Reciprocal NeedsChapter 7
- 2 years ago
- 25
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Carrie loved her tiny home office. The actual office area was small but the space around her was voluminous affording her a view to the kitchen through the living room and that part of the studio not under the loft. Glancing down, she watched her brother at work, which to her mind made the office location perfect. Darrin had risen early determined to put some productive hours into his paintings before all hell broke loose with the dinner and show scheduled that evening. He didn't look happy.
Carrie smiled. He's pissed again, unreasonably pissed, but not at me this time, she thought. He's pissed because he's afraid, afraid the parents will find out about us, afraid his paintings won't sell, and afraid the critics won't like his work. It's not manly to be afraid, but it is manly to be angry, so he's angry. Carrie had never understood this obvious contradiction in behavior and attributed her lack of understanding to yin and yang. Besides, Darrin's father had taught him how to camouflage fear with anger long ago. Whether her brother knew or not, he was a product of his genes and his early environment.
The artist cursed and threw the paintbrush in his hand across the room.
"Darrin Cannon," Carrie said, standing at the railing, "get your butt up here right now! We need to talk!"
"I'm working! Leave me the fuck alone!"
"You're not working. You're pissed, which is okay. You have a right to be pissed, but we still need to talk. No more work, not today. Please, Darrin."
He glared up at her. She stuck her tongue out at him. He grinned. "Okay. You're right. Let me clean up down here."
When she saw him start up the stairs, she logged off the Internet and turned off her computer.
"Sit down on the sofa," she said. "Please," she added as an afterthought.
"You're a bossy bitch, today," he said, but with a grin.
"I did say please." After he plunked down on the sofa, she rose and walked to him. Standing in front of him with her hands on her hips, she said, "Darrin Cannon, love of my life, the parents will either find out about us or not. If they do, he'll handle whatever they throw at us, and our life together will go on. Your show will be successful or not. Either way we'll have problems to deal with, and we'll deal with them. The critics will be kind or scathing with their reviews, and whether they're complimentary or derogatory doesn't matter, not in the total scheme of things, because Sunday after the parents leave, life for you and me will become normal again, and you'll be able to concentrate on your work to your heart's content. Trying to work today is downright dumb. The parents will be here in an hour. Mom and I are going shopping, which means you'll be stuck with Dad. Later this afternoon, we'll need to get all gussied up for dates neither of us want, attend a dinner we'd both like to avoid, and then we must be sociable and witty at the gallery. God, what a chore! If I were you I'd be pissed, too."
She dropped down to her knees in front of him and pushed his knees apart. "With all you have to put up with today, you deserve a reward." She reached and pulled off his shoes. "I'm going to give you a blow job, a down and dirty blow job. Take off your pants."
"You were right earlier. I'm pissed. I'm not in the mood for sex."
"Who said anything about sex? I'm not asking for sex. I'm not asking for anything. You're tied up in knots, so full of tension and stress you're ready to explode, so go ahead and explode - in my mouth. Take off your fucking pants!" She stuck her tongue out at him, and then wiggled it.
Against his will, he grinned, and then unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them along with his boxers to the floor, finally kicking them away.
"I see my reward isn't entirely distasteful to you," Carrie said. He looked about half-hard. She reached, pushed the foreskin back and exposed the head of his cock. Grinning, she looked up at him and wiggled her tongue again, and then licked all around the crown. She'd recently done some research on the Internet regarding fellatio secrets and decided to experiment with a few of them. She started with what one article called the cock pull. Circling the base of his cock with her thumb and index finger, she pulled up, sliding her fingers along the shaft. Before that hand moved completely off his cock, her other hand did the same thing, creating a constant upward pull. Darrin groaned, and his cock stiffened a bit more. She continued the pull, quickly pulling one hand after the other until he was fully erect.
"Who taught you how to do that?" he asked with a gasp.
"I can read, and the Internet is a veritable font of information. That's called the cock pull. Did you like it?"
"Silly question. What else did you learn?"
"Uh-uh. This is a down and dirty blow job, not a test of my knowledge of fellatio techniques. Don't hold back. When you're ready to come, just let it fly. How soon do you think I can make you come? Ten seconds? Twenty? A minute? Take a guess?"
"Five minutes."
"Wanna bet I can make you come before then?" she asked, her expression full of mischief. She had started the cock pull again, only in reverse, a cock push, she guessed.
He groaned. "Hell no."
"Ah, come on. If you win, I'll owe you one down and dirty blow job at the time of your choosing. If I win, you'll have to go down on me at the time of my choosing." She had reversed the flow of her hands, returning to the cock pull again.
He laughed. "Okay. Either way I win."
She glanced up at the clock in the kitchen. "I'm checking the time, which starts right... now!" Dipping her head she sucked in half of his cock and jacked down on it with one of her hands at the same time. Twirling her tongue around the shaft, she moved up until only the crown was in her mouth. She lashed the crown with her tongue, and with the fingernails of her other hand, she gently scratched the underside of his scrotum, which extracted an excited moan from him.
Switching to another technique, while rhythmically massaging the root of his cock with her fingers just in front of his anus, the spot a different article indicated affected his prostrate, she dipped back down taking his shaft into her mouth until she gagged a little. She quickly bobbed her head up and down, keeping her tongue busy, sucking hard on each down stroke while continuing to massage his prostrate.
An article about deep-throat techniques came to mind, so on the next down stroke when she started to gag, instead of pulling back, she swallowed and took the head of his cock into her throat. It worked! Three more attempts and she had taken his entire length into her mouth and throat.
"Jesus! You're deep throating me!"
A split-second later when she had his entire cock in her mouth again, she looked up at him and winked. At the same time, she moved a finger to his anus and gently rubbed its puckered surface. She felt his cock start to expand and his body become more rigid on the next down stroke. He groaned loudly and his hips rose off the sofa. Without moving back up, she sucked hard, and her tongue felt semen flying up the large vein on the underside of his cock. The elixir spurted into her throat. Swallowing continuously, she milked him dry.
Leaning back, she looked up at the clock.
"I win!" she exclaimed with a grin. "Eighteen seconds. Talk about a hair trigger, bro." She licked her lips. With his semen flying directly into her throat, she couldn't taste him, which disappointed her. She enjoyed the flavors of his semen, which varied from time to time, depending on his diet that day, she'd guessed. Then she noted some come dribbling from the end of his cock, so she licked it off and savored its flavor.
"Good God, sis. That was amazing."
"Thanks. Are you still pissed?"
"Uh-uh." He sighed. "I feel good; no, I feel great!"
The doorbell rang. Carrie groaned. "Damn, that will be the folks. You answer the door. I'll need to brush my teeth. I can't hug and kiss Mom and Dad with come breath.
"What about... ?" he pointed toward his hard-on.
"Ah hell, that'll be soft before you reach the bottom of the stairs."
He laughed. "True."
Carrie hurried away to brush her teeth, and Darrin answered the door on the third ring.
"You're early," he said to his parents. "Come in."
"We're early because we need to talk, son," his father said. He didn't look happy. "Is Carrie here?"
"Yes, she's up in the loft."
"The kitchen table would be good," Harriet said.
Oh, oh, Darrin thought. Here it comes.
Carrie greeted her parents as they started up the stairs. "I just put a pot of coffee on to perk. Did you guys sleep well?"
"Yes," Harriet said.
"No," Evan remarked.
They settled around the kitchen table. The original two chairs had been expanded to four from a purchase at a garage sale. Though different in design, Carrie had painted all the chairs white and purchased matching cushions.
"They want to talk, Carrie," Darrin said with a worried look on his face.
Her heart raced, but she forced a smile. "Then we'll talk. Any particular subject?"
"Yes," her father said. "Your incestuous behavior."
Before Carrie could look outraged and deny, deny, deny, her mother added, "We know you're involved sexually with each other, Carrie, so don't 'Mother!' me and get all indignant and lie through your teeth. It's time to be honest."
Carrie looked at Darrin. He nodded. "Okay," she said. "Darrin and I are in love, and yes, we're sexually involved."
Harriet gave Darrin an intense look. "Are you in love with your sister?"
"Deeply," Darrin said passionately. She had made loving Carrie sound repugnant, and he didn't appreciate it.
"Then why do you have a date tonight with another woman?"
"The date is a subterfuge to throw you off the scent. Christ, Mom, you did everything but inspect our genitals."
"Don't be a smart ass, son," Evan remarked with a scowl.
"That wasn't my intent." He turned to his mother. "Sorry, Mom. After your last visit, we knew you were suspicious, so we felt it prudent for each of us to have dates tonight."
"Who came up with that brilliant idea?" Harriet asked.
"Me," Carrie said.
"I thought as much. We're here to ask you both to stop your destructive behavior," Harriet said.
"Then you're wasting your time," Carrie stated and glared at her mother. Tuning to her father, she said, "Darrin and I love each other as deeply as you love Mom, as deeply as she loves you. If we could marry, we would, Dad. The law won't let us, so we'll live together as man and wife without the sanctity of marriage."
"Like hell you will!" His face flushed full of anger.
"What are you going to do, Dad?" Darrin asked. "Kidnap Carrie and beat the crap out of me?"
"That was my solution until your mother and I talked."
"For what it's worth, Dad, I agree wholeheartedly with Carrie's statement. In my mind, she is my wife as in hers I am her husband, and we will live as such together for the rest of our lives."
Evan Cannon slumped in his chair and glanced at his wife. "It's as we feared, Harriet."
"Yeah. Now what?"
It was as if Darrin and Carrie weren't in the room.
"We do as we discussed, but I have an added suggestion," Evan said.
"Which is?" Harriet asked.
"They should have a ceremony and exchange vows, which we will witness," he said.
"What a marvelous idea!" Harriet exclaimed. She turned to her children. "Now you know why I love your father so much."
Darrin and Carrie sat thoroughly confused. Carrie's jaw gaped and Darrin's scowl matched that of his father's a few minutes before.
"What are you saying? I don't understand," Darrin said.
"Evan and I started talking about this problem early this morning," Harriet said. "We agreed we needed to define the problem before we proceeded. If the two of you were involved sexually, we had to know if you were both in love; if one of you was in love, and not the other; or if neither of you were in love, and you were merely playing dirty, little sex games. Accordingly, Evan and I designed the scene we all just played. If only one or neither of you was in love, we planned to separate you as soon as possible. But we also understood if you were both deeply in love, separating you would not be possible."
"Don't misunderstand," Evan said. "We aren't condoning your behavior. It's against the laws of nature and man, but if you're both completely and irrevocably committed to each other, as you appear to be, you leave us only two choices. One, we can condemn both you and your behavior, leave you to your own devices and never speak to you again, or two, condemn your behavior without condemning you personally and somehow understand and accept the situation."
The telephone jangled, a hateful, raucous sound. Darrin opened one eye and glared at the offensive instrument disturbing his sleep. "Answer the damn phone, Darrin." Who? Carrie. Suddenly, he remembered. Carrie was in the bed across the room. He reached and picked up the phone. "Yeah." "It's six o'clock, sir." "Yeah, thanks." When he tried to replace the phone on the receiver, he missed and it fell to the floor. "Fuck!" Then he remembered Carrie. "Sorry." "Sokay. I'll get...
Squaring her shoulders, she opened the door and walked from her room. She'd fucked up big time. If he asked her to move, what would she do? She'd have to move back with her parents. She would have no other choice. She'd also need to forget college for a year, at least. Damn it! Life just wasn't fair. Darrin sat dejected at the kitchen table. She was pissed at him. Understandingly pissed. He'd stood at the door to his bedroom and gawked at her like a teenager who had never seen a naked...
She noticed Darrin was still working when she pushed up the overhead door to move the car inside the studio. Their neighborhood wasn't the best, and Darrin thought it prudent to pull the car inside each night. He waved at her and told her he would lower the door after she drove the vehicle inside. "Hi, sis, how are you?" he asked as she stepped out of the car. "My feet hurt, but it was a good-tip night." "Are you going right to bed?" Damn, he wants to talk. "Soon. I'm pretty...
Carrie woke with a headache, and her mouth felt as if her tongue had been licking a cat. She wondered if she were coming down with something. Then she remembered the brandy she had consumed the night before and suspected she was experiencing her first, and hopefully last, hangover. She pushed herself out of bed and did her bathroom chores, which made her feel a little better but didn't improve her headache. Looking in on Darrin, she found him stretched out naked diagonally across his bed....
"Good timing, Carrie. Tom called while you were out. He has a settlement offer from the insurance company. He'll be here..." Darrin glanced at his wristwatch and smiled. "... any minute." He took the grocery bags from her hands, and she bent into the trunk of the car and removed the other two. "Cool. Did he say what the offer was?" she asked as they trudged up the stairs. "No, and I asked. You're his client. He wouldn't discuss it with me." He helped her put away the groceries,...
As soon as Carrie logged off the Internet the phone rang. "Carrie, it's Tom. You've been on the Internet again, haven't you?" "Yes, sorry." "I have the insurance company agreements for you to sign, and I can give you your check." "Great, I can leave now. What's the address?" He gave her directions, and she hung up. At the bottom of the stairs, she hollered at Darrin, who appeared hard at work. "Tom has my check, bro. I'll pick it up, make a deposit at the bank, and then...
Evan and Harriet Cannon sat at a concrete picnic table at a rest stop - in the shade, fortunately. A hot breeze washed over them, kicking up alkaline dust from time to time. They were close enough to Vegas the dirt appeared more white than tan. The barren landscape seemed so desolate, untouched by nutrients, like Harriet's mood. When she noticed most of the flush to her husband's angry face had dissipated, she took his hand in hers and said, "You know we could be wrong, Evan." "I know....
They lay on the bed. Together at last – after a long week of working late hours; a week of going to bed at separate times, and getting up for work separately; a week of stress, too much coffee, too little to drink… and… too little of each other! They are in an embrace resembling a 69, but more lovingly, and more relaxing. Rather, they merely ended up this way because he was the wrong way around on the bed when she joined him. Laying on his back, and she on her side with her right leg over his...
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HOPEFUL by Crazy Baron NOTIFICATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY The society circles of the town of Northboro were admittedly small in size, like the town itself, but even in a much...
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Hi friends I am big fan of ISS , Special Incest , here brothers makes love with their hot sister. I’m raj age 28, 5.9 tall , well built , It was party in our society, I generally don’t go to such events, but due to option and much forced by mom I have to go. It was boring their many old aged peoples where in party. I was feeling I too old in them 8 PM I was busy chatting on phone with friends, Now Slowly the crowd was increasing and many hot girls and young boys were arriving to the...
Saturday, May 7, 2005 (Continued) Carol stopped studying early, so she could have a shower and start getting ready. It hurt to watch her go to the shower alone. It would be a CONSIDERABLE understatement to say she'd been a temptation all day. I REALLY wanted to take her in my arms, a desire that was not helped by Carol's dressing so attractively. Not overtly sexy, but certainly good enough to easily remind me how good she looked naked. If it wasn't for my ability to concentrate having...
Super hot 19 year old redhead Layla is getting a cum ambush today. Is that a thing? Well, today it is – I had a feeling Vince is going to manage squeezing out 2 loads of jizz with this super hottie, and I was right. I let him cum inside her pussy (creampie) and then jizz again over her face and braces. I’m not surprised he was able to cum twice. I was surprised he didn’t jizz in his pants the second he met Layla. He already has a boner when he brings her in from outside the...
xmoviesforyouI had christened him cueball, because of the ball like lump in the center of his penis, and it had stuck. It was partly due to it being easier to refer to him in a joking manner, and partly because it was better than saying his actual name, which felt bitter on the tongue. Of course I was jealous of him. He had come into our home, with his obscenely huge cock and shook our world's. He'd taken it, and waved it like a wand, and put my beautiful wife under his spell. And she had been his, All his....
CuckoldChristine was right; there was quite a bit of information about the theft on the web. Publicity was a double-edged sword for the insurance company. Making sure everyone knew the painting had been stolen made it hard to sell, but — when you're talking about million dollar works of art — it also had the negative impact of letting the more elite collectors know that the piece might be available. There were always those buyers that didn't care how they got the piece, as long as they got it,...
A burst of lust took control of me as I reached out and groped her breasts only to suddenly awake with my eyes clenched shut tightly as I tried to fall back into the lustful dream I was having. My erected cock lifting my boxers and bed sheets up as I groaned in sexual frustration, I could still see the image of my hands groping her breasts firmly but it was fading fast. I slowly opened my eyes as the imaged faded into my eye lids. A loud sigh escaped me as I tucked my morning wood under the...
Saturday 2pmPam rolls over, looks at the alarm and giggles. She's on a hot date tonight with a couple she met through, 8pm at their place. The advert Pam placed read:-Big Titted, Horny Bi Girl wants pussy and cock to play with. Genuine ad so no time wasters. Interested? PM me with profile content, pics and vids.As expected, her inbox was filled with messages from single blokes. As Pam scrolled through the junk messages, she saw one, clicked on it and opened it looking closely and...
I barely had time to grab the graduated cylinder to catch and measure Jody's spectacular ejaculation. Wendy's warning came not a second too soon as I placed his cock up to the opening of the container. Letting him spill his milky-whiteness into it as I stroked his twitching manhood, taking care not to lose a single, precious drop. After his spasming subsided i placed the cylinder in its upright position. Even before his cumm had completely gathered at the bottom I could tell it was an...
I'd like to tell you before I start this story that I have never been attracted to my actual sister. The idea of incest intrigues me though. It was Friday, that meant date night for my parents. Yeah it sounds lame, but I've always thought that's what kept them together. Even when Dad's secretary tried to split them. The whore. Amy was out too, at some party or something. Typical 16 year old wanting to be out the house no matter what. I however, sat in my room looking out the window instead of...
IncestCarries continued defilement by a group of lesbians continues and we now join our poor heroine about to be subjected to even more lesbian perversions. Krizzy Carrie lay trembling her tears rolling down her cheeks, her anus and pussy burned with pain from the rapes inflicted upon them earlier, she had tried all night to loosen the padded cuffs that held her pinned to the mattress,”Please God help me to get out of this disgusting mess alive…I promise that I’ll do whatever you want,just...
Hi, This is Raj from Bangalore, Aunties and girls if you need confidential sex or sex chat contact me at I am narrating one of the experiences by my friend Sindhu. As Narrated by her I am Sindhu, female of 40, standing 5’ with petite body, fair and good looking with short and curly hairs and this is about me having sex with a very young guy who was actually my tenant. I don’t know how it all happened; it was just not that I was having unhealthy married life and I was starved for sex, apart...
Hi ISS readers my name is sultan (name changed) from Faridabad. I am sharing my true experience with you all hope you like it. This is my first story so please ignore my mistakes. Any girl or bhabhi from Delhi ncr interested in 1 to 1 fun can e-mail me at This happened when I was in class11 . My cousin Ambika was also of my same age. She is small in height and have fig 32-28-30. Her boobs are her best attraction those firm boobs which can tempt anyone. Let us begin with the story. Just after...
Incest"Unser nächster Halt ist Dortmund Hauptbahnhof, hier haben Sie folgende Anschlüsse…" so oder ähnlich klang es aus den Lautsprechern im ICE 940, mit dem wir von Berlin zurück nach Hause fuhren. Wir hatten ein langes Wochenende in der Hauptstadt hinter uns, nun war es nicht mehr weit bis zu Hause. In unserem Wagen der ersten Klasse war noch viel los. Geschäftsleute, die telefonierten oder auf ihren Notebook-Tastaturen klackerten, aber auch private Reisegruppen und Familien machten es sich auf den...
HookingMy husband sat me down at the dining table. He had a serious look on his face as he placed his hand over mine. Pausing briefly he then looked me directly in the eye and blurted out."Will you be an escort girl for a client I'm trying to close a deal with?"Staring at him with disbelief I ran the sentence over in my recent memory to ensure I'd heard him correctly. The request was still rattling inside my head. Will I be an escort? Trying not to look too shocked I responded in an almost glib...
As Mike turned off highway 64 on to West Mercury Blvd he realized it had been four weeks ago tonight that everything changed with him and Amy. The Friday night Robert came to their house for what was to be just another cuckolding experience like they had done several times before e over the last 7 months. Only one two weeks that in his frustration over the coming of Robert that he met Dan and Laurel online. Life living at the Hampton Manor Motel on Pembroke Avenue over the last four weeks...
FATHERS DAY A present for Daddy on his Muffian Fathers day is going to be special for Carol's Daddy. Well, fathers day, again. I can hear the pots and pans rattling in the kitchen and the aroma of pancakes wafting down the hall to the bedroom. I got up and went to the shower before the kids came and dragged me out of bed. We have two kids, girls, Beth is 14 and is in junior high school. Carol is in senior high. They are both blond and very pretty. Beth is...
IncestThere was no point in pretending anymore, Robert’s studies were going to hell in a hand basket. There was also, no point in pretending that he wasn’t enjoying himself. But, and it was proving to be a big but, he was having doubts about the women he met through his adverts. His initial advert in the shop window had been superseded with a flashier, more colourful card. It brought a few enquiries, but was proving to be the weaker point of sale. He had taken out a small space in the local...
The Booby Trap by Jennifer Chapter 1 The pale flicker of neon light bathed my face as I sat intently reading the sports page in the insulated environment of my car. Every now and then, I took a swig of my luke-warm coffee and looked out at the sleazy streets that surrounded me. "God this really sucks." I thought in disgust. "It figures that I'd get stuck subbing for Livingston, a guy that works the fucking red light district!" My thoughts were abruptly broken by the sound...