Deathbed Ch. 1 free porn video

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Adults only warning: This story contains scenes of violence and explicit sexuality, and is not meant for children or the sensitive. If such things offend you, don’t read this story.

This story is very loosely inspired by the plot of the opera “The Flying Dutchman” and by an old Twilight Zone episode whose title I have forgotten. Nearly all of the roles are played by professional wrestling characters such as the Undertaker, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Paul Bearer, but that is not essential to the point of the story. It is a tale of violence, damnation, and lust, but it ends in a kind of hope. If that sounds like a queer juxtaposition…well, that’s the story of my life as a writer. It’s got a lot of story to go with the sex, but there is plenty of sex! I wrote this one in the summer of 2001, and I still enjoy re-reading it.

Summary: The Hellrider roams the lonely roads, a terrible task hanging over his head for eternity. Can he find salvation in the arms of a woman as damned as he?

Feedback is welcome and appreciated. I will return the favor with gratitude.

by Madame Manga

Part One

“Oh, hell,” I said, and kicked my shredded tire. The compartment for the spare was empty. I had forgotten that Roy had had a flat the previous week, and this was his BMW–I’d taken it instead of my car for no particular reason that I could remember. Earlier that morning, three hundred miles east of here, I hadn’t been thinking very clearly about such things, of course. I’d never thought to check whether he’d replaced the spare.

I sat down in the driver’s seat of the BMW and closed my eyes both in exasperation and against the glare of the afternoon sun. A hundred and fifty miles to go to Papa’s house, and it might as well have been the dark side of the moon without a working car. But it was a miracle that the blown tire hadn’t sent the car completely out of control, I had been driving too fast for my ability since I was in such a hurry, and the abrupt left-hand curve had taken me by surprise. Someone else had been taken by surprise as well, since he had spilled some of his load of used lumber, complete with big bent nails sticking straight up like police roadblock spikes.

The thought of police did nothing to ease my mind–if they were after me by now, I had no way to run. My right front tire had instantly exploded and sent me veering off onto the right shoulder. The ditch beside the road could have flipped the car on its roof if I’d gone in, it was sheer chance that I had stopped in time, though I had panicked and stomped on the brakes so hard that they had locked in a terrifying screech. There had been a rough jolt and a flash of light and an impression of tearing apart, but when I’d come to my senses I had been sitting on the shoulder, my skid marks still smoking. I looked at the four white wooden crosses set against the bank of the ditch to mark where a fatal accident had taken place. Someone had been watching over me, because by all rights, I should have been dead.

Dead. The realization sent a thrill through my body, centering between my legs, hot and fluid like blood or sex, such thoughts always affected me that way.

Perhaps it would have been best if I *had* died…a quick shock and all my troubles would have been over, out of my hands, forgotten. Death could have meant peace, I liked the idea of traveling an unknown road with death my only companion. Though where I might have ended up after taking the easy way out might have made the most troublesome life look like paradise. “Speaking of hell…” I muttered to myself. I’d once been a devout Catholic, but I told myself I didn’t believe in such things any more.

Well, as long as I wasn’t dead, I realized I had better call Papa to tell him I’d be late. Leaning into the car and reaching for my purse, I felt for my cell phone. My fingers first encountered the stock of the .32, since the revolver crowded the other contents aside as if to make itself manifest with a mind of its own. I pulled the gun out and put it on the passenger seat, removed a Snickers bar to get it out of the way as well, then found my phone and turned it on, pulling up the antenna. It beeped for a moment as it attempted to find a signal and failed. This was a country road that ran between hills, far from any town, and of course there wasn’t a cell tower in transmission range.

I jammed the phone back in my purse and swore. Papa wasn’t expecting me for another three hours or so, I hadn’t seen another vehicle on this road in thirty minutes at least, and since I’d taken this detour for the express purpose of avoiding the well-traveled freeways that crossed the state line, no one knew where I was. Even if Papa backtracked to find me, he wouldn’t realize I had wandered fifty miles north of my usual route, since I hadn’t told him my exact plans when I had called him that morning, I had been frantic to get on the road and had told him nothing but the bare facts. I was well and truly stuck unless someone stopped to help.

Where was the next house or ranch? I’d never driven this way before, so I had no idea, but probably the nearest people were miles away–I’d last passed a driveway and mailbox three quarters of an hour before doing seventy, and there were no fences or cows in sight. Nothing but rolling brown hills slashed with an occasional ravine, the black strip of road winding along a dry creekbed before ascending one of the lower hills some distance to the west, my direction of travel. It might have been the Sahara Desert for all the signs of life or settlement I could see.

Getting a map out of the glove compartment, I studied the route. No towns were marked along the road for twenty miles to the east and fifty miles to the west. I had two choices. I could stay with the car and hope someone came along before dark, or I could start hiking in the hot sun under the cloudless sky with no water and not much idea of my destination. I decided to stay with the car.

More than five hours later I was beginning to regret that decision. Not a single car had come along the road in all that time. The sun had declined to a point almost directly level with my eyes as I stood on the shady side of the baking-hot black BMW, it would set in less than thirty minutes. I would not only be stuck, I would be stuck after dark with no food or water on a lonely road without even the option of hiking out. I might have been a little scatterbrained that day, but I wasn’t stupid enough to walk a road I didn’t know in the dark of the moon without a flashlight. I could stumble straight into one of the ravines and never be heard from again. But I was hungry, having eaten the candy bar from my purse three hours before, and I was very thirsty, not having had a drink since I had left home. Was I going to have to stay here all night? It certainly looked like it.

A few Canada geese flew overhead, honking. I checked my watch for the fourteenth or fifteenth time: 7:30 P.M. and only a little bit of daylight left. The sun kept declining and touched the crest of the western hill, just where the road came over the ridge, my spirits sinking with it.

At that moment, at long last, I heard an engine. A faint sound approaching from the west, though still a long way off on the other side of the hill. “Thank you, God!” I said to the sky. It was probably a ranch pickup with a dog or two in the back and a guy with a cowboy hat driving–he could give me a ride to the nearest phone and maybe even something to drink. I was so thirsty my mouth had gone nearly dry. The sound of the engine suddenly increased in volume and something topped the ridge, centered in the disk of the dying sun.

Squinting against the light, I tried to make out what the vehicle was, but as it started down the slope towards me, it fell into the shadows on the eastern side of the hill. All I could see was a moving blotch wheeling
with the sunspots in my vision, the engine growing louder and louder. Deep, throaty hammer of pistons, I blinked into the twilight at the blotch. It wasn’t growing larger at a quick enough rate–too small for a truck. A compact car, or…a motorcycle. Yes, it was definitely a bike, since now I could see the blotch had only one headlight, and my ears could make out the distinctive throb of a Harley. I hadn’t had entirely good experiences with guys who rode Harleys, so the sound sent a wave of prickles over my skin.

I got into the still-hot car and glanced at the revolver on the passenger seat. It was unlikely that a man who rode on remote routes at dusk was a predator–how many unaccompanied women was he likely to encounter? Probably just a farm kid on his way home for dinner, I wouldn’t want to frighten him when he pulled up.

The sun slipped behind the hill and twilight spread over the valley just ahead of the approaching bike. I had a strange idea that the rider was bringing the shadows with him. I closed the car door and put the gun under the floor mat where it would be accessible just in case, and straightened up to look out the windshield at the rider, turning on my headlights to show him that there was someone in the car. He was about a quarter of a mile away now, rapidly approaching, and he had grown larger with proximity at a rate faster than that of his bike. It was a big bike, but he was a bigger man. No helmet, just a black bandanna tied over his forehead.

I flashed the brights a couple of times as a distress signal and the rider slowed, his head cocking at an angle as if he were sizing me up. I could see he had long hair under the bandanna and wore a black leather coat and jeans. As he braked to a stop on the gravel shoulder ten yards in front of the car, spotlighted in my headlights, I bit my lip with the beginnings of apprehension.

Part Two

He wasn’t merely a big man, he was huge. Shoulders like an eight-lane highway, enormous hands in black fingerless gloves, muscular legs that went on for miles. As he sat upright in the saddle of the big pearl-white Harley, his feet planted flat on the ground, his knees bent at enough of an angle that his thighs pushed up the folded flaps of the coat. How tall was he? He cut his engine and left the keys in the ignition, then flipped down the kickstand and dismounted with a deliberate swing of one of those endless legs.

I realized my heart was beating like a sledgehammer, I swallowed hard with a dry throat and nudged the revolver with my foot. A trickle of sweat ran down my cheek because the car was hotter than hell inside after sitting in the sun all afternoon, and I wiped it away. If I was going to get the gun out again I had better do it now, because the rider had tucked his sunglasses into his coat and was walking towards my car, his boots crunching on the gravel. He stood well over six feet–no, he stood well over six and a half feet. Close to seven feet tall, and the long leather coat lent him the air of a caped highwayman, the flaps swinging with his lengthy strides.

I wondered if I should open the door at all–I tried to remember articles I had read on what women should do if they had car trouble. What kind of man was he: honorable or otherwise? Could I even tell from his outward appearance? His face was large-featured and fair-skinned, marked with a reddish goatee and mustache a little darker than his collarbone-length hair, the edges of which glowed flame-colored against the sunset sky. Something about that face frightened me aside from its owner’s size, though its expression wasn’t overtly cruel or degenerate. It was set and grim and…indifferent. Indifferent to what? I couldn’t quantify that face, and I had little time to think it over. The rider had reached my car.

He tapped my hood with the fingers of one hand and glanced at the engine badging and the ruined tire, then came around to the driver’s window and put a hand on the roof. He had to bend a long way down to look through the window at me, nearly squatting on his haunches, and I met his eyes.

Narrow and penetrating under light brows, they looked strangely acid green, but that was probably a trick of the fading light, I thought. Their gaze held mine through the glass for a long moment, then moved over the interior of the car and my body, the rider finally meeting my eyes again as I examined him. He might have been in his late thirties, about eight or nine years older than I. An open denim shirt showed the upper contours of his pectorals and he wore a gold chain around his neck. His face was either too heavy-boned and Irish slope-nosed for beauty, or its virile irregularities fell together into a strangely compelling mix–I couldn’t decide on that aspect of it either. It wasn’t a clean-cut face, or a simple face. The mind and personality and experiences behind it had been shaping and battering it for a lifetime. The rider raised his brows slightly as if to inquire whether I was planning to roll the window down any time soon, and I flushed and rolled it down.

The outside air was growing chilly and somewhat damp, moving the evening’s scent past my face, I caught road dust and engine smell and something even warmer from the rider’s body: sharp saltiness with a musky undertone. It was like worn leather or dried meat, something neither alive nor dead: in arrested decay. All the muscles of my thighs and pelvis tensed for a moment. I’d always noticed that if you liked a man’s smell, the rest might not matter much. He could be a pipsqueak or a gun control advocate and still he could do just fine in bed if you liked his smell. And the rider wasn’t a pipsqueak by a long, long shot.

“Evenin’,” he said.

“Uh…hello,” I replied.

“You’ve been sitting here a long time, girl.”

My eyebrows went up–how did he know? “Your engine’s cold,” he said by way of explanation. Looking at me very carefully, he took a deep breath through his nose, I had the impression he was evaluating my scent the same way I had his.

“Oh. I got a flat about two this afternoon. See that lumber there, with the nails? I almost ran off the road and I’m not sure how I–” The rider silently asked a question again and I said, “There’s no spare and I don’t know this road, so I thought it was better to stay in the car. I might have tried to walk out if I’d realized how little traffic there is along here. You’re the first person I’ve seen since I…”

Again my muscles tensed, the flutter in my stomach probably visible through my jeans, because admitting how alone I was seemed dangerous. I wished I had put the gun in my pocket, though a dinky .32 might not have made much impression on a near-seven-foot monster like the rider unless I hit dead center. I knew how to use a gun, of course, but I wasn’t a hand-to-hand fighter, and even if I had been, my potential opponent’s size advantage alone would have defeated me before I ever got started. A gun was an equalizer, the only one available to a small woman like me.

“Blew a tire on the curve and almost ran off the road.” His voice was low and measured with a strong taste of Texas in it. I saw his brows crease and his tongue ruminatively push out his cheek, and he looked up and down the road and at the skid marks and the car and me as if he were visualizing what had happened. Glancing at the four white crosses, he seemed to come to a conclusion and nodded slightly to himself.

“Yes, that’s what I said. So I guess that I’ve–”

“Been waiting just for me?” he said, straightening up without even the ghost of a smile. “Come on, get out.”


“Get out of the car, girl.” He rapped on the roof with a note of mild impatience. “Fancy set of wheels, but it’s not going anywhere right now. I’ll take you where you need to be.” Pointing his chin at his bike, he looked down at me. I didn’t move. How could I put myself into the hands of
a man like him, a formidable stranger whose trustworthiness was entirely unknown? He smiled slightly, the first time he had done so. The expression improved his looks considerably–all the angles of his face realigned, and my heart jumped. “Now, this is assuming you don’t want to sit here until someone else happens to come this way, tomorrow or the next day. I could be wrong.” When I didn’t immediately reply he shrugged slightly and turned, heading back to his bike.

I made a quick decision and scooped up the .32 from under the mat, inserting it into my purse out of his line of sight, then unlocked the door and rolled the window up again before getting out. I turned off the headlights and put on my jacket. The rider had already started his Harley and rode it slowly up to the side of the BMW as if he’d known all along that I would agree. I locked the door and looked around.

The rider’s eyes were directed at my rear end, but again I had the impression of indifference. “’Least you’re dressed all right for a bike. Get on.” I slung my purse over my shoulder and pulled it around to my back to avoid banging the gun against him and betraying its presence, then stood up against the bike and put a tentative hand on the saddle. The rider looked around at me. “You ever ridden before?”

I blushed a little, I knew I didn’t look much like a biker babe, though I wore (designer) jeans and an (expensive) leather jacket. “Uh, yes. A while ago. With a helmet.”

“Sorry, don’t have one.” He cocked a brow at me. “You could just say a prayer and trust that I’m the one to keep you safe.”

I didn’t feel the least bit safe with him, not in any respect, but I didn’t have a lot of choice, so I put a foot up on a piece of chrome and struggled to mount the high back of the saddle, I was only five foot four in three-inch heels and obviously this bike hadn’t been chopped low, not with a rider nearly seven feet tall. He turned and picked me up, lifting me effortlessly into place and flipping out the passenger foot pegs. I gasped a little, both in in awe at his strength and in disturbance at his touch. Those hands were so large they completely spanned my admittedly small waist.

“Hang on,” he said, pivoted the bike and took off in the direction from which he had come.

I grabbed him around the waist and hung on as he told me. Into the reddening sunset he rode, his hair whipping in the wind far over my head and the leather coat bellying like a spinnaker. “Where were you aiming to go, girl?” he asked over his shoulder, raising his voice to be heard above the roar of the bike.

“My Papa’s house. I was supposed to be there by four, so I’m hours late. He’s probably tracking me with bloodhounds by now.”

He grunted, which I felt more than heard, as I was pressed against his back and embracing his body with both arms. “Yeah? Where?”

“He lives more than a hundred and fifty miles southwest of here, so I’m not asking you to give me a ride there. All I need is to get to a phone.” This sounded ungrateful. “Um, thank you.”

The rider grunted again. “No, you don’t need to get to a phone, you need to get to someplace to spend the night. No one’s sending a tow all the way out here until morning, girl.”

At the age of thirty, I thought I had outgrown being called ‘girl’, no matter how small I was. “My name’s Irene.” It wasn’t, but I felt the need to introduce myself although he hadn’t asked me to. I wanted to know his name in any case, though I wasn’t willing to tell him mine for a number of reasons. “What’s yours?”

“You can call me Deadman,” he said after a moment’s consideration. He pronounced it like two words run together, not like a surname. I laughed a little, a name like that must be a biker handle. He seemed to feel the laugh the way I had felt his grunt. “No, it ain’t my given name. But that isn’t yours either.”

“Huh? How’d you know?” I felt my hands tense around him.

“I knew.”

“Oh.” This was not a guy who let anyone put anything over on him, obviously, not even minor details of fact. “Well, ‘Irene’ is going to have to do.”

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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK V

It didn’t take long for me to become disoriented. Even if I’d been familiar with the house, blindfolded as I was, I’d have become lost very quickly. Without my sight, though, I had no idea of my surroundings. All I knew is that Laura still had the other end of my leash and Ally was behind me, running her hand over my ass, reminding me of my status as a sexual plaything. She wasn’t the only one who took liberties touching me, I should add. I’m not sure if they were encouraging it or not, but...

2 years ago
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The Highwayman Chapter two

Davey sat astride his horse in the trees, fifty paces from the rendezvous spot he had agreed to meet Lady Jane, and slowly shook his head at what he saw. Silhouetted in the moonlight, his new accomplice sat astride her mount. Not the white mare she had been riding on their first encounter, but a black stallion.“My lady has much to learn; if she intends to survive long. Silhouetted as you are, a fine target you make for the revenue man's musket. A ball from a hundred paces would render you a...

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State of ChaosChapter 27 Arrival

Everyone was at the house when Cheri and Tony arrived. The entirety of the Smith and Harris family, every one of their friends, and even Go-Go and his wife showed up to welcome Cheri home. And home it was. In the basement of the Smith house the room next to Tony's, long used as a hodgepodge of study, den, office, and catch-all, had been cleared out. All of Cheri's possessions and even the furniture from her room in the Harris home had been moved in and arranged. Father and daughter would...

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With mums best friend at work

Steve Blake, is a 23 year old single guy with jet black hair, a reasonable figure, lean but not muscular, and is very successful in his marketing job he has held for the past 7 months. His was normally very bad at keeping a job, but thanks to his mother's friend Sally, she had got him, in his opinion the best job in the London. Steve's boss Sally Taylor, was his mums best friend, from school, and he had known her for most of life, at the age of 48 she had the look of a woman in her early...

1 year ago
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Gangbang In Mumbai Local

I come from a small town. Soon after marriage we had to come to Mumbai. We lived at Thane and Husband’s (Sudhir) office was at VT. One holiday we set out for site seeing in a local train. The train was very crowded. He told me to just get into and in case we separate, I should get down at VT and wait for him at the platform. Else, I could return home, without worrying much. As feared, immediately upon entering I lost track of him. It was so crowded, there was no place to move. Somehow I stood...

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XMen Generations

August 4th 1977 was the date the death knell of the X-Men had been signed. Cyclops was gone. The leader of the X-Men was dead. Charles Xavier was gone. The founder of the X-Men was in space to find a new home for mutant Skrulls. Jean Grey was gone. The light of the X-Men had resigned out of a fervent belief that Cyclops was still alive. Magneto had returned to Genosha, with Polaris going with him. Bishop had returned to some desolate future. Gambit had resigned to lead the Thieves' Guild....

2 years ago
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Wife Caught With Boss Part 3

I still could not believe I was looking at my wife playing with another man's cock.I licked two of my fingers and slowly slid them as far as they would go into her inviting cunt, then I curled them slightly and started to massage her g spot very slowly, I knew she loved this and that it would drive her wild.Dave's cock was now fully erect again, my wife was slowly twisting and rubbing the shaft, he had a look of sheer pleasure on his face.I stopped rubbing my wife's g spot and started to finger...

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Monica and the Three Girls Part 7 concluded

"Ummmm... this is really weird. A moment ago I honestly wasn't feeling the urges. And now, I think I am again." "But you were able to take all of it off to shower. That is so weird." "Yeah I don't get it either." Things were building rapidly, and she could see it on my face. "Oh dear. Do we need to get you dressed again?" "Uh, yeah, please. It's building up really fast." "Okay, but let me get you some clean things to wear. Just try to hang on for a minute." She went down to...

3 years ago
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Family Truth or dare

Characters William Harris - Father 49 years old Emma Harris - Mother 42 years old Avery Harris - Daughter 18 years old Helen Harris - Daughter 18 years old Rick Lewis - Father 48 years old Mia Lewis - Mother 44 years old Alisa Lewis - Daughter: 18 years old Daniel Lewis - Son: 18 years old Story The Lewis and Harris family had a tradition of playing games on Friday night. That night wasn't any different and everybody was already waiting for the Lewis family to come over. The doorbell ring at...

1 year ago
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An After School Encounter

It was a late fall day as I left school mixing in with the gaggle of students you would see at any inner city high school. Terrance, a student from my history class caught up with me '...Hey David wait up...' I turned to see Terrance coming through the crowd and wondered what is it he wanted. Terrance caught up with me and explained '...Ms. Wilson, our history teacher, said I should try and get with you and ask you to help me with my history assignments...' I looked at Terrance rather...

3 years ago
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Thick Beckys Ballad

She stripped naked. Becky turned the shower on and looked in the mirror at her nude curves before stepping in the shower. Tonight was the big game for her Cougars. Where she slept was decked out in school colors: red and white. She left the shower curtain open. She was kind of in a rush and she liked to dance naked in the shower, leaving the mirror open. As she twerked in the shower, she heard this from one of her sorority sisters:“You dancing in the shower again?! Hurry up already!”Becky...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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First Pt2

There we were, waiting for Sarah to get out of work. Joe and I had just been out about town having some fun and smoking some really good pot. We were nicely buzzed and just kicking back enjoying the Summer night, leaning against the car while waiting. I'm having a hard time waiting, because I inevitably get horny when I smoke and Sarah and I hadn't fucked for a few days.When Sarah finally got out of work, we jumped in the car with her driving. The plan was to take Joe home then go to Sarah's...

2 years ago
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Body Snatch

In layman terms my work involved using a normal person's electronic brain impulses to stimulate and bring a patient out of a coma or catatonic state. My assistant was a graduate student named Burt Winters. Burt was a young good-looking guy, quite popular on campus. He took over teaching most of my classes and he probably has slept with all the good-looking female undergrads attending. Most men would probably feel envious, I really didn't care, I didn't even think about sex. In fact one...

2 years ago
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This Really Blows

I shut the metal stall door, and surveyed the nasty Texaco crapper. I knew if I hadn't been so overindulgent with my boozing of earlier, I'd not been forced to stop and pay this lovely place a visit. But it would also serve as a haven for a quick fix of the wrist-jerk variety, so I didn't mind as much as I led on. I just liked to bitch, even if only to my own self. If I wasn't the vain, or masochistic—or both—bastard that I was, I'd have made due with taking care of business by pulling...

3 years ago
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Trapped By Girlfriend And Her Married Sister

Hi friends, myself rohit from raipur chhatissgarh. Age 27 good looking guy with 9″ size. I have been iss fan for last 5 years so finally decided to write my own experience. Any girls aur bhabhis in c. G can contact me at Privacy guaranteed. Coming to the story my gf name is riya a bomb white as milk height 5.4″ figure 34 26 30. Long black hairs till waist always in tight jeans. It have been 3 months to our relationship we have done kiss and fun in movies and in drive but till now I haven’t...

4 years ago
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He Controlled My Life And Body

Hi I am Sharika 23 from Chandigarh my height is 5.3 with weight of 54. Today I am going to write about my first experience I never wanted that anybody come to know about all this but had to write here as I was not able to keep this secret with myself and hence I decided to share my experiences over net. Please note that whatever I write is completely true but do not consider me a bad girl, you can consider me girl with week will power towards her ethics. I share my deepest secrets here online...

4 years ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 71

"So, there it is Emily," Elizabeth said in an almost exasperated tone, "Aunt Caitlin, when she stops laughing, says I should leave it alone." Caitlin Winsor, sitting opposite the others, was indeed viewing the Queen's discomfort mirthfully and just managing not to laugh outright, "I also said they should sort it out themselves." Elizabeth glared back at her aunt, "Oh I agree, but there is the small problem that none of them knows about the others – to be exact I presume each knows...

2 years ago
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Abigail and Emily Ch 02

I’d expected Emily to be mortified that I’d found her sleeping naked outdoors, but she made no move to put her discarded bikini back on. Instead, she made idle chit-chat, stretching lazily in the sun. I treaded water as we talked, thinking to myself over and over, Act normal. Act normal. I was so rattled by my close call that I was shaking. I struggled to keep my voice calm. Emily showed no suspicion that I’d done anything while she was sleeping. I was so ashamed of what I’d done that I...

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Chrissi erpresst und verliebt

Chrissi ist 18 ein ganz normales 18 jährigem Mädchen das auf dem Gymnasium in die 12 klasse geht. Sie hat dunkelbraune, leicht rötliche Haare. Sie ist 1,55 groß und zierlich gebaut. Einen süßen festen hintern und ein a Körbchen wovon sie immer denkt es könnte ja mal wachsen.... sie ist eine durchschnittliche Schülerin und allgemein eben ein typisches Mädchen... Sie hatte bisher 2-3 sex mit ein und demselben jungen. Ihrem erfreund. Doch da es nicht berauschend war macht sie sich Nichtviel...

4 years ago
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Cunt Control

I can never go back! I don't understand why I did that! All I know is I will never see her again; the girl I have always been in love with. Goodbye my love, goodbye Samantha, Courtney cried.Courtney was walking aimlessly down the dark alleyway. She didn't know where she was going and she didn't care. She was a broken woman. She had destroyed a friendship that she cared more deeply for than her own life. She didn't cry she couldn't; tears were not enough to quell her pain. Her heart hurt and yet...

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At least once a week I make a point of blowing him. He has the biggest cock I have ever had, eight inches and thick and at other times I suck his cock as foreplay before we fuck. “I really would love to watch another male blow you,” I whispered as he was about to blow while we were holidaying in a five-star hotel in a tropical paradise. “Make it happen baby, would love you to watch,” he groaned as his breathing quickened before he shuddered and had a huge climax. I made some discrete...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 30

Jan was somewhat disappointed when she saw Bryant making up his couch. She wasn't certain how far she wanted the night to go but she disliked the fact that the decision had already been made. She sat down in the chair opposite the coach and tucked her legs beneath her. Her silk robe fell open and her off-white panties were visible until she closed the robe. She chatted with Bryant, extending her legs and adjusting her posture to try to keep Bryant interested. He seemed resolved to sleeping...

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ClaireChapter 1

It’s a funny thing, time. It dulls the senses and affects your memories. Be honest, can you truthfully say that the things you remember from twenty years ago really happened the way you remember them? Some of the memories from my youth feel as if they are in black and white, like some Saturday afternoon matinee from the 50s on an obscure satellite channel. While others are in vibrant colour and full 3D. And yet, it’s those full-colour blockbuster memories that I’m sure are the ones most...

2 years ago
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My Demon Prince Chapter 6 Mother

Introduction: heres chapter six i know its short and im sorry but thw next part is a chapter on its own. again please tell me if you loved it or hated it Chapter 6 >,Mother >,ã, >,ã, >,ã, >,ã, >,ã, >,Vilen opened her eyes and looked at herself. She was still dressed. She sighed and looked at him. He was sleeping heavily. Vilen got up an changed into a short red dress lace stockings and high boots. >,She quietly walked out of the room and grabbed her...

1 year ago
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Those Little Girls Just when you did not think life could get any worse

Those Little Girl's: Just when you did not think life could get any worse Part 2 By Princess Pantyboy Kelly/Kellie: Me 10 year old boy Sally: my older sister 14 years old Peggy: my little sister 4 years old Cindy: 6-year old bully girl Karen: 6-year old bully girl Oh, my god these girls are crazy. What am I saying, they have me dressed up like a little girl and a little baby girl at that. I am the one that is supposed to be older...

3 years ago
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Mutual pantyhose wank further adventures

After a few further meetings at the country park where Ray and I continued enjoying wanking each other, I asked Ray how he would feel about various possible scenarios. He was interested in some and as we had gotten to know each other well enough to have a fairly good idea of each other's boundaries ( it seemed like our tastes were very much the same), he was happy to let me arrange things. The following week when we met and made our way to the little clearing, after undressing as usual, I...

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My first time with a BBC part 23

***DISCLOSURE*** This story is 100% true, but for the sake of privacy all the names I use in it will be changed.Soooo the 2nd part of this story takes place one weekend after the events of part 2. It was about 10:00 PM on a Saturday night. The parking lot of the sex club was full and to no surprise the inside was full as well. I quickly walked through the main entrance and made my way to Celeste, the trans woman working the beverage counter. I said hi and obtained a key for the lockers from...

4 years ago
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Fucking Desperate Betty

As I crossed the lawn into Bettys yard, I couldnt help but think what a prick of a husband she had. I have no clue why she was even with the fucking jerk off. A beautiful woman in her early 40s, slightly above average height with shoulder length jet black hair and these amazingly beautiful deep sea green eyes that seemed to change colors depending on what she was wearing. She had a wonderful build, a womanly figure not so thin youd have to rattle the sheets to find her but not so plump youd...

2 years ago
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Twelve Boons of the FaeChapter 8

So, as we settled in for the night, resting in each other’s company, I decided to ask for the truth from as many of my partners as I could handle. I started with Samira al-Said, suspecting that she had stronger feelings for me than she told me in the past. If I was right, she was certain to be my third wife ... and the Queen of Libya. Others could just deal with that. “So, tell me, Samira, how do you actually feel about me?” I inquired, knowing that Samira could never lie to me due to the...

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Young Tranny Ch 6 Vegas Sugar Daddy Pt 1

Young Tranny Ch. 6 Vegas Sugar Daddy Pt 1.This is the first half of the sixth story following "How I Started," and shares my experiences between the ages of 19-29. These are prelude stories to the series of "Playtime Stories" I wrote. I hope you enjoy them and comment publicly or privately - it turns me on for some reason! These stories (especially this one) are mostly true so enjoy! I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!This pic is from around that time... enjoy!Over the next two years I worked and played in the...

3 years ago
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smiles kisses and him

My head was spinning, my heart was pounding and most of all I was excited but at the same time I was nervous. Today was the biggest day of my life. I looked in the mirror and saw myself; I was in a low cut pearl white wedding dress and as I looked closer in the mirror I saw tears in my eyes, it was probably tears of joy. The time was near for me to be wedded to the man of my dreams, the man that I had loved from the first time I heard his voice, he was a voice actor that had grabbed my heart,...

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The Couch

I fall asleep on the couch on a cold, rainy night. We’ve been watching a movie and I fell asleep lying next to you. I am lying there with nothing on after having showered from another wonderful day spent together. Cuddled up next to you under a blanket. You too are naked next to me as you quietly slip away. You go into the bedroom, light some candles, and prepare the bedroom for the events that are going to take place.As you come to wake me on the couch, you slide your warm hands under the...

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Dr Nams Erotic Story

Hi all, I am Nam from Manipal. This is a real story which happened 6 months back. I am sharing my real experience for the first time on net. I am a bachelor in yogic science and I was very good in academics. After my studies I went to Bangalore in search of job and I got placed in one of the Health Resort and Spa. I was happy with my work and our main task is curing the diseases with the resources available in nature and through yoga in my past I had an affair with a guy but because of some...

4 years ago
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Kaise Mane Kunwari Badi Behen Ko Manaye Chudai Ke Liye Part 8211 2

Hello dear ap sabko mere salam maine phle ki bhag me kaise manaye aur choda badi behen ko to ummid karte hu ye bhi kahani aap logo ki pahle ki tarah achi lagegi aur mujhe mails bhi aayenge ye chudai ki kahani undino ki hai jab mene us rat didi ki chudai ki to kafi dino tak aise chalte raha roj he me didi ko chodta raheta tha to ek din me didi ko college chorne gaye tha didi ki college wo college girls thi isliye bahot sari larki friend thi ye sab sunder thi me high secondary school me padhte...

3 years ago
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Furry in the park

"I'm not a hooker" she replied. "I never said you were. Its late a young girl like yourself shouldn't be out walking at this hour." " My boyfriend kicked me off his bike." "Sounds like a class act." "What do you want?" Just to give you a ride." Victoria got an evil idea in her head at the thought of what this stranger had said. "You want to give me a ride? " "I would like to yes." "You can take me to the park." Victoria said climbing in the car. "Where is the park...

2 years ago
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A Super Heros Slut Ch 02

Peter was out the door at the crack of dawn armed with his cameras. He hoped to get some good shots of Kraven to go with the ones he had taken the previous day. He headed for the building where he had left Kraven the night before. He intended to find out what Kraven’s interest in the place was. There were two men sitting at a table just inside the door, sipping coffee and going over blueprints. He identified himself as a reporter/photographer for the Daily Bugle, gave them a song and dance...

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