Reciprocal NeedsChapter 7
- 2 years ago
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As soon as Carrie logged off the Internet the phone rang.
"Carrie, it's Tom. You've been on the Internet again, haven't you?"
"Yes, sorry."
"I have the insurance company agreements for you to sign, and I can give you your check."
"Great, I can leave now. What's the address?"
He gave her directions, and she hung up. At the bottom of the stairs, she hollered at Darrin, who appeared hard at work. "Tom has my check, bro. I'll pick it up, make a deposit at the bank, and then I'm going to shop for a new dress for the show. Do you need anything?"
"No. Have fun."
Twenty minutes later, Carrie sat impatiently in the waiting area of the law firm where Tom worked.
Inside his office, Tom sat and debated whether to start his campaign to seduce Carrie now or wait until Friday evening. He didn't want to use Darrin and Carrie's incestuous relationship to achieve his purpose, but if he needed to play that card he would. He couldn't stop the images that frequently invaded his mind, images of Carrie moving sensuously to the beat of the music, images of Carrie's legs wrapped around her brother's hips while he fucked her, and the image he relived most often, the image of her expression when she climaxed. Watching her climax had excited him so much he had climaxed, as well, came in his pants like a teenager without even touching himself. Tom Wilson never wanted a woman as much as he wanted Carrie Cannon.
"Whatever it takes," he muttered. "If she'll fuck her brother, for Christ's sake, she'll fuck me. She should be easy." He reached for the phone and dialed the receptionist. "Please bring Ms. Cannon back to my office," he said.
I won't be able to stand and greet her, he thought, not with this hard-on. He picked up the phone and was talking to the dial tone when Carrie entered his office. Waving her to a seat in front of his desk, he pretended to close out his telephone conversation.
"Carrie, you look lovely today."
"Thanks, Tom."
He picked up an envelope and waved it in the air. With a big smile, he said, "This is your check. $28,500!" He pushed the envelope to the front of his desk and watched as Carrie bent forward to retrieve it. She wasn't wearing a bra, he realized as his eyes fixed on the top part of her breasts.
Damn, he's undressing me with his eyes, Carrie thought when she noted his gaze. She didn't like his lustful expression, either, and decided it might have been a bad idea to ask him to be her escort for the art show.
"You mentioned some papers I needed to sign," she said.
"Yes." He smiled and licked his lips. "Sorry. You're quite a distraction, you know." He hunted around on his desk and found the file. Opening it, he laid out the agreements she needed to sign. "Why don't you come around to this side of the desk, and I'll show you where you need to sign each document."
"Shouldn't I read them first?"
Another smile. "That's my job as your lawyer. They're fine. The insurance company dotted every 'I' and crossed every 'T', but the documents represent the final settlement we discussed."
Carrie shrugged, stood and walked around his desk. He handed her a pen and pointed to the first document. She bent forward and signed her name.
"Date it, too," he instructed, his eyes now fixed on her backside as she bent over to scribble the date. Carrie could feel his eyes on her, and she didn't like it.
A minute later, she signed and dated the last document. That's when she felt his hand on the inside of her leg just above the knee.
"Your legs are phenomenal, Carrie. So smooth, so shapely."
As she started to step to the side to get away from his intrusive hand, he squeezed her thigh and pulled her toward him.
"Get your filthy hands off me, Tom!" She pushed at his hand and with a jump pulled away from him and hurried to the other side of the desk. Angry, she picked up the check and placed it in her purse.
"Forget the art show. I've decided I don't like you very much." She turned and started to leave the room.
"You let Darrin put his hands all over you, though, don't you?"
Shocked, she stopped and turned to him. Swallowing, she reminded herself to deny, deny, deny. "You have a filthy mind. Darrin is my brother. He's never touched me inappropriately."
"He not only touches you, he fucks you!" Tom stated forcefully. "I saw the two of you last Friday, even watched him fuck you in the front seat of his car a parking lot."
Deny, deny, deny. "Liar! You're sick, Tom. You need therapy, not me." She turned to leave the room again, but he jumped up and pushed the door closed before she could escape.
"Sit down, slut! I wasn't the only one to see you. I have a witness. If you want to keep your secret a secret you'll do as I say."
"Like hell I will!"
Witness or not, exposure or not, she'd never let him touch her again. She raked her nails across his face, and then threw her knee at his crotch as hard as she could. He screamed, grabbed his scratched face and doubled up in pain at the same time. As she tried to move around him to open the door, he reached for her, clasping her blouse. She jerked away from him, and her blouse ripped.
Wanting nothing but to get away from Tom, her hand found the doorknob, but he pulled at her, ripping her blouse further. "Let go of me!" she screamed as loud as she could. Turning the knob, the door opened a little. "Help!" she screamed through the partially opened door before he slammed it shut again.
"Bitch!" he shouted and backhanded her, striking her injured cheek.
She spun from the blow and nearly fell. Kicking out at him, the toe of her shoe connected with his shinbone. He winced but closed his fist and reared back to slug her just as the door flew open.
"What the hell is going on in here?" a man asked.
"He hit me and tore off my blouse," Carrie stated as she tried to arrange the tattered shreds of her shirt to cover her exposed breasts.
A woman stood behind the man at the door, and then another man appeared. Tears stung Carrie's eyes. The men and woman were staring at her. She pushed past them, and as she rushed down the hall, more doors opened, more men and woman could see her nakedness. She felt mortified. What could she do? She couldn't leave the building and go out to her car, not with her breasts exposed. In the elevator lobby, she noticed a ladies room and hurried inside.
Seconds after she entered the restroom, the door opened. Carrie spun toward the intruder, unaccountably thinking it would be Tom, but it was a woman, a woman with a sympathetic look on her face.
"Are you all right?" the woman asked.
"No, I'm not all right. The son of a bitch hit me and tore my blouse. What will I do? I can't leave here like this?"
"Do you want to call the police?"
"No! I just want to leave."
"I'll find something for you to wear. I'll be right back."
"Please get my purse from his room. I dropped it when he attacked me."
A few minutes later, the woman reentered the restroom. She carried Carrie's purse, some papers and a man's white shirt.
"Will this do?" she asked holding out the shirt.
Carrie nodded and took the shirt. Looking into the purse, she noted the check was still inside. After removing the remains of her blouse, she pulled on the man's shirt. It was much too large for her, but at least it covered her naked chest.
"Thank you," Carrie said. "What is your name?"
"Marilyn. Marilyn Short. What's yours?"
"Carrie Cannon. Tom Wilson was my attorney. I received a fairly large settlement today. I guess he thought I should have been more appreciative than I was."
"He's a pig. This is your copy of the settlement," Marilyn stated and handed Carrie the documents. "Are you sure you don't want to call the police?"
"No police," Carrie said as she stuffed the documents in her purse. "I just want this to end. Does Tom have a boss?"
"Yeah, me, but had a boss would more accurate. I just fired him."
"Good! Marilyn, part of my settlement included some funds escrowed for medical expenses. May I deal with you regarding those funds?"
"Of course." She reached into her pocket and handed Carrie her card. "You can probably sue my firm and win."
"I don't want to sue anyone, Marilyn. I would not have sued the Seven Eleven except I needed the money for plastic surgery because of this scar." She touched the side of her face and winced. "Damn! I'm bruised again." She walked to the mirror. Not too bad, she decided, not like being pistol-whipped. She wasn't bleeding, but wondered if she'd have another black eye. That's all she'd need - another black eye when her parents arrived in a couple of days. Damn!
"I'm familiar with your case. You deserved every penny you received and more. If you'll sign a release absolving the firm from any responsibility for this matter this afternoon, I'll..."
"Marilyn, I made a deal with your firm. The deal was fair then, and it's fair now. I don't want your money, and I don't want to sue." But I do need to give her an incentive to help me, Carrie reasoned. She added, "I also won't sign a release. Put a leash on your boy and muzzle him. If I don't see him or hear his voice for a year, I'll sign your release. Otherwise, I'll sue the hell out of him and you. I'll have the shirt laundered and will return it to you by courier."
Thoroughly pissed, Carrie pushed by Marilyn, opened the restroom door, stomped to the elevator lobby and jabbed the down button. When the elevator didn't arrive immediately, she remembered she was only on the third floor, so she moved into the stairwell and hurried down the stairs.
Her anger dissipated with each clack of her high heels on the metal treads of the stairs. By the time she stepped from the stairwell into the main lobby of the building, she was more worried than angry. Would Tom follow up on his threat? She didn't know him well enough to predict. Darrin knew the man, called him a friend. Perhaps her brother could foretell what Tom would do. She dreaded telling Darrin what had happened, but he needed to know, and needed to know now. She hoped Darrin wouldn't go off half-cocked and do something stupid like attacking Tom. More violence wasn't the answer. She and Darrin needed to put their heads together to minimize the fallout.
"He hit you?" Darrin said. Anger glinted in his eyes and his face became flushed.
"Yeah, but only after I made his face bloody with my fingernails and kneed him in his nuts. And after he hit me, I kicked him. I got more licks in than he did, Darrin."
"Good for you. I'd have beaten the son of a bitch to a bloody pulp!"
Carrie finished telling her brother the details of her conversation with Tom's boss and asked, "What do you think? Did I give her enough incentive to make sure Tom leaves us alone and keeps his mouth shut?"
Darrin pursed his lips. "I don't know, sis." He reached and brushed the pads of his fingers over her cheek. "How badly did he hurt you?"
"Just a bruise. I hope I don't get another black eye. Dad would have a conniption."
Darrin chuckled. "Yeah."
"And I don't have a date for the show now. Maybe Barbara or Phil knows someone who would like to be my escort."
"One of Phil's gay friends would make me happy," Darrin said with a grin.
"Sure. While you're out with classy, beautiful Barbara. Damn it! I won't be able to help it, Darrin. When I see you with her, I'll get jealous. I know I will."
He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. Gazing down at her, he said, "No need for jealousy, sis. I don't want Barbara. I want you, only you. Got it?"
Carrie smiled. "Got it." She gave him a quick kiss.
"Did you do the banking?"
"No, I forgot. Actually, I came right home to tell you what happened. I'll do the banking now and go shopping for the dress. Although, I can probably wear the dress I wore Friday night."
"Get a new dress. You deserve it. Go take off that silly shirt, and I'll go with you to the bank. I need some art supplies. I'll drop you off at the mall so you can shop and meet you after I purchase the art supplies. Maybe we can take in a movie or something while we're out."
"Be still my heart. A second date. I was starting to think I was a one-night stand."
"Get, woman!"
She laughed while climbing the stairs. At the landing, she turned and said, "I love you, bro - a lot."
"Yeah, and I love you, too."
When she turned and moved out of sight, Darrin went to a cabinet, unlocked a drawer and pulled out a revolver. He took it to the car and slid it under the front seat. He was washing his hands in the industrial sink in the studio when Carrie came bounding down the stairs.
"Let's go, bro."
"Be right with you." He dried off his hands. Carrie's ploy wouldn't work. Tom was a mean son of a bitch. He'd want to get even. Darrin had decided to give him a little more incentive to keep his mouth shut.
They used the drive-up facility at the bank to deposit Carrie's check, and Darrin dropped her off at the mall, stipulating when and where he would meet her and giving her ample time to shop. A half-hour later he stopped the car at the curb in front of Tom's house. He'd been to the house a couple of times for parties and knew its floor plan. Pulling his shirt from his pants, he stuffed the gun under his belt at the small of his back and let the shirt fall over it. Stepping from the car, he walked up the front walk and rang the doorbell.
"Who is it?" Tom asked from behind the door.
"Darrin Cannon. We need to talk, Tom."
"Fuck you! That bitch of a sister of yours got me fired."
"You got yourself fired, Tom. Let me in. We need to talk."
"No way! You probably just want to beat the crap out of me."
"I promise I won't hit you, Tom. I'd advise you to talk to me. If you don't, Carrie will swear out a complaint against you. You assaulted her, and she has at least a dozen witnesses. If you don't want to spend the night in jail, I'd advise you to let me in so we can talk about everything."
The door opened a crack, stopped by a security chain.
"Go ahead and talk."
Darrin noticed Tom's face was bandaged. Carrie had done a pretty good job on him. "Uh-uh, not out here. Let me in. I don't want the neighbors hearing what I have to say. I promise you I will not hit you, Tom."
"Just a minute." He returned in a few seconds and slipped the chain off the door. Stepping back, he said, "Come in, but I warn you I have a gun in my hand, and I know how to use it."
Darrin walked inside, holding his hands out, showing Tom he held nothing in his hands. He wanted Tom to feel safe. "Fix me a drink, Tom. Scotch will be fine. Over ice." He strode by Tom, moved into the den and plunked down on a barstool.
Tom followed him, looking confused.
"Carrie tells me you watched us in the parking lot of the club Friday night."
"That's right, and someone was with me. I have a witness, so it's not just my word against yours."
"What do you plan to do about Carrie and me, Tom? Fix me that drink. Scotch on ice, in case you didn't hear me the first time."
"I haven't decided yet. Incest is against the law, even in the State of Nevada. I could turn you in, or..."
The telephone jangled, a hateful, raucous sound. Darrin opened one eye and glared at the offensive instrument disturbing his sleep. "Answer the damn phone, Darrin." Who? Carrie. Suddenly, he remembered. Carrie was in the bed across the room. He reached and picked up the phone. "Yeah." "It's six o'clock, sir." "Yeah, thanks." When he tried to replace the phone on the receiver, he missed and it fell to the floor. "Fuck!" Then he remembered Carrie. "Sorry." "Sokay. I'll get...
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"Good timing, Carrie. Tom called while you were out. He has a settlement offer from the insurance company. He'll be here..." Darrin glanced at his wristwatch and smiled. "... any minute." He took the grocery bags from her hands, and she bent into the trunk of the car and removed the other two. "Cool. Did he say what the offer was?" she asked as they trudged up the stairs. "No, and I asked. You're his client. He wouldn't discuss it with me." He helped her put away the groceries,...
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We were doing 75 on the freeway, heading home, me and my now ex- girlfriend’s 19 year old daughter. “Do you want to put your hand in my panties?” she asked quite unexpectedly. “What?” I sort of stammered. “Do you want to put your hand in my panties?” she asked again. I couldn’t answer, she was 19 for god’s sake, I had just broke up with her mom, it was surreal. “Look be serious,” I replied, “I only just broke up with your mom two hours ago.” The traffic was thinning out, gaps appeared in...
Kim and I did everything when we were growing up together. We experiment with sex on each other before either of us had been with a boy. Kim was my first true love. I loved the fun we always had together, staying at each others places on weekend sleep over’s. Kim had a well-developed body by the time we were sixteen and seventeen. I loved my alone time with her back then, I loved to see those big tits of her bouncing in her nightgown as we sat on her bedroom bed. We would talk mostly about...
It was an evening like most. I was being lazy and couldn’t be bothered to do anything. My friends all seemed to be busy with their own thing so I was left to my own devices.My name is Katelyn, Kate for short. I am a proud bisexual woman in my twenties, I am more or less a lesbian, having not been with a guy in quite a long time. I prefer the company and touch of a woman.I decided that I had to kick the laziness and go out and do something. I decided that I’d go to my local bar and have a drink....
Same Day - May 25th, 2019 Their customer was a little early. He looked like the typical All-American businessman. He was in his mid to late forties and wearing Polo and khakis like he was going to the Country Club. He locked his door and looked around the neighborhood as if wondering if his hubcaps would be safe. “You are at the right place,” Brock said. “I am looking for Melanie and her sister?” the man said. “Are you Kirk?” Brock asked. The man nodded as if he didn’t want to say his...
“Oh, you like this then, do you?” the Simon masked person asked, noticing Beth’s predicament. Beth went to shake her head vehemently but Alex demanded she stay still whilst she took the picture. Simon had delved into his pocket and reached for his own cell phone, throwing it gently on to the bed. “Take a few for me too, please” he requested. Beth’s jaw dropped. How could anyone be so perverted? Dirty little fucker! Alex paused to swig some more of her drink before picking up Simon’s mobile...
Wife LoversElisabeth never had any problems attracting the boys. She looked like the ultimate girl-next-door, with her slender 5'3 frame, long blond wavy hair, perky B-cup boobs and an ass like a peach. But, she had no interest for them. The idea of sex interested her somewhat, but all the boys in her neighbourhood were too immature for her tastes, and she went to an all-girls catholic school. However, she did feel herself becoming more and more attracted to Mr. Hatherfield, her 35-year old IT teacher. A...
Oral Sex{[email protected] nonexistentvariable > 100000}To read this story, please click on "Start Game" in the sidebar.{else}Standing under the hot spray of the shower, you lose yourself in thought. That's the signal. Alex Ashford, age 18, a freshman in college, is about to begin the best part of the day at about twelve thirty in the afternoon: masturbating in the shower. You'll never admit it to anyone but your parents, but you practice abstinence. You don't mind too much, you can see the merit to...
BDSMI felt like I had been standing in the corner for an hour. Maybe I had. The situation I found myself in, so exposed and humiliated, had led me to lose all track of time. I felt a rush of redness to my face as I thought back on the spanking and paddling I had already received that night. My ass still felt like it was on fire, but I could also feel the sticky wetness between my thighs – my body’s way of betraying me, showing him just how much I had also been turned on by his attentions. I...
"No way! I'm not gonna do it any more. I'm tired, and my head hurts!" Chad lurched to his feet rebelliously, resting his forehead against the bole of a tree at the edge of the clearing. He knew that he was being childish about the whole thing, but he'd sat crosslegged on the mossy ground until he could hardly move, staring at the quarterinch nugget of raw gold until he felt like his eyes were permanently crossed. A throbbing ache bounced back and forth inside of his skull, and even the...
Hey Buds… This is Anand back with my story. From this part onwards, story is getting more sensual, so read with passion. Let me get back straight. I waited at the garden and had setup everything .I had removed my shirt and was just in my 3-4th and exposed my body.I had the mat arranged on the grass and the oil,lotion and towel were kept in professional manner. I saw Priya walking towards me. She was in a white towel but had her bra and panty on.Her hair was tied like a bun.One or two locks of...
Appavukum ammavukum divorse nadanthapo enaku vayasu 15 vayasu. Judge kettapo nan appakooda poren nu solliten because enaku foerignla poyi padikanumnu asai. appavoda sernthu athukapuram US poyiten. 5 years achu. Ivlo naala ammakuda phonela kooda pesikala. but Ipo nan indiaku poitu iruken. Ammava paakurathuku. appakita poi sollitu indiala enoda studies sambanthama photography festival iruku athuku poren nu sollitu ipo poitu iruken. Flight land agurathuku only 30 minutesthan iruku. Nan romba...
I was trying my best to just flow with it, not think too much. I always think too much. Feel, just feel. Breathe, that's the key thing. Be sure to keep breathing. In and out. Nice and easy and smooth. I could get through this.And don't look! I couldn't look. I will soon, I promised myself. But not yet. Breathe.I stood in our bedroom. My back to our bed. Eyes closed even though I'd just turned off the lights. Trying to keep myself under some kind of control as my husband caressed my shoulders,...
Revenge of the Mommies By Lorraine B. (c) 2002 All Rights Reserved My household has been blissfully quiet lately, a change for my sanity. Joe, my husband has been more attentive to my wants and needs, as well as for our children's wants and needs. Joe has always been there for our two daughters and me, but does tend to ignore Carroll, our only son. I try to help Carroll, and support him in his endeavors as I do for all of our children. He has the potential...
My God! I hurt all the way from my toes to my shoulder and out to my fingers, all on my left side. I could tell that my left arm and my left leg had broken bones, but I couldn't tell about my pelvis. I was pretty sure that I had several broken ribs, too, maybe on both sides. I managed to squawk, "Can you guys get this damned bear and horse off of me?The weight hurts like hell." The two boys tried to pull the bear off by hand and only succeeded in hurting me more. I said, "Loop a rope...
SCENE opens late one night as David, a middle-aged husband and father, and his wife, Maureen, are driving home in the backseat of a taxi. David was just made a partner at his company and the CEO threw a party in his honor — but the night has been a disaster. His wife, a bored stay-at-home mom, got totally wasted and embarrassed him in front of all his co-workers. You can see the tension in his face as he tries to give the driver directions while she giggles, slurs her words, and pokes fun...
xmoviesforyou"Sumeet, this is not right. I am your mother and you are my son.""I know mom," was my answer.I started to caress her buttocks slowly. My hand covered the top cheek and then bottom one somewhat. I then started tracing the line between the two cheeks with my finger. She just let me, with an occasional half-hearted try to pull away, which I quickly thwarted.She couldn't stop her physical response to having a penis knocking on her cunt. Her cunt started to lubricate itself, as if the penis was...
Thick red lips moving up and downOn a hard throbbing erection Sternly querying eyes seem to wonderWhen are you going to shoot? You can only softly whisper:“I’m sorry, mom, but not yet.” Her head starts bouncing fasterThe rhythm stays steady Your mother is staring at youBut it still isn’t the time Whenever you will fireYour mother will be ready Don’t you worry at allShe will swallow it too Mom hasTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
Incest3139 - 1.66Chapter 13ReliefAs she lay there in silence she heard someone coming down the stairs, and when she could see, she saw that it was her master with lotion in his hand. He hadn’t gone to bed after all. He said nothing just spread the white cream all over her sunburned skin. What was this, an act of kindness? Could it be he really cares after all? She didn’t ask, but rather just enjoyed the moment. He left as he came in, complete silence, not a word was spoken.Morning didn’t come...
The gravel path widened. I crossed the upper bridge and found myself nearing a steep downhill slope leading towards the Lodge, my home for the summer. Slowing down my pace to admire the greenery around the path -- There she was. The beautiful blonde I had seen earlier in the week, her hair shimmering faintly. My eyes were heat-seeking missiles following their target. I felt a tingle down my back. At first I could only see her head poke up above the crest of the hill, and then the 16...
Two days later I received a call from Leonel Chacon. The number two contender had a training accident and tore his Achilles tendon. He would be out indefinitely and not able to fight in six weeks for the world title. The champions manager had reach out to Leonel and offered me the fight. Leonel admitted he didn’t think I was ready yet but if I did suffer a few losses to lower ranked fighters, I might never get a chance to fight for the title again. It was a huge gamble but if I got lucky who...
Can we have more Caitlin Bell please! Yes you can because this girl is smoking hot and loves good sex when she can find it and she’s found it right here with Jake Adams. Now Caitlin states she usually has a hard time cumming, which has always been a mystery to me why girls say they love sex but usually don’t cum during it. If guys had a hard time cumming during sex there wouldn’t be any sex going on, but luckily for Caitlin Jake is always up for a challenge and Jake usually delivers. So today’s...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, I am ash. I m a regular reader of ISS but this is the first time I m posting something. This is a true story & has happened with me. Meri saasu maa ka naam jyoti hai. She is a damn sexy lady of 38, with superb figure. 36d boobs, 24 kamar aur bharpur gand, masal sharer. Mere sasur ki maut ke baad wo akayli rah gayi thi. Akayli to nahin rahi kayonki wo saali pakka jugad hai. Lund to pehle bhi wo bahar wale leti hi thi aur aab to koi tokne wala bhi na tha par haan takriban do mahine...
Hi there, I’m Kishore. This is a real incident happened in my life few weeks back. Coming into details.. It was one of those odd days of my training session to a new project. Feeling very frustrated about the learning part even at the age of 26 made me feel very boring. Just to get out of the mood I used to think about the woman who sits diagonally to me. As I came from a very normal family just had a normal typical guy mentality and don’t have enough dare to speak with her. Just few days...
Cheri didn't like the sleeping arrangements, but there wasn't a great deal she could say. She liked her older cousin Elaine, but she was also a little frightened of her. Elaine seemed so sure of herself, so confident, exuding a worldly maturity that Cheri didn't have. Well, she thought, she'd just have to make the best of it, or it was going to be a very long summer. The two girls went upstairs together. Cheri opted for a bath. When she came back into the room, Elaine was lying naked...
It was my first night working at a new Fazbear Entertainment restaurant. But what makes this place different from the others, it that all of the animatronics from the first location, second location, and even Fazbear's Fright are all hear and female. I swiped my white hair out of my eyes. I looked down at my uniform which was just a buttoned up shirt with a name tag that said "Jack Cypher" on it, a pair of jeans, and a hat with "Fazbear Entertainment" on it. I sighed as I sat down in the large...