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“What’ya doing?”

The question startled me, jerking me out of my trance. I can slip into ‘the zone’ when I’m sketching and one inherent risk is being crept up on. I snapped out of it sharply, trying to discern the source of the floating voice. It sounded awfully close. Behind me perhaps.

“Piss off!” Jim retorted, irritated at the interruption. He was sitting on the other side of his kitchen table sketching me sketch him. I looked over my shoulder. There, behind me, just peering around the door, was the face of a girl. This girl I had never seen before but then I had never been to Jim’s house before and he’d never told me if has any brothers or sisters. Why would he? We were only the loosest of new acquaintances, paired by our teacher to do our first art assignment together, and we’re not really hitting it off.

“Hi I’m Butch” I said nervously, on best behaviour in a strangers house. The face became shoulders became a girl slipping shyly into the room for a closer look.

“You’re not very butch” she giggled. She grinned with her whole face, her little nose wrinkling and cheeks dimpling and eyes sparkling.

“My dad likes westerns” I said reddening. I was used to having to explain my unusual name. It was a good ice-breaker. She was blushing at her forwardness too.

“Oj, just fucking leave us alone Naomi!” Jim looked exasperated now. He sounded slightly aggressive, bullying even. Clearly he couldn’t stand his sister right now. Perhaps they didn’t get along generally, or perhaps it was just a recent fight? I instinctively took sides.

I tilted my pad to show her better, encouraging her to engage with us. She got really close behind me, looking intently. “That’s actually really good!” she blurted out, obviously really surprised. Then she stepped back awkwardly as though realising she had perhaps got too close. She moved around the table and peered over Jim’s shoulder too; he tried leaning over his pad to block her view but she ducked and peeked anyway. “You’re way outclassed bro” she giggled playfully, looking up at me with a bemused smile and twinkling eyes. That seemed to knock Jim hard and he looked seriously pissed and embarrassed, his jaw set stone hard in contrast to the softness of his sister. Naomi drifted over to the fridge.

I tried to get my focus back in my zone but I didn’t really want to draw Jim any more. I looked at my portrait, disillusioned suddenly with the sympathetic look. I had been drawing him too soft and kind. Now I had the urge to draw Jim as a monster. My heart wasn’t in the half-finished sketch. Naomi was far more interesting.

She was busying herself in the kitchen, taking out pots and pans and ingredients and preparing to make dinner. She started to chop an onion, hacking rat-a-tat-tat with the precision and ease of a chef.

Precision and ease. That was the essence of Naomi in the kitchen as she cooked. I found myself sucked into her world, observing her from the wings as she skilfully chopped measured and mixed.

“Will you stop showing off?!” Jim spat at her. He looked over at me “You finished already?”. He must have caught me staring. I looked at him warily, snapped from my spell watching his sister. I wondered if Naomi was showing off for my sake; Jim obviously had a massive problem with it and he was going to have a problem with me appreciating her. Was he going to kick me out?

Naomi didn’t pay him any attention; she seemed in a trance cooking zone of her own. Now the kitchen was filled with the heady aroma and noisy sizzle of bacon. I tried to turn back to Jim and finish my sketch. Naomi’s captivating magic kept beckoning like a siren in the corner of my eye.

“Hello dears” a cheerful lady came around the corner behind me. I turned. She took in the sight and, realising there was a stranger in her kitchen, came to an abrupt halt in front of me. I was powerfully reminded of Naomi’s blend of shyness and confidence.

“Hi, I’m Butch” I announced.

“I’ve already told him he’s not” Naomi giggled from the worktop behind me. Her mum looked at her quizzically.

“Are you staying for dinner, dear?” her mum looked back at me and asked kindly.

“Butch and I were just finishing our art homework” Jim interjected.

“Oh, are you Jim’s friend? I thought...” their mum tailed off. “So will you stay for dinner? I’m sure there’s enough and it does smell delicious” she recovered cheerfully.

I tried to read Naomi’s panicked expression: was she worried I’d accept, or worried I decline, or nervous I wouldn’t like it? It was hard to read. Even while she looked wide eyed and panicky there was a cute playfulness to her expression. “I’ve made plenty” Naomi squeaked. I took that as subtle encouragement so I accepted.

Their mum was earnestly studying my sketch now. “That’s really rather good I must say” she complimented sweetly. She was alternating looking at the sketchpad and at Naomi standing over the stove. “Although her hair is a tad longer” she added critically, pointing towards Naomi’s back in my drawing.

“It looks a bit shorter when she leans over the chopping board” I replied quietly, feeling the heat surge to my face. Naomi, who must have been listening intently, froze. She had just worked out that I’d been sketching her. No wonder her mum thought at first I was her friend.

Their mum moved around to look at Jim’s sketch and offer words of encouragement there too.

I helped clear the table for dinner. Jim went to his room as I made myself useful; I didn’t even notice him disappear. I kept asking Naomi where plates, cutlery and all the rest were but was only getting short answers back. Her voice was sweet but quiet. Her mum was pottering about tidying the living room on the other side of the breakfast bar. I ducked off to use the bathroom, taking the opportunity to text my mum explaining where I was and saying I didn’t know when I’d be home. It took some scrubbing to clean the dusty smudges and smears from the pencils from my hands properly. I wished I’d dressed a bit more trendily. When I got back the kitchen table was all laid for four. I wondered if there was a dad around; I began to suspect not.

The food was an absolutely fantastic pasta with bacon sauce. Nothing difficult, but perfectly done and seasoned and the sauce wasn’t from a packet either. I’d watched Naomi blend it herself.

Jim was morose. Naomi was shy. Their mum, Jean, did her best to keep conversation going and asked all about our art assignment and whether we were enjoying our first classes at college.

Naomi and Jean were drinking a red wine and Jean poured me some too but skipped Jim. I wasn’t sure if this was because Jim didn’t like wine, or because she thought me older, or because she thought me more mature. A suddenly dawning realisation spread across her face and I expected her to pluck it away but she just asked “You’re not driving are you, Butch?”. I smiled; I wouldn’t be allowed to drive until next year. I explained that I didn’t live far and was walking, and then I grabbed the glass possessively least Jean try and take it away. Feeling excited, I raised the glass in a toast to the chef. Naomi beamed and Jean giggled and Jim frowned into the distance.

“Ms Ruth is a bitch” Naomi whispered softly as I finished describing an funny - at least a little funny - anecdote from my new maths class. Jean looked shocked by her language and Naomi reddened. “Sorry, but she is” she added meekly, her face beetroot.

“Do you go to college too?” I asked surprised. I had assumed that Naomi was younger than us, if not by much.

“Second year” she replied. So she was a year older than me? Okay. I felt a pang of worry; its far harder to impress an older girl.

“So, do I get to see your picture?” Naomi asked excitedly. The wine seemed to be breaking down her reserve slightly.

“Oh dear its lovely” Jean gushed. Perhaps the wine was getting to her too. The wine was definitely getting to me. I reached over and pulled my pad out of my bag.

Naomi held the pad still for a moment, shocked. As she had suspected, I had sketched her as she prepared the food. The strokes played with her profile as she bent slightly over the bench chopping onion. The sketch captured so much in so few faint lines, enhanced by what was left out rather than what was put in. The hands were drawn in exquisite detail as the knife blurred.

Naomi composed herself silently, saying nothing. Then she turned the page back to look at my previous sketch, the incomplete portrait of Jim. “Oh, you never finished?” she asked surprised. Jean lent across to take the pad and examine this other sketch. “Sorry if I interrupted you” Naomi said quietly, perhaps feeling guilty. Then she cheered up suddenly, struck but a fun thought: “does this mean you have to come back to finish it?” she giggled. I nodded. Under his breath Jim sighed.

Jim disappeared as soon as he finished eating, slipping away quietly. At first I thought he had gone to the bathroom, but he didn’t come back. I was a bit startled when I first noticed his absence; the rest of us hadn’t finished, being too caught up chatting.

“So have you been Jim’s friend long?” Jean asked kindly. At this point I wanted to put as much distance between myself and Jim as possible so I explained, truthfully, that I hardly knew him and that this was the first assignment together. Naomi seemed unsurprised; “You aren’t his style” she asserted thoughtfully “its kinda funny him getting into college and all; he can’t draw for shi-”.

“Stop it” Jean cut off sharply. I guess she had to police her kids and their sniping and rowing all the time.

We’d finished the dinner and Jean poured more wine. I complimented the cooking again. Naomi glanced shyly down at her hand gently poised on the stem of her wineglass and smiled warmly. I got up and took the plates to the sink despite their protests. I was about to wash them when Jean got up and made me, explaining that they had a dishwasher.

I sat back at the table. Conversation was dwindling with Jean having to do all the talking but it was extremely comfortable. And then Jean excused herself to check on Jim.

We didn’t speak. Naomi was still smiling absently at her hand stroking her glass stem. I drank in her appearance; her dark brown hair tucked behind her ears except for a couple of wisps that twirled down framing her face; her deep brown eyes glistening and mischievous; the dimples on her cheeks as she smiled.

Suddenly Naomi jumped up and hunted in a fridge, bringing back some cheese. She hurried around the kitchen picking down small plates and some salt biscuits. We settled down to eat cheese on biscuits, which worked well with the wine. We kept snacking and sipping to cover up the silence.

Soon Jim came back through the kitchen followed by Jean. “I’m going out” he huffed and left, banging the front door a bit on the way out. Jean sighed, no explanation necessary, and settled back down at the table and took a biscuit.

“So you’ll have to finish that sketch then? When is it due?” Naomi asked quietly, a twinkle in her eye again.

“Oh its done, you can keep it if you like” I replied gallantly, knowing she meant the other sketch.

“Oh yes, can we?” Jean asked excitedly.

“Mum! Its just a sketch” Naomi reddened again. She seemed be blushing all the time now.

“Its a very good sketch dear! We don’t take nearly enough photos, and a sketch is far nicer!” Jean responded encouragingly. “Do you paint too?”

“A bit” I replied nervously- “I’ve only just started college, I’m not very good yet”

“I’m sure you are really!” Jean retorted, snorting; “I bet you get asked to paint all the time. I could commission one!”

Naomi was beetroot now. I wondered how much of her flush was wine, how much was embarrassment and how much might be excitement. I think the wine was multiplying those other blushes. The wine was beating back my reservations too. Before I could stop myself I offered to paint Naomi for free! Nobody had ever wanted me to paint before.

I figured I was intruding on their evening and started to make my excuses. They offered me to stay longer but didn’t labour it. As I got up I tore the top sketch from the pad and handed it to Naomi, now permanently blushed, who handed it straight to Jean. Jean looked delighted. “Are you home Thursday?” I asked Naomi politely. I wanted to come back tomorrow, but I was trying to play it cool. Didn’t want to seem too eager. We set a date.

I saw Jim again during art class on Wednesday. We hardly spoke two words. Now that I was constantly crowd-watching for Naomi around college I begun to notice Jim in the corridors too, often hanging out with two other boys. I didn’t glimpse his sister.

I had surprised myself at how suave I’d been around Naomi; normally, I got all awkward and quiet around girls, but with Naomi I’d been confident. And I had the distinct impression that Naomi was unusually confident around me too. It was hard to put my finger on it, but I could somehow read that in Jean’s suppressed startled looks and pleased encouraging glances whenever Naomi joined in the conversation.

After last lecture on Thursday I hurried home and showered before walking around to their house. I was wearingly carefully casual artistic clothes, or at least I hoped I was. Jim opened the door, surprised to see me.

“Hi Jim, is Naomi home?”

Naomi pushed past him. “Hi not-Butch, you’re late!” she chimed happily. “Well don’t just stand there, come in!”

Jim stood back, trying to assess the situation. He obviously didn’t know about my invite.

I sat myself down on the living room sofa where Naomi gestured. Naomi jumped onto the other end, tucking her legs under her. She seemed bubbly. “Jim, sit down too! Butch has to finish drawing you” she instructed, pointing to an armchair.

Jim glared at me. He looked fed-up. I waved him off “Don’t worry, I finished it yesterday”. “From memory” I added.

“So why are you here?” Jim asked me. He looked at Naomi and back at me. “Are you too together?”

Naomi reddened instantly “No no, mum just asked Butch to paint me”.

Jim looked like he was going to choke. Then he composed himself, smirked, said “Yeah right” and went to his room.

I looked at Naomi as she watched the disappearing Jim. Her hair was gathered in a bun at the nape of her neck pinned by a couple of ebony chopsticks, with just some untamed wisps hanging down the sides of her face framing it. She was wearing a dark blue tight tank top with spaghetti arms showing black bra straps, and baggy matt black lantern trousers. She looked like a hippy art chick. She looked around at me. Our hearts seemed to stop and we sat holding each other’s stare for a few seconds. She reddened. I smiled. I traced the outline of her lips, her dark gloss lipstick, the subtle eye-shadow, the expertly applied make-up. She smiled. “What...” “So...” we both started talking at the same time.

“Ladies first” I laughed.

“What would you like to drink?” she asked, suddenly serious as though she had just remembered her duties as hostess.

“Well, eh, if you’re having something. What do you have?” I stalled.

Naomi jumped up and started rustling in the kitchen. “There’s half a bottle of red wine from last night” she offered, “ ... if you’re not driving” she added playfully and grinned.

“Sounds great!” I replied excitedly. This was an exciting turn of events. I was hopeful that we’d talk more easily, and re-establish some of Monday’s comfortableness.

I heard the pop of the cork and the soft glugging as she poured. Naomi came back over with two glasses for us and resumed her place sitting with her legs tucked under her on the far end of the sofa.


“Cheers” she pushed her glass out to meet mine and they chinked together and then we supped, our eyes fixed on each other like we were sharing a naughty secret.

“So would you like me to pose for the painting?” she asked coyly as she put the glass down. She looked down at my bag “Don’t you need an easel or something?”. I was sure she was flirting with me now, although it seemed out of character and she seemed inexperienced.

“I think we should do a few sketches, focusing on different details like your face or hair or hands or, well, ... and then we plan the scene, and then do some preparatory sketches of that, and then I paint it” I said finally “It takes a long time I’m afraid”. I had been brainstorming all week how to prolong this project.

“Gosh” she giggled, “that does sound involved! Just a few sketches?”

Her encouragement gave me courage and I went for broke: “Well, that depends ... on the pose. I mean, it depends on what the scene is. It will take more preparation if you’re going to be nude...”

Naomi choked on her wine, hurriedly pushing the glass out away from her while her lips were still attached. She put the glass down gingerly and giggled “Nude?”

“If you like...”

“My mum would kill me. And kill you too!”

“We don’t have to show anyone. We can do two paintings, if you like...”

“Oh my god you’re serious! I can’t believe you!”

I shrugged, trying to appear unexcited. I waited for her to say something. I could tell she was seriously considering it.

“You wouldn’t show anyone?”

“No” I promised.

She sat still for a long time, looking obliquely at me from the corner of her eyes, assessing me.

“Okay” she said quietly, grinning broadly and blushing, her eyelids flicking alluringly.

I held out my glass towards her again, and she picked up her glass and clinked it with mine; “To the secret painting” I toasted and Naomi burst into a giggling fit and had to put the glass down for safety again. As soon as she was calm enough she repeated the toast “secret painting!” and took a sip. As she did I reached into my bag and picked out my sketchpad. Naomi almost spat out the wine again “Oh no! Not here!”

She jumped up and led me away; “follow me” she whispered excitedly. I grabbed my satchel and wine and hurried to catch up. We tiptoed past Jim’s room and hid ourselves in her bedroom. She slid the bolt on the door behind us. I looked around.

I didn’t know what to expect really. Naomi’s mix of shyness and forwardness was giving few clues into her tastes and style. What I saw was a large square room with a large bed – queen size I guess – with purple quilt to match the deep purple padded headboard. Dark mahogany bedside cupboards both sides. Shiny silver wallpaper with purple and black stencilled flowers flowing and twining all over. A white shabby-chic make-up table covered in tiny bottles and boxes and jewellery with a large oval tilting mirror behind. Two large bookcases behind the door, overflowing with worn and tattered novels. A large dormer window in the sloping roof with velvet purple curtains. The room was carefully and recently decorated, and not a hint of a teenage girl anywhere; no horse posters, no boy bands, no silly signs. And there, in the far corner, was an electric keyboard on a stand and beside it, majestic, a glowing white cello leaning into the corner. The deep polished glow of the cello in the low light of the room drew the eye into its depths. I could see movement in the cello. It was the reflection of Naomi, peeling off her clothes!

I stood, mesmerized, staring at the cello. I saw her pause. I looked around to her, standing just in front of me, frozen as though scared to continue. Her lantern trousers were already discarded, draped over the small stool at the make-up table. She was holding the hem of her tank top, poised to lift it up. “I’ve never done anything like this before!” she whispered urgently, nervously, looking to me for permission.

I jerked my eyes up towards safety, leaving her midriff and frilly black panties and focusing on her eyes boring into mine. “Me neither” I confided.

Naomi giggled and whispered “What is it you do to me?”

“This is our secret” I whispered back conspiratorially. Naomi steeled herself and pulled the tank top up over her head.

That moment the tank top was covering her face my eyes feasted on her pert little breasts pushing out from her chest held tight by a frilly black bra. The moment lasted only a short time as she struggled to get the top over her hair bun without displacing the chopsticks but the image will stay with me forever. She dropped the top on top of her trousers on the stool and looked at me nervously, expectantly. I smiled. I couldn’t help but grin. She grinned back, her cheeks blushed.

She didn’t move to remove her underwear and I didn’t want to push her. Suddenly I was scared this was all going too fast and that I could scare her. I nodded towards the cello “you play?”

“No never” she rolled her eyes “You’re so silly, why do you think its there?”

“That is sooooo cool!” I exclaimed excitedly. In my mind I was already imagining Naomi caressing the long neck and plucking the strings, naked. The perfect pose! I looked at the cello again enthralled, and caught the reflection of Naomi unhooking her bra. The clasp was at the front. The breasts fell slightly and swung gently as they were freed. On her short frame they fitted perfectly.

Naomi giggled again, her fingers tucked into the waist of her knickers “I’m giving you a striptease and all you can do is stare at my cello!”

I snapped around to her, startled, scared, realisation dawning on just where we were and what we were doing. How was I going to turn this into sex? This was the closest I had ever been to a girl, the first girl I had ever seen naked in the flesh, the first chance I’d ever gotten. Naomi’s grin spread “You’re as nervous as I am!”

“You are so beautiful” I blurted out stupidly. Now I had completely lost my calm professional artist exterior. I was an artist, a watcher, an outsider, because I dared not and could not get close to people. And I had a feeling, a deep certainty, that Naomi was normally the same. Somehow we were affecting each other, peeling away her inhibitions as quickly as we peeled away her clothes. Her pale white skin contrasted with her beetroot face, the pink leaking into and down her neck towards her chest. My eyes dragged down and locked onto to the black triangle of fabric covering her most secret place. Slowly, her arms straightened to her sides, pushing and sliding her knickers down, revealing slowly the dark brown curly hair. Then the knickers cleared her hips and floated down like a feather, billowing as they hit the floor like a parachute. My eye followed the long shapely legs back up, returning to her glistening hairy pussy. The first real pussy I’d ever seen! The most beautiful pussy in the whole world.

“So are you going to draw it from memory later?” she asked, intrigued. She knew where my gaze was locked. I looked up, startled, the feeling of being sucked out of my zone again. I met her eyes briefly but felt her breasts dragging my eyes down again. Naomi snorted derisively.

I took a step towards her, closing the gap, standing right in front of her, our hands at our sides. Then, instinctively I moved my head, turning in to gently kiss her. Just as I brushed past her nose I got a sudden fear braking me, causing me to stop short. I was scared. What was I doing? What if Naomi didn’t want this? Naomi pushed forward the last little way and our lips touched. My first ever kiss. Our first kiss.

It was just a peck, just the most fleeting touch, but it was on the lips. It was electrifying. As I felt her head moving slightly apart again I pulled back too and opened my eyes to take her in. She grinned, giggling yet again. I put my hands on her shoulders, which felt cold, exposed in her room. Then we leaned into each other again, harder this time, her hands snaking around up under my shoulder blades and my hands gripping tightly around her back, our fronts pressed together completely. I felt her lips part slightly and instinctively I searched and traced her lips with my tongue. We broke the kiss after a while and both laughed, our bodies shaking, still embracing.

“Are artists supposed to seduce their muse?” Naomi enquired; her whisper was so light and kind and inviting.

“Its a bit of a tradition” I replied as suavely as possible.

After another lingering kiss we parted and Naomi stood back, smiling. “Where do you want me?”

“You mean, for the sketches?” I had to clarify.

Her eyes bugged wide, realising the innuendo. “Of course! What did you think I meant?” she squeaked.

In the end she tugged back the duvet and sat on the edge of the bed and played the cello. She didn’t want to sit naked on her piano stool, she explained. The subtle low smooth tones of the cello wafted around and filled the whole room, enveloping me in a soothing musical balm. I focused her still calm soft face, her closed eyes, the arch of her neck, the rhythmic swaying of her shoulders, the perky profile of her breasts lifting and falling, the soft smooth tummy, the braced muscles in her legs pushing down rooted in the floor. And then I became ever lost in my zone and Naomi drifted into her own zone, two young new lovers lost in their own trances, sharing the same music but separately. I was a watcher, outside, again. I sketched.

A gentle rapping knuckle on the door brought us sharply back to reality. Naomi jumped off the bed, alarmed, shocked, fearful. She quickly put the cello back in the corner, shouting “Just a minute!” She rushed me and tugged her clothes from the stool under me as she pecked me quickly on my startled lips before wiping the lipstick from them with a cotton pad she plucked from the desk behind me. “Quick!” she whispered urgently, deftly folding my sketchpad as she wrestled to get a leg down her trousers. Within seconds she had her tank top back on and was checking in the make-up mirror behind me to ensure she was presentable. She pushed me into my chair, forcing my sketchpad down onto my lap; “Don’t move! I’ve got this!”

Naomi crossed to the door and gingerly unlocked it, trying to keep the bolt quiet. Then she slowly swung open the door, keeping most of her body shielded out of sight behind it. Outside, in the hall, stood Jean, smiling. She looked from Naomi’s flushed face to mine, enquiry in her eyes. “I was just playing my cello for Butch” Naomi flustered.

“Oh, have you been sketching?” Jean asked me, eyeing my pad. I stared down at my pad as worry filled me head. Naomi had said Jean would kill us if she found out.

“Naomi says we should surprise you when its finished” I croaked, my throat dry.

There was a silence. Naomi was looking at me relieved, impressed at my quick wits.

“Ah that’s something nice to look forward to” smiled Jean. “Would you like to stay for dinner again, Butch?”

I looked up at Naomi, trying to read her expression. I started to get up “Thank you but I really ought to be going...”

Naomi leapt instantly forward and pushed me back down into the chair “Wait, I haven’t finished my practice and you really ought to finish that sketch, its coming along so well!”

Jean turned, smiling sweetly. “That’s a shame, you really are welcome to stay for dinner. Oh, Naomi, please keep the door open, I like listening to you play while I cook” she instructed us over her shoulder.

Naomi sank back into the bed and pulled her cello to her. I glanced nervously out into the hall “that was close!” I whispered, relieved.

“You are sitting on my knickers and bra” Naomi mouthed and then burst into a fit of suppressed giggles “and you have the most massive erection!”

With the lightened mood washing over us after the near miss, Naomi settled back into her cello practice and I drew another sketch of her, drawing her naked again, this time from my vivid memory.

A while later Naomi finished up and looked up warmly. Putting her cello back in its corner she stood up and swished and swayed towards me alluringly. She bent over me, her hands resting on my shoulder, and looked at my pad. I flicked back a page to show both sketches. “You always focus on my hands.” She glanced up at the door to ensure we were unobserved and then quickly pecked me on the lips. “Same time tomorrow?”

“Eh, that’s a Friday. You’re not going out? With friends, I mean?”

“I’d much rather be locked in my bedroom with my new boyfriend” Her eyes smiled and twinkled.

We compared diaries. We made arrangements. We couldn’t wait so long. We agreed to meet for lunch at college.

“My mum asked me if you had a girlfriend...” Naomi confided, her head so close as almost resting on my shoulder as we ate in the cafeteria. Her hair smelled fresh and minty. I noticed every small detail, every feeling, as Naomi curled into me. I was no longer on the outside; now I was a watcher on the inside as our bodies and lives and minds merged into one.

“What did you say?” I asked, curious and nervous.

“I told her she’d better ask you...” Naomi teased.

“Oh my god, what am I supposed to say?” I asked shocked and scared.

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” Naomi changed the subject.

“I didn’t, until I met you” I replied quietly. I meant it. Naomi’s face broke into the biggest smile in the world.

“Hello Butch, Sis” the loud rasping voice interrupted, prying itself between us. How much had they heard? We looked up alarmed.

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I was 19 when this happened. I live in Mumbai with my parents and younger sister. We received a call informing us that my mother’s father was seriously ill and that we were to go to their place immediately. But father had a very important meeting and asked mother to keep him informed and that he will rush down in case he is needed. My sister had exams and she also could not come. It was therefore decided that I and my mother go alone for the time being. Since my grandparents lived about 500...

3 years ago
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A Better Me Through Genetics

I was running late again. I knew that Dr Hollister was going to be hugely displeased with me. He was so close to finishing his DNA Sculpting formula, Project Pinnacle, and considered me a barely tolerable assistant. Not to say it was all one sided. I had been worked damn hard on my Phd in Genetics and dealing with this man was not easy. He was definitely a fringe researcher. He had a really problem being ethical and we had quite a few arguments over it. When he casually suggested we bring...

4 years ago
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DOTAGE This story is one of six stories in the compilation, Talons of the Hawk by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 1 Veronica Carter didn't see herself as "evil," or as resting on any part of the moral gradient if Neutral was in the middle and Good and Evil were at opposite ends. In fact she rejected that the gradient even existed. In her observation, people who claimed to be good had...

1 year ago
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And yet, she would be disappointed if he weren’t there when she went in. When he looks at her, she feels a tingling deep in her belly like the nervousness of a roller coaster ride, and her knees tremble with a need she can’t name. Tonight is the western-themed party at her husband’s office, and though she hates western wear, hates offices parties and at times hates her husband, she is here in the leather store to buy an outfit. She had originally gone to a western store and flipped through...

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Numerous DelightsChapter 10 Dessert

When they were comfortably ensconced in the sitting room with liqueurs and coffee, the Emir took up the topic of the possible contract again. "Another thing I wonder about is whether the Royal Flight of Air Kobekistani needs seven super jumbo jets and a purpose built Concorde just so that I can get from A to B? Might it not be more use to give the Concorde to my Air Force to use? I hate it because it feels cramped after the jumbos and I don't like arriving before I have left, if you see...

3 years ago
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Raging Storm

Carly couldn’t believe what she had just done, chest burning as she stopped next to the dumpster in the dead end alley, clutching the magazine in her hands.  If this didn’t work, if he didn’t take this they way she wanted, she could get into a lot of trouble.  But she couldn’t think of anything else.  She tried everything else. “What do you think you’re doing Carly?!” Carly froze and spun towards the voice, her body flushing with heat, not out of fear but pure desire. Standing about...

Quickie Sex
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 51

Compliments of Reltney McFee‎ So, once upon a time, a construction crew was working outside a convent. This was long ago, in a more delicate time, and, well, the workmen were a plain spoken lot. After a time, the Mother Superior invited the construction foreman to meet with her, so they could discuss some things. She related how the tender sensibilities of the sisters were tested by the Anglo-Saxon terms employed by the workers, and could the foreman please encourage his employees to tone...

3 years ago
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Nude Beach

NUDE BEACH Mara was very proud of her body. Here she was nearly fifty four years old and looking like a woman half her age. She and her husband Jack had joined a gym several years earlier on the advice of Jack's Doctor after Jack had had a minor heart attack. Mara had taken to the workout moreso than he did but he had gotten himself into pretty good shape as well. For most of her life Mara had always been a little overweight and although she...

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Mother Every WayChapter 6

Danny was as eager as his hard-on made him appear. He went immidiately to his mother and untied her belt, drawing back the front of her gown to expose her creamy nakedness. His eyes glittered and he licked his lips. Helen quailed before his fierce expression of hunger. She clutched his forearms, recognizing his physical tension by the iron-hard condition of his muscles. With as little attention to her resistance as if her hands were at her sides, he raised his arms and slipped the gown off...

1 year ago
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Heaven hotels

Josh continually stared at the gorgeous guy sitting on the leather couch only 2 metres away from him. He had thick black hair,a smooth shiny leather jacket that glistened in the lamp light,tight blue jeans covered his long,sturdy muscular legs,and sparkling black sunglasses,that somehow matched everything he wore The guy was reading a 2 year old fishing magazine. He put it back on the table,looked over to the left of him and then stared at josh. Josh quickly looked away,he panted and began to...

2 years ago
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WenatcheeChapter 5 Upside Down

August turned out to be one of the hottest on record. The growers fretted about sun scorch and finding enough labor for the harvest. My parents had that all looked after. It was a family affair, and we would work early in the morning and late in the evening to avoid the heat of the day. The packing houses stayed open late to receive the totes, knowing they had to be cooled quickly to preserve the fruit. Terry knew my schedule and we worked around it at the shop. It was a week to ten days...

1 year ago
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Behandlung beim Zahnarzt

Geschafft! Der Brief mit den Prüfungsergebnissen lag nach Wochen des Wartens im Briefkasten. Die Lehrzeit war beendet, alle Prüfungen mit Bravur bestanden. Zum Glück durfte ich sie aufgrund meiner guten Leistungen auch verkürzen. Dabei hätte ich in Theorie beinahe noch versagt, nicht weil ich unvorbereitet gewesen wäre, nein ich hatte während einer Prüfung Kreislaufprobleme bekommen und konnte mich nicht mehr richtig konzentrieren. Mein Arzt hat mir dann bei der Untersuchung am nächsten Tag...

4 years ago
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Helping out a friend

I was at a party that was just finishing with my friend Pete. A big mansion owned by some guy he worked for a whole ago. As the place emptied Pete and I were out by the pool deck near the sauna room when the owner, about 50 with a beer gut and body to amtch and one of his mate, who looked the same walked up to Pete and said "so who's your mate?" "I'm Joe" i blurted out offering my hand for the shaking. He shook it and turned to face Pete."So, still wanting abit of extra money?" he asked. I...

3 years ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 1

Ricky sat high on a branch of his beernut tree, which was at the centre of the Dragon Mountain crossroads. Ricky was a bit of an enigma. Glancing at him, you could easily be fooled into believing he was a lad in his mid-teens, not the man of a hundred and fifty years that he was. A keen-eyed or a gifted person could pick out that Ricky’s build, while slim looking, was surprisingly well muscled. Most, with a little help, only saw a skinny kid who needed a feed, just as he wanted them to....

1 year ago
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Rich Married Woman At A Wedding In Delhi

Hello readers, this is Sam from Delhi. I got lots of appreciation emails from my readers. So I am here again to tell another experience of my life. This is an interesting and completely true story. This happened in the last December when my father was invited to a big fat wedding in Delhi. Due to some reasons, he could not go to that marriage. So he asked me to go there on his behalf. I reached the marriage venue at 10 pm. There was only a light crowd. Most of the people there were looking rich...

3 years ago
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VolleyballChapter 2

Lindsay showed up a half hour after my parents left for work and Gaby was with her. Lindsay had a large purse and Gaby carried a duffel bag. Lindsay headed straight to my bedroom. "Sit down," Lindsay said as if it was her room. She said to Gaby, "Show him." Gaby put the bag down and opened it. She pulled out several women's wigs. It turned out Gaby's mom was a hairdresser and used the wigs for demonstrations sometimes and also to sell though it was rare to sell one. Lindsay spoke...

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The Summer HolidaysChapter 14

Thursday and Friday were shorter working days as there was now less produce coming in; Mum and Dad were still up when we got home both nights, so Jen's little ambushes in the shower were thwarted, as we spent the time chatting to our parents while eating our supper, and then had to take turns in the bathroom. I was almost sorry! On Saturday, we got back home about one in the morning. Mum had left the makings of another good fry up in the pan, and there was a fresh crusty batch loaf to cut...

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James Made Me his Cock Sucker

I've never really had any problems getting laid. Sure, there were girls I really wanted to fuck that wouldn't give me the time of day, but generally I've always gotten a decent amount of pussy. The thing was though, even though I'd had lots of intense, beautiful sex with some pretty hot girls, I have always secretly wanted to suck a guys cock, especially an older guy.I've jerked off while thinking about this for a long, long time. I wanted so badly to kiss a soft dick, feeling it grow hard, and...

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Solomons Test part 2

Solomon's Test Part 2 Chapter Three - Solomon's Palace The next two weeks were near torture for Michael. The medical people poked and prodded him and subjected him to every test they could think of, and when he was taking a break from that, someone from the military was there trying to get him to wrack his brain for even the smallest details of his friendship with Colby in the hopes of finding out where he might be, and from that finding the rest of the group as well. He was...

2 years ago
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Family Vacation On The Hills

Family Vacation On The HillsBy: Londebaaz Chohan A rainy dreary dark Sunday morning. Lorraine was spending one of her annual 2 weeks’ vacation with her family in the cabins on the hills. Mom and Dad had gone to church and not expected to return before noon time. Weston and Lorrie were left behind by themselves in the cabin with nothing much to do. If it were not raining, they could go for a hike but it was literally pouring outside. The car was taken by the parents and they could not even go to...

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A Mothers Retribution

Marcus wasn’t sure how it happened. He was both sleepy and hungry at the same time which led him to stagger downstairs in the early hours of the morning to the kitchen to raid the fridge.  He hadn’t got that far when he heard noises coming from the lounge.He contemplated going back upstairs and ignoring it but his teenage curiosity got the better of him and he cautiously walked to the lounge and peered around the corner into the darkened room.His eyes took some time to get used to the darkness...

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Sisoban OmalloryChapter 17

Sissy went on the talk show circuit and did book signings to promote her stories. Jaime Lee Curtis did a glowing review that was picked up by the news outlets. She called her the future, and said when the time came, she could retire in peace, knowing she would be there to take up the mantle. It was not pleasant being separated from my new bride, but we both realized we would have occasional separations because of the nature of our work. I took Katie and we flew to the city she was in,...

1 year ago
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The Steam Room M2M

I had been chatting with this local guy for quite some time. With wife, c***dren, and work we never have hooked up. He said he was a high-level executive at a national hotel business overseeing a new hotel being built in Atlanta. His profile had him at 190lbs, and 6-4 and a married white male. Through all our chats he never sent me a body or face pic, but that was ok. His cock pic was enough for me. He had an awesome cock. It was a nice uncut, thick, and the head of his cock was like...

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Deer Camp

My wife and I get away for the annual tradition of deer camp in WI. Usually, it's just the two of us, but every couple of years or so, my older brother is able to make it. My brother and I are very close as we have a lot in common. My wife enjoys his company as well. My brother and my wife have always flirted with each other. I enjoy their flirting and often fantasize about them hooking up for more. I have told her about my fantasy which she always shrugs off as a crazy idea.Our cabin is...

Wife Lovers
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Hi This is part .2. of my story:50p A JOB I HELP AN ELDERLY LADY WITH HER STOCKING (s) ... again i`m going for the less is more idea.and p.s yes I did copy and edit the putting on parts from pt .1.During the week i couldn`t stop thinking about "Dotty" and her stockings and how, although it didn`t seem right and shouldn`t have been a sexual experience to me it certainly was, and i found myself battling with my morals stopping myself going to my mothers undies draw and stealing a pair of her...

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SargeChapter 18

When I got home I took an hour to store all the equipment correctly, then I locked the scooter to Big Bertha. I also took the pedal bike out for a ride. I rode a leisurely eight mile out and then reversed the ride. I wanted to try the full twenty miles, but I didn’t want to re-injure myself, so I stayed with the sixteen miles round trip. After I arrived home I sat staring at the bag of chocolate chip mint cookies. There were ten left. I was torn between wolfing them down, and tossing them...

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Asli Chudai Anjaan Ke Sath

Read whole story its really entertaining kyu ki isme kafi bate sachi h jo mene us lady ke sath ki .. Abhi bhi yad krti hoegi merko vo… Baat jyada purani nahi h.. Mere cousin ki shadi thi 21st april ko or me thahra tharki.. Dikhne me kuch khas nahi sundar sa chehra kali kali aankhe jyada healthy b nahi, 24 sal ki umar, lund ki badai kru to 6 inch pura pura hai.. Or golai lagbhag hogi yahi 2 ya 2.5 inch k aas pas.. Sexy kahaniya likhne wale bout log h but pata nahi esa lgta h jese chutiya bana...

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Space Colony Maggie

Bad Reputation Maggie Bartowski looked up from checking the corn in her father’s fields as the government transport made a perfect landing in the yard in front of the farmhouse. Her older sister, Stella, stepped from the craft and, seeing her, waved. Maggie trotted back towards the house. Stella had been a government official for nearly ten years now and this was her latest official errand. The township had advertised in the colony for some young men to come and help the farmers throughout the...

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TeenyBlack Kitty Foxxx Curiosity Fucked The Cat

Kitty Foxxx is quite the soft spoken young lady. Her voice is sweet and innocent, but when it comes to fucking, although not a pro, shes got some tricks up her sleeve. She would classify herself at about a three on the sexually experienced scale, but dont let that fool you. Shes been known to have some pretty kinky sex in public, but I guess it doesnt take a pro to get banged in the back seat of a car. Shes got some decent curves for a 19 year old, accented by a super moist pussy. One of her...

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HussiePass Indica Flower Double The Pleasure

Louisiana coed Indica Flower joins us today and this is the 1st time the juicy newbie has ever been with 2 guys at the same time. After a very interesting interview, our guys lube up her 32DD all-natural funbags and her non-stop twerking ass. The action starts with Indica taking a cock in her mouth while our other guy licks & fingerbangs her pussy, followed by the customary Row Your Boat sucking of our 2 hung studs. The guys then put Indica on the rotisserie, let her ride & twerk on...

2 years ago
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The School Part Five

The School. Part Five. “Today, some of you may be pleased to know, is to be a day off as it were,” Penny announced in the classroom where we had gathered. “What we do at this stage, is to talk to you individually for an informal chat. Me with the girls and the boys with Peter, and we have the chat in the bar. So get yourselves into the lounge and we will see you alphabetically so that you can know when it’s your turn to come through to the bar. The dining room is only open during lunch and...

Group Sex
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 20

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 20 For the Smith family, it was clear that their 16 year old son was disappearing, physically anyway. In his place was appearing a 16 year old girl with all the usual girl interests and a keen interest in motor cars. Paul had acquired a set of hairbands from a hair accessory shop plus some ponytail loops. Though his hair was still too short to use them, he still wanted some. He arrived home pleased with his new items, which included a black dress...

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Sleeping with Anu Chachi Part IV

Melodious tunes of chirping birds woke me up from my peaceful sleep. A pleasant sleep which I got after my very first pleasurable fuck session. Smile came to my lips when I felt a warm soft arm wrap around my chest and warm naked voluptuous body of my beautiful Anu Chachi engulfing me from one side. That guest house room was still engulfed in the exuberant smell released from Anu chachi’s love juices and made that morning my best ever. In the cold morning of Mahabaleshwar lying under a same...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 29 At School

"Bye, mom," Meredith smiled sweetly as she stepped from the family ride. Her mother Jackie, looking much more like one of the high school girls her daughter's age than the mid-40s former TV host that she was, looked deadly serious when she said, "We won't let you down, Mistress." Meredith acted as if she hadn't heard. The ant-like swarming of 1,000 students attempting to make it to class prevented Meredith's super-charged libido from making much of an impression on anyone – but the...

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The lady and the Gardener written by female

A lady is sitting in her living room wearing a tight bask and thong set and black and red stockings extenuating her long shapely legs . On the TV her favourite erotic movie.Outside the man in the garden is working himself into a sweat and soon needs to come in to the house to get a well earned drink.Upon entering the house, calling out. The lady exclaims that he should get a drink and sit himself in the living room next to her.When he enters the living room the movie is still playing, the lady...

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Mast Bhabhi Ki Mast Chudai

hello dosto!!! mai ajju.. mai ek kuwara 21 saal ka ladko hoon.mai aapko apni life ki kuch real stories share karna chahta doosri kahani post kar raha hoon.aap logo ko pasand aayegi to aagey aur kahaniya bhi hai.meri id hai. reply me.. ye kahani karib 3 saal pahle ki hai.mere pados mai ek 24 saal ki bhabhi rahti thi..suman bhabhi.2 cotey chotey bacchey the unke lekin phir kya mast chikni maal thi yaar kasam se.ekdum gori doodh jaisi thi..thi dubli patli lekin choochiya ekdum gol gol...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Kit Mercer Coco Lovelock But I8217m Scared

Kit Mercer comes down the stairs to remind her stepdaughter, Coco Lovelock, that she’s supposed to go to the dentist today. It’s an important appointment and Coco shouldn’t miss it. Problem is, Coco doesn’t want to go because she’s scared of going to the dentist. To help her build up some courage, Coco asks if Kit could give her a hug. Kit agrees and takes her stepdaughter into her arms. After they hug, Kit says that they should get going, otherwise they’ll...

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IntrospectionChapter 15

Casey lies in bed, his cock hard as granite, staring at the ceiling. Beside him Jessica is asleep, snuggled with her back to him. He had been pressed against her until he woke with an erection. He glances over at the clock. “Fuck...” he whispers aloud. In about another hour the ranch is going to start getting busy. Bart and Susie begin the day before the sun is even up. Jessica was eager to hear about his day when he returned yesterday from his day to himself. Casey provided all the details...

2 years ago
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My Trip With Lauren Part 3

Dinner was great. Lauren even makes eating look sexy. We chatted all through our time at the monument about the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes. It was really enjoyable experiencing Bangkok again, but in the company of beautiful young woman who was getting the whole experience for the first time. As we walked back to the soapy massage parlor I realized again just how sexy Lauren was, and I found myself being a little jealous of the Thai girl who was about to experience sliding their naked...

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Bhabhi ko chhoda

Hi i am amar from khurda(orrissa).my age is 29 and height is 5’6″.i like to share my first experience very much.i am very interested to sharing my story in hindi.yeh kahani hai us din ki jab may 27 saal ka tha.hamare ghar me ek pati,patni kiraye me reheneko aye.unki shadi ko 2saal hue the.pati ka naam vishal or uski patni ka naam saalini tha. Kuch din rehne ke baad wo dono hamare ghar ke sab member ke saath ghulmil gaye.hamare ghar me papa ,moomy or may rehte the.mere papa moomy aksar tirth...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Lawrence and an old high school friend go

Dominic Bryan sat down in the log cabin hidden away in the Los Angeles countryside. His ears picked up as the sound of a car rolled up the drive, collecting gravel in its treads as it went. He stood up and moved away from the desk, peering out of the large window, Dom saw a big green SUV slow to a halt outside of the resort. Two people got out of the vehicle and walked to the back of the car. The larger woman opened the back of the car and hoisted a large bag out of the back. That must be the...

4 years ago
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Truckstop Takedown

“Jake! How’ve ya been?” the stocky man in oil-stained overalls asked, as he greeted me with a cheery wave. He put down his torque wrench, and strolled across the garage to join me. I stepped down out of my car, closing the heavy door with the satisfying weighty sound of well-oiled hinges locking it into place. “Not bad, not bad at all, Bob,” I replied, with a broad grin. Glancing behind me at my car, he frowned as he asked, “What happened to the Valkyrie? Been looking for trouble again?” I...

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Beckys New GirlFriend

BECKY’S NEW GIRLFRIENDIt’s been a long time. New story.My wife Becky and I have been busy with life in general. We’ve moved to a new city. It’s in a new neighbor hood with a lot of younger people in it. This neighbor hood has a community pool in it and Becky love to go there in the afternoons when I’m at work. She has met some the neighbors. Most of them are the wife’s or girl friends of the people who live there. One day she met on of the neighbors that a very nice looking black woman....

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Spring CarnivalChapter 11

George and I decided to head out to Jim's party that night. Jim was a friend of ours who had graduated about three years ago, but never left the area. He owned a good-sized house about a mile off campus, and used it to throw parties for his friends several times a year. His Carnival parties were famous; the guest list changed every year, because Jim only had one rule for it: If you've been invited, then he considers you cool enough to come. If you think somebody else is cool enough to come,...

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Divorce Women

  First experience when i lost my virginity. This happened when i was in my graduation. We had a neighbor named LATA. She was a divorcee and had recently shifted next to us. But her nature was good and she became quite friendly with us.I used to keep on going to her house to play videogames. One day when i had been to her house in the afternoon she opened the door and went back to her bedroom. I asked her what happened and she told me that her legs were paining. I asked whether i...

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Becca All Grown Up0

Considering I was free and single for most of the year every year and newly divorced I decided to make a big life change and I packed up and moved to Thailand where I could get good sun, eat cheap food, live in a pent house and fuck around while doing minimal work as a university professor online. Life was perfect. Becca first came to visit when she was 9. Still upset with the divorce was excited to visit somewhere as foreign as Thailand. We had fun, she learned a bit of the language and I was...

1 year ago
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A Chance Meeting

The following story is fictional. No real stories, events, or persons have been portrayed. ******** Old Friends This story begins years back, when I was in grade 4. I went to an elementary school called Oceanview. It was only about 300 kids and was in a somewhat isolated community. That year, I met another guy named Ryan. We were in the same class and became good friends. We remained good friends for a couple of years until I moved into the city centre and we drifted apart. We did lots of fun...

3 years ago
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Mom Vs Bully

My name was Roy and You were my mom you were cute blond with blue eyes, and you knew I was getting bullied by a kid named Peter. You were obviously concerned for me because you were my mom. You of course invited him over for a discussion on the matter. He knocks at the door, and you answer the door. It shocked you at how hot he was you said “please come in let’s talk.” “Please take a seat” you offer Peter to take a seat. He takes a seat, and waits for you to say something. You sit next to him,...

1 year ago
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666 Trouser Snakes On A Plane

“Enough is enough! I ’ave ’ad it with these motherfuckin’ trouser snakes on this motherfuckin’ plane!” Chas—only her mum called her Charlotte—spat the words out in a spray of cum the moment the tenth cock in as many minutes slid from her mouth. Its owner slumped, as limp as their spent member, legs splayed to bare the dribbling cunt beneath.“That’s cultural appropriation!” Dave called from the other aisle once his mouth was also cock-free. “I’m the hot black man—I should get to say that!” The...

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A solution

Hello my name is Mark. I'm a 35 year old marketing accountant with my father's advertising agency. My wonderful wife, Stacy also works as an accountant at my fathers company. We have been happily married for 12 years. With our hectic schedules, children have just not been a real possibility and to be honest, neither one of us are in a hurry to become parents yet. We live in a very nice and modest home in West Seattle. And our love for each other is so very strong. But lately something is...

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Hydro Massage Therapy

Brock always loved to see new members walk through the door of the gym. This new member was no exception. She was extremely nervous though. Oh, he was sure she did not think it was showing, but it was. The tightness in her muscles as she worked her upper quadrant gave her nervousness away. She was also self-conscious about her body. It told in her face as other members came close to her. Her eyes followed the ones that passed her and he could see her thinking. Stacie Lee wondered what all of...

Straight Sex
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The Djinn and I Chapter 13 Early Monday Morning Day 10

Chap 13 Early Monday Oscar was just a thin wall away; the magical and psychic energy wave hit him hard, as he was both magical and had psychic abilities, his saving grace was the amount of liquor still in body and in particular his brain. At this point he was severely concussed; the later waves would double down on the damage to his brain and body. All of the wards and charms were fried around the house and barn, everything within the barn survived as the medallions absorbed and stored...

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