SkyPrivate BDSM
- 2 years ago
- 39
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A BDSM movie in 2 parts
Premise ; 2 women, an up-and-cumming porn-star and her female agent, meet with a producer of bdsm videos. A contract is signed and a retainer is paid to the agent. On the day of the shoot, the porn-star is a no-show. The agent is forced into doing the bdsm scenes. The porn-star eventually shows up and watches the agent being tortured in the last scheduled and she does an extra scene as a dominant.
PART 1 - The office meeting
The owner of the bondage channel, Mark Max, sits in an over sized leather chair behind a large oak desk in the studio‘s office. The wall behind him is covered with naked porn-star publicity photos, covers from nationally prominent adult magazines, posters of tied-up women, several golden AVA award plaques and miscellaneous bondage paraphernalia. However, these are all peripheral to the HDTV screen. Mark picks up a remote controller and swivels his chair to face the giant screen. The TV comes to life and shows a clip from a TBC video. In this clip a tall brunette is being tied spread eagle to a brass bed frame. She wears only bra and panties and offers no resistance to the man with the ropes, who is Mark Max. After he finishes tying her, he cut away the bra and panties leaving her breast and pussy exposed.
A voice comes over the office intercom. ?Boss, they’re here.?
?OK, give me a minute, then show them in.? says the man behind the desk. The video continues to play, showing close ups of the tied girls breasts as the performer pinches and pulls he nipples. Mark Max stands up and in silhouette you see him stroke his erect cock a few times before putting the monster back in his pants.
A geekie looking male assistant escorts 2 women into the office and has them sit in the chairs in front of the desk.
?John, turn-on the documentation camera. I want this meeting filmed, just so there are no misunderstandings of what was said in the meeting.? Turning to the 2 women, Mark says, ?I hope you don’t mind. Filming contract negotiations has become second nature in this business.?
The older woman takes a large legal pad from her portfolio, balances it on her crossed legs and is ready to take notes. ?But I’ll keep notes, just the same,? the agent says.
?Oh, it’s ok with me, Mr. Max? bubbles the young buxom blond in the other chair. ?I just love having my picture taken.?
Mark Max pushes a button on a controller and the HDTV behind the desk changes from the steamy bondage scene to one showing the buxom blond, Bambi Barette, naked and sucking a masked man’s cock, while she jerks-off 2 other guys.
She squeaks, ?Oh, its me !?
?Yes, Bambi, it is you, in all your glory. We know how much you love being in front of a camera. We were very impressed with your concentration in this particular scene. Handling 3 cocks at once is not easy. But, as the previous film clip illustrates, our tastes in video are a little more ‘physically demanding’ than what you are used to. So let’s get down to business.? He opens a folder and reads, ?It says here, you have fired your agent, Johnny Thumbs, and are presently being represented by a Miss Baker, of Miami xxx-Talent.? Turning to the older woman, ?I presume you are Miss Baker ??
?Ms. Baker? she corrects him. She uncrosses her legs and pulls the hem of her navy blue business skirt a little further past her knee, then crosses her legs again.
?Humm, Ms Baker.? He makes a note on the folder. ?But you look familiar. Were you ever in ‘the business’ ? the porno movie business?? asks Mark.
?Yes. I made several films under the screen name of ‘Randy Candee’, or ‘Fanny Candee’, or ‘Candee Cakes’, plus a few others. Back before I had the implants removed. I made movies back in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Back when porn videos were real hot shit. Not like they are now. Back then, all an actress could expert was being fucked by lots of dicks, maybe getting a few lines of free coke and probably getting a case of the crabs, but very little cash and no royalty money. I quit making a living off of hot semen when I realized I was spending more time on the ‘casting couch’ than in an actual movie cast. I’m here to make sure you big-time film companies give us working girls a piece of the pie and that you treat us with the respect we deserve.?
?I see. So now you are a crusader for porn-star-rights ; a real industry watchdog. Changing the business from the inside ; one film company at a time.?
?You got it Mr. Max, but enough about me. Let’s cut to the chase. Bambi wants to expand her resume by doing a film with TBC. We have reviewed the sample videos you sent us, and we find the content weird, but acceptably weird.?
Bambi interjects, ?and they made me so horny! I fucked the night janitor at the dive motel we are staying at.?
Ms Baker continues, ?However, the techniques and stage props, especially the bondage instruments are potentially dangerous.? The agent clears her throat, ?We have read your proposed contract and have several specific changes which must be part of our final agreement.? She pushes a multi-page document across the oak desk to Mark.
The HDTV shows one of the masked men shooting his wad all over Bambi’s ample tits as the other 2 prepare to do the same, only with her face as the intended target.
?Since this is Bambi’s first real bdsm video, and since her body, breasts and pussy are her livelihood, there are several conditions which TBC must meet. We propose the following changes in our contract ;
Our shoot will take place precisely at 10AM on the 25th of this month, which is a week from today, and will end at 4 PM. As Bambi’s agent, I must be present at all times during the filming to ensure our personal safety and guard our assets. So as to not damage our future earning potential, by causing the on-screen talent personal injury, TBC can not use large dildos or anal plugs, coarse or thick rope, large or heavy paddles, canes or crops longer than 24?, needles or knives and any gag must be 1? in diameter or smaller. Hair styling, makeup, wardrobe, set furnishings and the personal accessories worn by the on-screen talent must be supplied by TBC. And finally, TBC must pay a 25% retainer fee, up-front and in cash.Mark Max smiles, ?Is that it? Is that the best you can do, Ms hotshot agent ? I thought you were a tough cookie; that you were going to bust my balls, or something. Lady, we accept the conditions. You got yourself a deal.?
?The time is fine, but both of you must be punctual, since we will start filming promptly at 10AM. I definitely want you, Ms. Baker, to be directly involved with the filming. Your past experiences in the industry will be taken into consideration. I will not use the props you have specified and TBC will provide all furnishing and personal accessories for the on-screen talent. And here is a cash payment for the retainer.? Mark pulls a metal cashbox from the desk, counts out the appropriate number of 100 dollar bills and hands the money to Bambi, but Ms. Baker intercepts the wad of money and stuffs it in her bra before wide-eyed Bambi can reach for them.
?This is my cut, bimbo. I haven’t been paid in a month.? she says, tuning to the blonde. ?You can’t expect to pay for my services with a blow-job in the back seat of a chevy, like you used to do with Johnny Thumbs.?
?Its not fair ! How am I supposed to go shopping or make my Mercedes payment?? she complains. ?But next week I get all the rest, don’t I??
Mark presses a button on the controller and the HDTV on the wall behind the desk switches to a TBC video showing a different girl, all tied up, and having her tits whipped with a short leather flogger. While being whipped, she fucks her own pussy with a long, black dildo, about the size of a cop’s nightstick. Her legs are frog-tied and a spreader bar tied to her knees holds them wide apart. The man in the video is Mark Max and he continues to whip the girl’s athletic tits, which are turning a very bright red. The Dominant progressively redirects his strokes to her stomach, as she works the dildo in her lusting pussy. As soon as he has made her stomach as cherry red as her tits, he starts whipping her shaved pubic-mound. All the while, the girl is ramming the dildo in and out of her juicy cunt with both hands.
The 2 women in front of the desk are mesmerized by the scene.
?So, lets sign that contract !? says Mark optimistically, hoping that the personal problems between Bambi and her agent don’t kill the deal.
Still staring at the HDTV screen, the agent nods and Bambi, still upset about the money, weakly says, ?I guess so.?
The 3 of them stand and sign the contract. The geekie looking guy stamps it with a big, red rubber stamp to notarize the document and hands copies to Bambi and Ms. Baker.
Mark say, ?ok, but the standard TBC conditions remain. They are in the fine print at the bottom of the page. First; follow-up shooting and all necessary re-takes will be made the same day.? Turning to Bambi, ?and second, young lady, your body belongs to TBC for the next week. You can not do anything that might injury it, especially your beautiful round ass and those scrumptious tits. TBC will not accept rope burns, cuts, scratches, bruises or teeth marks on any part of your body. We will levy a penalty for every mark on a performer. Third; don’t come to the shoot drunk, drugged or on the rag. Let’s keep this professional. Finally; and most of all, NO fucking for the next week. TBC expects you to be horny and sex-starved for filming.?
Mark points the remote at the HDTV and changes to a different video. In this one, a naked performer is standing, but bound to a vertical metal pole behind her back. From this pole a secondary metal pole extends horizontally between her legs. She is blind folded and wears a ring gag. The drool from her open mouth covers her small, pointed dog-teats. The girl is grinding her pussy against the oversized vibrator duct-taped to the horizontal pole between her legs. The gag does nothing to silence her moans, as a wave of orgasmic convulsions shakes her naked body.
Mark points to the screen. ?This is what TBC expects from their performers.?
Ms Baker and Bambi stare, open mouthed, at the HDTV.
After the girl in the video has cum, her head sags down to her chest. A long string of viscous drool drops from her open mouth and hangs between her teats. But the attack of the vibrator continues unabated. Soon the girl is thrusting her slender hips, as much as her binds will allow, against the cum-slicked head of the sex-machine. She throws her head back as another orgasm begins. The screen slowly fades, but the hum of the vibrator remains constant. In the near darkness, only the outlines of her teats are visible. The inanimate sound of the vibrator is soon joined by a mounting crescendo of grunts and wails from the helpless girl as she cums again.
Ms Baker is impressed by the artistic merit of the film. Bambi is aroused by the sex and has hiked-up her short dress and is fiddling with her pussy.
Mark picks up a leather paddle and slaps the desk top with it. ?Bambi ! None of that. Remember no sex for a week! ; not even with yourself.?
The women are escorted out of the office and studio. They get into separate cars ; Bambi into a new, cream colored Mercedes and Ms. Baker into a late model Toyota with a broken headlight and mismatched front fender.
In the doorway of the studio, John, the geekie assistant says, ?Boss, you gave away the farm on that one. Not only did you pay too freakin’ much for a bimbo, rookie sex-starlet, but most of our usual stuff, the paddles, whips, crops and canes that are your favorite things, you won’t be able to use on her. It’s in the contract.?
?I know, John, but what’s a pornographer to do ? You’ve seen how blank our calendar is. We need something to film ; something to make our subscribers happy. And fresh-meat usually does it for them. Besides, we have a week to scrounge-up some new, wimpy-ass whips and shit to satisfy Ms. Baker’s contract conditions.?
?And speaking of Ms. Baker, she looks like she used to be pretty hot, in her day,? says John. ?Too bad her attitude is so frigid and her tits are all saggy.?
?John, go into the film archive and find some of her old movies. I want to see what she’s got hiding, under that designer knockoff suit. Besides saggy tits tie-up really nicely and a good spanking never fails to heat-up a frigid ass, like hers?
The 2 men go back into studio and close the door.
9:50 AM ; one week later
Ms. Baker’s ugly old Toyota pulls up to TBC’s front door. She jumps out of the beater and runs the short distance to the door ; well she runs as fast as her heels and ultra-tight skirt will allow her. Short of breath, she walks into the lobby area of the studio.
?Hello ? Sorry I’m late, but I had car troubles. I had to get a jump to get it started and the tow truck driver said my credit card was over drawn,? said Ms. Baker, wiping the corners of her mouth with a tissue.
John, the assistant walks into the lobby area. ?So what did you do ? Did you give him a blow job for the jump ? And that is why you are late,? he says sarcastically.
?How did you know ? Do I have cum on my blouse ?? she says inspecting the front of her shirt.
?You’re late. Hair and makeup started nearly an hour ago,? says John as Mark joins the little gathering.
?But that doesn’t matter now,? says Mark, who is trying to conceal the fact that it does matter. ?Where is Bambi ?? says the visibly pissed studio owner.
?She’s not already here ?? exclaims Ms. Baker. ?I talked to her before I left the motel, and before the incident with the tow truck driver. She said she was on her way. She should be here by now.?
?She should indeed. I don’t know who you think you are dealing with. We have an iron-clad contract to make a video today,? he says pulling the paper out from his back pocket. ?It says here ? ‘we the undersigned agree to the following terms ?blah, blah, blah ? and there is your name at the bottom of the page !?
Ms. Baker looks frightened. ?And I’m sure you will be able to start making your little skin-flick, once Bambi gets here.? She makes a cell-phone call. ?Oh crap. I can’t get any signal.?
?Lady, I have a production schedule to keep,? says Mark Max, leading Ms. Baker around the corner of the lobby’s screening wall and into the set. With his back turned to Ms. Baker, he reaches into his jacket pocket and hides the pair of handcuffs under the contract. ?Look around you at all this expensive rented stuff. There are cameras, theatrical lighting and sound equipment.? A light is switched on and is pointed at Ms. Baker. Then a large video camera swivels on its dolly and is aimed in her direction, too. ?Not to mention all the new, lightweight bondage crap you had me buy for this shoot. It’s right here in black and white,? he says, as he turns around to face Ms. Baker. Mark walks toward the woman with the contract in front of him. Just as she reaches her hands out to take it from him, Mark Max deftly handcuffs both of her out stretched wrists.
?Mr. Max !? gasps the surprised agent.
?And shooting will begin in 2 minutes.?
A voice from behind one of the bright lights calls out, ?actually, we are already rolling tape, Mr. Max.?
?But Bambi is the on-screen talent. I’m just the agent.?
?That’s where you’re wrong, sister. You signed the contract. You agreed to the terms and the language, specifically the parts that says WE. And let’s not forget who took the retainer money. Since Bambi is not here, we’ll begin shooting with you as the substitute talent.?
From behind the woman, John quickly slips a loop of rope around her left arm, just above the elbow. He secures it with a half hitch then draws both ends of the rope across her back and loops it around her other elbow. Marks hold the woman by the shoulders as she struggles against the 2 men. John winds the rope back to the loop around the first elbow. With his knee in the small of the woman’s back he pulls the rope tight with both hands.
?Ahhh !?
With her elbows pulled behind her back, the chain on the handcuff compresses the woman’s breasts. John ties off the rope behind her back. Ms. Baker still struggles and tries to kick the men, but she can’t get any good footing to land an effectual kick in her high heeled shoes.
?Bag her,? instructs Mark.
John reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black, cloth sack, a little bigger than a grocery sack. He pulls it over the struggling Ms. Baker and tightens the drawstring around her neck.
?There, that should calm her down,? says Mark. ?Are you guys still filming ??
?Sure enough,? says a voice from behind a camera. ?Shall we shoot scene 2, just like we planned ??
?Yah. Just like we planned,? says Mark, as he and John wrestle the struggling woman on to the main part of the set, which contains a tall brass bed covered in a black sheet. Chains are already fastened to the 4 corners of the bed and 4-leather bondage cuffs are hanging from the headboard. The girl continues to put up quite a fight, then goes limp at the side of the bed.
?It happens all the time. After a few minutes, the bimbo passes out from lack of oxygen,? says Mark. ?They just don’t know how to pace themselves. John, help me get her on the bed ; face down for starters.?
The girl is laid on the bed and her ankles shackled with the leather cuffs. The 2 chains at the foot of the bed are attached to the cuffs with snap-licks.
?Not too tight. We still have to get her clothes off,? says Mark to John. ?She’s still breathing and will be coming around soon. Let’s get the arms before she wakes up.?
Mark unfastens the handcuff and John unties the rope around her elbows. Each man grabs a wrist and shackles it in a leather cuff, which is attached to the chains on the headboard. The 2 guys work as a well practiced team, and within 60 seconds Ms. Baker is laying flat on her stomach ; helpless.
?OK, you can take the bag off her.?
?Ahhh !?, she screams within a few seconds of the bags removal. The woman yanks on the chains with her arms, but she is no match for the proof link chain. The free-ends of the chain rattle against the brass tubes of the bed’s head and foot boards. She screams again. ?You bastard ! Let me go. You’re supposed to be filming Bambi !?
Mark and John disappear behind the blinding white lights, leaving her chained to the bed. Ms. Baker starts to cry, and a camera dollies in for a close-up of her sobbing into the sheets.
During her struggles, the ultra-tight skirt has slid up to a point just below her ass. Ms. Baker is not wearing hosiery of any sort and her tanned thighs contrast nicely with the black bed sheet. A camera dollies to the foot of the bed, lowers, and shoots between the bars of the brass bed. With Ms. Baker’s skirt bunched up around her butt, a triangle of pink panty material is clearly visible to the second camera.
After a while Mark Max returns to the set. He has changed clothes. He wears a pair of tight pants with a velcro fly and a vest open at the front. Both garments are made of fine quality, black leather. The pants fit him like a second skin and the vest shows glimpses of his flat stomach and muscular, hairy chest. Mark’s working clothes. Attached to the waistband of his pants are tools of his trade ; a short leather flogger, several short lengths of thin white rope, a pair of thumb-cuffs, a rattan switch, a red ball gag and a roll of black duct-tape. On the lapel of his vest are several chromed metal clothespins and in his vest pocket is a large pair of dress maker’s shears.
The cameras retreat from beside the bed. Mark has all the elbowroom he needs to punish the helpless woman.
?First, Ms. Baker, are you comfortable ??
?NO ! Let me go !?
?I’m afraid that’s not possible. It’s not in the script. You remember the script, don’t you Ms. Baker ??
She vaguely remembered the script, but at he time, she dismissed it as something unimportant, since Bambi would be the one acting it out.
?At this point in the plot, the on-screen talent has to get naked, so the evil Master, that’s me, can torture her,? says Mark.
?No ! Let me go.?
Mark ignores her cries and proceeds to cut away Ms. Baker’s clothes ; starting with the tight skirt. He pulls it up off her butt, he starts cutting at the hem, about 9 inches left of the center seam. Once he has cut thru the hem, the razor sharp scissors slice thru the fabric all the way, but not thru, the waist. After doing the same to the right side of the skirt, all that remains of the once tight skirt is a large flap of fabric, which he slowly raises to reveal her ass and pink panties. After the camera has taken a good long look, Mark finishes the job by cutting thru the skirt’s waist band.
?Oh, such nice panties. Is pink your favorite color ? I like my girls showing a lot of pink. Maybe that why I whip them.?
A voice from behind the cameras says, ?nice ass, for a woman of her age.?
?You see; the crew approves.?
Mark slips the point of his shears under the thin fabric and cuts the pink panties completely off the helpless woman.
?Ahh ! You cut me !? she cries.
A camera elevates and zooms in to examine the wound. There is a reddening vertical scratch on each of the girl’s ass-cheeks.
?I sure did. How clumsy of me. Do you want me to kiss it and make it better ??
?Ya, kiss my ass, you bastard.?
Mark walks off-set and returns with a small spray bottle ; full of rubbing alcohol. One spray of the fine mist covers the girl’s wounded ass and set her to screaming.
?God damn it. I thought you said you were going to kiss it, not make it hurt more.?
?But I did kiss it. That was a TBC dungeon kiss. Would you like another ??
Mark proceeds to cut off Ms. Baker’s polyester blouse. One long, rending slash down the middle of the back and thru the collar; followed by similar cuts down each sleeve.
?Next comes the bra,? says the evil master.
?Wait?, but her plea was too late.
Mark quickly clips each shoulder strap and then cuts thru the elastic back.
?You could have un-hooked it. Now it’s totally ruined,? says Ms. Baker.
?That won’t be the only thing that’s totally ruined before I am finished with you.?
John comes back on the set and one-by-one he tightens the chains so that the poor girl’s arms and legs are suspended above the mattress.
?Oh, god, you didn’t have to do that. It’s not like I can escape, or something.?
?But I did. It’s in the script. And so is this !?
Standing on the side of the bed, Mark grabs 2 handfuls of skirt and blouse material and jerks them out from under the girl ; much like a magician pulls a table cloth out from under a table full of dishes. He tosses the tatters aside.
?Now, let the beating begin !? yells a voice from behind the cameras.
Mark Max, lets his sadistic flag fly and proceeds to whip, paddle, flog and cane the helpless girl’s backside – from the soles of her feet to the palms of her hands. Every stoke is answered by a whine, a wail, a grunt or a cry from the substitute, on-screen talent. Mark enjoys paying particular attention to her lovely ass and the punishment inflicted on it yielded the loudest cries.
?You will notice, Ms Baker, all of the instruments I have been using are completely within the parameters you had personally written into the contract,? Mark reminded he as she lays chained to the bed.
But that doesn’t keep them from hurting like hell. By noon, Ms Baker is a sobbing, quivering mass of pink skin and red welts.
Mark turns to the crew and announces, ?Lets take a break, shall we. I need to take a piss, and I’m sure most of you could use a cigarette, or some coffee or coke.?
?What about me ?? asks Ms. Baker hoarsely.
?That’s a good idea. You can piss too, but I’m not unchaining you. Don’t worry. Every girl before you has pissed on that old mattress. You won’t hurt it a bit.?
The theatrical lights are switched-off and the crew goes off on their break. John comes on the stage, sits on the bed and drapes a water soaked blanket over Ms. Baker’s back, butt and thighs. The girl jumps at the sudden coldness of the blanket.
?For a 39-year old, has-been porno star, you are doing very good. Not as good as Bambi would have done, but much better than most,? says John. ?I saw that you were getting over-heated, so I though the blanket would help cool you down before the next 2-hour scene. After the break, Mark and I will roll you over on your back and he’ll work on your front side. He likes to play with nipples and tits, so expect them to get a lot of strokes.?
?I am getting vvvery cccold.?
?Yes, I know. Isn’t it wonderful ??
John lifts the blanket off the girls ass, for the benefit of the lone running camera, and caresses her butt cheeks with his soft hand.
?Oh yes, you are cooling down nicely. Now pay attention Candee Cakes; in the next scene, it is important that you say you lines correctly and distinctly. And don’t scream so loudly. You’ve blown-out one microphone already,? John says as he continues to gently rub Ms. Baker’s red ass.
This small measure of affection invokes a moan of pleasure from Ms. Baker, who begins to shiver. ?WWWhat LLLines ??
?Don’t you remember the script at all ? Whenever Mark asks you a question, say ‘yes, Master’ or ‘yes, Sir’. Otherwise don’t say anything, except to degrade yourself. If Mark calls you a worthless cunt, then follow his lead, and refer to yourself as a worthless cunt.?
?But I’mmm nnnot wwworthlless,? shivers Ms. Baker.
?Well, we shall see about that. If Mark likes your performance, he will let you suck his cock and if he really, really likes it, he will fuck you with a vibrator and let you cum.? John shifts his hand from the top of her rounded ass to the cleft of her pussy. ?My god girl, your pussy is as juiced as a teenaged whore !?
Ms. Baker turns her head away from John, in a futile effort to conceal her embarrassment.
?I got one more tip for you; then I got to go. If you don’t start following the script ? Mark will get very pissed and beat your stretched-out pussy until it is so swollen you couldn’t be fucked with strand of spaghetti.?
John grabs a handful of her hair and pulls her head backwards. ?Do I make myself clear, Ms. Baker ? ?
John shoves her face into the mattress, re-covers her ass with the wet blanket and leaves Ms. Baker alone on the set. As he leaves, he turns the AC to ‘high’ and point the ventilation fans directly at the brass bed and Ms. Baker. John then walks outside to where the rest of the crew are finishing their coffee break.
?Did you give her a preview of the next scene ?,? asks Mark.
?Yup, just like you asked me to, boss,? replies John. ?I think I scared her.?
?Good. Maybe now we can trick her into being a more expressive performer. God knows the girl can’t act.?
?Boss, while you were filming the first session, Bambi called. I told her we were having technical problems with one of the cameras and to come by the studio at 4PM.?
?Excellent. Maybe we can get both of these bitches to perform for us,? says Mark. ?But I think our work with the agent is just a rehearsal for the real action with Bambi.?
?You mean, we shouldn’t be filming ?? asks one of the cameramen.
?No, No, No. Run tape as if this were the real shoot. Just remember your positions, camera angles and lighting levels. Find the ones that look the best, using our stand-in ; our painful substitute for Bambi, the real bondage-star,? instructs Mr. Max. ?Besides, if Ms. Baker is as submissive as I think she is, you will all get a blow-job before the real filming starts at 4.?
The crewmen all eagerly nod their approval and return to the set after their break. The stage lights come up to reveal Ms. Baker shaking violently underneath the now ice-cold blanket. John and Mark come on to the set and remove the blanket, but add the black cloth head covering. Ms. Baker screams and weakly struggles, but is too cold to put up much of a fight. Her tormenters move to the ends of the bed ; one at the headboard and one at the footboard. They unfasten the chains from the wrist and ankle cuffs, cross their arms while firmly grasp each wrist and ankle, they ?
?3, 2, 1, unghh,? they both pull and uncross their arms simultaneously, thus rotating Ms Baker 180 degrees. The end result is Ms. Baker is now on her back on the mattress. Mark and John quickly re-attach the chains to the bondage cuffs; leaving no slack at all.
?There you are, Ms. Baker. A new position for a new whipping scene. I see you did piss on the mattress, just like all the other filthy sluts,? chides Mark, as he removes the black hood from the helpless woman. ?What shall we do with you now ? Any guesses, slut ??
Remembering her talk with John, she says, ?You could whip me, Master.? And adds, ?If it pleases you.?
?You would like that all too well, slut. I think I shall have to ‘play’ with those pathetic tits of yours first,? says Mark, who is definitely ‘in-character’ now.
Mark sits on the bed and reaches for her breast. Ms. Baker instinctively tries to avoid his grasp, but with little success, since she is stretch so tightly.
?My hands frighten you, slut ? Then let’s see how you like this.?
With one hand, Mark removes one of the chromed metal mini clothespins from the lapel of his leather vest. With the other, he grasps a pinch of the soft tit-flesh at the edge of Ms. Baker’s left areola. He then clamps the metal jaws onto Ms. Baker’s tender breast.
?Ohh, Shit ! I mean, thank you, Master,? says Ms. Baker, trying to follow the script.
Mark proceeds to clamp 5 more of the devilish little devices, at equal intervals, around Ms. Baker’s areola.
?How lovely ! It looks just like a fucking star,? says the Dom.
?Yes Master, it does look lovely,? echoes Ms. Baker.
?And what shall we do next, slut ??
?Master, if you desire, would you please give my other breast a star. Please Master.?
Ms. Baker is playing along nicely. Mark moves to the other side of the bed, and after a camera is moved to catch the action, he proceeds to clamp 6 metal mini clothespin to her other tit.
?Oh, that looks very nice,? says Mark as he cups and giggles the clothespin on each of his captive’s tits. ?But I have 2 LARGE pins left. Slut, what shall I do with them ??
Choking back the urge to tell him to stick them up his ass, Ms. Baker says, ?please, Master, place them on my nipples, Sir. My slutty nipples, need to be punished, too, Master.?
Mark Max can hardly believe his ears. Has the hard-ass Ms. Baker become a willing masochist so soon ? Probably not. Never-the-less, this is good stuff. With some editing, maybe he could use parts of it after all.
A camera dollies in for a close-up of the nipple pinning. With the repositioned camera on one side of the bed and Mark on the other, the Dom grasps the chained woman’s nipple between his thump and forefinger and gently strokes it erect.
?Not so fast, my dear. You have to be truly ready for this one.?
After making her hard, he rolls her nipple between his thumb and 2 fingers. The twisting motion makes Ms. Baker moan with pleasure, but only for a short moment. Stretching the nipple with one hand, Mark slowly closes the jaws of the large metal clothespin around it.
?Ahhh !?
?Did my little slut enjoy that ?? asks Mark.
And Ms. Baker gives the scripted answer ; ?Yes, Sir.?
The mini pins bite into Ms. Baker’s areola at a 45 degree angle, but the large pin is sticking straight up from Ms. Baker’s tortured breast. The same procedure is done to the other nipple and Mark steps back to admire his work, while one camera slowly pans across her breasts and another shoots the woman’s anguished face.
Mark returns with a short flogger and slowly drags the leather strands the length of the woman’s body ; starting at her chin, then between the twin metal ‘stars’ on her breasts, then down her stomach to her pussy. The slow dragging of the flogger creates a pleasant tickling sensation and Ms. Baker moans appreciatively. After the last strand of the flogger falls away from her cunt, Mark whips her squarely on her maiden’s mound.
?Ahhh !? cries Ms. Baker in surprise. How could she believe Mark wasn’t going to whip her front side just as he had her back.
This action is repeated. A slow drag of the leather strands, followed by a vicious stoke of the flogger on some part of her body. But with each repeat of the cycle, the pleasant sensation of the dragging leather gets shorter and shorter and soon the dragging is gone all together. Now there is just the pain of being flogged.
After covering every square inch of the top of Ms. Baker’s with the flogger, Mark switches to a short leather paddle and smacks the same areas again. All except for her tits, which are still being punished by the clothespins. Each stroke is greeted with an accompanying ‘ahh, thank you Master’ from Ms. Baker.
?Slut, this session is nearly ended, and I have yet to retrieve my chrome clothespins,? says the Dom. Mark takes a thin string from the waist of his leather pants and holds it for Ms. Baker to see. ?And this is how I will remove them.?
Mark Max then proceeds to thread the string thru the center coil in each of the 6 mini clothespin’s spring on Ms. Baker’s right tit. Mark threads the large pin clamped on to the nipple last. He then ties a large knot in the end of the string and gently takes up the slack. The same is done to the pins on her left tit. Holding both strings above the chained woman’s breasts and tightly pulling on the strings, Mark asks, ?slut, do you want the clothespins removed from your breasts ??
Ms. Baker is afraid to answer. If she says no, he may leave them pinching the tender end of her breast thru the next scene. But if she says yes, it looks like he will pull the strings and violently dislodge then causing intense pain. But John’s instructions was to always answer ‘yes’. ?Yes Master, I know it will hurt, but please remove the clothespins from my saggy tits.?
?Now the question is ; do you want me to remove them quickly of slowly ??
Before she has time to think about it, mark quickly pulls one of the strings and off snap all 6 of the mini-pins in quick succession, followed by the large pin on her nipple.
?AAAhhhhh !? she cries. ?God damn, that hurts like hell !?
?There, there, there. Is this better ?? Mark says as he begins massaging the woman’s breast where the jaws had left little bite marks in her soft tit flesh.
?Ouww ! That only makes them hurt more.?
?Now do you want me to remove the clothespins from your other tit quickly or slowly ??
?Slowly. Slowly, Master, please pull the string slowly. I beg of you.?
?I like it when you beg, slut.? Mark then raises the string high above the tortured woman and very very slowly pulls. 2 cameras dolly in for close-ups; one of her tortured breast and the other to capture her facial expressions, just as the clothespins are pulled off.
?Ummm ahhh !? wails Ms. Baker, as the first mini-pin snaps off her tit causing an intense pain in the flesh that had been under it’s jaws. After about 60 seconds, this sharp stabbing pain is replaced with a dull ach, but then the second mini-pin snaps off her breast. Its sudden removal causes just as much pain as the first. And so it goes, a mini-pin is pulled off her tender breast at about one minute intervals, until all 6 are freely dangling from the string.
?The only pin remaining is the large one, clamped directly on your swollen nipple,? Mark says, as he slowly pulls the large pin off a millimeter at a time. This causes a rolling wave of agony down the length of her nipple.
?Ohhh, damn it hurts, Master. Please stop,? begs the woman.
But mark continues to pull the string, until the large pin snaps off her nipple. Of course Ms. Baker screams and wails and cries real tears ; the cameras record it all. The whole procedure has taken a good 10 minutes and thus prolongs the poor girl’s agony. In the end, Ms. Baker can not decide which of her abused tits hurts the most; just that they both hurt a lot and with her hands chained to the bed, there is no way she can comfort them.
?This will get the blood flowing,? says Mark as he starts to smack each wounded breast with a short white leather riding crop.
Smack ? ?Aahhh!?
Smack ? ?Aaahhhhh!?
Smack ??Aaaaahhhhhhhh !!!,? cries Ms Baker, who is in terrible agony.
?Ms. Baker, have you forgeten your lines. You are supposed to thank me for releasing your tits from the jaws of the pins AND for beating them afterwards.?
Smack ? ?Aaahhhhh ! You sick pervert.?
Smack ? ?Aaahhhhhhh!?
?Properly thank me, or the beating will continue.?
Smack ? ?Aahhh!?
?Thank you. Now stop it, god damn you.?
?Try again, my little pain slut. Thank me properly,? says Mark as he continues to beat her tits, which have started to turn a bright red.
Smack ? ?Aahhh!?
?TTthank yyou MMaster, for removing the clothes pins.
?And ??
?And for beating my tits, Master,? says Ms. Baker ; now completely broken.
?That’s much better, slut. It was my pleasure to cause your pain.?
Mark finds TBC spray bottle of alcohol and mists her whole body with the stingy substance, then gives her a complete rubdown. From Ms. Baker’s reaction he can tell which areas hurt the most, and he gives them a little extra spray and rubs them a little longer.
Eventually Mark releases the chains from the bondage cuffs and covers Ms Baker with an old, frayed beach towel.
?The cameramen and lighting guys have been masturbating while you were performing. They have been ejaculating on to this towel, ever since the day’s shooting began. The towel contains cum deposits from 10 guys and most have deposited twice.?
The slick and gooey patches of their jizz are clearly visible in the bright lights. Ms Baker picks up the edge of the towel and sniffs at it. It is sour and pungent and very very masculine. She brings one of the cum deposits to her lips and licks it; then wraps an edge of the towel around her finger, she closes her eyes and sucks on it. With her other hand she rubs the towel on to her maidens mound and spreads the semen thru her pubic hair.
?No playing with your pussy,? says Mark as he re-chains her wrists and ankles to the brass bed, but not so tightly this time. Ms. Baker can move her arms and legs 8 or 10 inches in either direction, but not enough to touch her pussy or breasts.
?Time for another break, boys,? says Mark Max, as he lays the cum-towel over her head and leaves the set.
The stage lights are switched off and the men file off the set, leaving our naked starlet with the vile towel draped over her head. Finally John sits down on the bed and takes the towel off her face, but places it beside her head. She can still smell the intoxicating jizz of the crewmen.
?Water. Can I please have some water, Master,? she says.
John holds a large sports bottle above her open mouth and lets it dribble out a little at a time. Most of it finds Ms. Baker’s parched mouth, but a lot splashes on her head and face. After a while, she looks like a drowned rat.
?You’re doing really well, considering. Mark is impressed with your performance, especially when he pulled the metal clothespins off your nipples.?
?John, that wasn’t acting. That was real. That REALLY hurt !?
?Oh I can imagine. Too bad you are not in the industry anymore. I think Mark would hire you to do a sequel. Now here is your blanket again. You have to be ready for the last scene.?
John pulls the blanket out of an ice chest and throws it across the naked woman. The blanket makes a wet thrumping sound as it hits her stomach and ice chips and frigid water splatters everywhere.
?Ahhh ! Damn you, John ! Oh, I mean, thank you Master.?
?You don’t have to call me master. I just work here. And giving you the icey blanket treatment is part of my job. Besides, the next scene is very strenuous. No more laying around for you.?
?Oh, god, I can’t bear another whipping.?
?You are in luck, there is very little whipping in the next scene, as long as you are obedient to Master Max.?
?What is the next scene ? Does he burn me at the stake ? Dip me in a vat of hot acid ? or drive spikes in my hands and hang me a cross ??
?Oh no. Nothing like that. We at TBC have never killed any of our actresses. In fact, in the 7 years I’ve been here, we had only one instance where the girl needed hospitalization and that was due to an allergic reaction, not due to her on-screen subjugation.?
?Its so comforting to know I’m not going to die,? says Ms Baker ironically. ?But seriously, what is in the next scene ??
?I can’t tell you much about it, since it was trash-canned early this morning and Mark hasn’t had time to re-write it.?
?Oh great. He’s going to ‘wing-it’ ; but with my body.?
?Don’t worry. I think he likes you, even though your tits aren’t near as nice as Bambi’s. My guess is that he will either force you to suck his cock, or force-fuck you. You’ve gotten him really turned on. During the clothespin removal his erection was so huge I thought it might jump out of his pants all by its self.?
?John, listen to me. I don’t want to be raped in my pussy, my mouth or my ass. I’m tired. I’m sore. I need a drink. I’m done. How can I get out of this ? John, I’ll pay you if you unhook these chains. I have a little money back at the hotel, and I could start doing tricks again to make more. And you could be my pimp and have sex with me all you like, and, and ??
She stops in mid-sentence. From the look on John’s face she could tell that none of her offers were being taken seriously.
John looks down at the helpless woman, trying to barter for her freedom and says, ?Ms. Baker, you’re not done until Mr. Max says you are done.?
John says ?I’m dying for a cigarette,? as he gets up off the bed and leaves the captive there, shivering under the ice soaked blanket.
Out side, the crewmen are wolfing down slices of pizza and cans of beer.
John approaches Mark and says, ?Bambi called about 15 minutes ago. She wanted to come in for hair and make-up. I sent her our salon on 12th Street and instructed to have them get her ready for a nude photo shoot; to spray tan all the bikini lines, paint her nails in vivid red with matching lips, to make the eyes very dramatic and to keep the hair soft.?
?Wonderful. Now I have a huge salon bill to pay,? says Mark.
?Not really. I instructed Bambi to pay for it herself, and save the receipt. Chances are she’ll forget or lose it and we won’t have to pay anything.?
The 2 men laugh.
?With any luck, she should be here after we are done shooting the last scene; after 4PM.?
?Good. Timing is everything. So how is Ms. Baker holding up ? Is she going to make it thru the last scene ??
?I think so, as long as you don’t make it too tough.?
?And how is her attitude ??
?She is a broken woman ; a complete pain-slave, as long as you are around. But with me, she still trying to buy her freedom with promises of money and sex,? says John.
?That’s because I am the one with the whips and paddles. I am her pain-giver. She both respects and fears that. It’s something primordial hardwired into their brains.?
?Primordial, huh. I’m going to get some pizza, and feed my ‘primordial’ stomach,? says John.
Standing and announcing to the crewmen, ?OK listen-up. This is the last scene. You know what that means ?? asks Mark .
In unison, the crew responds, ?ITS GANGBANG TIME !!!?
?That’s right, but first I have to get her in the correct position,? warns Mark. ?Or it’s no pussy for you.?
?For this last scene, get rid of the bed and set out a standing pillory. But not the New England Puritan one. I want the one with the hip-bar and ankle traps,? instructs Mark.
Mark and the film crew file back into the studio.
Ms. Baker is laying on the bed, shivering, with her head under the jizz-soaked towel. She can’t see the men milling around her; only hear them. She hears their shuffling feet; their laughter; the familiar metallic rattle of chains and the ominous scraping of some heavy wooden object on the concrete floor. And then the bed, with her tied to it, is lifted up, rotated slightly and moved a few step before being set down. There is more of the wood on concrete sound ; then nothing.
?Places crew,? calls Mark. ?lights ? roll tape ? here is the fun part, gentlemen.?
‘Maybe fun for you,’ thinks Ms. Baker ?. ‘No. Don’t think like that. Get in character. This is for all the money. This is for ? freedom.’
The filthy towel is wrapped around her head and tied in place. John feels Ms Baker’s pussy, then her breasts and pulls at the hardened nipples. He sprays something from an un-marked aerosol can on to each of the girl’s nipples. It’s cold. Even colder than the frozen blanket.
?Don’t you just love than smell ?? asks John. ?It reminds me of wintergreen. Oh, but with that towel wrapped around your head, all you smell is sex.?
?Yes, Master,? she says, buts doubts if anyone can hear her thru the towel.
Ms. Baker is un-chained from the bed and pulled to her feet by crewman, one on each side of her. She takes a few, shaky steps forward, but is re-directed by the crewmen.
She is lead to the standing stocks, or pillory, and John spreads her feet so that each ankle is in the center of a semi-circular hole cut in a heavy wood plank. He then slides the other half of the ankle board in place and latches each end. Her shins are now trapped between the 2 oak boards with a circle cut in them just large enough for her shins.
The 2 men on each side of Ms. Baker bend her at the waist until her chin rests in the padded semi-circle cut into the head and wrist board. With one man holding her head down, her captors grasp her hands and hold her wrists in the similarly padded semi circles. Now Mark lowers the other half of the head board in place, thus completing her imprisonment.
?Ms. Baker,? says Mark, ?you are cheating a bit. You are not bent at the requisite 90 degree angle. No matter. We will correct that. John, bring the hip bar.?
John appears from off stage with a large, rounded timber that looks more like a log than a bar. It is thickly padded in the center but the last 12? of each end is just bare wood. John lays the unpadded ends on the ledge, which runs from the head board to the back of Ms Baker’s naked ass.
Slapping her thighs, Mark commands ?Straighten your legs, slut.?
?Yes Sir,? she says and complies with the order. This puts more strain on her back and she groans.
Mark puts his hand on her ass and says, ?straighter, or do you want me to spank you ??
?No Sir, but my legs are as straight as they will go, Sir.?
John rolls the padded log along the ledge until it is pushing against both her stomach and her hips. He then locks it in place. Ms. Baker can now relax he legs and lean on the hip bar for support.
?Very nice. You are such an obedient slut.?
?Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir?
Mark slaps her ass with his open hand.
?Ouch ! Thank you, sir?
?That was just to remind you how vulnerable you are in this position, slut.?
?John, bring the clamps,? orders Mark. ?My dear, as per our contract, these are the softest nipple clamps we have. They are so soft they could easily fall off during filming, which is why I had John spray the glue on your tits.?
Ms. Baker’s nipples are still very erect and Mark proceeds to attach the clamps to each of them. The clamps consist of a fat metal ring hinged on one side and with a thumb screw on the opposite side of the hinge. By turning the screw, the circle can be made smaller and smaller, but not so small as to cause a great deal of pain.
?How do those feel ?? asks Mark.
?Master, they feel tight,? says Ms. Baker. Then she adds, ?Thank you for putting them on my nipples, Sir.?
Mark then ties the ends of a thin string to each of the thumb screws. The string hangs like a limp clothesline between her breasts.
Mark slaps her bare ass again. ?Now, my little slut, we get serious. John, lower her head.?
John turns a crank on the pillory and the headboard lowers, pushing on the back of Ms. Baker’s neck, and causing her to bend at the waist even more. The headboard is lowered about 12 inches, which causes Ms. Baker’s ass to stick way up in the air. Mark slaps her ass again. ?Comfortable, Ms. Baker ??
?No,? replys Ms. Baker.
?Wrong answer.? Mark spanks her even harder, then sticks his fingers into her exposed pussy.
?Now we can begin with your last ordeal,? say Mark as he removes the towel from her head. Ms. Baker can’t see much, bent at the angle she is, but what she can see is several hard fat cocks, pointed in her direction.
?Here at TBC, we have certain employee benefits. Free coffee, free coke, free food and, of course, free sex.?
?You are going to fuck or suck each of the crewmen, as a gratuity for the good job they have done here today. And to make sure you do it quickly, we have a little incentive. John, hang the weights. Because we need to have the set clear before Miss Bambi Barett arrives. She is, after all, the star of this video.?
Ms. Baker say, ?Bambi ? Where the hell has she been ?? then she feels her nipples being stretched towards the floor by the weights. The load makes her less than full breasts sag even more.
?Ahhh, Master, they hurt.?
?I suppose they do. But we have 14 men here today and that is exactly the number of 1 ounce weights John has added to your tits. It’s nearly a pound, you know. If we were to allow them to pull on your nipples for a long time, they would eventually be stretch to a grotesque 2 or 3 inches; maybe even 4 inches. But, Ms. Baker, for each man you bring to orgasm, John will remove one weight. 14 men, 14 orgasms, and you are done. Just see the cashier for your pay envelope.?
?Now men, we’ve all done this before. You can fuck her cunt or fuck her mouth, but her asshole is mine. Those of you fucking her mouth, shoot it on her face. You get extra ‘style points’ if you can get some of your jizz in both eyes. Those of you choosing her pussy have to wear a rubber. When you’re done ejaculating, take the condom off and empty its contents on her hair or face. In this way John can see how many orgasms she has given us, and can remove the weights for her good performance.?
?Now, who’s first ? How about the oldest first. They take the longest to cum, so the weights will hang longer.?
A grey haired old geezer wearing a blue condom steps to the back of the standing stocks and feels Ms. Baker’s pussy. ?Come-on boys, she’s ready. Nice ‘n juicy. Just how I like ‘em.? He slides his cock into her open pussy and starts humping the captive porn star.
?You get her, Joe,? calls a voice from some where in the crowd of naked men.
The cameras are all running, some manned and some not, as Ms. Baker’s final scene ; the gangbang scene, gets underway.
A black, lighting technician pulls Ms. Baker’s face up and waves his long cock in front of it. Her eye get very big and she says, ?Master, I haven’t sucked such a long cock in years.?
?But Ms. Baker, you are in no position to be choosy. Either open your mouth and suck on his cock like a good little whore, or take all the men in your pussy, which you can not deny to them. But if you do, the whole scene will take twice as long as it should,? says Mark.
He reaches under Ms Baker and feels how distended her breasts have become. ?Oh yes, this slut will have teats like a nanny goat before long, unless she takes half of you in the mouth, or in the throat, in the case of this prime piece of African-American manhood,? Mark says, pointing to the black man’s cock.
Ms. Baker refuses to open her mouth.
?John, add 2 more ounces; just because she’s being obstinate.?
?Ahhh !? Ms. Baker cries, as John clunks the 2 weights on the string between her nipples. For extra measure, he tightens the thumb screws, which squeezes them just a little bit more.
Ms. Baker changes her mind about long cocks and says, ?Sir, please let me suck your wonderful and long cock.? And she opens her mouth to show her willingness to submit.
?Oh that’s a good touch. Suck him like the whore that you are,? chides Mark.
The black guy slides his long shaft in, but mercifully only halfway. Then he starts face fucking her mouth. But with each stroke, his lust outweighs his mercy, and he plunges in just a little bit more, until the head of his longdong is touching her tonsils.
After a few minutes, the 2 guys fucking her from both ends develop a rhythm and the weights hanging from her nipples start jerking back and forth to the rhythm of their strokes. This stretches her nipples just that much more and an ever-present agony sets in.
It doesn’t take long for the black stud to shoot his load of creamy cum on Ms. Baker’s face. Ms. Baker closes her eyes and pretends not to know just how slutty she looks, wearing a big load of cum. John dutifully removes 1 of the weights and the next crewmen steps up for his blowjob.
The old guy fucking her cunt takes his time; flaunting his seniority at the younger men. But, eventually he cums, although Ms. Baker doesn’t really notice. She is concentrating more on her sucking and tongue action, in order to hasten the orgasm of the guy in her mouth. The old man groans, slides his dick in as far as it will go and shoots his wad into the condom. After a few more finishing thrusts, he withdraws and walks around to the head-end of the bound woman.
?Here you go, Candee Cakes,? he says as he empties the contents of his rubber on the girl’s hair. ?I remember you when you could do 4 guys at once. You don’t know what a thrill it has been to fuck you, after dreaming about it, for all these years.?
John takes another weight off her nipples, but Ms. Baker’ teats have gotten considerable longer in the 15 minutes since the weights were first applied.
?Ms. Baker, with only 2 of the 14 men satisfied, this could be a very long scene and result in some very long goat teats. I suggest you apply yourself more sincerely to the task of pleasuring my men,? say Mark.
Another guy slides his dick into her waiting pussy. This one is younger and he is humping her a lot faster than the first guy. And the nipple weights are swaying faster, too. As he smacks her upturned ass, once on each side, Ms. Baker’s fuck tunnel tighten-up just a little. The man notices her new, tighter hole and smacks her ass again, only this time harder, in order to gain the maximum pleasure from his assault.
Ms. Baker flinches each time her ass is struck and this makes the weights jump, which hurts her poor nipples even more.
?Come on, squeeze it, bitch. Make your pussy grab my cock,? say the young stud.
?Ms. Baker, unless you really want your nipples stretched into goat teats, I suggest you do what the young man says,? reminds Mark as he grabs a handful of hair and pulls her head up.
?Yes, Master. I will try.?
?Don’t try. Do !? and he lets her head back down onto the waiting cock before her.
The sequence is repeated again and again. By the time the last crewman steps to the back of the stocks, Ms. Baker is feeling pretty good about the whole scene. Through it all, she has given away 11 orgasms and has had 3 herself.
?Slut, you are almost done. There are only five weights on the string between your nipples. John, do you want heads or tails ?? asks Mark.
?Oh, I guess I’ll let her suck me-off. She’s wanted to do it ever since the first break,? says John as he steps to the front of stocks; completely naked. ?But, my dear, I have to make an adjustment to the apparatus first. They call me ‘long’ John, not because I have a long cock, as you can see.?
?Oh, Master John, I think your cock looks just fine ; delicious in fact,? add Ms. Baker, in an attempt to curry favor.
?No, its because I’m 6’4? tall. But we have you bent-over so much, it will difficult for me to fuck your face. I have to raise your head, since I can’t make my legs shorter.?
John, with his average length cock sticking out before him, walks to the side of the stocks. He turns a crank and the head board raises about 5 inches.?
?Oooohh, what a relief !? cries Ms. Baker. ?Thank you, Sir John. That feels so much better. I’m going to give you the best blow-job you ever had.?
As John slides his ‘delicious’ cock into Ms. Baker’s eager mouth, just as the Latino guy fucking her pussy stiffens his upper body and shutters with pleasure and cums.
?Oh god, she has a good pussy. Did you guys feel how she would massage your dick with her vagina muscles ? It was great ! Just like beating off, but without getting your hands dirty,? he says with a thick Mexican accent.
He withdraws and walks to Ms. Baker head, holding the rubber up so all can see how much he has deposited in it.
?Damn, Pedro. It looks like you haven’t cum in a month !? says one of the crewmen from behind the cameras.
?Hey, it’s all in the genes; in the hot Latin blood, you know, and the jalapenos. Mr. Mark, let me give your ‘sexy little chicas’ a taste.?
?Sure thing, Pedro. John pulls your cock out of her mouth for a minute.? ?Now, slut, stick out your tongue and taste what the nice Senior Pedro has for you,? say Mark.
The Mexican slowly tips the condom and a long, thick string of cum drops down just in front of Ms. Baker’s upturned face. She stains forward, against the oak plank headboard, to wrap her tongue around the liquid offering, but half of the syrupy semen falls just beyond the tip of her out stretched tongue. But she manages to slurps-up the other half.
?Umm, Oooo, its spicy ! Like peppers !? she says after swallowing.
?You see, its like I keep telling you. It’s the jalapenos !?
John shoves his cock back into her mouth. ?Take one weight off her tits, will ya Pedro. I’m a bit busy here,? says John, as he resumes fucking her face. With one more weight gone, there are only 4 remaining. Ms Baker can feel noticeable less strain on her nipples.
On the other end of the captive sex-star, Mark Max pulls his considerable cock out of his leather pants. He unrolls an extra large black rubber over it and slaps it against Ms. Baker’s ass crack.
?Yes, slut, you know what that is, don’t you. Do you remember I said I wanted to fuck your ass ? I’ll be nice to you. I’ll do your cunt first, then your ass,? says Mark. He spreads open her much used pussy, then deliberately drives his rod into her, not pausing until his cock has ‘hit bottom’; that is to say the head of his cock is pushing against the back of her uterus.
The crew hoots and howlers ; ?Give it to her, boss.? ?Nail her.? ?Come on boss. This is the money shot.? ?Damn, you got a pole like a black-man; that’s what you got.?
Mark smiles to his audience and slaps Ms. Baker on the ass ; 2 swats on each cheek. ?Come on, slut, let me feel that pussy massage my ‘black-man’s pole’.?
John cams first and shoots his load all over Ms. Baker’s face. He pauses and steps aside so the camera can get a good shot of just how much cum has been sprayed on her. Then he forces his cock into her mouth one more time.
?That’s a good whore, suck all that cum out of my balls,? says John. After she finishes him, John reaches under his captive slut and removes 1 weight. Now there are only 3, but only one guy who hasn’t cum. The extra 2 ounces are for the penalty she received for not wanting to suck the big cocked black guy.
From behind the cameras a man’s voice calls out; ?She’s done real good, boss.? And another guy says, ?Yah, she should do a sequel.? And a third man says, ?She really likes to suck cock.? Then from out of the darkness Bambi says, ?and she like to fuck, too.?
?Bambi ? Is that you ? Where the hell have you been ?? says Ms. Baker, as Mark switches his cock from her pussy to her asshole.
?Ahhhh !?
?I’ve been getting my make-up and hair done and nails painted. And I see you are working out the fine details of the script for me. Thank you, Ms. Baker.?
?Bambi, let me get this straight; I’m being tied up and raped so you can have your hair and nails done ?
Mark quickens his anal assault on Ms. Baker. The sound of the ensuing cat fight has gotten him real excited.
?Bambi, when did you get here ??
?Oh just before they took the towel off your head. About an hour and a half ago, I think.?
?So you watched me being raped so you can have your hair done ? And you sat there, quietly enjoying the show, while I was being force fucked !?
Mark slaps Ms. Baker’s ass one more time, drives his cock in as far as it will go then cums.
?But you were doing so well, Ms Baker. You looked like you were acting the part real good. You were saying all the right lines, like ‘Yes Sir’ and ‘Please Master’, and I didn’t want to ruin the take by interrupting.?
Mark withdraws and takes the full condom off his cock. He then deposits his load on Ms. Baker’s upturned and well spanked ass. He then reaches under her and removes 1 of the last 3 weights.
?God damn it Bambi ! I’ve been whipped, paddled, cropped, caned and humiliated beyond belief, just because you were late !?
?Ahem, Ms. Baker, even though you have brought every man here to a delightful orgasm, there are still 2 weights hanging from your well stretched nipples. Can you feel them ?? he asks as he giggles them on the string.
?No, actually I’m too sore to feel much of anything. Can we just call it a day and let me get my money.?
?But you need to fuck or suck 2 more crewmen to get the weights taken off. Those are the rules.?
?Your money ? You can’t take all the money. You’re fired. You’re not my agent anymore and certainly not my friend !? cries Bambi. ?You double crossing bitch. First you take the retainer money, now you are going to steal the rest of it ?? Bambi yells. ?You can’t screw me like this. Mr. Max, let me have a strap-on dildo, one with 2 cocks, and I’ll fuck her until I cum, twice ! I have a contract, so that make me a crew member, and I’m entitled to my piece of ass !?
John has anticipated this turn of events and shows Bambi the strap-on harness; complete with attachment places for 2 cocks; one for the ass and one for the pussy.
?Since this is a porno movie, and we are still rolling tape, could you show us a little more skin,? asks Mr. Max.
?Yah, sister, we all had to be naked to fuck Ms. Baker when it was our turn,? says one of the crewmen.
Bambi looks around. Some of the crew are still naked. ?Oh, what the hell,? she says and peals off her ultra tight t-shirt to show-off her pair of Double Dees. Next she peals down the frayed denim short shorts then steps out on to the stage, where she slowly turns a pirouette so all the guy can see her nice round ass and the butterfly tattoos on each side of her shaved pussy.
John tosses the dildo harness to her and says, ?Bambi, step out in to light a little further.?
The sex-star walks on to the ‘stage’ ; that part of the room covered by the theatrical lighting. John instructs, ?Put the harness on as if were a pair of panties, but with the leather triangle in the front and the 3 straps in the back.?
Still looking confused, ?but there are no dildos. I can’t fuck her with a black triangle.?
?Just get the harness on that cute ass of yours and I’ll show you where we keep the rubber cocks,? says Mark.
Bambi steps in to the harness and pulls the rubber adjustment straps tight. They leave deep dimples in her very round ass; almost as if she had 3 ass cracks.
?Here they are, in all their glory ! The nearly famous, TBC dong collection ! The largest assemblage of fake phalluses in the state of Florida.? says John as he wheels in a small shopping cart full of dildos. ?Just pick the 2 you want to use on Ms. Baker.?
The crowd of men behind the cameras offer suggestions ; ?Get the long one? ?Use the fat one? ?Pick the one with the deep ribs? ?What ever you do, get two that match? ?Use the vibrating one?
?Oh, we have vibrating dildos, too? asks Bambi.
?Ah yes, if they still work,? says John. ?You are free to choose and 2 you like, however it will look better if the dildos are close to the same color. For example a red one and a pink one, or 2 black ones. But size does maters. Mark you have poked her in both holes ; which is bigger, her ass or her cunt ??
?Oh her ass is definitely tighter than her pussy. In fact her cunt is so loose, I’m thinking we do a fisting scene in the sequel.?
Ms. Baker cries ?don’t I have any say in this ??
The answer is a resounding ?NO?, in unison from the whole crew.
?Well if that’s the case, let’s get it on. My tits really hurt and it looks like this is the only way I can get them off before they permanently turn my nipples into goat teats.?
After searching thru all of her choices, Bambi finds the phalluses she wants. ?Can someone help me get these attached ??
Mark says, ?John go help the lady with her cocks.?
The crew members all laugh.
?Miss Bambi, you have made some excellent choices. They are quite different from each other, but both cocks are in the traditional black, and they are both fairly long; a good 12 inches, I’d say.?
Ms. Baker, is facing the other direction and does not see the cart full of dildos. But when she hears they are both 12 inches long she cries, ?Oh God. They do intend to kill me.?
John continues ; ?The first one is a classic John L. Holmes model, but redesigned using the plasta-skin material. Touch it. It feels like a real dick. Also, this model has a piggy-back, micro vibrator imbedded along the top to provide Ms. Baker with some extra pleasure.?
?Well we wont need that feature,’ says Bambi, ?Not after she’s screwed me out of my money.?
?The other dildo is a balls-on-a-string design and is made of hard silicone rubber. Notice that the size of the balls are in a gradually increasing diameter. As it is plunged deeper and deeper into Ms. Baker’s anis, it will stretch her sphincter more and more. It will have to be well lubricated. As the dildo slides in or out of Ms. Baker’s ass, it will stretch her bunghole then let in pucker to near normal size, then stretch in again, and so on. Victims report that when this dildo is used rapidly, they feel as if their asshole is being cut open by a dull, rubber saw.?
?But that’s for Ms. Baker to worry about,? says Bambi.
?Are you ready for me to install your selections ?? asks John.
?Yah, hook ‘em up. I’m ready to start this party !? say Bambi enthusiastically.
?I’m gonna die,? groans our abused captive.
Bambi walks to the front of the stocks and shows her former agent what’s in-store for her. She is naked, except for the strap-on harness, but carries a long riding crop as well. She stands beside the stocks, slightly in front of the headboard, and in a place where the cameras get a good view of her tits. She waggle the dildos under Ms. Baker’s face.
?Do you like my new cocks ? I got them just for you. Do you want to suck on them, bitch ??
Ms. Baker makes no reply. She finds it difficult to be submissive to another woman, especially to one as dingy as Bambi.
?I bet you’d love to suck on these cocks. You are a cock-sucker, for stealing all the money. But I won’t let you. These cocks are for your other end.?
Smack. Bambi plants a firm stroke on Ms. Baker’s upturned ass with the long crop. ?Ooo, I like the sound of that.? She smacks Ms. Baker again. ?The cocks are for this? smack ?end.?
Bambi moves to the side of the standing stocks and reaches under Ms. Baker with her riding crop. She taps the 2 remaining weights slung from the nipple clamps and the weights clunk together.
?Sssshhh,? hisses Ms. Baker, sucking in air between her teeth.
?Oh, you can still feel them. Did you know your nipples are purple ; almost black. And really, really stretched,? says Bambi. She taps at them again, invoking another, louder hiss from Ms. Baker. ?Its no wonder they are so long now. Only an hour ago they were supporting 14 ounces, no that’s 14 plus these 2, that’s 16 ounces ! That’s a pound, isn’t it Ms. Baker ? A full pound hung from your saggy, old tits.? She taps them again. ?You know, I could just let them hang there all night. I don’t really have to fuck you. I can just play with your pink little ass.? She smacks her again with the crop, ?or your little, purple nips.? She taps the weights together again.
?Master, I mean Mistress Bambi, would you please fuck me,? says Ms. Baker.
?Beg me. Beg me to fuck you, you bitch.?
Ms. Baker begs her to fuck her; in her worthless pussy and in her tight asshole. Bambi moves to the back of the stocks and squirts a tube of sex lubricant all over her captive’s ass cleft and pussy lips.
Mark has a camera dolly in for a close-up of the double penetration.
After inserting the anal probe past the first ball, and inserting the other phallus past the head, Bambi rams them both into Ms. Baker.
In an off stage area behind the bright theatrical lights, where neither Bambi nor her ex-agent can see them, Mark and John sit in 2 directors chairs watching the action. Mark turns to John and says, ?Bambi must be really pissed.?
John replies, ?Yup. There is no mercy here. This is a real forced ass-rape.?
?Bambi is a ‘natural’ bdsm top. Look how quickly she has taken control. You better turn on the vibrators with the remote controller to get them off, or this could get ugly.?
John removes a multi unit, wireless controller from his shirt pocket. ?We got 2 multi speed vibrators in each dildo. They are all on different frequencies, so we can do 1, 2, 3 or all 4. Who do we ‘buzz’ first, boss ??
?You better start with Ms. Baker. She needs some pleasure to balance the pain Bambi is dishing out.?
On stage, Bambi start smacking Ms. Baker’s back and shoulders with the riding crop.
?Turn on the shaft vibrators in both the John L and the anal probe, but start them on low.? Then he says to one of the crewmen, ?Play some music for our guests. Something instrumental, but with a steady beat, and loop it so it doesn’t end. This last scene may take a while.?
John pushes some buttons and points the controller in the direction of the stage. Instantly Ms. Baker responds with an ‘ooooing’ sound; indicating they are working. Then the music starts; a bootlegged club mix of a 80’s heavy metal band.
?So you like this ? You like being double fucked ??, asks Bambi, thinking that Ms. Baker’s positive response is due to her fucking her ass and cunt.
Bambi gets in a steady rhythm and continues to fuck her helpless victim. The weights sway and tug at Ms. Baker’s nipples, but not nearly as hard as when there were 14 of them. Bambi punctuates her fucking by beating Ms. Baker with her crop. Ms. Baker’s back is turning pink from the beating, but she is cooing with pleasure from the hidden vibrators.
?John, this crop isn’t working. She likes it too much. Bring me something else; something bigger,? says Bambi, not breaking stride.
Mark whispers to John, ?Give her one of the big floggers, that way she won’t hurt our sub too much.?
John hands the controller to Mark, ?OK, and you start the vibrators in the base of the dildos as soon as she starts in with the flogger. They will tickle Bambi’s clit with each fuck-stroke.?
John hands a big, black leather flogger to Bambi, who says, ?Now that’s a whip ! This should get her attention.?
Bambi starts flogging Ms. Baker’s back, but because of the weight of the flogger, she has to make her strokes slow and deliberate, not quick and sharp, like she could with the crop. The flogger makes a thrump-ing sound as the leather lands on Ms. Baker’s back and she responds with a ‘hhumf’.
John retreats to his director’s chair behind the lights. ?The flogger is a great idea, boss. We’ve had Baker tied in this position for nearly 3 hours and the flogging will be like a deep tissue massage for he sore back muscles.?
Bambi continues flogging and Mark turns up the power on all 4 vibrators. Ms. Baker is really getting into it and coos between each thrump of the flogger. Bambi is breathing a little faster too from the stimulation on her clit.
?This is really fun,? she says. ?I never knew fucking another chic could be such a turn-on.?
Mark turns the vibrators in Ms. Baker’s end of the dildos to ‘max’ and steps up the pace of the ones in Bambi’s end. Soon both women are moaning ; a sure sign of an impending orgasm.
Bambi drops the flogger and grabs Ms. Baker’s hips, ?Oh god, this is sooo good. I’m getting so ? getting so ? sooo ? I’m going to cum !? She thrusts both dildos into Ms. Baker as far as they will go and grinds her hips against the vibrators in the base of each phallus. At this point, Ms. Baker releases her pent up orgasm. Her ass quivers involuntarily as she cams.
?She even fucks like a ‘natural’ bdsm dominant,? says Mark Max, as he walks on to the set. ?Bambi, that was a great performance.?
John switches off all the vibrators and removes the hanging weights, but not the nipple clamps. Bambi withdraws from the pussy and ass of Ms. Baker and staggers over to the brass bed, which is at the edge of the set. John and Mark help get Ms. Baker out of the pillory. They usher her to the front of the set and a camera comes in for a close up.
Mark gently strokes one of her purple nipples. ?Do you feel this ?? he asks. Baked nods her head ‘yes’. The camera zooms in showing just how purple they are. ?OK, but we have to take these off and its going to hurt. Now stand perfectly still. I will be as gentle as we can, honest.? Mark leans forward and puts his mouth over the clamped nipple and gently sucks for a while.
John says, ?He’s warming it up and sucking the glue off. It tastes like spearmint gum.?
After a while Mark removes his mouth and slowly, very slowly backs off the thumb screw.
?ooOOO, AHHH !? cries Ms. Baker as the blood flows back into her tortured nipple.
Mark puts his mouth over it again and very gently warms and tongues it back to normal ; well almost normal. The weights have elongated her nipple, but not nearly to ‘nanny goat length’, as the men had teased when she was in the stocks.
?Now, I’m going to release the other,? Mark says, as he walks around Ms. Baker’s back.
?No, Master. Please stop. Let Sir John do my other nipple
?OK. John, you may have the honors.?
John comes on stage and repeats the same procedure. After the ooos and ahhs, Ms. Baker caresses her tits and nipples.
?They are longer,? she says. ?Thank you both, Masters.
?Hey, what about me ? I want my tits sucked, too. When do I get mine ?? says Bambi from the bed.
?I’ll give you yours, you stupid bimbo,? say Baker, as she jumps on the blonde and wrestles her flat on to the mattress. ?Will someone help me tie-up this bitch. She needs to be taught a lesson !?
At that, 4 crewmen rush on to the set with ropes and chains in hand. They each grab an ankle or wrist and secure her to the brass bed. In exactly the same spread eagle position Ms. Baker was in at the beginning of the first scene.
?Boss, it looks like we get O.T. tonight.?
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BDSMAs you know, it is not just the SSC that exists.BASES: SSC, RACK, PRICK, RISSCK, PCRM (included by me in the text), CCC, SSSIn the 1980s, with the growth of the internet, in online forums, many discussions and debates were taking place in search of a balance and definition of "rules" to prevent people from being abused and to "standardize" and make the community a more diverse group. concise and cohesive, the creation of the first BDSM Base began.In 1983, David Stein, a New Jersey slave, aiming...
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Hi guys, I’m Manish this is the second part of my sex story. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and promised me help. Now this part follows , enjoy. Last night was quite stressful for both of us, probably the most important night in our relationship. I woke up in the morning by the sound of her beautiful...
Gay MaleInnocence Lost: An Early Introduction to BDSM, Pt. I ? Hannah Sullivan was not your average schoolgirl.? She was not interested in most of the things that excited her schoolmates.? People might have confused her demeanor as being shy or even stand-offish.? Actually she was just basically independent.? She was a pretty little teen but lagged behind her classmates in body development.? She was a virgin who had not yet developed much of an interest in boys.?She had an experimental and adventurous...
Abbie Cummmms – a real time BDSM Journal (The Beginning) 4/14/2008JayMac I just wanted to let you know that i loved your story! I just recently really got into any BDSM stuff! But i felt like i was really in the story itself not just because of the way you wrote it, but it was close to home! I live not very far from Santa Barbara, and i am moving to the Inland Empire in about a week... your story really turned me on, and especially on a personal level... i just thought i would share a few...
The next morning, Saturday, was devoted to group sex. More society couples joined us, including a black couple, and the fucking went on freely for two hours. Spanker and Ann loved it and were kept busy as newly arrived BDSM Society couples wanted to try out the new members. They especially enjoyed the black couple, a tall athlete and his petite chubby wife with broad hips and a broad smile and black pubic hair all tightly curled on her pussy that called Spanker’s cock to action. She fascinated...
Hello and welcome. This is a little story about my foray into BDSM. Firstly, it wasn’t my idea. I just need to get that out of the way from the start. It all began with my friend Mary. Her birthday was coming up and I asked if there was anything special she would like to do. If you haven’t read any of my previous stories, then you will have no idea who we are. Explaining now would take up too much time.Before I continue, I must warn you that if you start giggling I’m going to stop, I mean it....
BDSMThis story is part of a series:keyboard_arrow_right Meri BDSM Ki Fantasy, Wife Ne Puri Ki – Part 2View all stories in seriesHi everyone, I am Manish (liked to be called as Manisha). This sex story is all about how my naughty and kinky fantasies were fulfilled by my wife Koel.First, let me describe myself, I am a 29-year-old male, with a little-tanned skin tone, height is 5.5 ” with a small penis of 4″ size, currently working in a private bank, i am straight but always had a fantasy regarding...
Hi, I am Ankit. I am 23 years old I am from Bangalore. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories. Please do send me some feedback at and any unsatisfied ladies or young girls can contact me 100% privacy is assured. I graduated from a reputed college from Bangalore and now working for an MNC. I am 5.7 feet tall and I have an athletic body and hit the gym regularly. This incident took place recently when I was in final year engineering. The heroine of the story is my classmate Janavi. She had...
Author: suckhot 1 ( NOTE : Is story me bahut gandaa likhaa huaa haa – jasee kee chudnee valee hooty ko shit khilnaa etc. Joo readers is tarah ke batoo se bachte hoo unsee hamaree request ha ke vo story na padee, par hamee to jo bhee Anushka kee saath huaa vo sab kuchh sach likhnaa haa ) Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek...
Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the part of the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM slave fantasy. If you haven’t read the first parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story. I started preparing for the BDSM session. I had the bondage tools with me but required more items like ropes, wax, and other stuff. I purchased and kept my bag ready for the day. I messaged Simi that I am ready. I also...
Thank you, guys, for your appreciation and feedback. It really means a lot. This is the story where Simi and I explored our BDSM fantasy. If you haven’t read the previous parts, I would recommend to please read them to get the context and characters of the story about the BDSM slave girl. I woke up in the morning at around 8.30 AM and found my slave was awake and struggling with her bondage. From her face, it looked like she didn’t have a sound sleep. I reached near her. She was expecting me to...
Hi, I am Tejas. I am here to tell you about my first gay encounter with my best friend. Let’s begin with how I got I started watching porn when I was 18. Then after a couple of years later, I came to know about BDSM porn. I started loving it. I always liked the role of Master in BDSM the way the Master dominates. We all friends shared porn. But there was one friend. Let’s call him A, who also watched BDSM porn. As we had a similarity, we both became best friends. Whenever his mom and dad were...
Gay MaleWith the recent interest in Fifty Shades of Grey, BDSM is becoming increasingly popular in both porn and erotica. If you're looking for bondage and kinky stories, you might want to give a try. Some would say that this story is geared more towards women. They say that many women enjoy reading erotica rather than looking at porn. The layout is pretty feminine and modern in design, with short stories and novels being added constantly. It's simple to use and get into the actual content...
Sex Stories SitesAlice was a young bisexual girl. She was never into love or marriage. And she was definitely not into the mainstream. She was into something that's very different- BDSM. “Ugh. This assignment is so boring.” Said Alice with anger in her voice. Alice hated doing college assignments. In fact she hated this life of studies, job, retire and die. She also hated the concept of marriage. All she wanted was to serve someone dominant and she ne facing their wrath. As a bisexual girls, she...
BDSMI had never thought about BDSM as a sexual act that would appeal to me. So, I never even thought about trying it. But the first step into BDSM sex, for me was with someone so sensuous and beautiful, that I enjoyed it thoroughly. The work week was rough and I wanted sex. I was single and wasn’t currently dating anyone, but I had the need. So, I looked up escorts and made a booking for Friday night. I met her in my hotel room. She had knocked softly on the door and when I opened it, wow! There...
BDSMForeword: The Allure of BDSM and Fantasy Exploration In the world of BDSM, the boundaries of pleasure and pain blur, creating a realm where trust, communication, and consent reign supreme. For many, this exploration is not just about physical sensations but also about discovering deeper aspects of themselves and their desires. Among the various tools and toys used to enhance these experiences, the knotted dildo stands out for its unique design and the intense sensations it can provide. This...
BDSMThis story is for a compilation of many different bdsm adventures. It was formerly known as latex adventures, but as chapters developed they dealt more and more with different aspects of bdsm, and less consistently with latex. Latex still exists as a strong element in many of the chapters, namely because I like to write about characters wearing it. I created this as a one all stop for my and others bdsm themed stories, so they can be in one place instead of spread through various stories...
BDSMHi guys, I’m Manish this is the third part of my sex story.I am really overjoyed by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and...
When I first started with LUSH, I had little knowledge of BDSM. I was not unlearned in the subject of sex, for I am an older guy with a lot of experiences and fantasies. I have had an interest in several sexual areas, but had always thought BDSM a little over the top! Now, however, I am the experienced LUSH story writer and have been around long enough to acquire a wide range of friends. I have several friends that are knowledgeable in the subject of BDSM, and I have learned much from them....
BDSMBefore this incident, I was a shy closet sissy but the experience has changed my mind. I am Yash but you guys can call me “Yashvi”. I love BDSM, bondage, getting overpowered and made to obey. It started as an Omegle chat. I usually put interest like “Indian gay” but that day, I added one more interest “Indian BDSM”. BDSM is something I have watched, enjoyed and sometimes tried on myself when I am alone. I was talking to many strangers on Omegle but they were disconnecting as soon as they found...
Gay MaleHello everyone. This is Romil Singh. Before starting the story let me tell you about myself. I belong to north India and I’m fair with a lean body. My height is 5.8 and my dick is average, not too big nor too small. This is my first story on ISS and I will tell you how I ended up having a threesome. Let’s start this story. I work in a big firm as a Business Analyst and this is a real story. I used to have one good friend in my office. His name is Rishab but he was transferred to Mumbai. He was...
Hi guys, I’m Manish this is the third part of my sex story.I am really overjoyed by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. Let me give you guys a quick recap of the last part. I had cross-dressing, BDSM and women domination fantasies, and used to jerk off my small 4” penis. One day my wife Koel came to know about this. Unusually she accepted it and...
Gay MaleHi everyone, I am Manish (liked to be called as Manisha). This sex story is all about how my naughty and kinky fantasies were fulfilled by my wife Koel. First, let me describe myself, I am a 29-year-old male, with a little-tanned skin tone, height is 5.5 ” with a small penis of 4″ size, currently working in a private bank, i am straight but always had a fantasy regarding female domination , BDSM and cross-dressing. I still remember when i was a teenager when my parents were out, I used to wear...
Gay MaleOk, my attempt to write a story, i decided to dig up one of my true adventures. Meaning, this story is mainly true. Memory might have failed me now and then, but the storyline remains the same. It's not so much about the sex, it's more the psychological part of BDSM, the "Mind Game" and to be more exact, how i experienced getting introduced to BDSM. Remember the Leatherparty's COC Amsterdam ?It was quite a few years ago, i was quite a brat then, those where the day's of my first bold steps in...
Hi iss readers this is my first story here and this story is about how me and my friend seduce my brother and use him to fulfill our bdsm fantasies (all the names used here r fake) Let me introduce myself I am kavitha from a small town in kerela.My brother arjun and my friend keerthi are others involve in this incident. Me and keerthi were collage mates and our friendship get deep in 1st year as we both were in same hostel room.We both are in same age of 22 and my bro was 20. She introduce me...
IncestBDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...
Submission is the act or action of submitting to something or something, letting passively dominate, a form of subordination, vassalage or servitude.Submission is based on the condition of obeying orders from a superior (Dom or Domme) without the right to make free decisions or to express oneself in any way he wishes. A person who lives in a state of submission is called a submissive and is characterized by excessive humility and servility. Usually, submission is marked by the spontaneity of...
My sister Lucy was bouncing off the walls to get out of the house and explore. If given a choice between leaving the house and Xbox I would usually always choose Xbox. That being said the fact that there were real naked girls outside made me excited about going outside as well. I could never read Simon to know for sure how he felt. He was usually only excited about money but he seemed ready to get out of the house as well! My Dad was feeling pretty confident with the new household. The only...
My name is Amara and I am 28 years old. I have always looked forward to adding some more spice to my love life. Hence, my partners barely last three months in my bed. It is hard to find someone who share the same fetishes as I do. Moreover, they are not always exactly inclined towards BDSM. On the other hand, I find BDSM more sensible and sensuous than vanilla sex. It is all about ultimate trust and reliance between the partners. My fetish was mostly about bondage and dominance. I was a...
BDSMMy wife Shana and I wanted to experiment a bit to spice up our sex life. Â So, I had been learning a little of rope tying techniques as we both dabbled in BDSM role play. We were also planning on adding a little bit of role play to stimulate each other as acting like strangers just make things naughtier. The date was set and I was to come in as the handyman to fix the sink. I knocked on our door and see Shana wearing a lacy red number without a bra. She allows me in and I pretend to ask for the...
BDSMAvailing escort services is a new trend in the market. Men are constantly under stress. And to perform better at their tasks be it professional or at home, they need to find a release. This release can be delivered by a friendly escort girl. Well, sex is fine but what about if you wish to fulfil your kinky sex wishes as well? Let’s see then. Men have many kinks, thanks to the exposure to porn and movies like Fifty Shades of Grey. Today, most of them feel inspired enough to take the next...
BlogThe basic concept of consent is simple, and most men think they understand it, but as a Dom chances are you may not be taking it far enough. Somewhat shockingly, basic consent is still a topic which needs to be brought up, talked about, and taught. Go to any club in any part of America and you will find someone being touched in a way they didn’t invite or want. The basic concept of consent is really dead-simple: before you do anything physical (or even intimately emotional) with another...
Introduction: Sofia Vaccaro teaches Daisy how to be a sweet, mean, and nasty good BDSM bitch. Daisy Bitch is one hundred per cent stripped naked as the day she was born while telephoning Sofia in the pleasant and comfy Jacuzzi. She is not telephoning her in fact, but phoning her on her individual cell phone while letting her hair down into the temperate, hot water and feeling at ease whats more. As she lingers for Sofia to pick up the phone, she carries on to stroke and caress her breasts and...
When I first started with LUSH, I had little knowledge of BDSM. I was not unlearned in the subject of sex, for I am an older guy with a lot of experiences and fantasies. I have had an interest in several sexual areas, but had always thought BDSM a little over the top! Now, however, I am the experienced LUSH story writer and have been around long enough to acquire a wide range of friends. I have several friends that are knowledgeable in the subject of BDSM, and I have learned much from them....
This is a real story about me, written by a lady friend and translated by google translate.My first BDSM meeting (by Hot Red)A friend of mine is curious about the world SM , ( me ) that he had already told me often. I myself have nothing with it, so when he asked me if I wanted to SM gala I said no at first . He tried to get someone else , but that did not succeed. So when I heard that , thinking to myself that I had nothing else to do on Sunday and best moment was going to see what it was...
Hello, brother and their sisters………! This is your friend raj here. It’s been a long time I’ve not been here to write so the time’s finally up and I am writing this incidence of mine. Sakshi… the girl. She is busty, and a thick chick with curly hairs 36d size he waist might be 30 and she was beautiful. She had perfect round spongy ass which I love to spank. Anyways her ass size was 40. We met through Instagram and we decided to go for clubbing and in Mumbai, everyone knows how happening the...
The Slave's First BDSM Club Experience."I have a surprise for the slave", is what the email from Master had said. The slave couldn't help but wonder what it could be and wondered why Master didn't tell it more. Master had told the slave that it would have to wait. It knew that it wouldn't have to wait too long though to find out because it would be seeing Master soon for an in-person training session which was in just 2 days. They were two of the longest days that slave had been through in...
LISTA DE PRACTICAS BDSM / Whipmaster'sPlaylist 2 Por Whipmaster [email protected] En otro lugar he expresado mi opinión personal acerca de los contratosde sumisión y de su valor más que relativo como elementos reguladoresde una relación BDSM plena y satisfactoria. A mi juicio resultan mucho más útiles e interesantes las "listasde prácticas" (en inglés, Playlist )algo que es relativamente frecuente encontrar en webs en inglés sobreBDSM y que sin embargo escaseaba en versión española....
Hi all, its Ali here!I'm back with another incident with my widow aunt where she introduces me to BDSM and I discover one of my favorite kinks.Let me quickly share a few important background details for the new readers. I come from a very strict Muslim family. It is an extended family which consists of my father and the families of his 7 brothers. We live in a big city in central India which I will not name for privacy reasons. Our family is well-off as my father and uncles are mostly at high...
Zoya Sex Life’s Best BDSM I’m Zoya living in India Mumbai. Age 22 now.Working with airways as cabin crew. Can’t tell you all details. I think it’s enough. As far as looks are matter u can say I am mirror cracking material. Bit tall to any other Indian girls. I reach to 5-7 now. With perfect curves at right places. Don’t be so curious ill tell you my vital stats. Its 35c- 28-35. With some gr8 erected nipples. I’m kind of girl who has enjoyed a lot in life.You know what I mean by it. It’s like I...
A few weeks after Spanker’s sex session with my wife Deb (see “Session With Spanker”), Spanker invited me over to do the same to his wife, Ann. Believe me, I got so hot that I came twice in Ann’s sweet brown pussy. She is hot and willing!Spanker and I began to swap wives regularly. Spanker didn’t know that Deb and I were members of a secret society of couples who liked to swap wives and punish them. As I got to know him, I realized that he and Ann would be ideal members, so Deb and I invited...
Hello, This is Vicky again. I am a dominant male who loves to pleasure ladies in many ways. Regular readers must be familiar with my username and would know many of . I write very frequently and publish the stories on here. I get many responses to these stories, which make me happy. A wide range of adult readers reaches out to express their feelings. I like to communicate about it. I even helped a few guys to satisfy their wives by actually giving some tips. The story I am writing today...
Hi Everyone, my name is Romil Singh. I’m 29 years old, from Delhi but currently settled in Hyderabad. I was an active , but I didn’t get enough ideas and experiences after my marriage. Luckily I met with a woman who came to India and emailed me after reading my story. So without wasting your time, let’s jump to the story. I stopped writing sex stories after my marriage. My email responses almost stopped. I was married and happy with my wife. But she was not into BDSM. I had to manage to do...