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Truda -    Fighting woman
Varick -   Protecting Ruler
Harman -   Man of the army

Still shaking slightly Alan arose unsteadily to his feet. Teetering Alan was surprised when Helga grabbed him guiding him to a couch. Shaking his head he got a moment of clarity then it was gone. "As much as I have increased the last few weeks this shouldn't have wore me out as badly." Alan stated.
"Alan you are delving into several areas of repairing the mind. Just because you can easily do one thing does not automatically make the others easy! Humph! Like I remember your mother saying earlier, for one so smart there are times you can be soo stupid!" Helga said exasperated with her hands on her hips.
Alan looked up at her with a weak smile as he felt the energy slowly seep back into him. "At least now I have all of you strong enough that the son of a bitch can't do this to any of you." Then he stared at Helga, "everyone that is except you Helga. I know I fixed a lot in you but this I never checked, may I?" 
Her eyes large Helga nodded then she held up her hand. "I think that you should rest some before you do this Alan. I don't want to be the reason you are unconscious again for a day or two! Your mother and I were good friends so I don't want to do something to hurt her."
"Well! At least someone cares about other people's feelings!" Angelika said as she was staring hard at Alan.
"Hey! I told you I was sorry besides after what I did you are a lot stronger than you were!" Alan cried out, the hurt apparent in his voice.
"Yes, yes I know you are the good son always thinking of your mama! I just have a bone to pick with you about the way you go about it is all!" Angelika said a small smirk on her face. This of course started Truda, Madde, and Helga into a round of giggling. Throwing his arms up again Alan decided not to fight it. He'd already lost, no point in giving them more ammunition to use against him later!
Sighing Alan motioned for Truda and Varick as soon as the giggling stopped. "I need all of you to work on Madde and Uncle Emory. Afraid I need more rest than I thought." Both nodded then got a serious look on their faces.
"I'm just worried that we might miss something Alan." Varick told him.
"I have the same fear. You seemed to blanket everything, you made it look easy." Truda replied.
"As you can see it was anything but easy. I am hoping since you both have had power longer than I, you can handle this at a slower rate. I don't want to give that asshole a single advantage!" Alan told them then with a sigh nodded and closed his eyes.
Again as before Alan was flying stopping inside the now familiar defunct bunker where all this had started. Looking down he saw that once again he was at the beginning. Then he saw his own image as it appeared the times he'd visited before. ‘Strange,’ he thought, ‘none of the before hims’ could detect or feel him’
After they moved on Alan reached in looking at all the adjustments he'd already made. Shaking his head there had to be something he could do that would prevent the Doctor from doing this again. Try as he might though, almost everything he wanted to do had dire consequences. Going forward Alan checked each time his former visits left. Trying to adjust almost anything gave him the same.
The day the bunker exploded he had to wait for his former self to leave. Reaching in he smiled as he saw that the Doctor had finally formulated the plan to have a son and take the body. He could also feel the Doctor's abilities as they started to grow. He had to do this before the man could affect changes. What felt like an eternity later Alan smiled again at what he'd left. That should make a hell of a lot of differences when it came to finally killing the son of a bitch!
Snapping back like a strong elastic band was pulling on him Alan awoke with a huge smile on his face. His mother, Madde, Truda, Varick, Harman, and lastly Helga were in a discussion about him across the room. "You know," Alan said as he tried to sit up. "It really is bad manners to talk about someone when they are in the same room!
All five of them turned and nodded then they all walked to where he was now finally sitting up.
"I know that look, I think." Truda said a moment later as she looked hard at Alan's face. "You were back there again weren't you?"
 Alan nodded then went into what he'd done. Then laughing a bit he told them about the last part that he'd had to wait to do. "I'd wondered why every time I tried to do something about the present situation all I saw was bad possible futures. I guess I know now huh Truda?"
"Well, duh!" Truda said matter of factly. "Hell Alan I could have told you that! For crying out loud I know I'm not as strong but I have been at it a whole lot longer!"
Alan nodded with a smile, "I'll remember that in the future Truda."
"You better! Then again are you really wanting to find out first hand if the old saying 'hell have no fury like a woman scorned' is in fact true?" Truda said her hands on her hips as she stomped to emphasize her point.
Alan again threw up his hands in surrender backing away from Truda.
"Like I said I'll remember that." Alan said.
Helga walked up to Alan, her eyes turned down as she asked in a whisper, "you didn't see me did you Alan? I really don't want you to see the shame I went through in order to survive. I was nothing to them. Only a receptacle for their lustful wants. I don't want you to see me that way. Alan."
"No Helga I didn't, nor did I try to. What you did in the past shall stay there. I told you before I don't want to reopen old wounds, old pain. Don't forget I have my own pain, I'm not really wanting to relive it. Just as I don’t want you to go through yours again." Alan said as he raised a hand to Helga's face and gently caressed it.
"Thank you for that Alan. It means far more to me than you can even begin to know." Leaning over Helga passionately kissed Alan seemingly sending a huge shock through them both. Breaking apart proved far harder than either of them thought it would be. Both fell to opposite ends of the couch panting for breath. Suddenly a saucy look crossed her face as Helga stated, "Ummm keep that up lover boy and I just might fall for you after all!"
Looking over Alan saw that Truda had huge tears in her eyes as she rushed up to hug him. Whispering in his
ear, "Thank you Alan, you have done so much for her she feels almost normal again." Then his mother hugged him also as she said almost the identical thing.
Finally untangled from the females Alan started to outline his plan to finally end the Doctor. The only problem was he wasn't sure if they could withstand the bastard long enough. Looking at each he could see that they were all at an altogether different level than they had ever been, but would it be enough.
Finally an hour later Alan nodded as what he'd seen of Varick, Angelika, Truda, and Varick. They were indeed where even the Doctor would have a hard time controlling or over coming all of them.
Madde, Emory, and Aldrich walked up a moment later. "I do hope you realize that if you do this without us I will kick your ass!" Madde started.
"For all the terror and loss this bastard has caused for me and my family I owe him also!" Emory stated.
"If they go I go! I made a promise that I would help to protect mother. I intend to keep that promise or die trying!" Aldrich said a fierce look on his face.
Then to all their surprise, Alan nodded his head. "Good! I was hoping the three of you would want to help. Though you all aren't as strong as we are you do have quite a bit of power. It just might be enough to push his defenses to the point of collapse."
"You just tell us what you want us to do Alan. We'll be there to help all of you finally end this hideous piece of filth!" Emory told him with Madde and Aldrich vigorously nodding their acquiesce.
"We need to go after him now. I hurt him when he came after me. I also planted a part of me in him like he had in the others. I just hope that it is able to keep him occupied long enough to defeat him." Alan told the three before him.
"Like father said, whatever we can do to end this we will gladly help you to do." Madde replied.
"I honestly hope that you do kill him, I've heard of many of the atrocities he did. NO ONE hurts our family and gets away with it!" Aldrich growled out his power slightly raising as his ire went higher.
"You'll get your chance to help believe me. With all eight of us against him I can't see him surviving for long. Still I would like to look in all of your minds again make sure there wasn't something I missed."
All three of them nodded with wide eyes. "I'll go first." Emory told them as he opened up to Alan. Alan went as fast as he could for an hour, finding nothing that the Doctor could use at all.
Looking at Madde she nodded as Alan delved in reaching all the way to the beginning of her mind. Like with Emory, Alan did as wide a scan coming out as he could. Almost another hour later he pulled out satisfied that Madde was also clear.
Moving over to Aldrich, Alan waited for the youth to nod he was ready. When Aldrich's face twisted into a mask of pain Alan went in as fast as possible. "So my bastard son, we are once again at odds. Though as you can see this time I am holding this stupid, useless youth's heart and lungs in my hands. This time there is nothing that you can do! Leave and I will kill him, stay and I will kill him. Either way this useless piece of meat is dead. How does it feel to be completely powerless my traitorous son?" The Doctor sneered at Alan.
Alan cursed he hadn't foreseen the bastard taking one of his family. "You might be powerful, you might have more experience but remember. I started on you a lot longer than you did on them! As I have always said get used to disappointment!" Seeing the Doctor relax his grip but a moment Alan hit him with everything he had.
"Too late! The youth will be dead in moments I know you can save him. So I suggest you do so!" Alan felt a surge for a moment then smiled as he reached out to Aldrich's vital autonomic systems. As he expected the Doctor started to power a bolt when he was suddenly screaming in pain. Several bolts of energy were blowing the visage of the Doctor to pieces faster than he could regroup it.
Alan's thoughts reached out to the darkness where the energy bolts were coming from.
"NO! There is no way you can have this much power! I will ki... NO! you again! Stay away you bastard! How are you in my mind and here! NOoooooo!" Came the Doctor's screams as he was suddenly gone.
Breathing a sigh of relief Alan had already restored Aldrich's heart rhythm. Now it seemed he was having trouble re-establishing Aldrich's involuntary breathing. Alan could feel his energy starting to fade but he held on. Suddenly he felt Truda and Helga there trying to add to his energy. "Thank you both, Aldrich! Where are you?" Alan was trying to shout out. He had to make sure the youth was alright before he left.
Not far away behind what appeared to be a huge locked door Alan thought he could hear the youth yelling. "Cousin Alan!" Came the muffled voice. "I'm here I can't get the door open! Help!"
Alan looked at Truda and Helga nodding as the both directed their energy at the door. A sudden cracking let them know that they were starting to break through. Thing is they had to stop supplying energy to Alan, the sudden withdrawal had left Alan holding the youth's breathing in his hands alone. The strain though was starting to take its toll on Alan.
Alan could feel his energy starting to fade again. A moment later there was a huge cracking crunch followed by the sound of something heavy falling. Alan felt a hand on his shoulder, "It's ok Cousin you can let go." Came the voice of Aldrich.
Nodding Alan let his hands and arms drop, almost immediately he felt somewhat better. Not looking back Alan started to head up out of the youth's mind. Though as he watched he wasn't moving all that fast. An arm hooked into each of his as he saw that both Truda and Helga had caught up to him pulling him out a lot faster than he knew he could right now.
They were almost out when to his shock he saw Angelika, Varick, and Harman near the opening out. "Good you got him." Angelika started to shake a finger at him then smiled. "I am so proud of you Alan. What you did took more than I think I could ever do."
"Thank you mother, think I need a nap though." Alan told her then they were all out. Groaning Alan tried to raise his head off the couch. Only to find he had absolutely no energy at all!
Madde rushed to him as soon as his eyes opened. "Thank you for saving my son, Alan. Now I want that asshole more than before!" Alan tried to speak but again could only get squeaks out. Then he nodded closing his eyes.
Even as the darkness started to drag him down he felt Helga beside him. "You were so brave Alan, please rest up. We'll watch things 'til you are up again." Alan nodded as Helga moved off and out of his mind. Alan was starting to relax when a sudden thought occurred to him. Helga had entered his mind easily, she was developing faster than he thought she would. He'd have to clamp down on his thoughts more before she stumbled across his past.
It was about twelve hours later that Alan awoke feeling as if he'd not eaten in a week. Reaching out Alan started to panic when he couldn't feel anyone. Relaxing a bit they were suddenly all there. This wasn't good it felt a lot like something the Doctor would do though not really.
Alan thought to her.
"I can't take the chance Alan I'm sorry." Grabbing his arm she and Alan flashed out appearing near the long building that Alan had faced the Doctor in.
The Doctor thought to her.
Alan thought to her.
Opening up to her he let her have all the pain, the pulling so far into his mind he was almost dead on the outside. Then the pain started again and again.

Helga's eyes got large as the pain started, pain elevated by the thoughts of a child. Then she felt him withdraw so far he almost died. Huge tears started to fall as a wail came from her throat.
The Doctor interjected trying to sway Helga.
Came Helga's thoughts.
Alan watched as Helga sent an enormous wave of energy that the Doctor was trying to counter, almost.
" The Doctor was screaming in his thoughts as he showed what appeared to be all her children being crushed screaming for their mommy.
Helga told Alan.


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The summer after our sophomore year at KU, both Emily and Brenda got pregnant again. We had been expecting that it might happen after they both stopped nursing their babies. Their pediatrician had advised them that baby formula was just as healthy for the children, and that their chance of getting pregnant increased, if they weren't nursing at the time. I had serious doubts about some of that, but I knew they both wanted another baby right away. Shirley had gone back on the pill after she...

3 years ago
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A Ladys

A Lady's by Nefertari CHAPTER 1- ANNIVERSARY "The eternal feminine draws us onward" Goethe The cab headed downtown, then west, windshield wipers flapping, a cold rain falling. From my current prospective, it seems like another lifetime in another world. I was a young accounting clerk in my first real job on the way to an important company social function that Friday evening. The firm had always been involved in importing and exporting and was easily the oldest commercial...

1 year ago
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Caught by my Teacher Part 2

I walked into the small office. There were papers scattered on the floor and various surfaces around the room. The stacks of old books lining the walls of the room made it look much smaller than it actually was. An old oak desk, pushed up against the back wall, took up the majority of the space. I tried to avoid my teachers eyes as I scanned the room for something to focus on besides her. "You can have a seat" She said as she motioned to the wooden chair in front of her. She clearly had...

4 years ago
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SPH III The Return of Santas Perverted Helper

For the third time that cold December afternoon I tried to adjust the digital binoculars on the house across the street but I was unable to focus them. That was because my young assistant had succeeded in removing my yule log from its confinement and she was doing her best to grow it to its full holiday dimensions with her small, warm hands. “Susie, if you keep that up then we’ll never be able to accomplish this mission,” I told her, hoping it would stop her from what she was doing though...

1 year ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 20

Dany found herself more heated than ever after supper, as she felt her husband’s cock inside her luscious pussy, knowing that this appendage belonged to her nephew as well. There was simply something quite natural and comforting to her in this knowledge that, as a Targaryen, she came home to the old ways and traditions of her family, even without being aware prior to the marriage. It was little wonder, she thought, that she was in fact drawn to Jon Snow from the moment that he arrived, even...

2 years ago
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Always Faithful Ch 031

Author’s Notes: First and foremost, Always Faithful is a work of fiction, no characters depict any known persons. To the best of the author’s knowledge, there is no women’s clothing manufacturer by the name of Business Lady. This is the third post, another five percent, of a much longer story. I intend to submit successive parts frequently. Part Three is lengthy, about 35 or 40 Literotica pages, so I will break the posts into more manageable size. While the length of the story is Novella sized,...

3 years ago
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Mother n Father

With the kids surely tucked away in bed sound asleep, Mother had gone back to the sitting room to clear up the mess they had left behind while waiting patiently on Father coming home. Her thoughts of Father were of the naughty variety; she started to feel aroused thinking of him. After the mess was cleared away, Father walked in from work, he noticed the silence within the house. Mother went into the kitchen when he arrived home to make him a cup of coffee to warm him up after being out in the...

Quickie Sex
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NikkiChapter 17

The letter was in our hands the Friday before we were supposed to join Ernie and his bunch at their camp. Camp. In this context, it was kind of funny, because the hunting camp was not too many miles away from his home and office. It was, however, a long, isolated drive up a gravel road originally built to service oil wells. Now it led to a little artificial high spot in the midst of the Gulf coastal marshes. Oops! They're 'wetlands' now. In a matter of a couple of weeks, this place would...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Alexis Fawx Squirts On Pool Guy

Sexy Alexis Fawx is planning to sunbathe. When she saw the pool guy she got interested and wanted to flirt a little bit. After a few minutes, she started masturbating and got so horny that she called the pool guy over, he got shocked and felt into the pool ruining Alexis’s tanning, the pool boy offered her to do anything to compensate her, as she was still horny, she instructed him to lick her ass, after her ass was properly eaten, she decided to suck his cock, then they moved inside the...

2 years ago
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Small WorldChapter 8

Jan spent a sleepless night, tossing, turning and often crying, trying to convince herself she had made the right decision, yet painfully aware of what she was giving up. She had never missed anyone as much as she missed being in the arms of Michael and Sheila. As the first rays of the morning sun poured through the window, she rose lifelessly, bathed and made ready to greet her husband who should be arriving within the hour. A last look out the window at the house next door and Jan...

4 years ago
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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 5

"You have to come with me, Melinda." "No, I don't, Heather." "Yes, you do." "What the hell for?!" "Because Mom said so, that's why?" "I don't give a shit what Mom said!" "Melinda! Quiet!" "No!" Melinda declared, folding her arms indignantly. "I will not be quiet!" Heather sighed and rolled her eyes, sweeping an arm towards the bedroom door. "Jason is downstairs. You want him to hear this?" "I don't care. I'm probably going to tell him all about this anyway...

4 years ago
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Aatmakatha 8211 Part IV

Jan 2009: Mere semester exams khatm ho chuke the.aur is bich around ek month tak mere aur vishal ke bich sex nahi hua tha.first sex ke baad agle d0 hafto me mai vishal se 4 baar usi ghar me mil chuki thi.exams khatm hone ke baad wo mujhe fir se usi ghar me bulane laga aur kabhi kabhi kuch din usi ke sath rahne ke liye kahta.par mai ne usse boli ke mai ghar par kaise explain karungi.par fir bhi wo zid pakde huye tha.is bich mai bahot baar usi ghar me gayi.mai normally last ke 2 ya 3 lectures...

3 years ago
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Excitement Part 2

As soon as I closed your front door, I felt the force of your rugby body push me against the hard wood frame. You wasted no time and I felt your fingers tugging at my t shirt and bra straps. I was topless before I could even ask what you were doing. The combination of the pain that was making its way down my spine and the feel of your tongue sliding along my neck down to my already erect nipples made me wetter than I already was. Your touch just did that to me. I caught myself as you pulled me...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Phone Tease

Phone Tease Around ten I walk through the park, thinking what a fool I was not to ask where! Then in the distance, I think I see a familiar figure. As I come closer, I’m surer it’s you. But in this cold weather, with everyone wrapped up in coats I could be wrong. You’re feeding the ducks by the pond. You haven’t seen me and sit on a bench. You are idly throwing the occasional scrap, looking lost in other thoughts. I approach the bench from behind you, come round and sit ‘a respectable...

2 years ago
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First Time Sex With Party Girl

I would like to give my introduction at last but first enjoy the story and forgive me for the mistakes and my first time I was 21 and I had a few dates with a girl I met at a party me and a friend went to and she was in her second year of college. I am very tall 5’11” and little built on the third date it got hot and heavy when we went parking. She let me put my hand under her shirt and she felt good n so do I pressing her soft smooth boobs over her bra and her underwear started to get a...

3 years ago
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Mongrels and Song Birds

The miniature hamlet bustled with activity. The sun's punishing rays were blocked by the horizon, offering the inhabitants a reprieve. They crowded the streets at this time of growing shadows, hurrying to the market before the chill of the night took hold and they would need to retreat back into their homes. Placing his shaded goggles onto his forehead, Kupper surveyed the scene from the top of a house like a green eyed vulture. He would need to find a new town soon. People were starting to...

3 years ago
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Three Valleys SammiChapter 19

"Did you ever notice how much soap looks like cum?" Grace asked the next day in the shower after PE. She pressed the button on the soap dispenser. "It's white, it's creamy, and it's kind of slick." "It doesn't taste like cum," Anna said. She smeared some on her hands and began lathering Sam's back. "And the dispenser on a boy is a lot more fun." The other girls in the shower laughed. "This dispenser gives green soap," one girl called. "Can you imagine a guy giving green...

3 years ago
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The Taming Of A wife

Arnold drove home barely containing his happiness, he had just gotten a promotion that would let him do most of his work from home something his wife would love. Lately the heat in their marriage had started to die down, and not for the standard reasons. Arnold knew he wasn't lacking in the bed room as his wife was quite vocal about his talents, and no amount of acting could make her squirt like that! at ten inches long and five inches thick Arnold had learned early in his sexual career that...

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Husbands Tale Again

Another true story about the babe from the gym I married.The last story she told me was the best.Her guy who was a Dallas Cowboy defensive lineman had approached her about going to the notorious "White House", the party house used by many of the players from Super Bowl teams.She asked if there was a party that would be going on.He told her that that was the point.It was a private party for defensive linemen only.And SHE was going to BE the party.All the players that knew her liked her.The ones...

1 year ago
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the holiday

I am 38 and my partner, Claire, is 34. She is both a bit taller and slimmer than me, taking a 30C bra size to my 34D. She has light brown hair which is streaked with blonde highlights, bright eyes and laughing lips, long legs and an ass to die for – I swear she’s stolen it from some 18 year old! She is fit and feisty – we go to the gym fairly regularly, and she works out on the cycling and rowing machines, whilst I just swim. We have been together for nearly five years, and for the last three...

4 years ago
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SHIT After the Club

The bass of the clubs music was audible outside, as the man and woman staggered from the club. He had his arm round her possessively; she gyrated to the bass, her mind adding its own tune to the deep thump. He laughed, she giggled. He hailed a cab. They slipped inside, all arms and legs. He gave his address to the driver. He kissed her. She kissed back. Both smelling of the alcohol they had consumed but neither noticing. He was hard. She was still dancing to the beat. He kissed her as the...

3 years ago
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Me And My Dad Marry My Aunt And Her Daughter

Please note that this is just a fantasy of the author and is not real. If you believe in strong human sentiments then do not read this story. Hello iss readers in this story I am going to tell about how my dad fucked my hot married aunt while my mom watched. Well this story took place when I was studying in class 12. My aunt who had a 18 year old daughter had come to stay with us during the vacation. She was very much depressed these days since her husband was an alcoholic and I later came to...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 40

Even before my head hit the pillow I realized how I'd miscalculated. Hoping Tammy was still awake, I tapped on her bedroom door, and waited to see if she'd answer. After a brief delay, I heard a tiny voice, "Yes?" "Hey," I said. "When we talked just now, I forgot to tell you one very important thing about our arrangement.' I could hear her take a deep breath through the closed door, and could imagine her telling herself that the other shoe was about to drop. "Ok," she whispered....

4 years ago
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The Goodbye Party

M/F, Teen, Despite the fact that the party was being held in my honor, I knew only about half the people who showed up. We had just graduated high school and while my friends had all chosen to attend nearby Penn State, I was setting off across the country to go to Stanford.And so the party was born and while in theory it was to say goodbye to me, it had quickly turned into an excuse to get drunk and hook-up. Tired of being ignored I took my beer and went outside. As I stood leaning against...

3 years ago
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Mystery Flasher 2 The Return

‘Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin’ aliiiiii, hiiii, ha-haiiiiiii, iiive, haaa yehaa-aah!’ I put my head in my hands to try to escape Vaughn’s Bee Gees routine, and the round of stares and giggles it had brought from the crowd of teenagers nearby. It was early Saturday evening, and I was in for the long haul at the music section of the bookstore. In no shape to deal with customers or my coworkers’ insanities was I, five-thirty and I still felt hungover, having put away most of a bottle of Malibu at Lou’s...

2 years ago
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Porn Star Babe Part Two

Being a sexy girly boy about to make her debut as a porn actress with two handsome, well-hung studs was so exciting to me. And having my friend, Chrissie Licks, along to show me how it is done was especially re-assuring. Chrissie and I were naked and about to get into our sexy lingerie for the shoot when Summer Cox, another hot tranny porn star, came to help us with our hair and make-up. Summer was a beautiful, lively blonde and alot of fun to be with. She and Chrissie explained to me that...

3 years ago
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Tim and Abbie 34 The garden

Spring came upon them as a soft, warm breeze.  Offering delights for all.  For some special ones, sexual enchantments also, which they share with ones they love.  Open windows to let the gentle wind in does lead to libidos charging.  Morning moans fill the air in concert with the birds chirping.It is a couple of weeks since the evening visit from Abe.  Abbie and Tim are getting into a nice routine for work and play.  They have kept to themselves a good deal, but that is what happens at the...


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