Role Over: A BDSM Odyssey free porn video

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PROLOGUE (present day)

As I walked down the grassy bank and approached the lake I barely noticed the gay collage of joggers, bicyclists, strollers and children. I was in a pensive mood, and this familiar place opened doors to my past that I’d kept closed for a long time. It was right here where my former life had come to an end and where my new one had begun. I had no desire to go back. But the past lies forever in the past, I reminded myself, like an old book, familiar but dead.

The lake didn’t look much different now, except for the large population of Canadian geese that had moved in, crapping on everything in sight. I found an unsoiled spot and sat down. A cocker spaniel ran by, chasing a pissed-off duck, while ignoring some fat geese standing mere feet away. The spring sun felt good on my face. I laid back on the grass and closed my eyes. It had been cold that night, I recalled, a crisp winter evening. I heard a dog barking … then splashing noises …


The raucous disturbance shattering the chill night air over Seattle’s Greenlake came as an almost welcome interruption to my somber reflections. Barking, then splashes, followed by the panicked quacking of ducks echoed along the dark shoreline. Another dog wants duck for dinner. The barking changed to a high-pitched series of wailing yips, then a scream — definitely human, and female — echoed up the shoreline.

I jumped up from the small dock and ran toward the commotion. The woman was still screaming when I got there, but not in any danger. She waved a pudgy finger at this bedraggled mess of a dog-poodle, or something resembling that. It was out in the lake, clinging to the end of a half submerged log. The woman was frantic. The mutt had chased the duck out along the log, but had no idea on how to get back. Animals do that when they see prey, their little brains shut down, blood lust takes over, and off they go.

I tried to imagine what would happen if it actually caught a duck. It wouldn’t be pretty. God knows, dogs will eat anything. I had a friend who used to throw the sort of parties where people would stagger outside and throw up. His dog used to lurk outside door, waiting for that nice warm snack. Mmmm. Let’s just say I’m not a ‘dog person.’ Taking pity on the duck assassin’s owner, I said something glib like ‘Don’t worry ma’am,’ and began slogging out to where I could reach the log. No way was I going to take my shoes off, with nothing but broken glass and decaying goose-shit to walk on.

The muck nearly sucked my shoes off anyway, and it took a few minutes of careful effort before I reached the log. I tested it to make sure that it wasn’t floating, and then stepped gingerly aboard. After some careful mincing along the slimy wood I finally got close to where the dog sat cowering. I offered my hand and he snarled at it.

‘Hey little fella,’ I heard myself say in a ridiculous soft voice, ‘Come on. . .don’t be scared. . .come on. . .’

This seemed to calm it down, so I reached again, offering him my left hand. He tried to bite it, which I expected. Taking a handful of his neck scruff in my right hand, I hoisted him off the log. . . .and completely lost my footing in the process. Ass over teakettle is the expression I believe.


I slogged up out of the fetid goo like the Creature from the Black Lagoon, dog held out at arm’s length by its worthless neck, yelping and whining. I dropped it on the shore and sat down to empty the mud from my shoes. The dog’s owner wrapped the mutt in her coat and walked over to where I sat. Probably going to thank me, maybe offer a reward, I thought.

‘You could have hurt her!’ she shouted, ‘No one treats my poor Brichette that way.’ Brick-shit? I thought. Now there’s a funny name.

‘I should report you!’ she said over her shoulder as her and Brickshit hit the bricks. I pulled my shoes back on and lay back in the grass for a moment, admiring the winter constellations overhead while the water drained out of my pantlegs. A young woman’s face filled my field of vision.

‘Am I dying?’ I asked, ‘Are you an angel?’

‘No, silly,’ she replied, ‘But I might be looking at one.’

‘Huh?’ Damn’ she’s cute.

She kneeled down next to me. ‘I saw what you did for that lady and her dog. She should have thanked you.’ Then she pulled a handkerchief from her coat and dabbed at the muddy water on my face. Yeah, she’s definitely an angel.

‘I didn’t really have a reason to go on living tonight anyway,’ I quipped, ‘so I was on my way to a drowning — very private affair — when the dog interfered. But thanks for the vote of confidence.’ I started to get up, ‘Now if you’ll excuse me I have a date with oblivion.’

‘I hope you were just kidding about that,’ she said, examining my face with a concerned look, ‘Are things really ever that bad?’

I stood there shaking a little from the cold. ‘No I guess not. I’m sorry. It’s just been a lousier than usual evening.’ I held out my arms like a crucifixion. Water drooled out of the sleeves. ‘Now I’ve got to get this wet stinking carcass home before it freezes.’

‘How far away do you live?’

‘Queen Anne Hill,’ I replied, nodding toward the south end of the lake, ‘I have a car. The upholstery will never smell the same after tonight.’ I squeezed the front of my sweater, letting it piss on my feet, then tossed her a goofy smile. ‘Maybe I’ll throw it all in the trunk and drive home au naturel.’

Her laugh had a pleasant musical quality.

‘I’d love to see that! But you might freeze — if you don’t get arrested first.’ She studied me for a moment and seemed to reach a decision. ‘Tell you what. I live nearby. Come home with me and you can get cleaned up while I wash those clothes for you.’

I started to protest, ‘Look, you don’t even know me. Didn’t your mother warn…’

‘Yes she did.’ The way she said it made me regret the question. Then her tone softened again. ‘I think you’re more of a threat to yourself than to anyone else. By the way my name is Misha.’ As she said this she stuck her hands down in front of me. I grasped them. They were warm, of course. She helped pull me to my feet with surprising strength.

‘I’m Alex…Thanks.’

‘Well Alex, you’re not the only one around here with a sense of civic duty. You smell so awful you’re a public nuisance. By taking you home I’m just doing my community a favor.’ ‘Sure, bringing the trash in,’ I murmured to myself as she led me away. She turned and shot me a curious glance as we walked up the grassy bank toward the street.’ Her house was one of those craftsman bungalows built in the 20’s throughout this area. It was on a side street, just half a block from the lake.

‘Nice place,’ I said, ‘Great location.’

‘Yeah we lucked out and heard about it before the previous renters moved out.’ ‘So, you and your ah, husband?’ I pried.

‘Room-mate,’ she said, glancing down at my muddy shoes squishing noisily up her porch steps. ‘Maybe you’d better…’ I was already removing them before she could finish.

‘You can leave those out here,’ Misha said. ‘I’ll get them later.’ She glanced pointedly at the grimy lake water still dripping from my pants.

‘Perhaps I should also…’ I offered, reaching for my belt buckle.

‘I think so,’ Mish replied, obviously relieved. ‘There’s no need to be bashful.’

I unfastened my pants and peeled them off. My skivvies were also quite wet, and offered little in the way of cover. She turned and unlocked the door, then held it open for me. I padded barefoot into the house, feeling like a homeless stray, and acutely aware of Misha’s appraising eyes on my backside.


The house was comfortable inside, modestly furnished in warm earth tones with tasteful splashes of color here and there. I could live in a place like this-more so than my current fleabag apartment.

Misha pointed to an open doorway, ‘B
athroom’s down the hall. Go ahead and get your wet clothes off and toss them by the door. Clean towels are hanging next to the shower. . .’ she paused, wrinkling her nose’. . . which you definitely should use.’ She turned away, walked over to the brick fireplace, and began tending to the smoldering embers.

The bathroom had obviously been remodeled recently. All the fixtures, including a large glass shower stall, looked new. The dŽcor and cleanliness of the room said ‘girls only’ which got me to wondering about this mysterious roommate. I started the water to let it warm up, then stripped out of my muddy — and smelly — clothes. I was still looking for a place to lay them without making a mess when Misha walked in the door.

‘Oh! Sorry,’ she said, making no effort to avert her eyes. ‘I heard water running and thought you were already in the shower.’ She held her arm out for the clothes and waited.

I had turned my back to her when she burst in — a clumsy maneuver that allowed her both frontal and butt views. Now I stood facing her again, blushing and using the bundle of clothes to cover myself. Abandoning modesty, I quickly shoved the sodden mess into her arms and stepped into the shower stall. As I pulled the glass panels closed I realized they weren’t frosted.

Misha looked at me through the glass and smiled. ‘I left a robe hanging on the door,’ she said. ‘Go ahead and wear that while I wash these yucky clothes of yours.’ She walked out and closed the door behind her.

I stood under the water for a long time, letting its warmth chase the lake-chill from my body. The soap had a strong flowery scent but it seemed to work well, and if nothing else it might mask any lingering stench from the lake muck. Eventually, I managed to scrub the remaining mud out of every pore.

Reaching for a towel, I glanced at the robe Misha had left me. It was a woman’s, dark blue silk with Japanese writing silk-screened onto it. I dried off and pulled the robe off the hook. It would be a short fit on my frame but it would cover the important parts. Barely. I slipped it on and immediately felt a strange tingle.

The robe’s silky feel against my freshly scrubbed skin, combined with the slight smell of perfume, was undeniably erotic. My cock began to fill with blood, and within moments it had formed a conspicuous tent in the robe. I glanced around the bathroom, hoping Misha might have at least left my briefs. There was nothing.

I lifted the clothes-hamper lid and peered inside. Right on top of some towels was a pair of pale blue panties. They had to be either Misha’s or her roommate’s. I hesitated, tempted, but I just couldn’t bring myself to try them on. I was just lowering the hamper lid when someone knocked.

‘When you’re ready, come out to the living room,’ Misha called through the door. ‘I have a nice fire going. You can warm up in front of that.’

‘Okay,’ I replied. ‘Sounds good.’

My decision had just been made for me. There was no way I could lounge near the fire next to cute little Misha without getting another erection. And this flimsy little robe was not going to hide it. My renegade cock had just proved that.

Oh well, I thought, any containment is better than none. I opened the hamper and lifted out the delicate pair of panties. They appeared to be clean, but out of curiosity I smelled them. They had the same perfumed scent as my robe but there was also a faint musty odor on the crotch-panel. My mouth fell open and I nearly swooned as once again the blood rushed into my cock. Ironically, very thing that I had selected to hide my erection in had only caused it to grow larger. Whatever was a poor boy to do?

I parted the robe, bent over, and stepped gingerly into the leg-holes. With my cock wagging obscenely at half-mast, I shimmied the panties up my legs, trying not to tear anything. It was a chore to get everything tucked away and the panties stretched around my waist, but finally — by tilting my cock and tucking it inside — I managed to keep it hidden below the waistband. At last I felt somewhat more secure, if not normal. No, not normal at all.

In fact at that moment I felt intensely erotic. I held the robe aside and caught my reflection in the mirror. The panties hugged my buttocks in a smooth sensuous curve. I couldn’t resist running my hand over it. The material was so sheer and delicate it was almost like nothing, yet it was indeed something. Unable to stop myself, I wagged my hips, admiring the look and feel. I felt inexplicably feminine!

Reluctantly, I pulled the robe closed and tied it shut, hiding my swollen secret. Once my clothing had been laundered I’d come back here to change, slip the panties back in the hamper, and no one would be the wiser. Feeling clean, refreshed, and strangely transformed, I opened the bathroom door and walked out..

A fire was crackling in the living room. I headed gratefully toward the warmth like the proverbial moth to a flame. Misha had her back to me as she placed more wood on the fire. Her dark hair was tied back, exposing a slender neck that disappeared into her long cotton ‘granny dress.’ Backlit by the flames, her lithe body was visible through the material, creating a vision more alluring than if she’d been wearing nothing at all.

Misha turned to face me with a smile as warm as the fire. She sat down on a thick rug in front of it, cradling a glass of wine. The sweet strains of a jazz clarinet piece softly filled the room. She gave me a mischievous look.

‘How’s this for a clichŽ?’ she asked, ‘Are you ready for the seduction scene?’ ‘I hate predictable endings,’ I replied, in a lame attempt at being coy. ‘If this were a movie I might walk out…’ I waited for her jaw to drop. ‘…were the female lead not so attractive.’

‘Oh my. Flair for drama, Alex?’ Misha reached up and handed me a glass of wine. I held swirled it, and watched the flames flicker through the dark, red liquid.

‘It makes life interesting,’ I replied, taking a seat on the sofa across from her. With her eyes now even with my crotch, I had to angle myself so as not to give her a view under the short robe. ‘In fact,’ I went on, ‘That’s what I was doing down by the lake. They were holding auditions for a play at the Bathhouse Theater.’

‘Oh yes! A charming little place, I’ve watched a few plays there. It’s very intimate … you feel so close to the action.’ She rose from in front of the fire and sat next to me on the sofa. ‘Getting a bit warm over there,’ she explained innocently.

‘Yes, it’s a wonderful venue. The stage sweeps out into a small gallery. It’s what you might call a theatre in the ‘semi-round’,’ I replied, surprised at her familiarity with the place.

‘And you auditioned for a role there?’ she asked.

‘Unsuccessfully I’m afraid. Actually I’m not much of an actor, though I used to think so back in high school. Writing is my real avocation now.’

‘Are you any good at that?’ she teased.

‘I try, but writing and getting published are two different propositions. All my efforts so far have been stillborn. I’m about ready to call it quits.’

She sighed sympathetically. ‘It must be hard not to take it personally when your work is rejected.’ She sensed my frustration, and deftly moved on. ‘So what made you decide to try stage-acting? Just a lark?’

‘No. I’ve been studying screen writing, hoping to improve my lousy dialogue writing skills. I’m starting to see that actors are almost as much a part of the creative process as the writer. Good actors can transform a decent screenplay into a great story. So you have this interdependence thing.’

‘Oh, I agree!’ Misha grasped my knee for emphasis. ‘It’s like some sort of symbiosis when good actors get something they can sink their teeth into. The chemistry takes over. When that happens, the energy released is almost palpable.’

I was smitten with Misha’s grasp of a subject so dear to me. I was also smitten with the woman herself. And her hand o
n my knee was having the predictable effect. Down, boy.

‘Exactly. I said, trying to stay on track. ‘I thought that by ‘getting inside’ a character – by playing a role — I might get an actor’s sense of what works. I was miserable at the audition though. Totally stunk up the place.’

‘So you left,’ she prompted.

‘Yeah, before they threw me out.’ I caught Misha’s doubtful look, I was laying it on too thick. ‘Actually they were starting to pitch for stagehands, so I slipped out the side door.’

‘And that’s when you heard the dog barking in the lake?’

‘No. I sat there on the shore for a long time, thinking dark thoughts.’

Misha pondered this for a moment. Then she looked at me carefully and asked, ‘How dark, Alex?’ Her eyes held mine. I tore myself away and gazed at the flames.

‘Real dark,’ I finally replied. ‘Trust me, you don’t want to know.’ Why did I say that? I didn’t even know this woman. Now I can’t stop talking to her.

Misha must have sensed my unease. She took my hand and held it in hers. Once again she held me with her gaze, and once again there was the angel’s face – the one I’d seen by the lake. Just as it had blocked out bleak, dark sky then, now it was sheltering me from my own darkness. The warmth and genuineness of Misha’s concern touched something deep within me. I had to open myself up to her.

‘I guess I was about ready to head for the bottom of the lake,’ I explained, my voice breaking, ‘and stay there. Like the rest of the sunken trash.’ I was rapidly losing it. I shut up and stared into the fire.

Misha probed softly, her voice almost in a whisper now, ‘But you didn’t head for the bottom, did you Alex?’

‘Only because that damned dog started barking.’

‘And you had to play superhero.’ Misha rose to her knees and moved her face close to mine, like a child about to share a secret. ‘Have you ever tried role-playing for real, Alex?’

I laughed, a little too hard. Frankly I was relieved to change the subject. ”Role-play for real’? Sounds like an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one!’

‘You know, masquerading as someone you’re not, only in life instead of theatre?’

‘Like for example,’ I prompted, playing dumb.

‘Like for example right now, pretending to be a moron!’ We both laughed, and I felt the darkness slide back a little farther.

‘Okay,’ Misha continued. ‘For example, I can see you are obviously a man.’ She playfully flipped up the edge of my robe, and then dropped it back into place. Uh, oh. ‘Have you ever played a woman’s–‘ Suddenly her mind registered what she’d seen under the robe. Before I could move, she reached down and flipped the robe up again. This time she held it aside for a better look. ‘Whoa! Are those my panties?’

‘Ahh …I, uh …’ My mouth was flapping but the words weren’t forming.

‘Let me guess,’ Misha said, grining now. ‘Have you ever fantasized about dressing up in women’s clothing before, Alex?’ I was slow to recover. ‘Wow! Now who has a ‘flair for drama’? Yes, I am indeed of the male persuasion,’ I huffed, ‘And heterosexual, and to answer your question, I have never done female impressions, onstage or off. I think I would find it very uncomfortable parading around in a dress, trying to act feminine.’ I held the robe tightly closed, denying the obvious.

‘But that’s my point exactly!’ Misha jumped up and sat next to me on the couch. I was instantly aware of her thigh pressing against mine.

‘It has to be the ultimate challenge doesn’t it?’ she asked. ‘And you could probably carry it off with your fair features and high cheekbones.’ She stroked her fingers through my longish blond hair, ‘This is awfully pretty too, just about long enough now for a bob.’ I was red as a beet now, and it wasn’t from the wine. Misha ignored my discomfiture, she was either having too musch fun – or worse – she was going somewhere I wasn’t ready to go. Or was I?

Misha pressed on. Her enthusiasm was almost contagious. ‘I think you could play a fine woman.’ She reached over and squeezed my breast, then gave my nipple a playful tweak. ‘We’d have to give you some help in a few places though.’ ‘Whoa!’ I help my hands up. ‘You talk like I’ve already decided to play this role you’re creating,’

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BDSM The alternative lifestyle of BDSM had always intrigued him. The thought of it aroused him. Myles had been more than curious about bondage, discipline, submission, dominance, sadism, and masochism long before he became a gigolo, but now that he made a living from sex, Myles had many opportunities to wander in and out of the lifestyle with many of his clients. Myles also knew that most people wouldn’t believe him if he told them that as much as twenty-five percent of the general population...

4 years ago
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Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy Wife Ne Puri Ki 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, I’m Manish this is the second part of my sex story. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and promised me help. Now this part follows , enjoy. Last night was quite stressful for both of us, probably the most important night in our relationship. I woke up in the morning by the sound of her beautiful...

Gay Male
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Innocence Lost An Early Introduction to BDSM

Innocence Lost: An Early Introduction to BDSM, Pt. I ? Hannah Sullivan was not your average schoolgirl.? She was not interested in most of the things that excited her schoolmates.? People might have confused her demeanor as being shy or even stand-offish.? Actually she was just basically independent.? She was a pretty little teen but lagged behind her classmates in body development.? She was a virgin who had not yet developed much of an interest in boys.?She had an experimental and adventurous...

3 years ago
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Abbie Cummmms a real time BDSM Journal

Abbie Cummmms – a real time BDSM Journal (The Beginning) 4/14/2008JayMac I just wanted to let you know that i loved your story!  I just recently really got into any BDSM stuff!  But i felt like i was really in the story itself not just because of the way you wrote it, but it was close to home!  I live not very far from Santa Barbara, and i am moving to the Inland Empire in about a week... your story really turned me on, and especially on a personal level... i just thought i would share a few...

5 years ago
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Spanker Joins A BDSM Society Part 2

The next morning, Saturday, was devoted to group sex. More society couples joined us, including a black couple, and the fucking went on freely for two hours. Spanker and Ann loved it and were kept busy as newly arrived BDSM Society couples wanted to try out the new members. They especially enjoyed the black couple, a tall athlete and his petite chubby wife with broad hips and a broad smile and black pubic hair all tightly curled on her pussy that called Spanker’s cock to action. She fascinated...

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My First Foray Into BDSM

Hello and welcome. This is a little story about my foray into BDSM. Firstly, it wasn’t my idea. I just need to get that out of the way from the start. It all began with my friend Mary. Her birthday was coming up and I asked if there was anything special she would like to do. If you haven’t read any of my previous stories, then you will have no idea who we are. Explaining now would take up too much time.Before I continue, I must warn you that if you start giggling I’m going to stop, I mean it....

2 years ago
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Meri Bdsm Ki Fantasy Part ndash 1

This story is part of a series:keyboard_arrow_right Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy, Wife Ne Puri Ki – Part 2View all stories in seriesHi everyone, I am Manish (liked to be called as Manisha). This sex story is all about how my naughty and kinky fantasies were fulfilled by my wife Koel.First, let me describe myself, I am a 29-year-old male, with a little-tanned skin tone, height is 5.5 ” with a small penis of 4″ size, currently working in a private bank, i am straight but always had a fantasy regarding...

4 years ago
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BDSM With My Best Friend

Hi, I am Ankit. I am 23 years old I am from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. Please do send me some feedback at and any unsatisfied ladies or young girls can contact me 100% privacy is assured. I graduated from a reputed college from Bangalore and now working for an MNC. I am 5.7 feet tall and I have an athletic body and hit the gym regularly. This incident took place recently when I was in final year engineering. The heroine of the story is my classmate Janavi. She had...

3 years ago
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Anushkaa Kaa BDSM Gangbang 10 Hunks Nee Kiyaa

Author: suckhot 1 ( NOTE : Is story me bahut gandaa likhaa huaa haa –  jasee kee chudnee valee hooty ko shit khilnaa etc. Joo readers is tarah ke batoo se bachte hoo unsee hamaree  request ha ke vo story na padee, par hamee  to jo bhee Anushka kee saath huaa vo sab kuchh sach likhnaa haa ) Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id:     ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek...

3 years ago
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Painful Substitution a BDSM movie

PAINFUL SUBSTITUTION A BDSM movie in 2 partsPremise ; 2 women, an up-and-cumming porn-star and her female agent, meet with a producer of bdsm videos.  A contract is signed and a retainer is paid to the agent.  On the day of the shoot, the porn-star is a no-show.  The agent is forced into doing the bdsm scenes.  The porn-star eventually shows up and watches the agent being tortured in the last scheduled and she does an extra scene as a dominant.PART 1 - The office meetingThe owner of the bondage...

4 years ago
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Calonge Cuties 2 Sas Marina Joseacutee SM Marlene BDSM


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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 6 A BDSM Slave

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the part of the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM slave fantasy. If you haven’t read the first parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I started preparing for the BDSM session. I had the bondage tools with me but required more items like ropes, wax, and other stuff. I purchased and kept my bag ready for the day. I messaged Simi that I am ready. I also...

5 years ago
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The Girl In The Lift 8211 Part 8 BDSM Slave Girl

Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the previous parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story about the BDSM slave girl. I woke up in the morning at around 8.30 AM and found my slave was awake and struggling with her bondage. From her face, it looked like she didn’t have a sound sleep. I reached near her. She was expecting me to...

2 years ago
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My First Gay BDSM encounter

Hi, I am Tejas. I am here to tell you about my first gay encounter with my best friend. Let’s begin with how I got I started watching porn when I was 18. Then after a couple of years later, I came to know about BDSM porn. I started loving it. I always liked the role of Master in BDSM the way the Master dominates. We all friends shared porn. But there was one friend. Let’s call him A, who also watched BDSM porn. As we had a similarity, we both became best friends. Whenever his mom and dad were...

Gay Male
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With the recent interest in Fifty Shades of Grey, BDSM is becoming increasingly popular in both porn and erotica. If you're looking for bondage and kinky stories, you might want to give a try. Some would say that this story is geared more towards women. They say that many women enjoy reading erotica rather than looking at porn. The layout is pretty feminine and modern in design, with short stories and novels being added constantly. It's simple to use and get into the actual content...

Sex Stories Sites
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The first BDSM session of Alice

Alice was a young bisexual girl. She was never into love or marriage. And she was definitely not into the mainstream. She was into something that's very different- BDSM. “Ugh. This assignment is so boring.” Said Alice with anger in her voice. Alice hated doing college assignments. In fact she hated this life of studies, job, retire and die. She also hated the concept of marriage. All she wanted was to serve someone dominant and she ne facing their wrath. As a bisexual girls, she...

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My First Step into BDSM Sex with a Beautiful London Escort Girl

I had never thought about BDSM as a sexual act that would appeal to me. So, I never even thought about trying it. But the first step into BDSM sex, for me was with someone so sensuous and beautiful, that I enjoyed it thoroughly. The work week was rough and I wanted sex. I was single and wasn’t currently dating anyone, but I had the need. So, I looked up escorts and made a booking for Friday night. I met her in my hotel room. She had knocked softly on the door and when I opened it, wow! There...

8 months ago
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The Knot of Submission A BDSM Fantasy

Foreword: The Allure of BDSM and Fantasy Exploration In the world of BDSM, the boundaries of pleasure and pain blur, creating a realm where trust, communication, and consent reign supreme. For many, this exploration is not just about physical sensations but also about discovering deeper aspects of themselves and their desires. Among the various tools and toys used to enhance these experiences, the knotted dildo stands out for its unique design and the intense sensations it can provide. This...

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Bdsm adventures

This story is for a compilation of many different bdsm adventures. It was formerly known as latex adventures, but as chapters developed they dealt more and more with different aspects of bdsm, and less consistently with latex. Latex still exists as a strong element in many of the chapters, namely because I like to write about characters wearing it. I created this as a one all stop for my and others bdsm themed stories, so they can be in one place instead of spread through various stories...

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Meri Bdsm Ki Fantasy Part ndash 3

Hi guys, I’m Manish this is the third part of my sex story.I am really overjoyed by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and...

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Learning the BDSM ropes no pun intended

When I first started with LUSH, I had little knowledge of BDSM. I was not unlearned in the subject of sex, for I am an older guy with a lot of experiences and fantasies. I have had an interest in several sexual areas, but had always thought BDSM a little over the top! Now, however, I am the experienced LUSH story writer and have been around long enough to acquire a wide range of friends. I have several friends that are knowledgeable in the subject of BDSM, and I have learned much from them....

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My First BDSM Experience In Hotel Room

Before this incident, I was a shy closet sissy but the experience has changed my mind. I am Yash but you guys can call me “Yashvi”. I love BDSM, bondage, getting overpowered and made to obey. It started as an Omegle chat. I usually put interest like “Indian gay” but that day, I added one more interest “Indian BDSM”. BDSM is something I have watched, enjoyed and sometimes tried on myself when I am alone. I was talking to many strangers on Omegle but they were disconnecting as soon as they found...

Gay Male
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Threesome And BDSM

Hello everyone. This is Romil Singh. Before starting the story let me tell you about myself. I belong to north India and I’m fair with a lean body. My height is 5.8 and my dick is average, not too big nor too small. This is my first story on ISS and I will tell you how I ended up having a threesome. Let’s start this story. I work in a big firm as a Business Analyst and this is a real story. I used to have one good friend in my office. His name is Rishab but he was transferred to Mumbai. He was...

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Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy Wife Ne Puri Ki Part 3

Hi guys, I’m Manish this is the third part of my sex story.I am really overjoyed by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and...

Gay Male
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Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy Wife Ne Puri Ki 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, I am Manish (liked to be called as Manisha). This sex story is all about how my naughty and kinky fantasies were fulfilled by my wife Koel. First, let me describe myself, I am a 29-year-old male, with a little-tanned skin tone, height is 5.5 ” with a small penis of 4″ size, currently working in a private bank, i am straight but always had a fantasy regarding female domination , BDSM and cross-dressing. I still remember when i was a teenager when my parents were out, I used to wear...

Gay Male
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BDSM Remember the Leatherpartys COC Amster

Ok, my attempt to write a story, i decided to dig up one of my true adventures. Meaning, this story is mainly true. Memory might have failed me now and then, but the storyline remains the same. It's not so much about the sex, it's more the psychological part of BDSM, the "Mind Game" and to be more exact, how i experienced getting introduced to BDSM. Remember the Leatherparty's COC Amsterdam ?It was quite a few years ago, i was quite a brat then, those where the day's of my first bold steps in...

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Series Of Incest BDSM For My Brother 8211 Part 1

Hi iss readers this is my first story here and this story is about how me and my friend seduce my brother and use him to fulfill our bdsm fantasies (all the names used here r fake) Let me introduce myself I am kavitha from a small town in kerela.My brother arjun and my friend keerthi are others involve in this incident. Me and keerthi were collage mates and our friendship get deep in 1st year as we both were in same hostel room.We both are in same age of 22 and my bro was 20. She introduce me...

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BDSM Games

BDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...

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What is Submission within BDSM or D S

Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something, letting passively dominate, a form of subordination, vassalage or servitude.Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders from a superior (Dom or Domme) without the right to make free decisions or to express oneself in any way he wishes. A person who lives in a state of submission is called a submissive and is characterized by excessive humility and servility. Usually, submission is marked by the spontaneity of...

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMMeeting the Director of Sunny Manor

My sister Lucy was bouncing off the walls to get out of the house and explore. If given a choice between leaving the house and Xbox I would usually always choose Xbox. That being said the fact that there were real naked girls outside made me excited about going outside as well. I could never read Simon to know for sure how he felt. He was usually only excited about money but he seemed ready to get out of the house as well! My Dad was feeling pretty confident with the new household. The only...

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I found the perfect kinky soulmate BDSM Sex Stories

My name is Amara and I am 28 years old. I have always looked forward to adding some more spice to my love life. Hence, my partners barely last three months in my bed. It is hard to find someone who share the same fetishes as I do. Moreover, they are not always exactly inclined towards BDSM. On the other hand, I find BDSM more sensible and sensuous than vanilla sex. It is all about ultimate trust and reliance between the partners. My fetish was mostly about bondage and dominance. I was a...

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I Hogtied my Wife and Fucked her Ass in BDSM Role Play

My wife Shana and I wanted to experiment a bit to spice up our sex life.  So, I had been learning a little of rope tying techniques as we both dabbled in BDSM role play. We were also planning on adding a little bit of role play to stimulate each other as acting like strangers just make things naughtier. The date was set and I was to come in as the handyman to fix the sink. I knocked on our door and see Shana wearing a lacy red number without a bra. She allows me in and I pretend to ask for the...

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Can you fulfil your Kinky Sex Wishes with BDSM Escort Girls Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Availing escort services is a new trend in the market. Men are constantly under stress. And to perform better at their tasks be it professional or at home, they need to find a release. This release can be delivered by a friendly escort girl. Well, sex is fine but what about if you wish to fulfil your kinky sex wishes as well? Let’s see then. Men have many kinks, thanks to the exposure to porn and movies like Fifty Shades of Grey. Today, most of them feel inspired enough to take the next...

4 years ago
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For the Doms The Importance of Consent in BDSM How to Be a Dom The Honest Approach

The basic concept of consent is simple, and most men think they understand it, but as a Dom chances are you may not be taking it far enough. Somewhat shockingly, basic consent is still a topic which needs to be brought up, talked about, and taught. Go to any club in any part of America and you will find someone being touched in a way they didn’t invite or want. The basic concept of consent is really dead-simple: before you do anything physical (or even intimately emotional) with another...

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ThirtyOne Days A Bitch Chapter 3 The BDSM Lecture

Introduction: Sofia Vaccaro teaches Daisy how to be a sweet, mean, and nasty good BDSM bitch. Daisy Bitch is one hundred per cent stripped naked as the day she was born while telephoning Sofia in the pleasant and comfy Jacuzzi. She is not telephoning her in fact, but phoning her on her individual cell phone while letting her hair down into the temperate, hot water and feeling at ease whats more. As she lingers for Sofia to pick up the phone, she carries on to stroke and caress her breasts and...

3 years ago
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Learning the BDSM ropes no pun intended

When I first started with LUSH, I had little knowledge of BDSM. I was not unlearned in the subject of sex, for I am an older guy with a lot of experiences and fantasies. I have had an interest in several sexual areas, but had always thought BDSM a little over the top! Now, however, I am the experienced LUSH story writer and have been around long enough to acquire a wide range of friends. I have several friends that are knowledgeable in the subject of BDSM, and I have learned much from them....

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My first bdsm meeting

This is a real story about me, written by a lady friend and translated by google translate.My first BDSM meeting (by Hot Red)A friend of mine is curious about the world SM , ( me  ) that he had already told me often. I myself have nothing with it, so when he asked me if I wanted to SM gala I said no at first . He tried to get someone else , but that did not succeed. So when I heard that , thinking to myself that I had nothing else to do on Sunday and best moment was going to see what it was...

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Exploring Bdsm And My Kinks

Hello, brother and their sisters………! This is your friend raj here. It’s been a long time I’ve not been here to write so the time’s finally up and I am writing this incidence of mine. Sakshi… the girl. She is busty, and a thick chick with curly hairs 36d size he waist might be 30 and she was beautiful. She had perfect round spongy ass which I love to spank. Anyways her ass size was 40. We met through Instagram and we decided to go for clubbing and in Mumbai, everyone knows how happening the...

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