Doontoon Abbey free porn video

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Doontoon Abbey AUGUST 1904 Doontoon Abbey is an estate in North Yorkshire, the large and well- staffed country home of the Earl and Countess of Grantham. Robert Crawley is the Earl of Grantham and his American wife Cora is the Countess. They have three children: Mary, Edith and Cyrus. As our story opens Mary is 14 years old, Edith 12 and Cyrus 10. Cyrus Crawley was bored. He was always bored, which wasn't surprising because his only playmates were his older sisters who were as dull as dirt. At the moment he was in the large playroom with said sisters but they weren't playing with him. Mary practiced her needlepoint and Edith's big nose was stuck in a book. Boring! Cyrus snuck up behind his sister Mary and pulled her ponytail. "Oww!" Mary howled. Cyrus laughed, picked up a ball and hurled full force it at his other sister, Edith. It hit her in nose and knocked her down. She began to cry and that drew the maid O'Brien into the room. "What have you done now, you little monster?" O'Brien spat at Cyrus. The boy didn't wait around to be punished. He ran out of the room, down the stairs, and out the front door, laughing all the way. "When I was a little girl," O'Brien told Mary and Edith as they dried their tears, "my family lived next to a dairy farm. The farmer's son was an unholy terror, so awful that Cyrus is a perfect angel in comparison. Well, the farmer's wife decided to feed her son cow hormones every day and the boy's behavior gradually improved. After a few months the he was a different person. He became as calm and nice as a boy can be." "How can we get some of these harmoons?" Mary asked. "'Hormones' Milady," O'Brien corrected. "I can get them from a farmer I know, but how will you put them into Cyrus' food?" "I'm always first to afternoon tea," Edith suggested. "I can put it in his tea cup before he arrives." "Splendid," O'Brien said. "I'll have the hormones in a week or so." JULY 1905 Lady Cora caught sight of young Cyrus getting into his bath. She looked, then looked again to be sure of what she saw. "Cyrus, is there something wrong with your chest?" she asked. Cyrus looked down at himself. "No, I feel fine mother." Lady Cora stepped closer and stared. "You look ... swollen." Cyrus shrugged. "It's always like that," he informed her. The doctor examined Cyrus the next day. "He's in fine health," the doctor reported to Lady Cora, "but his chest does appear to be developing with female secondary characteristics." Cora's jaw dropped. "Cyrus is growing breasts?" "It's probably just a phase he's going through," the doctor assured her. "Boys do not grow female breasts and I'm confident Cyrus won't be the first." Mary overheard the doctor and passed the information on to her sister Edith. "Putting cow hormones in Cyrus' tea is succeeding beyond our wildest dreams," she said. "Not only has he calmed down and stopped running amok through the house, he's now growing breasts!" "Like a girl?" Edith asked. "Of course like a girl. Do you understand what this means? If we continue to feed him hormones and he fully changes into a girl, then he can't inherit any more than we can!" Mary exclaimed. "Oh! That is good news," Edith smirked. "It would serve the little brat right. Why should he inherit and not us?" "Exactly," Mary agreed. "Double the dose of hormones in his daily tea. Let's find out how much we can change our dear brother." "I've always wanted a little sister," Edith laughed. SEPTEMBER 1912 "Oh, thank goodness," Cyrus said as his maid Gwen loosened and removed his corset. It was so tight that he had trouble breathing with it on. He inhaled deeply, which made his big round tits stand out. Cyrus' sister Edith laughed. "I warned you about eating too much dessert, Cybil. Keep stuffing yourself and you won't be able to get into your corset at all." "I can't help it if I like sweets," he answered. "I don't see why I have to wear a corset anyway. I'm a boy." "You're not a boy anymore," jeered Edith. "Not since you grew those obscenely large breasts." The eighteen-year-old boy looked down at his mountainous bosom and a smile bloomed on his plump lips. "I suppose not," he agreed. He weighed his tits in his hands and flicked his thumbs across his nipples. "Mmmm," he purred contentedly. Mary glared at her little brother. "We'll finish getting her ready for bed, Gwen. You can go now." "Are you sure, Miss?" Gwen asked. She didn't like the way Cyrus' sisters treated him. "I can stay and finish." "We'll do it, Gwen," Mary firmly stated, and the maid left the room. Mary turned to face her naked little brother who continued to play with his own nipples. Since Cyrus became mostly-a-girl, it wasn't unusual for the three siblings to be together in various states of undress. They were all used to it. Mary frowned. The cow hormones that she and Edith put in Cyrus' tea every day since he was ten years old certainly were effective. Over the last eight years they transformed him from a skinny boy into a voluptuous young woman. In fact Mary thought the hormones were too effective. Men stared at Cyrus with brazen lust, stealing attention away from her. And his big round tits weren't his only attractive features. He also had a tiny waist, perky round bum and sleek legs. Long silky brunette hair framed his face, which had features similar to Mary's own, although the boy's lips were fuller. The only thing about Cyrus that wasn't gorgeous was the tiny cock between his legs. Mary was considered pretty but she couldn't hold a candle to Cyrus. His saucy beauty put cross-eyed and flat-chested Mary to shame, and it fueled her hatred for the boy. Big-nosed Edith felt the same way, only more so. For his part, Cyrus was oblivious to the contempt and jealousy of his sisters. He looked up to his sisters his whole life and considered it a miracle that he grew up to be a girl like them. Or mostly a girl. His one remaining male part stood at attention now because of the enjoyment he got from playing with his nipples. His breathing was heavy and his skin flushed. "You're in quite a state this evening young lady," Mary scolded him. "I think we need to get out the ivory sticks. It's almost a week since we used them." A tingle ran up Cyrus' spine. "Ivory sticks" were what his sisters called their ivory strap-on dildos. "Maybe I don't want the sticks," Cyrus said, although he did. He most certainly did. His sisters ignored him. They stripped out of their dresses, fetched the strap-on dildos from the wardrobe and fastened them around their waists. Mary greased her ivory imitation cock, then moved behind her little brother. "Bend over," she ordered. Cyrus didn't have to be told twice. He bent over and presented his ass. As Mary nudged her greased dildo into his bum, Edith slipped her dildo into his mouth. Dominating Cyrus thrilled Mary. She forced the ivory dick in to the hilt, pulled back, then slammed it in again. Cyrus grunted around Edith's thick dildo that filled his mouth. Mary bent over him, reached around and grabbed his pendulous tits. She pinched his big nipples hard and her brother squealed. The sisters giggled. Mary slid a hand down to Cyrus' tiny hard dick and stroked it as she resumed her buggery of his bum. The boy was well trained by the many, many times they'd played this game. He always orgasmed when Mary and Edith worked him over with the ivory sticks. After a few minutes his body tensed and his wee little dick squirted thin streams of cum on the floor. "Such a dirty girl," Mary mocked him. "Actually enjoys a cock in her rear." "And in her mouth," Edith agreed and laughed. Their teasing didn't bother Cyrus. He was drunk on the afterglow of his orgasm. "I wonder what a real man's cock feels like up the arse?" he asked. "You'll never know," Edith replied with disdain. "Why not?!" Cyrus whined. "No man wants to have anything to do with a girly-boy like you," Edith ridiculed. "Oh, I don't know," Mary chimed in. "I can think of some that might. Thomas for one." "The footman? Eww," reacted Cyrus. "He gives me the creeps." "Beggars can't be choosers," Mary countered. Cyrus huffed, "You have no room to talk. Neither of you have suitors." "That may change when cousin Matthew arrrives tomorrow," Mary replied. "I hope he's handsome." Meanwhile in the attic, head housemaid Anna found Gwen crying in their room. "What's wrong then?" she asked. "They're doing it again," the red-haired Gwen sobbed. "They threw me out of his room and they're at him again with those nasty ivory cocks. I just know they are!" She, of course, knew what the "ivory sticks" were. She was the one who had to clean them. "'Her room' you mean," Anna corrected. "Cybil is a girl now, and you'll be in trouble if anyone else hears you call her a boy." Gwen wiped her eyes. "I know. It's just that I feel so sorry for Cybil. Those spiteful witches abuse her so." "Maybe it's not as bad as you think," Anna tried to comfort Gwen. "Does Cybil seem unhappy to you? She doesn't to me. Maybe she doesn't mind the things she does with Mary and Edith. Maybe she likes it." Gwen's eyes got big with wonder. "Do you really think so? I could never do it." "Nor I," admitted Anna, "but we're not Cybil. She's led a unique life to say the least, and it may have given her ... exotic tastes." Gwen hadn't considered that Cybil might enjoy her late-night sessions with the ivory dildos. Could it be true? "Thank you, Anna. I worry about Lady Cybil so. What kind of life will she have?" Anna looked Gwen in the eyes. "You love her, don't you?" Anna suspected as much for a long time. "I'm not judging you. It's a wonder more of the staff don't fall in love with the family considering how seldom we leave these walls." Gwen blushed and hung her head. "I do love her. Cybil's the nicest person I ever met and she's so beautiful! She takes my breath away." "Well, be careful. If Mr. Carson finds out you could be sacked," Anna warned. The next morning Gwen assisted Cyrus with his bath, then helped him into his nicest red dress. "You're in particularly good spirits this morning, Milady," Gwen commented as she put up his hair. Cyrus grinned. "We played with the ivory sticks last night," he confided. Gwen blushed. "Do you," she started, "do you enjoy the sticks, Milady?" Cyrus nodded with enthusiasm. "I adore being skewered on both ends! Don't you?" Gwen blushed a deeper shade of red. "I wouldn't know." Cyrus' jaw dropped. "You never tried it? You should! I'm not allowed to wear one, but I'll ask Mary and Edith to give you a go if you'd like." Gwen was saved by a knock at the bedroom door and the entrance of Lady Cora. After the maid left, Cora sat next to her son on his bed. "Today is a big day, dear," she said. "How do you feel about the arrival of your cousin Matthew?" Cyrus shrugged. "He's just a distant relation, mother." "He's the heir to the Doontoon Abbey estate and the Grantham title," Cora reminded him. "Are you angry about being passed over?" "Passed over? Aren't Mary and Edith in line before me?" Cora shook her head. "Girls cannot inherit." "I'm a girl too," he said, puzzled by the discussion. "But you were born a boy, Cybil dear," Cora stated. "You were heir until you became a girl." "Oh. Right," replied Cyrus as he distractedly played with a strand of his hair. "I don't think I would make a good Earl anyway. Too much responsibility." Cora sighed. Her former son was such a bubblehead! "I suppose you're right," she agreed. "Try to make friends with Matthew, darling. Someday you might need his support." Cora worried about Cyrus' future. Life would likely be difficult for a boy who looked like a pretty girl. Matthew Crawley and his mother alighted from their motorcar in front of Doontoon Abbey. In the entrance hall the family and house staff received them. Lord Grantham and Lady Cora welcomed Matthew warmly, but his eyes lingered on the stunning young lady in the red dress. Her brunette hair was pinned up, but stray curls dangled around her face. Her full lips were colored crimson to match her dress, which showed off the magnificent body underneath. Matthew was instantly smitten. "This is our youngest, Cybil," Lady Cora introduced the girl. "She recently celebrated her eighteenth birthday." The girl grinned and shook Matthew's hand. One expected such a beautiful girl to be haughty and conceited. Cybil seemed to be anything but. At dinner Matthew was seated next to Mary and across from Cybil. "What did you do in Manchester, cousin Matthew?" Mary asked. "I'm a solicitor. Business law mainly. Fortunately I've found a similar position with a firm in town," Matthew replied. "Oh, I envy you," Cybil commented. "It must be nice to have work to do and a real purpose in life." "I couldn't bear to be idle," Matthew agreed. "How do you spend your time, cousin Cybil?" "Oh, I don't know," Cyrus answered. "I take long walks around the estate and into the village. Riding is fun and I read silly romance novels. I suppose I'm not a very interesting person." "You interest me," Matthew said under his breath, but the whole table heard it. After dinner the men went for a smoke, then joined the ladies in the drawing room. Mary and Edith instantly approached Matthew and engaged him in conversation. He longingly looked Cybil's way, but he couldn't politely break away from the sisters. Cyrus shared a knowing smile with Matthew. He'd felt just as harassed by his sisters many times in his life. He left the room to use the chamber pot. Returning to the drawing room, Cyrus was cornered by Matthew in the hall. They were alone. "How did you get away from my sisters?" Cyrus giggled. "I told them I was tired and off to bed," Matthew explained. "I wish they would leave me alone. I'd much rather spend my time with you." Cyrus blushed. "I'm glad. I like you, cousin Matthew," he said. "Please call me Matt. All my friends do." "Alright, Matt," Cyrus beamed. "Do you believe in love at first sight, Cybil?" Matt asked seriously. "I ... I'm not sure," Cyrus replied. He was flummoxed by the question. "As of today, I do," Matt said. He leaned forward and kissed the girl. Cyrus had never been kissed before. He was rigid in shock at first, but quickly warmed to it and kissed back with animation. Matt broke the kiss and grinned. "Goodnight sweet Cybil." Lord Grantham entered his wife's bedroom from his dressing room and removed his robe. "Today went about as well as I could have hoped," he stated. "I suppose you're right," Cora sulked. "Matthew is nice enough, but I still wish you would try to break the entail. Mary should inherit, not this stranger." "Cyrus should inherit," Grantham replied. "If not for his bizarre change of sex, he would be the legitimate heir." "True," agreed Cora. "Did you notice how Matthew fixated on Cybil? His eyes stayed on her all night." "Yes, I saw. What is our expectation in that regard? Is Cybil interested in men? And will any man be interested in her after he learns her secret?" "As far as I know, Cybil has never concerned herself with men, one way or the other," Cora answered, "but she clearly enjoyed Matthew's attention today." Grantham pondered for a minute. "I'll warn Matthew away from Cybil without divulging her secret. No reason for anyone outside our immediate family to know that unless absolutely necessary." "Good idea," agreed Cora. "It wouldn't do for him to make a fool of himself over the girl." The next morning, the maid Gwen toweled Cyrus dry after his bath. "Matthew kissed me last night, Gwen," Cyrus confessed with a shy smile. "Did he? The cheeky bugger! How did he get you alone? He didn't dare come to your room." "He caught me in the Hall." "And did you like it?" the maid asked. Cyrus nodded. "It made me tingle all over. Like when my sisters have the ivory sticks out and are about to give me the business." "Will you let him kiss you again?" Cyrus nodded again and grinned. "I'd let him do a lot more than just kiss me." "Lady Cybil!" Gwen giggled. "You're a bad girl." "I know," Cyrus agreed and giggled too. "I wonder if Matthew would want to kiss me if he knew my secret?" "If he's smart he would," Gwen declared. "You're the finest person I've ever met. Anyone should feel blessed to kiss you." Cyrus paused and looked deep into Gwen's green eyes. "Do you truly think so, Gwen?" Cyrus asked. "Because I've always wanted to kiss you." Gwen gasped. "Milady?!" Cyrus leaned into Gwen and kissed her. He sighed. "Kissing you is as wonderful as I dreamed it would be. You're beautiful Gwen." "I'm plain in comparison to you, Milady." "Nonsense," Cyrus argued. "You're all any man could hope for. Pretty, smart and loyal." "Thank you, Milady," Gwen whispered and they kissed again. "Gwen, when we're alone together," Cyrus asked, "will you call me Cyrus? Please?" Gwen beamed. "Of course, Cyrus." Cyrus kissed her hard and guided her to his bed. A half-hour later, Cyrus and Gwen were naked in bed, blissfully tracing fingers over each others body as the sweat dried on their skin. There was a knock at the door and Anna entered. "There you are," Anna said to Gwen, not overly surprised by the scene. "Mrs. Hughes asked where you were, and you're lucky she didn't come looking for you. Now dress Lady Cybil and meet me in the library. We have to finish clearing up in there." "Yes, Anna," Gwen said as she hopped out of bed. "I hope Gwen isn't in trouble," Cyrus said. "The blame is all mine." He too jumped out of bed, naked as the day he was born. Anna gazed at the gorgeous boy-girl in all his natural glory. Even with his hair a mess from his romp with Gwen, Cybil was still breathtakingly sexy. It was no wonder Gwen loved him. "Not to worry, Lady Cybil. I won't tell a soul." Anna left and closed the door behind her. "We must be more careful in the future, Gwen," Cyrus said. "I couldn't bear it if you got in trouble because of me." He put his hand behind the red-haired maid's head and kissed her gently. Their lips parted reluctantly. "I'll love you forever, Gwen, but I want Matt too. I want to be your Cyrus and his Cybil. Does that make sense?" "Yes, of course it does, dear Cyrus," Gwen honestly stated. "You're a unique mix of boy and girl. It's natural that you want to be with both. I'll not be jealous of you with any man as long as I'm your girl." Cyrus grinned. "Always!" he promised and kissed her again. Gwen giggled and pushed him away. "Enough kisses, Cyrus. We have to get you dressed." Gwen laced Cyrus into a black corset that pushed up his meaty breasts and created deep cleavage between them. Black silk stockings strapped to the bottom of the corset. She admired the body of her partially dressed lover. "If Matthew saw you like this he'd be driven mad with lust." "I hope so," Cyrus laughed and shook his round bum. "Your sisters are likely hounding Matthew this morning," Gwen said. "He might enjoy it if you took him away from the house on a picnic. Alone." "What a fine idea, Gwen! You're so clever!" enthused Cyrus. "Have the kitchen prepare a picnic basket. I'm sure Matthew will accept an invitation. Cyrus finished dressing and went downstairs. He asked William the footman, "Have you seen cousin Matthew?" "He's in the library, Milady," William responded. "I just saw him there." Cyrus found Matt in a quiet corner of the library, reading a book. "I'm surprised to find you alone," Cyrus said. "I was sure my sisters would monopolize your time." "I'm afraid I led them on a bit of a goose chase," Matt said. "I pretended to go for a walk in the gardens, then snuck back in here. Mary and Edith are probably hunting high and low for me outdoors." Cyrus laughed. "You're quite cruel but I don't blame you. My sisters can be annoying. If you prefer to be alone, I'll go." "No, please don't," Matt urged. "Your company is very welcome." Cyrus smiled. "In that case, come with me on a picnic. I know a lovely hidden spot where my sisters will never find us and we can spend the day together. Just the two of us." "That's a capital plan," Matt said, "but is it proper for you to be alone with a man?" "We're family, cousin Matthew. It's fine. Meet me outside the front door in fifteen minutes. I'll collect the picnic basket from the kitchen." Unknown to Cyrus or Matthew, Mary was listening from outside a library window. She went around the house and was waiting for Matthew when he came out. "There you are," she greeted him. "I've been looking all over." "Ah ... yes," Matthew stumbled for words. "It's good I caught you alone," Mary said. "I have something to tell you about Cybil." "Cybil?" "Yes. My youngest sister isn't what she appears to be. In fact she isn't a 'she' at all. Cybil was born Cyrus Crawley. A boy," Mary spilled the beans. "That's ludicrous," Matthew objected. "Why would I lie about something so easily verified? Ask anyone in the family. Cybil has a nasty little secret - between her legs!" "But that's crazy. Cybil is obviously a woman," Matthew argued. Mary shook her head. "Eight years ago the ten-year-old Cyrus began to develop in strange ways. As years passed he became more and more feminine. Doctors were consulted but none could explain the change. Eventually mother and father decided that Cyrus should live life as a girl. It was the only real option considering the ridiculous over- inflated breasts that grew on his chest. Mother renamed Cyrus Cybil." Matthew's mouth hung open. "If this is your idea of a joke ..." "It's not, cousin Matthew," Mary promised. "You need to know the truth so you don't make a fool of yourself." A few minutes later, Cyrus came out the front door with a large picnic basket and found Matt there alone. "We're all set." Matt stared. "Cousin Mary just told me the most astounding tale," he said. "She says you were born male." Cyrus' smile faded. "I'm glad Mary told you, Matt," Cyrus said. "I don't want secrets between us." Matt continued to gawk. "You're really a boy? How can that be? You're so pretty." Cyrus shrugged. "The doctors can't explain it." "It's unbelievable." "Can we still be friends?" Cyrus asked. "I get awfully lonely here and I could use a friend." "Umm ... certainly," Matt answered. He liked to think of himself as an open-minded man. "No reason not to be." "Good," Cyrus chirped. "Shall we go on our picnic? We can talk about my change if you like." Matt agreed and Cyrus led him to a secluded place far from the house. It was a small natural clearing beside a stream and surrounded by tall trees. "This is my favorite place on the estate," Cyrus explained. "Nobody else knows about it. I come here when I want to be alone." "It's a beautiful spot," Matt said as he spread their picnic blanket on the grass. "Do you often feel the need to get away? It must be difficult living through the changes you've experienced." Cyrus sat next to Matt and opened the basket. "It's not hard for me," he said. "I am what I am. I don't have anything to compare it to, and I've had years to get used to looking like a girl. When I come out here it's usually because my sisters are bothering me. They're good at that." Matt laughed. "You have a good attitude, Cybil." They happily talked, ate sandwiches and drank wine for the next hour. Cyrus put down his glass. "I think I drank too much wine. May I rest my head on your lap? The ground here is awfully hard." Without waiting for an answer, Cyrus stretched out on his back with his head on Matt's lap. "Are you alright?" Matt asked. "Just a bit dizzy. I normally don't drink wine," Cyrus admitted. He gazed up at Matthew's face, admiring the man's handsome features. But Matt's eyes weren't on Cyrus' face. "You're fascinated by my big bosoms, aren't you?" Matt blushed. "I'm sorry." "Don't be," Cyrus reassured him. "I don't mind. Everyone stares at them." Cyrus gently cupped his big tits in his hands and kneaded them like soft dough. The fabric rubbing against his nipples felt wonderful. "Mmmm, I love them," he purred. "Cybil," Matt protested, "You shouldn't do that in public." "We're not in public, silly," Cyrus giggled. "Here, you try it." He took Matt's hands and placed them on his breasts. "Cybil!" Matt tried to pull his hands away, but Cyrus held them there. "Matt, if we're to be good friends you must learn to play with my boobs. I enjoy it more than just about anything. Now, squeeze them gently. Aren't they soft?" "Bloody marvelous." Matt had never felt anything so wonderful. Cyrus giggled. "Aren't they though? Don't squeeze too hard. A light touch is best." He squirmed under Matt's fondling and moaned. "Yessss. Just like that. Brilliant!" "I can't believe you're a boy," Matt exclaimed. "You're magnificent!" "I'm a girl in the ways that really matter I think," Cyrus panted. He arched his back and pressed his boobs harder against Matt's groping hands. "I could be your girl, Matthew. I know I could. I want to." "Cybil, I ..." Cybil didn't let him finish. She twisted around, pushed Matt down on his back and leaped on top of him. She kissed him with furious passion and after only a moment's hesitation he kissed back. His arms wrapped around her and held her tight. They kissed for a long time, bodies writhing together. Cybil's boobs squashed against his hard chest in a way that excited them both. She bucked her groin against his and felt his cock grow stiff in his pants. "I want you to make love to me Matt," Cybil panted. "But ... but you're a boy," Matt stammered as Cybil unfastened Matthew's pants and fished out his stiffening cock. "You can put it up my bum," Cybil replied. The girl-boy lowered her head and sucked the cock to lubricate it and bring it to a full stand. "Good lord!" exclaimed Matt. "H-have you done this before?" "Only with the ivory dildos," explained Cybil. "You're my first real one." She lifted her skirts, grabbed his cock and and positioned her arse hole over it. Then she sat on it. letting her own weight impale herself on him. "Ohh! It's warm! So much better than cold ivory!" Matt didn't know what to make of her talk of ivory dildos but this was not the time to discuss it. He thrust upward to meet her strokes, which made Cybil squeal in a delightful way. "You're like a hot, tight velvet glove!" he praised. Cybil bit her lower lip and bounced on him to drive him deeper into her bum. Her boobs bounced wildly and she gripped them through the fabric of her dress and corset. "This is the ... best ... thing ... ever!" she yelled. Six bounces and he was in her to the balls. She held him there and squeezed his cock as hard as she could with her ass muscles. David groaned,"So tight!" She chuckle and began bouncing up and down again. After several minutes of frenzied riding, Cybil exclaimed, "I'm going to cum!" Matt didn't want to be left behind. He thrust hard up into her ass and emptied his balls. Cybil's body shook with the force of her orgasm and she spurted all over Matt's shirt. She whooped, "I can feel your hot cum splashing in me!" Their orgasms faded and Cybil eased herself off of Matt's softening dick. She sprawled next to him and kissed him. "That was lovely," she said. "Let's do it again." Matt laughed and squeezed her tight. "You're certainly not the blushing virgin, are you?" "I told you I've done this with dildos. Many times. My sisters like to give me a good rogering." "Your sisters?!" Matt yelped. Cybil nodded. "I know several positions for us to try. I think I'd like to be on my hands and knees next. Mary calls it the doggie position and says it makes me act like a bitch in heat." She stood and turned her back to him. "Unbutton my dress please. I don't want to wrinkle it more than I already have." As Matt unbuttoned Cybil's dress, she asked, "So ... am I girl enough for you Matthew?" "More than girl enough," he assured her. Cybil stepped out of her dress and laid it on the grass. Now wearing just her corset and stockings, she faced Matt and covered her little dick with her hand. Suddenly shy and nervous, she blushed and hung her head. "Don't be embarrassed," Matt soothed her. "That one bit of boyhood isn't important; I know that now." He closed the gap between them, took her wrist and eased her hand away from her groin. He smiled. "It's quite girly, Cybil. Very petite and pink." What Matt did next surprised Cybil. He took her tiny cock in his own hand and stroked it. "I know how to handle one of these," he said. "I've had one all my life." They kissed but he didn't stop stroking her. Confidence restored, Cybil reached between their bodies and grabbed his cock. She jerked in time to his ministrations of her dick. "I like your big one better than my tiny one," Cybil whispered, although she thoroughly enjoyed the way he played with hers. Cybil pressed her tits against his broad chest. Matt watched the soft flesh compress and swell out of the confines of her corset. "Let's take off your corset," he told her. "I want you completely naked." "Alright, but you'll have to unlace it," she agreed. "Hurry because I want you again, Matt. I want you more than I've wanted anything my entire life." Her body trembled with lust as he quickly loosened the laces of her corset. The black corset came off and Cybil's big tits spilled free. Matt was mesmerized by the way they jiggled like bowls of pudding. He ducked his head and sucked her right nipple into his mouth. "Ahh!" Cybil gasped. "Not so hard Matt. They're sensitive!" He eased the suction of his mouth and twirled his tongue around her nipple. "God that's good!" she exclaimed and clamped onto his head with both hands to hold him there. "Now the other," she moved him to her left tit. "Yesss!" Finally Cybil pushed him away. "Enough," she said. She fell to her hands and knees and stuck her ass high in the air. "Shove your cock in me," she implored. "Make me yours!" Hours later the exhausted but contented couple walked back to Doontoon Abbey. By convenient happenstance, the family was already gathered in the sitting room. "Cybil, you look a fright," Edith scolded. Cybil reeked of sweat and sex and her hair was disheveled. Despite her efforts to protect it, her dress was a wrinkly mess, and her tits jiggled unfettered beneath the thin fabric because she couldn't be bothered to put her corset back on. But Cybil didn't care how she looked. "Cousin Matthew and I have wonderful news!" she cheerfully announced. "We're engaged to be married!" "Engaged?!" exclaimed Lord Grantham. Cybil grinned and hugged Matt. "Yes! Isn't it wonderful father? The estate and title will stay in our family after all." "But ... but ... but ..." Lord Grantham sputtered. "Cybil is a ..." "I know all about Cybil's unusual trait, and I can assure you that means nothing to me. We're head over heels in love," said Matthew. "You met yesterday," Dowager Countess Violet objected. "Such haste in important matters is unseemly." "If we waited a year it wouldn't change a thing," Matthew replied. "Cybil is the one for me." "And Matthew is the only man for me!" Cybil added. Lady Cora was shocked by the turn of events, but she wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. She stood and hugged her youngest daughter. "We're so happy for you Cybil! Aren't we dear?" she directed at her husband. Lord Grantham was dumbfounded. His son, now a young woman, was to be married! And amazingly the boy would inherit the title and estate; indirectly at least. It was a miracle. "Yes ... of course. So happy for you both." He stood and shook Matthew's hand. Mary and Edith were too stunned to say a word. "Well, I suppose it is for the best," Lady Violet stated. "In just two days this lovely couple solved problems that might have required years to sort out otherwise. Think of the melodrama we've been spared!" Cybil quickly excused herself from the family group, saying she had to get cleaned up before dinner. Once in her room she rang for her maid Gwen. "How did it go?" Gwen asked. Cybil grabbed Gwen and kissed her fiercely. "Matthew asked me to marry him!" Cybil gushed. They both squealed and danced about the room. "I want you to be my lady's maid, lover and mother of our children. Please say yes!" "Of course I will," Gwen agreed. "I couldn't want anything more. Only tell me, will they be your babies or Matthew's I'll be carrying?" she asked with a sly smile. "I may not be able to get you pregnant, so I'll have to convince Matthew to sleep with you too," Cybil teased. "He has a nice big randy cock, Gwen. I'm sure you'll love it." "Whatever you say, Milady," Gwen giggled.

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 Tewkesbury Abbey

“How far away would you judge the Abbey to be from us?” I said. Captain Hutton took a moment estimating the distance before replying. “I think somewhere near a furlong, no more than two hundred and fifty yards at the most.” The Royal Progress had reached the ancient city of Tewkesbury, and acting on plans drawn up after the affair at Birmingham, all Loyal Addresses were now given in surroundings more secure than the middle of a crowded city. Hutton and I were in the spacious grounds...

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A New Chambermaid in Uptown Abbey

I was born in December 1940 with blond hair and blue eyes. My father was a Swedish arms sales representative for Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns. My mother had been the chambermaid in Uptown Abbey, when he had been visiting the owner, to sell him a licence to manufacture the guns. He managed to seduce my mother one morning when he was feeling randy. He was her first lover, and I was born nine months later. My mother stayed at Uptown Abbey until 1943 when she left to become a barmaid in the...

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Fucked 3 The Abbey

There is nothing remotely remarkable about this story, two consenting adults of the opposite sex -albeit with quite an age gap - but basically just two co workers fucking in a hotel room. It was, forwhatever reason REALLY erotic, so I just hope I can tell the story well enough to put it across: In the stories Fucked and Fucked2 I ended up having a romp with my 19 - years - older colleague, Derek,and his on/off girlfriend the GORGEOUS Elaine, and then (in Fucked 2) I just Fucked everybody...

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EMail to Dear Abbey

Dear Abbey, I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. It all started a couple of weeks ago. There I was, heading rapidly for 40, with a brand new baby. It's amazing what a good night out with plenty of booze brings. My husband, Brian and I had gone to a work related 'Do' 12 months previously and got ourselves heated up in the limo on the way home. We had burst through the front door, horny as all get out, and without thinking of our 15 year old son upstairs, let alone giving any...

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The Abbey

She wandered around the room, touching the red velvet bedspread, and blinked at the chains embedded into the posts of the huge bed. ‘Why?’ She shook her head. ‘Never mind, I can guess.’ Jack slid an uneasy glance at the painting of a group of laughing villagers on the wall. There was something about the eyes of the figures in the painting… ‘Mrs Wyndham, we’ve got to get out of here.’ ‘Maria, remember?’ Her tone was chiding. ‘You can’t call me by name here.’ ‘Maria. We’ve got to go. If you...

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A Gift For My Son

I first started to playing with my mum's knickers around the age of twelve, when I was starting to learning about women and sex. I guess I did because I had read about it in porn mags, and out of curiosity and for a cheap thrill back then. But two months ago, I found myself sniffing then again, this time fantasising about fucking and licking my mother's cunt. My mother has shapely hips and wonderful 38C breasts The laundry hamper in the bathroom in our house, and I often take a pair and wank...

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An Unknown Desire

His words had not given me pause to relax as I thought them through while taking my shower in preparation to go out this evening. He had been vague and would not answer my questions concerning our night out. I had followed his instructions and gone to shower when he seemed to become a bit perturbed with me. He had said he would lay out the clothes he wanted me to wear while I was showering. So what were we to do tonight, would we continue on with our game from the evening before or would he...

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The Career WomanChapter 5 A Strange Proposal

Amy: I mentioned formerly, I felt myself lonely and first in my life this time I began to think about the lack of any kids in my life. Simon's family was the first which woke up my desire to be a mom. The motherly instinct knocked me, when I was with his daughters. The second was my affair with Frank, I could see my lover that his children were more important than me. I was sad that I had to give up to be a mother in my future. I was lonely single from the start of the Mongolian expedition,...

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Barb The MILF Part 2

Chapter 2Monday was back to normal at Barb's place as she hustled the kids off to school. As usual, Barb flitted about in her silky robe, almost as if to further fuel my masturbatory fantasy. The next three days passed as usual. I would make my way to Barb's bedroom, where her panties seemed to always be magically available for my stroking pleasure. My orgasms were intense and incredible every time!On Wednesday, I entered Barb's room and noticed her nightstand drawer slightly open and curiosity...

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UniversityChapter 50

The next Monday morning I got a call from dad. "You're out of classes, aren't you?" "Till the end of February." "Can you do me a favor?" "Of course." "We've a storage room of Aboriginal materials. Would you be willing to spend a few days going through it all? I need to know whether there are items that should be returned to various bands, whether there are things that ought to be on display and whether there are things that might be of interest to the anthropologists." "I...

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Susie In The Midnight Sun Part 2

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Our Sissy Slave 1

Let me remind you how you came to be in this situation before you refuse. I've been bi-sexual since I was old enough to have noticed how horny women made me. From the moment I noticed, I was unstoppable. My dominant personality seemed to bring me more girlfriends than I could really use. But I always thought the only thing better than a submissive girl is a submissive boy. And what really turns me the fuck on is to take something precious and submissive and to transform it into my...

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BangingBeauties Jessie Lee Inked Jessie Lee Gets Pussy Pounded by Isiah Maxwell

It’s inked babe Jessie Lee’s first time in PervCity and she is hot for interracial anything. As long as we feed her deep throat and shaved pussy a throbbing BBC, this brunette promises to go wild. Yet wild seems like a tame description for the sexy moves and kinky things this big tits slut has in store for that big black dick. She instinctively moves into the 69 position. Cunnilingus during blowjobs makes her hot, but an anal tongue-lashing makes her clit throb. A POV titty fuck is...

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Unexpected sex

Hi, I am new writer please back up me at Story is all about fucking my best friends sister who is horny like me. All sexy guys love horny girls I want to marry horny girl near Chennai. I am 21 year young guy engineering. All I expect a Horny girl of any status but really fucky and of great beauty. They can mail me OK.I usually plays football with my friends. Unfortunately I couldn’t see my friend on the ground .I was worrying abut him what had happened to him. And I decided to go to his house...

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Lovely Dove

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Maalishwala 8211 Gaand Ki Maalish Hui

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Gay Male
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Runway 40

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The ProtectorChapter 10

As I waited for someone to show up, I thought about the church and started to get mad. I couldn't believe after all this time, the girl I had been looking for was in Maryland, of all places. I still had the reward in effect, but they had hidden her well. I had never even thought about her being in the U.S., let alone just a few hundred miles from me. I was in a deep funk when I heard someone knocking at the front door. Myrna beat me to it. The pistol she was carrying looked bigger than she...

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What I think about when I masturbate Part 5 Ashamed of Myself

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Golden Dragon a New BeginningChapter 3

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 65 INTERLUDE STAHL

Stahl got up and Alycia said. “Are you leaving?” He smiled at her. “Not just yet, I thought now that most of the big wigs are gone and the band plays nice old Earth tunes I know, I decided to get up and ask you for a dance.” She got up just a little too fast to appear dignified and with a deep smile. “You truly are a master tactician, old man. A simple offer and all my defenses are obliterated.” They joined a few other couples already dancing, almost all of them humans knowing the old...

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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 22

On Thursday, I was just sitting down for General Hospital when the phone rang. "Hello." "Tony Sims, please." "This is Tony." "Tony, this is Martin Mulino. I was wondering if you could come see me this afternoon?" "Uh, Mom and Dad are both at work." "Unless you think they'll object, I only need to see you." "Uh, ok. When?" "As soon as possible." "Twenty minutes?" "That would be fine. See you then." I hung up, wondering what was happening now. School was just...

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Interview With a Shrink

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Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt 14

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Wifes Wet TShirt in Hotel HotTub

My wife Alexa decided that we should take a weekend trip up to Napa from San Francisco to get away from the city for a few days. She was always dragging me on these little Northern California road trips because she said that it’s good for your mind to have new experiences. I am more of a home body myself and would have just as well spent the entire weekend at home browsing the internet. But Alexa is pretty willful, so I usually let her have her way to avoid a big fight. We did a one of those...

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Tumbling off the Cliff Ch 11

Some people are walking disaster areas, so what would happen if a very together and successful man falls for a ditzy but sexy woman? Sparks fly between Mitch and Lisa in this romantic story. It is a slow build to hot sex in later chapters, with lots of clashes of personality and misunderstanding in-between. * The air was fresh and the day bright as they walked hand in hand across the grassy area towards the Diana Fountain in Hyde Park. Mitch had on a baseball cap and dark glasses and Lisa...

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Vetri With Iyengar Sisters Part 8211 2

Two months after Malini had left for the USA, Vetri was really busy with office work and other Chores at home, when one day he got a call from an unknown number, he ignored it as he does not usually pick up unknown numbers. By the fourth call curiosity killed the cat, he picked it up and heard a pretty voice at the other end. “Enna Vetri ,Phonaey eddukka maataengringho”.Chimed Jaishree.(What Vetri , why are you not picking up the phone) Caught by surprise as he was not very familiar with her...

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One of Those Nights

This has been one of those days when nothing at work goes right, “I can not wait until this day is over”, I think to myself. On my drive home the thought of last weekend played in my mind, the sex my wife and I have is great but good use some spicing up. Not that I am unhappy I am very happy in our marriage and have a gorgeous wife. She is about 5’3” and weights about 125 lbs., auburn colored hair that comes just past her shoulders, and the body of a model and very nice breasts. Her breasts are...

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dont cum sissie

I got picked up by that very cute ebony teen girl, who had invited for the frat party tonightI didn't know her much, she s taller and very pretty with nice perky titiesI didn't understand what was going on, i was walking with her into a basement condominium and was wondering where was the partybut she knew exactly what she was doingthere was a party i could ear the musici got inside with her and was soon met by 2 of her cute black girl friend, bot in very sexy skirt , shaking my hand''you are...

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Little Red Riding Hood Mr Wolfe

Red put on her red jacket, pulling the hood over her head, and walked onto the forest trail to bring a basket of jams to her grandmother. It was a beautiful day today, she could have gotten away without her jacket but it was her favourite and she took any opportunity to wear it. Kept warm by her jacket she took the liberty of wearing a shorter flouncy black skirt, a pretty white blouse, and some knee high boots, stylish but still comfortable for her long walk. She liked the way she looked. It...

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A Honey Well Story 69

Hi, my name is Smaran. I am from Bangalore. I am going to narrate a life experience. About myself I am 28 years old with average built of height 5 feet 8 inch. I weigh about 72 Kg. I am a Mechanical Engineer. I am unmarried guy, but I am engaged to a cute girl. Always I am sex starved. From college days only I always wanted to fuck. But I had sex with a girl who was about to get Diverse. But, this story is not about her. This is a recent story of 1.5 year ago. My parents decide to marry me and...

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Orgy just stimulating a nipple

English is not my first language.Apologize it.It was almost twenty years ago.I sat down with my girl friend in a quite Café. When she took off her coat, I realized she did not wear a bra that day because I could see the shape of her nipple on her thin clothes. I wanted to do a plank of it. So I touched her nipple slightly -almost barely- over her clothes in a way no one could see. It was a public place but she did not complain or resist. So I continued to touch her nipple slightly, barely and...

1 year ago
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The DrifterChapter 5

And I was born the next of kin -{br}The next of kin to the wayward wind... When it came time for Juanita to leave, I stepped out onto the balcony with her. We were still naked and she had her dress in her hand. She told me their rooms were just two doors down. She laughed when she told me that Emily’s room was right next door to mine. I pulled her to me and we kissed for a long time. I’m beginning to like kissing more and more. I hope I get to kiss Miss Emily and Jo Anne tomorrow. I’d like...

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CuckoldingEscort CumGuzzling Ettiquette

The list: 10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy. 4. Paid an escort to let me fuck her with one of her client's used...

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Grace in Disgrace 3

Introduction: Our new friends make us both an offer This is the sequel to Grace in Disgrace 1 & 2 For maximum enjoyment, please read them first. I had just had my first experience of a double penetration by fucking my wife, Grace, in the arse while our new friend, Pete, fucked her cunt and Petes girlfriend, Valerie watched. The three of us just lay on the bed, I was on top, Grace in the middle and Pete underneath. Valerie was standing beside the bed. That was amazing to watch. I cant wait for...

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My Wifes Charity Striptease Part 5

(Not much point starting here - read parts 1 to 4 first...)Sue and I picked up Jane from her place and then proceeded to the hotel where we knew the guys would be waiting in a state of very high excitement! I wondered if Jane was having any doubts about what was ahead but she reassured us that she was looking forward to “a damn good gang fuck. Lots of dicks up me to make up for a pretty dull year since I broke up with my boyfriend, and I’m also wanting some anal – I hope you’ll be able to make...

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Happy ending Massage

I’m a little nervous as I enter the room; I’ve never had a massage at someone’s private residence, but he gave a great massage at the salon so I didn’t hesitate when he offered me his services outside of the place (he can charge me less and still pocket more cash, win-win!). He has a very calm and comforting demeanor and it immediately relaxes me. We go through the normal motions and he leaves me to undress, telling me to remove EVERYTHING instead of the usual “undress to your level of...

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Project PrometheusChapter 10

Jaesa was standing back in her Sanctum, rushing there right after she’d set off the alarm, waking the crew. She was busy sifting through the data streams of the Perseus, struggling to find out what Korsa had been up to and what she was doing. It had taken her a few minutes of searching, but she’d found the relevant data streams. After looking them over a little, Jaesa’s eyes widened at what they implied. What is Korsa doing? I need more information! she thought to herself. Digging further,...

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MomIsHorny Krissy Lynn Brandi Love Fucking My Sisters Boyfriend

Krissy Lynn is very excited about her new boyfriend, Ryan Driller. She couldn’t wait to introduce him to her step sister, Brandi Love. But once the day came, Brandi had a different idea on how to get to know him. She snuck to go answer the door, she pulled Ryan in and started sucking his cock right by the door without her step sister noticing what was happening. Eventually, she got even more carried away. Brandi threw him on the grown and made him eat her pussy. In the middle of eating her...

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Sticky Manly Lycra

Groan! I, Billy Johnson, was sitting outside on the porch. Horny as hell, I was sitting in by shorts and a T-shirt. I was silently groping myself because it has been a long time since I have been with someone. Disgusted, I snorted about my bitch of an ex girlfriend who had been sleeping with my best friend. Hating being horny, I thought of all the sex filled stories I read on line this past week. Moaning I wished I had someone to be kinky with. I didn't care if that someone was male or female....

2 years ago
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Wearing my panty at the lake

3 weeks ago,toward the end of September we had 4 days in the 90's so I went to the lake,I had just ordered some white panites online that had a sheer look when wet and was really hoping to go into the lake. I saw a guy at this same lake wearing a white speedo swimsuit and could see his outline,so this got me started on looking for some white panties that could look like a swimsuit. When the panty came to the house,I immediately put them on and took some pix of them on me,they could fool most...

3 years ago
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Farm FamilyChapter 5

Jerry was enthusiastic about taking a bath with his sexy mother and hurriedly filled the big tub with hot water, steaming up the bathroom. "Gotta take a leak, first," he said, walking to the toilet. "No, wait!" Beth said. "Hold it." Her mind suddenly flashed a scene from one of Jack's porno books, a scene which had, at the time, both disgusted and strangely disturbed her. She didn't understand why people did such things, but it was so thrillingly obscene she decided to try...

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Laura the StarChapter 2

I passed A plus my examination and even my pussy, although tight and small could expand and take very big cocks. What was exciting for me, my vagina was unusually long. My mind instantly thought of a donkey. Naughty me!! My ass could expand and should not tear at even larger insertions. Pablo, sorry, Dr. Pablo, gave me tablets to lessen any pain and six bottles of special lubrication. I queried what was in the tablets, explaining to him I was once a nurse and I was reassured, after he...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling My Girlfriend8217s Desire

Hi guys I am Rahul 29 single from Allahabad. I am a very fond reader on ISS. and finally I am here with some of my real stories. In this story I am going to narrate an evening when I caught my girlfriend red handed enjoying herself. Let me tell you about our relation and some introductions. Me and my gf Kanika have a very healthy and strong relationship. We mean everything to each other. And most importantly thing in our relation lies in doing whatever makes both of us happy. I am proud to gave...

4 years ago
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A Great Time With Karthika

Dear all, I am Arjun with my latest encounter with a lovely lady who I met while traveling. It all began on a trip from Coimbatore to Bangalore. After a long weekend of party and great time with my cousins, I was returning to Bangalore. This happened with the girl whom I met in the bus. Fortunately the bus broke down in the middle of the journey and near Erode and the driver and the conductor was arranging bus for us all. After half an hour we got a bus and there were no seats available, I and...

1 year ago
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Fresh Meat

FRESH MEAT A tall statuesque blond suddenly leaned forward and stared predatorily at a young guy sitting alone at the bar. Ummm thought Sarah, slim build, not too tall, longish legs, cute butt, but best of all and at this point Sarah Jane purred, rather akin to a leopardess eyeing its quarry, he was "ALONE," fucking perfect!!! Jimmy Kaminski had just had a shitter of a day, he'd been for yet another job interview and again another fucking knock back, he couldn't understand it, he...

3 years ago
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The Motherly Thirst Of An Indian Son 8211 Part 2

RISHABH…!!! Open the door… I woke up suddenly all scared.. It was my father banging on my door.. don’t know for how long… I turned to face the watch.. it was 7:45 in the evening.. I hadn’t slept over for this long in a long long time..!! after the afternoon episode with mom.. I guess my body was pretty exhausted..!! I still couldn’t believe it.. it still seemed to me like a dream.. but then I could still make out the smell of her body from my hands..!! Rishabh..!! what are you doing…!! I...

1 year ago
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David in Bangkok 2001

It was the middle summer 2001 in the back streets of Bangkok and it was unusually hot, even for the Thai City, as the three young local girls, Mi Ling, Su Lin and Kim Su, were keeping cool in the large air-conditioned gym. They are employed to look after the sexual desires of tourists and they are very experienced in sexual techniques even though they are only 18 years old. All three had learnt to speak English as c***dren, which helps them now in their work with the tourists.The previous day...

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The Other Side Of MeEpilogue

Oliver looked across the small but comfortable room as he sat at the end of one of the two twin-sized beds occupying the space, his fingers slowly drumming one of the thirty-or-so photographs scattered over his mattress. Looking the pictures over carefully, he selected one and held it up to the light. "I like this one," he said before looking towards the other bed again. "Of course you like that one," his brother answered, rolling hazel eyes that matched Oliver's. "It's got Frank in...

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Threesome In Thailand With Hooker And Shemale

Hi friends. It’s your favorite writer Abhay from Jaipur. Thank you all for the huge response for my last sex stories. Now I am back with my recent real encounter. You all know my vitals and so I am skipping that part. Suggestions and comments are always welcome. I respond to every email I get. So, let’s start with my real life incident. It all happened in May 2018 during my vacation trip to Thailand with my wife and another couple of friends. Our vacations were nearing the end and I wanted...

2 years ago
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WORKING OUT WITH LAURA.My doorbell rang and I went to answer the door. It was Laura whom I been working out with for months. We went up to the workout room as we always do. She has a fantastic body and she is helping me get into shape. Her outfits and so form fitting. So we started our routine. It usually takes about 1 ½ hours. As we worked out I told her I was taking a massage class. I asked her if I could try what I learned so far. She told me okay. After we got done, I told her to use my...

2 years ago
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My First Gay Sex 8211 Part II

Hi friends I am bhavik , age 24 from Mumbai , this is a real story goes 4 years back when I was in college about me and my society friend whose me is tikku , he was 2 years elder to me. Good muscular body , and he had a clean shaved body. , it was a time of monsoon when this all happened , I never thought I would love gay sex so much , but my dearest friend made me a gay sex lover. It was Saturday evening and tikku was alone at home , as his parents had gone to shirdi , so he called me at his...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The User Ch 01

Passion In James County VII The User By D.C. Roi Chapter one Kathy Walton walked into the guidance office after school. She was having problems in school and Mr. Sanders, the head of the guidance department, asked her to stop by his office to discuss ways she could improve her school performance so she could graduate with the rest of the senior class. The young woman felt uncomfortable. Having to go to the office, even if it was the guidance office, made her nervous. And besides, school...

1 year ago
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Finding Jonathan rewritten and revised

Just a little history about who I am. My father died when I was eight years old leaving my mother alone to raise six young children. There were three boys and three girls and I was stuck right in the middle, I wasn’t the oldest and relied on to take-charge, nor was I the youngest and looked after as the baby. I was just there in the middle and somewhat forgotten. My mother tried (on her own) for a few years to raise us and as far as I was concerned she did a pretty good job. But my mom...

3 years ago
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My wife and i adventurous night out alone

My wife and I hadn’t been out together in almost 20 years. Once the kids started coming their certainly was no more spending any time together. We had been married for more than 20 years and I think we forgot what a night out really was anymore. We got so use to just staying home that we never even gave it thought. One day I decided that I would surprise my wife and take her out to dinner. I couldn’t remember the last time just the two of us had gone out. I also decided that we should go to the...


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