Role Reversal free porn video

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[This is a story about a social experiment. Included are lots of oral sex, coitus, anal and an exchange of partners. If any of that bothers you, please don’t read the story. If you demand that men stay in their ‘traditional’ roles as men… don’t read this story. It may upset you. However, if the spirit of adventure and experimentation attracts you, read on. I will be interested in your comments. Please vote and please either post comments or email them to me. Thanks.]


‘Are you serious?’

The man nodded. He was serious. He knew my circumstances and knew I would have a really tough time turning him down. I thought about the contract. One year with no contact with family, friends, anyone I knew. One year in a relationship that I needed to make work, no matter what it took. We would be isolated and given hard work to do as well as having an intimate relationship. The man said it was an experiment in role reversal. She would be the dominant partner. For a year, I would be her wife, to use a traditional label. The sexual part of the relationship was, like in most relationships, part of the negotiated relationship with the understanding that I would be the wife, not the dominant partner. At the end I would be paid a minimum of one hundred thousand dollars. If we were evaluated as quite successful I would be paid two hundred thousand. Since yesterday I had signed everything I owned away in a court case, I didn’t have a job, money or hope of either, it made the decision pretty easy. The paper was on the table between us. One signature and I was in.

I signed.

The man picked up the paper and smiled. ‘Follow me. You begin now.’

I followed him through a door, down a long hallway and out another door into the sunshine. We were on a dock. Farther down the dock a large white boat was docked. I followed him to the boat and climbed the ramp when he pointed to it.

I was on the biggest adventure of my life and I had no idea how it might turn out. The man walked back down the dock and was gone. As I stepped aboard I was met by a man dressed in blue. He welcomed me, took me below and showed me to a locker room.

‘Take off everything and put it in that hamper. Shower, shave and shampoo. There are lockers with clothes over there.’ He pointed. ‘Get dressed and wait here. I’ll be back for you in fifteen minutes.’

By the time I was in the shower I realized I needed to get used to following orders. I would probably be doing a lot of it. All the clothes I found were in lockers with size labels on them. I found my sizes and put them on. White everything.

The man came back as I finished. I followed him back up on deck and to an area with tables and chairs set up. There were nine other men seated, waiting.

As soon as I sat down the horn sounded. It was so loud we all put our hands over our ears. When it ended I noticed we were moving. We watched as we slid quietly from the harbor into the open ocean. As the land receded from us our attention was refocused by the sound of someone calling for our attention.

He stood at a lectern, dressed in blue. He was about sixty and healthy looking. Clean shaven, hair short and salted, he appeared to be in good shape.

‘Welcome aboard. For the next two days you will be given training in your new lives. For the week after that you will be on a small island where you will meet the women of the project. There are ten of you. There are six of them. If you do not have a mate at eight o’clock on the final evening your participation in the project will end. You will be taken back to New Orleans and given five hundred dollars for your time.’

One man stood and said, ‘That’s not what I agreed to.’

‘Did you read the document you signed?’


‘In paragraph six it says that at our discretion we can terminate your participation anytime within the first month by returning you to New Orleans and giving you five hundred dollars. Would you like to see a copy of the document you signed?’

‘No. I believe you. I just didn’t read that part.’

‘Most didn’t. Some of you signed up simply because you heard about the money at the end. Some of you signed up because your life circumstances were so shitty you thought this looked like something that you could do for a year. At least one of you signed up because you figured you would get some free sex for a year. There is a possibility that you will have sex this year and the possibility is strong that it won’t be like sex you used to have. The rules have changed, gentlemen. My job is to begin your training. How many of you can cook?’

Seven men raised their hands. A cart was rolled out of the main cabin stacked with notebooks and pencils.

‘Come get a notebook and three pencils. When you sit back down I want you to plan a menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven days for two people. When you have the menu planned bring it to me.’

A hand went up. ‘Can we ask questions?’

‘Yes. Certainly.’

‘Who is going to prepare this menu? I can’t cook.’

‘How old are you?’


‘For thirty-eight years the women of planet Earth have taken care of you. Fed you every meal for all those years. We believe you can learn how to take care of yourself and for the woman in your life. You will plan a menu that will appeal to a woman and that you will learn how to prepare. I will be back in half an hour. Have your menus ready.’

He walked inside the cabin and I watched him go. The man who had asked the question sat still. I opened my notebook and started writing. ‘Day one: Breakfast.’ I thought about the things I like for breakfast, sausage, pancakes, eggs, cheese. Then his words hit me: ‘plan a menu that will appeal to a woman.’ Most women don’t eat like men.

Day one, Breakfast Granola and yogurt, coffee with cream and sugar. Lunch Salad with grilled chicken and iced tea. Dinner baked ziti, bread and red wine

By the time I had written a menu for two days I realized just how different women eat than men do. I started questioning the food choices I had been making and why. I realized that every woman I had ever been involved with knew more about what I liked than I knew about what she liked. I was thinking hard about things women I knew had ordered in restaurants over the years.

I used all the thirty minutes writing and finished dinner, day seven as the man in blue came back on deck. He sat at a table near the lectern.

‘If you have completed the menu bring it to me. If you have not, keep working.’

I was second in line. The man in front of me handed the menu to the man in blue.

‘Sit, please.’ He read the menu. He made notes on the page. When he was done he looked up at the man and asked, ‘Have you ever been a chef?’

‘Yes. Ten years for Denny’s.’

‘Excellent! I want you to sit at an empty table and assist the men who are still stuck. Your menu is quite good.’

He gave it back and the man moved off to do as he was told. I handed mine to the man in blue. He made notes and read carefully.

‘Sit, please.’ When he was done he said, ‘Have you ever been a chef?’


‘Your menu is pretty good, but not chef quality. Later there will be a class for you in balancing meals. He looked me in the eyes and said, ‘Go back to your table and make out a shopping list for this menu. Assume the kitchen has all the tools, bowls and things you need. Your shopping list is just for food. If you have questions come back up and ask me.’

The menu took one page. The shopping list took three. When I asked my first question he asked to see what I had written. He asked how much chicken I was going to buy. I had to plan for quantities!

As it started getting dark I took my shopping list back up. He looked it over and made some comments. He sent me to the galley and the man who had been with Denny’s was there already. We made dinner for twenty peop
le. There was a five by eight card on the refrigerator giving us the menu and quantities. We cooked for an hour. When it was ready we served the meal.

We had worked had for an hour and they ate it all in twelve minutes! As we served we heard the man in blue say that when dinner was over there would be an hour of free time. When the men finished eating they started wandering off. I stood and said, ‘Dinner is over when the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean.’

They looked at me like I was nuts. Three helped, the others wandered off. None of the crew helped in any way except they brought their dishes to the kitchen. Mike and I spent the hour doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. The three who helped us complained the whole time.

We went back on deck and sat to rest. Fifteen minutes later we heard the man in blue’s voice calling us into the main cabin.

‘How many of you have lived alone for a period of time of at least a year?’

All of us raised our hands. ‘Then I may assume you know how to keep a home clean?’

A few of the men looked down or away. ‘Are you slobs?’

‘Maybe’. One of the men who skipped out on KP said.

In the morning, you two men are making breakfast.’ He pointed to two who had skipped out on KP. ‘And, (pointing to the other two who had skipped out) you two will make lunch. The rest of you will come in here in the morning and clean this room. Look at it now. This is how it needs to look when you are done in the morning. Cleaning supplies and equipment are behind that door.’

The two days were filled with work and classes. Mr Blue told us the course was called ‘Everything your Mother forgot to teach you.’ On the morning of day three we woke up with the boat tied to the dock on a small island. We could see what looked like apartments and a club house. We were given a key to an apartment and told to go to our apartment and do our morning ritual. We were to meet in the club house at ten.

I had apartment six. I had nothing to take with me so a short walk from the boat and I was pushing the key into the knob at number six. I opened the door and wanted to scream. The place looked like the last people to be there had a party and left the place without cleaning up. It also looked like the party was at least a month before. In cleaning up I discovered a closet full of clothes my size, a kitchen loaded with food and a fresh bar of soap. I showered, shaved, dressed in new clothes and went to the club house.

Mike was already there and I sat next to him. We had become friends ever since our first evening in the galley.

‘How was your room, Mike?’

‘Like a college dorm on a long weekend. Some of the crud was old. Everything was dirty.’

‘Mine too. I did find some new clothes.’

‘Yeah. I wonder how Alan and Jake are doing?’ Alan and Jake were the two who most resisted the program. The answer to our question walked through the door together, still wearing the whites from the boat.

Mr Blue walked to the front of the room and had us all sit together on one side of the room. Before he spoke Jake raised his hand and asked, ‘Are we expected to clean up the mess somebody else made in these rooms?’

‘Jake, have you ever heard the saying that you only get one chance to make a first impression?’


‘The women you are to attract and be with for the next year are touring the rooms right now. They saw them last night and now they see what you did with no instructions from us. You were given the instruction to do your morning ritual and I see that you and Alan are still in whites from the boat. Everyone else is in new clothes.’

‘I didn’t know there was gonna be an inspection!’ Jake said.

Mike and I looked at each other and smiled. Alan and Jake hadn’t seen the new clothes. Alan and Jake had looked at the mess, complained to each other and waited to be rescued.

The doors behind us opened and we all turned.

Six women walked in. Each was dressed in jeans, loose t-shirts and sandals. With them was a woman dressed in blue. Each woman carried a stack of cards in her hand. As they walked forward Mr Blue said, ‘Gentlemen, do not speak. Make sure the key to your room is in your pocket. Please stand up. The women are going to look you over and each will put a card in your shirt pocket. Do not look at the cards. Just stand still.’

I stood. Mike was on the end of the row, then me, Pete, Miguel, Hassan, Harvey, Alan, Jake, Chris, Carl and Lee. The first woman walked up to Mike and looked him over. While she looked him over I looked at her. She was about my age, natural blond, very little make-up, about 5’8′ and about 160. Not skinny, not fat, about right for a healthy woman. She reached up and ran her hand over his cheek. She searched through the cards and put one in his pocket. She sidestepped to me and repeated the process. When her hand touched my cheek she smelled good. She moved on to Pete and I looked into the eyes of the next woman. Taller than the first by inches, brown hair down to her shoulders, brown eyes, and a slender build. She brushed against my cheek too. I liked the way her eyes sparkled, like she knew a secret and it was funny.

One at a time they came and deposited a card in our pockets. They were tall and short, slender and chunky, some had long hair and one had almost none. I’ve always liked looking at breasts and although I don’t have a size preference I do love them all. Three of the women obviously weren’t wearing bras.

When the last woman had given her last card to Lee, Mr Blue spoke again.

‘Gentlemen, please arrange the twenty chairs in a circle.’ We did. Mr Blue put cards on ten of the chairs. Cards with numbers on them.

‘Gentlemen, sit on the card that has your apartment number on it.’

I saw Mike sit on number eight. I sat on six.

‘The women gave you cards based on how they think you fit the person who would be in each apartment. When you look at the cards you will see what impression you made on them. You won’t know which woman gave you which card. Remember, your job is to get a mate in five days. The first and second impressions have been made. Look at your cards.’

I scanned the cards. Of the six cards I had four with ‘8’ on them and two with ‘6’. I looked over at Mike and we smiled. I knew his room was clean too.

‘Gentlemen, put your cards in the basket on the table. Next to the basket is a bowl. Pull a card from the bowl. Post the card next to your name on the board by the door. It identifies the meal you will be preparing in the next three days. If you draw lunch Monday then you need to post your card and go to the kitchen, through that door. The rest of you have two hours of free time. After lunch there will be a social event.’

I drew Tuesday Lunch. I walked back to my apartment and went to the bathroom. I went exploring and walked along the beach headed south from the apartments. As I walked I wondered who had picked Monday Lunch. I hoped it wasn’t Jake.

I walked back with plenty of time before lunch and saw that Lee had drawn Monday Lunch. He was a nice guy but lost in the kitchen. I went in to help. He was shredding lettuce for the salad and looked at me with fear in his eyes.

‘Shred the pieces smaller. I’ll cut up the other stuff.’ I looked at the card with the menu on it. ‘Where’s the chicken?’

‘I don’t know.’

I found it and because time was short I nuked it, boiled it and cut it in thin strips. We got a huge bowl and tossed everything together and made the dressing. Mr Blue walked in, saw that the big salad was ready, and walked out. A few seconds later I heard the dinner gong sound. Lee served the salad onto plates as I poured iced tea for everyone.

The women came in and sat down. Mike and I got the message and took salads to them. I took the first one to the tall, slender blond. Mike took his first to a petite brunette. I served one other woman and so did Mike. I got my salad and turned
to see the slender blond beckoning to me. I sat next to her.

Mr Blue spoke. ‘People, listen to me, please. The rules have changed. Men are used to being the hunters and women the pursued. No more. If a man attempts to take the role of aggressor then put him in his place. In a few days some of you men will be going back to New Orleans nearly broke. The women have all the power here. Treat them with the respect they deserve and you may get to stay. I am sure as you enjoy the salad it would be good to know that Nick helped Lee prepare it. He was not asked or required to do so.’

The blond leaned to me and said, ‘Nice move, Nick.’

‘Thank you.’

The rest of the meal was pretty quiet. None of us were quite sure how to be in these new roles. Near the end of the meal the blond said, ‘I’m Ila. That was a great salad.’

‘I’m Nick. Thank you.’

‘Would you like to go for a walk?’


She nodded.

‘I need to help clean up. Can you wait a few minutes and then we can go?’

‘You helped make the salad. Why do you need to clean up?’

‘Where I grew up everybody helps. I’d feel like I was a slacker if I didn’t.’

‘Then, go ahead. If I’m here when you’re done, I waited.’

‘I hope you do.’

I gathered the plates from around me and headed for the kitchen. Lee was up to his elbows in the sink. No one else helped. When we were done I wasn’t surprised to find that Ila wasn’t waiting. I walked back to my apartment and sat on the balcony. At two the phone rang. I heard every phone ring. When I picked up the voice said, ‘Please come to the club house.’

The chairs were in a circle. As each man entered they were told to sit together. When everyone was seated Mr Blue spoke.

‘From now until the evening meal you are to pair off and spend time getting to know each other. Not all of you will have someone to pair with. If you are without a partner think about what that may mean. When you hear the next gong it will mean for you to come for dinner. Dinner tonight is the responsibility of Miguel. Remember men, you do not choose. You can turn her down when she asks but you cannot ask her. When you are asked you get to do what she wants to do.’

Mr Blue stood and walked out.

We all sat looking at each other for a long time. I wanted to do something that would let Ila know I was interested, but I wasn’t sure what to do. Finally, one of the women got up and walked over to Mike. She held out her hand and said, ‘May I have this dance?’

Mike smiled and stood, taking her hand. ‘Sure.’ They walked out. I watched them go. When I turned back a woman was standing in front of me.

‘Would you like to go for a walk?’ She said.

‘Yes, thank you.’ I stood and walked beside her to the door. She opened it and held it for me. It felt weird but I walked through and said, ‘Thanks.’

She led the way and the way was past the apartments and then north along the beach. I didn’t speak.

The silence lasted a long time. Finally she stopped and looked at me.

‘I’m not very good at this yet. My name is Lace and I’m forty. Originally I’m from Idaho. I’ve never been married and I have no kids. I work as a vet’s assistant.’

‘You help take care of animals?’

‘Yes. Not just dogs and cats. I work on farms.’

‘Wow. I’m impressed. Tell me please, what your work day is like.’

‘That’s the best part. There’s no typical day. Every day is different.’ She described days filled with births, injuries, illnesses and sometimes deaths. It was obvious to me that she loved her job.

‘So, Lace, why did you sign up for this?’

‘I know a lot about animals. I don’t know anything about being in a relationship with a person.’

‘Given my history, I must not know anything either.’

‘Tell me about your history.’

‘Ok. I’ve been married twice. The first one didn’t work very well and I said it was because we were both too young and stupid when we got married. The second time I stayed married for ten years. I had made up my mind that I would stay married to her forever, no matter what.’

‘What happened?’

‘It wasn’t what it was who. Her daddy didn’t like me much, in the beginning. As time went on he liked me even less. He was all about money. He believed that the more money I made the happier his daughter would be. He set me up in business, his business, and I worked my ass off for ten years. In ten years I made fifty million for the business and daddy. In the end he was right. She divorced me, took every cent I ever earned and daddy kicked me to the curb.’

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I moan and tug on your hair as you lick slowly up my slit again and again. It feels so good, and right before I start getting used to this pattern you twist your head and change it up. I can feel my hips gyrating, rocking back and forth as you taste me. This is what I needed for my birthday... feeling wanted, sexy, and of course feeling all this pleasure.“Oh, Brian. Yes, baby, just like that,” I moan. I pull tighter but it’s clear that if I move you, it’s going to be because you let me. You...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Adventures of Diana and Mike Role Reversal

A few months ago, I had my friend Alex over to help me break in a couple of slaves. He is a big, sensual Dom who, although he can be very rough, can also be very gentle. As we enjoyed our slut-girls, he made it somewhat clear that he wanted to use me as a sub sometime. I felt strangely drawn to him and couldn't stop thinking about his offer. He really turned me on and thoughts of being bound and made to service him constantly haunted my thoughts and dreams. I had never shown a submissive side,...

2 years ago
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Kinky Reversal

I slid deep into my wife's core and she pulled the ring that penetrates my nipple with her teeth. I bucked out and back in, my movements pulling the small bit of sensitive flesh even harder. My orgasm was augmented by the pinching pain that telegraphed to my balls and I exploded inside her. She felt the throbbing and groaned with her responding climax. As we wound down from our pleasure Molly laid her head on my chest. Her hand smoothed its way over the nipple she had so recently tortured....

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I guess you would say I'm a pretty successful woman. Well not that "pretty," although I've kept a nice figure and my tits have always drawn stares. I am an executive with a high tech firm with lots of cashed-out options that by now have made me fairly wealthy ... But nothing about my looks or my recent affluence could have landed me David. David is intelligent, sensitive, and movie-star handsome: tall, square jaw, trim but muscular. Think of Hugh Grant. David was a virgin when I met him in...

3 years ago
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Arousing LeighaChapter 6 Rhondas Reversal

The thing about "My Little Princess" ate on Rhonda a little more than it should and she knew it. She made herself calm down and remember that she wasn't in a contest with Leigha. Not only had Leigha not once challenged her or tried to take away anybody's affection but also she wasn't even aware of what was happening. In fact, she really liked the girl. She was in her own right incredibly sexy and Rhonda found Leigha's sexual reaction to men to be extremely stimulating. Just watching...

4 years ago
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The Exhibitionist and the VoyeurChapter 6 Role Reversal

Chapter Cast: Cynthia, Female, 33 - Wife of Ray - 5’7, 140lbs, tanned beige skin, long blonde hair Ray, Male, 35 - Husband of Cynthia - 5’10, 175lbs, freckled tanned beige skin, short chestnut-brown hair Lanying, Female, 20 - Neighbor of Cynthia and Ray, college student - 5’2, 110lbs, almond-cream skin, black hair cut straight at neck “I... ,” Lanying hesitated, “uh ... I want to discuss ... the offer...” Those words were the hardest in her life to voice. She felt nervous sitting on the...

4 years ago
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Janet in TrainingChapter 6 Role Reversal

When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as well, and she had...

3 years ago
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Outpost 2 Snowed in Bisexual EditionChapter 2 Role Reversal

The snow was really coming down now, and Schaffer was glad to be inside the outpost, the heating system kept them cozy while elements that would kill an unprotected human in a matter of minutes battered the base from the outside. He sipped a mug of steaming coffee, it was a little gritty, but the heat of the beverage spread through his stomach and put a smile on his face. The Polars didn’t like the caffeine in coffee, and their tongues seemed almost indifferent to sweet flavors, but a mug of...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 6 Role Reversal

July 8, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio “What’s bugging you, Mike?” Mom asked at breakfast on Thursday. “What do you think?” I sighed. “You know, there is a simple answer to your problems,” Dad said with a smile. I shook my head, “It’s not simple at all! I know you both think I should marry Jocelyn, but neither Jocelyn nor I are sure about that.” “You did tell her you didn’t think you could marry someone who you knew couldn’t have kids,” Mom said. “Don’t you think that might have colored her...

1 year ago
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Caroles Big Mistake

Carole?s Big Mistake By thumb All characters are fictitious..This is fantasy not real.This is an adult story and should not be read by or to children.It is good to be back writing .My health stopped my Owned Teacher story and I work slower now but I thought I would give it another shot. This story may take some time to develop but there is a plan.E- Mail:[email protected] Chapter 1   Mrs. Carole Carsonis a 42 year old suburban housewife with two children.Heather 22, her daughter, is a...

2 years ago
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Role play

I use to date this very innocent looking woman but innocent she wasn't. That woman had a wild streak. She dressed very conserved, business suit that never showed off her body. But once that front door closed and she was wild. She loved to role play mostly the hooker/John role. So here is one of those times.I come home from work and do my usual, snack on something and take a shower. But as I come out of the shower I see a note on the mirror telling me to dry off and go to the basement.Towel...

3 years ago
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Role Play

Occasionally, just occasionally, role play in the bedroom takes on a whole new intensity and, instead of role playing, the person becomes the role and is taken to another dimension. Occasionally, what starts out as a fantasy, stitched into a session of sex. Soon becomes a situation, where anything becomes possible. Where inhibitions are left behind and the participants are removed from the real world of stresses and strife to a place totally overtaken by the acts of present and future lust and...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 "How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile. "If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I...

3 years ago
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Carole and Mandy pt 2

I left you with my horror of finding Steve and Vicky in my house looking at me dressed."Oh my god" I said, "what's going on Carole? What are you playing at I thought it was just us two" "don't worry she said they know all about you and your pathetic sissy ways" I could feel myself getting very red indeed, I wanted to run out and change but Vicky stood in the way of the door, Steve was still sat at the table smiling I looked at him and he just winked and smiled at me, "I don't understand why you...

2 years ago
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Role Play With Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am Sam (name changed), I was attracted to Indian Sex Stories from my school days and now I got an idea to share my experience. This is my first sex story, so please don’t mind the mistakes and share your feedbacks with me. I am 24 yrs old now, from Tamil Nadu, I and my girlfriend used to meet every once in a month and have sex. Our sex life is going great and we enjoy each other so well and make the most out of our time together. This is one of the incidents when we decide to have...

2 years ago
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Caroles Start

We made love intensely, turned on by the earlier conversations with our dinner guests. They were in one of our other bedrooms and doing pretty much the same thing, by the sound of it.Afterwards we snuggled for a bit, but it seemed we both wanted some more fun. I got up and got her blindfold, gag and black leather cuffs from the draw, along with some red rope.She’d been wearing her metal collar all evening, which had been the topic of one of our conversations. She readily accepted the blindfold...

4 years ago
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Roles Reversed

ROLES REVERSED by "c.c." I'm a high-ranking official in the Administration of a large mid-western University, and though I've always had an interest in Tranvestism, I know I'm just too manly-looking to cross-dress successfully. So for years, I just went along fantasizing.... Till I met Gloria. Gloria is a good-looking, well-educated woman about my age who makes ends meet with a variety of part-time jobs around the University; She works in my office from time to time, she schedules...

2 years ago
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North Fucks South 8211 A Tale Of Alcohol And Role Reversals

I had just moved into Mumbai and it was paradise for me; a new job, a place for myself, and absolutely no supervision from anyone. To give you a brief detail about myself, I’m Arjun a Malayalee, lived my whole life in Kerala, that’s till my campus selection. Physically I’m a pretty smart chap, 26 years of age, 5’10 height, slim, I sport a beard at times and sexually I was straight (at least that’s what I thought) and active. So to cut to the chase I got my campus selection and my company posted...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 59 Role Reversals

January 31, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “You’re STILL struggling with that issue?” Jocelyn asked during our regular Sunday afternoon call. “Does it really surprise you?” “No, I suppose it doesn’t. I think the circumstances of the last year really caused you some serious heartache and anguish, and I’m not just talking about you and me. If you think about it, you and Emmy were ripped apart by her dad; you and Nancy were ripped apart by her difficulty with commitment; you and I were ripped apart by...

2 years ago
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This was a Role -Play fantasy that she wanted to try.She would often dress up for me as a Hooker and offer me her services as part of our bedroom fun and gamesWe chatted one night about her living her fantasy out for real..well real in the fact that it will be a role-play meet with no actual money changing hands ..We place an advert on a swinging site and outlined what we were looking for and how it would go.We said it's a role-play meet as her playing the part of a working girl and you book...

4 years ago
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Role Pay

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations. I worked on this story with Cowgirl before her retirement from the porn writing biz. I was hoping that we would do the collaborating bit and pass the story off to one another and finish it. Well, we got most of the way through, but never finished. I forgot all about it until today when I was going through some of my old stories and determining which I wanted to finish and which were...

1 year ago
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Role Playing With Kiersten

I suppose you could say that I was naïve and maybe even that I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. It just happened. I thought that I was strengthening my marriage when actually what I was doing was weakening the fabric that would eventually let it disintegrate. It started innocently enough. I came home from work one night to find Kirsten waiting just inside the door that connected our attached garage to the house. She was dressed in what she referred to as her 'come fuck me'...

3 years ago
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Caroles Twin Part Two

Carole's Twin - Part Two Note: My dear reader, I recommend that you first read "Carole's Twin" to best follow and understand the progress of this story. Whether it was fate or otherwise, at that very moment the radio began playing Ringo Starr's "You're Sixteen." As I slowly walked toward Jack, I swayed seductively for him, mouthing the words. From his expression, I knew that I was doing everything right, and I longed to hold my femininely shaped and attired body against him for...

3 years ago
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Carole the Cunt

He knew who and what she was even before she made sure he met her and then all but dragged him between her legs. Marvin was a wealthy tech nerd who didn’t date much. Carole was a typical buxom blond beauty that knew her effect on men and their eager organs and took advantage of it frequently. She had turned twenty-five and a media-inspired fear of losing her beauty to aging set her course towards marriage, even if it meant having fewer lovers. She’d thoroughly evaluated all the candidates in...

2 years ago
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Carole and Mandy pt1

Carole and Mandy had been seeing each other for a while now, this was their second attempt at making it work, they fist got engaged aged 18 but things went wrong a coup,e of years later, Carole knew Mandy dressed and on occasions would help but never went any further than a walk down the road, it all stopped obviously when they spilt. Twenty odd years later by the power of Facebook they got in touch again and hit it off big time even talk of moving in together so things were on the up and with...

3 years ago
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Role Play Young guy older woman

Role Play Young guy older womanThis a role play designed for fun with 1 or more teen males and 1 older experienced woman.The three of us are in a beach front hotel on the first floor. Worked out ahead in minor detail, Jim is an 18 year old guy just out of HS. He is staying on the beach with his friends Steve and Max, all teens getting ready for US service. None have had much sex with other people, just jacking off to magazines and internet porn. Steve and Max left to get some snacks and stuff,...

1 year ago
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Role Play a Womans Wishes


2 years ago
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Role Reversal Again

Saturday morning and Victoria had slept in after a long, hard week at work.   She woke about 8:00 and just lazed in bed till almost 9:00 before getting up to shower.   She turned the faucet on, made the water very hot, and then slipped out of her nightie and stepped under the hard spray.   God it felt good! As she let the spray soak over her, she thought about the weekend ahead.   Absolutely no plans . . . and that was just what she wanted.   The major work project she had been working on for...

4 years ago
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Role Playing II Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors

Role Playing II - Star Lily and the Temple of Horrors F/f, bondage, D/s, gothic, romantic, slavery The temple was dark and cold, the trail of spiders clearly visible in shadowedcorners. The stone ceiling was so low that a tall man would have to crouchto walk around. The floor was covered with dust and crawling insects. Deep in the bowels of the earth, it had been forgotten for long aeons. Scholarsmight recall the foul rituals once carried out here, the summoning of monstrousdemons and foul...

3 years ago
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Caroles Story 02 Our Honeymoon

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. ...

2 years ago
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Roles Reversed

18 year old Mandy was walking home from school thinking about her chat with her best friend Emma, also 18 years old. They were also next door neighbours. Emma had complained to Mandy that her parents had no real consideration for her, were often noisy when she was doing her homework, or came home late and thumped around the house even when they knew she had an early start or even worse an exam the next day. Mandy told her she had had the same problem with her own parents but things were now...

1 year ago
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Roles By Karen Hansen Terri was right. The visions were appearing before my eyes, images of men and women bound... gagged... dressed and/or wrapped in all sorts of attire and materials... or nothing at all. Their helpless forms being teased, caressed, pinched, bit, flogged and, generally, used in every imaginable manner by beautiful, intelligent, dominant women wearing high heeled boots, corsets and wicked grins as they doled out whatever pleasure or pain they saw fit. The...

3 years ago
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Parole Dad

At the age of thirteen my family life imploded, when my stepfather was sent to prison for ten years, having been found guilty of manslaughter. He would only be eligible for parole eight years later. I loved my stepfather, and although he was a ‘fun’ dad, he was also a hooligan who never grew up. He was perpetually in shit and drifted from one job to another. Pool hall fights were a weekly occurrence in his life, and on one occasion he simply went too far. A year after his incarceration my...

Gay Male
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Role Reversed

I leaned over him kissing him softly from his neck down to his stomach. I then hovered over his thigh and then nibbled on it softly and then sucking. Using my tongue moving closer to his cock, knowing how bad Daddy wanted it, how bad he wanted to feel my mouth around his cock. His Babygirl wanted to, was going to but not quite yet. I gripped my hands on his thighs and took my tongue and dragged it slowly up over his stomach to his face, softly placing kisses along the way. Nibbling on his...

2 years ago
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RolePlay Sex Session with a Mature French Businessman

As models, we maintain a very warm relation with our clients. Thus, we always receive invitations for corporate business success parties/events. I don’t know what normal people think of rich businessmen who dress professionally in suits and coats and talk only about numbers and market share. But let me tell you they are the ones who keep mammoth fantasies and kinks in their heads.They conduct these parties and always end up getting laid with some pretty girl attending. They cannot be blamed...

2 years ago
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Role play gone wrong

Another story from my sex diary. A little preface. Originally I though we were going to do some role playing, but I was deceived. I've told you in other stories about my dealer/biker bf, Carlos, that liked doing things out of the ordinary. He also liked fucking me and having his cock sucked as much as he liked having me fuck and suck other guys. One of his rules was if I started messing with any of his friends, which he had me do often, I was not allowed to stop till they were all "taken care...

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