Harvest Of ExpectationsChapter 13: Commencement free porn video

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August 1974

It was four in the Saturday afternoon of August 24. Jim was in the driver's seat and Hildy was next to him in the passenger's bucket seat of the '71 Mercury Cougar that Douglas Chemical had sold to him. They were in the parking lot of the Erie Canal Inn as about a dozen people surrounded the car, wishing them well.

After a few moments, the small crowd stepped aside. Jim put the car in gear and it was official that he and Hildy were on their honeymoon.

"You can't get on the Thruway with that stuff tied to the back of the car," Hildy said.

"I know," Jim answered. "Darlene and Tom think I didn't see them tie it on just before we came out. I'll let them think it for a few seconds longer."

He drove to the exit of the parking lot and put on his turn signal. He glanced in the rear view mirror and could see that the small crowd was still watching them. Jim put the car in Park and then got out of the car and made his way to the back of it.

"Now I can win my Oscar," he said to himself.

Jim threw up his hands in an 'o-my-gosh' pose and then untied the "Just Married" sign, streamers and cans that Darlene and his brother had put there. He set the material on the grass alongside the parking lot. In a half minute he was back in the car and he and Hildy were on the road. The small crowd watched and cheered them as he got back into the car.

They were on their way to the Interstate. Their plan was to stop in a motel in Utica where they'd made reservations—about three hours to the east.

"I'm so happy, I could burst!" Hildy exclaimed and threw her arms in the air as they reached the State Highway.

The next morning they would turn north for four days at an isolated cottage on Long Lake in the Adirondacks. After that, they would be moving to Jim's apartment near the campus and Jim would be preparing for his Masters work.

"It was a nice wedding," Jim said, "even if it was a small one."

It was a small wedding by any standard. After Hildy and Jim announced their engagement to his parents that Saturday in June they drove out to Hildy's parents' house to tell them and try to patch things up. Old Herbert threw them out and Hildy's mother started to cry. It was sad, but Jim and Hildy tried to make the best of it and hoped something would work out when the time was right.

"I'm glad that your father decided to come to the wedding after all," Jim said.

"I guess I am, too, after everything. I wasn't convinced at first."

"We've got to leave an opening to mend fences sometime in the future," Jim said. "It's not right for families to be divided."

Old Herbert appeared at the last moment in the chapel just before the ceremony with Hildy's mother and Aunt Mildred in tow. It had been unknown until that moment whether he was going to attend or not. He copped a dour attitude, but it was good that he had shown up. No one thought that he would until Jim's brother showed him and the two ladies to their seats.

"It was lucky that we had extra chairs ready to set in the front for them," Hildy said.

With Hildy's family assumed to be out of the picture, Jim and his parents decided on a small ceremony with an intimate dinner at the Erie Canal Inn afterward. Hildy wore a light blue, sleeveless dress and Jim wore his navy suit. It seemed a bit silly to go for the big wedding gown and tuxes with such a small wedding party.

Jim invited Rich to be his best man, but his old roommate couldn't get away from his new job in Illinois. Jim's younger brother, Tom, had just turned eighteen and filled in. Darlene stood up for Hildy.

There was an aunt and uncle of Jim's from Buffalo whom Jim couldn't leave out. To Jim's surprise, Professor Stark attended with his wife. It was an unexpected honor and Jim was flattered. Add in Jim's parents, and that was the whole wedding.

There were, of course, the priest who married them and an associate priest, whom Jim had known during his school years, who asked if he could assist.

"Are you disappointed you couldn't get married in your own church?" Jim asked.

"No," she answered. "This was nice."

After Jim and Hildy finished their visit that Saturday in June Herb was on the phone to the Lutheran minister at Hildy's church. Later, when Hildy approached the minister, he refused her, according to Old Herbert's wishes.

It had hurt Hildy when it happened. She told Jim, and he consoled her by saying that it was her final break between past and future.

"Let's just find a JP who will do it for ten dollars," Hildy had said.

"No, it will be in a church," Jim insisted, and so it was.

Jim's parish priest hadn't helped, either. Jim approached his pastor for help. Then the elderly priest called Hildy's minister and found that Old Herbert refused his consent to the marriage.

"Get yourself straight with the bride's father and then come back and see me," he told Jim.

In the end, two priests from the Jesuit high school Jim had attended were glad to perform the ceremony. They were married in the tiny school chapel. It was Fr. Baldwin who officiated and Fr. Hoffman, who had been Jim's math teacher for two of his four years, assisted.

"My pastor wasn't very happy when he found out the Jesuits were willing to do it," Jim said. "The Jesuits and our regular church guys are always at each others' throats."

"You can't please everyone," Hildy rejoined.

"I should have said my ex-pastor," Jim corrected himself.

They stopped at the toll booth to the Thruway and Jim took the ticket and stuck it in the visor.

"Do you wish that it had been a big wedding?" Jim asked

"I gave up that idea when I had my troubles with Henri in high school," Hildy said. "What about you?"

"Well," Jim said, "if there had been more guests we could have raked in a lot of wedding gifts. Think of all the blenders and carving sets we'd have in the back seat right now."

"Wise guy," Hildy said. "I was hoping that I could have a piece of wedding cake shoved in my face. When you have the frosting in your nostrils it really makes you appreciate it. You don't know how girls dream about that."

Jim looked over and could see that she was covering up a laugh while she waited for him to catch up with her joke.

"Honestly, I think my parents would have liked something more traditional, but they understood the situation. For my part, anytime I can avoid wearing a tux it has to be considered a good day."

Hildy was looking at the new rings on her finger. They were shiny gold. Jim had only saved enough money for a very modest diamond two weeks before the ceremony. He had almost been too embarrassed to give it to her.

"Someday I'll buy you a decent diamond in a nice setting," Jim said.

"No!" Hildy gasped. "I would never part with this ring."

"But Hildy," Jim pleaded, "it was the cheapest stone they had in the store. Someday..."

"It doesn't matter, Jim. This will be a reminder of how we started out. I don't ever want to forget these days, and I'll never let this ring out of my sight."

It was a coin with two sides and Jim could see the heads and tails of it. It was Hildy's ring, after all, so she could keep it if that's what she wanted to do.

"It was nice of your father to put on the wedding dinner," Hildy said.

"It was," Jim agreed. "I'm glad that we stipulated 'no gifts' to the attendees."

"Well, your parents' gift was the reception," Hildy reminded him.

"My father slipped me a check to cover the honeymoon, too," Jim said. "I was going to tell you later."

As they drove along they were quiet for a while. Jim was reflecting, not just on the day, but everything over the past year that had led to the moment that he was living in at that time and place.

"How much longer do we have to drive before we get there?" Hildy asked

"We just started out twenty minutes ago, Hildy. We've got over two hours left."

"Let's see," Hildy said, "It's about four-thirty now. We'll get there at seven. Ten minutes to check in and..."

"What are you talking about, Hildy?"

"Just doing some calculating," she said.

"Calculating for what?"

Hildy took a deep breath. Jim looked over and she was sitting up straight and her face was bright red.

"I've tried to be reserved about this," she said, "and I haven't mentioned it at all..."

"Mentioned what?"

She hesitated for a moment.

"We're married now, Hildy. You shouldn't hesitate to tell me what's on your mind."

"Well," she began, "wedding days are nice enough. But after every wedding day comes a wedding night, and you know..."

Jim bit his lip in order to keep from laughing at her.

"Stop laughing at me," she said. "It's all I've been able to think about since we said the 'I do's'. That was over three hours ago and I can hardly bear the wait any longer!"

She reached across the center console between her and Jim's seat and ran her hand up Jim's thigh.

"Hildy! I'm driving. If I run the car off the road you'll be waiting more than another two hours."

She was laughing and Jim could tell she was happy. When Hildy tossed aside her worries she could be a lot of fun. He had to admit, he was feeling a few urges, himself.

"Would you like me to pull into the next rest area and get the deed done?" he asked.

"If you didn't have these bucket seats I might take you up on that," she said. "Where's the Rustmobile when you need it?"

It had been a sunny day but it was beginning to cloud over.

"I hope that's not rain moving in," Jim said. "We're due for some. It would be a shame to rain on our honeymoon. We've only got four days."

"I hope it does rain," Hildy said. "I hope it rains the whole time—real hard. Then we'll be stuck inside with nothing to do—if you know what I mean"

Jim was laughing at her again.

"How much champagne did you have to drink?" he asked her.

"Just a couple," she said. "I don't want you to think I'm crude. It's just that..."

"It's okay, Hildy. I just drank a half-glass, since I'm driving and all. Besides, I don't want anything dulling my senses after we've checked into our room."

"That's more like it," she purred.

"You see, Hildy," he said, "'I've got the same thing on my mind, but I guess that I don't express it as well as you do."

"How much longer now?" she asked, and burst out laughing.

Jim had something else on his mind. He knew he had to bring it up and time was wasting.

"Hildy, there's something else we need to discuss," he said. "You may be surprised to find this out, but I have to tell you..."

"What?" she asked

"I don't know how to say this. It's kind of—you know ... Well the fact is I've..."

"Never had sex before?" she said. "I've known that from the start."

"From the start?"

Jim didn't want to believe it.

"Did Rich tell you?"

Hildy was laughing so hard she was almost unable to stop and answer him.

"No one told me," she assured him at last. "I could just tell. There were too many hints."

"Hints?" Jim asked.

"Like our first night in the Rustmobile—you were so clumsy—and you didn't have a condom ready. I was pretty sure then. And as time went on a lot of other things just made me more and more sure it was true."

Jim shook his head.

"Why didn't you say something, Hildy?"

She hadn't stopped laughing.

"I know guys want everyone to think they have a lot of experience. I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"I should have admitted it at the start, I suppose."

"You're hilarious," Hildy said. "Besides, what are you worried about? In a little while it will all be in the past. And, I'll get to break you in—I can't wait. So, don't complain."

"I used to call it my problem."

His revelation set her laughing anew.

She ran her hand up his thigh again. Jim waited for her to stop laughing.

"You're going to be gentle with me, aren't you?" he asked.

That made her laugh even harder. Tears were streaming down her cheeks."

"Not a chance!" she exclaimed. "I'm going to turn you inside out—but you'll thank me in a few days after you recover."

She peeked at him out of the corner of her eye. Jim wondered what other zingers she had for him, but he decided that it hadn't hurt very much. She was stroking his thigh up and down.

"Maybe you should drive a little faster," she said.

"I don't have to, Hildy. That's the hotel right up there," he told her as he stopped at a red light.

"So, are you ready?" she asked.

"When we get to the room do you want me to rip your clothes off and throw you onto the bed?"

"Hardly," she said and then lowered her voice. "I have something nice to put on for you."

Jim checked in at the motel desk while Hildy waited in the car. He came back out and drove to the wing where their room was—at least according to Jim's understanding of the directions the desk clerk gave him. When he thought he was there he parked the car.

"Our room is on the second floor. Do we need all of these?" he asked Hildy as he looked at the trunk full of suitcases.

"Just those two," Hildy said.

He had a duffel bag of his own to bring, so he handed one of Hildy's pieces of luggage to her and took the other two and slammed the trunk closed.

"We're in room two-sixty-eight," he announced.

They walked together through the parking lot. Jim glanced to the side and noticed that Hildy was a lot taller than him because of the heels she was wearing. They hadn't changed clothes from those they wore at the wedding ceremony. It reminded him of the first time he had noticed her at the company softball game and the hot pants she had worn that night.

"If it hadn't been for those hot pants, and those legs coming out of them—who knows?" he mused to himself as they walked.

In a minute they were standing at the door to their room.

"Here it is," he said, "Two-sixty-eight. Do you want me to carry you across the threshold?"

"If you want to skip it I won't tell anyone," Hildy said.

Jim unlocked the door and they stepped into the room.

"Why don't you take a quick shower and shave and I'll unpack a few things while you do," Hildy said.

Jim had put on a pair of cotton pajama bottoms before he came out of the bathroom. Hildy was standing at the sink outside the bathroom door. When Jim tried to squeeze past her Hildy stroked her hand up Jim's bare chest and dug her fingers into his pectoral muscle.

"Nice," she said as he stood still and enjoyed what she was doing to him.

Hildy released him and grabbed one of her suitcases. She went into the bathroom.

"I'll be out in a while," she said and then closed the door.

"A while?"

He wondered what had happened to the blushing bride that had nearly ripped his pants off in the car during the drive over. When Hildy had explored his chest muscles his brain had sent a message that it was time to get started. The delay agitated him.

He had packed a bottle of champagne in his duffle bag. He thought it would be nice for later. There was always an ice bucket in these motel rooms. He found it and put on a tee-shirt and picked up the room key. He slipped out the door on a quest for the ice machine as he heard the shower start to run in the bathroom.

In a little while Jim returned with the ice. It occurred to him to hang the 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on the outside door handle and as the door closed behind him the lock in the handle click shut ... He slid the door chain into its slot for good measure. Then, he ran some cold water into the ice bucket and plunked in the champagne bottle. The double bed was made, so he stripped off the bedspread and turned down the blankets and sheet. He sat down and propped up a pillow as a cushion between him and the headboard. And then, he waited.

The shower turned off at the time he returned with the ice, and Jim deemed that a promising sign. It was closing in on eight-thirty and even though Hildy had pulled back the heavy drapes from the window, the light from outdoors was waning. Jim closed the heavy drapes. There was a small light over the sink outside the bathroom. Jim let it stay on and it gave just enough light to see.

He threw off the tee shirt that he had put on when he went out in search of ice, but kept the cotton pajama bottoms on. He stayed on the bed waiting for Hildy to appear. A ventilation fan inside the bathroom was running and that was all he could hear.

It was difficult for Jim to remain seated on the bed. He thought about knocking on the bathroom door to make sure that Hildy was okay and maybe speed her up a touch, but he stopped himself from doing that.

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May 1974 It was Friday and it had been almost a week since Hildy returned to Rochester for her Aunt Mildred's birthday ... Jim had just finished his last final exam and returned to his apartment. The days of Rich being his room mate were waning and Jim was thinking that the two of them might make a final tour of the bars that they had frequented throughout their academic careers. As he fixed himself a sandwich Jim was remembering the prior Sunday taking Ashley back to her apartment as the...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 12 Take a Stand

June 1974 May had come and gone, and graduation, too. Jim stayed in town through it all. For one thing, he wanted to see Rich's parents one last time and help him load his gear into the trailer they'd rented to haul it all back to New Jersey. Rich was going to have two weeks at home before beginning his new job in Illinois. Another reason Jim stayed in his apartment was that he was waiting for the Douglas Company credit card to show up in the mail. He couldn't hope to make it to Central...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 2 The Next Step

July 1973 Jim liked to get a fix in his minds eye how events would go. It helped him make sure that they always went just right. Jim watched Hildy drive out of the parking lot and turn onto the main road. He started his own car and put it in gear. Soon he was headed home, to his parents' house, which was in the opposite direction, where he stayed during his summers and school vacations. It was nearly midnight, so his parents wouldn't be up waiting for him, which Jim considered to be a...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 3 Second Opinion

September 1973 Any time Jim had a project or an assignment he tried everything he could to meet the expectations of those who expected him to perform. He tried his best every time, but he wasn't successful on each and every occasion, of course. When that happened he felt bad and hoped for another chance. "Hey Rich—hey Rich, are you here?" Jim had his arms full with two suitcases as he shouted out his roommate's name. "Yeah, I'm here," was the muffled reply. "I'm in the can. Keep...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 4 Time of Reckoning

September 1973 Jim had learned over the years that there times when he would do things and have second thoughts afterward. When that happened he would think over what he should have done and faced up to the consequences of his own acts. "Thunderpussy is sure mad at you," Rich told him as he slurped down a cup of coffee. He stretched and the muscles in his shoulders pressed at his tee shirt. "She came storming in to her apartment just as Chelsea and I were starting to relate to one...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 5 Merry Christmas

December 1973 Jim knew that life and all its events was a proposition of give and take. He strove to hold up his end by giving, lest he err in the taking. It was his last chance. It was nine in the evening and the stores would be open for anther thirty minutes. It would be no good to wait until the next day. The next day would be December 24 and he planned to use that as a travel day. Besides, as he looked around the big box store he could see that the shelves were starting to look...

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Harvest of ExpectationsChapter 6 Confrontation

March 1974 January and February swept by fast, like the snowstorms that turned the roads to glorified ski trails that year. Jim hadn't seen Hildy since the date he had with her the night after Christmas. He tried a few times to drive up for a visit, but something got in the way. Sometimes it was the weather and other times he was working on his project. On top of that, he was working out in preparation for the final season he would be on the University's Track and Field team. Hildy...

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Select your gender before continuing. Your choice will effect the content you will read. Author's Notes: This story is still in development and thus is still in it's infancy. I tend to write in bulk, so expect to see more than one thread added at a time. Harvested is currently a private story.

4 years ago
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Harvesting Kim

Damn! Who would of thought that could happen in the garden? Definitely not me! But everytime I think about it I get those little bumps all over. You know the ones. Not the ones that make your skin crawl, the one's that give you a shiver of excitement. Just thinking about what happened that day long ago and I still get those damn bumps. You ever gardened? I don't mean the small flower beds or a couple plants in a pot. I'm talking about a decent size plot that you have to fence in to keep the...

2 years ago
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Harvesting Rachel

Scanning the picturesque scene from the window of the third floor, Rachel smiled. The rich, autumn colours radiated from the countryside. The burnt orange leaves were descending from the ageing trees, and drifting slightly in the September wind. The tranquil landscape made her lose herself, deep in her thoughts. Looking out into the cornfields she reminisced about how she used to play chasing games with her friends, hiding in amongst the overgrown ears of corn. She could almost hear the...

1 year ago
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Harvesting Orchids My Gourmet Gonads

This is the invitation to my special party back in April, the ritual beginning of my erotic expedition from M to It to F: "Ball of Balls" LeMensa Jette Maison requests the honor of your presence as she is beautifully sent off to be gelded with her wonderful friends to witness the sensual ceremony will take place beginning at 3 a.m. on April 8, 2002, at 1800 Rue Devon, Toronto strictly formal half-attire required (tuxedoed men without pants, and gowned women showing breasts) This blooming...

1 year ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 1116 Commencing

The foot rub never got off the ground. There was just too much excitement when we got home and our casa crashed in my room. Rhonda wore socks, even though she was otherwise naked like the rest of us. We sat around talking about the new company, how she'd arrived at the name Hearthstone Entertainment, and millions of questions that didn't have answers yet, but Rhonda had a clipboard and was jotting down notes. Eventually, we just sort of collapsed in a pile. There was a fair amount of...

3 years ago
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Graells Quest The Journey Commences

Graell's Quest - The Journey Commences. Keith Graell had been retired for only a few months before boredom had set in. A single academician, he had not developed much of a circle of friends. He felt that he had been forced into retirement by university politics and admittedly, failing health. Money was not an issue, but companionship was, specifically, female companionship. Keith was loathe to go down the dating site road, as he was of the opinion that in those venues there was...

2 years ago
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Let the games commence

Let the games commence: I woke this morning thinking about my past. I was a crossdresser. There had always been an excitement about wearing women's clothing for me as a child. It was partly the sense of the forbidden and partly I just preferred the feeling of men's clothing to women's clothing. I had told my wife about this of course. Nelly had been understanding. There had even been a day when she had told me to shave when I came home from work. I had stripped down to my boxer...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 55 Immortals Commencing

“MORIEN!” With bloodlust in her eyes, Violet Star Commander Kitanoriya roared. Her brown aura lashed belligerently at every direction, barely restrained its fluctuation from, otherwise, spreading and breaking apart the planet. “You will die for this, Morien!” The space in a radius of tens of meters around General of the Armies Nikari froze. All the worldly attribute energies in the tens of meters range had transformed to a region of forever cold, a show of his restraint. Up in the sky, His...

3 years ago
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Let Battle Commence

I am not by nature a confrontational soul, indeed show me a conflict and generally by the time you have turned your head back to say to me, ‘see that conflict?’ you will be faced with an empty space where previously I stood. Alright, maybe I exaggerate a tad, if Master is there I will have moved behind him and be peering around his shoulder with a determined look of ‘let them try and get past Master!’ I guess it all relates to my stormy upbringing, Master knows my father now, not the father...

3 years ago
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Slut week Day 1 ends let day 2 commence

His hard veiny cock slid out of my mouth as I stood up. I sat on the edge of the sink, lent back and spread my legs to reveal my freshly shaved dripping wet cunt. He teased me for a second with the head of his cock, and I smiled into his phone as he took the photo I asked him too before we started. He looked me straight in the eye, gave me a wicked grin and rammed it straight into me. The force of it drove the air out of my lungs and I slammed backwards into the mirror which I heard crack. Fuck...

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Slut week Day 1 ends let day 2 commence

His hard veiny cock slid out of my mouth as I stood up. I sat on the edge of the sink, lent back and spread my legs to reveal my freshly shaved dripping wet cunt. He teased me for a second with the head of his cock, and I smiled into his phone as he took the photo I asked him too before we started. He looked me straight in the eye, gave me a wicked grin and rammed it straight into me.The force of it drove the air out of my lungs and I slammed backwards into the mirror which I heard crack. Fuck...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 36 The Battle Commences

The hour should have been late at night, but not one could visually tell since very few of the caves in Valgarel possessed a copy or similar formation to the Nightly Cover formation of Kingdom Earth. The debrief and preparations in the blue tower were with accordance to the last scouting report, which meant that the moment all the lines of the formation were ready, the assault would start. Zax stood at the entrance to the tunnel from the side of Grandmaster Kartion's cave. Standing a step...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 1 Que La Fecircte Commence

Conversation stopped. Soft music started to fill the hall. Men and women in business suits looked up from their cocktail glasses. And from the ample cleavages and asses of the girls serving them. They were associates and employees of Wolfram and Hart, the famous lawyers' firm with its intriguing and dark reputation. Over this last half hour they had wondered why they had been invited. And how they could be involved in this curious BimboTech Inc. They had looked amazed at the many...

1 year ago
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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 13 Our Married Lives Commence

I awoke the next morning with James standing by our bed shaking my shoulder. “Come on, you slugabed, wake up!” he ordered. I rolled to one side rather grumpily, but he persisted. “Up and at them, sleepyhead! We have to go!” I managed to pry my sleep-encrusted eyes apart and noticed that bright sunlight was pouring through our windows, and that James was putting the finishing touches on his regular outfit of charcoal and black. I also noticed that I was laying on our bed, still dressed in my...

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My Friend MumChapter 2 My Seduction Commences

In the morning she had gone, the others too, but it was after ten o'clock so I had slept in longer than usual. I had a smirk as I thought why that might be. My Mum had a distinct spring in her step too despite the drinking last night. I wanted to talk about what had happened to me but couldn't think of a way without dropping her friend right in it. I decided that I couldn't bring up the subject directly with Mum but I was pretty sure that she preferred girls to men, if indeed she was not...

3 years ago
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No good deed ever goes unpunished

The insistent ringing of the telephone awakens me for a deep sleep. I glance at the clock as I reach for it, groaning as I see it read 1:37 A.M. This better be good I think as I fumble with the receiver. “Hello?” “Donna, is that you? “ I hear a sobbing voice ask “please God let it be you, it’s Kim.” “Kim, honey, what’s wrong”, I ask instantly waking up. Kim is my best friend, we have known each other since grade school, and there is nothing that we don’t know about each other. How...

2 years ago
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DemiGodChapter 4 Power and Responsibility

To say that Gary was suitably impressed with Pauline was something of an understatement. After cheerleading practice the next day, Jake found her waiting docilely at the front steps of the school for her Master to pick her up. She got in his car without comment, knowing what service she was supposed to provide that night. Her demeanor was subdued, even pensive as they stopped at Gary's house and stepped inside, but she did not resist in any way. This was what her owner required of her, and...

1 year ago
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Kathy CarlsonChapter 15

When the women reached Hank's ball, the men had been waiting and had started to wonder what had happened to them. Jim started to make a crack to his wife about getting lost when his jaw just dropped, realizing that both women were now nearly nude. Then he just grinned at Hank whose naked blonde beauty was overwhelming. She was a vision in shades of gold with her golden tan, brilliant golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. After motioning to Kathy to put sun protection on Ken, she spoke...

2 years ago
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Landladys DogChapter 9

The room had begun to spin for Carol and had yet to stop! In the center of the whirlpool she saw the abominable grinning mouth of Ed White opening and closing as it seemed to come closer and closer to her! "You fainted on me, kid," his gruff voice came down to her. She saw then that she was stretched out on the couch and that she was covered by her negligee now draped carelessly over her. The white-haired man was on his knees beside her, a glass in his hand, and she could taste the...

2 years ago
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Toy boy

Working as VIP chauffeur, I was waiting for my customers in the lobby of the Grand hotel when an elegant American mature lady came to me to tell me she was in town for a few days and needed a tourist guide. Apologizing I was booked for the day, when I saw the disappointment on her face, I told her I could meet her later on, if she wanted and we agreed to meet at the bar around 6PM.Meanwhile, I called my boss to ask for a few says off but, being very busy that day, I could only manage to arrive...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Ch 8

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

3 years ago
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What happened to Mary

What happened to Mary   Part 1Author’s Note:  This is a story of what happens after the ending of Cindy’s lessons. I have received several questions of what had happened to Mary from ?My daughter becomes my Mistress? so I have written this story. It has some areas that would be considered too gentle but they are necessary for the story. It would be helpful for you to read the FINAL chapter of ?My Daughter Becomes My Mistress? in order to understand about Sarah’s past.        All the stories...

1 year ago
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No Half Measures Part 2

Author's note: Thank you to everyone who gave helpful comments and feedback on part one of this story. If you haven't read part one, you really should, as you will have missed key elements of the story. This is part two of what I hope will be a continuing story. Again, your comments and thoughts would be most welcome. No Half Measures ? Part Two By Jenny Walker (c) 2003 CHAPTER 9 I stood there for a moment not knowing what to say. Eventually, I found my voice and...

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The first meeting2

I am admittedly bisexual from boyhood. I had some experience with another male but nothing I am going into detail about here. I have never lost my excitement over watching male porn or reading bisexual stories. My wife has made it very clear that she doesn't like my sexual fantasy of having a male encounter again. But the need to be with another man is like an itch I can't reach. So I started chatting with people with like urges and found our electronic home away from home, here. We...

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Moni shared stories

Moni Shared Just Before Wedding After having long talks about what all we had done and been doing it was like we could finally tell each other anything. I had told her all my fantasies and she was starting to share hers with me. One night as we talked she shared that she always wanted to pick up some guys at a bar, total strangers and just let them fuck her.It was great for me to hear her say things like that as she had never been so open talking about things like this. But it turned me on to...

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The Limo Driver Pt2

Doors were open all up and down the hall, heads were looking out of doors from at all the commotion, Sue grabs Paul’s arm and asks what wrong, he looks at her with tears in his eyes and says ask the slut next door, I don’t know how she had the nerve to wear white in the church and he storms down the hall, the last thing any one herd of him that night was squealing wheels as he pealed out of the parking lot. Sue runs into their room Debbie had her face buried in a pillow crying her eyes out, Sue...

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