naga Sadow. They spoke of a world cloaked in the Darkside itself far beyond the Outer Rim.
There creatures too formidable for even the Jedi to face on the surface still waited. It was a dense jungle world where almost none had returned.
In the old times it had been a Sith stronghold. For centuries Sith practitioners had experimented with the power of the Darkside until it grew and flourished among the living organisms, permeating everything.
Here a Sith could push themselves to the breaking point, for this world would offer nothing less.
That night Demus had dream where he saw a vision of his past that had been buried deep in his subconscious. In it he faced a creature small and green dressed in the robes of a Jedi.
It was the creature he had seen so many times in his visions: Master Yoda. The dream began like so many of his vision, just before the action started.
Igniting his lightsaber Yoda attacked, his movements quick and precise. Like always Demus fell back under the onslaught his confidence stolen by the Jedi Master.
No matter how many times they fought Demus could not match the old Jedi. Too strong was he in the Force and his experience seemed limitless.
Every attack Demus made the little green alien countered flipping and spinning in and out of reach. While the means of the ending was never the same, the end result never changed: Demus always died.
This time in a blur of movement as he sought to charge in counting on his own strength, Yoda easily flipped over him taking his head.
Demus awoke just as the lightsaber connected and he felt its burning touch. Sweat covered him as he sat upright in the shuttle's cot.
Using his hand to wipe it away he seethed with hatred of the old Jedi. Long had he been the bane of his existence in those days, and now he had returned.
No matter how powerful Demus became the Yoda was always one step ahead. There was no escape from him.
'Perhaps these old visions provide the key. They suggest that I actually learned something in those vision and they appear too structured to be an accident.
Could it be that I was some kind of an experiment? What did they do to me in that capsule?' Demus thought searching for the answer.
Going back to sleep his mind provided him another clue.
"Well done Naga. Already you have shown great skill with a lightsaber. If I didn't know better I would say you had been practicing with one for years." James Darkblade said.
Demus saw himself as the young apprentice in his first day of lightsaber practice. Already he understood how to hold it, but didn't know why.
Each movement was completely natural and fluid, lacking any jerky or cumbersome strikes or blocks. Demus was indeed showing skill far beyond a normal initiate of the Force.
Already he was grasping basic forms and his father found he could teach his son more advanced skills. Young Naga could sense his father's pride in his new apprentice and son.
It was a pride that caused Demus to feel even more confident and willing to learn skills that would test his body and mind to its limits, because he was certain he would not fail.
Demus' conscious mind ended the vision bringing him back from sleep as he realized the connection: He had learned those basics in his visions that had formed his existence as a mere clone.
Without realizing it in order to get him ready when he woke up, those in charge of the experiment had given him a rare gift: Not only could he analyze and adapt to any perceived pattern, but he could also copy skill he observed.
His visions were full experiences where he had accessed the Force against a perceived enemy, each time a new ability was introduced he was able to copy and access it later when needed.
The cloners no doubt had wanted to see if they could not only create clones but training them while they did it. If they succeeded they could produce an army that would be ready to fight as soon as they woke up.
With such technology anything was possible and the cloners had known it.
James Darkblade in his own selfishness not to have his clone be used by his enemies, had in fact eliminated a great threat to the universe or at least lessened it.
Demus had no intention of creating an army of clones. At most he might create another like him, so one to carry the traditions of the Sith once he understood how this ability really worked.
The planet would provide the perfect testing ground.
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Fantasy & Sci-FiRole Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...
Sumati pulled her uniform jacket taut over her body, glancing down briefly to confirm that she looked suitably smart. It really shouldn't matter, she thought to herself, as she flicked aside a few stray hairs from her jet black fringe. Here, just beyond the borders of Federation space, nobody was going to care that much.Except that the senior officers might very well care, especially with the Captain being such a stickler for rules. The Captain always looked immaculate, almost infuriatingly...
It was late afternoon Autumn and Mist were watching the nine four olds on the playground. Autumn did her best to engage Mist in light happy conversation while they kept their eyes on the children but Mist still had that sad look in her eyes that had been there ever since Steve had left and secluded himself in the cave house. Mist loved Steve and missed him very much. Mist was at a loss as to how to help Steve and that bothered her a lot. Autumn gave up on the conversation and just stood next...
South Africa. Present day. 10 pm. The band of drug traffickers...numbering 40 strong had made camp for the night in the jungle. They gleefully counted the gold, diamonds and other trinkets they had bribed out of some of the unsuspecting tribes..in exchange for the powerful narcotic they were peddling. The traffickers were a band of roughnecks..hired by a wealthy kingpin who lived in a palatial mansion in Cape Town..built on the profits from his nefarious trade. His reach was long. He had...
LTD MA, Star Clan Seekers, On the Run By: Malissa Madison Kessa had no idea how long they had been there, she knew her two brothers were still alive. They were in cells across from her. There seemed to only be two cells built into each of the three walls. Only one door opened into the corridor beyond the fourth wall. They had Crystal Matrix' here that they wanted her brothers to use. Of course, it had taken a very long time before any of them would seem to cooperate, this group of...
"Coffee or tea?" I asked Catherine when she joined me in the Dining Hall a little later. "Tea, thank you," she told me. I went to the counter for her tea, and some more coffee for myself. There were only a few people up at this time on a Sunday morning, so we had the place to ourselves. "Why didn't you have sex with her?" Catherine asked with no preamble. "Why, good morning to you too!" I laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to being so stimulated this early in the...
I was in Moscow meeting a business contact for a possible sale of a little mechanism we made that he wanted to use for a kitchen appliance. These things were reliable and would last forever. It wasn’t one of our big selling or normal line items, but it would be lucrative if I could sell this guy ten thousand or so of them. We did mostly government stuff, but one of my engineers came up with this thing to fix his wife’s stand mixer and patented it. He’s making a fortune off of them, but...
May 11, 1995, Chicago, Illinois I was in the office early on Thursday morning. I’d driven in alone, as I would leave my car at Meigs and wouldn’t be back in time to get Jessica at Cook County. Elyse and Michelle had arrived about fifteen minutes earlier than usual, and just past 8:00am, our meeting and conference call started. There were three people on vacation, which couldn’t be helped. They’d find out at some future point. “I’m sorry to get you Western Region folks out of bed early,” I...
If I had dropped my breeches and exposed my buttocks it would not have exceeded the astonishment my statement caused on the quarterdeck. Mouths dropped open in amazement, and I dare say also in ignorance as to where Pondicherry was located. Captain Ramsey was the first to react. “Mister Stiles, a heading for Cape Town, if you please.” The sailing master gave a quick ‘aye, aye, Sir’, and went to the binnacle and his charts. “Mister Moore, all hands to wear ship. We will take a southerly...
On one gloomy, rainy Saturday in October, Star decided to take a three-hour drive back home to relax for the weekend. During her time back home she paid a visit to her 101-year-old grandmother, whose mind was still sharp enough to ask her when she was going to get that special man. At 22-years-old and emotionally unavailable, Star just smiled and said: "Grandma, when I meet a man who is good enough to meet you, is the day I will settle down."That was all her grandma needed to hear before...
Quickie SexHer name is Star and she is about to be used as an anal testing ground for four men and their craftsman handiwork.There was a whirring noise as she felt her bound body rise back up. Her spread, suspended and very sore ass cheeks had been just kissing the cold hard floor as her body hung there from a wooden beam, tied up by ropes biting into her ankles and legs. Her arms were pinned tight with yards and yards of rope behind her. They were aching from the pressure of more rope that was tied off...
The DST Agent, Star Command Bravo It had been a long trip to get here, Stephanie sat back now cuddled in Tops arms, feeling his strength and love as he held her. They'd watched the rest of her command as they filed past two days ago. Some saying they were going to retire, others asking her blessing to go sign on with the Slammers, and following Major Jinx Hammer's squad. She still had no clear idea what she wanted to do though. She kept telling herself she was retired, or going to...
Twinkling Star Written by Dauphin http://dauphinsworld.activeboard.com/ Fame is a strange addiction to have. You are in the media and there are even fan clubs and fan pages for you. It can be strange when people discuss your every move on the Internet. It is strange when you read and hear people that love your work and others that hate your work. This is the story of Angel Valesnski. Despite the name, he was a boy. He started in commercials when he was 4 and was in a block buster...
This story is entirely 100% fictional! I always wanted to be a singer, but I lacked the confidence to get up on stage. However, every day had me in front of my mirror faking it as I sang into my hairbrush and copying the moves of the real stars. I dreamed of what it would be like to have the fancy clothes, and the guys lusting after me and all the perks of being someone famous, but it was never going to come true for me, not in a small town, and not with me lacking the guts to actually try. One...
IncestGalaxy star [email protected] (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though) Did you ever have a bad day at school? When you came home, you just wanted to hide in your bed and forget all about life. That's the way I felt one day. I mean it was not the teacher's fault, which is a change, but it was the boys in my class. Why can't they just be normal? My name is Jade....
I sat in the makeup chair in the late afternoon on Wednesday, smoking my cigarette as the girl touched up my lipstick. I was getting ready to shoot my sixth DP this week, the first four of which were shot two on Monday and two on Tuesday. My morning shoot was done and I had already cleaned up and changed for my final regular scene in my Double Penetration series of films. I had taken on two different actors for each scene and they all had ended with internal cum shots in both my ass and pussy....
I was twenty-eight when my Grandma Pearl passed away. I still remember every moment of that call. I knew immediately it was bad news. My great Aunt Mary didn’t make many phone calls. “Emily, are you sitting down?” Aunt Mary said. “I don’t know how to tell you this. It’s your Grandma Pearl. She died today.” I didn’t cry then, or at the funeral, or even in the several months since. Grief waited, skulking in the corners of my mind before finally sneaking up on me, like a house cat – lazy and...
A Star Trek Plot Suggestion By Ricky Space... The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise... If you are a Trekkie I don't have to continue any farther, you can hear Captain Kirk's voice reciting those famous lines until, without a shred of political correctness, he proclaims: "To go where no MAN has gone before!" I have just received a report from a Star Trek convention held in Buffalo, NY where someone, perhaps one of our sisters, brought a...
Riding on this bus always sucks, but eventually we get to where we are going and then we get to play. There is always a good part with every bad part I guess. The ride gives me time to think between shows. I play bass guitar and lead vocals for a rock band out of Columbus, Ohio. We aren't too bad , actually we're pretty good. But this summer we've done a lot of traveling around the Midwest. All to finally get that big break. Pretty good for an 19 year old schmuck from a little town in Indiana....
Straight SexI suddenly had trouble breathing and my vision fogged up as waves of powerfully strong emotions crashed over me. Through the tears welling up in my eyes I reread the message several times to make sure that it was real. J'Una alive? Could it really be? Where the fuck was Tatooine anyway? I was so overcome that I became somewhat giddy and I think I even jumped up and down a little. Not what you'd expect from a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot, but there it is. I must have made more noise...
My dream was finally coming true, only now it seemed more like a nightmare. For years I labored trying to get a break in the theater. I worked dinner theater, summer stock in godforsaken places, small community theatres and even off-off-off Broadway. I eked out a living doing the usual waitressing and temp jobs. Sharing a rat-hole apartment in New York with three other struggling actors, I was the guest at more pity-on-me dinner parties than I could count. My small circle of friends tried to...
Sally becomes a porn star by accidentThere are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Sally was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Sally was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her...
A subtle yellowish light was sneaking through a small crevice in the curtains. In her exhaustion, Camille had forgotten to close them properly. The invading light slowly covered her skin as the sun came out; it had been a warm night and she had taken her clothes off. The light started at her feet, exalting her long legs. At 6 a.m. the lower half of her body was bathed in a golden light; her lace panties clearly outlining the shape of her pussy. She was damp and her clit hinted through the...
Born Under A Lucky Star By Stefanie Flowers Despite an unfortunate start in life, I believed that I had been born under a lucky star. Right now it's light was obscured by heavy clouds but at some time in the future the sky would clear, it's light fill the sky and good fortune would come to me. That thought was all that kept me going during the darkest days of my very troublesome childhood. Having paid my dues as a child I was sure to benefit from good luck and fortune for the rest...
There are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Jenny was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Jenny was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her grandparents on her Dad's side after...
My summer vacation was nearly half way over and I was finally getting quite a few offers to do movies. Whether it was the parties that John threw, to get his contract girl’s names and faces out there to the directors and porn executives, or the connections I made at the events we attended. I had been hired to shoot 20 different scenes over the last 35 days. John explained to me that many of the films I would start out in would be low budget and he was right. He had told me that it was hard for...
Debbie stared off in a distance as she sat in the passenger seat of her husband’s car. The ground was covered with snow that December in Wisconsin. Her body was in one place, but her mind was in another. Debbie and Travis drove in silence just listening to the sound of the car engine roaring away. Once they arrived home, it was the same ritual. Travis would go and watch TV and Debbie would go to their bedroom and read. She’d managed to read over 75 books in the last six months. Reading was a...
Introduction: A wifes fantasy about being a topless dancer or a porn Star almost comes true! My Wife a Topless Dancer or a Porn Star The Cherry Pit A GO GO topless Bar and My wife Jane. Most of this story is true as my wife actually did apply for a job as a topless dancer and could have went to work dancing as one! I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. The women were almost always attractive friendly...
Star Command, Bridging the Gap By: Malissa Madison "Commander, we have a flash message from the Council of First Beings," said my Aide as I stepped into my office for the morning. I picked up the communication crystal and went to my desk, then pressed the security switch to make my office secure from everyone else before I slid the crystal into the decoder wondering what was about to happen now. The Holo display lit up and I found myself viewing the entire Council minus Ash' Nihau...
I woke up lying on my front. That was weird. I never sleep on my front. I was sleeping on my hand and I was surprised that it wasn't tingling from being crushed by my weight. It was conveniently near my crotch and already moving in to take care of my morning wood as if it had a mind of its own. I squoze and noticed immediately that something was wrong. No wood. No nothing but soft smooth cloth where my cock and balls should be. "What the fuck?" I jumped out of bed, barely noticing that I was...
Love StoriesHi Folks, thanks to everyone who read last week's story. Thanks even more to those of you who commented on it whether positive or negative. Everyone has their own opinion and there's nothing that anyone can write that every single person will like. This story continues the weirdness I've been exploring of late so some of you purists who've been writing me letters telling me that some of the stories aren't LW probably won't think this one is either. The story does involve a wife having sex...
GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...
As a hot, 20 year-old girly boy, I was invited by another girly boy to star in a porn movie with her. It sounded fun and I was adventurous sexually, anyway. So, becoming an actress getting lots of big loads of cum from her handsome co-stars was very exciting to me.The movie was shot in a private house where I drove to with my girlfriend, Chrissie Licks, a pretty, 21 year-old, aspiring porn star. Chris was a cute blonde when dressed as a boy. He was also a call boy who was popular with older gay...
CrossdressingSince being old enough to realize there was a sky, I have been a star gazer. As a small boy, the heavenly lights enhanced my active imagination. The adventures that raced through my mind were as endless as the stars themselves. After reaching my teens my relationship with the stars became far more intimate. On clear summer nights I would frequently sneak out of the house and lie naked in the back yard. The black sky seemed to absorb my adolescent worries as the twinkling of a million distant...
GayAndersonville 4 - Fallen Star by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to the volunteers and workers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other related, drug rehab programs. Fade in... I couldn't believe I was sitting here. Twelve years ago I was at the top of my game. 'Mack the knife' the fans use to call me. They gave me that name because I would slice through the defense of any team in the NFL. My team, the Cincinnati Bengals, was 14 and 2 going into the playoffs. We...
Star Light, Star Bright! Players: Roger, Roger's Aunt, Susan. Synopsis "Star light, star bright, first diaper I see tonight!" Susan hummed just a few minutes after eight. Roger was in the lens of her telescope, and like those nights before, laying before his aunt getting pinned into his night diaper. One day, Susan vowed, he'd be lying in front of her, and she would be pinning him into that delightfully fluffy piece of cotton. The only thing she would add, she mused,...
AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a...
Dawn was angry. So when she saw me approaching, she turned all her anger towards me and let loose. Catherine and Liz had told her about the family's open attitude concerning the girl's exploration of their sexuality. They had told her about the icebreakers, and even told her about the group hand job. But instead of awareness and enlightenment, Dawn had recoiled in anger, fighting tooth and nail against any change. I suspected that the whole day's events had overwhelmed her. I scanned her...
The phone at Wade Manor rang the next morning and after answering it, Lydia handed it to Max. "Chet," she said. "What's going on Chet?" Max asked. "Hey boss, a plane from Star City just landed and my contact at the airport shot a cell phone video of the passengers deplaning and sent it to me. Rod McSwain was on that plane with another man I don't recognize. McSwain was the Mayor of Star City before Jessica defeated him in the last election and is reputed to be a crime boss also. I...
Thanks to Elrod for building Bikini Beach and letting us play there, and to him and Radioactive Loner for the encouraging words and the great patience shown in editing my draft. Many thanks also to Tiana Red Wolf for the Spanish translation that appears in this story (and to the others who offered to help). Tiana, your translation came through without a hitch. Thanks again. Speaking of which, any Spanish-speaking readers might want to skip over the short Spanish...
I was a little confused too. Six stars! I had only ever known of five star ratings on hotels and the proverbial bed and breakfast, but here I was about to click ‘pay’ on the web site. It seemed a small place, in a more than ordinary location, but it was close to where I needed to be for the Monday morning. I checked out the images one more time and there was nothing special that suggested it was posh. I double checked the form and then I altered the number of days to two. Why not stay in a six...
Straight SexThe black expanse of inter stellar space above the moon of Jedah glitters with the diamond bright light of distant stars. Suddenly a grey, knife like prow cuts across the void, heralding the impossibly vast bulk of an Imperial Star Destroyer as it powers into view. The characteristic whine of twin ion engine or TIE fighters precedes a patrol of three Square winger star fighters in tight formation. The Imperial military are here in force, and that can never be a good thing for any...
Another General in West Seattle: After the change happened, General Franks, Johnny, and the Judge left for West Seattle. “General Franks.” Nancy made her rounds of the church. Many times, a day she would walk the property and go through the church. It allowed her to eat pretty much anything and not gain a pound except now she was eating for two, “I see Beth is with you. I will leave you two alone.” “Nancy, you can see Beth. Please sit and talk to me.” General Douglas Franks asked. He was...
The Cherry Pit A GO GO topless Bar and My wife Jane. Most of this story is true as my wife actually did apply for a job as a topless dancer and could have went to work dancing as one! I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. The women were almost always attractive friendly and very new at dancing topless as the pit was one of the first dance club in our local area! Being young and almost always...
I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. Being young and almost always horny plus having a beautiful young wife that was equally horny and willing, made it easy for me to fuck her brains out every chance I got. I would almost always arrive home with a very stiff bulge and would grab Jane and kiss her along with pressing myself against her. She would then say, I know where you have been, she never minded at...
Introduction: The fantasy and reality of Being a Topless Dancer The Cherry Pit A GO GO topless Bar and My wife Jane I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. Being young and almost always horny plus having a beautiful young wife that was equally horny and willing, made it easy for me to fuck her brains out every chance I got. I would almost always arrive home with a very stiff bulge and would grab Jane and...
Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter One Nine months ago my life was that of a normal divorced ex house wife if you could call that normal. My husband had found a younger girl and he decided to get rid of me. At least he waited until our two boys had grown up and moved away. During the two years since our divorce I had moved into a second...
I'm The Star Of The Show, I Guess... By Boredsitting Chapter 1: Am I really a light drinker? The roar of applause is very jarring, but at least it wakes me from my daze. Geez, I can't believe that I'm actually doing this. 'Go to a hypnotist show... you'll have fun... you get to laugh at the stupid people clucking like chickens,' whatever. Honestly, I think it's all just a show. The people acting hypnotized are obviously in on the joke or are the plants. I'm must be the guy...