A doggy style
- 3 years ago
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Nick’s narrative continued, placing us listeners back in early Renaissance Spain:
Arrangements change with the two young whores, the confident Isabella and the shy Maria, insisting on whoring for themselves. His companions never keep separate lodging from him anymore. Nick’s Basque companions look different enough, darker skin and thicker build, to be almost acceptable as company to a Blackamoor. The Spanish whores, if they find no companionship for an evening with a john, return to Nick’s camp. And the whores discover they enjoy the difference in their profession, the ability to choose. And the preamble, having the john watch the lesbian performance, makes them ready to be fucked. Age never excludes a john, nor weight. But the slovenly, the smelly, the disgusting does. And none with cold or predatory eyes.
They discover on the last night before they arrive in Madrid the best situation for their whoring. Two men instead of one. Both friends get to be fucked at the same time while continuing to pleasure each other. Even better, they like their johns.
They find the two young men, neither much older than them, engrossed in Salomé’s tale, and, of course, in Salomé herself. Their clothing suggests sons of wealth, new and in high style. But their faces reveal an odd friendship. One looks like an aristocratic Spaniard. The other, a Sephardic Jew. As the whores approach, they hear the Jew comment, “Imagine all the adventures she could tell us if we spent an evening with her.”
Isabella snorts, “Is that what you two would do if you had her alone? Hear her tell stories?”
Both young men shift their attention to the whores, who dress with clothing designed to reveal their curves enough to suggest their purpose without being outrageous or tasteless about it. The Jew looks shy while his friend chuckles. “Hopefully not. Though I’m afraid she might devour my friend.”
“And you? You would tame her?”
“It would be memorable trying.”
“And would it be memorable trying to tame us?”
“How much?” asks his friend.
“Mayer!” the Spaniard mutters.
“It’s alright,” the whore smiles. “We all know who we are. And we’re expensive.”
“Are you worth it?” asks the Jew.
“Most definitely.”
The Spaniard smirks. “So you’re finally ready.”
“Entering some sordid place full of overused, probably diseased cunts didn’t exactly arouse my prurient interest.”
“Having your prurient interest aroused for two years made me think such things wouldn’t matter.”
“I guess it did. Even so, you could have gone in without me.”
“The whole point was to wet your wick.”
“If you say so.”
“I admit your argument had merit. It definitely made the idea a lot less appealing.”
The friends laugh.
“This seems like a much better choice,” the Spaniard adds.
“Do you have a place for us to be private?” Isabella asks.
“You don’t?” asks the Spaniard, and the Jew looks equally worried.
“We’re visiting.”
“But you must be staying somewhere?” the Jew asks hopefully.
“Truthfully, we hoped to have a lover provide a place.”
“A rented room perhaps?” Maria suggests.
“Unfortunately, the only fine hotel wouldn’t work for us,” the Spaniard answers. “And you’ve already witnessed my friend’s sensitivities.”
“An old used bed isn’t much better than an old used whore,” Mayer agrees.
“Perhaps a discount if you can’t afford it?” Isabella offers. “You two seem nice.”
“It’s not that,” the Spaniard explains. “My father owns the place.”
“And my father does his books. And the books of any hotel that might be bordering on acceptable. It’s his specialty. And I train to take over the business.”
“Me too.”
The two whores look at each other, nod and smile. “Come with us,” says Isabella. “I hope you like camping.”
“Never tried,” says the Jew.
“Neither have I.”
“Two firsts then,” the whore giggles as they lead them away from the gathering. “Unless this won’t be your first time fucking.”
“My father wanted to make a man of me,” the Spaniard tells them. “He offered one of his mistresses. I didn’t ever know he had any before. He has three. Two live at the hotel, for free I imagine. One actually works there. The youngest and the most tempting. We had actually flirted. But fucking a woman my father fucked... ,” he shook his head.
“You’re both pretty sensitive,” Isabella laughs. “How about your father, Mayer? Does he have mistresses?”
“I don’t know. He’s pretty devout, though I would have thought Tony’s father was, too. It’s our mothers though that are extreme in their devotion, which makes us want to keep this secret. From them. I think they expect our first fuck would be our wives, and only after we married them.”
“You’d have exploded if you waited,” says his friend.
“And you wouldn’t?”
They laugh.
Passing through an arch through an old and broken stone wall, they exit the township. Isabella, now walking beside Tony, with Maria and Mayer a few steps behind, leads them onto a path through a break in bushes. A small crimson piece of cloth shows her the path. More along the way will guide her. Low bushes lead to sparse trees. Before entering the forest, she stops and kneels beside a bush decorated with two pieces of cloth. She pulls out long knives in scabbards attached to belts. Handing one to her friend, she puts on the other.
“What’s this?” asks Tony.
“Defense against animal or human attack. Do you think we plot your demise?”
“You’re leading us into the woods.”
“Not our first choice,” she reminds him. “And you wear superior blades and have superior weight over us. Have you training to wield those blades?”
“Yes. We’re actually quite effective with them, despite our peaceable future.”
“Oh? Why is that?”
“My fault,” says Mayer. “Being Jewish amongst gentiles I got bullied. For some reason, Tony defends me.”
“Because we have always been friends.”
“And you lost friends because of it. You lost a chance for girls because of it.”
“Empty heads, the lot of them. And if I recall, a certain cousin of yours lost interest in you because of me.”
“Because she was more interested in you, and felt guilty about it.”
“I think she liked both of us, but worried about her virtue.”
The men laugh.
“What?” asks Isabella.
“She never acted the virtuous virgin,” Tony explains. “Of the three of us, she was always the most daring and adventurous. Including sexually.”
“But you never fucked?”
“She wanted to see what men look like naked, and agreed to show us what women look like in order to get what she wanted. We kissed and touched, but no more.”
“I think she became too interested,” Mayer opines.
Tony nods. “Doesn’t her family live around here?”
“Not far. This side of the main road.”
“Jews with farmland?” asked Isabella.
Mayer shakes his head. “A small plot for subsistence. Mostly they help farmers with more intellectual things. Money lending. Crop advice. Animal husbandry, which is her expertise. They also trade with passing travelers. They make jewelry of precious jewels. Her father’s business, and her husband’s because of her father.”
Maria notices the bitterness. “You don’t like the man?”
“It’s not jealousy. It’s concern. I don’t trust him. I knew him in the village. A widower, his wife died in childbirth along with the child. She looked ... bruised.”
“Then why would the father choose such a man?”
“A dominant man to tame her I think. I think he has a similar relationship with his wife, but I think she’s naturally timid. I see too much love between them to imagine timidity comes from abuse.”
“We could use that shack on their land. Where we did our ... experimenting,” Tony suggests. “I don’t know how far your camp is, but I imagine this would be closer.”
“And indoors. And clean,” Mayer adds, fondly.
“An old shack?” asks Isabella.
“It’s Sheba’s place of contemplation,” Mayer shrugs. “A place for her to write and meditate.”
“And escape her father and now her husband,” Tony adds with a frown.
“Let’s go,” Isabella agrees.
They return to the main road until they follow another path into trees. A mile or so along, they reach a clearing with several plants growing evenly. A large house, two stories at its center, with a single story spread from it along the sides, sits across the field from them at front center. A small fenced pasture with four horses in it occupies the space on the other side of the house, with two carts resting in front of the pasture.
“It looks like everyone’s home,” Mayer whispers. “We should keep to the forest.”
On the other side of the clearing they find a narrow path and follow it to a small shack older than the house. “The family’s original residence,” Mayer explains less quietly. The distance from the house allows the louder voice.
He enters the shack and stops. A woman lays in the fetal position on a small pallet on the floor. Her head lifts. “Mayer?”
“Fuck,” Mayer roars and immediately kneels beside her. Weak arms embrace him, pulling her up from her bed.
“Mayer,” she murmurs.
“What did that asshole do?”
“He...” she stops, seeing the others. “Tony?”
“Hi Sheba.”
“Still friends with the Jew?”
“Good.” Then she laughs, seeing her friends’ company. “Oh my. Were you planning to use my little sanctuary for your pleasures?”
“Yes actually,” says Isabella. “Are you okay?”
“No,” she chuckles within a sob. “Oh my. My friends have good taste. You are quite beautiful for a gentile.”
“Of course we have good taste,” says Tony, sitting beside his friend and gently stroking her face. “We both wanted you.”
“And I wanted you. Still do. Father wouldn’t approve. Especially you.”
“Instead he hitched you to an asshole,” Tony mutters. “Are those bruises? And your lip...” he carefully brushes across the swelling. She captures his finger and sucks on it. Laughing quietly, he comments, “Still a tease.”
“I didn’t want it to be a tease.”
Having learned to soothe the damaged flesh of sister whores, Isabella asks, “Where else are you bruised?”
“My back, ass and thighs. I had to protect the fetus, even if it’s his.”
“Fuck,” Mayer growls again.
“I remember you being more erudite, Mayer,” she chuckles.
“Anything broken?” Isabella asks.
“I don’t think so.”
“Your lips and face look like you were hit hard. Mind if I check?”
“Okay,” Sheba smiles and removes her robe, revealing her naked body.
“Sheba?” Mayer reacts.
“You’ve seen it before. And you planned on seeing better bodies.”
“Not many better than yours,” Isabella argues. Full, firm young breasts. An ass of equal quality. Soft curves between, with a subtle convexity at the abdomen. “How far along are you?” Isabella asks as Sheba shifts to let the whore explore her back.
“About three months,” Sheba replies with a hiss.
“Any sharp pain?”
“Good. Fists?”
“At first. Thus the face. He kicked me when I curled on the floor.”
The examination continues lower, to hips, ass and thighs. Looking for spurs, Isabella presses deeper. “Okay?” she asks.
“Despite the pressure, I can feel the care. Just bruises. But he did hurt me most ... here,” Sheba points at her genitals.
“That would hurt most,” Isabella nods, exploring the pussy and finding wetness.
Lying back, spreading her legs, Sheba murmurs, “Perhaps a kiss to make it better?”
“Sheba?” Mayer mutters.
“Ssh, you. Always the shy one. I always hoped you or Tony would give me pleasure. Instead I’ve had none. Could you ... would you mind... ?”
“Isabella. No. Me and my friend, Maria enjoy each other.”
“Then you know how to pleasure unlike these two.”
“Yes,” Isabella chuckles. “Especially considering we would have been their first.”
“Will be,” Sheba corrects with a moan, as Isabella strokes her pussy with a tongue.
“I don’t think so,” Isabella giggles between laps. “I think you will be their first.”
“Ooh, at least I’m cheaper.”
“Oh, they’ll get us too and pay as promised.”
“Good. Ooh so good. And you’ll show them to be good for me?”
“Fortunately, recently, we have learned from the best how a man can best pleasure a woman. Will we be disturbed?” Isabella asks, fingers stroking while she talks, and her mouth returning after.
“No,” Sheba moans. “This ... is my sanctuary. My family ... and my ... asshole husband ... avoid it. My ... father ... says it’s like ... walking into my crazy ... fuck ... brain.”
“Good. Maria? Perhaps get these two boys off.”
“Of course,” Maria giggles. She strips quickly, and with surprising boldness orders the young men to strip as well. “Let’s see what you got.”
The men sit beside Sheba on the pallet. Maria kneels between them and takes turns pulling and sucking on each cock. Circumcised and uncircumcised, they otherwise have similar, respectable length and girth. “Play with your girlfriend’s tits, but gently,” she advises.
“That’s good,” Sheba moans. “Nice and gentle. Suck on them.” She has been watching with avaricious curiosity her favorite men’s cocks getting serviced. Unfortunately, them leaning over her to suckle her tits ends the view. But the lips and tongue feel too good. “I want to see them cum,” she requests.
“I’m going to cum,” Mayer announces almost immediately.
“Lean back,” Maria orders, pulling his body off Sheba.
Sheba watches Maria fist her friend until he shoots cum into the whore’s mouth.
“I’m cumming too,” Tony announces.
“Let me,” says Sheba, replacing Maria’s fist with hers and pulling the uncut cock down low enough for him to cum on her belly. Whether that or the accumulation of Isabella’s expert cunnilingus triggers it, but Sheba closes in on her own orgasm. Seeing the freed tits, Maria leans over, nibbles one nipple and twists the other, the last straw for Sheba’s intense release.
Maria moves her mouth back to Mayer’s cock, which hasn’t attained complete flaccidness, and sucks it quickly back to hardness. Such is a young man’s abilities. Sheba sees the success and smiles. “Fuck me, Mayer.”
He doesn’t hesitate, taking Isabella’s place between her thighs. Isabella guides him in, and he slowly penetrates pussy for the first time. “So hot,” he murmurs.
“Slow,” Sheba moans. “As slow as you can.”
He leans over her and kisses her. Soon the kiss becomes passionate, aided by a tongue battle moving from mouth to mouth. Grabbing her full breasts with his hands, he has already learned to be gentle with them. Only Isabella helps add pleasure to Sheba, rubbing her clit. It turns out to be a welcome addition, because, even with the tapping of the first orgasm, Mayer’s lust cannot sustain the slow fuck for long, and his thrusts become energetic, fast and hard, and he finds himself overwhelmed by pleasure. Breaking the kiss, he suckles her nipple as he reaches the critical state. Rapid thrusts end in a hard push, and seed pulses deep into Sheba’s vagina.
He looks at her through the fuzz of his ecstasy. Her smile has forgiveness in it. He knows he has cum too soon. When his penis slips out, he finds himself pushed aside, and once more Isabella’s mouth and tongue work on Sheba’s pussy, drinking his cum and providing Sheba her second orgasm.
Not long after, Tony takes his place there, entering her slowly and sustaining that pace a little longer before he, too, succumbs to his needs. Perhaps sustaining the more aggressive thrusts longer, or continuing to fuck her through his climax, or she has reached a higher plateau of pleasure from all that has happened, or everything combined brings her a third and even more profound orgasm.
Moments later, Isabella asks her, “Do you wish to escape this abuse?”
“Yes,” Sheba smiles.
“You should come to our camp. Our master will protect you.”
“Your owner?”
“No,” says Maria. “We are free to go, but we never would. He is a powerful man, but a good man. His strength makes us think of him as master, though he would never agree to be called that.”
“Where is this camp?”
“I don’t know from here,” Isabella replies.
“Describe it.”
“Beside a stream that widens as it curves around a large walnut tree.”
“I know the place.”
“Do you have clothing?” Mayer asks.
“Just this robe. Asshole abused me this morning, and it’s all I could grab to escape him.”
“We have clothing,” Maria says. She sees a smirk and adds, “We don’t always dress like whores, and there are other women.”
“Who knows?” says Sheba, “Maybe I’d prefer your style of clothing.”
“Sheba!” Mayer scolds.
“What? I do seem to like sex quite a bit.”
“When it’s caring, and with handsome young men,” Isabella reminds her.
“Whom you know and like,” Maria adds.
Sheba nods, but she can’t hide her contemplative fascination of the two whores and their well-done whore outfits when they don them.
She leads them through the sparse forest. During the journey, Maria walks with her. The two young men trail behind watching the sway of buttocks ahead of them and giving and receiving flirtations with Isabella, who walks between them.
“So how did you become a whore?” Sheba asks Maria.
“Not by choice,” Maria explains. “I was kidnapped not long after my menses. My owner, who owns many like me, young and virgins when he takes them, gets his biggest payment for our virginity before trading only our youthful bodies for lesser amounts. Either money or political favors for his clients. Money there too, though less direct. Almost right away I became partners with Isabella, giving johns lesbian displays before getting fucked, or for those too old, just for masturbation. Isabella has always been my savior, giving me love where no love exists, and teaching me to be someone beyond who I had been.”
“What do you mean?” Sheba asks.
“She is high born. Learned the ways of becoming a valued mistress. Knowledge and grace. She managed to teach this country girl these things.”
“So you were forced to be a whore.”
“Isabella and I both. She was sold to the monster.”
“And you say this new master doesn’t own you.”
“Before, we were forced to pleasure whomever our owner chose for us. We are free to choose our johns now. And any money is ours, when it never had been. And we found, early on, we liked pleasuring each other for an audience. And sometimes even enjoying when the johns joined us, when they didn’t just fuck us like bulls gaining a quick release. Or took pleasure in abusing us. Another thing about our freedom. We are careful not to choose such men, or any who disgust us.”
“And maybe, in your new freedom, you can find mates for yourselves.”
“We like our master. And we would hope, if we did find someone, he would have both of us.”
“Or they could be best friends who might share their women.”
“You mean... ?”
“Yes. They are good men.”
“But what about you?”
“I cannot have either of them. Tony especially, but my father rejected Mayer as well. Not enough like him I guess. And now, of course, it’s impossible. Both have been interning to take over their father’s businesses. Both enjoy what they do. I would never take that from them, because that’s what it would mean. I have to be an exile now.”
Maria nods. “I cannot be Mayer’s wife,” she points out.
“Probably not. But you could be his mistress. A mistress for both of them. You like him.”
“I do.”
“I think I have a solution. I know of a girl, shy like Mayer who enjoys a woman’s caress. I will play matchmaker before I leave.”
“Is she pretty like you?”
“She’s plain. Not ugly, mind you. But she hides a scrumptious body. Slim unlike mine. But she won’t go to fat because of it. Her mother is quite slim and rather elegant. My mother has become soft and rotund. You and Isabella, you would make my boys love you?”
“We can try,” Maria giggles.
“Men think with their cock.”
“True. But...”
“We have something to do in Madrid.”
“We ... plan to revenge our enslavement.”
“The man who kidnapped you?”
“Will it be difficult?”
“He is quite powerful.”
“Then how?”
“My master is far more powerful, as is his angels.”
“You’ll see.”
“You should involve my friends. They crave adventure. And despite their looks, are quite capable fighters.”
“So they said.”
The young ladies laugh.
In the end, after an entire night of lovemaking, Maria has achieved her goal, and Isabella’s as well, of capturing their young men’s hearts.
And another couple hearts find union. Sheba leaves her friends to the whores and gets attention for her bruises and fat lip from the two angels she has heard about. They fascinate her, and she finds a friend in the young Basque woman also there. But when a tall and strong and handsome Blackamoor finally arrives at the camp, he takes all her focus, enough for her new Basque friend to giggle.
“Why do I think I know you?” she murmurs.
“You dreamed of me, but in a different form,” says Nick.
“A Russian.”
“I am like my angels but different. I change every few hundred years. This new me is ... new,” he chuckles. The deep sound makes her quiver at the base of her torso. “Come.”
She takes his hand. He guides her away from the others, though not far enough to escape the moans from the cart that have caused amusement throughout the night. This time it adds to her growing need.
Standing in front of a large tree, he removes his clothing, revealing his thick, dark cock. “Suck me,” he commands.
“Yes master,” she purrs.
“Enough of that,” he growls.
She giggles before being silenced by his plum sized glans, whose color nearly resembles a ripe plum as well.
“Swallow,” he orders her, and she gulps down his magic seed. “Lie down.”
She removes her robe, which she has not changed, and lies on her back, her legs spread. He lies beside her, head towards her feet, and pulls her on top of him. He sucks her pussy while she sucks him back to hardness. His expertise improves on Isabella’s great skills, and he teases her to an intense orgasm over several minutes.
“Turn around and fuck me,” he orders when her orgasm abates. She does, aiming his cock, which seems almost too thick to fit, into her needy hole. The way it expands her opening excites her. And the way it fills her pussy excites her more. And being on top, giving her control, lets her set the slow pace she wants, for as long as she wants, and she enjoys every moment of it. His tender caresses of her full breasts, and gentle squeezes of her taut, thick nipples intensifies her already intense pleasure, to the point that, despite the slow fuck, she finds release, trembling atop her exotic lover.
Leaning down, she kisses him. That and his hands squeezing her strong, thick ass, and especially when a finger slips inside her anus, become the extra thrills that builds her to her next orgasm, the pace a little quicker than the earlier one.
Once ecstasy lessens, she lifts up and begins posting on him again, a slow pace at first. Gradually increasing speed. His hands guide hers to her breasts and clit before returning them to her ass. Eventually she finds herself bouncing energetically, and his hands take over, lifting and pulling her even faster, with their meeting of flesh becoming loud slaps, like enthusiastic applause only faster. No longer wanting gentle, she squeeze her nipples hard and rubs her clit aggressively.
Then, at a peak of pleasure not reached before, she feels him pull her down hard, and his hot seed erupting inside her, and ecstasy overwhelms her. Her body undulates as bliss washes through it. Great waves of it. Collapsing boneless on top of his strong, dark torso, the waves slow, but continue, causing occasional trembles until they finally end.
“Mmm,” she purrs. And sleeps.
“Hi,” she smiles up at him when she awakes in the same position, though her body has been covered by her robe.
“Hi,” he chuckles. She loves that sound, and she giggles when his body rumbles beneath her. “We have plans to make.”
“Killing the slaver?”
“Yes. And yes, your friends want to join us.”
“Good.” She notices the full daylight. “What time is it?”
“Are my friends still here?”
“Mayer is. Tony went back to town with Isabella.”
“To introduce her to his father?”
“I hope...”
“She’s dressed respectably, like a well-off young woman.”
“Her family?”
“An older minion couple will come visit with her dowry.”
“That’s good. I want Maria to dress me like a whore.”
“A disguise. Enough to keep eyes from my face. I need to meet a friend in town. Someone I want Mayer to get to know better.”
“Will a whore be welcomed at her home?”
“This time of day, only her and her mother will be home. Her mother is ... understanding of our relationship. She knows I make her daughter happy, or used to. Even though she worried about her daughter’s preferences. She doesn’t know we often brought Mayer in as a fantasy when we played.”
“I can’t imagine Mayer can be seen with you. He did look a little worried when we were with him in town.”
Sheba giggles. “I’ll have him arrive a little later. It will just be Maria and me, a couple giggly, silly whores traipsing about the village. I have a signal that will let my friend know it’s me when we arrive at her house, and we’ll make sure no one sees us enter it.”
“And what will her mother think of your dress?”
“I think she’ll get a kick out of it. She likes my craziness and adventurousness. I make her laugh. It’s a rather dour house.”
Everyone agrees on the plan. Even Mayer. “I like her,” he tells Sheba. “Though I’d prefer you.”
“I know. But you’re not attracted to her.”
“Not really.”
“What about her mother?” When she sees him blush, she giggles, “She may not have her mother’s beauty, but she has her mother’s body. One I guarantee you will enjoy for years to come. And she’s pretty when she smiles.”
“I haven’t seen much of that.”
“But a little?”
“Yes. You’re right.”
“Of course I am. You’ll just have to make her smile all the time.”
“I can try,” he grins.
Bright, body hugging cloth and overly made up face prove to be a successful disguise, with Maria matching her. They traipse around town, prancing and giggling, shocking ladies and interesting men, though those accompanying their mates need to pretend shock as well. When they reach houses where not many pedestrians are about, they become much stealthier. One well-appointed house, they stop beside a window. Sheba tosses pebbles at it twice. A tall young Jewess looks out and blinks her eyes. Sheba points towards the front door. The girl nods.
The door opens when they arrive at it and they rush in.
“Sheba?” the Jewess murmurs.
Sheba giggles and kisses her. A moment later the kiss gets returned and they embrace.
“Sheba?” a beautiful older Jewess murmurs. Maria sees her eyes move to her and study her. With interest.
“Ola,” she says to the woman.
“Ola,” the woman returns.
“I’m Maria.”
The kiss breaks and Sheba asks her friend, “Guess who’s coming to visit?”
“Do you still want him?”
The tall, plain faced Jewess blushes and bows her head. “Yes.”
Soon after, a knock on the door freezes the Jewess. Her mother shakes her head and opens it. “Ola, Mayer.”
“Ola,” he responds shyly.
“Come in.”
“Thank you.”
Immediately Sheba pulls the two shy Jews into a large comfortable room, placing them together on a couch and taking a seat in front of them.
“I ... was about to make lunch,” says Myra.
“Can I help?” Maria asks.
“Of course.”
In the small kitchen, they prepare rice with sausages and vegetables on the hot coal stove.
“You’re...” the older Jewess starts.
“A whore. Sheba isn’t of course.”
“Of course.”
“She needed a disguise. She’s running away.”
“You know what happened?”
“I know what would happen. Why her father would make her marry that cruel man... ?”
“Business,” Maria mutters.
“I know. Stupid reason. Have you ... been a whore long? You seem young.”
“I started young.”
“By choice?”
“When would it be by choice?”
“I understand. You can hope life can’t be that cruel. But I made the best of it I could. A friend helped. She ... We managed to escape our slaver. We’re actually whores by choice now,” Maria giggles.
“How much?”
“We’re very expensive. But for you it would be free.”
Warning: This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between both sexes. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can only be down loaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend only.A Bad Hand.Chapter OneThe game had started well. A group of friends, sharing a few beers while playing a friendly game of poker. I’d done well for the first hour...
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“Carl, could you make up the beds too?” Mary pointed to a pile of sheets and pillowcases she’d dumped on the living room sofa. “Really? Couldn’t you do that much yourself?” Mary turned to look at him. “I’m still working on the curriculum for the first day, right? I’m the teacher.” “Oh.” With a sigh Carl picked up the pile of sheets and headed out to the barn. He’d spent several weeks converting the barn into the Lake Washington Drama Camp. This was Mary’s dream -- to start up her own drama...
“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...
Hello everyone. This is a new Girls R Us story. As of this writing Girls R Us is an open universe. There will be three simple rules. You cannot reveal the nature of the Fem Potion. You can change only the males you have changed in your stories back to being male. Unless that writer gives you permission. This is to prevent any troubles with other writers. If your subject gets pregnant, he stays female. I am doing this because the Girls R Us format is too good for...
Hi everyone, I am back. Sorry girls, ladies, however I am busy usually with work, so could not post my second part. Prelude – how, attraction between me and tinkai happened and we hit off together without saying or asking much, its just each other’s presence felt whenever we entered office. If you like my story and girls if you are based out of delhi,, who wants safe sex with no strings attached and discreet relationship.. Write to me on Bhabhis, schoolgirls, college girls, divorced, widowed,...
They were at it again. This was the third day this week that Steve was having lunch with Jennifer, and today she was all over him. Well practically, thought Sara. She had followed them out today and managed to not lose sight as they picked a different place for lunch. Sara could not for the life of her imagine what he saw in Jennifer. Her hair was bad bleach job, and her clothes were just a little, well, they made her look loose. Steve was the section manager and would surely be the division...
It was a hot hard summer rain that day in June as I headed north. I had been alone for months on the road. I had seen civilization a few times since my journey had begun but I did not socialize. I had to keep moving. I began to feel more and more disconnected from everyone.....everything. I felt like I was becoming part of the road or scenery. There was a nagging knot in my guts and a feeling of enormous distance between myself and my destination. As if I would travel endlessly forever and...
Carl and I are showered and shaved, the sheets are freshly changed, and I lay atop him in the August heat. His cock is deeply embedded inside me, but it’s resting here, just enough movement between the two of us to keep it firm and inserted. It’s not going to be a passionate fuck, but a relaxing one. Neither of us has any need to cum. I just like the warm and satisfying feeling of it taking up the empty space inside my no longer lonely pussy. “So,” I ask idly, stroking the top of his...
"How did you get keys to the school?" I asked. "And the alarm code!" "I'm hot," Karen replied. I stared at her back. She was leading me towards the gym. The halls were empty, which made sense for a Saturday night. It gave me the chills though. I'd only been in the building during school hours. The place was too quiet! "Is that your explanation for everything now?" I asked to fill the emptiness with some sound. "Why do you wear skirts that short? I'm hot! Why do you talk back to...
A Summer in Satin by Aleisha James We rolled over so that Sally was on top, her knees clutching at my sides. She reared back as I continued to move my hips rhythmically. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back as she looked up at the ceiling before falling forward to kiss me as I raised my face to meet hers. Grunting with passion I strained to reach her magnificent breasts with my lips. She placed one hand under her left breast and lifted it towards me. Her nipples were...
When I woke up that morning, the first thing I checked was my pussy. I could see it was still a little red, but it wasn't puffy anymore. And when I touched it, it also felt much better again. For the rest of the day, the routine of the previous week started again. I would watch over Sandy while Loesje had her two kids to look after. However, we would stay together for the rest of the week, because the kids seemed to like each other's company. In the evening, I had a visit of Martha at my...
Hi, there. How are you? My name is James Guillaume. I’m a six-foot-one, fairly good-looking young black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’m twenty years old and I was born under the sign of the Aquarius. Which pretty much makes me an inquisitive and open-minded person by nature. Lucky me. Because life has been throwing me all kinds of challenges lately. I’ve done my best to meet them. It comes with being what I am. What am I? One of those beings whom modern-day humans refuse...
I just love Saturday mornings! I mean, sleep in until you're fully rested; roll over and grab another hour if you want! Then just lie in bed for another few minutes to slowly stretch alive! The first cup of morning coffee! Strong! Hot! With just a little sugar and cream to cut the acidity; as I contemplate the coming day, my afternoon and evening plans; and just enjoy my feelings of well rested good health. I think it's called being 'self-indulgent' and 'lazy'... ... and ain't it...
I had spoken to Sir (he never told me his name) on a gay chat line several times, but in all honesty, he lived too far away so i never really followed it up , and just enjoyed playing with myself while I spoke to him I don't know what changed really, but he was on line last week so I requested a one-to-one conversation with him.Sir describes himself a a six foot genuine dominant master, and is 67. His conversational tone is almost matter of fact,, but if you step out of line he will correct...
I walked around in a semi-dazed state for a few days after the hot tub incident with Ashley. Even my wife asked me if I was ok.Contributing to Ashley's penchant for spying on her mother and me while we were having sex was one thing. Copping a feel of my cock -- practically right in front of her mother -- and jerking me off underwater was completely different!Moral issues notwithstanding, I walked around in a constant semi-erect state for the next week. Ever ready to engage my wife in whatever...
I next awoke to April straddling me, her sweet, golden pussy engulfing my cock, very much bareback. Oh, fuck, yes ... despite my relative weakness and discomfort, it was worth it to feel a woman’s hot, wet cunt surrounding my dick at last. It had been so long since I felt that amazing sensation. To feel a woman’s heat on my prick again, to see her tits waving above my face, to caress her sleek, smooth buttocks as she mounted me ... damn, it was glorious! Most of all, the look of pure rapture...
Well after months of planning and excitement, the big day was finally here. No, not THAT big day, but the next biggest day: the day I took my wedding dress home! Over the previous few months I'd been for a handful of fittings, with tweaks done to the dress here and there to make sure it fitted perfectly and today was the day that I was to have my final, final fitting and take the dress home with me. I was giddy with excitement as I approached the store with my mum, arm in arm as we left the car...
The popularity of the Plush Buddies show caused us to add Tuesday night and a four o'clock Wednesday matinee to what had started as just Thursday through Sunday. With our basic audience being teens and pre-teens with parents accompanying them of course unless the children were bussed in which happened quite often, the shows started earlier, at seven instead of eight, and we only performed a matinee show Sunday which began at two. Thus Sunday night became our party night since we could...
She stepped into the bedroom, wrapping her towel tightly around herself as she walked between her bed and the bathroom wall to the open window. She stood before the window closing her eyes and breathing deeply of the clean air. The silence of the night was broken only by the chirping of the crickets in the surrounding fields and the occasional call of a night bird in the forest. It's so peaceful and quiet, Kristen thought. So much better than the city. I made the...
Ye to mara intro hai ab mai aapko jaa bore nahi karunga. Baat aaj se 5 saal pehle ki hai jab mai 1st yr mai tha. Mai study ke alawa sport mai bhi accha tha or mujhmai kuch banne ki hamesa lalak rehti thi isliey mai din mai sports par or raat ki study par dhiyan deta tha or raat ko der tak study karta rehta tha. Hamare yaha makan mai 1 part mai ek family rehti thi usmai ek ladki rehti thi jiska name ruchi tha wo jada sundar to nahi thi par theek thi figure bhi theek tha uska par mene use kabhi...
Eric's Note: A large majority of this tale was written by my friend. I changed the ending, polished some and added dialogue. Hell is a City Much Like New York, a Taxi Ride Story By Eric and Friend Don Mason looked at the pink slip he just got and for the first time of his life, he felt as a total failure. At the age of 54 and working for the last ten years in mid level management to one of the international life insurance companies, he had thought his job was secure amid the talk...
I entered my bedroom to find Julie, my current girlfriend, naked and handcuffed spread eagle on my bed. “Wow! Hello! How did you get in?” I asked. “Steve let me in!” she replied. (Steve was my roommate). “I was wondering where you were. Where were you?’ she asked. “Not important” I replied.”The question is: what to do with you?” “I think you can figure out something to do” she replied. I looked at her for a moment, then the idea hit me. “I’ll be back!” I said, leaving the room. I knew...
A new twist that I think EVERYONE who has read to this point will enjoy!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tamara opened her eyes and glared up at the dark gray heavy cloud that was stealing the warm sunshine from kissing her nearly naked flesh. Aside from the small triangle of cloth covering the bare naked slit of her pussy, almost none of her brown flesh had not been kissed by the sun these days. Now that she owned the family jewels of both men in the house, she just ignored Barb or...
OOF “My house?” “Yup,” Missy grinned. “Kegger”. She caught the look on his face. “Umh ... you didn’t know? OOPS.” “Who is throwing it and who is coming?” He asked. “And no I didn’t know.” “Why not? It’s your house.” “We went to Frankfort.” “What on earth for?” “A little problem with the Coast Guard.” He said, “You didn’t answer my question. Who is throwing the party?” “Summer folk ... and a bunch of guys from Central Michigan and Ferris State.” Then her mind caught up, “Coast...
When we entered the house, Carla’s grandfather just finished his ham and cheese sandwich and washed it down with a bottle of beer. Her grandmother, a tiny, thin woman with gray hair tied in a bun, sat next to him at the round oak table with a cup of tea and half a sandwich on her plate. I noticed she didn’t eat the crust.Our ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread were waiting for us on pale green plates. A pitcher of lemonade sat in the center of the table and next to our plates were two...
Straight SexIt’s Monday afternoon and Isabelle Deltore is waiting for her golf instructor to show up. Quite bored and horny, she decides to start pleasuring herself right then and there. She gets a little carried away, takes most of her clothes of, and starts ramming her dildo in and out of her asshole and pussy. Minutes later, she’s startled when she discovers her golf instructor is right there. From there, it doesn’t take long for the golf instructor to replace the dildo with his cock—and he goes on to...
xmoviesforyouHiiiii friends kese ho ap sab meri chooto ki raniyo ko mere kade lund ka chumma.Muje pta h ap sb ko meri desi hot sex story ka wait rha hoga.To aa gya me. Me naveen phir se apke liye ek new story leker aaya hu phle me apne bare me bta me naveen singh kanpur (u.P.) se hu achi business or ghar h age 29 h or lund ka size bi kafi achi 8″ 3 inch jo sabh I females ko bahut kush krta h.Wese me call boy to ni but kam wahi krta hu or pese bi sb kushi se hi deti h me to pyar ko deta hu or leta hu. Meri...
Hi friends, My name is Rachit. I am from Delhi. Now I am a student of B.A in Delhi university. I am 25years old. Tall boy about 5ft 9inch height. Good athletic body. My dick size is 9inch long and 3inch thick. So friends without taking your much time. I directly come to the story. This incident happened with me last two years means in 2013. Friends first of all I want to describe my mom. Her name is Rani. She 47years old. Her size is 38-34-40. She is fair. And have sexy curves on good...
Incestas u lie on the bed on your back i pull myself up & turn my body around so i kneel on the mattress above your head & my rock-hard cock hovers above your face... i lean my upper body 4ward at the waist& place my hands on your lower thighs as i press your muscular legs wide apart & start 2 lick the inside of your thigh... i slide my tongue from your knee 2 your crotch & leave wet & glistening trails of saliva all the way up your trembling inner thigh then i suck the...
The man could have sworn that the people in the mall were staring at him but he knew from experience it was his imagination working overtime. He knew he'd lost the cops when he fled the city. He doubted they'd even realize he was the one that took that stolen car he'd ditched in the parking garage as he'd made sure to wipe it clean of any fingerprints or any thing else that might have given him away. Feeling paranoid was normal for people in his profession and he'd always felt that...
I recently fell off of a bar stool in my kitchen on a hardwood floor and idiot me broke my hip just before Halloween. However,the reason for this story is that while in the hospital for 2 weeks going though surgery and physical therapy it seemed that my shaved cock and balls grabbed the attention of quite a few people there. I mean it COULDN'T have been the first time that nurses and my anesthesiologist and surgeon have seen this before but it started when a female nurse was helping me into the...
A Homecumming SurpriseThis story was written rather hastifully and my mind was in two places at the same time. Please bear with me if you happen to find a mistake or two. At the end of the story you will find a transcript of my wife and I over the last two nights. They have not been doctored in any way other than having important information removed.In our modern world it is often difficult to know what is real and what is not. I would guess that over 95% of stories and videos are pure fantasy...
The Mistress Slowly I untangle my limbs from yours and sit up in the bed. Sleepily you look up at me. "We have to return to the hall, before we are missed," I explain. I added, "The King will be displeased if there are empty chairs at the table, when the dinner is being served." You lift your legs over the edge of the four poster bed and sit up. "I do not actually have an invitation to sit at the royal table" you reply, "nobody will notice my absence, but I will help you to dress, I...
Group SexThis 100% true story takes place in a hotel sauna. A friend had recommended joining the gym at a hotel as an affordable option to a regular gym. Not only is it much cheaper, but they are always nearly empty, so I didn't have to wait to use the equipment. After I has been going there for a few weeks, I was kind of surprised one day to actually see another guy using the place. He was on one of the two treadmills. (Only downside: not a lot of equipment to use!) When I had finished changing in the...
GayHello, guys, this is your boy seenu from Karnataka(ballari/bellary)… I’m 21 years old. I’m good looking chocolate boy. Height 5f-12” and I have 6” dick. Let’s get into the story of my beautiful life with my beautiful and lovely bhabhi “Anusha” and her sister “niharika”. It was my bro’s wedding day. I have not seen her before when they went to see the girl(bhabhi) for my bro. I have seen my bhabhi directly on the wedding day since I was busy with my studies I couldn’t meet them or meet them…...
IncestJune 28, 1983 John F. Kennedy Airport New York City, New York The limousine stopped as close to the Nationwide Airlines terminal as possible. The driver had been instructed not to open the door for them. That would only attract attention. The hope was to get through the airport lobby and security checkpoint as anonymously and unobtrusively as possible. It was a slim hope at best, but a hope nonetheless. Jake opened the door and stepped out. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button...
Gamelin looked at the odd hat that Lady Judy had made for him by weaving river reeds. It was round, a flat brim and a tall round place his head fit under. It didn't look like much, but she'd told him it would keep the sun off his face and hopefully stop his recurring sunburns. He knew he had to do something about those because the further south they marched, the worse the burns were and the more they were affecting him. Vosper hadn't been any help. He'd asked the old sergeant to look...
Being a Woman Hi, I am Madhur and I stay in Mumbai, India with my wife Naina and I work as a Manager in a FMCG Company. I think I am leading a virtuous and a happy life but it could have been a bit more merrier if Naina would have cooperated. Its been only 2 years of our marriage and we have not yet planned for kids for Naina wants to settle down well in life before taking the responsibility of kids. She according to me is very moody and doesn't enjoy things, I am still not sure as to...
My personal maiden sexual encounter with a married lady I met online! Out to all those who had fantasies of fucking married beauties in their teenage! Hi friends and this is Gunjan here and yes my name sounds girlish but I was not asked my opinion when they gave me this and neither do. I have a problem with it fair and have athletic build and I’m 19 years old and currently in an engineering college in the NCR pursuing my B.tech. I had been fantasizing about women since class 6,specifically...
‘I hate the bastards!’ growled Mimosa the following day, employing the worst insult available in the Knights’ language. Illegitimacy was the ultimate stigma in a society that attached so much importance to child-bearing. Glade paused from shaving her fellow slave’s crotch. She was aware of the vehemence of Mimosa’s remark. ‘I hate them too,’ she said, although by now she’d got so accustomed to being a slave in their society that she’d almost forgotten what life had been like before. ‘They...
I For a warm April night, Manhattan was fairly quiet. The further you got from downtown and the big New York scene, the quieter it got; close to the ocean, it was almost peaceful; the sound of cars faded away into the distance, drowned out by the relentless clashing of waves against the shore. Across the narrow part of the East River that separated the island from Brooklyn, it was even quieter; it reminded me of my home in Boston's North End. It had been several weeks since I'd...
Mark woke up to find himself amazingly clear-headed and refreshed. First thing he realized was that he had at least one dream about Lysa, and it wasn't one he could write home to mom about. It began with her doing lap dance for him - right up in his face with her cleavage. And then she leaned toward him and kissed him, falling on top of him with both of them landing on a bed behind him. And if he was recalling it correctly, there was one part of the dream where he only saw his own face....
Maid for the Job Chapter Eleven I woke with a start as the memories of the previous night's activities came flooding back, the pain in my used hole a further reminder of the assault that I had experienced. But had it been assault?! I could have tried to fight him off, I could have revealed Mrs Smith's plan, but I didn't, I allowed Mr Smith to use me as a sexual plaything just as his wife had done previously. Why hadn't I fought him off? Fear of exposure? Fear of further cruelty? But...
China Babe! How often do you find yourself drooling over Chinese beauties? Plenty of times, I presume. Sure, why not? You are reading this fucking review, so I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility to state that you fantasize about Chinese babes, at least sometimes.Well, have I got a mother fuckin’ site for you! It’s called China Babe, and it features some of the sexiest Chinese goddesses you will ever see. There is no censored porn here like you would find with JAV - the Chinese...
Asian Porn SitesAs I lay next to Gracie in a contented sleep, I became aware of a stirring in my penis. It was nothing specific, just a very pleasant feeling. I assumed I was asleep and having a dream after the incredible sex I had enjoyed with Gracie earlier. I began to realize I wasn’t asleep and the feeling was very real.I opened my eyes and in the semi darkness I could both see and feel Gracie. She was laying on her left side with her head on my chest. With her tongue, she was licking and gently sucking on...
TrueOne day Victoria was at her boyfriend Kris's house and they were watching a movie. Victoria was wearing tight hip hugger jeans and a black tank top shirt with a cute blue and white poky dot bra and a blue lace thong. He had on some sweat pants and blue silk boxers and no shirt. She decided to get up and go to the bathroom then get something to drink. On her way back she sat down on his lap as she felt his dick started to get harder and that made her mind wonder. In his mind her beautiful sexy...
Straight SexWHC - The Date Rape by Jennifer Allison Lesley received an urgent call from Chris, one the private detectives. That works with the Woman's Help Corporation, or the WHC, for short. Lesley along with Chris and Sharon, Chris's partner and two doctors help formed the WHC. Lesley's mother helped finance at first, but after the first couple of clients the WHC started paying for itself. "Lesley, I need the help of WHC. Or I should say my sister and my niece does." "If you think...
Hey guys my name is Sid and I’m very new to this website.so please bear with me for any kind of mistakes. One of my friend introduced me to this and after that m following each and every story on this website. It’s really a very good initiative i really appreciate the founders of this website. Without boring you guys anymore i begin with my story. So I’m basically from Mumbai it started when i was in 1st year off my collage. I am an average guy coming from a very decent family. My dad is a...
I have just got back from Inferno sauna in manchester, where for once instead of everyone just standing around and stareing at each other i found my self walking strait up to a guy who did'nt just fumble with my dick for a bit n then cum but a guy who took me into a side room n nailed me for almost an hour!!! i hav'nt had this much cock action for 18 months!!!!!! He had a n 8" cut cock which i could have happily sucked on all day, but we were eager to fuck so he turned me round bent me over n...
Copyright© 1992-2003 There was a young cook with the art Of making a delicious tart With a handful of shit, Some snot and some spit, And he'd flavor the whole with a fart. The Sleeping Tyrant Inn was very full. Before I even entered the smoke filled building I could see the packed humanity within. If another wayside stop was within twenty miles I would have kept going, yet this was my only possibility. A night upon the lightly covered snow did not impress me. I had to reach my...
My wife of 30 years Terry and I had planed our vacation for weeks. We were going to take our 26' sailboat the Four Kings out and spend 2 weeks sailing around Lake Mead. The 2 youngest of our 4 k**s had planed on going. Scott 24 and Mary 28 were both at the house with us planning what all we would do when the phone rang.Terry walked back into the family room frowning. She looked at Scott. "That was Marty from planning. It looks like our trip is off Scoot. They want to open that new store this...
Mel enjoys 4 cocksthis a joint story by me and Mel:ThemeparksIt had been a long week at work and me and some of the other blokes went to a local bar for a few drinks. After about an hour there were 4 of is left as blokes do we were studying the women there and rating them.A bit later on I spotted a blonde at the bar who seemed to be on her own and had an amazing ass that filled her jeans to perfection. I pointed her out to the rest of the lads and they all agreed. Despite us not taking our eyes...
THE TRIALS OF KARDAN Chapter One: Capture Kardan's capture had not been an easy one. The fabled warrior had been cornered in a rocky canyon in the southern lands, and six men were pitted against him. Kardan had despatched four of them in the space of a few breaths, and would have slain the remainder had the drug-tongued art not found it's mark on his neck. Reeling from the narcotic, he still hurled himself at his opponents, finally succumbing as his blade dug into the belly of...
The house was quiet and the kids were all in bed. My wife had gotten really drunk and passed out so I put her to bed. This left me alone with my half sister Sue whom I had just met for the first time last year. She had just left her husband and was in town for a visit with her two daughters. She was a petite bleach blond with small but perky tits. Her oldest daughter Kelly had long brown hair and large firm tits. She had a great little ass and just enough baby fat to let you know she was...
I have been in the forces for 1 year and decided to visit my Nan in her home state. I called her to confirm that it would be alright and gave her the dates of my arrival.The plane arrived on time and as I left the Customs area I looked around to find Nan standing on the sidelines, waiting for me. I rushed across to her and grabbed her in a big hug and kissed her lovingly. I was so glad to see her. When I had turned 21 and joined the forces and hadn't seen her since then. The thing is that I had...