Ohope Beach – Chapter Three free porn video

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About 4:30pm Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset.

It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind; he had her meet him at their home, and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get her drunk, by ordering lots of wine and having her drink with him glass for glass. She resisted as much as she could, as she knew she had to drive back to Ohope, and she managed to tip a couple of glasses into a pot plant while he wasn’t looking.

But when they got back to the house around 2:00, she realised that his wife would not be there as she played tennis on Thursday afternoons and never got home until about 5:30 – 6:00 pm. As soon as they got in the house he put the hard word on her and tried to lure her into the bedroom. She resisted and he started to get quite physical with her, managing to get her top half over her head, before she kneed him in the balls. She said he went really berserk then and she knew she was going to be raped. She had struggled free and got to the kitchen where she grabbed a knife and held him at bay.

Allison looked at Hayley and apologised for taking it out on her a few minutes ago.
“It got really bad Hayley. I told him I would tell his wife, and was certainly going to tell your father. But he reckoned that Bob had told him to try; it was OK with him. And he said it would be just my word against his with his wife, as she always though I was pretty loose anyway.”

Hayley moved over and hugged Allison, and said she was sorry, that she should have gone with her.

“I don’t think it would have made much difference Hayley, he may have just done something silly around you anyway. I finally told him if he came to his senses straight away, I would leave things where they stood and not tell anyone, but if he tried anything more, I would do as much damaged to him as I could with the knife and would go to the police.”

Evidently he then said some pretty nasty things to her and called her a few names, but she managed to get out of the house and into the car, and then drive back. She even had the carving knife still, which got me thinking how he was going to explain to his wife where the carving knife had gone.

Allison poured out her heart to Hayley, who also backed me up, by telling her mother she should leave her father.

I was feeling pretty bad about what had gone down this afternoon, and so when I got a chance I mentioned about my leaving.

“Don’t you even think about it.” said Allison. “I need plenty of company; I will bounce back out of this, just bear with me for a bit.”

Hayley said she would go and make her mother a cup of tea, and disappeared into the caravan.

Allison asked me how long I had been there, so I told her that Phil and I arrived around lunchtime. She asked if I had behaved myself, so I told her I had, and that Hayley had looked after me and we had a walked down the beach talking.

Allison then said she wanted that ride on my bike that I had promised her, she said it may be just what she needed to take her mind off things.

So when Hayley returned with the tea, Allison told her we were going for a ride on my bike, would she be OK on her own for a bit.

Hayley gave me a snide look and assured her mother she could look after herself.

Allison was wearing a skirt and blouse, so I said she would need a jacket or something and some shoes. She ducked into the caravan and came back out wearing an old jacket that I guessed she used going out on the boat, but she still had the skirt on and sandals. I thought what the hell – we are not going to fall off.

When we got to the bike, the guy from the house on the other side of the reserve came over. I thought he was going to have a go at me about something. But it turned out he had owned lots of bikes and was interested in my Matchless. You no longer got to see many G45 twins around. He said that Phil and I could park the bikes around the back of his house, as long as we did not start them up late at night or too early in the morning.

He must have wondered about Allison hanging out with me, so I told him that she and her family were friends of my family and I was taking her for a ride and would pop the bike over to his place when we got back. He was cool and wandered off, saying he would see us later.

Remembering Hayley not leaning into the corners, I told Allison how she had to hold onto me and lean every way that I did.

“Sounds like something you tell all the girls you get on the bike with you.” She said.

“OK, but the first few corners you will probably feel strange as we lean down towards the road, just trust me and don’t panic.”

I started it up and Allison got on behind me, threw her arms around me and whispered in my ear.

“OK big boy, am I holding on tight enough?”

I didn’t answer, but took off in a shower of stones, leaned it down to the left and shot out onto the main road. Allison just held on for dear life, I could feel that she had gotten a shock at how quickly we had moved. After about a mile the road veers right and heads away into the country. I opened it up and started laying us low into the corners. After about 5 or 6 corners I felt Allison start to relax and go with the flow of the bike. It is like surfing or maybe skiing, when you get the right road. I like it better than both, as there is also the sense of power between your legs and on the straights we were hitting 75 to 80 mph.

Soon we came to the school I had taken Hayley to earlier in the afternoon. But I didn’t stop, as it didn’t feel right to take her mother to the same place. Instead I carried on past and took the next road to the left and after a mile or so; we came to the end of the road. There was a grassed area on the banks of the estuary, a lovely spot where I am sure the locals that knew of the place would have come for picnics.

I got my blanket out of the saddle bags and lay down with Allison on the bank.

“Just hold me for a bit.” said Allison; “I am absolutely buzzing from that ride. Now I understand why girls go out with Biker’s, it always puzzled me – they seem such a greasy lot.”

We cuddled for a while, then I tentatively kissed her, wondering how quickly to move, after her experience with her brother in law. I was also feeling as guilty as hell about having been with Hayley only two hours ago and hadn’t even washed, so was just waiting for Allison to say she could smell sex on me. But I didn’t seem to have anything to worry about, as she responded very passionately, gripping my head and probing my mouth with her tongue. This got me aroused and I walked my hand down her back, kneading the muscles and looking for sensitive areas. This caused Allison to thrust her mound onto my leg and she moved it around, leaving me in no doubt that her bad experience had not put her off sex in any way.

When my hand got down to her arse, I found her skirt had ridden up to her waist, as she thrust into me and my hand met with bare skin. I broke free of her kiss, looked down and saw she didn’t have on any knickers.

“Shit Allison! You aren’t wearing any panties.”

“I know; I have always fantasised about riding on a motorbike bareback, then making passionate love out in the open.”

As I moved down to nuzzle her between her thighs, she dragged my shirt up over my shoulders and threw it to the side. So I stopped and unbuttoned her blouse and pushed that back from her shoulders, she lifted up and allowed me to remove it, then reached back and unfastened her bra and let me remove that as well. She then started dragging my jeans down over my arse.

I resisted. “Shit Allison, someone may come down the road.”

“That’s alright. We will hear them coming. The other part of my fantasy in to be naked outdoors, so I’m not letting this opportunity go to waste.”

What could I do?... but start wrestling with her skirt while I kicked of my sneakers and let her pull the jeans off. Now both naked we fell into an embrace and started kissing and grabbing one another.

Allison pulled me on top of her, we were still kissing and I was conscious of my very hard member lying between her closed legs. I slowly started thrusting along her legs so that my knob was running up and over her mound. Then she spread her legs apart and my dick just slid into her, neither of us had to guide it or anything. It just seemed to know exactly where to go. I stopped moving and just lay there relishing the feeling of being totally immersed in her warm, slithery box. Then I felt her cunt start to grip my shaft. She seemed to be scrunching up her arse and flattening her stomach which made her vagina ripple and tighten around me.

I immediately started to thrust into her, it felt so good.

“Stay still,” said Allison. “My doctor gave me these exercises to do after having Hayley and there have been times doing them that I have brought myself of almost totally, just doing this.”

She did it again, pushing her arse down into the grass and gripping my dick with her mussels. It felt like I was being milked.

“I want to see if I can bring you off by doing this.”

I kept my arse still, but nuzzled her ear and around her neck. She said it felt nice, but to be bloody sure I did not leave a mark or we would both be dead.

After a bit the feeling was just too good and I had to move, so I very slowly thrust into her as she released one of her spasms and then as she started to tighten on me again I pulled back against her efforts to tighten and hold me in her.

She whispered in my ear, that I was not meant to be moving. But I ignored that and kept thrusting hard as she relaxed, and then eased back as she griped my shaft and tried to hold me still. She was never going to win this one, she was so wet and slippery, I had never felt anything so good. Allison started to let out little grunts as I thrust into her and she upped the tempo of her contractions around my shaft, which meant that I pounded into her harder and faster. This only ever had one conclusion, and that was fast approaching, I could feel my sperm building and my cock seemed to have swelled to twice its size.

“Ooooooh Fuuuucckk I’m cumming,” cried Allison. And she wrapped her legs around my arse her body writhing against me as she came.

I lifted up onto my elbows to watch all this. Her nipples were erect, standing out at least half an inch, so I leant down and took one in my mouth and kneaded it between my lips as I also came in a shuddering climax.

After a few minutes she pushed my head away from her nipple, laughing and giggling at the sensitivity of it. I rolled onto my side, and she rolled with me, flinging a hand down onto my arse to hold me inside her.

Old Willie was shrinking fast though and she looked into my eyes as it slipped out.

“That’s a shame; I didn’t want that to go yet. I am still way up there.”

I didn’t understand, so she explained that women took a lot longer to get going than men did most of the time, but that they came down much slower and that she wanted some stimulation down there still. So I reached down between us and slipped two fingers back into her and let my thumb run little circles around her clit.

“Just go very gently,” she explained. “It is quite sensitive.”

She lifted a leg over my hip and positioned herself back from me a little to give me room to work. Then wrapped her arms around behind my neck and kissed me hard, slipping her tongue into my mouth and lapping up my saliva. I slowly kept manipulating her clit and pressing my fingers as deep as I could get them. She was so, so wet, I had marveled at how tight she was before, especially after having children, but now she was wide open to me, I felt I could get my whole hand inside her. This got my excited and so I inserted a third finger and then a forth. But I could not get the four fingers in very far, so I went back to using three. It didn’t take long at all before Allison came again.

We lay there for a bit talking and then decided we had better get back to the camp and get some dinner on. As we sat up, we both became aware that there were a couple of guys only about 200 yards away fishing from a little dingy. I was mortified and raced to get my cloths back on, but Allison just took her time and I am certain she was giving these guys a show as she first put on her bra, then her blouse and last of all she bent over (away from them), picked up her skirt and pulled that seductively over her hips.

By this stage I had the bike started and was ready to go. As she climbed on the back, I glanced back at the guys in the boat and saw that they were both standing and clapping us off. I have no idea how long they had been there, but they were not there when we arrived on the bike. I’m sure they had had a real eyeful, and looked to be very happy about it as well.

When we got back to the camp, Phil was there having a beer with Hayley, Jenny and a couple of the other girls from the camp. Hayley asked her mother if she enjoyed her ride, I thought she was a bit obvious with the innuendo, but the other girls did not seem to pick up on it. She informed us that she was going to have dinner with Jenny and they would come back for some music later on.

So it wasn’t long before Allison, Phil and I were left watching the sun go down as we had drinks and cooked dinner.

The night passed in a bit of a blur, I know we danced and talked, before finally getting to bed about 11:00pm. While Allison and Hayley were down at the shower block, I fixed the curtain on the window at the foot of the bed, there had been plenty of awkward moments that evening, without my worrying about Hayley outside that window.

I knew Jenny was going to sneak back and stay most of the night with Phil.

When we got to bed, Allison asked me if I thought Jenny had been a bit strange. I didn’t have a clue how to get around that one, so I just said “It must be a bit strange for her knowing I was staying here, you will need to talk with her about us tomorrow”. I realised that I needed to get the hell out of there in the morning before they got talking.

There is not a lot to say about the sex that night; I do remember it was good, but not as exciting as all that had gone before. I was bloody tired and really just wanted to roll over and go to sleep, but did not dare, Allison would have been so disappointed in me.

The morning was awkward, Phil and I had to get up about 5:30am and sneak down the beach and sit around swapping stories etc. until about 8:30am when we pretended to turn up for breakfast.

Old Mrs Nosey Parker next door was up with her husband and taking it all in. Jenny turned up for breakfast and as soon as we had finished, Hayley took off with her girlfriends and said she may not be back for lunch. So we cleaned up and got ready to leave.

Phil went off with Jenny, I knew he was going to take her somewhere for the day, before riding back to the Mount that evening.

Allison did not put up any objections when I said I needed to go, I think she was aware that we were pushing the limits with the neighbor and probably her husband returning that day. She did get my address and phone number back in Auckland though, and said she would call me in a few weeks. I very much doubted I was going to see her again.

And so by about 10:00 am I was on the road again, heading back to Mount Maunganui, with very mixed feelings. Uppermost was the regret that I had no chance with Hayley, I really thought I had a chance there, and she had shot me down. Life’s a real bitch sometimes. Then I would think about the rest that had happened and think how the fuck can you be down when you have had that experience.


In February, about six weeks after our holiday was over, I got home one evening and found my flatmate had taken a message for me that day. He said a woman calling herself Ally had phoned when he was home for lunch and said to tell me to stay at home the next day, as she was in town and would call after lunch sometime. I didn’t know if he meant she would phone or actually call in. But the next day I threw a sickie from work, and spent the morning cleaning our flat, just in case.

Around 1:30pm Allison turned up in her blue Falcon. She looked stunning, dressed in a dark blue suit over a white blouse and with high heal navy shoes. The suit skirt came down just above her knees and she had dark shear stockings on.

“Hi”. Said Allison, “I tried to call you last month when I came into town, but could not catch you”.

“Oh! I’m around most evenings, from about 5:30”.

“I can’t phone in the evenings, we need to sort our way around that one. Aren’t you going to invite me in”?
I realised I was standing there with my mouth open. “Yes, shit, come on in – the place is probably a bit messy though”.

I lead her into the lounge and asked if she wanted a coffee or something.

“Hell no! You’re a bit formal aren’t you? Come on show me your bedroom, I haven’t got all day”.

“Fuck, I’m not very good at this sort of thing. You look too perfect to touch”.

“Yes, I have to come into the accountant for a couple of hours each month and then I do some shopping around Queen St normally. I have to dress up and look professional, but it is still me under all this – do you remember”?

Yes I did remember, and as it dawned on me that I was going to fuck this immaculate, attractive woman, I went as hard as a rock. In fact I could have punched a hole through my bedroom door with my dick, it got so hard.

We walked into my bedroom and Allison turned her back to me and shrugged her shoulders back letting me take of her jacket. I threw it on a chair then put my arms around her and started undoing the buttons on her blouse, while taking every opportunity to fondle her beautiful tits.

Then I got a wicked idea in my head about bending her over my dresser and watching us fuck in the full length mirror that was on the wall next to the dresser. I manoeuvred her around to the dresser, bent her over it and lifted her skirt. This exposed her beautiful bare arse, encased in only a pair of black suspenders holding up her stockings.

“Oh! You haven’t any knickers on”.

“You’re very observant today”. She said. “I took them off at the accountants when I used their toilet, I remembered that you like it when I don't wear any”.

I nearly came right then, what a sight. I’ve not seen much better since, I can tell you. So standing behind her, I grabbed Willie in my hand and ran him up and down her slit a few times, then plunged straight in. So much for foreplay etc. no way could I mess around with that.

I did try to go slow and hold my impending orgasm, but if you can imagine the sight I was seeing – two glorious arse cheeks framed with black suspenders holding up black stockings that finished about 2 inches below those same said arse cheeks. My rigid prick disappearing between them, looking twice its normal size it was that hard. The dark blue skirt bunched up around Allison’s tiny waist, while she leant forward over my dresser, and anything I may not be seeing, I just had to look in the full sized mirror on the wall in front of me, to the left of the dresser.

I couldn’t hold back, I may have only got in 10 strokes, before I felt the familiar feelings in my groin. I leant forward and flicked the catch on her bra undone, then moved my hands around and grabbed each breast, feeling the hard nipples between my fingers.

“Ooooohhh I going to come, Sorrrryyyyy” I blurted out.

“Go on, it’s OK”.

So I plunged ahead, feeling the hot surge of spunk coming from way back inside me and rushing up my shaft. I was racked with spasms and my knees got shaky, I was struggling to keep standing up it was that intense. Allison was bucking back into me and I felt that she had come also. After a couple of minutes I pulled Allison over onto the bed with me and we removed the rest of our cloths and got under the covers.
February in Auckland is our hottest month, so after a few minutes we threw the covers of and just lay there talking.

“Did you come”, I asked her. “I was so dam fast I guess you didn’t”.

“I did, just a little one. Having you come so hard and fast was a pretty big turn on for me as well. But don’t think you are just getting away with that”.

Asking where the bathroom was, Allison hopped out of bed and walked out of the room – totally nude. What a sight, I had not seen that many nudes at this stage of my life. When Allison came back, she told me she had had a good wash down there, and she eased my head down towards her crotch, making it pretty plane what she expected of me. So I slipped down the bed, off the end and knelt on the floor. Allison manoeuvred herself down, lifted her legs up over my back and settled back as I stuck my nose into her blond bush and run my tongue over the top of her slit.

I love cunnilingus, I did then and I still do today. I ran my tongue down each side, over the sensitive area between her anus and fanny, nibbled at the lips, then straight up the centre and hummed on her clitoris. I tried to get my tongue as deep into her as I could and even tried to insert my nose. Allison moaned and wriggled when I hit certain spots and it didn’t take long to find which techniques were working. As she got more vocal and moved her hips onto me, I inserted a couple of fingers and moved these in and around as I paid attention to her clit with my lips and tongue. Her legs parted as wide as she could get them and she pulled her heals up behind my head and used them to press me onto her. I glanced up and saw she had pulled the pillows under her head so she could watch me, and she was kneading her nipples between her fingers.

Seeing me glance up, she said “You are very good at that, you have about half an hour to stop it”.

After a while of this, I could tell Allison was getting close. This turned me on and I started to get hard again, so I hopped up from the end of the bed ready to get between her legs. But as I leaned over her, she rolled me onto my back and got on top of me; I watched as she positioned herself over my dick and slowly eased herself down onto it. The she leaned forward and kissed me before snuggling around into my neck and proceeded to slowly rotate her hips up and down my cock.

I’m sure I have mentioned it before, but once I have come the first time, I can last a good while when making love the second time. Allison only took about 5 minutes before she had a massive orgasm, I just wrapped my arms around her and held on tight, but although it felt fantastic, I did not cum.

As she came down from her high, I kept slowly stroking into her. I had moved my hands down to her bum and pulled her firmly onto my mound every time I bottomed out , this I figured would be putting pressure onto her clitoris. Sure enough, it was not long before I felt her pushing herself hard onto me at the bottom of each stroke as well.

“You a naughty boy, you didn’t cum, did you”.

“No, now you owe me one”. I said.

“Oh, I think I can settle that debt pretty quickly”. And she proceeded to move up and down whilst doing those pelvic floor exercises on me. And for good measure she stuck her tongue in my ear and nibbled at my ears.

Didn’t take very long before I felt the familiar urges again, and I sensed that Allison knew she had me on the verge as well, as she straightened her legs then moved one then the other between mine. I opened my legs to allow her in between them, then hooked my ankles up onto her arse and pulled her onto my shaft every time she thrust onto me.

“I feel like you are fucking me, and I’m going to cum”. I said as I squeezed my ankles around her butt.

Allison really started fucking me then and it was obvious by her breathing in my ear that she was on the verge also. We both came together, I started spasm-ing and jerking into her, Alison went ridged and let out a long slow moan, then twitched around on me in time with my own spasms.

It took a while for us to settle down. We just lay in each other’s arms and cuddled and stroked each other.

Finally she looked at her watch and said she needed to go soon, as she needed to be home before 4:30pm.

We were both covered in perspiration, so I suggested we have a shower.

“That would be great, but I can’t get my hair wet”.

“We have a hair dryer here if that will help”.

“A boy’s flat with a hair drier, I am impressed”. She said.

So we got in the shower and washed each other, this got me a bit horny again, but Allison brushed me off and said that would need to wait for next time.

I did see Allison a couple more times after that, she would get her friend to call and give me a message a couple of nights before she came into town and I would take the day off. It was always good with her, and we did have it in the shower one time I remember. I don’t remember why it stopped, it just did and I never saw her again.



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Sex stories Introduction Virginia Beach W Diana chapter 1

First of all I would like to introduced myself . My name is Michael Scott Cline and these are my sex story’s. All together I have about five different sex parter in my life and unfortunately for me many of them were basically a one night stand. Other than my current wife Ashley. She turn out to be my fifth and final sexual partner. Well I do believe I should start at the beginning an give you some back story information. To help you follow a lot better. You will notice as we go along there an...

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Life after Bikini Beach Chapter 2

Life After Bikini Beach: Chapter 2 Mike and I pretended our trip to Bikini Beach had never happened for the next month. We started fall football practice, continued to do normal "guy" things like play Madden Football and Call to Duty, check out hot chicks at the mall, and go to high school parties. The truth is, however, I had not forgotten in the least. I kept having a recurring fantasy of meeting sexy little Tasha in real life. I know it was crazy, but the girls I kept seeing in real...

4 years ago
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Chapter 6 The Beach Show

Leila ate some breakfast and whizzed up a protein shake. She smiled to herself at the thought she’d gotten an awful lot of Jem’s ‘protein shake’ the previous day; her recently de-virginized ass was still tingling and so she went back into the shower room and hunted out Fallon’s pot of salve. As she unscrewed the top the aroma of lavender and aloes filled the bathroom. Dipping her finger in she pulled out a good sized dollop and squatted on the floor inserting her finger into her rosebud. She...

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Evan and the Beach Boys Chapter 1

Introduction: Brought to you by Penetration Publications. Thank You. Evan was walking on the southern California beach. It was a hit day, and the twelve year old boy wanted to go to the beach. The small genital bulge was seen pressing against his tight speedo. The beach boys saw it, and got aroused. There were five boys of the beach. The beach boys were a gang of dreamy blonde Californian homosexuals in their twenties. When they saw the bulge in Evans speedo, they knew what they had to do. When...

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Irenes story Chapter 8 adventure at La Mar Bella nude beach

Introduction Oh what a difference two months can make! A little over six weeks ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 40 Just An Afternoon At The Beach

"You're sure that that's what will happen Mr. Barnet?" "Please, call me Frank. And yes, if I know Vikki, and I think I do, that's exactly what I think she'll do." "And you're sure I can't talk you into telling me what song she'll be doing Frank?" "Sorry Justin, that's one part of her surprise it would be more than my life's worth to divulge. And unfortunately we don't have a copy of the song you mentioned, we are however big on Cliff Richard so we will have the song of his...

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A Week at the BeachChapter 1

The sand on the beaches at Virginia Beach, Virginia is some of the whitest, finest grained and smoothest in all of America. On most days, the ocean is more than cooperative, sending rolling waves that vary from one to four feet in height, and just occasionally a little higher. It's not much for surfing, to be sure, but it is a wonderful swimming area, safe enough for all but the youngest children, and a joy for young adults. All along the beach, one can find houses to rent. They aren't much...

1 year ago
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Truck Guy Beach ShowerChapter 1 The Beach

Like with many couples, our sex drives did not match, and they changed constantly. When we married I had, on average, a stronger more frequent drive. The difference is gradually shrinking, we figured it will flip before we hit 40. The fluctuations within an given month? That will be with us always. Our two brightest sexual memories were some we consider semi-public. One was in our late 20’s, we made love at 2 AM on the side of the road, parked in a SUV, because we were both feeling horny...

1 year ago
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 15 Nude beach tour

DAY TWO Today we planned to visit the nude beach. The plan involved renting a beach tent for actual sex on the beach. But you know what is said about the best-laid plans. In modern translation: The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. We left Paul’s mansion but never made it back to the May’s house. My phone rang. It was Mitch. “Mitch, I told you Fran and I only have a few days to enjoy our boyfriend ... We had plans for the nude beach ... Seriously? ... He might like that. I...

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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 5 Clothing Optional Beach

“Testing 1, 2, 3. Is this thing on? Can everybody hear me? Good. Thank you. Okay, just to be sure – this is the bus for Swensen’s Beach. In case you didn’t get the word, Swensen’s Beach is clothing optional. You will see naked people. So, is anybody on the wrong bus? “My list says 35 people all from the cruise ship. I bet you all don’t know each other. It’s time we got aquatinted. My name is Z. Or at least that’s what everybody has called me from before I can remember. Let’s start on the...

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On the BeachChapter 2

PART 5 - A summer reunion. It was summer and time to go to our favorite beach, the scene of so many of our life’s key events. Alison emailed to let me know she was out of school for a month and was bringing her fiancé as I had suggested. They would go to the beach with us. I picked them up at the airport and was rather surprised to discover that Ed was Asian. He was polite and nice and was all American, fourth generation. I took them to her parent’s house and we made plans for the next...

4 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 6 Beach Blanket Bingo

The doorbell interrupted Stephanie as she was dusting the living room. She was still dressed in the leotard and tights she wore to the gym this morning. The delivery man's eyes were all over her as she signed for the package. She enjoyed being ogled for the first time in a long time. Darren's fantasy date idea was working. She felt sexier than she ever had, even though she was sure she wasn't in the best shape. She'd lost ten pounds since their ski trip in January. She had been going to...

1 year ago
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Life After Bikini Beach Chapter 6

Life After Bikini Beach: Chapter 6 I'm soaked in my bathtub after getting home from Hooters. This, again, was something Ryan never did. It was a hell of a lot easier fitting in a bathtub when you were only 5'2" 105 as opposed to 6'2" 220. I must admit, I wondered why I was so big as a guy, and small as a girl. I wondered how Bikini Beach's magic worked. Had I become the girl I would have grown up to be had my chromosomes been XX instead of XY? Or, had I become my...

1 year ago
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Girls At The Beach Threesome

It started early Sunday morning on Memorial Day weekend when I got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. We were renting a beach house in the Outer Banks and I was really thirsty from the veggie pizza we had for dinner. I slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I heard the living room TV on and assumed the two girls had come back late from their meet up with the boys they earlier teased at the beach, watched some TV and had left it on. I caught a glimpse of the TV from the space...

3 years ago
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A Walk on the BeachChapter 3

My third period advanced math class had just ended when Adam Bainbridge approached my desk. He hesitated a few feet away as if waiting for the room to clear. “Yes Adam, do you have a question about today’s lesson?” No Miss. Thompson. It’s about last Friday night.” “What about it?” I became a little nervous. I had let a number of things I saw that night slide. I should have left when they brought out the beer and things got a little, let’s say, promiscuous amongst the kids. Knowing this...

4 years ago
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Sun Sand And Sex on a Greek Beach Chapter 1

I stopped the rental car at the top of the hill overlooking the wide curve of the sandy beach on the west coast of Crete. Despite the fact that it was late September, the sand still shimmered in the late morning heat, and the lines of waves breaking in the blue water looked inviting. A few things had changed - there was now a new hotel block at the far end of the beach next to the taverna. But at this time of year, there would only be a few other people around, and I was looking forward to...

3 years ago
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Girls At The Beach Threesome

I kept going past the kitchen to turn off the TV, caught sight of movement on the couch and stopped. I saw my girlfriend's eighteen-year-old daughter Maria, laying on her back, eyes closed, and her blonde friend Anna was on top of her, had pushed up Maria's top and was sucking Maria's firm, perky, B-cup tits. Maria was whispering quietly and making little "mmmm" sounds as Anna worked her mouth over those hard, perky nipples. Both girls were into it and I stayed rooted at the edge of the...

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Son Of Cupid Chapter 2 Flying To Corte Beach

Matt Coleton: A 19 year old country boy with short dark brown hair with a 6"0" height. He is well built and works out 4 times a week. Matt has a 6 pack and a inee belly button. He has a completely smooth chest except for a small happy trail and very little hair on his arms a legs. In terms of looks he is a pretty boy. Currently he has been dating a 21 year old bartender for 2 months. He has dark blue eyes and is a well tanned white guy. His penis is 6 inches long and 2/3 inches wide when...

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A Walk on the BeachChapter 2

I enjoyed my job as a teacher and most of the week went by quickly except for Fridays. It always seemed the afternoon dragged as I anticipated my walk on the beach. And this Friday was no different. A little after 3:30 I packed up my briefcase and headed home. I had a salad for dinner. Changed my clothes. Did a few errands and vacuumed the living room. I got in my car a little after dusk and drove the twenty minutes to the beach. There was no rush. The kids did not sneak up to the dunes...

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A Very Private BeachChapter 2

the Second Day She was waiting at the beach's parking lot when I arrived, sitting on a spotlessly maintained Yamaha V-Star and reading a book. I pulled up next to her. She looked up and smiled as I gave her an envelope. "Here's that medical report you wanted," I said. She opened it, glanced at the contents, and handed it back. "I'm glad you remembered, and it's nice to meet a guy who doesn't bullshit. Now let's get going. Can I put my helmet and leathers in the trunk of your...

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Invitation to a Beach Chapter 4

Chapter 4.“Happy Anniversary Richie and Angelline!” someone shouted. Others cheered, and they all began offering congratulations to the happy couple. Soon they were setting up camp around the beach, all blissfully inobservant of being naked. I learned from the conversation that the six were members of the club and friends of Richie and Angel. They’d planned to throw a surprise anniversary party for the couple and had somehow tricked them into coming to the closed club that day thinking they’d...

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Life After Bikini Beach Chapter 3

Life after Bikini Beach: Chapter 3 In the half-awake fog of morning, I yearned to satisfy what I had denied myself last night. I reached down to slip my finger into my vagina and came fully awake when my hand felt my erect penis. It immediately went limp, my desire drained by the sudden realization that I was Ryan once more. I wanted to lose my virginity. Tasha's virginity. Ryan had lost his last summer during a short fling with Brittany Jenkins. Right now, I wanted nothing more...

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Dead Girl on Sumptner BeachChapter 1

I live on one of the many islands off the Carolinas surrounded by a long stretch of very white, sandy beach. From the middle of June to the end of September, the hundred or so homes on the island are occupied by all sorts of the vacationers or party goers. By the beginning of October, the population on the island dwindles to less than ten and soon thereafter, to just one, me, as I am the only full timer living here. My house is a weathered sprawling mix of a house. Part Colonial, part Cape...

1 year ago
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The FavorChapter 11 The Beach

After the night and morning of losing so many of my cherries, things became startlingly normal. I expected to be at Jeff's beck and call constantly, but that is not what happened. Instead, after I went home that day, things went back to the way they were the previous week! We still hung out, but Jeff made no more sexual moves. I wanted to ask him what was going on, but I couldn't get up the courage! About a week later, Jeff invited me to the beach for the day. The first sign that he was up...

2 years ago
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Pebble BeachChapter 16

Saturday morning Bruno, Joey, Allie, the Sisters and the kids arrived. As soon as the bus stopped the kids were off and over to where the bits for the raft was stacked. "When can we start Mr Jim?" "Well first we must move the pontoons over to the beach kids. If we were to build it here we wouldn't be able to launch it." "I thought we were going to have the raft in the lagoon Mr Jim," a young girl said. "That's right Jennie, we will build it on the beach and then push it into the...

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A Walk On The Beach For Three

A few years ago during the summer Tom and I went to Gulf Shores, AL. to visit our friend Greg. Greg invited us to come down for a week and we accepted. Greg and Patsy had been divorced for about three years but they still jointly owned a beach house and took turns using it. Tom and I have remained friends with both of them.We arrived and it was about mid-week before the action began that you would be interested in. I don't know how Tom did it but it all had to be premeditated and planned out....

Straight Sex
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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 3

Mickey told me the next morning that he was having trouble fucking Hanna. He said she was just too tight or he was too thick or both. Either way, it actually hurt them both when he was inside her. She was becoming depressed because she was certain that there was something wrong with her. That Caitlin and I were having such a good time actually made it worse. He then admitted that she had told him she had faked her orgasms because she didn't want to disappoint me and she knew that we were...

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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 6 Beach July 3rd and 4th 2011

Mom still put on the wig the next day. And the shades. And the drooping hat. We didn't want recognisable pictures of us to be floating around out there on the Internet. But there was no paint on her body when she slipped out of her clothes at about one o'clock in the afternoon on the nudist beach three miles out of town. There were no spectators that second day. Instead it was nudists only. Almost a thousand other nudists were there besides us. The bike ride had been more show for the...

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Pebble BeachChapter 4

The folks at Pebble beach are a pretty self sufficient bunch, most are old age pensioners and don't have a lot of 'cash to splash'. Most of the men went fishing and always caught extra catch to hand around. Old Betty Karnak was a keen gardener and supplied everyone with fresh veggies. Herman Gott who lived next door shared her passion and between them they had the best veggie patch around. So it came as a bit of a shock when Betty fell and broke her hip, she was a lady of large...

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The Beach BumChapter 6

Police Officer Lucy Jergens was frustrated and angry. Angry, as a woman, that this serial rapist had not been identified and captured; frustrated as a police officer because the only clues of these crimes were the ever increasing number of DNA vials stored securely in the hospital evidence room. Twenty eight girls, all between thirteen and sixteen, all virgins, all from northern states, all on vacation with their parents and (she believed significantly) not travelling with a large group or...

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A Very Private BeachChapter 8 The Eighth Day and Beyond

Well, summer was over, I realized as our boat made for shore in the teeth of a storm. It took us two extra hours to reach port in the face of an easterly wind with intermittent squalls. When we tied up, the rain was over but a stiff cold wind continued to blow. I was on the road to pick Liz up two minutes after the boat was secured to the dock. I hadn't even showered, and she noticed it as soon as we hugged. "Do you want to wash up, sailor boy?" she said. "I want to fuck you silly...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 17 Mission Beach

In the morning, Peter woke to the sounds of his darling Jill being made love to again. He heard her cry out softly, but clearly in the quiet of the morning as she again reached her climax. Soon after, Dave got out of bed and after going to the ensuite came out and went for a bike ride. As soon as he had left, Jill got up and went to Peter, getting into bed with him and asked him if he still loved her and did he want her. His only answer was to kiss her, roll her onto her back and enter her...

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A Very Private BeachChapter 6 The Sixth Day

She was waiting for me when my car pulled up to her apartment building, wearing a yellow sundress through which her nipples were prominently on display. When I ran my hand down her backside, I could feel no panties under the dress, a fact I confirmed when I pulled up the front to tickle her bare vulva. A quick hug and kiss and a grope at each other's genitals, and we were off to Hard-on Beach. When we arrived at the clothing-optional beach and stripped, I saw with relief that there was no...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 23 Beach Blanket Crash

The first summer of their relationship was, for Sophia and Warren, all in all, idyllic. They worked. They went to the beach. They went to parties. Warren, under Nick's tutelage, started lifting weights-and Sophia even started a bit, also. Warren had a noticeable improvement in two months-on and off the ice. They skated. They hung out together, at the mall, at one of their houses, wherever. They made love as much as possible. Warren got Sophie hooked on the computer, and she met a lot of his...

1 year ago
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Lightning in a BottleChapter 18 From the Beach to the Mountains

June 8, 1981 Bright and early on this Monday morning, four people were packed into one car, heading for the beach. But that was the only similarity to last summer's beach excursion. The four people were Dave, Eileen, Evie, and myself. The car was mine and not my mother's. And the purpose of the trip, at least nominally, was to celebrate the graduation of three of us. Since we'd effectively been blackballed from any graduation parties, this would have to suffice. But really, I didn't...

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Beach Banging BellaChapter 2

Bella had kept in touch with CiCi who’d kept Todd as her favorite fuck-buddy. They’d usually get it on at her place but went out on dates some weekends. He was busy with school but filled her pussy several times a week. She had a regular job which left weeknights for her continuing sex explorations with other men. There were few days her pussy wasn’t exercised by a hard male organ or two. The foursome got together every couple of months to do some activities besides the swapping and other...

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The CircleChapter 31 Renees assistant Beach date

Renee had just settled into life in The Circle, and enthusiastically joined the housing partnership, when a number of things happen close together in time that jarred us all, albeit in a nice way by the time things were through. Vogue magazine's Christmas issue came out on that Wednesday, and it was a big deal. Renee was on the cover and featured inside in long article about the rising supermodel's fame, and the fashions she loved. Overnight, Renee's agent, who was based in Hollywood,...

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PromiseChapter 25 The Beach House

THE FLASH DRIVE had everything José María hoped for, Jacob told me the next day. The transfer had worked perfectly. After the excitement of my evening with Natalia and Monsieur M, everything investigation-wise went quiet. Or at least I wasn’t party to whatever action was going on. For obvious reasons José María was very reluctant to share details. That ticked me off a little, given my involvement so far, but Jacob was a little more forthcoming. The drive held more than enough material...

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The TeacherChapter 29 Im too sexy for this beach

Bill, relax," said Kat. "Lisa said that Haulover Beach is clothing-optional. You don't have to go in the nude if you don't want to." Bill said all right, proceeded to go into the bathroom, and changed into his bathing suit and a tee-shirt. "Here you go, sweetie," said Meredith to Mark, searching through her purse. "I brought some homemade granola bars, would you like one?" Mark said sure, "Lisa ... would you like one, as well?" Lisa turned around from looking outside and gladly...

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A Very Private BeachChapter 4 The Fourth Day

She was there at the gate, as she'd promised. "Did you have a nice cruise?" she said by way of greeting. "A cruise it wasn't! We took a beating from the ocean, but we got most of the data we were looking for." I drew her to me, and we kissed. "I never got a chance to wash those panties of yours." "I'm sure you didn't. In fact, I'm sure you went to bed with them on your face every night!" "Damn right! I missed you so much, Liz! I needed to smell you, to make sure you weren't...

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Mature Nudist Beach Threesome

Mature Nudist Beach Threesome.Courtesy of an anonymous poster on another site.It was when i was about 18 and had just started visiting a local nudist beach.I guess that I was a good looking lad, fit from sport and tanned after the summer. One day I thought I was alone on my bit of the beach in a big dip in the dunes.There was I relaxing, naked in the warm sun but then I saw an older couplewalking towards me, they must have been in their sixties at least - pretty muchnude - and she was still in...

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Invitation to a Beach Chapter 10

Chapter 10.It was sort of odd to be walking like that, naked and all wet. But being naked, it didn’t really matter. We continued our hike back to the lake. When we reached the lake’s far side, I decided to go in for my swim, rather than clean up at the beach. The edge was rocky and the water carpeted by lily pads, the odd yellow lily flower dotting the expanse of floating green leaves. When I climbed carefully over the rocks, I found the water only a few feet deep, and it was mucky on the...

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Invitation to a Beach Chapter 8

Chapter 8.After our picnic feast, some of the group went back to the beach, others hung around talking. I was by the trash cans throwing away my paper plate and plastic cutlery when Max joined me. “Nice lunch,” he said. “Juan Carlos is a great cook.”“I liked the Moroccan chicken,” I said. “And the watercress salad.”“Time for a swim?” Max asked.“Mother always said not for an hour after eating, I chided. “How about you introduce me to some of the others.”We headed down the hill, back to the...

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Life After Bikini Beach Chapter 5

Life after Bikini Beach: Chapter 5 I walked out of Bikini Beach in a state of semi-shock. I had done it. I was Tasha. Oh, I was happy. Very happy. And, yet, at the same time, I also could not believe that I would be a woman for the rest of my life. I COULD still change my mind. But, I knew I would not. My brain floated on such a high that everything just seemed dream-like and unreal. I knew that every day would not be perfect. I knew I would have sorrows, angst, and I...

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