Brandy Ch. 07-08 free porn video

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Chapter 7


It’s amazing how many men there are with a thing about clothing of one sort or another, either for themselves or for their partner and, sometimes both.

Of course, as I’ve said before, most men are more likely to be turned-on by something visual than the average woman is. For instance, there have been several attempts at launching magazines for women that include naked or semi-naked men, none have really been successful – compare that with the constant flood of ‘girlie’ magazines available on the market and you’ll see what I mean.

So I can quite understand a guy getting turned-on by looking at a good-looking girl in something sexy – and don’t mind admitting I often play on that to get a man going – and sometimes get a kick out of it myself. But I’m talking about the odd kinds of clothes that some men see as being sexy – not to mention the ways they then like to get off!

One of the best examples I can think of was a guy I saw about once a month for over a year. He always wanted exactly the same thing, never ever any variation. Nuns’ habits were his thing – he may well have been a priest for all I know but somehow I doubt that, it’s probably more likely that as a kid he went to a catholic school and got some sort of fixation about them then.

Anyway, he had two habits, his and mine, they looked genuine enough to me but then I wouldn’t really know how to tell the genuine thing from just something he’d had made up. I had to travel to his flat, in quite an exclusive suburb I might add, a nice place, quite large, the furniture was a bit old-fashioned for my taste but well looked after and everything was always very neat and tidy. He’d let me in and once I knew the lay-out he’d leave me to find my own way to the second bed-room and get myself ready, while he went and changed in the main bed-room. Of course the first time I’d gone to see him he’d sat me down, offered me a drink and explained what he wanted me to do, when he’d finished I asked if that was all he wanted and with a sad little smile, he just nodded.

As I said, from then on I knew the routine – I had to strip down to bra, suspender-belt, stockings and high-heeled shoes, then put on the habit that was laid out on the bed for me, making sure I left just a little bit of hair sticking out from under the head-piece. He’d leave the agreed amount of cash in an envelope lying on top of the habit and every now and then, if he’d got something extra out of the performance, he’d leave a bit more in another envelope on a table just inside the front door – but I could never really see what it was that made the difference between a satisfactory and an extra special event for him. Apart from that first visit he never spoke and as I said, I never worked out why some times were better than others for him.

Once I was ready I’d go along to the main bed-room where I’d find him standing in one corner, waiting patiently for me to join him, at a casual glance looking exactly like a middle-aged nun.

I found that he didn’t mind if I varied the start of the routine but once down to the serious part he wanted the identical sequence every time. So sometimes I walked slowly around the room, looking as though I was deep in thought, sometimes I’d just stand looking out of the window, sometimes I would sit for a few minutes.

But at some stage I had to notice the full-length mirror in the wardrobe door, walk over and stand in front of it and look at myself for a while – then seem to notice the stray piece of hair. I’d try to poke it back under the head-piece and when I couldn’t do that I’d try adjusting the head-piece itself – and in doing that of course it would come off, letting my hair fall free. I’d stand looking at it, as though surprised to see so much of it, shake it from side to side, reach up and play with it.

By that stage, if I looked out of the corner of my eye I could tell from the slight movement at the front of the habit that he was starting to get excited. I’d worked out that underneath it he was naked and that what appeared to be pockets were merely slits, enabling him to handle himself while he watched me.

Once I was sure he was getting started I moved on to the next stage of the performance – looking down at my feet, lifting the hem of my habit a little, just high enough to show my ankles, then a little higher, a little higher. I had to do it slowly, tantalisingly, gradually increasing his rising level of excitement. When I finally had the hem high enough to show my knees I’d step back a pace or two, as though to get a better look at what I was seeing, lift one foot, then the other – then, gathering the folds of material in my hands, continue slowly lifting the habit higher still.

Usually at about that stage I’d hear him come – just a very faint gasp – once or twice I actually got the habit all the way up to my waist before he got himself off but normally he was satisfied long before that.

And that was it – that was all he wanted. I’ve no idea whether he had his habit dry-cleaned or whether he’d hand wash it himself – maybe he simply had a wad of tissues or something in one of his hands to collect the semen.

Then there was the guy I’m always reminded of whenever I go to the beach. His turn-on was to have me rub sun-tan lotion into him, in his hotel room!

After the first time, when I didn’t know what his speciality was of course, I always made sure I packed a swim-suit when he booked me, sometimes a bikini, sometimes a one-piece – but frankly I don’t think what I wore really mattered very much to him. Like the guy with the nuns’ habits, his imagination provided most of what he needed, except than in his case it was my hands he wanted, not his own.

Once I had arrived he’d get out a big beach towel, spread it on the floor, put a bottle of sun-tan lotion beside it then go off into the bath-room and change into a swim-suit. When he was ready he’d stretch himself out on the towel and I would start massaging lotion into his back.

He had a good physique, with nicely defined muscles and as he liked me to take my time I actually found it quite pleasant doing it for him, relaxing in a way. As I worked my way lower down his back I had to ease his swim-suit down over the cheeks of his arse, massage the lotion into them too and then pull it back up again before I started on the backs of his legs.

Once I had finished his back I’d roll him over and start on his chest and by that stage he would usually have a partial erection, which would of course be very obvious beneath the thin stuff they use for swimming gear. As I massaged lotion into his shoulders and chest I’d keep one eye on its development and either slow down or speed up my progress depending on how solid it was getting. Once I was sure it was fully erect I’d slip my hands lower and as he lifted his hips up off the towel I’d tug his briefs down over them, releasing his cock.

Of course by then my hands would be really slippery from the lotion and the feel of them as I gently fondled his balls and stroked up and down the hard length of his shaft must have been really exciting for him. He liked me to masturbate him slowly too – and though he kept his eyes shut and his hands straight down beside himself the whole time his little charade was going on, he did respond quite normally in every other way.

Unlike most guys that want to be jacked-off rather than fucked properly, he didn’t expect me to take his cock in my mouth, realising that I couldn’t do that with it covered in sun-tan lotion – or maybe he just preferred the slick feel of my hands to being sucked-off. I must say that when he finally came both the amount he’d shoot and the distance it went were more powerful than most men I’ve known – but I never did get to find out just what it was that was going on his head while I was getting him there.

He and the guy with the nuns’ habits were at one end of the spectrum of men turned on by what was being worn, they
both needed very little in the way of props for what was going on in their heads. At the other end of that spectrum I’d put a man that I knew as Tony, what he needed was far more complex.

Our actual meeting followed a long phone call during which I was several times tempted to hang up on him, mainly because he refused to tell me how he had got my number. He said it wasn’t important, I said it was. Anyway, to cut a long story short he offered me a larger than usual fee, just for a chance to meet me – and, when he suggested a well known restaurant as a suitable place, although I was still a little hesitant, I agreed.

When I had he then wanted to know what I’d be wearing and at first I assumed that was so he would recognise me – but then he wanted me to give him totally unimportant details, like the actual brand and shade of lipstick, the size and style of my shoes, where I had bought the dress I’d said I would wear, stuff like that. I very nearly called the whole thing off again but there was something about his voice that intrigued me, so I just told him that if he was that interested we could talk about those things when we met – that seemed to keep him happy – but he did insist on knowing my height, weight and dress size and to bring the conversation to an end, I gave them to him.

When we met a couple of evenings later I found he was in his mid-forties, only a little bit taller than me and quite slim, with very fine, almost boyish features and absolutely perfect skin. He turned out to be quite charming, extremely polite and attentive – but the thing that really impressed me was his personal grooming, I don’t just mean his clothes, which were impeccable but also things like nails and hair – everything about him was immaculate.

Once he’d ordered drinks we started to talk and I soon found out that he had a really cheeky sense of humour and in no time at all he had me laughing. Later, as we ate we chatted about a range of things and quite soon touched on clothes and fashion, a subject I found he was keenly interested in, women’s as well as men’s and once that came up not only did he become even more animated, I also felt that he was watching me and my reactions more intently.

It was only when we were sipping coffee that he finally asked the question – but it wasn’t the one I had been expecting.

‘Do you ever take women as clients Brandy?’

Sex with women wasn’t something that I particularly looked for but it wasn’t something I had avoided either and there had been occasions when, with the right person and under the right circumstances, I had found it extremely enjoyable. So I answered him honestly.

‘Not regularly – but from time to time, yes.’

‘I know that my sister would love to meet you.’ he said quietly.

‘On her own, or with you?’ I asked.

‘Aah! How perceptive, I knew you were an intelligent as well as an attractive woman Brandy.’ He paused for a moment or two, his cool grey eyes looking steadily into mine. ‘Let’s say together – but separately. Neither of us is really interested in threesomes.’

‘If she is as interesting a person as you are Tony then it could be a very pleasant evening.’ I said, deciding to follow my instincts.

‘Oh I think you’ll find that she is.’ he responded with a grin. ‘But, she likes her little charade, do you have any objection to dressing-up for the part?’

‘It depends on what sort of dressing-up Tony.’

‘Oh, nothing too strange. Men’s clothes for instance?’

‘I wouldn’t mind that – but I don’t have anything that is particularly masculine.’

‘I’m sure you don’t Brandy, I wouldn’t expect someone as feminine as you are to have the kind of thing she likes – but I’m sure she has some things that would fit you very well.’

‘That’s why you wanted to know my size.’

‘One reason yes. So?’

‘Why not!’

He beamed at my reply. ‘Why not indeed. When? Now?’

‘Where is she?’

‘We have a little apartment not too far from here actually.’ He looked down at his watch, looked back up into my eyes and added. ‘She’ll be home quite soon now. We could surprise her.’

‘All right – but it will be a little expensive Tony.’

‘Ah, not only intelligent and attractive – but practical too, I like that.’ He took out his wallet and simply asked. ‘How much?’

I replied by saying that the price depended on exactly what was involved and for how long – but he didn’t seem to be listening, merely separating a number of notes from the thickish bundle in the wallet, then having folded them, he discreetly slid them across the table to me.

‘If, afterwards you think it should be more than that just say so Brandy. Money isn’t the problem.’

Without actually counting the money I couldn’t tell exactly how much he’d given me but from the look of things it was more than I would have suggested, so I just slipped the notes into my purse and smiled back at him as I said. ‘That should be fine – but I’ll let you know.’

Then he was all bustle, paying the bill, finding a cab and within minutes we were outside a very exclusive looking block of apartments. As we went up in the lift I asked him what his sister’s name was. He gave me a wry smile then replied. ‘Our parents had a very odd sense of humour Brandy. They actually christened me Anthony and my sister Antoinette but calling us both ‘Tony’ – mine’s with a Y and my sister’s has an I, you see?’

‘Make’s it easier for me though.’ I answered with a grin.

The apartment was beautiful, everything I’d ever hoped that one day I’d be able to afford for myself but Tony didn’t give me a chance to look properly around it, simply bustled me straight through into a bed-room.

‘What my sister would like Brandy is for you to remove your make-up, shower and dress in whatever you like from the things you’ll find in the wardrobe, there should be plenty to choose from to fit you. Your bath-room is through here.’ he explained as he walked over and opened a door to an en-suite. ‘Toni should be back quite soon but take your time, there’s no need to rush. When you are ready just go through to the living-room down the hall, help yourself to a drink. I’m sure she won’t keep you waiting long.’

‘And you Tony, where will you be?’

‘Oh, don’t worry about me, I’ll be around. But I’ll wait until after you and Toni have enjoyed yourselves. Now, I think you’ll find everything you need here, is there anything else?’

‘No Tony, that looks fine. I’ll look for something to wear first.’

‘Oh, I forgot – she would prefer it if you didn’t wear anything underneath, do you mind that?’

‘Of course not Tony.’

‘Good, I’ll leave you to it then.’ he said as he left, closing the door behind him.

I stood there for a few moments, wondering just what I had let myself in for, then, having quickly counted the money he had given me, decided it was well worth finding out – and opened the wardrobe to find that it was full of all sorts of men’s clothing – business suits, casual gear, chunky sweaters, silky shirts and even a whole variety of shoes!

A quick check showed that the clothes were arranged in series, by size, obviously Toni liked her ‘men’ in a variety of shapes – and so I was soon able to find a reasonable selection of things that I could comfortably fit into. Having picked out a sharp looking denim outfit that had cap to match, a soft shirt to go under the jacket and a pair of shoes that fitted fairly well, I laid them on the bed and then went through to the bath-room to remove the outer traces of my femininity.

Once I had showered I pinned my hair up so I could get most of it under the cap and when I turned off the overhead light and stood looking in the mirror at the finished result I surprised myself at just how good I looked as a man – and, as I felt a small tingle of excitement running through me, hoped Toni would think so too.

When I went through to the living-room I found that the lights had been dimmed
there already and music was coming from a unit on one side of the room. Nearby was an open cocktail-bar so I made myself a weak drink then walked across to the picture windows that dominated the far wall and as I slowly sipped I stared down at the spectacular view of the flickering lights of the city.

I couldn’t have been standing there for more than a minute or two before I heard the soft voice behind me.


I turned around and saw her – tall, slim and quite lovely, standing just inside the door-way, her face in shadow, her figure silhouetted by the stronger light from the hall-way behind her.

‘Hello – you must be Toni. Your brother said I should help myself to a drink, so I did, I hope you don’t mind.’

‘I’m glad you did, I’m sorry if I kept you waiting too long.’ she replied as she came forward into the light so I could see her better.

‘Not at all, I was enjoying the view. It’s quite spectacular from up here.’

‘Yes, we enjoy it too, especially on a warm, moonlit night, sitting outside with a cool drink.’

By then I could see her properly, she really was quite stunning. Pale auburn hair, that was thick and full and had been cut in one of the latest styles, quite short on the nape of her long elegant neck but kept full over her ears and on the crown, falling forwards in a casual- looking, shortish fringe. Her face was almost too perfect, oval shaped with large, wide-set eyes which were either a light blue or a pale grey-green colour, it was hard to be sure in the subdued light. A straight, slender nose and below that a wide, almost too full- lipped mouth – that smiled quietly as she watched me studying her. And in that smile I saw reflected the strong family resemblance she had with her brother.

As she came slowly closer I saw that she was even taller than I had first thought, quite a bit taller than myself and even allowing for the fact that she was wearing high heels I guessed that without them she would be at least as tall as Tony. But her height gave her that elegance that really top-class models need and seeing the way she carried herself I wondered if she had actually worked as one at sometime.

But the dress she was wearing wouldn’t have been paid for from just modelling fees, it was exquisite and screamed Italian or French Couture. It appeared to be a mixture of a fine wool-crepe and chiffon that though it hugged her slim body still swayed gently, not allowing the eye to follow its precise shape too closely. Not the kind of dress I would even feel comfortable wearing for a night at the Opera, let alone something I might slip into to meet an escort-girl.

‘I’m so glad you chose that outfit, it looks even better on you than it did when I bought it, very saucy and really very sexy – if you don’t mind me saying so.’ she said as she stopped just in front of me.

‘Thank you. It fits surprisingly well – but now, seeing the lovely dress you have on, I feel a bit out of place in it.’

‘Oh, please don’t. It’s always been my lucky dress – nice things have happened to me when I’ve worn it – I didn’t put it on to impress you, I just wanted to look my best for you.’

‘You look sensational.’

‘Thank you. Now, how about another drink, then let’s sit and chat for a while. Tell me all about yourself – well, whatever parts you feel like telling me I mean.’ she added with a knowing smile as she guided me to an arm-chair, made fresh drinks, then settled herself elegantly in another chair opposite to me.

And that’s how we spent the next half hour or so, I seemed to do most of the talking, Toni prompted me with questions from time to time and whenever I asked her one she quickly brought the conversation back to myself again. She was particularly interested in the young men I had met in the course of business, what they wanted of me, how they reacted, were they shy, fumbling, how did I feel when, as she put it – I had their young bodies all ‘steamed-up’. And as I talked I saw her eyes staring, almost unblinkingly, wandering over my body, trying to see beneath my clothes. And I don’t mind admitting that as I talked and felt the intensity of her gaze increasing the small thrill I had felt earlier gradually grew and before very long I felt a moist warmth building between my legs and then spreading out through my body.

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And she had. “David,” she said, when I was ten and Grace was 8, “Be nice to your sister.” “Mom,” I interrupted, “She has cooties. Girls have cooties.” “Who said?” “Wenos.” “Wenos?” “Wayne.” “Wayne?” “Carpenter.” “How would he know? He doesn’t have any sisters.” “Huh?” “Who else?” “Bill Elsea.” Never say I can’t be taught. “No sisters.” “What?” “Bill doesn’t have sisters ... how would he know?” She made that hand gesture that said, More. “Umh ... everybody...” “David...

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Raping Diana

Summer vacation was great. No school, nice warm -- or even better, hot -- days and nothing to do. Sometimes the last could be a little boring, but Diana had ways to entertain herself. At 12 years of age, she gained sexual awareness about a year earlier as her breasts began developing. They weren't all that big now, but they had grown from painful puffed up nipples and embarrassingly pointy cones to almost fist-sized boobs that stuck straight out. Whenever Diana couldn't think of anything else...

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My Sex Slave

You know how you hear that people that are hypnotized will never do anything under hypnosis that they would never do in real life. Now, that might be true for most people but I wasn't sure about my girl friend.Here is our story -My girl friend, Sherry, and I have been together for a few years and in the beginning the sex was great but has now gotten boring. I loved her and did not want to lose her but I didn't know what to do.One day, I was talking to my best friend, Tony and asked him how his...

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DINNER AND DANCING One night changed my life forever. I let my son make love to me. I felt so guilty I was afraid to face my husband, but strong as my guilty feelings were, I could not help my weakness for making love with my son. I am a very religious woman and what bothers me even more than the fact that the incident occurred, is the fact that I enjoyed it while it was happening and wanted more of the same. I got my wish and we are still continuing to carry on our affair, even as...

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A Gay Outdoor Dirty Muddy Pissy Ball Busting Fat P

The man who turned me into a pig. A gay, outdoor, dirty, muddy, pissy, ball busting, fat pig fantasy story.I met this older man online at this gay personal ad site. He looked like a gentle kind old man with a cardigan sweater, slacks and loafers. I was 21. I really hadn't had that much sex yet. I had sucked a couple cocks but that was it. I wasn't sure how gay I was. I did like sucking cock but I was really wasn't interested in more than just trading blowjobs and maybe I've let him fuck me I...

2 years ago
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Shocking DevelopmentsChapter 25

Jim and Kathy were sitting at the kitchen table sipping on iced tea when Megan came through the door. "Hi mom, hi dad. How did it go at the doctor today? Everything all right?" "Yeah baby, the doc says I am fit as a fiddle, aint that right Kath?" "Yes, your dad is back to normal. So did you go to you aunt's today?" "Yeah, but it was boring. Uncle Derrick was in the house working on some stuff, and then he went to take a nap and I just sat by the pool trying to start a tan. He had...

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My newest fetish

I’ve always enjoyed keeping fit. But I don’t go to the gym any more. I have everything in my house. Nothing too fancy, just loads of weights, a multi-machine and recently a treadmill. So I work 50 hours a week in the nearest town and drive home at neck-breaking speeds to work out all alone.But my most recent fetish has put a real touch of spice to my work outs. I have quite a few sex toys: men cannot be relied upon for either for sex or anything else. I even secretly wear some remote...

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At the Cabin

Welcome, everyone. Thanks for checking out the story! This is 'At the Cabin', but despite of its title, over time it became more than just a story about teens spending time at a cabin, because it became more about the characters than the setting as we expanded on their backstories, their families and the small town they live on. The story wasn't and isn't written and developed just by me, Duskford, a multitude of other writers have already added a whole thread or just chapters, and this is the...

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WildOnCam Carmela Clutch Thick And Sweet

Thick and sweet Carmela Clutch is ready to get Isiah Maxwells large black cock all to herself and hopes you stick around to see just how much of it she can take down her throat or when it goes balls deep into that wet juicy pussy! Isiah can not get enough of that ass burying his face in between those cheeks eating her out to his hearts content! Carmela just wants that cock and loves how long it is as she grinds down on top feeling it fully consume her before Isiah can not take much more...

2 years ago
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SoCalled Friend Part 4

So-Called Friend Part 4 By Jennifer Allison For the first time in the seven and a half months since I had been at Ms. Singleton's School I had a visitor. My stepmother! So I wore my prettiest dress to show off my 38-25-36 figure. You should have seen the look on her face when I walked into the waiting room. She could have caught at least a dozen flies during the time her mouth hung open. I went in front of her and curtsied and then with my beautiful high feminine voice I...

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WendaeThe Beginning

Wendae....The Beginning "Your panties are showing!" said the voice behind me. I jumped up like I'd been stung tugging down my t-shirt to cover myself. My face must have been flaming red with embarrassment as I turned to face the voice. A vision stood before me. She had long black hair, startlingly grey eyes and ruby red lips. Her make up reminded me of Elvira as did her attire. A low cut black satin blouse, black mini dress and thigh high boots. She wore a little half smile and her...

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HerLimit Anita Blanche Small Ass Big Dick

If you are a fan of skinny and petite girls, today we have just the scene for you. Anita has such a small and tight ass that it’s very hard to put you dick into it without a bit of pressure but the effort is well worth it when her ass hole hugs and squeezes your dick which she will gladly clean it with her mouth. After a nice clean up she will beg to put that big dick back inside her until you start ejaculating into her mouth. After the dirty actions she did before, you can bet she will...

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What Cuckolds want

"It is simply a thrill without compare to watch your wife getting fucked by Her Lover." (Happy cuckold).Most cuckolds are kind and considerate husbands and say they love their wives and want them to be sexually satisfied "more than anything else in the world." One cuckold hubby said "it is a real release of pressure to know that my wife is getting sexually satisfied by Her Lover in a way that I couldn't do it." Another said he wanted nothing more than his sexy wife "to be fucked...

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part 2 from taken in public

ello this is an adult story if you are not over 18 please close this page immediatly. Thisstory deals with crossdressing gay males if you are offended by this type of material pleaseclose this page also. Thanks for all the replies to my first story; sorry it has taken so long but school hasstarted (college for all you perverts=:) so I have not had much time to write. As I left the movie theater my mind was racing; I could not believe what I had just didand what that man did to me aswell....

4 years ago
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Taking the Boss

“What do you want?” she asked him as he entered. He smiled that smile that she knew would lead to no answer, as he leaned back to close the office door behind him. “You can’t do this to me.” Her voice trembled. She heard the mechanical thunk when he triggered the lock on the door. “This is my office.” She stated the obvious with as much authority as she could muster. Her heart beat fiercely in her chest. She also recognized the swelling in the nipples of her breasts, cradled in the sexy, but...

Straight Sex
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Hoping for the Best Part 3 last

As the years past, Juli and I grew apart as lovers. We started our own families with men we loved more than each other. Our k**s attended the same school, and became friends on the playground. Our daughters would have sleepovers, but I avoided Juli at all costs. I didn’t want to be reminded of a ‘shameful’ past my husband knew nothing about. But she called, and at that moment, I have no idea why I did answer the phone. I thought it might be her k** calling to talk to mine, but that wasn’t the...

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My Shallow Regret Chapter 13 Conclusion

"Are you sure that's all you need?" My mom looked at the small pile of boxes packed into the back of Sara's silver Jeep Grand Cherokee. "Yes, mom," I said as I closed the back door. "Most of my stuff was clothes, and most of those aren't going to fit me soon, so I'm just taking the basics. And Cash and Ron already took the furniture down in the van to get us set up. Besides, the shoot is only eight weeks. After that I'll come back for the rest of my things." "Like your car?" she...

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Wild saturday night

So, one Saturday night my wife and I went to drink at her friend Kathy's house. We Had vodka and jagermeister and had been drinking since like 7:30 or so that night. Eventually things got a little racy once we started a game of strip poker. I won the first few hands and quickly got my wife and Kathy down to a bra and panties. I'll be damned if the tide didn't turn though. A few more hands and I was naked before them both. They certainly didn't mind ;) However it was fun to watch them decide who...

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Treasure Island

Part one I was born under a lucky star, had a fairy for a godmother, whatever. Anyway,for some reason I'm a winner. And now you expect me boasting about my successfulcareer, how I surged to the top in no time, the power I hold, the fabulousamounts of money I earn. Sorry to disappoint you. I never entered the rat race,actually I'm unemployed, permanently, never in my life had a proper job. Aha,you think, spoiled son of a wealthy family. Nope. My old man was a truck driver,who died of a heart...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 998

Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown in the economy, the Government has decided to implement a scheme to put workers of 50 years of age and above on early, mandatory retirement, thus creating jobs and reducing unemployment. This scheme will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early). Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to the Government to be considered for the SHAFT program (Special Help After Forced Termination). Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will...

1 year ago
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PornstarPlatinum Dee Williams Hard Cock Pay Back

It looks like I did it again. But I can’t help myself. When I get a credit card in my hand I just have to spend spend spend! Unfortunately my husband, Sterling Cooper, is not a fan of my shopping trips. Sterling has ways to make sure that I don’t over spend. Looks like I’ll be paying this credit card off with my mouth and pussy. I’m gonna be here on my hands and knees for a while folks, pleasing my rich husband. He got out the fuck machine and everything, so you guys are...

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Coming of AgeChapter 6

The next morning, Janet caught Paul alone long enough to tell him that her date with Bob had worked out great, and that she had told Bob what was going on between her and her brother, but hadn't said anything about the rest of the family. She had thought it wiser to leave that decision up to her mother. Everyone seemed to be of the same mind about sex for the day. They all just sat around the pool relaxing, saving their strength for the party that would happen as soon as their father got...

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Mom and Aunt Meg

Mom and Aunt MegMom and I were at her sister’s house; we were visiting to attend her daughters wedding. My cousin Lora was a whiny girl but had an exceptional body so I was not too surprised she had caught a good guy with a rich family.I had successfully avoided all the get togethers until the wedding reception but that one had good food and a good DJ so I was fine there. I did have to dance with every female in the family but I did not mind that too much.I was twenty-two years old and had just...

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The Invention II Touch of LustChapter 16

Ryan woke up the smell of coffee, and the feeling of bodies tangled against him. He looked up at the ceiling, his brain trying to process where he was and what had happened. Toes? Check. Fingers? Still there. Cock? Still soft. His usual morning wood was faltered, like one of those old gas cars trying to sputter to life on a cold morning. The ones that used to exist before President Warren and Vice President Steve Rogers mandated zero emission vehicles. The ones that commenters on erotic...

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Debbies School Hockey Career Ends With The Cane

Debbie attended her interview at Warwick University where her boyfriend Mike was a first-year student. She had acquitted herself excellently during the interview and the professor who conducted it told her he expected that she would be a credit to the university. Miss Artur, the head of her school had given her a glowing reference and she had impressed him with her outgoing personality, academic, and sporting prowess.She was only going to be with Mike for a couple of hours as she had to get the...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 79 The Stallion

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

1 year ago
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Those Days ofCh 6667

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 66 Fanning the Blaze Even the following morning, when we discovered that Barbara hadn’t returned home, as I found I was still feeling a little drained I spent a long time down beneath the sheets, with my head between Helen’s thighs. After giving her a series of small but obviously satisfying climaxes we both dozed off again. The sound of the telephone ringing finally...

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The Pink Pussy Club

As i get ready every Saturday thinking of Mistress Terie, make-up complete slipping on my fully fashoined stockings, my sluttiest red dress, and my 5" heels, thinking of her i'm already leaking pre-cum in my black satin knickers, i can't wait to see her again, sliding in to the taxi, Tony says wow Maria you look gorgeous tonight The Pink Pussy he said smiling? Of course i said it's Mistress Terie's night tonight i never miss her.Pulling up he said the usual payment on the way home oh yes i said...

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Monis challenge

Hi I am Mark , the hubby, to Moni. As you may know from out previous stories She is my shared hotwife and very proud of her. I doubt there is a man out there that can resist her and one day she I dared her to prove it. Some years ago we were on a vacation road trip to Minneapolis from Canada, just a short 8 hour drive. At the time she was 45 and still more gorgeous than ever standing at her 5'tall height,110lbs 34 C mid length dark brown hair. And all that after 3 k**s still.We had her...

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The Barstow GirlsChapter 2

On Saturday I drove by the clinic with Jake. Sharon closed up and climbed into the truck; instantly my dog went to her. "Hey, Jake, you're supposed to be my dog," we both laughed. We went to the street fair and walked around. Sharon held my hand and had Jake on his leash in her other hand. We went to the hot dog stand and I ordered three hot dogs. One for each of us. Jake had his gone before we even got mustard put on ours. Mom and Dad were there and I asked them if they would watch...

2 years ago
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The Network Boy 2

THE NETWORK BOY (2). 2. INTRODUCED ….WITH A THREESOME. I got frustrated, I began to doubt Eddie’s claims after the third time ringing the number he had given me. There had been no answer as I’d let the phone ring for fully five minutes. Each time I’d tried to get in touch with him I’d had a delicious sexual tingle running through my body, thinking about what I had done with Eddie in the works hut, only to be disappointed at the unanswered call. I was going to give it one last shot, one...

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The Rape of Bliss0

"Come on, Kaitlyn that's just mean." "Shut up." the former diva's champion started choking Alexa. "Listen here you little bitch, I'm gonna fuck you until I'm satisfied and there is nothing you can do about it." Alexa looked at Kaitlyn with fear. Kaitlyn let go off Alexa's throat and as Alexa started gasping for air, Kaitlyn ripped open Alexa's shorts and then pulled her cock out of her jean shorts. Her cock was thick and clearly over a foot long Alexa thought as she looked at it....

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Fucking Virgin Kritika

Hey, I am Roshan, 24 from Raipur, Chhattisgarh. After reading a lot from old readers here, I felt an urge to share my story which goes as follows. During my engineering 2nd yr., i met her on d road waiting for a public transport. Her name was Kritika. I offered ma help to drop her 2 d station n she readily agreed. Before reaching the station a car crossed in an absurd manner so I applied brakes suddenly n she was all over me. Her 34D boobs pressed on my back and i was in 7th heaven. At station...

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Live Scene

“Mallika, oh! Mallu, I am home” Aravind yelled as he walked into the back door of his house. “Mallika, are you home”? No answer. Aravind made his way to the refrigerator where he grabbed an ice-cold coke. Making his way to the hall, he heard a noise coming from his bedroom. Aravind continued down the hallway, the noise was getting louder; he cocked his head to the side. Was his wife ill? The sounds were low moaning noises; he immediately became concerned as he reached the door to their bedroom....

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Adult Friend Finder

I joined Adult Friend Finder one day for kicks. It was one of those” I’m horny, so why not” moments. It was interesting to say the least. As usual with these types of websites, the men out numbered the women roughly 100 to 1. I thought my chances of actually meeting someone to be slim to none. But, I figured I would engage a few women to see if I could pique anyone’s interest. I decided to use the softball approach as I believe walking around with your dick in your hand is more of a turn off...

Straight Sex
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Next Door Neighbors 4Chapter 9

Jae was the first to speak, and I was so damn proud of my Principal, and special, Fuck-Buddy... “Loni, I must apologize for the opinion I’ve had of you. You’ve always looked so neatly dressed and have been so well mannered, I thought for sure you were a stuck up little rich-bitch. I am so sorry I thought those things about you. You are so fucking beautiful, and there was no way I could stop myself from kissing your pussy. When I saw you exposed and nearly naked out there in Dee’s office, I...

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Leaning on Each Other Chapter 4

Cassie and Adam spent as much time fucking as possible over the next couple of weeks, adding Jennifer to the mix for an evening on the weekends to keep it all lively for both of them. Cassie was making up for lost time during those years without her husband and deciding to make the move on her son. Adam was just taking advantage of the opportunity to get all the sex he could from a beautiful woman and having his mother's approval in the process. It was the perfect scenario as he saw it.One...

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